Revival - Third Great Awakening - MAIN PAGE - 2024

Revival - Third Great Awakening - The Great Reversal - The Great Reset

We are at a Red Sea Moment in history.

Do not think for a moment that because Biden is in office that God is done with the United States of America.  He has not forgotten about the American Covenant and will not allow through evil an illegitimate election to stand. The Revival started in 2020 will break forth shortly into the Third Great Awakening, and those who have committed acts of evil against God and humanity will be held to account for their actions.

If you don’t normally pray for your country NOW would be a good time to do it. Pray for truth, righteousness, and that God’s will be done, and the untruth and lies be exposed.

“I am going to give you back your United States of America. I am going to show my might in this hour. I will put off what they intend to do for five years from this day. And I’ll put it off longer if my people say. So, gather up your courage gather up your courage and fight. Gather up your courage your courage and fight. Gather up your courage, gather up your courage and fight. Gather up your courage tonight.” Robin Bulluck 1-1-2023

“He Is going to save you from things you don’t know you need to be saved from. Your nation will be known as before Trump and after Trump. The whole world will be known as before Trump and after Trump. This is my election; I will put him in there. This is a rescue operation, there are things most of you have not idea about. … I am giving him an Isaiah-Cyrus 45 anointing … 45th president.” – Given by God to Johnny Enlow (given before the election.)

“My message hasn’t changed. You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth. You must from now on target darkness in society. We are almost there. The pain is for the Awakening. The Awakening is your children.” – Johnny Enlow

 “We are at a turning point the fear is shifting from the masses to the criminal elite.” – Johnny Enlow 7-25-2022 on ElijahStreams

God says: “I am restoring America’s fortunes. I am restoring the republic that was lost in 1871.” – Johnny Enlow 9-6-2022

God. “This is a time that will go down in History, it will be remembered as the Greatest Spiritual War ever fought.” – Johnny Enlow 12-10-23

“The prophetic word as I got some things must remain hidden My son so that the enemy will be caught unprepared.” – Bo Polny 6-19-2022

“Out of all of those words, one jumps out at me: vengeance! It is time to make the devil pay for what he has done to California and our nation! It is time for vengeance on all the lies, political tyranny and suffering in America.” – Mario Murillo

“It’s dangerous because your enemy cannot give up. It’s not in his nature. It’s confusing because there are so many people that are not expected things on the scale of what will be happening. You need to be prepared to learn of things so evil. Even the most awake among you surprised and also repulsed on a level you haven’t yet imagined. Then you need to be prepared to have patience for those who are of the woke culture. They have been on a steady diet of blue pills and will be forced to swallow the red ones. (Reference from the movie the Matrix. A choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in contented ignorance with the blue pill.) They cannot escape what is coming, no one can. The quote church as become a cesspool of wokeism and that is a place there shouldn’t be sin. Everywhere else were its worse.” – Tiffany Root & Kirk VandeGuchte – 7-26-2022

“It’s the New World Order that is the Titanic. They’re the ones that are being taken down. This is not our system. This is not the world. Ahh this is not our civilization. Yes, the components that have been run by the deep state and there are many of them. That is why the Lord has allowed this to be. It has been some much clear for me. The protracted slow process is to allow for these boats to come in. These systems to develop for the rescue operations to be able to have multiple facets, multiple ways to come in. The slow process has been so, mercy of God for us. But we really need to wake up.” Johnny Enlow – 8-2-2022 on ElijahStreams

“This is a shift of the ages. … The Holy Spirit is driving everything. … toward a new Kingdom Era. … The Holy Spirit is pushing this agenda. In fact you can find even the most sinister plots of the New World Order, the deep state, almost being in response in reaction to what the Holy Spirit is doing.There has been panic for over one hundred and twenty years from the dark side. They are trying to figure out how not to allow the light of the Holy Spirit to be released on the planet to fulfill the purposes of God. … (The whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.) … He’s trying to stop the earth plan. On earth as it is in heaven. That is the part he wars against.” Johnny Enlow – 8-8-2022 on

“Brace for impact.” – God

“In reality, they’re not after me. They are after you. I’m just in the way.”  – Donald Trump – 12-18-2019

“Do you guy’s know what this represents? Tell us sir. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.” What storm? “Could be the calm before the storm.” “We have the world’s great military people in this room I will tell you that we will have a great evening. Thank you all for comming.” What storm Mr. President? “You’ll find out.” – Donald Trump – 10-5-2017

“”Washington DC Is The Swamp. Maybe My Greatest Achievement Since Coming Here As President Was That I Caught The Swamp. I Caught The Swamp. I Caught Them All. Let’s See What Happens. I caught all this corruption that was going on and no one else could have done it.” – Donald Trump – 11-8-2019

“The great exposure is almost done and My Justice is coming. … A shakening in Germany a shakening in the western currency. That one God go uh oh a shaking in the western currency one will fall and others will rise to value for a season. …The Lord what was considered last will be first. I am removing the pride of Nations and they will know I am the Lord. … I will bring back also my servant Donald Trump. But not by his power nor by his might. But by My will and My spirit. … I will restore your nation called the United States according to My Divine will and Divine purpose. I have stirred up the wealth of the wicked for the righteous in Me My children continue to declare My words every day. Whoa and walk in My promises. You will see the glory of the Lord in this generation. And this generation will not pass says the Lord but will witness my historic righteousness in your land.” – Manual Johnson 10-2-2022

“No longer will I tolerate the mixture from men who have watered down My word and edited out My judgments. My word cannot be controlled debated or changed those who speak. My word will be set apart from those who mix My word with human understanding. For my pure ones will burn with passion and ignite hearts once dead. My word is being sent forth as a flaming sword to burn up my enemies and consume those who oppose Me. This fire cannot be quenched by de-platforming My servants or suppressing My voice. I alone am King of the airwaves and master of the media and My voice will not be muted. … Do not play with my fire. Those who attempt to speak My word with compromised hearts and self-centered egos will find their words burning their own tongues. … I am alive and My word is alive. In this war of information it is My word that will override every other word and nullify all lesser words from the minds of men and the mouths of sorcerers. Watch and see how My living word manifests know that when the word on fire is spoken. Enemies melt like wax and altars of both demons and gods fall as ashes.” – Wanda Alger 10-12-2022

Get ready America, the greatest days of history are upon you. And you’ve been brought to your knees, and I have heard your prayer and I have seen every tear. I know the price you paid along the journey. I am not a man that cannot lie. So do not give up hope. America the beautiful, you’re going to see justice restored in your land. For I am dismantling each and every corrupt agency and institution that has not honored My name and My statures. You have not seen it all, there’s more to come. … For Donald J. Trump I’ve have called you and positioned you to get this it done. The battle has been fierce and has come at a great price. But rest assured the victory is at hand. … you are not alone for I am with you. … For I have not only called you to tear down but I have called you to rebuild. And to rebuild you shall first again on My foundation. – Barry Wunsch 12-30-2022

“1776 was but the beginning and now I will continue what I created America to do. This nation is called by My name and will not fail to fulfill the purposes for which I created it. You are My people and I have a purpose for you. You are to be a standard among the nations, a standard of righteousness and peace. You will use what I have given you to fulfill My purpose in the earth. You are My people and you must do this. And doing it will bring you great fulfillment. I will reward you for your obedience. But first you must return to Me and to the purpose for which I created you.” – Steve Pursell – January 19, 2023

Now, as I was praying about this, this is what the Holy Spirit told me about this. He said, the way that God is moving is a reminder and a mirroring of the original principles that the forefathers of the nation of America established through the constitution. The difference is that the focus of the forefathers at the time of the founding the nation was largely centered around protecting individual freedom. This time, however, the emphasis will be on a reinforcement and a reestablishment of America based upon Biblical principles and the Lord first. That’s good. While restoring liberty in the process. And this was what God said, He said, “I am solidifying the Constitution with My covenant. … “ TV host show Prophetic Pulse – Anthony ???.

The Lord says: Now. We’ve been waiting … lives on hold for about 3 years. The Lord is taking his finger off the pause button. It’s going to be different. The shift is here. You’ve been waiting. Not it’s time to start waking in the spirit. –  Mike Thompson

I (GOD) WILL RIP THE EVIL OUT of this WORLD!  –  Julie Green

“Daughter, this [mercy] is the world’s EXIT ticket out of Babylon. My Mercy!”  “There is an EXIT Plan out of this global dark mess.” Elizabeth Cassutto

“They will even quake and shake when he announces he is running for president, it will be like the shot heard across the world. The enemy will say what shall we do now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. We have been robbing America for decades, what shall we do to stop this? The Spirit says HA! No one shall stop this that l have started! For the enemy has stolen from America for decades and it stops now! For I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen and return it seven-fold back to the United States. … I will protect America and Israel, for this next president will be a man of his word, when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in him than all the others before him. This man’s word is his bond and the world and America will know this and the enemy will fear this, for this man will be fearless. The Spirit says, when the financial harvest begins so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.” – Mark Taylor 2011

“I am coming and I will destroy every they have done. … For this is a time of great judgement… Great and Mighty Judgment.…. In the greatest defeat ever seen by mankind before. Yes, I said it. The greatest defeat will be seen by mankind. This is greater than anything that has gone before you. And I chose you to be here see it.” Julie Green 8-16-2023

“I am going to give you back your United States of America. I am going to show my might in this hour. I will put off what they intend to do for five years from this day. And I’ll put it off longer if my people say. So, gather up your courage gather up your courage and fight. Gather up your courage your courage and fight. Gather up your courage, gather up your courage tonight.”- Robin Bullock – August 1-1-2023, 2023

“My children Trump will not be stopped. I have anointed him and appointed him for as such a time as this. My servant Trump will be stopped. You put my servant on trial? What? I put you on trial. I put you on trial. You judge My servant I will now judge you. What a man soweth he will also reap. TELL THEM AGAIN! My servant will be vindicated. He will be vindicated. Shame, shame, shame will come before those who believe they can alter My design will. The days, weeks, and months are coming you will see serious shame.” – Manual Johnson 8-24-2023

“God says. Enough of this for I have promised that this nation would not belong to those who desire socialism, Marxism, fascism. … God says, no you have tried to rewrite history on a nation that was covenanted to Me. No, I take My finger as I did it in the days of Pharaoh, And I’d cause my finger to come and the powers of their witches and the powers of the magicians could not reign over My will. And My agenda My finger has come now to write my history upon this nation at this time, says a living God.” – Hank Kunnerman – August 30, 2023

“I must have this nation.” “I must have America for what I am about to do around the world.” – Dutch Sheets 9-2020

I saw multitudes of people (sitting on the fence). I could not see the end of the fence. I knew the fence represents the entire world. … And then I saw two powerful hands … and I knew immediately that those hands belong God. He grabbed the fence and he violently, listen, violently. He was not just a gentle thing. It was a violent move of God. He started to shake the fence, violently. And saw people falling to the left and the right. To the left and the right and he kept shaking. He did not stop shaking. When he was done shaking no one was left sitting on the fence and he spoke to me.  “When I am done shaking everyone will be forced to choose, either Me or the devil.”“I came with mercy, love, and grace but they have rejected Me (about the western civilization). But I will have My Revival, but they will come through the fire.” – Arthur Pawlowski – Interview 9-7-2023

“America! Watch! 6.. 7.. 9… and 11 which makes 33… For I AM a Covenant Keeping God, and I will not leave nor abandon thee! … My Beloved, awake from your sleep. Arise and be alert in this hour, for a great Battle is raging — a battle between life and death. Look! For did I not say that there shall be two Altars set before this Nation?” – Veronika West – June 15, 2022

This is a covenant nation I’m standing by the covenant nation. – Manual Johnson – January 13, 2022

“I Lord change not and I am doing a new thing in your generation. In your season and will not relent shall. I am opening up the floodgates of My spirit on our flesh on the earth. Which is my footstool. I the Lord and moving mountains you thought that could not be moved. I, the Lord, Am Shifting Positions in Your Nation. I the Lord have established in My divine counsel trips and backfire on the enemies of the Lord. America will know I am the Lord and I remember my covenant for this land.” – Manuel Johnson – June 3, 2022

The Great Removal for I have called this nation by My name because of past covenants that I have not yet walked away. You will see my mighty righteous right arm on this nation you will have to rewrite your historical history books. …  They will know that My hand is on which you call the United Sates and not the divided states. Fear not My people that are called by My you will understand when I say this is not just the year but the season that I am pouring new wine and new wine skins. – Manuel Johnson – December 23, 2021

“For I the Lord God hear the cries of My people, of the ones I call faithful, faithful servants who have continued to stand in faith and stand in the gap for your nation of the eagle, your nation of declaration. For I the Lord your God made a covenant with This nation. I the Lord keep MY covenants. I do not keep deals made by corrupt men, demons and devils says the Lord, for they are as dust in My sight and My presence, they hold no weight in MY courts says the Lord of Hosts. …. the government rests upon MY shoulders, however, corrupt men who made blood covenants and contracts have attempted to make their leadership, their elections, their agreements hold up within MY court says the Lord and they hold no such weight for doctrines of man, man-made, flawed, fallible, deceptive agreements. I the Lord do not make such agreements, I do not make or create fallible doctrines, and in this hour the dogma of corrupt men and groups filled with darkness have solidified such, to set themselves up as Herod, flawed political agreements with demons striking such deals The spirit that dwells and resides in the political arena has an insatiable thirst for power and influence, is beyond greedy and knows not what loyalty is says the Lord of Hosts this day.” – Amanda Grace – March 21, 2021

“I got from the Holy Spirit was and had me write it down. Yom Kippur (September 24-25, 2023) the delays are now over and that was because the title if I did the full thing the delays are now over judgment on evil now to go public. October 4th (EBS) emergency broadcast … I asked the Lord about it. I got from him: they will try something designed  for not goodness.  There will be an attempt to try it.” – Johnny Enlow – Interview 9-26-2023

“Soon, we will be on the other of all of this. And wherever you land on that side, is where you’ll stay. For this is the time of correction.” God – Robyn Bullock 5-18-2023

God is saying (America) I’m not finished with you yet. …. God says I laugh at man who says we are in control we decide the times and God says no you don’t America is mine. No, you don’t America is mine, says the Lord. In America God says there’s a great light that is coming do you hear the thousands and the thousands of voices crying out in the wilderness God is telling us do you hear the voices crying out? Do you hear the voices that are crying out the same voice like John the Baptist crying out on the Wilderness that was saying repent for the kingdom of God is at hand?” – Gilbert Cervera – JJCC Ministries – September 28, 2023

“God gave me the prophecy of the number of 467 [days – December 25th, 2024]. … I will sound that for God’s call to America and the rest of the world. … He said there is a new calling upon your life … this is not a time of waiting. … for those who reject me shall reap what has been sown in the world. But those who follow me shall reap their Harvest and a new blessing will be poured forth to them. I will take away from those who reject me to give unto those who work unto me. … Many of my children have been bystanders to the defilements of their land. Now I am calling my people to rise. …. I’m I call you not to run from where you live but to change it. Grow where you are planted, where you live, and work. Use that which I have given you to do good works. To pray and to decree my blessings upon your community and your nation. The hour is nigh when your opportunity is will close. When either those who defy me will have their way because my children have surrendered to them. Or my children will no longer accept the defilement of their land and will pray and act through their deeds so that my blessings will pour forth to them. … the clock is ticking [467 day count down].

I have heard the cries of my children. My angels have been sent unto the lands where my people pray. They will act as my people act. If my people surrender to evil my angels will withdraw and the defiled angels will have their way. But if my people stand for my truth. My angels will defeat the defiled ones who battle in the Unseen. I shall release in those cases my spirit. …

Each day shall be counted until the end which will be either the day [by Christmas day of 2024] of redemption or of evil poured forth depending on what my people do. … The next president of the United States of America will change the permanent course of the United States of America. The next election, the leaders of all Nations, will determine where ah whether I God will bless those Nations. For if the people fail to choose those who are who honor me then they will be devoured by the evil of their officials. There is one final chance. For those who choose not to be involved they are giving their Nation over to mine enemy. If my people bow to my enemy it will be like the time of Herod when I was born. When wickedness ruled while the light of the world brought truth and blessings to those who would follow me. But if my people uphold my righteousness I shall pour my glory upon their Nation and where they live. It will be like no other time a time of blessing and healing, and salvation. … now is the time of faith of faith in Deeds as well as prayer.

If my children do not obey my truth. If parents send their children to institutions that defile me. Then they defile themselves. For either my glory shall follow those who practice my righteousness. Or unrighteousness shall follow acts of unrighteousness within my body.” – Randy Kay – September 14, 2023

“These are unusual times unusual days. They are unusual because Thrones are being established and Thrones are being torn down. These ancient Thrones have had control over the airways, over territories, over regions, over countries, and Nations. This is a great Showdown. I have let them roll until their fullness of time has come and now that that time has come I am putting a stop to it. … I am visiting my Earth with my great power to destroy these strongholds. … I have set my armies of angelic hosts before me to round up the enemy and destroy those who are Marked for Death.” – Patricia Green – August 8, 2023

“Atlas, Atlas it is here on everybodies doorstep, no turning back, I am looking for the simplicity of heart. This is crunch time.” – Your Lord your God.  (Anonymous) 12-17-2023 

“We are on a high cliff right now ready for the free fall which will be soon. We are days and weeks away for this free fall to take place. – Your Lord your God.  (Anonymous) 2-23-2024

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”Romans 12:19 RSV

Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly. — Deuteronomy 32:35 RSV

Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look well at his place, he will not be there. But the meek shall possess the land, and delight themselves in abundant prosperity. — Psalm 37:10-11 RSV

The great day of the Lord is near, near and hastening fast; the sound of the day of the Lord is bitter, the mighty man cries aloud there. A day of wrath is that day, a day of distress and anguish, a day of ruin and devastation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of trumpet blast and battle cry against the fortified cities and against the lofty battlements. I will bring distress on men, so that they shall walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the Lord; their blood shall be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung. Neither their silver nor their gold     shall be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of the Lord. In the fire of his jealous wrath, all the earth shall be consumed; for a full, yea, sudden end he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth. – Zephaniah 1:14-18 (RSV)

October , 2024

Veronika West - Who Will Be Counted Among ‘the Elect’ on the Day When the Walls Coming Crashing Down? - October 22, 2024

Veronika West - America: A 50-State Nation in Transition! - October 21, 2024

America, I heard The Spirit say this early hours of this morning, ”Watch for a 50-state Nation in transition, is now in the midst of a Divine Distinction!

I say, Watch and Pray, for the States of Texas, Arizona and Florida shall lead the way, for an a greater shaking of a 50-state Nation shall bring forth a Separation and a Secession that will reveal goat and sheep Nations!”

On hearing those Words, I saw a greater shaking beginning to take place over the Nation of America, and I heard The Spirit say, ”The winnowing Winds of My Seven Spirits are now blowing forth upon the threshing floor, for the Sickle will fly, and the Sword will fall, and a 50-state Nation — once united — shall become divided!”


This message it’s called the Zimbabwe Bond and a great day for the United States and silver. And God gave me this message this morning October 20th 2024. Okay here we go. Today will be a great day for the United States, a day like no other. This day will bring the greatest change the world has seen in modern times. You will cheer and celebrate high five and dance. Celebrate my children as this is the time you have prayed and hoped for. So now what? There is massive cleanup and rebuilding in the country. Your continual president Commander in Chief will lead the charge and you will be proud of your country again. The streets will clean up and safety will rise. Health will increase as big pharma, medical fraud, and Insurance are exposed. The industry will change and health will be restored to this land for a while be ready my children this great day is upon you.

Nelson Chamisa will be elected and installed as the leader of Zimbabwe. The currency will flourish. The Zimbabwe Bond will exceed all the currencies in growth. It is the one to buy and invest in now. The door is closing as the election will be soon and that will be a trigger of the increase. Look at silver. I have told of the increase it has increased and is going up. But oh, it will explode. I have told you. So be ready as all will come to pass of my words. My word and my love never fail. Get to know my precious son Jesus. He will change your life he made the way for you. He paid the price and he did the hardest worst part for you to know me. Come to us today. Carolyn will tell you how. Have you said your prayers today. Give us a few minutes of your time and bring your problems, your dreams, your desires to us. We are the Dream Makers promisee Keepers, problem solvers, and we will give you peace and joy joy in the midst of the worst storm of your life. Just cry out to me and my son. We love you so much we long for you to come to us but we gave you freedom and it is your call when, how, and how much time you will give to us. We are always here no matter where you are Go out today and enjoy time with the people in your life. Ask me to help you with those that are not easy for you to deal with my son is the prince of peace and you can have his peace no matter what. We love you with an everlasting heart. Abba Father.

Veronika West - A Kingdom Take-down and Take-over is Taking Place! - October 20, 2024

“Get ready — for there is a Kingdom take-down and take-over taking place! It’s inevitable!”

A powerful Confirmation came through our early morning IDH War Room to something The LORD said to me yesterday.

I heard Him say, “Watch, for your prayers are going to be like Heat-seeking Missiles in the days ahead!”

In the natural, Heat-seeking Missiles can travel thousands of miles in search of their intended target — be it a a person, a specific geographical place, or a particular thing, which has no hope of getting away, or getting out of its way once the missile is “locked on.”

When the specific target is set, the take-down and take-over is inevitable and guaranteed!

I heard The Spirit say yesterday, “There is a Supernatural Upgrade coming to My faithful Warriors in this hour for maximum impact for their Prayers, their Decrees and their Prophetic Declarations will be like heat-seeking missiles, that once Divinely Programmed, set and locked onto the target, will bring a sudden take-down and an unexpected Kingdom take-over!

Get ready, for there is a Kingdom take-down and take-over taking place! It is inevitable!”

Warriors! Never underestimate the power of Prayer!

For our prayers will be like powerful weapons, guided by The Hand of God Himself.

The enemy will have no defense against the targeted precision of our Prayers in this hour!

As we stand in Unity and Faith and begin to Declare His Promises, we will see mountains move, chains break, and captives set free!

The supernatural upgrade is here! Take it by Faith!

Watch! We will walk in a new level of Authority and Victory in the days ahead, fresh infilling of oil and fire.

I hear Him say, ”Warrior Remnant, get ready to witness The Kingdom take-down and take-over that is about to unfold before your very eyes.

Have I not said, ”He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”?

Nothing can stand against My Power!

I say to you, “It’s time to rise up, warriors of an unshakeable Faith. Watch as My Kingdom Government is established on Earth — as it is in Heaven!”

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE IN FOR A ROUGH ROAD AHEAD - October 14, 2024

My children, I have told you before that a darkness is coming, a darkness that can be felt. This darkness will feel like it has set in and will not go away, darkness that will be very heavy. You are asking, why Lord? Why does darkness have to come when You are light, and Your glory destroys darkness? So why will it get worse? 

My children, I never said this darkness was for you. I am protecting you like I did for My people in the land of Goshen, where there was light, while Egypt was swallowed up with a gross darkness. This will be the same. I am warning you of this because catastrophes will take place in front of you, but you will not be a part of it. I do not want your hearts to fear, and I do not want you to grow weary while you see all these things taking place when it is not for you

Your enemies are in for a rough road ahead, but you are My children. So, separate yourselves from this mess with My Word and My truth—you are in this world, but you are not of it

Some of My children will not heed these warnings and will choose the path of destruction not knowing they do not have to. They will choose the evil report instead of Mine

My children, you are living in not only unprecedented times but biblical times where scientists, atheists, the world elites, and anyone else who is against Me will not be able to deny My power or My existence because of the things I am about to do on this Earth for you, children of Almighty God. 

Just as Egypt could not deny My power, neither can these enemies you are facing. Their plans are doomed. Their empires will collapse into nothing because they are against Me. The world will see that there is nothing and no power bigger than the Great I AM, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Your enemies are trying to strangle this Nation until it has no more fight and no more breath left in it. But right when your enemies believe they finally have what they want, it will be ripped from their bloody hands. And their power will be stripped away like it was never there. I have told you before that I will cut your enemies off, and where they were, they will not be much longer. 

A court case is about to rip your enemies apart—a case they never thought would take place because they had threatened and blackmailed your Supreme Court justices. Yes, something will rock this Nation as boldness sets in and a revolt takes place. A Supreme Court Justice will rise in boldness and rule in the way he was threatened not to.  

Enemies of Almighty God in Washington: you do not own that court. You do not pull the strings on what they can or cannot rule on. You cannot blackmail anyone because I have opened a door for whom I have chosen, and they will be in a safe place when they rule you out of yours

To the Washington establishment: this Nation does not belong to you and what you are planning to do next against this Nation and My David will further your demise. Secrets are coming from Guantanamo that you never wanted out—secrets about who has been there. Some of them are singing like canaries and telling everything they know about you. Many were a part of the establishment, but they see it sinking like the Titanic, and they are choosing to switch sides to save themselves. So, to all who are in DC against Me: I, the Lord of Hosts, have your number, and it is about to run out

There are people in your three-letter agencies that have turned over secret videos, emails, and explosive evidence because they have turned against you after the assassination attempts against My David. They have turned against you because of what they have seen at the border and because they know your plan to use a foreign military to strike your own Nation. There are people turning away from you left and right, a mass exodus from the establishment—to destroy your power and to save this Nation and their freedoms from the clutches of your hands. 

Oh, leaders of DC who are against Me: do you not see that people are no longer falling for your charade, your escapade? My October surprise is coming, and it will rock you to your core, crumble your foundations, and destroy your walls. This surprise is one you cannot run from. The skeletons are coming out into the open, and they will destroy your narrative and shred your power apart. 

This surprise will definitely take you by surprise. You thought this would never get into the wrong hands. You thought you had buried it deep enough that it would never be unearthed. You were wrong. I have all your secrets, and at the perfect time, I will release them. It will all hit you like a nuclear bomb, where there is no safe place for you to run.  

So, enemies of Almighty God: you will not have this Nation or this election, and you will not kill My David or his family. You will never have Israel. You will not bring down Netanyahu. This is the time for My Church to strip you of your power over this Nation, and they will plunder everything you have stolen from them. A wave is coming that you cannot stop. My Hand is moving to rip this land and who it belongs to out of your hands. My Nation will live on, but some of you will not. So back off and back down. My Nation will rise and see a great and mighty victory, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The Caspian Sea will be in your news for a significant reason. I have told you, My children, biblical things like (what happened in) the land of Egypt will take place. You will see that what takes place is a sign I am putting your enemies in their place

Someone from the left is about to give up Kamala. A great shaking is happening. There is someone that is about to turn over secrets and let them out through the airwaves as revenge. Kamala is failing, yes, but soon she will fall, says the Lord. 

My children, I have told you they did not want Kamala, and they didn’t. What has taken place with her is similar to (what took place with) “the Biden.” All the puppets in Washington are about to be exposed in an unprecedented way

Keep your eyes on Fetterman. He has a big secret to tell, as he is not who he says he is either

Some puppets are on My side that your enemies did not know about. They have heard and seen things in the darkness that are about to be put into the open

Get ready, oh United States. Washington is about to shake like never before. A cleansing is happening in your capital for the world to see. It could only have been done by Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer.  

Patty Teichroew - October 2024

Bev Cleary - October 2024


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Laugh. I laugh at the wicked when they plot destruction because I know the end from the beginning. I know they will soon fade like the grass in the field. One day you will see them, the next day they are gone never to be seen again. Don’t forget to laugh. It’s important not to worry. Worried thoughts lead to evil. It leads to distrust of Me, unfaithfulness, loss of sleep, energy, and time. It leads to loss. Gain back faith by laughing because you know the end. You know where this is going and that I’ll work all things out for good for those that love Me and are called according to My purpose.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Sit, wait expectantly. Wait on Me. Wait and see. Everything is about to change in an unexpected way. You do not have ALL of the puzzle pieces. There is still a mystery on how this all unfolds. You have enough to know everything is about to change. But how? The enemy is smart. I Am not going to tell him. My plans will unfold in a surprising way! What is about to take place? Have faith! Believe in Me! Believe I work out all for good. Do not become offended in the days ahead. Take heart. I have overcome the world.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The turn of events, the news cycle happens quickly now. Every day, more chaos is reported and underreported. Time given to propaganda often overshadows truth telling.  The dead, the catastrophic events shall not be overlooked this time. There is an awakening happening. Things seen now can never be unseen again.  Truth, truth, truth is pouring out like water. Too many holes to fill, says the enemy.  Too many people to silence.  The tital wave is breaking on the enemy of your soul. The crushing weight of truth is more than he can bear. The days of the enemy are coming to an end.

Julie Green - RISE UP AGAINST YOUR ENEMIES - October 11, 2024

My children, rise up. Rise up with the situations that are trying to keep you down. Rise up from all your enemies’ attacks. Rise up. This is a time when I am calling My Body to rise up over every opposition. I am calling you to rise above every test, trial, and adversity with your faith. Trust in My ability to not only get you out and get you through, but to restore what has been stolen from you. This is the time to trust and rely on Me. 

Your enemy is trying to overwhelm you with the circumstances at hand. He is trying every attack in his playbook. He is trying to throw every adversity in front of your face. He is trying to put you in your place. He is trying to put you underneath. He is trying to make you bow down. He wants you to give in and submit to his win. He does not have these things, but he wants you to believe (he does). Your enemy is already defeated

The victory is already yours. You see these things—all the weather, all these events. I told you all these unprecedented and unusual things were coming your way. I told you the enemies were attacking. You are seeing that, but some are wondering, God, where are you? Why are these things happening to me? 

I warned you of these things. I told you I would be here for you. I told you to have a firm focus on Me and My Word. I told you not to give up. Repeatedly, I have warned you of the things your enemies were doing against you. 

But then, My people, in the time of all these warnings, turn against Me, get offended, and say that I abandoned them. I did not abandon you. I have warned you. I have given you instructions. I have given you My Word, which will destroy your enemy. I have given you the shed Blood of My Son that brought him (Satan) to nothing

I have given all these things to you. I am with you in every darkness, in all these situations you have been in. I have been with you in every one of those dark holes. I have been with you in any one of these situations you have been in. I am with you in the good times, and I am with you in the bad times. I am hearing the cries of My people wondering where I am. 

In My Word, I have given you the answer to where I am—I am in you. You have to acknowledge that I am there. And when you do acknowledge I am there, and you let Me in, and you trust in Me and My Word, then all these doors that are slamming in your face, all this adversity, all these tests, all these trials, and all these mountains in your face will come to nothing, and you will see them as nothing

My children, why do you pay attention to your enemies’ words? Why do you pay attention to his attacks? Why does the enemy have your attention

I am asking you to stand at attention. I am asking you to trust in Me and rely on Who I am. I have said in My Word that I would not abandon you. But My children are asking Me, Father God, why have you abandoned us? I have not. I have warned. But people do not heed and obey My warnings. I will lead you and guide you in the way you should go. But if you do not obey, then the enemy will have his way

Do you see why I speak to you so often? Do you see why I have given you My Words through the prophets or through My Written Word? I have given you all these things so you would rise above, not stay below and beneath your enemy. 

So, My children, I have told you that in this time, a time of warning, which I said was upon you, in this time it will look worse before it gets better. My words have not changed. I have not changed. My promises are still true—that I am here for you, that I have your victory. Nothing is changing that. 

So, when the enemy wants to discourage you, and the enemy wants to overwhelm you with that spirit of heaviness, shake it off. Take it off. Rip it off with a garment of praise. Praise Me in all things, not because of them. You praise Me in all things, and you will win

So, stand your ground. You are taking back territory. Do not let your enemy fool you into believing something different. I am here for you, and I will see you through it for that unprecedented victory I have for you, says the Lord. 


I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children to deny the world’s influence in your minds and hearts. Deny your enemies access to your lives by speaking My Words, declaring My Words, and praising and worshiping Me. Your enemy is trying everything at this time to bring you great discouragement, and it may feel more overwhelming to you. But remember, you resist him, and he must flee. It is as easy as flicking away a flea. I promise you with My Authority, which I have given you, in the Name of Jesus, all Hell quivers at that Name and all demons must flee at that Name—the Name that is above every name

Your enemies are doing more against you in this time, but I am doing more for you. My Glory crushes the power of the enemy, and My Glory dwells in you. Learn to tap into it. Call for more increase, and you will receive more from Me if you just ask. 

My children, it is your time to crush your enemies and put them under your feet in a great defeat. You have more power that I have given to you, which you have not yet used. Use it! Use My Words with great authority. The enemies you are facing have already been defeated because of who dwells with them. See them as nothing because they are nothing against Me. So, get up and take your enemies out with a shout, says the Lord of Hosts. 

The San Andreas Fault is about to be set off. Yes, I said set off—not by itself; it will have help. Oh, California, you are about to shake, and it will get this Nation’s attention. But to My children who live there: plead the Blood, and it will protect you and your homes. The shaking is against your enemies, and it will cause them more destruction. You will hear fear in the news. That is meant to cause more panic.  But, My children, do not panic. Your enemies are the ones that are being destroyed, not you. So, trust in My Words. They are true, and I will see you through, says the Lord. 

Gavin Newsom is soon to be shaken. News reports will be released about the destruction of your state and your freedoms by orders given to him from the establishment, to cause as much oppression as possible without people revolting

California: you are not blue. You are actually red. They have deceived you. And the Land of My Eagle just assumes (you are) blue, just like the state of New York. Your enemies will not look at the states they should. They will be ripped out of their hands. They did not even know (these states) were up for grabs. They never thought these deep blue states were actually red. 

A great wave is coming, a red tsunami that this Nation has never seen. They tried to hide it in your last elections, but this time, no matter the schemes, they cannot hide it from Me, and they will not be able to suppress the truth

There is not a tight race. There is nothing but a landslide. They cannot predict the amount of people that are silent who have not opened their mouths (yet) that will turn from blue to red. I have said repeatedly that you are living in unprecedented times and that your enemies are helpless to stop it

An ambush is coming. Your enemies will try one against you, but it will backfire and go against them. Their election fraud and election interference are nothing compared to Me. No matter what you see right now, do not be moved. But remember, I am saving this Nation, not this election, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Antarctica is about to release its secrets. Great devastation is happening to everything your enemies have hidden there. My infiltrators are about to release information that will destroy the establishment and their next moves against you. 

Europe will be in your news for a significant and unprecedented reason. 

Cattail: this name will be in your news for an unusual reason. 

A compact agreement will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Thunderbirds will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A dark Pentagon secret is about to be released. Some generals are about to be stripped of their medals for the treason they have committed against this Nation. 

Antony Blinken is about to be exposed for the criminal he is. Your enemies are willing to let him go to save others from the exposure that is about to hit Washington. 

Lloyd Austin is about to have some explaining to do. The skeletons in his closet will also be released

Many who have destroyed this country by the decisions they were a part of are about to take a hit they will not recover from

So, My children, get ready for mass exposure of the ones who have committed treason against this Nation. Removals are coming on a scale never seen before. So, get ready for the shaking that is coming for your leaders in Washington. They will have to let this Nation go, says the Lord of Hosts. 


I, the Lord, this day am telling the enemies of this Nation in Washington DC—the escapade you have been trying to pull off is a farce, sham, scam, theft, and manipulation of this great Nation. I have seen your crimes. I hear the deals you make under the cover of night or in secret places that are not secret to Me. 

Don’t you know that I am God, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End? I am omnipotent. I am everywhere. I set up traps, and you have fallen for every one of them. You have kept pursuing the destruction of My Nation and the death of My David, but you will never see either one

You want to bring in the New World Order sooner because you see the populist movement, not only in this Nation but in many nations around the world, destroying your plans

You see that people are not as dumb and gullible as you once thought. Your brainwashing was not enough to deceive the masses. Your news, propaganda, and movies, used to help further the deception of changing people’s beliefs and thoughts, were not enough, and you did not get the traction you needed

You have been interrupted by My Church. You thought they would fall for the same deception, that they would turn to you instead of turning to Me. But now they are stronger, and they are more united. And the more you have tried to crush My Church, the more they are crushing you and your plans

Oh, leaders in Washington, you are all fools—you who are against Me and this Nation. You picked puppets who cannot speak or act the way you want them to. Why did you pick the weakest for the most important part of your plan? You wanted people (you could) completely control, but you never considered the citizens of this Nation not falling for their weakness. They can plainly see the hatred from your puppets

I am bringing whistleblowers and proof of stolen elections for your fake presidents and puppets. I am bringing this at a time you would least expect it. It will be your fall. It will bring you to nothing. Do not get too cozy where you are and do not think this election or this Nation is yours to have because they are Mine, and you are losing control of all of it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The CIA is about to crumble under the proof that is coming—how they controlled most of you and how they used their intelligence to keep you all in line. The CIA and all who are corrupt will collapse from the weight of the truth that the American people are about to hear. The CIA was not only a part of the plot to kill My David and some of his family members, but they were also in charge of seeing to its completion, just as they were with JFK and Ronald Reagan. These same types of people were the ones who also killed Abraham Lincoln. 

My children of the United States, these people have been lurking in the darkness, in the shadows of all governments and every president. And if any of them got out of line, threatened their plans, or found out their secrets, they would be killed, impeached, or removed somehow, some way, depending on how much information they knew or found out

I will show you how they blackmailed, destroyed, and removed Nixon out of the way because of fear that he would tell the American people what he knew. But he did not fight back to stay in power, so they let him walk away

There is more to the secrets behind Watergate that will decimate the establishment, along with explosive evidence of everything they have done since, including secret laptops that will come out and a book of secrets that will be released. Phone calls, emails, and text messages, I have tapped into all of their lines of communication. I have their servers. I have everything they have wanted to hide since the beginning of the establishment in this Nation

To the Land of My Eagle: you will see the strength of the wicked more and more moves against you before they are fully removed, but with every move they make, they will further their demise

My David’s victory is coming in a way that is unprecedented, and your enemies cannot take it away. They will try everything in their playbook, but they will be defeated. Watch during the time of the lame duck. Watch as the unprecedented and unconventional pick up in intensity. They will try to strike this Nation hard, but it will backfire and turn more people against them. 

2020’s big lie is about to come back with a vengeance and hit your enemies between the eyes. It will bring all the giants down, like Goliath, who were against My David

The great war for this Nation will become more unbearable for some and hopeless for others. But, My children, you stand in the gap, use My Words, pray, and praise. Your worshipping will continue to set up ambushes against your enemies. So, worship louder and more often. And speedily you will see the giants fall, saith the Lord of Hosts. 


My children, you see the blatant and arrogant abandonment of your government in this time of crisis. Well, you have not seen anything compared to what they planned to do. I told you they can modify the weather. They had this plan for what they truly wanted in the mountains of North Carolina. They chose this area for total devastation. They are choosing to withhold FEMA’s help and to leave you abandoned so (they can) take over your land. I will show you this plan. I have everything they have designed and proof of everything they are doing, as they blame Me, saying it was an act of God. It was their design to bring devastation and destruction to you in unprecedented ways. 

I warned you that they would stop at nothing to make sure this country is theirs once and for all. They want mass casualties, just like the pharaoh of old, to weaken you, bring total devastation to your land, and enslave you for their New World Order. I will show you conversations of your leaders laughing about Maui, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. I will let you hear their evil snickering and giddiness that their plans are working to stop help from getting to you

They do not want people to know what is in that part of the Nation. It is more than what is being told. There is something precious in those mountains of North Carolina that is being kept a secret. They want to run you out of town, cut you off entirely, and evict everyone there so they can jump in and take what they have found. I will show you what they did in Maui and how it was the same. 

My children, these were not accidents or natural disasters. I will show you the leaders of this Nation (involvement) and the agreement with other nations to cause this devastation and destruction and to cripple this Nation. I told you to follow the money. They are lying to you about the funds to help the victims. They can give you money. They can send help. They are purposely choosing not to, and I will show it. I will show this Nation how truly cold your leaders truly are

Money trails are about to be found and exposed in an unprecedented way. My infiltrators have proof of these heinous crimes and how many your government has committed against you, says the Lord. 

A laptop is about to surface that your enemies thought they had destroyed. They will wish they had made sure it was because this laptop will shake the establishment to its core—videos, emails, and all the proof needed to bring down “the Biden,” Kamala, Obama and many (others) that are sabotaging your Nation and holding it hostage. You are about to see that they will be made to let it go, says the Lord. 

The P. Diddy case will explode. Many will sing like canaries to save themselves. Some are making deals to turn over more evidence that will bring down the elites in Washington for good

The economic Ponzi scheme that Washington is part of is about to implode. I will show you how they are connected to Wall Street. I will show you how they use your tax dollars to destroy you in ways you never imagined. I told you, My children, money will be the fall of your enemies. 

Hold on, children of the Most High, because more is coming against you. Don’t you see that they are not even trying to hide how much they truly hate you and your freedoms? I told you I was removing their masks even more with every move they take against you. As you are praying, standing, confessing My Word, and praising My Name, you are causing unprecedented and catastrophic damage to the establishment and their plans moving forward in destroying your Nation. 

So, keep going. Keep fighting back. Keep taking back more territory in the spirit by using My Words. Your enemies are falling, and you will see them all fall the rest of the way for their final takedown, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Uganda: this country will be in your news for a significant reason. 

An unprecedented mudslide will be in your news. Pay attention to this location. Secrets will come out of that region that your enemies are trying to hide. 

Mexico: you will pay for the deal you made with “the Biden” and Obama’s regime. Something significant will happen in your Nation that will get your attention to let you know you are against Me. Turn now or what happens next will be worse. Judgment is coming for your part in the destruction of My Eagle. Do not take those next moves you are being asked to take because they will be your last if you make them. Leaders of Mexico, I am warning you to stop now and turn back, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Watch Iran’s next moves against My Eagle. You will see they fall and fail against Me and watch what biblical type of events take place against them. Think of what Egypt was left with. Iran will be left with the same. All the money they have received from Washington is going to be ripped from their bloody hands with no way to stop this judgment that will hit them, says the Lord. 

No country, nation, or leader against Me or My nations will last much longer. None of them will get what they desire, which is death to My nations and death to any freedoms around the world in any nation. Their final takedown of this world will be their takedown instead. Judgment day for the One World Government is almost here for the world to see


Okay here’s the message from God. The globalists are out of ideas. And this is from October the 14th 2024. You are going to experience one of the greatest events in a short time. Just a few more days to be exact when I move fear not. The globalists are out of ideas and fear is in their camp but also arrogant Pride as they think the masses will just bow in dip at the lies that they feed you, and that the masses are dumb enough to not know the catastrophic evil and chaos these people have brought upon my children for their promotion and pleasure. Greed. and fortunes. Do not think there is no way out of this huge mess they have created. I am the great I am and I have all under control. There is no one like me. And I am going to change the media. I am going to change your financial situation. I am going to give you peace beyond understanding. I am going to save the United States and my other countries in the world.

I Am The Great I Am and there is nothing I cannot do. It is not impossible for me to have a man in a well and he be vomited out and live. It is not impossible for me to flood the Earth and save eight people. It is not impossible for me to send my son to a young girl and her have a virgin birth. I Am The Great I Am, I can do anything that I choose, and I am choosing to save my precious children from the donkeys, the globalist, the Marxist, and the Communists. The plans have been laid out before for you go through the prophecies of my prophets all of the Intel is out if you can piece my puzzle together, Then you will know what I am getting ready to do. Remember to fear not and draw close to me and my son. We love you so much and have great plans for you and your house love have a father. Amen

FIST of GOD... OCTOBER!! Janie Seguin, Bo Polny - October 13, 2024

Precious message from Our Lord on September 30th, 2024, at 8:42pm
Thus, Saith The Lord,
You must look and realize My children, look! Look at the times of sorrows, are you in them?
For yes, you are in these perilous times, this is the time of sorrows —— This world is in a time of pure evil. Look
upon you My children… Look for do you not see a man called Soros? For he is a man that I have chosen to be known
for this very time!
This is the TIME OF SORROWS, to those who are evil, sorrows to those who have not received Me, sorrows to
those who continue on their way to their own destruction! For I give you signs, signs are also people who are for
these times!
You must look at all the signs!
For the coming, MY GREATEST SIGN, is only days away! For My people to get right with Me. For I do not
choose your destiny, you choose!
I have given much time for all to repent, and to change your ways, but you do not… and continue to go lost as sheep
with no Shepard.
For Russia will continue to spread her errors and give to those neighboring countries of My Israel, their weapons of
For My coming light will shine and burn those who declare to be their own god.
For the time is ripe for MY HARVEST, bring those in who do not know me My children! For My Mercy does endure
forever, and forever I will call in hope for those who are lost! No matter what the cost!
REVELATION — (definition) to reveal the nations, who have set their foot against Me! For now, I shall set the
nations who are captive free!
For I do tell you, these times are the times of sorrows, to bring in My beloveds into a new tomorrow! Never give up,
always persevere, I tell you this My children, for I Am always near… Near and so close to you, For these are the days
of My chosen servant to come, into My red, white and blue (into My America)! Stand in one, Unity and love with
praise, for with every song and word sung, shall be laughter now in the coming days!
All of My creation shall sing again with joy and balance…
Your Yeshua
Prophecy given
By Janie Seguin

For this ‘Star of Jacob’ is here My beloveds, SO SOUND THE TRUMPETS!!! For this represents my new birth,
My new KINGDOM ERA that has been birthed! September 27, 2024 – Star of Jacob – LINK
For I shall cover this earth with My presence! For did I not say watch for the ‘Signs’, and ‘Wonders’??
You wonder my children in the unknown, but it is I who you need to seek, for these ‘Signs’ are shown, shown for a
reason, for this perfect time and season!!! Follow my star, AND KNOW WHO YOU ARE, in Me. For I do seek to
confound and confuse the wise, for yes, My Heavenly’s to collide! (Are Meteors about to Collide?

Many things shall be revealed, in the earth and abound, when I release with great quakes and sounds!
For they who have not turned away from such grave sin, FOR I SHALL TEAR YOU APART FROM WITHIN!

But as you see, this is the time when I will lead you out of all
Oh, My beloved who will always stand the test of time, for
these ‘Signs’ are given to you to know, that I chose you to
birth Me, and to bring back to Me who are truly mine!!!
My greatest love story is about to explode, My children I give
you two paths, choose wisely what road.
For My wise men knew what path to take, make sure you are
on the right path, for you always choose your own fate!!!
I love you My Children… and bless you with a Heavenly kiss!
Shalom peace My Israel I give to you.


Look towards My skies for they do not lie, beautiful Blue and white, for I make all things right!
Until that very hour and day, do not cause much harm and stay astray.
For the time is closing in, to bring all evil down, YES FOR I TRUELY WIN!!!

October 2024 – Prophesies by Janie Seguin – Discussion and Revelation with Bo Polny 5
To the body of Christ. It is time for all to shine their light, that is in each one of you, to bring back My chosen America,
the Red, white and Blue!!!
Never be afraid, For I put My Hand inside each and every one of you, so that the key to your heart, would be Me,
uncovering life, love, truth and liberty!!!
Do My will in these hours, for surely here comes the greatest move of My power!!! As the leaves turn from yellow
to brown, (beginning to end), for they will see that My chosen one is not a clown! (Ronald McDonald Prophecy!)
Darkness is all around, but when I choose this time you will know, by My four winds, that I shall send!!!
Yes, for they are blowing, for they must blow harder, for the blood of many, and who have been martyred!!!
Prophecy given by
Janie Seguin

Thus, Saith The Lord,
For listen Child very well, for all evil will be put to hell!
For now, as you have been told, for evil shall give back all that was stolen!
For this timeline of their evil ways, will now be for all to see — for this is My display, this time of the evil seed, was
all about taking… and all about greed! For the curtains are coming down upon this show, watch how many fall, watch
as this number grows!!!
All exposure is in the here and now, for surely their conscience pulled on them, to show them how. How in which
way to go, but in their hearts, they rejected Me with a ‘NO’!!! It breaks My heart, for I know that this would be of
such a showing — as each season keeps on going!
BUT ALL MUST FALL, FALL, FALL… TO THE GROUND, As I bring My church together with a heavenly
My soil, of My Red, White and Blue, who knows My heart and only knew. (US Earthquakes and Eruptions imminent!)
Knew that My time of America’s giving, would bring My America back among the living!!! For she is dead but
will come alive —- for I have this time chosen, only for My brides! I have given you the Golden keys, to trample
over scorpions as you please!
Make My beloved America beautiful, FROM WITHIN, FOR THAT IS THE TRUE WAY TO REMOVE SIN!!! To
remove sin by prayer, for I will send My messengers of love, to no avail! Make prayer strong in your lives, remember
My children, you are all My wives!!! (brides)
WEARY FREE!!! Oh America, Oh America what have you done? For I Am taking you back, it is sealed now, it is
My chosen SCEPTER OF DAVID (Genesis 49:10) has come, and I laugh at the face of evil… NOW RUN!!! FOR
For high above the mountain tops, do I watch, and
I will choose who will bring Justice together, on
My clock!!!
It is time to look towards the new!
get ready, steady as she goes, to uncover all discoveries and reveal this show!

NEW DISCOVERIES… only a breath away, for this is all that I will say!
My loves, I love you with an endless love, I only ask that you make Me first, above! Above all, for I do hear all your
The breaking of the seal is for another day, just remember My body, do not be in dismay!
Your Jesus
Prepare, prepare yourselves, FOR I SAY AT THE END OF OCTOBER (Halloween?), ALL OF HEAVEN SHALL
BE INVOLVED, the world will continue on their way, as hell comes down to make My children pay!
For I shall stop this war, for all the oppressed and poor, FOR NO MORE CAN I ALLOW THIS, FOR I WILL BRING
• Luke 21:25 – And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress
of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.
• Jeremiah 30:7 – Alas! That DAY is SO GREAT there is none like it; it is a time of “distress for Jacob”; yet
he shall be saved out of it.
THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE (WATCH FOR ROME – He is in the Vatican now to direct and bring on the Satanic
Agenda, the One World Ideology) FOR YOU MAKE THIS EVIL ALLOWED IN MY HOME!!!

October 2024 – Prophesies by Janie Seguin – Discussion and Revelation with Bo Polny 8
Bless yourselves with the sign of the cross, for in the days ahead you will all know how important this is, to pray and
CRUSH SATANS HEAD!!! I give you a clue, My precious pearls from above, I seal this in, with My love!
• Clue – see Numbers 24:17: I see him, but not here and now. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A
star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel. It will CRUSH THE HEADS of Moab’s
people, cracking the skulls of the people of Sheth.



My children, your enemies have designed many plans of destruction against your Nation and this election. The port strike is not what you suppose. Your enemies wanted this strike (to bring) the final collapse of this Nation, but I have other plans. There are plans in the works against your enemies. The strike will blow up in their face. It will bring explosive proof of what they were doing to you and how they have used those ports for evil and destruction. 

It is not just the children they were bringing (in). They were also bringing weapons here, camouflaged as products and goods, (to be used) against you. This time, they were meant to bring much death. This had to be stopped. Your enemies were planning much devastation with these products, and they thought this disruption to your food supply and products would cripple this Nation even more. But what your enemies don’t know is that their plans—A, B, C, D, or their end plan—don’t matter to Me. You will see, My children, that those ports, instead of devouring you and your Nation, will devour your enemies

Videos are coming to show you what has been going on in the dead of night at those ports, what was really being passed through (to be used) against you. These port disruptions, these hurricanes, all the election interference, and their planned October surprise will all blow up in their face as I show your enemies their place, says the Lord. 

Are you ready, My children, for what I have warned you about? It is here. The time I have been preparing you for is now. A great collapse is coming—the collapse of globalism and the final collapse of the barbaric system they used to enslave you. I will dismantle the credit system. My children, that was never meant to be for you. The stock market was used against you. They only used these things to bring you under their control. You will see things you never thought you would see. You will hear things you never thought you would hear. 

Children of the Most High, do you not see that your enemies are trying to crush your Nation and put it under such a massive strain it will completely collapse? It appears as if you have absent leaders, but they are not absent. They are very present, wanting and desiring to destroy you and to set your Nation on fire, and then enjoy watching it burn

 To “the “Biden” and Kamala: this is a time of great judgment for stealing and trying to destroy My Nation. The time has come for your removals in unprecedented ways. How dare you start those fires. How dare you watch My Nation burn and cause such great devastation. You think you can get away with another stolen election by ripping it from the people’s decision? Think again. Judgment is about to strike that White House, where you reside, and the ones making those decisions that you are part of. You are the puppets they chose to use in front of the cameras. You did not make those decisions, but you are just as guilty

To “the Biden” and Kamala: you reign as president and vice president, even though you are fake and your administration is fake. You have never had any power. You were the ones chosen by the establishment to take the heat and the brunt of the hatred from the Nation. If the Nation did not accept the plans of your masters, they still wanted to keep face and stay in their places, so they chose you to fall for them

This election of 2024 will be like no other. There is nothing to compare to what this Nation will see—unprecedented falls, unprecedented exposures, and unprecedented failures of your enemies’ plans

They will try to make unprecedented moves against My David and this Nation before Inauguration Day. Fall enemies of Almighty God. Fall from your places of destruction. Fall from your places of power. Fall from Washington. Fall, I say, fall. You will all pay for the crimes you have committed against this Nation

Concerning the hidden secrets of the money you siphoned to Ukraine, explosive evidence is coming to expose your lie. You cannot squirm enough or lie enough to get out of it. 

Concerning the deal you made with Afghanistan and how you let your military die to hide the secrets you have with that country, you are trying to cover your tracks in every way, but you cannot. 

Concerning every foreign nation where you covered up your crimes and left people to die to keep it secret and bury the evidence, exposure after exposure of the truth is coming to crush it all. 

You who are in Washington: you are criminals of the highest order. You murdered the innocent to cover your crimes. Their blood speaks to Me for justice, and justice will be served, says the Lord. I will expose the one world currency you are trying to create to dominate this Earth, to crash your own U.S. dollar, and to choke and suffocate the citizens of this Nation for standing up against you. I will show that you participated in these heinous crimes to keep globalism moving forward

To all the leaders of this Nation: your time is coming to an end. I am coming to see to this. You are all being removed by My Hand, and I am cleaning this land of your existence

I will make sure this Nation, the United States, receives restoration of everything you have stolen from it. You will soon regret the day you took this Nation on to create your globalist agenda

I am speaking to the right and to the left: if you are against Me, you will be brought down. You will be exposed, and you will pay for everything you have done. For I am the Lord, and justice will be served by Me. You will see the destruction of your corporations, your agencies, and your precious news media as you know it. You will see the destruction of Hollywood, your economy, and your establishment. Your walls are crashing, and your end is near, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, be still and know that I am God, and I am delivering you out of the hands of the wicked, and that is guaranteed, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Carolyn Dennis - MILITARY ACTION AT NIGHT - October 9, 2024

Okay let’s get to the message from God October 9th 20124 and this is called military action at night. And I asked the father about this about what was the military doing right now and this is what he told me the tribunals are a big part of the military action that is taking place undercover and is in plain sigh. Other military officials are taking care of and issuing and serving the indictments, and the arrest and transport to the tribunals. The reset that is planned and in place will be a massive roundup of many, the rest who were hoping and thinking they might have gotten away with it sit tight I told you the show has already started you have just not gotten your bird’s eye view yet. Oh you but you will. The military are operating under the commander and Chief’s command. Much happens in the night when you are sleeping. Much will coincide with my shaking. But fear not my little ones there is nothing to fear fear not the Arrow by night nor the terror by day. The sun will go down and the day will end and all will be well fear not. You have prayed fasted and prepared continue to pray and know that I Am The Great I Am and I will always take care of you. For those in darkness it will be shortlived. Fear not enjoy the rest from the world spend time with me and enjoy some close atome family time. Love ABA father.


Woe to those against My nation of Israel. And woe to those who are against My United States of America. You have many attacks (planned) against this Nation and against the land of My Israel, the land of My people. You have multiple types of attacks (planned) against them. You are trying to bring death to their freedoms and death and annihilation to both nations. 

Well, I will tell you, to anyone who is against Me, you are going to run into Me and My Army. Your army is not big enough for anything that I have. No matter what you have for terrorist attacks, I will bring them down. No matter what you have for death, I will bring it to nothing. No matter what you are doing to their economy, I will destroy the ones that you made. No matter what you are doing against the food and the supply chain, I will destroy your supply chains. 

For everything you do (to bring) death and destruction, I have said over and over that these are the days of Haman. You may not understand that, enemies of Almighty God, but you soon will. The more destruction you pull against My people and My nations, the more destruction you will ensue. You will be destroyed. I will bring you to nothing. And you will soon see that you are nothing against Me

I am the Great I AM, and I am still the God Who saves a nation. You are the pharaohs of today, and I will show you what I will do just like I did to the pharaohs of old, no matter what you try to do against My David. Have you not realized by now that the more you try to weaken him and the more you try to destroy him, the more popular and stronger he has gotten? You tried to kill him on multiple different occasions and with multiple different styles, but you couldn’t. The world does not even know how many attempts you have truly made against him and his family. But I do, and I have had My angels against you. I have defended him, and I will still protect him

No matter what attempts you try next on his life, you will wish you had not because some of your lives will be shortened. I said what you sow, you reap. You are reaping (from the) many attempts on his life, and now you will have attempts (made) on your own. You think you are very smart. You think you can do whatever you want, but you cannot. 

You think you can have Iran do your dirty work? You think you can have China do other dirty work for you? Every single plan against this Nation, every single plan against the election, every single plan against their food and the economy, and every single plan with every type of mass destruction that you are trying to use against My nations, I will do unto you

I am still the protector of Israel. You want to wipe them off the face of this Earth? Well, your plans will be wiped off the face of this Earth. I am the One Who protects Israel, and I never sleep, and I never slumber. You will never catch Me off guard, and you will never catch Me asleep

You have thrown many rockets at My children and My people, and you noticed that they are not going the way or the direction you want them to go. All those things you are putting in the path of My people, well, those things will be turned around and will backfire on you—your socialism, your communism, your globalism. Everything you are trying is failing. 

You cannot destroy My people. You cannot destroy My nations because I am in them. I am the life that you cannot kill. You are trying to kill this Nation, but I live in this Nation because I live in My people. 

To those who are in Washington: you think you are so smart. You think you can use all of your weapons against My David and the people of this country. You have not seen anything yet—the judgment and justice you are about to experience. You have no idea what it is like to be on the other side, but soon you will

I have told you time and time again—you will not have My Nation. No matter what kind of interference you cause in this election, you will not have the president’s seat. It does not belong to you. The House of Representatives does not belong to you. The Senate does not belong to you. The Supreme Court does not belong to you. The people in this Nation do not belong to you. The taxpayer dollars do not belong to you. And the murderous plots you have planned, they do not belong to you. None of this is yours. 

To enemies of Almighty God: I have warned you. If you do not heed My warnings, with the next moves you make, for some of you, it will be your last. I told you to turn from your wicked ways, but you chose not to. You doubled down. You tripled down and quadrupled down. You turned more away from Me. 

I wanted you to repent. I did not want to have to do what I have to allow next. Enemies of Almighty God, your destruction is near. Your expiration date is very clear. You and your end game for My nations are over

Israel will live on. The United States will live on. But your establishment will not. It will go down in flames

You chose this path, and you chose your destruction with your words and your actions. So, enemies of Almighty God, I am moving My Right Hand to shatter you, scatter you, and annihilate you for everything you have done against My people and against My nations. Your end is near. 

For My children: you hold on because I am protecting you. And I have come down to restore what has been lost. I will restore to you peace and a sound mind. I will restore to you health and healing in your body. I will restore the families that were divided. I will restore the finances that have been stolen and used for evil. I will restore everything

So, ask of Me. Learn Who I am and what I do. I am your ultimate source of supply. Receive what I am doing in this day. Do not fear and do not panic concerning what your enemies will do to you. It will be nothing compared to what will happen to them. Just know that I have your unprecedented victory. It is right at the door. So, hold on to My Words and hold on to Me for that ultimate victory, says the Lord.


Watch video – published October 3, 2024

What is next? My children, you keep asking this question. Some do not understand the prophetic (Word) and what it means. Some are questioning the unknown of the future because of the fear of what is to come

My children, have I not given you My Words? Have I not promised you protection? Have I not promised you victory from your enemy? Why are you magnifying the unknown? That is what your enemy wants you to do—dwell on it. It is not unknown; your victory is your future. It should not matter how I get you there. But it is My promise that I will. 

Stop magnifying the destruction your enemies are causing or the confusion and the disinformation they are spreading. Stop worrying about the power and the control they think they have. My children, your enemies want you paralyzed with fear of the future. They want you to truly believe they have you exactly where they want you and where they want this Nation. 

My children, trust Me. Trust in My Words. Trust in My vengeance. Trust in My promises. Trust in My power against your enemies. Do not forget Who I am. I have shown you that I save nations in a day, that I deliver, and that I am a promise-keeping God. If you get to know Me more, all those thoughts and fears your enemies try to control you with will disappear because you will know that I, the Great I AM, am still bigger than anything you are facing.    

As things drastically change across this Earth, politicians will fall to scandals, indictments, embarrassment, and shame. And some will even die. Governments will collapse, some from a coup against them and some because they are destroying themselves from within. 

My children, your enemies around the world are in for a world of hurt, punishment, and judgment along with justice. You will see nations rage against one another in fear of collapsing and losing the power and the globalism they were just about to accomplish. 

There are other nations that are joining in this fight against the global regime and joining forces with My United States and Israel. You will see more leaders join My David. Some have even made deals with him behind closed doors, seeing that he really is the one who will claim a victory in this Nation and bring the United States back to the Nation everyone knew it was supposed to be

Oh, Israel: trust the One Who defends and protects you. I have not left you alone. I have never, and I will never leave you. So, take back your land. Take back everything your enemies forced you to give up. Israel, take back the inventions your enemies tried to deceive you out of. Israel, remove the infiltrators in your midst. Remove the leaders beside Netanyahu who are there to bring down your Nation and hand it to the globalists and to your enemies. You have traitors in your midst. Remove them. They are sabotaging your efforts to protect your Nation. They are giving your enemies vital military intelligence. Trust the ones I have sent to you. I will prove they are the right ones. 

My Israel, I will give you a victory that you have not seen in your time. It is time to come back to Me, the One Who defends and protects you, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

A well-known political leader, one that is part of the old guard, will be in your news for a surprising reason. Questions will arise (asking) if this person is fit for office. Many in your capital are not. Many have health and heart problems that they have tried to hide, like “the Biden.” His health will become more of a problem to the establishment, and more will be just like him

Health reports that have been suppressed are about to be released. A great shaking will take place against (those in) the old guard who are trying to hold onto this Nation. 

Medical emergencies that were suppressed, buried, and destroyed are about to come out into the open. I told you that the skeletons in the closets of Washington will be released. Their health and medical conditions are part of what many are hiding. So, get ready for all the things that will be revealed, says the Lord. 

Minority report: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

An earthquake will shake and get the attention of the Land of My Eagle. I warned you that natural and political shakings were coming. Do not fear these shakings. It is necessary to wake people up from the sleep of deception, and it is also to remove the ones that caused it. 

There are scandals brewing with this hurricane. FEMA is not who you think they are. They are a front to look as if they are here to help you and your Nation. But it is just another thing your enemies use to siphon money (to go) where they want. Great exposure about what FEMA is really used for is coming

I will break down the doors of the Federal Reserve. My children, prepare for a battle in this Nation. Your enemies are trying everything (to keep) this information from hitting the airwaves, but it will come out anyway. I am moving to expose, annihilate, extinguish, and destroy every organization, every agency, every corporation, and anything else that was sent to enslave or bring death to you. (Instead) I will allow death to it

A great shaking is coming to the Land of My Eagle. Do not get distracted by the chaos or the confusion your enemies have tried to bring. It will not stop what I, the Lord, have promised you, and that is freedom and deliverance, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, your enemies have ambush attacks set up against you, your cities, your elections, your health, and your financial markets. Your enemies have ambushes set up in all directions and many ways to stop this movement against them and their globalist agenda, to stop the life of this Nation, to stop your hope, to cause death on an unprecedented level, and to cause a controlled financial implosion that will negatively affect you but help them gain more finances to lord over you with. They have brought in funny money; it has poured into your Nation. It is being used to cause a collapse the likes of which you have never seen

Your enemies are lying in wait where you cannot see them before they strike, but I am telling you they are about to strike. I am not telling you about these ambushes or these strikes to put fear into your hearts. It is the exact opposite. It is to make you aware of it so you can call it down and use My Words against it. Call catastrophic failure to all their strikes by using the sword of the spirit forcefully against their plans. That is what will take them out. You do not need natural weapons to do that. Spiritual ones are more powerful; they will knock your enemies out and bring them to nothing

So let Me hear you shout them out, My children. Shout them out of their positions and come against their power. No matter what they are hiding behind, it is not strong enough or safe enough against the power of My Written Word spoken out of the mouths of My children. I told you that no weapon they have (is greater than Me). They have many they are using for mass destruction, but I am your protection so do not be afraid of what they try. Remember My Authority and use it against them

You have the higher ground. You are at the peak of the mountain while your enemies are at the bottom. Do not let them rise any higher. Tear them down with My Words that I have given to you. Call down your enemies’ ambushes and attacks. Call them failed attempts against you. Call them to nothing

This part of the battle may appear harsh, intense, and too hard to deal with, but I am telling you that this battle is Mine. Your enemies will lose, and they will be annihilated. I never said this would be easy, but I did say I have given you the ability to do all things. You are in My Army, and My Army never loses. So do not lose hope, no matter what any of this looks like. The world is about to see that I am the Great I AM. I still live, and I still save, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to you in the White House and to all in Washington who are against Israel. You made deals against them. You set them up for death and annihilation. But I will expose your plan. I will show the world who you paid to bring death to Israel. Not only will you never see (the death of Israel), but you will never see the death of the United States either. Instead, you will see the death of your establishment and the globalists’ agenda. I have told you repeatedly, enemies of Almighty God, it is not your time, and you will soon see this is true. 

To all who are with “the Biden” and signing his signature for more death: remember that the handwriting is on the wall, and it is against you. The more you do to this world, the more will be done unto you, says the Lord. 

My children, a great divide is growing in Washington. The puppet masters are about to turn on Jill and “the Biden” for bucking and setting their new puppet up for failure. Oh yes, they have plans set to destroy her reputation, and they will help release some of the skeletons in her closet, even if it means there is a chance of losing the election. “The Biden” and Jill do not want to give up their residency quite yet. So, watch what he is about to do against Kamala. It will shock this Nation

I told you, My children, your enemies are imploding because they do not want to share control. They will all lose the White House, and they will all lose My Nation, the United States, along with losing control over the world

They will lose the hold over Israel, and now (I) will expose the infiltrators the establishment put in the Israeli government. Israel has something they have been holding onto that they are about to release. It will be devastating to all in Washington who are against Me

My children, I am the driving force behind the stone My David is about to throw. So, hold on because things will abruptly change for your good even though it will not seem that way at first. All the giants are coming down in unprecedented ways, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - October 2024


My children, I, the Lord, am telling you that this October surprise will be unprecedented. It will be a game changer because I am changing the direction of this Nation. Your enemies are about to realize that I am the One Who is in control of this Nation. This is not their election. This is not their country. This is not their White House to control. This is not their time. It is not their choice what direction this Nation takes. This country is Mine, says the Lord. 

This election cycle is about to change in another unprecedented way. Your enemies are about to try something unconventional that they have never considered before, but as they make those plans and those decisions, evidence will come out that will tear it all apart

Watch out, children of the Most High. More distractions and disinformation are coming to try to discourage you, but no matter what you hear or see, I have told you it is not bigger than Me

A cascade of events will pile up one after another because the only way to steal this Nation again is if they have you all deceived into believing they have the power to steal it

Do not be afraid of what they try to do. They are trying right now in unprecedented ways to steal this election from My David. But it is not just his. They are going after a majority of the races with help from China, Iran, Canada, and other nations who have made a pact together to try to kill My David and keep him from power in any way possible. Do you see, My children, why I cannot just shake this country? I have to shake them all

Your enemies are about to let another one of their own take a huge hit for someone else, to fall to save this establishment and get more distractions (and your focus) off your elections

“The Biden” is about to be blindsided by his own party, but this hit will not just affect him. They do not see (realize) how this will also affect Kamala. Your enemies are willing to try anything to see if anything will stick, to save face and save their machine. So, hold on with their next power grab they will try to take yet again

A CIA whistleblower is coming to crash the party of the left. So, watch and see how they squirm to try to get out of this predicament, but there are too many lies and too much evidence out there. They cannot protect themselves from it all.   

Some information will slip through the cracks of the lamestream media. It will surface and cause more fear and dysfunction in your enemies’ camp. I told you that I have infiltrators in their midst, and those infiltrators are about to sing like canaries

I have FBI whistleblowers, Secret Service whistleblowers, White House whistleblowers, and Congressional (House and Senate) whistleblowers. A major game changer is about to take place, something that will completely change the course of this Nation (taking it) away from your enemies

The things your enemies have planned in your cities are about to implode against them. There is a ticking time bomb that is about to explode against Washington, and it is about to be set off, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Asgardian: this word will be in your news for an unusual reason. 

Camouflage: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. Your enemies have used this in more ways than one to hide behind their deception, but it is about to be uncovered. 

Hydrophobia: this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Your enemies have been up to no good thinking of ways to cause more disease, death, and destruction. I told you they are desperate to try anything

Snakeskin: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

My children, unprecedented attacks are coming. An unprecedented election cycle, an unprecedented news cycle, and unprecedented events are about to take place even more in the Land of My Eagle. Weather events and financial markets, everything is shifting in unusual ways to wake you up the rest of the way so you know that you need Me and not just an election to save you. I am moving. I am defending. I am delivering you. Do not lose hope because I have promised you that I will never leave you. Deliverance is coming for My Eagle, and the death of the establishment will be clear, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Barry Wunsch - He still has a Trump card up His sleeve! - September 8, 2024

The Warfare is increasing by the hour.
Things continue to ramp up.
Remember this, just because you don’t see things moving in the right direction and it appears to be getting darker – there are things going on behind the scenes.
As the old Nuclear Submarine Admiral would say, “We run deep, and we run silent.”
The Father is not going to play His hand until the perfect time.
He still has a Trump card up His sleeve!
Do not be discouraged.
Do not give up.
Let these things make your stronger in your resolve to seek the Lord, His ways, and His purposes.
We need to stand stronger together from here on in.
It is imperative!
Hold strong in the Father!
He is our Hope, Our Rescuer, Our deliverer.
He is our Shield and our rear guard.
With Him we can do all things and victory is assured.
Shields up, bear down with all you have left and Advance the Line!
Just know that you are loved, and Justice is coming!


I’m going to work on it all right let’s get to our message there will be no two-state solution. And this is a message from God on October the 2nd 2024. The time has come and it has intens ified in the level that only I The Great I Am can fix everything. I have told you there will be peace in the Middle East and great Revival. Does it look like that today? Today is a world war against my Israel with the US leadership standing around like they don’t know what to do. How dare the leaders of the US not support Israel the apple of my eye. I have allowed the war to escalate to this level that I may move in a way that the world will know that I am The Great I Am. Soon you shall see. We are in the fall feast and it is Rosh Hashanah this is my new year that I have established. Man changed my calendar long ago.

How mighty and magnificent is the work that you are going to see me do. This is now the year that I am going to move and it will be a glorious day and time. It will last for a very long season of time. And they, more evil ones, will be fighting back as the enemy regroups and reorg reorganizes his missions. Everything is rolling to my son’s coming for his precious bride. Israel will not fail and there will be no two-state solution. The US has no business in this negotiation but the US should be an ally to my Israel and be there fighting. The son’s return will be at the Feast of trumpets. Is the church ready today are you ready a bride without spot or wrinkle. You say I wish Jesus would hurry up and come. He is but we need his bride to prepare yourself as a virgin prepares for her wedding day. Put oil in your lamp and be without spot or wrinkle. Make yourself ready and look to the east for your bridegroom. Now go enjoy your day. Come and re know celebrate and remember my son today, I love you ABBA father.


My children, your enemies’ ship, which has been dominating the world and controlling the economies, the governments, and the masses, is sinking. Day after day, more people and governmental leaders are turning away in hopes of saving themselves from the sinking Titanic of the establishment and the New World Order. 

The writing is on the wall that their end is drawing near. Nothing will stop what is coming for your enemies. They will never see the unprecedented events that will come against them. They have their plans, but I have Mine for this time, and My plans will crush your enemies in every way moving forward

Their debate disaster was nothing compared to the October surprise that will knock them off their feet. There is more than one. These surprises are unprecedented in nature, and how they will be executed will destroy more of the establishment’s power over this Nation. The blinders on people’s eyes and the fog of deception will be lifted. More will see Me. More will see your enemies and who they really are

A mass exodus is coming—people leaving the slavery of the globalists and their mind control. My children, October will be unprecedented in more ways than one. What your enemies will do against you will be unconventional and unusual, but it will be done against them (instead). 

This will not be a normal October for an election year. Your enemies have more plans to interrupt and interfere with this election. They have more plans to try to take out My David, but with every step they take and every day that we get closer to the end of this year, you will see clearly that the complete destruction of the establishment is near. The puppets will collapse and be disgraced. The skeletons in the closets of many in Washington are about to be released soon

Many distractions are coming to keep the public’s attention off the truth. But it will not work because the truth will be magnified even more as they choose which plans to take to try to bring death to this Nation. Your enemies are finished when these skeletons are released. It will shock this Nation who is truly part of the establishment trying to bring this death to the country. 

The establishment’s decisions to play the cards of deception will blow up in their face. The more they play these cards, the more people will realize that what they say is all a lie

Minority groups will be enraged when proof is released about how the politicians lied, manipulated, and deceived these groups into voting for them when these politicians are the ones trying to destroy their lives in every way they possibly can. It was their new form of slavery that was more cunning and deceptive, one where you would not fight back. 

An explosive report is coming out about the conversations of politicians in Washington and what they truly think of you. Oh yes, I am allowing many conversations to be heard to show the masses the hatred they have for you and the destruction they had planned. Leaders in Washington are about to be exposed in unprecedented ways

“The Biden” and his evil ways will be revealed, showing who he really is and his lifestyle, which has been held back and kept from the public. Soon, it will not be anymore. 

Kamala’s past will come back to haunt her. 

Barack Obama has many skeletons, more than you think, and they will cause the system to implode when they come out

Chuck Schumer and what he stands for will bring outrage to this Nation. He was one of the top leaders of a group that suppresses and destroys minorities in this Nation. And the hatred he has will also be made known. 

My children, I am opening doors to the backroom deals and letting them be heard. Many politicians are about to wish they had never said the things they said

Emails, yes, emails are coming to prove how corrupt your government has been, emails that they never wanted anyone to see. Emails about January 6th, its blueprints, the designs, who orchestrated it, and how many participated in the setup, the acting, and the staging will all be released. It was all an act. It was all to take out My David, to destroy this Nation, and to destroy the confidence of the citizens to never stand up against Washington again. 

Dirty dossiers are about to be a nightmare for the ones who created them.  

Indictments are about to turn on the ones who made the fake ones. 

A political storm is coming that will devour the establishment.  

Hold on, My children, a “red” October is an understatement. A clash between news reports and the truth is coming. Distractions and destruction—it is not what you would expect. So, expect the unexpected. Prepare for anything with My Words. Your enemies are picking up the attacks against you because they know their power over you is through

A financial scandal, the likes of which this Nation has never seen, will be exposed. I told you to watch the money. It will be the downfall of your enemies

Blackmail: how much of this will be released and the proof of it will be unprecedented. The White House has been connected to the indictments, the assassination attempts, and in every way there is to interfere with the election and in the destruction of My David. The Secret Service is about to have their doors opened wide, showing their connection with the FBI and the CIA and how every agency was taking orders to accomplish these attacks, to stonewall, hide, and destroy evidence

Proof is also coming about how they were all helping Iran with their attempts against My David’s life. Washington is about to fall, just like any enemy against My nations or My children. 

My children, a greater shaking is coming. So, stand on My Word. The attacks will look devastating to your Nation, but they will (actually) be devastating to your enemies instead. So, hold on to My promises because My promises and My Covenant I will not break. 

I am coming to defend you, protect you, and avenge you. So, get ready for what you are about to see from Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Alcatraz Island has many secrets your enemies never wanted to be released, but they are about to be. A major scandal will rock your leaders in DC

Al Capone: I will say his name again. He is the key to a door your government does not want opened, but it soon will be. 

Cambodia will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Harvard will be in your news for a significant reason. 

My children, I will also show you how your leaders of this Nation have paid colleges to brainwash and manipulate their students in more ways than one. I will show you how they paid foreign nations to join them in this deception for control. A massive money scandal with a college will be exposed, and it will open Pandora’s box of scandals that are connected to Washington

Get ready. Things you would not have thought are about to take place, and they will. 

I will show you military scandals concerning the Pentagon. The blood dripping from their hands will open a darkness of your government you did not know existed

My Eagle, you are about to be hit in many ways by your enemies. So, stay strong. Stand firm. You are getting your Nation back, no matter what it looks like. I am here to deliver you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, rise up in this hour. Take back what belongs to you. Take back the authority upon this Earth. Your enemies are trying everything to cheat you out of something that does not belong to them

You must know the power that belongs to you. You need to understand the power of My Words and how to use them. Get the revelation that your enemies have been made your footstool. They are under your feet. They should not be lording over or controlling you in any way. 

Know who you are in Christ Jesus and that I have given you the ability to do all the things I am asking you to do. My Church must rise up and be the light that the world needs in this dark hour to guide it back to Me and restore what has been taken from the people, which is hope, peace, joy, health, wealth, and their freedoms in every way. I paid the price for you to have it all, not just some things but all things. So, receive what I have already done—I defeated your enemies entirely. I did not leave anything out. So, shout. The battle has been won for you, says the Lord. 

A great defeat that I have told you about is coming. So do not lose hope or get discouraged now. Do not take your focus off My Words when this is the key to your freedom and your victory

I have warned you about your enemies. They will try to attack you, but I never said they would be successful. You will see unprecedented things. The world will appear to be chaotic. It will look worse, but nothing will stay that way. You will see these things because this is the time to take down your enemies. Fear is coming like never before. Confusion is coming like never before. Destruction is coming like never before, but it shall not harm you; only spectators shall you be to all of it. No matter what it appears like and no matter how things feel, your enemies are losing, and they will be completely brought down

This is the time for the Great Exodus out of the hands of the globalists and their puppet masters. It is time to shake off the chains that have held you in captivity. It is time to see their end. It is time to see a great defeat of the establishment. It is time. So, get ready for the shaking that will shake them out of their seats, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

A political shake-up in Canada is coming. Oh yes, the leaders there should be afraid of what is coming. They helped with trying to take down My David, and they helped with trying to keep him from going back to the White House. But now is the time for great destruction and political destruction of their government. 

Trudeau: I am through with you. You will not be in that seat much longer. It is not your seat to control. You will be judged for all the crimes you have committed against your nation and against the Nation of the United States. There is nowhere for you to hide, and there is no one to save you from Me, says the Lord. 

Canada: shout because the corruption in your land is being destroyed. As you see the political reset taking place in the Land of My Eagle, rest assured that it is happening in your land as well

A political shaking is taking out Macron and all who are with him. But France, you must turn to Me and away from your enemies. Then watch what I do to heal your land. 

Every puppet in every nation who is against Israel or against My United States will lose their positions of power. You will see governments collapse in many nations. Globalism is being destroyed for now. It is not that time. It is Mine. So, celebrate, My children. Oppression against you is being annihilated. Celebrate, for I, the Lord, am giving you back your freedoms and your nations, says the Lord. 

China is about to collapse. Financial catastrophe will hit that land like Egypt. They will not regain the power they once had over other nations. The power of the Red Dragon is being brought to nothing. With the next moves they make against My nations, you will see a great shaking in China financially and politically, and they will not recover from it, says the Lord. 

My children, Iran will make a move against your land, but as they do, watch what unprecedented events take place in their land—things that are biblical and undeniable that I am the Lord God that avenges My people and defends their lands. Iran will fall and receive a great defeat. 

A shaking is coming to the royal family. I told you that things are not how they appear to be. Soon (you will see) this illusion, this farce, and how fake this whole thing is with their supposed king. I did not call him the king. You can have fake presidents, of which there have been many. You can have fake kings—which Charles is. All of this is coming out in the open. You will see that your enemies cannot get past Me, and they never get to stay in power, no matter what they did to get there. 

My children, this is the time that rogue governments around the world will collapse, and your enemies will scatter. No longer will they be where they used to be. So, keep standing. Keep shouting. Your enemies are all coming down, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


Violence is coming from the far left and the extremists—violence on a record scale because their desperation with losing the narrative and losing this Nation is causing your enemies to make decisions and plans they never would have done in times past

Your enemies in Washington are getting ready to activate their foreign militia. Yes, that is what I said—their foreign militia, designed to tear your country apart from within. They are here for destruction. They are here to help steal another election. They are here to steal your peace in your cities. They are here to devour your assets and destroy the freedom you once had. They are here to put a massive strain on your country financially, to overwhelm the states and their budgets so they cannot afford what they once could and to prevent your states from helping actual citizens of this Nation and those cities. 

The foreign militia is here to bring violence and to terrorize you on many levels. My children, this foreign militia has many purposes, and many plans were given to them that were designed by Washington. They are here to help their puppet and the establishment in every way they can to help keep President Trump away from power

I will expose the leaders, the contracts that were signed by Washington, and the other nations they are partnering up with for their great reset and to ensure that Kamala gets into power. But “the Biden” and Harris are in for a rude awakening because their militia is about to turn on them for not doing what they promised—for not paying them what they wanted, for not giving them housing, control, or the freedom to get anything and everything they desired. 

My children, violence is coming, and it will be directed at the establishment, though it was originally designed for you. Everything, and I mean everything, is backfiring against your enemies, and they will be consumed with failure and destruction. So, get ready for the different styles of attacks they have planned for you. But it will not go as they hoped. 

This is the time to stay on guard. Stay prayed up. Fight these fights and this violence they wanted with the power of My Words. It will destroy everything they have prepared against you. It will destroy your enemies and bring them to nothing, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Laura Ingle will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Robert Pattinson will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A great shaking is coming to the Hollywood elites—those who are connected to Epstein and P. Diddy. Your enemies truly think those men can fall for them so that they will stay out of the spotlight, and the attention and evidence will just be put on the ones chosen by the elites to fall. But no one who was part of child trafficking is safe from exposure and destruction. That system is about to be rocked, annihilated, and brought to nothing. 

My children, the shock it will bring when you see all who are involved besides Hollywood and your government. They were not just a part of it; they controlled it. I will show you how and who has been involved. I will drag them out of their safe places, and judgment will hit those who partook in such evil, says the Lord. 

Oprah will be exposed for who she really is. An insider will expose her and her empire. She is not who people think. I will show you the ties she has to the establishment and the elites, and many skeletons in her closet will all come out into the open. Recordings will be released of things she has said and done that she never wanted the public to know about. I have warned her and many others to turn from their wicked ways and repent. But they refused, doubled down, and kept going in that direction of evil while their hearts turned cold against Me. All who are against Me will be exposed and judged for the world to see, says the Lord. 

My children, many celebrities are about to be exposed and brought down in unprecedented ways. I am shaking every system, government, corporation, financial market, and the entertainment industry. Everything that was designed against you will shatter before your face. Get ready because things are about to shake more violently to release you from the hands of the wicked

Catacombs: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Another major Democrat will change sides. This person will surprise many, as they never thought (this person) would change sides. Many more are about to come out and be more outspoken against the left’s radical agendas. 

Nevada will be in your news for an unprecedented reason. 

A fallout will take place with your leaders in New York City. A shaking and massive exposures are coming. I told you that your leaders would be exposed and that judgment would come to them. The governor of New York will also pay a high price for all she was involved in. You have seen other people exposed in New York City. Just wait until you get to see the blueprints and the architects who designed the corruption of that city. I have told you before that it would shake because I am destroying the corruption and the evil that has devoured that city for so long

Governors and heads of state will be exposed big time. My children, it is time for explosive exposures of the leaders who have committed treason against this Nation. Many leaders are about to pay for the crimes they have committed, and you are about to see them all fall, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Julie Green - ANOTHER COUP IS COMING - September 23, 2024

Woe to those who have hijacked this Nation and the White House. Woe to those who think they control the presidency, the people, the laws, the news cycle, and the entertainment industry. Woe to the ones who think they control the money markets, not only the stock market but also the purse strings of this Nation or any nation. You have had your unlimited spending and your budgets, which were a joke, with their hidden agendas and corruption. You hid your criminal activities in every one of them

You truly thought that money and the American tax dollars were yours to do whatever you wanted and to get away with it. You padded your pockets with blood money and bribes for the globalist agenda, no matter the cost

To all of you in Washington or any governmental seat: your secrets are going to be released. They will cause a violent shaking that will shake you right out of those seats of power and positions

Another coup is coming but not how you would expect. It will be a coup of a greater magnitude that your enemies will make against their own. They are willing to turn their own in to save what is left of their establishment

Desperation is growing. The more the polls turn against them, and they see their puppet slip further and further down in popularity, the more they see the writing on the wall—that no amount of cheating will be enough this time. Their target is the down-ballot if they cannot get their circus puppet to perform. The more she malfunctions, the more they will look to other races

My children, take authority over every seat—House, Senate, and Presidential. Take authority over all of them. Many of My children only care about winning one when you need to take them all back. Do not leave out any for your enemies to steal

As I have told you before, your enemies are working to steal the House of Representatives once again. They are preparing for an impeachment, if necessary, and they are working on the Senate to approve that impeachment. They are looking for more indictments against President Trump if they can’t do the unthinkable, which is ending My David’s life. But they do not have the power to take it

They are trying so desperately to find anything that will incriminate him, to get rid of him by throwing him in prison and throwing away the keys. This is part of their plans. I am telling you these things so you will tear them apart with My Words and with My Authority, which you have been given, says the Lord. 

Kamala Harris: your lies, manipulation, and deceitful ways will soon catch up to you. You believe your puppet masters will never release the secrets they have on you, the ones they use to keep you under their control. Well, I will tell you, all your secrets will be released. You think that you are safe because they picked you to replace “the Biden” and that you finally have your safety and the power you so desired. 

You thought that if they used you as their puppet, you would finally be accepted, and there would be no denying you now. You were George Soros’s puppet and one of his favorites because of the favors you did for him. But no matter what favors (you did) for him or anyone else, you are not respected or accepted. George Soros is no longer pulling the strings, so you are no longer safe where you are. Soon, there will be no denying their hatred for you. They hate “the Biden” and threw him by the wayside, and you are next

You will be discarded as a failure with shame and embarrassment, and betrayal will be the end of your political career. You will be sentenced for treason, no matter where you try to hide or if you are hiding behind another mask. Kamala, your days in the spotlight and politics are coming to an end, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

An impeachment committee is about to be shown fully out in the open. The exposure will be explosive and catastrophic to the left’s narrative on My David. I am sending documents and pouring out videos to prove these farce impeachments and the fake insurrection. 

My children, get ready for the truth that will pour out like a flood. The truth will shock many in this Nation, especially the ones who have blinders over their eyes. An awakening is coming about who are the traitors in this Nation. I am putting a spotlight on them and exposing them to the world

Your enemies will cause great diversions and distractions to get the people’s attention off Washington and the hatred that so many will have because of the death, the corruption, and the financial chokehold they have had on the masses. 

My children, a Red Sea-like moment is coming. You will see where your enemies now are, and then an unprecedented event will take place, and they will be gone

I will show you how many actors were actually in DC and how many of the old guard is gone, but they still wanted the illusion that they were still all there

The old guard in DC will be rocked and shaken to their core. Evidence is coming that cannot be hidden, and they cannot distract from

So, the Land of My Eagle: a great shaking is coming to wake up more people, and a shaking is coming to remove those in power.  

My children, pray in this hour for more to turn to Me and away from your enemy. I am pouring out My Spirit, so receive it. Take it and watch the miracles and answered prayers take place like never before. Your enemies are trying to bring destruction to you, but I am bringing a great restoration. So, hold on. The time of great shaking is here, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Carolyn Dennis - THE TRIBUNALS ARE REAL - September 25, 2024

Let’s get to the message from God and the tribunals are real. And this is what he told me after I asked him about him I wanted to hear what God had to say about the tribunals. I’ve heard about the tribunals before and I wanted his words. So this is what God told me about the tribunals. The tribunals are real, they’ve been happening for some time now and many of the evil ones were already rounded up and taken to a tribunal. They were given a legal court hearing and Military Justice was executed there. There are others still wrecking wrecking havoc and they will be hearded up in one night and escorted to tribunals. Military Justice will be swiftly executed and for many the charges are treason against the US and the punishment is execution. It has happened for some, but others are still here wreaking havoc. The evidence is coming and will be a major shock to mainstream USA. Only a small portion of you are looking for information as compared to the masses of people in the United States.

So be ready as many are going to be devastated at the name,s and faces, blasted on the airways with the heinous crimes they have committed. The evidence in each case is quite staggering and I told you the evil ones will be gone. Gone as in gone some are already gone and the rest will be too. Things are going on are going to come out besides military tribunals. Much exposure of people you trusted to lead our government will pour out. You must trust me that I am putting men and women in authority who will truthfully lead the country and reestablish the land of the free and the home of the brave. Those in your life who have fought with you over Trump are going to be dismayed, shocked, and in disbelief. Some will never accept their heroes for despicable evil criminals Some will never accept that what is rolling out is the truth. The truth is rolling out and I told you I am ridding you of all the evil one.s do not argue with the doubters. Show them love as your savior did. Be gentle and kind as the shock is going to be greater than some can take.

This is part of my master plan and I have good trusted soldiers working in plain sight carrying out this mission. There will be much more that will happen and more you will learn. Come to me with your questions, trust me and my son. I am setting the USA free and this will free the other countries of the world. Be brave my children and fear not as my plans are the best. I did not lead any of the evil ones down the path. They chose it knowing the consequences. Some left screaming and fighting, and some left crying and begging. And some came to me in the final moment and I gave them Mercy as they repented for their sin. I love all and want none to perish. I Am The Great I Am and I am love. I am mercy, and I extend forgiveness to all who sincerely repent. Do you need to repent? Come to me spend time with me and I will help you. Truly repent with sincerity and you will be forgiven. It is a promise and I am a promise keeper always. Now sit tight and stay tuned, the ride has already begun. I love you with an everlasting heart ABA father. Amen.

Barry Wunsch - October is going to run hot - September 24 , 2024

On September uh 15th Sunday a few weeks ago. Uh you know I was worshiping with the Lord and he ended up uh you know he just took me into the spirit like you know he often does. And so what I saw was that um you know and and I share this with fear and trembling. But but I saw this enemy and you know he was pulling out absolutely everything possible to stop what the father is about to do throughout the Nations. And then the father is about liberating the captives and setting his people free. Rooting out every evil you know bringing truth and justice for all. And and he truly is about to rebuild the Nations on his foundation. Now uh what what I saw is the the plans to poke the bear one more time. You know these evil ones uh doing uh doing so with hopes to provoke uh Russia into a retaliation into a position of of war. And uh you know further than what they are already already in now. I saw the WHO I saw them prepared uh to wipe out as many innocent lives as possible. And propaganda you know starting to roll out provoking fear much, much worse than before.

And I actually saw a planned attack against the West to wipe us out in a way that would change Western Civilization forever. I was taking in and I saw civil unrest, in the rioting in the streets, I saw a massive uh I’ll say Savage attacks on innocent men and women. You know by by heartless blood you I’ll say this and I mean it’s hard words but uh bloodthirsty demonized uh illegal immigrants. And and authorities watching but not responding. You know I was taking in you know I saw the empty grocery stores and and even you know little that was left being being looted. Now there was the un uh soldiers you know being deployed and in the guise of helping. Where where in fact they were the enemy forces positioned in to control and repress innocent civilians and and remove patriots. And to you know enforce a martial law against civilians uh under wraps. And so and I’ll say it this it’s like they start a fire and then they show up with a fire truck looking like the heroes. Uh when really they’re the ones that you know have this bigger plan.

And so uh now I did see that the enemy was so terrified and on the run and out of control trying to turn the tide against what the Lord is about to release. And and I me they were playing every move to stop what’s coming at him and the enemy was well aware of his fate. And he is the loser and he is is not going to win this battle . And uh the Lord God Almighty the Lord of host is about to turn things inside out, upside down, on the enemy. And take them out now I watched and I saw the Lord bankrupt the IMF the WEF NATO the cabal and the globalists. Markets going down I mean there’ll be nothing left. These dark evil regimes uh are you know minions about to be you know taken out and and put on display. Now governments being shaken to the core and and held to account. And I’ll also throw the church being shaken to the core that those are not standing on solid ground with him you know are going to be in a bad position. Now media will be held to justice as they are an accomplice spreading lies brainwashing the masses, being used against the nations with Psych logical Warfare. I mean they will be running on their knees crying like babies. I mean they’re going to be crushed and the gates of media are being returned unto the Lord. The gold and the silver are the Lords and he holds it all. So the Lord is about to release the gold and the silver and it shall flow through treasuries he has appointed and established to take back.

So I’m reading this all and the Lord gives me a word. He says and this is what I heard the Lord say. He said prepare the way prepare to deploy, prepare to overtake, and overcome prepare, to disciple the Nations, prepare to battle with me. Armor up blow the trumpet, sound the alarm. The tables are not going to be turned they are going about to be flipped. The Deep state cabal will not know what hit them and it’ll be game over for them. Each bad actor is going to be held accountable and Justice shall be served and we shall recover all. And holy is the word of the Lord. …

Wednesday September 18th uh I woke up and the Lord’s you know talking to me. He says Barry there is a red moon risingand this one tonight is a sign for my people. And and if I did not know that that night there was actually I think it was called a super moon or something like that and I I don’t follow astrology. I don’t follow this stuff. But you know I got this word and knowing that that night there had been actually an eclipse. So he said they have pushed Putin too far and yes they knew they knew exactly what they were doing. The gate is closing. So Barry tell my people they’re playing with fire. What is about to come is something they have never seen before. Appilistic in nature if they had it their way they will not play fair. They are like bloodthirsty animals driven by the demonic Prince of Persia. This has been centuries in the making. The bear the dragon and the eagle are in the center of it all.

Tensions have never been higher and conditions are Tinder dry. One more spark in the wrong place and it will be game on. There is a new year coming only a few days away on my calendar not theirs. Let me be clear it is I who controls time and I hold eternity in my hands, no other you shall see Supernatural protection for my people. My righteous right hand and will cover them. And they tell my people not to fear this is not the East versus the West as much as it is good versus evil light versus darkness and I win for I am the light. There are things that can’t be avoided. There are things that have to play out and other things that cannot be stopped. There are some things that have to take their course.

Do not think that you have it figured out. For there is nothing in the days gone by that compares to what is about to take place. Man has been speculating for centuries over these things that I’ve hidden and it is time to put speculations aside. It is time for Action. For there’s a merging together that is upon you now for my for peak? regions and nations in the light to stand up in the authority that I have given them and drive out this present Darkness. Conflict is unavoidable. There is no way around it. Again I say unto you do not fear for I’m bringing freedom to the Nations. So do not resist it and do not sit idly by. But I assure you freedom is coming these evil regimes have had their day they are not apprised of my weapons that are in my hands. And I can jam them up in a second for they have no advantage of me on me the Lord God Almighty. They are delusional if they think they do.

There are national leaders governments and organizations who you were brainwashed to trust that have been against you all along. They have been deeply infiltrated to the core and the highest chair. So the dismantling and deconstruction of these evil structures and platforms is at hand. So the question is who is with me? Who is prepared to walk with me? Who s prepared to follow me and who is prepared to work with me to bring Heaven to Earth? Who is prepared to help tear down and who is prepared to help rebuild? Who has counted the cost? Did you think for a minute that I would do it alone? For I’ve always worked with my people those called by my name. Now they cannot do anything without me But as they move and as they walk in faith I will bring Victory time and time again. And I shall get all of the glory and honor for what I needed is impossible without me. The Deep state is already on its back foot and I’m about to wake up the masses. This canot be stopped. No amount of prayer will stop what I’m about to do. Scales will fall off their eyes and they will be calling out unto my name. They’ll run to my altar they’ll cry out in Repentance. As they turn from their wicked ways I will heal their land again.

October is going to run hot. And the weight of my glory is going to be upon you. And the holy is the word of the Lord.

Barry Wunsch - October is going to run hot & the weight of My Glory is going to be upon you!

Barry there is a Red Moon rising.
The one tonight is a sign for my people.
They have pushed Putin too far.
And yes, they knew exactly what they were doing.
The gate is closing.
Barry, tell my people they are playing with fire.
What is about to come is something they have never seen before.
Apocalyptic in nature if they had it their way.
They will not play fair.
They are like blood thirsty animals, driven by the demonic Prince of Persia.
This has been centuries in the making.
The bear, the dragon, and the eagle are in the center of it all.
Tensions have never been higher. Conditions are tinder dry.
One more spark in the wrong place and it will be game on.
There is a new year coming only a few days away on My calendar, not theirs.
Let Me be clear. It is I who controls time and hold eternity in My hands. No other!
You shall see supernatural protection for My people.
My righteousness right hand will cover them.
Tell my people to fear not!
This is not east vs west as much as it is good vs evil, light vs darkness.
And I win, for I am the light!
There are things that can’t be avoided.
There are things that have to play out.
There are things that cannot be stopped.
There are some things that have to take their course.
Do not think that you have it figured out.
There is nothing in days gone by that compares to what is about to take place.
Man has been speculating for Centuries over these things than I have hidden.
It is time to put speculations aside, it is time for action.
There is a merging together that is upon you now for people regions and nations in the light to stand up in the authority that I have given them and drive out this present darkness.!
Conflict is unavoidable.
There is no way around it.
Again, I say unto you do not fear!
For I am bringing freedom to the Nations.
Do not resist it. And do not sit idly by.
I assure you freedom is coming!
These evil regimes have had their day.
They are not apprised of My weapons that are in My hands!
I can jam them up in a second!
They have no advantage on Me, The Lord God Almighty!
They are delusional if they believe they do!
There are National leaders, governments and organizations who you were brainwashed to trust that have been against you all along.
They have been deeply infiltrated to the core and the highest chair.
The dismantling and deconstruction of these evil structures and platforms is at hand!
So, the question is, who is with Me?
Who is prepared to walk with Me?
Who is prepared to follow Me?
Who is prepared to work with Me to bring heaven to earth?
Who is prepared to help tear down?
Who is prepared to rebuild?
Who has counted the cost?
Did you think for a minute that I would do this alone?
I have always worked with My people.
Those called by My name.
They can do nothing without Me, but as they move and walk in faith, I will bring the victory time and time again.
And I shall get all the glory and the honor.
For what is needed is impossible without Me!
The deep state is already on their back foot!
I am about to wake up the masses!
This can’t be stopped.
No amount of prayer will stop what I am about to do!
Scales will fall off their eyes!
They will be calling out unto My name!
They will run to my Altar!
They will cry out in repentance.
As they turn from their wicked ways I will heal their land.
Again, October is going to run hot.
The weight of My Glory is going to be upon you!
Holy is the word of the Lord

Julie Green - 2024 IS NOT DONE SHAKING - September 20, 2024

I, the Lord, this day, I am telling you, My children, that your enemies are stepping up in every way to interfere with this election, in every way to stop this Nation from being independent from the world’s system, in every way to stop you from becoming strong and free as a Nation and as a people. 

My children, your enemies are up to no good. This type of evil has intensified to another level against you. They are about to do something unprecedented in this Nation against My David and the American people. They will continue to show their desperation and how evil they are. You will see more of them revealing themselves in front of the cameras (showing) just how evil they can be. They will say things they never intended to say and give themselves away. 

Your enemies are terrified of losing. They are terrified of the truth because it will bring down everything that they have spent so much time building to destroy this Nation and the world’s freedoms

My children, something big is coming from Iran. Something is coming from China. Something big is coming from Ukraine. Something is coming that the establishment will allow to happen

The year 2024 is not done bringing shock and awe. It is not done shaking. It is not done with the unprecedented and unconventional events that I told you are coming, and they are picking up pace now. Everything is picking up speed, and the closer you get to this election and their defeat that seems inevitable, the more petrified your enemies become

Attacks are coming from all directions. Attacks will become more frequent and damaging, but more destruction will be seen against your enemies. The more they try against you, the more they will fail. The more they move forward, pursuing you and their goal, the farther they will be from it

The establishment is failing to keep up their end of the bargain to keep Trump from taking back the presidency. Nations are becoming more agitated and nervous about him stepping back in and stopping their Ponzi scheme, their money flow, and their control over the world. 

China will make a move against the establishment that will allow evidence to trickle out from the traitors in Washington, but I will intervene, and instead, it will pour out like a flood. “Lord, why would China do that? Why would they turn on the establishment if they are working with them?” Because they want to weaken the leadership of this Nation and then swoop in and take it over. But China will not get what they desire out of this style of attack because I have infiltrated them, and as they expose the swamp, I will expose China

Oh, how the mighty will fall. The ones that thought they were so powerful are not powerful at all. There are kinks in their plans. Disruptions and confusion are growing

The puppet is failing faster now. Neither of the puppets can be trusted to speak out in the open. Look at what they will do against the new puppet. Devastation is coming to the left because they realize that the more they have her out in the open, the more people will turn against her, and the more people will see the truth. 

Get ready for panic in DC when they see that Me and My Hand are against them. They are falling faster now. My children, keep praising because it is working. Your enemies are coming down, and soon you will see them no more, saith the Lord of Hosts. 


I, the Lord, this day am telling My children that your enemies and all who are against Me are in for a rude awakening when everything they do with this election interference fails. The more they go after the votes, the more they will be exposed about how they have stolen so many elections in previous years. 

Pandora’s box of election fraud and election interference is about to be opened through a form of exposure your enemies do not see coming. They are up to their normal schemes and procedures to secure another election for their precious establishment and the One World Order. They do not know this yet, but they will be caught in every way they try to steal this Nation again

I told you before that I infiltrated the infiltrators. I showed them exactly where to go and where to put traps to catch your enemies. They are everywhere, but your enemies will never see these traps to avoid them. This election of 2024 is not as you expect. Things are different, and things are not how they appear to be

My children, get ready for a sudden impact against this Nation and your election. Their puppet is misfiring. Her performance is far worse than they ever thought it could be, and it is devastating to them. So, they have now changed their focus to stealing the down-ballot, to try and steal the House and Senate yet again

Your enemies have plans to impeach, intervene, or block Trump in any way from getting in. Or, in the worst-case scenario for them, if he did (win), they could question certifying the election or cause chaos or war, anything to keep him away from inauguration day

My children, your enemies have many schemes up their sleeves, but every scheme they try will just end in catastrophe and with more being exposed against them. They will try to find a way to disrupt your lives (with) viruses, financial collapses, cyber-attacks, everything they can. But their lives will be disrupted instead. Their plans will be foiled by Me, says the Lord. 

The globalists see they must help this establishment because they are failing at mind control. They are failing at changing the narrative. They are failing at killing President Trump. And they have failed to have the masses turn away from President Trump and the nationalist movement. Instead, he is more popular, and people agree with his vision for this Nation and are joining him to fight for freedom. 

So, My children, be prepared for the real puppet masters to intervene to help the failures in Washington and give them a boost by setting off things around the world to cause chaos and disruptions

They will set off earthquakes. They will set off volcanoes and insane weather. They will set a political windfall. They will send the markets into a catastrophic fall. The oceans are roaring, and a tsunami will be reported. Not only a natural one, but a political tsunami wave will also hit your enemies like never before

Putin will make an announcement that will destroy the establishment’s propaganda and their plans against him and the United States. I told you there are foreign leaders against you, but there are also foreign nations and their leaders who are supportive allies to the Land of My Eagle that will help bring down the globalists

Putin’s next moves will shock the world. He has truth that your enemies thought they had killed and buried deep down where no one would ever find it. But someone is about to release the skeletons of Washington DC, and many who are there that are being paid by China and other nations to destroy the United States, and the ones who paid for the terrorist attacks that are coming. Putin has a key to a victory in the United States, and that key is about to open a Pandora’s box that will crush the establishment

My United States, get ready for a shaking naturally for a shaking in the natural for a natural shaking that will get your attention and a political shaking that will knock your enemies off their feet in great defeat. Great political changes are coming, but not how you suppose. So, get ready for a changing of the tide in this Nation, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Spiders will be in your news for a significant reason. Their poison and venom have been used in a way you never imagined. 

My children, your enemies’ scientific labs are about to be exposed for how many diseases, viruses, and pandemics they have designed. I will show you how they are not just in foreign lands. These labs are in the United States, and one is about to be exposed to the world. What they are creating in this lab will not go the way they want because everything is backfiring on your enemies. They have infiltrators in their midst who will stop the doom they are supposed to create. Many whistleblowers are coming to end the world’s regime. 

Someone will come out against Klaus Schwab and his closest buddies. This person will expose the plans of the World Economic Forum. They have planned an attack on a grand scale, but even someone on their side cannot go along with this sinister plan. So, they will turn and expose the next global shutdown and death that they want to bring. A video will surface that will shock the world as they listen to the words of the harbinger of death—plots of death and financial collapse on a scale never seen before. That was their plan, but they will never see it come to pass. 

The days of Haman are here. Your enemies are in for a great harvest of destruction, death, and chaos. Judgments are hitting them, and the world will soon see your enemies on full display

You will see how many of your enemies are alive and how many are not, though they have appeared to be. Shock will come when you realize how fake all of this was, even though it seemed so real. Many actors in Washington are about to be unmasked and released from their roles and the parts they have played. 

A shaking is coming to the Washington elites. The skeletons that have been hidden for so long are about to come out into the open. Your enemies will go down in great defeat in front of the world. It is all coming, and you are about to see the end of your enemies, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - September, October 2024

Julie Green - THE WAR ON THE MIDDLE CLASS - September 18, 2024

My children, the middle class is being hit with everything the establishment and the globalists can throw at it. The middle class is being taken out to destroy capitalism and to take out the United States

The middle class has been a major threat to the globalists. Entrepreneurship is a nightmare and a thorn in the side of globalism. That is why they have attacked small businesses—to gain more control over products and goods. Then their market and their companies would crush anyone trying to take more away from them. Your enemies do not want any competition; they want to completely dominate everything globally.   

Your enemies want full control, and they want you to be even more enslaved. They do not want you to have any freedoms (or to be) freethinking because you could potentially be a threat to them. That is why there is so much propaganda, lies, and deception—for mind control. So, you would obey their every command and would not be mentally or physically strong enough to fight them back. 

Your enemies are trying to take out anything that threatens their global control. The United States and the working middle class are their worst fear and have been their most annoying competitors that they want to crush as fast as they can. That is why My David is such a threat to them. (He wants) to save this country and to make the middle class even stronger

Lord, why do they hate the middle class so much? Because it goes against communistic and socialistic agendas. In a third-world country dominated and controlled by the elites you do not see a middle class like you see in the United States. They hate anyone who can make money on their own and can take it from them. 

The establishment’s war on the middle class is about to be more clear. Kamala will continue to slip and say words she does not mean to say. This puppet and your government hate the middle class and that is about to be proven. 

My children, get ready for more things that they will try to take you out with. Remember and pay close attention. I said they would try; I never said they would accomplish their plans

I have told you before that as they pursue this war more and more—the war against My David and the war against this country—the more they will be exposed and the more they will be brought down. They are nothing compared to Me, and soon, they are about to figure that out, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The mainstream media is about to tear itself apart. More companies will attack one another and expose one another to try and gain more viewers and ratings that they lost to this great deception. There is a growing desperation in the media to try and gain back and dominate the airwaves. They are trying to take it away from independent journalists, and this is why they have tried to silence and censor so many. The mainstream media is about to collapse in a major way. I will bring these giants down in front of the world, saith the Lord. 

My children, pray for your cities. Pray for your neighborhoods. Pray for your schools. Pray and plead My Blood for protection against the attacks they will try against you and (for protection against) the judgment that will hit them. I have repeatedly told you that it is about to get darker. It is about to look much worse because of your enemies’ destruction

Remember, (it says) in My Word—I am your fortress. I protect. I am here to guide. I am here to deliver and restore what has been lost. I am moving My Hand to save and defend you from the ones you see before you. They are being cut off and brought to nothing before you, saith the Lord your Redeemer.  


Watch video – published September 16, 2024

My children, what you are about to see take place in this Nation is unlike anything you have ever seen, and there is nothing to compare it to. (It will be a) very tumultuous time, a time of confusion, not knowing what is real and what is fake, a time when the war your enemies have put you in will end abruptly. And how this war ends will be unprecedented and shocking.   

This does not just involve the United States government. You have foreign nations ready to engage in this war against this Nation and its freedoms to stop the collapse of the world elites, their globalist plan, and all their agendas. These foreign nations are willing to attack the United States to stop My David from taking back the president’s seat. The establishment does not want him there, and other foreign nations and their leaders also do not want him there. They know he will tear apart their global financial charade and their control over the world

NATO will be decimated. BRICS will collapse. The World Health Organization will be ripped apart. The World Economic Forum will be annihilated. And the old guard around the world will fall apart

My children, you are not just fighting the Deep State and the establishment in this Nation; you are fighting against leaders of many nations all over the world. The United States is their gold medal, their ultimate prize—to destroy freedoms worldwide, to bring in the One World Government—that every person will have to bow down to them, serve them, and be enslaved to their system. 

It is not that time. Your enemies are trying everything to stop My Glory from falling and the greatest revival in history from taking place. That would set them and their plans back so far they could not see an opportunity to regain this type of power globally again. It is not an option for them, and that is why what happened in 2020 is nothing compared to what they have planned for now. There is no scenario (in their minds) where My David can walk back into that White House and tear apart what they have been working on for over 100 years

The original architects of this global regime are not even around to see it come to pass, and no one they have passed this down to will either. Their system is being torn apart by Me, says the Lord.   

My children, that is why I need you strong. I need you to fight like never before in the spirit. You are coming up against something that will try to knock you off your feet, never to get back up again. That is why My Words are so important—to tear apart your enemies’ plans against you and bring them to nothing

Your enemies do not want you in My Word. That is why they have brought more distractions and chaos on a scale never seen. My children, this is your enemies’ end game, so they will do anything and everything to change the outcome of this Nation. The road ahead will be very bumpy, hard, and long, it may seem, but I promise you that I am lifting you up above your enemies, and I am shattering and completely destroying them before you. 

This is not the time to grow weary but to receive My strength like never before. I am pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh more in this time than I have in times past because you have never needed it more. These giants you are up against are fierce and strong, but they are not stronger or bigger than Me, and I am in you. So, stand up and fight like never before. These giants will be uprooted and annihilated before your very eyes, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Hezbollah will be in your news for a shocking reason—an attack on Israel and an attack against the United States. Who paid for these attacks will be exposed. More of your taxpayer money, oh United States, has funded your enemies. When the books are opened in this Nation, many will be shocked and appalled at what this Nation’s money went toward

My children, the United States budget has been a farce and a lie. The account records money trails are about to be exposed (to show) where all the money went. Follow the money, and you will see the architects who really run this Nation

My children, the establishment is about to be put on full display. Many think it is Obama who runs everything, but who pulls his puppet strings will be exposed as well

I, the Lord, will bring down BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. These giants that have controlled and manipulated markets, corporations, and nations will be brought to nothing. They are helping your leaders in Washington take out My David and are trying to bring the death of this Nation. I will open the books and show you everything they have had their hands in, including Hollywood, child sex trafficking across the globe, civil unrest, and collapsing governments and financial systems worldwide. I will show you the secret societies and how they are also part of these. 

My children, I am ready to show the world the architects of the establishment, the architects of the markets, the architects of disease and deadly viruses, the architects of governments around the globe, the architects of the news media—every architect of the seven mountains of influence. I will show, expose, and rip them all from their places of power as I did with Pharaoh in Egypt. 

Get ready for the markets and everything they designed to collapse, to bring them into complete annihilation. That is why I have said to stand strong. The time of great shaking is here to shake this system, to collapse the system, and to bring it to nothing. Their ruling and enslaving the world is over, says the Lord of Hosts. 

This is the time for My Church to arise and for your enemies to be scattered, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, in this unprecedented time you are living in, will you continue to trust and rely on Me no matter what you see? Things will begin to shake like never before. You will be in an unknown place, a place where you have never been before, a place where it will look like there is no way out, a place where you will need to walk by faith, a place where you will need to stop the fear that is trying to overwhelm and overtake you. 

My children, I said great changes were coming. Well, now you are at the time of these changes—political change, spiritual change, financial change, medical change, and a changing of the tide, from where the enemy wanted this world to go to where I need it to be—with Me. I am changing the course of this world. The winds of change are here. What used to be your normal will not be normal to you anymore. 

My children, everything you know as normal will be shaken. There is a time (coming) when your day-to-day lives will be uprooted and shaken. That is why I have been warning you not to get comfortable where you are and to be prepared for where I will put you, where I need you to be. And that is with Me. 

I will not fail you. I will protect and defend not only this Nation and Israel but also all My children worldwide. I am separating you from the oppressors that have kept you bound by their global governments and their global regimes. Their destruction and their fall will be a devastating sight to see for the world, or so it will look like, because of all the things that will crumble and fall with them. You were used to that way of life, so at first, many will not understand how to live without this system. 

My children, I want you free to freely serve Me, not so sick that you can hardly survive, let alone enjoy life. I do not want your minds to be corrupted with their filth and their lies about who they said you were, where you are constantly medicating yourself to have any peace. This is how Egypt enslaved My people. And this is taking place again but on a major scale—worldwide control and oppression that the world just accepted. I am crushing their empire and oppression to free you, My children, to give you what belongs to you, and that is the freedom that I paid for, saith the Lord. 

Hold on because it will get dark. It will shake violently. It will seem like there is no end to this way of life, but that simply is not true. Read My Word—I will not abandon you, and I will not leave you under their control. Stay guarded with My Word because your enemies are forging forward to take you out and bring this Nation to a collapse. But I am moving in and saving you from their hands. Focus on Me because I will bring a great and mighty victory, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Secrets in California that have been haunting Kamala and bringing fear that she cannot escape from will soon come out. I told you the skeletons in her closet were coming out. This will be a nightmare for her that she will not recover from. 

Many things are coming out of California that will devastate the left and bring many government officials down

Pennsylvania is key to a great victory for this Nation. Many secrets and lies in this state that will devastate the establishment are about to be released. What has held this state captive will soon be broken. A shaking of truth in Pennsylvania will do catastrophic damage to the establishment’s narrative. Soon the governor will wish he had never helped to steal that seat because the establishment will be willing to let him go to save others. 

My children, states are about to shake. Governors and state officials cannot continue to hide the lies in their states—their audits, record books, and funding are about to be a major issue. The dirty deals that were made are about to be put out into the open. I am shifting and sifting the evil, drawing them out, and removing them all from where they are. 

My children, sudden changes will be made that you do not see coming. Even your enemies will not be able to devise a plan big enough to save themselves from the catastrophic damage that is coming, which is truth to destroy all their lies. 

I, the Lord, am destroying the division they caused across this Nation. I am eradicating the unjust laws and bills they passed to bring devastating circumstances and damage to this Nation, damage that they thought could not be undone. I will show you their budgets and who is padding their pockets with your taxpayer money

My children, your enemies have become extremely wealthy by causing great destruction to you financially. This is why I have been warning you about a political reset. It is not just Washington that needs to be cleaned out. It must be every state and local level position throughout this Nation. These treasonous traitors have been everywhere to systematically take down your country. They have weakened it militarily and divided it in every way possible. They were destroying it financially so they could bring in a global currency and a global market

I am exposing all the banks, corporate America, and Wall Street and how they were manipulated to enrich your enemies and bring financial devastation to the majority of the population. Your banking system has been working with the establishment and their plans to crush you. Hollywood helped to brainwash and distract you from the destruction that was happening right before your eyes. 

I have repeatedly told you that it is not an election that can expose and annihilate all of this. It is Me—the Great I AM. I stated in My Written Word that it was not enough for Me to just take My people out of the land of Egypt. I had to annihilate Pharaoh and his army because he never would have stopped pursuing My people unless he was eliminated. This must take place again with some of the pharaohs of today

Drastic changes and unprecedented events are coming to take out your enemies that you see before you. This is not to bring you fear but to bring you great celebrations because the ones you see, soon you will see no more, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Carolyn Dennis - THERE WILL BE DEATH! A MESSAGE FROM GOD - September 17, 2024

Let’s move to the message from God and it’s called there will be death. And he gave this to me on September 17th 2024. These are this is from the father eyes have not seen nor ears heard the plans I have for you and your house. Now you shall see more of my goodness. I love all of my children and you are getting ready to be amazed more than you can possibly imagine. You have heard The Best Is Yet To Come many times. Now is the time for The Best Is Yet To Come. It starts now. I know you think you know how everything is going to go down. When you look back it will be perfect. But not quite the way that any of you imagined. My ways are not your ways and my ways are best and perfect. I am a merciful loving heavenly father. I Am The Great I Am. I can do anything my heart desires. I desire for my precious children to be free and free you shall be.

There will be a shaking. There will be lights. There will be darkness. There will be explosions. And there will be death. The evil ones will be gone and you will be free. Many will be confused as truth upon truth is told and demonstrated and validated. Criminals will be running and hiding. Sinners will be repenting, and you my precious child will be basking in my glory. Sit back and enjoy some precious time with me as I want to fellowship with you. I am the maker of everything and I love you and I want a relationship with you.

Have you noticed that you do not see some people anymore and they use digital stuff to show them? Ses they are gone. What about the ones who look different every day. Yes they are gone. Many are gone and many are leaving soon. The great and terrible day of the Lord. Buckle up buttercup the ride is starting. Remember my ways are not your ways and you may not recognize it is from me at first. The silver dropped and now is going up. It is broken $30 and this is the marker. Brian look up as I have not forgotten you. As you go about your day pause and see my beautiful world. Pause and call a friend.Pause and pray to me. Pause. You are in too much of a hurry and it is time to slow down. Work, rest, play, take the day of rest that I have commanded and honor me and my son. And that includes you my prophet.

Man’s timeline is not my deadline, I set the deadlines and the timelines come to me with your project, deadlines, problems, family, addictions, bills, health issues, and what to invest in. Make me your doctor health advisor, workout trainer, financial advisor, the lead team member on all of your projects the head of your family. Give me the opportunity to direct you and advise you as to what to do. I know every project plan and path for you. Stay true to my word and when you miss the mark repent and as my son told you go and sin no more. Now take some breath and start your day and walk in love as we love you abs father.

Julie Green - THEIR PUPPET CANNOT ACT ALONE - September 11, 2024

My children, your enemies are not fooling the masses enough to get what they truly need to turn the tide, and they will never get that. Their puppet cannot perform in a strong way without help or without people holding her hand, as you saw in the debate. The ramifications of that debate will continue to destroy what they are trying to hide. Their puppet cannot act alone, and she cannot tell the truth. As I have said in My Word, every lie will be revealed. And it will

Their charade was obvious to the world—that the puppet had to be led and helped with her performance by the moderators. Her acting skills will not be enough to boost the poles or get enough people to change sides

Remember, My children, things are not how they appear to be. Some will lie and celebrate on the new stations, while others will see the reality of what actually happened. She is not a strong candidate, and she never really answered any of the questions asked. But for some viewers, she answered enough for them. Who is for the people? Who speaks the truth? Who talks about policy and action and will not cower from it? 

Many lies were told last night and will be proven as just that. I said her tongue would be her worst enemy, and it is. Just like at their convention, they will not get what they need, which is (more) deception over the masses to keep control. (They do this) by using a puppet whom they tell what to do and say, and (expect) people will just fall for it. Those ways are over

Do not be discouraged by how things look in any way. Nothing changes the outcome that is coming because I am their great defeat. Truth is coming to knock them off their feet in their great defeat, saith The Lord of Hosts. 

A major hazmat situation will be in your news. Where and why will bring shock to many. I told you these things were not by accident. It is another form of chaos and destruction, but this will be another thing your enemies will be caught in. Whistleblowers will come out with the truth and proof, and your enemies will not be able to hide who did this. They are being caught in every trap that has been set for them

A major airline will be in your news for a significant reason. It will be more than obvious that this is sabotage. Things like this do not just happen by accident. Your enemies are trying to sabotage your air travel in more ways than one. And this will all be exposed. 

A major bank scandal will rock the banking industry. It will not stay the same. All the things they have been hiding, they will no longer be able to hide

My children, stay grounded in My Word because illusions of how certain things may appear will intensify. Your enemies will try to get you more confused, stressed out, and discouraged by what things look like, more than ever in this time. Do not panic, and do not fall for their lies

Your enemies are not winning. They are not gaining traction or any momentum. People are leaving their side in droves, and they will not be able to hide it enough to keep their narrative going. I told you a mass exodus of people were leaving the establishment and its machine. People are not falling for the same old tactics anymore

Clear politics are no longer clear for your enemies. The more they try to cover up what they are doing, the more obvious it will be, so people will continue to wake up to the truth

Your enemies are falling. They will not continue to stay in their political seats of power. I will remove all who are against you, saith the Lord of Hosts. 


The Father gave this to me on September the 15. It’s called abortion will be eliminated in this country. And these are the father’s words. To be used by me you need to be a clean vessel. Many of you want to be in ministry but you need to clean your house and remove idols before I can promote you. Ask me to help you as I want to promote you to where you want to go. The world will change in one day. I have told you numerous times. Are you ready? Get your celebration  ready be in your prayer closet pray again for Kamala and add Tim to the list. Remember I love them both. But the lies and deception that they tell you have gone too Far. The Baal sacrifice at the convention has not gone away in my mind. I have it all and justice will be executed along with punishment. I cannot take the abominations and debauchery any longer. Have you read my Holy Bible? When the children of Israel sacrificed their children I allowed other nations to enslave them and carry them away from their homeland. Why don’t people learn from what has happened in the past?

No more, I say no, more abortion will be eliminated in this country. The world will change in one day and the day is upon you. Fear not as I have great plans for my precious Children. Hope is in the air hope for the day the great and terrible day of the Lord. Pray for the evil ones as they shall be no more. Be in your prayer closet it and be ready. It is upon you and I gave you another clue when I said tonight it will start in the night. But fear not as I love you and I cherish you be still and look to me and my son Jesus. Just take a few minutes pause and be still focus on my son Jesus. See his wonderful face and just wait and know me more. I want to draw you into deeper waters. I will take you as you are ready and desire to receive my love as I will not push myself or my son on anyone. We will not lure you or push you into anything with us we open doors for you to enter and walk through. But we do not force anyone to do anything with us. We give man a choice and we rejoice when you choose us. I am your father and I want time with You. Now stand firm and know that I am making my moves now that the enemy cannot figure out what I’m doing. But I know that I have outsmarted him and the victory is right here. You just have not seen it quite yet. Now rest and play and enjoy your day I love you with an everlasting heart. Abba Father.

The Event Coming To The World! - Glory Talk - September 14 , 2024

I heard this word on August 14, 2024. And today is September 12, 2024. Okay, let’s do this. Thank you Lord. This is what he said. Keep going all is well the enemy has lost. He has no grip on you and your family nor shall he win any war over you you and your your tent your tribe. The kingdom draws near to be set up on the Earth. Earth as it is in heaven. You hear me right there is no mistake what I am about to do. Something you have never seen before in your lifetime. And that reminds me of when he said on Earth as it uh on Earth as it is in heaven that was the Lord’s Prayer. You can look that up in Matthew 69:13. Then he said, you think you have seen amazing things you haven’t seen nothing yet. My power and strength will be seen across the lands. And that reminds me of um God is doing a new thing you know. Because he is he’s doing a new thing for us and in us and that’s in Isaiah 43:19 look that one up.

All right, this is what he said in asks he said those who know me will bow down and watch the majesty of what I will do in their midst. The ones and I’ll repeat this. Those who don’t know me will fall to their knees and to the ground and surrender to me. To the holy and majest majestic sight of my holiness and pure light and might. I’m going to repeat this part these last two things. Those who know me will bow down and watch the majesty of what I will do in their midst.  Praise you father, thank you Father. Those who don’t know me will fall to their knees and to the ground and surrender to me to the holy and Majestic sight of my Holiness and pure light and might Praise You Lord Praise You Lord. I’m going to I’m just going to keep going and then I’ve got a few scriptures. The Saints will be glorified by me and exhibit the great power of love and Glory I will pour out on them. A great sight to see. And this reminded me of some scriptures you know in Romans 3:23 and 24. It says uh all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the Lord. Ad we need Redemption and restoration through faith in Jesus Christ.

And I’m going to read that okay. Romans 324 and 25 uh 23 and 24. Since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of the Lord and are being justified declared free of the guilt of sin made acceptable to God and granted eternal life as a precious and I’ll  do that right as a gift by his precious undeserved grace through through the redemption the payment for our sin which is provided in Christ Jesus. There it is it’s a good Verse. And then the next part it talks about the Saints will be glorified and exhibited and exhibit the great power of love and glory and so that’s what I want to talk about I want to talk about that. I will pour out on them a great sight to see oh praise God that’s 2 Corinthians 3:16 through1 18. Okay 3:16 through 18 whenever a person turns in repentance and faith to the Lord the veil is taken away. Now the spirit and I’ll do this right now the Lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, emancipation from bondage, and true freedom. And we all within veiled face continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are progressively being transformed into his image from one degree of Glory to even more Glory which comes from the Lord who is the spirit. Praise God.

And then the next part of the word is this the Lost shall be set free from all the demonic oppression brought on by the unclean spirits of the evil ways and days. I’ll remove it all. Everything that the evil tried to do they will never succeed no not at all. Amen.

He said I will cleanse my people my Earth you shall be free nothing you thought it would be will even comprehend all the great ways and things coming to you. And I think I said that right I’m going to say it one more time. I will cleanse my people my Earth you shall be Free. Nothing you thought it will be will even comprehend all the great ways and things coming to you. I will not stop what I am about to do. An event of pure power an event of pure majesty. I will not allow the evil to win in your reality. The evil will flee. Look and see the mighty hand of me finish what I started among you among your Lands. Deliverance, freedom, healing, restoration this is coming to your lands. Yes I am your king your almighty God father of your life. I am he your father of your future father God Almighty. And that’s how he did that word. …

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES NOW KNOW THEY ARE IN TROUBLE - September 10, 2024

My children, chaos and confusion are growing in your enemies’ camp, not knowing what the best option is—to end this country or to end President Trump—with the least (amount of) backlash or resistance. Their desperation just hit another level because their indictments did nothing to stop My David and this election

Every lie, all the propaganda from their news outlets, the scripts that were given to change the narrative of the truth of who their puppets truly are and what they stand for, all their deceptive tactics, and every setup (used) to tear down President Trump did nothing but boost his popularity

Your enemies know they are in trouble. Their votes are not enough to stop his victory. They will know this even more after Kamala bombs in this debate. Her tongue will be her worst enemy. She will slip up on live TV, where she cannot be controlled. No matter what they have done to prepare her or what they have given her, it will not be enough to take her over the top and come out the clear winner. No matter how they try to spin the truth, she will have the same fate as “the Biden”—weak, a failure, and someone who cannot stand against Trump and win. This will be yet another disaster for the left as they watch their puppet humiliate herself and their party

Some of the news outlets will say this was a horrible performance. Watch how this will crash and crumble any advancement the establishment thought they had against My David. I will say again—the giants are coming down, and as they are rocked by this politically, this is when events will take place to rock and shock this Nation

Pray now and resist any fear this will try to bring your way. They control you by fear, so stop the fear and break their hold over you. My children, their illusion, their fear, their movie, and their machine are crumbling. Their walls are falling. They are in great fear, knowing they will lose their grip and way of hiding secrets from this Nation, which has helped them to gain more control over the people and the financial system. 

The next decisions they make will paralyze some with the fear it brings. The establishment is not willing to hand Trump the win or give him back the seat that is rightfully his. They will fight tooth and nail, you would say. They will appear more unhinged and desperate as the days pass by, knowing that their chances of keeping things the way they have been are looking more and more impossible.  

They will pull out the big guns, you would say. In their desperate attempt to keep the establishment, they will bring an attack, using foreign nations, that would literally and figuratively bring death to this Nation as you know it. But the foreign nations they are partnering with will turn on the establishment and help to bring them down because they do not want to share control of this Nation. This foreign enemy wants full control. 

My children, you are about to watch Washington tear itself apart as they try to save themselves from exposure and the proof of the establishment’s dark secrets that are being released. I told you to watch and follow the money—money is the key to their fall. Money is about to be the establishment’s worst nightmare, worst enemy because exposure and proof of how, who, and what this machine was funding will bring them down. 

Treason is at a level no one knew could exist. A government was purposely taking out its own nation, using outside help. All the foreign nations involved will be exposed. Another thing that will be exposed is the horrific truth about the Afghanistan withdrawal, the massive payoff, and why multi-billions worth of equipment and cash was left there; why the establishment was paying off Ukraine; why billions were given to Iran, and what were they doing with that money that would be used against your Nation; why there were all these contracts and contacts with China, and how many spies and infiltrators they have working for them in your government. Some in high-level positions in your government are employed and paid by China

This goes far beyond just “China Joe.” Most of the government is paid to leak information to China. China is about to turn on Washington because they are not holding up their (side of the) bargain by keeping Trump out of the seat of the president. It would not just be bad for China; it would be catastrophic

A war between the establishment and China is about to hit another level. I told you, My children, the battle is the Lords’. Your enemies are turning on each other and will destroy themselves without you having to lift a finger, as you would say, because it is My Hand that is moving. It is My Hand that is defending and protecting you. 

A war between your enemies is about to begin (and be seen) in the open. Proof will pour out from all directions. This will be a dark time across this Nation and around the world, but My light will destroy your enemies and all of their plans worldwide. So, stand and be prepared to receive your Nation back, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Barry Wunsch - Prepare for battle with Me! Armour up!- - September 15, 2024

As I was spending time with the Lord tonight,
The Lord took me into the Spirit.
What I saw is most difficult to share.
It was excruciating to watch and see.
Nevertheless, I share here again with fear and trembling.
I saw the state of the enemy. He was pulling out everything possible to stop what the Father is about to do throughout the Nations, liberating the captives and setting people free!
Rooting out evil and bringing truth and justice for all!
He is about to rebuild Nations on His foundations!
I saw the plans to poke the Bear one more time!
Evil ones doing so with hopes to provoke Russian retaliation and WW3.
I saw the WHO prepared to roll out biological warfare across the Nations to wipe out as many innocent lives as possible. Propaganda provoking fear much worse than before.
I saw a planned attack against the west to wipe us out in a way that would change western civilization forever.
I saw civil unrest and rioting on the streets.
Massive savage attacks on innocent men women and children by heartless blood thirsty demonized illegal immigrants.
Authorities watching but not responding.
I saw empty grocery stores, what little they did have left was being looted.
I saw UN soldiers being deployed in the guise of helping, when in fact they were enemy forces positioned to control and repress innocent civilians and remove patriots.
They were to enforce martial law to keep civilians under wraps.
I saw that the enemy is terrified and on the run.
Out of control, trying to turn the tide against what the Lord is about to release.
Playing every move possible to stop what is coming at him.
The enemy was well aware of his fate.
He is the loser, and he not going to win this battle!
The Lord God Almighty, The Lord of Hosts is about to turn things inside out and upside down on the enemy and take him out!
I saw the Lord about to bankrupt them.
The IMF.
The WEF.
The Cabal.
The Globalists.
Markets are going down.
They will be left with nothing.
Evil and dark regimes and their minions are about to be taken out and put on display.
Governments will be shaken to the core and will be held to account.
The media will be held to justice for they are accomplices spreading lies, brain washing the masses being used against the nations with psychological warfare. They will be on their knees crying like babies. They are going to be crushed. The gates of media shall be returned unto the Lord!
The gold and the silver are the Lords, and He holds it all.
The Lord is about to release the gold and the silver, and it shall flow through the treasuries He has appointed and established to take back and rebuild the land that the enemy has stolen!
I heard the Lord say:
“Prepare to deploy! Prepare to overtake and to overcome! Prepare to disciple the Nations! Prepare for battle with Me!
Armour up!
Blow the trumpet!
Sound the alarm!
Prepare to recover all the enemy has stolen!
The tables are not going to be turned they are about to be flipped!
The deep state cabal will not know what hit them!
It will be game over for them!
Each bad actor, is going to be held accountable, and justice shall be served! And we shall recover all!”
Holy is the Word of the Lord

Julie Green - THE SILENCERS ARE ABOUT TO BE SILENCED - September 9, 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, that the silencers are about to be silenced in a massive way. They have done everything they can to stop you from telling or showing the truth. They have chained you in their prisons of disinformation and deception. They are trying to hold you in captivity. But just wait until you see how I silence your enemies, stop them in their tracks, and destroy their power. They will no longer be able to use their tech giants or social media companies to determine what can be put on the airwaves. No, it is not theirs to control. It is Mine, saith the Lord. 

Much truth will pour out over the airways, with no way for them to stop it. I am bringing the biggest social media giants down as if they were nothing. The ones who have been controlling the narratives will be driven from their seats of control

A great silence is coming for the ones that have silenced you. All the world will become very quiet; this is to cut off their power so it can be given back to you. As these outages take place, just know it is your enemies who will remain silent, not you. Your enemies will not outlast the silence because these are the days of Haman. 

My children, get out of those prison cells and shout My Words as loud as you can—they will destroy will destroy those chains they tried to keep you in. These are the days of My vengeance, and it is about to be seen

The rattling, the shaking, the unprecedented, the unconventional, and the unusual will intensify. You are going to see things you have never seen. You are going to hear things you have never heard. There will be things that will be hard to comprehend. You may be asking yourself, is this really happening? It will be like a dream for you but a nightmare for the ones against you

I am rattling the enemies’ cages and bringing them to where I need them for their final trap and destruction. I am shaking the Earth to break it free from the chains of the globalists. You are not their slaves. You are not theirs to control. Soon, this will be a reality worldwide. 

Just as in the days in Egypt, unprecedented weather and unprecedented things were seen and experienced by the enemies of My people, and judgment after judgment hit them repeatedly until they let My people go once and for all. They saw and experienced things that had never happened before on Earth and now all that is going to be amplified around the world and in My Nation, the United States. 

My children, you are in unconventional times. Things are not normal; things are not what you are used to in an election cycle. Your enemies are terrified of their numbers. They are terrified of your resistance. They are terrified of losing control. So, they are willing to do anything they can, no matter the cost, to destroy My David and this country the rest of the way. They will get other nations to do some of their dirty work, but it does not matter who they choose. It will be the wrong choice. 

No nation and no man or their army can stop what is coming for your enemies—My vengeance and judgment. It will hit them hard like the plagues of Egypt to rip them out of their power and (take) their chains off your necks. You do not belong to them, and I will soon make that clear, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, stand and pray like never before. You are about to experience a resistance like never before, but remember, it will not last, and it is not bigger than Me. Your enemies will try to attack you in unprecedented ways. They will try things that will look so devastating, but it will all backfire against them. Every move they make to take over this Nation will be a move toward their great destruction

Obama is nothing. Kamala is nothing. “The Biden” is nothing. The Clintons are nothing. Klaus Schwab is nothing. The elites are nothing. Their establishment is nothing. Don’t you see, My children? Your enemies are nothing. I am the Lord that will cut them off and bring their plans to nothing. My Army is moving forward to take them all out, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

George Soros’s money will be exposed in a major way, (showing) how he and his fellow elites used their fortunes to rule the world and change world events (such as) elections worldwide, how they helped to fund the machine in Washington, and how they paid many of your government officials to pass bills to take more of your freedoms away. 

My children, Soros, Gates, Schwab, the secret societies, and the UN are the ones who are really running your government, controlling the markets worldwide, and controlling the mainstream media and social media and what is allowed to be said on the news or spoken about worldwide—total censorship because they want total control

Their machine is dying. Their power is collapsing. Their house of cards that took so long to build is falling, crumbling to the ground. So, hold on for their last-ditch efforts to stay in power. But, (it will be) just like Pharaoh—his last efforts were for nothing. It was his final act, and then it was all over. 

My children, your enemies, the pharaohs of today, their end is drawing near, and that will be very clear, saith the Lord. 

The UN will make a bold move against the United States and the land of Israel. But, the UN does not have the power they thought they had. They will regret the decision they made when they give themselves away. They will not stay because the UN will be ripped apart by Me, saith the Lord. 

Something hidden regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal is about to make major headlines. It will be a nightmare for “the Biden” and Harris, along with the entire establishment. A piece of information that no one knew anyone had is about to be released. It will crush their narrative in one fell swoop. 

Pakistan will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

An earthquake in Istanbul will be in your news for a significant reason. 

I told you that many unprecedented and unusual things will be taking place worldwide, and they will shock the world

Tamar: this name and this river will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A presidential seal will be in your news for a significant reason. 

My children, change is coming, and unprecedented events will start to take place for your freedoms. My vengeance is guaranteed against your enemies. Soon, they will not be laughing and mocking My Words when they see all of them come to pass. So, get ready for great and significant changes on Earth to bring you out of the hands of the pharaohs of today. Freedom is yours, and they will no longer be able to manipulate it with their power. So, prepare your hearts for what you are about to see, which is Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - September 2024

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic Encounter: 9-11 Classified Great Deception is coming to an end!! - July 8, 2023

This was from the encounter that I had July 8, 2023 when I was taken into a Governmental building and secure storage room full of sensitive, classified boxed evidence and files.
Again, these boxes were organized by events that had taken place over the course of history.
When I had this and shared it in July, the Father did not grant me permission to share all that He showed me that day, so I have been sitting on it, until now.
A few days ago, He stirred it up in me again, this time giving me the grace to share it publicly.
So today is the day that I will release it, just as He showed it to me.
So, after I was taken to Switzerland saw the bank of international settlements go down, and saw President Trump do a press conference releasing the JFK files, I was taken in the spirit back into that highly secured file room.
Once again, He showed me several pallets of boxed files and documents.
They were labeled in big bold red letters:
” 9-11″ ” CLASSIFIED”
As I looked at them, what was in those boxes came to life in front of my eyes!
There was a big screen that opened up in front of me, and
I was taken into the spirit and once again what was held in those boxes came to life.
This sounds very strange I know, but I was able to step into that screen just as you would crawl into a window to get closer to what I was seeing.
I was taken right into it.
I was taken in the spirit into a series of meetings, calls, and briefings where I saw President George W. Bush deeply involved, orchestrating, and facilitating a very dark and demonic plan – incomprehensible to think that this is what they would do to maintain power and to manipulate and control people.
These meetings were highly classified, and they were all in regard to the planning and strategic planning of the tragic events of 9-11.
These plans were not being put together by foreign enemies.
These plans were being put together from within!
The CIA was heavily involved in this one.
They had been given directives to put together one of the largest and complex social engineering plans ever deployed in American history if not globally.
They were given every resource that they required.
Years of planning and staging putting together every detail to bring a nation to its knees and change the world as we knew it forever.
Holy Spirit took me in the spirit into a venue, where a group of men came out of a big hall, as the doors opened, and they filed out of this ceremonial gathering.
The big hall looked so dark, practically black from what I could see as I stood in the lobby of this venue looking through the double doors they were exiting from into the lobby.
George W Bush was one of the leaders, dignitaries and one of the first that came out of the meeting. They were escorted into the lobby by heavy security.
There were other world leaders, global elites with him, it was a fairly large group of them.
They were all dressed in full Masonic regalia, and George W Bush appeared to have the highest of levels.
They posed together for a few photos – as this was a particularly special gathering as they were working on nefarious plans for 9-11 as well as getting in the Masonic meetings.
My sense was this gathering was in Europe, I didn’t know the exact location, but it was an older historical feeling facility.
They were smug, and all smiles in front of the cameras but the evil they were working on was obvious.
I was taken in the spirit into high level meetings with George W Bush each of which he was being briefed and updated on the plans for 9-11.
I watched as operatives came and relayed information and were given further details and instructions as to what and how they were to put things together and collaborate.
Some of the meetings were in secluded offices, some overseas with other world leaders, some on American soil.
I listened to one call, as they light heartedly joked about some insurance policy that was now in place. It had come together smoother than silk.
I watched as there were some military briefings being held, they had planted some dark insiders in the ranks to pull the strings that had to be pulled.
They had operatives in places to pull off a great deception.
The enemy was hiding in plain sight.
There was a special briefing held at Windsor Castle with the Queen of England and George W. Bush where she was given advanced insight into what was going to play out and get her input.
There were other teams from the middle east that came to meet and left with suitcases full of cold hard cash.
They had a way to grease the wheels that needed to be greased.
I was in a room where they met with engineers and defense type contractors.
They were awarded special contracts to plan and work on the twin towers.
They very well knew what they were doing and what they were involved in.
And, they were handsomely rewarded. The contract binders were thick and well laid out.
Big Red binders.
Building Drawings. Building Details.
It was all there.
I knew all the documentation was at hand in this room.
The inner circle here was relatively small.
They were trained in deceptive ways and means and had high level governmental and CIA coverage to get things done.
I was taken in the spirit into the basement of a building in New York, it seemed not far from the towers.
It was a huge warehouse space, all heavy-duty concrete.
Electrical conduit and basic lighting.
I knew by the spirit that this had been a place to store gold.
I mean, a LOT of gold!
The crazy thing is, it was empty.
There was not one ounce of gold left in this space.
It was gone.
I knew that it had been moved before their big event.
This space had to be approx. 30,000 sq ft, high ceilings.
Highly secured. Cameras everywhere.
There was no coming or going out of here with out surveillance.
There were simple service elevators with complex security pads, and a double set of locked vestibules with more locks and security to get in and out.
On one end there was a ramp like a parkade, with heavy duty steel doors and heavy balusters that came out of the floor but could be dropped for vehicles to pass through.
There would be no way possible for this gold to be moved with out full intentions of doing so.
This had to be an inside job.
I was taken back into the room full of boxes and documents.
Not all evidence was destroyed.
It had been ordered destroyed, but it had not been.
The full evidence of what, and how it was planned is soon coming to light!
America will be appalled!
The Nations will be shaken!
The evidence is coming forth henceforth!
There are whistle blowers that can’t live with themselves that will come clean.
I saw a group of them gathering together afraid for their lives, but no matter the cost – they were going to tell the truth.
Even at risk of personal charges and consequences.
They could not hold it back any longer.
The exposure that they were going to bring would validate and explain beyond a shadow of a doubt who was involved and how it was done, and why.
Holy Spirit is blowing upon these dark days to bring justice and healing to the Nation.
I saw military arrests and tribunals.
From President George W Bush and down, there was going to be a price to pay for all involved.
They thought they got away with it, but the Lord is bringing it to the surface – it is not going away!
The Cabal will fall!
All that had been stolen shall be recovered!
As I journaled this out, the Father spoke to me:
“Barry, tell my people that this great deception is coming to an end!
It is time to bring full exposure once and for all!
They know that it is coming, and they are fighting back as best as they can, but they will not prevail.
I will prevail!
And justice shall be served!
Barry, tell my people that all that has been done to beset them shall be dealt with.
For there shall be a great price to pay for those power thirsty, greedy and corrupt ones who refuse to repent and turn from their wicked ways.
Even now I am pressing on hearts to come forth, come clean, and bring forth truth.
Those who do repent and turn to me for mercy shall find it.
For many were used and put in positions where their own lives and those of their families were in danger.
They are tormented to this day.
What is burning in them shall drive them to expose the truth.
The time is soon upon us to set them free.
I have prepared a path for you!
As you come forth, I shall protect you and provide all that you need to get it done.
For the evidence you have and the keys you hold will tip the scales of justice for the Nations!
For you have not known who to trust, for you have suffered the ultimate betrayal.
Let me tell you today – now is the time to step forward – now is the day to release the truth!
There are those I have put in place in this hour you can trust – you can work with – they are expecting you!
Do not fear – do not be afraid for I will be with you!
You are not alone.
I have prepared a place for you to move things forward.
Be strong and be courageous!
I have you covered!
I am shaking things apart in this hour, there will be no escaping it.
Follow me and follow my lead and we will do this together!
My love for you is passionate and I will stop at nothing to bring justice, healing, renewal, and restoration to you and the Nations!”
Holy is the word of the Lord.

Janie Seguin, Bo Polny - YELLOWSTONE SUPERVOLCANO-A 30-Day COUNTDOWN Has Begun!? - September 11, 2024

So revelation the Reveal of Nations is what I got from the Lord. And it was Reveal of Nations who have gone mad and it’s always been about Nations and kingdoms. So, Trump was and and we have this here Trump was shot the attempted assassination, on uh Saturday July 13th. And what I was getting in my spirit is that there would be a second attempt on his life. And I’m also seeing November and I and hearing two. But if we pray and intercede, we can stop this permanently. And I know I have uh many people uh around the world uh love uh President Donald Trump, so he he’s being well um prayed and taken care for. Uh the Lord is amazing so um he is his precious anointed one. Um and then I had uh assassination which had the two asses running a nation exactly and he showed me there’s two and so there there’ll be two attempts because they are like both said that’s what they are so in scripture they use jackass or in different uh versions. …

The Lord began to show me with uh his hands like he showed me uh his hands over a huge puzzle. And that um he would be and that he puts all the pieces together perfectly. …And that meaning uh that you are the an analyst who places the pieces together of time and puts the time lines of the voice boxes the prophets together so he’s putting all the pieces together in this hour and fitting them uh nicely um together. And as you can see he’s been doing that wonderfully and it’s amazing. And then I got flicker of Faith the world the Earth the abod uh of the Prince of Darkness has become a cesspool of sin reaching into each and every nation. No Nation on earth now is free of this corruption. There are little pocket sections of each nation that is trying with diligence in prayer to restore the nation my children. These little lights from Heaven shall keep the flicker of faith in the hearts of the few. I say few the few because I cry out often and when I return in the final battle shall I even find a flicker of faith burning in the hearts of Man.

My children know now that the battle rages upon Earth it is a war of the spirits between good and evil. The final battle shall bring about the complete separation of the sheep from the goats. By trial all that is rotten shall fall and the just will become justified. My children that message was given for great reason and urgency it contains the key to the mystery of the inequity that is going throughout your world now. It is the battle my children, the final battle, separation of the sheep from the goats. You are all lining up now my children for you will be children of light or children of the darkness. Pray My children of the light for those who do not come out of the darkness. No one shall be cast into the abyss or damn to Hell unless he goes there of his own free will.

Revelation given from our Lord Daniel 4 July 30th 2024 at 9:47 a.m. Thus sayith the Lord for I have allowed this Administration to rule over America. These people have grown strong but no they shall fall as the beasts of the earth and shall go into hiding beneath I shall cut them as even the iron and Brass for it shall be for seven years for them a besiegement.  

So I shall cut them and go right ahead I shall cut them as even the iron and Brass. For it shall be for seven years for them a besiegement. I will do this to humble them in my America. But will they? And they shall know that it is from me. For I take down one and rise up another. America, me, me, is in my beloved word America me. It will be all about me I shall rise you above the ashes. You shall shall be a Godly Nation, only for a season. I give you this knowledge for a reason. Seven years shall be multiplied onto you. You my red white and blue. I shall rise up another who will serve me whose feet shall be planted by water like a Tree. Great Babylon shall fall it shall be in one hour to change everything around with a great godly sound. So humble yourselves upon your knees America for surely the time has come for my church to become one in Christ Jesus.

So the next one is uh in reference to Daniel 5. Um July 31st 2024 thus, sayeth the Lord, many and then he always has me like he’ll show me many me many, many, twice take heed tackle sheele shall be weighed in the balance The money built on Greed the love of it hes this kingdom is divided for they do not serve me spiritually as they are also divided amongst their own selves their selves a divided nation oh America. Oh how can this be for they fought for you also righteous. For in me America in me to be free. For the candle is burning at both ends now to bring her to her knees and to show you how. How to pray for this is the American way. For the writing has been on the wall it sad so it saddens me to see her fall. Oh but this needs to be done for righteous is to flourish and to be in unity as one. For I have built her up with truth and liberty for many do not give me the glory so this shall be. It shall be a glorious Nation once more as I send my holy spirit with a great outpour to pour into their souls my love and understanding to fear their most high God again.

For this my children is withstanding wow praise to you Lord. For they for the golden vessels have been drunk. For I do see the evil and it has stunk it has been a stench upon stench rising up unto thee For you America do not know what truth is or Liberty. But I shall fill this cup overflowing with joy to bring life back and more abundantly for truth will be the beacon of lights and sovereignty. A prayer full life is all I am asking of You. All to do. For this will bring down the kings that run now in my house of the Red White and Blue. A true king governed by me for you America shall see the days are here for the Everlasting and are you hearing my word or are you procrastination. Do not wait another day for this is truly in vain for you my children need to know in which the time is right down to the hour and day unite my loves unite for there will be lots to write about once my glory is seen and my church begins to live and shout. Amen for the Earth was made perfectly in my number seven all Perfection for you are my children in me a true reflection. Praise honor and Glory praise honor and Glory for you will have lots to write about. For this is The Great I Am story, and then he said of love Jesus your Messiah praise God.

Wow so then I was hearing one 124. I’m hearing this now and then it I was saying you I gave this to Bo one to walk in two us together Jesus makes two four and where I shall open the door that no man will be able to shut into My chosen year of 2024. For yes their time is up for it has filled my cup my blood that I shed for you was to deliver you back to me for I say what is true. Trump will come in like a blast never forget your heritage and who fought for you in the past. For Satan surely knows what time and season we are in but oh my children I shall cut his head and this shall be even for I shall even the score to bring the bitterness of Hearts to laugh again with much joy.

Russia I see your plans they shall come to nothing for you only plan to destroy and seize my America. And to you you shall have much chaos in which you chose to bring. Suffer not my children in these days and hour for my Angelic angels are bringing in my power. Stay in a state of grace hope love and charity for I am the gift that keeps giving. Oh praise God be not deceived in this hour of plenty. P plenty is coming for my beloveds so that you will light the path and walk truly for others my Apostles of love Jesus. …

For Yellowstone will erupt for did I not say that it was full my cup golden golden yellow stone Throne is what I heard for things shall be overthrown things shall be revealed some things sealed. For I release the unknown for my plan will be shown for coming up from under the ground with a loud sound for my people to see to start my kingdom to come of everlasting eternity. Coming up out of this place will bring much chaos to many for they did not turn to me in the Land of Plenty. Wisdom will come from this Mighty Stone of trial Yellow Stone. That was very interesting praise God. Give ear, thus sayith the Lord, to my judgment. Do not refuse my counsel attach yourself to whoever is wise be willing to listen to every Godly discourse for the stone that the builders have made shall be exposed. …

So Babylon the great will fall, thus sayeth the Lord. Babylon the great will fall Babylon the master of deceit will fall. New York City she many good must suffer with the bad. For Babylon the great will fall she has raised herself high above her God and she invokes the vengeance of a just punishment. Yes for the ships will look upon her as she burns. Woe woe for they shall Shield their eyes from this sight, thus sayeth the Lord. Babylon the great is the Harlot upon the Nations the Harlot upon the Nations that will fall. Babylon the great who has led many a stray will fall. For Satan chose this as his city of destruction for that is where the money changers are. The world governments play the harlot For the Love of it. You see my child much of your money from the world’s capitals arrive in New York. These monies are being gathered to start another War. There is an evil group as you know for they are made up of the major money holders. For the love of money they have sold their souls and The Souls of thousands upon thousands. For you have allowed oh America to have this evil grow strong in your country. For you must remove from your country the seat of evil that grows in this city of New York. The mark of the beast has labeled your city Babylon. Open your heart and eyes now to the truth before it is too late. You are being blindly led to your own Destruction. The broad of vipers that the Lord is speaking is the UN United Nations within your city must be removed at once. Now! …

I don’t have it in front of me. But he hid that name and Ronald. And then he showed me um Ronald Donald is hidden like Psalms 91. So the next one is August 13th 2024. Thus sayeth the Lord, you are seeing the abominations of desolations all around you. Do you not see the signs of the times? Why are you so blind that you choose to walk in this darkness? For darkness shall come upon on the Land of Plenty, And then will you come to me? For my cup is overflowing now and it shall be seen upon your streets, oh America. For you do not know that you are the abomination of desolation of filth coming up from under this city New York. And where she the harlot has captured many merchants in countrymen. Remove this filth now! You have become a city of blood and it shall come upon your whole country. For you have allowed all murders and abominations to come from this place. For this I tell you it is a total disgrace. For yes you shall now run your race and win.

As you my children remove such sin. For this city I have chosen to be a light, and I shall have it watch for it shall be bright. For there lies hope in a desolate place. For when My glory begins there will be protection and grace. Protection and grace come from me. For yes, I have given you all my children, yes all one and three. Father, Son and my Holy Spirit. Do not forget ever that it is I who hears it.

I hear your prayers coming up. For this is the time do not give up. For these are the hours and days that my mother Virgo Revelation 12 has told you. For yes, she is pure and oh yes and true. For where sin lives much grace does abound more. Only through prayer my children will you even this score the balance. And I’ve seen scales a few times and they gold that I’ve gotten. And I had another where I’ve seen um the Heavenly Host Michael holding um the balance.

My golden scales have reached their limit to seal in my sheep with the goats. And do you hear it? The golden trumpet rod in my cup are all in one. For this is the way as I seal this time up for it has begun. You only need a few things put aside for I will multiply what you have. Make sure you don’t walk in pride. Do not walk in pride. For when I speak truth I weigh the balances to overthrow Kings in their palaces. For this time of pride was their time to ride the Beast that surely does come from the East. Watch now I will make my White House white again. Whiter than snow for surely I tell you this has all been a show. …

To steal the hearts and minds and be distracted. For now I shall turn these pages as they become redacted. A time and a place my children for every time and season for I tell you what joy and hope shall be in these next seasons. Those who have chosen him, Jesus. Until I speak again remember my loves I am that brother that sticks closer than any friend. Open up your hearts for that is where it all begins to start. Your loving Messiah

Julie Green - A BATTLE IS BREWING IN YOUR WHITE HOUSE - September 11, 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to prepare for this battle. This is a time of rapid-fire, increasing attacks, and unprecedented events taking place. Your enemies are about to fire shots from all directions and, in many ways, to catch you off guard, to try and knock you off your feet so you can’t stand and won’t continue to fight this upcoming battle, which they think you will lose. They are convinced they have this country and this world right where they need it to be for the final shot for their ultimate control and takeover of the globe. 

Something is about to knock them off their feet and annihilate all their plans, and that is Me, saith the Lord. These desperate attempts and decisions will bring their end and solidify their fall in their disastrous exit from power over the nations

My children, arise and take your place in governments and the powerful positions where I need you to be to overthrow the rogue governments worldwide. Take your positions where I have called you to be. It does not matter how impossible or how long it has taken. It is not impossible for Me. 

I know many have been discouraged because your seats were temporarily stolen. You could not understand why this happened, or you were questioning whether you should have run for that seat in your government or your state in the first place. You were not wrong. Your enemy stole it, and now they will ultimately pay a high price for those seats. I need you, My children, to rely on Me and not a campaign manager or a political advisor. Throw those old ways out and shout My Words. I will give you the way to victory—it is My way. Your enemies cannot cheat enough to win

Things were allowed because even My children trusted in man’s ways to lead them to these positions. (But) when you would have gotten there, sabotage was waiting for you. Some of you would have taken a fall for your enemies’ crimes. So, some doors were closed to save My children, not to destroy them. This was the time to let your enemies think they had the upper hand, to let them be in seats they had stolen just so they could be exposed and forced out of them. The setbacks you have experienced are actually for your victory and not for your defeat. 

To My children who have been called to political positions: rise up now. Lean on Me for restoration. Lean on Me for strategy and for (how to) move forward. It is now time to change how a government is ruled—not by a machine or an establishment, not by the ungodly, and not by darkness, but by Me and with Me, saith the Lord. It is time for great change on this Earth and in who rules the nations. It is time for change, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The CIA is about to be shaken. A server which they have used to control governments, nations, and the news media is about to be their worst nightmare. Someone is coming to destroy their control over My Nation. Who this person is will shock this Nation. It is someone no one expected it to be

“The Biden” and Kamala are about to butt heads in a massive way. Another power grab will be taken by Kamala, one “the Biden” will fight her on

A battle is brewing in your White House, one the establishment will not continue to hide. More people inside that house are about to come out and expose what is really happening there

A shaking in the poles will prove what most people already knew. A shift will take place that the establishment cannot hide. Kamala’s next decisions will be disastrous in the polls. Every decision her campaign makes, which they think will give her a boost in the polls, will go in the opposite direction. It does not matter what strategy they choose; they will lose because their puppet will not work in accomplishing the job they have given her

An explosion of truth (is coming)—many things the Secret Service has buried for decades will resurface, and no one will suppress this information. The Secret Service is about to shake because the truth can no longer stay hidden on what happened to President Trump or about what has happened to so many other people your government was linked to. They destroyed or killed people who were a threat to their precious establishment, and it will all be exposed

My children, your government is responsible for countless deaths you did not even know about. The death toll will be revealed. Some that they thought were silenced are not. Some have been hidden from the establishment to help take them down. Since they no longer suspected these people were alive, they could do more damage to the establishment

Many chess pieces are about to be played that your enemies will never see coming, and it is almost time for checkmate

The truth (is coming) regarding Project Veritas, what happened to James O’Keefe, and how the establishment got involved in taking him down. (He was seen as) a major threat to their strategies and their machine. Listen carefully to what James O’Keefe is about to releasea smoking gun the establishment did not know anyone had, but he does. Your enemies tried to take him down, but I told you many whistleblowers were being protected. 

A massive fallout has begun with the left. What they thought they would get away with, they have not. Some are about to crack under great pressure. Now is the time when the establishment will shake like never before

To My David: you are not listening to the right strategist about how to end this war with the establishment. Only listen to Me. I have sent prophets with My Words. Some of your most trusted advisors have been keeping them from you. They are trying to keep you from hearing more from Me. My David, you are a fighter. You have great strength. But this knowledge, the words, and the strategies I have for you are far beyond what you have heard. What I have for you is guaranteed. It will crush your enemies rapidly. You are missing something, and you know it. This is the missing piece—Me, saith the Lord. I am what you need. I am what this Nation needs. Open your heart and fully let Me in so you can win, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, what is just about to happen in this Nation will shake many in their faith, (with them) not seeing a way out. But remember, I am your way out from anything your enemies try to put you in

Have faith over fear, and be careful about what you hear. And remember, I am near to take your enemies down once and for all. So, get ready for Me to move them out of the way, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Players who are on the right politically are hiding in plain sight because they are establishment informants and infiltrators. They are about to be called out and exposed in massive ways. The wolves in sheep’s clothing are about to have their masks ripped off in front of the world

My Church, you have had people, leaders, wearing masks inside your churches. Some behind the camera online are dividers, deceivers, and trying to weaken My Body in several ways. These, too, will have their masks ripped off. Some were never called by Me, and others were, but their hearts have become cold, and they were only doing things how they wanted to and for the wrong reasons. Some have been part of the occult this whole time. Witches have embedded themselves in many ministries, even in leadership roles. Some are in prayer teams as prayer intercessors. Others are employees sent to sabotage My work and stop My Glory from being received. 

I am exposing the witches and wolves among My people. There is about to be a great shaking in My Church to cleanse it of the snakes that have hidden themselves inside ministries

My children, get ready for many people to be exposed in ministries, people who do not belong to Me at all, saith the Lord of Hosts. 


My children, the professional liars in your capital are about to be caught in a massive cover-up and a great deception they tried to conceal so that no one would know what was really going on in the White House or any of your governmental buildings. 

These treasonous traitors and deceivers thought they could cover up the biggest scandal in your Nation’s history and get away with this crime right in front of the Nation. This cover-up is about to be exposed by someone in Washington who will no longer stay silent on what truly happened to “the Biden.” Leaks are about to be made regarding his health. So many have tried to hide them, but there will be no hiding “the Biden” and what is really going on with his residency, says the Lord. 

Washington is hiding a death that will not stay buried, and when this death is revealed, it will bring shock waves to the Nation. 

Another laptop is about to surface. It will destroy the establishment and its narrative about what has really been going on and who is actually running this Nation. As you can see, it is not a person, but a machine designed to govern whether a president is in that seat or not. This laptop will cause your enemies to go into a panic no one has ever seen. Their media outlets will not be able to spin this narrative enough to cover it up. They are in for total mayhem, and it is about to hit Washington

My children, I will say this again: the October surprise will come early this year, one that no one expects. It will make the establishment grow in desperation and fear, realizing they are losing the war over this country. This October surprise will bring great devastation to the establishment

Another puppet will slip up, and catastrophic failure will be seen. This new puppet is about to be worse than the last one was for Washington. They would have been better off with “the Biden.” You will hear this reported in the news after the next fall and missteps of Kamala. 

Things are not good in Washington. There is great tension among the puppet masters and others regarding the puppet’s performance in front of the cameras, and it will get much worse. There is no preparation big enough for this upcoming debate. It will shake them to their core when Donald Trump takes down another puppet

A setup is happening with this debate. Switching out a puppet will not be enough to save the establishment from the truth that will destroy another puppet and their candidacy. After another disastrous debate for the Washington elites, a keyword will be given to set off a chain of events meant to rattle this Nation

I told you, My children, you are living in unprecedented times, and unprecedented things are about to be seen. This should not bring fear to you but faith, knowing that I have given you this news before it takes place. 

There is a war going on, and not just any war—a cyber war, a war of disinformation, viruses, the fall of the stock market, terrorist attacks, attacks on your food supply, and attacks on your mind and health. I have warned you these events will be unprecedented. And when the foreign invaders do not accomplish what the establishment fully wanted, war will descend upon Washington between the invaders and the establishment. Mayhem is about to hit your capital like you have never seen

I told you I was drawing the wolves out of their cages, not for them to destroy you but for them to be destroyed. Your enemies are about to take the bait and uncover many people. Many things are about to explode in Washington because people are willing to turn against the establishment and make deals with others to save themselves from the upcoming defeat of a body of people designed to destroy this country. 

Many people are leaving Washington to join the ranks on the other side knowing that the writing is on the wall about who is going to win this war. It is not the establishment

Another major player that helped the establishment cheat in elections is about to step forward and choose Donald Trump and save this Nation from the elites. This person will bring shock waves to the capital because they know this person has a lot of proof against many in the establishment that will annihilate many in powerful positions in Washington

My children, things are about to shake violently in this Nation to save you from the death shot against this country that they were just about to take

Get ready for shock after shock, wave after wave, exposure after exposure, and much truth and proof that will end the elites and their machine in Washington

The end of this war against this Nation is approaching, and this is when things will look much worse. So, hold on to My Words closely, and you will remain in My peace and rest, knowing that this is not impossible to get out of and that it is not bigger than Me. My children, the Lord of Hosts is here to end your opponents and to end the destruction of this Nation. My Hand is moving against them. I am your deliverer, and I will not fail, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic Encounter: It is showtime! - September 8, 2024

I laid down this afternoon for a rest, I had put on some soaking worship music and fell sound asleep. I was startled and jumped wide awake when I heard my name being called. I nearly jumped out of my skin. To be clear I was all alone in the accommodations I am staying in, so I am sure it was in the spirit, no one else was around. It took a few minutes for my heart rate to go down, and thankfully I was able to fall back asleep.
As I fell back into a sound sleep, I was taken into the Spirit and this is what happened, so once again, I share with fear and trembling and in obedience to the Lord.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch
Prophetic Encounter:
I knew by the Spirit I was on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada near Comox.
I was taken in, flying in like a drone over a paved side road and shown a caravan of a dozen or so, new olive-green SUVs with blacked out windows. There were accompanied by a half a dozen black motorcycles. They had black police/military uniforms. I did not see any badges or patches on them.
The SUVs had no plates, flags or any other identification upon them.
They were on route to sit down and meet with Justin Trudeau and his inner circle.
It was a delegation of Chinese and deep state leaders.
I watched as they arrived at a guarded facility.
They entered in and got settled into a meeting room. It was only a few minutes before Justin Trudeau showed up. He had been called up on the carpet.
He was summoned to meet with them once again for some hard words.
He was their pawn.
They owned him.
He was there being told how things were going to go, he was being told what he was required to do.
This was unnegotiable.
I watched as he was given a set of files.
One by one they were handed over with instructions as to what he was called to do to roll them out.
The first file was another lock down plan.
It would be harder than the first time around. Another wave of a fear-based pandemic was on the table. A clear attack upon Canadian citizens was in hand. This had the fingerprints of WHO all over it.
The second file was regarding the plans being released to enlist and engage immigrants into and through the Canadian Military. They were not yet Canadian citizens, nor did they have to be. They were being positioned for very nefarious agendas. I knew by the spirit that they were going to be used and deployed into the nation for enforcement of evil government policies by a rouge tyrannical government.
I also saw that there was also a subplan to weaponize other immigrants by other means with evil intent through out the Nation.
I watched as they gave Justin Trudeau a third file.
This one came in a briefcase that was immediately handcuffed to him.
They didn’t talk about it there in that meeting that I saw.
My impression was he had been pre-briefed on this one.
This one was highly ultra restricted.
I had ice cold chills running up and down my body as I saw this.
This was the big one.
The plan of last resorts.
Trudeau gladly accepted the files and assignment, and made it clear they could trust him to play his part.
I was then taken by the Spirit again, and I found myself in a back room meeting with high level NATO and Cabal leaders.
I quickly realized that I was in the Ukraine.
They had Zielinski on the carpet.
They were putting the screws to him.
I knew that he had not complied with something he was told to deploy by these ones and they were not happy.
It was a move so massive that it would shake the Nations.
The action they assigned him was farther than Zielinski wanted to go. It was beyond what he had signed up for, but they owned him, and they would deploy the plan with or without him and regardless he would be blamed for it.
This one was way beyond him.
He had no power to stop it.
If and when it was deployed Russia would be forced to respond with an enormous heavy strike back. Not only regionally but internationally.
The deep state cabal was desperate knowing their days were numbered and they were going to try to destroy anything in their way and all evidence they have fought for so long to hide.
As I got up and was recording this encounter, the Lord dropped a word on me:
Barry, tell my people it is showtime! You are about to see that there is nothing that is not interconnected!
Do not comply!
Do not bow!
Let it be known that I am making the curtain call!
The bad actors are being exposed once and for all, for all to see!
Let me assure you that they have had their day!
They are on a slippery slope!
They are on thin ice!
The shake down and shake up is upon you.
You are no longer playing by ordinary rules!
Things are not going to be turned in the way you expect!
You will not change things at the polls!
It is much bigger than that!
The moves they are about to make are to prevent that from happening!
There is a revolution and reformation upon you to bring you freedom that will change things forevermore.
Again, I say unto you there are things coming that you have never seen before on a Biblical scale!
It must be so, in order to root out and destroy the evil, demonic powers and regimes that have held you captive.
They have wicked intentions to hurt and destroy My people, and enough is enough!
It is time for My remnant to bear down and take back the land that the enemy has stolen!
The days of your apathy and avoidance must come to an end.
I can save by many, or I can save by a few! However the day is coming where you will stand before me and will be held to account of not only what you have done, but as well what you did not do.
Obedience is better than sacrifice.
Let him who has ears hear.
For you have called upon My name to come.
You have called for My fire.
And when it is here you have not recognized it!
Once again, examine your hearts.
Come to the altar. Seek My face and My heart, and I will forgive every sin and wash it away. It will be as far as the east is from the west. I will fill you afresh. I will empower you. I will protect you. I will provide for you. And you will have all you need in Me!
For great and mighty are My ways, and the day is coming where you will understand these mysteries!
The Jubilee that is coming is greater than you have ever imagined!
Trust me, when I tell you that the very best days are coming!
Truth is coming!
Justice is coming!
Healing and Deliverance are coming!
New governance is coming!
Freedom is coming!
The harvest is at hand!
Holy is the word of the Lord!


This was he gave this to me on September the 6th 2024 and I’m going to post this on September the 9th. It is called the world is going to change in one day. The father’s , it’s time. Time for all that I have shared and told you to come to fruition. Are you ready? Be ready and walk by faith and not by sight. The first signs may not seem like a celebration but celebrate you will be. Have your cake and get ready. They have not repented and I have given them plenty of time, more than enough. The time is up and time to be gone with them and to set you my precious children free. Take time to step away from the television. They are using the television, tell a vision, to tell you a vision of lies deceit, and worse. The truth they have not told you and I put it on the hearts of many. My athletes, thank you for acknowledging my son on the world stage.

We know that it takes more strength than playing your game. We are very proud of you. Pray for your lost ones but praise me and thank me for their salvation. You have prayed I am answering and it is done. I keep my promises and I answer my precious children’s prayers. Give them to me and be ready to shepherd them when they receive my son. The world is going to change in one day. Without this great move the enemy will get ahead of my plans and it is not his time. I will not allow him to win this battle. I am on the throne and I win, and you win my child. And that’s where it ended.


I have a very heavy word from the Lord today and it is called prepare for the day the great and terrible day of the Lord. And the father God talked to me about this on September 5th 2024 and  just felt the holy spirit. … Okay so I’m going to just forego the sunshine moment that today and we’re going to go straight to the message from God that He gave me on September the 5th 2024. And it’s called prepare for the day the great and terrible day of the Lord. This is from the father. Just like the stars are still there in the daytime know that I will take care of you no matter what is happening in the world. My children fear not the moves I am making in the next few days. It will be chaotic to to many but you my precious children rest in me. Trust in me and my son Jesus.

The time has come to meet the enemy on the battlefield. They are going to regret their evil diabolical ways they have put on my people. Through regulations, policies, govern governmental control taxes fraud insurance rules, and vaccines, and much more. They have enslaved my people and I say no more. No more to their evil lies, twist on the truth, their manipulations their Baal sacrifices of my precious sweet babies. No more enough, I say enough. Go to your prayer closets go now and pray one last time for the evil ones. Their time is up and you are going to witness another of my great historical events. This will be bigger and grander than ever before as the whole earth will see and know that I am The Great I Am.

There will be many around you that need your help your prayers and your love. Show love to all and do not point fingers of who caused all of this to happen. The calls will be gone. A new day dawns and the new dawn will bring the most beautiful days of your life. This great and terrible ay is upon you. So be ready and be vigilant. Many of you have been long preparing for this day by stockpiling resources. Remember to share if needed in your area. Everyone may not be in the dark. But there will be some as my prophets and my dreamers have told you. I pick this time of the year because it is not so hot, and not cold yet. I am a a loving merciful father and I think of you my children and I love you so much. Pray they repent one more time. I do not desire for any to perish. I love all of my creation. Prepare for the day, the great and terrible day of the Lord. Amen  

Julie Green - A WAR IS COMING AGAINST WASHINGTON - (First Prophecy) September 29, 2024

My children, the establishment in this Nation is in bigger trouble than they realized- with this new puppet, their fake campaign, and the counterfeit look-alike that is running for president. It is all a lie. They are trying to hide her just like “the Biden.” There is no difference. They know they cannot run a real campaign. Neither one of their puppets can run a true campaign against Trump. 

No one they have chosen can do the job because they were only looking for weak links to be their puppets- (puppets) that would use scripts, (puppets) that could not or would not (deviate) from what they were told to say. They did not want strong candidates, as ridiculous as that sounds, because they did not want anyone who would go against their design or their machine. They have had too many (strong candidates) in times past that they had to dispose of. So now they have changed their strategy, and they are struggling with people who cannot on their own put together a sentence that makes any sense. 

So, they will continue to hide her and also hide “the Biden.” They are panicking. They think that both puppets will destroy the momentum that they (believe) they have gained when they replaced the one puppet with the new one- through words that might slip out of their mouths, which would show the world how weak their puppets and their plans really are. Well, their ship is about to sink, and I am about to take the wind out of their sails. This puppet will not work just like the last one (did not work). Their strategies are not working. 

My children, the desperation that has grown in Washington is about to get much worse when they realize hiding their puppet will not work. Their scripts will not (work) either. She will have to go out on her own, and she will fail just like “the Biden” failed. Their plans are falling apart quicker than they thought they would or could. They truly believe that by having her as a candidate for only a short time until this election, they could hide her weakness and their hatred for her, but they cannot

There is a great divide in Washington that is about to grow even more. More confusion is coming. More distractions are coming. I told you that unprecedented things will pick up and become more frequent because, My children, unconventional, unprecedented, and unusual is the only way your enemies have a chance

The establishment will try to do more things to this country and to this election that are extremely unconstitutional, but they do not care. All they care about is winning and stealing another election so they can stay in control, but they cannot have either. 

My children, truth bombs are about to hit your enemies’ camp that they will not be able to handle. They will not know how to stop all this truth (coming) at one time, truth that is destroying their narrative. They will make massive mistakes trying to cover up this news cycle, and when they try this, more people will turn from them (because they are) seeing the truth. Deception can no longer control the masses and keep this country going on the path they want. 

They are falling apart. Their plans are falling apart. And their new candidate, their replacement puppet, is falling apart for the world to see, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The illegals they have allowed into this Nation are about to be a thorn in the establishment’s side. Resistance is growing, and more people will see the truth and (see) all the freebies (the illegal immigrants) are receiving to come here. They were paying them off for terrorist attacks and to steal another election with fake votes. (The fake votes would) overwhelm the voter rolls which are being wiped (clean) of (names of the deceased that were still on the rolls), and so the establishment had to make another plan to make up for those (lost) votes

But the ones they paid to come here are about to turn on Washington in a massive way. It will destroy their plans against My David and this Nation. A war is coming against Washington that they do not see and are not prepared for. 

My children, when you see this take place, remember that they will stop at nothing to stop My David and this country from coming back to life, but with every weapon they choose, they will lose. So do not back off from this fight- from what you see regarding events in November or regarding anything they try with this election. Listen carefully to these Words- your enemies lose no matter what they do

So, keep praying them out and watch them fall just like Goliath fell. Watch their destruction just like Pharaoh and his army (were destroyed). It is all coming down. It is all changing before your eyes, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Great consequences are coming against the enemies of Almighty God in more ways than one. They are growing weaker by the day as you are growing stronger. My Army is advancing while your enemies are retreating. The battle is the Lords, and the battle has been won, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

A democratic strategist is about to blow a major whistle and tell the truth. It will bring shockwaves to the left. More people are telling the truth than they ever realized would. 

Another major Democrat will turn and endorse Trump, one that you would not have expected. 

A major upset is coming to “the Biden.” His party will completely turn against him. Watch what takes place when “the Biden” comes out of his hiding place. 

Wormwood: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Another major corporation is about to collapse. My children, something you do not see coming is about to rock corporate America. All the giants are coming down, and none will be left standing. 


My children, nothing the establishment is doing to destroy My David or steal this election is working. It is not enough to keep this Nation under their control. They are growing in panic because everything they have tried has not worked. Some of their plans have completely backfired and others only worked for a short time, it seemed, then fell flat and caused more of a problem for them to fix. 

With every day that passes, the establishment regrets picking such a weak candidate, one that is extremely incompetent. She is just as bad as “the Biden” with her flaws and embarrassing mouth. The establishment truly thought this coup against “the Biden” would do a better job in the polls, shifting the momentum away from Trump.  This plan did not last as long as they needed it to- to take more attention away from their disastrous excuse of a candidate, to steal more time in the media, and to get the attention away from My David and how this country is going for him and not for them

They tried impeachments, but they failed. They tried indictments, but they failed. They tried to assassinate him, but they failed. They do not know how to handle the situation because they did not expect him to be alive let alone still be winning in this election. That is why their next moves will be even more desperate than their last efforts against him and this Nation. 

My children, watch what the establishment will try to pull off – something so unprecedented that has never happened in any presidential election in this Nation’s history. Their desperation is growing, and they will make every foolish mistake. They will act without thinking about the outcome of their plans when they do not work. And, My children, (their plans) will not work. Everything they do up until this election is supposed to end this Nation and President Trump, but everything they do will make everything worse for them and their narrative. 

Too many lies will be exposed. (There are) too many things to keep hidden. They will be uncovered, (especially) how much they are willing to do to enslave a nation

There is a foreign nation that is about to turn on the establishment and give up information. You would call it an information dump- letting many things come out of the bag that will destroy many in Washington. This foreign nation will bring much shock and shaking to the political world. 

Whistleblowers are getting where they need to be, to be the most effective in doing the most damage to the elites that they can. Soon many will sing like canaries to take them out. 

My children, you will be surprised at how many people in this Nation and in other nations are willing to join forces to take out this establishment. Washington is about to shake in a way they will never recover from- regarding these documents and all the proof that is coming to bring them down

My children, hold tight and fight. This battle is almost over. This battle is Mine, and you will win, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Dark horse: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. 

“The Biden” will slip and say something that will cause a lot of damage to the establishment and Kamala. If he goes down, he will try to take her down with him. 

Elon Musk is about to release information that will shake up the establishment. They do not see this coming. They will regret ever going against him. He has more information on them than they previously believed. Elon is about to be a nightmare for the establishment. 

My David is preparing to throw the stone he has been holding onto. He just needs to trust Me and no one else on when exactly to throw it so it will do the most damage

My children, do not be afraid of this election, no matter what takes place. It is not theirs, and they will not have this Nation. Do not be afraid of their distractions, diversions, and the events that will take place. Nothing will work because I am restoring this Nation and giving it back to you. Your enemies are being forced out, and nothing will change that fact. So, stay focused on My Word and stand your ground. 

This Nation is about to come alive, and it will be fully restored, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - September 2024

Julie Green - TURN ON THE NEW PUPPET - August 28, 2024

My children, the news regarding this fake administration, the fake campaign, and the new puppet is about to change drastically. Some of the media outlets and journalists are about to crack under the pressure and weight they carry from knowing that everything they are reporting is a lie and is destroying this Nation as they know it. 

Some who were reporting the news thought they were helping to save this Nation and not destroying it. Some were so blind to the truth they could not see what was really happening until the truth finally hit them so hard they started to wake up from the great deception that had been controlling them. You will see more and more (people) start to boldly tell the truth now because they want to save this Nation. More (people) will be willing to lose their jobs to speak the truth

There are divisions between the news stations and the establishment greater than what people realized. More people will turn on the propaganda machine. This will cause the establishment to lose more allies. They are realizing that more are turning against them, their vision, and their plans. 

A great shaking that will shock this Nation is coming. More hot mics and videos of journalists and others speaking the truth when they did not think their mics were still on or their cameras were still rolling will be released. Devastating reports will come out regarding this. It will hit Kamala’s campaign hard because so many hate her and were only saying nice things about her because they were forced to

Many more leaks against the new puppet and her sidekick will be intentional, and it will send their campaign into chaos that they will not recover from. Kamala and Tim are going to be exposed and humiliated in front of the world. The theatrics of them being so loved and admired is the farthest thing from the truth. The Obamas and their team cannot stand her. They are trying to figure out every plan they can for removing her and keeping (saving) face while still winning this election. 

Desperation is at an all-time high because Trump is still alive, his momentum is still building, and his popularity is still growing. Nothing they have thrown at him has put a dent in his campaign or his message, which is still resonating with people. Instead, it has made him more popular. More people than before like him, and nothing they have done to get people to hate him has worked. 

They have another plan to assassinate him using another fall man. But remember, My children, they cannot kill him when he is under My protection. This does not mean to stop praying for him and His family. When every attempt fails yet again, they will start to turn more against the citizens of this Nation. 

They have more attacks planned against you which they are about to roll out. They will try everything to drop more fear into the hearts of every American. (They want you to) think that all hope is lost for getting rid of the establishment and saving this Nation. The establishment, in fact, is losing hope of keeping this Nation out of Trump’s hands seeing there is such hope in his popularity. The masses are turning more to him, and despite every lying strategy that they have tried, the truth is still prevailing. 

My children, there is an army of Americans building that will not let their freedoms die with this next election nor from the next efforts by the establishment. This Nation will be shaken like never before. I have repeatedly told you this, so that when these things take place, you are aware that you are strengthened by My Word and know that I am saving you from these oppressors, the ones trying to take this country and the world down. 

The old guard will be ripped out of their offices. (They will be) forced out of the seats they have held for numerous years. Nothing will stop My hand from moving across this land securing its safety and freedom from the hands that held it in a chokehold until it was totally theirs to control. 

Things will intensify even more than what you have seen. Your marching orders are to stand and to not back off from My Words. This Nation is not theirs, and they will no longer keep it under their control. I am moving in so that you can win it back, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

My children, it is time to hunker down and hold fast to My Words. Many things will try to move you away from the truth and put you into fear. But knowing My Word will set you free from all their tyranny, saith the Lord. 

Comcast: this company will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Chuck Schumer is about to have a medical emergency, you would say. Something has been wrong with his health, and they will not be able to hide it this time. 

Mitch McConnell will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Some senators will not make it to the end of their terms. Some will resign. Others will be forced out, and some will not survive until the end of this political reset. Get ready. A shaking is coming to the Senate Chamber, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Beware of what they try next with the monkeypox. Do not fear. I have told you, My children, similar things will take place just like the plagues of Egypt, and it will be seen. You are about to see this on the ones who try to cause this outbreak. Just like COVID, your enemies will no longer be safe from the diseases nor the viruses they are creating for you. 

My children, you have the promises of My Word and My Blood Covenant. No matter (if it is) this virus or another one that they try, they are not more powerful than My Word or My Blood

Go and read Deuteronomy 7. Go and read Psalm 91. Go and read Galatians 3:13 or First Peter 2:24. My Word has the answers you need to destroy every problem your enemies try to create. My Word is your solution. It is your answer. It will protect you. It will free you from the darkness that has been trying to swallow up this world. 

My children, this is the time, I said, to batten down the hatches. The storm is about to pick up with intensity and speed. The winds are moving and will change the course of this Nation. Hold on to My Word and hold on to Me for your great victory, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Carolyn Dennis - WATCH YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS! A MESSAGE FROM GOD - September 2, 2024

He gave this to me on September 2nd 2024. The move began a long time ago it started before the 2020 Much has happened in about eight years since 2016. Many of the key players are gone and movie has been rolling, The commanderin-chief orchestrated the whole thing along with valuable trusted alliances. There are many involved and much work is going on. I gave them the plan as we had to come in under stealth to keep the enemy from destroying our entire plan. The Great Reveal is coming and it is coming very soon. There will be panic and chaos and a lot of worry. Be still my child and know that I am the great I am. I allowed and orchestrated all of this for your freedom.

The evil that they have committed is more than you could possibly ever know or or think about. All will be told and revealed as the Commander in Chief rolls it all out. Many will still be in shock as they have done their due diligence in seeking me or at least listening to my prophets. My prophets and my dreamers have been telling and telling of the events to come. This movie is coming to an end and great tidings await my children at the end. Much is not what it seems.

My United States could have never survived more of the Obamas and would not be the land of the free and the home of the brave under Hillary. Most of you would have been gone by by now. I am saving the United States to save the rest of the world. The reestablishment of the Republic of the United States will bring freedom to my other countries as well do not think that I have forgotten you. My world and all of my countries matter to me all of my precious children. This rescue mission is for all. As the events of the days to come occur be ready to help people. Give them cash give them food and more most importantly give them love. Point everyone to my precious son Jesus.

We love all and want none to perish or to be in fear help people with fear and anxiety. Love on them. Your prayers are powerful and move my heart. People need prayer and some do not know to ask for it. Offer to pray with them and speak words of peace. This will be very short lived but many will be afraid. Love on them and lead them to us. Watch your bank accounts and see what happens. I have many surprises for you my precious children. Your faithfulness, and hope, and prayers, are in my books and I am the best account it. Your rewards will be great. Now enjoy this day and go and play spend some time with us and those you love. And remember fear not you are my child and I will always protect and take care of you. Abba Father. Amen

Julie Green - THE LEFT IS NOT DONE TEARING ITSELF - APART - August 27,, 2024

My children, the United States has been under attack. It has been under a hostile takeover from an unruly and rogue government, a machine designed to tear apart everything in this Nation that made it strong, united, healthy, and wealthy and to take away any joy of living here. They designed this machine and paid people to run it, to kill the soul of this Nation and the world that it was designed to help. 

This Nation has a calling on it. Its purpose is to give the world the gospel, the good news of Christ. The devil is doing everything in his power to shut it down and to further this world into a darkness it can never get out of. He knows this Nation is a beacon of hope and truth to other nations. He is doing everything he can to put out that light and destroy any hope left for this Nation and its freedom. 

This is a war to save this Nation. This is a time when you cannot quit because (if you do), you will be giving your enemies something that does not belong to them; it belongs to you. That is your victory. I never said that getting back this Nation wouldn’t take strength or fighting with perseverance you didn’t even know you had. My children, no matter what it looks like now, you will outlast your enemies

Great Britain could not take down My Nation during the American Revolutionary War, no matter how big or how many weapons they had. My children, it is the same thing now. This is the same fight, just with different opponents. It is a machine and a worldwide global resistance by the elites to end this Nation. But they do not have the power or the strength to do it. So do not hand it over to them because of what it looks like now. 

You are about to see the greatest upset in this Nation’s history. You will fully get rid of Great Britain’s influence. They have tried to secure their power over this Nation even after that war. You have many foreign nations that have joined forces to take down this country, but you also have other foreign nations that are willing to help the United States of America end the war against it. 

This is a war unlike anything this Nation has ever been under—this style and this type of attack to this degree, especially when your own government, courts, and news media are on their side (working) to destroy it. They thought of everything they could do to destroy you, and it looked like it would work on paper, but they did not think about Me and how I defend and protect this Nation. No plan of theirs is bigger than Me, saith the Lord. 

My children, I am about to rip apart every agency, entity, foreign invader, infiltrator, and treasonous traitor and put every one of them on full display for their final takedown. It is all coming to a close. Many removals are at hand. So, get ready to see removal after removal and exposure after exposure to tear apart this machine and bring it to a standstill, never to function like this again. I am ready to move My hand, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Hardwired: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Amherst: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Doug Emhoff: this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Things hidden in his past will be unearthed that the media won’t be able to hide. This is another form of exposure that will bring their new puppet down further. 

Tim Waltz: you think you can spin the truth and hide from reality. Soon you will not have a choice and will have to answer for the crimes you have tried to hide. Justice is coming, no matter who is on your side that you think will help you to bury and suppress this information. You are about to be betrayed big time

The battleground states in this Nation are about to rattle the cages of the establishment. They will no longer be able to battle to keep them. This time it will be too big for them to cheat. They are losing their grip on how to cheat in this upcoming election enough to steal another one. 

A great shock is coming to Washington. Soon, they will learn that no amount of cheating will get them across the finish line like in times past. This election is not theirs to win, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Chemical disaster: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Another train derailment is imminent, and where it will take place will be surprising. 

Another bridge incident will be in your news for a significant reason. 

My children, I want to remind you about black swan events. I have warned you that your enemies would try to pull these off to create havoc across this Nation. They are about to become very desperate to get more (havoc) at one time. 

Critical failure: this phrase will also be in your news for a shocking reason. 

A nuclear power plant will be in your news for a significant reason. Remember, everything is not how it appears to be. They have purposely done things to cause more distractions and failures that look like an accident or by chance, but it simply is not true. 

Unconventional things will pick up more and more. So do not be surprised by the things you are about to see or hear, unusual things that you might not understand. Remember that I am healing your land from all the effects and damage your enemies have caused. 

I am a God that restores, and I will restore all of it back to you, children of the Most High God. I am here to change the direction, the outlook, and the leaders of this Nation, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

A Supreme Court Justice will come out with a surprising ruling. 

Watch what next steps are taken against “the Biden.” They are not done humiliating him or letting him go. When they expose more about his crime family, other crime families in Washington will be exposed as well. It looks like “the Biden” is compliant with his masters now, but wait until more reports are released against him. Then, listen to the words he lets slip out of his mouth against the puppet masters

The left is not done tearing itself apart. They tried to hold it together for the convention, but now it is about to get real, you would say. The gloves are coming off, and betrayals will be even greater now. Hatred and division have grown to another level that they cannot hide. 

Tensions between Obama and Harris are about to escalate in such a way that they cannot suppress it

The great showdown in this Nation has begun, and the establishment is about to lose it all

Veronika West - August 2024 and Some Needed Prophetic Clarity - September 4 , 2024

HomeProphecyAugust 2024 and Some Needed Prophetic Clarity

Barry Wunsch - Things are about to get real - September 4, 2024

Your lives are about to be changed forever.

Things as you have known them are about to be turned upside down and inside out.

You will never be the same.

No one is going to come out of this the same.

No one.

Do not think that I am unaware.

I have counted every grain of sand.

I have set the waters in place.

I have created heaven and earth and there is nothing outside of My power and dominion.

Yet, I have given man, free will.

The greatest gift I could give.

It is your choice as to whom you will serve.

I am not going to force anyone to serve me.

That is up to you.

The choice is yours as to how close you want to be to me.

This is what it makes our relationship so beautiful.

It is my desire to walk closely in intimacy with each of my children.

It grieves my heart that so many not only reject me but have turned to great evil and darkness.

For even now, they scheme and plot among the Nations as to greater means of destruction towards Me and my people.

They will stop at nothing in the path of evil, death and destruction that is in their hearts.

Do not be deceived.

This is a spiritual battle first and foremost.

Light vs Darkness.

They will sugar coat it, lie and twist everything they can to hide behind and justify their evil plans and actions.

Let me tell you this; there is nothing I am not aware of, and nothing that is a surprise to me.

What is coming is of Biblical proportions.

You have never seen anything like this before and you will never see it again.

By the time this is done, there will be a clean slate.

I will take what is coming and I will level every evil dark and demonic structure that has been used to suppress, kill and destroy my people.

They hav their plans, AND I HAVE MINE!

I am exposing these very dark and evil plots and plans right here, and right now to those whom I have put into place at this time in history to lead in the Nations.

Let me be clear, these ones cannot do one thing on their own, but with Me we together shall take out these evil regimes.

All the evil ones have built shall be as NOTHING!

I am wiping the slate clean.

I have called you to tear down and to rebuild with me.

I am releasing new Kingdom Governance in this hour.

No longer driven by religious and political spirits and mind sets, no longer controlled by Luciferians.

They are finished.

I am destroying all that they have had, they shall no longer hold the purse strings and control as they have in the Nations.

The time is at hand for the release of My Wealth. The Gold is Mine, the Silver is Mine !

I have wealth and resources that you know not of!

And it is time for it to be released.

It shall be used to rebuild in truth and righteousness.

There is a displacement of Governance that is at hand.

I am establishing a rebirthing far greater than you ever imagined possible!

America the Great, America the Beautiful, you play the leading role!

What I have called you to is no small thing. It is going to everything with in you to stand and advance what I have entrusted you with.

I am strengthening the resolve with in you today for the days that are ahead.

It is not going to easy, nor have I promised it to be so.

However, I have promised you that I will be with you every step of the way, and I keep My word!

You are going to see things you never thought you would see in your lifetime.

Rest assured, as you walk with Me, I will give you the strength, wisdom and faith to not only make it through but to get things done!

I will show you the way. I will be the light unto path.

Raise your shields.

Lock them together.

Put aside those things that inhibit the unity I have called you to.

Settle accounts one with another.

Close the back doors.

Remove the landing strips.

Give no room for the enemy to gain a foothold.

I give grace to the humble, and I resist the proud.

Now is not the time to play games.

The cost is too high.

Leave the hard hearted to me.

Re-establish boundaries.

You can only do what you can, not every heart will turn.

You are only responsible for your actions.

Do not get caught up in the weeds.

It is a much bigger picture I assure you!

Fill your lamps with oil. Don’t rely on the oil of others, you need to get your own!

Now is the time to let your light shine.

The days of hiddenness are behind you.

It is time to come forward.

It is time to lay it all down in surrender to Me.

It is time to follow me with all your heart, soul and spirit and as you surrender you will walk in my favour not only through these days but all the days of your life!

Holy is the word of the Lord.


Woe to those who think they control this Nation and the elections in this country. Your manipulation and deceptive ways will not get you your desired outcome this time. Much chaos and division will consume your camp like never before. Like a swarm of bees that you cannot get away from, you cannot hide yourselves from this coming swarm, and this political storm that is heading your way.

This replacement puppet will misfire and go off script when you least expect it. The words that will proceed from her mouth will do catastrophic damage to your election and the plans to move this Nation in the direction you want. This puppet will not work to get the end result you so desire.

You had no choice for the time being. So you went with her, but soon you will regret this decision even more than you do now. Your plans are backfiring on you. As I speak these words, no matter your plan moving forward, you will lose your power, and you will lose this Nation.

Kamala, you think you are safe from a coup coming against you, but you are not. You will end up with the same fate as “the Biden” – betrayed and discarded. In this short time before this upcoming election, many things will come at you that even your own party will not stop, nor will they try to prop you up enough to see you through it. You have hidden secrets you never wanted anyone to know about- secrets besides the ones that are already (being used to) hold you captive. Those skeletons are about to be released by your own party’s doing. You are about to take a hit, and you will not be able to withstand the ramifications (from it) that will take place.

Remember, what you have sown with “the Biden” will happen to you. What you partook in against Trump, the same thing will happen to you. Do not get comfortable with your party’s and the news media support being on your side. This will all be short-lived. Your fall is coming, and so is your removal, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, what I told you regarding a political storm- it is approaching, and it is headed for DC. This (kind of a) storm is something that has never been seen nor taken place before in this Nation. There is nothing to compare this storm to. It is unusual in its size and the damage it will cause, catastrophic damage that will wipe out the establishment once and for all leaving no survivors in their positions.

The winds have shifted. A great and mighty wind is about to hit many who will not expect it. It will knock them off their feet and the platform they are standing on. Unprecedented and unconventional turn of events is about to take place in this country that will change the scenery from what you now see to what it should have been all along. The winds of change are changes in your politicians, where they stand, and where they have planted themselves. They are about to be uprooted.

My children, get up. Do not back down. You are winning this fight, and the giants in your land are about to be forced out. I will say this again, the giants are falling. This Nation is being ripped away from their hands and is being given back into yours. Children of the Most High God, this is your land. Never stop fighting for it, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Another presidential debate disaster is about to take place. The puppet they picked will not perform the way they want her to. She is not up for this fight, and she will fail like the last puppet fell. Humiliation will be the outcome.

My children, watch and see when more momentum is back on Trump’s side. The media can no longer suppress it, not again. Watch and see the steps they are willing to take because the honeymoon is over. The celebrations are over. I told you they would be short-lived.

The fake polls cannot hide their new puppet’s disastrous performance. Another event will shake up this upcoming election. You do not see it now, but you soon will.

My children, remember they will try to stop My David at all costs. They will stop at nothing. They are willing to put everything on the line, no matter how bad it is nor how bad it makes them look. 

The clock is ticking on their time to stay in power. That clock is about to strike midnight, and the show will end. So, hold on. It is almost over, but this time will be the hardest not to walk by sight. Do not fear and remember that the Great I AM is here for vengeance. I will deliver you out of it all, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Patricia Green - Message from the LORD - August 25, 2024

Today’s video is um a message from them the Lord that I received on August 25th and August 27th of 2024. So this is what the Lord said. September is a significant month. Many pieces will fall into place to bring forth this great change that I have planned. Then the Lord asks me this question, he says what does September mean? So when I looked it up September means the seventh month because it used to be the seventh month of the 10 month calendar in around the year 1000. So sept means seven. Then the Lord continued and he said seven is my number of completion. I am going to complete things in the month of September that will astound people. The vaults will be opened these ancient vaults contain riches that have been hidden for centuries. The wealth of the wicked is coming to the righteous, says the.

Lord Psalm 112 2 and 3 the generation of the upright will be blessed wealth and riches will be in his house and his righteousness endures forever. So I saw a vision of a mighty Angel and the angel was putting chains on a principality that had been that had kept the gold and the riches from the people. This mighty angel was no match for this principality and it was screeching and cursing while the angel flew off with it in toe. Then the Lord said while this principality was on its throne the riches and wealth were kept from the people. It is just like when I the Lord God dethroned the gods of Egypt and then the Egyptians gave their wealth to my people. Isaiah 65 then you shall see and become radiant and your heart shall swell with joy because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you the wealth of the gentiles shall come to you.

Then the Lord said the world will see the wicked no more for their wickedness is beyond the comprehension of most. For I see it all and it angers me, says the Lord. I have held my anger in check to give them time to repent from their wickedness. But they have seen my patience as a confirmation that I do not exist or do not care that they perform such heinous acts. But indeed I do exist and I do care and soon very soon my arm of justice will sweep them up in a net they cannot escape from. Their fall and their demise is their own doing for a man will reap what he sows, says the Lord.

Then I saw a vision of many people in orange jumpsuits with chains around their ankles and the Lord said indeed orange will be their apparel in place of fancy suits and stylish dresses. Bars will be their new home homes and gone will be the mansions, villas, penthouses, yachts, private jets, offshore accounts, and hidden riches. For great will be their fall and all their wealth will be stripped from them, says the Lord. Prestige will be replaced with shame and loathing. I will take down those at the top whose identities have been hidden but not from me, says the Lord. These are the ones who have controlled the world finances and have done great wickedness to the children.

The blood of the children cries out to me and their cries of Anguish have reached my ears. I will no longer hold back my wrath for the sake of the children. No longer will children be a commodity bought and sold for the pleasure of wicked people. No longer will their blood be purchased and drunken. For I am bringing down this black market of iniquity, and depravity, says the Lord. Oh you think you will not be caught with your secret accounts and fake names. But I the Lord of hosts know who you are and you cannot hide your evil deeds from, me says the Lord.

The blood of the children speaks and will not be silenced. Those who have dirty hands, and dirty mouths, from consuming the blood of children will be exposed. And your dirty deeds will sicken the people when you are exposed. Your stardom, your power, your position, and your wealth, will all come crashing down and the people will be repulsed by what you have done. You will become known as the blood suckers. Then the Lord shifted his words when he concluded his words with with these. He said new days with a Bright Horizon are on the way for those who love me, says the Lord.

The world is about to see the greatest shift in humanity when all the darkness is removed. New days are coming, new hopes will be realized, new directions will be given, new freedoms will be established, new love will spread, new joy will spread bring forth. And new wealth will flow says the Lord. Hallelujah have a blessed day.

Julie Green - THE ESTABLISHMENT IS ON LIFE SUPPORT - August 23, 2024

My children, the monsters that have been lurking and sneaking around your capital and in those places of power, will soon have a lot to answer for. Yes, I called them monsters because of the crimes they have committed on such a massive scale. They took many lives for personal gain. They did not care how many lives were lost or how many people were affected by the decisions they made for their precious establishment’s survival. 

Well, I will tell you their establishment is on life support, and I am about to pull the plug. This monster of a machine will not last much longer. It is just limping along right now. Once you see more of it fall apart, more things will take place worldwide to try and save this monstrous machine to try to keep it alive. 

They have hit another level of desperation, and the more they make decisions, the more mistakes will be made—sloppy decisions leaving more and more evidence at every crime scene. Some have already been caught in the act and have paid the price. The establishment has sacrificed people before, but this will be a whole new extreme, even for them. People at higher levels who thought they were safe will be let go. This is when more will crash in front of the world. 

My children, do you realize the time you are living in? This is what you have been standing for, praying for, and believing for—for Me to move on your behalf, to save you, and deliver you from the hands of the wicked. This is the time of suddenlies—sudden changes, sudden shifts, and sudden removals. Move forward in this battle. Advance and take back more ground. It belongs to you. Stop letting the enemies push you back to the point of retreat. No! You push them to their retreat by using My Words, by believing and fighting the good fight of faith

Your enemies are on the brink of a massive collapse. The violent shaking that is coming is a wake-up call to this Nation and My children around the world to wake up those still asleep, the ones being led over the cliff of deception. My children, it is time to be fully awake in Me and My Word, to be a bright light and freedom to this world, (freeing) it from the darkness it has been in. 

It is time for drastic changes, for even more drastic measures to be taken on your enemies’ side because they are losing everything they hold dear. These next bold steps they take will be some of their final ones in their places of power

Do not give in to what you see. Do not be moved by something that is not real. Their power is not real. What they say is not true. I told you all they have are distractions, illusions, and lies. Do not be moved by something that will not last. All of this can and will suddenly change. I will change it for your good, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, they cannot hide their puppet for long. The pressure will build (to the point) where they have no choice. She will be in front of the cameras, and she will fall hard just like the other puppet they were using that did not last either. Her words will not make sense. It will be obvious that this puppet cannot think on her own feet. I will cut the lines from the puppet masters. She will have to do an interview on her own without being given the words to say, and she will fall on her face in disgrace

Many think that your government pushed another puppet through and got away with what they had just done against this Nation. No. She got to come out into the spotlight, just like “the Biden,” to fall, be exposed, and humiliated in that spotlight. It was not to keep her there for very long or to let her become president. 

They do not want her, and they will turn on her just as fast as they did “the Biden.” When the polls start to crash against her, neither the celebrities nor the concerts will be enough to keep the crowds or the momentum going on their side. Nothing they use and no plan they come up with will be big enough or strong enough for them to win ever. 

When they realize this puppet also needs to go is when more will happen worldwide and in this Nation. Major events are coming that you do not see right now. This is why you have had the time to prepare for what is about to shake this Nation free from your enemies. I am ready to move My Hand to free this land, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Scarface: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Menendez: this name has been in your news. He was one of the establishment that was allowed to fall to save others just like him, but many in Washington are much worse than this case. Remember that the establishment is willing to sacrifice their own to save the leaders, but this tactic will no longer work

Bribery and blackmail on a scale that is so unprecedented are about to be unleashed for the world to see—how so many in your government padded their pockets and received bribe after bribe for the crimes they committed against this Nation. Someone is coming out to blow the whistle on their mob bosses, to turn on them to save this Nation. 

Backstabbing, exposures, and people making deals to save themselves from the collapse they know is coming. Get ready for this machine that kept this Nation in its chokehold to be brought down to its knees. It will collapse. It will be annihilated by Me. 

You will see, My children, that I am still your deliverer. I am still the Most High God. I am very much alive. I still keep My promises to 1000 generations, and I am the God Who does mighty miracles to save My children and this world from the hands of the wicked, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, all your enemies have are lies and illusions to keep their narrative going and to try to keep power. They do not have unity or truth on their side. They are more fake than you have realized. Remember how I told you that they use Hollywood? They are very dependent on them. If it had not been for the actors they have used for so long, many things that have been done against this Nation would never have been accomplished. They have hidden behind sets, props, fake acting, lies, diversions, distractions, and manipulation. You name it. They have done it all

They do not follow the law or even care about law and order. They actually want the opposite because then it is easier to take more power and control the masses

 My children, many things are about to hit the fan right now, you would say. There is a ticking time bomb against your enemies that is about to go off. You can see the complete deception inside the DNC that is going on in front of you, but look outside. Look and see what is happening that is being ignored by the media to keep the false narrative (going) that their party is unified. I have told you about the chaos in the streets and their demands being ignored and not being met. Things will escalate against your enemies in unprecedented ways

They are about to publicly show the world even more who they really are when this becomes a problem they cannot control. In certain ways they will turn against the ones they brought here because they are not doing what they were brought here to do. So, the foreign invaders will escalate their resistance against Washington because they are not getting what was promised

This is a bigger problem than the media wants to admit. But their fake celebrations and happiness will be very short-lived for them, and it will soon turn into more chaos and division

Unprecedented things against the establishment will pick up. These are the days they will be driven out of their places of power, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Do not be discouraged about what it looks like with Kamala. This is when you walk by faith and not by sight. They look joyful now, but just wait. In a very short time, things will drastically change, and that momentum it looks like they have will dissolve into nothing

This spectacle, this illusion, this false narrative will fall apart almost as fast as it started. Things are about to heat up against this false narrative, and soon the world will see right through it. 

The backstabbing of Kamala is not over. I have told you they do not want her, and that has not changed. No matter how things appear right now, a lot will take place before this election—things you have never seen before. So, hold on because things are about to hit a level you have never experienced. A mutiny is growing and will start to invade Washington. They will not be able to hold it back or suppress the truth. 

Watch who will turn on the establishment next—people you would not expect. You are about to see major players exposed and let go—some you would not think they would turn on. 

They are not stopping with “the Biden.” Many weak links are being forced out of Washington in unprecedented ways. Get ready because things are about to break wide open against your enemies for their final takedown

Do not lose heart or grow weary. Your enemies are not winning, and they are not getting away with their crimes. Justice is being served by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Al Capone: this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Your government is not any different in their tactics or how they have tried to control this Nation. I have told you they are mob bosses and not just politicians. They are doing the same thing, but on a larger scale. Still, they have been caught in the act of all their crimes, and they will be judged for them all

The establishment is about to sacrifice more of their own to keep their narrative going, to save face, you would say. But it will not work. Their house of cards is falling, and it is about to implode

The deal made with “the Biden” to leave the race will not stay hidden. How, why, and who forced him out is about to be exposed. Big things are coming against the establishment. So, get ready for the collapse

Sealed records will soon be unsealed, and this will be a nightmare for those in Washington

My children, the political storm that is approaching this Nation is about to hit hard. So, brace for what it will soon look like, and know that I am bigger and that it is not too chaotic for Me to get you out of it. Stay focused on Me, and your hearts will not fail or become overwhelmed with fear. Take what I have for you, which is peace and joy. Nothing can stop you from what I have in store for you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Barry Wunsch - Canadian / USA: Major evidence is soon to be released. - August 28, 2024

There is a tranche of incriminating evidence that is soon to be released that is going to clearly and implicitly expose: Justin Trudeau, The Canadian Federal Government including Parliament, The National Democratic Party, The Obamas, The Clintons, The Bidens, The IMF, The WEF, The Globalist Elites and many others involved and on the payroll.
The exposures that are coming are in regard to:
International Crimes against Humanity
Major International Crime / Election Interference / Acts of War
There will irrefutable evidence exposing pure evil activities by these ones.
These evil ones will and shall be fully exposed.
Henceforth, let it be known:
Every evil, demonic effort, scheme, plan and tactic shall be exposed, and justice shall be served.
Every plan and action to stop, eradicate and take out the threat against them by any means shall be exposed and justice shall be served. ON EVERY LEVEL!
Every evil and demonic plan, scheme, tactic and action, up to and including assassination plans and attempts past, present and future shall be exposed, and truth and justice shall be served.
Every evil and demonic plan, scheme, tactic or action by any other means to try and stop Truth and Justice shall not prevail. They shall be overcome.
There is not one thing that these evil ones will get away with.
For the record, Truth, righteousness and Justice shall be served by the Mighty Hand of God!
Deuteronomy 28:7
“The LORD will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way but flee before you seven ways.”
The Lord will not be stopped, nor shall those whom walk in His ways.
They together will deal with these evil ones and the very structures and the flimsy structures they have built.
They are nothing to the Lord of Hosts!
This is going to be international headline news.
They are being exposed and are all going to pay the piper.
It will show clear evidence of foul play and intentions between these cabal-controlled leaders in Canada and in America.
It all ties together.
This a time to pray without ceasing.
This is soon going to be released for the world to see!
Victory shall soon be at hand!

Julie Green - THIS IS LIFE OR DEATH OF A NATION - August 21, 2024

My children, chaos is about to erupt in your enemies’ camp in an unprecedented way. In times past, you have seen a version of this, but it was not to the extreme you are about to see. Your enemies are in for a rude awakening, thinking they could control this Nation, Israel, and the world. They have made many mistakes in their plans over time, and now is the time when everything is about to erupt against them

There are people on all sides in disarray. Disagreements are about to hit an all-time high. This Nation has never seen or witnessed what we are about to see politically. It will get the attention of the world—how fascinating it is to watch how a group of people who have played and controlled the world are exposed and judged at the same time. And as judgment is being served, freedom will be released to the masses after being held in bondage for so long. It is so unknown to people. Seeing it change this Nation so drastically will give the world a hope it has never known before. If this Nation can go through as much as it has and come out of its death spiral to be a united and free Nation, then there is hope for others.   

My children in the Land of My Eagle: things are about to pick up speed and intensify in ways you never expected. This is because it is time for your enemies to reap a great harvest of destruction. I have repeatedly told you this would happen and that, during this time, this will be unexplainable, unprecedented, unconventional, and unusual. But My remnant is (now) ready for this type of battle and to fight back as I need you to. It is all about to hit an all-time high. This is life or death of a Nation and freedom, as you know it. Everything is about to change drastically

Like rocket fire, they will try one thing after another against you as they make desperate attempts in any way to save themselves. But the opposite will take place with their removals and the establishment’s destruction. Confusion has grown to a new level in their camp because their lines of communication have been severed, with no way to repair them. Anger, fear, yelling, and screaming matches behind the scenes will soon be seen. They will not be able to keep their cool demeanor on screen. Everyone will soon see the backstabbing and exposing of one another

A civil war has grown in the establishment and is about to hit an all-time high of power grabbing and (people trying to) save themselves. This fake facade of unity and liking one another will fade away as the truth is revealed, and there will be no way of stopping it. 

My children, this Nation is in for a wild ride, a roller coaster of ups and downs with sharp twists and turns. But in the end, only My children will be left on this ride to receive what belongs to them. Your enemies will not ride to the end. So, brace for what is about to take place. It is all about to change very quickly now, but with this change, there is deliverance, freedom, and restoration. So, hold on. Your Nation is about to be given back into your hands, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Eisenhower: I say again that this name will be in the news for a significant reason. 

The honeymoon phase is over for Kamala. Look to see what they do to her and what the news is about to release. This betrayal is about to come in unexpected ways never seen before. This election is about to heat up for your enemies, and not in a good way. A surprise is coming that they do not see. They will not be able to defend themselves from it. When they see it, it will already be too late to do anything about it. 

The leaders of this establishment, the ones who have hijacked and enslaved this Nation, are about to have a very bad week, and it will continue to get worse. No matter what they do, it will not get better for them because the time has come for the establishment to be abolished

Unprecedented distractions are coming to get your attention away from the free fall of their destruction that is mounting in Washington. They will start to pull off everything they can. This is when things will seem like and appear to be getting worse for this Nation and the world, but do not forget what I have said in many Words I have given to you—this darkness is for them and not for you. So, receive My light and you will shine bright in this world and give them hope and direct them back to Me. 

This is the time to stand. Do not be moved by what you are about to see come out of Washington or what is about to shake this Earth. New beginnings are coming, things you can really celebrate. So, stay focused on Me, saith the Lord. 

All My children: start declaring Psalm 91. Start standing for your freedom and your healing no matter what they are about to release through viruses. Look to My Word and see what it says about pestilences. It shall not come near you, so do not fear what you are about to hear. It is just another tactic to bring you to your knees when your enemies are about to be brought to theirs

A major player in your establishment, one of the architects, is about to be exposed to save the others. And Nancy is about to be let go from her own party to save others they want to keep protected. 

Judge Merchan does not have the power he thinks he has. A setup is about to implode, and he will fall for the attempts he has made against My David. Shocking evidence is coming forth which will destroy this so-called conviction against My David. Sentencing, ha! This is just a distraction and another illusion. The law does not back this so-called sentencing. Just wait. You will see that they are nothing against Me. They do not have the power to take him out or imprison him. Your enemies are about to seriously regret the moves they have made in this case because it will bring several more against them, saith the Lord. 

Unconventional—get used to this word. This is a time when unconventional will become the normal, you would say. This time and this election will go down as unconventional and the most unprecedented election and time in this Nation.  

Many things are about to fall. Many things are about to be exposed. Many things will collapse, implode, and disintegrate with your enemies’ plans for My Eagle and Israel. This is the time when My hand will move quicker now to save My Nations from the death blow that was about to hit both at the same time

My children, I am your defender, and you are about to see Me move in so you can win, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Veronika West - Flipping the Switch! — Flipping the Script! - August 26, 2024

So, yesterday I heard a strange thing!

The Holy Spirit said, ”These are the Days of a Flipping of The Switch and a Flipping of The Script!

Watch, as I suddenly flip The Switch — and bring divine exposures and a great uncovering and unveiling to what’s been hidden in darkness!

Watch, as I turn their tables and Flip their Scripts!

Yes! Watch — for they have thought their plans were set in stone — but I tell you — their stones shall be turned to sand — ‘sinking sands’ that will swallow up their plans!

I say Listen — for there is a sound that is being released through My Prophets and through My Prophetic Psalmists in this season that will create chaos and confusion in the camp of the enemy — for these are the Days of a Difference — and many will say, “What a difference a Day has made — for surely the Winds of The Spirit of Might shall bring forth such an Acceleration that heads will swim and hearts will stand still!”

For I tell you — get ready! For the Season of Severe Course Corrections and Divine Realignments and Swift Recovery is here!

Again I say, these are the days of a Flipping of The Switch — and a Flipping of The Script!”


My children, I am about to show you all the criminals in your capital—the crime families, the mob bosses, the handlers, the puppets, the fall men. Every aspect of this establishment will be torn apart and exposed to the world. 

I will show you every crime (committed) against this Nation, every partaker of them, the architects, the blueprints, and the end game—the plan to end President Trump and this Nation. I will show you every crime scene and who covered them up. I am opening the doors wide on this darkness and all the wicked schemes they made to bring the world to its knees and under their control. 

My children, when all this takes place, things will shake uncontrollably spiritually and politically. Think about how things shook in Egypt when I ripped away Pharaoh’s power and empire and forced him to give everything he had to My people. This is the same thing but on a larger scale. These criminals have had their time in the spotlight, but now it is time for these criminals to be sentenced for their crimes

There are many witnesses to their crimes, and the ones who designed these crimes have no idea that people are willing to turn on them. Whistleblowers are becoming bolder now because they see there are weaknesses and divisions in this establishment that they used to be a part of. They can see the light with their departure from the hell of being in continual fear, wondering, and trying to protect their families from the ones who have threatened to take their lives. Whistleblowers will come out from every direction seeing there is a chance for their freedom and safety.  

My children, prepare for the judgment that is about to rain down against the establishment and the globalists for destroying My nations and the world that I designed for you to enjoy freely. Judgments will strike like the plagues of Egypt did. These unprecedented things you are about to witness are to destroy their empire and to free you from their control. I am ready to move My hand against them. So, get fear out of your minds and hearts, and remember that I am separating and protecting you. These things you are about to see are not for you. They are for your enemies. You hold the line and do not back off from this fight for your nation or your freedoms from the pharaohs of today. They are about to be forced to release you from their power; I will see to it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The walls that have protected the leaders of this establishment are coming down. Nancy will be exposed for who she is and all she has done. Remember, things with Nancy are not how they seem. Many in Washington are not who they say they are. Hollywood played a huge part in covering up what has really been happening in DC when things suddenly go wrong in your capital, and they need to find replacements. I will show you their intricate schemes and the sets they used to prop up people and to drug people to look one way when it is not that way at all

I will show you Chuck Schumer and the rat he really is. He will be ripped out of that position that does not belong to him. Great exposures are coming for all the leaders of this machine

An explosion between “the Biden” and Obama is about to take place. This is the calm before the storm that will take place in DC afterward. The uniparty will never be the same. Fights will break out for power. You do not see everything completely right now, but you soon will. 

An explosion of truth and division will break out of the mainstream media for propping up this puppet for the establishment, lying, and manipulating the truth and what is really going on. This will blow up in their face. (Concerning) their plans to steal another election, these lies are about to come out into the open with their servers being exposed. Journalists from everywhere will regret going along with these lies to destroy a country they supposedly loved. Some thought they were doing the right thing, but some (did it) just for the money and the positions. Videos are about to surface that will not be suppressed. They will expose all the major news channels that are taking orders from the establishment about what they are forced to say to the public to prop up their narrative and the direction they want this Nation to go. Their communication lines have been severed and ripped apart by Me, and this strategy will no longer work for them, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Their fake polls are about to be torn apart. I will show you who is leading the charge on what percentage is put out to give the illusion that Kamala is accepted or even leading in any poll. I will show you that the majority are on the side of My David. The giants that are manipulating these elections, the news, and this Nation are about to fall apart in front of the world. They will not steal another election. I will not allow them to move forward with their plans to take over this Nation. I have told you this before—I am all you need to save this country. I will expose their election, or their “selection” machine, their plans, every intricate detail of how they have picked each person, and how they stole so many seats exactly how they wanted

The House of Representatives is a lie, concerning who really belongs in those seats. The majority do not belong there. The Senate is also a joke because many do not really belong there either, and the intelligence agencies were used to help in all of this. I will show you how they paid election workers to scan fake ballots. I will show you the servers in foreign countries and the ones here in this Nation. I will show you what they planned this time. It is sloppier than before because they never expected My David to last this long.   

I will also show you the plan they had for him, every attempt against his life, and the threats to his family’s lives. But I will protect them from it all. Do not worry about them trying to cover up what happened in Pennsylvania. It will not be suppressed, and they will not get away with what they have done. They cannot sweep this under the rug like they have in times past when they have tried to get rid of others in their way. Breaking news reports will come out that will prove who took part in this hit job. It was an inside job, and they will no longer be able to hide it

Obama is not the only mastermind running this show you have been seeing. Someone is about to betray him in a major way. Someone is about to break the dam of lies open wide to expose the swamp in a devastating way. 

My children, be prepared for what they will say is going on worldwide. You know this is not true; it is just to distract you. Pray their lies will continue to be revealed and their power stripped away. It is the time for the doors of the establishment to be opened for the world to see all that has been going on to take over and destroy mankind and the financial system so they can take over more power and use it against you. 

Shaking is coming. A violent quake will soon hit this Nation politically, one that will knock your enemies off their feet and out of those seats. Get ready because great removals are coming, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

California will be in your news for a significant reason. 

A well-known Democrat is about to turn on their party big time

ICE will be in your news for a shocking reason. Some of these agents are about to expose what the government has been forcing them to do. This will no longer be silenced or suppressed. 

A perfect storm is brewing. This storm is about to take a surprising turn and hit Washington head-on. They will not expect what is about to be used to take them down

Blackwater: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Surprising events and an uproar not expected will take place in Chicago, a resistance to the establishment that cannot be stopped. All these things are about to blow up. They will not be able to suppress or change the narrative of it. Soon, everyone will see what a lie this show and the facade of everything being “okay” has been this whole time

The Bidens are bitter, and they are about to let the cat out of the bag, you would say. Things are about to really heat up on that side, so watch as they tear each other apart. The days of Haman are here, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, there has been a deceiving ruling class that has taken over your government, media, court system, and financial system and, at the same time, has tried to collapse society morally in every way—brainwashing and programming it to a point where it is easier to control. It has made people weaker spiritually, mentally, and physically. Everywhere they could destroy humanity, they have tried. They have created many viruses and diseases. They have poisoned everything they could to destroy you physically and to put a strain on you financially

They took over the entertainment industry to corrupt your children. They made idols out of people so your children would strive to be like them when they should be running away as fast (as possible) in the opposite direction. They control your children by addicting them to video games to change their mindsets with more illusions and violence, to have more unhinged (behavior) that causes anger to rise in them (to the point) where it is uncontrollable. 

They have used every plan to dismantle the independence of humanity from the government and ruling class. They have even tried to control what you buy and when you buy these products. They have algorithms to coerce you into buying something you would not usually buy or look at. They have used this tactic to get more people into credit card debt, or any type of debt at all, as much as they could.  

My children, you have not been as free as you thought (you were). But it is time to break free from these oppressors. It is time to stand and fight against them like never before to take back the freedom that belongs to you, the freedom they have done everything in their power to take away. My children, fight now with My Word to regain society, to be where it should be—with Me and not under their demonic control. It is time to break out of their prison cells and into the life I have in store for you.  

My United States, the unprecedented time you are in will intensify. Your government is about to implode in a way never seen before. Not only will the power over you be brought to nothing, they will be brought to nothing and removed from their positions. I have told you repeatedly that removals on a grand scale never seen before are coming. It may appear to be impossible for that many removals to take place at one time, but My children, there is nothing impossible for Me to take care of or handle. My hand is big enough to remove them all at once.  

Extreme violence will be seen taking over your streets, and chaos is about to pick up in a way you will not see coming. The invaders from your border are about to take action against your leaders for not getting what they were promised. Money will be taken from them, and more money that was promised will never be given to them. Anger will grow in the army that was brought here from foreign lands to destroy this Nation, bankrupt it, bring it down socially, and completely collapse society. These foreign invaders are growing restless with broken promises made by the establishment. This will majorly backfire against the establishment. It will cause more chaos in your government, and it will bring more division concerning how to handle it. This is a ticking time bomb that’s about ready to go off

These things will not be stopped. No matter how much this establishment thinks they have a handle on them, they do not. Many demands are about to be made by those sent here. When those demands are not met, an escalation of unrest will take place, and the establishment will have their hands full trying to fix the mess they created. But they will not be able to handle everything that is coming at them

The establishment is about to erupt with more division, backstabbing, and explosive exposure against others in their party to save themselves. They are reaping a great harvest of destruction in these days of Haman. You will see this clearly when things do not go the way they want at the DNC. There is a great divide, and you will see that this is true. Watch what the delegates do. It will surprise you.  

That Zoom call they had was a fake, a facade, used to push other agendas for this DNC and to make Kamala think it’s all her show when it is not. Hold on, My children. Things are about to heat up in Washington between Kamala, the Bidens, and the establishment.  The Democrat party is a hot mess right now, you would say, and that is about to be exposed in a major way

Hold tight. As they collapse, they will do more against you financially, and with viruses, terrorist plots, and plans, but there is nothing to fear because I am on your side. Stand your ground. Pray them down. Pray them out and continue to shout. Pray. Confusion is growing in their camp, and there is no way to stop it. 

I am ready to move My hand to heal this land. So, prepare for this shaking so that it does not take you by surprise. Your enemies are about to fall apart in front of the world. This is not their time; it is My time, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

McEnroe: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

A skeleton in Kamala’s closet is about to come out big time

“The Biden” will take another hit for fighting back against the coup against him. They will try to take him out for the final time

CNN is about to fall yet again for their deceptive ways, but they will not go without a fight. They will try to take down others with them. 

The mainstream media is about to have major meltdowns with what is coming. Some will turn on the ones who gave them their scripts. The establishment is about to have a mess on their hands because more people are turning on them and not taking their orders like they used to. The establishment is about to fall, so get ready. Instead of a collapse of society that your enemies want, you are about to see your government implode on a major scale. Everything is about to change for your good, saith the Lord of Hosts. 


My children, your enemies’ time has run out. They are not going to continue with their tirade, narrative, mind control, or the selections of who they choose to be in power over this Nation, or any nation for that matter. The time is over for the puppet masters and the puppets they control. This spectacle, this charade, has gone on long enough against you. This had to be allowed so you, My children, and the world would see who they really are and what they are about

These oligarchs, these elites, who have tried to control mankind, the economy, the minds of your children, and your nations—I am putting an end to them for the world will see. This world is Mine. The nations are Mine, and you, My children, are being put back in charge where you belong, saith the Lord. 

Rocket fire: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. Your enemies are trying to start a war that they cannot finish. There will be no World War 3. No, not yet. 

Do not fear what they say about the threat to your Nation, oh United States. You declare My protection and see this attempt from your enemies fail. The attack against this Nation will not go how they want it to go. Oh no. 

With their next moves, they target this soil with terrorist attacks, but I will blow the doors wide open on the establishment and show you the money and how they paid for this. I will show you the bank records that your enemies do not know I have possession of to bring down their machine, their establishment, and the control they had with unlimited spending

I will open the doors of the IRS and the Federal Reserve and show you what they have been doing against you financially, oh United States. There are many agencies, corporations, and entities that never belonged in this Nation. Everything they have used against you will be ripped away from them with no way for them to stop it. 

And I will also rattle the cages of the UN. Oh yes, they are about to be torn apart with the next moves they try against you. I will dismantle the UN in front of the world. They are about to fall to the ground in unprecedented ways. 

My children, watch DC. Fireworks are about to be set off against “the Biden” and Kamala. I told you to watch the next moves they make against them both. What you see for the 2024 election is not over. The puppets are about to be changed out, and the faces you see right now you will soon see no more

The October surprise will come early this year, and what a significant surprise it will be. It will take out more than one puppet at one time

(There is) proof that Nancy, Chuck, Obama, and many others forged that letter of resignation from “the Biden.” I will prove who really hacked that account on that day. It was a coup by the establishment to remove the puppet that they no longer had any use for. He was going to lose, and they could not afford to lose. So, they moved on just like I said they would. The days of Haman are here, and I told you before that this would become clear. 

I will expose and show you the scripts (they used) to prop up Kamala for this short time and why that VP pick was forced upon her. It was not for her to win this election; it was just another form of sabotage to take her down. I will prove to this Nation who is really pulling the strings and who made those decisions. It is all coming down—this fake facade of unity in this establishment, which is the farthest thing from the truth. 

You will see more disinformation and dysfunction in news reports on how some are not on the same page. I told you before, My children, that confusion is growing in their camps. This will cause so much dysfunction and chaos that they will not be able to keep this machine going the way they used to

These are the days of great sabotage in the establishment. Many people will side with certain people to let others fall—the weakest and even the ones who pose the biggest threat to their plans moving forward. 

The leaders of the establishment should be very afraid of the voices they have suppressed and the ones they have tried to silence. Videos and audio recordings will soon pour out of DC like never before. A great shaking has begun. And it will not stop until judgment is done, and justice is served. 

Very unprecedented events will take place, one after another. So, My children, grow your foundation in My Word. Remember that these are the days to receive My strength like never before, to unify like never before, and to use My Authority like never before

Get ready because a fault line will shake, which will signal this shaking spiritually and politically. It will bring a massive shift from things you see to things that were always meant to be. Stay focused. Shut off distractions and stand in prayer, believing that I am the One Who will destroy everything that has been against you. My children, the time of violent shaking is here, but do not fear. The Great I AM is here to deliver you, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Alcatraz: this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Cornhole: this word will also be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Exposure is coming about what the establishment has done against the farmers. This is the time to move forward with their plans for your food supply, but I will intervene. Their plans will come to nothing, and the farm ground will be ripped from their control and given back into the hands it belongs to

A great shift of property is coming, so get ready to receive it. These are the days of complete restoration, saith the Lord your Redeemer.  

Patty Teichroew - August, 2024

Barry Wunsch - 1776 – 2024: The Rebirthing of the Nation is at hand! - August 18, 2024

I was taken into an encounter today, and the Lord has impressed upon to release it immediately.
So, with fear and trembling, in obedience here it is, just as it came.
Barry Wunsch
Prophetic Encounter:
This afternoon as I was driving, the Lord opened up a screen before me.
On the screen was “1776”
It was in old font, handwritten calligraphy.
I knew this was clearly a year.
Then, on the screen was “2024”
This was in a new looking font.
I instinctively knew it was also a year, but it was written in a new high-level font that I had never seen before.
The only way that I can describe it as it was a new futuristic font and almost seemed embedded with a high level of what contained a DNA that was being released in this moment.
I watched the screen where now, both these dates – 1776 and 2024 now superimposed on top of each other and actually became one.
As I watched “2024” and “1776” came into “sync”.
“2024” absorbed “1776” and they became what seemed to be one and the same.
As they spun together, they locked perfectly into place, for this very moment in History….
I knew by the Spirit of God that what took place in 1776 was going to be surpassed in history by what is being released and happening right now in 2024.
This was the moment for things to drop into place.
As they locked together like this, I watched the screen as the fireworks began.
The fireworks were far, far beyond anything we have ever seen or witnessed before in history.
The first round of fireworks were intense.
I saw an uprising and civil unrest boiling over in cities across the USA.
These fireworks were intense spawned out of conflict, and upheaval.
I knew that something big had happened and there was a catalyst that could not be stopped. I will go as far to say that I did not see any other way to displace the evil that had been predominant over the nation.
I saw truth, and justice being released.
And in a moment, the evil regimes had to pull out every evil intention, plan and action to try and stop the deployment of the Justice that was now here encroaching them from every side.
It was no longer being in wait. It was here.
And the Lords Justice was being deployed.
I saw cities on fire. Retaliation and conflict as authorities
moved in to do what they had to do.
I saw a plethora of Military, and law enforcement taking massive action to arrest and contain these evil ones who were responsible for every inhumane action and corrupt deed.
Justice would not be stopped.
I saw Patriots rising as a back stop and force of support the white hats in any way they could to hold the ground that was being taken back.
The rebirthing of the Nation was at hand.
I was then shown flags being lowered not only in the USA but in other cities and nations globally.
Babylonian Governments were being dealt with internationally.
New Kingdom governance was being released.
Many would be raising new flags in the days to come.
Nations coming under the Lordship of the Lord God Almighty.
Babylonian systems no longer in control.
Righteous leaders standing for truth and justice released to lead. The time is now.
As the truth was now being broadcast globally, it could not be denied that this was now the time for change.
The Father was turning up the heat on it all.
I saw the Lord launching the hidden ones into position to lead and to rebuild according to His plans and purposes.
These hidden ones had been hidden and prepared for this very moment.
The Lord had clearly set things up.
As I was recording this, the Lord spoke to me:
“Barry, tell my people I am pulling the lynch pin.
What is about to take place will cause many great distress for they could not imagine such evil in those they had trusted.
What these ones have done to steal, kill and destroy shall now be brought to justice for all to see.
What I am releasing now will change the Nations forever.
Hold fast unto me through the darkness and the shaking.
It is going to be dark for a time but trust me in the storm for it in this darkness that I work my mysteries and my best to set my people free.
I am going to move swiftly.
Stay in step with me as I move.
There is a new day dawning.
I am about to connect the dots and pull things together!
I am doing so much more than you know at this time, trust me and trust in My ways.
The day is near that will understand what I could have prevented by My power I permitted by My wisdom.
Draw near to me and one another in the days ahead for we shall do mighty things together to fulfill the destiny over you and the destiny of the Nations.
I have said it before and I will say it again, I will never leave you or abandon you, or turn my back on you.
I am with you through the fire, and I assure you there is a great victory celebration that awaits!
Holy is the Word of the Lord


My children, the laughing, cackling hyena will soon not be laughing or cackling anymore because she will be shown her place. Her spot, her slot as their leading candidate will not go as she thought it would go. A great betrayal is coming. She thinks she has everything she wants. She finally has “the Biden” out of her hair, the position of power, this election, and the seat of the president guaranteed. But she does not see the backstabbing coming or the plans against her

She thinks the establishment is behind her, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. This supposed campaign is so full of deception and manipulation, and it is about to be exposed at levels no one ever thought could happen. The media will not be able to hide it, and they have no choice. They will get a similar script with changes to the narrative, just like what they had before with “the Biden. 

They will get the kill switch, you would say, to stop propping her up. The mob bosses and the puppet masters will give the order. Kamala and her VP pick are about to go down in flames of exposure, one after another. There is a plan which they are not a part of, and the establishment cannot afford to take any chances with this Nation and its control and losing their power over the world. So desperate times call for desperate measures, and their desperation is growing to new levels that they have never experienced before. 

My children, watch out. These caged animals are about to be released on each other, and unprecedented things will start to pour out of Washington. 

Secrets are coming out on a scale no one ever imagined. New videos will surface of many people in Washington in compromising situations. They are about to bring the hammer down on anyone on the other side who will not go along with the puppet masters. 

Drastic measures are being taken to secure this next election, measures never seen like this before in this Nation. Get ready for shock and awe moments, but remember, I am saving this Nation from the ones trying to destroy it. When these giants fall, everything will abruptly change, so get ready for the unprecedented to hit new levels. 

My children, you are stronger and more in number, so keep pushing and taking back this Nation that belongs to you. Your government does not own you, no matter what they think. So, deny their power against you and do not comply to any of their lies

It is time for a resistance to grow in this Nation and other nations around the world. Your enemies are not in control. I am. So put your faith in Me and not in what you are about to see, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Arbitrator: this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

The intelligence committee will be shaken, and proof (will come out) that they have been hiding the truth and manipulating what has been shared to the public. (There has been) cover up after cover up, so I will shake this committee because the truth is about to be their worst enemy. The truth is coming to shatter their plans to hide more from this Nation and to cover up the crimes of the oligarchs of this establishment. It is all falling apart before your eyes. 

The intelligence agencies and this community will be shaken as well. Damning evidence is coming to prove how much they have taken part in hiding the ones like “the Biden,” Obama, the Clintons, Pelosi, and the so-called leaders of this uni-party, (as well as) all the crimes they have covered up and blamed someone else for. Many whistleblowers are coming because even the ones that used to be on their side are turning on them to save this Nation from the death blow that they see coming. 

A great shaking is coming to the Land of My Eagle to shake you free from their poison, their shackles, their mind control, their bondage, and their lies. I have told you before that the more they continue with their plans, the more they will be exposed. 

A death blow is about to hit this establishment in a way they never thought could happen. Someone is about to betray the establishment that they never thought would

My children, all of what you see is not bigger than Me. So, when you see this intensity, do not fear it but, instead, rejoice because I am getting you out of the chokehold your enemies had on this Nation and the citizens of this great country. Change is here, and that will be clear, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Julie Green - A GREAT DIVIDE IN WASHINGTON - August 9, 2024

My children in the Land of My Eagle, your enemies are on a path they cannot move away from. They are on a collision course of destruction, and they will destroy themselves, including any credibility they had in their places of power, on their way out. 

The jackal is howling in your White House. He is injured, but others will join him to fight against the ravenous wolves on the other side. They are in survival mode, and they are willing to do anything to survive this catastrophic failure and the destruction of this establishment. The wolves and the jackals will devour one another while the world watches

I told you before that a civil war and a great divide in Washington is growing. It has grown to new levels of deception. They do not care who they backstab to save themselves. Many people in the establishment in your capital are making deals to hide their own secrets while exposing other’s secrets so that they can destroy the ones on the other side of this great divide. 

They will continue to try to push their agendas and the direction their establishment should go to take out My David and this country the rest of the way. But, they are not in agreement with the plan made by the puppet masters because others think they have a better plan, and their voices are not being heard. 

Anger is growing toward the new puppet that has been put in the spotlight. Some will sabotage her supposed campaign and her running mate so that they can have a say in the pick that they think will not lose the election. 

My children, your enemies are obsessed with this election and their control. They will make more decisions that will reveal who they really are even more. Their masks will come off and reveal the wolves in sheep’s clothing. It will reveal many governmental secrets. It will reveal the mob bosses calling the shots in your so-called government. One machine they designed for controlling this Nation is about to malfunction in ways no one can repair

I have a hook in their jaw to drag them out of these positions. There is no way of stopping the end results—the removal of every one of them and their terrorist plots not going as they want. Instead of destroying you, they will destroy them

They will try another last-ditch effort to either stop My David and this election or stop him after the election. They will try everything they can, but with everything they choose, they will lose. My children, your enemies are in a no-win situation when you let Me in to be your victory, when you let Me be your avenger. I am the Great I AM. I will show the world that no one is bigger (than Me) and that I am still very much alive, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

High cost of destitution: this phrase will be in your news. I will show you how many nations have purposely put so many people in this (financial) state to enslave the world. I will expose this plan on a massive scale to set the captives free. 

Apologists: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Iran has a plan not only against Israel but (also against) My Nation of the United States. They are not coming; they are (already) in your land. They are ready to strike against you, and have been funded by the establishment. Billions of dollars have gone to many foreign nations for an attack on this soil. My children, you cannot fully stop this, but you can stop the effects of it. 

Remember, your establishment has their fingerprints on many crime scenes, and I am about to show these fingerprints, along with the money trails and the bank accounts of every treasonous traitor. Any attack they try will not be successful in their overall plan to destroy this country or to take over the world. You saw them try to kill My David, but they could not. Now, that crime scene, like so many others, will come back to haunt them. 

Treason is the name of the game: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. Treasonous traitors have flooded your capital, and I am exposing and removing them all. Justice will be served in a massive way. 

Electrodes: this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Remdesivir: this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Blueprints will prove what your enemies were planning with mass deaths and how they purposely use this drug to cause more deaths. The architect of that virus and others will be exposed, and judgment is about to hit them all

Nuclear hideout: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. 

The KGB: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

My children, this is the time to hold your ground. Do not move from your faith or your trust in Me. Do not believe in what you see. It is not bigger than Me, and it is all about to change

I am moving, and I will not be denied. This victory is already Mine. My children, there is nothing in this world that is greater than the Great I AM, and I live in you. Realize how much power and authority you have been given to use. So, use it. This is the time to use it like never before. This is the time for your freedoms and My Glory to be poured out all over this Earth

My children, prepare your homes. Prepare your hearts for what is coming. Great change is on the horizon, a great change the world has never seen. Globalists are falling, and My Church is rising and taking back their authority on this Earth, authority you should have had all along. I am ready for this change, so you get ready for this change, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, you have entered into unprecedented times. Things you cannot explain will happen. Things you thought you would never see, you are about to see. Your Nation will experience something it has never experienced to this degree. Many things are about to take place for the destruction of the establishment and the chokehold they have had over My nations. Yes, nations, not just the Land of My Eagle. They have also done things to infiltrate and try to destroy My Israel. 

Your enemies will pay a high price because of the destruction and the death they have brought on Earth. Your enemies are about to fall apart and lose everything they hold dear, and they are about to go and hide for a time. They will try this again at the very end of days, but for now, this time is for you, My Church, to arise and take back all that belongs to you. 

Do not fear this time. Do not fear this shaking. Do not fear the unknown or what lies ahead. I am directing, leading, and guiding you to your victory. 

This great shaking will lead you into a great awakening where My Church will be cleansed, strengthened, and united. My Church rising is what your enemies are petrified of. They have silenced and suppressed you for long enough. So, My children, shout your enemies to the ground

It is time for great removals in the Land of My Eagle. It is time for a great political reset. It is time for My Church to take leadership roles and lead this Nation into its blessing and the power it was always designed to have. It was held back because this Nation was hijacked for so long. But it is time for the great release. My remnant, keep standing, keep fighting. It is working. Do not lose hope now. It is time for the giants to fall, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Hodgkins: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Truth that has been hidden will no longer stay hidden. 

Microsoft crash: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. This company has hidden many things behind closed doors—things they took part in to help the establishment in this Nation. These things are attached to secret servers that they helped design, to keep them hidden as a private line of communication. Microsoft is about to have its doors opened wide to show you how they helped design many things against you as a Nation. Bill Gates does not have the power to hide from what is coming, and that is Me. These are the days for the giants to fall, and they will fall hard

The DNC will not be a normal one, you would say. They are not aligned. They do not agree, and some will fight back because they do not want to comply with the puppet masters. 

Secrets are coming out, deep, dark secrets that your establishment thought they could hide forever. My infiltrators are about to let them out, and your enemies will grow more fearful. They will turn on each other even more now because they don’t know who released these secrets, and they will not know who to trust

Shady deals: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

The civil war in the establishment is about to take a surprising turn that even your enemies do not see coming. 

A heightened state of alert: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

My children, stand your ground. Keep your armor on. Keep your guard up. Stay alert. During this spiritual war, it will be rough at times, but if you stand, believe, and receive, I will give you peace, rest, and strength. Rely on Me and My Words now more than ever. I will not fail you nor let you down

It is time for restoration and healing in your land as I move My hand, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Nova Scotia will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Sandbar: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Civil unrest is growing in many nations around the world to take back their freedoms, and some will not give up until it is restored. My children, call for peace in your streets. Your enemies will try to infiltrate this movement, but My Glory will fill the streets and give My people endurance and strength to persevere through it. Everything your enemies try will backfire

Julie Green - A SHORT SILENCE IS COMING - August 7, 2024

My children, your enemies are at your shoreline. They are at the door to begin the war they have so desired against Israel and My United States. Your establishment thought they were controlling your enemies in foreign nations and what they were allowed or not allowed to do. But betrayal is about to strike in the hearts of the ones who think they control the world. Your enemies in foreign lands are about to strike where the establishment never thought they would. They are allowing proof to come out. They are pouring it out so they can do what they want against this Nation. 

China thinks they have it in the bag—all the proof they need and the weakness of this Nation to pull off what they so desire, to shut down and override this leadership. The agreement they had with your establishment is now broken, and it is a “no holds barred” for their plans with your government, oh United States. Your government left the door wide open for many foreign nations to come into your country and your government. They gave them intel, but it will not go how they want it to go. 

Foreign nations have turned against the establishment, and the establishment has turned against foreign nations. Too many people want power, and so many will not let it go. Your enemies, children of Almighty God, are about to turn on one another and destroy themselves

They want a war to stop this Nation from rising. They want to silence you, the people. They are so desperate to stop you and My David that they will allow anything to take place to stop him. Without thinking, really looking, or judging the situation, they have acted and made mistake after mistake. And things are about to blow up in your enemies’ faces that they never imagined

Secrets will pour out of Washington and foreign nations. No more talking, your enemies are now screaming—no more time to think, just do. But it will not go as they want any of it to go. Watch your enemies’ defeat as they destroy themselves. Hold tight. Unprecedented is about to be seen and experienced in a way you cannot explain. 

Hold fast, My children. A shaking is coming, and it is about to intensify to a degree never felt. Judgment is here for the ones against you, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The Secret Service lies. The FBI lies. The CIA lies. Washington lies. The establishment lies, and I will show you all their ties to one another and to other nations. Your government and all its agencies truly think they can deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie, cover up, cover up, cover up, and that this will still work, but it will not. The more they try to deny, lie, and cover up, the more they will be exposed

I will show you who was behind this assassination attempt. They tried to hide radio recordings, emails, and phone conversations. I have them all, says the Lord. I will reveal them, and your enemies have no way to stop them from coming out. They wanted to hide the text messages, but I have those, too. And I have the servers that will show who designed that day in Butler and who ordered that kill shot

My children, I have allowed certain things to take place so that you could see what was really going on behind closed doors in your so-called government and in the agencies that control it. People in Washington truly believe they have everything covered so these truths will never come out, but they are not counting on Me to expose them all

My children, watch them fall. The Secret Service cannot sweep this under the rug, and the establishment will turn on them to cover themselves. This is not something they will be able to move past like (they have) before—changing the narratives and getting people to accept (the new) while letting (the old) go. Not this time. Watch when these servers are released. (It will be) the destruction of what has been controlling your capital

You will not only see the rest of the fall of “the Biden,” you will see them all fall like dominos, one after another. Their fall guys will not work this time. They are all connected, and I will reveal it all. 

The road is about to get bumpy, and things that you have not seen before will begin to take place. Remember Who I am. I am your avenger and deliverer. I am moving in so you can win. My children, your enemies’ time is expired, and you will know that for a fact. 

A short silence is coming to silence your enemies. So, get ready with Me, and you will see a mighty victory, saith the Lord your Redeemer.  


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Watchmen: this word will be in your news for a significant reason.  

Watergate: I say this word again for a shocking reason. Not only will you see the truth about back then, but I will show you the architect of this scandal and that the blueprints are a similar design to what they used against My David. The architect is the same, and they cannot pass the blame to someone else

A fake birth certificate will come back to haunt the ones who made it. 

The many false presidents that had fake presidencies, all the laws, everything they passed, and everything they designed will be annihilated in a day. It will rock this nation to its core and shatter the ruling class like glass

Your enemies want to reform your Supreme Court, but I will show you that it will be My reform and My reset. I will show you who really belongs on that court and who does not. A shaking of the highest court is coming because I am the judge Who will remove the judges on this Earth who do not belong, and that goes for anyone who was appointed by a fake president or a fake election

My children, a great overhaul and a great political reset are coming, saith the Lord. 

Catalyst: this word, I say again, will also be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Day of reckoning: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. Everything is about to change before your eyes

Moonshine: this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A Kennedy secret is about to be exposed, but it is not how you suppose. 

You are about to see “the Biden” for the last time. These are the final days of this puppet in your White House, oh United States. 

Top spot: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

The illegal immigration crisis that your enemies created is about to backfire on them in a major wa

Julie Green - A CIVIL WAR IS GROWING IN WASHINGTON- August 6, 2024

Double standards, hypocrites, liars, manipulators, and murderous thieves—you may be asking, “Lord, who are You talking about?” Most government officials, the news media, the big tech giants, Hollywood, many agencies, and corporations. These types of people are everywhere, trying to control the narrative of nations, the money, the power, and trying to take over churches. 

My children, there is much darkness all over the Earth, trying to put out your light, trying to destroy any hope you have, trying to destroy your bodies, minds, families, finances, nations, and, most of all, your faith and trust in Me. 

This is a fierce battle that the world has been in for much time now, while My Church stayed silent and allowed so much darkness to take over. My Church believed it was not their place to say or do anything about government, business, or the news, while all seven mountains of influence were hijacked by your enemies to destroy My Word on Earth, to try and destroy any goodness, life, and blessings that I wanted to give to you. 

My children, your enemies are using technology to imprison you in a way no one saw coming because so many were deceived into seeing only the good things about it and not the bad. They have used it as a major distraction, for deception, and for your destruction. If you are not armed with My Word in this time, you are defenseless, and this is what they counted on, so you would fall for every one of their traps. And most people did. 

My children, now is the time to stop the distractions and focus on My Word. Stop being deceived. Believe in Me so your enemies are no longer able to destroy you. 

You are in the time of warning. Your enemies’ strategies will not work like they used to. They will try their blame game, lies, and much deception. The masses are turning away from them, and they will continue to turn away

Again, I say their polls are so deceptive that their own party does not even believe the lies. Many more people will speak out against the left, and their puppet swap is not going how they thought it would go. Their inner polls are not changing how they wanted them to change. They are becoming much worse. 

The establishment is crumbling. Their power is slipping away from them. More people will begin to speak out. More whistleblowers are coming forward to show how hated Kamala really is by her own party. They will prove that the polls are a lie and how fake their approval of her really is, how they had no choice but to go with her to change the course and get the attention off “the Biden” because the one they were using could not be used anymore. They tried to switch out the puppets once again, but because this happened so fast, they knew this one would not last. So, it is Kamala for now, but the next phase is about to begin. I told you she was not the replacement. They will start to expose her and her secrets. Just watch more unprecedented things pick up pace and start to expose her even more

Judgment is coming to Washington. They will not be able to stop the catastrophic failure of their next moves against this Nation. More narratives will fail, and an uprising will begin to take shape. The establishment has tried to silence this uprising in their own camp, first with the ones in Washington and then with their own voters. But their civil war is about to become more unprecedented. (It will be) undeniable as to what is really taking place when you see their faces when their puppet malfunctions in ways they cannot hide. And this is not just one puppet. The puppet masters are losing control of many

There is an anger that has grown in the uni-party in DC. A panic has grown because they do not believe they can win or keep what they now have, which is full control of this Nation. They have used big tech to silence you, but big tech is about to be silenced by Me. They are reaping what they have sown. 

My children, when big tech is silenced, it is not the time to grow in fear. But it is the time to grow in your faith and trust in Me because I am fully setting you free from your enemies, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, things will seem and become more uncomfortable. And things will begin to be more unusual and unprecedented, so hold tight to My Words. The world is about to change forever from dark to light because My light will destroy and overshadow that darkness. 

It is time for revival to break out. It is the time when I will be able to move through My Body like never before so that this world will really see Who I am and what I have for My people. 

My children will no longer stay silent or sit on the sidelines while someone else is running the show. My Church will take back the leadership roles where they need to be. So, break free from this tyranny now, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - August, 2024

Julie Green - A GREAT SURRENDER IS COMING - August 1,, 2024

Their polls are lies. Their power is a lie. Their narrative is a lie. Their government is a lie. Their control is a lie. My children, all that your enemies have are lies and delusions.   

Do not believe what you see because they do not have control over this Nation or this world, even though they seem to. Your enemies’ days and their power are about to expire. A great surrender will be seen. Yes, a surrender. Your enemies are walking right toward their defeat, and they are about to retreat.  

So, stand firm and do not move from your positions of fighting and holding that line of victory because I am showing up. So do not give up, saith the Lord.   


My children, this is the time. This is the time to arise in My Authority. This is the time to arise in My Name. This is the time to arise and shout, not just any words, but to shout My Words. This is the time, My children, when the world needs you. They need you to intercede. They need you to pray. They need you to stand. 

You say, Lord, but what am I supposed to do about all the things that are going on in my life? My children, I will take care of everything your enemy has done to you. This is the time when you trust Me. This is the time when you let Me in, and you let Me flow through you. Let Me clear out the thoughts in your mind and all the pressures and the weight of the day. Let Me in to heal your broken heart. Let Me in. 

Let Me in so I can show you the wind I have for each and every one of you. As the world grows darker with more chaos and disruptions, and unprecedented things keep happening, the world needs My Body. 

They need you to stand in the gap. They need you to say My Words. They need you to pray on behalf of those who do not know how to pray. This is when My Church comes to unite. This is when My Church comes to take back their level of authority on this Earth to where it was always meant to be. 

My children, you have to know your place. Your place is not to cower. Your place is not to be silent. Your place is not to go and hide. Your place is to shine. Your place is to have your voices heard because your voice will begin to speak My Words like never before. And you will see My Words come to pass like never before. So, stand on My Word. Believe in My Word. Trust in My Word because I am faithful to perform My Word

Do you hear My Words, My children? The world needs you. They need My light in you to guide them in the right direction, away from that darkness, away from that confusion, away from that desperation and that fear. The world needs you. Do you hear it? The world needs you. They are crying out to be saved. They are crying out for freedom that they have never known. They are crying out. They are looking left and right. They are trying to figure out solutions to all these problems. And they are trying to get away from the fear in their minds and bodies. 

They are waiting on you. The world is waiting on My children. So, My children, get up. Get up from those dark places your enemies have tried to keep you in. Get up from that depression. Get up from that frustration. Let Me handle it because My power is greater than the power that has been holding you down. It is greater than the power that has been holding you back. 

This is the time when My children need to shout, and not just any words. You shout My Words. You shout My Words of freedom. You shout My Words of deliverance. You shout My Words of truth. You shout these Words, and you watch these Words come to pass

Trust Me like never before, and I will show you My power like never before. My Church, do not stay silent. Do not stay silent when your enemies are pursuing you, trying to take more freedoms from you, and trying to destroy every part of your life. You do not sit silently. And do not sit idly by

This is when My Church is to awaken, arise, and shine. My Church is to be noticed, that you are fighters, that you are in My Army, that you will not stay down, that you will not stay quiet, and that you will resist anything that comes against you

You are My Church. You are My Body. Jesus is the head of this body so align yourself with Him. You don’t have strength? Get it from Him. He is the One Who has given it to you. Do not let the enemy keep controlling the narrative in this world. Do not let the enemy keep controlling the political realm, or the seven mountains for that matter. You don’t let him control what he does not have the power to control. The only reason the enemy had that power is because My Church stayed silent because of the deceptions that leaked into the churches and muzzled them. 

Well, take your muzzles off. You shout My Words like never before, and you believe that I am the Greater One on the inside of you. You believe that I am the One that is moving your enemies out of the way. You believe that I am the One that is removing them. You believe that I am the One that as you speak My Words, you will see your enemies’ walls come crashing and crumbling down before your face. 

I am the same God that was at the walls of Jericho, and I am the same God from the book of Exodus. I am the same God who destroys the power of the enemy in a day. I just need My children to agree with it. I need My children to shout My Words. In your prayers, do not just say any words. You say Mine. You say My Words because My Words are spirit, and My Words are life. And My Words change things

Change your vocabulary. Stop saying things of defeat. Stop saying things that frustrate you. Stop saying things that keep you in that darkness your enemy is holding you in. You say My Words of light, My Words of freedom, My Words of deliverance. My Words will shake those shackles off and destroy the prisons, the cells, that your enemies have had you in. 

This is the Exodus of My children from the hands and slavery of the globalists, their narrative, their evil, and corruption. This is the time of My Church. This is the time for your strength to arise and for you to be noticed around the world, that you are not cowards, that you are not weak, that you are not wimpy. 

No, you are fighters, and you are in the Army of the Lord. You have the Greater One, and now you know your authority. You know you will not back off. You will not quit. Let your enemies know that—you are not defeated. They are. 

Let your enemies know that you believe My Written Word more than the thoughts in your mind, the feelings in your body, or the way things look all around the world. Because they will try to (make the world) look more confusing and desperate and (have) greater darkness and chaos. But you will not be confused. 

You will not back down. You will not grow weary because I am your God. I am your strength. I am your comforter. I am your protector. My children, do not ever forget that I am the defender. I am the avenger. And vengeance is Mine. Do not forget that in these days, when you see My judgment poured out in this world even greater than in the book of Exodus. You just remember that I am the One Who protects you, just like I did in the land of Goshen. I protected My people, and I have repeatedly said these Words because some of My children still were not believing these Words. And they were not believing I am the same God in My Word. 

They were believing that I was “a” god, but not the same God because there has been a version of Me all over this world and in churches. It is a version of Me that is a lie. It is a version of Me that (says) I do not heal, I do not deliver, I do not set free, and I do not provide. It is a version of Me that My children believed. Do not believe that version. 

You (need to) believe in Me and Who I am. I am about to show you that I am the Great I AM. I am the One in My Written Word, and I am about to get the world’s attention

But My children, I need your agreement. I need you to speak the Words I have given to you. I need you to agree with what I say and not what the enemy says anymore. The enemy has kept you in bondage, his cages, and his torment because you are believing his words over Mine. 

This is a time of great change. This is a time when you have to believe and trust in My Written Words. Trust that I speak through My prophets. Trust that I speak and I will perform the Words I have promised through them. This is a time of great change. This is a time of great and violent shaking, but as I have said, this is not for you. This is for your enemies and their destruction, for them to be in chaos and confusion, and for the walls they have been hiding behind to come crashing down. This is that time. 

And this is the time to believe My Words over theirs. I say in My Word to trust Me, but many of My children do not. They trust their circumstances and how they feel. This is the time to have a greater walk with Me. Let Me show you Who I am, not what some people behind a pulpit said I was. 

There has been a great deception in this world, but My truth is about to destroy it. My truth will pour out. So, shout. Shout your enemies out. Shout them down. Shout My truth to destroy them. This is where the walls of Jericho come in. This is that. So, shout your enemies out and shout their plans to nothing. As you see them try to pour out their plans and unprecedented chain of events, you will wonder where I am at, but I am here. I am here

Do not pay attention to those events. Do not let them overwhelm you. Remember to trust Me through it. Trust Me through it. I am your breakthrough. Trust Me through it all because even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you shall fear no evil. My rod—I am there to guide you, and I am there to comfort you, and I am there to raise you above it all. 

So, stand firm, My children, and know that I am near. I will make that clear. Know that I am in you, so let the Lion of the tribe of Judah roar through your mouths in all types of adversity and any circumstances that come your way. Remember, you have the Lion on the inside of you. Let Me roar through your vocal cords. Let Me speak. Speak My Words. Agree with Me and watch your enemies flee, saith the Lord. 

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic Word for Israel - August 4, 2024

Israel, my Beloved, I am with you!
Israel, it is time to do what you have to do!
Israel, it is time to throw off restraint!
Israel, just as in the days of old you shall overcome tremendous odds and once again defeat your enemies!
For My name is Adonai, The Lord God Almighty, and I am with you!
As you stand, as do what you have to do, you will have supernatural favor upon you!
Your enemies don’t know what they have got themselves into!
For when they come after you, they are coming at Me!
Time has been given to them for repentance,
but they have given themselves over to dark evil powers and principalities!
Israel – it is time to take the head off the snake!
I will give you what you need when you need it! Nor before, not after but when you need it!
Israel it won’t be long and you will be flourishing along with those who walk with you!
Israel, no more false peace treaties!
No more double mindedness!
Don’t relent until the job is done!
Israel I am releasing Angelic Hosts you know not of. For these Hosts are created and commissioned for this time!
They are fierce and nothing shall get in their way!
Israel, I have you in the spotlight, for those who don’t know me are not going to be able to deny me any longer!
Israel, protect your water!
The enemy has nefarious plans to take it out.
You will see that it is stopped.
Israel, the trigger that is being pulled shall ripple through the Nations!
They shall be held to account for who they are and what they stand for.
Sheep nations to the right!
Goat nations to the left!
There are those in Israel that use My name but are far from me. They parade around as a people they are not.
Mammon is their God.
Greed and power drive them.
Let it be known that I am exposing them clearly in this hour.
I am sifting them out even now.
For I am a God of truth, justice and righteousness and Israel I am calling you to lead the way!
For as you lead, others will follow.
Israel – no weapon formed against you will prosper!
Israel, you are mighty warriors, and I will lead you, and I will protect you, and I will be with you, and I will give you victory!

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic word: It’s go time! The gold is about to be released! - August 3, 2024

Barry, tell my people that it is go time.
What is unfolding right now is going to change the world forever.
Tell my people do not fear.
You are about to see the deconstruction of the most dark and evil regimes that you have ever seen!
What I am shaking – I am shaking on a global scale.
Keep your eyes on me, not to the right and not to the left, for they can’t save you or stop what is coming.
It is only I who can sustain you.
It is only I who can deliver you.
It is going to move fast.
The gold is about to be released.
Access to my treasury is now being granted to those I have entrusted in this hour.
For what I am rebirthing can only be done with My backing, My resources and my supernatural grace and empowerment upon My people.
You can be assured – it is coming through channels that will surprise you.
The enemies’ vaults are empty.
They are going down.
Even though they continue to steal kill and destroy they shall surely be defeated.
There are uprisings unfolding even on this day that shall escalate to bring us to the tipping point!
There is no going back from here!
There is nothing that is going to stop it!
Nations will fall.
Kingdoms shall be shaken to the core.
The Ecclesia is taking its place!
Righteous leaders are taking their place.
All systems are go!
Let the Kingdom Delta Force advance the Line!
Holy is the word of the Lord

Patty Teichroew - August, 2024

Patty Teichroew – August 3, 2024

… For I needed to INTERVENE once again for I took the keys of death and hades from the devil after dying on the cross but now I need to deal with BABYLON! For the enemy took advantage of the church as they were Not prepared to fight due to the false teaching that were being taught though these may, many years. So, Babylon took over. But ALL IS ABOUT TO CHANGE! For I will CRUSH BABYLON and bring MY ENEMIES TO THE KNEES, and they will ACKNOLADGE that I AM THE ONE AND TRUE GOD and not their god, Satan. For I have given them Many Opportunities to repent but NOW COMES JUDGEMENT! Watch now at what I do through your court system-the indictments against My David and also the Supreme Court. For I AM about to declare CHECKMATE!


A major cover-up and the plot to kill your rightful president will become clearer than it already is. More people within the establishment will turn on the ones they used to side with. No amount of destroying evidence or wiping their fingerprints from this crime scene will be enough to save themselves this time

A major piece of evidence will come out of nowhere, or so it will appear. A whistleblower is coming to blow the doors wide open on the investigation of the attempted murder of My son. Your enemies are about to wish they had never tried to kill him

Things against your enemies in the establishment are heating up. They cannot pull all their power to hide their crimes or corruption anymore. There is just too much coming out, too many people turning, and too many people they cannot trust like they could before. Your enemies are realizing that they cannot silence all of them. 

Neither their old war tactics nor covering up their crimes will work this time. The more they try their old ways, the more they will find themselves exposed. Your enemies are coming down in a way you do not see yet, or can even imagine. Keep believing that I am bigger than this establishment and watch Me prove it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Oh, the walls of the CIA are about to fall. My children in the Land of My Eagle, I want to remind you of the many Words I have given you regarding this agency. They have had more control than most people ever knew they had. They are the ones with the videos, the setups, the traps, and the blackmail. Their fingerprints are on more crime scenes throughout this Nation’s history than anyone ever knew possible. This agency has controlled many leaders in the White House, and they have made laws and decisions between foreign nations. 

Oh yes, the money will expose what this agency has done and how deep this really goes. My children, be prepared as this agency is uncovered and more truth is revealed. They will not go without a fight. But I have people inside the CIA who are about to get the green light to tear it wide open and expose everything they have been a part of. It has been a long time coming for the world to see what these agencies have done against My Nation and their part in what has happened to other nations in the world. 

So much blood is dripping from these agencies and the establishment they try to control. They try to hide and blame someone else for their wrongdoings and their crimes. My children, their deep dark secrets have been buried for a long time, but all these things that have been hidden on their servers, which I told you about, are about to tear their narratives and their control over this Nation to nothing. And when this is revealed, they will try (to cause) devastating events to take place to stop the army that is marching toward them to take back control of this Nation. And that (army) is you, My children. You have more power and authority, so use it now more than ever before

Prepare for this battle, this war, that you see before you. The giants in your land will be driven out in a significant way by My hand. So, trust Me and not what you are about to see, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

William Burns: you truly believe that being in charge of the CIA will keep you safe in your position no matter what takes place, that because you have the protection of the establishment behind you and your agency has enough blackmail on the majority of Washington nothing could happen to you, but that is not true. I will remove you and you will never see it coming. Justice is being served by Me, saith the Lord. 

Every corrupt CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and NSA director that committed crimes, allowed crimes to be committed under their watch, or helped cover up agency crimes from before they were there, will be exposed, and every person will be judged by My right hand, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, explosions are coming that will violently hit their camps and the walls of this establishment like never before. I will not allow them to keep things the way they are in this Nation or any other nation. Their mind control, narratives, fifth-generation warfare, and the slavery they had you in is coming to an end, and I am the One Who is ending it, saith the Lord. 

MI6 will be in your news. A whistleblower is coming to show how this agency worked with others in this Nation to cover up many crimes in many nations that each country was a part of. 

These are the days of exposing the agencies that have been a part of cover-ups and crimes all over the world. Massive money laundering schemes will be the death of many secrets. They have tried to keep these agencies working to cover their secrets and to cover their tracks. 

These are also the days, My children, when the money trails will be exposed, and the honey pots your enemies stored up will be emptied out. A great shaking (is coming), and the corruption in governments and their agencies worldwide will be brought down. 

My children, this is the time when many things will shake and change at the same time, when things will never be the same, for your freedoms, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Wells Fargo will be in your news for a significant reason. This banking fortress and the house of cards of this banking world will be exposed and brought down. I will show you how much they have been involved in, and it will shock the world. The banking system, as you know it, will forever change. 

Days of explosive evidence about the banking world will come out, and it will begin to shake with no way of saving this industry that controlled the masses. The fortunes of the ones who played Monopoly on a world scale will be brought to nothing. 

My children, My hand is moving against the banking world like never before. And the bank vaults will be emptied of the money that did not belong in their hands. 

The food supply will be disrupted in a major way. Do not fear this. This is to stop the poison they wanted to bring to cause mass deaths. My children, look at the loaves and the fishes. Look at the oil and the flour. Look how I turned water into wine. I am your provider. I multiply. I will protect you from what was to come. Do not fear what you see with your food supply. I am intervening and stopping what they had planned against you. Get fear out of your lives, and do not worry. I am big enough to take care of every need you have. So, trust Me, and you will be completely set free, saith the Lord. 

Veronika West - Get Ready — for the Giant is Now Waking! - July, 2024

I heard these Words, ”Don’t be Alarmed or Moved by what is coming — but stay Armed and Ready to Advance at My Command in the coming days!”

So, last night The LORD had me praying without ceasing. There is no time for the luxury of Sleep when Nations are about to be Shaken Wide Awake!

I was shown last night the Hand of God lifting off certain Nations for a Time — as Nations have now entered into a Season of Divine Sifting — Shifting and Separation.

God is making a Divine Distinction!

I hear the Spirit say, ”Have I not said that this is a Time and a Sign that Nations have now come into a Second Exodus — and a Second Circumcision?

Watch! As Righteous Judgments shake certain Nations, and swift and severe Course Corrections shift and realign others.

For boundaries lines will be rearranged and borders will be reordered.”

All night, I kept hearing these words, ”Don’t be Alarmed or Moved by what is coming — but stay Armed and Ready to Advance at My Command in the coming days!

Watch for the Weight of My Glory is now Invading — for Nations in the Valley of Decision will now begin to come under the Weight of My Glory.

See! For the foundations of Nations are being inspected and the fruits are being tested.

Surely I tell you, I shall not be mocked — but Nations shall be brought to their knees in great humility — for I tell you, the Books have been opened and Nations weighed in the Balance have been found wanting.

I say — Revolution! — Resurgence! And even Sudden Replacements shall dominate the headlines in the coming days, for greater uprising and violent Riots shall continue to take place in your streets as the sleeping Giant wakes from its deep sleep.

So I say again — Brace! Brace! For the greater Shaking is now Birthing an even Greater Awakening in the Nations of the Earth.

For Behold — I AM doing a New Thing! Do you See it?”

Julie Green - THE FBI, AS YOU KNOW IT, IS ABOUT TO CHANGE - July 25, 2024

Woe to those in the FBI, the CIA, and the swamp in DC. You can run, but you cannot hide. You think you are above the law because you believe you are the law and that you control the law, but you do not

You have embedded yourselves into every form of this government to get away with the crimes against this Nation and the American people. Well, you cannot get away from Me. I am justice, and justice will be served whether you want to believe it or not. 

To the FBI agency: truth is coming for you, and a great fall has begun because of the part you played against My son. You think that the heat will be off you and that the Nation will be satisfied by Kimberly’s resignation, but you thought wrong. Proof of your connection to this plot, along with the Secret Service director, the White House, and the establishment, is coming. Cries will be heard throughout this land to dissolve your agency and to clean it out of the murderous traitors

I have infiltrated your agency. Many men and women are willing to expose this agency and all the crimes they have committed, including the ones you covered up for the establishment, “the Biden,” the Obamas, and the Clintons; the list goes on. But this is My time to shine the light on you for the world to see what you have been up to. Great exposures are coming, and great removals are about to be seen

The heat is about to be turned up on you. Many in your agency will make more mistakes (because they are moving quicker now) to cover their tracks and more crimes because your fingerprints are everywhere on these crime scenes. I will be the One to bring My hammer down. I will judge you, along with all who have worked so closely with this agency

Leaders of the FBI: you made your choice to turn from Me and truth, so it is now time for you to shake like never before. Many will turn on each other to save themselves. Even some of the establishment will turn on you to hide themselves and the other crimes they committed with the CIA and the White House. But none of you against Me are safe from judgment. Judgment is here, and judgment will be clear, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Bobulinski: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Evidence that was suppressed and hidden from the public will soon come out. People will shout with outrage and anger at how this could have been kept from the American people by a government that is supposed to protect them from the ones they are actually protecting. All evidence that was suppressed is about to come out like a flood

Hard-wired: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. 

The bureaucrats on both sides in Washington are about to have a lot to answer for. Wolves are being separated, and masks are being unveiled. Great shock is coming to this Nation. 

Hold on, My children in the Land of My Eagle. A violent shaking is coming to get rid of the evil that has embedded itself deeply in your country. Enough is enough of “business-as-usual” and criminals being able to continue to commit these heinous crimes—no more. I am at the door, and judgment is here. Justice will be served. 

Shout, My children, for justice in this land. Fight harder now. Stand stronger. Your giants are coming down, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophets and politicians: come together now. Yes, come together with Me. Politicians, you will see things that you cannot fix or explain, but I can. It looks too impossible to get out of this mess, but it is not too impossible for Me. Do not allow the great divide of My prophets to be allowed to stand. You want freedom in this country, as you have prayed and hoped for, and this is how it gets done

It is Me and My Words and the power (that comes) through them that will fix all the problems in your land. These problems are much bigger than you. You can only do so much by yourselves, but with Me, you will see that I am bigger than your enemy. You are mere men, but I am the Great I AM, saith the Lord. 

This is the time to change governments and how they run, how they lead a nation. It is not just through policies and procedures. No, it is with My power, My wisdom, My knowledge, and My understanding, which I will give to you. 

My children, pray for the uniting of My Church, the uniting of this Nation, and the uniting of My prophets and your politicians. They should be as one, working together to bring My Will to pass in your nations. 

Things will abruptly change when I am in control. Any threat from your enemies is no threat to Me. Your policies and the direction of this Nation must change with Me. 

Drastic changes are coming. It will seem like turbulent times ahead, but this turbulence is not for you. It is for your enemies—their judgment that is hitting them, their government, and their political power over a nation that is not theirs and never was. 

My children, this is the time to war in prayer for the ones who still seem to be asleep, for the shaking and changing. But some will not understand. Pray for their hearts to receive My Words and My plans. This is not the time to give up on your loved ones, but rather to fight harder in this time of the great wake-up call that is upon this Earth. The hearts and minds of people that seem to be unchangeable will change. Do not stop believing that I am bigger than what the situations look like. It is not impossible for Me to change what you see. Your circumstances have no power compared to Me

Change is coming, change that you will not understand at first, change that will seem worse and not for the better. This change in the last stages of this war will appear difficult. But I have given you the ability to persevere through it all. My children, stand, and you will come out stronger. Remember that what you are about to see is for your victory and for your enemies’ defeat, saith the Lord of Hosts. 


I, the Lord, this day have told you, My children, that I have cut your enemies’ lines of communication. You are about to see more disruptions in businesses, flights, the internet, and phone services. Things will look one way when they are really another. 

You saw flights grounded, as I said they would be in previous Words. And it will happen again. You saw how the world almost stood still during this communication breakdown of hospitals and banks and how many things were affected on that day. Do you see how vulnerable things are without Me? Man-made inventions and technology are nothing compared to Me. 

I also told you, and I will remind you again, that this is no longer business as usual, and things will not stay the same. Many changes are coming to your Nation, oh United States. A greater shaking is about to take place that some are not prepared for. 

The shaking that is coming will be a violent shaking. It will be an unprecedented shaking. Your enemies are coming after you with more malice, more attacks, more hatred, and more chaos. But as you have seen so many times recently, it will not happen as they want it to happen. 

I am allowing this Nation to see how vulnerable it was without My protection. But you have it now. You have to trust and believe in Me now more than ever. 

A bug or a virus is coming on a scale and a magnitude never seen. Do not fear. Read My Word—no death or pestilence will come near you. 

Terrorist attacks are coming. And as I have warned you, they will be even worse than that fateful day in September 2001. My children, you will see things you do not understand and cannot describe. But, My children, when I move and do things on a scale never seen before, you will not be able to imagine what is about to take place in this Nation. 

But remember Who I am. I saved your rightful president at the same time I saved this Nation. I will do it again but on a larger scale. Your enemies are planning mass casualties and mass chaos even as I am speaking this Word. They are petrified of losing control of this Nation and their Global Reset. But no matter what they choose, they lose. 

So, My Church, get up now. Unite and fight back. Your enemies’ power is nothing compared to Mine, and I live in you. Get hold of that fact. That truth will set you free and send you right into your victory, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Archives: this word will be in your news for a significant reason.  

Woe to you, Kimberly Cheatle. You think you can hide behind the establishment and that they will protect you and keep you safe in your position of power. But you have not considered Me. I will remove you. The choice is not yours to stay there. The pressure is building, and evidence is coming to expose you and the ones who gave you those directions. A collapse is coming for the bureaucrats running your agency. Oh yes, I will also clean out the traitors in the Secret Service, and I will start with you. Kimberly, truth is coming with no way of stopping it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, exposure is coming—explosive information about the plan they had for that day they tried to kill My David and this Nation. Mayorkas, you are not safe from the truth either. I will show the world the design and plan and how you were to help carry this out and hide the truth and any evidence. Well, you do not have that type of power. Your judgment is near, and your judgment will be clear to this Nation, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Christopher Wray: you are not safe either. The FBI will be cleaned out by Me. I will show even more just how dirty and evil you and the ones controlling your agency are, along with how the establishment is paying you to hide their crimes. I am the One Who is about to bring this all down, and you will be brought down, along with the ones who control you and put you in that spot for this plot and others against this Nation. Judgment is here for you, Christopher. You will also not stay in your place of power, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Forensic evidence will come out across your airwaves and prove what I, the Lord, have been saying about this crime scene—evidence I have that will be brought out. I told you, My children, they wanted the death of this Nation, but now they will see the death of their precious establishment. They thought they had built a well-oiled machine to control the world. They are deeply rooted in everything. They have fail-safes everywhere, so (they thought) they could never be brought down. Just like some said that the Titanic was an unsinkable ship, but the world saw this was not true. 

Now, your enemies are about to face that same fate with their power and their swamp that they tried to control this Nation with; it’s about to be disintegrated before your eyes. Judgment day is almost upon you when you will see this is all true. 

Fight, My children, like never before. Use My Words like a weapon and watch the collapse of the global government before your eyes. I am ready. So, get ready, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


You, My children, are in a time of a great awakening. This is not business as usual or church as usual. This is not the time when things will stay the same. No, this is the time for great change. 

I have told you repeatedly that this is not the time to fear because I am here. This is the time for a great collapse, a great fall. You might be asking, what fall? The fall of your enemies and all their plans. 

Unprecedented things will pick up speed, and the unconventional will be undeniable. My prophets will be taken more seriously now because the things I have said through them will be proven to be true. 

Your enemies are through, but they will not leave without a fight. They will fight hard, but it will not be hard enough. 

This is the time of My warning. This is the time of great shaking. This is the time for a Great Exodus. This is the time when the world will know Me as the Great Deliverer. 

It is time to hold on. It is time to stand, fight, and see Me because I am bringing forth a great victory, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Unknown Prophet - Those in High Places are About to Fall! - July 26, 2024

All right guys this this is a an analogy that you will find very similar to another one I gave you just several weeks ago. But it is in an entirely different realm. As I was sitting and looking talking with the Lord with this one I got a vision of a tall mountain peak standing high above all the others. it was rugged and it was strong looking as I watched the vision shifted and I saw the valley floor down below the Mountain. And it was just a beautiful sort of a quiet serene valley the kind you would like to live in. As I continued to watch the scene shifted back to the mountain and it began to crumble. Starting at the peak and moving down the mountain as it did all the debris were tumbling down the mountain into the Valley. Eventually the high peak crumbled to the point where it became the height of the surrounding hills it didn’t even stand out from them. it became of no significance but as I looked at the valley there was no debris it had just totally vanished the entire Mountain including the peak that had stood so tall and majestic had vanished as if the entire floor of the valley had been quicksand and just absorbed it.

The father said the tall majestic mountain peak represents those who are establish themselves above everyone else and above Me. They consider themselves their own Gods and set themselves up to have everyone look up to them hold them in awe and worship them. They look to have total control over everything that I have created and over all of my people including you my children who walk with Me. The valley and the surrounding hills and the mountains surrounding the mount the tall mountain are the normal everyday people who live normal lives. As you watch the mountain peak crumble that is what will happen to those who set themselves up against me and against my people. I will cause them to crumble and I will destroy them from the top to the bottom. When I finish with them what remains will not be any higher in respect than the surrounding hills and the country and the normal everyday people. and those that I crushed and brought down will have totally disappeared. They cannot be found not even a particle of them. I will cause them to be absorbed into nothingness and they will be remembered no more. their high and mighty dreams will have gone up in dust and been swept away by the wind of my Spirit.

For a time there will be those who will say there used to be a high and lofty mountain here but it was destroyed. In another generation there will be those who will say I never knew of a high and lofty mountain there that that is attempted to set itself higher than me will not stand. I will not allow it I will take it down and it will be no more. I speak of things in the near future my children watch and see the high left and lofty mountains crumble and become nothing.

Julie Green - IT'S ALMOST OVER FOR THE BIDEN - July 18, 2024

My children, your enemies will stop at nothing to stop this Nation from moving forward. They will do anything to keep My David from the president’s seat. Do you see what they are revealing to the world? They want death, destruction, chaos, and your hope to come to nothing. They were willing to kill their opponent because there is no other way to win this election or to save themselves from their impending doom. 

I have repeatedly told you that they will try more. Their puppet is failing and falling, and they cannot stop it or make the momentum go in their direction. The world, including this Nation, is turning against them. 

Your enemies are shouting, “No one believes us anymore. With each day that goes by, more people turn from us and what we say. We will lose this election if we don’t do something more. We tried to kill him, but it failed. Now we must do everything at once—(implement) every plan that we can in this short time to cause confusion and death, anything we have that will stop him because if we don’t, we are finished. We will be tried for treason. We will lose our fortunes. We will lose everything. Our plans are going up in smoke. What do we do to stop him from taking back this Nation? Everything we have done is making him more popular and more powerful.” 

“How did our plans not work? They worked before. We had everything going our way. But he is still alive. This Nation still has hope. They are still fighting. We cannot have that, so what else can we do? We must go after the ones he is protecting, the ones he is fighting for. We must go after the citizens now. We cannot afford for them to be like him—strong and still fighting.” 

Do you hear it, My children? There is fear in your enemies like never before. No matter their weapon of choice, it will fall short. It will fail, just like they have at everything else. I have allowed you to hear these words from their conversations to expose that they are the ones who are afraid, and you should not be. 

March My children. March in this battle. You have your marching orders. 

Shout My Words. Shout them out. Shout them down. Shout their defeat louder now, more than ever before. It is working. Keep going. The establishment is falling. They are losing their power over you. Their lies are no longer working to hold you in their captivity. Keep moving. Keep advancing. Keep using the authority I have given to you. Watch them fall, fall, fall and fail, fail, fail. Watch them be removed, removed, removed. It is coming because I am here for justice, and it will be clear, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Some of My children are asking, “Lord, why did this happen to President Trump? Why was this allowed? Why are so many things happening that could destroy our Nation? Why are these things happening?” My answer for you is—(for) your enemies’ defeat. They thought they had their way, but now I will show you Mine. I allowed certain things to be seen for your enemies’ ultimate defeat. Your enemies had time to repent and change their minds, but they chose their way and not Mine. The storm is not coming, the storm is here now to wipe out all that you have seen against you. I will make it clear that I am here. 

My children, I have put your enemies on the run. They will no longer stand and fight the way they used to. No, they are on the run, and they will duck for cover but find no protection. This is the time that they will say more against one another; they will expose each other. Desperation has grown to another level. The days of exposures are here. The days of a great collapse of a government and the control by an establishment that has tried to rule My Nation are here. It is now time for the world to see that this is My Nation and not theirs, that My power is bigger than the power it looks like your enemies have. 

My children, it is almost over for “the Biden,” yes; for Obama, yes; for the establishment, yes; and for the globalists, yes. So, hold on because I am here to deliver My Nation from their hands, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Julie Green - THIS NATION IS MINE - July 17, 2024

This country will rise from the ashes. This Nation will persevere. This Nation will become stronger. This Nation will come alive in Me. This Nation will rise in a triumphant victory. This Nation is Mine. And your enemies will know I am the Savior of this Nation, and I am the Savior of this Earth. My plans, My Will, and My people will go forward, and your enemies will retreat and receive their defeat they so deserve. 

My children, this is the time to come alive in Me. This is the time to receive My Glory in a greater way than ever before. Your enemies mean to bring death and destruction, but I have come to bring life and restoration. The attack on your Nation will bring the opposite of what your enemies wanted out of this. It will bring their death and their destruction. It has solidified their exits from their power. 

Not only will My David be stronger in Me, but My children will be stronger in Me, and My Nation will be stronger in Me. So, to My Army, My Nation, and My chosen generation: you are alive on this Earth when I will pour out My Spirit like never before. I will rain down My judgment and My justice like the world has never seen. This is My time to shine My light upon My children, to destroy the great darkness in this Earth. 

My children: declare and decree My love. Declare and decree My goodness. Declare and decree My faithfulness. Declare and decree My justice. Declare and decree My freedom that I have provided for you with the shedding of My Son’s Blood. All of this is yours now—your freedoms, your restoration, your life, your blessings—everything has already been provided for you. Now is your time to tap into what I have already given to you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


I, the Lord, want to remind you, My children, of My Words. Your enemies want a civil war. They want chaos, fear, and confusion running rampant so that you are too weak and afraid to fight back. They will try more against you. They will try more attacks on a larger scale. They will try to bombard your hearts and minds with deception, confusion, and fear. But it will not work because I have strengthened you and prepared you for such a time as this. 

They will not get the war they seek. They will not get the fear they so desire. They will not get the revolt they wanted to trap you in. No, because you, My children, have learned to fight with Me. 

Your enemies will begin to be unmasked faster. Watch to see what happens to the party of the left, along with the establishment and their supposed commander-in-chief, or as I say, their puppet—days of Haman. Since they tried to kill My son, watch and see My hand move against them. 

The Angel of Death I have spoken of will be more obvious in this time. They provoked and mocked Me. I am avenging you, My children. I said in My Word that vengeance is Mine, and the meting out of full justice rests with Me. Full justice will be seen. Justice is coming, My United States. Justice is coming, My David. And justice is coming for My children, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Drone strikes, false flag events, terrorist attacks, viruses, the crashing of your markets—this failed attempt will start a cascade of unprecedented events to take place all over the world to stop the return of My David. But I will say this again: nothing will work. I am bigger than any war, any virus, any economic crash. I am bigger than any terrorist attack or war they try. 

My children, I am the God Who saves a nation in a day. I am the Lord, the fourth man, who shows up in the fiery furnace, and I am still the same today, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, great distractions are coming from your enemies to try to deflect and hide the truth. A whistleblower is coming and will prove what has taken place in your country to try and stop this next election. I told you the handwriting is on the wall for your enemies to see. It says: defeated, and you lose. There is no way for them to win. Your enemies know this now more than ever, so they will try one plan after another and one major event after another. 

Your enemies’ defeat is coming because I am here, and you will see it. They will be removed by Me, says the Lord. 

A historic exposure is coming. A great fall of a government will take place. My children, I have saved the best for last. Truth is coming. Proof is coming that will destroy their power in this hour. Watergate? No! This is much bigger. 

Watch “the Biden” slip faster now. 

Watch what takes place in the White House. 

Washington DC will begin to shake like never before. They will reveal themselves even more now. 

Your enemies’ tongues will be their worst enemy. It is time for their words to expose who they really are, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - July, 2024


“The Whirlpool of Wonder, the Gravity of His Glory… A Divine Convergence; A Nation being unplugged and a draining of demonic powers and principalities of darkness!”

Last night I was sitting quietly before The LORD and I was journaling as The LORD spoke to me when suddenly I was caught up in a powerful vision, where I saw the Right Hand Finger of God come out of the heavens and it touched the nation of America.

As His Finger touched the earth, I saw what looked like a sudden lightening storm hitting the land, and as I looked at the bolts of white lightening, suddenly I heard these Words, “The Whirlpool of Wonder that has The Gravity of My Glory within it.”

As I heard those Words, I saw The Finger of God begin to move in an anti-clockwise direction, round and round His Finger moved.

Seven times I counted, as His Finger moved upon the nation.

whirlwind imageNow as I stayed watching His Finger moving, I saw what looked like a gigantic Rainbow Whirlpool forming over the land and I heard these words, “Watch! For a Divine Convergence of the manifest Power of The Seven Spirits of God shall move to purge and purify this Nation.

And The Gravity of My Glory shall now draw out the demonic powers of darkness that have been deeply rooted in this land.

Watch! For now I AM pulling the plug and draining this nation of the filth and the perversion that has been a rotten stench in My Nostrils.

Watch! For My Finger of Righteousness and Justice shall move, yes!

Seven times it shall move to reverse the curse that has been upon the land, for now The Whirlpool of Wonder and The Gravity of My Glory shall be seen and a nation shall be cleansed and My Covenant Blessings shall be restored!”

Please see pictures in my journal of something of what I saw in the realm of The Spirit.

I, the Lord, this day am telling My children in the Land of My Eagle that you shall live and not die as a Nation. Your enemies tried a great attack on your country by attempting to end the life of My David. Well, they did not and could not succeed. I have intervened for this Nation. I have intervened for My David. 

My children, your warring and constant prayers were heard by El Shaddai. An awakening has begun in My Nation, but now it will explode everywhere. I will destroy the evil you have seen in your land and the nations around the world. 

My children, I will expose this plan. I will expose the murderous plot. I will show you where the instructions came from and who ordered the hit on My David. I told you that the ravenous wolves are coming out of their caves to devour any truth and freedom you have left in this Nation. I will unmask these wolves and treasonous traitors in your country. 

I told you, My children, that President Trump has traitors in his midst. This should prove to you that this is true. Things were allowed to show you who these traitors are. Some close to him are working for the other side. Those who were (meant) to protect him let things slip through the cracks ever so subtly to make it look like they were doing their job, when they were not. But some are there for the right reason, and some did their job. As I have told you, I have infiltrated the infiltrators. I am smoking them out of their holes and their hiding places, and who they are will be revealed. My David’s real protection comes from Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Secret details of your enemies’ plan to take down My David as they were taking down your Nation (are being revealed). They failed! This Nation belongs to Me, saith the Lord. My David is Mine, and he is protected by Me. I told you that as your enemies’ desperation grows in this time, they would overreach, make mistakes, and walk into traps that I set for them. This was a trap they walked right into. They thought they had an opportunity, but without thinking, they acted. This plan came from Washington DC. It came from your capital and not just who you think was involved. Many of your leaders wanted this.  

Proof is coming. Oh yes, proof of conversations they thought were secret and the location secure. Proof is coming of servers that were used as their secret way to communicate plots and plans like this that they thought would never be found. Well, I have it all. And I will say this again: they will not get away with what they did on that day in your Nation. 

I will not only reveal this attempt and those who are behind it, but also the attempts and the successful assassinations of previous leaders and presidents in your country. 

This action marks a time in your Nation when a shift is taking place. The momentum has shifted. Your enemies will regret these actions taken against My Nation, the Land of My Eagle. The days of Haman are here. Their defeat is near. So, watch what I do to deliver My Nation from the hands of the murderous and treasonous traitors. 

I am making My Nation strong again. I am making My Nation awake again. I am making My Nation united again. And I am making My Nation victorious again. 

My children, do not fear what you hear. Do not fear what they say or try to do next because of this failed attempt at My son. The tides have turned. They will fall faster now. Just wait and see how fast your enemies flee, like rats from a burning building. Their plans have been set ablaze with no way to recover from this disastrous decision that has been made. 

Wait and watch for My David’s triumphant return and your enemies’ ultimate defeat. It is near, and it will be clear that I am here, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Do not fear what they might do to your elections. Stop talking about your enemies and what they want to do. Trust in My hand to free your land. I am the One Who will bring back the rightful president in an unprecedented and unconventional way. Watch and see a mighty victory. Oh, United States, you will see that it could have only been done by Me, saith the Lord.

My children, your enemies are in a sticky situation. Their fingerprints are everywhere—at every crime scene, on every crime, victim, election, and coup, and all the money laundering, bribes with other nations, and blackmail. 

You name it; there is proof everywhere. They are trapped in their own crimes by their design. For I, the Lord, am the judge, and the real guilty verdicts will be passed down on a scale never seen by mankind. 

My children, I have told you that My gavel is coming down. Judgment is starting to rain down ever so slightly right now, but soon it will be a downpour. I am coming to rain down judgment and justice for My nations and My children for all the world to see. Get ready. The time is at hand. 

Everything will abruptly change for you, My children—to set you free from your enemies and their great captivity. My nations and My children, get ready, for this is the time, and these are the hours of your freedom, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Magistrate: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. I told you things are not how they appear to be. 

A general is about to be brought down through great exposures. A hidden lifestyle and a hidden agenda will be revealed. 

A secret in your White House is about to be told. (Was it) a slip of the tongue, or was it planned to be told in this way? Secrets will continue to leak out of the White House until all that has been hidden inside is exposed. 

Your enemies are not done exposing “the Biden” to force him to leave. Things are not how they seem. A much darker scheme has been hidden, but that plan is about to be leaked, one that no one thought could or would be told. 

“The Biden” has many secrets and skeletons in his closet, you would say, and these are about to be released. “The Biden’s” days in that house are numbered, and they are about to expire in a way that some do not see coming. I told you that unexpected things will take place that your enemies cannot plan or prepare for. It is not their choice who is president; it is Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts.  

My children, what your enemies have planned next for My David will be exposed—what they are up to and also who is in charge. Great leaks will begin, then a flood of truth will pour out from everywhere. My David is coming back, and no one will stop him because I, the Lord, am with him. 

I will say again: something will rock the House of Representatives. A plan was made, but that plan will be exposed. There are great cracks in your enemies’ foundation. People will start to speak out because they know the writing is on the wall, and they want to save themselves by changing sides before it is too late and before My David’s return. And a great return that will be with Me, saith the Lord. 

Archrival: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. 

My children, unprecedented things will intensify all over the world—some may say biblical. The world will be paying attention. The world will be awakened out of a sleep that the enemies had you in with their great deception. 

The winds of change are here because I am here to change them. Things will begin to take place in nations all over the world. A revival will take over, setting your enemies into a whirlwind of panic from knowing that they are not able to stop My power. I have told you before that the imitators and infiltrators will be cut off. My power is undeniable. 

Do not be afraid of what is coming. Do not be worried about the unknown. Things will begin to take place that you cannot explain, but remember, I will give you peace and rest. No matter what things look like, it is time for the great fall of an empire and the leaders who controlled it. My children, get ready because you are right at that door, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

My children, if you fully allow Me in, I will show you what real power is. Give Me every care. Give Me every hurt. Give Me all that pain. Give Me all the shame. Give Me all that guilt and condemnation. Give Me all that unworthiness you feel. I will fully heal your heart, your mind, your body, and every part of your life. 

Pray for those who have hurt you. Pray for those who have used you. Pray for those against you, and I will give you that peace and rest you have been looking for. 

I know those hurts and the shame. I know the pain. Not only do I know, but I see, and I have promised to set you free from it all. You just have to let it go to let Me flow in and through you. 

It is time for My flood. It is time for My move. It is time for miracles. It is time for things that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard. It is time for My Glory. 

My children, just give Me the opportunity to do it for you. Too many of My children have been bogged down, weighed down, stressed out, anxious, and afraid, and this hasn’t allowed Me to move or do for you or move through you like I have desired. Your enemies have kept you in this condition, but now it is time to break free with My Glory. 

My children, receive My power. Receive more from Me in this hour of power. My power is unlimited. It is time for the world to see it and for My children to experience it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

I will say this again: an unmasking has begun, and not just with political and governmental officials. An unmasking has begun in My Church. Not only am I revealing all the fakes and the frauds, but also all who have been used by the enemy—even those who I have called, but their hearts turned away from Me—and those behind the pulpit that were never called, who wanted that position for all the wrong reasons. No one will stay that does not belong there, and neither will the ones who have refused to repent or turn from their ways of sin because they are driving their churches in that same direction—away from Me instead of towards Me. 

AI cannot stop this or hide this, and they will not get away with making My chosen seem like they are something when they are not. I will show the world the true prophets. Many have pretended to be, but they are not from Me. So, I will reveal the real ones, and I will show you the fake ones. I will show you My real evangelists, My real teachers, My real preachers, and My real Church with My power that no one can replicate. 

My children, your enemies have embedded themselves into every part of this world—everything you see and can imagine. I am removing everyone and showing you what My real Church looks like. I will show you what My nations really look like, what government should look like. My children, reach out to Me. Look past what things seem like in your lives, everything that has tried to keep Me from you. 

Give Me all those cares. They are not your burdens to bear. Give Me your problems. They are not yours to solve. I am ready for the greatest move the world has ever seen. My children, get ready for Me, and you will see My Glory, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

I received this before the Republican National Convention last night. So we found out last night that JD Vance is going to be the uh vice presidential candidate running with President Trump. So here’s what the Lord said to me in the morning these are his words. This will be an exciting turbulent week filled with celebration and events that will change the course of history. I protected my Donald and I will protect him again the radical left will try other attempts on his life. Remember there are other ways to kill someone besides a gun. But I will protect him and keep him strong. He is working my plan and soon this terrible tyranny will be gone. Gone as in gone. I have told you this before and I am reminding you as we are rapidly approaching the day when this critical event Happens. And again they are Gone.

Some things will be the way you think and others will be quite different. But the end result is there will be freedom in my land and in my world a freedom that only I can Give. Man has enslaved you all with taxation tariffs and more Taxation. The taxation is going to Change. Remember I told you about NESARA and it is real. The real deal. Don’t put your trust in man or just one man trust me ABA father. Trust my son Jesus. He is the way the truth and the Life. The world will very soon know my power and my might some will respond to me and others will attempt to run and hide. But you my dear little children I will take care of you and protect you always. Keep your eyes on my Son.

This week you will meet your next VP. Pray for this man and his family the left will turn up the heat on him starting Thursday night. I will protect him too and all of his loved Ones. Trust Trump’s pick as this is my choice for this great nation that I Love. Have you prayed Today? We know you have a lot going on and we want you to have a beautiful fulfilling life. Give us some of your day. Check in with us throughout the day. Pray in all circumstances and love one another and be quick to Forgive. We love you with an everlasting heart and soon you will see one of the greatest moments in history happen right in front of You. Don’t fret or worry and keep your eyes on my Son. A new day is upon you and all will be Well. I love you ABA father.

Veronika West - Trump on His Knees — Now Watch Him Rise!- July 14, 2024

“Trump on His Knees — Now Watch Him Rise!” God is Speaking in the midst of the Unfolding Madness.

As I looked at this powerful yet horrifying picture, I believe God is speaking a better thing….

I hear The Spirit say, ”Trump on his knees — Now watch him Rise!”

Looking at this scene unfold, it was quickened to me what The Spirit of Revelation spoke to me concerning Trump inThe Prison of His Will” — Trump, in The Prison of God’s Will!”

And Quote;

“I heard these Words, ”His hands are no longer the hands of a fierce Warrior, but the hands of a fearless Worshiper!”

I submit, this Attempt on his life will not be the last, so we must not become passive in our prayers.

See the following Word — it’s a part of a longer Prophetic Word — but I believe it speaks to the hour that is unfolding in the life of President Trump.

See link to original Word : Trump, in The Prison of God’s Will!”

And Quote;

”Kingdom Restoration and Reformation is now taking place in the nations of the earth!”

Then suddenly I saw the Curtain fall and I could no longer see The Altar of Awakening/ Battlefield before me. But my eyes were turned back to President Trump in the vision, and I saw that his hands were still bound behind his back.

But now his eyes were turned towards the face of The Father and tears were running down his cheeks.

Archangel Sevres the Cords That Bound Trump

Suddenly I saw the Archangel of The LORD step forward and with a sword in his hand, and I watched as the Angel severed the cords that bound his hands, and as President Trump’s hands were freed, I saw him lift up his hands towards the heavens, and I heard these Words, ”His hands are no longer the hands of a fierce Warrior, but the hands of a fearless Worshiper!”


Suddenly I saw the Archangel of The LORD step forward and with a sword in his hand, and I watched as the Angel severed the cords that bound his hands, and as President Trump’s hands were freed, I saw him lift up his hands towards the heavens, and I heard these Words, ”His hands are no longer the hands of a fierce Warrior, but the hands of a fearless Worshiper!”

A Changed Man

As I heard those Words, I felt a sudden supernatural shift taking place and the weight of The Glory of The LORD filled the atmosphere, and then I heard these Words, “Now I can fully release you to be whom I Called and Anointed you to be. For in the prison of My Will, I tied your hands that I might change and transform your heart.

I restrained your might and bound up your power, that I might unveil and reveal My Holy Zeal for Truth, Righteousness, Unity, Mercy and Peace!”

Crown at His Feet — Receive a Gold Signet Ring

As those Words were released over President Trump, I then saw President Trump do something amazing. While still standing before his throne, I saw him kneel down and take off his Crown and he laid it at The Father’s Feet.

I then saw The Father turn towards him and He looked at President Trump and He smiled, and I watched as The Father then took hold of President Trump’s right hand and He placed a Gold Signet Ring upon his finger as I heard these Words, “A servant King shall now arise to be My Signet Ring and shall Rule and Reign in all My Power and Authority.”

As those Words were spoken, the Archangel of The LORD stepped back and President Trump got up on his feet and ‘took his seat’ on the Red and Gold Throne.

As I saw President Trump take his seat, it was quickened to me these verses from Hebrews 10:11-14,

“Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. Since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool, because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

And then I heard these Words, “No longer a standing King with a Gold Crown upon his head, but now a seated Servant King with a Gold Signet Ring upon his finger.”


“In his first term he fought ‘for Victory’, in the strength of his flesh, and he ‘wrestled’ with God’, for a covenant blessing, and he was called by an old name, and known by an old identity.

But now watch! For in his Second Term he will fight ‘from Victory’, in the strength of The Spirit, and he will ‘rest’ in God and in the Power and the Authority of the Covenant Blessing, and he will be called by a new name, and known by a new identity!”


A Divine Exchange

As I heard The Spirit say these things, I was shown again President Trump as he knelt before The Father and I saw him take off his Crown and he laid it at The Father’s Feet, and I heard The Spirit say, ”As the crown of the flesh, of the carnal nature is laid down at the foot of The Cross, a Divine Exchange takes place as a Gold Signet Ring of His Righteousness is put upon your finger, giving all of His Power and Authority to Rule and Reign as His Servant King over the heavens and in The Nations of the earth!”


Prophetic Note : The battle is won from a seated position and not from a standing one. It is time to see from a Heavenly Perspective. We fight from Victory; Satan is under our feet!”


As I heard those Words, it was a powerful confirmation of what I was seeing taking place in the life of President Trump and in the way in which God is moving and mobilising His Ecclesia in this hour.

As Trump took off his kingly Crown, it was symbolic of him surrendering his life to God, no longer trying to accomplish things in his own Wisdom, Strength, Power or Authority which would have defined his first term as a fight for Victory and a wrestling with God.

But now a Divine Exchange begins to take place, as God prepares Trump’s heart for a Second Term, we see a Gold Signet Ring being put upon his finger — a Signet Ring that will give him all the Power, Authority and Covenant Blessing of ‘The King’.

Prophetic Note: I submit to you, this Vision is not just speaking to President Trump, but it is speaking powerfully to The Church, to God’s Ecclesia in this hour.

It will be from a position of full Surrender, Obedience and Humility/ Repentance… that Sheep Nations will arise in the Light of His Glory fully Restored and Reformed.

For surely God has restrained and contained man’s power in order that His Power and Glory be fully Released and Revealed.

As Warriors, we will fight from Victory, Resting in God, and we shall overcome and Win, not fighting on our feet but waging war on our knees!


Julie Green - A TOTAL RESET OF A GOVERNMENT - July 3, 2024

My children, can’t you see your victory? Can’t you see your enemies falling apart in front of your eyes? Don’t you see My Words coming to pass and prophecies being fulfilled? I have spoken these Words so you would know I am the One Who is bigger than your enemy, and so you would see everything they have done and are doing to you now. 

This is My land. It is My Nation, and I have blessed it because it was given to Me by the ones who founded it. My children, celebrate your Independence Day, but not just from Great Britain. You start to celebrate your independence from the establishment. You start to celebrate your independence from the globalists and their agenda. 

My children, celebrate your freedoms, the freedoms that I, the Lord, have given you. Your government did not give you your freedoms. I will remind you again that they cannot take them away. They have tried to deceive you out of them, but they cannot take away what I, the Lord, have already done for you. 

To My children in the Land of My Eagle: don’t you see Me moving across your Nation? As you watch the fireworks on your Day of Independence, see them as a sign of the fireworks I am about to display before you, as a crushing blow to “the Biden” and the party of the left, along with the entire establishment. Their power is slipping away, and truth is prevailing. The judgment they tried to pass down on so many will be passed down on them. 

I have seen the affliction. I have seen the stealing. I have seen the manipulation, not only from the government but from their mouthpieces in the media. They have mocked Me. They have tried to destroy this Nation and every person that has gone against them and their agenda. This is the time of My judgment against them. This is the time when My hand will move and remove the ones that are against Me to set this Nation free from this great tyranny. 

My children, your victory is at the door. Your victory is guaranteed. I have heard your cries and prayers for this Nation. Millions all over the world are praying for freedom for this Nation from the ones who have tried to tear it apart. You see all the damage they have caused this Nation, but remember, I can undo it all in a day when I have My way. 

I will say this again—America the Beautiful, you are still beautiful in My sight. I don’t see you how you are now. I see you as how you were always meant to be. I see you as a blessed Nation, as a united Nation. I see you as a powerful Nation. Justice will prevail. Liberty and freedom will be celebrated like never before. I see people looking to Me again and inviting Me back into the places I used to be in. When I am in these places, goodness, justice, freedom, liberty, and joy can be received again, saith the Lord. 

Watch for the fall of the indictments that I have repeatedly told you would fail. Watch as prisoners who were wrongfully imprisoned are set free. Watch jobs be restored. Watch all that I will do for you to restore you as a Nation and turn your mourning into joy once again. 

As you see shaking, as you see an overreach of power, as you see chaos in your streets, and as you see unprecedented and unconventional things take place, remember that I am your victory and your enemies’ defeat. 

America, you are Mine. You will experience that again, but to a greater degree. Removals have begun. A cleansing has started. A total reset of this government will be seen, and it will be undeniable that it could not have been done by anyone other than Me. 

My children, I am your victory. So, receive this joy, celebrate this time, and expect My Glory to flood your Nation and bring a great restoration of what rightfully belongs to you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Carolyn Dennis - THEY WILL ALL BE GONE! A MESSAGE FROM GOD - July 8, 2024

So, I want to get to this message from God that He gave me on July 8th. Now I’m going to tell you this is kind of a hard word to bring to you. Because it is pretty startling what he told me. But I’m going to give it to you word for word what he’s told Me. And this is a message from God. You are going to get up one day very soon and they will all be gone. Gone as in gone. People will say where are they. They will hunt for them like they did Elijah. Millions of people are missing from the earth. They will use aliens, black holes, climate change, and the like to consider where they have gone. But in their hearts they will know that it is I, Elohim, who has fulfilled my Promises.

My glory will will fill the Earth as they depart. Remember my child there will be many still here that have not met my son Jesus, and they will be looking for answers. Be ready to give them. A loving and merciful father has saved all from the evil that was trying to destroy all of my goodness in the Earth. The enemy Satan will be disarmed. But over time he will regroup and I will deal with him again. He nor the evil ones will stop what is coming. It will make your ears tingle and it will change everything. Some will be gone that you did not suspect, and some will remain that have been undercover for me and you thought they were bad. I know the hearts of all and it is my choice what is coming and who will be gone from the earth. The earth is mine and the fullness thereof.

Pray they repent before it is too late. It seems outlandish but I have done this in a different way on a smaller scale. You will not miss this major event that is closer than you think.The world problems will solve on their own with much of their leadership gone. The United States will return to the country the founding fathers dreamed of and made great sacrifice to be here. Global issues will be gone and it will be a time of peace and Great Harvest in the earth. Be preparing for your role as a disciple of Jesus. You are called to be in the mission field that could be on your computer in the grocery store or something in a public setting. Ask us what your part is. Spread the gospel for this Endtime harvest. My children you are needed and my son Jesus gave you the Great Commission. Step up for him and for the love of fellow human beings. For my servants who have been obedient to be debt-free I have great rewards for you. Spend some time with me and let’s talk about your future and your dreams. My plans for my good stewards will be rewarding and fulfilling. Do not fret or be anxious just wait to be amazed. It’s time for bed and you are sleepy get some rest tomorrow is a big day. Love Abba Father. Amen  


My children, I am telling you this day that an internal collapse of the establishment is taking place before your eyes. You have a great divide, bringing great fear, confusion, and turmoil. As I have said before, they are turning on each other to save themselves. 

A collapse of the government is near, oh United States—a great fall of a coup and an administration that was never meant to be, one that was a show; it was never real—a great collapse of their narrative and a big lie in this Nation. Things have been building up until this very time. 

I told you an eruption would take place, an eruption of truth that is destroying and tearing apart this lie that has held you in great captivity. An election is near, but not how you suppose. I told you, My children, unconventional. You will see something that you did not see coming. No, not in this way. 

An unprecedented chain of events is near—events that will change the course of not only this Nation but of nations all around the world, events that will bring down the giants that took over a Nation that never belonged to them—giants who infiltrated, stole, manipulated, and embedded themselves in your government and everywhere else in your Nation to overthrow the American people and any rights they had. 

But My Army is moving forward, advancing their movements to remove every one of them from your Nation and government. 

Hold on, My United States, for great change is coming. A reset is taking place. Removals will begin to pick up speed in ways you never would have thought of. To My children in the Land of My Eagle: the scenery in your Nation will dramatically change from how things are now to how things were meant to be. Not only will a government be eradicated, but the ones who put them in those positions will also be annihilated along with them, including your three letter agencies. Their power, control, hidden assignments, and hidden agenda will be exposed big time. 

Whistleblowers will come from everywhere. It is now time for their boldness to crush the head of the snake that brought great deception to this land. 

I told you before that the old guard will be brought out from their hiding places, brought out into the open, exposed, removed, and brought to nothing. 

A DOJ whistleblower is about to come forward to bring that department down to nothing. A great landslide of events has started to bring down the corruption in My land. 

The Secretary of Defense will be removed from his position, but not as you suppose. 

It is all coming—great exposures and more vacating of seats of power. Secrets are coming out like never before. My children, get ready for these removals and great changes. My Nation is shaking loose from its captors, never to be taken hostage again. 

So, My children, keep praying. Keep believing. I am moving. I am saving My Nation. Red Sea-like moments will take place, one after another, and nobody else will take the credit or get the glory for this mighty victory in this Nation, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - July, 2024

Unknown Prophet - America's Next Leader! God Said This... - July 10, 2024

The word father said there’s no vision tonight write what I tell you. He said son I am about to install the proper president in the United States White House. Yes, the one who actually won the election who had it stolen from him. Hear me my son and write what I tell you. I will put him president Donald Trump back in the white house before November. I will show the world what took place in 20 the 2020 election. And I will remove the one who sits in the White House now without legal authorization. There are many who will scream and rant and rave, but that means nothing to me. What means the most to me is truth, and that was highlighted. Truth has been missing from this country and from many countries around my world for too long. If you my people want to survive you need to come to me and stand strong in prayer with me. I do hear you and I am acting on your behalf.

Trust me and hold on to your faith and believe. You will be seeing my hand in ways that you have not before. I would also speak to those of you who are all knowing and full of wisdom and have determined that this country is now called Babylon the Great. You have termed the country that I have not. There are many who have because of the many sins that have been brought forth, and they are great. But that is not my title for this country. Do you not realize that if this country is destroyed, if I allow it to be destroyed, I am destroying myself. They would not destroy just my country, they would destroy my word, my church, and all that I am. And I cannot be destroyed. Understand that I cannot be destroyed and I will not allow this country to be destroyed anymore than I will ever allow My People Israel to be totally destroyed.

No, I will bring this country through this time of of degradation and destruction and it will rise again. Even as I remove the sitting president you will begin to see my hand move. There will be a time of harshness and turmoil for two years as I begin to turn things around. But you will be blessed with what I bring forth. This is a time that you, my people will truly have to trust me. This is what I have been speaking of. You will see my hand and you will see my provision. I will care for you and I will watch over you. Many of you will be tempted to walk in fear. When you are stand strong and pray to me and I will hear you. Have I not shown you by vision that I will care for you? Now is the time to learn to draw near to me and trust and believe what I have been telling you.

And I speak to those now who call my prophets liars saying that prophets speak no more. That their utterance is just their dreams and thoughts that prophecy stopped when my original Apostles passed over to Me. Do you not think that I can speak? Do you not think that I am like the graven images made by those who worship foreign gods? Am I that weak and poor that I would not care about my people? Wake up and understand that I am a living God. My son is the Living Lord of all, and my Holy Spirit is alive and active and powerful. Learn who I truly am before you begin to criticize me and degrade what I do. You would be wise to do that. Now my people be strong trust in me and let your faith rise. For in that you will find peace in the times to come. Know that I will never leave those of you who love me. I will never forsake you no matter what you see or think you are seeing I will not leave you watch me that’s the word of God.

Veronika West - UK Prophetic Signs, “With Shouts of Grace, Grace to the Mountain!” - July 10, 2024

Prophetic Signs, Signs, Signs, “With Shouts of Grace, Grace to the Mountain!”

Five (5) A Sign of God’s GRACE in the midst of the Madness — in the midst of the Greater Shakings to come!

Another Interesting Prophetic Sign to air note of, UK: After Humbling, a Great Awakening is Ahead

And Quote:

“But as I looked again at the jewels within the Crown, suddenly the 4 (four) nations of the United Kingdom came up before me.

England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales…. and then I quickly braced myself for the impact that I expected to take place as the heavy gold Crown crashed upon the ground — which would have scattered the Crown and shattered the jewels within the Crown.

But as I leaned forward in the vision, in an attempt to try to catch the falling Crown, to stop it from hitting the ground, I knew by revelation that the weight of the crown would be impossible to catch or to carry, and so, in the vision, I stepped back, bracing myself again for the impact of the Crown as it hit the ground.

But suddenly I saw The Hand of God come into the vision and it moved beneath the falling Crown as if to catch the Crown.

Then I heard these words, “My Hand of Grace is now extended towards a nation that has been disgraced.”

As I heard those words and I stayed watching intently, in the vision I saw the Gold crown fall upon the what looked like the marriage finger, and as the gold Crown touched the finger of God, it turned into a Royal Signet Ring!

Suddenly the jewel encrusted Crown that I had just seen — which was tarnished and had lost all its luster, beauty and radiance — now appeared as a Royal Signet Ring shinning brightly like the midday sun, upon The Finger of God.

Then I heard these Words, “For I AM a covenant keeping God, and the cries of My Saints for this land have come up before me night and day!”

As I heard those words, suddenly I heard the sound of weeping and wailing rising up from the land as The Spirit of Revelation whispered to me, “Listen! For the blood of the martyrs cries out day and night — a cry to remember the covenant promises made over this land!”

As I listened to the sound of the weeping and wailing, again The Spirit of Intercession came upon me and I began to travail again for the nation, and as I cried out to the heavens, The Spirit of Revelation quickened to me the story of the prodigal son.

Then I heard The Spirit say these Words, “Daughter, just like the prodigal son, so this nation turned its back on The Father and went its own way.

Yes! A nation that rebelled and formed alliances and cut covenants with ungodly nations, a stiff-necked nation that squandered its inheritance and sought independence.

But watch! For My Hand of Grace is now extended towards a nation that has lost its place, its Crown of Kingly Authority, its sovereignty and its true identity.

A nation that eats with the pigs. A nation that has been brought to its knees. A rebellious nation, now humbled under the mighty Hand of God!”

As I heard The Spirit say those Words, it was quickened to me a verse — Luke 15:17 — which says, “….. and finally he came to his senses.”

As those words were brought to me in the vision, The Spirit of Revelation spoke again to me saying, “Daughter, finally a nation humbled has come to its senses, for a great awakening now takes place in this land.

A nation that was blind, will have eyes to see!

A nation that was deaf, will have ears to hear a new sound and a new song that is rising from the ground!

A nation that was lost, will now return and be restored, for this nation shall be a sign among the nations, yes — as a Royal Signet Ring on My Finger, for this nation shall taste and see, that I AM good!”

Now as The Spirit spoke those Words again, I saw the gold Crown fall upon The Finger of God and become as a Royal Signet Ring which shone radiantly like the midday sun.

Then I heard these words, “Watch and pray beloved, for the throne of Jehoiachin shall be overturned and overthrown as the mantle of Zerubbabel falls upon this land”

As I heard those Words, I saw an ancient demonic stronghold being uprooted, torn down and dismantled over the nation. Then I saw a great light dawning upon the land, and I watched as the heart of a prodigal nation that had lost its Crown of Kingly Authority, its Royal Sovereignty and its True Identity, beginning to turn and return to the heart of the father.

It was quickened to me by The Spirit of Revelation in these Words, “Behold… I send you Elijah the prophet….”

And as I heard those Words, I saw a mighty whirlwind beginning to move with great power and acceleration across the nation.

Then I heard, “…. and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers!”


I, the Lord, this day am telling My children that the ravenous wolves are coming out of their caves, from their hiding places, to try and devour what is left of truth, freedom, or anything good. Do not panic and do not fear what you hear or see from the jackals, the puppets, or the puppet masters. 

This is the time to push back with My Word. They have pushed you and pressured you, tried to break you, kill you, destroy your liberty and justice, and control the world with their narrative and lies. Do you not see them foaming at the mouth? Fear is consuming them. A great panic has set in. This is that time. There is no way for them to win. 

Watch their overreach. They will be more prideful and arrogant in their next moves against this Nation. But you know that pride comes before a fall. They “know” there is no option where My David can take the seat of the president back. You will see greater and more desperate attempts to destroy him and your justice system. They are too arrogant to see what is right in front of their face—Me. 

You will watch them tear themselves apart. You will watch them try more injustice. You will see them try spinning more of the truth and their narrative, but it will all fall apart. 

There were whispers in the enemies’ camp, and now there are massive arguments. How did these things leak? Who keeps exposing us? How do they know our plans when we have been careful about who hears them? They do not see My infiltrators, My children. They do not believe My prophets have been sent to tell their secrets so that My Body will pray against their plans. 

Can you see it, My children? The words I have spoken are playing out in front of your eyes. I am bringing them down. They are collapsing. They are failing everywhere they look. 

My Nation is awakening. My Church is awakening. Some of My children know their authority, even though your enemies have tried so desperately to keep it from you. The great awakening is here, My children, and great is the reward for those who believe My Words and hold on to them. This is the time of My children. This is the time for My Church to be in control and for the wicked to be cut off and removed from where they now are. Start to celebrate, My children. The time you have been praying and waiting for is here, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My David, you have received bad advice. It looks one way regarding the judge in that case. You do not have to be that kind of a martyr. You do not have to be taken prisoner. You do not need that type of persecution to get your point across to this Nation or to show that the justice system is corrupt. Believe and trust in My Words. Prison is not for you. Despite what you have heard or what it looks like, that choice is not your enemies’ to hand down. Believe Me, and I will show you another way. My son, I am the judge that rules, and I have ruled in this case. My gavel will come down against the ones who are against you. You are My David, so believe and trust in Me now. Receive the Words from the Lord, the One Who has chosen you and anointed you. The next moves are Mine to give, so ask Me. I will be the One to set you completely free from this tyranny, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

There are spies in your land that are about to be revealed, oh United States. Yes, they are about to be exposed in front of this Nation. My children, I told you—an unmasking has begun in a major way. 

The establishment is tearing itself apart. The division has grown to another level. I told you that they are turning on each other to save themselves, but none of it will work. They will overplay their hand and expose themselves even more. 

My children, shout them out. Shout them down. Declare their fall. Declare their failure. Declare their exposure and removal. I will honor My Word to remove them all. So, stand and keep standing. Do not quit now. It is almost over. The movie you have watched is about to come to an end. So, get ready because I am ready to heal your land, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, the fall of corruption is not that far off. Keep pushing back. Keep standing. Keep praying. Keep fighting. You are almost there. 

You will see a scandal fail on a scale never seen before, and a coup completely fall apart in front of your eyes. You will see an establishment crumble and fall to the ground in great defeat. You will see liars, treasonous traitors, thieves, and murderers in your government, corporate America, and your justice system—every last person who betrayed your Nation and sold it out for money and power—be eliminated by Me, saith the Lord. 

This is My Nation, and every enemy against it will face a great judgment that no man has ever seen. No, I have continued to say unprecedented and unconventional. You are in that time now, and it will be undeniable as to who is really in control, and it is not the ones in DC. No, it is not the ones who think they can do anything and get away with it. It is Me. And My children, you will see, and all will agree that the Great I AM is really in charge, saith the Lord. 

My David, I am speaking to you again. The next moves to take over are Mine to give. It may look like one way is the obvious way, but is it? Man’s way is not Mine, and it has limits to it. You have accomplished much on your own, but remember and know that I am an unlimited God. With Me, you will see the fall of your enemies. You are wondering when to pull the trigger to take those steps and take them down. What is the right thing? When is the right time? Things seemed to go as you thought they were supposed to go, but then it stopped.  

I had to stop it so you would turn to Me instead. You have questions, and things do not seem right. They are not going as you thought. That is because now you need Me and My instructions to fully take out the ones against you and this country. You look around for intelligent people, intelligent answers, solutions, and greater insight, but the one you really need by your side is Me. Again, I say, this is not the time to do things as you have in the past. This is the time for a new way, a new thing, and again, that is Me. I had to allow certain things to happen in this Nation for it to see that it needed Me and for you to see that this is bigger than you. 

My David, I am the driving power to your stone to take out your enemies. It will be a direct hit, with no one left standing. See how I was in My Word with David (when he fought) against Goliath. He could not have accomplished that victory without Me. Don’t you see that I am what you have been searching for? I am your answer. I am the One that will not fail. I am the One that will not betray you. I am the One that you can trust.  

Let go of the control and let Me flow. Let Me work because vengeance is Mine. You will see My vengeance at work, My son. I have people here for you. I have assigned them to you in this time. Let them in for this unprecedented and unconventional takedown and overthrowing of an establishment that has embedded itself so deep in this Nation. I will guide you and show you things that only I know. I know your enemies’ next plans and their next moves. You have been one step or more ahead of them, but just think of how much ahead of them you will be with Me. 

I am the One Who will set you free from what you see. So, trust in Me and the ones that I will send to you. This is the time to let Me in. I will show you a power you have never known or experienced, a power your enemies cannot fight against. Let down your guard, and you will be glad you did, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My United States, you are at a tipping point in your Nation. The scales of justice are being weighed, and justice will prevail on a scale that you, as a Nation, have never experienced or seen. My gavel is coming down in a way your enemies will never see coming. Watch for it, and wait for it.  

A crime family will be sentenced. An establishment will be annihilated for money laundering, dirty deals, bribes, treason, murders, and crimes on a government (wide) scale that you, as a Nation, never knew existed. These are the days you are walking into, a shaking that will violently change the scenery of political power, bringing them all to nothing. 

I will show you, My children, that I am still a God that delivers My people and destroys the enemy against them, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

I will show you the atrocities your government has done to this Nation and other nations for money and power. I will say this again—they will not get away with any of it. Hold on as I expose all of it, clean out your government, and start fresh with a new one, oh United States. 

I am not done moving. In fact, My children, I am just getting started on exposing your true enemies and bringing them all out from where they are now. You will see great exposures in DC. You will see great exposure of the UN, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, every government, all governmental leaders and officials, and every nation that has attacked My Nations of Israel and the United States. 

The stakes are very high for your enemies. They simply cannot afford to lose, so they will stop at nothing to win. But that will never happen because I am their defeat, and I am standing in their way. So, My children, receive, believe, and prepare for the overtaking of My Glory across this Earth, which will destroy the power of the ones against you. You are about to see a mighty outpouring of My Glory. So, expect it, and you will be partakers of the greatest move of My hand across this land, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this:  

Even with the deck stacked against President Trump for the debate, if he does what I, the Lord, want him to do, it will bring down “the Biden” because his party will have no choice but to let him go for the embarrassment and the failure his has become. And the truth is, if President Trump listens to what I, the Lord, have said for him to do, I will see him through it, and it will cause more damage quicker than before because he is letting Me, the Lord, do it. I am the power that he needs now. Watch! “The Biden” will fall by his own sword. President Trump, receive My peace. Let “the Biden” expose himself, as you will see (he will do). You just stand on that stage knowing that you are My son and that I am the One Who will give you the words to say and how to say them, to see the landslide of destruction of the establishment that you see before you.  

Carolyn Dennis - THE GLORY, NESARA & BIDEN - A MESSAGE FROM GOD - July 6, 2024

So I want to get to this word that the that was given to me a message from God that I received on July 6th and it’s called The Glory NESARA and Biden. Okay so this is kind of exciting. So if you don’t know about NESARA then I encourage you to do some research. And I don’t really know a lot about it but I’ll tell you it uh what it means after I give this message from God. Okay the glory NESARA and Biden. I have great plans for you and your family. Fear not as the days are coming when all of these things that I have foretold are coming to pass. You shall see it all very soon. But for some their hearts will melt and fear will overtake them. For some fear will be their friend as a horrible fate awaits them. But you my precious child have no reason to fear. I am on the throne and I am working all things for good for those who love me. So fear not the alarm?, the weather. the government. and the enemies of mine., Fear not wars and rumors of wars all will be well with my precious children.

I have promised my glory shall fill the Earth and I am a promised keeper. We are excited in heaven to pour out our Glory upon the Earth. Everything is going to change and and it will all be in one day. So fear not and get your cake and be prepared to celebrate. Because celebrate you will for many reasons you have no idea what what you have been living under. And I am setting my people free and it is all for the final Great Harvest before my precious son Yeshua comes for his bride. NESARA is from me and it is going to happen. This is all a part of my plan and to write the money bondage that has been placed on my children for centuries. Watch for the change in your. Expect it, believe for it, and soon you will see all of your debts wiped out in one day. This is my plan and I show men and women of mine how to implement what I want in the earth. NESARA does not mean you will not have to pay for things or you will not have to work. This reset is to set you free from the financial slavery and bondage that you are in by your government. Some have already woke up to being debt free and soon you will as well.

Remember I gave man free will and I work through man. This is a plan devised by me implemented through men to set you 100% free. Don’t doubt and don’t fear. But don’t go crazy spending money either. Stay where you are have faith and let me work my plan. All will be well. I am Abba Father and I take care of my children. Did I not tell you the Bidens will go to Delaware soon? Not much longer and they will be a memory. So sad what this family has put this man through for greed, fortune, power, and perk. They should repent but much worse is what those the family this family and those around them have done to my precious United States. The agendas of the elitists the globalist and the marxists have taken advantage of a man with cognitive issues and a family willing to sacrifice and give anything thing to have what they have gotten. I am going to deal with all of them the Bidens, the puppeteers, the greed mongers, and Obama.

This is my problem with all of these people pray for them again to repent and turn to me time is up for some. Today’s a hot day and go and play spend time with the people in your life. Be quick to forgive and turn the other cheek. Remember we love you with an everlasting heart. Amen

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic Encounter: IRAN, RUSSIA, NORTH KOREA “ISRAEL, AMERICA, & THE WEST – I AM WITH YOU!”- July 3, 2024

This is a very difficult encounter and word for me to share. Holy Spirit has given me the unction and the direction that I am to share it immediately today. And it is again with the fear of the Lord and trembling that I release this today in obedience.
Please pray that the Lord will continue to overshadow all that is going on, and that HIS will be done on earth as it is in heaven in this hour – that His Kingdom purposes shall prevail above all else. Please pray for protection as we press ahead.
Please pray for the Angel Armies and Angelic Hosts to be deployed to battle on our behalf and over the Nations.
The Father shall battle on our behalf and unto victory.
Things are running extremely hot right now on all fronts, and we covet your prayers for us as we continue to advance the line.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love, and support over the past months. We are not through this yet.
We have been back in Canada for a few days before heading out here shortly for another assignment. Please keep us covered. We can’t do this alone.
Most Sincerely,
Barry Wunsch
Prophetic Encounter:
Today as I was out on the highway, Holy Spirit took me once again unexpectedly into the spirit.
A screen opened up before me, instantly I was watching this monitor screen that had opened in real time as I was driving.
The way it opened before me it was impossible for me not to see it and watch what was going on.
What was on the screen seemed to be what was being live streamed to me in real time in the spirit.
There was a meeting going on, and from what I could discern, the meeting was in Iran.
It was a smaller, midsized room with approximately 30 delegates there.
They were leaders and ambassadors from several nations that gathered for some talks.
There were interpreters there for the delegates to communicate, for the record I was not able to hear or understand word for word what was being shared but I did know by the spirit what was being shared.
There was a head table in front of the room of Iranian leaders. The new leader of Iran sat in the seat of authority there – center table.
He was tough as nails. He made the other previous Iranian leaders look like boy scouts.
He was going on the offensive. It was clear. Not only from the tone and tenor of his voice but even with in his body language. He was not fooling around, nor was he wasting any time.
He was beyond any sort of reasoning. His mind, soul and spirit had made the decision to step things up and notch things up.
He listened to those trying to talk him down, and clearly there would be none of it for him.
In fact, the mere attempt to negotiate peacefully and reasonably with him seemed to increase his anger and resolve to fight even harder against Israel and Western civilization as we know it.
He would listen to what they had to say, and then let them have it with both barrels, justifying the path of action and intentions that he intended to carry out.
He was shredding everyone that was in disagreement with him.
He felt it was his duty to go after Israel and the West in ways those before him didn’t.
He clearly wanted to see them annihilated.
He was not going to look or act as a weak leader.
He was being demonically driven with a spirit of murder and death through a principality.
My assessment was that he was not in his right mind.
I also saw those from North Korea, Russia working together to strike back at the USA, Israel, and NATO.
They had assets in positions ready to move forward in the right moment. They were phone calls away from “pulling the trigger” to get things going.
I saw terrorist groups / cells on standby, waiting for the call to proceed.
I was taken from there in the spirit to meetings in the USA. The current Biden administration was in full on meltdown mode.
With every decision and move they made; things got worse. Deeper into the quicksand they went.
It now at a point of no return for them. They were done.
It was clear that they had no ruling authority any longer, and they were acutely aware of it.
The best way I can describe what I saw was they were evaluating the last-ditch attempt to fight with all they had left in them to do everything possible to block or take out President Donald J. Trump by whatever means possible.
I was again taken in the spirit over America the Beautiful, and as I covered the land – people were gathering, big gatherings and little gatherings and everything in between but the tone was the same – and that was they were standing for the Lord, His Justice and in allegiance to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!
I realized what I was seeing before my eyes was the rebirthing of the Republic of the United States of America, coming into Godly, Biblical Kingdom Governance for the Nation!
Things as we have known them are coming to an end!
I was taken behind a curtain of a very large stage, where President Donald J. Trump was surrounded by family, friends, generals, colleagues, and heavy security.
The moment was nearly at hand for all to see the greatest victory of light over darkness America has ever seen.
President Donald J. Trump would soon take center stage!
This would clearly impact not only America the Beautiful – but it would impact the Nations for the Glory of God!
Freedom was at hand!
As I journaled this out, the Lord spoke to me:
Barry, tell my people I work all things for good! Even though there are mysteries in my ways, and things that you have yet to comprehend or understand, I assure you that I use all things for good!
Barry, tell my people the victory is much sweeter than you could ever comprehend!
I am redeeming it all!
I have come that you would have abundant life! And that is what you shall have!
Come unto me with a surrendered and repentant heart and I will pick you up, dust you off, put a ring on your finger and give you a new robe and a new name!
Embrace the journey of intimacy with me. Do not resist it!
You shall give shelter to many.
You are called to disciple the Nations unto me!
America the beautiful you shall fulfill the destiny for which you are called!
You shall walk with Me, and you shall bring My Justice to the Nations.
Together we shall destroy the works of the enemy and evil regimes that come to kill and destroy my people!
Together we shall cut the head off the demonic snake in Iran!
That serpent has had its day!
Israel I am with you!
I will supernaturally cover you and empower you to battle and deal with things as you must!
Israel – I will not let you down! I will not turn my back on you!
Israel, I will lead you every step of the way!
And woe unto those who dare come against My people!
It would have been better you had never been born!
My justice shall be served!
Draw unto me on this day and rejoice!
For what you are about to see is going to bring in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen!
Holy is the word of the Lord.
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer

Veronika West - America! Watch! The Covenant Keeping God Shall Not Abandon Thee! (Updated)- July 3, 2024


In light of the Ruling by the Supreme Court [SCOTUS] on the 1st July (7th Month) 2024, I submit The LORD is bringing our attention back to certain aspects of this Prophetic Word which is now coming to pass; keep watching and praying!

I prophesied that the charges against President Trump concerning the 6th of January, would be totally overturned and this has certainly been confirmed with this recent ruling!

Furthermore, given the timing of the original Prophetic Word (15th June) and the Case being deliberated at the same time with this outcome.

Again I submit it’s the faithfulness of God on display!

More to come!

America! Watch! The Covenant Keeping God Shall Not Abandon Thee!

First published June 15, 2022.

“America! Watch! 6.. 7.. 9… and 11 which makes 33… For I AM a Covenant Keeping God, and I will not leave nor abandon thee!”

So, in the early hours of this morning, I was woken by The Holy Spirit with an urgency to pray for President Trump and for the destiny of The Nation of America.

Now as I began to pray, suddenly I heard The Spirit say, “America! Watch! 6.. 7.. 9…and 11 which makes 33… For I AM a Covenant Keeping God, and I will not leave nor abandon thee! Ha!”

As I heard that wee riddle, I quickly wrote it down and continued to pray. Then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say these words, “My Beloved, awake from your sleep. Arise and be alert in this hour, for a great Battle is raging — a battle between life and death.

Look! For did I not say that there shall be two Altars set before this Nation?

For they have sought to offer up a sacrifice to appease their own guilty consciences. Yes! A Scapegoat on which to put the blood that is upon their own hands by their own making.

But nay, I say! If My People will Pray, their wicked plans and evil agenda will be fully exposed and brought to nought, and the very gallows on which they have built for My Anointed, shall be the gallows on which their own necks shall be broken.

For they shout “January 6th! January 6th!” But I say, Watch Esther 6. Esther 6, for the king’s honour shall come to the one who sits at the gate.

Listen! You city Gates, open wide, and you ancient Doors, stand back… for My Glory comes to The Nations.

Yes! Gold, gold, gold! Watch! As a great shaking and quaking shall bring a discovery of hidden gold buried deep beneath the ground.

For a gold rush shall once again come to this land, a sign that the gold of My Glory shall be poured out upon this Nation.

For a Banqueting Table has been prepared in the presence of your enemies.

Now watch, and pay close attention to the seventh (7) month, for in the month of July, there shall come a resounding reply to those who cry for Justice and for righteousness sake, a reply that shall bring great unrest, and even the talk of Martial Law and a Civil War.

But watch, as My Spirit moves suddenly and in yet strange and mysterious ways in the midst of the turmoil and the trouble, for My Eyes have seen their hidden and evil agenda, and My Ears have heard of their secret plots and demonic plans.

Fear not! For I shall turn the tables and the deals done behind closed doors shall suddenly back fire.

Look, as a tiny thread comes undone, and a gentle pull will soon give way to a great unraveling to what has been carefully woven by the hands of the wicked.

Watch and pray! Stay alert! For a Divine Dismantling will begin that will bring an unseating to many in both houses, for the ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing will be exposed, and the snakes will driven from their caves, and the moles from their holes.

Watch! I say, “Brace!” Brace, as a great political earthquake will take place that will wake up and break up, that will bring a Nation to the brink, to a divine tipping point, that will cause a Nation that is standing at a crossroads, to suddenly move and advance forward.

Now Watch and Pray. Pay attention to the ninth (9) month, Yes! And to the nine that sit in the highest court in the land, for when my plumb-line falls, suddenly a simultaneous move of My Justice and Judgment will take place.

The Winds of Change will blow forth upon the Supreme Court [SCOTUS] that will bring the Nation into Divine Order, a Supernatural Realignment that will bring to birth My Kingdom Purposes in The Nation(s).

Listen! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Who can stop the hands of the clock from moving?

Even as My Governmental Hand is moving over this land — look — a Kairos Time, an appointed time of Divine Visitation comes at the eleventh hour.

Watch and stay alert! For the eleventh (11) month, the month of November, will be remembered for supernatural interventions that will bring an even greater course correction to a nation in divine transition,” says The Spirit of God.

Patty Teichroew - July, 2024