Must listen ……………….……… “ Do you all recall in 2008, Norm Coleman was the incumbent Republican senator in Minnesota? On election day, he was declared the winner by about 700 votes out of 2.9 million cast. However, Al Franken, the losing candidate got a lawyer, a guy named Mark Elias. Have you heard that name recently? That’s who they’ve hired in Florida.
After eight months of litigation, Al Franken was declared the winner by a little under 300 votes. Why did that affect every one of you in this room? Well, because Al Franken was the 60th vote that passed Obamacare. There were all kinds of issues in that race. I wrote about in the book that John Fund and I wrote; but, I’ll just tell you this. We know that–remember, margin of less than 300 votes.
After the election, a conservative grassroots group in Minnesota went and got a hold of the voter-registration list and the state-corrections-department list. They found 1200 felons who had voted illegally in that election, four times the margin of victory. So, there’s some fraud that, like I said, affected everyone in this room. …
In 2012, the Pew Foundation, which as you all know is not exactly a conservative organization, did a study. Liberals have been trying to deny this study exists ever since. What they found in looking at Americans’ voter-registration system was that there were 2.8 million people registered in more than one state, 1.8 million people who are dead who are still registered, and 24 million voter registrations with significant problems. Now, what does that mean? Well, I’ll tell you about another study that I’m sure you all have never heard about, because because the media has kind of ignored it. But, in Florida, there is a non-profit organization, a great organization, called the Government Accountability Institute; it’s run by a guy named Peter Schweizer. …
Estimated 45,000 Voting Illegally in More than One State
Well, what did they find in the 2016 election when Donald Trump won? In those 21 states, they found 8500 people who voted illegally in more than one state. Twenty-two hundred of those illegal voters who voted in more than one state were in the state of Florida. …. They said that if, based on the algorithm they were using, that if you extended this to all 50 states, their estimate was there were probably at least 45,000 individuals who voted in more than one state illegally in the 2016 election.
By the way, they found 15,000 voters registered at UPS stores, post offices, basketball courts, parks, gas stations, vacant lots, warehouses and office buildings. Now, how many of those are legitimate voters? I don’t know; but, if somebody is registered at a vacant lot, that’s a problem. …
Presidential Commission on Election Integrity. In 2014–so, how big of a problem is this? We don’t know. The President, as you all know, last year appointed a presidential commission on election integrity; I was actually appointed to be a member of it.
It was dissolved after only having two meetings for two reasons. Every left-wing organization you can imagine filed a lawsuit to keep this commission from working, doing its work. There were a dozen federal lawsuits filed, making all kinds of nutty claims about it to keep it from working.
And, about 40 percent of the states, more than a third, said, “We’re not giving you any information.” We had asked for state voter-registration lists and state voter histories, so we could do things like what the Government Accountability Institute did: compare different states and find out how many people are voting in different states. About a third of the states said, “We’re not giving you this information; you have to sue us if you want it; because, you’re going to use this to suppress votes, which I don’t get.”
Listen; if what the left says is correct and there’s no voter fraud, why would they be against us researching this and trying to find out what the extent of the problem is? Which tells you a lot about what was going on with that. But, because the commission couldn’t get it to work on it, it couldn’t get the data it needed, and the staff were spending all their time trying to answer these dozen lawsuits, the President dissolved the commission, unfortunately.
So, how big is the problem? Look. We don’t know. …m6.4 Percent of Noncitizens in the U. S. voted in the 2008 election
Let me tell you about a study that was done in 2014. It gives you an idea of the potential problem.
Three professors from Old Dominion University and George Mason University in Virginia where I live, took a look at this election survey that’s done by a number of universities. And they survey literally tens of thousands of voters after elections. Based on that and answers to that survey question, they estimated that 6.4 percent of the noncitizens who are in the United States voted in the 2008 election, 6.4 percent. Was that significant
Well, if 6.4 percent of the noncitizens who are in North Carolina voted in that election, then that may have thrown the state to Barack Obama who won North Carolina by only 14,000 votes. They also pointed out that if 6.4 percent of the noncitizens in Minnesota voted, that would have thrown the vote to Al Franken.
Oh, by the way, their study was a was relentlessly attacked, and I think those professors have become pariahs in the academic community, which as you know, is very liberal. We started a database at Heritage about three years ago, because I was tired of getting calls from reporters saying, “There is no voter fraud in the country. Why do you keep talking about it?”
More than 1200 Voter-Fraud Cases Around the Country.