Third Great AWAKENING - REFERENCE 2023 - Q1-Q2

Revival - Third Great Awakening - The Great Reversal - The Great Reset

Documenting the providential history of the United States of America

The unfolding of history and the ongoing struggles between good and evil for the hearts and souls of man

Flashback - Pope Leo XIIII's Vision from 1884

Satan: “75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service.” (October 13, 1884)

One day, after celebrating Mass, the aged Pope Leo XIII was in conference with the Cardinals when suddenly he sank to the floor in a deep swoon. Physicians who hastened to his side could find no trace of his pulse and feared that he had expired. However, after a short interval the Holy Father regained consciousness and exclaimed with great emotion: “Oh, what a horrible picture I have been permitted to see!”

He had been shown a vision of evil spirits who had been released from Hell and their efforts to destroy the Church. But in the midst of the horror the archangel St. Michael appeared and cast Satan and his legions into the abyss of hell. Soon afterwards Pope Leo XIII composed the following prayer to Saint Michael, which is the original version: (from Tradition in Action)

Satan: “I can destroy your Church.” The gentle voice of Our Lord: “You can? Then go ahead and do so.” Satan: “To do so, I need more time and more power.” Our Lord: “How much time? How much power? Satan: “75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service.” Our Lord: “You have the time; you will have the power. Do with them what you will.”

Pope Leo visibly shaken from his vision and immediately rushed to his study to compose the Saint Michael Prayer.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the Divine Power of God cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen

“First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil.”  – Dwight Longenecker (2019) – Catholic Priest, Author, Blogger & Radio Show Host

Liberty Turnip - PROPHECY: The Truth About Trump July 4, 2023

I received one on July 25th 22. and the second one on July 26 22. So it was Bam Bam back to back and so I’m just going to release to you. What this word is um basically I’m calling this the truth about Trump. …Basically he had me read Isaiah 10 for like literally the two or three hundred times since 2020. And the Lord said America will be saved. America is Egypt. When the Lord is done with America he exposure, removal, cleansing, and uprooting of Idols. America will build an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land. And America will be bowed low and brought to a place of kneeling before me in humility and Truth. America will be saved from its idols that have taken over the land. They will be uprooted with truth and the truth will take over. America will become a place known for worshiping the Lord and many will come to find the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords

America will be known for the Light of Christ. They will um no longer be known as a place to be free to serve the devil. That’s how God has been seeing America that’s really sad that that’s where we’ve gotten. But it had to get this bad you guys. Free to serve the devil ,um serve false freedom, they will come to America for true peace, healing, and deliverance from the darkness. America has gone the way of Egypt. But God will bring America through Deliverance of her idols. And then he will place a pillar on the borders so all who enter will know they are entering Holy Land. A holy Place. God will be sending a man to prepare to bring deliverance and point America back to the Cross. Trump has been chosen for the task. Hang tight you guys I only write down what he tells me and I’m telling you right now um I write down what he tells me. Okay, and he this is what he was telling me in the spirit. When he gave me this word I write down what he says I don’t add to I don’t stop and think that’s why half the time it’s so sloppy I can’t read my own writing okay.

Trump has been chosen for the task not a savior. Just a man chosen by God just as all the others on the Earth have been chosen. Trust all God is doing through the removal and the reversal that’s being brought upon the land. Egypt must be removed from America and the Reliance on her. So America has to stop especially the Christian side. This is big you because I’m called to release over the body of Christ to kick you in the butt and wake you up and set you Ablaze. And the body of Christ has to be with it. You guys we have to be on track with the Holy Spirit. We’re not here to save a political party. We’re not here to save a political party. We are here to save people and to see America come back into alignment with its original call. … America is not a political party it is not an object America initially was founded on Christ go back and look through historically through the through the men and women of God who came over  …

Trump can be used in a million different ways or one or two however he chooses. Whether it’s a as a president or a not elected president and then all this other stuff came out about the election. And then all this stuff ended up happening then people were exposed in America. Christians well known their true heart how they were you know um I’m gonna offend some people voting for abortion. Voting choosing okay I’m not going to go into all that because I’m going to offend some people. And so but the thing is the real is being exposed and this is what’s been happening

everything that happened with the election with Trump at that time had to happen. That way God wanted election fraud exposed. He wanted all those Christians you guys. I’m giving that look because I’m about to offend you okay. …

So when you look at it many things have been accomplished in the spirit just by Trump existing. And it’s not about all about oh I just want to hear he’s going to be President. No, get a grip on yourself. It’s much bigger than a political win. It’s much bigger than a political party. It’s much bigger you guys he’s being used in so many ways. I can line out if I wanted to make this video 35 minutes. I could line out all the different things that God has used during this whole since 2020. This these whole seasons um to wake up the body of Christ. To wake up the remnant to begin to separate the wheat and the tares. To bring cleansing this is what he’s been doing and it’s very necessary. So whatever way you wanted to Trump to be being used or not he’s been being used. Whether you like it or not he has been chosen to be put at the Forefront for God’s glory and his kingdom. He chose Moses. He chose David, he chose King Hezekiah. Get a grip Isaiah Jeremiah

he chose all these people and they weren’t perfect. …So here’s the thing God wanting to use Trump for. Whatever in office or out of office he’s already accomplished a lot by Trump just existing. …  

Lord has told me to say and that is he has chosen him for such time as this he has a purpose on Earth. It is all supposed to be happening pray for Trump. Because I’ll tell you this right now in the end he has taken a whole lot of heat and a whole lot of hell for God to use him to wake you up. And it’s really sad because when you sit down and think about it Man it is so sad that God would raise someone up like Trump and use him and the hell he’s had to go through when the whole time God’s using him to wake up the body of Christ and the remnant. To get back to doing your job to stop being asleep and being Egypt and being complacent and living like the world. It’s really sad the beating that Trump has had to take he could be anybody do you understand. Trump could be anybody it just happens to be that it’s Trump he has taken a beating because the body of Christ has been asleep. And it’s really sad but God chose to use him just like he’s chose to use all the other men and women in the Bible that died horrible deaths because of their faith and so I’m going to end with this this. The truth about Trump he is supposed to exist. He is supposed to exist he was chosen to be used for such a time as this and what always we don’t even know yet we won’t we can’t even conceive of it. Amen.

Diana Larkin - A FLOOD OF REVELATION LIGHT - July 9, 2023

EPHESIANS 5:8 (TPT) Once your life was full of sin’s darkness, but now you have the very light of our Lord shining through you because of your union with Him. Your mission is to live as children flooded with His revelation-light!
“I have shared with you how I AM releasing a FLOOD of TRUTH that will EXPOSE and OVERWHELM the darkness, but at the same time, I AM RELEASING A FLOOD OF REVELATION LIGHT onto My Sons and Daughters. The Scriptures will be OPENED to you like never before, and you will SEE MY HEART and WALK IN MY WAYS. The FLOOD OF REVELATION LIGHT will SWEEP AWAY and CROWD OUT any areas of AGREEMENT that you have with the darkness. You will SHINE ever more BRIGHTLY as your SURRENDER to My heart of LOVE GROWS DEEPER. Where the world once IGNORED or DISMISSED My Children, the GROWING REVELATION LIGHT that you carry will SHINE BRIGHTLY against the backdrop of all the EXPOSURES of EVIL. People will be DRAWN to My LIGHT and POWER DISPLAYED in your life, and your REVELATION LIGHT will AWAKEN a HUNGER in their hearts to LEAVE BEHIND darkness and come into the LIGHT, the FREEDOM, and the LOVE that you carry. The world is set to see an EXPOSURE of evil and darkness that will SICKEN and SHOCK people awake. You, My Children of LIGHT, are the ANTIDOTE to this SICKNESS of EVIL, and you are the HOPE for GOODNESS and LIGHT to be RESTORED in GREATER measure than ever before in history. STAY CLOSE to My heart, and you will receive A FLOOD OF REVELATION LIGHT.”

Diana Larkin - WHAT DO FEAR AND ANXIETY EXPOSE? - July 8, 2023

“FEAR and ANXIETY are DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONS that have NEGATIVE PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL CONSEQUENCES. Fear and anxiety cause you to be DOUBLE-MINDED in your FAITH, and it WEAKENS your ability to FIGHT, and you are ROBBED of your PEACE. FEAR and ANXIETY open you up to physical DISEASES (dis-ease) and to mentally being TORMENTED by DOUBTS and by the enemy. FEAR and ANXIETY are symptoms that you FEEL OUT OF CONTROL. Once you RECOGNIZE that this is a CONTROL ISSUE, then you can COMBAT these destructive emotions. SURRENDERING CONTROL over the areas that bring you FEAR and ANXIETY will RELEASE My PEACE and My PRESENCE into those areas, and I will PROVE Myself STRONG enough and WISE enough to be not only your PROTECTION, but your ABOUNDING PROVIDER and DELIVERER. Can you TRUST Me with your FINANCES? Can you TRUST Me with your UNBELIEVING spouse or your PRODIGAL children? Can you BELIEVE I will PROTECT and BLESS your FINANCES? Can you BELIEVE I AM coming to RESCUE your Nation from the GRIP of TYRANNY and DEMONIC LAWS? I AM that I AM, and nothing is too DIFFICULT for Me. When you SURRENDER CONTROL to Me, FALSE YOKES will DROP from your shoulders. It will RELEASE BURDENS too HEAVY for you to CARRY, and you will come into a FREEDOM and PEACE that bring LIFE, HEALTH, and STRENGTH to you body, soul, and spirit. You will feel LIGHTER, and your FAITH WILL SOAR. EMBRACE this life of FREEDOM and FAITH, and your FUTURE will be BRIGHT with HOPE.”
PROVERBS 3:5, 8 (TPT) Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make. Then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for.

Wings of Prophecy Blog - July 2023

Diana Larkin - WHOSE POWER WILL BE SHOWCASED? - July 7, 2023

“As the SHOWDOWN between DARK and LIGHT in your Nation draws near, WHOSE POWER WILL BE SHOWCASED? I will ALLOW the darkness to THINK their MASTER PLAN of causing a WAR with much DEATH and DESTRUCTION is going forward. It may APPEAR that their plans are succeeding but, remember, I have COMMISSIONED you to use your AUTHORITY to REMOVE the DEATH, the STING (poison), and the DARK POWER behind these plans. They will go FULL TILT forward in PUSHING the world to a nuclear conflict, it it will NOT HAPPEN. Just when things LOOK very dark, I WILL DROP THE HAMMER on them and I WILL SMASH AND EXPOSE THEIR DEEP DARKNESS, THEIR HATRED, THEIR PERVERSION, AND THEIR GROSS SELFISHNESS. Their SELF-ABSORPTION will be their FINAL DOWNFALL because it BLINDS them from the Light and from what I AM doing. This is why I tell you to REMAIN in LOVE and to KEEP CLEAR ACCOUNTS because, in the end, it is the POWER OF LOVE AND LIGHT THAT WILL TRIUMPH over the SELFISHNESS AND DARKNESS. You have been PREPARED for this day with GREAT SPIRITUAL WEAPONS, and the POWER OF HOPE. You will come through VALIANTLY, PROTECTED and SUSTAINED by MY SHOWCASED POWER. Do not FOCUS on how DARK it might get; PICTURE My HAMMER coming down and SMASHING the darkness, DESTROYING its plans and RELEASING a BACKLASH of JUDGMENT and JUSTICE on them. WHOSE POWER WILL BE SHOWCASED? My MIGHTY RIGHT ARM is coming to SAVE THE DAY and to usher in a NEW DAY OF LIFE, LIGHT, AND PEACE.”

Amanda Grace - T.R.A.N.S.G.E.N.D.E.R. - July 5, 2023

So about and you know an hour before I was I was getting looking up things and and getting notes and things like that this had come to me once again I’m going to read it to you again. To Redesign And Negate Sex, Genetics, Education Negating DNA Embryos and Race. This is the meaning of it within their spelling and the Lord is exposing it. This is the true agenda.

Diana Larkin - WATCH THE SKIES - July 6, 2023

“Many of you have noticed STRANGE CLOUD formations and UNUSUAL STORMS developing in your skies. These are My SIGNS to you that I AM MOVING in the heavenlies with My Host to CONFRONT the established DARKNESS and to DESTROY IT. These CLASHES in the heavens between My Host, as they INVADE and CONQUER DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS will have an EFFECT on the natural realm. That is why you see AMAZING CLOUD formations that PICTURE what My Host are doing and that is why THUNDER is so POWERFUL that it SHAKES buildings. My Host are STRIKING BLOW AFTER BLOW against the darkness, and they are LOSING POWER and TERRITORY daily. The Host are FUELED by your PRAYERS, DECREES, WARFARE TONGUES, and RAW FAITH that what I have PROMISED, I will do. These VICTORIES in the heavens will be PLAYED OUT on the earth in the form of EXPOSURES OF CORRUPTION, PERVERSION, and LIES. It will MANIFEST as REAL JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUS RULINGS by UNCOMPROMISED JUDGES. Even the EXTREME PERVERSION that sits on the highest court in your Land has not been able to OVERCOME RIGHTEOUS RULINGS that have been recently released. As you WATCH THE SKIES, know that I AM DETHRONING the darkness and ESTABLISHING My Light. As you seek Me individually and allow Me to BUILD STRONGHOLDS of RIGHTEOUSNESS in your life, you become part of the GOOD that OVERCOMES EVIL. You are part of the Light that OVERCOMES the darkness. WATCH THE SKIES and let your FAITH SOAR!”

Cynthia - Slaughter the son - July 6, 2023

An assembly line has formed an all who ate the bread of life will join our big day. The wedding of the Lamb it’s here do you see? Do not have doubt in your heart? Your flesh is taking you off your course of Faith? But I am mighty I bring you back to your path of righteousness, faith, love. Our day the assembly it’s here. We’ve been speaking about it the assembly line of all who love me and all who love you my Dove. We bring all of our people together. It is great and numerous is our ancestors the children all I have is for you. I’m for you and you are for me. You hear me in your heart love the heart speaks to your mind a soft Whisper of goodness love. Do you think I will allow your eyes to see such decay in death? No, and now it’s time for death slaughtering of the sons who forsook my bride. The Arrogant ones who led you astray. Turn away as I bring them all down to never rise again. They stole from me and they will pay. Gather my people for the Great and Mighty supper. It’s here and it’s time that all repent. For what they imposed on me, yes. They will all repent on their knees. This you will see they will repent then they will die a death that leads them to Darkness and decay and awaken death with no sleep this is their punishment.

Diana Larkin - RELEASE THE FIRE SHUT IN YOUR BONES! - July 5, 2023

*JEREMIAH 20:9 (NASB) But if I say, “I will not remember Him nor speak anymore in His name,” then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am tired of holding it in, and I cannot endure it.
*”Are My words of TRUTH SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES LIKE FIRE because no one around you will listen to them? DECEIVED EYES and DELUDED EARS cannot receive My TRUTH, as it seems too FANTASTIC and UNBELIEVABLE to them. Leviathan has done a number on the SLEEPING, COMPLACENT Church and society in general who are caught in SELF-FULFILLMENT and SELF-GRATIFICATION. What is there to be done with this FIRE SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES? You know these are My words, and you want to show people TRUTH and PREPARE them for the future SHAKINGS. I have a SECRET WEAPON that I want you to FULLY ACTIVATE at this present time, and that is the GIFT OF TONGUES. Pray OFTEN and pray BOLDLY in this POWERFUL GIFT. This is a PIVOTAL time in the BATTLE for peoples’ MINDS and HEARTS. Leviathan has BLOCKED the AIRWAVES, but the WARFARE TONGUES I AM releasing to you will go forth with GREAT POWER to BUST THROUGH all his PLATFORMS and all his LYING MOUTHPIECES. Let the FIRE SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES PROPEL your WARFARE TONGUES. It will RELEASE that FIRE that is BOUND UP INSIDE OF YOU, and it will go forth as a POWERFUL SECRET WEAPON launched against LIES and PERVERSION. As your COLLECTIVE WARFARE TONGUES go forth, it will UNJAM the Leviathan BLOCKADES against the TRUTH, and you will know your WARFARE is being EFFECTIVE when people in media begin STEPPING ASIDE and MORE TRUTH begins to LEAK OUT, until it becomes A FLOOD. Don’t get FRUSTRATED with FIRE SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES. Release it in your WARFARE TONGUES, and watch this SECRET WEAPON TOPPLE an evil empire’s ability to CONTROL the airwaves. RELEASE THE FIRE SHUT IN YOUR BONES!”

Diana Larkin - EVERLASTING COVENANT - July 4, 2023

“I AM the God of COVENANT, and My covenants are EVERLASTING. They never RUN OUT, they don’t have A LIMIT, and they DON’T EXPIRE. The COVENANT of SALVATION will EXTEND its POWER and GRACE over you for ALL of ETERNITY. My COVENANT with Israel and with your Nation EXTEND FOREVER, covering you for all of ETERNITY. You will always carry My BLESSING, My FAVOR, and My LIGHT. Whenever a Remnant in Israel CRIED OUT to Me in REPENTANCE and called on Me to RENEW My COVENANT that they had BROKEN by turning to IDOLS and FALSE GODS, I INTERVENED and SAVED them once again. Ezekiel and 7,000 faithful ones were all it took to TURN BACK their Nation from the EVIL and IDOLATRY that had TAKEN OVER the Land. Now a GROWING REMNANT is RISING in your Land, acknowledging the SINS of your Nation and coming out of AGREEMENT with them and CALLING OUT to Me for DELIVERANCE, for FREEDOM, and to be RE-ESTABLISHED as My COVENANT NATION. I have HEARD, I will ACT, and with GREAT POWER and MIGHT I will DRIVE OUT the darkness and RESTORE you as a COVENANT LAND—ONE Nation, UNDER God, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all. I AM RENEWING My EVERLASTING COVENANT with you. STAND STRONG, PUSH FORWARD, WE WIN!”
ISAIAH 61:8 For I, Yahweh, love fairness and justice, and I hate stealing and sin. I will rightly repay them because of My faithfulness and enter into an everlasting covenant with them. (TPT)

Diana Larkin - QUIETLY STRENGTHENED - July 3, 2023

“As you QUIETLY (and without HURRY or URGENCY) WAIT in My PRESENCE, I will BLESS you with RENEWED STRENGTH and VISION. Picture Me WEAVING My STRENGTH into you. This STRENGTH will see you through the COMING MONTHS of UPHEAVAL. It will SURPRISE you that you take in STRIDE one event after another with your PEACE INTACT and an INNER CALMNESS springing from the STRENGTH I have placed in you. This is a PRIORITY ASSIGNMENT for you because, SHORTLY, ALL HEAVEN IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE. Darkness will FLAIL and SCREAM as My LIGHT REVEALS their EVIL SCHEMES and DARKENED HEARTS. I need your VISION to ALIGN with My vision so that you will CLEARLY SEE when THREATENING EVENTS occur that these are NO LONGER OFFENSIVE MOVES by the darkness, but they are FRANTIC DEFENSIVE SCHEMES LAUNCHED IN PANIC, as they can see Heaven’s MIGHT coming to CRUSH THEM. Reading My Word will help you ALIGN your THOUGHTS with Mine. Then take the next step and QUIETLY WAIT for My STRENGTH and VISION to fill you. Even if you don’t ‘feel’ like you are receiving anything, TAKE NOTE that your HEART RATE and BREATHING have SLOWED DOWN and PEACE has entered your atmosphere. Like manna in the wilderness, you need to RENEW MY STRENGTH AND VISION IN YOU DAILY. You may not be aware, but others around you will SENSE your PEACE and STABILITY and will be DRAWN TO YOU. You can SHARE My STRENGTH and VISION with others and let them know they can come to Me and be QUIETLY STRENGTHENED.”

New Mark Taylor Special Trump & the Church Presentation: 'Remnant Rescue - Part 1 & 2 Documentary - July 2, 2023

Mark Taylor interview and review of past prophecies “Remnant Rescue”.

Flash Back – Mark Taylor 2011 – The Spirit of God says, I have chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this. For as Benjamin Netanyahu is to Israel, so shall this man be to the United States of America! For I will use this man to bring honor, respect and restoration to America. America will be respected once again as the most powerful and prosperous nation on Earth, (other than Israel). The dollar will be the strongest it has ever been in the history of the United States, and will once again be the currency by which all others are judged.

The Spirit of God says, the enemy will quake and shake and fear this man I have anointed. They will even quake and shake when he announces he is running for president, it will be like the shot heard across the world. The enemy will say what shall we do now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. We have been robbing America for decades, what shall we do to stop this? The Spirit says HA! No one shall stop this that l have started! For the enemy has stolen from America for decades and it stops now! For I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen and return it seven-fold back to the United States. The enemy will say Israel, Israel, what about Israel? For Israel will be protected by America once again. The spirit says yes! America will once again stand hand and hand with Israel, and the two shall be as one. For the ties between Israel and America will be stronger than ever, and Israel will flourish like never before.

The Spirit of God says, I will protect America and Israel, for this next president will be a man of his word, when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in him than all the others before him. This man’s word is his bond and the world and America will know this and the enemy will fear this, for this man will be fearless. The Spirit says, when the financial harvest begins so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.

The Spirit of God says, in this next election they will spend billions to keep this president in; it will be like flushing their money down the toilet. Let them waste their money, for it comes from and it is being used by evil forces at work, but they will not succeed, for this next election will be a clean sweep for the man I have chosen. They [the enemy] will say things about this man, but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall My feathers protect this next president. Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities that I have gifted him with, and they will even begin to agree with him says the Spirit of God.


“As July HEATS UP, expect to see more EXPLOSIONS of TRUTH, witness more IMPLOSIONS in the ranks of the wicked, and observe a string of DEMOTIONS to continue to happen.  Oh, the darkness still has some BIG CARDS to play to try and SCARE the people into SUBMISSION. These are DARK and DESPERATE schemes of GREAT WICKEDNESS meant to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY. Your assignment is to DISEMPOWER these schemes. In other words, I want you to use your AUTHORITY to REMOVE the DEATH, the STING (poison), and the DARK POWER behind these plans. Declare these will be CUT OFF and OVERPOWERED by the LIGHT within you. I will ALLOW these plans to go forward because these are the FINAL STEPS into the JAWS of My TRAP, and because many people still need to be AWAKENED to the darkness that has STOLEN and CHEATED its way into POWER. Some of the IMPLOSIONS in the ranks of the darkness will come about  because COMPROMISED, BLACKMAILED ones will come to realize they are going to be EXPOSED and LOSE everything. They will CONFESS and THROW themselves on My MERCY. Their CONFESSION will further UNCOVER the DEEP WEB of LIES and DARKNESS spun by the ARROGANT LIARS and CHEATERS. The darkness will SHUDDER when they realize their IRON GRIP on people is being BROKEN by their victims saying, ‘Enough!’ of being CONTROLLED by FEAR, and a STRONG DESIRE to have a CLEAN CONSCIENCE will OVERPOWER their FEAR of EXPOSURE. The enemy always UNDERESTIMATES the POWER of My LOVE to TOUCH and CHANGE hearts. Pray for those you know to be COMPROMISED that they will FEEL My LOVE and be given the COURAGE to COME CLEAN. You will see many be DEMOTED from their positions of power by EXPOSURES and by the ANGEL OF DEATH being LOOSED on the earth to REMOVE those steadfastly committed to promoting their DARK agendas—especially those against the CHILDREN. Through it all, My Army of Light, remain STEADFAST in My PROMISES, My POWER and My JUSTICE being displayed on the earth.”

The Lord showed me the dollar crash and banking, crash, and a new digital platform -July 1 2023

American flag and the American flag was transformed into a hundred dollar bill and the hundred dollar bill was waving in the wind. And all of a sudden it was it started to transform into some kind of digital uh code. Like almost like crypto code and the crypto. It was all it was moving and it was alive. And um it was it was it was all kind of like an internet math code and it was moving and moving and moving. And I said Lord what is this and the Lord said the the Dollar’s about to turn into a digital dollar. And and he said um it will be worth half than what it’s worth right now. So a hundred dollar bill would be worth fifty dollars and so um he showed me the banks all went bankrupt. All the money that was in the banks every person that had money in there no matter if you were really rich or if you were poor. Watever was in the banks They seized it all.

The money was now property of the bank somehow I don’t know how they did it. But all the loans that you have on your house and all the on your cars and everything. I saw that all of it they would call it a debt Jubilee and and because they couldn’t foreclose and take everybody’s houses and to everybody’s cars because of the dollar crashing. They um they just wiped it out and they created a new platform. They created a new digital dollar with this. And then the Lord showed me lines for people standing at Target stores for trying to get food. But they weren’t dressed like in poverty looking clothes. They still had nice clothes on it’s like it happened so suddenly It was just like it was like an overnight deal and people were in lines at the target at Walmart for like a mile long. Because there was no products and there was no food there was hardly anything in these stores and people were waiting just to get whatever they could get. And so I could see them. All in a single file line and it stretched for forever. And he showed me certain cryptocurrencies that would go up in value. He showed me certain things that would happen with gold and with silver. And he showed me that for this year he talked to me about the Euro. And he told me the Euro would be in trouble because of what was going on with Europe and this war. And so that was one of the words that he gave me when I was praying about 2023. 


Diana Larkin - TURNING UP THE HEAT - June 30, 2023

“Do you remember that I told you this summer would be ‘FIESTY?’ Well, We are ready to TURN UP THE HEAT on the DEADLY SOUP of DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES, CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, and PLANNED THIEVERY that the darkness has CONCOCTED. The darkness sees their soup SIMMERING nicely, but We have decided to SURPRISE them by TURNING UP THE HEAT until ALL of their DARK PLANS BOIL UP and SPILL OVER onto them. What they were BREWING for you to eat will BOIL OVER BACK ONTO THEM. They will be be BURNED, their FACADES REMOVED, and what they had planned for you, will BOIL OVER on them. Have you noticed the EXPOSURES of CORRUPT AGENCIES and PEOPLE are PICKING UP? Wait until We TURN UP THE HEAT! When the DEADLY SOUP reaches a BOIL, it will SPILL OUT a multitude of LIES, CORRUPTION, and BRIBERY. Oh, and look, there comes the TREASON they are planning to ACCUSE your rightful leader of. Well, now, what is this? The TREASON is BOILING OVER ONTO THEM because they are the ones who committed TREASON against your Nation and against its people. So many WHISTLEBLOWERS are coming forward to bring the EVIDENCE of the DEADLY SOUP INGREDIENTS that the darkness’ DEFENSES are being OVERWHELMED. Join Us in LAUGHING at the game of WHACK-A-MOLE that will commence, as TESTIMONIES come forth with the TRUTH, and watch the SCRAMBLING as the pot of soup BOILS OVER with a VENGEANCE. WE ARE TURNING UP THE HEAT!”

Flashback - Hank Kunnerman - God I will flatten/deflated your Federal Reserve I will rise up something new/greater - September June 15, 2022


Truth, no compromise. … Holy Spirit began to talk to me about the next three months and how it would end, of course that would be June, July, August. And how that would like us towards a reset of this nation that would come through great shaking. … I will now deal with the oppressors of my people.

Diana Larkin - YOU ARE MY WITNESSES - June 29, 2023

“You who have walked this difficult road of FIERCE BATTLE and an UNKNOWN FUTURE are My WITNESSES. You chose to BELIEVE My words spoken through the prophets that VICTORY, BREAKTHROUGH, and a GOOD FUTURE were just around the corner. You FOLLOWED Me through the CLAMOR and the DANGER of the battle. You could not see ahead because of the SMOKE that filled the air from FIRES and EXPLOSIONS the enemy set off. And yet, you FOLLOWED ME STILL in BLIND FAITH because you had felt My LOVE and I had PROVED My FAITHFULNESS to you through the CROSS and through PROMISES kept to you. When the GREAT DECEPTION FALLS and I bring in the LIGHT OF TRUTH and FULFILLMENT, people who MOCKED and SCORNED you will realize you were HEARING and FOLLOWING Me, and they will come to you for WORDS OF TRUTH. You will be MY WITNESSES, and you will declare My GREAT DEEDS and MIGHTY ACTS that I have performed, and you will show them the GOOD PATHS to walk on. Instead of SCORN, you will be HIGHLY ESTEEMED and because of the HUMILITY you wear, you will FOCUS people on ME and you will show them the path of LIFE. DO NOT TURN ASIDE from the BATTLE because the SMOKE is thick and the enemy is SCREAMING THREATS. PRESS ON close behind Me, and we will SUDDENLY BREAKTHROUGH into the prophesied VICTORY. Be MY WITNESSES of My POWER and My FAITHFULNESS.”
ISAIAH 43:10a, 12b-13 (TPT) Yahweh says, “You are My witnesses, My chosen servants. I chose you in order that you may know Me intimately, believe Me always, and fully understand that I am the only God.” “You are My witnesses that I am God,” declares Yahweh. From the very beginning, I am the only God! No one can be snatched from My hand. When I choose to act, who can reverse it?

Joy of the Lord - All Systems Go!!! - June 27, 2023

Okay so I got this word again on the 23rd of June of 2023 at 5 19 a.m and this is what he says. He says all systems go and I kept hearing in my in my I was praying and then I just kept hearing all systems go all systems go and so I was like okay he wants to give me a word so um and that’s exactly how he started he said all systems go everything is lining up perfectly and is in place for my great Rescue Mission my children yes all things are all things are as I have been planning for oh so long our let me start that over yes all things are as I have been planning for oh so long are in or on the cusp for taking off saith the Lord let me read that whole paragraph over I should have read this before I uh I haven’t read it since the 23rd or actually I read it yesterday but um I’m gonna start over because I just need to start over

All systems go everything is lining up perfectly and is in place for my great Rescue Mission. My children yes all things are as I have been planning for oh so long are on the cusp for takeoff, saith the Lord. What does this mean for you you ask. This means your complete freedom from the hands of your enemy and the enemies of almighty God are here. This means everything as you know it and have known it to be is on the verge of a complete redo. Yes, a transformation of a lifetime. One day you’re in bondage and held captive and at the flip of a switch complete freedom and victory over it all. Yes, freedom from the slavery you’ve been in without even knowing it without even knowing is in your very near future, says the Lord. There’s a taking off about to take place and you shall be launched into all I have planned for you oh so long ago. Yes a launching my children into the new high above all you see now.

The boosters are coming off which will send you shooting into the atmosphere of my glory in a way you’ve never seen or felt before. Let my glory fill you to the fullest as I bring you up higher with me this time that is set before you will bring my children to new levels of faith in me. The fruit that shall be produced during this transformation from the olden to the new will be great will be great as you become one with me. Yes, you my chosen Remnant will begin to see your Harvest of Plenty with an increase of my glory and power and and through in and through you says the Lord. It is the time I have spoken about it is the time I have spoken about for many years to my servants the prophets. Yes, my children it’s time to fulfill the words I’ve spoken even the words from long ago in my written word. Does not my word speak of my glory being greater in the latter days than the former? This is that day. These are the days of my glory being poured out like never before. I need you my children to ask me for this glory and expect to receive it. I need you my children to expect my glory my great glory. To fill you up to fill up your homes and your streets to fill up your cities and your States. Yes, and your Nation,s says the Lord.

Let your faith in me and all that I am saying bring you to a place of expectancy and all that I want to do in and through you my children. I have said many many times that everything as you know it will change which will bring fear and uncertainty to all that do not know me. This is where you my children will shine and be my light in the darkness yes it will look dark to the world says the Lord. But you my chosen people my beautiful precious children will be filled with my peace that will draw many and I mean many to me. As I pour out my glory the Miracles, the signs, and the wonders, of my awesome power and might will be poured out bringing a harvest of souls you’ve never dreamed of. Oh the oh the joy and excitement I have for you my children as I see up ahead and know how great these days will be. You can’t comprehend children all that I am saying now. But just wait just. Wait for it is all about to take off. Nothing. Nothing. I say it again nothing. that’s in bold can’t can or will stop my plans and all that I am getting ready to do. You are the door of Freedom, Victory, blessing, favor, prosperity, and restoration. Glory my glory is coming my glory is here reach up and take it my precious ones for it belongs to you, saith the Lord. Your God maker of heaven of the heavens and the Earth and Jesus Yashua’s name. Amen and amen.

Diana Larkin -LIKE A MIGHTY WARRIOR - June 26, 2023

ISAIAH 42:13 (TPT) “Yahweh goes out to battle like a hero and stirs up His passion and zeal like a mighty warrior. Yes, His God-shout is a mighty battle cry; He will triumph heroically over all His foes.”
“Are you ready to SEE Scripture FULFILLED in your day? You are going to see Me ARISE as a MIGHTY WARRIOR who comes to TRAMPLE your enemies into the DUSTBIN OF HISTORY. When I arise with a BATTLE CRY that will SPLIT the heavens, its SOUND will be HEARD around the world. Its FREQUENCY will send SHOCK WAVES that TOPPLE MOUNTAINS, GOVERNMENTS, BUILDINGS, and MONUMENTS. As darkness and all its dirty deeds are CRACKED OPEN and SPILL OUT for ALL the world to SEE, I will RIDE OVER THEM and the hooves of My warhorse will TRAMPLE them into the dust. The HIGH and MIGHTY will become the LOWLY and SCORNED. When I SAVE, I SAVE. When I DELIVER, I DELIVER, and NOTHING will stand in My way. Therefore, DO NOT FEAR what the enemy has planned because all their ELABORATE, DESTRUCTIVE schemes will be BROUGHT DOWN like a house of cards by My BATTLE CRY, and we will TRIUMPH GLORIOUSLY over them. LIKE A MIGHTY WARRIOR I AM coming to RESCUE you from all your enemies. CALL OUT for My WAR CRY to be RELEASED, and I will SHOUT as I come like a HERO to SAVE you.”

Diana Larkin - SURRENDER TO MY TIMING - June 25, 2023

“I see a lot of ANXIETY in the HEARTS of My children over the TIMING of My RESCUE OPERATION. ANXIOUS THOUGHTS STEAL FAITH and WEAKEN YOUR DECLARATIONS. Let’s talk about this together. I AM not CONDEMNING you for having ANXIETY about the FUTURE of your Nation, and I UNDERSTAND that what you SEE being done by the darkness is DESTRUCTIVE. I AM pulling you aside today to talk about this because I have such a HIGHER WAY for you to walk through this season of the GREAT WAR. ANXIETY and DREAD are LIFE-STEALERS. All you begin to see is the DARKNESS and how they APPEAR to be WINNING. Let Me ask you this: Are there LIMITS to My ABILITY to RESCUE, REVIVE, and RESTORE? Is there ever a situation that goes TOO FAR that I CANNOT TURN IT AROUND? I have given you BIBLICAL PATTERNS to STEADY your FAITH—the Red Sea rescue, Haman’s gallows, raising Lazarus from the dead, and My Son’s resurrection. When ANXIOUS THOUGHTS arise, take it as a WARNING that your FAITH has not been ACTIVATED in that area. Bring Me your anxious thoughts, and I will ASSURE you of My POWER and My FAITHFULNESS in that area. If you will SURRENDER to Me the TIMING of when and where I RESCUE, you will be RELEASED to live in My PEACE and in HOPEFUL EXPECTANCY of the FULFILLMENT of My PROMISES. When you SURRENDER TO MY TIMING, you are LETTING GO OF CONTROL, and you will find GREAT FREEDOM and PEACE as you REST in My GOODNESS and My ENORMOUS POWER. Goodbye CONTROL and ANXIETY and hello PEACE and FAITH. Learn to live SURRENDERED TO MY TIMING—it’s the way of PEACE, and peace gives birth to POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE prayers of faith that bring in the FULLNESS of My Kingdom.”

Donald Trump - They are fighting against the almighty God.

Donald Trump - Demolish the Deep State ....

Diana Larkin - LOVE, WISDOM, AND FREEDOM - June 24, 2023

“The world right now does not hold My people in HIGH REGARD. The enemy has SPREAD LIES about you and painted a picture of you as being WEAK and INEFFECTIVE. Sadly, much of the Church has BOUGHT INTO this LIE, and they believe the ONLY ANSWER to the RISING DARKNESS is to be SNATCHED OUT OF IT and taken to Heaven. Do not BUY INTO this DISEMPOWERING, DESTINY-STEALING DOCTRINE OF DEMONS. My Son won COMPLETE VICTORY over SIN, DEATH, and HELL. When you SURRENDER your life to Him, MY Spirit EMPOWERS you with the SAME ANOINTING that He carries. Are you not now Sons and Daughters through the BLOOD of My Son? You are now CO-HEIRS of ALL He is, ALL He won, and you are now COMMISSIONED to share the treasures of LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM that you have INHERITED. LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM will continue to grow in you, as you DRAW NEAR to Me, EAT of My Word, and WORSHIP Me with all your heart. The world and the enemy have told you that what you say or do doesn’t REALLY MATTER all that much. The TRUTH is the OPPOSITE of that! You CARRY the VERY PRESENCE of your God in you, and the LIGHT that you carry causes darkness to BOW and to FLEE. My LIGHT in you is LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM RELEASED to the world through your PRAYERS, DECREES, ACTIONS, and EVERYPLACE the soles of your feet walk. Be AWARE of carrying My PRESENCE and CONSCIOUSLY RELEASE it wherever you go and whatever you do. Can you see that My RISING REMNANT is already IMPACTING the darkness? They are being EXPOSED and will be brought to JUSTICE. You are not WEAK and INEFFECTIVE, you are the WALKING POWER and LIFE of your God, and you are called to release LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM into the world of DARKNESS, CONFUSION, and BONDAGE. SHINE FOR ME, EMPOWERED ONES!”

Diana Larkin - THE WHOLE ENCHILADA - June 23, 2023

“There has never been a time on the earth like these days when I have REVEALED so much of your FUTURE to My Prophets, My Watchmen, and My Prophetic Voices. My Spirit is MOVING ALL OVER THE EARTH, AWAKENING My Sons and Daughters to LEARN and to EMBRACE their KINGDOM CALLINGS. The darkness is ALL-OUT trying to STOP this awakening because as My LIGHT GROWS in you, you are EXPOSING the DEEP DARKNESS and the LIES and DECEPTION that have CAPTURED many. I have given you a BROAD OVERVIEW of a GOOD FUTURE where much of the world will live ACCORDING to KINGDOM WAYS. I have also supplied DETAILS of the darkness’ planned ATTACKS and DIRTY DEEDS so you know where to FOCUS your AUTHORITY to STOP dark schemes and to UNCOVER gross darkness. However, I will never give My people THE WHOLE ENCHILADA of future events, because that would TAKE AWAY your sense of WONDER and AWE, as you live each day in My presence. Your FIGHTING SKILLS have been developed at GREAT COST, and I want them to REMAIN SHARP and READY to meet any enemy scheme now or in future days that you live on the earth. Darkness will be UNDER your feet, but it will still TRY to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY; so I need My Army of Light to REMAIN VIGILANT and POWERFUL to STOMP on the darkness and to keep it from ARISING again to bring such WIDESPREAD PERVERSION and SLAVERY. I will continue to REVEAL the FUTURE to My chosen voices, but I will never give you THE WHOLE ENCHILADA because I want life to hold MYSTERIES for you to SEARCH OUT and WONDERS for you to see, as I UNFOLD a GOOD FUTURE before you.”

Diana Larkin - WORLDWIDE COLLAPSE - June 22, 2023

“The EVIL SYSTEMS of this world are set for a WORLDWIDE COLLAPSE. Do NOT FEAR as these systems COME DOWN because these systems were DESIGNED to STEAL from you and to exercise CONTROL over you. If it seems your funds have DISAPPEARED, do NOT FEAR. I AM well able to RESTORE your original amount, plus RECOMPENSE and RESTORATION of what should RIGHTFULLY have been yours. If I have the POWER to BRING DOWN DARK SYSTEMS, realize I have MORE than enough POWER to give you WEALTH. I have promised you, My Army of Light, REWARD, RECOMPENSE, and RESTORATION, and I keep My promises. Some evil systems that I COLLAPSE will NEVER RISE AGAIN. You were told they were NECESSARY and for your BENEFIT, but those were LIES, and these systems have been STEALING your FREEDOMS and your FUNDS. The world will function with much more FREEDOM and PROSPERITY without GREEDY, EVIL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS that ROB you and keep you UNDER THEIR THUMB. Systems developed to SPY on you and to ULTIMATELY CONTROL your every move, will IMPLODE and NEVER RISE AGAIN. Many of you are CALLED to help ESTABLISH Kingdom FINANCIAL systems and FAIR and JUST law and order systems. Don’t WORRY or FRET over WORLDWIDE COLLAPSES. Instead, DREAM and PLAN with Me in BUILDING systems on RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Out of the ASHES, a NEW DAY, a NEW DAWN, and NEW LIFE will ARISE to give LIFE, PLENTY, PEACE, and FREEDOM.”

Wings of Prophecy Blog - June 2023

Diana Larkin - DELUGE - June 21, 2023

*This word began with seeing a large council of those partnered with evil. The leaders are boasting and confident, laying out death agendas and power moves to crush freedom and take control. This dark council is now fully activated to fulfill their assignments, and all sleepers are commanded to come out of the shadows and complete their orders. The leaders are speaking boldly, but the hearts of the rest of the council are feeling vulnerable and exposed. After this meeting breaks up, a smaller council of just the leaders meets. The atmosphere is not so bold, as they realize something has shifted. They are beginning to see lights shining through the dark cloud of lies and fear they had released over the Land. In hushed tones they are discussing backup plans for escape, and they give no thought to those they have tasked with dangerous, dark schemes that have the potential to backfire and expose them. From my vantage point, I can see the seeds of disintegration that our decrees and declarations have sown into the camp of darkness. Our glory lights are piercing the darkness.
*”I AM giving you a BEHIND-THE-SCENES picture of the enemy’s camp because I want you to see BEYOND the BOASTING voices speaking LIES and PREDICTING the DOWNFALL of My anointed leader. It LOOKS LIKE a POWERFUL, UNIFIED camp, but you have been shown how your prayers are bringing about CRACKS in their unity and SOWING SEEDS of SELF-PRESERVATION that will GREATLY WEAKEN them from the inside out. As My DELUGE of TRUTH RAINS DOWN on them, it will TRIGGER every man for himself, and the evil empire will COLLAPSE in the MUD of their EVIL. My DELUGE of TRUTH will WASH THEM into a PIT, and My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE will come CRASHING DOWN on them. Call in My DELUGE OF TRUTH! It is BUILDING and BUILDING as more and more EXPOSE themselves as being COMPROMISED and actually working for the DARKNESS. The DELUGE will REVEAL IT ALL—down to every CORRUPT ROOT, and it will all be WASHED AWAY.”

Glyn Sweet - Currupt LAND BANKING - June 18, 2023

So I’m going to go and give a part of that word he says the uprise of Calamity in the areas of this World Systems the world are happening right now. I want you to look at those who are causing a corruption over land and how these people are stealing land through Deeds that are not secure in systems. Of banks I’m needing to bring change into these areas over land to secure these systems. I’m causing a Fallout to cover uh those that have set themselves to continue to steal and manipulate these systems. I will overthrow many in this hour for for bringing ungodly activity over those who are innocent and have been taken advantage of.

And I’m going to stop right there. because father God is talking about uh uh properties land things that over the past has been stolen manipulated controlled up through greed of men. When he showed me this particular part about land banking is I had to do a study into it. Let me move my cursor okay. I had to do a study into this to get a better picture that I myself could have a clearer understanding of how to pray. And I want to share with you what I found out. This is part of the wealth transfer so we must know these things. Um let’s talk about land banking and I want to I have notes so I’m going to go through these notes. I’m gonna try to be on here very short uh uh a very short video. So just hold on with me for a minute uh land banking the practice of buying land as an investment holding it for future use and making no specific plans for its development. Deeded land uh unsecured systems and Banks stealing and manipulating systems is what father God is covering in this hour over land banking around the world so wherever you are in in the world he is also speaking to you. We’re all a part of the body of Christ and so let’s listen the purpose of land banking land banks are public authorities over non-profit organizations created to acquire hold, manage, and sometimes redevelop property.

In order to return these properties to productive use to meet Community goals. Such as increasing affordable housing or stabilizing property values. Now if you say what is a land bank, I have an answer. There are not financial institutions they’re not financial institutions separated different they are public or community-owned entities created for a single purpose.

The purpose is to acquire manage and maintain and re-pro repurpose vacant abandon and foreclosed properties. Also Land Development and farm mortgages federal land Banks. There are 25 states that have land Banks. And I could give you this the stakes but I’m not going to because of time. You can look in to see to see or do your own inquiry about finding out what those land banks are so I can keep moving Forward. Land banks are a A specialized government bank with a universal banking License. Universal that means that that this type of banking uh is all around the world and many uh entities or people that needs to use or develop the banks as are learning about uh land banking. This this is how they utilize it around the world. It’s a it’s a global um transaction. It’s a growth it’s a global entity and there’s many uh in America. I think there’s 40 42 Banks.

In America that are land Banks and that is all they do they don’t go over to over to the commercial or the banking as I would know it or you would know it. It’s a different type of banking and so uh with all that being said how does this fit with uh how does this fit with father God opening up doors to release before his people uh the wealth transfer. He said that he’s going into these systems and he’s getting ready to cause a huge corrupt a huge breakdown. He says that he will expose the manipulation and the padding of books. Uh the things that they have been doing over foreclosure over land uh purchase in properties. Um over redeveloping land and and where monies would go would be allocated uh to develop a property or to develop a community or a structure. We had we could look at a lot of some of the um uh what do you call them I’ll just looking into them a lot of the malls are uh have been in foreclosure have closed Down. um we’re looking at a lot of commercial property uh things of this nature that is being closed down foreclosed on. These things goes back to these types of banks.

And what father God is showing me that he is going to use these entities around the world. And and when I say use them he’s using the corrupted people he’s using those greedy people. He’s using those that are manipulating the Systems. Padding books of falsifying Deeds everything of that nature is getting ready to be exposed right now. We’re going to see an uprising of it it will be in the news it’s going to be everywhere about these uh Bank land Banks being exposed. It has to happen. Praise father God that it has to happen this is how many of us will be able to go in once these things happen there’s a lot of turnaround that’s that has to come through this for people to be able to purchase property. Um land um uh malls whatever that uh maybe a apartment building. Whatever uh uh infrastructure that is in your plans or in your heart.

This is something that should excite you. Because father God is exposing what they have done the manipulation and the control is stealing for years the the padding the books and the false Deeds that has been given over some time. I do believe that these fake Deeds has been given uh uh to those ones that are wealthy and the uh the land was actually stolen. And the Deeds were just made up. Well that’s getting ready to be a great exposure. It’s going to help each and every one of us that are looking to do God’s kingdom work through these areas uh these things will be uh uh uh freely giving uh to us to purchase. Like I said the we we can’t expect for uh these things that come about just falling out of the sky. We can’t expect for the the the uh uh wealth transfer to be something that’s just created out of the atmosphere and you go to a place in your hand in your book of keys uh or your your deed or your whatever that looks like. That’s not how it’s going to happen it’s you you just can’t walk into a place and they just give you all this Stuff. We have to purchase it …

Very cheap, very affordable we have to come back in and and within this next seven years building up the kingdom of God to Reign for seven years after 2030. We have to be in position to Reign after 2030 with Power Authority with every resource every connection. And father God for the next seven years will be building us for to be a resource to be a connection to be a conduit. Whatever that looks like for building uh uh stewardess for building storehouses within our own Community for uh for God’s. People within that area within our area of influence so around the world. These things will be happening it is not just for America. America is falling apart we’re going to be Holding On by the by the grace of God. Thank you Father that you’re covering America of your people here. You’re covering us you’re going to keep us safe and you’re bringing us into a place where we’ll we will be able to sustain those that cannot sustain themselves. …

Diana Larkin - BE BOLD, BE STRONG, BE COURAGEOUS - June 20, 2023

“The enemy and those who PARTNER with him are growing BOLDER and LOUDER in their THREATS and in their SCHEMES. They are set on REMOVING My anointed leader and on SUBJECTING you through FEAR and MANY EVIL ATTACKS until you COWER in FEAR and DEFEAT. Let’s give them the SURPRISE OF THEIR LIVES, shall we? I AM EMPOWERING you and AWAKING you to your TRUE CALLING as My Sons and Daughters who walk in the POWER of their AUTHORITY as blood-bought, Spirit-EMPOWERED children of LIGHT. Is the enemy BOLD and LOUD? You RISE UP, and be BOLDER and LOUDER! I have already WON the VICTORY, and you are TASKED with ANNOUNCING it and ENFORCING it—both in the SPIRITUAL and in the NATURAL. Realize as the enemy sounds LOUDER and BIGGER, it is because he FEARS DEFEAT and the fact that you are COMING INTO your AUTHORITY—which is MUCH MORE POWERFUL than anything he has. His POWER lies in THREATS, INTIMIDATION, and DESTRUCTION. Not only do you carry the POWER of the BLOOD, you have SPIRIT-INFUSED STRENGTH and WISDOM, and I AM RELEASING to you My MANIFEST GLORY—the very presence of the KINGDOM FLOWING through you to DEFEAT the darkness and to release HEALING and RESTORATION. BE BOLD, BE STRONG, BE COURAGEOUS, and be LOUDER and BOLDER than the enemy. Let no CHALLENGE or SCHEME of the enemy go UNANSWERED by your SUPERIOR AUTHORITY, WISDOM, and POWER. ENFORCE the VICTORY and DECLARE HOLY WAR against the WAR-MONGERS. Your enemies are your BREAD, and you will CONSUME them with your BOLDNESS, your STRENGTH, and your COURAGE.”
JOSHUA 1:9 (MSG) “Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”

Shirley Lise - TAKING DOWN WORLDLY KINGDOMS - June 19, 2023

The Lord your God has come to make his will known among his people he is setting the prisoner free giving sight to the blind soon all shall see and understand the Father’s Heart of Love toward those who are his he is a jealous God merciful and truthful his deeds are just magnify his name exalt him in the assembly declare his ways make them known to the people Prosperity is the will of the father that you prosper and be in good health that you be blessed in the land that your Offspring be blessed and be a blessing do not give up hope for it will surely come I have designated it says the Lord and it shall be. You will see it and Marvel at what the Lord your God has Done. Faithfulness shall be rewarded I am turning the tide industry will be Revolutionized. No longer will a hierarchy of evil rule it. I am putting my handmaidens into position of authority in Industry. Clothiers will be those who have a vision to impact Society with the message of Salvation. Their lines will direct attention to the one who provides for and clothes the Meek. You cannot see the scope of the fashion industry that I am bringing into Order, says the Lord. Pride and idolatry shall be removed and humility will take its place.

I am manufacturing garments that give glory to the Lord not to men and the craftiness of men. A complete turn around will take place in this industry fashion shall line up with Godly standards. No longer will it dictate immoral codes of behavior. But it shall supply the people with clothing that befits humility and a surrendered heart unto the Lord. How will I do this you ask? I am taking down the kingdoms ruled by the world and the fashion industry is one of them. And I am raising up the kingdom of God and the rulership of Christ over all the kingdoms of the world. The music industry is another example of a kingdom of the world. And I am at work to take it down and replace it with that which honors the Lord. The standard of the Lord shall go into all the Earth. Music will reflect the glory of the Risen Lord.

You will see it the fall of the ungodly Kingdom of music and the raising up of the standard of the Lord in the music industry. Even those who use my name and perform under its Banner will be removed unless they submit to what I am doing in the industry. This is the day of a Great Awakening. Your sons and your daughters shall be awakened to the call they shall go out in the name of the Lord. To storm the gates of hell I am giving the tools and they shall build according to my plan, says the Lord. You will see the building going up and you will recognize it as the building of the Lord. It will outshine all others missions is another kingdom. I am dealing with in this day, says the Lord  

Ungodly bureaucracy will be discovered and brought down and in its place will be raised up the ministry of Christ. Those who claim to be ministering in my name will be tested with fire. All performance all politicking all red tape all covering each other will be removed. And a true Ministry undefiled by the hands and mentality of men shall emerge to take its place. You will see the upheaval of Ministries. The cutting off of funds supplied to buffer those who use Ministry for personal gain. For Prestige and to make a name for Themselves. Ministries that of exact the life out of the people stolen resources and weakened them will be dried up from the root, says the Lord.

Let me put this in perspective I am coming with a sword to cut away evil Activity. Even those called by my name have engaged themselves in these evil Works. I am putting an end to it. No longer will those in Ministry feed off the people. I shall cut off their supply and they shall dry up. Only Ministries birthed of the spirit and carried by the spirit will remain. Testify to my Works tell of them it shall bring life to those who are truly called of me. I shall encourage them in Ministry. I have ordained that Ministry take place in the midst of the people it is not a scheduled event and cannot be contained within the confines of a man made agenda. I am taking down man-made structures and replacing them with a spiritual structure that does not limit Ministry and tie up the hands of Ministers of the Lord. I am addressing issues that need to be addressed, says the Lord. I am putting together a whole spectrum of activity that will pull together my instruments of.

I will house the effort and condone the ministry that will take place through my vessels of Praise. This is my quest, my desire to raise up a Powerhouse of Praise that will go forth to storm the gates of hell. This is my will to take this house to the hurting to bring my joy and counsel. Efforts of men shall be crucified talents hoarded will be overruled. I will Implement my minstrels into the ministry and remove those who are imposters says the Lord. Instruments of praise shall be raised up in this day and I will institute them into the Earth.

Truth Contender - Monday live service:Prophetic update - June 19, 2023

Then he went on to say America. America received strength strength for the coming days receive strength America. Your enemies all around are salvating over your over you. America they say now we shall see now we shall devour her now we bring her to her knees now. We silence her for good never never you will rise again. America you will rise again under my wings. You will rise again. I’ve given this word many times to say there are individuals that have caused a lot of nightmares and pain and destruction in Many Nations that are in the nation of America. But we need fooled by the enemy to think Americans are our enemies because the citizens of America majority of them have no idea what has been done in Nations. So now the enemy who knows how to make us you know fight one another as the people. When we hear Americans it’s the same way if maybe we had a few bad people in our country and those people were doing some awful things and because of that in whatever country they did that the people in that country. Then want to come to our nation and kill all of us. So we need to understand the same thing has been happening in the United States of America and that is why God wants to raise this man Donald J Trump to come and set the record straight. And to be the kind of leader that the United States of America and the rest of the world needs. So we need to pray continue to pray for the United States of America especially now. Because they’re trying to close in on this man. But this is the hour as they attempt what they’re attempting now this is the hour where we’re going to see a turnaround and we’re going to see God’s hand over the life of this man and the change that is going to come to the United States of America. But we need to pray for them because the Lord did one of the Civil War by reason of this the enemy is not just going to give up like that. The Lord made us understand that precisely because he knows he’s losing he’s going to come vicious so we need to pray and we need to stay on our knees in prayer for our nation and the nations of this world. In the United States of America the Lord continues to say prisca Vision fire receive that prisca the Lord says Vision fire. I believe the Lord is giving you very very Vivid vision and understanding of what he wants to do in your life at this point in time. …

Okay I’m going to start where he was talking about feeding centers. He said I command you to increase can you imagine being commanded to increase. He said I command you to increase from all Corners increase. There’s a lot to unpack from this word and I hope that we’ll have time some other day for you to get the fullness of what God is saying and what he’s doing. Uh we’re also going to go through Genesis chapter 26. I don’t know whether we’re going to go through it on the 25th during the impartation of that or he will give me time before the 25th for us to go through it. Because I don’t know whether he’s going to have something else to do or say on that day but that is the message of the hour. God wants to empower you with much because there is a lot to be done there is a lot to be done. So listen to this word very carefully he said I command you to increase from all corners increase soon. Soon I open feeding centers feeding centers. Soon yes many will not have food nor a place to live soon feeding centers my children my children. Keep these things in mind keep them in mind. Before I rebuild there will be much much help needed. Remember that you see that which you see. My help requires for me to destroy what they had built that’s the only way to get rid of their the reset is to destroy what they have built. That which you depend on I Must Destroy to answer you.

So what God is simply saying is that it’s a no-brainer we all know that a great a reset has been planned and part of the agenda of that great reset is to also depopulate to reduce the population of the world. Um and all sorts of things that are not really in line with the ways of God what is saying because this plan has been in motion for the longest of time it has now been intertwined. It’s Inseparable with the current system and the way that it runs. So because it’s Inseparable with the system God must bring down the system. The fullness of the system must crumble and you’re gonna feel some pain as the system crumbles. Because you were so dependent on that system that is why the Lord is warning us to understand what is coming so that we prepare. He says listen I’m about to distract some things but while I’m doing that you go over here and make sure that you have some supplies while I’m destroying this. So that during that time when I’m destroying this it’s the same thing that he had instructed. No one he told them build an I’m about to destroy the world as you know it. The systems of this world as you know it I’m about to drown all of them. So I’m going to require you to build an arc and then make sure that you put everything that needs to be preserved into this Arc. You know I’ll talk to the animals they will come they will come to the up don’t even worry about them the ones that have earmarked the ones that are still pure. The ones that I have not been tempted with that DNA. I’m going to cause them to come to your heart as for you build the ark and make sure that you put Food Supplies into this Arc …

Diana Larkin - BE GUIDED BY MY PEACE - June 18, 2023

“I understand that for you, these are very UNCERTAIN TIMES with UNCHARTED TERRITORY before you. You may be finding it difficult to PLAN AHEAD or to VENTURE OUT on TRIPS or to BEGIN NEW ENDEAVORS because you don’t know WHEN or WHERE My SHAKINGS will happen. Ask yourself this question: ‘Will my GOOD and POWERFUL Father ever LEAVE me UNPROTECTED or WITHOUT GUIDANCE?’ As sure as all My PROMISES will COME TRUE for your life and your Nation, so SURE is My PROMISE to ALWAYS be with you, to PROTECT you, and to GUIDE you with My PEACE. Lay out your PLANS and DECISIONS before Me, and I will RELEASE My DEEP PEACE into your spirit to let you know to PROCEED. I will be just as FAITHFUL to let you know when it is NOT a SAFE or a GOOD DECISION by you SENSING A BREAK in My PEACE. There will be NO LIFE in your plans or decisions if it is NOT My plans for you. If this is a decision or plan I want you to EMBRACE, then you will FEEL LIFE SPRING UP INSIDE YOUR HEART. My PEACE and LIFE go together, and UNREST and DEATH are partners. Choose to be GUIDED by My LIFE and My PEACE, and you won’t MISS OUT on My OPPORTUNITIES for you. Even in the midst of WAR, I want you to EMBRACE the LIFE and FULLNESS that I send your way. BE GUIDED BY MY PEACE.”

Diana Larkin - ADVENTURE IS BEFORE YOU - June 17, 2023

“It is true that life is going to DRASTICALLY CHANGE for people all around the world. These changes will be SUDDEN and without MUCH WARNING for most people. If you LISTEN to My PROPHETIC VOICES, then you know that EVIL SYSTEMS must be TAKEN DOWN in order to REBUILD on My Kingdom foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. You realize SHAKINGS must come, but I have ASSURED you of My PROTECTION and My GENEROUS PROVISION for you throughout all the coming UPHEAVALS. This is the MINDSET I want you to have: look at this season of GREAT CHANGE as a GRAND ADVENTURE that is before you. You will experience SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION, PROVISION, and WONDER as I UNFOLD the NEW FUTURE I have for you and your Nation. Don’t look at the future with DREAD—I AM YOUR FUTURE! Don’t FOCUS on HOARDING SUPPLIES— expect Me to PROVIDE SUPERNATURALLY in ABUNDANCE so that you have an OVERFLOW to share with those in NEED. If I AM your future, what is there to fear? I AM already in your future, and I see the ABUNDANCE and PEACE it contains. Begin to DRAW ON that future NOW, and PULL IT into your PRESENT. Look with eyes of FAITH at the ADVENTURE BEFORE YOU.”

Deborah Williams - A Clear & Amazing Prophetic Word: “Things Are Not As They Appear!” - June 16, 2023

I’m just going to read it June 15th 2023 I name this things are not as they Appear the spirit of the Lord says I want America to live. The thief has come up another way unlike your lord and your God who only comes in through the door. I am the door and I am notice the I am in both of those the way. My people have believed the lies but these are the words of your enemy who hates you with a perfect hatred. The thief has come in to America to steal to kill and destroy. I sit here with my servant Deborah Who Weeps for her I tell you my people it does not have to be so. A few of my people know this and they are holding the line but they are like the army of Israel. Arrayed in battle with their armor on I gotta stop right now and pray Hallelujah …

I’m going to start that paragraph. I tell you my people it does not have to be. So a few of my people know this and  are holding the line. But they are like the army of Israel arrayed in battle with their armor on waiting for their Champion to come back into his appointed office. They have not yet received the Revelation and understanding that I am their champion and they are my Army. And together we are invincible. It is imperative that they see I am their David I am the king over all Kings and the Lord over all your enemies who think they are Lords. Open your eyes my Remnant Kings things are not as they appear. Together we can upend your nation in a moment. Will you believe me that I am your leader and there is nothing I cannot do? Asolutely nothing the enemy thinks he has it in the bag. He believes he can now parade his lives and his pride openly. But the work of the devil cannot stand before you’re David. Hallelujah!

I am of the lineage and household of David of old and I have chosen my Army many of them are gathered to me in the cave of adulam. They are in distress Over The Who. Hallelujah! Listen to these words this is the way he spoke it to me. They are in distress Over The Who and the weft and the Sia, and the FB, and the Ires and all their armies that are gathered together against you. Many of them are in debt because these enemies have stolen the country and even their children. And more of them have gathered to gather to me in the cave are discontent. Because the champion has not performed as they had anticipated. Many have left the battlefield. Even my Prophets have struggled to keep believing me.

Even as my Prophet Jeremiah did. I gotta read that verse that he was making mention of to me. It’s Jeremiah 20. verse 9. Then I said I will not make mention of him speaking of God nor speak any more in his name meaning. I’m not going to give any more prophecies. But his word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary of holding it back. And I could not I’m saying that to many of you today many of God’s prophets. Many of you who no one has heard of. The only people you’ve prophesied to are the people in your family or your neighbors or your friends. A prophet is not without honor saving his own home and his own family. So if you’ve been rejected don’t worry about it. You keep on prophesying in the name of the Lord. Because the word of God is shut up in your bones like fire and you will not be able to continue to hold it in. I prophesy that to you today. Hallelujah!

Now I gotta find my place uh even as my Prophet Jeremiah struggled to keep believing me. Most of my body meaning the body of Christ has given up thrown up their hands and surrendered. Boy this one’s hard right here. Others have Run to the Hills. but all my people those who continue to stand and fight with me for the freedom and deliverance of this nation shall be greatly rewarded. For this nation is a target it is not set for total Destruction. So that the enemy can bring forth his rule and his Christ. But I say to you it is not time. I have not changed my word. I have not changed my mind. I have not changed my plan. For I am God and I change not. I remind you today that you do not fight against flesh and blood. See the real enemy. See that you have complete authority over him in my name. These who you have supposed were your enemies are Mere Men. And just as I breathe life into them I can remove my breath and they will be no more.

Your enemy is the one who animates them to do his bidding. But he hates them the who the wealth the ires the Sia all of them the FB he hates them as much as he hates you. It is time for my spirit that anoints you even as I worshiped my little worshiping David of old to take down Goliath. I authorize my true and faithful ones to take down your Goliath. His name means an exile a captive that has been stripped. And I give you authority to take him down and make him like his name and Chase his army from the field. And to declare to him you cannot have America. That America will never bow its knee to the Antichrist. Thank you pick up your slings and place the Chief Cornerstone in it and hurl it and I will send it to the mark. If my remnant bride will follow her King David who is Seated on the throne of Israel she can save America. And America will become a sheep Nation and millions will be saved in her borders.

If my Remnant Army does not arise and take hold of the plow and not look back. If she will not cry out to God for mercy as my servant David then what did when he was on the Run from the king I rejected. Then America will fall and will not survive before me as a nation. And a people and she shall not enter into the glorification of the third day. They believe they have the cat in the bag and they can do whatever they want. But my people I call you this day and I say to you open the bag and let the cat out. They think she is merely a pussycat that they can throw into the river. But they will discover the cat they threw in the bag and thought they were done with her will emerge from the bag with the Roar of a lion. According to Hosea 11 10. my people shall walk after the Lord he shall roar like a lion when he shall Roar then the children shall tremble from the West. The West. I’m gonna read it again. My people shall walk after the Lord you are his people. If you will walk after the Lord. If you will believe the words of this prophet and start standing on it. And start praying and take hold of the plow and say I’m Not Looking Back.  

I’m not asking God to make things the way they used to be. I’m not asking God to make everything all better I’m asking God to save America and the souls of Americans. When he shall Roar but my people shall walk after the Lord he shall roar like a lion when he shall Roar than the children shall tremble that means the fear of God. The fear of God is going to fall on America and I shall liken you to My People Israel and you shall be blessed and you shall be called a delightsome Land, saith the Lord of hosts. That’s it that’s all I got. I’m not going to try to tell you what it means. I’m going to let you pray and seek the face of God. I urge you to pray as you’ve never prayed before.


Today I was flying from Vancouver British Columbia to Miami Florida. I had my ear buds on and was soaking and praying.
I glanced up and looked at the in-flight computer screen on the seat in front of me and saw that we were coming into Oklahoma. I didn’t think anything about it other than we were over the heartland of The United States of America.
I closed my eyes and continued to worship, pray and soak as I had been. It was with in a few moments when I was suddenly taken into the Spirit by the Spirit of God.
I found myself in the spirit realm over America, and as I was looking west, I saw the darkest, blackest storm clouds brewing, they were like principalities that were whirlwinds gathering together to unleash unimaginable things into and across the Nation.
This was the most angry violent storm that was brewing and boiling before my eyes that I had ever witnessed.
I then looked to the east where I saw the Angelic Hosts of heaven gathering from the east.
They were dressed in pure silver armor, the sun reflected and gleaming off of them. They were shoulder to shoulder and went as far as my eye could see!
These two forces were coming face to face now and it was soon to be go time.
This Angelic Host was at its best, the purity, power and strength that they carried was like nothing I had ever seen.
The Lord of Hosts was behind them and empowering them all, and this was not all of them, there were more from where these had come from and they were still pouring in.
They would not be defeated, and these demonic principalities would be held to account and taken down and taken out.
There were demonic powers that flowed out of these principalities into the land.
I saw cords and portals that ran out of them into regional offices and authorities who where gates for the demonic to flow into the land.
These cords were all about to be cut and portals closed in and through this angelic host.
I then looked down from spirit and saw the ground over the heartland and I could see the movement of assets being positioned for conflict.
There were dark groups with nefarious intentions preparing to strike and cause damage on the ground. They were being strategically positioned to stir up in a very negative way.
My focus and attention was shifted and there I saw the National guard and military movement on the ground.
Trucks, trains, white hats, patriots and assets being put in positions to counter the globalist, demonic antics and tactics.
These ones did not come under the command of the Biden administration, but rather were under the authority of a table of Generals and leaders working in conjunction of Donald J. Trump.
The tactics of the judicial strikes against DJT would only strengthen the position as the tables were about to be not only be turned but flipped over.
The exposure of evidence about to be released upon the deep state was decades worth of hidden things.
I was taken into a warehouse that was housing it securely.
The team on the ground cataloguing each, and every bit.
It was being prepared for release unto the Nations in due time.
This play that the deep state was making was going to rebound upon them in a way that they did not see coming!
I was then shown “Old Glory” The American Flag, but this flag was slightly different.
This flag was framed in gold.
It had a golden frame! Sewn to it there was a golden braided rope with tassels on the corners.
It was breathtaking!
I knew that there was a rebirthing of America.
She would be brighter than ever before.
She would be stronger than ever before.
She would be more unified than ever before.
She would be more resolved in her destiny than ever before.
The battle ahead would be great, and many were weary,
regardless, by the grace of God we pressed through unto victory!
Those ones bonded together with each other and the Lord.
The Love and depth among them brought me to tears!
As things advanced, more evidence exposed those officials who were paid off, blackmailed and controlled by the deep state.
I saw military SWAT teams entering and apprehending these ones, removing them from their positions.
Civilians on the streets cheering as they were arrested and taken away.
Buildings and facilities then being protected and under the jurisdiction of the rightful authorities.
I was taken into an airport hanger where I saw Obama entering into with his security detail.
The gig was up and he had a plane waiting and ready to fly him out of the country.
He had intentions to flee.
The aircraft that was prepared for him, was suddenly electronically disabled by the specialized unit assigned to the assignment, with out it moving, it allowed for the military SWAT team to apprehend him and take him into incarceration.
I was then taken back in the Spirit to New York. I had seen this before.
I was taken into a high-rise office tower into a corner office.
There was a high level banking executive at his desk.
He was on his computer and was going to make a major financial transfer, as he did he was given a notice on his computer “insufficient funds”.
At first he thought there was a glitch, he opened up another screen to see the account he was using was at a zero balance!
Fear and unbelief hit him.
Now in a panic mode he was opening other accounts, and one after another the balances were all zero!
The evil war chest was empty!
The resources they controlled were now completely gone!
He lost it, emotional breakdown was now upon him.
I watched him screaming and yelling take the elevator down and leave the building screaming and yelling out of control like a child having a tantrum.
The wealth transfer was in hand!
I was taken into the spirit into a briefing room that had a team of commanders being briefed on a mission in which teams of special opps were being deployed strategically – surgically into nations for further apprehensions and special assignments.
They had areas that it was now time to go into to assure freedom would prevail.
It was all business; they knew what they were called to do and they were there to serve with honor and integrity.
I was taken by the spirit to witness weaponized communication towers being taken down; they were at large telecommunication facilities running networks of towers.
As they were being taken down, they were being served legal documents that in conjunction with the forces and boots on the ground to enforce, were sure to shut the demonic portals that they had been using to control narratives and positioned for other nefarious deeds.
The Father was shutting them down.
Justice was being served.
Then the Lord gave released this word:
“America the eyes of the world are upon you, but much greater than that; My eyes are upon you!
America, rest assured I have called you for an hour such as this!
America, I have called you to be bearers of light in times of darkness.
You are called to take My light through out your land and to the nations of the world.
America the beautiful, the enemy has taken full advantage of the compromise in your land to gain access and take ground in your nation for the kingdom of darkness.
And I am calling you to take it back with Me now.
America my beloved, I am calling you higher in this hour!
There is nothing that my Blood has not covered.
I have given you authority over such things, and it is with in you to walk in it and enforce my word in this hour.
You may think that there is no way out and all odds against you.
Let me draw your attention to the fact that I have never called you to a fair fight.
For if it were, you would try to do it without me and take credit for the victory when the Victory is mine.
Be prepared my Beloved for things that are going to make you uncomfortable, but do not fear and do not loose heart.
For I must tear down what is not of Me before I can build what is of Me.
I will never build on a foundation that is compromised or not of Me, nor will I share My Glory with another.
There are many sick and dying among you as you have not properly discerned my body.
Be careful of what you hold onto and who you judge.
For it is for Me to judge the heart of a man.
How can you rightly judge when you can’t see it all?
For there is nothing hidden from Me, and it is I who compromises not!
Stay close to me and close to my cross at this hour.
This is not a moment for self exaltation.
I have always resisted the proud and always will.
My best paths are through the low places.
These are the paths I will meet you on!
There is more shaking to come, and it hurts more falling from those high places than if you stay low and remain in Me.
America, I am bringing righteousness and justice back to your land, and as I do hearts will turn unto me.
Men, Women and children coming into the kingdom in unprecedented ways!
Prepare for the harvest that is at hand!
New wineskins are being released.
There are some that will miss it, bound by religion.
Bound by the religious and political spirits.
I have come that I may bring life!
Abundant life!
I am holding those to account who will not turn from their evil ways. The crimes against humanity, the warmongering and oppression of my children shall be brought to justice.
The fear of the my name shall once again be known in the land.
I beseech you on this day, in this hour to examine your heart, and come to my throne of grace and let me set you free, heal you, deliver you and bring you into the fullness of my salvation and refresh you with the spirit of joy!
Let me behold you as loved sons and daughters.
I assure you that you will never be the same!
Holy is the word of the Lord.

Bo Polny - D-DAY 2023! - June 15, 2023


Diana Larkin - STOLEN LIGHT - June 16, 2023

“As you look around your Nation, you can see many inventions and advances that have made life EASIER, but you can also look around and WONDER why there seems to be AREAS where there have NOT BEEN BREAKTHROUGHS to BETTER HEALTH and LIFE in general. Start ASKING yourself QUESTIONS like: ‘If we can put satellites into orbit, why can’t we make a red food dye that does not AGITATE a child’s brain?’ ‘Why has the MEDICAL field FOCUSED on giving out DRUGS that MASK symptoms instead of DISCOVERING ROOT CAUSES of DISEASE and bringing TRUE HEALING?’ Is there a REASON why ADVANCES in all areas of your lives have been WITHHELD and HIDDEN from you? Is there a REASON why some nations have received VERY LITTLE ADVANCEMENT over the last 100 years? The enemy and those of darkened hearts who partner with him are GUILTY of STOLEN LIGHT. They have HOARDED for themselves ADVANCES in ALL AREAS of your lives, and they have HIDDEN CURES for disease, and ROBBED you of MONEY and RESOURCES that would have GREATLY IMPROVED the quality of your lives. My LIGHT brings REVELATION and DISCOVERY to make your lives BETTER and more FULL, but the darkness has been STEALING for themselves the LIGHT I meant for your Nation to have. I want you to know about this STOLEN LIGHT because I want you to RISE UP in your AUTHORITY and DEMAND that this STOLEN LIGHT be RETURNED to you, to the Church, and to your Nation. DECREE: “GIVE ME BACK the LIGHT you have STOLEN from my LIFE, my CHURCH, and my NATION. I have CAUGHT you, THIEF, and you must release this LIGHT back to me SEVENFOLD!’ As MANY voices are raised demanding the LIGHT be RETURNED, you will experience a FLOOD of NEW IDEAS, HEALING, and REVELATIONS that have been WITHHELD by the darkness. Your personal life will BENEFIT. The Church will receive REVELATION of WRONG DOCTRINES they have been DECEIVED about because they allowed the enemy to STEAL the LIGHT of SUPERNATURAL REVELATION, and they are teaching MANMADE doctrines and not Spirit-breathed revelation. Your Nation will be the LIGHTHOUSE I called it to be when you DEMAND that the STOLEN LIGHT be returned. I have given the AUTHORITY to My Sons and Daughters to TAKE OWNERSHIP again of My STOLEN LIGHT, and the whole world will be blessed.” 


Ok I’m gonna get to it I got this on 1 14 2023 at 9 48 a.m and um. This is what he says he says my children listen and listen clearly to what the spirit of the Lord is saying. This is a crucial time of battle in the spirit. The war cry has begun. Put on your armor and pull up your boots. Tie them tightly and don’t take them off until I release you to do so. Remember the battle is mine says the Lord. But I need my Army, my Warriors, in position to stand strong and hold the line. Many of my Warriors have become battle weary and are slowly surrendering to ever to the enemy without even seeing their already in surrender mode. Be careful, I say be careful children as the enemy is looking for those who are ready to quit. DO NOT PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN that’s in bold. This is all it’s in this isn’t bold. Do not put your weapons down. Do not put your weapons down children. For although the end is close the Battle Is Not Over. Stay strong my Mighty Warriors and keep your eyes on me at all times ALL TIMES is in bold as the battle is peaking and will grow in intensity in this hour.

I know that you’re tired and worn out come and spend time in my presence and I will renew your strength. Does not my word say I will give you wings like eagles to soar high. High above all that you see. Come to me and I come to me and be renewed in my strength, says the Lord. It is not time to quit. Your adversary is prowling about seeking to devour seeking to devour. He is looking to steal your peace joy and strength. He is trying to kill your faith hopes dreams Faith hopes dreams. He is determined to destroy all that you love and all that you are believing for. He is a liar he is trying to make you think this battle will never end. So you will get out of faith in all that I have told you. The enemy wants you to believe All Is Lost and there is no hope for you, for your family, for your children, for your loved ones who are still not awake. For your freedoms your finances your health your schools your churches your governments your Nations and your victory. He is clearly aware that his destruction and all of his plans to still kill and destroy you my children are coming to an abrupt end. So he’s amplifying all he has to throw at you and in intensity as he knows his time is short.

This is why children I am giving you instructions to tighten up your boots. Hold on to the end hold on to every piece of my armor that I have given you in this hour. Do not put your weapons down. It is not time. Gird yourselves up and stay close to me like never before and see the enemy’s fiery arrows bounce off and not harm you. If you are armored up in all that I have given you the enemy’s shots will have no effect. This will bounce off you an intern Boomerang back on him, says the Lord of hosts. If you do all that I am instructing you to do you will stand undefeated and will continue to stand strong in this raging battle. Stay in my word so you don’t allow the enemy to steal the truth from you about who you are in me. This is his biggest tool he is using on so many of my precious children right now. And so many of you are falling right into his trap. I have warned and warned you children that this is the Battle of your life. This is a battle of a lifetime. But you are my chosen Army my Warriors that I the Lord God chose to war with me in this hour. Yes, each of you I personally hand-picked for this specific time that is written in my holy scriptures to war with me the creator of all things. I knew you were the ones that I could and would accomplish all that I set out for you to do, says the Lord.

You are my end time Army. My Chosen Remnant to defeat the kingdom of darkness and take back the land. You My Chosen Army are undefeatable warriors that will bring down all the wicked evil rulers in the land. And penetrate the core of evil with my spirit and bring my light into the world. You my faithful chosen Army will be my glory carriers and bring in the final Harvest of souls. You my Fearless bride are getting ready to have the time of your lives as you are filled to the fullest with my powerful glory and see and feel my hand move across your land. To bring recompense restoration, Deliverance, healing, freedom, and your full complete Victory. You my children will be filled to the brim of my peace joy and power. And will see Miracle signs and wonders that have not yet been done or seen before by man. Yes, says the Lord this is what is up ahead and and in store for you my chosen Army. So you cannot quit now. Keep going keep fighting keep standing you’re winning, says the Lord. You’re winning big you may not see all that is happening and all that is going on in the spirit. But I am telling you this day you are oh so close.

This war May grow in intensity for a short time and you may feel like it’s never going to end. But this is when you must trust me as I have said many many times. This is all in bold. Trust me and all that I am saying put all your trust in me and in me alone. Do not look to man to save you or or help you in this hour. Look only to me and know I am with you. I am right by your side and will never leave you. I am not a man that should lie. I can’t lie. I am truth my word is truth, this is why you must meditate 8 on my word day and night. Keep my words always in your thoughts and on your lips, says the Lord. Oh how I love to be glorified I love the Praises of my people so lift up your voices and worship me children. Glorify my holy name and watch my glory and presence fill you full. Spend time with me so I can give you my peace and joy. Which comes in my presence as you were in battle. Don’t ever think for a second that you are undefeated, says the Lord. As the victory has already been won. I have I have you sheltered under my wing under my wing as you march forward to the finish line.

Cover all things yourselves, your families, homes, finances, Hearts, mind, souls, and in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ every day. Decree and declare your victory over it all and just watch says the Lord as I do only what I can do. This is the season this is the hour for the sudden suddenlies to become more apparent and to pick up speed. The new is on the way so do not fear this is all in bold. So do not fear as you start to see the sudden changes start to occur. Rapidly and begin to intensify. No, do not fear a thing. Instead my children this is when you lift your voice and praise Rejoice my children. Rejoice praise me for all I am about to do I am coming to show the world who has the victory. Your reward is great. Contine to shout your Victory as it’s coming quickly. I love you more than you’ll ever know my Beauties my strong Warriors stay with me and know you’re almost there the cease fire is almost here, says the Lord. Your father who sits on the throne in the name of my son Jesus Yeshua the king of kings and Lord of lords who is sued to come amen and amen.

Diana Larkin - THE COMEUPPANCE Comeuppance: began as a term that meant “present oneself for judgment by a tribunal.” A deserved rebuke or penalty. - June 15, 2023

“Does it seem like the WICKED, ARROGANT ones are CONTINUING to GET AWAY with MURDER? Who is STRONG enough, COURAGEOUS enough, and POWERFUL enough to bring them THE COMEUPPANCE they DESERVE? I AM AND I WILL BRING THEM THEIR DAY OF COMEUPPANCE. This COMEUPPANCE will not be a SLAP on the wrist or a FINE, it will require FULL PAYBACK of STOLEN resources and COMPLETE JUSTICE for all their CRIMINAL actions. Some of their COMEUPPANCE will come DIRECTLY from My HAND, worked out through My mighty Host. THE COMEUPPANCE for some will be a LOSS of their lives—their BREATH will be taken from them. THE COMEUPPANCE from My HAND will COLLAPSE buildings, monuments, and systems tied to their EVIL empire. I have placed My COURAGE, DISCIPLINE, and TRUE JUSTICE into your MILITARY TRIBUNALS, and they will render JUST decisions, DESERVED penalties, and DEATH sentences for HIGH TREASON and the MURDER of innocent lives. When the day of COMEUPPANCE arrives, you will no longer WONDER if JUSTICE will every come. That day of COMEUPPANCE will SLAM into them like a FREIGHT TRAIN and ROLL over them like a TSUNAMI—NOTHING WILL STOP THE COMEUPPANCE. The world will once again know the FEAR OF THE LORD and will learn WISDOM WAYS to walk in. Don’t get DISCOURAGED, My Army of Light, the day of THE COMEUPPANCE is at hand.”

Shirley Lise- THE COMING STORM - June 14, 2023

I’ll begin reading this word let the heavens Rejoice let the Earth be glad. For I am doing a new thing, says the Lord as the waters cover the earth. I am pouring out my spirit upon All Flesh and your sons and your daughters will surely prophesy. Get ready I’m about to pour out my spirit upon your children in portions never seen. I am doing a deeper work in them than you see. I have entered the recesses of their hearts. No other generation has been raised up the way. I’m about to raise up this generation. They will go to and fro in the power of my spirit. The word of the Lord will pour forth from their mouths. This is the generation I am leading in to take possession of the land. You will be amazed at what you see in your children. I have come to redeem them from the pit of Destruction. From the hordes of hell. I have heard the Cry of my people and I will heal the land, says the Lord. I will restore and bring back the back slider. Those who have known me but have gone astray. And those who have known of me but have not known me. I will reveal myself to them at every turn. They will see me. They will experience my joy. They will see that I love them care for them and am for them and not against them. They will experience my love and be healed of all their diseases of all their addictions of all that the evil one has Afflicted upon them.

I am about to set your children free. To release them from captivity. To untie every rope that has bound them. I’ve heard your cry for your children, says the Lord. Did I not say that I would do these things? Did I not say that I have come to release those in darkness? And to make for myself a people who would worship me in spirit and in truth? For they shall be called my people and I shall be called their God. Hear oh here my people incline your ear to me and you will hear of great and marvelous things. I will show you the desires of my heart. And I will put my desires into your heart. And you will be a people after my own heart as David was. Dance Before Me exalt the Lord your God. For he is great and greatly to be praised. Lift up your voices of exaltation. Let the name of the Lord be lifted up on high. Let his Banner be lifted High. Rejoice Rejoice my people and again I say rejoice for I am about to do Great and Mighty things amongst you. You will Marvel at the things I do.

The sea is roaring and raging round up about Humanity. The waters are rising and the people are drowning. Go you must go do not hesitate to pull them out of the waters. The Tide is coming in a great tidal wave of Destruction is about to hit. Go and get them now is the time. My angels are holding back the winds so you must go now. Leave everything you are doing and go for the time is now. They are crying out to me won’t someone help. I hear their cries day and night. I their cries. I want to rescue them to pull them out before it is too late. So go I say go in my name into the highways and byways and into those places. Go I will go with you. He who has an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church. I am sending you out into the Harvest Fields. The sickle is being swung. The trumpet has been sounded and the sickles have been loosed into the fields. I am speeding up my coming there will be no more delay.

Rise up rise up my people for the glory of the Lord is upon you. I have called you to take my glory to the lost to those who are drowning. I have prepared an ark and they must enter it. For soon the doors will be closed and the flood waters will come. The tidal wave is coming and the end is soon. My wrath is about to be poured out upon the sons of Disobedience. The Grapes will be put into the wine press and the blood will flow. The blood of my son was spilled for them. Yet they refused to repent to turn from their wicked perverse ways and my judgment is coming. My beloved rest in me you will find peace under my wing. I will hide you from the Wrath that is to come. I will shelter you says the Lord your God. Draw near to me run into my arms and I will hold you and the waters will not hurt you. And the winds that swirl around you will not touch you. You will be safe in my arms as in the eye of a tornado. There will be Darkness for a time. But the light and the love of my son will be upon you and in you. And you will be at peace even in the raging Storm.

Did I say I would take you out of the world? No but I said that my peace will be upon you. Destruction will be everywhere. For I am tearing down the kingdoms of this world. I have shown you the way it is through my son. There is no other way. This way leads to life tell them there is no other way many have tried to enter by the wide gate. But it leads to destruction. The way to life is through the narrow gate. This is a warning to the people tell them the way is through my son. And that there is no way to the father except through the Son. My dearly beloved Son who shed his blood. It was poured out as an offering the propitiation for all sin. Only the blood of Jesus is acceptable. Tell them my son died for them that his blood was shed for them to. Go and bear fruit for the kingdom do the works that the father sent you to do. To labor with him till the full number is in what I said I would do. I will do for truly all nations shall be blessed through him.

This is the culmination of the age and the son of righteousness is coming with healing in his wings. And he will restore all things. No longer will a man say know the Lord. For he shall know him for from within his innermost parts will come Springs of Living Water. I am about to take you to a higher level in my spirit if you are willing to go where I send you. To do what I do to say what you hear me saying I will make you ready I am coming I am he faithful and true the son of the most high God and I have come with a sword to Smite the enemy who has prevented my people from moving forth in the power of my spirit. I am setting up my kingdom in the midst of you. I am establishing my throne in your midst. You shall come to worship me. You shall come with fear and trembling to worship me says the Lord. You’re gone for I have created all things for my pleasure. All creation shall bow down and worship me.

Liberty Turnip - "The Smashing is Upon Us" What you thought was True is Not. - June 13, 2023

Okay um as you know previously I had released a word based on a couple of Visions. It was like a two-part word. Um a vision of a hammer smashing a glass jar. And in those words I released um I don’t even know how long ago. It was I  think it was back in March. Um the Lord said it that those glass jars represent things in the spirit and in ministries that are taking up space. But they’re empty and shallow. That God is crushing them and removing them to make space for the real things. That um that are supposed to be taking the place of those empty jars. And that is um people being cleansed out. Programs being cleansed out. Things that the Lord has been attempting to remove since 2021 as he brought a wake-up call. And um he’s not playing games you guys. He’s done with the empty jars. And so he gave me another vision and actually there’s part four to this. And I don’t know that I’m gonna put it all on here right now. But I’m gonna give you the next step that he gave me um in the process of the hammer and the glass and the jars and all of that.

And so um as I was praying he gave me another vision of the hammer smashing the glass. And I was like I stopped for a minute and I said Okay God I’ve already had this Vision twice I’ve released uh two parts uh of a word to you know to that vision. And he said um basically gave me the vision again and then he said the hammer is smashing the lies of the enemy. And so I want you guys to be ready to receive this word. I can already feel the glory um amen um this is a huge word and I hope that if you’re listening to this you receive it in all its glory. Aamen. There’s another word that’s going to come with this but this is like the third piece to the Smashing of the glass with the hammer of what is coming it’s going to feel like it’s coming at you body of Christ but it’s actually coming at the enemy and his scheme. Okay so it doesn’t feel that way in the moment. But that’s what’s actually happening. And so the Lord said the hammer is smashing the lies of the enemy. The lies um the enemy has spoken over my anointed ones. The ones I have chosen from the beginning of time to be mantle to bring in the end time Harvest.

You guys this this is a powerful word. It meant so much to me because I know that I’m one of these. I declare in Jesus name. From the beginning of time um to be mantle to bring in the end time harvest. The enemy has fought over the last couple of years to destroy and defeat those that have been called and chosen for such a time as this upon the Earth. Time is short so the enemy is fighting hard and moving quickly. Because he knows his time is short and he’s losing ground. He’s upping his game big time to remove the Heavy Hitters from their position to slow down the work. But the hammer is coming down on the lies he has spoken over my chosen ones. They will be smashed to pieces and blown away like dust and Scatter in the wind. They will um lose their power and my chosen ones will March forth in Victory. They will be stronger than ever before. More bold than ever before. These anointed Ones Will Rise together in Victory and conquer the enemy in one Accord. They will defeat the enemy. Watch as the lies watch as um the Lord crushes the lies under the weight of his glory. The truth of who you are and the truth of who you are in him um will be released on the earth on a massive scale. There will be new alignments new relationships new Ministries rising in power and old Ministries will receive a glory facelift. The hammer is coming down watch me work and Trust all that I’m doing in the end time Seasons Body of Christ.

I Warned, It Would Look Worse Before It Got Better! - June 14, 2023

So, I got this word on 6-10-23 at 7 10 a.m and this is what he says. He says my children this is not the time to doubt me. For I have not abandoned you and never and will NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE. That was an all in bold. Never leave you I will never leave you alone was all in bold. Does not my word say I will never leave you or forsake you. Yes, it says you were never left to fend for yourselves. I warned of this battle this war long before it ever became so Fierce and Intense. Yes, I told you it would get ugly and a bit uncomfortable. But I also told you that I am with you through it all. I warned it would look worse before it got better and to hold on to me as I would give you everything you need for the battle.

I asked you my children to spend time with me so I could release you release to you my peace and my strength as the battle intensified. I saw up ahead and knew what your enemies were planning and wanted to give you my peace and strength for the battle. Many are saying I have forgotten about you and have left you. I say that will never be so. I say come to me and I will show you I will show you I am with you. Um I say Seek me and you will find me. I say knock on the door will be open to you. I have said and am saying again my precious children I am closer than your breath. I want to fill you to the fullest of myself. I want for all of my children to know me for who I am I am love. Yes, I am Almighty and all-powerful. I am your Waymaker and your peace Giver I am your healer and deliverer I am your protector and your provider. I am your Redeemer. I am all you need. All you need children and I will show you I am all you need if you search for me.

I love you more than you could ever fathom my love is so great for you it is uncomprehendable. Get this down deep into your hearts and be filled with a peace you’ve never known. If you know who I am then nothing can bring fear to you. You will know that I have you sheltered Under My Wings and nothing can harm you. This is this is where faith is worked children. You must put your faith in my love. For you you are mine you belong to me and I am coming to set you free. Trust my words get into my written word and allow it to penetrate deep within you. Read it speak it aloud and watch what it’ll do for you. Receive all that it says and you will be transformed and how you see me and how you see yourselves. Get to know me for yourself and you will be changed forever, says the Lord.

I see and know how hard it has been for you unfortunately the battle is not over. There are things on the horizon that will get the world’s attention and I need you my children to be so close to me that you will not be moved. I want my children to be unshakable as things are about to seem much worse than they are right now. These things must take place in order for me to do all that I need to do to bring complete freedom to you. You will understand what I’m saying soon enough. I am bringing to you a freedom you’ve never known. But all things must change in order for this full and complete freedom to come. You must not fear these changes as they are good.

They may not seem good at first this is why you must trust me in all that I am doing. Through all of these changes to bring you complete freedom and Reformation. I want most of all for you to know my love for you is so great. And this is all and this is all part of my rescuing you from the slavery you’ve been in for oh so long, says the Lord. Get ready my children get ready for me to set you free. It’s time for your it’s time for your new life and freedom you’ve never known, says the Lord your God maker of heaven and earth and the name of my son Yeshua Jesus Christ your king amen and amen. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus for that word.

Diana Larkin - A SCORCHING WIND - June 14, 2023

“A SCORCHING WIND will BLOW through Washington, D.C. Many TREES will LOSE their leaves, as the BLAST of My FIREY BREATH STRIPS THEM BARE and EXPOSES their NAKEDNESS. Some of the TREES will come CRASHING DOWN, and the SOUND of their FALL will be heard worldwide. Some TREES will be UPROOTED and CARRIED AWAY, and you will SEE THEM NO MORE. This SCORCHING WIND that I blow through D.C. will LIGHT FIRES in the TREES of CAPITALS WORLDWIDE, as a SINISTER WEB of LIES, TREASON, THEFT, and DEATH AGENDAS are EXPOSED and LAID BARE before the eyes of the people. This SCORCHING WIND will STRIKE WITHOUT WARNING. No earthly weather forecaster will PREDICT its coming, but I AM giving My Army of Light, My Special Forces, Heaven’s FORECAST of this SCORCHING WIND of DOOM, and I AM assuring you that it is coming. Do not be DISMAYED, DISCOURAGED, or FEARFUL at the CLOWN SHOW being played out in Washington, D.C. The CORRUPT TREES are standing tall and SPEWING ARROGANT words of ACCUSATION against My appointed leader and all those who support him. They are EXPERTS at PROJECTING their EVIL, DARKENED hearts onto My leader and My people. My SCORCHING WIND will MELT their CLOWN MASKS and who they are will be SHOWN to the world. ARROGANT WORDS will give way to STAMMERING EXCUSES and GREAT SHAME, as their EVIL HEARTS are EXPOSED. ‘GIVE US JUSTICE!’ will be a worldwide cry, as My SCORCHING WINDS BLOW through Washington, D.C.”

Julie Green: - “People Need to Know Something Very, Very Big Is Coming and It Will Shake the World!" - June 12, 2023


Joel Ogebe - Apollo-K - The Zombie Virus - June 13, 2023

Flashback January 8, 2023 - Julie Green: - THE JUDGMENT OF WALL STREET IS ABOUT TO BE SEEN"

Your enemies are about to bring out another virus. Do not fear this. It will not go as planned, so continue to stand on My Word that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children- don’t stop using your authority, don’t stop believing, don’t stop fighting, don’t stop reading My Word, don’t stop standing, don’t stop praying, and don’t stop taking back territory. 

Again I will remind you that I have warned you that this time would look darker. It would appear like your enemies are getting away with everything they are doing, and it would look like evil is taking over, but things are not that way, and things will not stay the way they look. The course of this Nation and the nations around the world are changing. Shifts are taking place, so do not grow weary in well-doing. Your enemies are the ones who are defeated, not you. 

My children, in this time, your enemies want to pile on as much as they can to discourage you. They are trying to bring great fear, frustration, stress, and pressure, but I have armed you with a weapon that no weapon of your enemies can withstand- the Name of Jesus and My Blood that has been shed to destroy the power of the enemy. Things look dark, bleak, impossible, frustrating, overwhelming, and discouraging, but remember what My Word says: I have overcome the world. I have conquered the world and its power and hold over you and deprived it of its ability to harm you. I am on the inside of you, so pick yourselves up today and remember the cross, remember that sacrifice, and remember My resurrection. I have brought all your enemies’ power to nothing, so stand with Me today, stand on My Words, and receive your freedoms from the hold and the captivity the world has held you in, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

A swimmer will be in your news for a surprising reason.  

Acrobat: this word will also be in your news for a surprising reason.  

A well-known ship will be in your news for a shocking reason.  

Hezbollah: I say this name again will be in your news for a significant reason.  

Australia will be in your news for a significant reason as well, and this will get the world’s attention.  

Counterfeit: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Wall Street is about to be in your news, and what takes place and will be exposed will bring it to a standstill. Hope is not lost no matter what the markets say or do. That’s their system, not Mine for you. 

Bangladesh: this location will be in your news for a surprising reason.  

Backlash: this word will be in your news for a surprising reason as well.    

Outcry: this word will be in your news, and this will affect many nations all over the world. 

President Zelensky, I say this name will be in your news again and again. Listen to his next words and actions. He is definitely giving himself away more and more. 

Maxine Waters is about to come out and announce a medical condition and will resign from her position. She will not be the only one who will do this in the near future. 

Something significant is taking place in Greenland that you don’t know about yet, but you soon will.  

Asher: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.  

Parliament: this word is about to be in your news for a shocking reason.  

A five-star general is about to resign.  

Something significant is about to take place in Spain. 

Breaking news will be reported due to a president’s death. This person’s death will surprise the world.  

Another Archbishop will be in your news for a surprising reason.  

Another war is brewing to cause more distractions. Do not fear this, and do not pay attention to what they are saying. It will not take place. 

Your enemies are about to bring out another virus. Do not fear this. It will not go as planned, so continue to stand on My Word that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.  

Revival is here, and My Glory will soon fill this Earth. So keep going and keep fighting because your victories have already been paid for, and your enemies can’t stop what I am about to do next, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Diana Larkin - A CALL TO TRUE IDENTITY - June 13, 2023

“I have been calling My Army of Light, My Remnant, to AWAKEN to the FULLNESS of your IDENTITY and POWER as Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom that was won for you by the BLOOD of My Son. My CALL is also going out to all those who think they are the WRONG gender or WRONG sexual orientation. You are DESPERATELY seeking ACCEPTANCE, but I AM TENDERLY telling you that your IDENTITY has been STOLEN by the enemy, and he has PLANTED CONFUSION and a SUBSTITUTE FALSE IDENTITY into your VULNERABLE hearts and minds. The enemy will RUTHLESSLY send ACTIONS and LIES against you—especially when you are VERY YOUNG and IMPRESSIONABLE. If you AGREE with the PLANTED LIE, it STEALS your TRUE IDENTITY, and the enemy supplies a DISTORTED, TWISTED one in its place. REAL LOVE does not SENTENCE you to live the REST OF YOUR LIFE LIVING UNDER A FALSE IDENTITY. It will FIGHT FOR YOU to be FREED from LIES by the power of My Son’s blood, and it will PARTNER with you to RESTORE your TRUE IDENTITY. Instead of a TWISTED, DISTORTED, STRESSFUL LIFE, you will find My PEACE and My BLESSING bringing you to WHOLENESS. Lies keep you from FULFILLING your DESTINY. These kind of lies will ROB you of the CHILDREN I planned to send to you through your bodies—a BEAUTIFUL INHERITANCE of LIFE. I AM calling you to come to Me—a Father who CREATED you for PEACE and FULFILLMENT and who TRULY has the BEST for you. Give your life to My Son—He died to bring you FULLNESS of LIFE. Then ask My Spirit to show you the FIRST LIE that was planted about your TRUE IDENTITY. Break its POWER in the name of My Son, come out of AGREEMENT with the lie, and ask for and receive your TRUE IDENTITY RESTORED to you. The POWER of My LOVE and HEALING far OUTWEIGH any scheme of the enemy to STEAL your life, so don’t DELAY—come to Me—My arms are OPEN WIDE! I will give you your TRUE IDENTITY, and you will find LIFE and PEACE.”

Lois Vogel-Sharp - Take Down The System - June 9, 2023


Diana Larkin - BECOME A TERROR TO THE ENEMY - June 12, 2023

“I have CALLED you and EMPOWERED you to be A TERROR TO THE ENEMY. When you are COVERED by the BLOOD of My Son and you truly BELIEVE that you have been TRANSFERRED from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of LIGHT, you become a SON or DAUGHTER of the MOST POWERFUL Kingdom in the Universe. Did you realize you really are A NEW CREATION? ‘Born again” is not just a phrase—it is a REALITY in those who have turned away from darkness and have been FORGIVEN and CLEANSED by My Son’s blood. When a life is CONCEIVED in the womb, there is a SPARK of life—I AM the Father of Lights. When you receive My Son’s SACRIFICE for your sins, My LIGHT comes by the POWER of the Holy Spirit and FUSES My LIFE to your LIFE…forever. You are in Me, and I AM in you. You are a CO-HEIR of EVERYTHING My Son’s SUFFERING, DEATH, and RESURRECTION won for you by His TRIUMPH over death and hell. You now have ACCESS to all the ANOINTINGS Jesus carried to HEAL and to SET the CAPTIVES FREE, to RESTORE SIGHT to the blind, to OPEN deaf ears, to RAISE from the dead, and to DEFEAT the POWERS of darkness and to REPLACE them with My LIGHT and LIFE. WAKE UP to who you are Son and Daughter of My Kingdom, and FREELY SHINE your indwelling LIGHT into the darkness. The enemy is TERRIFIED of My LIGHT because it EXPOSES his DARKNESS and his LIES, and RELEASES My LOVE, My SALVATION, and My HEALING. The LIGHT in you BREAKS the POWER of darkness, and it TERRORIZES the kingdom of darkness. BECOME A TERROR TO THE ENEMY.”

Glyn Sweet - Stealing Money and Padding Books - "Exposure Coming" - June 11, 2023

Father God says my child listen up the uprise of Calamity in the areas of this world systems are happening right now. I want you to look at those who are causing a corruption over land and how these people are stealing land through Deeds that are not secure in systems of banks. I’m needing to bring change into the these areas over land is to secure these systems and causing a Fallout to cover those that have set themselves to continue to steal and manipulate these systems. I will overthrow many in this hour for bringing ungodly activity over those who are innocent and have been taken advantage of. Allow me to show you areas of concern about secure sites that cover that covers banking revenue and how these sites are corrupt.

The Fallout will be over the banking systems and those who are manipulating sites to gain trust from Those whom they are stealing money and padding books. Watch and see the corruption be exposed and how many will pull their savings from these sites. This exposure must come to place as I remove the cover off of this hidden sin of greed and control. Keep your eyes on government Affairs as I sue us as I shift to remove some doors of hidden agendas I want to secure my people and deliver them in a place of safety. Continue to pray over all things I have given you to cover and allow me to show you victory in these areas. Continue on that’s all for now my child continue on.

Diana Larkin - PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD - June 11, 2023

“The LYING MEDIA and COMPROMISED leaders are in YOUR FACE with their EVIL SCHEMES, and they are telling you they have WON and that your leader and your freedom movement are FINISHED. If I were you, I wouldn’t GIVE THESE BIG LOSERS A MINUTE OF YOUR TIME. Think of their BOASTS as a BAD CASE of gas that POLLUTES the air. Smells BAD, but there is NO SUBSTANCE to it. In contrast, My PROMISES are TRUE, a BREATH of FRESH AIR; and their SUBSTANCE is the REALITY of My POWER and My FAITHFULNESS. In light of My promised coming, I AM telling you, ‘PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD!’ ISAIAH 40:3 ‘A thunderous voice cries out in the wilderness: Prepare the way for Yahweh’s arrival! Make a highway straight through the desert for our God!’ Lift up your voices in the presence of the LIES being SPEWED by the enemy and declare: ‘OUR GOD IS COMING TO RESCUE US! PREPARE YOUR HEARTS for His SUDDEN ARRIVAL and MASSIVE RESCUE.’ I AM telling you to PREPARE your own heart to be ready to RECEIVE My GLORY FIRE when it falls. The Holy Spirit will direct you in this PREPARATION of your heart. He will show you what needs to be REMOVED from your life—STUMBLING BLOCKS; MOUNTAINS OF PRIDE OR DELUSION; VALLEYS OF SHAME, FEAR, DEPRESSION; ROUGH PLACES OF ANGER OR UNFORGIVENESS. ISAIAH 40:4,5 ‘Every valley will be raised up, every mountain brought low. The rugged terrain will become level ground and the rough places a plain. Then Yahweh’s radiant glory will be unveiled, and all humanity will experience it together. Believe it, for Yahweh has spoken His decree!’ Make a SMOOTH HIGHWAY into your HEART so that you will receive the MAXIMUM amount of My GLORY FIRE to fill your temple. You will then be EFFECTIVE at helping and EXPOSING evil, TRAMPLING on their DEATH AGENDAS, and bringing SALVATION, DELIVERANCE, and HEALING to the hearts of those around you. PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD—I AM COMING!”

Joy of the Lord - WARNING, WARNING, WARNING! - June 9, 2023

Isaiah 49 13-26 is what I’m going to read. And it says Sing for out of the New Living Translation Sing For Joy o Heaven shout o Earth Break Forth with song O Mountains for the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion upon them in their sorrow. Yet they say my Lord has deserted us. He has forgotten us. Never can a mother forget her little child and not have love for her own son. Yet even if that should be I will never forget you. You’ll never forget us never see I have tattooed your name upon my palm. And ever before me is a picture of Jerusalem’s walls and ruins soon your Rebuilders shall come and chase away all those destroying you. Soon our Rebuilders will come and Chase all those away that are just trying to destroy us. Look and see for the Lord has vowed that all your enemies shall come and be your slaves.

Hallelujah are you ready for that I am they will be as jewels to display as they will be as jewels to display as Bridal ornaments even the most desolate parts of your abandoned land shall soon be crowded with your people. And your enemies who enslaved you shall be far away. Hallelujah The generations born in Exile shall return and say we need more room. It’s crowded here then you will think to yourself who has given me all these for most of my children were killed and the rest were carried away into into Exile leaving me here alone Who Bore. These who raised them for me the Lord says see I will give a signal to the Gentiles and they shall carry your little ones back to you in their arms. And your daughters on their shoulders kings and queens. Shall Serve You they shall care for all of your needs they shall bow to the Earth before you and lick the dust from your feet.

Then you shall know I am the Lord those who want those who wait for me shall never be ashamed. Who can snatch the prey from the hands of a Mighty Man who can demand that a tyrant let his captives go but the Lord says even the captives of the most Mighty and most terrible shall be freed for I will fight those who fight you and I will save your children. Hallelujah I will feed your enemies with their own flesh and they shall be drunk with rivers of their own blood all the world shall know that I the Lord that I the Lord am your savior and Redeemer the mighty one of Israel and that is it for that scripture and Hallelujah and it just is so encouraging that’s why he says get in the word of God because like is that not exciting words it’s just like oh my gosh I’m just ah I just love the word of God I I know I just it’s so amazing so anyway to the word we go do the word we go all right 6 9 23 yesterday I got it 7 18 A.M I’m sitting there at the glory Galley right there and I am praying in the spirit. I’m just spending time with the Lord as I do and I got a vision and it was um and big bold warning.

Warning warning with the with the yellow symbols the warning symbols so I had this Vision warning warning warning warning it was just like flashing just warning warning warning flashing in this Vision okay and then I was like okay you got my attention you know I’m like okay Lord you got my digit what do you have to say so he says everything is coming to a sudden halt it is time to take out my enemies for they have crossed the final line and they are coming down once and for all for I see all they are doing and planning behind closed doors and I say nay nay nay that’s all I’m bold this is all in bold they will not get what they want no they will be stopped saith the Lord prepare my children for your lives to change to change suddenly prepare my children for your lives to change suddenly as I take down my enemies that’s all in bold I must keep you safe so I must lock you in for a brief time it won’t last long I promise so prepare to spend time with me, says the Lord.

It’s time to do a full rescue mission to save my little ones as they will not continue to get away with what they are doing to destroy them. No, I am putting a stop to all they are doing to my precious little children. Just watch what I do to every single person involved in harming my little one, says the Lord of hosts. It’s not messing around the death angel has been sent out I repeat the death angel has been sent out and every person involved in hurting my little ones will pay with their life, says the Lord. I am will show the world how much my little ones mean to me yes my innocent precious children. Your loving father is coming to your rescue. I want you to know I will heal and deliver you from every wound and remove all the torment and scars you have had to bear. Yes I am coming to set you free my precious ones once and for al,l says the Lord. My children as I come to rescue not only my little ones from the hand of the enemy but you as well know it will look quite chaotic and messy as I clean up all the enemy has done. Do not fear that’s in bold anything you see or hear no I am your protector and your shield.

From it all this time is a time to put all your work all your enemies on display for what they have done. And shortly thereafter they will pay with their lives. Yes, they will be no more says, the Lord.

My Judgement and My Awesome Abundant Blessings Are About To Be Seen By ALL! - June 10, 2023

I got yesterday morning. So I got this yesterday at 9 13 a.m and this is what he says. He says for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children to rise up and let your light shine for all the world to see. For there is coming a great darkness and my great light upon this Earth like never before. This is a time for my for my powerful glory to be poured out in a way like never seen or felt to this degree ever in Evers and bold. No I have never poured out my glory to this magnitude and it’s coming. I’m sorry and it’s coming. To let the world and all who were in it know that I am the great I am and I do sit on my throw and watch all that is going on in the Earth. My judgment and my awesome Abundant Blessings are about to be seen by all, says the Lord of hosts.

As I pour out my glory my children be prepared to see and feel some things that you have never yet seen or felt. Yes, this is a new thing I am doing and it is about to shock the world. This is the time for you my children to get up with me so I can fill you up with all that I have to give you. My joy my peace strength Grace love and a new faith in me. Yes I want to pour out my glory on you so you can take it out into the world and share it with those who are searching for me, says the Lord. As I fill you with my glory you will carry the power to do many and I mean many miracles in my son’s name. Yes you will see signs and wonders as you have this new faith and my son’s power. As you use the name of Jesus to cast out demons heal mistaken even raise the dead you will see many, many ,I say many lost people join you in praise to me and my mighty name. Excuse me yes there will be Mass worship even in your streets in this coming season says the Lord.

As a season of Revival and the out point of my powerful Glory approaches I need for you to do your prayer closets and spend more time with me. I want you my children to know me, and grow in me to higher levels that you never knew were possible. I want to show you how much I love you and show you how beautiful my glory is. Yes get with me and worship with a heart Desiring my glory and my presence. and watch what I will do. As darkness is beginning to be exposed in her great and a great level be ready for another attack against you by the enemies of mine. This will be their last says the Lord. This will be their last I said. So get ready for me to take them down once and for all my mighty hand is coming to remove each one and you will watch and rejoice as I bring my freedom to your land. Yes, I am coming to set you free, says the Lord. So get ready for me get ready for your new freedoms, your new, life a restoration, and ransformation of this land of this land of yours that didn’t seem possible.

Your Red Sea moments yes more than one are on the way for I am God and there is no weather and I am coming to set my people free. Just like I did long ago so get ready for me get ready to be filled up with the Newfound joy and peace. A new life that will bring the masses running to me these are the days of Freedom so start celebrating now says the Lord your God maker of heaven and Earth and in Jesus name Yeshua my son who sits at my right hand in glorious power amen and amen.

Diana Larkin - MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY! - June 10, 2023

“MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY, I AM THUNDERING through your Land in a CHARIOT of FIRE. Anything of DARKNESS that STANDS in My WAY of JUDGMENT, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE will be BURNED DOWN. Come, My people, cry out, ‘MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!, the King of GLORY is COMING THROUGH!’ Prepare the way with HEARTS of HUMILITY, PRAYER, WORSHIP, and FASTING. Declare, ‘My God is coming to MAKE WAY for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to once more RULE over our Nation.’ Decree, ‘Dark powers, you are being RUN OVER by the THUNDERING POWER of God, and you will be CONSUMED by His GLORY FIRE.’ My children, you will receive My GLORY FIRE, too, but it will serve to BURN AWAY anything not of My Spirit, and it will EMPOWER you to REIGN as My Sons and Daughters of the KINGDOM of LIGHT. Welcome My GLORY FIRE to do its GOOD work in you and to BURN UP the EVIL strongholds that have held your Nation CAPTIVE as you cry out, ‘MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!, the THUNDERING GOD will RESTORE JUSTICE and LIGHT to our Nation again.’”

Kent Christmas - ''DEATH COMING'' SUDDENLY - June 4, 2023

God says that there is a spirit of intimidation that has been loosed out of the heavenlies by the enemy against the people of the Lord. And the Lord says that for the last two years the enemy has been trying to pull people down and put them on their knees and make them throw in the towel. The God says the reason that has happened is because the enemy is terrified of the church that is being marshaled in this hour. For not since Azusa Street says the Lord has there been a movement of people like there is in the United States of America for this moment. And in this hour says the Lord there is victory in the atmosphere and not defeat. And I am breaking the lies that have been spread ,says God against my people and I am loosing Hallelujah the blessing of God. For in this season, says the Lord the enemy has cursed the church. And it’s cursed my people. There is an attack says God against voices of righteousness in this hour that have stood and have declared thus saith the Lord. But because of the attack of the enemy that has come against my people. I now say God that I loose the angels of heaven in the earth. And I’m going to reciprocate back to the enemy what he has done to me.

Do you not know, saith the Lord that the church is my body and my body died once. But it will never die again. I lose a resurrection anointing, saith God in the atmosphere in this hour and there is a shaking of the bones out of Ezekiel 37, saith the Lord. For this is not another days gone by yeah there have been moves saith God that had been started by men but the blessing of God has been upon them. But this move was not started by man. It will not be sustained by a man and it will not be ended by the enemy. This move saith God is the final move of the Lord. It will last until Gabriel blows the trumpet. And I take my church out of the earth and take him home to be with me up. So shall it ever be up would I have blessed you cannot curse, say a God. And I say that thou art blessed by the name of the Lord. For the blessing of God is upon every believer in this hour. And though there has been a bereavement of men who have not stood in the Pulpit. know this saith God I have seven thousand that have not bowed their need to Baal.

Out for there is in this hour saith the Lord a release of the glory and of the power of God this move will not be Known by eloquent preaching, say it God. Now it will not be known by great Revelation but it will be known by the power of the Holy Ghost. Get prepare yourself say it Lord for there is a release of the nature and of the power of God. Not only do I shake the heaven saith the Lord. But I am shaking the Earth and this second saying God will cause every man-made house to crumble. And when it’s done, saith the Lord what will be standing up will be that which has been brought up by the power of the Holy Ghost. Even as Valen was paid to curse the Israelites and every time he opened his mouth to curse blessing came out. I am also going to cause men who have stood up to curse the body of Christ. And when they opened their mouth and they are unbelievers. I will cause him to release the blessing of the Lord upon the people of God. For what I have blessed no man can curse, saith the Lord. And I lose a blessing upon this house. I loose a blessing upon my people. I put a shout in your spirit, saith the Lord

That out of your belly shall flow rivers of Living Water. I perfect saith God that no man will be able to write a book and predict what was getting ready to take place. And there are those who have said we saw it. But know this no man prophesied it saith the Lord of what you’re seeing now in the details that it is because this was not a man-made movement. Even what the enemy has done, saith the Lord. I allowed him as I allowed Pharaoh up to move in the ways that he did. But I am going to reverse saith the Lord that which the enemy is released on my people. And that which the enemy is intended for evil I am going to turn for good. There will not be, saith God as many churches in this nation as there has been. For I’m calling says the Lord that which has been in name only had the form but no power.

But I am sustaining says God the churches who made room for me. And most of them saith the Lord have struggled and have been small. But I say that even as I take bread and I blessed it. And Five Loaves fed five thousand. So am I saith the Lord going to begin to lose the blessing of God on houses that men laughed at and disdained and bypassed and said they make no difference. And I’m gonna take that which men said was not important. And I’m going to turn it around and in a Midnight Hour, saith the Lord the blessing of God shall be upon them. How will I do this saith the Lord? I am going to confirm my word with signs wonders and miracles saith God. For I lose Hallelujah a spirit of anointing that shall break the demon spirits of cancer. That will break the spirits of diabetes. That will break the spirit of heart disease. That will break the spirit of arthritis. Fr prepare yourself save the Lord. Tere is a release there is a river, saith God that is beginning to flow out of the throne room of the Lord. And in that River saith God, there is healing. Now there is healing nothing there is deliberate saith God.

Thank you Lord thank you Lord 2022, saith the Lord is a year of the beginning that will not stop until I come back. And that which has come upon the Earth to shut it down was not after businesses but it was after the house of the Lord. But have I not sustained you, saith the Lord. Have I not kept your doors open. Have I not kept the spirit of fear off of you for you cannot praise me with a mask so saith the Lord I loosed you from it by the power of the Holy Ghost. For I will not have my people muzzled saith gone but I’m giving them the freedom and the liberty of the Holy Ghost there is not a demon in Hell saith the Lord that has authority over the power of God that is inside of you did I not say greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world I lose I lose the spirit has set free up is free indeed foreign that is upon my people there’s the same boldness that allowed David to look a giant in the ice it’s the same boldness that the disciples could stand in the front and say we do not bow down to the laws of a man when they come after the laws of God it’s the same anointing that said the heathri Hebrew children now we are not careful in how we answer you in this matter for our God will Deliver Us. If I can come out of a grave if I can walk into hell and take the authority back from Satan do you not know that I can walk into the midst of a nation that turn their back on me and I can turn it around for the power of the Holy Ghost do you not know that by my stripes there was no sickness that was excluded by it for I am the call that heals.

I kept men that no one knew about hidden for years because I was developing them and I Was preparing them for such a time as this God said I honed them. I let them walk two valleys of the shadow of death I let them experience loss but in the midst of that says the Lord The Roots of the men’s soul and the woman’s soul went deep down and the winds that are blowing in this hour says God cannot touch The Roots of the men and women that I am unveiling in this hour for the counterfeit says the Lord will not have to be exposed but their own inadequacies will expose them when the glory of God is released in the atmosphere for I am sending angels in this hour and I have declared it prophetically for some time. But I am loosing a spirit of death in the earth against the wicked just as the wicked loosed a spirit of death in the earth against the righteous and there is no antidote for when I move says the Lord but even as I said a difference between Egypt and Goshen and declared after the third plague that my people would not be touched so am I now saith the Lord setting a wall of protection called the blood of the lamb and it will not touch the people of the most high be not weary says the Lord and be not afraid I am thy God and I bow down to no man before there ever was a man saith the Lord I walk the edge of nothing and when I was ready for you says the Lord I stepped over darkness and said let there be light now in the midst of this Dark Hour watch me saith God.

In a 24-hour period, saith the Lord when I say it’s time I am going to declare let there be light and I will light up the Earth with the glory of God. And no man will be able to take credit. No government will be able to stop it. No media will be able to discount it. For this mood saying God is a move of the intent of the purpose of the glory and the Majesty of Heaven up it is upon you. It is here, saith the Lord I release a shout in your spirit to declare that God is on our side this move will not just be a move of blessing in the spirit. But it’s also going to be a move of blessing in the natural. This is why I said saith the Lord that I would take the wealth of the sinner and release it to the righteous. There is going to be a reset of wealth in the Earth in this hour. I’m going to cause tithers that have tithed for years and though they did not have an abundance their houses were not paid off. And they made payments on cars. Hear me saith the Lord that the blessing that’s coming out of this move will also be a blessing of the natural. God says I am breaking the debt off of tither’s and givers in this hour.

The Lord says that the buildings that my people are going to have church in will be some of the best in the city and hear me, saith the Lord. What I provide I also pay for the God says that the church will not pay an ungodly institution money to have church in a building that they own. But God said I’m going to give you houses if you did not build up. I’m Gonna Give You lands and Vineyards, saith the Lord. In the natural love there is a blessing of God of the financial coming on the house of the Lord. This time, saith God my people are not going to be fleece for I have stood says the Lord. With clenched lips as I have watched so-called men rape the body of Christ financially with gimmicks that was not me. For I do not sell my Gospel and my prophecies are not for sale. I do not give a greater blessing to a more wealthy and a lesser blessing to someone who has less. So this time, saith God I am removing the wolves that have been in the Sheepfold and I’m going to cause them to die as I deal with ananias and Sapphira. I have allowed it to go on in the Years Gone by because it was a different season. But now saith the Lord this is a season, saith God that is not a Revival but it is the final Harvest.

When I get done, saith God not only will there be a fear of the Lord in the church. But there will also be a fear of the Lord in the earth. I have been maligned. I have been mocked. I have been discredited. I have been lied at and my word has been burned in outlawed. And prayers have been removed from your institutions but know this I draw the line today and it does not matter what your rulers do it does not matter what your legislator says I the Lord thy God and I own the earth the earth is mine and the fullness thereof this generation the last generation before this one has never seen the divine intervention that you’re getting ready to see I’m removing the lukewarm from the house of God I’m removing the sin for there has not been a release of great power in the body of Christ. Because there was too much sin in the house. I begin to warn my people two years ago repent. But now the days of repentance are over. Let he who is righteous be righteous that he is Unholy be Unholy for I am not rejecting the Lost but I am rejecting the lukewarm that has sought in my house and ate of my table and then walked away and lived the way they wanted to.

So as I purge this house not this house particular but as I purge my house in the Earth with the purge he says the Lord comes a release of the glory and of the absolute power of the Holy Ghost. This time men will not use gimmicks and trick in healing the healings. That I’m beginning to do and the Miracles that I am performing now will not be able to be questioned. For I will cause that man that cannot see to instantly see and know what he sees. I will call the Bible already begin to do what men and women will begin to come out of wheelchairs up by the power of the Holy Ghost. For too long saith God Demon Spirits have said in my house because they were not afraid and they were not intimidated. But when I walked into the temple did not demons cry out there is a visitation of the Lord saying God that is coming back into the house of the Lord and for all of these men that said this generation doesn’t want to move of the Holy Ghost he said you’ll stand up as that man did and be trampled in the gate while your children children now are gonna receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There is an Apostolic anointing of the power of the Lord I say to you they’ll suffer release of the glory of God you will not be able to help yourself you’ll run up you’ll shout you’ll jump up because I am breaking up off of you the spirit of religion and I am loosening you what did I not say shout unto the Lord. Because he is worthy. …

So I say to you that I broke you saith God many of you have suffered deeply. God says blessing always comes after Brokenness. The Lord said I broke you so I could multiply you. Hallelujah and for many of you that have families that do not know the Lord God set out of your Brokenness. Now it is drawing a blessing Out of Heaven upon you and that’s this blessing begins to come says the Lord. It is a blessing that is immeasurable and that which you have sown was a seed. But that which you’re getting ready to release or have is a harvest. I am bringing it in and saith God to suffering for the remnant well I hear this in the spirit God says you can’t War when you’re crying. And you can’t War when your heart is in pieces yes. So God says the blessing is the healing of wounds and the wounds that are in this house tonight. The Lord says my blood Hallelujah begins to flow through this sanctuary and I begin to heal you by the power of the Holy Ghost. The Lord said that I allowed myself to bleed for a season. Because my blood had to be shed for atonement. The Lord said I allowed your blood to go not for atonement but for a blessing and this season says the Lord this year saith God will not be known as a year of remorse will not be known as a year of sadness but this year Hallelujah will be known as a year of the shout of the Lord and of the blessing of God Hallelujah. …

For there are many men that are saying that this too shall pass and everything will go back to normal. And we’re just in this cycle of time and there is nothing new Under the Sun. Not this time this is not a cycle that is being Revisited this is not as other times. Hear me, say it the Lord. There will be no history books they’ll ever write about what I’m doing. Because when I’m done time shall be no more and I’m taking my church out of here. And though you have been a little flock it is the church, saith God that has held back the powers of Darkness that have tried to take over not just the United States but the whole Earth. The reason why says the Lord is because I said that in the last days the glory of the Lord shall cover the whole earth not just a nation so the enemy went after every nation because he was going to stop the word of the Lord but from being fulfilled this move saith God starts in the United States of America but it will cross the Seas Hallelujah. This move saith the Lord has already begun it cannot be stopped Hallelujah just a tsunami Builds on the ocean floor there is a tsunami of the glory of God that is building. And when it hits these continents continents, saith the Lord Europe that has been dead and Silent for Years.

Yet in the soil of Europe says God I birthed the great moves of the Lord I will hit Europe saith God because I hear the blood of Wesley I hear the blood of Whitfield. I hear the blood of Spurs and not crying from the ground up and in Africa say it God the dark places where the missionaries went up there is a release of the glory of the Lord of unchurched tribes that have never known me. I will have Divine visitations of the glory of God I will begin to Break Forth in China saith God I will cause foreign statues to Begin to Fall. I’m going to invade their temples I will touch the whole nation of India have I not said the glory shall cover the whole earth. Quit thinking smaller this is not about a bigger church or a better building this is about a harvest of souls though that will be a part of it saying God. This is about the glory of the Lord that I will receive the honor and the praise and the Gloria that is due unto my name. …

Diana Larkin - YAWNING TRAP - June 9, 2023

“I say to those of DARK HEARTS: ‘Are you THREATENING to arrest the one I have CHOSEN to lead this Nation? Because you serve the DARKNESS, you are DOOMED to walk in DARKNESS and that is why you continue pursuing your EVIL WAYS with NO THOUGHT that I might have SET A TRAP for you to FALL into. This is not just an ordinary TRAP. It has been set at the BOTTOM of a CLIFF, and its JAWS are WIDE OPEN to CATCH you when you obliviously step off the edge of the cliff. Did you feel FEAR in your HEART when you went ahead with this LYING SCHEME to ENTRAP My leader? You should have paid ATTENTION to that WARNING! In your desperation to keep your own CORRUPTION HIDDEN, you LAUNCHED this UNJUST SCHEME of darkness. What happened when you carried out this TYRANNICAL SCHEME? You STEPPED OFF the EDGE of the PRECIPICE, and you are FALLING, FALLING into the YAWNING TRAP below. Did you have DREAMS of FALLING into a DARK ABYSS last night? The JAWS of My TRAP will soon SNAP SHUT and you will be FINISHED and SNARED by your own EVIL SCHEMES.’ To My Army of Light I say, ‘Keep HOLDING the LINE of FREEDOM, keep DEMANDING JUSTICE, do not BUY INTO EVIL REPORTS that cause you to FEAR. Continue to live under the PROTECTION of the BLOOD COVENANT that we are BOUND TOGETHER in, and know that I AM the God who will bring about the GLORIOUS VICTORY from DARK to LIGHT!’”

I AM COMING, I AM COMING, I AM COMING To Rescue My Children!!! - June 8, 2023

He gave to me yesterday and when I received this word my I was trembling inside like literally like I could feel the power behind what the Lord was saying. Like my whole insides my I was trembling like he meant business. Like he was it was almost like he was yelling. Like I don’t know. I mean just there was just such power behind um this word that he gave to me. And I was literally like shaking inside. Like trembling and so very, very ,powerful word. Um that doesn’t happen every day. Like when I receive a word that just so I just knew that he meant business. Um when he got to a point and it’s a lot of it’s in bold and so he means business so praise God. Um I got this word yesterday on 6 7 23 at 6 47 6 46 a.m and this is what he says.  My beautiful children strong children yes you are stronger than you think. For I have made each one of you specifically for this hour you are living in. You have been hand-picked and created for such a time as this by me says the Lord. Don’t allow yourselves to become overwhelmed and worry to the point you lay down your weapons that I have given to you.

No, this is the time to pick them up raise them up high and run in to the battle. I see many running away from the battle and I say run toward it. Just as my warrior David. I have given you everything you need for this time. Remember I created and birthed each one of you for this season. So when you get tired or think you can’t fight any longer take heart and know I have put in each one of you my strength my courage my boldness and my boldness against your enemies and their little God that they think will save them. Ha I, say ha I am coming I am coming this is where I just really got like I started trembling inside this is where literally like he says um he says ha I say ha I am coming I am coming I am coming to rescue my children. My powerful beautiful faithful children. So I tell you this day my warring Army my Remnant who are tired and worn out take courage. I say it again take courage in me for I am coming to your rescue. I am coming to take my enemies out they are finished, says the Lord.

Hold fast children. Hold On Tight to me and my words. This day stay in my written promises to you and know that their end has come. For this is all in bold for I will not sit back any longer laughing. No, I say no I am taking my mighty hand and I will destroy every single one of them, says the Lord. So I tell you again my precious children trust me trust me trust me. And whatever it is that they do next is nothing compared to what I do to them. Don’t quit stay in the fight as you continue to wage this war with me. No that they are about to see their complete and utter defeat. Hallelujah. Continue standing continue shouting for your shouts are tearing them apart. Lift up your voices to me. Stay steadfast in your faith that I will do exactly what I say I will do. This isn’t bold. Press into me like never before. Don’t lay your weapons down no put on my full armor my full and complete armor every day and stay in the battle.

It’s time to take charge over our enemies and watch them fall so hard the ground shakes continue to shout Praises To My Throne. Don’t ever stop your worship toward me. No never, sing your Praises louder and louder as this is a powerful weapon. As you shout Praises to me watch your adversary run. Wtch him tremble before you. He is finished they are finished. says the Lord. Uour God maker of heaven and earth and the name of my son Yeshua the King of Kings the Lord of lords your savior who is soon to come amen and amen.

Jeff Byerly - IN ME, YOU WILL SURVIVE THE STORM - June 8, 2023

America your biggest idol is money and it will come Crashing Down. The god of Mammon will no longer provide for your needs. Your material wealth has been and surpassed By Any Nation ever in the world. But look at you now. You and your leaders have the highest amount of dept this world has ever seen. The wealth of this once great nation is a bucket? a bald-faced night from the pits of hell. Your economy is worse than a house of cards. It is simultaneous pile of down feathers that will be blown away by the smallest of guests. Behind the mountain of down feathers is a deep purpose full of fire that your country will be forced into. At first a small guest will come and men will scramble to put the down feathers back into the large mountain hiding the abyss. But all you foolish men do you not see. The storm of not only the century. But of all Earthly time is on its way. When the storm hits the mountain of Downy feathers. They will never be found again. And those not family planted on the Rock and clinging to me with everything that is in them will be blown into the fiery Abyss. I am your strength I am your rock and your Fortress and your deliverer. I am your strength trust in me. I am your shield and the Horn of your salvation. Your stronghold in me you will survive the storm.

Hank Kunneman: God’s About to Strike - June 08, 2023

Without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. What did I do as the spirit of God hovered over the Earth Over the places of the deep? I spoke and yet I speak again. I spoke let there be light. And this light that I spoke is still moving it is still moving. For it carries the sound of my breath. And I spoke And I said unto this generation and unto this decade that you are in a revolution of Light. Which is my purposeful overthrow but it is more than that says the spirit of God. Do you understand that when I spoke with my very breath let there be light? The Earth responded, hell shakes, and yet there is a creative Redemptive mystery. For you will see in this revolution of light that light shall bring forth a reaction that will bring many blessings to those who suffer yes in this earth for when light was spoken from the very beginning Earth began to come into creation into manifestation why do I speak this because you will see medical breakthroughs that shall come as a result of the discovery of the power of light. And this light shall even cause the very veins of the human body to be cleared from plaque. And you will see well they will say we used to do surgery bypass of the heart this way and that way.

But the Simplicity of light shall re-charge the heart and cause it to be revived at the veins And the arteries shall be clear and reconstructed. And cells that are cancerous shall respond as they will be overcome and rejuvenated by light. And let me speak this what Satan desire to spike protein God says I will use light to reverse and neutralize the effects of what meant to be as a snare and a snake bite to a people. To neutralize its effects that this is not all. The disciples came and said do you not understand we the enemy is subject to us in thy name. And yet te Risen Christ Proclaim and said I saw Satan fall like lightning. And so I will show my light not just in medical discoveries but in the strikes of my hand. And God says I’m going to strike hard. I’m going to strike fast and I’m going to strike viciously and with vengeance. And there will be natural signs of great displays of lightning that will be reported. The magnitude the width the width the wits and the legs of the lightning displays.

But oh the sound of thunder it shall be my voice and I will strike down the wickedness. The darkness the perversion that has been upon this generation. And I’ve told you before with this light that is moving it will bring a sexual revolution in Reverse as the Lord. And there is coming a censorship that my light brings that they will say we must have a censorship that protects the innocent and protects the children. And God says there will be banning and things out Lord in this revolution of light. You will see it they will say cat 5, CAT5. Move away vacate this is not of me this is not mine this is not my hand. My hand seeks to move through the power of those the children of light. You, you are the ones. Do I need in an election do I need the Armory of man? Do I need your votes? I need the armor the children of light to gather in this time, says the spirit of God. To stand against that which the enemy would desire to counter at this time. Strike down many attempts as I’ve said to you before that you are in the fall.

You say oh God but we are in the spring months because you do not understand the season of my timing my event, says the spirit of God this is the time of the great fall. And with the great fall shall come the Striking of my hand of the displays of lightning but then you shall see the reset and the reversal. Even light that will come to give energy to your vehicles, to your homes. No, I do not speak of solar. Watch and see as light lightings shall be the talk of your newspapers. And when you see this Rejoice. Because light always overcomes the darkness, says the Living God. Come on lift up your hands and begin to shout unto God. Man come on come on land in it lift up your head slipped up your voice let it be so Living God come on good morning.

The Lord just said something to me he said one of the signs of what he speaks of and the way that this light will move is through sound frequency thank you Lord that’s very key frequency and Light. And God says with the sound of his voice this that heaven speaks up at this time light be come on give him one last shout of Praise. Give it one last shout of Praise. Come on shout those of you that are watching shout unto God with the voice of Triumph lift up your voice Shout Shout. Hallelujah

Diana Larkin - THE GREAT TURNAROUND - June 8, 2023

“Your Nation has begun THE GREAT TURNAROUND from DARKNESS and DEPRAVITY to LIGHT and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Depravity is based in TOTAL SELFISHNESS. It cares NOTHING for others. Depravity will USE and ABUSE anyone in order to get their EVER-INCREASING LUSTS fulfilled. The enemy’s MARK is on DEPRAVITY, and he FUELS it with EVER-DARKER and more TWISTED desires that DEVASTATE the INNOCENT who are PREYED UPON for the depraved’s GROSS and SELFISH needs. In contrast, RIGHTEOUSNESS BUILDS RELATIONSHIPS that are MUTUALLY SATISFYING and BENEFICIAL. It NEVER TAKES ADVANTAGE of the INNOCENT to meet a need. Oh, the JOY that comes when you SELFLESSLY meet another’s need and you find that your needs HAVE BEEN MET in the PROCESS of your GIVING and your KINDNESS. Because the PENDULUM in your Nation swung SO FAR into the DARKNESS, the TURNAROUND will begin SLOWLY so that the whole ship is not LOST and SUNK by the CHAOS and TEARING AWAY of the DARKNESS. As more and more darkness is EXPOSED, the peoples’ EYES and HEARTS will be FREED from the SMOKE and CONFUSION of DEPRAVITY, and the TURNAROUND will PICK UP SPEED, FUELED by My Spirit WINDS and FIRE. When the TURNAROUND is COMPLETED, a NEW Nation will emerge that is once again BLESSED with PEACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Depravity ENSLAVES, righteousness FREES. FREEDOM and CLEAR MINDS will USHER IN a season of NEWNESS and FRESHNESS in every area of your lives. TAKE HEART, THE GREAT TURNAROUND HAS BEGUN.”


“Your enemies are CONVINCED that this is the TIME they will DEFEAT and DESTROY you. They plan to WIPE OUT any MENTION of My NAME, as they bring their plans of DESTRUCTION and CHAOS to pass. They plan to CONTROL you by FEAR and THREATS and by CONVINCING you that I AM WEAK and not POWERFUL enough to STOP their carnage. Your enemies today are REPEATING the CHALLENGE of an evil king in Isaiah’s day: ‘Where is there a god that could save its people from my mighty hand?’ (ISAIAH 36:20 TPT) ‘Do you really think you’ll be delivered?’ (ISAIAH 37:11b TPT) I, YAHWEH, have ARISEN from My Throne, and I will personally CONFRONT these THREATS towards you and these TAUNTS and ACCUSATIONS against My power and My character. I say to your enemies: ‘I know where you live, every movement you make, all that you do, and your rage against Me. I have heard your arrogant words, and because you rage against Me, I will put My hook in your nose and My bit in your mouth, and I will make you return by the way you came.’ (ISAIAH 37:28-29 TPT) My Remnant have put their FAITH in Me, the true and living God, and they have CRIED OUT to Me for DELIVERANCE, and I AM DEALING with a TAUNTING, ARROGANT, EVIL enemy that is THREATENING to DESTROY you. Their PRIDEFUL THREATS will DRIBBLE down their chins when I ARISE in POWER to SQUASH their evil schemes. Their eyes will WIDEN in HORROR as their schemes come FLYING BACK in their faces. I will VINDICATE My GREAT NAME and the VALIANT FAITH of My Army of Light. HAVE NO FEAR, YOUR GOD IS HERE!”

Diana Larkin - THE THUNDERING GOD - June 6, 2023

*We know that the Father wants to interact with us on an intimate basis, but He also wants us to acknowledge, recognize, and support with our prayers and decrees other aspects of His character—He is the Thundering God. We are to call forth the appearing of the Thundering God and decree, “We welcome Your coming to reclaim this Land as Your territory!”

*He is inviting us to DISCOVER what is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY and to help Him UNCOVER and BUILD a VICTORIOUS FUTURE. What is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY is His invitation for you to PURSUE, DISCOVER, and RECOVER ALL.”

*Keep crying out for justice in our Land with great hope that He has promised to bring the government of God to the earth.

*Fight on Army of Light, He wants us to know it’s all going to be worth it, as He displays before the world that He makes all things new.

* Kingdom Age? Many prophets feel like we entered the Kingdom age in 2012. It’s still in an immature state, but it is growing and strengthening as God’s Sons and Daughters rise up and operate in their authority, won by Jesus on the cross. This doesn’t do away with the Church, but it becomes part of a bigger picture of actually bringing the rule and reign of the King to the earth in a tangible way—signs, wonders, miracles, and Kingdom ways influencing all 7 mountains of society.

*We have been told to oppose and bring to nothing the enemy’s manufactured storms, rumors of war, attacks on economy, food, water, and our health. We are to replace these dark systems with systems of light.

*Discernment of which storms are enemy storms and which storms are God storms will come by reading His Word with new eyes, by practicing deep communion with Him, resting in His presence, and learning to hear His voice. We are never to leave behind this great treasure of closeness and dependence on Him.

*As rats turn to weasels, we are to intercede for them that they will turn their hearts and lives to God. Also pray protection over these weasels, as their firsthand testimony of the darkness will validate truth-tellers and awaken the still slumbering.

Wings of Prophecy Blog - June 2023

Dianna Larkin - POP GOES THE WEASEL! - June 4, 2023

“Ahhh…look! The RATS are turning into WEASELS! Frantic to SAVE themselves, the RATS are seeing that behind the scenes, their GRANDIOSE schemes to RULE OVER you are DISINTEGRATING. Their PROTECTIONS are being TAKEN DOWN and that soon, NOTHING will stop the FLOOD of EXPOSURES of all their EVIL, PERVERSION, AND CORRUPTION. The very SELFISHNESS and GREED that brought them together in a UNIFIED PURPOSE to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY you, will now TEAR them APART, as SAVING themselves becomes their ONLY GOAL. RATS turned into WEASELS are NOT to be trusted, but their TESTIMONY AGAINST the the other RATS can be very USEFUL in CONVINCING the STILL ASLEEP that all is NOT as the LYING MEDIA portrayed it. WEASELS are facing a CRISIS in their lives, and your INTERCESSION will turn some of their HEARTS and LIVES to Me. From RATS to WEASELS to My SON or DAUGHTER—now that’s a TRANSFORMATION! Pray PROTECTION over the WEASELS, as they provide FIRSTHAND testimony of the DARK and DEPRAVED lives that the RATS have been living. These WEASEL TESTIMONIES will VALIDATE what My TRUTH-TELLERS have been saying for years, and more will AWAKEN to the reality of what has been happening to your Nation and how the LYING MEDIA has had a great role in HIDING the DARK AGENDAS and in MOCKING and SILENCING those speaking TRUTH. This is another SURPRISE move in My orchestrated TAKEDOWN of darkness. The Rescue Operation is in full swing as the RATS become WEASELS. POP GOES THE WEASEL!”

Tiffany Root & Kirk VandeGuchte - The Great Delusion - June 2, 2023

So the Lord says he says write down as soon as Jesus said it is finished and Satan knew it was true that he had been beaten it began. First the enemy tried to Snuff out the new church. When that didn’t work he Incorporated it into religion. From there he began work on the great delusion. So this great delusion involves the organized church. But that alone is not the big picture in the organized church or religion itself. Satan has used mainly deception to bring it to where he has desired it to go this deception uses mainly the Bible to accomplish his goals. It is true that the Bible contains truth its words were inspired by God. Satan is a legalist however and just as a skilled lawyer intent on evil can warp and mold good law into something that was never meant to be. Satan also set out to do this with the scriptures. He has inspired the scholars using a little truth to write things that seem right and logical on the surface. But lead to things that the Lord never meant to be.

Satan has been very successful in guiding doctrines and theologies away from the true Christ. Away from hearing the voice of God. And has even led the organized Church into believing that one cannot hear God’s voice and should not try to. A relationship with a book the Bible is promoted as the way and knowledge is the key. So study the Bible forever and don’t engage with the crazy people who hear God and practice signs and wonders. Satan is still promoting the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. This then is the great deception of the church. Now on to the great delusion. The great delusion Works in conjunction with the deception of the church. It is in its most base form simply knowledge. There are other things involved however in these in the simplest terms might be called wisdom human wisdom. For this delusion to work people need to believe that they are basically good. This belief stands in opposition to the words of scripture that say he who believes in Him is not judged. He who does not believe has been judged already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God.

Satan’s brand of human goodness questions God’s intentions towards man. Well if God is good how can he see me as bad or how could a good God allow this bad stuff. In doing this questioning of God this belief system has no need for God and dismisses him. And decides man is then the ultimate goodness on Earth. Enter woke thinking now the adherence to this begin to make all kinds of claims about what everyone must believe is truth. And what people have known and understood from the dawn of time is thrown out. Man is now in control of what is truth. Churches that cannot hear God’s voice now pick up this so-called logic in small or great degree because they are no longer established by the Chief Cornerstone.  And the apostles and Prophets do not bring Revelation or prophecies to build a good foundation with Christ as the centerpiece. But the Lord is saying today open your eyes and you will see me dismantling everything Satan has done. Everything. The delusion is ending now. Amen.

Jubilee’s Ministry - SINGLE DIGIT COUNTDOWN: Provision, refreshing - May 27, 2023

So, it’s gonna be exciting um please make sure that this is only confirmation to you okay so take it back to the Lord um this should only be confirmation not surprise. Okay now I don’t know what I’m gonna tell this word but the countdown is in its single digits now okay and I was like Lord I’ve never really thought about that like there’s only nine digits that are singular and then the rest is just double Right double triple you know and so on and so forth. So that really it just narrows it down you know because sometimes we just we literally have no idea. Okay so okay so guys tell me to bring up some certain things okay okay so this is also about you know provision a refreshing and um this is not just for you know finances and all those things it’s it’s for anything that you’re birthing in this time you are at a time of birth. Okay you should be giving birth in a day now and this is a double portion that you are breathing and you might be thinking why this taking so long. Because you’re thinking that it’s just one thing but you are birthing multiple things okay. Multiple things and it will be with ease okay and after this birth anything else that you birth give Jesus. I’m hearing him say this after this after this birth that you have whatever else you birth after this it will be with the ease it will be smooth and it will happen quickly.

Okay it will it will look like it took no effort okay it would just be effortless it’ll just start it and finish it all in one breath all in one day. Okay so this is what the Lord said okay I am pouring out into my people into their finances into their projects into their bellies a refreshing is here for my people look closely unexpected surprises are coming your way. It will take no effort new birthings of creativity will begin and success will be my children’s portion an uproar of blessings and God has really been speaking to me about summer. …

The Lord’s hand okay now let me get on to what he said he said it has been unlocked the glory will be evident to everyone who sees you it is indeed time I keep my my word the countdown is down to its single digits. Okay your your agreement to this marriage so now he’s talking about marriage um will manifest in the physical take notice time is colliding with Destiny it is time it is your time are you ready everyone will be coming out to see you so some of you will be birthing in public and it will see it will seem like it just happened you know like it was just by luck or it was just by you know a lottery ticket or whatever but that’s not the case and you have been through the trenches you were down you know at the very bottom of the mountain you had to climb all your way up you kept falling down. But you kept trying again and you made it to the top of the mountain. So don’t let anyone discredit God okay always remind them okay cut them off whatever you gotta do and be like hey no it was God it was God that got me here always remind them okay always keep it a buck with them okay correct them when they try to discredit God….

So God said the countdown is down to the single digits okay now on the 27th um I told you guys that on the 27th um. I had a spiritual encounter and there was a countdown happening in the spirit. So everyone was counting down the Angels everybody and um they were counting down and so now God is saying that it is now in a single digits okay. And so what God is saying is for the first week of June um there’s gonna be a lot of things to pop off there are going to be a lot of unions coming together um a lot with finances as well um it’s going to um. It’s just going to be effortless now you know like things that were held up in the spirit it’s just going to come out you’re not going to even expect it you’re not going to be waiting there um when things happen when it’s God you don’t have to sit down and wait and okay it’s gonna be at three o’clock no it just happens and then you just you’re like what what was that okay you don’t expect it it just happens so effortlessly and it’s like okay. How did that get there how what I don’t even know this person right so um just things like that are going to happen okay. um


So also with the first week of June okay there’s gonna be a lot of a start a start of communication okay. Communication with um you know ordained spouses and it can also be with people reaching out to you to birth a new thing with you. You know you know whether it’s a book whether it’s a business um you know things of that sort okay. But especially marriages especially finances um God is just really reigning in the Supernatural um. It’s just gonna be a bombshell you know. Because of course we expect like maybe it’ll happen at the very very end of June or in July. You know like that’s how we’re thinking but God is like uh no just watch you know so because the last few months it has been building up. Okay so you know it’s been you know going going going right we have been seeing some blessings and now it’s just he’s just ready for the fireworks He’s just ready to just really put a bombshell on us. Okay um okay so God wanted me to mention this dream that explains the countdown. Because gut just gave me this word like literally right now because I was just talking to him and right when he says single digits. …

God has been giving me dreams that are for right now so it’s not like you get a dream and it’s for the future it’s like literally an update of what’s happening right now. So yeah so um and it completely matched up so because I minused it from so I started counting down 12 days from the 27th. And so as I’m recording this it’s the 10th day we got to run the single digits. Because like in a few minutes yeah in a few minutes it’s gonna be nine days so um this is very specific. So make sure that you take this back to the Lord okay because this is very specific everything that I’m explaining to you guys. So some of you guys are going to be experiencing that in the next nine days um God has been speaking a lot about provision to me through numbers. ….

Dianna Larkin - THE SON WILL BREAK THROUGH - June 3, 2023

“After the STORM of UPHEAVAL and EXPOSURE passes over your Land, THE SON WILL BREAK THROUGH bringing NEW LIFE and HOPE for a future of PEACE and PLENTY. The enemy and those partnered with him have created many DEVASTATING STORMS to take people out and to destroy economies, but they will NOT be able to STOP, to DEFLECT, or to DISTRACT from My STORM that will completely EXPOSE and UPROOT all their EVIL DEEDS and DARK HEARTS. I have told you to OPPOSE and BRING to NOTHING their MANUFACTURED STORMS, RUMORS of WAR, and ATTACKS against your ECONOMY, your FOOD and WATER, and your HEALTH. I’ve also called you to PARTNER with My STORM that will BRING DOWN all their DARK SYSTEMS and replace them with SYSTEMS of LIGHT. How do you know which STORMS to SUPPORT and which STORMS to OPPOSE? It is by BECOMING ONE with Me in your SPIRIT and your HEART. Read My Word with FRESH EYES, and I will REVEAL to you My WAYS and My HEART. Practice DEEP COMMUNION with Me by RESTING in My PRESENCE and learning to HEAR My VOICE. Out of this TUMULTUOUS SEASON, this is the GREATEST TREASURE you will obtain—a DEEP knowledge of My HEART and a UNION of our HEARTS TOGETHER. After the STORM, THE SON WILL BREAK THROUGH to a NEW DAY and life will be GOOD, but DO NOT LEAVE BEHIND your CLOSENESS and your DEPENDENCE on Me, for this is your GREATEST TREASURE—a life lived in UNION with Me.”

Dianna Larkin - I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW - June 2, 2023

2CORINTHIANS 5:18 And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to Himself, and given us the ministry of reconciling others to God. (TPT)
“I AM the God who MAKES ALL THINGS NEW. You have experienced a PORTION of this NEWNESS in your relationship with Me through the BLOOD of My Son, but you are about to go through a season of MEGA NEWNESS. I AM not just coming to TEAR DOWN EVIL, I AM coming to MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. As My Church enters into the Kingdom Age, I will continue to TRANSFORM hearts and minds through SALVATION, DELIVERANCE, and HEALING; but I AM also going to MAKE ALL THINGS NEW in your ECONOMY, in the AIR you breathe and the FOOD you grow, in HEALTH and WHOLENESS, in RELATIONSHIPS and COMMUNITY. Even in the TECH industry, what was developed to CONTROL you, will now be used to ENHANCE your LIFE and to provide MORE FREEDOM. Darkness and sin will still be present, but it will be UNDER YOUR FEET and not THREATENING your LIFE and FREEDOM. FIGHT ON, Army of Light, it’s all going to be WORTH IT, as I DISPLAY before the world that I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW.”


“The darkness thinks their TWO-TIERED JUSTICE SYSTEM is UNBREAKABLE and IMPENETRABLE. After all, they have STOLEN the HIGHEST SEAT of JUSTICE in the Land, and they have their PUPPET installed who will STOP any investigation that might HARM the darkness, and he will support the LYING allegations against the RIGHTEOUS. If you are looking on with just human eyes, you could become very ANGRY and FRUSTRATED. Man’s anger does not accomplish My RIGHTEOUSNESS; it only serves to DRAIN you emotionally and makes you easy pickings for enemy ARROWS of DEPRESSION and HOPELESSNESS. Let Me assure you that I VALUE TRUE JUSTICE even more than you do. JUSTICE is part of My character, and because I SEE and KNOW ALL, My JUSTICE is FAIR and WITHOUT PARTIALITY. It is good to speak out against INJUSTICE and to SUPPORT the voices in leadership who are calling for TRUE JUSTICE. However, the WISE will not get SUCKED into MAN’S ANGER. Your Nation’s justice system is in such DISREPAIR that man ALONE CANNOT FIX IT. Your CRIES to Me for JUSTICE in your Land have reached My Throne, and I AM PROMISING you that THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD IS COMING TO THE EARTH. That’s right, I AM INVADING your darkened government and justice systems with My HAMMER of JUDGMENT and My GAVEL of JUSTICE. A TSUNAMI of My GOVERNMENT will RUSH OVER your Nation EXPOSING and DEPOSING all CREEPY, LAWLESS EVIL-DOERS who CHEATED their way into power. What were once FORMIDABLE, UNBEATABLE foes will be SWEPT out of place by My EXPOSURE and the POWER of My RIGHTEOUS right arm. Keep on CRYING OUT for JUSTICE in your Land with GREAT HOPE that I have PROMISED to bring THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD TO THE EARTH. I AM UNSTOPPABLE.”

Manual Johnson - 2023 Complete Turn Around - May 31, 2023

I’m going to say it on this one the Devils whenever the enemy has a plot God has a plan. I’ve said it before but I’m going to say you’re going to see some serious plots coming up. Serious plots these next few months. Serious plots but God has a Divine overthrown plan for what you want to see and especially in our nation. Some serious plots the Lord showed me my God the evil that the enemy is going to try to do these next few months. And the Lord says every plot will be overturned by my divine plan. … Hallelujah I want you to be encouraged be encouraged like what our heavenly father is doing behind the scenes.

I saw such a turn around turn around it was turn around after the tornado effect was lifted. It was a major major turn around that’s the word I heard turn around 2023 major turn around my children you have nothing to worry about. Whoa we are in such a great time to be alive and to speak God’s words the times that are that our ancestors our grandparents our great-grandparents. Our great great grandparents all of us that wanted to see this day. We’re going to see it we’re going to see those days glory to God so Saints keep celebrating and even if you’re not celebrating uh physically celebrate spariously the Bible you know rejoice in the Lord chance you get rejoice in the Lord. And he says Lord and I want you right now I know there’s some people out there many that want Divine Healing God’s gonna do it….  This is the year of turnaround my children as you know I have been your great deliverer and great exposure. Yes, you have Lord there are things and listen this is this is the first ever the Lord has ever said this to me it’s forever I can recollect he calls I’m the great deliverer and great exposure things are not the way they appear.
Whoa things are not the way they appear. Wow appear to be I will allow the enemies of the Lord he didn’t say any names.

He says I will allow the enemies of the Lord to exhaust our all their plans for the next few months that’s what we’re going to show me you’re going to see a lot of Fireball mess. A lot of Fireball mess that’s going to come the next few months and Lord make this very clear a lot of Fireball mess and he says but those plots will be a Divine Purpose for God’s plans glory to God come on someone shot with me come on glory to God come on this is great so listen. So he’s going to allow the enemy to exhaust their plans you’re going to see a lot of stuff mess. The law says don’t worry they will know that I am the Lord and I am over now this was something very powerful God says Matthew allows the Lord to uh as he allows the enemy of the Lord to exhaust all their plans they will know I the Lord am over all things I am above man’s decrees and laws. For I am the Lord of Justice in all the world and I will which is powerful and I will stun the economy. I believe that is spelled s-t-u-n I will stun he didn’t say crash stun adjust something is going to happen I will stun Not Crash I will stun the economy. Yes you will witness an all-time historic High on hiso’s on my gold in my silver. There’s going to be a point where gold and based off what I’m hearing from the Lord is going to be a point where gold and silver is going to spike like you wouldn’t believe. It is going to spike and then I saw trailing behind it copper. …

But there will be an open Heaven around my children called by my name an open Heaven around my children called by my name do not fear what you see this is a short window actually let me let me rephrase this. Do not fear what you see this is a short short window that’s what he said he said it twice so when God says it twice it’s been established my friends oh my god oh I love getting the news before the news I love getting the news before the news come on Saints and it’s a short short window this will be written in your history books before and after and he goes what you call elections some so I don’t know what exactly God’s main plan is he’s not revealing him. But he’s showing me that something majorly historic is going to take place before the elections. Now I you know Lord what are you saying Lord what are you saying what are you saying what are you saying Lord what are you saying he says I have God yes something is supposed to that’s that’s. What I’m getting he didn’t say that he just says before and doing so obviously something historic uh that’s gonna like hit media around the world it’s going to the Lord’s going to deal before and after. So something’s going to take place this will not be by might nor power but by his spirit whoa he says so something then it goes deeper I’m not done. Yet Satan look at this so let’s look at this you see short short window this will be written in your history books before and after what you call elections what you call elections.


So God’s and so I don’t know what God’s calling it but he says what you got what we call that elections apparently God has something going on in his righteous arm and Lord let thy will be done so he goes but I have my then he goes but I have my elects that I am raising up and will fulfill what I purpose for this generation. Then the Lord goes more he goes on he said my church and my children will be leaders. This is going to be awesome since God is going to start raising the church up in leadership like you would not believe. We are going to be raised up God is going to start putting our heavenly father is going to start putting men and women of God and certain positions He didn’t say just the United States those that are watching me outside of the United States right now get ready get ready turn around turn around turn around. God’s hand I saw it moved across the United States then it went across the world there are a cross across boom boom boom . So this is going to be very powerful and I am living in this generation so you shall be excited so God there’s more Saints.

There is more it goes pushing themselves he says I will bring raise up leaders on the earth they will position themselves in all my mountains and will occupy many positions around the earth. My children do not cease to call upon me whoo do not stop praying Saints do not stop praying do not cease to call upon me do not get comfortable. This is going it goes even deeper let my will be done and my way to be accomplished in your life for my Holy Spirit Will comfort you do not cease to pray do not cease in praying do not cease the Holy Spirit God is turning up the anointing on our lives on our Ministries on our on our gifts the anointing is going to be turned up. … Something huge is going to take place and I’m excited about the I want to call it many people have other things but I want to call it wealth transfer. That’s what I’m calling you God other people can say well you know uh bad pay but wealth transferring wealth transfer is not about just not not to save money. I’m talking well transferred good health good health, good health good health good wealth to be blessed and to be a blessing and that’s what it’s about Saints God wants to bless the body of Christ that you will be a blessing. Hallelujah  

Dianna Larkin - CLOAKED IN MYSTERY - May 31, 2023

“Who doesn’t love a good MYSTERY? It CHALLENGES your skills in trying to SOLVE an intricate puzzle. This puzzle of My PLANS for this time you are living in comes WITHOUT a box. You don’t have anything to COMPARE this time or this PUZZLE to. You have a few sections put together that you can see CLEARLY, but where do the other pieces fit? I have REVEALED to you that when the puzzle is completed, it will result in a VICTORIOUS future BRIGHT with HOPE and PROMISE. The part of the puzzle you’re working on right now has some VERY DARK parts that must be pieced together to show the world the CORRUPTION and PERVERSION that have been disguised and hidden. Don’t just FOCUS on the DARK pieces, but LOOK for the PROMISED LIGHTER pieces that will show the CLASH of DARK to LIGHT, and the TRIUMPH of My RESCUE OPERATION. Keep seeking Me for CLUES as to what piece comes next, and My RESCUE OPERATION that is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY will be REVEALED to you piece by piece. As whole sections come together, you’ll be SURPRISED at what you discover. You’ll say, ‘Wait, he/she is a GOOD GUY?!’ No way, he/she is really of the DARKNESS?!’ If you build CLOSELY with Me, I will give you PROPHETIC GLIMPSES of the COMPLETED puzzle so that you are PREPARED for what is coming and can help others PROCESS the UNVEILING of DARK to LIGHT. I AM inviting you to DISCOVER what is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY and to help Me UNCOVER and BUILD a VICTORIOUS FUTURE. What is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY is My invitation for you to PURSUE, DISCOVER, and RECOVER ALL.”

Dianna Larkin - FIRE, WIND, AND WATER - May 29, 2023

“These three—FIRE, WIND, AND WATER, are considered by many people as basic elements of nature. But I say to you that FIRE, WIND, AND WATER are elements of My NATURE, and you will see them FULLY EXPRESSED during this season of DARK to LIGHT. FIRE, WIND, AND WATER come to FULL expression through My Spirit, and this season of WARFARE will SHOWCASE His workings in the earth. I, the Father, was showcased in the POWER, BEAUTY, and INTRICACY of CREATION. My Son was showcased as the PEFECT LAMB who brought SALVATION, HEALING, and DELIVERANCE and a RESTORATION of intimate relationship with Me. The Holy Spirit BIRTHED the Church through FIRE (tongues of fire), WIND (His mighty, rushing presence), and WATER (baptism). Now, as the Church matures, Holy Spirit will be showcased as the KINGDOM ERA grows, until IT FILLS THE EARTH (DANIEL 2:44). My Spirit will MANIFEST FIRE, WIND, AND WATER throughout the earth. It will be used to DESTROY and DETHRONE the darkness, and it will be used to BLESS and EMPOWER My people. FIRE, WIND, AND WATER will be released both in the SPIRITUAL and the NATURAL realms, and you will SEE it and FEEL it manifest, as My Holy Spirit ARISES in GREAT POWER with visible SIGNS and WONDERS. Prepare to be impressed.”

Dianna Larkin - FIRE POWER - May 28, 2023

“Because we are engaged in an ALL-OUT WAR against the LYING, STEALING, and DESTROYING DARKNESS, this PENTECOST Sunday is VERY SIGNIFICANT. If you will come before Me, I will give you a SECOND WIND of the Spirit—REFRESHING and EMPOWERING, and I will GREATLY INCREASE your FIRE POWER against the enemy. I AM strengthening you for the remaining battles with FRESH POWER and an INFUSION of My LOVE for you. The GREATER FIRE POWER I AM releasing through My Spirit will EMPOWER your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS. You will see a GREATER PUSHBACK of the darkness and QUICKER answers to your prayers. When you RELEASE this GREATER FIRE POWER I AM giving you, the darkness will WEAKEN even more, and you will begin to see it COLLAPSE and be COMPLETELY EXPOSED. The darkness will STUMBLE over each other, as they RUN for cover. But your FIRE POWER will have DESTROYED their HIDING places. They thought they had WORN YOU DOWN and DISCOURAGED you and that you would RETREAT into the shadows, COMPLAINING all the way. SURPRISE! I AM visiting My people with a FRESH WIND of the Spirit and GREATER FIRE POWER that will bring you through to VICTORY and TRIUMPH. LIFT your HANDS and your FACE to Heaven and RECEIVE this gift of SPIRIT WIND and FIRE POWER.” 


“GATHERING is a term you associate with HARVEST TIME when crops are gathered and brought in from the fields. I have told you that you are in an EXTENDED SEASON of FALL, and many things have been prophesied about the FALL OF THE FALL. This FALL season is not a season on your calendars, it is My SET TIME to GATHER in My HARVEST. This harvest is A GATHERING OF THE THIEVES AND A GATHERING OF MY SAINTS—those who are SET APART for My purposes and CLEANSED by My Son’s blood. This is a season of GATHERING in the TARES and the WHEAT, and all those who have been PRETENDING to be WHEAT but are in reality THIEVES, will be EXPOSED, ROOTED OUT, GATHERED, and DESTROYED. The GOOD WHEAT that I gather in is My Remnant, ROOTED in Me and BENDING to My will. I AM at this time HARVESTING THE HARVESTERS who will PLANT the seeds of TRUTH and LOVE in peoples’ hearts. They will NURTURE this HARVEST, and it will RIPEN quickly into a FRUITFUL crop for My Kingdom. People will WITNESS the HARVEST of DARKNESS, and it will SHOCK them that they could so easily have been DECEIVED. As the world sees GREAT JUDGMENTS released to the WICKED, the FEAR OF THE LORD will SWEEP through the nations. This SHAKING will PREPARE HEARTS to receive My TRUTH, My LOVE, and My SALVATION. Behold, an EXTENDED FALL SEASON when you will see A GATHERING OF THE THIEVES AND A GATHERING OF SAINTS.”

Dianna Larkin - SHOWCASING LIGHT AND DARK - May 26, 2023

“Much of what you will see in the coming days is My hand SHOWCASING LIGHT AND DARK. Understand that I AM going to allow DISPLAYS of DARKNESS in order to JOLT PEOPLE AWAKE to the EVIL that has been SOWN into this Nation. Those partnered with darkness will believe they are getting the UPPER HAND by stirring up TROUBLE, LOSS, and DESTRUCTION. They don’t realize I AM using these LAST-DITCH DARK SCHEMES to COMPLETELY EXPOSE and BRING JUDGMENT to them. As My Sons and Daughters, you have AUTHORITY to SET BOUNDARIES of RIGHTEOUSNESS around these areas of ENTRENCHED DARKNESS, and you can declare: ‘Darkness, chaos, you will go no further than these boundaries of righteousness!’ ‘I declare exposure of all wickedness and of all who initiated these dark schemes!’ ‘Hammer of judgment, gavel of justice, come down and enforce our righteous declarations!’ I AM declaring to you that this is a season of SHOWCASING the LIGHT and the DARKNESS. CHOOSE LIGHT and live in PEACE and PLENTY.”

Dianna Larkin - ALARMS ARE RINGING - May 24, 2023

“Beginning in WASHINGTON, D.C., spreading throughout your NATION, and the WORLD, ALARMS ARE RINGING for those partnered with DARKNESS. These RINGING ALARMS are CONFIRMING their WORST FEARS. Something is going DREADFULLY WRONG with their master plan to RULE the world, its resources, and its people. TRUTH is somehow SLIPPING THROUGH their media CONTROL, their SMOKESCREENS, and their TIGHTLY-WOVEN WEB of LIES. The ALARMS that are RINGING are so MANY and so LOUD that it is causing their HEARTS TO SINK. PANIC and DESPERATION are rising up and will soon CONSUME them. You will see them SCRAMBLING to STOP the FLOOD of TRUTH, and they will launch DESPERATE SCHEMES  to TAKE OVER the NARRATIVE and to CREATE FEAR in the people. I AM also SOUNDING AN ALARM on My Holy Mountain, which is My REMNANT SONS and DAUGHTERS of the Kingdom. I AM calling you to be ALERT to My PROMPTINGS to PRAY, INTERCEDE, PRAY IN THE SPIRIT, and to DESTROY all the DARK, DESPERATE schemes that they try to launch. STAND in FAITH, HOLD the LINE, DECLARE: ‘Darkness, your plans WILL NOT SUCEED!’ ‘TRUTH is POURING OUT, and you cannot STOP IT!’ ‘You are DEFEATED, CONQUERED, and we have the VICTORY in the NAME and POWER of the Most High God!” ALARMS ARE RINGING. They foretell DOOM for the darkness and TRIUMPH for the Light.”


“The SYSTEMS of MAN across all seven mountains of society that have been BUILT ON THE DARKNESS of GREED and CORRUPTION, are going to be TURNED UPSIDE DOWN. Picture this: I AM grabbing those partnered with DARKNESS by their ankles and TURNING THEM UPSIDE DOWN and SHAKING all the MONEY out of their pockets until NOTHING is left. I will then DISTRIBUTE the WEALTH among My people who will STEWARD IT WISELY for the BENEFIT of ALL. It’s going to create quite a COMMOTION when I TURN THINGS UPSIDE DOWN, but the RESULTS will be SO WORTH a time of SHAKING and CHANGE. DO NOT DREAD this time, FOCUSING on how ‘BAD’ it could get. That is an OPEN DOORWAY for FAITH-KILLING FEAR to enter. If I’m POWERFUL ENOUGH to TURN all these DARK SYSTEMS UPSIDE DOWN, am I not able to KEEP YOU and to PROVIDE FOR YOU during this TRANSITION season? The SAME POWER that SHAKES LOOSE EVIL is the SAME POWER that RELEASES ABUNDANCE on your heads. My Holy Spirit is your GUIDE through this UPSIDE DOWN SEASON. LEAN on His COUNSEL, FOLLOW CAREFULLY His DIRECTIONS, and WATCH Him LEAD you into PATHS of PEACE and PLENTY. My hand of JUDGMENT is moving AGAINST your enemies, and My hand of BLESSING is moving OVER you.”

Dianna Larkin - THE BEGINNING OF THE END - May 20, 2023

“I want you to know that the Durham Report is the VISIBLE EVIDENCE that this is THE BEGINNING OF THE END for those partnered with DARKNESS and DEATH AGENDAS. I have told you before that MUCH is happening BEHIND THE SCENES to gather EVIDENCE and formulate UNBREAKABLE CASES against the CORRUPT and the PERVERSE. The Durham Report is just the BEGINNING of MASSIVE EXPOSURES that are coming into PUBLIC VIEW. Don’t DESPISE the DAY of SMALL BEGINNINGS and don’t DESPAIR because it may seem like no JUSTICE will come from the Durham Report. The TREASONOUS FINDINGS in that Report will make their way into MILITARY TRIBUNALS where My JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED. My Army of Light, I AM asking you to PRAY for the MILITARY LEADERS who are partnered with Me for PROTECTION, STRENGTH, and WISDOM on the TIMING of the TAKEDOWN and on INITIATING the TRIALS for TREASON. Do not be DISCOURAGED, but partner with Me in CALLING FORTH My PERFECT TIMING. My JUSTICE will be COMPLETE and very SATISFYING because you know it will RESTORE RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to your Land. Be ENCOURAGED that you are seeing THE BEGINNING OF THE END.”

Diana Larkin - THE TRIUMPH OF THE UNDERDOG - May 18 2023

“This will be the season of THE TRIUMPH OF THE UNDERDOG. Jesus was an UNDERDOG in His days on the earth. He had the RELIGIOUS LEADERS and the ROMAN GOVERNMENT against Him, and it looked like they had WON when they SLANDERED and CRUCIFIED Him. They thought they had SILENCED HIS VOICE and that He would be FORGOTTEN. But I use THE TRIUMPH OF THE UNDERDOG to bring GLORY to My name. My Son paid the PRICE to SAVE the world, and His VOICE still SPEAKS today proclaiming My LOVE and My JUSTICE. Your RIGHTFUL LEADER and ALL of you who have been CRYING OUT for JUSTICE have been the UNDERDOG for years—that is you have been UNDER the EVIL, LYING DOGS who USURPED POWER and tried to SILENCE YOUR VOICES by CRUCIFYING your CHARACTER and SPREADING their LIES about you and hiding their own evil. It will DELIGHT Me GREATLY to VINDICATE the TRUTH you have been sharing and to RESURRECT your REPUTATIONS before the world. Those who have LORDED it OVER YOU, will be UNDER YOUR FEET, as I re-establish JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. My right arm of POWER is not WEAK in any way, and I will RESTORE YOUR RIGHTFUL LEADER to the POSITION I’ve ANOINTED him for. Because of the PERSECUTION he SUFFERED and the STEALING of his RIGHTFUL place of LEADERSHIP, he has been REFINED by My FIRE and DRAWN NEAR to My heart. He will be an EVEN WISER leader who will lead for the PEOPLES’ SAKE. My Army of Light, you have also allowed SUFFERING and PERSECUTION to DRAW you CLOSER to My heart, and you have not BACKED DOWN from My CALL on your life to FIGHT AGAINST EVIL and to SPEAK THE TRUTH. The TABLES TRULY ARE TURNING, and I will display My power in THE TRIUMPH OF THE UNDERDOG.”

Diana Larkin - PATHS OF PEACE - May 16, 2023

“I have set before you PATHS OF PEACE that will take you through this WAR for your Land and through all the PERSONAL CHALLENGES in your life. I AM here to GUIDE you through UNKNOWN TIMES and to HELP you NAVIGATE STRAINED and UNHEALTHY relationships. My WISE COUNSEL is FREELY GIVEN, but it does REQUIRE one thing of you. That one thing you must do in order for the FLOW of WISDOM and COUNSEL to REMAIN UNHINDERED and to not get STOPPED UP is whether or not you OBEY My counsel. You are basically saying that your thoughts and knowledge are ABOVE MINE when you do not OBEY. Therefore, I will BACK OFF and I will ALLOW you to go your OWN WAY, but you will then find CONTINUED STRIFE and UNREST, and you will MISS OUT on My FULL BLESSING that I want to release to you. My dearest children, it is TIME to GROW UP into HIGHER REALMS of FAITH and TRUST in Me. Trusting and obeying Me open before you BEAUTIFUL and FRUITFUL PATHS OF PEACE. The Holy Spirit is bringing to your mind right now areas where you have CLUNG to your OWN REASONING instead of taking a LEAP OF FAITH and OBEYING Me. All you need to do is REPENT for not trusting Me and for not OBEYING My PROMPTINGS. Ask for and you will receive My STRENGTH and GRACE to OBEY what I’ve asked you to do. Come, FOLLOW Me down the PATHS OF PEACE that border My River of Life. JOY comes to those who CHOOSE TO OBEY.”

Diana Larkin - WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING - May 14, 2023

“Out of the CHAOS of this season will come a PRICELESS GIFT. That is the gift of WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING that I will give to those with HUMBLE, TEACHABLE HEARTS. As I BRING DOWN those partnered with DARKNESS and their DEATH SCHEMES, I AM also going to be REMOVING from My Church the DOCTRINES OF MEN and the DOCTRINES OF DEMONS that have brought DARKNESS, STUNTED GROWTH, and POWERLESS LIVES to My people. The PRIDE of man has allowed the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT to INFILTRATE much of the Church and FAITH has been REDUCED to an INTELLECTUAL UNDERSTANDING of My Word. This produces a CRITICAL SPIRIT that DEMANDS CONFORMITY to HEAD KNOWLEDGE and DESPISES the SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCES I want My children to LIVE IN. As I REMOVE this DEFILEMENT from My Church, I will REPLACE it with WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING. The FULLNESS of the LIFE My Son died to bring the Church will be UNDERSTOOD, and I will RELEASE GREAT WISDOM in how to walk in My FREEDOM and POWER. Many of My Remnant are already walking in a MEASURE of this release of WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING because you have TASTED of the POWERS of the age to come, and you have SURRENDERED to Me, and you have asked to KNOW Me in ALL MY POWER AND GLORY. As we move beyond the TAKEDOWN of darkness (which you helped to bring about), you will be REWARDED with DEEPER EXPERIENCES in Me and with greater WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING. This will cause you to be LEADERS in the sphere of influence I have chosen for you. Receive a greater measure of WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING.”

Diana Larkin - BE BOLD, BE STRONG, BE COURAGEOUS - May 13, 2023

“Do you see a RISE in EVIL SCHEMES, MAYHEM, and OPPOSITION from the darkness? Then KNOW that I AM EMPOWERING you, My Army of Light, to BE BOLD, STRONG, and COURAGEOUS in the FACE of these ATTACKERS. Know that if the darkness is INCREASING, I AM FILLING you with MORE LIGHT and MORE POWER. DO NOT COWER, DO NOT SHRINK BACK because of their THREATS and INTIMIDATION. You RISE UP and SQUARELY FACE the enemy, knowing that you are dressed in the ARMOR OF LIGHT and My GLORY.” (Here is what I’m seeing in the Spirit as the Father speaks: I see a confident person squarely confronting a taunting bully. They take their right forefinger and begin poking the bully in the right shoulder blade, pushing him back, back, back. Finally, the dark bully turns and runs.)  “CONFRONT the darkness with the LIGHT of My TRUTH and My PROMISES. DECLARE: ‘Your darkness is EXPOSED, your lie’s are LAID BARE, and the LIGHT of God is PIERCING the WEB of LIES and SCHEMES, and it is EXPOSING and DESTROYING them.’ ‘Back up!’ ‘Get off of My King’s TERRITORY!’ ‘You have LOST, we have WON!’ I have promised you the VICTORY. Now ACT LIKE YOU BELIEVE THAT and BE BOLD, BE STRONG, BE COURAGEOUS. Carry My promises as BANNERS of VICTORY and TRIUMPH into the battle. WE WIN!”
ISAIAH 28: 5, 6 “In that day, Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, will be a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty for the remnant of His people. He will be a Spirit of justice for judges to render right decisions. And He will be strength and bravery for those who turn back the battle at the gate.” (TPT)

Diana Larkin - PROVE ME NOW… - May 12, 2023

“I AM giving you PERMISSION to ask Me to PROVE to you that ALL I have PROMISED you will COME TO PASS. Does that seem SCANDALOUS to you that you would ask Me for PROOFS that what I have promised you is going to come to pass? Because what I have promised you is SURE and TRUE and because I AM FAITHFUL and POWERFUL, I AM INVITING you to CALL FORTH the LIVING, BREATHING PROOFS of what I’ve said will happen. CALL FORTH INDICTMENTS of the wicked, CALL FORTH RIGHTEOUS JUDGES to rule in those cases. Say to Me, “SHOW FORTH YOUR POWER, O, LORD, and REMOVE WICKED and COMPROMISED JUDGES and LEADERS!’ With one voice cry to Me, ‘CLOSE the mouth of LYING LEVIATHAN and BIND IT SHUT!’ Say, ‘PROVE Your promises of HEALING, and let it MANIFEST in our bodies, our families, our Nation.’ FAITH requires BOLDNESS, and I AM telling you to be BOLD in your faith and to CALL IN the FULFILLMENT I have promised you. You will not OFFEND Me with BOLD FAITH—it will DELIGHT My heart to hear you call in the PROOF of My PROMISES. This is not an ANGRY DEMANDING; it is a CALLING FORTH the MANIFESTATION of what you’ve come to believe—that I AM a GOOD, GOOD FATHER. This kind of BOLD FAITH will MOW DOWN enemy opposition, and My fulfillment will come FLOODING IN. PROVE ME NOW that I AM a FAITHFUL, GOOD, and POWERFUL God.”

Joy of the Lord - Prophetic Word: I AM coming, with a vengeance against ALL WHO ARE AGAINST ME!!! - May 10, 2023

I got this word like and the spirit was I was it was such a strong powerful word … and so and so when I when I said well you haven’t even given me any Scripture yet and Isaiah 54. just Isaiah 54 ….. he dropped it as I’m the holy spirit said and I was like okay so I stopped grinding coffee and then I went and grabbed my Bible and I read Isaiah 54. … The New Living Translation whatever I’m single childless woman break out into loud and joyful song Jerusalem or she who has abandoned she who was abandoned has more blessings now than the whole.Then she who whose husband stayed in larger house build an addition spread out your home. For you will soon be bursting at the scenes and your descendants will possess the city’s Left Behind during the Exile and rule the Nations that took their lands. Fear not you will no longer live in shame the shame of your. Youth and the Sorrows of your widowhood will be remembered no more for your creator will be your husband the Lord of hosts is his name he is your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel and God of all the Earth. For the Lord has called you back from your grief a young wife abandoned by her husband. For a brief moment I abandon you but with great compassion. I will gather you in a moment of anger I turned my face a little while. But with everlasting love I will have pity on you says the Lord your Redeemer.

Just as in the time of Noah I swore that I would never again permit the Waters of a flood to cover the Earth and Destroy its life. So now I swear that I will never again pour out my anger on you as I have as I have during this exile. For the mountains May depart and the hills disappear but my kindness shall not leave you. My promise of Peace for you will never be broken, says the Lord who has mercy upon you. Oh my Afflicted people Tempest tossed and troubled I will rebuild you on a foundation of sapphires and make the walls of your houses from precious jewels I will make your towers of sparkling a gate and your Gates and walls of shining gems and all your citizens shall be taught by me and their prosperity shall be great you will live under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away you will have you will live in peace Terror shall not come near. If any Nation comes to fight you I will it will not be sent by me to punish you. Therefore it will be it will be routed. For I am on your side. I have created the Smith who blows the coals beneath the forge and makes the weapons of Destruction. And as I created the armies that destroyed but in that coming day no weapon turned against you shall succeed. Ad you will and you will have Justice against every courtroom lie this is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord this is the blessing I have given you says the Lord.  

Okay so that’s Isaiah 54: and so now I’m going to read the word I got it in the five um I got it on 5-9 2023 at 8 59 A.M and um like I said the spirit hit me so hard I just I noted this down the spirit. I’m so large that my so hard my legs were trembling so much I had to drop to my knees. And so this is what he says for I the spirit of the Lord say to you this day. I’m coming with a Vengeance against all who are against me yes your time is up and has come to an end I am done with all of you who are all wait sorry I am I am done with all that you are and all that you have done to my children ,says the Lord. For I say I am the I am and I can handle all that you have done and all that you are doing. But when you mess with my children and my little ones that sorry with my little ones tht cannot defend themselves this is where I draw the line I am coming for you says the Lord. So he’s talking to his enemies right there to our enemies and he’s talking about his kids his children us and the little children. So he’s he’s a little ticked. I can tell he’s a little he’s ticked my children now he’s talking to us my children Hold On Tight to me as I take down every single one of my enemies.

My Fury is coming to destroy them all. Not just some no all of them. And that was all in bold when I say hold on tight I mean this is the time to be in my presence like never before. You will need you will need me and all that I am to keep you in a peace to keep you in peace during this takedown. I have had enough says the Lord. You my children my strong and courageous Remnant have moved my heart which has moved my hand. Your shouts please and decrees have touched my throne and now that’s in bold I am coming to your rescue. This rescue mission may look a bit chaotic. But know that I am with you in the chaos. Don’t put your trust in the things of this world. Put all your trust in me and that was in bold and you will not be moved. For this is the time says the Lord. That the big changes I’ve talked about for so long will start to manifest. These changes will destroy and I mean annihilate the plans of the wicked ones. These ruthless evil Godless these evil ruthless Godless ones working for their loser defeated foe of a God Satan are finished. Huh they are finished says the Lord. Get with me my people get with me as these ones will fight on their way down. Yes Kicking and Screaming my children. This this will cause them to react with more bad behavior that will try to hurt you with no avail. It will look bad but will not harm you as I have you in the palm of my hand. Stay close to me children and you will find peace and rest in the mess, says the Lord. I am coming my children I am coming so get ready for me get your dancing shoes on and break out your tambourines as celebrations will break out throughout the land. Start singing your Victory songs your Victory and Freedom Is On The Way, says the Lord your God. Maker of heaven and Earth and my son Yeshua Jesus Christ in the name of my son Yeshua Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen amen and amen.

Diana Larkin - WHEN I ARISE FROM MY THRONE - May 11, 2023

*I received a short but powerful vision this morning. I saw the Throne Room of Heaven with the Father seated on His Throne. As I watched, He arose from His Throne, and I saw and heard tremendous power thundering out from Him, as He did the simple act of arising. The power kept rolling out until it began to shake the earth.
*”I AM ARISING FROM MY THRONE with GREAT PURPOSE. As My TREMENDOUS POWER ROLLS OUT FROM MY ARISING, you will see Me FULFILL all My PROMISES to you. The POWER from MY ARISING will bring DREAD and SHOCK to My enemies, as My RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENTS hit them like a FREIGHT TRAIN. All the BRIBED JUDGES and JURIES will be hit with a FORCE that UNCOVERS the TRUTH and all the money they have received for giving UNJUST JUDGMENTS will be TAKEN from them. They will face SHAME, LOSS, and TRUE JUDGEMENT and JUSTICE will SLAM into them. The RIPPLE of POWER FROM MY ARISING will hit the LYING MEDIA and LEADERS in their MOUTHS. My SUDDEN PRESENCE in their midst will cause their ARROGANT CONFIDENCE to be SHAKEN. They will find themselves STUTTERING, STAMMERING, and in their PANIC WRONG WORDS will come out of their mouths that will EXPOSE the TRUTH and will BRING DOWN the HOUSE of CARDS stacked against you. WAVES of POWER FROM MY ARISING will SLAM into the HIDDEN places in the earth, BREAKING OPEN the hiding places of GREAT RICHES and the BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN they have EXPLOITED. BOOM! Those who EXPLOITED your WEALTH and your CHILDREN will be SHAMED and EXPOSED before the world. The peoples will CRY OUT for JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and these dark ones will receive it in FULL MEASURE. My Army of Light, continue to CALL on Me to ARISE FROM MY THRONE and to RELEASE My GREAT POWER into the earth, and you will witness what happens as I ARISE FROM MY THRONE.”

Wings of Prophecy Blog - 2023

Diana Larkin - WORTH THE WAIT - May 10, 2023

ISAIAH 26:8b, 9 “He will remove every trace of disgrace that His people have suffered throughout the world, for the Lord Yahweh has promised it! In that day they will say, ‘Behold! This is our God! We’ve waited for Him, and He saved us! This One, the Lord Yahweh—He is worth the wait! We will keep shouting with joy as we find our bliss in His salvation-kiss!’” (TPT)
“When the moment of the Red Sea RESCUE happens, you will say with ALL your heart, ‘HE IS WORTH THE WAIT!’ When the MAGNITUDE of EVIL is EXPOSED that was set AGAINST you, the REALIZATION will dawn that the RESCUE had to be set up FULLY if you were to be SAVED and DELIVERED. It will be WORTH THE WAIT! Your FRUSTRATIONS at how LONG it has taken to SET UP and to completely EXECUTE the RESCUE OPERATION will be WASHED AWAY, as your eyes are FULLY OPENED to the EVIL WEB and COMPROMISED LEADERS that were everywhere. When JUDGMENT and JUSTICE fall in a MASSIVE SUDDENLY and you see the leaders of darkness DEPOSED and IMPRISONED, you will see the BRILLIANCE of the WAIT for just the RIGHT TIME. You are going to see Me RESCUE you and your Nation, you are going to CELEBRATE, and you will declare, HE IS WORTH THE WAIT!’”

Diana Larkin - STEP INTO GRACE - May 8, 2023

“This is the APPOINTED TIME for My Sons and Daughters to ARISE and to FUNCTION in Kingdom RULE and AUTHORITY. Idolatry and darkness have come in like a FLOOD to try and STOP this APPOINTED TIME because they know the POWER and AUTHORITY My Sons and Daughters carry. They know if My people AWAKEN to who they are in Me that darkness will LOSE ITS GRIP on your world and its INFLUENCE will GREATLY WEAKEN as LIGHT, GLORY, and POWER move through My blood-bought ones. DISLODGING these dark powers will bring SHAKINGS as evil EMPIRES and SYSTEMS FALL, but those who WALK with Me will be INVITED TO STEP INTO GRACE. This EXTRAORDINARY GRACE will carry you through the UPHEAVALS surrounded by My LOVE and PROVISION. It will be like you are being LIFTED UP and CARRIED on My WINGS OVER the TURMOIL and the CHAOS of the FALLING darkness. As EXPOSURE after EXPOSURE comes, people will be STARTLED AWAKE and realize that who they were TRUSTING was a COMPLETE LIE and that your ‘CONSPIRACIES’ were FACTS. They will be open to you helping them STEP INTO GRACE and a life of SUPERNATURAL PROVISION and PROTECTION. STEP INTO GRACE, and I will show Myself FAITHFUL and TRUE, as we SOAR together into VICTORY.”

Diana Larkin - CHASING YOUR TAIL - May 7, 2023

“Have you ever seen an animal CHASING ITS TAIL? It’s quite amusing, but it is an EXERCISE in FUTILITY. I want to be sure as you go through this season of EVER-CHANGING CIRCUMSTANCES and UNKNOWN OUTCOMES that the enemy does not DECEIVE you into CHASING YOUR OWN TAIL. CHASING your own TAIL results in FRANTIC MIND GAMES that leave you EXHAUSTED and full of STRIFE and WORRY. The enemy knows where your FAITH IS WEAK, and he will make sure you FRANTICALLY try to PREPARE for the UNKNOWN FUTURE using MAN’S SOLUTIONS to PROTECT yourself. Problem is, man’s solutions can be CONTRADICTORY and then WHOM do you BELIEVE? What do you do to PROTECT your FINANCES, your FAMILY, your NATION from the darkness that seeks to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY? TAKE A DEEP BREATH and KNOW that I AM YOUR GOD. I AM FAITHFUL, POWERFUL, and TRUE; and I will not leave you as ORPHANS, FLOUNDERING without GUIDANCE and DIRECTION for your future. You have INSTANT, 24/7 ACCESS to the WISEST and MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE COUNSELOR in the Universe. He is a FINANCIAL GENIUS, SUPREME MILITARY STRATEGIST, and the safest STRONGHOLD in existence. If you ask Holy Spirit for GUIDANCE and HELP, HE WILL GIVE IT! He will LEAD you into PATHS of PEACE, and you will make DECISIONS from PEACE and FAITH and not from ANXIETY or STRIFE. Because I interact with you as an INDIVIDUAL, your PREPARATION for the future may not look like other’s preparations. That is because I know EXACTLY what you will REQUIRE. The MOST IMPORTANT PREPARATION you can make for your future is to DRAW EVER CLOSER to Me so that I can DIRECT all your ways and LEAD you into PATHS of PLENTY and PEACE. Be sure that you LISTEN to My VOICE above all others, and you will be SAVED from CHASING YOUR OWN TAIL in CONFUSION and WORRY. Put your HAND in My hand, place your HEART into My heart, and I will be your WISDOM, your PROTECTION, and your PEACE.”

Diana Larkin - WHO HAS THE WINNING HAND?- May 5, 2023

“The ARROGANT ELITE thought they were playing a game of POKER with Me, and they thought they had a WINNING HAND that I could not OVERCOME. They were BLINDED to the fact that I held TWO UNBEATABLE CARDS: My TRUMP CARD and My CARD OF FURY. I AM laying down those cards on the table, and the world will see My TRUMP CARD TRIUMPH and My CARD OF FURY being UNLEASHED against those of darkened hearts and DEATH AGENDAS. The enemy LIED to them and CONVINCED them that they had SUPERIOR POWER over the Light. Watch the SHOCKED LOOKS and listen to the STAMMERING LIPS of those partnered with darkness as I LAY DOWN My FURY CARD, and it UNLEASHES all of Heaven against them. My STORM OF GREAT FURY is coming against ALL their STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING. It will WIPE OUT all they have done and all they have planned to do against the CHILDREN. The children are My HOLY HERITAGE, and I will ARISE IN FURY to DEFEND them and to WIPE OUT their DESTROYERS. I will supply HEALING and RECOMPENSE to the children for all they have SUFFERED, and they will ARISE AS KINGDOM SONS AND DAUGHTERS, filled with My GLORY and My LOVE. What the enemy meant to DESTROY, I will EXALT, and I will use it to WIPE OUT the DEATH AGENDAS of the darkness. When My FURY CARD hits the table, GREAT POWER will be released. Things will look CHAOTIC and WILD, as My FURY STRIKES all their STRONGHOLDS and brings them DOWN. TERROR will fill their hearts as I COLLAPSE all their SYSTEMS; but you will NOT FEAR because you will see events from My PERSPECTIVE, and you will know that I DESTROY and ROOT OUT in order to PLANT and REBUILD what is JUST and RIGHTEOUS. When the STORM OF FURY has done her work, the enemy will be FLATTENED. Righteousness and glory will fill the Land, as we REBUILD together on LIGHT and LIFE. Truly, the AWE of who I AM will fill the atmosphere, and My PROMISES will be FULFILLED.”

Pepe Lives Matter - April - May , 2023

Diana Larkin - THE TORCH OF TRUTH - May 4, 2023

“I’m about to get the ATTENTION of the world TURNED to Me, as I SHAKE, QUAKE, BREAK, and SEND SHOCK WAVES of EXPOSURE in your Nation and throughout the world. The Church was meant to be the LIGHTHOUSE to the world—WARNING of the DANGERS of DARKNESS and SHINING My TRUTH brightly to show the way of SAFETY and BLESSING. Many in the Church FELL PREY to Leviathan’s ACCUSING THREATS, and their light was HIDDEN and COMPROMISED by INTIMIDATION and by TOLERATING SIN. Lies from the enemy ATE UP more and more truth until darkness COVERED the Land. But I LIT A FIRE of TRUTH in My Remnant, and their TORCHES began to LIGHT FIRES across the Nation, and a STIRRING and an AWAKENING to TRUTH began. The darkness PANICKED at these LIGHTS that they have not been able to CONTROL or to PUT OUT and so they began a MASSIVE PUSH to take over before your lights could SPREAD. That is why I AM ARISING, and I AM MOVING in GREAT POWER to UNCOVER all their LIES, CORRUPTION, and PERVERSION. For those still TOTALLY or PARTIALLY caught up in BELIEVING Leviathan’s TWISTED LIES, these coming SHAKINGS will be TERRIFYING. For you, My Army of Light, you will understand what I AM doing, and you will RAISE YOUR TORCH of TRUTH and GUIDE people into the SAFE HARBOR of My TRUTH, My PROTECTION, and My GOODNESS. This is why it is so important for you to SEEK Me with ALL of your HEART so that your TORCH STAYS BURNING brightly. The enemy seeks to PUT OUT your LIGHT by sending LIES, DOUBTS, STRIFE, and DISTRACTING CIRCUMSTANCES into your life. BOOMERANG these tactics BACK into the enemy’s camp and HOLD HIGH your TORCH of TRUTH. Keep your TORCH BURNING brightly by CONNECTING your heart with My heart everyday. RECEIVE My LOVE, STRENGTH, HOPE, and PEACE, and you will SHINE BRIGHTLY for Me.”


“I AM declaring this as a season where ALL REBELLION WILL BE OVERTHROWN. The REBELLION I’m speaking about is the kind that is directed at Me—a REFUSAL to ACKNOWLEDGE Me as God, it chooses to EXALT YOUR WAYS ABOVE MY WAYS, and it REFUSES to BELIEVE that My HEART is GOOD. When you DECIDE your ways and thoughts are ABOVE Mine, then you are in REBELLION and PRIDE. These are the very sins that caused Satan to FALL and when you JOIN in his thinking, then you OPEN yourself up to his INFLUENCE. You will BELIEVE his LIES because they FEED your PRIDE, and you will find yourself FURTHER and FURTHER from the Kingdom of LIGHT, and DEEPER and DEEPER into DARKNESS, CORRUPTION, and PERVERSION. When you REFUSE to ACKNOWLEDGE Me as God of LIGHT and TRUTH, you OPEN yourself up to SERVING DARKNESS, DEEP DARKNESS, and GROSS DARKNESS. Your Land has been INFILTRATED by those who are now in GROSS DARKNESS. Because you are CRYING OUT for JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS for your Land and because you have SWORN ALLEGIANCE to My KINGDOM through the BLOOD of My Son, I will now ARISE and ALL REBELLION WILL BE OVERTHROWN. Ask the Holy Spirit to SEARCH OUT your own heart for any areas of REBELLION; REPENT, APPLY the BLOOD of My Son to cover the sin, and ask for the TRUTH to be REVEALED to you. All REBELLION is BASED ON LIES. SURRENDER your heart to My Son who is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. You will receive FULFILLMENT and BLESSING; while those of the darkness who are in DEEP REBELLION WILL BE OVERTHROWN. Join the NEW DAY of TRUTH that is DAWNING over your Land.”

Jonathan Cahn - Was Tucker Carlson Actually Removed By The Spirits? - May 02, 2023

I open up in the return of the Gods the book I just wrote first behind the gods of the Pagan world are Spirits in Hebrew they’re called the shadim in Greek they’re called the diamonia. We get the word demon second Jesus gave the parable about a man who’s delivered from a demonic Spirit. But the spirit goes back into the man with seven other spirits and the man is repossessed. And more so than before the warning for America and Western Civilization is this.  Any Nation any culture any civilization that has been cleansed delivered of such things as in the Spirits by the power of God the word the gospel Jesus. If it should ever turn away from God empty itself of God it will not remain empty. The spirits that were cast out of it will come back into it the ancient Spirits. The gods will return to repossess the culture and that’s exactly what’s happening to America. That’s exactly what’s happening to the West. As it’s been emptying itself of God the spirits the gods the Demonic Powers have returned and they are repossessing our culture. …

In the book identify three primary ancient gods or spirits that are actually now repossessing our culture even our children the dark Trinity. The first is called the possessor. The seconds called the enchantress. The third is called the Destroyer. The first the possessor turns a nation that has known God away from God from a judeo-christian nation into a pagan one. It’s happening. The second the enchantress seduces a culture through the realm of sexuality. She sexualizes a culture she destroys marriage. It’s happening. The third the destroyer causes parents to kill their children. It’s happening. Over 64 million children in America killed before they take their first breath. And I open up the mystery of the enchantress. Another one she has another side the return of the Gods. I put in the ancient inscriptions that reveal that she bends the lines of gender turns a man into a woman. A woman into a man. She takes possession of a culture. It’s happening. She would cause men to parade in the city streets dressed up as women. She would especially possess a culture for one month the month of June or tamos and she’s linked to the sign of the rainbow. Well it’s all happening. What does this have to do with the removal of Tucker Carlson? …

There is something bigger and deeper and darker at work the return of the Gods I wrote about what happens when the gods or Spirits returned to a culture a nation. At first you start hearing about tolerance do your own thing. It’s just a strategy for the spirits to open the door of a judeo-christian civilization get in the door. But once they get in the door once they start gaining power in the culture that a change begins to take place. We move from a culture of toleration to a culture of cancellation. That’s what always happens when the gods the spirits take over a culture. It’s every knee shall bow to the new Gods. Every tongue will confess to the new religion. The ideology the wokism. And if you don’t the spirits will come after you they’ll seek to marginalize you, vilify, deplatform you, cancel you, silence you, eliminate you. It’s what happened when the gods took over Israel in the times of Ahab and Jezebel. It’s happening now. …

There is something bigger and deeper and darker at work the return of the Gods I wrote about what happens when the gods or Spirits returned to a culture a nation. At first you start hearing about tolerance do your own thing. It’s just a strategy for the spirits to open the door of a judeo-christian civilization get in the door. But once they get in the door once they start gaining power in the culture that a change begins to take place. We move from a culture of toleration to a culture of cancellation. That’s what always happens when the gods the spirits take over a culture. It’s every knee shall bow to the new Gods. Every tongue will confess to the new religion. The ideology the wokism. And if you don’t the spirits will come after you they’ll seek to marginalize you, vilify, deplatform you, cancel you, silence you, eliminate you. It’s what happened when the gods took over Israel in the times of Ahab and Jezebel. It’s happening now. …


I’m quoting from the book conservatives would also be targeted the reason was simple conservatives sought to conserve the gods or the spirits seek to overturn Tucker Carlson stood in

their way he became the most prominent conservative voice of America’s national

media against their agenda. And if you’ve noticed in more recent days he’s been getting deeper more and more he’s saying that behind what’s happening in America is something spiritual. … Recently he gave a speech at the Heritage Foundation and he went even further in unmasking the gods or the spirits he basically said the forces that are taking over America and the conflict we’re all in isn’t natural. It’s spiritual he said none of this makes sense this is a quote in conventional political terms. What you’re watching is not a political movement it’s evil he said. I’ll put it in non-political or rather non-specific theological terms and the return of the Gods. I speak of the connection between abortion and the Destroyer God who ordained child sacrifice. Now Is possessing our culture. ….

Shelly Mosley - A shift is coming. - April 29, 202

I heard in December (21, 2022) and so the Lord had me sit on it for a while and um he’s having me release it today. … My children for I the Lord your God have begun a shifting as shifting is taking place and it will be uncomfortable for a short time. I have already promised you that what comes will not last long. But it must be done for your good. A shifting of power political, and spiritual, will happen. A shifting of leadership in many places will take place. For I set Kings and I remove them. And a shifting in this realm is happening. Think it not strange when you hear of many strange deaths in leadership worldwide. Think it not strange when you see many continue to step down from places of power. Where I am removing many in this hour I will set who I want and where I want them. I have warned and warned you of one more attempt against you my people. I have told you that it will look like as though you’ve lost. It will appear that I have left you. Never my children no never. It is then that I will come from out of nowhere and rescue you my people. I will do what I said I would do for I am not a man that shall lie no I am the truth of all truths.

Be encouraged this day because your lives as you know it are about to change forever. I do not come quietly my children. I come as a roaring lion the lion of the tribe of Judah. Your wicked leaders will soon you will soon see no more. Those who are who have continued in their disgraceful acts against my innocent people will soon hear me roaring in their ears. It will be a sound that will terrify them to their very souls and shake them to their very core. I have offered many chances of repentance. Many, many, chances did I give but most refused my mercy and turned a stiff neck to my offer. I warned many times I warned and yet they refused in their arrogance to repent. The time is now over they will now reap what they have sown. In a whirlwind they will reap a bitter Harvest as it lands in heaps upon their heads. You will soon see these treacherous villains no more. I am going all the way to the top. Those in powerful places will be knocked off their High Horses. The Wicked plans they had against you my children will now chase them down. The hunters have become the hunted. Everything around you will appear chaotic. But know that in that in the midst of the storm I am there my children. I am with you through it all. There is nothing that I won’t do for you my children keep standing in faith.

Stand in faith at all I say because great will be your reward when you do. Stand strong stand in faith. Stand up for what’s right and do not back down. For I have not given you a spirit of fear. But of power love and a sound mind. You are powerful in me my children I gave you the power you needed to defeat my enemy that attempts to attack you. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You are not helpless orphans, no, you are powerful children of God Almighty . You have not lost no you have won a Victorious win. A triumphant when you have won for I have won it for you. The battle was never yours but mine. For I do not turn a blind eye to my faithful children crying out. I do not turn a deaf ear to your needs. No, I answer you and never turn away from you. You are my faithful and my faithful will be rewarded. There is great reward in standing. There is a great reward in faith. For it for in it comes blessings that you cannot contain. I have always longed to bless my children to give you as a father gives in love.

There is much to be celebrated as you end your calendar year much indeed. All things as you know them will change suddenly and suddenly and in suddenly moment is all. I need my children there is a strange wind blowing through your Land O United States strange to you. But think it not strange as the Winds of Change blow and blow they will. They will blow in a change for your good. You are about to be Freer than you’ve ever thought possible. Freer than the freedoms you have now. Unprecedented freedoms are coming your way. My children all that’s been plotted and planned for your demise will not affect you. No, they will have a boomerang effect on your oppressors. Their plots and schemes will land on their own heads. For when they did all they’ve done in secret it was not in secret at all. I saw it all and I know their level of wickedness is great. Not so far away but soon very soon they will reap an evil Harvest. Many will be found dead where they lay. Many will fall where they stand. Many will lose their minds as the torment of their vile ways torments them.

I am removing and replacing. I am plucking up to replant and replant I will with those who I want planted I will Replant. Watch as laws are passed to help you and for the help of the children. I Am shifting and the shift will move with momentum. Do not stop standing my children do not step away and lose Faith because it appears you have lost. No, standing near to my side and under my wings of divine protection is where you need to be. I will not let you slip and fall. I’ve got you in my tower of protection. All that is coming for the evil ones the ones who stood on your neck. The ones who kept the truth of many things hidden from you all that is chasing down your enemies. It will not affect you oh my children you are in Goshen as the plagues fall upon those evil Egyptians. When you see what I do all around you stand on my word of Psalm 91. Many will fall around you that you will not be touched you are protected. I will pass over you just as the angel of death passed over those who were mine in Egypt. I will pass over you with great care as those around you fall. When I see the blood I pass over . Do not be afraid do not be moved by what you see and hear my children. Appearances are tricky they are merely for optics to incite fear and to try to cause submission from your evil leaders.

The truth will flood out at a rate so fast they won’t be able to stop it. Know me and know what my word says come into fellowship with me I will not refuse you. I will welcome you with loving arms my children what was meant for your harm I will turn it all around for your good. It will be shifted in your favor hold on a little longer everything is being turned right side up. And soon you will see why it had to be this way. The Obedience of faith is what is required of you as you enter into the time ahead.


“The world may feel like it’s COMING APART to those who have not STOOD with Me and BELIEVED My PROMISES, but to you, My Remnant, My Army of Light, it will be A SEASON OF BLESSING AND DISCOVERY. As the world CHURNS and TURNS under My mighty hand of RESCUE and DELIVERANCE and man’s systems FAIL, you will find ABUNDANCE and a DEEP SECURITY in My FATHERHOOD. As you DISCOVER the DEPTHS of darkness and turn to Me for COMFORT and HOPE, you will DISCOVER GREATER DEPTHS of My LOVE and POWER, and you will KNOW that I AM GOOD. I long to DEMONSTRATE My GOODNESS to you, so I AM INVITING you to ASK for it and to BELIEVE that you will receive EVERYTHING and MORE than I PROMISED you. UNITY, BLESSING, PEACE, and PROVISION are in your future. It is rolling in as surely as the ocean’s tide—A SEASON OF BLESSING AND DISCOVERY.”

PROPHECY/VISION-- THE SPIGOT _ U B Ready - May 1, 2023

Th word he spoke to me from the Lord on this Spigot is being turned on right now. …The Lord says the spigot is being turned on get ready for it to flow says the Lord. After hearing that word I began seeking and asking the Lord what it meant and if it had anything to do with the two rivers on Friday April 28th. During my prayer time the Lord gave me a vision of the spigot and I have drawn out what I saw and this is the vision the scene opened up to a side view of God’s throne it was very bright and I was only able to make out the outline of the lower portion of the throne but no other details the upper portion was too bright for me to be able to see anything. As I look closer I saw a giant spigot that appeared as if it was plugged into the front lower portion of the throne it was also bright but I could make out the spigot and the handle portion on the top. I then saw a large hand extend out from the throne and touch the handle of the spigot and start to turn it on what first began to flow out of the spigot looked like very dark cloudy dirty looking water.

I saw it flow down onto all the people who were below the water kept flowing and created a large pool or area of water which became deep and began to cover all the people. I saw the word spelled out in the flow of the Dark Water they were judgment darkness gloominess and some other words that I wasn’t quick enough to write down. Then suddenly I saw the dark water that was flowing from this big it began to change its appearance turning from dark and dirty. To now clear and clean as it continued to change over it became more and more clear until it was crystal clear and sparkling in the clear water. I saw the words Glory Jesus healing love Faith and more I heard the Lord say to me this is that spoken of by my servant. I ask about the flow from the spigot and he said the flow is not a triple but a flood. I then saw that some of the people who were almost covered in the pool of dark water began to rise up.

They appeared to be rising and floating above the pool of Dark Water up into the flow of clear water. However this was only a small portion of the people as the majority of the people remain covered in the Dark Water. Today Sunday April 30th during my prayer time the Lord spoke this word to me that goes with the vision he had shown me. The name of this word is the spigot John 7 verses 37 and 38. In the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water and this is the word my son I have shown you. What you ask my servant shared the word I gave him for you for I have turned on the spigot from my throne do not fear the judgments for those I have chosen will float above the judgments. As a cork does on water my judgments have been flowing and many in my body are too blind to see. And know the times they are in many in my body will not float above the judgments. Bbut will drown in the turmoil.

My son prepare my Remnant to receive the glory that will flow from this spigot They will receive a flood of my glory and walk as shining beacons in an ever increasing flood of judgments. Prepare your hearts to walk in ways that have never been seen my Remnant who I have been grooming for this time will walk in the power of my spirit touching my very throne. Fear not my Remnant for the things coming upon this world for evil men with evil Hearts will try to subdue and Crush my remnan. Some in my body will turn against my chosen remnant. They will mock scorn and eventually cause some of you to be killed. This persecution is now being birthed and will come to fruition in the days ahead. Stand strong my Remnant for your training has been extensive and hard. Yet you will rise above the judgments my son tell my Remnant to soak up the glory. Tell my Remnant to be ready in a moment’s notice to reach the loss and to continue to preach the truth on media venues while available.

The economy is ready to implode. Shout to my people to repent and to not allow the love of money to corrupt them be ready for Anarchy and bloody Civil War as the corrupt government moves on its people. Be prepared to share the Gospel to the lost and fear not any reprisals for I Am With You. I love you all it’s time to step under the spigot and let my glory. Fill you Shalom the father.

Diana Larkin - OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB THEY DID WEAVE - April 30, 2023

“The darkness has been ever so CRAFTY and SCHEMING, carrying out their plans slowly, WEAVING THEIR DARK WEB patiently over the years. The WEB they wove became MASSIVE and ENTANGLED every area of society, spreading DECEPTION, DELUSION, and DESTRUCTION. If My Remnant, My Army of Light, had not CRIED out to Me, your way of life would have been DESTROYED and years of DARKNESS would have DESCENDED on your world. Because your CRIES for DELIVERANCE came into My ears, I will ARISE and SAVE you and your lands. You have borne SCORN and DERISION because the ASLEEP Church and DELUDED world could not believe your WARNING CALLS and your CRIES for PRAYERS to Me for a GREAT DELIVERANCE. HOLD ON, Army of Light, because in the end, you will be recognized as TRUTH-TELLERS and VALIANT WARRIORS who held the line until My RESCUE OPERATION unfolded. As for the darkness who WOVE the SINISTER WEB of EVIL, carefully spinning it so far out that no one would SUSPECT they were the SOURCE, will be SHOCKED as I QUICKLY UNRAVEL the WEB, and it leads back DIRECTLY to them. Oh, the SHOCKED LOOK on their faces as years of DECEPTION and COVER-UPS are SUDDENLY brought under the BRIGHT LIGHT of My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. As I UNWEAVE THIS WEB, ALL will be EXPOSED from GREATEST to the LEAST. Your day of TRIUMPH and VINDICATION is coming, Army of Light! OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB THEY DID WEAVE; but, oh what a POWERFUL hand is come to DESTROY it. Do not be WEARY in well-doing, Army, but PRESS INTO MY HEART, BELIEVE MY PROMISES, and DELIGHT in My GOODNESS.”

Wings of Prophecy Blog - April, 26, 28, 29, 2023

Diana Larkin - A DAY OF REJOICING - April 29 2023

“After I UNCOVER the major DARKNESS that has ENSLAVED your Nation, a grateful people will join in A DAY OF REJOICING. The UNCOVERING that I do will SHAKE EVERYONE AWAKE and no one will throw the words ‘CONSPIRACY THEORY’ at you anymore. This is going to be a DRASTIC SHAKING because it is needed to BREAK the MESMERIZING spirit that has kept them in darkness. The SHAKINGS may look HARSH, but it is My MERCY at work to DELIVER those who do not know they need to be DELIVERED, and it is My POWER coming to bring a RESCUE to those CRYING OUT for it. Again, I ASSURE you that the SHAKINGS are for the darkness—to UNCOVER and to DESTROY it; you, My very own, will be PROTECTED under the shadow of My wings. Be prepared to be AMAZED at My POWER DISPLAYED and to REJOICE at My PROMISES FULFILLED. AWAKENED people will GRATEFULLY FLOOD into My KINGDOM, and that will also bring about A DAY OF REJOICING—SAVED in this lifetime from darkness and SAVED for ETERNITY to FOREVER DWELL in My LIGHT. It is coming…A DAY OF REJOICING.”

Diana Larkin - BEAUTY FROM THE STORM - April 28 2023

“When you look back at this time in your life, you will remember the BATTLES and the STORM you went through, but you will also see the DEPOSITS OF TREASURE AND BEAUTY that I WOVE into your life. Yes, I have promised many physical BLESSINGS for your life, as I FREE you from the DARK SLAVERY and DESTRUCTION; but the REAL ETERNAL TREASURE you receive will be that your HEART has become ONE with Mine. No one can ever STEAL the JOY of BELONGING to each other…forever! You will also carry the BONDS you formed with those you fought by the side of in the Army of Light. BONDS FORGED in TRIAL, STRUGGLE, DOUBT, AND MUTUAL SUPPORT of each other. When you look back at this difficult season, you will see this part of your life has become a BEAUTIFUL, INTRICATELY WOVEN part of the fabric of your life. You will see GOLDEN THREADS running through it—My GLORY WOVEN into your life. As SUPERNATURAL and EPIC EVENTS unfold, keep Me as the FOCUS of your HEART and your FAITH, and you will develop GREAT BEAUTY FROM THE STORM.”

Diana Larkin - IMMENSE POWER SET IN MOTION - April 27 2023

“Do you understand that I CREATED the MIGHTY OCEAN through My SPOKEN WORD? A very SMALL PORTION of My power was released, and your VAST, EVER-MOVING WATERS were created. Let this picture help you to REALIZE My IMMENSE POWER and that NOTHING I set IN MOTION can be STOPPED by man’s hand nor by the PLOTS and DEVIOUS WAYS of a PUNK, FALLEN ANGEL. I gave man, the crown of My creation, DOMINION over the earth, and I will not VIOLATE MAN’S FREE WILL. When man CHOOSES to PARTNER with Me to bring about My WILL and My WAYS, we become an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE OF LIGHT against the darkness. As long as you CONTINUE to CALL ON Me to RESCUE your Land and you use your AUTHORITY, won for you by My Son, then NOTHING can stand in our way of DEFEATING and DETHRONING the STOLEN POWER of evil in your Nation. As SURE as the waves CRASH into the shore, so SURE is My RESCUE OPERATION. It will CONSUME and OVERPOWER the BOASTING darkness and bring it to NOTHING. My IMMENSE POWER IS BEING UNLEASHED on your behalf. Be still and know that I AM your God.”

Diana Larkin - AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE - April 26 2023

“I AM telling you a day is coming (and it’s not far away) when you look around you and AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE, you will behold My GOODNESS and My PRESENCE in your world. A time of such GOODNESS and DEEP JOY that your heart will be continually FULL of My PEACE and My PRESENCE with you. Your DESIRES for your own life, for your family’s lives, for your nations will be FULFILLED—beyond your EXPECTATIONS. So what are a few days of SILENCE and events COMING TO A CRISIS POINT compared to the JOY of promises fulfilled that are coming to you? These BRIEF DAYS of TENSION while darkness is ROUNDED UP and DEFEATED will result in the world ACKNOWLEDGING Me as God OVER ALL. Many will come into the Kingdom through the POWERFUL BLOOD of My Son. When the world ACKNOWLEDGES Me, I POUR OUT My PRESENCE, My POWER, and My PROVISION. Goodness—AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE!”

Vicky Parnell - Wretched Babylon Your Last Breath Soon Comes - April 23, 2023

Daughter do not pray for this nation anymore I will not answer them nor hear the cries. But for those who truly love, know, and serve me. I will spare those who are mine one way or the other. But not this ungodly evil nation of Babylon. Wretched she has become in my sight, my eyes. Her whoredoms against me her holy God keeps multiplying one right after each other. My hand now moves swiftly against Babylon. Once known to me as America the brave. They’re free, they’re beautiful. You stink, your stink reaches to the heights of my heaven. Your filth is like no other people before you. I died for you even gave my life for all to go free of sins bondage. Now you shall wear the chains of bondage both in the spiritual and of the physical type. Into captivity you shall go but only after you are destroyed. Unless someone of your hours oh Babylon of old who is now Babylon of new. You shall burn and melt by hottest raging rire destruction devastation Calamity upon calamity woe upon woe. No, no food shall you have except for my holy remnant for upon the dropping of such weapons most remaining food Supplies shall be far spent within weeks. Weeks I say did you prepare for this did you hear my warnings.

So many of people so many of my people so many people including my very own begin their their preparations but because someone scoffed at them someone declared you’re being motivated by fear instead of obedience. Some of you because I do not level your nation in the timely manner you thought I should that I should move. Never taking into account that I am a god of Mercy who has moved by compassion of love you quit your preparations. Instead of seeking me first in what to do. Oh Babylon you have not long to take your last moment of free air. I strike you hard or wicked, wicked, nation who leads other nations astray with your idle Worship in immorality. If not for my Remnant who shall be left behind. I would wipe your existence off my Earth until no traces would ever be found. Not like Sodom and Gomorrah, whose remains have been discovered proving true my Swift judgment upon my sweet judgment’s hand upon these two twin and holy sisters and their fornications and whoredoms.

Come out my children come out be ye separate do not partake in her great sins. Any of our sins for Babylon America Falls and shall rise no more. This is a death of this once great nation. Those of you my spirit is calling and drawing you to come to me it’s time to decide and make your choice not only in Babylon but within your world. Antichrist is risen and soon shall display his control and power in the days to come. No longer only rolling from beneath, excuse me. Thank you Jesus thank you any Christ is risen and soon shall display his control and power in the days to come no longer only rolling from beneath the surface of the Seas and land the oceans deep my little children stay close to me and in me judgment’s hand falls hard fast and quickly delivering its devastating blows by my righteous right hand. But I shall huddle over you My children like a hen her precious little chicks . Daughter it’s time pray no longer for your ungodly Nation. Prepare for departure in me your savior Jesus Christ here are the verses Jeremiah 15 1-7, Jeremiah 7 16, Jeremiah 11 14. Hosea 7 7. Jeremiah 2 31-35 Jeremiah 11 11. Jeremiah 12 12. Revelation 18 1-9 Matthew 23 37 first Samuel 12 22. Genesis 41. Psalms 91 1-2 Corinthians 6 17. first Peter 2 9. Psalms 79 6. Jeremiah Jeremiah 5: 22-31. …

Gyn Sweet - Prophetic Word Those with the Ears to Hear - April 24, 2023

I’m just gonna go ahead and jump into it the shift is happening now. Can’t you feel it in the atmosphere? I’m moving now to bring many of my people to understand common things like influence. I’m designed to change the direction of my people and their focus. I need many to see this shift and how it will devastate many here in the United States. This year will cause many to question their faith. Their position in me because they have not held to my standards for them. This devastation will come in the form of disasters over land, housing, and crops. It will cause many to fall away from me because of their disappointment and their loss of stuff. Many I want to bring closer to me because of it. I would draw them even closer as they look for me for help. The housing market will fall as well as the building funds that many has stored up in banks and stock markets.

Where many may have placed their life savings into these areas. Out of this I will release wealth to many in the form of land, property. Where many thought that their funds were secure there will fall they will fall because I have planned that many of my people recover this loss. I haven’t placed the greed in this area nor have I called for those to take place in keeping what doesn’t belong to them. I’m causing a return of goods to come into the hands of many of my people because of this fall in Revenue. I’m bringing about change in the stock market as we know it. Because of the influence of evil and how that and how that many are stealing from my people and have done so over decades. I’m giving back to those of whom I can trust. To go forth and build my kingdom here on Earth for my people. I’m not in this project of rejecting the innocence. I’m building a secure place of revenue for many of my people for years to come. That many will will leave that many of my people would leave those who are without to plenty.

It is time for the hands of the wicked to release all that I have desired for my people to have. I have set out to remove all that’s necessary to complete the assignments ahead. Consider this, it is out of abundance that I will supply all of those who are going forward into the harvest field. Into my vineyard to recover many of my people and to speak to the lost and bring them back to me. I haven’t left out anything all will be uncovered watch and see. See the nakedness of the people in the Nations see the nakedness of those that are full of greed and have pondered. Oh we will not lose anything. See their nakedness. See their sin stay. focused in prayer and I will show you all these things to come. And it takes me to the scripture of Isaiah 26 and 3. it says those who genuinely walk who generally who generally let me get my words right. Those who genuinely are walking with God through Yeshua, the Messiah will see marvelous sights. And encounter mysteries of Heaven as God miraculously provides their provision would not just be fooled. We’re just will not just be fooled but ideas Innovations inventions and favor.

We will meet needs that no one else can meet. Daniel said it like this the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits. Now Isaiah 26 and 3 says you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon you. Because they trust in you. But those that are doing evil. Uh father God has already had a plan Jeremiah 18 and 11 excuse me therefore speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Saying thus said the Lord behold I am fashioning a disaster and devising a plan against you oh United States. Return now everyone from his evil way and make your ways and your doings good and. So father God is showing us even the more as we watch the news and see uh the devastation that’s coming. Uh that’s going from coast to coast and how things haven’t has just begun. Ad how many things will continue to play out.

Father God gave us back in 2019 the latter part all the way for the last three years to get ourselves back right with him as a body of believers as the body of Yahweh. And we turned our back as a as a whole or uh on God. We turned our backs we continue to do our conferences, our meetings. We continue to set up those uh building funds. Collecting the offering plate. We never once thought as God had allowed Covid-19 to hit the world. That we in the United States as a body of believers would just one stop and consider seeking God with our whole heart. To see what he’s doing and what we need to do. When we knew that repentance should have been on everyone’s lips. That we should have took out time to fast, and to pray, and to seek father God with earnest hearts. To see what he’s doing that we would not be where we are today. And things will continue to unfold within the body of Christ um as the days go forward. The nakedness of the Sinners will be seen across nations. Many people will see them those that have done idolatry. The sin of those leaders that will not sit down. Those the father God calls impostors. They will be put to shame and they will be bared naked. That all of their sins shall be seen by man.

And then when you talk about economics the economy and the government and how now we see that there’s so much um manipulation and deception and lies being done in dark. The meet the secret meetings that they’re having and the government and the Senate the secret meanings that they’re doing across the nations of America. Father God sees and disaster to come up on the America’s most beautiful. This woman called it the United States.The the stained drenched clothing that she wears as she sits up high Over America. Father God is saying no more shall you murder and take lives. Innocent life anymore. No more shall you hide behind religion and do your dirt behind closed doors. He is exposing everything. He’s exposing all uh things that would be covered up. Every Rock, every crevice, every mountain, and every mold Hill he’s overturning and uncovering all the sin of this nation. We as a body of believers have turned our backs on Father God as well. And so these things that are coming uh to the United States. And have come uh is the outcome of it. It’s the outcome of us turning our backs on Father God as a whole. Individually we have held our own we have sought father God. We have fasted and we have prayed and he will cover us. …

Father God showed me that in the midwest that there would be a earthquake so devastating that it would split the Earth right to left. And it would split to the point where those that live in those areas. Whether it’s the right or to the left would not be able to travel. They won’t be able to move about and they will not have electricity. So I don’t know how far deep of a depths of disaster that this earthquake. Uh what happened uh the degree of of the disaster of it. I’m not for sure but the way father God explained it to me. It’s going to be devastating and this will hit the Midwest there’s still things coming to the East Coast. There’s still things that’s crossing the the United States as we know it as far as rainfall. This year’s Harvest will not yield its uh its fruit. We would not have a harvest of any type of plant seed. They won’t germinate because of the soils being overtaken by torrential rains and flooding. Because of the mud and the um the things of this nature across the United States. So therefore uh food prices would continue to go up.

We see right now that we have mobs of people running in and out of areas uh taking a whole Walmart. Taking Mom and Pop stores this is just the beginning of this mob mentality as the dollar demise and as prices rise. There’s going to be more mob mentality Robin Hood Type people taking everything that they can to survive. With all the jobs that people are losing in this hour. They uh not having an income not being able to bring food into their homes. Not to pay their mortgage, uh their rent. There will be many that would lose housing and become homeless making the food chain and Supply even much harder. …

Farmers the farmers will suffer a great loss this year and next year. Probably is as well we’re needing to cover the farmers in prayer that revenue uh insurance payments whatever they’re needing to stabilize themselves in their households. That they will be able to have many of us God has called us to be solutions. For many people across the United States when this devastation continues to unfold. The stock market, the housing marke,t the government will crashed in such a way that the crash will be felt around the world. We haven’t seen that yet. But it’s about to happen. I really believe mid-September we will see the devastation of it all. God said mid-September and he keeps telling me mid-September something huge is happening in that in that month. But it takes us into the new year of 2024. God has shown me some things about the New Year of 2024 and I’m not going to give them as of yet I’m trying to wait for some things to unfold and the right timing to release what God is saying for 2024. but for right now I think that we all need to buckle up go into our prayer closets and cry out before father God that we uh can change the course of things through prayer. …

Diana Larkin - FROM CRANKING OUT TO CRANKY - April 24 2023

“The darkness is in a FRENZY to CRANK OUT every DARK SCHEME they’ve ever thought of. Their plan is to OVERWHELM people with FEAR and LOSS until they surrender ALL RIGHTS in order to be ‘SAFE.’ Heaven is ready to CRANK OUT MORE AND MORE HOST to COMBAT, LESSEN, DEFEAT, and BLOW BACK these plans in the faces of those partnered with darkness. You CALL FORTH the HOST to FULFILL My WILL and WORD for this hour. I want to make those who are CRANKING OUT EVIL PLANS to become the CRANKY because they find themselves CUT OFF from being able to CARRY OUT all their schemes. CRANKY enemies tend to TURN ON EACH OTHER, and they SOW DESTRUCTION into their own camp. If you will CONTINUE to PARTNER with Me in RELEASING the HOST to COUNTERACT the schemes of darkness, it will GREATLY IMPACT their DARKEST and DEADLIEST scheme they have planned. By the time they are ready to LAUNCH this DEATH AGENDA, they will be so CRANKY and DIVIDED that their plan will LOOK THREATENING and POWERFUL, but I will BLOW IT UP SUDDENLY IN THEIR FACES. In a day, I will DELIVER you from the dark hearts CRANKING out DESTRUCTION, and they will become TOTALLY CRANKY, BLAMING each other, completely EXPOSED, and thoroughly HUMILIATED. A whole lot of CRANKY TRIALS are going to go on, and your sense of JUSTICE will be SATISFIED. Then, it will be time to LEAVE the CRANKY in the PAST and MOVE ON to REBUILDING and a beautiful RESTORATION of ALL things. Keep PARTNERING with Me because a day of GREAT JOY and FREEDOM is coming. ARISE as My SONS and DAUGHTERS and BRING THAT DAY IN.”.

Last Day Messanger - "The Seven Thunders of God" - April 23, 2023

So, the Seven Thunders are the Creator yah speaking in an audible voice to the whole world. If you’re studying The Book of Revelation. If you’ve come across the seven Thunders not knowing what they are. This is what it is there was a woman who came on my Channel about a year ago and she said about the same thing with a little bit of a variation. She did mention the appointed days of Yah and I made that video like I said probably over a year now probably last March or last April. So um I put it on index cards for everybody but now where it’s a year later and this is pressing so I have to do it uh so I’m just going to continue now. Okay, the Creator Yaw does everything twice. Yah will announce Passover in an audible voice and then fulfill for the last unleavened bread. Passover and unleavened bread will be announced. We’ll hear it in an audible voice the Creator. Yah will announce Pentecost in an audible voice to the whole world and then fulfill Pentecost for the last time. The Creator Yah will announce trumpets in an audible voice to the whole world. And then fulfill trumpets for the last time the. Creator yah will announce in a voice like thunder atonement day Judgment Day. Okay, atonement day which is Judgment Day and then fulfill Judgment Day on the last generation. And as far as I know brothers and sisters we are made up of the last generation. W are of the last generation the Fig Tree generation. Okay, that’s my understanding um and fulfill Judgment Day for the second last time now that kind of threw me for a loop. So I just have to comment but it does say here Judgment Day the second time see revelation 20: verses 7 through 15. …

Diana Larkin - BLOW A TRUMPET! - April 23, 2023

“BLOW A TRUMPET! Call the SCATTERED and FEARFUL people, and ANNOUNCE to them: ‘HERE IS YOUR GOD!’ I AM come in GREAT POWER and MAJESTY to RESCUE My people and My Nation! BLOW A TRUMPET, and DECLARE to the darkness: ‘YOU ARE DEFEATED and brought to NOTHING, as My God and King STEPS ON and SQUASHES your DEVIOUS SCHEMES and with His strong right arm SWEEPS you OUT OF THE WAY of His CONQUERING MARCH.’ BLOW A TRUMPET and ANNOUNCE that days of VICTORY, TRIUMPH, and REBUILDING are on the horizon. Can you SEE the GROWING CLOUD of GLORY approaching? It is OMINOUS and TERRIBLE to the wicked, and it is BEAUTIFUL and SUPERCHARGED with My PRESENCE and POWER for My very own. BLOW A TRUMPET! Everyone come to ATTENTION! ALIGN your HEART with Mine, and SEE the coming VICTORY of Light over the darkness. CALL IT IN!”

Diana Larkin - UNLOCK THE DOOR - April 22, 2023

“Because so much of the world (including the Church) have been SEDUCED by Jezebel (self-centered living) and Leviathan (twisting, lying serpent), it is going to take some SHAKING to bring about AWAKENING. Army of Light, I want you to view these SHAKINGS from Heaven’s VIEWPOINT. Do not join in the FEAR and PANIC of the world when SYSTEMS, CORPORATIONS, and IDOLS fall. People have been TOLD that their LIVES and FINANCES DEPEND on these systems to SURVIVE. I have shown you these systems are CONTROLLED by the DARKNESS, and they ENSLAVE rather than bring FREEDOM. SHAKING people loose from these systems is not something to FEAR or DREAD. It is something you can CELEBRATE, as you have BELIEVED My PROMISES to PROVIDE ABUNDANTLY through NEW SYSTEMS founded on My WAYS and on RIGHTEOUSNESS. DO NOT BE MOVED by the SHAKINGS! Rather, REJOICE that I AM REPLACING BROKEN SYSTEMS with systems RESTORED to RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. I have promised to be the STABILITY of your TIMES, and I want you to be the PEACE and STABILITY to those in your circle of influence. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SHAKE THE WORLD AWAKE? It takes a LOVING, POWERFUL God arising from His Throne in RESPONSE to the CRIES of the Remnant, to SHAKE the world AWAKE and RID IT of FALSE GODS and ENSLAVEMENT. The SHAKING AWAKENING will bring in many to help you in CELEBRATING BRAND NEW SYSTEMS founded on FREEDOM, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE.”
ISAIAH 33:6 “He will be your constant source of stability in changing times, and out of His abundant love He gives you the riches of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. Yes, the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure!” (TPT)

Jeff Byerly - You have gone through a door and crossed a threshold in the spiritual realm - April 22, 2023

Whever has eyes to read or ears to hear pay attention to what the Lord says to you this day. You have gone through a door and cross the threshold in the spiritual Realm. I have opened a new door and closed an old one. And the world as you knew it will never go back to how it once was. Once again the chance that I have given you to repent of your wicked Ways has come up empty and fruitless you wicked generation. I have given you more time and I’ve called you time and time again through my prophets and Watchmen. Yet you blind your own eyes with multiple screens and devices of entertainment. And turn up the volume so you cannot hear the beckoning of my spirit. Thus I will again pull my hand of protection away in hope that you may call out to my name for mercy. A book of remembrance has been made for each one who cried out to me yet turned back to their sinful ways. Once again I say repent now before the fire falls. I will forgive every last ???? that comes to me now,

This soft cushy easy way of life that you now enjoy will not exist very much longer. Everything that you take for granted in your world right now you will not in the coming days. Everything that you take for granted right now you will need to believe me for. If you do not believe me for it you will not receive it. If you do not believe me and are not obedient to me you will either die or you will give in and enter the camp of the enemy. This is the time that the Saints have been chosen. I ask you this day who side will you choose? Will you pick my side or the side of the enemy that seems like the easy way. My way is never the easy way. It’s the narrow way and you must stay or need to receive life. Any other way leads to death. Most people say this way is too hard. My way is upward and takes much strength. The way that leads to the feet is downhill and lazy men can cause their way in most will begin to follow after me turn back and go a different way. But I tell you right now that my way is the only way that leads to life. I give you hope now my children. Yes my way is heard now and steep, but at the very end of your journey there will be a mountain so huge that there will be no way that you will be able to ascend it in your own ability. This is when I will pick you up by my spirit and I will take you up and you will be on the top of that mountain. Though it was not any of your own doing to get there. You are at the foot of that mountain. But I bring you to the top and you will know that I am God. For I have put you there.

Diana Larkin - UNLOCK THE DOOR - April 20, 2023

The Father said, “UNLOCK THE DOOR.” I saw a vision of a locked closet door. The Father told me FAITH was the KEY to unlocking the door. I found a KEY in my hand, and I UNLOCKED THE DOOR. As I opened the door, all kinds of amazing things began to pour out. The closet was completely full to the top.
The Father said:
“As world systems that you have DEPENDED on undergo CLEANSING and REORDERING, do NOT FEAR that you will suffer LACK. If you FEAR LACK, you will DRAW that to you. Do not ALLOW FEAR to SHAPE YOUR FUTURE. I can PROVIDE for you through men’s systems, but I can also PROVIDE from My STOREHOUSES in Heaven. My STOREHOUSES NEVER EMPTY OUT, so you have no need to WORRY, FRET, or FEAR. You have a KEY to OPEN the VAST RICHES of Heaven and that KEY is your FAITH. I AM INVITING you to UNLOCK THE DOOR to the Kingdom of Heaven and to RECEIVE all that I have STORED UP for you. I will PROVIDE MORE THAN ENOUGH so that you will have PLENTY TO SHARE with those in need. In these days of GREAT CHANGE and TURNAROUND, it is VITAL that you stay in FAITH and REJECT FEAR. Stay CLOSE to My heart, TALK things over with Me, ALLOW My Spirit to LEAD you, and look forward to the MIRACLES of PROVISION that are coming to your life! UNLOCK THE DOOR!”

Diana Larkin - A STORM OF POWER - April 19, 2023

“A STORM OF POWER is about to AWAKEN the sleeping and TERRIFY those of DARKENED hearts. I AM going to show up in GREAT POWER to RESCUE My people and My Nation, just as I did for Israel at the Red Sea. My STORM WINDS blew OPEN the waters and made a WAY of ESCAPE where there was NO WAY before. Your weatherman can PREDICT the arrival of storms in the natural realm, but he CANNOT predict when My STORM OF POWER will STRIKE. It will come with such FORCE that it will BLOW OPEN all the SECRETS of the darkness—their hidden FORTRESSES, their secret MEETINGS, their hidden DOCUMENTS, and their hidden MONEY. They will be DROWNED in all the EXPOSURES of their DARK and EVIL ways. CALL FORTH this MIGHTY STORM OF POWER, and I will UNLEASH it on your enemies and DELIVER your Land from this DARK and SINISTER WEB. Your RESCUE will SIGNAL the rescue of other nations around the earth where My people are crying out for RESCUE and DELIVERANCE. It is coming…A STORM OF POWER.”
PSALM 18:9 “He stretched heaven’s curtain open and came to my defense. Swiftly He rode to earth as the stormy sky was lowered.” 12 “Suddenly the brilliance of His presence broke through with lightning bolts and with a mighty storm from Heaven—like a tempest dropping coals of fire. 15 ”Then with His mighty roar He laid bare the foundations of the earth, uncovering the secret source of the sea. The hidden depths of land and sea were exposed by the hurricane blast of His hot breath.” 16b “He took me out of My calamity and chaos and drew me to Himself…” 17 “Even though I was helpless in the hands of my hateful, strong enemy, You were good to deliver me.” (TPT)
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 
‘Read between the lines’ TIP: the word “weatherman” may have a double meaning. Search out “Weatherman” or the “Weather Underground.” Is there a possibility they are still at work?

Diana Larkin - THE LAID DOWN LIFE - April 17, 2023

“The world sees SURRENDER to Me as WEAK and RESTRICTIVE. They have been LIED to by the enemy, and their own REBELLIOUS fleshly thinking. Remember that My Kingdom is the OPPOSITE of world kingdoms. The world values FAME, MONEY, and CONTROL. When you seek these things instead of SEEKING Me and My Kingdom, the enemy TWISTS these desires into GREED and CORRUPTION, and the result is a DARKENED HEART. The enemy has BLINDED the world to the POWER OF A LAID DOWN LIFE for Me. Whatever you SURRENDER to me becomes INFUSED with the POWER of the RESURRECTION, and these lives bring LIFE wherever they go. You will not LOSE who you are by LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE for Me—oh, no, you will become ALL YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. I make your WEAKNESSES your STRENGTHS. I take your STRENGTHS and BLEND them with My GLORY, and you will SHINE for Me. THE LAID DOWN LIFE will be given My ABUNDANT SUPPLY without the STRIVING and the TEARING DOWN of others so you can succeed. THE LAID DOWN LIFE receives HONOR, ABUNDANCE, and AUTHORITY. If you have not taken the step of LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE for Me, I would INVITE you to do that. It will be the WISEST most POWERFUL DECISION of your life. You will experience TRUE KINGDOM LIVING, and the POWER to BRING the KINGDOM into others’ lives. THE LAID DOWN LIFE finds TRUE FREEDOM.”

Light of the World - Prophetic word- Judgment is coming - April 15, 2023

Evening at 7-21an angel came right … the message is to sustained. Next month leaders will pass away. But political and church leaders more Banks were shut down in America. People’s money would disappear . Take your money out now. Judgment is coming to Canada. There’s a shift in the spirit the lot is replacing them with his leader. So the lesson I’m shifting people out of their seat and replacing them with my leaders. Leaders that will listen to my prophet. Right and that’s all the message I got.

Plagues, War and So Much More - April 13, 2023

This word came 4-13-23 and it is entitled plagues war. …It’s now 2 P.M daughter oh daughter of mine the plagues come. Daughter just like I spoke through you in three days hence from this moment in time. They begin for they are surely entwined with the three days of darkness. How can this be Jesus my love? Daughter, they arrived before you. Before you leave. (I’m gonna stop. There I’m going to go on a Divine Ministry retreat. Dates not set officially. So I’m we’re just going to pray.) All right daughter they arrive before you leave. In order father God as in Pharaoh Moses’s days? Sometimes the exchange on me I’m seeking. As in Pharaoh Moses’s day? Yes daughter yes.

The time has come little daughter. The time has come for the ten plagues of Egypt to arise. The time of Rachel’s weeping for her children is here as well. The three days of darkness it comes the ninth of ten plagues. But if you endured this one without repenting, without losing your mind going insane from the evil that came in the darkness. Then you still have the last of the 10 plagues to endure. The destroyer the angels of death from the four corners of the earth as they sweep your world in one moment In Time. I take the firstborn of those who do not know me. The darkness comes little daughter. But wrapped inside the other nine plagues of Egypt. Oh daughter of mine and inside the darkness is horrors like never released before upon your world at one time. Entwined in the coming darkness of three days the coming of the plagues of times past as before. But different also is the connection for war upon your once great nation . When the darkness falls this outer darkness from hell’s lowest levels then the trigger in my holy timeline or the striking of your nation of America now Babylon to me is activated on your Earth. And no longer remaining in my heavens.

Judgment’s hand now falls swift and without further delay. Just because you do not see it with physical eyes yet doesn’t mean it isn’t coming to fruition. Can you see the great rock wormwood as she changes directions now heading and making her way to your Earth. She obeys my command alone do. You see my other rock hidden behind the sun ready to drop from its heights upon you o foolish inhabitants of your world. Can you see my hand as I stir your Earth and cause that which was once dormant and asleep to come alive? Can you see what I do inside the oceans deep the Seas can you see the pestilence and plagues that I have called forth already into existence upon your world? No, no you cannot because I am God. I speak nothing without it being fulfilled. Hear me, and hear me well o inhabitants of the Earth. You Beast creatures and humans of the world. Nothing happens on this Earth or in the earth without my command. I bring swift judgment that’s boiling to the surface of this boiling pot of justice for a man’s unrepented sins.

Hear me now inhabitants of the Earth. I’m done with your fickle harts, vein lips, and evil hearts of wickedness. I died for you salvation waits For all who are willing to come. But now I am no longer in the role as position or position as only savior. I take my rightful place my right for the cost I paid for your sins so you could become free. I take my place as rightful righteous judge. I rule my holy righteousness I rule my holy righteousness, purity of judgments, made by weighing your sins not repented of. My judgments are right, fair, and unchangeable by men and women of your world. I rule in all authority of my name Jesus there is no compromising no making deals. Nothing but fair judgments upon your world. Prepare a world for devastation, destruction, death, and Chaos as I open up heaven and pour my righteous anger in holy judgment upon you now with no more restraint. Time is up. I comfort those who are mine. Who are waiting eagerly in me in the Spotless garments of white made ready in me. Hold on my bride I’m on my way it’s not long now.


Father asked me if I’m excited. My father loves me he knows already I am he knows already I am for he longs for you to be here with us my bride my love those who are those ready in me but until I arrive reach out to the lost all the loss. Because time has ran out and many are going to die. Some who currently do not know me yet. So reach out children reach out now in my name Jesus while you can. For this is that I have called you to do in my name.


“These four words will be WRITTEN AS BANNERS across this time in history. This age will be known as the GREAT WAR against the DARKEST of enemies, and the GREATEST DISPLAY of My LIGHT and POWER that OVERCAME and CRUSHED the darkness. My Army of Light who BELIEVED My PROMISES of RESCUE will be VINDICATED and REWARDED for all the world to see. JUSTICE and FREEDOM will be RESTORED to the Land, and they will usher in a season of PEACE and PLENTY. Every SACRIFICE, every BATTLE, every STRUGGLE, every LOSS you have had as a result of this war has been RECORDED; and it will be RESTORED and HONORED. Every day that you HANG ONTO My PROMISES and CHOOSE to continue the fight are NOTED in the RECORD of the GREAT WAR, and you build up more RECOMPENSE and REWARD—more than you can IMAGINE. My promises of VICTORY and VINDICATION are SURE and TRUE, and you will NEVER REGRET that you fought by My side in the GREAT WAR. Blessed is My Army of Light!”

Diana Larkin - COUNTERATTACK! - April 15, 2023

“The darkness has LAUNCHED a KILLING SPREE across your Land in a DESPERATE attempt to GAIN CONTROL and to STEAL the NEWS CYCLE and to DEFLECT it off of their EVIL DEEDS that are being EXPOSED. It’s TIME for My Army of Light to ARISE in your AUTHORITY and to launch a COUNTERATTACK against these DEATH-FILLED AGENDAS of darkness. Do not be DISTURBED if you feel a BURDEN and even FRUSTRATION that the plans of darkness are still being unleashed. Ask My Spirit to take your anger, frustration, and heaviness OUT of your EMOTIONS and PUT them into your SPIRIT where they will become WEAPONS of WAR through intercession. FIGHT BACK in PRAYERS and BOLD DECREES against the darkness and their schemes. AGREE with Me that they will be EXPOSED as the PLANNERS and INITIATORS of these MURDEROUS schemes. Make PROPHETIC MOTIONS of UNCOVERING and declare, “You will be EXPOSED, NOW!’ Decree, ‘This is a season of the VENGEANCE of My God, and I RELEASE it into the darkness where it will ACCOMPLISH all He has PURPOSED for it to accomplish!’ Send forth My MIGHTY HOST to FULFILL My PURPOSES in this hour. Do NOT fear because the darkness is in FULL ATTACK MODE. You COUNTERATTACK with My SUPERIOR POWER and the BLOOD of My Son as your AUTHORITY and your PROTECTION. Declare, ‘We are TAKING BACK THE LAND, and darkness, you are being DEFEATED by the FORCES of LIGHT!’ COUNTERATTACK!”

Diana Larkin - I MEAN BUSINESS - April 14, 2023

“Your enemies have CONVINCED themselves that I no longer will act with RETALIATION or VENGEANCE towards them for the EVIL and PAIN they have INFLICTED on the world. They think I will NOT ACT to AVENGE My people because it might ‘HURT MY REPUTATION’ as a loving Father. Let Me ask you this: ‘What kind of father would ALLOW his children to be MERCILESSLY ATTACKED without INTERVENING to bring PROTECTION and JUSTICE to them?’ I will ARISE to bring RETALIATION and VENGEANCE to the enemy for STEALING all that is GOOD and FRUITFUL and PEACEFUL. I MEAN BUSINESS! VENGEANCE is not just PUNISHMENT, it is also VINDICATION for My people and for your Nation. I MEAN BUSINESS! There are many in My Church who also do not BELIEVE that I AM still a God of VENGEANCE. This may come from POOR teaching they’ve received, or it may come because they are JUSTIFYING or EXCUSING SIN in their own lives—such as, ‘My dad was an angry man, and I get it from him.’ Or: ‘This is just how I’ve always been.’ They have REJECTED knowing Me as the God who SAVES, DELIVERS, and HEALS—COMPLETELY! They are about to find out that each life will REAP A HARVEST of what they have SOWN. A BAD HARVEST can be STOPPED by ACKNOWLEDGING SIN, REPENTING, and APPLYING THE CLEANSING BLOOD OF JESUS to that area. In a HARVEST SEASON, all EXCUSES FOR SIN WILL FALL FLAT. The world is about to see that I MEAN BUSINESS. A good Father HEARS the CRIES of His children for RESCUE, and I AM coming with VENGEANCE and RECOMPENSE—vengeance for the darkness and recompense for My own. I MEAN BUSINESS.”
DEUTERONOMY 32:35 “Vengeance is Mine, and recompense, in the time when their foot shall slide; for the day of their disaster is at hand and their doom comes speedily.” (AMP)
LUKE 21:22 “For those are days of vengeance (of rendering full justice or satisfaction), that all things that are written may be fulfilled.” (AMP)

Diana Larkin - THE COMING DARKNESS - April 12, 2023

“Many voices are speaking of a COMING DARKNESS. Many believe this DARKNESS will be caused by those partnered with darkness, and they FEAR the dark-hearted people will USE the DARKNESS as a POWER PLAY for CONTROL. However, I want you, My Army of Light, to know that this COMING DARKNESS IS FROM MY HAND. Let Me give you this further ASSURANCE: the COMING DARKNESS is MEANT for the WICKED and CORRUPT; it is NOT meant for My people. You will have LIGHT, just like My children in the land of Goshen had light and were PROTECTED from My plagues and judgments sent against Egypt. When I struck Egypt with DEEP DARKNESS, there was LIGHT in Goshen. The COMING DARKNESS is meant to BRING DOWN CORRUPT SYSTEMS and to SILENCE the VOICE of the LYING MEDIA. DO NOT FEAR the COMING DARKNESS because it is a SIGNAL that a NEW DAY is here and that the VICTORY has been WON. You will see JUDGMENT and JUSTICE PREVAIL. Celebrations and rebuilding will begin, and a FREEDOM you’ve never known will FLOOD the Land. There is a COMING DARKNESS for the wicked, but you will experience Me as the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.”

Diana Larkin - HE MASTER STRATEGIST - April 11, 2023

“I AM THE MASTER STRATEGIST in this war of DARK TO LIGHT. The enemy thinks he is in CONTROL of all the moves on the chessboard strategy of this war. He has those who do his BIDDING thinking they have ALL THE MOVES they need to WIPE OUT the forces of LIGHT. Even though some of their MOVES have FIZZLED or not accomplished the DAMAGE they had hoped for, the BLIND CONFIDENCE of ARROGANCE has kept them believing they are CLOSE to WINNING and that their GOAL of WIPING us OUT is very near. These GREAT DECEIVERS don’t realize they are COMPLETELY DECEIVED about the STATE of this WAR GAME of chess. When I SUDDENLY MOVE in with My CHECKMATE, they will be caught OFF-GUARD, completely EXPOSED, and thoroughly DEFEATED. Your PRAYERS and DECREES are helping to BLOCK their DESTRUCTIVE MOVES—keep it up! Your RIGHTFUL LEADERS are coming to Me, THE MASTER STRATEGIST, for HELP and WISDOM, and I AM showing them what MOVES to make and WHEN to make them. Therefore, let your heart be NOT TROUBLED—place your complete confidence and faith in THE MASTER STRATEGIST.”


“Does it seem like My PROMISES are taking TOO LONG to be fulfilled? Where are the GREAT REVEALS and the GREAT SHAKINGS and the GREAT JUDGMENTS of EVIL that I have spoken about to you? Let Me ASSURE you that I NO NOT OVER-PROMISE nor is My ARM too SHORT to BRING TO PASS what I have spoken. I have REVEALED to you, My FAITHFUL WARRIORS, what the END of the RESCUE OPERATION looks like: DEFEAT for the enemy’s camp and SOARING VICTORY for My KINGDOM OF LIGHT. You will find PEACE in the WAITING for this promise of VICTORY if you will SURRENDER to My TIMING and the WISDOM of My WAYS—instead of INSISTING that I need to act ACCORDING to your TIMING because you’re AFRAID of what will happen if I don’t ACT according to YOUR TIMING. If you see a THREAT, don’t REACT with FEAR and ANXIETY and get MAD at Me because I’m not doing what you think I should be doing right at that moment. That is the REACTION OF VICTIM THINKING and a WEAK FAITH that’s not really sure I can TURN all the EVIL AROUND for GOOD. My Warriors are called to have VICTORIOUS THINKING. When a THREAT arises, they MOW IT DOWN in prayer and decrees and declare My VICTORY over this DARK scheme. The SPOILS OF WAR belong to the FAITH-FILLED VICTORY-MINDED WARRIORS, and not to the FUSSY, WORRY-FILLED ones who have one foot in FAITH and the other foot in DOUBT. If you find yourself in this place of DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS (some of you live there and some of you have moments that come and go), ask My Spirit to UNIFY your HEART and MIND with My HEART and MIND. REFUSE DOUBLE-MINDED thoughts and SLAY them with your sword of TRUTH. CLING to My promise: THE VICTORY AND THE JOY WILL BE COMPLETE.”


I the Lord Jesus Christ Yahushua Hamashiach would say to you this day the Judgment has been declared upon the financial system of America and upon the world for as I have said before America his Babylon the great but I am The Great I Am. You are not great as you suppose and you will not be great again. Do not listen to the first prophets of prosperity who will lead you to hell. America you once followed me and my ways. But now you are the deepest darkest filthiest cesspool of the most abominable sin and blasphemy must behavior ever known to man. You do what seems right in your own eyes. You murder hhe unborn and you have all manner of perverted sexual relations with whoever and whatever you please. Men marry men and women marry women and you call it love. And you call it good. Your sins are too many to list. Yet you feel no remorse and the thought of repentance does not even cross your mind. You have another god. You do not know me who worship me. You worship your American Idols. I do not speak of a TV program which is really enough of an indictment against you. But I speak of the almighty dollar. And your great possessions that you love so much.

Your preachers die and say that I bless this country. And it is good to have abundance and to desire more and more and more. It is the enemy that is now blessing your country. For he is the Lord over the world system. And he will ban you as a sacrifice in order to implement his New World Order. Without any stress of me. America in your desire for things you have lost your desire for me. And I’ve taken your eyes off of your savior. The things you seek will bring you death. For I am the only way of life. I have warned you over and over and over again. By my true Apostles prophets, watchmen, preachers, teachers, pastors servants, and even my hand maidens to repent. Yet you do not. When I have allowed calamity to strike your Land. You cry out to me for a brief time. But you do not repent and turn from your wicked ways. I say this day, no more, I will humble you now. The fire event shall come and everything you have known will change. Yet even then I shall hear your cry if you turn back to me with all of your heart. For I do not desire to cast any of you into hell or the Lake of Fire. Yet most will choose it of their own will. I have a Remnant she is my bride and I tell her to prepare for this time to come. There will be luck and persecution and some shall be put to death for my namesake.

This is the refinance fire. I tell you to purify yourselves now. So this will not be necessary for you. You ask, how shall we purify ourselves? Draw near to me and I will draw near to you. Renew your mind by my spirit and walk in the spirit so that you do not fulfill the lust of the flesh. As I have said the whole law is fulfilled in this. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the fast and great commandment and the second is this you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets no man has ever fulfilled even these two commands of himself but by my spirit you can for all things are possible through me by my spirit spend time alone with me alone in my chambers and I will spread my wings Over You and cover you with my feathers.

Delight in me and my ways and let my joy be your strength. For when you are weak I am strong. I whisper my words of love and direction to those who quiet themselves and take time to listen to my still small voice. My sheep hear my voice. This is my promise. But to recognize my voice among all others takes practice and must be learned time of intimacy with me is what separates you from the rest. When your minds and hearts are focused on me you shall not fear. You shall see the reward of the wicked. But it shall not come near your dwelling you will see darkness and curve the world around you. But you will have my light I am your God and you are my own special people who obey my word and love me more than life itself. Because you know that I am The Giver of Life. And without me you are nothing. You will not be forsaken for I am in you I provide for my own and they shall go out with me and reap my Harvest you will walk in my power and my protection. Once America and then the world is humbled. Many shall come into my kingdom. Then I shall take you away to my father’s house and to the marriage and supper of lamp. Prepare yourselves and comfort yourselves with these words.

Diana Larkin - I AM HERE TO SET YOU FREE! - April 9, 2023

“I AM HERE TO SET YOU FREE! Your world has been INVADED by the enemy’s schemes of LIES, DECEPTIONS, and DELUSIONS. Lies, deceptions, and delusions put people in BONDAGE personally and also as a nation. Your AIRWAVES and your ATMOSPHERE have been CONSUMED by BONDAGE THINKING—now it has grown to the point where GOOD IS CALLED EVIL and EVIL IS CALLED GOOD. How did this happen in a Nation founded on FREEDOM and the GOOD NEWS of My Salvation? My Church HID her LIGHT inside her buildings and KEPT the PRESERVING SALT to themselves. My LIGHT and SALT were meant to BLESS the Church, but she was called to SHARE it with the world. When you SHINE My LIGHT of TRUTH and SHARE My SALT of PRESERVATION of holiness, the sanctity of marriage and family, and the importance of living lives of HONESTY and INTEGRITY, then you are PIERCING the DARKNESS with HOPE and FREEDOM. You are part of a Remnant in My Body that has STEPPED OUT of their FEARS and the enemy’s INTIMIDATION, and you have responded to the Spirit of Truth by SPEAKING My TRUTH and SHARING My HEALING and FREEING LOVE. Your numbers are GROWING because I AM HERE TO SET YOU FREE! On this RESURRECTION DAY, I AM coming in POWER to FREE people of physical and spiritual BLINDNESS and to OPEN peoples’ EARS physically and spiritually, as SIGNS that the LIES, DECEPTIONS, and DELUSIONS are being BROKEN OFF, and that they are now FREE to SEE and HEAR TRUTH. I AM coming in GREAT POWER on this RESURRECTION DAY in response to your PRAYERS and DECREES for those still in darkness. I say to you, ‘Look up and REJOICE because I AM HERE TO SET YOU FREE!’”