Restored REpublic Era Documents and Speeches

The Great Reversal the battle for freedom against the forces of evil.

Our Founders launched not only a revolution in government, but a revolution in the pursuit of justice, equality, liberty, and prosperity. No nation has done more to advance the human condition than the United States of America. And no people have done more to promote human progress than the citizens of our great nation. … They enshrined [Declaration of Independence] a divine truth that changed the world forever when they said: “All men are created equal.”

These immortal words set in motion the unstoppable march of freedom. Our Founders boldly declared that we are all endowed with the same divine rights—given [to] us by our Creator in Heaven. And that which God has given us, we will allow no one, ever, to take away—ever. …

— Donald Trump

“A Republic if you can keep it.”

“A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.” “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”

— Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Statesman, Scientist, Inventor, Printer and Philosopher

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.”

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

Pre, Revolutionary, and Post War Era Documents and Speeches ⇨

Restored Republic -
Before Trump and after Trump ⇨

US Debt Clock - July 1, 2024

Ingersol Lockwood - SOTUS Immunity, Storm Coming - June 20, 2024

Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals - July 1, 2024

A post that Mr. Trump circulated on Sunday called for Liz Cheney to be prosecuted by a military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals. …

Donald J. Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking “televised military tribunals” and calling for the jailing of President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians.

Mr. Trump, using his account on Truth Social on Sunday, promoted two posts from other users of the site that called for the jailing of his perceived political enemies.

One post that he circulated on Sunday singled out Liz Cheney, the former Wyoming congresswoman who is a Republican critic of Mr. Trump’s, and called for her to be prosecuted by a type of military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals.

“Elizabeth Lynne Cheney is guilty of treason,” the post said. “Retruth if you want televised military tribunals.”

Flashack to July 22, 2023 - Trump calls for death penalty for human traffickers, vows to revive Title 42 to end child trafficking - July 2, 2024

“I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families without delay

US Debt Clock - July 3 & 7, 2024


My children, the fall of corruption is not that far off. Keep pushing back. Keep standing. Keep praying. Keep fighting. You are almost there. 

You will see a scandal fail on a scale never seen before, and a coup completely fall apart in front of your eyes. You will see an establishment crumble and fall to the ground in great defeat. You will see liars, treasonous traitors, thieves, and murderers in your government, corporate America, and your justice system—every last person who betrayed your Nation and sold it out for money and power—be eliminated by Me, saith the Lord. 

This is My Nation, and every enemy against it will face a great judgment that no man has ever seen. No, I have continued to say unprecedented and unconventional. You are in that time now, and it will be undeniable as to who is really in control, and it is not the ones in DC. No, it is not the ones who think they can do anything and get away with it. It is Me. And My children, you will see, and all will agree that the Great I AM is really in charge, saith the Lord. 

My David, I am speaking to you again. The next moves to take over are Mine to give. It may look like one way is the obvious way, but is it? Man’s way is not Mine, and it has limits to it. You have accomplished much on your own, but remember and know that I am an unlimited God. With Me, you will see the fall of your enemies. You are wondering when to pull the trigger to take those steps and take them down. What is the right thing? When is the right time? Things seemed to go as you thought they were supposed to go, but then it stopped. 

I had to stop it so you would turn to Me instead. You have questions, and things do not seem right. They are not going as you thought. That is because now you need Me and My instructions to fully take out the ones against you and this country. You look around for intelligent people, intelligent answers, solutions, and greater insight, but the one you really need by your side is Me. Again, I say, this is not the time to do things as you have in the past. This is the time for a new way, a new thing, and again, that is Me. I had to allow certain things to happen in this Nation for it to see that it needed Me and for you to see that this is bigger than you. 

My David, I am the driving power to your stone to take out your enemies. It will be a direct hit, with no one left standing. See how I was in My Word with David (when he fought) against Goliath. He could not have accomplished that victory without Me. Don’t you see that I am what you have been searching for? I am your answer. I am the One that will not fail. I am the One that will not betray you. I am the One that you can trust. 

Let go of the control and let Me flow. Let Me work because vengeance is Mine. You will see My vengeance at work, My son. I have people here for you. I have assigned them to you in this time. Let them in for this unprecedented and unconventional takedown and overthrowing of an establishment that has embedded itself so deep in this Nation. I will guide you and show you things that only I know. I know your enemies’ next plans and their next moves. You have been one step or more ahead of them, but just think of how much ahead of them you will be with Me. 

I am the One Who will set you free from what you see. So, trust in Me and the ones that I will send to you. This is the time to let Me in. I will show you a power you have never known or experienced, a power your enemies cannot fight against. Let down your guard, and you will be glad you did, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My United States, you are at a tipping point in your Nation. The scales of justice are being weighed, and justice will prevail on a scale you, as a Nation, have never experienced or seen. My gavel is coming down in a way your enemies will never see coming. Watch for it, and wait for it. 

A crime family will be sentenced. An establishment will be annihilated for money laundering, dirty deals, bribes, treason, murderers, and crimes on a government (wide) scale that you, as a Nation, never knew existed. These are the days you are walking into, a shaking that will violently change the scenery of political power, bringing them all to nothing. 

I will show you, My children, that I am still a God that delivers My people and destroys the enemy against them, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

I will show you the atrocities your government has done to this Nation and other nations for money and power. I will say this again—they will not get away with any of it. Hold on as I expose all of it, clean out your government, and start fresh with a new one, oh United States. 

I am not done moving. In fact, My children, I am just getting started on exposing your true enemies and bringing them all out from where they are now. You will see great exposures in DC. You will see great exposure of the UN, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, every government, all governmental leaders and officials, and every nation that has attacked My Nations of Israel and the United States. 

The stakes are very high for your enemies. They simply cannot afford to lose, so they will stop at nothing to win. But that will never happen because I am their defeat, and I am standing in their way. So, My children, receive, believe, and prepare for the overtaking of My Glory across this Earth, which will destroy the power of the ones against you. You are about to see a mighty outpouring of My Glory. So expect it, and you will be partakers of the greatest move of My hand across this land, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this:  

Even with the deck stacked against President Trump for the debate, if he does what I, the Lord, want him to do, it will bring down “the Biden” because his party will have no choice but to let him go for the embarrassment and the failure they have become. And the truth is, if President Trump listens to what I, the Lord, have said for him to do, I will see him through it, and it will cause more damage quicker than before because he is letting Me, the Lord, do it. I am the power that he needs now. Watch! “The Biden” will fall by his own sword. President Trump, receive My peace. Let “the Biden” expose himself, as you will see (he will do). You just stand on that stage knowing that you are My son and that I am the One Who will give you the words to say and how to say them to see the landslide of destruction of the establishment that you see before you.  

Ingersol Lockwood - Rise-Repeat, 1717-7-8-24-go-for-launch-4-10-20-vs-2-9-7-13-9-11-5 - June 20, 2024

Derek Johnson 's post - July 7, 2024

Did Ingersoll Lockwood Predict President Trump 120 years ago? - July, 2024

Ezra A. Cohen Telegram post - July, 2024

Telegram 7-9-2024

Brace For Impact!

Telegram 7-9-2024

Christianity is rising.

Telegram 7-10-2024

President Trump just confirmed the Biden Administration has lost track of 150,000 children.

This is why the Marshals have been activated.

Telegram 7-10-2024

Stay vigilant. Be Prepared. Something monumental is coming.

Telegram 7-11-2024

Ellen DeGeneres was taken behind a chemical shed and executed by firing squad for crimes against children.

Her body double is now being phased out.

You will never see her again.

Telegram 7-12-2024

The war on Christanity continues.

Telegram 7-13-2024

Assassination warning.

Telegram 7-13-2024

Trump security increased.

Assassination threats are real.

Telegram 7-13-2024


Telegram 7-14-2024

The Obama False Flag

An event so sinister that it must disrupt the 2024 elections.

Some will call it a black swan event.

  1. Assassination attempt on Trump.
  2. False flag attacks to blame Russia.
  3. Nationwide cyberattacks to disrupt the power grid.
  4. A new pandemic.                 

Telegram 7-14-2024

Operation [RED FOLDER]

Telegram 7-14-2024

Trump has given the red folder to Melania Trump.

Telegram 7-14-2024

Barron Trump was also given a red folder.

Congress July 24, 2024, Benjamin Netanyahu address

Who is the guy with the red folder? What information does the red folder contain?

Derek Johnson - July 9, 2024

April 2016 Special Operations Command Publication.

👉🏻 Title 50 authority.

Who was the President on December 20, 2019?

👉🏻 DJT

In the Executive Documents under 50 USC §1550…

“Biden” delegates “his” authority to the Secretary of Defense…

👉🏻 Why so soon? For what reason if there’s no U.S. war or conflict going on?

Who is the Secretary of Defense under as 2nd in line of command?

👉🏻 President / Commander-in-Chief

“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by section 1285(a) through (e) of Public Law 116–92 [50 U.S.C. 1550(a) to (e)] on the use of military force and support of partner forces to the Congress.”

👉🏻 I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by section 1285(a) through (e) of Public Law 116–92 [50 U.S.C. 1550(a) to (e)]…

That’s “Joe Biden” DELEGATING the AUTHORITY and FUNCTIONS vested in President Donald John Trump to the Secretary of Defense.

That was already done equally by President Trump in Executive Order 13919…

Delegate definition: entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.

If “Biden” is delegating the Authority and Functions vested in PDJT to the SECDEF and the SECDEF is 2nd in line to command of Military only under the President and CIC, then who’s the SECDEF listening to? 🤭😎

👉🏻 Military Occupation by Special Operations Command and then some 🎯🐂🇺🇸

Follow 👉 Derek Johnson ✅️

US Debt Clock - July 10, 2024

US Debt Clock - US Treasary Dollars 2025? - July 12, 2024

US Debt Clock - July 14 &18, 2024

Trump Bleeding After Assassination Attempt At Pennsylvania Rally - July 13, 2024

Trump appeared to have blood on the side of his face but seemed not to be seriously injured after what sounded like gunshots at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday. The Secret Service reported around 6:45 pm that former President Trump was “safe” after evacuation from the location.

The District Attorney of Butler County, PA told ABC News that one bystander is “confirmed dead,” and “possibly a second” bystander is also confirmed dead. The shooter is also confirmed dead.

Newsmax’s Sharla McBride reports that a PA State Police source told her President Trump was not shot, but hit by glass from a teleprompter shattered by a bullet. At least two people behind him were shot by real bullets.

July 8, 2024: President Biden says “we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

July 13, 2024: Donald Trump gets shot and survives assassination attempt.

Did Joe Biden call for an assassination attempt on Donald Trump?

US Debt Clock - July 14, & 17, 2024

Ezra A. Cohen Telegram post - July, 2024

Telegram 7-14-2024

Whistlerblowers incoming…

Telegram 7-20-2024

[#BREAKING: Whistleblowers reveal security failures at Trump rally]

Didn’t I tell you guys whistleblowers were incoming.

Telegram 7-21-2024

White hats from the NSA have provided additional footage from the assination of Trump to certain members of Congress.

Donald Trump Truth Social post - July 22, 2024 --- Is there a connection?

US Debt Clock - July 21, & 24, 2024

...., 2024

Donald Trump reinstated as the 18th President of the Republic of the United States of America - 2024

The new Rainbow Currency is introduced

North America the Great - Alliance between "North America, Canada, United States and Mexico a bond a strength a new America a new North America. "




Donald Trump Reinstatement Ceremony - 2024

The American Covenant Address to the Nation by given by ....

President Donald Trump, members of Congress, Supreme Court, Military, and fellow citizens of the restored Republic of the United States of America. It is my sincere honor to deliver an address on America’s covenant with God. Before we begin, I would ask that you take a moment to bow your head and pray. God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We ask for your forgiveness of our sins and for our nation’s transgressions against your divine laws. We have gone astray from the purpose for which this country was founded. Once again you saved the country from certain destruction, guiding her through Three Great Perils, or struggles for survival. Therefore, we ask for your continued blessings, guidance, and protection for ourselves and our country as we enter a new era. And we ask this through Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

The American Covenant is a sacred and binding agreement between God and this nation. It was forged with the Declaration of Independence during the throws of the Revolutionary War. The essence of this covenant is best summarized by Father Bill McCarthy from in his book A Personal Relationship with Jesus. “The essence of this covenant is, ‘I will be your God and you will be My people.’ If we surrender to God all that we are and all that we have (because He is our God), God will give us all that He is and all that He has (because we are his people). We are, therefore, made joint heirs with Christ of all the blessings, graces and gifts of the Father.” The terms of this covenant involve shining the light of the Gospel, of true liberty, truth, and justice to the entire world.

The Declaration of Independence is a spiritual covenantal document between a people and their God. Member states voluntarily joined together under a frame of government as “One Nation Under God.” Declaration of Independence is the country’s mission statement. I would like to take a moment to share a few excerpts from the declaration to highlight the covenantal aspects of the document.

We hold these truths to be self-evident [It is obvious, we all agree.], that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator [which is God] with certain unalienable Rights [rights that cannot be taken away by man or government], that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. …

The purpose of civil government stated in the declaration is to secure and protect God-given rights; life (the right to life), and the blessings of liberty, and happiness [property] [The founder used the term property and happiness are used interchangeably; property is not only external but internal as well. Your internal property is your conscience.]

The Declaration continues. …

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

The duly elected representatives asked for divine assistance, an “Appeal to Heaven,” to bring forth the principles and tenets set forth in the declaration into fruition. And a trust in God that their prayers and petitions would be heard and answered. In a word, “thy will,” (if it’s God’s will), not their will “be done.”

Benjamin Franklin said that their petitions and prayers “they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor.” Most noticeable were the miracles, coincidences, and syncretistic events that unfolded on the battlefieds  in Revolutionary War which George Washington witnessed firsthand. He said, that “The Hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge His obligations.”

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the country’s frame of government do not grant rights. Short of voting and running for office and being lected office, you have no rights. What you have God-given rights, natural rights given by God and nature’s God which are recognized and protected by the Constitution. This makes the United States unique among all the nations on earth.

The preamble to the Constitution states.

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

But what are the blessings of liberty? True liberty is uniquely Christian spiritual covenantal relationship with God. It is scared because it is our connection with God which resides in the human heart. Gospels of Jesus Christ defines liberty, or this Law of Liberty.

— 2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. [liberty]” RSV

The blessings of liberty can only come from God. That is true liberty.

If the nation needed sign from heaven on covenant established by our country’s founders. It was given on July 4, 1826. On the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, the two men most responsible for the document, died a few hours apart. The date bore was a visible mark of God for a reason. Biblically it was the Jubilee year of the country’s independence from their bondage with England. From the book Leviticus in the Bible “Consecrate the fiftieth year and ‘Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof.’ It shall be a Jubilee for you;”

For the people and nations that follow God’s Laws and commandments, He grants special graces such as peace, happiness, justice, prosperity, and national protection. We have the free will and choice to live under the covenant in obedience to God’s Laws and Commandments and enjoy God’s blessing. Conversely, if we reject God’s Laws and live in disobedience, then we will suffer the unenviable consequences of our actions.

John Quincy Adams stated “They,” [the American people, which includes you, and I today], John Quincy Adams stated. “Were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of the Gospel, which they nearly all acknowledged as the rules of their conduct. They were bound by the principles which they themselves had proclaimed in the Declaration.”

This is our country’s providential and covenantal history. And it is our shared destiny as a nation that cannot escape. Our country’s founders clearly warned us that the spiritual destiny of the United States of America is inextricably connected to our adherence to, or departure from the Laws of God. But along with the blessings of liberty, so too comes the obligations. To preserve and defend our nation’s covenant with God, and to safely pass it on to the next generation.   

Revival - Third Great Awakening Background and History

The American Covenant Background and History

Liberty Quest Website