Third Great AWAKENING - REFERENCE Q3-Q4, 2024

Third Great Awakening ⇨

October ?, 2024

Diana Larkin - OVERSHADOW - October 20, 2024

“In the next few months, the enemy has planned a FULL-COURT PRESS against your rightful leader and against those fighting for FREEDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Do you wonder if you can stay STRONG through this ONSLAUGHT from a DESPERATE and DARK enemy? The battle has been LONG and you QUESTION, ‘Will my STRENGTH and DETERMINATION HOLD OUT to the end?’ What you need to realize is the battles you have come through have NOT WEAKENED you—NO! You have become STRONGER and more COURAGEOUS. Remember I never expect you to fight in your strength alone. As long as you and your sword are SURRENDERED to Me, I will FILL YOU with My STRENGTH, My COURAGE, and My HOPE. I want you to PICTURE yourself in battle. Open your spiritual eyes and you will SEE that I AM OVERSHADOWING you with My PRESENCE, My POWER, and My PROTECTION. Anytime you feel WEAK or UNSURE, picture Me OVERSHADOWING you with My STRENGTH, COURAGE, HOPE, PRESENCE, POWER, AND PROTECTION. YIELD your sword to Me and then WIELD it against the enemy. My POWER and STRENGTH will SING through your SWORD bringing GREAT DESTRUCTION to the enemy’s camp. I AM the ALL-POWERFUL COMMANDER, and I will always OVERSHADOW you.”

Diana Larkin - BE DISARMED! - October 19, 2024

“I have another WEAPON you can DEPLOY against the darkness. This weapon arises from your AUTHORITY in the Blood and the Name of Jesus. This kind of AUTHORITY comes from a PERSONAL REVELATION of My POWER and in KNOWING that Jesus has WON BACK ALL AUTHORITY from the enemy who DECEIVED mankind into giving it away. Once you have the revelation that ALL AUTHORITY has been given back to you, it MUST BE EXERCISED and DEVELOPED. You have been FAITHFULLY doing this by DECREEING and DECLARING the action items I have given you. You have been STEADILY BUILDING UP your SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY MUSCLES, and it is becoming SECOND NATURE to you. WELL DONE, Army of Light! Now, I ASSIGN you this NEW LEVEL of STRATEGIC WARFARE. I want you to begin to SPEAK to those partnered with darkness who are WEAPONIZED by the enemy, ‘BE DISARMED BY THE BLOOD AND NAME OF KING JESUS!’ I want you to declare, ‘Your FIREPOWER IS TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU!’ This use of your AUTHORITY will GREATLY WEAKEN all the coming attacks they have planned. Picture PROGRAMMED ASSASSINS DROPPING their WEAPONS at a CRITICAL MOMENT, see TERRORIST GANGS surrounding a target and SUDDENLY all their weapons FALL FROM THEIR HANDS and are USELESS, observe a ROGUE SUBMARINE where MISSILES REFUSE TO BE LAUNCHED. Anywhere you sense a THREAT from the darkness, declare: ‘BE DISARMED IN THE NAME OF JESUS!’ ‘Go Host and WIPE OUT the WEAPONS and RENDER them USELESS!’ What an October SURPRISE for the enemy! ARISE, My VALIANT WARRIORS and declare: ‘BE DISARMED!’”

Diana Larkin - CONDUITS OF LIGHT - October 18, 2024

I asked Father if I could speak to Enoch because he saw this day that we are living in, and I wanted to know any wisdom he might have to share with us. I immediately found myself with Father in the Garden of Life, and we were joined by Enoch. I said to him that he had seen the day we are living in and what counsel would he give us that would help bring in the victory. He told me to be a CONDUIT OF LIGHT and LOVE. He said that combination is very powerful. We shine truth but coupled with loving well those who can’t see that truth yet.
The Father speaks:
“My friend, Enoch, was speaking to you about being a CONDUIT OF LIGHT. I AM the Father of LIGHTS, and I DELIGHT to SHINE through My Sons and Daughters. Jesus came to be the LIGHT of the world and because you are JOINED to Him in His DEATH and RESURRECTION, you also become LIGHTS to the world. As you SURRENDER to the Holy Spirit’s work of TRANSFORMATION in your life, your LIGHT SHINES more BRIGHTLY and becomes more BEAUTIFUL. My LIGHT is always married to My LOVE. Love makes a PATHWAY for the LIGHT of truth to travel on. If you will learn to LOVE WELL those who OPPOSE you, who DISAGREE with you, and who think you are NUTSY, you won’t have to INSIST on the TRUTH or try to SHOVE it down people’s throats. My LOVE through you will OPEN them up to receiving the CONDUIT OF LIGHT that flows through you. There are some you will have to love from AFAR because they are too TOXIC to allow near you. But your love from afar will send LIGHT FREQUENCIES that will OVERCOME the darkness they have allowed to take residence in their hearts. Never underestimate the POWER of My LIGHT and My LOVE. Let it FLOW through you UNHINDERED. Be My CONDUIT OF LIGHT AND LOVE.”

Diana Larkin - SUMMARY JUDGMENT - October 17, 2024

I was taken to a Court Room in Heaven. The Father was seated on the bench. He declared: “I AM issuing a SUMMARY JUDGMENT against the enemy and all those partnered with him for all the LIES, THEFT, and DESTRUCTION against the people of My creation. I declare that the darkness is GUILTY and that they must PAY IT ALL BACK!” His gavel came down, and the sound echoed through the Court Room, and its vibrations reached the earth. Shakings began to hit the earth, and I saw hidden vaults of evidence opened, hidden supplies revealed, and stored up wealth released to the people. Definition of SUMMARY JUDGMENT: “In the legal world, summary judgment is a term used to describe a court’s decision to rule in favor of one party without a trial. This means that the judge has determined that there are no genuine disputes about the key facts of the case, and the law clearly supports one side’s position.” 
The Father speaks: “As SUPREME JUDGE of My creation, I have issued a SUMMARY JUDGMENT against your enemies. They have NO DEFENSE for their actions against you of STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING. Pure GREED, REBELLION, and HATRED have MOTIVATED these actions, and they have been JUDGED in Heaven and will now be JUDGED in the earth. Because there is NOTHING HIDDEN from My eyes, I know where all the EVIDENCE of their crimes and their STOREHOUSES of supplies and wealth are located. I AM giving the location of these HIDING PLACES to My PROPHETS, My DREAMERS, and My VISIONARIES. I AM joining together My chosen leaders in the governmental realm and My anointed prophetic people in the spiritual realm as a TEAM. As they work TOGETHER, the HIDING PLACES will be OPENED and will lead to JUDGMENTS against the darkness and JUSTICE and RECOMPENSE released to My people. Watch My SUMMARY JUDGMENT unfold, and the world will SHFT from dark to Light.”
DANIEL 7:27 (MSG) “But when the court comes to order, the horn will be stripped of its power and totally destroyed. Then the royal rule and authority and the glory of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the people of the High God. Their royal rule will last forever. All other rulers will serve and obey them.” 

Diana Larkin - FIERY JUSTICE - October 16, 2024

“The INJUSTICES the darkness has brought about in your nation are PILING UP HIGHER AND HIGHER. This may FRUSTRATE you and it may seem like NOTHING WILL CHANGE, but I tell you that My FIERY JUSTICE is soon to STRIKE. It will be SUDDEN, like a LIGHTNING BOLT out of the sky, and it will STRIKE the KINGPIN of the INJUSTICES. Once this Kingpin scheme of LYING and STEALING is struck open by My FIERY JUSTICE, it will TOPPLE ALL the other INJUSTICES that flowed from this ROBBERY. There is NOTHING man can do to STOP My FIERY JUSTICE. It will MELT FACADES, HIGHLIGHT HIDDEN EVIDENCE, and BURN UP the LIES and COVER-UPS. My FIERY JUSTICE will MARK the GUILTY ones, FREE those WRONGFULLY imprisoned, and UNCOVER the INNOCENCE of those WRONGFULLY ACCUSED. Your rightful leader will be left STANDING among many who will fall under My FIERY JUSTICE, and he will be fully VINDICATED. The LYING media will be labeled and judged as CO-CONSPIRATORS who KNOWINGLY committed FRAUD and LIED to COVER IT UP. My FIERY JUSTICE will NOT BE STOPPED by CORRUPT LAWYERS or BRIBED JUDGES. They, too, will be TARGETED and come under My FIERY JUSTICE. Don’t lose heart at the RISING PILE of INJUSTICES. Instead, CALL FORTH the ARROWS of My FIERY JUSTICE to accomplish all My plans.”

Diana Larkin - EXPAND YOUR VISION - October 15, 2024

Sometimes all of the changes that need to take place to align governments and people’s hearts to our Great God can seem overwhelming. Two reminders have helped me: remembering how He has changed me in a radical, wonderful way; and allowing Him to expand my vision of His limitless power and majesty. I felt myself being propelled through starry skies far, far out into the heavens, and I caught a glimpse of His hugeness.
“Do you have DOUBTS and FEARS about how I will be able to bring about the PROMISED Kingdom Age of PEACE and PLENTY? How will I BRING DOWN CORRUPT governments and bring an AWAKENING and DELIVERANCE to all the people caught in the LIES of the enemy? Evil, powerful people have RULED the nations for centuries so how can I bring them down IN A DAY? People have turned away from cold, dead religion, but they have turned to FALSE COMFORTERS and FALSE GODS who have ENSNARED them into ADDICTIONS and FALSE IDENTITIES. Can I DELIVER such a people? Look at your own life and see HOW FAR I’ve brought you. Look around at My CREATION and remember that I brought it forth out of NOTHING. Let Me assure you that I AM THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, the GOD OF THE LIMITLESS, and the FIRE OF MY LOVE CAN BURN AWAY ANYTHING that blocks Me from reaching a heart. I AM able to CHANGE nations and people IN A DAY, so put away the DOUBTING and THROW the weight of your LIFE and HOPE on Me. IAM ABLE, I AM WILLING, and I AM POWERFUL. I will FULFILL all My PROMISES, and you will walk with Me into the new Kingdom Era. Come to Me, and I will EXPAND YOUR VISION of Me so that you remain in GREAT HOPE and look to the future with JOY.”

Diana Larkin - LEADERSHIP SCROLLS CUT SHORT - October 14, 2024

I found myself in a heavenly place walking beside the Father. This was not our normal slow and peaceful stroll. He was striding with great purpose, and I was half-walking, being carried along. I asked where we were going? He replied, “The Unrolling Room.” We arrived at a vast room full of the scrolls of destiny for everyone, but His focus was on one section of leadership scrolls. He would nod His head or speak a word, and an Angel with large scissors would cut off the scroll. I understood that their destiny had been cut short and would no longer roll out. I saw our rightful leader’s scroll of destiny, and his began to rapidly unroll, as his destiny came into its time. The Father shared:
“I have taken you to the UNROLLING ROOM in Heaven to show you what is NEXT on My agenda. I AM releasing the HARVEST of the RIGHTEOUS and UNRIGHTEOUS RULERS. For the righteous, their destinies will come out of the HOLDING PATTERN they have been in and will now RAPIDLY UNFOLD to FULFILL ALL I have called them to BE and to DO. This includes your rightful leader and leaders across ALL the mountains of society. For the unrighteous leaders, their SCROLLS of destiny will now be CUT SHORT. You will see them FALL and be REMOVED from their positions of POWER, and they will be held ACCOUNTABLE for partnering with darkness to fulfill their destinies. Their GREED and SELFISH AMBITION will be on FULL DISPLAY, and the world will TURN AWAY from them. I AM asking you to JOIN Me as a WITNESS of the righteous moment in time to UNROLL the DESTINIES of the RIGHTEOUS LEADERS. Partner with Me in declaring: ‘UNROLL NOW destinies of the RIGHTEOUS, CHOSEN LEADERS. ARISE and SHINE for our Great God and FULFILL all you’ve been made for to BE and to DO.’ I AM also asking you to join in calling for the UNRIGHTEOUS LEADERSHIP SCROLLS TO BE CUT SHORT. Declare: ‘Now is the time to CUT the unrighteous leaders SCROLLS SHORT and to REMOVE their INFLUENCE from the earth.’ The Lord of the Harvest has spoken, and it shall be done.” 

Veronica West - A Vision of The Washington Monument - October 13, 2024

I truly stand amazed at the Esther Gathering taking place today with The Washington Monument in the background and The White House in the distance.

In 2021, The LORD gave me a powerful vision of The Washington Monument and this is what I saw, — see pictures below, of Prophetic Vision recorded in my Prayer Journal!

A Vision of The Washington Monument

I saw the tip of God’s Finger touch The Washington Monument, and it looked as if He had pricked His Finger.

I saw just one drop of Blood fall — and I watched as The Blood began to run down The Monument and into the ground.

As the drop of Blood touched the soil of The Nation, I felt the land begin to shake violently and I suddenly I saw The Monument crack in two.

I watched as one side of The Monument went to the right and the other went to the left — and as I looked at the two sides of the cracked Monument, I saw a “v” shape appear before me and I heard these Words, ”Vindication and Victory!”

As I heard those Words, I looked again at the “v” shape and suddenly it was as if I was looking down the shaft of a Silver Arrow, and I could see the sharp tip of the Arrow placed between at the middle of the “v” shape — which now looked like the Crosshairs of a bow.

Then, as I looked through the Crosshairs of the bow, I saw The White House and I heard these Words, ”For My Eye is upon this Nation and the Crosshairs of My Bow and the silver tip of My Arrow are now pointed at The White House — for My Eye is upon The White House in this hour, for Victory and Triumph!

I say, just one drop of My Blood has the power to break and shatter the chains of witchcraft and demonic oppression over a Nation — just one drop of My Blood has the power to sift and separate the goats from the sheep — just one drop of My Blood!

Yes! Just one drop of My Blood has the power to purge and purify the land!

Again I say — just one drop of My Blood has the Reformation Power and Authority to bring a Nation to birth in one day!”

journal page images by author


Barry Wunsch - The Canadian Conservative Party is about to go down with the shift - September 28, 2024

I received this word on September 28, 2024, and have not had the grace to release it.
Until today.
The Father is clearly about to turn things upside down and inside out in Canada, to get things out of the way for what God is releasing in Canada.
It’s raw, it’s messy, it’s not conventional, it is Holy Spirit leading the way. It is grass roots to the core.
To those Conservative Christians who think that the CCP is for you, have another look.
I challenge you to have a closer look. A deeper analysis with an open-heart, mind and spirit, and you will find the darkness upon which they have built and how they are gaslighting you to keep you onside.
Stockholm Syndrome as clear as can be!
Once you see it, you will not be able to unsee it.
And this I know, The Lord has another way for Canada to come into her destiny, and I am sure that you are not yet aware of it, or prepared for what that might look like.
Get ready “There is a tide that is going out and you will see it all. Nothing will remain hidden.
Be prepared, it is much worse than you think.
You will see Harper sold us out long ago.
And yet he esteemed.
Truth is most assuredly coming forth.
You will see it all. I already have seen those documents he signed back in the day, believe me, unless there is some true repentance justice is coming. There will be consequences to be paid.
Signed documents by Stephen Harper calling Canadian people “chattel”
The night I received this word
I woke up in the early hours, the Holy Spirit speaking to me.
This is what I heard, and it was loud and clear!
Ian Brodie is a bad actor!
He is on the take.
He is a pawn.
Deep State operator in a controlling seat of the CCP. Canadian Conservative Party.
Exposure is assured.
Pierre Poilievre is going to show his true colors!
Whistle blowers are coming forward.
They will no longer remain silent!
Undeniable evidence.
The Canadian Conservative Party is about to go down with the shift.
There is a time that is nearly at hand where one and all will see the same handlers that control the Liberal Party of Canada also handle and control the Conservative Party of Canada!
They control the speaker of the house.
Big changes are in-store for Canada the True North Strong and Free!
There is a house-cleaning coming like no other!
Canada! Get ready!
You are going to be re-established upon Truth Justice and Righteousness!
Be prepared it may not happen as you suppose!
A tipping point is upon you!
It is a time to pray and fast.
The enemy shall not prevail!
Canada will not be lost!
Deliverance is nigh!
It’s go time!
The CDA is being released!
The Canadian Deliverance Alliance!
Holy is the word of the Lord
Note: For the record I did not know who Ian Brodie was, so in the early hours of the morning I looked him up and was shocked to see he was Prime Minister Stephen Harpers Chief of Staff. Apparently, he still in in power within the party, and he is one whom is not who he says he is. Evil prevails through his leadership and leadership of others. Let it be known Deliverance is coming for Canada!

Diana Larkin - THE RETURN OF THE KING - October 13, 2024

“You can LOOK for and EXPECT THE RETURN OF THE KING in both SUPERNATURAL and NATURAL REALMS. I AM the RIGHTFUL KING of My creation, and I AM coming in a STRONG DISPLAY of SUPERNATURAL GLORY POWER to TAKE BACK all the land the enemy and those partnered with him have STOLEN. This is not the promised physical second coming of My Son to the earth, but it is the ESTABLISHMENT of the KINGDOM AGE through Our Sons and Daughters who will RULE and REIGN under Our AUTHORITY, ANOINTING, and POWER. THE RETURN OF THE KING will first be in the HEARTS of My Remnant but as I SHOW UP and SHOW OFF in a POWERFUL RESCUE OPERATION, many will welcome Me to be the KING of their hearts. My GLORY POWER shone forth in THE RETURNING KING will TOPPLE EVIL THRONES and EXPOSE every darkness. My Sons and Daughters will ARISE and SERVE as LIGHT-FILLED leaders who rule in RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. THE RETURN OF THE KING in the natural will be the setting in of your RIGHTFUL leader whom I have APPOINTED and ANOINTED for this position to GUIDE the transition from dark to Light. Keep it simple—WORSHIP Me and SUPPORT him. THE RETURN OF THE KING in both realms will signal an EPIC TRANSFORMATION of your world from TREACHEROUS, CORRUPT, and PERVERTED leaders to the re-establishment of the foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Your world will go from CHAOS, DARKNESS, and DESTRUCTION to LIFE, FREEDOM, PEACE, and PLENTY. Call forth THE RETURN OF THE KING in both the natural and supernatural realms. You are preparing the way for THE RETURN OF THE KING by your WARFARE DECREES and DECLARATIONS, your FAITH in My PROMISES, and your LOVE for Me. You will see THE RETURN OF THE KING in both the natural and supernatural realms.”

Diana Larkin - DON’T GIVE IN, DON’T GIVE UP, DON’T GIVE OUT - October 12, 2024

I briefly met with Enoch this morning. He looked me deep in my eyes and told me how the whole of history is watching the Remnant battle to defeat the darkness and to bring in the Light of the Father’s life. Enoch said that he and all of the Great Cloud of Witnesses are interceding for us to surrender to His ways and His timing and to not give up and don’t give out before the promised victory is won. I felt such an intensity from Enoch and the desire of all of history that we would prevail with the Father.
“My Army of Light, it is going to SEEM like MOUNTAIN after MOUNTAIN appears on the ROAD to VICTORY. Don’t let that OVERWHELM you but realize you are DEFEATING the darkness that has RULED from all seven mountains of society—one mountain at a time. Heed the EXHORTATION from Enoch to STAY STRONG until the end and HEAR My COUNSEL to you: ‘DON’T GIVE IN, DON’T GIVE UP, and DON’T GIVE OUT.’ DON’T GIVE IN to DISCOURAGEMENT when it will APPEAR that the darkness has WON. Remember that this MISPLACED CONFIDENCE on their part will OUT all the MASKED TRAITORS who pretend to be GOOD but are really SERVING SELF and the DARKNESS. DON’T GIVE UP because the battle is going LONGER than you ANTICIPATED. You will AVOID that TRAP if you stay SURRENDERED to My WAYS and My TIMING and KEEP COMING to Me to be STRENGTHENED and ENCOURAGED—that is to keep RENEWING your COURAGE. DON’T GIVE OUT by fighting in your OWN STRENGTH because this is a TURNING POINT in history, and it will only be accomplished by SUPERNATURAL MEANS. You must really believe that I AM the God of the IMPOSSIBLE and that I still PART the RED SEA of ADVERSITY and DEATH AGENDAS of the darkness. Remember that you ARE NOT in this FIGHT ALONE. You have the ANCIENT OF DAYS, the Warrior Host of Heaven, the Angelic Divisions, and the Great Cloud of Witnesses by your side. Therefore, My Beloved ones, DO NOT GIVE IN, DO NOT GIVE UP, and DO NOT GIVE OUT.”

Diana Larkin - RUMBLE - October 11, 2024

As the Father spoke the word “RUMBLE” to me, I began to sense a  rumble coming from deep within the earth. I was actually shaking inside. I also sensed a counter rumble coming from the heavens.
“The evil empire is in FULL-BLOWN PANIC MODE which will lead to their DESTRUCTION because of FOOLISH and SELFISH decisions they make in this state of PANIC. While this panic is a SIGN of their END, it is a time for you to remain ALERT in your spirit to the LEADING of My Spirit, who will POSITION you to be FULLY PROTECTED, PROVIDED FOR, and KEPT in My PEACE. The RUMBLE you sensed this morning was the darkness RAMPING UP their DARKEST and DEADLIEST SCHEMES. They are LASHING OUT like the WOUNDED, DYING animal that they are. Their schemes will FEEL POWERFUL, and they do contain chaos and destruction. However, you are NOT A DEFENSELESS VICTIM; you are an EMPOWERED WARRIOR and you are being RAISED UP to ENFORCE My PROMISED VICTORY. TUNE YOUR SPIRIT now to the heavens, and you will FEEL and HEAR another RUMBLE being RELEASED from My Throne. My Throne of SUPERIOR POWER, STRATEGY, and WEAPONS. I DON’T MISS and I DON’T LOSE. The RUMBLE from Heaven is backed by the ROAR of the Lion of Judah, and He is coming to TAKE BACK His land. NO SCHEME of man or hell can STAND before Him. This is the time to walk more CLOSELY with Me than you have ever before and to STAY ALERT to My LEADING and GUIDANCE. Your Warrior Hosts and your Guardian Angels will HELP you STAY in this place of NEARNESS and SENSITIVITY to My Spirit. You will walk through the RUMBLE of the darkness in My path of PROTECTION, PEACE, and PROSPERITY. Call forth the RUMBLE from Heaven to EXPOSE the TREACHERY of the dark RUMBLE, to BRING DOWN their places of POWER, and to put them under My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. It’s time to RUMBLE!”
PSALM 50:3 (TPT) “With the rumble of thunder He approaches; He will not be silent, for He comes with an earsplitting sound! All around Him are furious flames of fire, and preceding Him is the dazzling blaze of His glory.” 

Diana Larkin - SEARCH AND DESTROY - October 10, 2024

PSALM 10:15 (TPT) “Break the power of the wicked and all their strong-arm tactics. Search them out and destroy them for the evil things they’ve done.”
“You are well aware of all the EVIL SCHEMES those partnered with darkness are PUMPING OUT and how they are intending to BRING FEAR and CHAOS in order to CONTROL you. What you don’t see are the CLOSED-DOOR MEETINGS and the individual SECRET PLANS that are being formed for their ESCAPE to REMOTE HIDEOUTS in case their EVIL is EXPOSED to the world, and their GREED and CORRUPTION are LAID BARE for all to see. If they are EXPOSED, their plan is to DISAPPEAR into their ELABORATE HIDEOUTS and to LAY LOW until things die down and are being FORGOTTEN. Then, they will REINVENT themselves and CUNNINGLY move back into positions of POWER. They have done this throughout the ages, and they expect it to work again. NOT THIS TIME! This FIERCE BATTLE you are fighting is to DEAL a DEATHBLOW to the arrogant elite so that they will ARISE NO MORE. I have SPECIAL FORCES Host whose assignment is to SEARCH AND DESTROY these arrogant, blasphemous ones. They will be FOUND—no matter how DEEP or REMOTE their hideout is—and they will be brought to JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. CALL FORTH and RELEASE My SEARCH AND DESTROY Hosts to find ALL the HIDDEN evil ones and to bring an END to their DARK SCHEMES and DOMINATION. JUSTICE, FREEDOM, and PEACE are on their way to take the place of the evil one’s TYRANNY and DESTRUCTION. It is the season of SEARCH AND DESTROY.”

Veronika West - ”Rising Shining Ones : These are the Holy Highway Building Days of Elijah! - October 10, 2024

Rising Shining Ones : These are the Holy Highway Building Days of Elijah!

I heard The Spirit say, ”Daughter, tell My Remnant that these are “Holy Highway Building Days!”

These are The Days of Elijah!

These are times of steep learning curves and Rapid Growth and Supernatural Acceleration — for the Time is Now, and days are short!

I say, these are Days of Advanced Training for Kingdom Reigning — Wielding and Warring with the Sceptre of My Favour over Weather Systems and all the Elements of Nature.

For the Winds, Waves and the Rains shall obey — and even the Sun and the Moon shall cease to give light at the Sound of My Sword in their mouths!

Watch! For My Rising, Shining Ones will Rule over earthly resources from the deeper dimensions of The Spiritual Realm, that is even more superior to the realm of sowing and reaping.

Yes! And My Remnant shall also walk in realms and dimensions of Supernatural Power in the days ahead, that shall give them the Power and Authority of bring increase and supernatural multiplication over what is sown and what is harvested.

For in the hand of My Remnant, the Dough shall be doubled, the Seed tripled, and the Oil and flour shall not run dry!

Again I say, these are The Days of Elijah, and a Voice shall be heard Crying out of the wilderness, “Make Way for the Great Way Maker!”

And the lame shall walk and the dead shall be raised, as My Remnant carries Resurrection Life and Power — for now an End-time Army is Rising in The Nations, who are Mantled in the Spirit and Power of Elijah.

Watch, as I raise up a Holy and Set-apart People in these Days of greater Shakings, Sifting, Shifting and divine Separation, that will operate in even greater dimensions of My Grace and Glory for Kingdom Advancement and a Billion Soul Harvest!”

Diana Larkin - SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION - October 9, 2024

“I have told you of the many DARK and DESPERATE schemes that the darkness has planned for your world. Do you just stand HELPLESSLY on the sidelines watching those plans UNFOLD and cause CHAOS and HARM? Your WORDS and your PRAYERS have great AUTHORITY because you are Sons and Daughters of My Kingdom. Begin right now to SOW SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION into all the enemy’s EVIL schemes. RELEASE My Host to PLANT these SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION deep into those dark plans. These SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION will SABOTAGE the schemes from the inside out. CRACKS will appear in the BLUEPRINTS of these dark agendas that will not be noticed by the darkness until it is TOO LATE and the plans SPLIT APART and FAIL or FALL SHORT of their intended DAMAGE and LOSS of life. Get behind the plans of Heaven to EXPOSE the dark liars and to LAUNCH the Rescue Operation. SPEAK LIFE TO THESE PLANS, RELEASE WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING to those planning the rescue. CALL FORTH SUPERNATURAL INSIGHTS and SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE into those fighting for JUSTICE and FREEDOM. RELEASE DREAMS, VISIONS, and ENCOUNTERS that will REVEAL the enemy’s plans so that COUNTERMEASURES can be put into place. My Army of Light, I AM calling you to SOW SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION into the enemy camp and to SOW SEEDS OF LIFE into the plans of the Light.”

Diana Larkin - RESILIENT - October 8, 2024

“My Army of Light, in this final season of FIERCE BATTLE against the TYRANNICAL DARKNESS, there will be much UPHEAVAL and CHANGE. The darkness is FRANTICALLY throwing out schemes of DESTRUCTION to cause GREAT LOSS. I AM telling you that the OLD SYSTEMS rooted in GREED and SELFISHNESS must FALL to MAKE WAY for FREEDOM and PLENTY. I want to assure you that all these LOSSES will be TEMPORARY and that I will RESTORE, RESTORE, RESTORE. I would like to give My people a SUPER POWER that will see you through the TUMULT of CHANGE and TEMPORARY LOSSES. I AM giving you the POWERFUL GIFT of being RESILIENT. Being RESILIENT BELIEVES that it will not always be the way it is right now. Being RESILIENT is founded on KNOWING My HEART for you, My POWER  toward you, and My ABILITY to RESTORE MORE. Being RESILIENT LETS GO of THINGS and MAN’S SYSTEMS, and looks with eyes of FAITH at the things which CANNOT BE SHAKEN. It finds its STRENGTH in knowing that I AM a GOOD, GOOD Father who GENEROUSLY GIVES, HEALS, and COMFORTS. Being RESILIENT believes that the future will be BETTER and FULLER because that is what I have PROMISED: THE BEST IS YET TO COME. The enemy will be CONFOUNDED by this SUPER POWER of RESILIENCY. They will knock you down with their dark plans and then you will see their BIG BUG EYES when you BOUNCE BACK UP in My STRENGTH and COMFORT and HOPE. Your SWORDS will still be in your hands, and the enemy will RUN from the presence of FIERY FREEDOM SHINING from your eyes. Come to Me, and I will make you RESILIENT.”

Diana Larkin - IT’S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE AGAIN - October 7, 2024

“The political scene is ABOUT TO CHANGE AGAIN in your Nation in a SURPRISING TURN OF EVENTS. The darkness will be caught OFF-GUARD at this PLOT TWIST and TURN that ARISES quite SUDDENLY. It will BRING DOWN the one who CONNIVED behind the scenes and PULLED the RUG OUT from under their RIVAL, and INSTALLED themselves in a place where they could secure the POWER and ATTENTION they craved. Well, now the RUG will be PULLED OUT from under their feet, and another will HASTILY be put in that place. Those of the darkness will begin to FOCUS their efforts on STOPPING the selection by creating CHAOS and FEAR. If that doesn’t work, they have plans to KEEP the selection winner from TAKING his RIGHTFUL PLACE. Should you be fearful—ABSOLUTELY NOT! Every PLOT and PLAN they raise up, you declare: ‘I REVERSE this plan back into the camp of the enemy.’ Every LIE and TWISTING of FACTS that they spew, you decree: ‘I BACKFIRE these LIES and SMOKESCREENS upon the heads of the LIARS and SCHEMERS. Release angels of UNCOVERING to bring the TRUTH to the LIGHT and to EXPOSE the LIARS and SCHEMERS. They have planned many October SURPRISES of chaos and destruction for you. My plan is to make October a month where I FLIP THE SCRIPT and what they are ACCUSING others of will be PROVEN AGAINST THEM. Keep yourself ENCOURAGED in Me. BREATHE in My STRENGTH. Let Me place a ROD of STEEL inside you that WILL NOT ALLOW anything the darkness releases to succeed. REVERSE their plans back against them. Where they release darkness and fear, you release the LIGHT of EXPOSURE and the PEACE of great FAITH that STILLS the STORM. Watch and you will see IT’S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE AGAIN.”

Diana Larkin - AN IMPARTATION OF STRENGTH- October 6, 2024

This was a morning of heavy warfare praying in my prayer language. It was intense, and I pressed into the Father for renewed strength and hope. I was taken to the Council Chambers of Heaven where the Elders and the Father were seated around the conference table. I placed my hands on my Elder’s shoulders, and he placed his hand over mine and said, “Everything is going to be all right.” The Father said:
“This day I AM releasing AN IMPARTATION OF MY STRENGTH to My people to SUSTAIN them through the HEAT of the BATTLE. (He then breathed out, and I breathed in and received a wave of strength and stability.) My faithful Warriors, you are GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH to the end of this war, and you will see a GREAT VICTORY over the TYRANNY and the HATRED of the darkness. What seems like a MOUNTAIN of TROUBLE and DESTRUCTION will SUDDENLY COLLAPSE under the weight of your WARFARE and My GLORY. As FIERCE and HARD as this battle is, the JOY, VICTORY, and FREEDOM will be SO MUCH GREATER. You will be ACKNOWLEDGED in Heaven as one who DID NOT SHRINK BACK because you CONTINUALLY BREATHED in My STRENGTH and kept yourself ENCOURAGED in My PROMISES. The WEEPING of those who have suffered GREAT LOSSES will endure for a night but WONDERFUL JOY and RECOMPENSE will come in the DAWN of the VICTORY over the darkness. I will FLOOD the land with My GOODNESS while the darkness is EXPOSED and BROUGHT DOWN by their own evil. I will answer your cries for JUSTICE. It will come and those partnered with darkness will be CRUSHED under the weight of My righteous right arm of JUDGMENT. They IGNORED the cries  for MERCY from their victims, so their cries for MERCY will NOT BE HEARD. Be STIRRED in your spirit to FIGHT ON to the end. It is coming SOON, and you will be GLAD you did not leave the battlefield before My MIGHTY TRUMP of VICTORY is sounded. The CRASH of EVIL SYSTEMS will be heard worldwide, and the clean and enduring FEAR of the LORD will sweep over the world. This will release a GREAT HARVEST for the Kingdom, and the REBUILDING will be based on WISDOM, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE FOR ALL. BREATHE in My STRENGTH and FIGHT by My side. The VICTORY IS ALREADY YOURS.”

Diana Larkin - THE FACE OF EVIL - October 5, 2024

“THE FACE OF EVIL MUST BE FULLY EXPOSED to the world to JOLT people AWAKE and to MOVE them from DECEPTION and COMPLACENCY into INFORMED and ACTIVATED for the Light. Because I have given mankind FREE WILL, I must have their AGREEMENT that they want to live in My LIGHT instead of the SHADOWS of COMPROMISE with the darkness. It will be PAINFUL to watch parts of the GREAT AWAKENING but keep in mind that I AM always ready to COMFORT and to RESTORE, and I will give you the JOY of PARTNERING with Me to bring COMFORT and the HOPE of RESTORATION to those who REFUSED to be AWAKENED. Don’t fall into the TRAP of believing I DON’T CARE or that I don’t have the POWER to STOP the darkness or that your PRAYERS aren’t EFFECTIVE. Any of these TRAPS will WEAKEN your FAITH and your RESOLVE, SO DON’T TAKE THE BAIT! I will only allow what is necessary to AWAKEN the masses to the EVIL trying to CONSUME them. As the SHOCKED AWAKE people look for HELP and ANSWERS, I will REVEAL Myself to them and RELEASE VISION for a future of HOPE and FREEDOM. I will use you to SHINE for Me and as people see your LOVE, your PEACE, and your HOPE in Me, they will be ENCOURAGED and HOPEFUL for a future of FREEDOM from the COMPROMISE and the CONTROL of EVIL. Do you understand why it is so important that THE FACE OF EVIL be EXPOSED? Do you see the importance of NOT becoming OFFENDED with Me when HARD things are allowed to happen in order to UNCOVER THE FACE OF EVIL? I AM asking you to TRUST that My KINDNESS and My MERCY are behind everything that I allow in this war season of dark to Light. Remember that there is NO LOSS that I cannot COMFORT and RESTORE and cause to work for people’s GOOD. Stay with Me, My Army of Light, as I UNCOVER THE FACE OF EVIL. It will make a way for the DAWN of the Kingdom Age of FREEDOM, PEACE, and PLENTY.” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 
ISAIAH 14:3-7 (TPT) “In that day when the Lord Yahweh has given you rest from your pain, trouble, and cruel bondage, you will jeer at the king of Babylon…Your oppressor has been stilled and your onslaught is over! The Lord Yahweh has shattered the staff of the wicked…(their) unrelenting persecution. But now the whole earth rests and is at peace. It bursts out with singing.”

Diana Larkin - THE PIT IS GETTING DEEPER - October 4, 2024

PSALM 9:15-16 (TPT) “For the nations get trapped in the very snares they set for others. The hidden trap they set for the weak has snapped shut upon themselves! Yahweh is famous for His justice. While the wicked are digging a pit for others, they are actually setting the terms for their own judgment. They will fall into their own pit.”
“THE PIT IS GETTING DEEPER that the wicked have dug for the DESTRUCTION of anything GOOD or anything RIGHTEOUS. They are FRANTIC to cause great DESTRUCTION and great FEAR. In their haste to take back CONTROL, the SCHEMES they use and their HIDDEN MOTIVES are being RAPIDLY UNCOVERED. The darkness is ANGRY that people are not GIVING UP and COWERING in FEAR but, instead, they are PULLING TOGETHER and PLANNING to REBUILD. Every evil destructive scheme they release is DIGGING THE PIT DEEPER FOR THEM TO FALL INTO. In the end, you will see them SUDDENLY FALL to their DESTRUCTION into the DEEP PIT they dug for you. They will have NO HOPE of ESCAPE or RESCUE. I have PROMISED to RESCUE you out of ALL their PITS, NETS, and TRAPS, and you will see them CAUGHT in their own NETS and TRAPS and THROWN into the PIT THEY DUG FOR YOU. CALL OUT for those who were DECEIVED by the darkness into their NETS and TRAPS of STOLEN IDENTITIES and ADDICTIONS—CALL OUT for their RESCUE and DELIVERANCE and DECLARE that the NETS and TRAPS would COME BACK on the darkness. Don’t be fearful of the DEEP PIT DIGGERS because their TIME IS SHORT, and the PIT they dug is OPENING ITS MOUTH WIDE to receive them. I will be faithful to RESTORE LOSS and DAMAGE BEYOND what you can think or imagine, and the DEEP PIT DIGGERS will see all they tried to DESTROY THRIVE and be BEAUTIFUL AGAIN. Continue to PUSHBACK on their DEEP PIT SCHEMES and know that when they FALL in the PIT that they dug for you, they will LOSE EVERYTHING, and you will GAIN EVERYTHING. I AM JUSTICE, and you will see it DISPLAYED in the earth.”

Diana Larkin - DEEP WATERS - October 3, 2024

“I WILL DO IT AGAIN! I will be FAITHFUL to lead you through the enemy’s DARK and TREACHEROUS DEEP WATERS to a place of GREAT JOY and CELEBRATION. As I pull back the DEEP WATERS, Leviathan, the LYING, TWISTING monster will be completely UNCOVERED, LEFT HIGH and DRY, EXPOSED, and SLAIN by your SWORDS of TRUTH as you walk by on dry, solid ground. I have GOOD DEEP WATERS that I AM CALLING you to ENTER. They are the DEEP WATERS of FELLOWSHIP and WISDOM, and they will CARRY you through with SAFETY, PROTECTION, and the DEEP SATISFACTION of living out of the DEPTHS of My LOVE and My continual LIFE POURING over you. You can live in My DEEP WATERS right now, and they will GUIDE you with My WISDOM and My DEEP LOVE. These DEEP WATERS will bring you safely to the RESCUE that I provide through the enemy’s DEEP WATERS of DESTRUCTION. After you cross through these parted dark waters, My DEEP WATERS will be waiting for you on the other side to carry you to ABUNDANT LIFE and DEEP FELLOWSHIP with Me.”
PROVERBS 18:4 (TPT) “Words of wisdom are like a fresh flowing brook—like deep waters that spring forth from within, bubbling up inside the one with understanding.”
PSALM 42:8 (TPT) “All through the day Yahweh has commanded His endless love, to pour over me. Through the night I sing His songs and My praises to the living God.”


“The world is experiencing THE STENCH OF HATRED as the FRANTIC darkness unleashes their DEADLY LAST ATTEMPTS to hold onto POWER and WEALTH. Even the most SOUNDLY ASLEEP will be FORCED to SMELL this STENCH OF HATRED because the dark hearted people don’t have the time to CLOAK these deadly schemes with the usual subterfuge where they BLAME OTHERS and make themselves look like the HEROES. The darkness really is THE STENCH OF HATRED. How do we COUNTER this STENCH OF HATRED? DECLARE that THE STENCH OF HATRED will NOT CAUSE FEAR and COWERING but will, instead, cause ALERTNESS to their dark schemes and a VALIANT PUSHBACK by the Army of Light and the newly awakened. I also want you to COUNTER THE STENCH OF HATRED with THE FRAGRANCE OF LOVE. Wherever the schemes of darkness have inflicted SUFFERING and LOSS, I ask you to RESPOND with THE FRAGRANCE OF MY LOVE. This is LOVE IN ACTION. It is SHARING, GIVING, COMFORTING, HELPING, and PRAYING for those affected by THE STENCH OF HATRED. You are allowing THE FRAGRANCE OF MY LOVE to POUR THROUGH you to DEVASTATED and CONFUSED hearts, and it will OPEN their hearts to DESIRE to KNOW Me and the POWER of My LOVE. You will NULLIFY THE STENCH OF HATRED, and the darkness will RAGE because their plans are BACKFIRING upon them. THE STENCH OF HATRED is always OVERCOME by THE FRAGRANCE OF LOVE.”

Diana Larkin - PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD - October 1, 2024

ISAIAH 40:3-5 (TPT) “A thunderous voice cries out in the wilderness: Prepare the way for Yahweh’s arrival! Make a highway straight through the desert for our God! Every valley will be raised up, every mountain brought low. The rugged terrain will become level ground and the rough places a plain. Then Yahweh’s radiant glory will be unveiled, and all humanity will experience it together. Believe it, for Yahweh has spoken His decree!”
“These verses were a PROPHECY of John the Baptist PREPARING THE WAY for My Son to come as SAVIOR, DELIVERER, and HEALER. However, these verses cast a LONGER shadow and will find a COMPLETE FULFILLMENT in the coming of the KINGDOM AGE. ALL humanity will SEE My RADIANT GLORY UNVEILED as I sweep in on the HIGHWAY that you have helped to prepare for My RESCUE from the darkness. A great deal of humanity has once again LOST their WAY in the WILDERNESS of REBELLION and SIN. I have called you to help PREPARE THE HIGHWAY for My COMING and for My GLORY TO BE UNVEILED. Raising up the valleys is calling people in the DEPTHS of SIN, BONDAGE, and INSIGNIFICANCE to LEVEL UP as they receive My Son’s FORGIVENESS, DELIVERANCE, and A NEW IDENTITY of ROYALTY. You have also been charged with BRINGING DOWN every PRIDE-FILLED MOUNTAIN of those who think they are gods and should RULE over you. You are doing this by DECLARING EXPOSURE of their EVIL and SENDING Host to TEAR DOWN these HIGH PLACES that they have built for themselves and the darkness to rule from. Where roadways in people’s lives have become TWISTED with SIN, TRAUMA, PERVERSION, your voice is CALLING them to the STRAIGHT PATH of SURRENDER and WHOLENESS in Jesus. The ROUGH PLACES, the ROCKS and BOULDERS BLOCKING PROGRESS are OFFENSES against others, yourself, and Me that must be REMOVED by you FORGIVING and then helping others see how they are BLOCKING their own progress by HOLDING ONTO OFFENSE. You help PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD by DIRECTLY INTERACTING with people and by INTERCESSION and SPIRITUAL WARFARE. You are helping PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD and ALL will see My RADIANT GLORY UNVEILED and will be CHANGED by it.” 

Diana Larkin - DON'T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS - September 30, 2024

DON’T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS—“There has never been a more important time in your history than NOW for you to KNOW My CHARACTER and My HEART for you. If you allow anything to CHIP AWAY your VALUE and My ACCEPTANCE of you, it will throw you into DOUBT about My WILLINGNESS to PROTECT, DEFEND, and PROVIDE for you in this TUMULTUOUS season of dark to Light. DON’T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS (the modern-day Pharisees) who tell you, for example, that I won’t be pleased with you unless you use a specific name for Me or unless you do communion a certain way. See these LEGALISTIC RULES from My perspective. I LOVED you so much and DESIRED an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP so DEEPLY that I GAVE My own Son to SUFFER and DIE a cruel death in order to MAKE A WAY for you to COME HOME to My heart. It was the GREATEST PRICE ever paid for LOVE. Does it make sense that I would now develop all kinds of RULES that would BLOCK you from RECEIVING that LOVE and so GREAT A SALVATION? These RULE KEEPERS SPOUT such NONSENSE that is rooted in their own SPIRITUAL PRIDE. They feel quite SUPERIOR being part of their RULE-KEEPING CLUB, but their hearts are FAR from Me and they are STUMBLING BLOCKS to those who really want to DRAW NEAR to My heart in LOVE and HUMILITY. The 3-in-One are called many DIFFERENT names and titles in the Word because just one name is NOT sufficient to REVEAL our MULTIFACETED, MULTICOLORED NATURES. When you use a new name, it will open up REVELATION of that part of Our character and Our hearts. I INVITE you to call Me ABBA–the most INTIMATE name between a father and a child. I will invite you to call Me YAHWEH and LORD OF HOSTS, describing My ETERNAL nature and GREAT POWER. My Son is BROTHER, SAVIOR, HEALER, DELIVERER, REDEEMER, and the BETROTHED of the Bride. My Spirit is FIRE, WIND, WATER, EXPLOSIVE POWER, COMFORTER, and COUNSELOR…just to list a FEW of Our names. DON’T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS because I have called you to LIBERTY, FREEDOM, and BEAUTIFUL INTIMACY with Me. Choose LIFE not RULES.” 

Diana Larkin - AM WITH YOU AND I WILL RESTORE - September 29, 2024

“As the SHAKINGS INTENSIFY, it is VITAL that you remember that I AM WITH YOU AND THAT I WILL RESTORE. Remember that the SHAKINGS are NECESSARY to AWAKEN those still SLEEPING under the SPELL of Leviathan’s LIES. Any LOSS that you experience in this season of the UNVEILING of DARKNESS will be RESTORED to you by My Hand and My Power. It will not just be REPLACED, but it will be RESTORED WITH MORE. More than you THINK or IMAGINE. People need to see the UGLINESS of evil power used to gain CONTROL and WEALTH through FEAR and DESTRUCTION. A STRONG RESOLVE to NEVER ALLOW EVIL and IDOLATRY to OVERTAKE your Land again must form in the hearts of the people. Preserving your customary way of life is NOT Heaven’s PRIORITY right now. Much of it is ROOTED in systems that must be REPLACED because they have EVIL ROOTS. TRUST Me that what I have for your future is SO MUCH BETTER, SO MUCH MORE FULFILLING, and it will BLESS EVERYONE. Take your eyes OFF temporary losses and look into My eyes of FIERY LOVE. Allow Me to be your SOURCE and your GOAL. Watch Me PROVIDE for you and even PROSPER you in a season of SHAKING. Transfer your TRUST in worldly systems to My Heavenly, UNLIMITED RESOURCES. You will find yourself in a place of GREAT FREEDOM with no ANXIETY from trying to PROP UP what needs to FALL. You will live in supernatural PEACE that I AM WITH YOU AND I WILL RESTORE…MORE!”

Diana Larkin - THE GIFT OF EMOTIONS - September 28, 2024

Diana Larkin - DO NOT BE SHAKEN - September 27, 2024

“Instead of being AFRAID when you HEAR THREATS of government controls and foreign armies ARISING AGAINST YOU, SEE these THREATS through My EYES and the FILTER of My HEART. Let Me ASSURE you that the SECRET MEETINGS of those who want to CONTROL the world and the WEALTH are TENSE and DEMANDING. The Puppet Masters are BARKING OUT OUTRAGEOUS ORDERS to the SECRETLY TERRIFIED Puppets. These dark hearted Puppets are in a PRECARIOUS position so DON’T BELIEVE their BOLD and THREATENING WORDS carried on the airwaves by the CORRUPT MEDIA. The Puppets are CAUGHT between the PRESSURE to PERFORM or be TAKEN OUT by the CRUEL Puppet Masters, and the REAL UNFOLDING THREAT of EXPOSURE from the Light. Puppets under this kind of PRESSURE make MISTAKES and LAUNCH PREMATURE PLANS. As long as you STAY OUT OF FEAR and ROOTED IN FAITH in My POWER and PROMISES, you will RELEASE POWERFUL PRAYERS for leaders of the Light to make WISE DECISIONS and COUNTERMOVES that will SECURE a VICTORY from the JAWS of DEATH that the enemy has planned for your nations. My hand is on the rightful leadership of your Nation, and Heaven’s mighty Warriors and resources are DEPLOYED on your behalf, so DO NOT BE TROUBLED in your hearts, but be full of VALOR and EXPECTATION of a SPECTACULAR RESCUE and VICTORY. Read between the lines of LYING Leviathan and FILTER the voices of his THREATS through My MIGHTY HEART. SEE and HEAR the PANIC, DESPERATION, and CHAOS that are BEHIND the THREATS being unleashed, and DO NOT FEAR a CORNERED and DYING animal. BIND the LIFE of your God, the LOVE of your God, the POWER of your God, and the PROMISES of your God to your HEARTS, and be at PEACE in the SHELTER of My wings.” 
PSALM 27:2,3 (TPT) “When evil ones come to destroy me, they will be the ones who turn back. My heart will not be afraid even if an army rises to attack. I know that You are there for me, so I will not be shaken.”  

Diana Larkin - TRICKY, TWO-FACED MEN - September 26, 2024

PSALM 26:3-4 (TPT) “I will never lose sight of Your love for me. Your faithfulness has steadied my steps. I won’t keep company with tricky, two-faced men, nor will I go the way of those who defraud with hidden motives.”
“I AM in this day EXPOSING TRICKY, TWO-FACED MEN AND WOMEN. These are those who live a DOUBLE LIFE. They CONVINCE themselves and others that they have GOOD MOTIVES. They tell themselves that using DECEPTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE ways to achieve their motives is ACCEPTABLE and NECESSARY. They PRETEND to be HUMBLE and FOR the people but in reality, they think they are ABOVE the common people and that they DESERVE to be WEALTHY and POWERFUL. These TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE know how to say what you WANT TO HEAR but their HEARTS are FAR FROM you, and they really only CARE for themselves. BEWARE of these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE because they will eventually cause great DESTRUCTION in your lives, your churches, and your nation. They will EAT YOUR LUNCH and STEAL everything you have in the name of their ‘GOOD’ cause. Ask for EYES to SEE and HEARTS that KNOW and RECOGNIZE these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE. Don’t be TAKEN IN by their CHARM and their WORDS that seem ‘RIGHT.’ Don’t DISCOUNT that UNSETTLED FEELING you have with these DECEPTIVE people. It is My DISCERNMENT showing you HIDDEN MOTIVES and WARNING you to NOT BE TAKEN IN by these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE. You can PRAY for them to be SET FREE but DO NOT ALLOW them to be in your CIRCLE of INFLUENCE. Pray that they will be EXPOSED, BLOCKED, and REMOVED from all areas of society. You must realize that the TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE are MORE DANGEROUS than the OPENLY EVIL ONES. If you are not discerning, they have the ability to GET CLOSE to you and to do GREAT DAMAGE in your LIFE and the life of your NATION. WALK CLOSELY with Me, and I will SHOW you who the TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE are. As these are SWEPT from your world, INSIGHT, WISDOM, and FREEDOM will GROW and BLESS ALL.”

Diana Larkin - IT’S ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS - September 25, 2024

“Everything that is presented to the people by the evil empire is ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS. They HIDE who they really are behind the media SMOKE of LIES and HIDDEN AGENDAS. They MIRROR their own DARK HEARTS BACK ONTO those speaking TRUTH and FREEDOM. They PROJECT their own GREED for POWER and WEALTH on the leaders aligned with RIGHTEOUSNESS, and the PROGRAMMED people eat it up. RISE UP, Army of Light, and come AGAINST this dark scheme of SMOKE AND MIRRORS that hold people CAPTIVE to LIES. Take AUTHORITY over the SMOKE of DECEPTION and the MIRROR of PROJECTED LIES coming from the evil empire. BIND their POWER to release anymore SMOKE AND MIRRORS. RELEASE the Host and Angels to BLOW AWAY the SMOKE of DECEPTION and to SMASH the MIRRORS of PROJECTED LIES. RELEASE the PURE, CLEAN WIND of EXPOSURE so that everything the SMOKE has HIDDEN is REVEALED. BOOMERANG the character assassination of the MIRRORS BACK ONTO THOSE who have PROJECTED their EVIL onto the RIGHTEOUS. DECLARE, ‘SMOKE AND MIRRORS BE REMOVED and be REPLACED by CLARITY and TRUTH.’ Join Me in dealing a DEATHBLOW to the evil empire’s SMOKE AND MIRRORS. RELEASE ILLUMINATION ANGELS to OPEN people’s EYES to the DECEPTION and LIES. DECLARE that this is the END of LYING SMOKE AND MIRRORS and the BEGINNING of TRANSPARENCY and RIGHTEOUSNESS.”

Diana Larkin - THE INTENSITY OF THE FALL - September 24, 2024

“This Fall will be an INTENSE SEASON of the CLASH between the DARKNESS and the LIGHT. DO NOT SHRINK BACK from these FINAL BATTLES before the GLORIOUS VICTORY that I have planned for you. Remember that you are NOT fighting for JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS by yourself or in your own strength. I have BRAIDED My STRENGTH into you. All you need to do is LEAN INTO that STRENGTH. You are also HELPED and PROTECTED by your WARRIOR HOSTS who have been assigned to you. SURROUNDING you are My VAST ARMY of HOSTS and ANGELS who are WARRING with you. They are WAITING to RESPOND to the DECREES and DECLARATIONS that I have given you. They WILL NOT RESPOND to words of DOUBT, words of DOOM and GLOOM, or words of HOPELESSNESS. You have come this far in the battle so DO NOT DROP OUT or LOSE FAITH in Me and My PROMISES. If it LOOKS like the darkness is WINNING, declare: ‘You are being EXPOSED and your EVIL, STOLEN POWER is coming to COMPLETE and UTTER DESTRUCTION.’ Remember that this LAST HARD-FOUGHT BATTLE will lead to a season of REST and GREAT REWARD. Now is the time to PURSUE a HEART to HEART relationship with Me so that you REMAIN STRENGTHENED and SEE the future through My eyes. DO NOT FEAR THE INTENSITY OF THE FALL because it is a SETUP for VICTORY and TRIUMPH. “

Diana Larkin - A RISING TIDE - September 23, 2024

“The dark and arrogant ones have A RISING TIDE of SCARE EVENTS and DESTRUCTIVE PLANS set to ROLL OUT. Their AIM is to TERRIFY people and COMPLETELY CONTROL them. Imagine their SURPRISE and SHOCK when YOU DON’T SCARE and YOU DON’T COMPLY. They will witness A RISING TIDE of FAITH and FAITHFULNESS coming from the Army of Light. They will ask, ‘Why aren’t they FALLING for the SCARE TACTICS? Why are they growing BOLDER and LOUDER?’ With RISING PANIC, they will say to one another, ‘But these are our BEST and DARKEST PLANS. Why aren’t they WORKING?!’ FINGER POINTING and LOUD ARGUMENTS will be heard in those SECRET MEETINGS and ACID will RISE in their throats. Hmmm…who’s SCARED now??? Army of Light, as you continue to STRENGTHEN yourself in Me, you will find that I AM releasing a NEW LEVEL of BOLDNESS to you, and I will be STRENGTHENING your RESOLVE to be FAITHFUL to Me and to your FELLOW WARRIORS. Remember that you have been launching STRATEGIC STRIKES against the DARK SCHEMES of the enemy, and they will NOT have the effect that they were meant to have. The darkness will be FURIOUS that all their schemes are FIZZLING OUT. Their RISING TIDE of SCARE EVENTS will FLATTEN before they ever reach you, but the RISING TIDE of your FAITH and FAITHFULNESS will become a TSUNAMI that OVERPOWERS their little waves. YOU are the RISING TIDE.”

Diana Larkin - ILLUMINATION - September 22, 2024

Biblical meaning of 22=corruption or illumination
“I AM going to begin to drop into the minds and hearts of the THOROUGHLY ASLEEP, ILLUMINATION of the CORRUPTION they have REFUSED to SEE. These are the ones who have thought you were SLIGHTLY CRAZY and that you were listening to MADEUP STORIES. They have BELIEVED Leviathan’s NARRATIVES for so long that the TRUTH SOUNDS LIKE A FABLE. It is the LIGHT of My TRUTH that PIERCES the darkness and SETS PEOPLE FREE. I AM releasing RAYS of ILLUMINATION into the minds of those that you have been PRAYING for. A CRACK of DIVINE LIGHT will PIERCE the SCALES on the eyes of the DECEIVED,  and they will begin to SEE what you have been TALKING about. I have ILLUMINATION ANGELS who will DELIVER these LIGHT BEAMS that will BREAK THROUGH the LIES and PROGRAMMING that these sleeping ones have believed. Once a CRACK of ILLUMINATION is made, it will continue to WIDEN until the person is brought into the LIGHT of FULL DISCOVERY. This release of ILLUMINATION ANGELS will catch the darkness OFF-GUARD, and they will not be able to COUNTER or STOP IT. Begin to CALL FORTH these ILLUMINATION ANGELS and ASSIGN them to go to those you name. This has been a HIDDEN STRATEGY of the Rescue Operation that is now READY to be implemented. Be encouraged because many you thought would NEVER see the TRUTH are going to be TOUCHED SUPERNATURALLY. Never UNDERESTIMATE My POWER or My PLANS. It is coming…ILLUMINATION.”
LUKE 11:36 (TPT) “If your spirit burns bright with light, fully illuminated with no trace of darkness, you will be a shining lamp, reflecting rays of truth by the way you live.”  

Diana Larkin - PREEMPTIVE STRIKES - September 21, 2024

“Look back at the enemy’s PLAYBOOK from the last selection. Because he has NO ABILITY to CREATE, he just keeps RE-USING the SAME, OLD TACTICS to try and STOP My plans and to insert his DARK and DESTRUCTIVE schemes. Now is the time to send PREEMPTIVE STRIKES against these plans of the enemy to WEAKEN them and to UNCOVER them before they can gain a FOOTHOLD. The AIM of these schemes is to cause DISTRACTION, FEAR, DESTRUCTION, and CHAOS to STOP or HINDER the coming selection. LAUNCH PREEMPTIVE STRIKE FIERY HOST ARROWS at any scheme to STOP or STEAL the next selection. COMMAND these ARROWS to STRIKE THE MARK of PLANNED DISEASES, FAKE VOTES, PAID FOR RIOTS AND PROTESTS, MANUFACTURED STORMS, FEAR-MONGERING TACTICS, and FAKE SCIENCE. ARROW HOSTS are WAITING for you to LAUNCH them as PREEMPTIVE STRIKES. RISE UP My Sons and Daughters and launch My PREEMPTIVE STRIKES against the enemy’s schemes. The darkness will be SHOCKED and won’t know what HIT them. SURPRISE! I have My PLANS, too, and they will be EFFECTIVE as you launch My PREEMPTIVE STRIKES.”

Diana Larkin - I VALUE YOU - September 20, 2024

“I want you to know that your Father UNDERSTANDS what you are going through. Not only has the WARFARE BEEN FIERCE and LONG but added to that, you have been DISCOUNTED and DISMISSED by family and friends. You’ve been labeled a CONSPIRACY NUT and told that you’re not SEEING REALITY. The media makes FUN of you and seeks to INTIMIDATE you or to SILENCE you. You’ve been SHUNED, IGNORED, and GOSSIPED about. And yet, My FAITHFUL, BATTLE-SCARRED WARRIORS, you are still IN THE FIGHT. You are still PUSHING BACK the enemy, DECREEING and DECLARING, and BELIEVING that darkness will be EXPOSED and the TRUTH will be UNCOVERED. The DECEIVED and the SLUMBERING may not VALUE YOU or what you have to say, but I want you to know this: I VALUE YOU. I have RECORDED every PRAYER, every SIGH, every HURT, and your PERSISTENCE in partnering with Me until the world has AWAKENED and the VICTORY is won. All that you have LOST, all that you have WON as you FAITHFULLY WAGED WARFARE is noted in the Book of Records of the ‘GREAT WAR AND THE GREAT AWAKENING.’ YOU MATTER, YOU ARE VALUED, and YOU HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE. This is your VALIDATION from Me, and you will someday be VINDICATED. I VALUE YOU.”

Diana Larkin - ALL-OUT WAR! - September 19, 2024

“Your enemies want to launch a worldwide, ALL-OUT WAR between many nations in order to KILL, DESTROY, and STEAL BACK their DARK POWER. How about the FORCES OF LIGHT COUNTERATTACK with an ALL-OUT WAR in the spiritual realm? Come to Me, and I will LIGHT your spirit on FIRE! We will STORM the GATES of hell and set them ABLAZE! This is the hour that the Army of Light and the Host of Heaven have TRAINED FOR. It will be your FINEST HOUR, and you will PROVE to your own heart that you can be a MIGHTY and a VALIANT WARRIOR who does not BACK DOWN and does not WIMP OUT. This is not a battle to fight in your OWN STRENGTH; it is a battle fought with My Spirit INSIDE YOU, as we STRATEGICALLY COLLAPSE the GATES of hell that have RULED in your nation. Here is how you PREPARE for the FIERCE CLASH between darkness and Light. DEDICATE your SWORD on your knees to My service. SWEAR your ALLEGIANCE to Me and to the Army of Light. WORSHIP Me with all your STRENGTH and then LISTEN for SPECIFIC BATTLE STRATEGIES. The enemy wants an ALL-OUT WAR, but we are going to SURPRISE them with an ALL-OUT WAR INVADING their camp. Hear the alarm! BATTLE STATIONS!”

Chris G. Bennett - What if……? - September 17, 2024

One of my own quotes from yesteryear!

The LORD just pulled me up short in my tracks.

How would you answer this?

“I have been telling you and telling you that I am coming very soon.

What if — I didn’t mean I AM coming for My Bride?

What if — I AM coming first, as always promised, in power and authority in order to set revival in place?”

Diana Larkin - THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL - September 18, 2024

“People around the world are going to be suffering THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL, as people in positions of power, leadership, and influence are EXPOSED. They were told by the media and by these FACADE-WEARING people that they could be TRUSTED and that they were SERVING you and FOR your interests. When it is REVEALED that these BETRAYERS are THIEVES, MURDERERS, and TRAITORS, the PAIN and SHOCK of BETRAYAL will be great. The Church has felt some of this BETRAYAL as leader after leader is EXPOSED. Some as PREDATORS, some as TRAFFICKERS, and some as EMBEZZLERS. The SHOCK and ABANDONMENT are PAINFUL to bear. People ask, ‘Why didn’t I SEE or SENSE that something was WRONG with these leaders?’ That is the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION that you could ask right now because these fallen leaders are just the BEGINNING of the EXPOSURES of BETRAYAL. I want My Sons and Daughters to have HEIGHTENED DISCERNMENT in this hour. If you are TUNED to My Spirit, I will give you a CAUTION in your spirit or your spirit will feel RUFFLED and not at PEACE regarding a particular person or you will feel NEGATIVE EMOTIONS about someone without APPARENT FACTS to back up your feelings. I’m NOT talking about a CRITICAL SPIRIT that is SUSPICIOUS of everyone who doesn’t AGREE completely with their NARROW VIEWPOINTS. I AM talking about being TUNED to My HEART so that I can give you DISCERNMENT that will save you HEARTACHE and keep you from supporting the WRONG person. Don’t JUDGE by OUTWARD FLASHY GIFTS or STRONG PERSONALITIES but ask Me for My DISCERNMENT about leaders in ALL areas of society. Then you won’t be so DEVASTATED and OVERWHELMED by BETRAYAL when so many are REMOVED. If you are not devastated, then you will be able to HELP those who have been affected by THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL. People inside and outside the Church have been PROGRAMMED to take everything at FACE VALUE and DISCERNMENT has FALLEN in the DUST of LIES and COVERUPS. I want to PROTECT My people’s HEARTS by RESTORING DISCERNMENT to the Body. It will save you from BAD DECISIONS and help you determine what leaders you can TRUST and who you should LISTEN to. I can share DISCERNMENT with you through your SPIRITUAL and your NATURAL SENSES. Begin to PAY ATTENTION to how and what I AM showing you about people. It’s not for you to GOSSIP about, but it is to KEEP you SAFE from DECEPTION and THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL.” HEBREWS 5:14, PROVERBS 2:11. 

Diana Larkin - OVERWHELMING VICTORY - September 17, 2024

17=overcoming power, breakthrough to victory, perfection of spiritual order (7+10).
“Your promise from Me for your personal lives and for your nations is OVERWHELMING VICTORY. This is a VICTORY that will be COMPLETE and FINAL. Your enemies will be THOROUGHLY DEFEATED and COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED by My SUPERIOR FORCES OF LIGHT. Keep this promise CLOSE to your heart, and KEEP the words ‘OVERWHELMING VICTORY’ on your lips as a CONFESSION OF FAITH. It is going to look DARK and CHAOTIC for a SHORT time but that is only to AWAKEN the sleepers and to COMPLETELY EXPOSE EVERY ENEMY to your lives and your nations. When the enemy TAUNTS you with ARROGANT cries of ‘You can’t win now! Defeat is your portion!’ LAUNCH an ARROW of FLAMING FAITH in his face by declaring, ‘We have the OVERWHELMING VICTORY! My God’s PROMISES are YES and AMEN! His POWER is FAR SUPERIOR to your hatred and destruction. You are UNMASKED, and you are GOING DOWN.’ You will be releasing FREQUENCIES of VICTORY and GREAT POWER into the atmosphere, and you will watch their SCARY SCHEME DEFLATE and COME TO NOTHING. I AM telling you WE HAVE THE OVERWHELMING VICTORY!”

Diana Larkin - DON’T MISS THE MAIN EVENT - September 16, 2024

This word came from a dream I had on 9/11/24. In the dream, my husband and I were hanging out in a church to attend the wedding of a couple we knew. We were distracted and almost missed going into the ceremony. The ushers were closing the doors, and we slipped in just in time. The other issue was I really needed to go the bathroom and that was taking my attention away from the ceremony. I observed that the aisle to the altar was very short, and they were at the front quickly. Interpretation: This is a warning dream or a heads-up dream that shortly what we’ve been waiting for is going to happen. The Father doesn’t want us to miss out on the beautiful fulfillment of His promises. The things we need to look out for is being distracted from the main event and not having our heart’s right and cleansed so that we’re free to fully participate in the joy of the consummation of His promises.
“My WISE COUNCIL to you is not to allow ANYTHING to come in the way of these FINAL days of PREPARATION for the MAIN EVENT of the COMPLETION and CELEBRATION of ALL My PROMISES to you. It’s been a LONG and DIFFICULT time of WAITING, and the END is in SIGHT. DO NOT ALLOW the enemy to STEAL from you the FULL ENJOYMENT and CELEBRATION that will shortly be here. DO NOT ALLOW DISTRACTIONS to keep you UNAWARE of the HOUR of COMPLETION, and DO NOT ALLOW OFFENSES or any UNCLEAN thing to TAKE YOUR FOCUS OFF THE MAIN EVENT. I want you FULLY PRESENT to ENJOY and to WITNESS the CONSUMMATION of My PROMISES. BE READY to GO IN and DON’T MISS THE MAIN EVENT.”


Doana Larkin - IN THE VALLEY OF DECISION - September 15 2024

I had a dream/vision at 2:23 this morning. (2+2+3=7 God’s spiritual perfection). I found myself in a huge valley chock full of people. Many different scenarios were flying around of decisions that needed to be made. I heard the Father say: “In the Valley of Decision.”
“The people and nations of the world are moving into THE VALLEY OF DECISION. (JOEL 3). I AM not speaking of a final judgment day, but I AM speaking of the SET HARVEST SEASON that the world has entered. This VALLEY OF DECISION is NECESSARY for the earth to ENTER the KINGDOM AGE. The GROSS DARKNESS and the REBELLION of people who have REFUSED to ACKNOWLEDGE Me as God, must be dealt with in order that I might POUR OUT the KINGDOM AGE BLESSINGS and RICHES and know that they will not be SQUANDERED or STOLEN. My Army of Light, you have already been in THE VALLEY OF DECISION, and you have chosen the LIGHT. You have SURRENDERED your life to the SALVATION and LORDSHIP of My Son, Jesus. You have chosen to live in the TRUTH and the LIGHT no matter what the cost. You have PASSED THROUGH THE VALLEY OF DECISION from DEATH to LIFE; from DARK to LIGHT. The upcoming SHAKINGS will PROPEL people and nations into THE VALLEY OF DECISION. Many in My Church have worshiped My written Word, but they DO NOT KNOW Me (just like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day). In THE VALLEY OF DECISION, they will have the CHOICE to enter a DIVINE UNION with a SUPERNATURAL God. Do not FEAR for those that I LEAD into THE VALLEY OF DECISION. Remember that even My judgments are founded in My LOVE, and released so that those who have been BLIND can now CHOOSE to SEE. You will see friends and family enter THE VALLEY OF DECISION because they have REFUSED to LISTEN to My TRUTH and My prophets. You can pray that their hearts will TURN and that they will COME TO THEIR SENSES, but DO NOT try and SOFTEN MY VALLEY OF DECISION in their lives because it is My MERCY EXTENDED to SHAKE them AWAKE so that they can FULLY ENTER into the KINGDOM AGE of PEACE and PLENTY. Release My GREAT LIGHT to PENETRATE those in THE VALLEY OF DECISION and watch LIFE SPRING FORTH FROM DEATH.” 

Diana Larkin - A GLORY BATH - September 14, 2024

The Father has been taking me to a different garden in Heaven. I wonder how many different gardens there are in Heaven? This garden is HUGE in scope. The trees are about 100 feet tall, and the sky seems very high up. The trees and undergrowth are thick and crowded—it’s full of life. As the Father and I walked down the path, I asked Him if there was anything He wanted to tell me or say to me, and He replied, “I just want to be with you.” Tears well up in my eyes, and I spot a bench where we can sit together. We’re joined by Jesus and Holy Spirit, and I lean into the Father. A shaft of misty light appears over me and comes into me, and I hear the words “A Glory Bath.” I l let it fill me and I pictured it bringing healing, restoration, and freedom to me. The Father shared this with us:
“If you will DRAW AWAY with Me, I will POSITION you for A GLORY BATH. This GLORY BATH will bring WHOLENESS, HEALING, STRENGTH, and FREEDOM to you. As you SOAK in this GLORY BATH and BREATHE it in, it will become PART OF YOU. You will become a GLORY CARRIER, and you will be able to IMPART it to others. You will RELEASE it into the atmosphere everywhere you go. It will TRANSFER to anyone you PRAY for. It will GO FORTH and PROPEL your DECREES and DECLARATIONS. Heaven is INTERACTING with the earth in GREAT POWER and LIGHT. Take the time to TURN ASIDE with Me and receive A GLORY BATH.”

Diana LArkin - THE SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT - September 13, 2024

Beguile: to deceive by cunning, charm, distracts you from what is real.
“The SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT has been UNLEASHED across your Land by a DESPERATE Jezebel spirit. She senses the coming EXPOSURE and DOOM to her REIGN over your Nation. This BEGUILING SPIRIT seems much more PLEASANT to listen to than the voice of WISDOM and TRUTH that is calling your Nation to ACCOUNT for ALLOWING UNRIGHTEOUSNESS to gain a HUGE FOOTHOLD due to the COMPLACENCY and CORRUPTION in My Church. The SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT promises GOOD THINGS and PLEASURES if you will just LAY DOWN your WEAPONS against her and IGNORE what lies beneath her carefully made up FACADE. Make no mistake, this is a SIREN SONG to further DEEPEN the SLEEP of those believing LIES and to try and CAPTURE battle-worn warriors with a FALSE SENSE of PEACE. Don’t get CAUGHT in this TRAP My PRECIOUS Army of Light. If you feel its PULL, RUSH into My arms and I will STRENGTHEN you, RENEW your RESOLVE to gain a COMPLETE VICTORY, and FILL you with REAL LOVE—not the COUNTERFEIT of a BEGUILING SPIRIT. Ask My Host to SEND OUT SHOCK WAVES against this BEGUILEMENT to BREAK IT WIDE OPEN and to EXPOSE it for what it is. DECLARE that BEGUILEMENT’S RAVENOUS DEATH FACE will be EXPOSED as HIDING UNDERNEATH the CUNNING, CHARMING MASK. Send My FIERY HOST to BURN UP the DECEPTIVE WEB that Jezebel is weaving. DECREE: BEGUILEMENT, you will BOW before WISDOM and TRUTH. My Host will do the HEAVY WARFARE in BREAKING UP the SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT in the atmosphere, but they are waiting to be SENT by you because I have given you this ASSIGNMENT and STRATEGY for BRINGING DOWN this LAST-DITCH TACTIC of a DYING EMPIRE. This SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT will be TORN DOWN and TRAMPLED under your feet. GO, Forces of Light, and OVERCOME the DARKNESS!”   

Diana Larkin - WHO’S KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR? - September 12, 2024

“You are experiencing some of the SHAKINGS that I have said will MARK this TRANSITION season of DARK TO LIGHT, but you know that there are MORE VIOLENT SHAKINGS to come in order to TEAR DOWN the ALTARS and PLATFORMS the darkness RULED from. I have told you that these SHAKINGS are to EXPOSE and DESTROY darkness, but the enemy will seek to BLOCK your WARFARE against him by sending FEAR KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR. DON’T OPEN THE DOOR TO FEAR! Let me give you this PRACTICAL TOOL against FEAR. When you sense it KNOCKING and trying to CREEP into your home and your thoughts, just ask Jesus to GET THE DOOR FOR YOU and to ABSORB the FEAR PACKAGE and SEND the dark messenger FLYING BACK to the darkness. Thank Jesus for TAKING the FEAR and then see yourself stepping into your GARDEN of COVENANT PROMISES—PROTECTION, PRESERVATION, PROVISION, and RESTORATION. Many HORRORS will be revealed that the ARROGANT, DEPRAVED ones carried out and have planned against the nations and your families. When TRAUMA and HEAVY GRIEF come KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR, DON’T ANSWER IT because it is TOO MUCH for you to BEAR. It must be DISCLOSED to AWAKEN the sleeping world and so a DETERMINATION will ARISE to NEVER ALLOW EVIL TO GO THIS FAR AGAIN. Jesus will GLADLY ANSWER THE DOOR when SHOCK, TRAUMA, and CRUSHING GRIEF KNOCK. He can CARRY your BURDEN, REFRESH your soul with His HEALING LOVE, and His PEACE will FLOOD your soul. I never want you BURDENED with these kinds of NEGATIVE EMOTIONS because they STEAL your PEACE, ROB your JOY, and make you an INEFFECTIVE warrior. BEWARE also of what people call being a ‘realist.’ This is looking at circumstances from a HUMAN VIEWPOINT without Me in the picture. It leads to ENDLESS FEARS, DOUBTS, and SPECULATIONS. It is what I call being DOUBLE-MINDED, and it will make the person UNSTABLE—up one day in faith and down the next day in doubt and fear. (JAMES 1:8) DON’T ANSWER THE DOOR TO MAN’S PERSPECTIVE. Instead, ask Jesus to FILTER everything you hear and see through His WISDOM, His MIGHT, and His PLANS. Always answer the door and WELCOME IN My PERSPECTIVE, My ANGELIC HELP, and My WARFARE STRATEGIES. Be aware of WHO’S KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR.”

Diana Larkin - HOLD IT OVER THEIR HEADS - September 11, 2024

“The TRUTH about what happened in your Nation on this date will be REVEALED. ALL OF IT. The TRUE ADVERSARIES of your Nation are NOT WITHOUT, THEY ARE WITHIN. Those partnered with darkness can SENSE that a FULL DISCLOSURE and REVELATION of what happened and WHO was involved is coming. They will DESPERATELY try to STOP this TRUTH from being SHOWN to the people because it will EXPOSE who they really are and the EVIL and DESTRUCTIVE WAYS they operate in. What I want you to do is to say to the darkness, ‘I am HOLDING THE UNCOVERING OF THIS EVIL SCHEME OVER YOUR HEADS. I DECLARE that it will be a DISTRACTION to you, that it will SOW FEAR into your heart, and that SELF-PRESERVATION will become your MAIN FOCUS.’ They have THREATENED you and DISTRACTED you with their FEAR MONGERING. I AM giving you a PROMISE of TRUTH being RELEASED—it’s NOT A THREAT, it’s a PROMISE—and I want you to HOLD IT OVER THEIR HEADS and watch the SCRAMBLING and DISUNITY WEAKEN and DIVIDE their camp. I will RELEASE the TRUTH at just the RIGHT MOMENT, so TRUST My TIMING. In the meanwhile, PRESS YOUR ADVANTAGE. I have told you the FUTURE, and I want you to HOLD IT OVER THEIR HEADS.”

Diana Larkin - LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM - September 10, 2024

“I AM the God of LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM. I AM the ONLY source of LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM. The enemy will COUNTERFEIT these realities with his CHEAP IMITATIONS. My LOVE GIVES to and SEES the VALUE in each person. The enemy substitutes LUST and an attitude of what’s in this for me? I GIVE and NURTURE LIFE while the enemy promotes SUCKING UP LIFE and USING people. Your FREE WILL is founded in My FREEDOM. FREEDOM to CHOOSE to love Me and to believe who I say I AM. The enemy’s COUNTERFEIT is CONFORMITY to a set of RULES or a lifestyle of LAWLESSNESS. CONFORMITY is the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT and LAWLESSNESS promotes GREED and SELF-GRATIFICATION. Either of these EXTREMES will keep you OUTSIDE of My LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM. On the side of conformity, you will be RIGID and INSIST everyone live according to your OUTWARD STANDARDS. LAWLESSNESS produces PREDATORS who USE people to GRATIFY their LUSTS. True love GIVES and RECEIVES, while the counterfeits cause STRIVING, COMPARISON, and DEVASTATION. Do you understand that the enemy’s counterfeits have an APPEARANCE of GOOD? Some of My Church lives under the religious spirit of CONFORMITY and you must meet their standards to be accepted. It is based in SELF-EFFORT and not in My true LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM. My freedom and life are SCARY to those BOUND by RULES. Lawlessness will promote itself as TOLERANCE and ACCEPTANCE, but its real foundation is SELFISHNESS and SELF-GRATIFICATION. DON’T SETTLE for or AGREE with the enemy’s COUNTERFEITS that lead to FRUITLESS LIVES and BONDAGE. Choose the ADVENTURE of My LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM. This is the path to a FRUITFUL life of FULFILLMENT and great JOY. You can TRUST My Spirit will LEAD you and GUIDE you on this path. He will help you LEAVE BEHIND SELFISH WAYS and CRUSHING RULES and enter My HEART. As you FOCUS on Me, you will BECOME LIKE Me in My LOVE, My LIFE, and My FREEDOM.”     

September 10, 2024

 ACTION ITEMS: Video A DAY OF DISASTER–FOR WHO? September 10, 2024


*How do we keep faith alive in the in=between time? Choose to draw near to Him remind yourself of His faithfulness, His promises, His great power, and His overwhelming love for you. Choose to believe that He will not let you down and that victory is sure. Worship Him, declare who He is when taunted with unanswered prayers. Declare that you will see the fulfillment of all He has promised because He is a faithful and powerful God who cherishes you. Declare that we will come out of the crucible of faith purified like gold and shining for Him.

*Fear will fall behind you and faith will arise when we decree and declare He had begun a New Day, evil will be vanquished, diseases will be healed, hearts will be brought home to His Kingdom, financial plenty be established, freedom, justice, and righteousness be restored as the foundation of my nation.

*The enemy will try to launch violence when they are brought down—do not tolerate violence! Take authority over the punk’s schemes and send His fire to burn up rebellion and violence. Release His backfire against their fires of violence and declare it will snuff out their flames. Release His perfect love as flaming arrows into these strongholds of fear and deception, to pierce their hearts, shatter their fears and deceptions, and to transform them. No freaking out over violence; instead, take authority over violence, and send love to still the work of the enemy.

*Whenever we hear another lie—every tall tale (tail) by the darkness, we are invited to pick up that donkey tail and pin it on them as a powerful prophetic action. Welcome truth and light to come flooding in and illuminate the pinned donkey.

*We need to learn right now to be good stewards of the finances we have been entrusted with. Be a giver and a saver and a disciplined spender. If you struggle with jealousy and resentment of what others have, you may have a generational spirit of poverty that needs to be dealt with by breaking its power and its cords and come out of agreement with continual lack and choose to believe in His goodness and His generosity. Ask Holy Spirit to search your heart for any wrong motives regarding wealth and to help you become someone He can entrust with wealth.

*Do not allow the enemy to feed you lies, to take anything from you, and do not put up with his destroying ways. Declare: I’m taking back what the enemy stole! No victories ever for the darkness; I’m taking back what the enemy stole!

*The enemy has passed the point of no return, and we can join forces with the Host in pushing the darkness over the edge into their destruction.

*Our prayers will back troops both in the physical and the natural realms at our borders. Declare: ‘You shall not breakthrough nor shall you cause a breech in our borders! Darkness fall back and be disarmed in the mighty name of Jesus!

* Army of Light, call in the SWIFT and POWERFUL RELEASE of His DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the evil empire. RELEASE His Special Forces Host who have been held back until this day to ENFORCE His DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the darkness. DECLARE this day as the day of DOUBLE JEOPARDY.

 Diana Larkin

A Watchman’s Journal 

Diana Larkin - DOUBLE JEOPARDY - September 9, 2024

Jeopardy: means in danger of being damaged or destroyed; danger of being convicted and punished for a crime.
“I put the darkness on NOTICE today: you have placed yourselves in a position of DOUBLE JEOPARDY. Your CORRUPTION, GREED, MURDER, and TREASON have placed you in JEOPARDY of being DAMAGED or DESTROYED. You committed these CRIMES against HUMANITY and then you tried to PIN these crimes onto those you saw as a THREAT to your EVIL EMPIRE. I AM TURNING those BOGUS CHARGES AROUND, and they will come against you in a FURY of CONVICTIONS and PUNISHMENTS. You were WARNED and WARNED, but you STUBBORNLY PERSISTED in serving self and the darkness. Now, darkness will be your DEAD END FUTURE. You have DOUBLED DOWN on your ATTEMPTS against My rightful leader and My Army of Light. This has placed you in a position of DOUBLE JEOPARDY, and your MADNESS and HATRED will DESTROY and CONVICT you. Army of Light, call in the SWIFT and POWERFUL RELEASE of My DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the evil empire. RELEASE My Special Forces Host who have been held back until this day to ENFORCE My DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the darkness. I AM DECLARING this day as the day of DOUBLE JEOPARDY.”
PSALM 9:16 (TPT) “Yahweh is famous for His justice. While the wicked are digging a pit for others, they are actually setting the terms of their own judgment. They will fall into their own pit.”

Robin Bullock - THIRD WARNING for END OF 2024 prophecy - September 8, 2024

I’ll tell you you never know what’s going to happen in a prophetic atmosphere. Pro prophecy and the prophetic deals in the future, constantly. The future is the breath you’re nourished from that’s where you get your nourishment is from tomorrow. Hallelujah. Hallelujah I have to read a couple of these prophetic words before we close today. This one, we must remember the God that founded our nation. This generation have we forgotten Him? We act as if God is our archaic, but he will still reign in this nation if asked to reign. So ask, while there’s still time. Time now there’s another issue. Time I can give you more of it or less of it if I reign, says the Lord. I can make it stand still. The time has come to scream. It’s enough, enough of the darkness enough of the absurd, enough of the ridiculous. Did you not know this time will pass, and all your evil schemes and plans will fail, and you will not even be remembered anymore. Then the Lord said this said this, you and the CIA, and the FBI, that do not do the right thing you will not be remembered by men but I will remember you says the Lord and I will reward you, says the Lord for your works you have committed. Remember that, and remember and you will remember that and you will remember what you’ve done. But if you do good works he said I will reward you for that also. So do right. Then the Lord says these words will there be a cannon that fires? Nay says the Lord but I will fire a cannon, watch me. Canon you’re fired, says the Lord. You’re Fired. Will there be a riot that changes nay, says the Lord. But I will change the riot, says the Lord.

Now I say this to the rider of the horse at the Paris Olympics, You challenged me in these games. Well they are games, games that you will lose. For I saw you says the king. I was there when you dare to take the loop off of the corral post and bring that horse out. Your horse will never outrun mine. And you will never ride until I say it’s time. For you dared to bring a mockery of the body of Christ and to mock my people and to mock what I’ve done onto the world Stage. Well remember that day for this day I remember what you did for the memory that came up in my mind at what you did in the Paris Olympics will now be visited upon your bed and your sleep. For things peace, peace will not be there and you will see that I am the Lord. Do not mock, do not mock My Sacrifice, and do not mock the things that I’ve set forth to save your soul from Hell. For now hell calls you hell calls you and hell calls for world leaders that would dare loose the rope on the corral of the white horse. For I saw you when you opened the gate, and I was standing there when you saddled that horse, and I was there when you brought the bull into London. I was there I saw it all, and I remember you today. Today you’ve come up into the mind of the Almighty. Remember these things and think on these things. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, Hallelujah

The word of the Lord is this. Listen closely. It is not me you say my denomination will protect me and make my decisions. Your denomination, says the Lord. I knew the founders of your denominations. He said I knew them, and you are an abomination to their ideas and Revelations. You have adopted your own. You say you follow Martin Luther, you say you follow John Wesley, but nay you do not. For they would never have done what you do nor would they allow what you allow. So come off your high horse and settle down until you are willing to remove these abominations from your bull pit you will not prosper neither can you. You have become afraid of sin, you are afraid to speak up against it. You are afraid they will destroy you. Well hear the word of the Lord as I told Jeremiah be not afraid of their faces but only speak I will be with you. This is one of the series of words given to the stiff necked pastors of the year 2024. Hallelujah good is the word of the lord we esteem the word of the Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah

Well these things are strong absolutely they are because we’re at the time of the turning of destiny. This is a turning point in Destiny an inflection point of time and God intends to win it. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah …

Diana Larkin - TAKING BACK WHAT THE ENEMY STOLE - September 8, 2024

ROMANS 8:37 (TPT) “Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!”
“The enemy is a LIAR, a THIEF, and a DESTROYER. DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO FEED YOU LIES; DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO TAKE ANYTHING FROM YOU, AND DO NOT PUT UP WITH HIS DESTROYING WAYS. I want you to declare: ‘I’M TAKING BACK WHAT THE ENEMY STOLE!’ Do not RECEIVE or AGREE with the DOUBTS the enemy tries to SOW into your thinking. His AIM is to WEAKEN your FAITH and STEAL your VICTORY. DO NOT AGREE WITH ENEMY LIES! That is why what you BELIEVE about Me is the MOST IMPORTANT WEAPON in your arsenal. I will REVEAL to you who I AM as you read My WORD, WORSHIP Me, and FELLOWSHIP DEEPLY with Me in a CLOSE-HEART CONNECTION that HEARS My VOICE. I want to SPEAK to you, and I LONG to have you KNOW Me like I KNOW and CHERISH you. When you know My heart, the enemy’s LIES and SCHEMES will SHOW UP as DARKNESS that you should REJECT. Wherever the enemy has LIED, STOLEN, or DESTROYED in your GENERATIONS, you can DEMAND that it be RETURNED. NO VICTORIES EVER FOR THE DARKNESS! TAKE BACK WHAT THE ENEMY STOLE!”
Lyrics “TAKE IT ALL BACK” by Tauren Wells
‘Cause the liar comes to rob my joy. Yeah, I’m bruised but I’m not destroyed. I’m rising like an army and you’re gonna hear the sound. I’m calling the Angels down. I’m storming the gates of hell. Tell the devil he don’t own my soul. I’m taking back what the enemy stole. I’m raising the battle cry. I’m holding the banner high. With the power of the Holy Ghost, I’m taking back what the enemy stole. You can’t speak your lies over my family, no you can’t break the promises that I’m standing on. Ain’t gotta flex to put you back in your place now, one name is all I gotta say ‘Jesus.’ I’m taking back what the enemy stole.

Diana Larkin - HOW WILL YOU HANDLE WEALTH? - September 7, 2024

“HOW WILL YOU HANDLE THE WEALTH that FLOWS to you when the TRANSFER happens from the WICKED to the RIGHTEOUS? I want you to ENJOY the WEALTH, and I want you to experience the FREEDOM of being DEBT-FREE—that is owing no man anything. However, I want you to realize that this JOY and FREEDOM will be SHORT-LIVED if you have not learned to be a GOOD STEWARD of what you have now. Are you a GIVER and a SAVER? Or are you always SPENDING BEYOND what you have been entrusted with? Are you JEALOUS and RESENTFUL of others who always seem to have MORE than you do? You may have a SPIRIT of POVERTY over you and your generations that needs to be BROKEN, and you must come OUT of AGREEMENT with CONTINUAL LACK and CHOOSE to BELIEVE I AM a GOOD and GENEROUS PROVIDER. GRUMBLING and RESENTMENT will NOT ATTRACT My PROVISION but THANKFULNESS and FAITH in My GOODNESS will. You may be going through a SEASON of LACK as a TESTING and TRAINING GROUND for a FUTURE WEALTH TRANSFER. Do you maintain a GRATEFUL HEART and a FAITH EXPECTANCY that I will COME THROUGH for you? It you FIX your EYES on WEALTH instead of on Me, it can become a STUMBLING BLOCK in your life. You will be a STINGY GIVER and you’ll begin to live BEYOND what you have been entrusted with and will find yourself IN DEBT AGAIN. Ask Holy Spirit to SEARCH YOUR HEART for any WRONG MOTIVES regarding WEALTH and to help you become someone I can ENTRUST with WEALTH. Kingdom finances are built on JOY, THANKSGIVING, GIVING, and SHARING. It will CREATE a CYCLE of BLESSING in your family and in your nations. Now is the time to ask yourself, ‘HOW WILL I HANDLE WEALTH?’”

Diana Larkin - THE DAY OF DISASTER - September 6, 2024

“The darkness has a DAY OF DISASTER planned for you. Their DARK and DESPERATE HEARTS are planning on a day of great CHAOS, CONFUSION, and DESTRUCTION for you. They believe that NOTHING can stand in the way of them launching this scheme, and they are actually EXCITED and LOOKING FORWARD to causing all of you so much FEAR, DEATH, and WIDESPREAD DESTRUCTION. They are so FOCUSED on SAVING THEMSELVES that they did not notice that I have RISEN from My Throne. When they release their DAY OF DISASTER, I will be STANDING IN ITS PATH TO BLOCK IT FROM REACHING YOU. I will FLIP IT around, and FLING IT back in their SHOCKED FACES. What they planned for you will COME BACK to them FULL FORCE and FULLY ARMED. IT WILL BE THEIR DAY OF DISASTER. They expected the world to NEVER RECOVER from this UGLY and DEADLY PLAN, but it is they who will NEVER RECOVER. They will LOSE IT ALL, and you will WIN IT ALL. You have NO NEED TO FEAR ANY THREAT that arises because I AM your DREAD CHAMPION, and I will DELIVER you completely. You have My PROMISE that it WILL NOT BE A DAY OF DISASTER FOR YOU, but it will be a DAY OF DISASTER for the darkness. This will be the LAST DEATH AGENDA they attempt to launch because I AM STEPPING IN, and I say they are DONE, they are FINISHED, they are TOAST. You will ARISE and SHINE in the SON-LIGHT of the NEW DAWN. Look to Me and let your heart BE AT PEACE.”

Diana Larkin - A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED - September 5. 2024

“Circumstances in your life and in your nation may not look like it at this moment, but I AM telling you that A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED. This NEW DAY has begun in your spirit, as you TURNED your face into the WIND of My PROMISES, and you have ALIGNED your heart with My heart, and you have chosen to BELIEVE My WORDS and My FAITHFULNESS. As you DAILY BREATHE IN My PROMISES, you are STRENGTHENED to FIGHT another day. The WIND of My Spirit carries the SCENT of VICTORY and REWARD, and you BREATH IT IN anytime you feel WEAK or DOUBTS try to creep in. Are symptoms and circumstances trying to PULL you into the QUAGMIRE of FEAR? BREATHE IN My PRESENCE and ask Me to TUNE your heart to HEAVEN’S FREQUENCIES. You will find FAITH ARISING and FEAR FALLING BEHIND you, as you PARTNER with Me in DECREES and DECLARATIONS and in REPEATING My PROMISES of A NEW DAY when evil is VANQUISHED, diseases HEALED, hearts brought HOME to My Kingdom, financial PLENTY ESTABLISHED, freedom, justice, and righteousness are RESTORED as the FOUNDATION of your nation. A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED—choose to LIVE IN IT BY FAITH RIGHT NOW. The darkness is being CONQUERED by the NEW DAWN and soon you will live in the FULL LIGHT of My SON-SHINE.”
MATTHEW 4:16 (TPT) “You who spend your days shrouded in darkness can now say, ‘We have seen a brilliant light.’ And those who live in the dark shadow land of death can now say, ‘The Dawning Light arises on us.’”

Diana Larkin - THE IN-BETWEEN TIME - September 4, 2024

“How do you NAVIGATE this IN-BETWEEN TIME—the time between the WAR SEASON and the DAWNING of the KINGDOM AGE? You have TASTED the FREEDOM and you have caught GLIMPSES of the GOOD FUTURE that awaits you in the Kingdom Age. But, right now, most everything in your life and your nation look the OPPOSITE of that PROMISED FULFILLMENT. Many are struggling with HEALTH ISSUES brought on by the schemes of the darkness to STEAL LIFE and FRUITFULNESS. Your VOICES speaking TRUTH are being CENSORED and RIDICULED. You are experiencing PERSECUTION from the darkness and from those still ASLEEP to the evil around them because you have BELIEVED My PROMISES of a RESCUE, a RETURN of My chosen leader, and the DAWNING of the Kingdom Age. The FINANCIAL MESS the darkness has created is real, and there are no human solutions to all the DAMAGE the darkness has done in your world. But I have promised you a MERGING of Heaven’s RESOURCES and ARMY with you, the Army of Light. How do you KEEP FAITH ALIVE in this IN-BETWEEN TIME? This is your PERSONAL CRUCIBLE of FAITH. You must CHOOSE to DRAW NEAR to Me, to REMIND yourself of My FAITHFULNESS, My PROMISES, My GREAT POWER, and My OVERWHELMING LOVE for you. Choose to BELIEVE that I will NOT LET YOU DOWN and that the VICTORY over the darkness is SURE. WORSHIP Me and DECLARE who I AM when the enemy TAUNTS you with what LOOK LIKE UNANSWERED PRAYERS. DECLARE to that taunting voice that you WILL SEE THE FULFILLMENT of ALL I have promised because I AM a FAITHFUL and POWERFUL God who CHERISHES you. Let your FAITH be PURIFIED in the CRUCIBLE of this IN-BETWEEN TIME. TRUMPH is on its way!”

Diana Larkin - THE HARMONY OF HEAVEN - September 3, 2024

“Are you in TUNE with THE HARMONY OF HEAVEN? In Heaven, there is no FEAR, no ANXIETY, no FRUSTRATION, no OFFENSE, and no STRIVING. If you experience these emotions and ALLOW them to RULE your thoughts, you will NOT be part of Heaven’s BEAUTIFUL SYMPHONY of PEACE, JOY, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Out of PEACE comes great STRENGTH, and you can face any THREAT or PROBLEM knowing that He is FOR you and WITH you and that He is MIGHTY to SAVE and MIGHTY to DELIVER. The JOY of the Lord keeps you in AWE of your SALVATION. As you look back and remember all He has DELIVERED your from, your CONFIDENCE GROWS that He is ABLE to DELIVER and KEEP you no matter what the enemy throws at you. My RIGHTEOUSNESS is NOT RIGID, UNREACHABLE ways of living. It’s NOT RULES—it’s a RELATIONSHIP founded in the FREEDOM that Jesus WON for you. Righteousness is the FOUNDATION of THE HARMONY OF HEAVEN. It is a SONG of FREEDOM from the voices of FALSE COMFORTERS who only satisfy in the MOMENT and then result in the DISHARMONY of REGRET and SHAME. Righteousness must be founded on KNOWING how much I LOVE you and how much you LOVE Me. Righteousness is based in HONORING our LOVE relationship and not allowing the DISHARMONY of OFFENSE or FALSE COMFORTERS to INTRUDE in your heart and mind. Ask Me to TUNE you to Heaven’s FREQUENCIES, which is the FREQUENCY of My heart; and you will find that you are living in PEACE, JOY, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Your life will SING OUT with THE HARMONY OF HEAVEN.”

BOWLS OF GLORY, BOWLS OF WRATH - Diana Larkin - September 2, 2024

This word began with an encounter in Heaven. I began smelling a smokey fragrance and found myself in what seemed to be a smaller chamber in Heaven with an altar. The room was full of bowls. I saw bowls filled with golden liquid being poured out on the USA, and it was lighting glory fires all over the Land. I then saw bowls of blood—bowls of God’s wrath being poured on government officials, and they were no more.
“The PRAYERS and WORSHIP of My Army of Light have FILLED THE BOWLS of Heaven. They are beginning to be POURED OUT on the earth. The PURE LIQUID GOLD in these bowls of GLORY will LIGHT FIRES of HUNGER for Me, REPENTANCE and CLEANSING through the Blood of My Son, and Holy Spirit’s ANOINTING of POWER. My GLORY FIRES will open your eyes to the AUTHORITY you walk in as a Son or Daughter of the King. My GLORY FIRES PURIFY your MOTIVES and ENLARGE your heart to LOVE like I love. Your CRIES for EVIL and DECEPTION to be REMOVED from your Land and for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to be RESTORED as its FOUNDATION, have FILLED the BOWLS OF WRATH in Heaven, and they are TIPPING OUT on those partnered with darkness. They will be REMOVED, and you will SEE THEM NO MORE. In FAITH, you have continued to DECREE and DECLARE that My Kingdom would COME on the earth as it is in Heaven. You will see all those prayers that you released in FAITH result in MANIFESTATIONS of My GLORY and My JUDGMENT. As you have been FAITHFUL to Me, so I will be FAITHFUL to you, and you will see BOWLS OF GLORY and BOWLS OF WRATH POURED OUT ON THE EARTH.” 

Diana Larkin - THE DIVIDE DEEPENS - September 1, 2024

“THE DIVIDE DEEPENS between the darkness and the Light. Every day the EXPOSURES of who the DEEP DARKNESS really is and who the LIGHT really is are COMING INTO VIEW. Even the MOST DECEIVED are beginning to feel UNEASY about what is being UNCOVERED. They are beginning to ask, ‘What have I been SUPPORTING?’ The voices of TRUTH-TELLERS of the Light are beginning to be HEARD by more people, as it becomes OBVIOUS the MSM has been LYING and COVERING UP for the darkness. Your PRAYERS and your WARFARE are causing the DIVIDE TO DEEPEN between the darkness and the Light, and they are also causing the DIVIDE TO DEEPEN in the camp of the enemy. Where once there was BLIND UNITY, there is now DIVISION in who to support as PUPPET LEADERS, and a CIVIL WAR in their ranks is becoming OBVIOUS, as some are PROPPING UP certain people while others are openly CRITICIZING them. It’s kind of like experiencing WHIPLASH in the news every day. I AM ALLOWING a DIVIDE TO DEEPEN in the Light between those who believe I AM still a SUPERNATURAL God and those who see Me as WORDS on a page and OUTWARD CONFORMITY to their idea of a Christian life. It is STALE, LIFELESS, and it ATTACKS the FREEDOM that Jesus won for you. I AM EXPOSING the SIN that has not been dealt with in the HEARTS of those wearing a FACADE of holiness, and it will bring about a realization of the NEED to really KNOW My SUPERNATURAL POWER to TRANSFORM the heart. This DIVIDE will be HEALED when I come and RESCUE your Nation in a POWERFUL, SUPERNATURAL way, and there will be NO DENYING My Kingdom REALITY that is coming to earth. Those who STUBBORNLY REFUSE to come out of the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT, will be SET ASIDE. My POWER and My GLORY will FILL the Land, and the DEEP DIVIDE in those of the Light will be HEALED. The DEEP DIVIDE in the darkness will continue to WIDEN until they SPLIT APART and ALL IS LOST. Continue your WARFARE against the darkness and continue to DECLARE that the Light will receive the REVELATION of who I AM and come into UNITY around that REVELATION.” 

Diana Larkin - A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER - August 31, 2024

“Get ready for A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER. Things will be BREAKING OUT on every side—EXPLOSIONS of My KINGDOM POWER and DESPERATE MOVES by the empire of DECEPTION. You will see those partnered with darkness SPEW OUT more THREATS against your freedoms, try to pass more TYRANNICAL LAWS to CONTROL you, and FRANTICALLY try to keep a GRIP on the narrative by more and more LIES and DECEPTIONS. Their WEB of LIES will become so TANGLED that they will work themselves into a CORNER with NO WAY OUT. Oh, wait! That’s what they were trying to do to the Light—PUSH IT into a place of being SILENCED and CONTROLLED with no way of escape. Remember that what they planned to do to you will COME BACK upon them. The DARK FUTURE they planned for you will become their DEAD END FUTURE. Do not be ANXIOUS or FEARFUL about their DESPERATE MOVES to INTIMIDATE and CONTROL you. Instead, realize it is their LAST ATTEMPTS to hold onto POWER, and it will only lead to the OCTOBER RUCKUS where the people ARISE and say, ‘No more!’ Meanwhile, My Sons and Daughters will be DISPLAYING My Kingdom power to SAVE, HEAL, and DELIVER. MIRACLES of HEALING, PROVISION, and RESTORATION will BREAK OUT. This will FRUSTRATE and ANGER the darkness because they thought their plans to make you SICK, POOR, and LOSERS would PREVAIL. Begin to LAUGH at the CLUMSY attempts of the darkness to keep up the FACADE that they are the GOOD GUYS who want to HELP you. It’s going to become  OBVIOUS that they are LYING through their teeth. FOCUS on our SUPERIOR POWER as the Forces of Light and WELCOME the SUPERNATURAL BREAKOUTS of My Kingdom power. This will be A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER.”

Diana Larkin - THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART - August 30, 2024

“TUNE INTO THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART. I will SIGNAL to you that I want to DRAW NEAR and to FELLOWSHIP with you, that I want to SHARE My HEART with you, and that I want to GIVE you STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS or CORRECTIONS. When a SOUND, a SMELL, a FEELING comes to your ATTENTION, it is Me SIGNALING to you My DESIRE to have you COME INTO My PRESENCE so that I can DRAW you into an INTIMATE place in My heart. As you FOCUS your attention on Me, you will receive My DEEP LOVE that SATISFIES every DESIRE of your heart. I will give you CREATIVE IDEAS and HELP in solving problems. I will disclose DIVINE INTEL to keep you SAFE and to cause you to PROSPER. I have so much to offer you if you will just learn to be SENSITIVE to THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART. Don’t WASTE TIME being FRUSTRATED or FEARFUL. I will show you SOLUTIONS to frustrating problems if you will RESPOND to My NUDGE to seek Me and My WISDOM. If you will DRAW NEAR to Me when you are FEARFUL, I will show you that your MOUNTAIN OF FEAR is really a MOLEHILL in My MIGHTY POWER. The more you learn to TUNE INTO THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART, the more PEACE and REST will fill your life and STRIFE and ANXIETY will DISAPPEAR. Ask Holy Spirit to make you SUPER-SENSITIVE to THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART, and you will be on the path of Divine UNION with Me that will give your life PURPOSE, GRACE, and DEEP REST.”

Diana Larkin - IT WILL OVERTAKE YOU -0 August 29, 2024

This word began with a dream I had on August 28, 2024. I was in the upper story of an older hotel type building. I stuck my head out of the window and turned my head to see a lovely rainbow arching over the huge mountain in back of the hotel. The main color I remember seeing was lavender.
Interpretation: “A Rainbow Overtaking Me” I have “stuck my neck out” spiritually in believing God’s promises for this season, and He is assuring me that His promises and His covenant blessings will overtake me. Usually things behind you in a dream would represent the past, but in this case, they speak of being overtaken by His goodness. Meaning of color lavender: it’s a combination of purple (royalty, covenant) and white (purity); it is Holy Spirit breathing into the earth new beginnings in the steadfast love of holiness; it is loving removal of impurities, and blessings of impartation.
“You have been WATCHING and WAITING for My PROMISES to come to you, but I tell you that SUDDENLY, they WILL OVERTAKE YOU. All the HARDSHIPS, LOSSES, and WARFARE will all be WORTH IT when My BLESSINGS OVERTAKE YOU. My promises will CROWN your life with My GOODNESS, My PURITY, and My COVENANT PROMISES. You will LACK NOTHING, and you will have PLENTY to SHARE with those who DID NOT BELIEVE My prophets but CLUNG to the TRADITIONS and DOCTRINES of men. When they see the WONDER of what WILL OVERTAKE YOU, they will be AWAKENED to FAITH in a LIVING, SUPERNATURAL God. I will SURPRISE them with My LOVE and My GOODNESS, and they will JOYFULLY PURSUE My HEART and My WAYS. Because you have STAYED on the BATTLEFRONT with Me and have not turned back and because you BELIEVED My promises of a RESCUE and the DAWNING of the KINGDOM AGE, your REWARDS will be GREAT. My blessings will be FULL and AMAZING but with My PURITY on them so that they do not cause GREED or HOARDING. As you are FREELY BLESSED, you will FREELY GIVE, and the CYCLE of BLESSING will be established. The Kingdom Age will be ushered in as My BLESSINGS OVERTAKE YOU.” 

Diana Larkin - DARKNESS IS EXTINGUISHED - August 28, 2024

“I spoke to you about the TIME OF EXPANSION of both the DARK and the LIGHT. I will ALLOW the darkness to FLAME UP in a SEEMING GREAT DISPLAY of DESTRUCTIVE POWER. Those who do not REALLY KNOW Me will be TERRIFIED. But NOT YOU, Army of Light. You know that I AM ALLOWING the darkness to FULLY EXPOSE themselves so that there is NO DOUBT about their EVIL PLANS, DARKENED HEARTS, and SELFISH GREED. Who serves the darkness and who serves the Light will be OUT IN THE OPEN FOR ALL TO SEE. The VOICE and POWER of Leviathan media will be COMPLETELY BROKEN because it will be REVEALED that they were the MOUTHPIECE of the darkness, spreading LIES and FEAR in order to CONTROL the masses. GREAT WILL BE THEIR FALL. As you see the evil plans of the darkness EXPLODE in a HUGE FLAME, know that I have given My Forces of Light the POWER and AUTHORITY to EXTINGUISH THE DARKNESS. When you see that SCARY FLAME fill the skies, TAKE AUTHORITY over that DARK FIRE and BIND its POWER to cause DESTRUCTION and FEAR. You have been given a FIREHOSE of POWER. AIM it at the FIRE and say, ‘The FLOOD of the River of Life is being POURED on you.’ We say, ‘The DARKNESS IS EXTINGUISHED!’ Watch, as the FLAMES DIE DOWN and only the ASHES of the evil empire will remain, and I will SCATTER these ASHES with the BREATH of My mouth. You will look around with WONDER and THANKSGIVING, and you will declare, ‘THE DARKNESS IS EXTINGUISHED!’

Diana Larkin - FOOLHARDY DECISIONS - August 27, 2024

Foolhardy: unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger.
“The enemy camp has spent years ASSESSING the MINDSETS of the people. They have STRATEGICALLY LAUNCHED LIES and DISINFORMATION that have convinced people to GIVE UP their RIGHTS and FREEDOMS in order to be ‘protected.’ Of course, the IRONY is that those who proclaim they want to ‘protect’ you are the VERY ONES trying to DESTROY you. It is time for My Army of Light to become STRATEGIC. The time is RIPE for you to ASSESS the TEMPERATURE of the enemy’s camp. Where once they were FOCUSED and UNIFIED in their purpose to SUBJUGATE and CONTROL the masses, they have become DOUBLE-MINDED. One minute their ARROGANT PRIDE asserts itself, and they are sure their DARK, DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES will bring you under their CONTROL. The next, they realize that everything around them is SHAKING and THREATENING to PULL APART at the seams. What they fear most—THEIR EXPOSURE—is BREATHING DOWN their necks and THREATENING to DESTROY their GREEDY, SELF-FOCUSED LIVES. Now, it is TIME for you to SOW FOOLHARDY DECISIONS into the camp of the enemy. Ask My Host to make the BAIT of FOOLHARDY DECISIONS IRRESISTIBLE to the CONFLICTED DARKNESS. Ask My Angels to WHISPER SUGGESTIONS into the enemy’s camp that make FOOLHARDY DECISIONS very APPEALING. Send ARROWS of FEAR of the FUTURE, FEAR of FAILURE, FEAR of LOSS into the enemy’s camp. These are the ARROWS they shot at you, but you are sending these ARROWS as BOOMERANGS back into their camp. RISING FEAR will set the stage for FOOLHARDY DECISIONS that will result in their COMPLETE EXPOSURE and DOWNFALL. This is your STRATEGIC WEAPON to LAUNCH into the enemy’s camp: FOOLHARDY DECISIONS.”

Diana Lrkin - TIMES OF EXPANSION - August 26, 2024

“As you move into the last months of this year, you will find that they are TIMES OF EXPANSION. There will be an EXPANDING of the DARKNESS as they grow more DESPERATE and more AGGRESSIVE. I AM ALLOWING this EXPANSION of the DARKNESS because it will FULLY EXPOSE their CORRUPTION, TREACHERY, and EVIL GRAB for POWER. At the same time that the darkness is EXPOSING itself, My KINGDOM of LIGHT will be EXPANDING through you and My Angel and Host Armies, as you join together as the FORCES of LIGHT. My Kingdom will no longer be SHUT IN a building, but it will be BREAKING OUT ALL OVER in SIGNS, WONDERS, MIRACLES, and SALVATIONS. The BLIND will SEE, the DEAF will HEAR, the SICK will be made WELL. Those CAPTURED by DEMONS will be SET FREE and those held HOSTAGE to IDENTITY STEALING LIES will be LOOSED. These TIMES OF EXPANSION will SHOWCASE both the DARK and the LIGHT, and who they really REPRESENT will become INCREASINGLY CLEAR. The enemy will be SEEN LAUNCHING ATTACKS, and it will become CLEAR that they are trying to cause FEAR in order to CONTROL the people. Because My Kingdom of Light is EXPANDING as well, more people will AWAKEN from their HYPNOSIS to the LIES, and they will be able to SEE how they were FOOLED, and they will GLADLY come to My LIGHT and My LOVE. Which Kingdom will ECLIPSE the other? Look to nature that I DESIGNED and CREATED. An ECLIPSE of darkness will seem to have WON over the LIGHT, but they will not be able to MAINTAIN that position. They will be FORCED to MOVE by My Mighty Right Hand, and the Light will no longer be ECLIPSED but will SHINE THROUGH the darkness and EXPAND into the FULL LIGHT of My DAY. The day of My RESCUE and the DAWNING of My KINGDOM AGE will be the END of the EXPANSION of DARKNESS and the BRILLIANT BEGINNING of the FOREVER EXPANSION of the LIGHT.” 

Diana Larkin - OCTOBER RUCKUS - August 25, 2024

Ruckus: a noisy fight or disturbance, a commotion in which many people are angry or upset.
“There will be a BUILD-UP of events in September that will lead to an OCTOBER RUCKUS. Those partnered with Me will become MORE UNIFIED in their fight to RESTORE LIGHT and JUSTICE to your Land. Those serving darkness will continue their SLIDE into CHAOS, as DESPERATE and ABRUPT MOVES are made to try and SAVE their POWER POSITIONS and to STOP the EXPOSURES of their evil. It will become more and more OBVIOUS that they are FOCUSED on trying to PRESERVE their PERSONAL DYNASTIES and that will DISPROVE their HIGH-MINDED public statements about being for the people and for ‘democracy.’ The IN-FIGHTING and RECKLESS MOVES to PRESERVE POWER will result in an OCTOBER RUCKUS BREAKING OUT among those who have been LIED to, ABUSED, and USED by POWER-HUNGRY, CORRUPT leaders. There will be an OCTOBER RUCKUS in NEWSROOMS, as it begins to DAWN on them that they were convinced to COMPROMISE their INTEGRITY for a BOGUS CAUSE. BITTER PILLS will be taken in October, and the result will be an OCTOBER RUCKUS. This will be DEVASTATING to the darkness as that UNSEEN, POWERFUL MAGNET (held by My hand) PULLS them to the PRECIPICE of DESTRUCTION. They will feel the PANIC, FEAR, and SHEER TERROR that they wanted you to experience, as they try to unload all their DEATH AGENDAS against you. Here is how I’d like you to partner with Me: SOW more CHAOS and CONFUSION into the enemy’s camp, SOW DIVISION and SELF-PRESERVATION into their midst, CALL FORTH the BUILD-UP to the OCTOBER RUCKUS; DECLARE that many more BLIND EYES will be OPENED to the LIES and TREACHERY from CORRUPT leaders. DECLARE that the Army of Light will become MORE FOCUSED and MORE UNIFIED around TRUTH, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. PRAY that the BITTER PILLS of TRUTH and EXPOSURE coming out in the next few months would result in MANY TURNING to the LIGHT, finding their ANCHOR in Me, and JOINING the ranks of the Army of Light. Watch for it and call it in—the OCTOBER RUCKUS.” 

Diana Larkin - FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES - August 24, 2024

“The LYING media is going to OUTDO itself in the days ahead. In order to KEEP UP the FACADE that they have a VIABLE CANDIDATE for the highest office and the SMOKESCREEN that those who serve darkness are GOOD people who want to HELP you, they will be forced to CREATE more LYING NARRATIVES. They will try to SPIN more stories and then because TRUTH keeps inconveniently poking its head out of the smokescreen, they will have to SPIN their SPIN. Each NARRATIVE, each SPIN, and each LIE will be added to the growing FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES. It will be INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT to SILENCE or NEGATE the GROWING number of TRUTH TELLERS. Oh no! They are POPPING UP all over! Don’t be ALARMED when LYING poll numbers come out. They will become so FANTASTICALLY UNREAL that the realization will grow in even those on the fence that these are FAKE numbers. Only the MOST DECEIVED will CLING to the LIES, and their commentary will become increasingly IRRATIONAL. SUDDENLY, ONE THREAD of the FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES will be BROKEN, and the WHOLE WEB will COLLAPSE in on itself. Don’t FRET as I ALLOW the LIARS to EXPOSE themselves. Just continue to DECLARE: EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE, and My Host will GO FORTH to UNCOVER the TRUTH and to EMPOWER many to SPEAK the TRUTH. There is a Seraphim who carries a large GOLDEN PAIR of SCISSORS and at just the right moment, he will SNIP that THREAD of the FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES and the IMPLOSION will be GREAT. LIES and LYING LEADERS will land in a HEAP, never to RISE again, as the FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES FALLS DOWN.” 

Diana Larkin - HOW WILL UNITY COME? - August 23, 2024

“Does UNITY in the Body of Christ seem like an IMPOSSIBLE GOAL? How do you UNIFY with the part of the Body who does not believe that the GIFTS and the SUPERNATURAL operate any longer? How do you UNIFY with those clinging to DOOM and GLOOM end times teachings instead of the WONDERFUL revelations of the KINGDOM AGE? Remember that I AM the God of the IMPOSSIBLE, and I AM able to bring about UNITY based in the FULL REVELATION of My CHARACTER, My WAYS, and My WORD. UNITY is POWERFUL, but calls for it across the whole Body of Christ are PREMATURE at the present time. I will PROVIDE groups for you that you can be in UNITY with for now until I ORCHESTRATE Body-wide UNITY. It is important that you DO NOT look down on those who have not, as yet, received the REVELATIONS you are walking in. Remember that you didn’t always have these revelations, and having someone CRITICIZE and JUDGE you because of your LACK of knowledge is not helpful and will only cause DEEPER DIVISIONS. Instead of CRITICIZING, PRAY that you and My whole Body will come into the FULLNESS of ALL the REVELATIONS that I AM UNCOVERING in this beautiful Kingdom Age. One of the biggest CATALYSTS for UNITY in My Body will be the coming CRUCIBLE for your Nation. The SHAKINGS and DISCLOSURES will REMOVE the FACADE of the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT, and people will not be able to DENY My SUPERNATURAL HAND bringing DELIVERANCE to your Land. The CRUCIBLE will BURN UP EVIL and PHILOSOPHIES of MAN that have CREPT into your society and the Church. If you have kept BRIDGES OPEN to those who thought you were DECEIVED in believing that I still SPOKE to My people and MOVED in SUPERNATURAL ways, then you will be able to meet them with LOVE and HUMILITY and WELCOME them into My KINGDOM AGE of REVELATION, LIGHT, PEACE, and PLENTY. Man cannot bring about UNITY but rest assured that I AM ABLE to bring it about as you STAY in LOVE and HUMILITY.”

Diana Larkin - DO YOU LONG TO KNOW ME? - August 22, 2024

“I know EVERYTHING about you. I know every INTRICATE cell that makes up your body. I know the THOUGHTS of your mind, and the MOVEMENTS of your heart. I AM DEEPLY ENTWINED with your spirit because the Blood of My Son made your spirit HOLY so that I could DWELL there. I SEE you, I KNOW every part of you, and I LOVE and I TREASURE the way that I have made you. You DELIGHT Me and when you DRAW NEAR, My heart SWELLS with JOY. DO YOU LONG TO KNOW ME? I want you to DISCOVER the DEPTHS of My LOVE and the WONDERFUL PLANS that I have for your life. When you are FEARFUL, FRUSTRATED, or ANGRY, I want you to come to Me because I have PROTECTION, SOLUTIONS, and COMFORT for you. When you are LONELY, SAD, BROKEN, I want to be your FRIEND, your JOY, your HEALER. There is NOTHING you need to HIDE from Me—I already know all about it. I know what TRAPS the enemy laid to ENSNARE you in SIN PATTERNS, and I AM your DELIVERER and TRANSFORMER. I desire a REAL RELATIONSHIP with you and that requires you SPENDING TIME with Me, TALKING with Me, and HEARING My VOICE back to you, READING My Word and asking QUESTIONS about what you are reading, EXPRESSING your love to Me in WORDS, PRAYERS, and WORSHIP. It is SHARING your JOYS and your SORROWS with Me. It is learning that I really am a GOOD, GOOD FATHER and that you can COMPLETELY TRUST Me and My PROMISES to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to STIR UP your PASSION to REALLY KNOW Me as I know you. FRIENDS FOREVER!”

Diana Larkin - EYE HAS NOT SEEN - August 21, 2024

This morning I smelled the unusual fragrance again (like an incense smell) and found myself outside the door to the Hidden Treasures Room. I saw the shelves of beautiful gemstones and then headed down a dimly lit hallway. As I walked through, it activated stones of fire that were in little square cubbies on the wall, and they went from a dim glow to a bright light that cast rainbows dancing around the hallway—breathtaking! Oh the possibilities for energy on the earth! I love my amazing Creator!
“EYE HAS NOT SEEN nor have you IMAGINED the AMAZING DISCOVERIES that are just ahead in the REVEALING of the Kingdom Age. I have HIDDEN many TREASURES of LIGHT and ENERGY from mankind because of the EVIL that was allowed to RULE in your midst. The darkness would have HOARDED these discoveries and made you pay EXORBITANTLY for them. These TREASURES of LIGHT and ENERGY are ABUNDANT and can be HARNESSED for very little cost. They will REVOLUTIONIZE your POWER GRIDS, your MEDICAL FIELD, and all INDUSTRY and BUILDING. Some of these TREASURES of LIGHT and ENERGY were known in ancient times—think the construction of the pyramids—but I allowed this knowledge to be LOST and BURIED because of the RISING EVIL. Part of the REWARD for My FAITHFUL Army of Light will be to DISCOVER these HIDDEN TREASURES. The whole world will be BLESSED through your DISCOVERIES. Yes, you are walking through a season right now when darkness is trying to ASSERT it’s EVIL and CONTROLLING AGENDA, but I have assured you of our VICTORY over the evil empire, and I have PROMISED that you will see it IMPLODE. Put away the FALSE TEACHINGS of everything is going to keep getting darker and darker and enter into My Kingdom Age where NO EYE HAS SEEN the WONDERS that are awaiting My faithful ones.”
 Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 
1CORINTHIANS 2:9 (NKJV) “But as it is written: eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
1CORINTHIANS 2:9 (TPT) “This is why the Scriptures say: Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine—these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers.

Diana Larkin - HIDDEN TREASURES RELEASED - August 20, 2024

I smelled an unusual fragrance and found myself in a dark, hidden place (not scary). There was an ancient door sealed shut before me with two large softly glowing Angels as guards on either side of the door. I felt I was supposed to open the door and as I turned the doorknob, it swung easily open. I saw sparkling gemstones on many shelves, and I believe there were other treasures deeper in the room. I heard the Father say:
“You will begin to see HIDDEN TREASURES RELEASED to My people. These are part of the HIDDEN TREASURES of DARKNESS (ISAIAH 45:3) set aside for the ones that I can TRUST to not MISUSE this WEALTH of TREASURE and KNOWLEDGE that has been HIDDEN from the RUTHLESS and SELFISH darkness. Are you READY to STEWARD these TREASURES well? You are meant to receive these TREASURES as a CONDUIT and not a DAM. If you don’t allow the TREASURE to FLOW FREELY from your life, it will STOP being channeled to you. Allowing the HIDDEN TREASURES to FLOW FREELY to BLESS others will actually GUARANTEE that your NEEDS will be MET and your DEEPEST DESIRES will be FULFILLED. It’s how My Kingdom works—FREELY you have RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE. When you TRUST Me enough to GIVE, you are showing your FAITH in My PROMISE of UNENDING SUPPLY, and you are MIRRORING My GENEROUS HEART. When you have this FAITH to be a CONDUIT, you will live in the RIVER of LIFE with a heart FREE from GREED and the IDOL of MAMMON. Have an OPEN HEART, OPEN HAND policy. Receive My HIDDEN TREASURES with great THANKSGIVING of heart. Allow them to BLESS your life and then RELEASE what I DIRECT to BLESS others out of your OPEN HAND. This is KINGDOM AGE LIVING.”

Diana Larkin - THE SMOKE IS RISING - August 19, 2024

“The darkness had such dreams and visions of BURNING your cities down and DESTROYING everything that you hold dear. Because you, My Remnant, have partnered with Me in AGGRESSIVE WARFARE against the darkness and because you have BELIEVED My PROMISES of a great RESCUE and the coming of MY long-awaited KINGDOM AGE, THE SMOKE YOU SEE RISING will be the enemy’s EVIL EMPIRE BURNING TO THE GROUND. The SMOKE will be seen RISING from their DEMONIC ALTARS—that is buildings, monuments, and underground hidden chambers and temples. Your PRAYERS, DECREES, DECLARATIONS, and WORSHIP have launched the Host who are in the process of BURNING UP and TEARING DOWN the DEMONIC ALTARS and RULING PLATFORMS of the darkness in the spiritual realm. If you look with spiritual eyes, you will SEE THE SMOKE IS RISING from these FORTRESSES of the darkness. As the spiritual power behind those partnered with darkness is DEMOLISHED and BURNED, you will see the camp of the enemy in DISARRAY. CONFUSION, DUALING ORDERS—‘Whose orders do we follow?!’—PANIC, FEAR, BETRAYAL, and ACCUSATION will RULE them. All that they planned for you will FLOOD in on them. They will be FORCED to push their DOOMSDAY PLAN PREMATURELY and CLUMSILY. You will SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT and NOT be afraid. The darkness will be in such a hurry to STOP their SLIDE into JUDGMENT and JUSTICE that they will not realize that I have TAKEN the POWER OUT of their DOOMSDAY PLAN, and it will BACKFIRE onto them and bring about the DESTRUCTION of their dark empire and BURN UP all their WEB of LIES that have IMPRISONED the world. As you stand by My side, BOLD, STRONG, and COURAGEOUS, you will be the STABILITY of those RUDELY AWAKENED, and they will LISTEN to your words of a GOOD FUTURE as, together, you watch THE SMOKE RISING from the RUINS of evil.”

Diana Larkin - RUDE AWAKENING - August 18, 2024

“The world is going to experience a RUDE AWAKENING. Even those who belong to My Army of Light will experience a MEASURE of this RUDE AWAKENING, as the FULL DISCLOSURES of the DEATH AGENDAS are EXPOSED. You know many of them, but  you don’t know ALL of them. You will be able to STAND in FAITH because you have BELIEVED My POWER to RESCUE and PRESERVE you, and you have seen My hand at work in EXPOSURES and REMOVALS of some partnered with darkness, and you BELIEVE My PROMISE that ALL will be EXPOSED and REMOVED. Still, the RUDE AWAKENING coming to the world will cause some SHAKING in your own life when the DEPTH of DEPRAVITY and EVIL is REVEALED and who people that you may have TRUSTED really are BEHIND THEIR MASKS will UNSETTLE you for a short time. But I want you to think about the EFFECT the RUDE AWAKENING is going to have on the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT CHURCH and on the UNBELIEVERS and DOUBTERS. They thought they were PERCEIVING TRUTH, but the RUDE AWAKENING will SHATTER almost everything in their WORLDVIEW. I AM COUNSELING you, My Army of Light, to ask for My HELP in QUICKLY PROCESSING the further revelations of DEEP DARKNESS that are shown to you. You need to LEAN ON ME and allow Me to ABSORB your SHOCK and TRAUMA and then receive the PEACE of HEAVEN to HEAL your heart and STABILIZE your thinking. I need you to be POSITIONED to offer SUPPORT and GUIDANCE for those that the RUDE AWAKENING DEVASTATES. Don’t throw out comments like, ‘I tried to tell you’—not helpful. Come ALONGSIDE them and IDENTIFY with their BROKENNESS. Pull them into your Kingdom view with HUMILITY and UNDERSTANDING. Say to them, ‘We all were ASLEEP and DECEIVED and even though the TRUTH is HARD to HEAR, it is AWAKENING us to FIGHT for FREEDOM and LIGHT.’ Share with them that it is your FAITH in Me and My PROMISES for RESCUE and DELIVERANCE that have kept you in PEACE and REST in this TUMULTUOUS season. The RUDE AWAKENING will not be pleasant, but it will lead to a GREAT AWAKENING of who I AM and of a PROMISED VICTORY and stepping into the KINGDOM AGE.” 


“This statement SUMMARIZES the PURPOSE of the KINGDOM AGE. In the BEGINNING, man was created to walk the earth in the PERFECTION of BEAUTY, PEACE, and ABUNDANCE. There was a PERFECT HARMONY in My creation where everything WORKED TOGETHER for the GOOD of every other part, and creation released a beautiful SONG of WORSHIP to Me. Heaven’s FREQUENCY was in everything—all of it was TUNED PERFECTLY to My HEART and ALL WAS WELL. Man’s choice to BELIEVE a LIE about My CHARACTER and MOTIVES and to come out from under My RULERSHIP, BROKE our intimate FELLOWSHIP, and the FREQUENCY of Heaven was SHATTERED over the earth. It allowed STRIFE, SICKNESS, HATRED, JEALOUSY, and DEATH to fill the earth. Man was now at WAR with the EARTH and with EACH OTHER. Where the earth once provided with JOYFUL ABUNDANCE, now there were WEEDS, PESTILENCE, and HARD TOIL to obtain a HARVEST. Everything came OUT of HARMONY with Heaven—including the WEATHER, man’s RELATIONSHIP with ANIMALS, and man’s RELATIONSHIPS with other MEN. My Son came to provide a WAY OUT of this SPIRAL into Satan’s DARKNESS and DEPRAVITY. Those who entered this NEW COVENANT and were BORN AGAIN had the potential to be TUNED to Heaven’s FREQUENCIES. You can see why I HATE DEAD RELIGION that just emphasizes HEAD KNOWLEDGE about Me because I AM after spirit to Spirit HEART CONNECTION that TRANSFORMS you into the Sons and Daughters that CREATION is GROANING for to ARISE. (ROMANS 8:18-24 TPT) The Kingdom Age is about My AWAKENED Sons and Daughters joining Me in REVERSING THE CURSE that rebellious humanity has brought upon the earth. Jesus WON the LEGAL RIGHT for this to take place, so will you JOIN Me in the plan of GOING BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN? This is the call to My Kingdom Sons and Daughters to REBUILD, RESTORE, and RENEW everything BACK to the HARMONY, PEACE, and ABU

Unknown Prophet - God said *IN 3 DAYS* we will see a sign! - August 14, 2024

Diana Larkin - METEORIC JUDGMENT - August 16, 2024

This morning I saw a meteor shower racing towards the earth as if it had been flung from an unseen, mighty hand.
“My judgments upon the wicked will come SUDDENLY and SPECTACULARLY like a FLAMING METEOR SHOWER thrown to the earth by My mighty right arm. NOTHING WILL STOP MY METEORIC JUDGMENT of those partnered with evil. They have IGNORED My WARNINGS and now, FLAMING MISSILES will FLATTEN them; and they will NEVER RISE to leadership positions again and some will not SURVIVE this POWERFUL, FLAMING judgment. These FURIOUS STONES of FIRE will STRIKE with PRECISION on the wicked, but My sons and daughters will be PROTECTED. My METEORIC JUDGMENT will seem HARSH unless you know what these people have done to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY. My METEORIC JUDGMENT is for your PROTECTION and to SET the CAPTIVES FREE. DO NOT FLINCH when you see these GIANTS FALL because I AM saving you from their MASS DEATH AGENDAS they had planned for you. PARTNER with Me and CALL IN My METEORIC JUDGMENT.”   

Diana Larkin - STAKE YOUR CLAIM - August 15, 2024

“The VICTORY over darkness has ALREADY BEEN WON—they just don’t want you to KNOW IT, so they will continue to BOAST, to LIE, and to ATTEMPT to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY. You can have a victory, but if you NEVER GO IN, CLEAR OUT the darkness and STAKE YOUR CLAIM to the land, it can be LOST AGAIN. If you do not OCCUPY what has been LIBERATED, it will allow the enemy a BASE to CONTINUE to LIE, THREATEN, and DECEIVE people, until the ground is LOST AGAIN to darkness. DO NOT SETTLE for anything less than My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE being ESTABLISHED on the ground I have given to you. Declare: ‘We will NOT RETREAT, and we will NOT SETTLE for LESS than the foundation of God’s Throne which is ESTABLISHED in RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. God’s KINGDOM AGE is being ESTABLISHED on my GROUND and out into the world. I am STAKING MY CLAIM by the POWER of the BLOOD of Jesus and the WORD of my TESTIMONY.’ The Kingdom Age is INVADING, so STAKE YOUR CLAIM, and FLY the flag of VICTORY.”

Diana Larkin - SHIELDS UP! - August 14, 2024

“My Army of Light, did you HEAR Me early this morning telling you it was TIME to AWAKEN? It is TIME to MOBILIZE the WHOLE Army of Light. SHIELDS UP! I AM not calling you to DEFEND your land, I AM calling you to ARISE and to PURSUE the enemy until he is DEFEATED and you have RECOVERED ALL. PURSUE with your FAITH in Me and My PROMISES going before you. Go with DECREES and DECLARATIONS on your lips. Keep speaking into the atmosphere, ‘You have LOST; we have WON!’ Leave NO LYING REPORT that the darkness speaks GO UNCHALLENGED. Send forth My FIERY ARROWS of TRUTH into the LIES and watch them BURN and FALL to the GROUND. Call for My Host to JOIN you in PUSHING ASIDE EVERY enemy scheme and plan. Ask My HOST TO reinforce YOUR demands that the enemy RETURN what he has STOLEN from your life: your RELATIONSHIPS, your CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN, your FINANCES, your HEALTH, the TRUTH about history and present-day circumstances, and the EXPOSURE of the DECEPTIONS and LIES that hold people in BONDAGE—GIVE THEM BACK! Keep PUSHING HARD against the enemy until he is pushed into FULL-ON RETREAT and then DRIVE him RIGHT INTO THE JAWS OF MY FINAL TRAP. As you go about your daily life and responsibilities, allow Me to keep your spirit ALERT to this FINAL PUSH against the darkness. PRAY CONSTANTLY in the Spirit. DECREE and DECLARE.  WORSHIP with all of your heart. STAY CONNECTED to My PRESENCE so that you HEAR BATTLE STRATEGIES and are CONTINUALLY REFRESHED and STRENGTHENED in Me. In spite of all the FLACK, LIES, SMOKESCREENS, and THREATS of the enemy that he is FRANTICALLY launching, I AM telling you that you have the ADVANTAGE in this battle of DARK to LIGHT. Your warfare has BROKEN their UNIFIED FRONT and WEAKENED their DEADLY SCHEMES. Don’t get SIDETRACKED with all the DISTRACTIONS they will roll out; don’t get caught in MEANINGLESS DEBATES, and do not take the BAIT of OFFENSE because these all SIDELINE you from the battle I want you FOCUSED on. As long as you are partnered WITH ME, YOU cannot lose. SHIELDS UP—WE’RE GOING IN!” 

Diana Larkin - THE SWORD OF THE LORD - August 13, 2024

“THE SWORD OF THE LORD is poised to STRIKE the earth and to BRING AN END to the EVIL EMPIRE that has RULED your world through LIES, INFILTRATION, DEATH AGENDAS, and FEAR. With ONE SWIPE of My SWORD, they will be REMOVED from the tops of ALL seven mountains of society. Their FALL will be GREAT, and it will make a SOUND HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. The nations and all the people will TREMBLE, as they realize I really am ALMIGHTY GOD, MAKER and RULER of the Universe. As I REMOVE those people who have STOLEN, CHEATED, and DECEIVED their way into power, My sword WILL ALSO CUT DOWN the PRINCIPALITIES, POWERS, and RULERS who were using these people to keep the world in BONDAGE to darkness. Those partnered with darkness will SUDDENLY LOSE their DEMONIC POWER, and they will look SMALL, WEAK, and PATHETIC to the world. The masses held SWAY by the OPIUM SMOKESCREEN of the darkness will find themselves RUDELY SHAKEN AWAKE and FORCED to realize they BOUGHT into a complete set of LIES. No longer will you be looked upon with DISDAIN, but HONORED for trying to show them what was happening behind the scenes. In deep HUMILITY, they will come to you, and they will ask you to just TELL THEM THE TRUTH. My RIGHT ARM WIELDS MY SWORD OF POWER. Your SWORD is in your MOUTH—a DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD. One side EXPOSES DARKNESS and what is HIDDEN, and one side OPENS UP TRUTH, and LIGHT pours forth. When you SPEAK for Me, your DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD is being wielded under My Spirit’s ANOINTING. Use this POWERFUL WEAPON as I DIRECT you to use it. This is the season that you see THE SWORD OF THE LORD MOVE IN GREAT POWER.”

Diana Larkin - THEY HAVE STEPPED INTO MY RING OF FIRE - August 12, 2024

“Those partnered with darkness think their plans to SET THE WORLD ABLAZE with WAR and DESTRUCTION will succeed. However, they have LEFT ME OUT OF THE PICTURE. They are so INFLAMED with ARROGANCE and HATRED that they have been COMPLETELY DECEIVED about who the enemy is and who I AM. They think they are stepping into their role of WORLD DOMINATION by causing FIRES of DESTRUCTION and bringing TERROR on all the people. They have no regard for anyone’s life but THEIR OWN and so they have MISJUDGED your LOYALTY to Me and to the Army of Light, and they have UNDERESTIMATED the POWER of your PERSEVERANCE and your TRUST in Me. The darkness thinks they will SET THE WORLD ABLAZE, but I tell you that THEY HAVE STEPPED INTO MY RING OF FIRE. There will be NO ESCAPE, their PLANS and their THRONES of POWER will BURN UP, and only ASHES will remain. Keep your SHIELDS UP against the fiery darts of FEAR and TERROR and remain STRONG in My PROMISES and My FAITHFULNESS. YOU WILL SEE YOUR ENEMIES STEP INTO MY RING OF FIRE.”
DANIEL 10:19 (TPT) “He said to me, ‘Be strong! Be very, very strong! Do not be afraid, for you are greatly loved and a precious treasure to God. God’s peace is yours.’ As he spoke these words, I felt strength pour into me, and I said, ‘Now, I’m ready to listen to you, my lord, for you have given me strength.’”

Jar of Clay - August ??, 2024

Diana Larkin - A PLACE FOR YOU - August 11, 2024

“I have A PLACE FOR YOU in this new Kingdom Age; therefore, DO NOT SHRINK BACK when the STORM CLOUDS roll in and My PROMISES to you seem LIKE A DREAM with LITTLE substance. Just as this is a CRUCIBLE for your Nation, it is a CRUCIBLE for your FAITH. Will you CONTINUE TO STAND with Me in FAITH even when you have NOT YET SEEN your HEALING? When you have NOT YET SEEN your rightful LEADER RESTORED? When you have NOT YET SEEN the WICKED JUDGED? Am I FAITHFUL? Am I TRUE? Do I keep My PROMISES? You must ANSWER these questions; otherwise, every NEW TROUBLING circumstance will THROW you into DOUBT, while every GOOD circumstance will MOVE you into FAITH. This makes you an UNSTABLE Believer; it causes you to be DOUBLE-MINDED and to be a HOT and COLD warrior—you’re in the FIGHT one day, and the next you’re SIDELINED by DOUBT or SELF-PITY. Look back at the HISTORY of My people under the OLD and the NEW COVENANTS. Have I not been FAITHFUL to DELIVER, PROTECT, and PROVIDE for My very own? Despite the MANY WICKED DEATH AGENDAS unleashed on you by the darkness, are you not STILL HERE? You have some things MISSING and BROKEN because of these agendas but that is why I AM bringing you into an era of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. I will be FAITHFUL to you to KEEP My PROMISES. Will you be FAITHFUL to Me? I have A PLACE FOR YOU in this new Kingdom Age. Don’t PASS IT BY or MISS OUT on all the AMAZING things in store for your future by FAILING the TEST of FAITH. DRAW NEAR and STRENGTHEN yourself in Me. In My PRESENCE your DOUBTS will FADE AWAY, and your FAITH will SOAR as you see My BEAUTY, My POWER, and My GREAT LOVE for you. Hold on. I HAVE A PLACE FOR YOU.”

Diana Larkin - FLASH FLOODS - August 10, 2024

“Hear the ALERT in the Spirit realm: FLASH FLOODS ARE COMING! Get yourself to HIGHER GROUND. As summer flows into Fall, the world is going to experience FLASH FLOODS in both the natural and supernatural realms. Those partnered with darkness have FLOODS planned for you. They are set to release a FLOOD of FILTHY LIES that call EVIL GOOD and GOOD EVIL. They plan a FLOOD of SCARE EVENTS such as trying to IGNITE a world war, CRASH economies, and SPREAD disease. How do you COUNTER these THREATENING FLOODS? Release My SUPERNATURAL FLOODS of TRUTH, EXPOSURE, JUDGMENT, and JUSTICE. COMMAND My FLOOD to OPPOSE and TURN the enemy FLOODS BACK INTO THE CAMP OF THE DARKNESS. Have I not promised you that you will NOT BE OVERCOME by the enemy’s FLOODS? PSALM 93:3,4 (NKJV) ‘The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice, the floods lift up their waves. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea.’ MATTHEW 7:24, 25 (NKJV) ‘Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who builds his house on a rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.’ ISAIAH 59:19 (TPT) ‘From the west to the lands of the rising sun, the glory and the name of Yahweh will be held in highest reverence, for He will break in as a flooding, rushing river driven on by the breath of Yahweh.’ Do not be ALARMED or FEAR the enemy’s FLOODS. Instead, let the fear of the Lord cause you to be in REVERENCE and AWE for the One whose BREATH can REVERSE a FLOOD or OPEN UP A WAY THROUGH IT. I AM YOUR HIGH GROUND IN THE DAY OF THE FLASH FLOODS.”

Diana Larkin - SHELTERED FROM THE STORM - August 9, 2024

“A STORM is coming to ALL AREAS of your society. Those of the darkness had a STORM of COMPLETE DESTRUCTION planned for you, but your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS have POSITIONED mighty Host to SURROUND that STORM and to bring it to NOTHING and of NO EFFECT. This is your assignment: continue to CANCEL OUT the enemy’s STORM and be BRAVE and CALL IN My STORM. My STORM will be the MOST DEVASTATING STORM the world has ever seen. However, I want your hearts to be at PEACE and COMPLETELY RESTING in My LOVE because I have PROMISED that you will be SHELTERED FROM THE STORM. This STORM is a GREAT DISPLAY of My POWER. To those partnered with darkness, this STORM will EXPOSE them, BLOW AWAY all their LAYERS of PROTECTION, and DESTROY all their EVIL WORKS and SYSTEMS. To those who only know Me in a SUPERFICIAL WAY, they will STRUGGLE with FEAR and ANXIETY, not knowing that the systems they thought were SUSTAINING them, were actually STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING them. To you, My Army of Light, you have SUNK your FAITH ROOTS DEEP in My HEART, and you have BELIEVED My PROMISES to TEAR DOWN all the DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS in your Land and to REBUILD with Me on GOOD foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. You will EXPERIENCE the STORM in My SHELTER where I will KEEP YOU IN PERFECT PEACE, where you will be SUPERNATURALLY PROVIDED FOR, and you will REST BY MY RIVER OF LIFE and be SATISFIED. The KEY to how you go through this STORM in PEACE is to KEEP CONNECTED to My heart, ASK for My GUIDANCE IN EVERYTHING, TRUST MY DIRECTIONS FOR YOU, and be CAREFUL to LISTEN to voices that BUILD YOUR FAITH and not YOUR ANXIETY LEVEL. I AM YOUR SHELTER IN THE STORM.”
PROVERBS 1:33(TPT) “But the one who always listens to me will live undisturbed in a heavenly peace. Free from fear, confident and courageous, that one will rest unafraid and sheltered from the storms of life.” 

Diana Larkin - STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS - August 8, 2024

“Don’t WASTE TIME WORRYING and FRETTING over whom the darkness is PUSHING FORWARD for leadership positions. It’s fine to be INFORMED about who they are and what their AGENDAS are, but do not allow your PEACE to be ROBBED nor your FAITH to be WEAKENED by their DEVIOUS CHOICES. Remember that you are calling in a season of EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE; and My Host are ON IT, and you will see MASSIVE UNCOVERINGS. Here is another part of My Rescue Operation: some of those who are partnered with darkness are going to be STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS because I AM HOTLY PURSUING them. They will SUDDENLY find themselves FACE to FACE with Me—in a DREAM, in a VISION, in an ENCOUNTER, in the ANOINTED WORDS of WARNING and WORDS of CHOOSE LIFE from my appointed vessel. Some very PROMINENT faces now partnered with darkness will be STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS by My POWERFUL Spirit of CONVICTION and TRUTH, and they will JOIN the LIGHT and HELP EXPOSE those around them who have DARK and DESTRUCTIVE plans. These are days of FRUSTRATION and MOUNTING FEAR for the camp of the darkness, as they see plan after plan FOILED or GREATLY DIMINISHED. Rats are FLEEING the SINKING SHIP and some who are STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS are now OPPOSING and EXPOSING them and their dark deeds. My Rescue Operation has a BIG EVENT CLIMAX, but don’t MISS OUT on the SIGNS that the darkness is in a SLOW and TERRIFYING FREE FALL. Watch and pray for those I have targeted to STOP IN THEIR TRACKS.”

Diana Larkin - THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS -August 7, 2024

ACTS 3:21 (TPT) “For He must remain in Heaven until the restoration of all things has taken place, fulfilling everything that God said long ago through His holy prophets.”
“The Kingdom Age is THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS that were intended for the ORIGINAL CREATION. When man chose to NOT BELIEVE WHO I SAID I WAS, it ALIGNED mankind and the world with the REBELLION of Satan and OPENED the DOOR to the darkness of GREED, DEPRAVITY, and CORRUPTION. When My Son PAID the PRICE for all this darkness and rebellion, He began the PROCESS of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. Your enemy has FOUGHT this RESTORATION in every age in order to keep creation and My Sons and Daughters in BONDAGE to corruption and decay. I have DECLARED this is the SET TIME for THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS and as long as you REMAIN JOINED with My heart and My purposes, you will SEE with your eyes as I RESTORE My ORIGINAL INTENT for your world and your lives. Think of what is BROKEN or MESSED UP, and PICTURE it RESTORED to REFLECT My LOVE, My WHOLENESS, and My BRILLIANCE. Think about a Church that operates AS ONE with Me instead of man’s RELIGIOUS RULES that leave hearts EMPTY and UNSATISFIED and allows the enemy to SOW his COUNTERFEIT COMFORTERS of sexual sin, greed, and addictions. The RESTORATION of RIGHTEOUSNESS through RELATIONSHIP will RID the Church of these DEVICES of the darkness. Once your lives are RESTORED to PEACE and PURITY, the world will be DRAWN to My heart through My Son’s SACRIFICE of PURE LOVE. The same goes for governments, justice systems, financial systems, and health. They will experience RESTORATION, as the darkness is DEFEATED and SWEPT AWAY. Those called to lead in this hour will be RESTORED to all seven mountains of society. This is what we are FIGHTING FOR so RESPOND to My CLEANSING of your own heart and STAY with Me until you see THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. Glorious days are ahead!”

Diana Larkin - More - August 6, 2024

“The Kingdom Age invites you into MORE. MORE intimacy with Me, MORE creativity with the Holy Spirit, MORE healing and wholeness with Jesus. MORE! MORE healthy food, MORE wealth, MORE relationships, MORE Sons and Daughters added to the Kingdom, MORE available energy, MORE exciting discoveries about the Universe, MORE love, MORE laughter—just MORE! Those who will receive My PROMISES for this era of MORE and who have CO-LABORED with Me in BRINGING THEM FORTH will receive the most from this age of MORE. All of the earth will be BLESSED by the Kingdom Age of MORE, but My FAITHFUL Sons and Daughters who SPOKE and PRAYED My PLANS and My PROMISES into being will receive the MORE in MEGA MEASURE. Each declaration of My plans and My promises CHANGES the FREQUENCIES in the AIRWAVES where Leviathan’s BOASTING DRAMA and LIES have held the frequencies CAPTIVE to DARKNESS. Your world will DRASTICALLY CHANGE when those FREQUENCIES of darkness are PULLED DOWN and REPLACED with Heaven’s FREQUENCIES of LIGHT, LIFE, and LOVE. That is why I tell you NOT TO KEEP REPEATING WHAT THE LYING MEDIA IS SAYING. Why are you EXALTING the ENEMY’S PLANS? Use your AUTHORITY to CANCEL those plans and to CALL FORTH My plans, and you will be BLESSED with the MORE when they come to pass.”

Diana Larkin - BE LED BY MY SPIRIT - August 5, 2024

“The DESPERATE enemy is throwing a lot of NOISE, CONFUSION, DISTRACTION, and CHAOS into the atmosphere. His plan is to create FEAR and PANIC in people so that he can swoop in and TAKE CONTROL. He knows that the PRAYING, DECREEING, Army of Light is his MOST DANGEROUS OPPOSITION, so he seeks to cause My Army to get FOCUSED on his FEAR-MONGERING. Don’t get PULLED OFF your ASSIGNMENT, My Army, by all the FLOOD of THREATS that Leviathan media is reporting. Are you spending MORE TIME REPEATING the enemy’s plans or are you CHOOSING to take AUTHORITY over his dark schemes and DWELL on My PROMISES and POWER? The SECRET to staying in PEACE and not being led into FEAR and ANXIETY is to LEARN TO BE LED BY MY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit in you is My POWERFUL, PERSONAL GIFT of WISDOM, GUIDANCE, and REVELATION. Learn to YIELD to His INWARD VOICE, His QUIET NUDGING to go a certain way, His WARNINGS not to do something or not to say something, and His EXPERT HELP in UNDERSTANDING My Word, My mysteries, and My puzzles. He is ALWAYS available to give you GUIDANCE in your decisions. He knows BEST what voices you should LISTEN to and what information you should take in. If you have DIFFICULTY receiving His guidance or hearing His voice, it could be that you have CONTINUALLY IGNORED His INNER communications to you, and you have MOWED OVER them to do what your NATURAL mind thinks is a good idea. If you are continually STRUGGLING to have FAITH and you are fighting FEAR and ANXIETY, it is time to LEARN TO BE LED BY MY SPIRIT. Ask Him to HELP YOU LEARN His VOICE and the WAYS He chooses to GUIDE you. Ask Him to help you EXCHANGE those ITCHING EARS that SEEK OUT the LATEST CRISIS DRAMA and receive a DEEP DESIRE to know My PERSPECTIVE and My PLANS. Holy Spirit will NOT FORCE His VOICE and GUIDANCE on you but if you CHOOSE to SEEK Him in ALL things, He will LEAD YOU ON PATHS of PEACE and POWER. He will LEAD you to DIVINE APPOINTMENTS and SUPERNATURAL SUPPLY. If you learn to FOLLOW His lead, you will follow paths of PEACE, CREATIVITY, and ABUNDANCE. BE LED BY MY SPIRIT.” 

Diana Larkin - SEEDTIME AND HARVEST - August 4, 2024

“The world is now approaching the FULLNESS of My HARVEST season. The world will be FORCED to acknowledge My principle of SEEDTIME AND HARVEST as what they have SOWED in their lives, will now have to be HARVESTED. The enemy is usually trying to PUSH AHEAD My TIMELINES and SEASONS and INSERT his DARK PLANS of CHAOS and DESTRUCTION. However, in the case of this season of SEEDTIME AND HARVEST where everything in people’s lives will be EXPOSED, he is trying to STOP this HARVEST of GOOD and EVIL. Once the GROSS EVIL is brought to the LIGHT in those partnered with him, his hopes of WORLD DOMINATION will come CRASHING DOWN. That is why you see so many DISTRACTIONS, PROTESTS, and THREATS coming through Leviathan’s LYING mouth. The enemy knows he must STOP the EXPOSURES of SEEDTIME AND HARVEST because he knows his carefully laid WEB of LIES and DEATH AGENDAS will be brought CRASHING DOWN and SWEPT into the DUSTBIN of history. Do you see now that we have the enemy on the DEFENSE and that your SPIRITUAL WARFARE has TURNED the TIDE against an ARROGANT EVIL AGENDA that they believed couldn’t FAIL? Well, you have partnered with Me and My Host, and we have declared, ‘YOU HAVE LOST! WE HAVE WON!’ Your WORSHIP and your FERVENT PRAYERS of FAITH are CHANGING the FREQUENCIES in the atmosphere over the nations. These FREQUENCIES are BREAKING UP the DARKNESS and making WAY for My GLORY to FLOOD in. My GLORY brings all My PROMISES of HEALING, RESTORATION, and REWARD. My GLORY also EXPOSES the HARVEST of everyone’s lives—either GOOD or EVIL and both will be REPAID. The good will receive My BLESSING of MORE that you can CONTAIN, and the evil will be required to PAY BACK ALL that has been STOLEN and will be held ACCOUNTABLE for their DARK DEEDS. Keep CALLING IN the season of SEEDTIME AND HARVEST, and you will see the FULLNESS of My PROMISES for your life and your nations.” 

Diana Larkin - A WHIRLWIND OF FURY - August 3, 2024

JEREMIAH 30:23 (NKJV) “Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord goes forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind; it will fall violently on the head of the wicked.” 
“I AM calling to the FOUR WINDS to form a WHIRLWIND OF FURY that will not stop blowing against the wicked until it has accomplished ALL My purposes in this Rescue Operation. The SOUND FREQUENCY that accompanies My WHIRLWIND OF FURY will bring TERROR and DREAD upon the darkness, and it will STRIP AWAY all FACADES, UNCOVER EVERY SECRET PLOT, and BLOW OPEN the HIDING PLACES of those partnered with darkness and their STASHES of SUPPLIES that they have STOLEN from you. The FORCE of the winds from My WHIRLWIND OF FURY will KNOCK those who thought they were UNTOUCHABLE FLAT, and they WILL NOT RISE AGAIN TO ANY SEATS OF POWER OR INFLUENCE. Their expensive clothing and costly food will be exchanged for PRISON GARB and MEAGER RATIONS. DO NOT FEAR THE DARK AND THREATENING PLANS OF THE ENEMY because you have PARTNERED WITH ME IN TAKING MOST OF THE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OUT OF THEIR WICKED SCHEMES. Only what is NEEDED to SHAKE people AWAKE will be allowed. When they launch their DEADLIEST SCHEME upon the world, I will release My WHIRLWIND OF FURY. The SOUND and the POWER in this WHIRLWIND OF FURY will DEVASTATE the darkness and SHOCK the world at My POWER DISPLAYED and a SOUND FREQUENCY that will CHANGE the world from DARK TO LIGHT.”

William Brooks - Take Up A Lamentation for Secret Babylon! - August 3, 2024

Take up a lamentation for secret Babylon. Hear my words and hear the voice of one crying in the wilderness. I am calling, I am calling, will you hear me? Hold your sin-filled tongues in silence and bow the knee in repentance and hear my eternal voice while you still can. For my love for you is great and I am he who sheds many tears in utter heartbreak for what will come of those who ignore my voice. For even in this last moment all who respond are invited into eternity. So, confess me as your Lord for I am Jesus of Nazarene. And I am he whom the Eternal God has sent to rescue you before calamity and judgment strikes. Why do you count yourselves unworthy of eternall life? Will you choose the flames of destruction over peaceful fields of plous where you will find eternal pasture. For even as the malefactor who was crucified alongside me on Calvary will be with me in paradise. So too will I save you to the uttermost if you will make me your Lord now there is no time to waste for I died outside the gates of Jerusalem with the sinners as I took your place in judgment. And you will be saved should you turn to me in repentance, now!

 I say to you truly, truly, these words did not find your ears by accident and soon there will be great destruction. And many will not survive, and forever will their rejection echo into the eternal fires reserved for all who choose to cling to their sins and remain in league with the fallen ones. To join Satan’s rebellion even in blind ignorance is to willingly partake of their sins. And so all who do will forever bear their judgment. Will you accept my offer knowing God raised me from the dead to die no more. And knowing that I am the great Lord of Lords and King of Kings? Repent while you still can. For Yahweh is ready to close the door of the Ark and there is no time. And at any second I will snatch the faithful away into the heavens. Even all who are saved from wrath in my ever saving and everlasting sacrifice. So, declare me, Jesus the Nazarene as your Lord and know that I am alive forever more. For God has raised me from the dead to die no more. My children hearken and continue to bow the knee in continued repentance. And hear the voice of your lord Jesus Christ even he whom Yahweh has sent as the Lamb of God.

Hear my words my church even my bride for as your eternal high priest of the order of Melchizedek. I have offered myself as your perfect Passover and even given my sinless blood to the last drop for your full and utter redemption from your current fallen state. And your full redemption is here so rejoice. And as many who have received me and confessed my eternal name as their Lord will have eternal life. For I am Jesus the Nazarene your Eternal Lord. And I have made all who confessed my name in these times of grace and mercy the eternal sons of God. Behold what love the father has given to you that you should be called the sons of God. For this cause the world knows you not because it knows not me Christ Jesus the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Dearly beloved now are you the sons of God. But yet it is not made manifest what you shall be . And you know that when I shall be made manifest you shall be like me for you shall see me as I am.

My little children understand that I will be made manifest any moment now as my appearing in the clouds is here. For I Christ Jesus Will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then you which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet your Eternal Lord in the air. And so shall you ever be with your Lord. Will you allow these things to comfort you my children? Have you allowed Satan to cause you to deny these plain words recorded for all to see? Will you choose to remain amongst the judged in stubborn rebellion? To deny his event plainly recorded in scripture by the hand of my Apostle Paul is to deny me. For I am coming to save this faithful from wrath for so are the promises of Yahweh revealed in the great mystery of God recorded by Paul these many jubilees ago. I counsel you deny me not and get on the ark before it’s too late. For all who choose to abide in the coming judgments will come to me by calling on my name to the end. And many will suffer to their last breath. But yet they will rise into eternal life and great reward and everlasting joy. And so all who are called to eternity will come to their Everlasting inheritance. for none can pluck even the least of you for my eternal hands.

So hear my words and remain in the single mindedness that is in me Christ Jesus. Because I am the word of God made flesh and I always speak truth. Quit listening to the many faithless voices who deny my words or you will find yourselves left among them when such a thing is not necessary. For you my saved ones even you are now the children of the living God. Wven Yahweh’s own by way of and in the miracle of the new birth have you been eternally saved. And you were born again of incorruptible seed. Yet you are strangers and sojourners in foreign lands. And many of you are within the borders of that great harlot even the lands that are in Chains waiting for its full judgment and destruction. For a double portion of judgment has been declared on Secret Babylon and so shall it be. For at which time has Yahweh not delivered the righteous from judgment. For no being can rightfully attribute folly to Yahweh and the witness of Lot testifies to this very day. Even out of that detestable city even the lands of Sodom and Gomorrah did Yahweh send his angels to rescue this one righteous man who sat in the gates of the enemy City.

And so too will I deliver my faithful Church. Even all those I have sealed with that Holy Spirit of Promise since the day of Pentecost at the birth of my church recorded in the testimony of Acts. Have you not read? And all those who have died faithful in Christ said since the beginning of my church age. And all who are alive and remain will be gathered together in the twinkling of an eye and forever more will they be with me for I am he who is coming for my faithful called and chosen even my body and my church and even my bride. I will redeem the faithful even those who have walked according to my spirit and all who have repented of their sins and have made me Lord from a faith filled hear. For they are the Israel of God. And great will this coming event be. And great will be the shaking and with many signs my approaching has been announced. And is still heralded forth across the heavens with signs above and signs in the earth below. And so shall the gathering of the first fruits be for all to see and behold in astonishment. And so my voice still echoes through this falling world finding the eyes, ears, and hearts, of all those to whom they are sent.

Do you hear the voice of Yeshua hamashiach?  Do you recognize my voice? Will you receive my words. Can you hear me as I speak to your heart? For as it written this people’s hearts have become fat from over consumption and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes. They have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their hearts and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them. Many of these have been lull as sleep by the detestable yet soothing words of another Jesus. But rest assured there is no other. For in whatever language my name is called, I, Jesus the Nazarene even Yeshua hamashiach will appear and will save to the uttermost all who call on my name to the end. For my words of wisdom even the everlasting Gospel have been revealed and echo their way across the Earth. And my words do find those to whom they are sent for so are the words of the most high God even Yahweh for not one word of God returns void. And they will accomplish that which they are intended and blessed are your eyes for hey see and your ears for they hear, and your hearts are full of faith, and I have saturated the love of God into your very hearts whereby you cry Abba Father.

You are the sons of God and it does not appear what you will be. But when I appear you will see fully and your lives are hidden in me Christ Jesus. And your lives are about to be fully revealed and now is the time of revealing. Behold secret Babylon sits in chains as the 10 horns finalize their preparations for her utter destruction. Truly, truly, to Secret Babylon and for many jubilees now have I sent my Apostles, have I sent my prophets, have I sent my evangelists, have I sent my pastors, have I sent my teachers, have I sent my faithful disciples and brethren. And I have even sent the widows in their solitude and I have utterly poured out my spirit to the uttermost in these last days of grace and mercy. But instead of the Nations sitting in sackcloth and ashes. They are entertained by the signs and warnings given of impending judgment as they take pictures and videos for their entertainment. They have rejected my messengers who brought the light of my Gospel of salvation. They have mocked and ridiculed my prophets. They have attacked my evangelists. They have corrupted my pastors and persecuted and compromised my teachers.

The armies of the great red dragon do surround around you secret Babylon and are fully within your borders. For even your traitorous Zionist leaders have sold you for a morsel of bread to your enemies and also to advance their satanic schemes. And El Shaddai has allowed these Mad Men to continue even putting it into their hearts to fulfill his purposes. Strong is El Shaddai who judges you oh scarlet who sits arrogantly in pleasure. Even as you are stripped of all glory stripped of all delicacies, stripped even of your homes. For I’ve given your homes and lands into the hands of your enemies. Even into the hands of the Beast and the false prophet for they work hand in hand for your utter destruction behind the facade of an old stoge? for the Beast is about to cast down the great Harlot of which the Beast has grown tired of carrying. Ad her purposes have been served. Terefore she will be utterly burned with fire and utterly destroyed in one hour and her destruction lingers not. For their lines of war even their red lines given disingenuously to not cross have been laid down and crossed repeatedly and purposefully. Do not believe their lies nor their false justifications.

For they seek to appear righteous in the coming War. For the Beast and false prophet who have not yet fully risen will fully rise and claim that God’s judgment fell to serve their purposes. So believe not even one of the least of their lies and their final judgment lingers not. For they will continue and even commit worse sins than secret Babylon. And they are culpable in leading secret Babylon fully astray and to her utter destruction. For God has put it in their hearts to accomplish his will. They work in collusion and all those who appear as enemies work together in secret as they play along according to their script and act their parts on the world stage. And they will assassinate all those in their orders who choose not to rehearse and perform their parts adequately to fulfill the purposes of the Dragon. For the dragon gives the beasts his power and his throne, and great authority. And the 10 horns receive power as kings one hour with the Beast. And these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast for so is given them by Yahweh for them to accomplish.

Pay attention my children and learn of me, and follow my way. For my ways are the ways of Yahweh, the great Eternal God. Understand and pay attention for these treasonous beasts, and evil kings, are of the orders of the dragon. And have ruled secret Babylon from their secret society since are beginning. The man who dissembles and pretends. Even the wicked man walks with a perverse mouth. Yet they pretend to be others for they are all pretenders and hidden amongst all nations the tares have been sown. They make signs with their eyes, they signify with their feet, they instruct with their fingers. Lewd things are in their hearts. They imagine evil at all times and raise up contentions. Therefore shall their destruction come speedily? The hotty eyes, a lying tongue, and the hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that imagines wicked enterprises feet that be swift and running to mischief. A false witness that speaks lies. And him that raises up contentions amongst Brethren.

Are you blind? Do you refuse to recognize their symbols so you can continue to set in willful willful ignorance that your leaders are of the fallen ones? Do you not understand that your entertainers are of the Fallen ones? Do you not realize that they are not of the same nature is you? For many have forever altered themselves in their insanity and some are tares from birth and the devil is their father. Yet you choose to willingly set in darkness and revel in bask in your sins as you roll in the mire with the pigs who have led you to the very Gates of Hell where many ignorantly parade themselves in vanity and pride. Wherefore I have stated in my letter to to the Ephesians given by Paul. Awake you who sleeps and stand up from death and I Christ Jesus shall give you life. Take heed therefore that you walk circumspectly. Not as fools but as wise. And so I expose these leaders of Secret Babylon to my called chosen and faithful that you do not fall victim to their deception. And that you may fully come out of her and be separate in all of your ways and that you share not in her plagues.

Hear my words and understand what is happening right now. For their surprise attack is underway. I speak now to Secret Babylon though she is deaf, dumb, and blind, and utterly Bound in chains for her judgment. A they have prepared their surprise attack for many years now, and they have secured secret Babylon’s destruction through usery and other deceptive means. Because even her monetary notes are nothing but an empty promise of debts incurred at the hands of your leaders who serve the money changers. And secret Babylon is sold into the hands of their enemies by these crafty means. Do you not understand fractional Reserve Banking and fiat currency? Study to learn. Did I not give you an example when I chase the money changers out of the temple? Yet instead of throwing them out you invite them in to have supper with your families and you have pledged your children, and your grandchildren, as collateral to fulfill your greedy lusts. And so your posterity has been merchandised to secure your destruction so you could live the pleasures of sin.

You secret Babylon do murder your unborn in great happiness and pride and murderers of the innocents have their appointed judgment and your judgment lingers not. Though a few remaining stragglers are running up the ramp into the ark before El Shaddai closes the door. Most will find themselves left to judgment because they will choose instead to remain outside mocking and living deliciously. Suddenly in one hour will her destruction fall, suddenly, and they will not escape. Since she has given herself in service to her eternal enemies they will now bring about her eternal destruction. For never again will secret Babylon rise. Oh Secret Babylon since you have sold your children assuredly and pledge for your debts so you could continue in the pledges of sin. For even your money is usery. Since you have murdered the Innocents and much more have you done. I will now give you fully into their hands and Yahweh has even declared a double portion of judgment on you secret Babylon. And many of your children will be sent to their work in re-education camps, and many will be taken to foreign lands for the dragon is allow claim on the lands and the people who have rejected me. Even Yeshua hamashiach in favor of Barabas their false Messiah. And many will take their beastly Mark and have sold their souls and their posterity to eternal punishment from the presence of the everlasting and eternal God for the pleasures of sin for a short season.

Take up a lamentation for the people of secret Babylon even you who sit in darkness and utter ignorance of your own coming destruction. In front of your very own eyes and by consent of your vote, and by means of your slothful apathy your entire nation has been dismantled in front of your very eyes you no longer have the ability or resources to fight a war. For I even Christ Jesus have stripped your military might and given it into the hands of your enemies. Your once great cities now sit in ruins of crime and poverty. Of which your entertainers and you both boast in great pride. The edimotes? have long since removed their fact factories from your lands and you lack the manufacturing power you once had and even the raw materials to produce what you need to fight your never-ending wars. For you go from war to war and you have utterly decimated the lands both foreign and domestic. For from you Secret Babylon has gone forth the scourge of the red armies. Even spreading worldwide the red leaven of the great red dragon. For you have served the fallen one secretly since the beginning and continue to this day.

Secret Babylon you willingly give your consent to your satanic rulers who know full well their plans and know full well they are in the process of fully destroying your once great nation and you. For you are guilty of the blood of the Saints and the blood of the martyrs cries from the earth for your judgment. And if Yahweh were to not judge you he would have to repent to the Nations he has taken in judgment in times past. Even those who serve as a warning of your own impending judgment that you blatantly ignore. From you Secret Babylon came the destruction brought on foreign lands by the red armies as the edomites? ingratiated themselves to the working class with their poisonous leaven even their Blasphemous Manifesto financed by the red shield. For the robber barons of times past even your captains of industry of previous generations. Even those to whom you have soldier your posterity are the ones responsible for the scourge of the red armies. Secret Babylon with her web of debt has financed and sponsored the red armies in their endeavors from the beginning. And secret Babylon has been part of their network from the beginning as the red shield established itself worldwide.

Even the fiery dragon’s breath that has come from the red shield for they are the Fallen ones who walk among you from Secret Babylon where their revolutionary leaders trained in secret for she sets on many waters and they were sent secretly into foreign lands even into Goag and Magog. And their revolutions were great and violent and cruel and they now cover the Earth. They spread their satanic leaven across the lands of the East and utterly consumed all in their paths. They went from Secret Babylon have been and have been a scourge on the earth. And all the while Secret Babylon has lied and the great has claimed to speak for me and called herself Christian. This violent overthrow of the old order has gone across the Earth and now moves to its final stages. And they will be permitted their system but only to serve the eternal purposes of Yahweh.

For in truth the Fallen ones do tremble and fear grips their vile hearts. For they know their long coming judgment is upon them. For you secret Babylon and your fornications and whoredoms you sleep with the enemy. Behold the great even Secret Babylon a nation of many states is that woman showed to John the Revelator. Even that woman drunken with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of my Martyrs and your judgment is upon you. For in such manner you have lived deliciously while your leaders destroyed other nations with your consent and with your money you are as guilty as these edomites? tares you have sold your posterity for the pleasures of sin. These  aned and supported and secretly coordinated the overthrow of many nations and All Nations who have been overthrown by the red armies with the backing of the red shield have been C and persecuted, and tortured, and starved, and murdered in the most Grievous manner. The Saints who were in these lands you have martyred and even in untold millions. And all the wild you danced and satan sorceries in celebration thinking it will never come to you even the drugs given you. For your deaths Secret Babylon you have sacrificed an entire generation of children who are now military age men who could have defended you. But instead now live on the streets of your disgusting cities and are hopelessly addicted to these sorceries and they have become zombies of the walking dead as these drugs rot their flesh even while they are still alive.

Now comes your judgment in full Secret Babylon and you are a spectacle for all to see. Yet you can continue in ignorance and blindness saying in your hearts that calamity will never come on you. Even though you have cheered as your leaders brought calamity to the shores of countless Nations nnd their unjust Wars of which you were entertained as you watched on television. And so you have been divided amongst your enemies and they already enjoy The spoils of war even before the missiles have fallen. For Secret Babylon’s defeat is guaranteed and given by Yahweh himself. And nothing will stop her utter ruin and never again will she rise. I am calling, I am calling will you hear me? I am he who sheds many tears and utter heartbreak for what will come of those who ignore my voice?

I am Jesus the Nazarene. I am he whom the Eternal God has sent to rescue you before calamity and judgment strikes. I am that great Lord of lords and King of Kings. I am coming to save the faith ful from wrath for so are the promises of Yahweh in my peace treaty I am he who was coming for my faithful called and chosen. Even my body and my church and even my bride. I Yeshua hamashiach have sent these words by my servant and by my servant have these words been sent. Hear my voice my children and heed my call and learn of me and accept my wisdom. Do not despair for the birth pangs are non-stop now but this judgment is not for you. I am nearer than your next breath and my appearing is here suddenly will you find yourselves in yahweh’s throne room where you will be fully recreated in your Lord Christ Jesus. And you will forever be like me and will forever be with me and I love you greatly my called chosen and faithful. Prepare prepare yourselves to come to your full inheritance that is in my hand only faint not and watch always and then suddenly I am.

Diana Larkin - THE GOLDEN REIGN OF A GOOD KING - August 2, 2024

“The battle sounds, the scare tactics, the false narratives will one day be SILENCED and REMOVED by My STRONG RIGHT ARM and My powerful FORCES OF LIGHT. The darkness had set up a Chessboard game that had NO OPTION of you WINNING. You were meant to all be turned into their PAWNS who would SERVE their CRAVEN DESIRES. Because My Remnant have CRIED OUT for DELIVERANCE and because they have ALIGNED their HEARTS with Mine, I AM ARISING to make a SECRET MOVE that will put the enemy in CHECKMATE. I will then CLEAR the BOARD with My POWERFUL RIGHT ARM, and the darkness will be CLEANED off the CHESSBOARD and their CRASH will be EPIC. SUDDENLY, what seemed like a SURE VICTORY will become a CRUSHING DEFEAT for the darkness. They were set on IMPRISONING and CONTROLLING you but that will become their PORTION. This CRUSHING DEFEAT of the darkness will MAKE A WAY for the KING of GLORY to bring in THE GOLDEN REIGN OF A GOOD KING. I AM that GOOD KING that will ESTABLISH the Kingdom Age of GLORY, GOLD, and GOODNESS. Does that seem TOO GOOD to be TRUE? Remember that I AM the God of MORE THAN YOU CAN THINK OR IMAGINE. See beyond the SMOKE-FILLED BATTLEFIELD, and I will give you a vision of THE GOLDEN REIGN OF A GOOD KING.”


Diana Larkin - THE REAL TREASURE - August 1, 202

“The RESTORATION of all things—HEALTH, WEALTH, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE—will be amazing and wonderful, but don’t MISS OUT on THE REAL TREASURE of this transition to the Kingdom Age. THE REAL TREASURE of this TUMULTUOUS, HARD-FOUGHT WAR between DARKNESS and the LIGHT is that you would come to KNOW MY HEART. When you choose to DRAW NEAR to Me and to SEE everything through the FILTER of My HEART, your FAITH, your LOVE, and your HOPE will be UNSHAKEABLE. You can’t LEARN about My heart. You need to have a REVELATION of My HEART that comes by HOW CLOSE you choose to draw near to Me. You must SURRENDER your THOUGHTS and your WAYS and ALIGN with My THOUGHTS and My WAYS that are so much HIGHER. When you FOCUS on SPENDING TIME with Me, ACKNOWLEDGING Me in ALL your ways, and MEDITATING on My WORD, you will find that you are beginning to UNDERSTAND the DEPTHS of My LOVE, My ENORMOUS POWER, and My GREAT FAITHFULNESS. This will produce in you a FAITH that DOES NOT DOUBT that what I have PROMISED in the DARK, you WILL SEE COME TO PASS in the LIGHT. If you are still WHINING about the TIMING of My Rescue Operation, how it SEEMS that EVIL is GETTING AWAY with everything, and you want everyone to get UPSET and ANGRY like you are, then I will tell you that YOU DON’T YET KNOW MY HEART. Take all that NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL ENERGY and use it to DRAW NEAR to Me and ask Me to SHOW you circumstances through My HEART’S PERSPECTIVE. It will COLOR your world with HOPE, PEACE, and the STRENGTH to fight another day. THE REAL TREASURE is COMING TO KNOW MY HEART, and this PURSUIT has GREAT REWARDS. I AM INVITING you to SEEK THE REAL TREASURE. Come and let Me SHOW YOU MY HEART.”

Diana Larkin - TOO HOT TO HANDLE - July 31, 2024

“Your enemies are planning on making August a month of DISRUPTION, UNCERTAINTY, and FEAR. They have DARK SCHEMES to launch to get your FOCUS off of Me and off of their FAILING POLICIES and LEADERS. They have SCARE EVENTS planned in hopes of pushing through more CONTROLS over the people. Causing you to get into FEAR is their BIGGEST, most DANGEROUS WEAPON against you. If they can get you to FEAR their schemes or make you believe the future is UNCERTAIN, that will WEAKEN your FAITH and make your SPIRITUAL WARFARE INEFFECTIVE. You need to ALIGN with what I AM telling you about the future and NOT go by what the LYING media is FALSELY reporting. How about we NULLIFY and BRING DOWN all the DARK PLANS for August? RISE UP and RELEASE My plans for August: plans of EXPOSURE; plans of releasing HIDDEN DOCUMENTS, EMAILS, and TEXT MESSAGES that INCRIMINATE the REAL PLANNERS of EVIL; and plans to bring out INSIDERS who are BRAVELY set to RELEASE what has been going on BEHIND the SCENES in the camp of the darkness. I AM DECLARING to you that your enemies will find the month of August TOO HOT TO HANDLE. Their FACADES will MELT in the HEAT, their FAKE NARRATIVES will catch FIRE and BURN, and HEATED meetings will further DIVIDE their camp. You, My Army of Light, have chosen well to BELIEVE My PROMISES for a RESCUE from the darkness and a FUTURE of HOPE and PEACE. For those who REFUSE to turn to Me in repentance, August will be TOO HOT TO HANDLE.”

Diana Larkin - PUT YOUR HAND IN MY HAND - July 30, 2024

“My HAND is EXTENDED to you. Will you PUT YOUR HAND IN MY HAND? Just as a child holds the hand of their parent and TRUSTS that they will be GUIDED where to walk and that they will arrive SAFELY to their destination, so I want you to be GUIDED and COMFORTED by My HAND. My LOVE and My STRENGTH will POUR through our CLASPED HANDS, and nothing will cause you FEAR or ANXIETY. When you place your hand in Mine, it is an OUTWARD DEMONSTRATION of an INWARD TRUST. I will GUIDE you at every CROSSROAD, and help you CHOOSE the PATH of LIFE. I will lend My STRENGTH to help you CLIMB the STEEP path of GROWTH and CHALLENGES. I will NEVER LET GO of your HAND, as you go through VALLEYS of GRIEF or SUFFERING. Your hand SURRENDERED to My hand will lead you on the highway to HOLINESS where TRUE JOY and FRUITFULNESS are found. When you learn the PEACE and JOY of PUTTING YOUR HAND IN MINE, then you will be able to HELP others take this STEP of FAITH, and great FRUITFULNESS will mark your life. It is a simple step of FAITH to PUT YOUR HAND IN MY HAND, but it will result in DEEP INTIMACY with Me and a PEACEFUL and POWERFUL life. WILL YOU PUT YOUR HAND IN MY HAND?”


“Do you have people in your lives who still believe the media’s FALSE NARRATIVES and who think you are a bit CRA-CRA? Are there those in your life whose IDENTITIES have been STOLEN and who have BELIEVED LIES about their gender and sexual orientation? You know that WORDS are NOT going to BREAK THROUGH the FOG of DECEPTION that keeps them LOCKED into LIES. Is there HOPE for these ones CAPTURED by the CRAVEN DARKNESS? Do you remember how you came to KNOW Me? Was it PERSUASIVE WORDS or was it THE POWER OF MY LOVE BREAKING THROUGH until your heart was CAPTURED by My LOVE and LIGHT? NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF MY LOVE. It can BREAK THROUGH any BARRIER of LIES or DECEPTION. It can OVERPOWER any LIE a heart has believed. It can COMFORT a BROKEN HEART, and it can PUT BACK TOGETHER any FRACTURED HEART. My LOVE is so POWERFUL that it can even PIERCE the darkness of a CORRUPT and GREEDY heart and TURN it to the LIGHT. My LOVE is the MOST POWERFUL WEAPON against the DARK PLANS and HATRED that the enemy releases into mankind. One of the most EFFECTIVE PRAYERS you can pray is to RELEASE the POWER OF MY LOVE into the HEARTS of the DECEIVED. Release ENCOUNTERS with My LOVE into their lives, and they will be SET FREE. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF MY LOVE.”
Lyrics by Geoffrey Bullock “The Power of My Love”
Lord I come to You, let my heart be changed, renewed; flowing from the grace I’ve found in You, and Lord I’ve come to know the weaknesses I see in me, will be stripped away by the power of Your love.
Hold me close, let Your love surround me. Bring me near, draw me to Your side, and as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle, and I will soar with You; Your Spirit leads me on, in the power of Your love.


“The darkness is THROWING OUT every THREAT they have in their ARSENAL in order to OVERWHELM people: FEAR of war, nuclear weapons, civil war, food shortages, food poisoning, strange sicknesses, financial crashes, and fierce storms. They want to cause such FEAR, UNCERTAINTY, and ANXIETY that people will COMPLY with the CONTROLLING MEASURES that the darkness rolls out. HOW DO YOU COUNTER THESE RISING THREATS OF DARKNESS? REFUSE to take the BAIT of the FEAR PORN being dished up by the darkness. Realize that the THREATS are many but, in reality, their RESOURCES are becoming FEWER to carry out these threats. On the other hand, you are becoming MORE OF A THREAT to the darkness because you are realizing how POWERFUL I AM over the darkness and that as My Son or Daughter, you carry My AUTHORITY and POWERFUL SPIRITUAL WEAPONS. Heaven IS NOT LACKING POWER or RESOURCES. The enemy’s plans are PREDICTABLE, and easily COUNTERED by My BRILLIANT STRATEGIES. Is there THREATENED LACK? You respond by being WILDLY GENEROUS. THREATS of CIVIL WAR and DIVISION? You ask for My eyes to see what My ORIGINAL DESIGN was for someone, and you CALL IT FORTH in their lives. What about THREATS of WAR between nations? SEND My Host to PUT OUT the FIRES of HATRED and VIOLENCE the darkness is trying to light, and RELEASE My PEACE and the PRESENCE of My Kingdom SOLUTIONS. WORRY, FEAR, and FRETTING open you up to being TORMENTED by the darkness. Realize you and My Angel Armies are My COUNTERMEASURE to the darkness, and you will see the darkness CRUMBLE before you, as their THREATS turn to DRIBBLE on their chins. GO FORTH in My LIGHT, My LOVE, and My POWER, and we will COUNTER THE DARKNESS and BRING IN the Kingdom of PEACE and PLENTY.”

Diana Larkin - EVERYTHING COMES ALIVE - July 27, 2024

It came into my mind this morning to ask for an anointing that everything I touch would come alive. A brilliant prompting from Holy Spirit.
“All LIFE originates in Me and through Me because I AM LIFE. Whatever I SPEAK LIFE to and whatever I TOUCH COMES ALIVE IN ME. There is NO DEATH ever in Heaven because everything there is FREELY CONNECTED to My LIFE. Nothing of SIN or SICKNESS or SORROW is allowed to penetrate the Kingdom of Heaven. Nothing the enemy SOWED into the earth and into mankind through his REBELLION will ever penetrate the BEAUTIFUL KINGDOM OF LIGHT. No SELF-PROMOTION, GREED, HATRED, MURDER, PERVERSION, or CORRUPTION will touch My Kingdom of LIFE, LIGHT, and JOY. It is My plan to RESTORE this kind of Kingdom LIFE on the earth. I AM calling you to PARTNER with Me in the RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. As you DRAW NEAR to Me, more and more of My LIFE and LOVE will fill you, and the DARKNESS around you will be DISSOLVED and LIFE will SPRING FORTH. If you ASK Me, I will release an ANOINTING to you that EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH WILL COME ALIVE. As you REFUSE to partner with darkness through UNBELIEF, JEALOUSY, BITTERNESS, GOSSIP, or a CRITICAL SPIRIT, the MORE ROOM you make for My LIFE to manifest in you and through you. EVERYTHING COMES ALIVE in My Kingdom. OPEN your heart FULLY to My LIFE, and EVERYTHING WE TOUCH WILL COME ALIVE.”
Lyrics “Everything Comes Alive” by Jonathan Clarke
Broken hearts mended, minds reinvented, whatever You breathe on is coming alive.
God You restore us, put glory before us, whatever You love on is coming alive.
Everything comes alive in You, and You make us, You make us new.

Diana Larkin - ROADBLOCKS TO FREEDOM - July 26, 2024

“The enemy and those partnered with him have set up ROADBLOCKS TO FREEDOM in your Nation. They are DETERMINED to keep you UNDER their thumb ofCONTROL, TYRANNY, and LIES. They believe they can keep your Nation from BREAKING THROUGH to LIBERTY, FREEDOM, TRUTH, AND JUSTICE. These ROADBLOCKS are: a WEAPONIZED JUSTICE system, a SECRET SURVEILLANCE network that spies on you, a FINANCIAL SYSTEM that ROBS you of your resources, and a MEDIA that reports LIES, COVER-UPS, and DISTORTIONS that MISLEAD and DECEIVE the people. All these ROADBLOCKS are designed to keep people FEARFUL to speak up, CONFUSED about history and current events, and LOCKED into FINANCIAL SLAVERY. It’s time, Army of Light, that we TRUTH BOMB these ROADBLOCKS TO FREEDOM and OPEN UP the HIGHWAY to LIGHT, TRUTH, JUSTICE, and TRUE FREEDOM. Every time you hear a LIE, another BOGUS COURT CASE being launched, a RESTRICTIVE LAW being considered, more SCHEMES to take your money—don’t get ANGRY, get STRATEGIC! You SPEAK OUT the TRUTH into the ATMOSPHERE as a FREQUENCY WEAPON that begins to BLOW HOLES in the ROADBLOCKS. REFUSE to be FEARFUL or INTIMIDATED by the BOASTING MOUTH of Leviathan. Declare: ‘By the AUTHORITY of the name and Blood of Jesus, I put a SOCK in Leviathan’s mouth. Let it MUFFLE and CONFUSE the LYING VOICE, and let our voices of TRUTH RING OUT LOUD and CLEAR.’ Together, we will TARGET these ROADBLOCKS TO FREEDOM, and a highway to the Kingdom of God will be OPENED for all to journey to a time of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, and PLENTY.”

Diana Larkin - CALLED TO CONQUER - July 25, 2024

“My Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom are CALLED TO CONQUER! You are NOT called to COWER and wait for the enemy to put the world in DARKNESS and BONDAGE so great that I have to ZAP you out of the world. Are you not called to OVERCOME with the POWERFUL BLOOD of the LAMB and your word of TESTIMONY and AUTHORITY? The FALSE TEACHINGS about My people being TOO WEAK at the end of the Age to OVERCOME the darkness is in OPPOSITION to the WHOLE REST of what My WORD REVEALS. Is the Blood of Jesus not POWERFUL ENOUGH? Is the EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit so WEAK that you are DESTINED TO FAIL? Do you understand that these DOCTRINES OF DEMONS are to DISEMPOWER your AUTHORITY and to ROB you of your DESTINY? COME OUT OF ALIGNMENT with these teachings that welcome APATHY in SPIRITUAL WARFARE and for SETTLING to live FAR BELOW what I have called My Sons and Daughters to live in. You are CALLED TO CONQUER and to PARTNER with Me in RULING and REIGNING through the BLOOD of My Son, the EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit, and your AUTHORITY as My Sons and Daughters. CO-HEIRS with Jesus means CO-HEIRS with the One who CONQUERED DEATH, HELL, and the GRAVE. You are not and NEVER will be called to be WIMPS and LOSERS. RISE UP, Army of Light! This is your day to SHINE for Me, as we RESCUE the world from the CREEPING DARKNESS and put it UNDER OUR FEET. You are CALLED TO CONQUER!”

Diana Larkin - WHO REALLY HAS THE UPPER HAND? - July 17, 2024

“The CAST of CHARACTERS keeps CHANGING in front of your eyes. As those partnered with darkness FALL, it seems like one even WORSE is put in that place. So, WHO REALLY HAS THE UPPER HAND? Is it not true that WHAT YOU SOW IS WHAT YOU REAP? Did you not just see someone who CHEATED their way into a high position be CHEATED OUT of that PLACE? If the darkness INSTALLS another member of the CHEATING GANG, do not be DOWNCAST or WORRIED because they, too, will be CHEATED OUT of that POSITION. Can you TRUST Me that this is part of My plan to EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE and to bring about a CLIMAX of events that will SHOCK the world? Just as quickly as the darkness INSTALLS new people, I will EXPOSE them, and they will be RIPPED OUT of those positions. It will be hard to KEEP UP with the CHANGING CAST of CHARACTERS. As this CHAOS plays out, keep your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS STRONG. They will result in a RING of FIRE—My GLORY FIRE—surrounding your Nation to PROTECT and DEFEND it against any OUTSIDE INVADERS. Your WORSHIP and your TRUST in Me will TOPPLE the INSIDE INVADERS, as their HOUSE of CARDS FALLS FLAT. See with SPIRITUAL EYES what I AM doing behind the scenes and DO NOT GROW IMPATIENT while waiting for the VICTORY. It will come because I AM HAS THE UPPER HAND.”


Camala is going to divide the party more and cause more problems than they already had. The sins committed to get here are catching up with her and the Dems and they are on a course of destruction. Stay tuned and sit tight the show will get better and better. Fear not for your country I will protect you from her and what she does or does not do. No evil shall befall you you neither shall any plague come nigh your dewelling. All will be well in the land of the free and the home of the brave my USA. I love this land and will protect you and keep you against all internal and external threats. No weapon shall prosper which forms against Thee. This day and this time will soon pass and you will be cheering and Celebrating It is almost over. Draw near to me my little ones and know that I love you I sent and gave you my only son Jesus. We love you so and want you to know us more want us want you to know us more take time to talk with us take time to listen. Be still and know that I am God.

The September surprise will be a critical event in history the enemy is going to be surrounded and surprised on multiple levels. It is my surprise and it will entail more exposure and details of how everything is coming together. September will be a month ending the hot and heated summer. The elections will be in full swing with the Dems losing more and more. The current Camala surge is propaganda and a relief that Joe is leaving. Reality will set in and the majority will agree they don’t want the Current administration’s Reality. Lay out the pieces of the puzzle and what do you see? Much you did not know three years ago and much you still do not know. the conspiracy theorist will be known as the truth teller. As much truth is leaking out every day the truth is coming and are you ready for the real Truth. The hard truth has been what has been happening in my World. They have enslaved my people and I have had enough. You are to be free and this Freedom will be a new life.

The September surprise will bring joy and Delight to the masses. But the cabal will be hiding the cabal’s days are numbered. And soon they will not have all of the gold or the silver. Silver and gold are mine and the cattle on a thousand hills. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and now it is time time for my children to be free of the enslavement debt bondage and living paycheck to paycheck. I know the hearts of my children and who I can trust the great wealth transfer is for my children and to fund the gospel of my dear son Jesus love Abba Father.

Diana Larkin - RETURN TO ME AND I WILL RETURN TO YOU - July 23, 2024

ZECHARIAH 1:3 (NASB) “Therefore, say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord of Hosts, “Return to Me,” declares the Lord of Hosts, ‘that I may return to you,” says the Lord of Hosts.”
“Besides all the OUTWARD ATTACKS on people’s bodies and the THREATS of war that the enemy has launched, there has also been a DARK SCHEME of the enemy launched against the MINDS and HEARTS of people—even those who BELONG to Me through the Blood of My Son. These attacks ROB people of their PEACE and their ASSURANCE that they BELONG to Me. The enemy continually THROWS their SIN in their faces, and tells them that I couldn’t possibly still LOVE them and that I have TURNED AWAY from them. These are CRUEL LIES that ROB these people from the FREEDOM that Jesus died to give them, and BLOCKS them from HEARING My VOICE and from INTIMACY with Me. If you are UNDER the HEAVY YOKE of CONDEMNATION, realize you are being LIED to and that I have the POWER to DESTROY this FALSE YOKE. RECEIVE and BELIEVE that the Blood of My Son COVERS and WIPES AWAY EVERY SIN—your FORGIVENESS does NOT depend on you—it depends on My GREAT LOVE shown to you by SACRIFICING My Son in your place. No longer remain under the yoke of LIES the enemy has sown into your heart. It was for FREEDOM that Christ set you FREE! RETURN TO ME, AND I WILL RETURN TO YOU. It’s this simple: I WANT YOU BACK! STOP letting the enemy STEAL your PEACE, JOY, and INTIMACY with Me. I want you NEAR to My heart, and I want you to HEAR My VOICE. Come, and rest in My FORGIVENESS and My LOVE.” ISAIAH 44:22 (TPT) “I have swept away your sins like a thick cloud. I have made your guilt to vanish like mist disappearing into thin air. Now come back, come back to Me, for I have paid the price for you.”

Unknown Prophet - God's Warning! The Approaching Storm... July 20, 2024

The word that I’m giving you today I got back in May. And the Lord told me at that point to hold it and now he’s telling me to release it. The name of it is the approaching storm. It was given to me on May the 10th and I’m releasing it to you that’s May the 10th of 2024. And I’m releasing it to you now on July the 20th 2024. So without further Ado. … The vision that I had was an approaching storm and it was a mass of black clouds and heavy lightning and the wind began to blow really strong and the rain started pouring down in sheets it was a heavy storm then the scene lifted from the storm and I saw a group of people standing under the protection of an overhanging Cliff something like a large cave out of the Storm and The Vision ended. The father said the storm that you saw was that which is about to break forth on this country and many other countries in the near future. It will not be long my son before I begin to pour forth my anger and vengeance on those who are trying to destroy my country and my world. my people and all the things that I have my hand on.

Yes they are even trying to destroy me do they not know that they can that that cannot be done. Do they even know who I am and he answers his own question no they don’t. They think even as several of the comments that have come back to you on your post that I am a false narrative. And my son Jesus is a fake. They truly have drifted so far from me that they no longer even believe I exist even my people the tribes of Israel never got to that point. And this is emphasized it is time what you saw in the storm is what I’m going to pour out on those who do not believe and deny me and say I do not exist it will be a storm that they will not be able to stand in. And it will bring them to their knees and before it is over they will know that I exist they still may not turn to me but they will know that I exist. The ones under the cliff under the protection are those who love me and walk with me they are my people whom my son laid down his life for and who have believed in him. Yes he laid down his life for all people. But it is of no avail to them that deny him and turn away from him and from me.

Tell my people that they are safe from the storm that will start to rage the storm of my anger at those who continue to try to destroy me and this is highlighted. I will not be destroyed. I am almighty God and I am the one who will do the destroying. Even those son who make light of you and cast marks on you and go out of the way to try to portray you as demented. Even those who refuse to listen to me they will learn that’s good. I have tried to provide a word that would bring them to me but they will not listen they will feel the wrath of my anger. My people are under the protection of my hand you who are my people know that I will not only protect you but I will also provide for you in the storm. When it rages around you and you find you have need call out to me. I will hear you and I will provide. But call out and believe and let me provide as I see fit.

Diana Larkin -TUG OF WAR - July 21, 2024

“Do you see the TUG OF WAR that is playing out in the camp of the darkness? Do you see the CONFLICTING HEADLINES and announcements of BREAKING NEWS? Each side of this giant TUG OF WAR is putting out its view of how they think things should go, and the LYING media is SCRAMBLING and UNSURE whose report to give out. They have been LOCKED into reporting the ONE LYING NARRATIVE that they receive, and they are REELING that CONFLICTING NARRATIVES are BOMBARDING them. They don’t know who is going to win the TUG OF WAR for POWER in the camp of the darkness, and they are reporting EVERYTHING they receive to try and stay ALIGNED with BOTH SIDES. Is this TUG OF WAR WEAKENING the schemes of darkness? Oh yes, and I want you to see that your continued DECLARATIONS of sending CONFUSION and DIVISION into the enemy’s camp are having a GREAT AFFECT on their STRENGTH. My Forces of Light, you have BROKEN the POWER of their UNIFIED VOICE, and they are now SCRAMBLING to GRAB the REINS of POWER, and CONFLICTING ORDERS are FLYING OUT of a DIVIDED CAMP. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, as they DESTROY each other from within. DECREE that the TUG OF WAR will INTENSIFY, DIVIDE their ranks COMPLETELY, and that they will FALL and be PULLED OFF the EDGE of the PRECIPICE. Meanwhile, UNIFY your own ranks and don’t be DISTRACTED by those who are putting out FAIRYTALE DRAMA to try and make a name for themselves. STICK with My VOICE and My ORDERS, and you will be a UNIFIED FORCE of LIGHT that SPLITS the darkness and COMPLETELY DEFEATS them. Your UNIFIED DECREES will INTENSIFY the enemy camp’s TUG OF WAR.”

Diana Larkin - GIVE US A FRESH START! - July 20, 2024

I had a quick dream last night at 1:23 a.m. (a sequence of coming events). In the dream, there were numbers floating in the air all around me, and I grabbed the number 85 and pulled it to me. (8=new beginnings, resurrection; 5=grace, empowerment) This led me to Psalm 85. The Father shared:
“Let the words of this Psalm be on your lips, and cry out to Me, GIVE US A FRESH START! PSALM 85:6, 7 (TPT) ‘Revive us again, O God! I know You will! Give us a fresh start! Then all Your people will taste Your joy and gladness. Pour out even more of Your love on us! Reveal more of Your kindness and restore us back to You!’ “You have seen the BROKENNESS, DIVISION, and HATRED that the enemy and his PAWNS of darkness have SOWN into the world. They have foolishly sown to the WINDS of DESTRUCTION, and they will now REAP the WHIRLWIND, as I DELIVER the nations from their DARK TYRANNY. My WHIRLWIND of JUDGMENT and JUSTICE will come SUDDENLY, and it will RIP AWAY the FACADES and OPEN UP every DARK DEED and HIDING PLACE. All their riches will be SUCKED UP and FLUNG OUT to all of you. They will be left EXPOSED, STRIPPED of EVERYTHING, and the DESTRUCTION they planned for you will fall on them…HARD. Then, it is time to cry out, GIVE US A FRESH START! This will be My response:” PSALM 85: 12, 13 (TPT) ‘Yes, the Lord keeps raining down blessing after blessing, and prosperity will drench the land with a bountiful harvest. For deliverance and peace are His forerunners, preparing a path for His steps.’ “This is My PROMISE, and I WILL DO IT!”

Strait & Narrow - Time Is Almost Up - July 17, 2024


Diana Larkin - DESPERATE MEASURES - July 19, 2024

This morning, I found myself on my eagle flying over the USA. I began to see fires of paid disturbances breaking out across the Land. I was given a bucket of cold water to pour onto the fires, and they quickly died down.
“HIGH ALERT, My Army of Light! A desperate enemy is unleashing DESPERATE MEASURES to try and STOP the building TSUNAMI of LIGHT that is ROLLING OUT over your Land. They know their darkness is about to be EXPOSED, and they will try ANYTHING to STOP that Light from shining on their GREED, PERVERSION, and TREASON. When I call you to HIGH ALERT, I DO NOT MEAN for you to become ANXIOUS or FEARFUL. Remember who your Commander is—the Most High God—and I have EQUIPPED you with POWERFUL, SUPERIOR WEAPONS to take down the darkness. This will be your FINEST HOUR in this battle of dark to Light, so RISE UP in GREAT COURAGE and CANCEL OUT the enemy plans. Pour the cold water of TRUTH and EXPOSURE on the FIRES of DIVISION and ACCUSATION that the darkness tries to start. DECLARE that the LIES, LIES, LIES will begin to CHOKE those behind the microphones, and they will not be able to FINISH their sentences. RELEASE a FLOOD of CONVICTION over your Nation to all those who have bought the LIES and are HARBORING HATRED in their hearts. SPEAK FORTH, ‘AWAKEN, AWAKEN, AWAKEN,’ to those still drinking the KoolAid of DECEPTION that has been served for years to the nations. STAND before the onslaught the darkness is releasing, SHOULDER to SHOULDER with your brothers and sisters and My FIERCE and MIGHTY Hosts and Angels. RELEASE with ONE VOICE, COURAGE, BROTHERLY LOVE, and the FEAR OF THE LORD across your Land. DESPERATE MEASURES call for STRATEGIC STRIKES by My HIGHLY TRAINED FORCES OF LIGHT. PROCEED, covered by the Blood of My Son and My love. VICTORY is in sight.”

Diana Larkin - WELLS OF COMPASSION - July 18, 2024

“Allow the TRAUMA of the NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE that you witnessed work something GOOD and NOT something DARK in your heart. If you are REACTING with MAN’S ANGER and REVENGE, then it is time for a HEART CHECK. You are NOT REFLECTING My heart; you are REFLECTING how the DARKNESS OPERATES. If you are acting like the darkness, how can you SHINE A LIGHT that will PULL others OUT of the WEB of DARKNESS and LIES that they have been ENTANGLED IN? I don’t ever want you to HOLD ONTO TRAUMA, because I can REPLACE TRAUMA with My PEACE, My SHALOM, but I do want you to ALLOW the SHAKING experience to IMPACT your heart for GOOD. Allow this TRAGEDY to work in you DEEP WELLS OF COMPASSION for those who have been LIED TO and LIED TO from almost every angle of their lives. You are NOT CONDONING their SINFUL CHOICES, but you are UNDERSTANDING how greatly they have been DECEIVED and BRAINWASHED. Your ANGER will NOT BREAK the POWER of the LIES, but your LOVE and UNDERSTANDING will. Turn your ANGER into a WARRIOR SPIRIT that goes after the father of lies and all his LYING demons and powers. MOW THEM DOWN and FIGHT for the FREEDOM of all those held in BONDAGE to Leviathan’s WEB of LIES and DECEPTION. Your WELLS OF COMPASSION will make you A SAFE PLACE for those SHAKEN AWAKE to SEEK TRUTH and to find a place to BELONG…SAFE in the HEART of a Father, COVERED by the BLOOD of My Son, and IGNITED to FREEDOM and PASSION by My Holy Spirit. WELLS OF COMPASSION are a BEAUTIFUL thing in a human heart.”

Diana Larkin - SHINE FOR ME - July 17, 2024

This morning, the amazing 3-in-One led me to gates of Eden, and Enoch met me there. He was kind and unassuming, and he invited me to sit with him on a bench under a tree. I told him my feelings about not having brilliant questions to ask him, and he just gently smiled. I asked him if I could just sit with him and receive part of his heart that so faithfully walked with the Father for 300 years on the earth. He was fine with this. I told him of my struggle with criticism versus discernment. He said to so shine the Father’s heart and freedom that it would overshadow any religious spirit with His glory. He shared with me that I won’t need to say anything—just be His girl born into freedom and light. This was a very freeing experience.
The Father shared with me:
“There is great POWER in allowing My LIFE and LIGHT to SHINE THROUGH YOU. The more time you spend with Me in HEART to HEART conversation, in receiving REVELATION from My Word, in WORSHIPING Me in Spirit and truth, and in WALKING with Me in FELLOWSHIP through your day and night, the more you will REFLECT Me and SHINE for Me. One of the enemy’s most DIVISIVE TACTICS has been to SOW the CRITICAL SPIRIT throughout your Nation. The enemy convinces people that they have a LICENSE to CHARACTER ASSASSINATE anyone who does not line up with what they believe. Carried to an EXTREME, you have those who will attempt to take someone’s LIFE because CRITICISM has turned to HATRED. Even those in the Church have taken the BAIT of the CRITICAL SPIRIT, and they feel FREE to SLAM and DEVALUE anyone who believes DIFFERENTLY than they do. Your HARSH WORDS of CRITICISM will NOT CHANGE anyone else’s HEART. It is My LOVE, My LIGHT, and My FREEDOM that allow Me to PURGE your heart of the CRITICAL SPIRIT—that need to be ‘right’—then you will SHINE My LOVE, My LIGHT, and My FREEDOM in everything you SAY, you DO, and you THINK. My FRAGRANCE will come forth from your life, and it will BLESS the world. As you faithfully carry My heart, you will SHINE FOR ME.

Diana Larkin - NOTHING WILL STOP MY CHANGING TIDE - July 16, 2024

“Can you feel the SHIFT that is taking place in your Nation? Do you realize that the STAGE IS SET for EVERYTHING TO CHANGE in the history of the world? No matter what the darkness LIES about next or what DEATH SCHEME they try to launch, NOTHING WILL STOP MY CHANGING TIDE. It will RISE and COVER those partnered with darkness like the waters of the Red Sea COVERED Pharaoh and the Egyptian army, and you will SEE THEM NO MORE. I want your CONFIDENCE to SOAR in My POWER to INITIATE a CHANGING TIDE, and I want you to MARVEL that the LIGHT of My TRUTH and the DEPTH of My LOVE can ILLUMINATE and TRANSFORM the human heart. My CHANGING TIDE is not just to EXPOSE and to WIPE OUT EVIL and LIES, it is to BRING IN a FLOOD of TRUTH, HEALING, PLENTY, and WONDER at My POWER and LOVE. Continue your EFFECTIVE WARFARE for it is preparing the ground for COMPLETE VICTORY. No OBSTACLE will PREVAIL and NOTHING WILL STOP MY CHANGING TIDE.”

Diana Larkin - TRUE COLORS - July 15, 2024

I was taken up above the USA, and the whole Land was an American Flag. It began to undulate like a flag blowing in the breeze. The Flag was vintage colors in muted sepia tones. As the rolling continued, it was bringing evil to the surface, and the waving Flag pushed all the dark things to the East Coast, and they fell off into the ocean. As this cleansing rolled through the Land, the Flag took on its true colors. The rolling ceased, and the sun shone on a Nation reborn to courage, freedom, and justice. The Father shared: 

“Your Nation is being SHAKEN AWAKE, as EVIL REARS ITS UGLY HEAD and is EXPOSED to all. The VIOLENCE those partnered with darkness tried to PROJECT onto those of the Light, is coming to REST on THEIR SHOULDERS for all to see. The DESPERATE ATTEMPT on your rightful President’s life has served to AWAKEN many from the MIND-BINDING SPIRIT that has kept them PASSIVE and UNBELIEVING. Quite suddenly, PATRIOTISM and COURAGE are coming to LIFE, and a UNITY of heart is developing. The wicked are GRINDING their TEETH and throwing ANGRY WORDS at each other. DECLARE that the SHAKINGS and EXPOSURES will continue until your Nation is CLEANSED and once again, her TRUE COLORS are displayed.”

Diana Larkin - DISMANTLE AND DISEMPOWER - July 14, 2024

“On June 29, 2024, I told you that I would be TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY. As your enemies plans continue to GO UP IN SMOKE, to MELT, and to BOIL OVER, they are reaching a PANIC and DESPERATION MODE of OPERATION. In My words to you on June 29, 2024, I instructed you to: ‘CALL IN MY HOST to DISMANTLE AND DISEMPOWER the STRIKES of RETALIATION PLANNED by the DARKNESS who are in GREAT FEAR because I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY.’ My fine Warriors of Light, you are OBEYING these assignments and you SEE the RESULTS in these DARK SCHEMES being DISMANTLED AND DISEMPOWERED. Well done! The stakes are RISING HIGHER and HIGHER for My Freedom Fighters and that is why you must ENCOURAGE and STRENGTHEN yourself in Me so that you don’t become FEARFUL and so that you DO NOT GIVE BACK AN INCH of the ground we are GAINING BACK from the DARK TYRANNY. One of the most important GIANTS that has been TAKEN DOWN is the giant of FEAR and INTIMIDATION. DO NOT GIVE BACK AN INCH OF THIS GROUND THAT THIS GIANT PROTECTED. You have learned that I SURROUND you with My PROTECTION and My STRENGTH, so STAND TALL and keep in BATTLE FORMATION, as with ONE VOICE, you DISMANTLE AND DISEMPOWER the enemy’s schemes.”
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Be ready to receive strategic intel for these hot days. Example: I was shown a vision this morning of an outdoor rally, and a Patriot Watcher with powerful binoculars (seeing with focused spiritual eyes) saw an incoming drone. He alerted the Military, and they took the drone down and disabled it. I then prayed into this vision and released spiritual warfare and decrees over it to dismantle and disempower this scheme.

Diana Larkin - A VEIN OF GOLD - July 13, 2024

I was taken to the Council Chamber of Heaven and stood gratefully behind my Elder. I told him how good it was to be with him again, and he reached back and patted my hand affectionately. I became aware of something new in the usual blue/green/turquoise background of this Chamber. It was a vein of gold that ran around the whole room—like veins you would see in marble. It was spreading around the room like a river. I heard an Elder say, “The Kingdom Age coming to earth will be known as the Golden Age.” The Father shared:
“I AM releasing A VEIN OF GOLD into the NATURAL and SUPERNATURAL REALMS, and it will run through the whole Kingdom Age. It will SUPPLY both MATERIAL and SUPERNATURAL RICHES. Like never before, you will see a NEVER-ENDING SUPPLY of BOUNTY fill your lives. It will BLESS you with ABUNDANCE, and it will FLOW THROUGH your hands to BLESS others. Any GREED or GRASPING for the VEIN OF GOLD will cause it to go DEEP UNDERGROUND so that darkness cannot have ACCESS to it. In the supernatural, the VEIN OF GOLD will supply the TRUE RICHES of the Kingdom. Great REVELATION and UNDERSTANDING of My Word will be found. You will be able to TAP INTO the DEPTHS of My HEART and all of the TREASURES of LOVE waiting to be MINED by you. Gold must be taken out of the rock to be useful. I AM your ROCK of SALVATION, PROTECTION, and PRESERVATION. I AM inviting you to SEARCH for the VEIN OF GOLD that is in Me and to MINE the DEPTHS of the RICHES I have for you there. As you find the supernatural TREASURES of My VEIN OF GOLD, you will find that it MANIFESTS in your NATURAL life as well. Be in WONDER of the GOLDEN AGE that is planned for you.”

Diana Larkin - DEEPLY SATISFIED - July 12, 2024

This morning, the Father took me to the outer edges of the Universe—back to the beginning. I saw a circling, fiery, mass in the center of His being and then He released it and creation shot out from it and expanded instantaneously. Light and particles flew out of the explosion, as He said: 
LIGHT BE! “This morning, I AM sharing with you a GLIMPSE of how the Universe you live in had its BEGINNINGS. The POWER to CREATE everything SEEN and UNSEEN came from inside Me. I AM the SOURCE of all POWER, LIGHT, and LIFE. That SINGLE RELEASE of POWER and My command, ‘LIGHT BE!’ contained everything needed for creation to UNFOLD. Do you understand the IMMENSE POWER that is in your Creator? Is anything too DIFFICULT for Me? The enemy and his MINIONS, for all their BOASTING, CANNOT CREATE ANYTHING. They can only IMITATE, and their imitations of My POWER are TWISTED and DISTORTED by GREED, SELFISH AMBITION, and a LUST for POWER and CONTROL. Why would you settle for a CHEAP IMITATION? When you ALIGN your heart with Me, you are PARTNERING with the SOURCE of LIGHT, LIFE, and LOVE. Because I AM LOVE, all that comes through Me REFLECTS My MULTI-COLORED, RAINBOW LOVE. When I release ABUNDANCE into your life, I add NO SORROW to it. You are BLESSED to be a BLESSING. When you FREELY GIVE out of what you have received, it PROTECTS you from GREED and SELFISHNESS because your heart has learned that My supply is UNLIMITED and not restricted by man’s ways. The enemy will present ILLEGAL ways of achieving WEALTH and FAME, but they come with a HIGH and DEADLY PRICE-TAG of MORAL and SPIRITUAL DESTRUCTION that will COST you your ETERNAL RICHES IN GLORY and will SEPARATE you FOREVER from My love. The enemy has SHOWCASED his DEADLY TRAPS for long enough. Ask Me to SHOW FORTH My POWER that will TRAMPLE the darkness and that will RELEASE TRUE RICHES that bring people into the AWE and WONDER of My LOVE. The enemy only has DARK POWER. I AM the one who spoke, ‘LIGHT BE!’ Come FULLY into My LIGHT, My LOVE, and My POWER.”

Diana Larkin - DEEPLY SATISFIED - July 11, 2024

“When you learn to be DEEPLY SATISFIED in My PRESENCE, it will bring GREAT BALANCE and DEPTH to your life. When your ACCEPTANCE and DEEP JOY are found in Me, you will not need to seek a place of ministry or try to make a name for yourself because you will KNOW in the DEPTHS of your being that you are My TREASURE and My DELIGHT. This is what the human heart CRAVES—to be KNOWN and LOVED for who they are. When your heart knows HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU and you have LEARNED to be DEEPLY SATISFIED in Me, you will no longer STRIVE for RECOGNITION or a place of INFLUENCE. Your life will bear the FRUIT of LOVE, GENTLENESS, and POWER; and many will DESIRE to come to KNOW Me in the SWEET DEPTHS of My love. When you learn to be DEEPLY SATISFIED in My love, it will PROTECT you from JEALOUSY and SELFISH AMBITION. It will GUARD your heart from CRITICIZING others to make yourself LOOK BETTER. Knowing the DEPTHS of My love and ENJOYING the FELLOWSHIP of My PRESENCE will bring BALANCE to your life. You won’t be ALL WORK and NO PLAY—which leads to BURNOUT, nor will you be ALL PLAY and seeking FALSE COMFORTERS—which leads to a SHALLOW LIFE. True DEPTH and RICHNESS will be in your life as you LINGER with Me, and you will find your heart is DEEPLY SATISFIED.”

Janie Seguin, Bo Polny - GOD Revealed WHEN All WARS END! - July 10, 2024

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Diana Larkin - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - July 10, 2024

“This is a month of EVER-INCREASING CONTRASTS. Evil will be FORCED to be DARKER and no longer will they be able to keep it HIDDEN under MASKS of TOLERANCE and INCLUSION. It will begin to DAWN on people that they TOLERATE only those who are CAPTURED by DESTRUCTIVE LIFESTYLES and that they INCLUDE only those who EMBRACE PERVERSION. As My people DRAW NEARER to Me and are CHANGED by BEHOLDING My GLORY and My LOVE, they will SHINE BRIGHTER than ever, and they will be a REFLECTION of My HEART. As I manifest MULTIPLIED SIGNS, WONDERS, HEALINGS, and MIRACLES through My Children of Light, the world will take NOTICE and will be DRAWN to the TRUE LIGHT of My LOVE and My POWER. As My Body shows itself WILLING to DEAL with SIN in the camp and to ALLOW it to be EXPOSED and no longer to be swept under the rug, it will be seen as a SAFE HARBOR and a place where sinners can be SET FREE. You might call this the month of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. The BEAUTY and POWER of My LOVE will be SHOWCASED, as will the GROSS DEFILEMENT of the BEAST SYSTEM. Your ASSIGNMENT for this month, My Army of Light, is to CONTINUE to ALLOW Me to CLEANSE your hearts and to PURIFY YOUR MOTIVES. You will SHINE with My BEAUTY, and the LOST and BROKEN will be drawn to you. Continue to PUSH BACK those who serve darkness until they are CORNERED and FORCED to EXPOSE their own DARKNESS and DESPERATION. CALL IN the month of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.”

Diana Lrkin - WILL GOD’S JUSTICE PREVAIL? - July 9, 2024


Chris Bennett - Beware the Rats! - July 8, 2024

I was sitting quietly reading, when I became aware of a movement to my left.

I looked and saw rats entering through a window I’d left open. Fortunately, I quickly realised I was in a vision and this was not my house!

I was in a large Grain Store. The Harvest had been brought in and more was coming, but there were rats all over the place. All shapes and sizes.

I picked up a couple by their tails and threw them out, but they calmly shook themselves down, turned, and started to make their way back to the barn.

I was reminded that rats are a frequent visitor, if not inhabitants, of Grain Stores.

I inquired of The LORD.

“Beware the Rats of Harvest!” He said. “They come to kill, steal, and destroy! The Grain you see is the rich Harvest that will be brought into the Store House of My Kingdom.

As in the natural, rats and other lesser creatures, live on the pickings they glean from the Grain Store.

The Church represents the Grain Store, and during Harvest, every Grain Store ever built has been infested by rats getting fat on the gleanings.

There are several types and sizes of Harvest Rat that will attack and diminish the harvest of souls you have worked hard to bring into the store,” He went on.

“The small rats represent Popular Opinion — which varies from place to place — but which generally is against My Church and My people.

This rat is growing, but this morning is still quite small, but there are thousands of them and they are hungry.

Next comes the rat that represents Friends. Many who come into The Kingdom in this season will lose their friends. Many will be lured back into the world by these friends and may well even lose their salvation.

Slightly larger again comes the Family Rat, which gnaws and nibbles away at the fresh green shoots of new faith.

Some may lose their family on account of Me, but those who stay will receive their reward.” says The LORD.

“Work Environment Rats, will make life for the newly saved quite difficult. Apart from the natural hostility and derision that will occur, some will actually be forced out of their jobs because of their new found faith.”

“Now,” says The LORD, “We come to the large truly destructive rats. Churches can be the most judgemental and hostile places to the newly saved.

People, My Own People, can be very unforgiving and suspicious, and will predate upon new Christians — particularly those from criminal or addiction backgrounds!

Finally, the largest and fattest rats in any Grain Store, are those who lead astray — and they are pastors and leaders who teach errant doctrine.

They also grow fat by using the gullibility of new converts to ‘share’ finances. These who lead My children astray, who feed them false doctrines and a false gospel, will surely be the greatest danger to this coming Harvest.

They have no part of Me or My Kingdom, but they live well and grow ever fatter on the life My storehouses provide.”

“Beware the Rats of The Harvest!” says The LORD, “For they will try to destroy much that is brought into the Store House.

They will grow fat on The Harvest, and they will undermine My People, My Church, My Bride.

Beware the rats who invade the Harvest Store in order to kill, steal, and destroy!” says The LORD God Almighty.

Diana Larkin - THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE - July 8, 2024

“The evil empire has a WHOLE QUIVER FULL of NASTY ARROWS that they plan to SHOOT at you. They plan to STRIKE GREAT FEAR into people so that they can TAKE CONTROL and then they plan to SILENCE every VOICE of FREEDOM. Their plan to TERRORIZE people and to SILENCE OPPOSITION is going to BACKFIRE onto them because I AM ARISING, and I will be THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE. All those DARK PLANS they formed for you are going to become THEIR FUTURE and not yours. Get ready, because it is their voices that will be SILENCED. No more will their MOCKING, THREATENING, LYING reports be on the AIRWAVES. THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE will come to pass: TRUTH and EXPOSURES of their EVIL and PERVERSION will be shared on the AIRWAVES. Join Me as we BREAK the POWER off of every DARK ARROW that they pull out of their quiver and DECLARE that it will MISS ITS MARK and FALL SHORT of its TARGETED DESTRUCTION. Take AUTHORITY over the FEAR and TERROR they are planning to cause and RELEASE COURAGE and a WARRIOR SPIRIT over your Land. Put your CONFIDENCE in Me because the ARROW I RELEASE will be your enemy’s WORST NIGHTMARE.”

Diana Larkin - WHAT WILL YOU REAP? - July 7, 2024

“This Harvest season is not just a REAPING TIME for those who serve darkness. It is also a TIME of REAPING for those who belong to Me through the Blood of My Son’s SACRIFICE. In every area where the darkness has OPPOSED Me and My will, I will ARISE and OPPOSE them, and they will be EXPOSED, DEPOSED, and their EVIL PLANS will be TURNED BACK on them. HEAR these words of Fatherly COUNSEL to My people and TAKE them to HEART. If you are OPPOSING part of My Rescue plans or if you are WAVERING in your FAITH in My ABILITY or My WILLINGNESS to RESCUE you and your Nation COMPLETELY, then you are POSITIONING yourself to receive a MEASURE of My JUDGMENT in this Harvest season. This is NOT what I want to see come about for your life. My DESIRE is to be able to RICHLY and FREELY REWARD you, as the battle is WON and the SPOILS of WAR FLOOD IN. But if you are OFFENDED at My CHOICE of LEADER for your Nation or if you are in UNBELIEF, these attitudes of heart will REAP My CORRECTION and a measure of JUDGMENT because they are keeping you from the FULLNESS of BELIEVING who I AM and in COMPLETELY TRUSTING My plans. I do not want to LEAVE you WAVERING and in having FAITH one minute and having DOUBT in the next. This leads to DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS, and it LESSENS your EFFECTIVENESS as My Son or Daughter of Light. Are you OFFENDED at My CHOICE of leader for your Nation? You had better get SERIOUS about coming to Me and asking Me HOW I SEE this man that you are LOOKING DOWN YOUR NOSE AT. You are facing a DEEPLY ENTRENCHED, RUTHLESS enemy, and I have ANOINTED a FIERCE WARRIOR to lead you through this CLASH of dark to Light. I see the HEART of this WARRIOR LEADER, and it is TURNING MORE and MORE to My COUNSEL and My ways. Be WILLING to LAY DOWN your OFFENSE, and I will REVEAL this man’s heart to you so that you can COMPLETELY ALIGN with Me and take yourself OUT of the REAPING STREAM of JUDGMENT and place yourself into the REAPING STREAM of REWARD. Consider your ways: WHAT WILL YOU REAP?” 

Diana Larkin - ASHES, ASHES, THEY ALL FALL DOWN - July 6, 2024

JEREMIAH 10:15 (MSG) “Stick-god worshipers look mighty foolish…Their gods are fraud—dead sticks, deadwood gods, tasteless jokes. When the fires of judgment come, they’ll be ashes.”
“You will be a witness to the FULFILLMENT of this verse from My Word. Not only will these evil doers who have worshiped and served the enemy (often by the shedding of innocent blood) be brought to JUSTICE and JUDGMENT, everything they AMASSED in material POSSESSIONS will go to another and their whole life’s WORK will be a PILE of ASHES—burned before their eyes. Their TEMPORARY WEALTH, POWER, and FAME on this earth will come to NOTHING, and they will face an eternity of DARKNESS and TORMENT. This is why I have DELAYED JUSTICE that I might SNATCH any back from this YAWNING MOUTH of TERROR. However difficult it is to see My justice and judgment come to those who have chosen darkness, it must take place to CLEAR THE WAY for My KINGDOM GLORY to come in your midst and to re-establish RIGHTEOUSNESS, BLESSING, and PEACE to your Nation. I desire to FULFILL My COVENANT with your Land, and I AM preparing the way for that to happen. REJOICE and be GLAD that you KNOW My LOVE, and SHARE it FREELY—it is your PRICELESS GIFT to share with the world.”
JEREMIAH 51:58 (MSG) “God-of-Angel-Armies speaks: The city walls of Babylon—those massive walls!—will be flattened. And those city gates—huge gates!—will be set on fire. The harder you work at this empty life, the less you are. Nothing comes of ambition like this but ashes.” 

Diana Larkin - FIRE! - July 5 2024

This word came from an encounter I experienced this morning. I found myself on the eagle flying across America  but this time, the Father was behind me on the eagle. He was reaching inside Himself and pulling out glory balls of fire that He threw to the earth onto specific targets. They hit the ground and started a fire!
“The enemy had plans to SET FIRES of DESTRUCTION and MAYHEM across your Land yesterday, but your PRAYERS DAMPENED those plans. Now, I declare to you that I AM going across your Nation, and RELEASING GLORY BALLS OF FIRE! These FIRES will BURN AWAY FACADES and EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE. These FIRES will BURN UP CORRUPTION and COMPROMISE. These FIRES will AWAKEN the SLEEPING DENIAL that people have been LULLED into, and the GLORY in these FIRES will show forth My POWER and IGNITE FIRES of PASSION that will draw people to My heart through the blood of My Son, and the Kingdom will EXPAND. It will be a season of FIRE that DESTROYS DARKNESS and that SHOWCASES My POWER and My LOVE. ENOUGH of the enemy’s HOGGING the STAGE with his BOASTING LIES! I AM coming with the BRIGHT FIRE of TRUTH and FREEDOM, and AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED. I AM asking you to join Me in this RELEASE of the GLORY BALLS OF FIRE. I will HIGHLIGHT areas to you that need My GLORY FIRE, and you bring them before Me and ask that I would RELEASE a GLORY BALL of FIRE into that highlighted area. It can be people’s HEARTS, STRONGHOLDS of CORRUPTION, UNJUST COURTS, LYING MEDIA, or TYRANNICAL INSTITUTIONS. Together, we are going across this Nation and IGNITING A FIRE!” 

Diana Larkin - 2024 July 4, 2024

“I have told you about the SECRET MEETINGS where the arrogant elite PLOT against you, while they LAUGH at their plans of DESTRUCTION for you. Your LOSS, your INJURY, your DEATH brings them GREAT AMUSEMENT and SATISFACTION, and they know they will be pleasing to their dark lord. I AM NOT AMUSED at their DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES. They are ATTACKING what is MOST PRECIOUS to Me. Will you JOIN ME? LET’S WIPE THE SMIRK OFF THE FACES that are set to DESTROY you and everything you HOLD DEAR! These darkened ones have been COMPLETELY DECEIVED by their HARDENED HEARTS to My LOVE and by their LUST for WEALTH and POWER. They don’t even realize that the enemy HATES them as much as he HATES My Children of Light and that once they LOSE their USEFULNESS, he will ABANDON them and REMOVE his POWER from them. THEY WILL FOLD LIKE A CHEAP PAPER DOLL. The darkness has EVIL SCHEMES PLANNED for this day of CELEBRATING FREEDOM. Of course, they HATE this day because they are DEVOTED to bringing TYRANNY to your Land. Are you just going TO SIT THERE PASSIVELY and LET THEIR PLANS of DESTRUCTION UNFOLD or are you going to RISE UP and WIELD YOUR SWORD OF TRUTH AND YOUR STAFF OF AUTHORITY AND DEMOLISH THE WICKED PLANS AGAINST YOU? Be MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS and DECLARE that the dark power is REMOVED from their schemes. LOOSE CONFUSION and APATHY into the ranks of those HIRED to DISRUPT celebrations and to bring about DEATH. SCATTER their PLANS and COMMAND the Hosts of the WINDS OF CHANGE to BLOW THEM AWAY from you and BACK INTO THE CAMP OF THE EVIL-SCHEMERS. DECLARE that those who PLOTTED these schemes will be MARKED by them and CAUGHT WITH THEIR PANTS DOWN, as they are EXPOSED, EXPOSED, EXPOSED. Meet their SHOW OF FORCE as MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS who carry My SUPERIOR POWER and AUTHORITY. LET FREEDOM RING in the face of these DARK TYRANTS. RISE UP MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS!” 

Veronika West - A Word Update for The United Kingdom - July 4, 2024

The United Kingdom shall be Yoked by a Labour Government by the morning…

This will confirm two poignant prophetic Words which were Submitted.

The following Word was prophesied in May 15, 2024:

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and Luciferian pacts!”

This second Word was prophesied on the January 14, 2024:

The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

Diana Larkin - REVERSE THE CURSE - July 3, 2024

“Many of you have begun to SEEK HEALTHY food, water, and products because you’ve come to realize that the darkness has CONTAMINATED so many things with HEALTH-STEALING chemicals and additives. While it is good to SEEK healthy, natural alternatives, it can be OVERWHELMING when you discover HOW MUCH has been contaminated by those of darkened hearts. Instead of being OVERWHELMED, do what you can do and then TURN TO ME and ASK FOR SUPERNATURAL HELP AND HEALING. A day will come when companies won’t be headed by those COMPROMISED by GREED and POWER, and you will live in a CLEANER, more NATURAL world. Food, water, and products will ENHANCE YOUR LIFE instead of STEALING IT. In the meantime, learn to CALL on the POWERFUL BLOOD of My Son and COVER all that touches your life with His Blood. PROCLAIM its HEALING and RESTORING POWER over you and your family. Take AUTHORITY over the effects of these DEATH AGENDAS and DECLARE, ‘I REVERSE THE CURSE of this death agenda, and I RELEASE the POWER and the LIFE of My God into my body and into the bodies of those I pray for.’ DUMBFOUND those partnered with darkness when your health starts IMPROVING and GETTING STRONGER IN SPITE OF ALL THEIR WICKED SCHEMES. This is a battle for LIFE and FREEDOM, and I have given you a POWERFUL tool: REVERSE THE CURSE!”

Diana Larkin - BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT - July 2 2024

“There will be a night of DEEP DARKNESS for your Nation, but know that it is My HAND COMING DOWN and COVERING YOUR LAND. The deep darkness will be SAFETY and PROTECTION for My people, as I TAKE DOWN the EVIL EMPIRE, ROUND THEM UP, and REMOVE THEM from your Land. MASSIVE AMOUNTS of Hosts and Angels will be spread across your Land DRIVING those partnered with darkness out of their HIDING PLACES. Your Military in this Operation Clean-Up will not sleep that night, as they ROUND UP those who wanted to COMPLETELY ENSLAVE you, but the darkness will be the ones who LOSE THEIR FREEDOM. My Army of Light will be SUPPORTING this TAKE DOWN of darkness with their POWERFUL PRAYERS and FAITH. You will be FULLY ASSURED that BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, FREEDOM will be WON for your Nation. Those of the darkness will be SHOCKED and TERRIFIED at how EASILY they were CAPTURED. They thought their HIDEOUTS were completely SECURE and HIDDEN, but NOTHING ESCAPES MY PIERCING LIGHT OF EXPOSURE. As My watchmen and My Army of Light look for the FIRST RAYS OF LIGHT, a Nation FREED from DARKNESS and TYRANNY will EMERGE. Once again, BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, your Nation will be SAVED and brought into My Kingdom Era of FREEDOM, PEACE, and PLENTY. HOLD FAST, HOLD STRONG, HOLD TRUE, as the deep darkness GIVES WAY to the DAWNING of My GREAT LIGHT over your Land.”

Diana Larkin - MORE THAN CONQUERORS - July 1, 2024

ROMANS 8:36-39 (TPT) “All day long we face death threats for Your sake, God. We are considered to be nothing more than sheep to be slaughtered! Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything! So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that His love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken His love. There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!”
“Do you understand that it was the POWER of My LOVE that FORMED CREATION and that REDEEMED you when you had fallen into sin? When the darkness comes in to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY, you are to RISE UP in the POWER of My LOVE that makes you MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Did your HEART, did your FAITH HEAR THAT? My LOVE is so POWERFUL and CONSUMING that it CANNOT BE DEFEATED by any DARK SCHEME of the enemy or those who serve him. When you receive the REVELATION of the POWER of My LOVE for you and for My creation, then you will know that NOTING CAN DEFEAT OR DIMINISH MY LOVE and that makes you MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Begin to DECLARE the TRUTH of these words to every DARK SCHEME that arises against your own life, the lives of your family, and the life of your nation. Say, ‘The POWER of His LOVE CONQUERS every HATEFUL and LYING scheme you send, darkness! The POWER of His LOVE blesses and keeps me, my family, and my nation, and it is the same POWER that is CRUSHING YOU and DEFEATING YOU. I DECLARE to the darkness that I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR in and through His LOVE!”