Third Great AWAKENING - REFERENCE Q3-Q4, 2024

Third Great Awakening ⇨

July ??, 2024

Diana Larkin - CALLED TO CONQUER - July25?, 2024

“My Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom are CALLED TO CONQUER! You are NOT called to COWER and wait for the enemy to put the world in DARKNESS and BONDAGE so great that I have to ZAP you out of the world. Are you not called to OVERCOME with the POWERFUL BLOOD of the LAMB and your word of TESTIMONY and AUTHORITY? The FALSE TEACHINGS about My people being TOO WEAK at the end of the Age to OVERCOME the darkness is in OPPOSITION to the WHOLE REST of what My WORD REVEALS. Is the Blood of Jesus not POWERFUL ENOUGH? Is the EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit so WEAK that you are DESTINED TO FAIL? Do you understand that these DOCTRINES OF DEMONS are to DISEMPOWER your AUTHORITY and to ROB you of your DESTINY? COME OUT OF ALIGNMENT with these teachings that welcome APATHY in SPIRITUAL WARFARE and for SETTLING to live FAR BELOW what I have called My Sons and Daughters to live in. You are CALLED TO CONQUER and to PARTNER with Me in RULING and REIGNING through the BLOOD of My Son, the EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit, and your AUTHORITY as My Sons and Daughters. CO-HEIRS with Jesus means CO-HEIRS with the One who CONQUERED DEATH, HELL, and the GRAVE. You are not and NEVER will be called to be WIMPS and LOSERS. RISE UP, Army of Light! This is your day to SHINE for Me, as we RESCUE the world from the CREEPING DARKNESS and put it UNDER OUR FEET. You are CALLED TO CONQUER!”

Diana Larkin - WHO REALLY HAS THE UPPER HAND? - July 17, 2024

“The CAST of CHARACTERS keeps CHANGING in front of your eyes. As those partnered with darkness FALL, it seems like one even WORSE is put in that place. So, WHO REALLY HAS THE UPPER HAND? Is it not true that WHAT YOU SOW IS WHAT YOU REAP? Did you not just see someone who CHEATED their way into a high position be CHEATED OUT of that PLACE? If the darkness INSTALLS another member of the CHEATING GANG, do not be DOWNCAST or WORRIED because they, too, will be CHEATED OUT of that POSITION. Can you TRUST Me that this is part of My plan to EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE and to bring about a CLIMAX of events that will SHOCK the world? Just as quickly as the darkness INSTALLS new people, I will EXPOSE them, and they will be RIPPED OUT of those positions. It will be hard to KEEP UP with the CHANGING CAST of CHARACTERS. As this CHAOS plays out, keep your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS STRONG. They will result in a RING of FIRE—My GLORY FIRE—surrounding your Nation to PROTECT and DEFEND it against any OUTSIDE INVADERS. Your WORSHIP and your TRUST in Me will TOPPLE the INSIDE INVADERS, as their HOUSE of CARDS FALLS FLAT. See with SPIRITUAL EYES what I AM doing behind the scenes and DO NOT GROW IMPATIENT while waiting for the VICTORY. It will come because I AM HAS THE UPPER HAND.”


Camala is going to divide the party more and cause more problems than they already had. The sins committed to get here are catching up with her and the Dems and they are on a course of destruction. Stay tuned and sit tight the show will get better and better. Fear not for your country I will protect you from her and what she does or does not do. No evil shall befall you you neither shall any plague come nigh your dewelling. All will be well in the land of the free and the home of the brave my USA. I love this land and will protect you and keep you against all internal and external threats. No weapon shall prosper which forms against Thee. This day and this time will soon pass and you will be cheering and Celebrating It is almost over. Draw near to me my little ones and know that I love you I sent and gave you my only son Jesus. We love you so and want you to know us more want us want you to know us more take time to talk with us take time to listen. Be still and know that I am God.

The September surprise will be a critical event in history the enemy is going to be surrounded and surprised on multiple levels. It is my surprise and it will entail more exposure and details of how everything is coming together. September will be a month ending the hot and heated summer. The elections will be in full swing with the Dems losing more and more. The current Camala surge is propaganda and a relief that Joe is leaving. Reality will set in and the majority will agree they don’t want the Current administration’s Reality. Lay out the pieces of the puzzle and what do you see? Much you did not know three years ago and much you still do not know. the conspiracy theorist will be known as the truth teller. As much truth is leaking out every day the truth is coming and are you ready for the real Truth. The hard truth has been what has been happening in my World. They have enslaved my people and I have had enough. You are to be free and this Freedom will be a new life.

The September surprise will bring joy and Delight to the masses. But the cabal will be hiding the cabal’s days are numbered. And soon they will not have all of the gold or the silver. Silver and gold are mine and the cattle on a thousand hills. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and now it is time time for my children to be free of the enslavement debt bondage and living paycheck to paycheck. I know the hearts of my children and who I can trust the great wealth transfer is for my children and to fund the gospel of my dear son Jesus love Abba Father.

Diana Larkin - RETURN TO ME AND I WILL RETURN TO YOU - July 23, 2024

ZECHARIAH 1:3 (NASB) “Therefore, say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord of Hosts, “Return to Me,” declares the Lord of Hosts, ‘that I may return to you,” says the Lord of Hosts.”
“Besides all the OUTWARD ATTACKS on people’s bodies and the THREATS of war that the enemy has launched, there has also been a DARK SCHEME of the enemy launched against the MINDS and HEARTS of people—even those who BELONG to Me through the Blood of My Son. These attacks ROB people of their PEACE and their ASSURANCE that they BELONG to Me. The enemy continually THROWS their SIN in their faces, and tells them that I couldn’t possibly still LOVE them and that I have TURNED AWAY from them. These are CRUEL LIES that ROB these people from the FREEDOM that Jesus died to give them, and BLOCKS them from HEARING My VOICE and from INTIMACY with Me. If you are UNDER the HEAVY YOKE of CONDEMNATION, realize you are being LIED to and that I have the POWER to DESTROY this FALSE YOKE. RECEIVE and BELIEVE that the Blood of My Son COVERS and WIPES AWAY EVERY SIN—your FORGIVENESS does NOT depend on you—it depends on My GREAT LOVE shown to you by SACRIFICING My Son in your place. No longer remain under the yoke of LIES the enemy has sown into your heart. It was for FREEDOM that Christ set you FREE! RETURN TO ME, AND I WILL RETURN TO YOU. It’s this simple: I WANT YOU BACK! STOP letting the enemy STEAL your PEACE, JOY, and INTIMACY with Me. I want you NEAR to My heart, and I want you to HEAR My VOICE. Come, and rest in My FORGIVENESS and My LOVE.” ISAIAH 44:22 (TPT) “I have swept away your sins like a thick cloud. I have made your guilt to vanish like mist disappearing into thin air. Now come back, come back to Me, for I have paid the price for you.”

Unknown Prophet - God's Warning! The Approaching Storm... July 20, 2024

The word that I’m giving you today I got back in May. And the Lord told me at that point to hold it and now he’s telling me to release it. The name of it is the approaching storm. It was given to me on May the 10th and I’m releasing it to you that’s May the 10th of 2024. And I’m releasing it to you now on July the 20th 2024. So without further Ado. … The vision that I had was an approaching storm and it was a mass of black clouds and heavy lightning and the wind began to blow really strong and the rain started pouring down in sheets it was a heavy storm then the scene lifted from the storm and I saw a group of people standing under the protection of an overhanging Cliff something like a large cave out of the Storm and The Vision ended. The father said the storm that you saw was that which is about to break forth on this country and many other countries in the near future. It will not be long my son before I begin to pour forth my anger and vengeance on those who are trying to destroy my country and my world. my people and all the things that I have my hand on.

Yes they are even trying to destroy me do they not know that they can that that cannot be done. Do they even know who I am and he answers his own question no they don’t. They think even as several of the comments that have come back to you on your post that I am a false narrative. And my son Jesus is a fake. They truly have drifted so far from me that they no longer even believe I exist even my people the tribes of Israel never got to that point. And this is emphasized it is time what you saw in the storm is what I’m going to pour out on those who do not believe and deny me and say I do not exist it will be a storm that they will not be able to stand in. And it will bring them to their knees and before it is over they will know that I exist they still may not turn to me but they will know that I exist. The ones under the cliff under the protection are those who love me and walk with me they are my people whom my son laid down his life for and who have believed in him. Yes he laid down his life for all people. But it is of no avail to them that deny him and turn away from him and from me.

Tell my people that they are safe from the storm that will start to rage the storm of my anger at those who continue to try to destroy me and this is highlighted. I will not be destroyed. I am almighty God and I am the one who will do the destroying. Even those son who make light of you and cast marks on you and go out of the way to try to portray you as demented. Even those who refuse to listen to me they will learn that’s good. I have tried to provide a word that would bring them to me but they will not listen they will feel the wrath of my anger. My people are under the protection of my hand you who are my people know that I will not only protect you but I will also provide for you in the storm. When it rages around you and you find you have need call out to me. I will hear you and I will provide. But call out and believe and let me provide as I see fit.

Diana Larkin -TUG OF WAR - July 21, 2024

“Do you see the TUG OF WAR that is playing out in the camp of the darkness? Do you see the CONFLICTING HEADLINES and announcements of BREAKING NEWS? Each side of this giant TUG OF WAR is putting out its view of how they think things should go, and the LYING media is SCRAMBLING and UNSURE whose report to give out. They have been LOCKED into reporting the ONE LYING NARRATIVE that they receive, and they are REELING that CONFLICTING NARRATIVES are BOMBARDING them. They don’t know who is going to win the TUG OF WAR for POWER in the camp of the darkness, and they are reporting EVERYTHING they receive to try and stay ALIGNED with BOTH SIDES. Is this TUG OF WAR WEAKENING the schemes of darkness? Oh yes, and I want you to see that your continued DECLARATIONS of sending CONFUSION and DIVISION into the enemy’s camp are having a GREAT AFFECT on their STRENGTH. My Forces of Light, you have BROKEN the POWER of their UNIFIED VOICE, and they are now SCRAMBLING to GRAB the REINS of POWER, and CONFLICTING ORDERS are FLYING OUT of a DIVIDED CAMP. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, as they DESTROY each other from within. DECREE that the TUG OF WAR will INTENSIFY, DIVIDE their ranks COMPLETELY, and that they will FALL and be PULLED OFF the EDGE of the PRECIPICE. Meanwhile, UNIFY your own ranks and don’t be DISTRACTED by those who are putting out FAIRYTALE DRAMA to try and make a name for themselves. STICK with My VOICE and My ORDERS, and you will be a UNIFIED FORCE of LIGHT that SPLITS the darkness and COMPLETELY DEFEATS them. Your UNIFIED DECREES will INTENSIFY the enemy camp’s TUG OF WAR.”

Diana Larkin - GIVE US A FRESH START! - July 20, 2024

I had a quick dream last night at 1:23 a.m. (a sequence of coming events). In the dream, there were numbers floating in the air all around me, and I grabbed the number 85 and pulled it to me. (8=new beginnings, resurrection; 5=grace, empowerment) This led me to Psalm 85. The Father shared:
“Let the words of this Psalm be on your lips, and cry out to Me, GIVE US A FRESH START! PSALM 85:6, 7 (TPT) ‘Revive us again, O God! I know You will! Give us a fresh start! Then all Your people will taste Your joy and gladness. Pour out even more of Your love on us! Reveal more of Your kindness and restore us back to You!’ “You have seen the BROKENNESS, DIVISION, and HATRED that the enemy and his PAWNS of darkness have SOWN into the world. They have foolishly sown to the WINDS of DESTRUCTION, and they will now REAP the WHIRLWIND, as I DELIVER the nations from their DARK TYRANNY. My WHIRLWIND of JUDGMENT and JUSTICE will come SUDDENLY, and it will RIP AWAY the FACADES and OPEN UP every DARK DEED and HIDING PLACE. All their riches will be SUCKED UP and FLUNG OUT to all of you. They will be left EXPOSED, STRIPPED of EVERYTHING, and the DESTRUCTION they planned for you will fall on them…HARD. Then, it is time to cry out, GIVE US A FRESH START! This will be My response:” PSALM 85: 12, 13 (TPT) ‘Yes, the Lord keeps raining down blessing after blessing, and prosperity will drench the land with a bountiful harvest. For deliverance and peace are His forerunners, preparing a path for His steps.’ “This is My PROMISE, and I WILL DO IT!”

Strait & Narrow - Time Is Almost Up - July 17, 2024


Diana Larkin - DESPERATE MEASURES - July 19, 2024

This morning, I found myself on my eagle flying over the USA. I began to see fires of paid disturbances breaking out across the Land. I was given a bucket of cold water to pour onto the fires, and they quickly died down.
“HIGH ALERT, My Army of Light! A desperate enemy is unleashing DESPERATE MEASURES to try and STOP the building TSUNAMI of LIGHT that is ROLLING OUT over your Land. They know their darkness is about to be EXPOSED, and they will try ANYTHING to STOP that Light from shining on their GREED, PERVERSION, and TREASON. When I call you to HIGH ALERT, I DO NOT MEAN for you to become ANXIOUS or FEARFUL. Remember who your Commander is—the Most High God—and I have EQUIPPED you with POWERFUL, SUPERIOR WEAPONS to take down the darkness. This will be your FINEST HOUR in this battle of dark to Light, so RISE UP in GREAT COURAGE and CANCEL OUT the enemy plans. Pour the cold water of TRUTH and EXPOSURE on the FIRES of DIVISION and ACCUSATION that the darkness tries to start. DECLARE that the LIES, LIES, LIES will begin to CHOKE those behind the microphones, and they will not be able to FINISH their sentences. RELEASE a FLOOD of CONVICTION over your Nation to all those who have bought the LIES and are HARBORING HATRED in their hearts. SPEAK FORTH, ‘AWAKEN, AWAKEN, AWAKEN,’ to those still drinking the KoolAid of DECEPTION that has been served for years to the nations. STAND before the onslaught the darkness is releasing, SHOULDER to SHOULDER with your brothers and sisters and My FIERCE and MIGHTY Hosts and Angels. RELEASE with ONE VOICE, COURAGE, BROTHERLY LOVE, and the FEAR OF THE LORD across your Land. DESPERATE MEASURES call for STRATEGIC STRIKES by My HIGHLY TRAINED FORCES OF LIGHT. PROCEED, covered by the Blood of My Son and My love. VICTORY is in sight.”

Diana Larkin - WELLS OF COMPASSION - July 18, 2024

“Allow the TRAUMA of the NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE that you witnessed work something GOOD and NOT something DARK in your heart. If you are REACTING with MAN’S ANGER and REVENGE, then it is time for a HEART CHECK. You are NOT REFLECTING My heart; you are REFLECTING how the DARKNESS OPERATES. If you are acting like the darkness, how can you SHINE A LIGHT that will PULL others OUT of the WEB of DARKNESS and LIES that they have been ENTANGLED IN? I don’t ever want you to HOLD ONTO TRAUMA, because I can REPLACE TRAUMA with My PEACE, My SHALOM, but I do want you to ALLOW the SHAKING experience to IMPACT your heart for GOOD. Allow this TRAGEDY to work in you DEEP WELLS OF COMPASSION for those who have been LIED TO and LIED TO from almost every angle of their lives. You are NOT CONDONING their SINFUL CHOICES, but you are UNDERSTANDING how greatly they have been DECEIVED and BRAINWASHED. Your ANGER will NOT BREAK the POWER of the LIES, but your LOVE and UNDERSTANDING will. Turn your ANGER into a WARRIOR SPIRIT that goes after the father of lies and all his LYING demons and powers. MOW THEM DOWN and FIGHT for the FREEDOM of all those held in BONDAGE to Leviathan’s WEB of LIES and DECEPTION. Your WELLS OF COMPASSION will make you A SAFE PLACE for those SHAKEN AWAKE to SEEK TRUTH and to find a place to BELONG…SAFE in the HEART of a Father, COVERED by the BLOOD of My Son, and IGNITED to FREEDOM and PASSION by My Holy Spirit. WELLS OF COMPASSION are a BEAUTIFUL thing in a human heart.”

Diana Larkin - SHINE FOR ME - July 17, 2024

This morning, the amazing 3-in-One led me to gates of Eden, and Enoch met me there. He was kind and unassuming, and he invited me to sit with him on a bench under a tree. I told him my feelings about not having brilliant questions to ask him, and he just gently smiled. I asked him if I could just sit with him and receive part of his heart that so faithfully walked with the Father for 300 years on the earth. He was fine with this. I told him of my struggle with criticism versus discernment. He said to so shine the Father’s heart and freedom that it would overshadow any religious spirit with His glory. He shared with me that I won’t need to say anything—just be His girl born into freedom and light. This was a very freeing experience.
The Father shared with me:
“There is great POWER in allowing My LIFE and LIGHT to SHINE THROUGH YOU. The more time you spend with Me in HEART to HEART conversation, in receiving REVELATION from My Word, in WORSHIPING Me in Spirit and truth, and in WALKING with Me in FELLOWSHIP through your day and night, the more you will REFLECT Me and SHINE for Me. One of the enemy’s most DIVISIVE TACTICS has been to SOW the CRITICAL SPIRIT throughout your Nation. The enemy convinces people that they have a LICENSE to CHARACTER ASSASSINATE anyone who does not line up with what they believe. Carried to an EXTREME, you have those who will attempt to take someone’s LIFE because CRITICISM has turned to HATRED. Even those in the Church have taken the BAIT of the CRITICAL SPIRIT, and they feel FREE to SLAM and DEVALUE anyone who believes DIFFERENTLY than they do. Your HARSH WORDS of CRITICISM will NOT CHANGE anyone else’s HEART. It is My LOVE, My LIGHT, and My FREEDOM that allow Me to PURGE your heart of the CRITICAL SPIRIT—that need to be ‘right’—then you will SHINE My LOVE, My LIGHT, and My FREEDOM in everything you SAY, you DO, and you THINK. My FRAGRANCE will come forth from your life, and it will BLESS the world. As you faithfully carry My heart, you will SHINE FOR ME.

Diana Larkin - NOTHING WILL STOP MY CHANGING TIDE - July 16, 2024

“Can you feel the SHIFT that is taking place in your Nation? Do you realize that the STAGE IS SET for EVERYTHING TO CHANGE in the history of the world? No matter what the darkness LIES about next or what DEATH SCHEME they try to launch, NOTHING WILL STOP MY CHANGING TIDE. It will RISE and COVER those partnered with darkness like the waters of the Red Sea COVERED Pharaoh and the Egyptian army, and you will SEE THEM NO MORE. I want your CONFIDENCE to SOAR in My POWER to INITIATE a CHANGING TIDE, and I want you to MARVEL that the LIGHT of My TRUTH and the DEPTH of My LOVE can ILLUMINATE and TRANSFORM the human heart. My CHANGING TIDE is not just to EXPOSE and to WIPE OUT EVIL and LIES, it is to BRING IN a FLOOD of TRUTH, HEALING, PLENTY, and WONDER at My POWER and LOVE. Continue your EFFECTIVE WARFARE for it is preparing the ground for COMPLETE VICTORY. No OBSTACLE will PREVAIL and NOTHING WILL STOP MY CHANGING TIDE.”

Diana Larkin - TRUE COLORS - July 15, 2024

I was taken up above the USA, and the whole Land was an American Flag. It began to undulate like a flag blowing in the breeze. The Flag was vintage colors in muted sepia tones. As the rolling continued, it was bringing evil to the surface, and the waving Flag pushed all the dark things to the East Coast, and they fell off into the ocean. As this cleansing rolled through the Land, the Flag took on its true colors. The rolling ceased, and the sun shone on a Nation reborn to courage, freedom, and justice. The Father shared: 

“Your Nation is being SHAKEN AWAKE, as EVIL REARS ITS UGLY HEAD and is EXPOSED to all. The VIOLENCE those partnered with darkness tried to PROJECT onto those of the Light, is coming to REST on THEIR SHOULDERS for all to see. The DESPERATE ATTEMPT on your rightful President’s life has served to AWAKEN many from the MIND-BINDING SPIRIT that has kept them PASSIVE and UNBELIEVING. Quite suddenly, PATRIOTISM and COURAGE are coming to LIFE, and a UNITY of heart is developing. The wicked are GRINDING their TEETH and throwing ANGRY WORDS at each other. DECLARE that the SHAKINGS and EXPOSURES will continue until your Nation is CLEANSED and once again, her TRUE COLORS are displayed.”

Diana Larkin - DISMANTLE AND DISEMPOWER - July 14, 2024

“On June 29, 2024, I told you that I would be TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY. As your enemies plans continue to GO UP IN SMOKE, to MELT, and to BOIL OVER, they are reaching a PANIC and DESPERATION MODE of OPERATION. In My words to you on June 29, 2024, I instructed you to: ‘CALL IN MY HOST to DISMANTLE AND DISEMPOWER the STRIKES of RETALIATION PLANNED by the DARKNESS who are in GREAT FEAR because I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY.’ My fine Warriors of Light, you are OBEYING these assignments and you SEE the RESULTS in these DARK SCHEMES being DISMANTLED AND DISEMPOWERED. Well done! The stakes are RISING HIGHER and HIGHER for My Freedom Fighters and that is why you must ENCOURAGE and STRENGTHEN yourself in Me so that you don’t become FEARFUL and so that you DO NOT GIVE BACK AN INCH of the ground we are GAINING BACK from the DARK TYRANNY. One of the most important GIANTS that has been TAKEN DOWN is the giant of FEAR and INTIMIDATION. DO NOT GIVE BACK AN INCH OF THIS GROUND THAT THIS GIANT PROTECTED. You have learned that I SURROUND you with My PROTECTION and My STRENGTH, so STAND TALL and keep in BATTLE FORMATION, as with ONE VOICE, you DISMANTLE AND DISEMPOWER the enemy’s schemes.”
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Be ready to receive strategic intel for these hot days. Example: I was shown a vision this morning of an outdoor rally, and a Patriot Watcher with powerful binoculars (seeing with focused spiritual eyes) saw an incoming drone. He alerted the Military, and they took the drone down and disabled it. I then prayed into this vision and released spiritual warfare and decrees over it to dismantle and disempower this scheme.

Diana Larkin - A VEIN OF GOLD - July 13, 2024

I was taken to the Council Chamber of Heaven and stood gratefully behind my Elder. I told him how good it was to be with him again, and he reached back and patted my hand affectionately. I became aware of something new in the usual blue/green/turquoise background of this Chamber. It was a vein of gold that ran around the whole room—like veins you would see in marble. It was spreading around the room like a river. I heard an Elder say, “The Kingdom Age coming to earth will be known as the Golden Age.” The Father shared:
“I AM releasing A VEIN OF GOLD into the NATURAL and SUPERNATURAL REALMS, and it will run through the whole Kingdom Age. It will SUPPLY both MATERIAL and SUPERNATURAL RICHES. Like never before, you will see a NEVER-ENDING SUPPLY of BOUNTY fill your lives. It will BLESS you with ABUNDANCE, and it will FLOW THROUGH your hands to BLESS others. Any GREED or GRASPING for the VEIN OF GOLD will cause it to go DEEP UNDERGROUND so that darkness cannot have ACCESS to it. In the supernatural, the VEIN OF GOLD will supply the TRUE RICHES of the Kingdom. Great REVELATION and UNDERSTANDING of My Word will be found. You will be able to TAP INTO the DEPTHS of My HEART and all of the TREASURES of LOVE waiting to be MINED by you. Gold must be taken out of the rock to be useful. I AM your ROCK of SALVATION, PROTECTION, and PRESERVATION. I AM inviting you to SEARCH for the VEIN OF GOLD that is in Me and to MINE the DEPTHS of the RICHES I have for you there. As you find the supernatural TREASURES of My VEIN OF GOLD, you will find that it MANIFESTS in your NATURAL life as well. Be in WONDER of the GOLDEN AGE that is planned for you.”

Diana Larkin - DEEPLY SATISFIED - July 12, 2024

This morning, the Father took me to the outer edges of the Universe—back to the beginning. I saw a circling, fiery, mass in the center of His being and then He released it and creation shot out from it and expanded instantaneously. Light and particles flew out of the explosion, as He said: 
LIGHT BE! “This morning, I AM sharing with you a GLIMPSE of how the Universe you live in had its BEGINNINGS. The POWER to CREATE everything SEEN and UNSEEN came from inside Me. I AM the SOURCE of all POWER, LIGHT, and LIFE. That SINGLE RELEASE of POWER and My command, ‘LIGHT BE!’ contained everything needed for creation to UNFOLD. Do you understand the IMMENSE POWER that is in your Creator? Is anything too DIFFICULT for Me? The enemy and his MINIONS, for all their BOASTING, CANNOT CREATE ANYTHING. They can only IMITATE, and their imitations of My POWER are TWISTED and DISTORTED by GREED, SELFISH AMBITION, and a LUST for POWER and CONTROL. Why would you settle for a CHEAP IMITATION? When you ALIGN your heart with Me, you are PARTNERING with the SOURCE of LIGHT, LIFE, and LOVE. Because I AM LOVE, all that comes through Me REFLECTS My MULTI-COLORED, RAINBOW LOVE. When I release ABUNDANCE into your life, I add NO SORROW to it. You are BLESSED to be a BLESSING. When you FREELY GIVE out of what you have received, it PROTECTS you from GREED and SELFISHNESS because your heart has learned that My supply is UNLIMITED and not restricted by man’s ways. The enemy will present ILLEGAL ways of achieving WEALTH and FAME, but they come with a HIGH and DEADLY PRICE-TAG of MORAL and SPIRITUAL DESTRUCTION that will COST you your ETERNAL RICHES IN GLORY and will SEPARATE you FOREVER from My love. The enemy has SHOWCASED his DEADLY TRAPS for long enough. Ask Me to SHOW FORTH My POWER that will TRAMPLE the darkness and that will RELEASE TRUE RICHES that bring people into the AWE and WONDER of My LOVE. The enemy only has DARK POWER. I AM the one who spoke, ‘LIGHT BE!’ Come FULLY into My LIGHT, My LOVE, and My POWER.”

Diana Larkin - DEEPLY SATISFIED - July 11, 2024

“When you learn to be DEEPLY SATISFIED in My PRESENCE, it will bring GREAT BALANCE and DEPTH to your life. When your ACCEPTANCE and DEEP JOY are found in Me, you will not need to seek a place of ministry or try to make a name for yourself because you will KNOW in the DEPTHS of your being that you are My TREASURE and My DELIGHT. This is what the human heart CRAVES—to be KNOWN and LOVED for who they are. When your heart knows HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU and you have LEARNED to be DEEPLY SATISFIED in Me, you will no longer STRIVE for RECOGNITION or a place of INFLUENCE. Your life will bear the FRUIT of LOVE, GENTLENESS, and POWER; and many will DESIRE to come to KNOW Me in the SWEET DEPTHS of My love. When you learn to be DEEPLY SATISFIED in My love, it will PROTECT you from JEALOUSY and SELFISH AMBITION. It will GUARD your heart from CRITICIZING others to make yourself LOOK BETTER. Knowing the DEPTHS of My love and ENJOYING the FELLOWSHIP of My PRESENCE will bring BALANCE to your life. You won’t be ALL WORK and NO PLAY—which leads to BURNOUT, nor will you be ALL PLAY and seeking FALSE COMFORTERS—which leads to a SHALLOW LIFE. True DEPTH and RICHNESS will be in your life as you LINGER with Me, and you will find your heart is DEEPLY SATISFIED.”

Janie Seguin, Bo Polny - GOD Revealed WHEN All WARS END! - July 10, 2024

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Diana Larkin - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - July 10, 2024

“This is a month of EVER-INCREASING CONTRASTS. Evil will be FORCED to be DARKER and no longer will they be able to keep it HIDDEN under MASKS of TOLERANCE and INCLUSION. It will begin to DAWN on people that they TOLERATE only those who are CAPTURED by DESTRUCTIVE LIFESTYLES and that they INCLUDE only those who EMBRACE PERVERSION. As My people DRAW NEARER to Me and are CHANGED by BEHOLDING My GLORY and My LOVE, they will SHINE BRIGHTER than ever, and they will be a REFLECTION of My HEART. As I manifest MULTIPLIED SIGNS, WONDERS, HEALINGS, and MIRACLES through My Children of Light, the world will take NOTICE and will be DRAWN to the TRUE LIGHT of My LOVE and My POWER. As My Body shows itself WILLING to DEAL with SIN in the camp and to ALLOW it to be EXPOSED and no longer to be swept under the rug, it will be seen as a SAFE HARBOR and a place where sinners can be SET FREE. You might call this the month of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. The BEAUTY and POWER of My LOVE will be SHOWCASED, as will the GROSS DEFILEMENT of the BEAST SYSTEM. Your ASSIGNMENT for this month, My Army of Light, is to CONTINUE to ALLOW Me to CLEANSE your hearts and to PURIFY YOUR MOTIVES. You will SHINE with My BEAUTY, and the LOST and BROKEN will be drawn to you. Continue to PUSH BACK those who serve darkness until they are CORNERED and FORCED to EXPOSE their own DARKNESS and DESPERATION. CALL IN the month of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.”

Diana Lrkin - WILL GOD’S JUSTICE PREVAIL? - July 9, 2024


Chris Bennett - Beware the Rats! - July 8, 2024

I was sitting quietly reading, when I became aware of a movement to my left.

I looked and saw rats entering through a window I’d left open. Fortunately, I quickly realised I was in a vision and this was not my house!

I was in a large Grain Store. The Harvest had been brought in and more was coming, but there were rats all over the place. All shapes and sizes.

I picked up a couple by their tails and threw them out, but they calmly shook themselves down, turned, and started to make their way back to the barn.

I was reminded that rats are a frequent visitor, if not inhabitants, of Grain Stores.

I inquired of The LORD.

“Beware the Rats of Harvest!” He said. “They come to kill, steal, and destroy! The Grain you see is the rich Harvest that will be brought into the Store House of My Kingdom.

As in the natural, rats and other lesser creatures, live on the pickings they glean from the Grain Store.

The Church represents the Grain Store, and during Harvest, every Grain Store ever built has been infested by rats getting fat on the gleanings.

There are several types and sizes of Harvest Rat that will attack and diminish the harvest of souls you have worked hard to bring into the store,” He went on.

“The small rats represent Popular Opinion — which varies from place to place — but which generally is against My Church and My people.

This rat is growing, but this morning is still quite small, but there are thousands of them and they are hungry.

Next comes the rat that represents Friends. Many who come into The Kingdom in this season will lose their friends. Many will be lured back into the world by these friends and may well even lose their salvation.

Slightly larger again comes the Family Rat, which gnaws and nibbles away at the fresh green shoots of new faith.

Some may lose their family on account of Me, but those who stay will receive their reward.” says The LORD.

“Work Environment Rats, will make life for the newly saved quite difficult. Apart from the natural hostility and derision that will occur, some will actually be forced out of their jobs because of their new found faith.”

“Now,” says The LORD, “We come to the large truly destructive rats. Churches can be the most judgemental and hostile places to the newly saved.

People, My Own People, can be very unforgiving and suspicious, and will predate upon new Christians — particularly those from criminal or addiction backgrounds!

Finally, the largest and fattest rats in any Grain Store, are those who lead astray — and they are pastors and leaders who teach errant doctrine.

They also grow fat by using the gullibility of new converts to ‘share’ finances. These who lead My children astray, who feed them false doctrines and a false gospel, will surely be the greatest danger to this coming Harvest.

They have no part of Me or My Kingdom, but they live well and grow ever fatter on the life My storehouses provide.”

“Beware the Rats of The Harvest!” says The LORD, “For they will try to destroy much that is brought into the Store House.

They will grow fat on The Harvest, and they will undermine My People, My Church, My Bride.

Beware the rats who invade the Harvest Store in order to kill, steal, and destroy!” says The LORD God Almighty.

Diana Larkin - THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE - July 8, 2024

“The evil empire has a WHOLE QUIVER FULL of NASTY ARROWS that they plan to SHOOT at you. They plan to STRIKE GREAT FEAR into people so that they can TAKE CONTROL and then they plan to SILENCE every VOICE of FREEDOM. Their plan to TERRORIZE people and to SILENCE OPPOSITION is going to BACKFIRE onto them because I AM ARISING, and I will be THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE. All those DARK PLANS they formed for you are going to become THEIR FUTURE and not yours. Get ready, because it is their voices that will be SILENCED. No more will their MOCKING, THREATENING, LYING reports be on the AIRWAVES. THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE will come to pass: TRUTH and EXPOSURES of their EVIL and PERVERSION will be shared on the AIRWAVES. Join Me as we BREAK the POWER off of every DARK ARROW that they pull out of their quiver and DECLARE that it will MISS ITS MARK and FALL SHORT of its TARGETED DESTRUCTION. Take AUTHORITY over the FEAR and TERROR they are planning to cause and RELEASE COURAGE and a WARRIOR SPIRIT over your Land. Put your CONFIDENCE in Me because the ARROW I RELEASE will be your enemy’s WORST NIGHTMARE.”

Diana Larkin - WHAT WILL YOU REAP? - July 7, 2024

“This Harvest season is not just a REAPING TIME for those who serve darkness. It is also a TIME of REAPING for those who belong to Me through the Blood of My Son’s SACRIFICE. In every area where the darkness has OPPOSED Me and My will, I will ARISE and OPPOSE them, and they will be EXPOSED, DEPOSED, and their EVIL PLANS will be TURNED BACK on them. HEAR these words of Fatherly COUNSEL to My people and TAKE them to HEART. If you are OPPOSING part of My Rescue plans or if you are WAVERING in your FAITH in My ABILITY or My WILLINGNESS to RESCUE you and your Nation COMPLETELY, then you are POSITIONING yourself to receive a MEASURE of My JUDGMENT in this Harvest season. This is NOT what I want to see come about for your life. My DESIRE is to be able to RICHLY and FREELY REWARD you, as the battle is WON and the SPOILS of WAR FLOOD IN. But if you are OFFENDED at My CHOICE of LEADER for your Nation or if you are in UNBELIEF, these attitudes of heart will REAP My CORRECTION and a measure of JUDGMENT because they are keeping you from the FULLNESS of BELIEVING who I AM and in COMPLETELY TRUSTING My plans. I do not want to LEAVE you WAVERING and in having FAITH one minute and having DOUBT in the next. This leads to DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS, and it LESSENS your EFFECTIVENESS as My Son or Daughter of Light. Are you OFFENDED at My CHOICE of leader for your Nation? You had better get SERIOUS about coming to Me and asking Me HOW I SEE this man that you are LOOKING DOWN YOUR NOSE AT. You are facing a DEEPLY ENTRENCHED, RUTHLESS enemy, and I have ANOINTED a FIERCE WARRIOR to lead you through this CLASH of dark to Light. I see the HEART of this WARRIOR LEADER, and it is TURNING MORE and MORE to My COUNSEL and My ways. Be WILLING to LAY DOWN your OFFENSE, and I will REVEAL this man’s heart to you so that you can COMPLETELY ALIGN with Me and take yourself OUT of the REAPING STREAM of JUDGMENT and place yourself into the REAPING STREAM of REWARD. Consider your ways: WHAT WILL YOU REAP?” 

Diana Larkin - ASHES, ASHES, THEY ALL FALL DOWN - July 6, 2024

JEREMIAH 10:15 (MSG) “Stick-god worshipers look mighty foolish…Their gods are fraud—dead sticks, deadwood gods, tasteless jokes. When the fires of judgment come, they’ll be ashes.”
“You will be a witness to the FULFILLMENT of this verse from My Word. Not only will these evil doers who have worshiped and served the enemy (often by the shedding of innocent blood) be brought to JUSTICE and JUDGMENT, everything they AMASSED in material POSSESSIONS will go to another and their whole life’s WORK will be a PILE of ASHES—burned before their eyes. Their TEMPORARY WEALTH, POWER, and FAME on this earth will come to NOTHING, and they will face an eternity of DARKNESS and TORMENT. This is why I have DELAYED JUSTICE that I might SNATCH any back from this YAWNING MOUTH of TERROR. However difficult it is to see My justice and judgment come to those who have chosen darkness, it must take place to CLEAR THE WAY for My KINGDOM GLORY to come in your midst and to re-establish RIGHTEOUSNESS, BLESSING, and PEACE to your Nation. I desire to FULFILL My COVENANT with your Land, and I AM preparing the way for that to happen. REJOICE and be GLAD that you KNOW My LOVE, and SHARE it FREELY—it is your PRICELESS GIFT to share with the world.”
JEREMIAH 51:58 (MSG) “God-of-Angel-Armies speaks: The city walls of Babylon—those massive walls!—will be flattened. And those city gates—huge gates!—will be set on fire. The harder you work at this empty life, the less you are. Nothing comes of ambition like this but ashes.” 

Diana Larkin - FIRE! - July 5 2024

This word came from an encounter I experienced this morning. I found myself on the eagle flying across America  but this time, the Father was behind me on the eagle. He was reaching inside Himself and pulling out glory balls of fire that He threw to the earth onto specific targets. They hit the ground and started a fire!
“The enemy had plans to SET FIRES of DESTRUCTION and MAYHEM across your Land yesterday, but your PRAYERS DAMPENED those plans. Now, I declare to you that I AM going across your Nation, and RELEASING GLORY BALLS OF FIRE! These FIRES will BURN AWAY FACADES and EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE. These FIRES will BURN UP CORRUPTION and COMPROMISE. These FIRES will AWAKEN the SLEEPING DENIAL that people have been LULLED into, and the GLORY in these FIRES will show forth My POWER and IGNITE FIRES of PASSION that will draw people to My heart through the blood of My Son, and the Kingdom will EXPAND. It will be a season of FIRE that DESTROYS DARKNESS and that SHOWCASES My POWER and My LOVE. ENOUGH of the enemy’s HOGGING the STAGE with his BOASTING LIES! I AM coming with the BRIGHT FIRE of TRUTH and FREEDOM, and AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED. I AM asking you to join Me in this RELEASE of the GLORY BALLS OF FIRE. I will HIGHLIGHT areas to you that need My GLORY FIRE, and you bring them before Me and ask that I would RELEASE a GLORY BALL of FIRE into that highlighted area. It can be people’s HEARTS, STRONGHOLDS of CORRUPTION, UNJUST COURTS, LYING MEDIA, or TYRANNICAL INSTITUTIONS. Together, we are going across this Nation and IGNITING A FIRE!” 

Diana Larkin - 2024 July 4, 2024

“I have told you about the SECRET MEETINGS where the arrogant elite PLOT against you, while they LAUGH at their plans of DESTRUCTION for you. Your LOSS, your INJURY, your DEATH brings them GREAT AMUSEMENT and SATISFACTION, and they know they will be pleasing to their dark lord. I AM NOT AMUSED at their DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES. They are ATTACKING what is MOST PRECIOUS to Me. Will you JOIN ME? LET’S WIPE THE SMIRK OFF THE FACES that are set to DESTROY you and everything you HOLD DEAR! These darkened ones have been COMPLETELY DECEIVED by their HARDENED HEARTS to My LOVE and by their LUST for WEALTH and POWER. They don’t even realize that the enemy HATES them as much as he HATES My Children of Light and that once they LOSE their USEFULNESS, he will ABANDON them and REMOVE his POWER from them. THEY WILL FOLD LIKE A CHEAP PAPER DOLL. The darkness has EVIL SCHEMES PLANNED for this day of CELEBRATING FREEDOM. Of course, they HATE this day because they are DEVOTED to bringing TYRANNY to your Land. Are you just going TO SIT THERE PASSIVELY and LET THEIR PLANS of DESTRUCTION UNFOLD or are you going to RISE UP and WIELD YOUR SWORD OF TRUTH AND YOUR STAFF OF AUTHORITY AND DEMOLISH THE WICKED PLANS AGAINST YOU? Be MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS and DECLARE that the dark power is REMOVED from their schemes. LOOSE CONFUSION and APATHY into the ranks of those HIRED to DISRUPT celebrations and to bring about DEATH. SCATTER their PLANS and COMMAND the Hosts of the WINDS OF CHANGE to BLOW THEM AWAY from you and BACK INTO THE CAMP OF THE EVIL-SCHEMERS. DECLARE that those who PLOTTED these schemes will be MARKED by them and CAUGHT WITH THEIR PANTS DOWN, as they are EXPOSED, EXPOSED, EXPOSED. Meet their SHOW OF FORCE as MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS who carry My SUPERIOR POWER and AUTHORITY. LET FREEDOM RING in the face of these DARK TYRANTS. RISE UP MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS!” 

Veronika West - A Word Update for The United Kingdom - July 4, 2024

The United Kingdom shall be Yoked by a Labour Government by the morning…

This will confirm two poignant prophetic Words which were Submitted.

The following Word was prophesied in May 15, 2024:

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and Luciferian pacts!”

This second Word was prophesied on the January 14, 2024:

The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

Diana Larkin - REVERSE THE CURSE - July 3, 2024

“Many of you have begun to SEEK HEALTHY food, water, and products because you’ve come to realize that the darkness has CONTAMINATED so many things with HEALTH-STEALING chemicals and additives. While it is good to SEEK healthy, natural alternatives, it can be OVERWHELMING when you discover HOW MUCH has been contaminated by those of darkened hearts. Instead of being OVERWHELMED, do what you can do and then TURN TO ME and ASK FOR SUPERNATURAL HELP AND HEALING. A day will come when companies won’t be headed by those COMPROMISED by GREED and POWER, and you will live in a CLEANER, more NATURAL world. Food, water, and products will ENHANCE YOUR LIFE instead of STEALING IT. In the meantime, learn to CALL on the POWERFUL BLOOD of My Son and COVER all that touches your life with His Blood. PROCLAIM its HEALING and RESTORING POWER over you and your family. Take AUTHORITY over the effects of these DEATH AGENDAS and DECLARE, ‘I REVERSE THE CURSE of this death agenda, and I RELEASE the POWER and the LIFE of My God into my body and into the bodies of those I pray for.’ DUMBFOUND those partnered with darkness when your health starts IMPROVING and GETTING STRONGER IN SPITE OF ALL THEIR WICKED SCHEMES. This is a battle for LIFE and FREEDOM, and I have given you a POWERFUL tool: REVERSE THE CURSE!”

Diana Larkin - BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT - July 2 2024

“There will be a night of DEEP DARKNESS for your Nation, but know that it is My HAND COMING DOWN and COVERING YOUR LAND. The deep darkness will be SAFETY and PROTECTION for My people, as I TAKE DOWN the EVIL EMPIRE, ROUND THEM UP, and REMOVE THEM from your Land. MASSIVE AMOUNTS of Hosts and Angels will be spread across your Land DRIVING those partnered with darkness out of their HIDING PLACES. Your Military in this Operation Clean-Up will not sleep that night, as they ROUND UP those who wanted to COMPLETELY ENSLAVE you, but the darkness will be the ones who LOSE THEIR FREEDOM. My Army of Light will be SUPPORTING this TAKE DOWN of darkness with their POWERFUL PRAYERS and FAITH. You will be FULLY ASSURED that BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, FREEDOM will be WON for your Nation. Those of the darkness will be SHOCKED and TERRIFIED at how EASILY they were CAPTURED. They thought their HIDEOUTS were completely SECURE and HIDDEN, but NOTHING ESCAPES MY PIERCING LIGHT OF EXPOSURE. As My watchmen and My Army of Light look for the FIRST RAYS OF LIGHT, a Nation FREED from DARKNESS and TYRANNY will EMERGE. Once again, BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, your Nation will be SAVED and brought into My Kingdom Era of FREEDOM, PEACE, and PLENTY. HOLD FAST, HOLD STRONG, HOLD TRUE, as the deep darkness GIVES WAY to the DAWNING of My GREAT LIGHT over your Land.”

Diana Larkin - MORE THAN CONQUERORS - July 1, 2024

ROMANS 8:36-39 (TPT) “All day long we face death threats for Your sake, God. We are considered to be nothing more than sheep to be slaughtered! Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything! So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that His love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken His love. There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!”
“Do you understand that it was the POWER of My LOVE that FORMED CREATION and that REDEEMED you when you had fallen into sin? When the darkness comes in to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY, you are to RISE UP in the POWER of My LOVE that makes you MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Did your HEART, did your FAITH HEAR THAT? My LOVE is so POWERFUL and CONSUMING that it CANNOT BE DEFEATED by any DARK SCHEME of the enemy or those who serve him. When you receive the REVELATION of the POWER of My LOVE for you and for My creation, then you will know that NOTING CAN DEFEAT OR DIMINISH MY LOVE and that makes you MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Begin to DECLARE the TRUTH of these words to every DARK SCHEME that arises against your own life, the lives of your family, and the life of your nation. Say, ‘The POWER of His LOVE CONQUERS every HATEFUL and LYING scheme you send, darkness! The POWER of His LOVE blesses and keeps me, my family, and my nation, and it is the same POWER that is CRUSHING YOU and DEFEATING YOU. I DECLARE to the darkness that I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR in and through His LOVE!”