Revival - Third Great Awakening - The Great Reversal - The Great Reset

Documenting the providential history of the United States of America

The unfolding of history and the ongoing struggles between good and evil for the hearts and souls of man

“This will be a year of the NEW: NEW COURAGE, NEW HOPE, and NEW HORIZONS. NEW COURAGE will be needed to see you through the DRAMATIC CHANGES from DARK to LIGHT. I AM ENCOURAGING your warrior heart to STAND with BRAVERY and STRENGTH when the darkness tries to close in. Your strength and bravery will STEADY the shocked and fearful hearts around you. You know that I AM ALLOWING the darkness to COMPLETELY EXPOSE itself and then I will COMPLETELY TAKE IT DOWN with you by My side in complete TRUST and FAITH in My POWER and My PROMISES. No matter what circumstances look like, they will not move you because I AM PLANTING NEW HOPE in your hearts for the establishment of the Kingdom Age. This NEW HOPE SEES A GOOD FUTURE with darkness UNDER your feet and the FRESH BREATH of FREEDOM and JUSTICE filling the atmosphere. As you embrace NEW HOPE, it will OPEN your spiritual eyes and you will begin to see the NEW HORIZONS that are before you. You will see the MULTITUDES coming to the Cross to lay down their ADDICTIONS, SELFISH LUSTS, and BROKEN LIVES in EXCHANGE for SALVATION, HEALING, and DELIVERANCE. Imagine the CLEAN, PURE, and LIFE-GIVING AIR that will RUSH IN as the DARK STRONGHOLDS are defeated over the nations and the INNER DARK STRONGHOLDS FALL at the foot of the Cross. NEW HORIZONS means everything NEW: NEW HEALTH, WEALTH, PEACE, and WELL-BEING will come FLOODING in as the darkness is OVERCOME by My strong right arm, My Warrior Host, and My Army of Light operating in NEW COURAGE, NEW HOPE, and NEW HORIZONS.”
“As we look back over 2024, I have many COMMENDATIONS to give to My Army of Light. You have done SO WELL! You have HELD THE LINE of FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS in spite of SETBACKS and continued CHALLENGES in your personal life and in your national life. You have come to believe that SETBACKS are SET-UPS to VICTORY and that CHALLENGES position you for more Angelic ASSISTANCE and an UPGRADE in GIANT-SLAYING POWER. The fact that you are still in the battle with Me, BELIEVING My PROMISES of BREAKTHROUGH and VICTORY, THRILLS My heart, and I want to hand out COMMENDATIONS and PROMOTIONS to My FAITH-FILLED, FAITHFUL Army of Light. I want to COMMEND Patty, Ash, Callie, Scott, Brett, Janice, Janet, Amy, Debra, Alicia, LaKiesha, Joann, Prayer Poet, John, Brian, Eliana, Aaron, and (insert your name!). Receive My THANKS and My STRENGTH to FINISH your assignments and ask Holy Spirit to PREPARE you for your coming PROMOTION. Not only will you be PROMOTED, you will also be REWARDED. I AM a faithful God, and I HONOR your FAITHFULNESS.”
“I AM announcing to you that the KING OF GLORY IS AT THE GATES.” PSALM 24: 9, 10 (TPT) ‘So wake up you living gateways and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here He comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. You ask, who is this King of Glory? He is the Lord of victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible Commander of Heaven’s Host! Yes, He is the King of Glory!’ “COMMAND GATES and DOORS to OPEN before the AGELESS and ALL-POWERFUL KING! First, command the GATES of YOUR OWN HEART to OPEN and ALLOW Me ACCESS to every area of your life. I will bring My GLORY and My VICTORY into every area of STRUGGLE and SHAME. I will FIGHT for you until every area of your heart and life REFLECT the KINGDOM and bring forth HARMONIOUS LIFE and FRUIT. Now, COMMAND the GATES and DOORS of every MOUNTAIN of society to OPEN before the King of Glory. DECLARE: we WELCOME You to ENTER every GATE and DOOR to FIGHT until the VICTORY is WON, and to ESTABLISH Your KINGDOM RULE and REIIGN through Your Sons and Daughters of Light. All of 2024 has been a PREPARATION for this announcement: THE KING OF GLORY IS HERE! FLING WIDE EVERY GATE AND DOOR, and you will see VICTORY AFTER VICTORY. Let the REJOICING BEGIN!”
“I have PROMISED you that I AM coming with JUDGMENT and JUSTICE for the evil empire and that they will be CRUSHED, CONQUERED, and SWEPT AWAY into the dustbin of history to become a CAUTIONARY SAGA of what happens to those who OPPOSE Me and try to CONTROL you. An important aspect of My SEVERE judgment and justice is that it will bring THE FEAR OF THE LORD back over your nation. Fear of Me means that you will RIGHTLY DISCERN My TRUE CHARACTER—both My KINDNESS and My SEVERITY. The fear of the Lord will SHAKE AWAKE those still on the fence of IDOLATRY with the world and REBELLION from My ways and from STUBBORNLY REFUSING to ACKNOWLEDGE who I AM. Those who are RUDELY SHAKEN AWAKE by My MASSIVE judgments and who TURN to Me will be SURPRISED and their hearts will MELT when they receive My MERCY, BEAUTY, AND LIGHT. They will come to their senses and realize that they were believing LIES about Me, and they will GLADLY RUN to the CROSS to have their sins COVERED and CLEANSED. My Son’s love is MERCIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, and full of LIGHT, and I will POUR IT OVER THEM from an OPEN HEAVEN that has been CLEANSED by the REMOVAL of EVIL and the DAWN of the Kingdom Age RUSHING IN to LIGHT the skies and to fill hearts with HOPE, RESTORATION, and PEACE. (This morning as I took Communion, I saw the Blood of Jesus with rainbows in it—full of covenant promises.) GRATEFUL WORSHIP will ascend from a people WASHED by the Blood of Jesus and BATHED in My MERCY, BEAUTY, AND LIGHT.”
“There are many plots being launched to PREVENT the inauguration of President Trump. These schemes WILL NOT PREVENT My CHOSEN and ANOINTED leader from taking his RIGHTFUL place in the RESTORATION of your Republic. In fact, these plots will end up BACKFIRING on the schemers who will be EXPOSED and REMOVED from their places of leadership. I AM calling you to PARTNER with Me in CLEARING the PATHWAY to the PRESIDENCY for DJT. Release Host who will CIRCUMVENT (go around) the plots and schemes of the darkness. Release EXPOSING Host who will HIGHLIGHT plans made in SECRET to cause CHAOS and DESTRUCTION. Commission these Host to not only HIGHLIGHT the dark plans but to also HIGHLIGHT the MAKERS of these schemes. Release Host to DEMOLISH, BREAK APART, and DESTROY all enemy OPPOSITION to My plans of RESCUE, REDEMPTION, and RESTORATION. Understand that My Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom and My Mighty Host are MUCH MORE POWERFUL than the LIARS and CHEATERS. Together, We will CIRCUMVENT, HIGHLIGHT, and DEMOLISH the enemy opposition. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT I HAVE SET IN MOTION.”
“Don’t be AFRAID to HOPE FOR YOUR NEW YEAR. Leave the past BEHIND with its INTENSE STRUGGLES and UNRELENTING WARFARE. I want you to KNOW in the DEPTHS of your being that the SLOW and ARDUOUS BUILD-UP to VICTORY is NEARLY OVER, and I want you to SEE that the FIRST RAYS of the NEW DAWN are SPLITTING the DARK STORM CLOUDS. The WINDS of CHANGE are PICKING UP, and you will see the storm clouds NO MORE. HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR includes an OPEN HEAVEN that has been created by the FIERCE BATTLES that have been fought by the Forces of Light. Your FAITH, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS have EMPOWERED the Host to their FULL FIGHTING STRENGTH. The Forces of Light have now attained AIR SUPERIORITY, and the heavens are being CLEARED of demonic STRONGHOLDS and demon FORCES. The atmosphere has SHIFTED as these dark forces are OVERCOME by FAITH, PERSISTENCE, and POWER, and you will BREATH FREER AIR and you will see My GLORY FALL. An OPEN HEAVEN will result in many LONG AWAITED ANSWERED PRAYERS, HEALINGS will MANIFEST, TERRITORIES will be TAKEN BACK, and VICTORY AFTER VICTORY will be seen. Come to My SAFE ARMS and We will pour over you with HEALING, LOVE, and COMFORT to WASH AWAY all the HOPE DEFERRED. You will ARISE with PEACE, STRENGTH, LIGHT, and HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR RESTORED. BREATH in the WINDS OF CHANGE and be REVIVED—HOPE AGAIN!”
“The enemy HATES this time of year when My Son is CELEBRATED and LIFTED HIGH as a Light of HOPE for the world. What is a TACTIC that the enemy uses every year to STEAL the JOY out of the season? He sends SICKNESS into families. DON’T RECEIVE IT! Don’t say to yourself, ‘Well, sickness always comes around in this time of changing seasons.’ I want you to WAKE UP and REALIZE this is a PLANNED TACTIC of the enemy—it’s NOT JUST ‘HAPPENING.’ Therefore, DO NOT RECEIVE SICKNESS in yourself, your family, or your friends. Put up a RESISTANCE and REFUSE to RECEIVE the enemy’s DEVICES to SPOIL this time of celebration. Do you feel SYMPTOMS coming on? Do you see someone else showing SIGNS of developing sickness? REFUSE to RECEIVE the SYMPTOMS and REFUSE the SICKNESS. PUSH IT BACK, PUSH IT BACK, PUSH IT BACK out of your body and do this for others as well. PUSH IT BACK out of your body and BIND to yourself HEALING and DIVINE HEALTH that came from your Savior’s SUFFERING, DEATH, and RESURRECTION. Declare that the POWER of the BLOOD is STRONGER than any sickness and REFUSE the enemy’s TACTIC to bring you or your loved ones down. Keep PUSHING IT BACK until the symptoms LEAVE and then REJOICE and GIVE THANKS to a Savior who HEALS and has given you WHOLENESS in the Blood Covenant. No more PUTTING UP WITH SICKNESS—PUSH IT BACK!”
“The enemy HATES this time of year when My Son is CELEBRATED and LIFTED HIGH as a Light of HOPE for the world. What is a TACTIC that the enemy uses every year to STEAL the JOY out of the season? He sends SICKNESS into families. DON’T RECEIVE IT! Don’t say to yourself, ‘Well, sickness always comes around in this time of changing seasons.’ I want you to WAKE UP and REALIZE this is a PLANNED TACTIC of the enemy—it’s NOT JUST ‘HAPPENING.’ Therefore, DO NOT RECEIVE SICKNESS in yourself, your family, or your friends. Put up a RESISTANCE and REFUSE to RECEIVE the enemy’s DEVICES to SPOIL this time of celebration. Do you feel SYMPTOMS coming on? Do you see someone else showing SIGNS of developing sickness? REFUSE to RECEIVE the SYMPTOMS and REFUSE the SICKNESS. PUSH IT BACK, PUSH IT BACK, PUSH IT BACK out of your body and do this for others as well. PUSH IT BACK out of your body and BIND to yourself HEALING and DIVINE HEALTH that came from your Savior’s SUFFERING, DEATH, and RESURRECTION. Declare that the POWER of the BLOOD is STRONGER than any sickness and REFUSE the enemy’s TACTIC to bring you or your loved ones down. Keep PUSHING IT BACK until the symptoms LEAVE and then REJOICE and GIVE THANKS to a Savior who HEALS and has given you WHOLENESS in the Blood Covenant. No more PUTTING UP WITH SICKNESS—PUSH IT BACK!”
“There is often a PAUSE, a STILLNESS before a GREAT CHANGE happens. The world seems to HOLD ITS BREATH waiting to see what is coming next. Will darkness WIN or will the Light TRIUMPH? All of Heaven is ON HOLD, eyes FASTENED on the One on the Throne, WAITING for His SIGNAL to be given. The darkness MISTAKES the STILLNESS for WEAKNESS, and their evil plans is about to be released. For My Army of Light, TIME WILL SEEM TO STAND STILL as they wait for the FINAL CLASH to begin. Their eyes are FIXED on Me, My PROMISES REPLAY in their minds, and under their armor, their HEART BEATS AT THE SAME FREQUENCY OF HEAVEN. The darkness are so SELF-FOCUSED that they think the Army of Light has GIVEN UP, but they are not looking at the STEELY-EYED RESOLVE and TIGHTLY GRIPPED SWORDS. F L A S H ! ! ! R O A R ! ! ! The SIGNAL comes from Heaven and both armies CHARGE onto the field. Where STILLNESS REIGNED a second ago, the air is now FILLED with BATTLE CRIES, CLASHING SWORDS, and the ground is SHAKING as the Hosts of Heaven SLAM into the earth to FIGHT alongside the Army of Light. The evil empire is DESPERATE and RUTHLESS but they are beginning to TREMBLE. They have never seen such a MASSIVE DISPLAY of Heaven’s POWER CONVERGED with the VALIANT BLOOD-BOUGHT WARRIORS who have laid down their lives to win back JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. The evil empire is being SURROUNDED and DEFEAT is near. A BURST OF LIGHT and CRIES OF VICTORY FILL THE AIR! And then, another STILLNESS comes but it is the stillness of PEACE. After My Army of Light SAVORS the moment, a GREAT TIME of CELEBRATION will arise. Then it will be time for SWEET VINDICATION and My REWARDS that will be given to My Beloved Army of Light.”
2 PETER 2:20 (TPT) “Those who escape the corrupting forces of this world system through the experience of knowing about our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Messiah, then go back into ENTANGLEMENT with them and are defeated by them, becoming worse off than they were to start with.” 
“ENTANGLEMENTS that are ALLOWED to CREEP BACK into a Believer’s life will take them even DEEPER into SIN than before they experienced salvation. The EXPOSURES happening in the Church right now are the RESULT of Believers COMPROMISING their INTEGRITY in order to BUILD a ministry and to GAIN WEALTH and PRESTIGE. When you COMPROMISE with EVIL, it will eventually OVERTAKE you and it will BRING YOU DOWN when it is EXPOSED. Many of these who have become ENTANGLED in the COMPROMISE of LUST for POWER and CONTROL are operating out of an ORPHAN SPIRIT. They did not draw CLOSE to Me to HEAL their hearts, and they did not SPEND the TIME getting to KNOW that I AM the DEEP JOY and SATISFACTION their hearts CRAVED. They fell into the TRAP of thinking that the GIFTS and ANOINTING on their lives ENTITLED them to fulfill their desires in COMPROMISED WAYS. Instead of these lives becoming LIGHTS that show the way of RIGHTEOUS LIVING, they became STUMBLING BLOCKS to those who are NEW to the faith or who are WEAK and IMMATURE. What is really SAD to My heart is that what all these COMPROMISED leaders WANTED I would GLADLY HAVE GIVEN at just the right time in their lives. I FREELY give FAVOR, WEALTH, and AUTHORITY to those whose hearts are SOLELY Mine. What will GUARD a Believer from RETURNING to ENTANGLEMENTS? Ask Holy Spirit to HIGHLIGHT for you any areas of your HEART that DO NOT BELIEVE that I AM who I say I AM. Any area of UNBELIEF is an area that SIN will come KNOCKING on the DOOR and will OFFER SHORTCUTS and LITTLE COMPROMISES to meet needs you DON’T BELIEVE I CAN MEET. Ask Holy Spirit and your Angels to GUARD your HEART against these SUBTLE ATTEMPTS to COMPROMISE your life. Pray that the FALLEN leaders in the Church will be RESTORED to My HEART and come to KNOW that I will NOT WITHHOLD any good thing from those who walk UPRIGHTLY with Me.”

Past Dave His Glory – 12-19-2024

His  Glory 12-22-2024

I AM Everywhere. The Wicked Hall Not Escape My Justice. “CITADELS” secrets shall be exposed and dismantled, annihilated and laid open for ALL to SEE and hear what has taken place there. My children’s blood cries out and I will AVENGE them. The wicked believe their “fortresses” are impenetrable by My children and even by MY hand. HA! My fire shall melt all your citadels like wax in a BONFIRE. You wicked ones who believe you BUILT protections around your evil doings and are untouchable by the law, safe from all the harm you attempt to inflict on the innocent and My remnant. NAY, I say. My wrath is released upon you NOW. NO fortress will keep you safe, protected or hidden. I AM EVERYWHERE and you cannot escape Me or My FURY that is now released upon the earth! Your “CITADELS” are No match for Me. Watch and see how all you have hidden, destroyed and FLOODED is resurrected and will be used in COURT to indict, convict and sentence you, all ye wicked ones who are GUILTY of crimes against My children, the innocent and my nations. BURN, FLOOD, HAMMER, QUAKE, SHAKE, DELETE, DISTORT all you want. Spinning out of control is ALL you shall accomplish. The sun shall NO longer shine upon you. The NIGHT will have NO light for you see. DARKNESS shall consume you as I bring My JUSTICE to LIGHT, for such a time as this. RUN, RUN, RUN away from your homes and estates to other nations and hiding places. I hold the entire cosmos in MY hands! You think I don’t know where you are? The breath in your lungs is going in and out by MY grace ONLY. I AM the giver of all life. You have NO power here. I SHALL VINDICATE, EXONERATE and AVENGE MY children and My nation. FEEBLE, WEAK, COWARDS you are. I AM the only ONE who decides when a life is given and when a life on earth is COMPLETED, NOT you! STAND down or suffer eternally in infinite damnation, all you wicked ones who refuse to repent. I AM the LORD. I will NOT be mocked. I will NOT share My glory with anyone! I will NO longer strive with you who refused to repent. The day of the LORD is upon you! Says God EL Shaddai! Reverently shared, Elizabeth Chalker (12/13/2024).

The Father took me briefly into space, and I saw meteorites fly by and twinkling stars. Then I heard a building roaring sound, and I ask the Father what I was hearing. It was an immense, powerful sound. He responded:
“What you hear BUILDING in the atmosphere is the ROAR OF RESTORE. It is all of Heaven’s POWER and AUTHORITY in MOTION to DELIVER, HEAL, and RESTORE the nations. It is the building sound of Heaven’s RESCUE OPERATION CONVERGING the Heavenly and earthly realms. EVERY EYE will SEE and EVERY EAR will HEAR THE ROAR OF RESTORE as it RIPS through the heavens and IMPACTS the EARTH, the SEAS, and the SKIES. AWE, WONDER, and the QUIETING blanket of the FEAR of the Most High God will descend. The darkness will try to HIDE but My Lights will FIND and EXPOSE them. My BEAUTY, My TRANSCENDENT POWER will be on display to a world UNDER SEIGE by the darkness. My ROAR OF RESTORE will FLATTEN Leviathan and CRUSH his LYING, DECEIVING heads. The clean air of TRUTH will rush in and eyes and hearts will be OPEN to the TRUTH. THE ROAR OF RESTORE will FLATTEN IDOLS and TOPPLE MONUMENTS and BUILDINGS dedicated to the darkness. It will SHAKE financial systems founded in CORRUPTION and GREED, and the WEALTH of the wicked will be released to the righteous. When THE ROAR OF RESTORE splits the atmosphere like a sonic boom, the earth will AWAKEN to the DAWNING of the Kingdom Age. It will bring My LIFE, My PEACE, and My PLENTY.”
“When My Son came to the earth, it ushered in A SEASON OF LIGHT, LIFE, AND HOPE. He came as the LIGHT of the WORLD, the RESTORER of ETERNAL LIFE, and the HOPE for a world LOST in deep darkness. When you chose Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you became My Sons and Daughters of LIGHT, you CALL others into UNION with Me and ETERNAL LIFE, and you CARRY the HOPE for the RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. During this season when you celebrate IMMANUEL, you can feel the SHIFT in the ATMOSPHERE over your Nation, as the focus shifts to GIVING, SHOWING LOVE, TIMES of FELLOWSHIP, and Christmas WORSHIP songs filling the air. I want you to CARRY this ATMOSPHERE SHIFT over into your New Year of 2025. I want you to KEEP ALIVE LIGHT, LIFE, AND HOPE in your own HEART and HOME. WELCOME My Angels and Hosts to INSPIRE and PROTECT this ATMOSPHERE CHANGE, and you will see the world CHANGE because you are entering the DAWNING of a NEW DAY of FREEDOM and LIFE. Can you imagine living in this ATMOSPHERE all year? Welcome this atmosphere shift to LIGHT, LIFE, AND HOPE and PRESERVE it in your own HEART from now on.” 

Personal note all day I have been hearing the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow. From the movie The Wizard of Oz.

Judy Garland - Somewhere Over the Rainbow-- Judy Garland with lyrics

Larie Lightner repost on December 16, 2024

A shock 7/27/22


Prophetic Word I received 07/27/22


The time is drawing near when the upside down will be right side up. Everything will begin to make sense to you so do not despair. I warned that a purifying fire would sweep the church because I will come back to a church on fire for Holiness. A church sold out to my cause and my kingdom. No compromise.


The church has been prostituting itself to the highest bidder. Did you not think I would came back for what is mine? Did you think I would overlook your insolence? Your calamity draws near, the hour of your accounting not only for your many sins but for the blood you have on your hands of the many you have lead astray is at the door.


The war you’re in will intensify as the culmination draws near. The end of the satanic system that has overtaken the world. I said this premature takeover of the New World Order would not stand and you’re about to watch it crumble to the ground.


To you puppets in the pulpit I know of you secret deals. I know what you have done behind the scenes. The money you have taken to push certain agendas. You sold a gospel I never gave, your recompense shall be your own blood. You thought your strings would be invisible yet I see all things.


There is so much confusion and discord during this time but if you stay your eyes on ME, you will not be led astray. I gave you the Spirit of TRUTH to guide you into all truth. Rely on Him more than you ever have before. Do not set up for yourselves false idols for comforting words. I see right through the motives of your heart. Due to fear and uncertainty you have set up idols of comfort during this time. Your idols must be torn down. You either willingly give them to me, or I will discipline you and take them in my lovingkindness.


Take the words from my prophets and examine them through Holy Spirit discernment. My words will bring you both a holy fear and a comfort that I can be trusted. They are meant to act as a boomerang to bring you right back to me lest you turn those prophets to golden calfs.


Remember my beloved that spending time with me is the ultimate faith builder. Nothing can replace daily intimacy with me. You and me, one on one. I want to speak to your heart, I want to comfort your fears and I want you to grow in wisdom and that begins with the Fear of the Lord. For I AM GOD and the nations tremble at the mention of my name.


The church has used my name so carelessly. The name above all names. The name that carries the BLOOD anointing. The name that raises the Dead and has made it the laughing stock for the world to see but that is about to change. They shall see the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and I shall be mocked no more.


I discipline those whom I love and I love you so I can not allow you to continue walking in your lukewarm ways.


A shock shall come over you. Such a shock to the world that you will run to me in desperation for answers. Answers I shall provide in that hour. You will never want to stray from me again.


The republic shall be resurrected. Resurrected from the DEAD for I am merciful God who keeps His covenants.


Dread shall consume my enemies as judgment of fire falls upon them. Come away with me for a while my bride. Hide for a bit and delight yourself in me for what you’re about to see unfold will test even the most seasoned WARRIORS.


I speak SHALOM over your heart and mind as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death but fear no evil for I am with you…ALWAYS.


Brace yourself. Get ready for war for war is here. My angels are already in the battle fighting for you.


My remnant, do not fear for I am working everything together for you good. You shall walk victoriously out of this trial with a greater anointing and understanding of who I am. I have already secured your victory so walk confidently and stay close to my heart.


Dark clouds will surround the capitol and the world. It will seem as if it all is lost when in an instant you will hear a LOUD ROAR from the heavens will dispel the darkness and give way to the victorious LIGHT.


I shall reign from the highest court of the land in this nation again. I will reign WITH My David at my right hand once again.


See, He is everything I needed in a man for this specific hour. The church may have rejected him but I have called him. Even though I had chosen him for the job he had much work to do and to learn my beloved. He didn’t know me going into the position I called him to but I revealed myself to him and he surrendered his will to mine. Even so I had to work in his heart to teach him humility. He had always thought humility was a weakness. His father taught him that. As his father now, I had to teach him that humility is a pre-requisite for every single one of my heart kings. Humility is a power and an honor to have. He has learned that in this dance, I lead and he follows. He is ready to return now.


You will see a series of events unfold that will make you very uncomfortable. It will shake your faith. You will think the prophets had it all wrong but I assure you, I am never wrong and I have indeed spoken. Be quick to listen and slow to speak.


Worldwide chaos will ensue. It is even at the door. The upheaval you will see will be my doing. I will uproot every single wicked leader who thought to outsmart me for I am the one who sets kings and dethrones them. I shall with a sweep of my hand dethrone world leaders simultaneously.


One by one they shall fall like dominos and you will not be able to keep up with the news. The economy worldwide will collapse bringing down the greatest embezzlement of money in human history. I will set up a new financial system that will be protected by precious metals that will not be able to be manipulated. A kingdom system where everyone is given back what they are owed.


Every house of cards needs to come crashing down to I can replace them. Wars and rumors of wars yet no war will be. I will crush every single plan they have and will force them to carry my own instead.


The generals who lead the charge in my beautiful America are men that I have handpicked. Several woman as well. They shall lead you into triumph by my Spirit says the Lord.


Much like Washington crossed the Delaware in a final attempt to gain your freedom my America, my prophets are crossing the Delaware in the spirit now gaining back territory for my generals to step into. You see, if I didn’t send my prophets before my generals they would have taken them out. I have given my prophets a special anointing through this season of perseverance. By sheer willpower through Holy Spirit they have been upheld. It has been a fight but a fight they have already won. This war has been one unlike the world has ever seen. You weren’t here when Lucifer tried to come against me and failed the first time. You are here now to see what I do to my enemies.


An uproar. An uproar. An uproar.


This is the calm before the STORM. Let Him who have ears hear what the Lord is saying to the church.

Larie Lightner repost on December 16, 2024

Perilous Times



Oh Lord. Beautiful Savior.

Holy Spirit hit so hard. The Lord is laughing so beautifully at the calamity striking at noonday.

He warned.

He beckoned.

He pleaded.

The time for that is over.

It’s reckoning time.

Y’all will not know what HIT.


Glory to the King who stands forevermore.

The righteous Holy One of Yisrael.

“For your sins have found you out says the Lord Most High.

Your many abominations have caught up to you. Now it’s time to account for your crimes, your deceit and your filth.


Those who have called themselves leaders in my body to gain the trust of my people and have concealed great deception are about to be exposed.

I’m bringing exposure to the church body, Hollywood, and governments shall follow.

Shock and Awe shall befall you when you realize those you idolized where filthy rags in my sight and those whom you vilified were sent by me to correct your path to sure destruction.

I will set up my rightful leaders in the Ekklesia and remove the impostors who claim to speak for me along those leading my sheep astray.

Hold on to your reward and see that no one takes it for perilous times are here. “

Holy is the Lamb who was slain.

Diana Larkin - MY HEART FOR YOU—IMMANUEL - December 16, 2024

“Don’t LOSE SIGHT of the fact that My Son came to RESTORE FULLNESS of LIFE back to you. Sin ROBS you of REAL LIFE and FULFILLMENT. It substitutes FALSE COMFORTERS and BONDAGE in place of My HEART for you. When your heart FULLY BELIEVES that I gave My ALL in sending My Beloved Son to win you back to My heart, you will TRUST and REST in My WAYS and My TIMING for your life. You can’t EARN My love and you can’t keep enough RULES to PLEASE Me, but you can DRAW NEAR to My HEART and DISCOVER My PERFECT LOVE for you. When you KNOW My PERFECT LOVE, you WILL NOT FEAR. (1JOHN 4:18) There will be NO FEAR of LACK and NO FEAR of the FUTURE. IMMANUEL means that I AM with you each step of every day. I did not bring SALVATION into the world so that I could USE you to WORK for Me. I gave you SALVATION through the Blood of Jesus because I wanted you RESTORED to My heart—living in Me and through Me so that your life can be MEANINGFUL and FULL. Living out of My LOVE instead of living a life of RULES and CONFORMITY is what will bring FREEDOM and FULFILLMENT to your life. I saved you because I wanted you to KNOW Me and to LIVE out of My LOVE for you and My PERFECT PLANS for your life. SURRENDER to My love every day. This is why IMMANUEL came—to wash away your sin in His Blood and to WELCOME YOU HOME TO MY HEART.”

Diana Larkin - RELEASE! - December 14, 2024

I experienced going up rapidly in a portal of light with Hosts/Angels going up and down in it—they just went through each other. The portal went to the Throne Room where Father was releasing Hosts/Angels, one group after another. I asked the Father why the Hosts/Angels were returning to Heaven, and He said they were coming for new orders and to be refreshed, strengthened, and filled with light again. He said our prayers, decrees, and declarations were empowering and re-sending the Hosts/Angels back to earth for their next assignment. As our prayers arose as incense before the Father, He would respond with a powerful, “Release!” And many Hosts/Angels would go through portals to the earth. They were on fire with passion and intensity. The Father spoke:
“The earth is being FLOODED with the Armies of Heaven right now as a BARRAGE of PRAYERS from My Army of Light ascend to My Throne. Enemy plans are being SABOTAGED and UNCOVERED. The FRUSTRATION and DESPERATION are rising in the enemy camp. There is INFIGHTING, CONFUSION, and ANGER being displayed in their secret meetings. In private, they are choking back RISING TERROR, as they see their empire being DISMANTLED and their SCHEMES that have always worked in the past being BROUGHT DOWN. The darkness has always planned to PUSH your Nation over the PRECIPICE to its DESTRUCTION. Now, an UNSEEN strong right arm and the Forces of Light are PUSHING and SHOVING the evil empire toward the edge of a DARK and DEADLY PRECIPICE. I AM giving you this GLIMPSE into the Throne Room so that you see the POWER and HELP being RELEASED to you and your nation. Because of your CONTINUED FAITH and PRAYERS of WARFARE, the Forces of Light are GREATLY OUTNUMBERING the ranks of darkness. WELL DONE, My Army of Light! Keep the prayer PRESSURE up until the darkness is CONSUMED. Come to Me daily to be REFRESHED, LOVED ON, and STRENGTHENED for this final big battle from dark to Light.”

Diana Larkin - TREMENDOUS UPHEAVALS - December 13, 2024

“TREMENDOUS UPHEAVALS are taking place behind the scenes in your GOVERNMENT, in ENTERTAINMENT, in the FINANCIAL and BUSINESS sector, and in the CHURCH realm. You are beginning to SEE the SIGNS of these UPHEAVALS, and they will continue to BUILD and become more VISIBLE as the TRANSFER of POWER is brought to COMPLETION and your rightful leader is placed at the HEAD of your NATION. The darkness thinks they can STOP this TREMENDOUS UPHEAVAL of their evil empire by their DARK and DESTRUCTIVE plan, but My TREMENDOUS UPHEAVAL will SHAKE their plans and bring them DOWN in a huge CRASH of DEFEAT. These TREMENDOUS UPHEAVALS are happening because many chose to BACK JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS in your Land. I have set in MOTION SHAKINGS that have UNCOVERED PROOFS of BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, and TREASON. The GUILTY are being presented with these PROOFS and that is why you are seeing people FLEE the country, RESIGN from positions of POWER, and HUGE POLICY SWINGS in companies and agencies. As the TRANSFER of POWER is COMPLETED, the TREMENDOUS UPHEAVALS will ACCELERATE and become VISIBLE to all. It will seem a bit CHAOTIC as leader after leader is EXPOSED and REMOVED from power and systems COLLAPSE under the weight of FRAUD and DECEPTION, but know that My TREMENDOUS UPHEAVALS are STRATEGIC and that who and what needs to GO will be REMOVED. I have been behind the DEVELOPMENT of the blueprints for the RECONSTRUCTION and RESTORATION of your REPUBLIC, so do not waste one minute in FEAR because I AM FAITHFUL and POWERFUL to PERFORM My word. My TREMENDOUS UPHEAVALS will bring about the DAWN of a NEW ERA of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS.”

Bo Polny & Manuel Johnson - Christmas Surprise 2024 - December 10, 2024

You’re right Manuel you said it earlier evils on the earth you can’t change the fact and so we’re we’re watching it and this is a the Battle of proportions we can’t imagine. Because this is now a battle of of generations. This is a a battle for the United States of America. And this then turns into a victory for the world. Okay, so this is a battle to restore America. When America is restored the Covenant Nation this then becomes a victory for the world. And then we have the greatest worldwide Revival in human history. And so this has to go down in specific timing because if it happened earlier, we wouldn’t have say think imagine if it happened two years ago. We wouldn’t have seen half of what been exposed. Look up to the right the election. These people were were exposing themselves all of Hollywood, the music industry. They were all they were all picking sides of who they’re who they’re voting for there was videos made of all the people in Hollywood all promoting Kamala. They were all promoting all the music industry all the all them came out all they all showed their colors. And like I said earlier in our podcast, God revealed to me. Trump, the orange man bad the reason for orange is he’s the cheese and what did the election do it brought out and exposed all the rats. And more are about to be exposed as we head into inauguration.

Oh boy you, we, you, we, us, we ain’t seen anything yet because this is a fight to the death. These people cannot let, because when the glory manifests it’s the light. What is the light do to darkness. It exposes everything. They can’t let him into office. Because the moment he gets in he’s going to reveal, reveal, reveal, reveal, reveal, all the truth. And the truth destroys darkness and they cannot let them in. And so understand we’re stepping into first A Christmas Surprise … but then that leads us into chaos as we go into the inauguration. Shortly thereafter, I believe we go US gets involved in military. We’re g to go dark. Because what’s the only thing they can do Manny to prevent the truth from coming out? Turn all, Pull the plug. Pull the plug everything goes dark. Late Janary after the inauguration so so so so pay attention pay attention Okay because this is a good thing so I I I receive it. I’m been so excited because God was showing me brother Bo Saints Glimpse as he was showing me about 2024. Showing me glimpse of 2025. I’m so excited. You know it’s like my god do you this mean I’m gonna have a whole lot more fish tacos for celebrating. Oh yeah Hallelujah And one of the words he gave me was he says no judgment, but Justice. He said it clearly. He says no judgment, but justice. So we’re going to see such a tremendous amount of of 2025, a lot of Justice. …

The Lord said tell my children there is going to be an overflow. That’s why I’ve been using the words on this live stream. There’s going to be an overflow of justice that you like never before, like never before. And some of the pro uh I don’t know if they’re prophets or who’s speaking but I know they do say these things on different uh live streams that that that United States. No it’s it’s it’s under judgment no this is not true. Jehovah clearly clearly spoke to me and says that no, where there will be Justice and Grace but I will the exposures that we saw within the last four years there will still be more, but not the way we’re thinking. And the justice that God’s going to bring will be from heaven. And so um, thank God this nation is in the hands of the Lord. And the Nations that are calling on the name of the Lord Lord is in the hands of the Lord. The Lord says ,I heard the word 12. I heard the word 12. I don’t know if that is 12 o’clock on New Year’s. This is good, Bo you didn’t hear this when you this is the first time that I’m releasing this pathetic word over the live stream. I heard the word , and I saw the clock strike 12. It was a spiritual clock in the vision, it struck 12. It stuck it struck 12. When I saw that I would what I believe to what I saw in the spirit was an acceleration like we have never experienced. It was a acceleration I saw uh uh I saw people going in Gates. And these were beautiful Gates. They were beautiful Gates.

But it was such a Changing of the Guard and people going into these beautiful golden gates. Their assignment was over and there was so much happening going on. So this is this is very powerful. Then the Lord took me from the Heavenly scene, glory to God, and brought me back into the Earthly scene. And so I I saw Donald Trump and he the inauguration was over he was sitting in office. He had this thyrus mantle on him. So God allowed me to see some insight of what was taking place in the White House. So he had the Cyrus mantle on him so he was in and he was in the White House inauguration and he sat in the white house it was the manto Osirus was on him. And he started to all of a sudden the things that was coming at both Vince and Donald it was Heavy. Brother Bo Saints it was Heavy it was heavy. And then I heard Vince say to Donald what are we going to do about what the way they have left us. Which means the way the previous administration left them in a mess. It was a mess brother Bo.

So it was easier said than done and from that point on I don’t know if Donald had ever said this before but he looked at his vice president Vince very powerful he looked at his vice president Vince in the White House. Donald was sitting down, he was sitting down at the desk. You know that the the the president desk and he said he looked up Vance and he says now is the time to pray. Now is the time to pray. I saw this and and so the Lord and when the Lord lifted that vision and from me. He said tell my Saints well I should say tell my children tell my children do not stop the prayer walks. Do not stop your prayer walks. It is more vital, it is more vital, 2025 than it was in 2024. Because the Lord says as they pray as the Saints of Heaven my you know my Saints lift up me in heaven as they pray and seek me. The Lord said that he was going to drain drain the swamp. Drain the swamp like you wouldn’t believe. …

Bo I think you already know this I’m I just recently found out a few days ago. And so this was not a vision, this was not a dream, this was not an encounter. This was just information that came to me on Sunday at church. And it was revealed to me to one of our officers that um Christmas Day it starts the first day of Hanukkah. I want to see am I are is this correct saints that Christmas day starts the first day of Hanukkah? Is there any wonderful Jewish people out there that are watching us that know, are even if you’re non you go and put the slide up okay I need to.

So Hanukkah starts on Hanukkah starts on the 25th. So it really does? And it goes until Jan January 2nd I just did the research on that this morning. And then Passover starts on April 12th ends on April 20th. Now the reason I bring this up is because what we’re looking for, and I believe, and I know God has spoken through several many prophets about a time of darkness coming, okay. Lord revealed very clearly to me right before I went on live streams a couple years ago. He revealed to me that it’s going to go down like Lazarus. Now then interesting if you study the story of Lazarus what happened was he died, read scriptures, he died after Hanukkah. Because remember Jesus me came to visit him so he died after Hanukkah but before Passover. Which means that the time of Darkness upon the world, when they pull the plug, all Hell Breaks Loose, is between those two windows right there. So expect potentially something to go down and I do believe that, well I know the internet’s going to go down power is going to go down there’s Kim clment prophecies about darkness in New York and in major cities.

So something’s and again if you tie that in with the death of Lazareth this is a beautiful story. Because Jesus knew that Lazarus was sick and he knew that he passed away. But yet he delayed his visit intentionally. Why? this is the best part of the whole story. So that we might see the glory of God. That’s the Story of Lazarus, and what Lord revealed to me is every time you read the Lazarus story wherever it says Lazarus or it says he just replaced USA. God loves the United States. There in there Lord he whom you loved. So that’s the United States. God loves us we’re a covenant Nation. However we’re the we turn into a prostitute, the whore of Babylon. But initially if you read Jeremiah, we were the golden cup in the Lord’s hands. This nation was founded under God. All men are created equal. So when you read The Story of Lazarus it’s the beautiful story of the United States. And it finishes so that you might see the glory of God. And this is the death and the resurrection of the United States. It’s coming to A Time Point as we head into January.

Because this is a fight to the death. They will not, and cannot, let Trump into office. Because like you’re saying Manny, what you’re seeing in the in the Visions, right. These people because of all the things they done they cannot let them into office because he’s going to expose them. So they’re going to fight to the death to not let that happen. So the and when he comes in the first thing he’s going to do. He’s going to reveal the light all the deals truth, truth, truth, so the truth might set us free. The light reveals all the deals done in darkness you see how this is all playing out. They are walking into the greatest trap and The Story of Lazarus tells us this after Hanukkah, and before Passover. So we wait and watch to see how this plays out.

But the charts indicate, and Lord revealed to me very clear just the other day. And I’ve been working on my charts, of incredible stuff God showed me in terms of calculations for 2025. But the calculation is people say well. How come silver is not going up? How come gold’s not going up? Because you haven’t had the Lazurath moment. You get the Lazurath moment, you get the glory of God, you get move on God’s money like you can’t even imagine. So we have to wait for the inauguration, because it will happen. No one can stop God’s anointed from coming into office. He’s anointed and appointed to be president of the United States. And then all hell breaks loose in the financial markets shortly thereafter. …

Sketch Danger - December 2024

Jar of Clay - Telegram - December 2024

Diana Larkin - CRASHING IN - December 12, 2024

Today’s significant date: 12=God’s perfect government; 24=Heavenly government, worship, the 24 Elders around God’s Throne
“I have been laying the GROUND WORK behind the scenes for the GOVERNMENT of Heaven to be ESTABLISHED on the earth—just as you have been praying—let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on the earth as it is in Heaven. The Kingdom Age is the REVEALING of Heaven’s government come to RULE on the earth. The BUILD-UP has been GRADUAL, as I FIRST laid Kingdom foundations of a DESIRE for TRUE JUSTICE and a LOVE for RIGHTEOUSNESS in your own hearts. The evil empire’s foundations have been WEAKENED because the Army of Light is partnering with Me in LIVING OUT JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS and in CALLING FORTH My RULE and REIGN in your nations. The enemy’s LAST DITCH effort to bring GREAT FEAR and DESTRUCTION in order to CONTROL you, will be met by the GREATER FORCE of My Heavenly government, My Kingdom Age, that will come CRASHING IN on the plans of the darkness. The evil empire and all those partnered with it will be CRUSHED by the rescue of My Kingdom POWER CRASHING IN. The build-up to VICTORY has been SLOW, but at just the right moment My Kingdom government will come CRASHING IN to soundly DEFEAT the darkness and to ESTABLISH earthly governments of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Set your heart to TRUST Me, not to FEAR, and to CALL FORTH the CRASHING IN of My Kingdom RULE and REIGN.”
REVELATION 11:16-18 (TPT) Then the twenty four Elders who sit on their thrones before God fell face down before Him and worshiped Him, saying: “We give thanks to You, Lord God Almighty, who is and who was, because You have established Your great and limitless power and begun to reign! The nations were furious, and You became furious, and the time for judging the dead (literally or metaphorically dead to God and righteousness) has come. The time has come to reward Your servants the prophets and the holy ones and all who reverence Your name, both small and great. And the time has come to destroy those who corrupt the earth!” 

Jennifer LeClaire - This Trump Prophecy May Shock Many People - December 11, 2024

The Lord would say I am releasing spirit of reformation over your nation. And even the angels of transition are working in the background behind the scenes says the Lord to prepare for what is happening next, says God. And I will even give Donald Trump dreams and Visions, says the Lord. I will fill him with my spirit and he will prophesy, says the Lord. He will be an agent of change and the angels of transition will work with him and for him, says the Lord. He will even begin to decree a thing and see it established, my will established in this nation, says the Lord. For I have heard the cries of my people, says the Lord. And I’ve seen the tears of my faithful intercessors, says the Lord. And I am answering in this season first little by little, and then like a flood you will begin to see change change posit of change in your nation, says the Lord.

So do not stop praying now, says God. But keep on pushing. For you are pushing back the darkness even ancient darkness that is encroached upon this land, says the Lord. Did I not say I would bring a Third Great Awakening? the time is coming and it’s coming soon, says the Lord. So keep your Shields up says God for the enemy will come in and try to bring a flood of violence and a flood of wickedness in in high places, says the Lord. But stand firm because I’ve already defeated the principalities and I’ve already defeated the power, says the Lord. So do not grow weary and do not wonder if things seem at first to be a little bit uh different changing faster than you thought. The Lord says I am in the change my my Holy Spirit is the change agent and the angels of transition. They are at work, say say the Lord.

Diana Larkin - TRANSITION TO HOLINESS - December 11, 2024

“HOLINESS has been MISUNDERSTOOD by My Church. You may think that HOLINESS is someone who lives according to VERY STRICT RULES, FAST and PRAYS a lot, and is VERY SERIOUS about life. The TRUTH about HOLINESS is that it SETS YOU FREE from rules and regulations, your spiritual life is a LIVING FLOW from Me, and you will experience DEEP JOY in ALL aspects of life. My HOLINESS is My WHOLENESS—nothing missing, nothing broken. When you OPEN your HEART to My HOLINESS, it will HEAL BROKEN AREAS in you that open the door to FALSE COMFORTERS, SELF-PROMOTION, ENVY, and STRIFE. When HOLINESS is INVITED to BURN AWAY any place you have UNFORGIVENESS, REJECTION, or WOUNDING; then, there is NO PLACE for JEALOUSY, RESENTMENT, or SELFISH AMBITION. These unhealed places in your soul are the SOURCE of SIN, DIVISION, and STRIVING. When My HOLINESS is allowed to CONSUME those places of sin, then I can REPLACE them with My WHOLENESS. Your MOTIVES will become PURE and your LOVE for one another unhindered by JEALOUSY and a CRITICAL SPIRIT. PEACE, JOY, and LAUGHTER will FLOOD into your life and that is what you will RELEASE to the world. HOLINESS is not STOIC—a lack of emotions. I created emotions to give you a FULL RANGE of LIFE, PASSION, and JOY. Emotions are only HARMFUL when they come from WOUNDED areas of your soul. HOLINESS does have a PURIFYING FIRE but it only burns away what keeps you from WHOLENESS and FULLNESS of LIFE. HOLINESS is NOT RESTRICTIVE. It is FREEING and will lead to DEEP JOY, GREAT SATISFACTION , and PEACE with Me. Welcome this season of the TRANSITION TO HOLINESS.”

RISE ABOVE IT ALL - Diana Larkin - December 10, 2024

“The END of the evil empire is VERY CLOSE so don’t be CAUGHT OFF-GUARD by all the FLACK that is coming your way.  You are OVER THE TARGET with your prayers, decrees, and declarations, and you are inflicting GREAT DAMAGE to the darkness. The enemy is being CRUSHED by your STEADY, UNRELENTING WARFARE, so don’t be surprised when he flings out every evil scheme he can at you and those you love. Don’t let the enemy’s DEATH SPIRAL DISTRACT you, INTIMIDATE you, or cause you to PANIC or to get into FEAR. DO NOT RELENT in your ALL-OUT WARFARE against the evil empire! You can know how EFFECTIVE your warfare is by all that the enemy is bringing against you. Your warfare is SUFFOCATING him, so DON’T BACK DOWN. Call in MORE Angels and Hosts to fight FOR you and WITH you. I have MORE THAN ENOUGH Heavenly assistance to bring DELIVERANCE and HELP to you and those you see in need. Let Me show Myself STRONG on your behalf. Take time out whenever you begin to feel STRESS or FEAR trying to come in. Allow My Spirit to HELP you RISE ABOVE IT ALL. When you look at everything coming against you from My HEAVENLY PERSPECTIVE, you will see that I AM at WORK in EVERY situation that you bring before Me. Just as surely as you will WITNESS the FALL of the evil empire, you will also WITNESS BREAKTHROUGHS in all the areas you are CONTENDING for. RISE ABOVE IT ALL with Me, and you will see the COMING VICTORY.”

The Unknown Prophet Greg Watkins - A *SHOCKING* Vision! I Saw This Monument Collapse... Noveber 30, 2024

I’m bringing it to you on November the 29th 2024 got all that straight As I waited on the follow for this Vision. A vision of the Washington Monument came into view and as I continued to watch suddenly it was destroyed. Appearing as it was a planned destruction similar to way the Trade Centers were destroyed. It collapsed straight down as almost every building does in a planned destruction. I continued to watch and the debris was removed and a huge cross was erected in its place. The scene faded and when it returned there were masses of people gathered around the cross covering the knoll upon which the monument had been built and upon which the cross now sat. They were all on their knees and many had their hands raised in worship and praise. The vision ended and at that point the father said go and write what you’ve seen I will speak to you more about it later. Don’t ask me why he did that.

But on the 27th November the 27th two days later. I was sitting waiting to see if he had something and he said I want you to go now and finish what you started. So I came into the computer and I sat here and I said father what do you want me to say. He said Son what I have showed you will take place, but not right now. It will take place because the Washington Monument is much like the Tower of Babel. It was erected by man to show the strength of man not my strength even though there is an inscription upon the stone at the top of the monument dedicating it to me. It still was built to show man’s strength. Man said we need to show the world who we are. It is my strength that has made this country what it has become and what it and what has been attacked so violently in these last years. I spoke into the I spoke into the spirits of those who formed this country because of their prayers and decrees that were spoken over the country.

It this country, was decreed to be a city on a hill to which all would look and see the glory of God. It was decreed to be a country from which my word would go out from its Shores to all the world. To my glory. It is because of these decrees and others and the prayers of those who loved me that I built this country and blessed it. And now my son despite the fact that many have turned away from me I am choosing to call these decrees and prayers. Mixed with the prayers of those who still walk with me into being being. In doing that I will deal with the monument to the power of man and I will replace it with a sign of who truly is the strength of this nation.

It will not happen soon son but it will happen within your life. You will see it. Now tell my people that this is what this is all about and that they need to look to to me for the Salvation of this country not to man. Allow me to bring those whom I choose into power as you have with Trump. Don’t look to the monument the power of man, look to the cross a symbol of what I have done for you and am now doing for your country. And look to my power to set this nation back on track to fulfill the decrees and the pro prayers of those who went before you. And those of you who now sit at my feet. Tell my people to seek me in prayer in all that they do now. For Satan is trying to block what I have set in motion. He will not. Pray and seek my guidance and he will not. Ad continue to pray for your country to be set back on my path. Your prayers carry much weight.

Diana Larkin - THE EXPANSION OF MY KINGDOM AGE - December , 2024

“THE KINGDOM AGE that you and your world are ENTERING INTO is an age of EXPANSION, SHALOM, and INCREASED ANOINTING. We have partnered together to DEFEAT the LIFE-STEALING, TYRANNICAL DARKNESS and as this evil empire COLLAPSES and is put UNDER your feet, you will see THE EXPANSION OF MY KINGDOM AGE. DANIEL 2:35 (TPT) ‘Then, all at once, the entire statue collapsed into a heap of rubble. The iron and clay, bronze, silver, and gold were all pulverized as fine as chaff on the summer threshing floor. The wind blew the shattered pieces away, leaving not a trace behind. But the Boulder that hit the statue grew into a massive mountain that covered the whole earth.’ You will SEE this Scripture FULFILLED in your day. My Heavenly atmosphere of SHALOM will FLOOD the earth in the place of FEAR, HATRED, and DEATH AGENDAS. My SHALOM will bring GREAT PEACE, BEAUTIFUL REST, and NOTHING MISSING, NOTHING BROKEN. As Light DISPLACES darkness in all areas of society, an INCREASED ANOINTING will be RELEASED. You will have the POWER and the AUTHORITY to REVERSE THE CURSE of DEATH AGENDAS that have been sent against you from TAINTED MEDICATIONS and IMMUNIZATIONS and from MODIFIED FOODS, UNHEALTHY WATER, AND IMPURE AIR. You will be given the authority to STOP the DEATH and to RELEASE FULLNESS of LIFE—My LIFE, KINGDOM LIFE. This INCREASED ANOINTING will also affect the governmental mountain. You are to take AUTHORITY over all the TYRANNICAL and EVIL LAWS put in place by the darkness. You are to CALL THEM DOWN and WIPE THEM OUT and WELCOME the CLEAN SWEEP of My Spirit as JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS ROLL IN to WIPE OUT all evil agendas and foundations. Breathe in the SWEET and CLEAN AIR of FREEDOM, as we move into THE EXPANSION OF MY KINGDOM AGE.”

Diana Larkin - THE KINGDOM WAY - December 8, 2024

I briefly met with Enoch this morning in the Garden of Life. I saw him tending a garden spot and came to see what he was working on. He was carefully working on a Hollyhock plant and when I came near, he picked a blossom and put it behind my ear. I said that I love flowers and growing things, and he said: “The Kingdom Way: you plant a seed and a great harvest comes back to you.”
The Father spoke:
“What Enoch shared with you this morning in the Garden of Life is one of the FOUNDATIONS of My ETERNAL KINGDOM. When you SOW A SEED, you will REAP A GREAT HARVEST. If you sow to DARKNESS, REBELLION, LIES, and GREED, you will REAP A DARK HARVEST. Those under you will REBEL AGAINST you and will THROW YOU DOWN like the eunuchs threw down Jezebel. You will be LIED to and STOLEN from, leaving you CONFUSED, EXPOSED, and DESOLATE. CHOOSE THE KINGDOM WAY of GREAT BLESSING and FULFILLMENT by living out of My HEART. You are planting KINGDOM SEEDS when you OBEY My promptings; when you are KIND, when you GIVE with a JOYFUL HEART; when you PRAY with FAITH; when you GIVE of  your TIME, your RESOURCES, and your LOVE. These KINGDOM SEEDS that you SOW will REAP a HUGE HARVEST of PEACE, PLENTY, and DEEP, ABIDING JOY. The LITTLE SEEDS that you plant in OBEDIENCE and FAITH will come back to you with My BLESSING OVERFLOWING into your life. Don’t be WEARY in well-doing to those who OPPOSE you and who don’t BELIEVE you. Keep DECREEING and DECLARING in FAITH against the darkness. Keep coming to Me to HEAR My voice and to FELLOWSHIP with Me. These are KINGDOM WAYS, and you will REAP KINGDOM REWARDS. You will NEVER REGRET living THE KINGDOM WAY.”

Diana Larkin - THE ADVENTURES OF A LIFETIME - December 7, 2024

“You have been CHOSEN to live in this time in history and to have THE ADVENTURES OF A LIFETIME. You have NOT been called to live a DULL, HO-HUM LIFE of living BELOW what you were created to be. Many of you have said, ‘yes!’ to this LIFE OF ADVENTURE—even though the first part of this kairos time has involved INTENSE WARFARE and BATTLES on the PERSONAL front, on the SEVEN MOUNTAINS of society front, and on the SPIRITUAL front. Who will RULE? Who will REIGN? Can the Light really OVERCOME the darkness? You have LOCKED your FAITH into My eyes of LOVE and into My BOLD PROMISES of VICTORY. Your faithfulness in PUSHING BACK the darkness and in BELIEVING My PROMISES of VICTORY will be GREATLY REWARDED here in this life and also in Heaven. A GREAT SHIFT is ahead in this season of THE ADVENTURES OF A LIFETIME. Ahead are DREAMS COME TRUE, WEALTH, CREATIVITY, HEALTH, and GREAT PEACE. These ADVENTURES will COMFORT your losses, HEAL any TRAUMA, and PRODUCE GREAT JOY, FREEDOM, and BLESSING. Hang on, My Army of Light, The ADVENTURES are about to SHIFT from dark to LIGHT.”   

Diana Larkin - POWER, MIGHT, AND MAJESTY - December 6, 2024

“You will SEE with your own eyes and there will be NO DOUBT that I AM God when I show up in POWER, MIGHT, AND MAJESTY to RESCUE your Nation out of the GREEDY CLUTCHES of the DEEP DARKNESS. The rescue of your Nation will TRIGGER RESCUES of nations around the world. As the HUGE TRAP I have set for those partnered with darkness SPRINGS SHUT in your Nation, it will TRIGGER the SPRINGING of My TRAPS that have been set all around the world. Just like a row of DOMINOES falls, those partnered with EVIL, GREED, and CORRUPTION will FALL, one after another. The world will go to bed one way and AWAKEN the next to a day of RESCUE and LIGHT, as I move in POWER, MIGHT, AND MAJESTY to CRUSH the darkness that tried to RULE My world. Army of Light, you have been POWERFUL in OPPOSING and EXPOSING the darkness, and you will see Me respond to your prayers, decrees, and declarations with My POWER, MIGHT, AND MAJESTY. The world will respond with SHOCK and AWE, and all will say, ‘GREAT IS OUR GOD!’ The REWARDS of your faith and your faithfulness will be GREAT.”

Sketch Danger - December 2024

Andrew Whalen - PROPHETIC WORD - Back To The Future & Q - December 10, 2024

… Last time you were on we got into dreams of I remember one was with your wife and it was a lot of governmental um things the Lord was bringing you to do and now this is more based on Q drops. And we could start Today’s Show I kind of would ask would you share what is Q um just commentary on on what what what is Q and what’s the purpose of Q, and how did you find out about Q, for people who don’t don’t know who Q is. Yeah, absolutely um and I know that um you know just maybe starting uh outright I’ll just say, that I’ve talked about Q a little bit here on on Elijah streams. But I’m not one to um announce it and trumpet it because I just realized there’s a lot of um cognitive dissonance that comes with certain aspects of Q. There’s been a intentional um targeting of what Q is and so there’s just a lot of misunderstanding. And and I just like to be liked. I don’t want people to think this is some wacko conspiracy guy.

But the fact is um because of the dreams I’ve had recently I I knew I would be in Disobedience if I don’t talk about this. I’s like the Lord’s saying hey my people need to hear this we need to talk about it. And so that’s why I’m here to talk about that today is because of some of the revelations uh God has given me. But to um give a little bit of context um, and I’m not the expert just so you all know I’m not the expert on Q. But um I think from a very basic understanding um Q is uh there’s something called Q clearance, which is a uh level of of security. It’s like top secret a uh or I don’t know how you say it Above Top Secret. It’s the highest level clearance security clearance you can have really I didn’t know that yeah and so there’s I you know I think there’s probably a number of aspects to why the letter Q. But um that being one of them it has to do with a high level of of access to security secure information.

And um and then uh Q itself is likely um a group of Patriots that are um Military Intelligence um along with President Trump, and um others behind the scenes. And it’s a small group. Q said it’s um those who really know the fullness of the plan behind the Q operation are those that can be counted on you know two hands. So, uh so it’s a small group and it needed to be that way. But uh it’s for many purposes. But um in large part Q was used or has been used, and is still being used, as this kind of military civilian um Alliance where the uh military is operating um and doing things uh in their sphere and yet it’s helping awaken a civil population to what’s going on so that we can uh do our part in this plan as well. And so um there there’s a lot more that could be said on that.

But I’ll give you the kind of context of how I even found out about it um which I think is really important that people know uh because it was really prophetic how it happened. But um I actually am taking this dream it’s a Dream from my book dreams to save a nation and it’s from day 11. And um I call it the Q and the Praying Medic dream. So here’s what happened this is March 18th 2018. And in the dream, oh and I I’ll I’ll explain a little bit more about q that some of the things I just missed. But in the dream March 18th 2018 I found myself prophesying out loud and I said this. If the church would listen to a man named Praying Medic speak about something called Q, then the church would really understand what is going on and know how to pray. So um I I say this as a commentary about that um that this dream is brief, yet it’s incredibly profound. And it’s very important that everybody knows this that I had never heard of anything thing called Q or qanon. So you need to understand the supernatural Dynamic of this dream because it was a complete uh foreign concept when I actually had the dream.

When I had heard of a man, so I knew of the man named Praying medic. I had seen his books like on Amazon. I’d never followed him I’d never read his books. But I saw that he had content out there and his he used the pin name Praying Medic, his name is Dave Hayes. Who probably several of you in the audience have seen him on here on Elijah streams. So he used the name Praying Medic and uh I did not uh I had no knowledge, so just so you know I had no knowledge at the time of this dream that this man Praying medic had also been instructed by the Lord to decode certain posts from an anonymous online user that was called Q. And I never personally spoke with Praying medic until April of 2023. When God revealed one of the most incredible storylines of confirmation. Which you can go back and watch uh that episode on Johnny inlaw unfiltered episode 56 uh I go into some more detail about it.

But um here’s what happened. After I had that initial dream of of if the church listen to this if the church would listen to a man named Praying medic speak about something Q uh called Q then the church would really understand what is going on and know how to pray. That was the that was the important word to understand. God wasn’t saying that Q is the Bible. He wasn’t saying that hey uh Q is replacing Holy Spirit or Q is has any level or um equality with the word of God. No, he was saying hey there’s a man who is decoding certain posts from a thing called Q. And if the church would listen to some of these decodes about this we would understand the bigger picture for the Times we’re living in and know how to pray. And um so for the next several years God gave me dreams that validated the legitimacy of Q as being a sort of military intelligence operation. And early on God let me understand, just so you all know, God God strongly told me hey Q is not your source of Revelation, I am.

God’s my source. My word is your Source my spirit is your Source not Q. But he said Q is a tool of insight Clarity and Confirmation. And so um additionally, Q has helped awaken a sleeping church, and to be honest, a sleeping world to the reality of so much of the unseen evil that has uh been taking place for a long, long, time. yes so that is the kind of uh introductory context for how I learned about it but um you know. …

It’s interesting because I remember early on sharing these things with different um leaders. And some of these leaders would be very well known. And um I would share the Revelation how it came to me. I’m like hey guys, I didn’t just look up hey let’s go search conspiracy theories today. Oh there’s Q let’s go follow Q. No, this came in a dream and from that time forward God has continued to reveal things by Revelation that I didn’t know about this that was since confirmed. And so it was difficult for me when I would introduce these things to several leaders in the church and I got the reaction of. That’s great Andrew but don’t you ever say that to the to the entire body of Christ. They’ll think you’re crazy. They’ll think you’re you’re looney. I mean I these were some of the actual discussions I had. um I had some major leaders call me about the book dreams to save a nation and some of them said Andrew this is the most incredible resource for prayer for our nation right now. But I wish you would have never talked about Q. Because you’re making it too controversial to um to bring up to the body of Christ because so many people have are triggered by it.

And and so that was difficult for me to hear but I understand. I understand but the fact of the matter is well am I supposed to disobey what God’s shown me? Far be it for me if I don’t say what I’ve been shown what he’s told me. It doesn’t mean I’m always right I but if I don’t give what I’ve been given and show it and reveal it um at least to be judged. Please at least judge it at least do the research for yourself. But don’t kneejerk reaction say no, oh Q being you know we’ve been programmed and triggered to throw out everything.

Let me just say that’s why the church has been in the condition it’s been we’ve been so asleep for so long and we’ve been conditioned and programmed to stay asleep. And so I want to just say God is doing a shaking to his body and he’s saying come on. You have been so ignorant of the enemy’s devices he has run rampant on a generation, and he is stealing uh the inheritance for my people. Ask then ask for me the Nations I’ll give them as an inheritance and the enemy has controlled covertly behind the scenes what should be being far more influenced by the Kingdom. So yes sorry if I’m getting on a pedestal here but the point is I feel like we do ourselves and we do the body of Christ a disservice when we don’t listen and process some of the Revelation even agree. And I’ll tell you that let me just ask you all a question. How many of you now believe something that when you heard it first you did not believe or you did not agree with. …

Q - The Greatest Military Intellegence Operation of our Time?

Sketch Danger - December 2024

Diana Larkin - CONVERGENCE DAY - December 5, 2024

Significant numbers in today’s date: 12=God’s perfect government; 5=grace; 24=24 Elders, Heavenly worship; 1+2+5+2+4=14 = Passover, double anointing.
“Today the Armies of Heaven are being MOVED INTO POSITION to COMPLETELY CONVERGE with the Army of Light. Wherever there are leaders in your Military who know Me, I AM also causing a CONVERGENCE of Heaven’s military with your earthly military. This CONVERGENCE will create MULTIPLIED POWER and EXTREME FORCE that will OVERCOME every death agenda the evil empire tries to launch. This will be a DISPLAY of My Kingdom POWER and RULE—on earth as it is in Heaven. CLASHES between the darkness and the Light will be EXPLOSIVE, out in the OPEN, and will serve to AWAKEN many sleepers. As the darkness mounts their FINAL DESPERATE ATTEMPT to RULE the world, DO NOT FEAR and realize that you are not FIGHTING ALONE. Open your spiritual eyes and SEE all the Heavenly and earthly FORCES that have CONVERGED and then MOVE OUT at My COMMAND and OVERPOWER, EXPOSE, and COMPLETELY DEFEAT the evil empire. As the darkness is CRUSHED, great Light will BREAK FORTH across your Land. DECLARE that this is CONVERGENCE DAY, and it will result in the DEFEAT of the darkness and the VICTORIOUS RISING of My Kingdom of Light.”

Diana Larkin - I WILL NOT FAIL YOU - December 4, 2024

“As you look forward to your new year of 2025, I AM promising you that I WILL NOT FAIL YOU. PSALM 25:3 (TPT) ‘Could anyone be disgraced when he has entwined his heart with Yours? But my foes will all be defeated and ashamed when they harm the innocent.’ 2025 will REVEAL more and more of those who have HARMED the INNOCENT. The innocent who have been harmed are not just the CHILDREN but the WHOLE POPULATION who have been given foods and medicines that CAUSE DISEASES and SHORTEN LIVES. You have CRIED OUT to Me for JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and you will SEE it with your own eyes. I WILL NOT FAIL YOU. As you see those partnered with darkness FALL, GUARD YOUR OWN HEART so that you don’t PARTNER with darkness in any way. Here is how you PREPARE your heart for 2025: PSALM 25:4-5 (TPT) ‘Direct me, Yahweh, throughout my journey so I can experience Your plans for my life. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to You. Escort me into Your truth; take me by the hand and teach me. For You are the God of my salvation; I have wrapped my heart into Yours all day long!’ I can GUARANTEE you GREAT FULFILLMENT and FRUITFULNESS in your life if you will SURRENDER your heart and paths in FAITH to Me. I WILL NOT FAIL YOU. SIMULTANEOUSLY this coming year, you will see both My JUDGMENTS against your enemies and My FAITHFULNESS to you. A HOLY HUSH of the FEAR of the LORD will fill the Land. This is My PROMISE to those who live in the fear of the Lord: PSALM 25:12-14 (TPT) ‘Who are they that live in the holy fear of Yahweh? You will show them the right path to take. Then prosperity and favor will be their portion, and their descendants will inherit the earth. There’s a private place reserved for the devoted lovers of Yahweh, where they sit near Him and receive the revelation secrets of His promises. In 2025 you can expect Me to show you the RIGHT PATHS to take that will result in PROSPERITY and FAVOR for you and your generations. I WILL NOT FAIL YOU.” 

Jar of Clay - December 2024

Diana Larkin - A NEW DAY OF DESTINY DAWNS - December 3, 2024

ROMANS 13:12 (TPT) Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon.
“As I bring the darkness DOWN and put it UNDER YOUR FEET, A NEW DAY OF DESTINY WILL DAWN. It will be a season of LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, CREATIVITY, and TRUE JUSTICE. It will be filled with ABUNDANCE and the FULFILLMENT of your LIFE’S PURPOSE. The DOWNFALL of the darkness is happening and NOTHING WILL STOP ITS COMPLETE COLLAPSE. A NEW DAY OF DESTINY for My Royal Priesthood will DAWN. How do you PREPARE your HEART for this COMPLETE CHANGE from dark to LIGHT? Allow My Spirit to SHOW you any areas of DARK SHADOWS in your own life so that you can bring them to the Light by CONFESSION and REPENTANCE, and WELCOMING the Light of HOLINESS to CONSUME any areas of DARK SHADOWS in your heart. Be FREE! It was for FREEDOM that Christ set you FREE. A LIGHT-FILLED LIFE is very POWERFUL in My Kingdom, and it REFLECTS My HEART to the world. Your light-filled life PIERCES the darkness, and it is a WEAPON that DEFEATS darkness. It DRAWS men to its brightness—like a LIGHTHOUSE or a CITY on a hill. Behold, A NEW DAY OF DESTINY DAWNS.


“The darkness has RULED for many years as the Church became INGROWN, POWERLESS, and APATHETIC to the places I planted them to be SALT and LIGHT. THAT IS ALL CHANGING! My Remnant responded to My call to AWAKEN, to DRAW NEAR to My heart, and to FIGHT for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to be restored. I AM now responding to your cries for EXPOSURE of those partnered with darkness, for an END to their DEATH AGENDAS against you, and for true JUSTICE and FREEDOM to be RESTORED. My great Rescue Operation will be COMPLETED, and you will SEE ALL your PRAYERS ANSWERED. You will be like those who have DREAMED of promises FULFILLED and then AWAKEN to find it is a REALITY. SUDDENLY and OVERWHELMINGLY the Light of My GLORY will FLOOD the darkness, and EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE WILL BE CHANGED. You have learned to TRUST My PROMISES and My HEART towards you. This will carry you SAFELY, SECURELY, and with NO WAVERING of FAITH to the day of SHINING VICTORY. Let your CONFIDENCE be in My promises and DECLARE with Me that EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE WILL BE CHANGED.”

Sketch Danger - October-November, 2024

Diana Larkin - JUDGMENT’S PLUMB LINE - December 1, 2024

Plumb line=a plumb line is a cord with a lead weight used by builders to be sure that walls are straight up and down.
ISAIAH 28:17 (NLT) I will test you with the measuring line of justice and the plumb line of righteousness. Since your refuge is made of lies, a hail storm will knock it down. Since it is made of deception, a flood will sweep it away.
“I have dropped a PLUMB LINE into every nation and into every mountain of influence. Everything that ALIGNS with My JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS will be PRESERVED and STRENGTHENED. What does NOT ALIGN with My PLUMB LINE and what INSISTS on continuing in CROOKED and LYING ways will be KNOCKED DOWN and SWEPT AWAY. Those whose PLUMB LINE is DARKNESS, GREED, and PERVERSION will be SWEPT AWAY in the FLOOD of EXPOSURES. Their EVIL PLATFORMS, their GATEKEEPERS of CORRUPTION, their UNRIGHTEOUS LAWS and TYRANNY will be KNOCKED DOWN and TRAMPLED under the feet of the Forces of Light. TRUE justice and righteousness will be established after My PLUMB LINE has dropped. The evil arrogant ones thought no one could hold them ACCOUNTABLE, but they did not know the POWER of My PLUMB LINE of JUDGMENT nor the POWER of My LIGHT that My Remnant is SHINING into the darkness. My PLUMB LINE of JUDGMENT will now do its work of ALIGNING nations and leaders with My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Let My KINGDOM COME and My WILL be DONE on the earth as it is in Heaven.”

Diana Larkin - BOLD AS A LION - November 30, 2024

PROVERBS 28:1 (NASB) The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
“Rise up, My Army of Light, My RIGHTEOUS ones covered by the BLOOD of the Lamb, and be AS BOLD AS LIONS! Do you not SEE that the WICKED are FLEEING the country even though no one is PURSUING them at this time? Have you not HEARD all the HASTY and STAMMERING WITHDRAWALS of UNJUST WITCH HUNTS and LAW FARE? Do you NOTICE how QUIET some of the most vocal LIARS have become? The darkness has felt the ATMOSPHERE CHANGE since the election. They see that JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS are ROLLING in like a THUNDEROUS TSUNAMI WAVE, and they are FLEEING even before anyone PURSUES them. Did you FEEL the atmosphere SHIFT from dark to Light? Realize that your enemies are FLEEING right and left and that it is now time for you to be BOLD AS A LION and PURSUE the darkness until it has been COMPLETELY CONQUERED and CLEANSED from the Land. Send out ROARS of AUTHORITY marking the territory for the Light. CONSUME and DRIVE OUT the darkness with BOLD TRUTH and HEARTFELT WORSHIP. You have been given the BATTLE ADVANTAGE. Now, PRESS IN and DRIVE the enemy from the nation. Remember that the darkness will not ESCAPE their JUDGMENT DAY. It will FIND them no matter HOW DEEP or HOW SECURE they think their HIDING PLACE is. BE BOLD AS LIONS, My Army of Light!”

Diana Larkin - 2025: A YEAR TO DRIVE, THRIVE, AND ARRIVE - November 29, 2024

“2025 will be marked by EXPLOSIVE CHANGES. These changes will bring greater and greater levels of FREEDOM to you and your Nation. These MASSIVE SHAKE-UPS and CHANGES will RIPPLE OUT into the rest of the world. It is your ASSIGNMENT, Army of Light, to help DRIVE Heaven’s AGENDA of FREEDOM and VICTORY into its FULFILLMENT. I will supply the needed emotional and spiritual STRENGTH to see you through this war of dark to Light. You have many Hosts and Angels who have been sent to FIGHT with you and for you. Seek My Spirit to show you HOW TO WORK with the Armies of Heaven and how to use your Blood-bought AUTHORITY to ENFORCE Heaven’s VICTORY. This means declaring that ALL evil OPPOSITION and DEATH THREATS would be CANCELED against President Trump and those around him. Declare that President Trump would be put in place as the leader who will SET THE COURSE for GREAT FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE. This will also be a year of supernatural FAVOR for My Sons and Daughters, and you will THRIVE FINANCIALLY, RELATIONALLY, and SPIRITUALLY. Even as the systems of this world SHAKE and come down, you will experience FAVOR and GROWTH DIRECTLY FROM MY HAND. Heaven’s WEALTH is UNLIMITED, and you will KNOW I AM truly your PROVIDER. TRUTH and LOVE will partner in UNCOVERING and EXPOSING those partnered with darkness, and your RELATIONSHIPS will be RESTORED as people realize that you were SEEING and SHARING TRUTH. They will be SHOCKED at how DECEIVED and BLIND they were, and they will come HUMBLY to you for WISDOM and HELP. SPIRITUALLY you will be drawn DEEPER into My heart, and you will truly KNOW My LOVE and POWER, and you will REJOICE at our growing INTIMACY and PARTNERSHIP. 2025 will be a year that you ARRIVE at the FULFILLMENT of so many of My PROMISES. But know that even as you ARRIVE at promises of VICTORY, HEALING, and FREEDOM in your lives and your nation that it is just the BEGINNING. MORE is in store for the years following 2025: A YEAR TO DRIVE, THRIVE, AND ARRIVE.” 

Diana Larkin - EVERYTHING COMES ALIVE IN ME - November 28, 2024

“Since I AM the SOURCE of all LIFE, when you SURRENDER your life to Me through My Son, EVERYTHING IN YOU COMES ALIVE IN ME. True JOY, deep SATISFACTION, HEALING, RESTORATION, and FULFILLMENT all come ALIVE IN ME. When I give LIFE, I add NO SORROW to it—only BLESSING. Seeking these things in your OWN STRENGTH never works because they are meant to FLOW FROM My PURE STREAM of LIFE into you. When you try to live life without Me, it is REBELLION from the One who MADE you, and SIN always opens the door to SELFISHNESS, GREED, and ADDICTION. Don’t SUBSTITUTE  these COUNTERFEITS for REAL LIFE in Me. I only have GOOD THINGS for you, so TRUST Me with it ALL because EVERYTHING COMES ALIVE IN ME.”
Everything Comes Alive, lyrics by Jonathan Clarke
Broken hearts mended and minds reinvented, whatever You breathe on is coming alive.
God you restore us, put glory before us, whatever You love on is coming alive.
Everything comes alive in You, You make us, You make us new.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to the amazing Army of Light!

Dr Brett Watson - "The Season of Unparalleled Wealth!", prophecy US/Trump - November 27, 2024

The Lord he gave this to me today and the title of the word is is this. And I think it’s it’s uh not coincidence at all that today is the 22nd, double, double two which is double portion. But he said the season has shifted now with unparalleled wealth that shall now be released to my people. Unparalleled wealth that shall be released to my people. Now this this is a full word. So father I pray now in the name of Jesus that the listeners the viewers that their ears be anointed to hear the voice of God, in Jesus name. And that they will have the heart to receive the prophetic word that you have released for us your people in this moment and we give you praise and honor and glory. For the season has shifted now with unparalleled wealth that shall now be released to my people. For the time has come for the shackles to fall and the release to be established of my people from the bondage that they have experienced for decades in America, and the nations of the Earth. But this day I speak to my people in America, and I tell you the truth. You will now see a rebirthing of all things in the land of the free. For your bells of Freedom shall ring again. As I shall exonerate you and I bring recompense and great Vindication to you my faithful.

Watch now for the removal of those who have harmed my little ones, and my people with grave injustices. The schemes and the devices of these that have been activated pawns of the dragon shall now be exposed openly and removed. For I say again as I have many times Checkmate. For you have played your hand of arrogance and pride exposing your ways. Bt now I move for it is my time for my Hand of Justice declares the Lord. The rats shall be exposed from their darkness and removed to be seen or heard from no more. For now I shall bring great recompense, and great vindication, to my faithful ones. Watch I say for as I do this there shall also be the justice and vindication poured out upon those whose Hearts have turned against me and their covenants made with a dragon in dark Darkness. With my son Donald now at the helm he shall lead my America as I lead him. The rebirthing of this great nation I have established. And it will rise in Triumph with her wings repaired as she shall now soar upon and upward on my spirit as my glory is poured out upon her from north to south and east to west. From every border Thou shalt be protection and reestablishment as my Angelic Remnant shall stand to defend her.

Oh I say, have I not said in these days that there would be wars and rumors of wars. I say to you this is the tactic of the evil one as he has activated those who have attempted to create a war with the nations of the earth ,and my America. But hear me clearly declares the Lord, this time has not come. For that time of Great War that they call three is not for this era but to come. Nay, it is not time. I will crush those who try to project fear and War and I will bring unto you peace. Watch I say for there is a great exposure concerning the Nations. The filth of darkness in the deep places, yes, even the government in Ukraine, and the other nations shall be exposed. The injustices that have been done will be exposed and all will know the root cause of the war, and the continued war. As it was to hide the injustice and the wickedness of their deeds. But hear me declares the Lord, I say there is an agenda that the enemy had planned. But I will stop it declares your God. And my trump will blow the trumpet on this.

He will expose these things with those that he have gathered around him in his administration to be used to expose and to remove. Then hear me, I will give him the olive branch and he will use it to bring peace and to rescue many nations from the onslaught of those who have used their power to elevate and to enslave my people with fear. There is a great plan at work, not only in America but in the nations of the Earth. By my hand I will show you openly as I say to you this day. For I declare out of my mouth, the mouth of my Prophet, no more war, no more war. For I will expose the demonic agendas and release My Hand of Justice that shall bring a great turning of the tide and peace. Get ready my bride, and prepare now, for my hand to shake and then my release to come as I give you a great wealth transfer. Watch as I shake the governments in Many Nations and shall cause the wealth to be released. For there shall be a break in the system you know as finanical and I will turn it around for your favor. There shall be a release unprecedented in history as I did for my People Israel. For in one hand you shall see the wealth transfer and then in the other my people you shall then see The Spoils of War.

Your cup shall run over with my goodness and my treasures. Build for me in your lands and establish a Legacy for me and your families. Use wisdom and seek my face so I may lead you and help you to make wise decisions, declares the Lord. For I say this is an unprecedented time of Victory, not defeat. Blessings not cursings, Triumph not demise, great forward advancements, not stagnant Gloom from previous seasons and generations. No, I say hear me prepare now now. For your Trump triumphant Exodus. For as I release My People Israel with abundance and a land flowing with milk and honey. I say to you now you shall see Victory, after Victory, Triumph after Triumph. For there has been a push back from the enemy in the in the seasons’s past. But I say to you as Pharaoh’s Army pursued My People Israel through the walls of water that I created. As an Escape to Victory to their new land that I had promised them the enemy Was Defeated. As my Justice consumed them and they were no more. Now hear me, you will see my victory for you as well as see the Red Sea as it plays out again right in front of you. As my Justice shall consume your enemies on every side.

For have I not said in my word the Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you, to be defeated before your face. They shall come in against you one way and they will flee before you seven ways. I say hear me clearly declares the Lord. I say unto you again you shall be set free from those who have enslaved and entrapped you. You will be free from your bondage. You will be free from the chains that have bound you. For I have come to give you Liberty, and I have come to give you life, and I have come to break you out of the traps that have been set for you by the enemy’s Camp. I told you have I not? I told you that the spirit of Hamnon and The Traps that he had placed for my people and my Donald that those traps would be dissolved. Have you looked at the news lately, declares the Lord? For every trial everything that has been said against my Donald has, now been dissolved I spoke to you. And it has come to pass.

I say as I Did It For My People Israel I will do it for you. For now you have arrive to my kingdom era where you will see my kingdom of righteousness and Truth invade your lands. I come now by my spirit and with my glory to invade the darkness and bring forth such illumination of light that has never been seen before. For I say get ready for this shall be the era of great advancements and great Technologies. As I give to you the secrets that the enemy wanted to keep for himself that will bring the cures for diseases. That they lied to you about saying that it was not possibl. But I say to you they are not only possible they are already here in the Earth. And now I say as they have tried to use these Technologies for their own Camp of the wicked to bring them healing and health. I say I shall now expose them and I will snatch out of their vaults and out of their secret hidden places. These cures and these breakthroughs that I gave many many generations ago. That will heal my people now in the lands of the Earth. For I will heal with my Supernatural Power by my spirit through my servants. But I also establish great breakthroughs in the earth to heal and to restore as well.

I say the time shall be known as Quantum Technologies of light, and advancement. Let me say it again declares the Lord. This time shall be known as Quantum Technologies of light, and advancements. For I shall bring them to you quickly. You will see your lands accelerated again in an era of quantum breakthrough after breakthrough. Remember as I speak to you this day through my servant, for have I not said that I share my secrets and I say I’m sharing secrets with you this day . What is in the earth is a reflection of my kingdom. Have I not told you that this is the way that thou should pray, thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven? I say decree now my kingdom decree now my kingdom manifest in your Earth. And be sons and be my daughters. Be The Heirs that I have established of my throne and stand in your rightful position and Rule, and reign, with me to Advance My Kingdom. Open your mouths and cry aloud for my will and my agenda to be established and you will see it manifest declares, the Lord.

I say rejoice, for you have come to an unprecedented time, my God I’m about to be raptured. I say rejoice, for you have come to an unprecedented time in history. And you will now stand in the a of my goodness, the a of my power of my sovereignty. For I am that I am and I am moving declares your God. I tell you remain on the wall now pray and be my Watchman. Cover my son your president Donald J Trump with my blood. Cover him with protection and stand now for my agenda to be accomplished. I say you have stood, and you have prayed. You sacrificed in years and decades past and present as I foretold of these things to come now. I say rejoice in your Victory as I save your America and bring her forth out of the Ashes to a time of rebirthing, and a time of establishing my kingdom in America and and in the nations of the Earth. For I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears, and I have collected them. I have seen your stance as you stood in the heat in the midst of the battle and the past test. But I say to you now this day hear me my people for you have passed the tests and you now shall Advance, glory to God.

You shall now Advance with promotion in me. Watch now now as the lion of the tribe of Judah shall Roar upon your enemies. And my hand shall restore, and my hand shall reestablish, and my hand and my will and my agenda will be manifest for all the Earth to see . For this is the time and this is the hour that I show you my promises are true. When I speak I do it. So Rejoice now my people oh I say rejoice for your victory. I bring to you I am God and you will know that I am God and God Alone declares your father in Heaven. Glory to God! And good is the word of the Lord.

Diana Larkin - EXPLOITS -Definition: a brilliant or heroic act - November 27, 2024

“I AM about to do EXPLOITS in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth. My powerful right arm will move in STUNNING WAYS, and the people of the earth will be STUNNED, and principalities, powers, and rulers of the dark realm will be SHAKEN DOWN and their thrones DEMOLISHED. I AM doing EXPLOITS in response to the PRAYERS and FAITH of My Remnant and to prepare the way for the KINGDOM AGE to EXPAND and FILL the whole earth. (DANIEL 2:35) My Light is about to move in and ECLIPSE the darkness that has DEFILED My earth. I AM wielding My FLAMING SWORD against your adversaries in both the heavenly and the earthly realms, and NONE will be left standing. My EXPLOITS will cause SHOCK and AWE and no one will be able to DENY My POWER. I will become more than words on a page, as I show up with My EXPLOITS to RESCUE you from your DEFILING and HATEFUL enemy. As you follow My Spirit’s leading, you will also do EXPLOITS in SPIRITUAL WARFARE and in DEEDS of LOVE towards others. We will SHINE together as the HOPE of a dark time, and our EXPLOITS will SNATCH the world out of the GREEDY, GRASPING hands of the wicked and RESTORE it to My ORIGINAL DESIGN. It is a season of EXPLOITS, FREEDOM, and NEW LIFE.”
DANIEL 11:32 (NKJV) “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”

LatterRain333 - WAR!!! - November 26, 2024

While praying, and seeking the LORD, this morning, I received a MESSAGE on the ‘looming’ WORLD WAR that seems to be ‘knocking at our doors’ right now!

I was then reminded of the DREAM that I had years ago, about the WAR starting in a EUROPEAN CITY…..most likely the U.K.  The SCROLL, in that dream was the WARNING of it coming:


After I receiving the message below—- as I was getting up, suddenly, in my spirit, I saw the top of a SUBMARINE that was scanning the land in coastal waters.  I then ‘heard’ that I was to titled this message “WAR” with just one word in CAPITALS, and EXCLAMATION MARKS!!”

MESSAGE: (11/26/24)


“This is a SORROWFUL time, as the world waits in anticipation of a WORLD WAR breaking out.  This is NOT MY doing, but Satan’s ‘long-awaited desire’ to kill as many as possible…. so that his ‘place of darkness’ would be filled up quickly.  For he hates humanity, and wants to destroy all mankind.  However, I will come back before he is able to accomplish, and complete his wicked plans.

“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” Matthew 24:22

I call upon MY PRAYER WARRIRORS to, once again, PUSH BACK THE DARK AGENDA, that has been proposed behind SECRET DOORS!  If no one cares to pray against the destrucgtion planned, then the evil deeds will come forward….and the blood of many will be upon those to did nothing.

This is a harsh word, but many of MY people still have not TAPPED into MY power, and MY will.  Their ‘QUICK’ prayers are from the soul, and not the SPIRIT….. therefore, they accomplish very little.  This is because they are caught up in the CARES of this WORLD, and everyday life. 

“Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.” Matthew 13:22


The WORLD is on the PRECIPICE of WAR.  It has been held back, but is now about to be unleasehd unless there is an OUTPOURING of prayer:




Few really know hot to CRY out to ME with their whole body, mind, and soul.  However, I am asking MY people to do this so that MY arm will be able to save the land before it becomes polluted beyond repair!

Just like in the days of Noah, the people were just going about in their normal lives, not paying attention to their sin against ME.  They were given ample time to REPENT….and over, and over again I waited…..but no one responded until it was too late, and the waters started flooding.

“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, “and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:37-38

In the same way, this will happen again….people oblivious to what is really happening….though I have given them many, many calls, and warnings, but they cared not.  Instead hatred has grown EXPONENTIALLY against ME, and My own.

Soon there will be no remedy, and destruction will come.  However, I always save for MYSELF a remnant….and they will be saved from the punishment of the wicked!

With little time left, I tell MY REMNANT BRIDE to STAND UP in UNITY, and STRENGTH for your LORD and KING!

Do not back down, but remain FIRM in your commitment to ME alone.  Do not look to the left, or right…but fix youf gaze straight ….as you come FACE TO FACE with ME, I will see you through!!!

“I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you are scattered, with a mighty hand, with an outstretched arm, and with fury poured out.
And I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples, and there I will plead My case with you FACE TO FACE.
“Just as I pleaded My case with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will plead My case with you,” says the Lord GOD. Ezekiel 20:34-36

LatterRain333 - Prophetic Dream Reveals War Starting in Europe During Christmas Season - December 3, 2016

On November 26 2016, I dreamed it was Christmas time and I was in an old, beautiful theater building, in what seemed to be a huge, old European city.  There was a sense of festivities in the air.

I was upstairs on the second floor of the theater, getting ready to go on stage and perform with a few other people. I was very anxious, as I couldn’t remember my lines at all. I was trying to find my script, so I could rehearse.

As I looked up, I noticed there was a very large picture window at the end of the room, which overlooked the first floor lobby of the theatre.  I went to the window and looked down at the lobby. I saw crowds of people with children slowly streaming into the theatre.  I was quite upset, thinking to myself that this theatre is much bigger than I had thought, and that added to my anxiety of performing in front of such a large crowd.

My thought was quickly interrupted by something I saw in the crowd that caught my eye, some fierce looking soldiers with large rifles over their shoulders.  They were wearing berets and dark green camos. [I believe what I saw was part of the British army because of their attire].  They were on the outskirts of the lobby, slowly slithering into the crowd, trying not to be noticed. And no one else seemed to notice them, except me.

I realized there was some sort of an attack about to happen and that I needed to immediately go inform my colleagues. I ran and told them what I had just witnessed. We all agreed we needed to leave quickly without doing the performance and sneak out the lower back door. At this point it felt very much like the ‘Sound of Music,’ when the Von Trapp family had to sneak out right after their performance!

Once we exited the back door, we found ourselves immersed in a crowd of holiday shoppers. It was getting dark and the crowd was so thick that I quickly lost my co-workers and found myself alone.

As I was walking, I started noticing there were MANY armed soldiers all around, but again they were trying not to be noticed. It all seemed so normal, but I knew it was not!

Suddenly, the street lights started flickering on and off a few times and then completely went out and it became dark.  Almost, at the same time, I heard a loud noise from the sky and looked up and saw a silhouette of military airplanes flying low right over my head.  It seemed as if time stood still as everyone in the crowd was watching in horror at what was taking place.

We all stood watching the sky when suddenly out of nowhere there appeared a HUGE rolled up white SCROLL in the sky. It looked like a scroll from the Ancient of Days. It was much bigger than the jets flying overhead.  It looked supernatural, brilliant white against the bluish, black sky.

As I watched the SCROLL in disbelief, wondering what was happening all around, I noticed it was flying right towards me!  Before I could even move, it seemed to have somehow come close enough to touch or scrape my side. I fell down, feeling this tingling sensation on my leg and side. It was a very strange, strange sensation. I almost felt like my leg was starting to evaporate or something. At that point, I knew I was about to die.  Then I woke up in a panic!


I believe this dream reveals war is coming and it will start in Europe during the Christmas season.  It confirms a dream I received a few years ago in which I was also in a war zone during Christmas time.

The sequence of events was similar to the breaking of the seals in Revelation chapter six because war preceded the appearance of a scroll in the sky. When the second seal is broken, peace is removed from the earth so men begin killing one another. When the sixth seal is broken, the sky is split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up. (Revelation 6:3-4 and 6:12-14). The appearance of the scroll in my dream could mean the next war will be the one that precedes the breaking of the sixth seal.

Scripture References:

3 When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.”
4 And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him. (Revelation 6:3-4)

Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. (Revelation 6:14)

All the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll; all their host shall fall down
as the leaf falls from the vine, and as fruit falling from a fig tree. (Isaiah 34:4)

For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

TruthWave 23 on Telegram - November 24, 2024

“Wait and be true. Be true as I am true. Steady yourself and let the winds blow through and hold on. I am the pole star.  I am the pole. I am the brace. Cling to me, and you will see all these things fly by you.

In the winter’s day,  you will only watch, you will witness, as they fly by.  As the winds swirl in Chicago.  As the winds swirl and touch down, as cyclones and spinning winds touch down in the middle of cities. As they touch down and blow by, you will only watch and wonder and praise My name, as you cling to me.
For My people are firmly grounded and they are rooted in My love and nothing can uproot them from My hand and nothing can take them from Me.
Therefore, I tell you in coming days, be at peace within yourselves and stand firm. When you see them cry out like hawks, like war hawks, like the armies of Goliath, stand calm and stand firm and wait for Me.

Do not rush forward in a frenzy. Be still and lean on Me, and I will carry you through.
For they are now going to shout.  They will now shout at you, like madman, like wild, mad men.  Like the demoniac. They
will shout like the demoniac, for they are this close to being “cast out.” So now they will wave their hands frantically,
and madly at you, to leave them alone and to turn back.
They will make DJT out to be a madman in coming days.
Yes, they will make him out as a madman, but they are the ones that are mad with hate. 

But they will claim he is a madman, and they will call for psychiatry and readings, and they will seek to take down his victory and take off the crown by making it a psychiatric crown and calling for a ward and treatment.
Yes, that is what they will do.  They will create a mad scene and point the finger at him and point
the finger at you and say: “This is what you have done! This is what you have created by your vote and your allegiances: a mad, mad world, worse than before!
“You thought it was bad then,” they will say, “but now, ah-ha! You have taken us farther in and now you must turn around! And we will do everything we can, and we have a right and duty to pull him down.”
They will shout, shout, shout him down. In the streets, in the streets again. They will pour out in the streets again,
and say DJT is not our friend, he is bringing us to an early end. They will turn and point the
finger at what they have done. They that have started a war will turn around and pour it out on DJT. They will say it is he—he is the one!
So watch as they create scenes of chaos and destruction closer to home.  They will blow up things and plant “incendiary devices.”  They will plant devices in your national landmarks, and in your tourist places; at your national landmarks, in the great cities of the United States. 
In Washington DC, they will create scenes, scenes of sirens.

They will cry out like sirens afterward. They will create them, they will plant them.
They will put them in your news, in your face.
“A world without “order,” they will say.  “A world without legal order. And all these nations are making us
pay!” So they will point the finger here and they will point the finger there.

They will say, “Iran. Russia. China. Everyone is against us now! They are blowing up buildings and shooting people
in crowds and planting devices and causing chaos.”
Yes, you will see these things, but remember the one who speaks, is the one who does. The one who calls out is the one who profits from it. So they will call out and seek to profit from it, very quickly. 
In DC, at the Lincoln memorial, they will do a dangerous thing.
They are grabbing and trampling, they are warring at the Lincoln Memorial.   Antifa, what would you do now? They will go to these places, they will up the ante.

Abraham Lincoln! They are going to spill out now into these famous places, the landmark places
in DC and beyond.
 They will spill out and torch and burn and they will pour out paint on landmarks.
They will pour it out, very soon.

So hold on! Let them set the stage, the final stage, the stage they will leave forever.

I tell you I am about to wrap this thing up and I will give you calm.  A great calm.
A calm that comes after the storm, when the waves are gone, and the winds cease and it is as clear as it could be, and there is not even a ripple on the water.
A great calm will come upon your nation very soon. A great peace and great joy will come across the nation soon.
And they will be silent.  I will have silence. I will close their mouths. I will shut down them down, these media mockers.  I will shut their mouths. I will make them stare in awe and disbelief at what is about to happen.

For I will take control of the airwaves.   I will take control, I will shut them down. I will cancel the media mouths. Yes, I will pull their plug and I will silence them for a time, and they will have no voice and nothing will be said
on the CNNs and MSNBC’s.
No one home on that day! They will be all be watching one who is not their own.
They will all be staring and listening. They will be saying nothing on that day, on the day they are taken out and supplanted by higher authority.

They have nothing to say or to do and their airwaves are silent, for I have taken them!
I will take control in coming days and they will be speechless, because they have no speech.
So do not fear. For now comes the time when they try to rise one more time, to deny my servant the crown.

What will they do?   Shut it down, shut down! On the East Coast. To shut it down without a
a light and without a sound, that is the plan.  To stall, to hold it down.
Listen, very soon, they will take the electricity down. They will take it down, just as I have said. The grid on the East coast will go down in coming days, and they will call it a “Brown out!” A brown out and a black out. Communications “error.”
So you will see these things and the signs of the times. You will see whirling winds in city places. Spinning, spinning. For I am cleaning it up by my own hands. I will sweep the streets
My way. I will sweep in like a whirlwind into DC and there will be sudden winds. You too, New York!
I will touch these places and clean them, and I will show you that I am sweeping them away.
For the winds will sweep the streets. It will blow things away. You will see this in the news: winds that that whirl down city streets and market places and financial districts. They will spin and be seen in the middle of the city scene.
So you will know I am God. You can build a fortress, you can build a prison, a military barracks, but you cannot keep me out. So, you will see these things come out. 
And there will be a ballon in the news again.  A “red” balloon.
Look for this sign as well, My people: Barack Obama! You are not well are you?
You are unwell. Your health is going to go downhill.  Have you not heard and not seen, what a man sows he reaps? I saw your fingers and I saw your hands. I heard your calls, I heard your voice. How much you have dumped and how much you have hid.
Listen to Obama. Look, he is unsteady. What is on you Barack, that you need this “care?” A foul thing has come upon you.  You are coughing now!  How did it find you, Barack? You who said, “anointed one?” 
I tell you how: what you sent out like a pigeon has come home to roost. I gave you time. I gave you means. I gave you a way out. But you denied it.  You doubled down,
so now you fight double pneumonia.
Obama, in your lungs, in coming days, they will say “pneumonia.”
Cleanse it if you can, without my hand. Nevertheless, I tell you, this is a sign for you, that you are shrinking, fading. You are constrained. Turn to Me now!
The days have come when they are found out and hollowed out. Their bodies are hollow, and their eyes are sunken and they begin to look like ghosts, like wraiths.
You will see them. For in the aisles of power and the places where they meet, a “bug” is found.

You will hear these things and know that it is I. I am just and I am patient. But what a man does and what he seeks and what a man plants, he will harvest. Sooner or later, the debt becomes due and it is due now, Obama!

And what of you Hillary Clinton? Yes, you will prop yourself up a little bit longer, wont you? You will raise yourself up a little higher. You will take this chair and elevate it and stick your head out one more time, that you might be seen. You will rise up one more time.
When you do, I will slap you down, with evidence. Evidence you knew. Evidence that you knew, but hid, is about to come out for you. For your days are done now and the DOJ has your number now. And it will not play games this time.
United States v. Hillary Clinton.
It is coming!  United States— My nation—-
verses Hillary Clinton.

I have brought this. It is coming quickly. Indicted, tried, and gone.  
But until then, you will scratch and scramble and try to climb up,
like a cat trying to climb a tree that it cannot get down. You will scratch and claw and bite and backstab until you have the light again.
For you say, “If he can do it, I can do it!” Yes, you think a coming back is coming for you. You think you will play the same game. The tides have turned your way, you say. There is no one but you.
Then come and out and play, says the Lord, and what they have done to DJT will be done you, and it will come out a very different way. For you do not have My touch, you do not have the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
So come on out, Hillary. Pull yourself out, try to rise up again. The “moderate wing,” back in the driver’s seat!
Tomorrow is just a day away for you, but a bridge too far for Me, says the Lord.
Go on– grasp for the crown, and while you are reaching, I will take you down.
So watch the colors in the sky. Watch the rainbow colors in the sky. Over your Nations capital, a rainbow. A rainbow over the capitol. Washington, DC, I will redeem you!. You will see a rainbow over your House, for I have
reclaimed the House.
And you will see many other signs and wonders.

Watch the mist come.
The mystery of the mist. You will see this as well. A great fog, a great fog is on your Capital. It will shut down the airport for a time.
Look, its coming in to remind you. Remember the fog when Washington crossed? And I will give it to you again, along the Potomac river and over it. It will sock you in, that you may know I Am God. Yes, a great mist is rising and growing. Over Reagan National Airport. A “halt” will come.
You are certainly blind, and you have been blind me to me. But maybe if you see this mist, this fog that set my people free on the exodus, the cloud by day. Maybe if you see and know my word you will see and understand: the Cloud by Day is against you.
And the fire by night? You will see that in DC as well. A fire on the Capitol grounds. 
A cloud by day and a fire.
By this, understand, you are crossing, but you are not yet over. They have yet to come out in full force.

For they are like Pharoah now, who was stunned when they left and they took the goods,
and they took the treasure – the treasure of my nation. They left and he was stunned. Then
they roused themselves and shook themselves, and they got their sorcerers, and they cast spells and
they gathered their weapons, and they went out and they said: “WAR!”
“Now we will destroy you, even if we destroy ourselves. We will leave everything in our rage. For they are
 just now waking up and just now scheming and making vows to do all they can and more.
This is what you see now. This is why you see these military things, the military rising. It is Pharoah rising, and they will come.
But I will prevail!”

Diana Larkin - THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS - November 26, 2024

“What do I mean when I say in My Word (Acts 3:21) the PROMISE of a season of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS? Does ALL THINGS really mean ALL THINGS? I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. You can EXPECT and join Me in CALLING FORTH THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. ALL THINGS!!! This means RESTORATION in your HEALTH. I AM REVERSING the CURSE of every DEATH AGENDA of Big Pharma. I AM RELEASING your bodies and your minds from the EFFECTS of drugs that were PURPOSEFULLY mixed with DEADLY SIDE EFFECTS. I AM RESTORING your AIR, your WATER, and your LAND so that they SUPPORT HEALTH and LONG LIFE instead of SHORTENING LIFESPANS. I AM RESTORING the CHURCH that has been COMPROMISED with FALSE doctrines regarding the SUPERNATURAL and the END TIMES teachings. These false doctrines have STRIPPED My Body of its POWER, its PURPOSE, and My PRESENCE. I will have a GLORIOUS Church that RULES and REIGNS with Me. I will RESTORE PROSPERITY, CREATIVITY, and INVENTIONS and CURES that have been withheld. I will RESTORE FAMILIES, RELATIONSHIPS, and those caught in the LIES and CONFUSION of gender identity and orientation. I will RESTORE the PURITY and POWER of the GOOD NEWS, the Gospel of My Son and many will come RUNNING into the Kingdom. I will RESTORE TRUE JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS as the FOUNDATION of your Nation. Say goodbye to LAW-FARE, BRIBES, CORRUPTION, and BLACKMAIL. Schools will be CLEANSED of FALSE IDEOLOGIES and FAKE HISTORY. I will RESTORE your true history and learning will be based in the FEAR of the LORD because that is the source of true WISDOM. This is what you have been FIGHTING for and this will be your GREAT REWARD—THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS.” 

Joy of the Lord - This will bring you to your Red Sea Moment. - October 31, 2024

I got this word on August 15th 2024. So it’s been a minute and at 9:19 a.m. and this is what he say. He says worthy worthy Worthy is my name and I am greatly to be praised. Know my children that I am with you each one of you as you walk out all that is before you. I know far too well how hard it has been for you my children as this battle from dark to light has been raging. My children I warned and spoke about this time you were living in for many years. And yes, it was spoken about in Isaiah 60 that gross Darkness would cover the Earth. But you my precious ones would arise and shine and my glory would shine brightly upon you, says the Lord. Hallelujah

And it and it and it has. I mean I I can see so many children of God just coming out and just shining in the in the darkness. Praise God that I’ve that I haven’t seen in a long time, talking about family and friends, and and um you know just speaking the truth and Shining praise God. These my children are these my children are those days and you are shining brightly for the world to see. You are making a difference my children. And many are beginning to see this is a battle between dark and light, yes good and evil and the world is about to see that light wins. They are about to see that I AM THE LIGHT AND I NEVER LOSE A BATTLE, says the Lord. And that was all in bold um that I am the light and I never lose a battle, says the Lord. This battle will come to a close with the Enemy and all who are with Him throwing everything they’ve got at you for your final destruction. It may look scary my children but you must remember that they are walking right into my plan for there and that’s in bold final destruction, says the Lord. Don’t ever forget how ended for the Egyptians my children as I opened up the Red Sea for my people to pass through and destroyed their enemy. Hallelujah

No my people this last desperate attempt by the darkness will lead you to your Red Sea moment. Your complete freedom and victory and the enemies of Almighty God’s destruction, says the Lord. Hallelujah. So my children hear me this day. DO NOT FEAR that’s in bold what they have planned next. No keep your eyes on me and that’s in bold ME is on in bold and know that I am your protector during this final battle. Do not look to anything or anyone but but me my children. This is my command to you get your hearts and Minds prepared for the next part of this journey from dark to light. Get into my word and eat on it bite by bite if you have to. But get it into your hearts remember I am all you need and these are the days of your Victory. So rejoice in me worship me my children as I am worthy to be praised. Your VICTORY is assured and that’s in bold your Victory is assured um is in bold says the Lord your God maker of heaven and Earth in the name of my risen son your king Yeshua Jesus Christ who loves you forever more amen and amen.

Isaiah 60-61 RSV

The Ingathering of the Dispersed

60 Arise, shine; for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
    and thick darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will arise upon you,
    and his glory will be seen upon you.
3 And nations shall come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your rising.

4 Lift up your eyes round about, and see;
    they all gather together, they come to you;
your sons shall come from far,
    and your daughters shall be carried in the arms.
5 Then you shall see and be radiant,
    your heart shall thrill and rejoice;[a]
because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you,
    the wealth of the nations shall come to you.
6 A multitude of camels shall cover you,
    the young camels of Mid′ian and Ephah;
    all those from Sheba shall come.
They shall bring gold and frankincense,
    and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord.
7 All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered to you,
    the rams of Nebai′oth shall minister to you;
they shall come up with acceptance on my altar,
    and I will glorify my glorious house.

8 Who are these that fly like a cloud,
    and like doves to their windows?
9 For the coastlands shall wait for me,
    the ships of Tarshish first,
to bring your sons from far,
    their silver and gold with them,
for the name of the Lord your God,
    and for the Holy One of Israel,
    because he has glorified you.

10 Foreigners shall build up your walls,
    and their kings shall minister to you;
for in my wrath I smote you,
    but in my favor I have had mercy on you.
11 Your gates shall be open continually;
    day and night they shall not be shut;
that men may bring to you the wealth of the nations,
    with their kings led in procession.
12 For the nation and kingdom
    that will not serve you shall perish;
    those nations shall be utterly laid waste.
13 The glory of Lebanon shall come to you,
    the cypress, the plane, and the pine,
to beautify the place of my sanctuary;
    and I will make the place of my feet glorious.
14 The sons of those who oppressed you
    shall come bending low to you;
and all who despised you
    shall bow down at your feet;
they shall call you the City of the Lord,
    the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

15 Whereas you have been forsaken and hated,
    with no one passing through,
I will make you majestic for ever,
    a joy from age to age.
16 You shall suck the milk of nations,
    you shall suck the breast of kings;
and you shall know that I, the Lord, am your Savior
    and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

17 Instead of bronze I will bring gold,
    and instead of iron I will bring silver;
instead of wood, bronze,
    instead of stones, iron.
I will make your overseers peace
    and your taskmasters righteousness.
18 Violence shall no more be heard in your land,
    devastation or destruction within your borders;
you shall call your walls Salvation,
    and your gates Praise.

God the Glory of Zion

19 The sun shall be no more
    your light by day,
nor for brightness shall the moon
    give light to you by night;[b]
but the Lord will be your everlasting light,
    and your God will be your glory.
20 Your sun shall no more go down,
    nor your moon withdraw itself;
for the Lord will be your everlasting light,
    and your days of mourning shall be ended.
21 Your people shall all be righteous;
    they shall possess the land for ever,
the shoot of my planting, the work of my hands,
    that I might be glorified.
22 The least one shall become a clan,
    and the smallest one a mighty nation;
I am the Lord;
    in its time I will hasten it.

The Good News of Deliverance

61 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good tidings to the afflicted;[a]
    he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives,
    and the opening of the prison[b] to those who are bound;
2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor,
    and the day of vengeance of our God;
    to comfort all who mourn;
3 to grant to those who mourn in Zion—
    to give them a garland instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
    the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit;
that they may be called oaks of righteousness,
    the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.
4 They shall build up the ancient ruins,
    they shall raise up the former devastations;
they shall repair the ruined cities,
    the devastations of many generations.

Diana Larkin - HOW DO YOU HEAL THE GREAT DIVIDE? - November 25, 2024

“HOW DO YOU HEAL THE GREAT DIVIDE that exists among the people of your Nation? I AM NOT SPEAKING of the DIVIDE that exists between those that PURPOSEFULLY have CHOSEN to SERVE the DARKNESS and DEATH and those who have CHOSEN to PARTNER with My LIFE and LIGHT. This SEPARATION of DARKNESS and LIGHT is from Me, and it keeps the darkness from INFILTRATING and DEFILING the Light. The DIVIDE that I seek to HEAL is between those who HEAR My VOICE, the VOICES of the prophets, and who BELIEVE My PROMISES and those who have been DECEIVED by LYING media, COMPROMISED leaders, and the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT. Those who are DECEIVED cannot HEAR the VOICE of WISDOM or TRUTH, so you CAN’T ARGUE away or CONVINCE them they are believing LIES. This only causes GREATER FRICTION and TENSION in these relationships. There are TWO MAJOR FORCES that will help HEAL THE GREAT DIVIDE. These two forces are LOVE and TRUTH, and I AM the SOURCE of both of these. Allow Me to LOVE those under DECEPTION through you. Will you be My CONDUIT of GENUINE LOVE to them? You don’t have to COMPROMISE what you know is the TRUTH in order to LOVE them. All you need to do is CARE ABOUT THEM as a person and be WILLING to HELP MEET THEIR NEEDS. As you YIELD your heart to Me, I will POUR My LOVE into you until you OVERFLOW with My LOVE and, in turn, POUR OUT that OVERFLOW onto those who OPPOSE you. LOVE MELTS WALLS and DIMINISHES DIFFERENCES, as people feel VALUED and CARED FOR. The other FORCE that is needed to HEAL THE GREAT DIVIDE is TRUTH. Truth is being REVEALED about the DARK AGENDAS and will continue until it becomes an AWAKENING FLOOD to those DUPED and DECEIVED ones. Don’t PUSH TRUTH on people—just ALLOW it to UNFOLD because I have promised you the TRUTH will be OVERWHELMING and will AWAKEN even the DEEPEST SLEEPER. LIVE LOVE and CALL FORTH THE TRUTH that has been HIDDEN and LIED about. Then watch as LOVE and TRUTH HEAL THE GREAT DIVIDE.”

Diana Larkin - I PROTECT, PROVIDE, AND PROMOTE - November 24, 2024

“My Church has been GREATLY COMPROMISED because they have NOT BELIEVED that I AM the One who PROTECTS them, PROVIDES for them, and PROMOTES them. Because I have been REDUCED to WORDS on a page and FAITH has become a WEAK MENTAL AGREEMENT of certain doctrines and rules, so many in My Church DO NOT KNOW My POWER and PRESENCE in their lives. This causes COMPROMISED BEHAVIOR, as people seek to PROMOTE themselves instead of believing I AM able and willing to FULFILL their scroll of destiny. SELF-PROMOTION breeds JEALOUSY, SELFISH AMBITION, and PERSONAL KINGDOM BUILDING. DEFILEMENT and COMPROMISE creep in because they seek to PROTECT their PERSONAL KINGDOM that they have built. This causes them to HIDE CORRUPTION and PERVERSION instead of CONFRONTING SIN and HELPING people find FREEDOM. These PERSONAL KINGDOM BUILDERS will say I AM their PROVIDER but in reality, they feel they must GENERATE INCOME to keep their kingdom going and growing. Inevitably, they will COMPROMISE using WORLDLY means to generate income and that opens the door for more DEFILEMENT in their ministry. They will enter into MANIPULATION and CONTROL to MAINTAIN their PERSONAL KINGDOM and that is operating in WITCHCRAFT. I AM CLEANSING My Church of the ways of the world, and the compromise with darkness. Maintaining your own kingdom is a lot of WORK and produces STRESS and ANXIETY. TURN AGAIN to Me, My Church, and LEARN ANEW that I AM a REAL and POWERFUL God and that I AM the One who PROTECTS, PROVIDES, AND PROMOTES—both as individuals and as ministries. Do not SUBSTITUTE worldly ways for a SUPERNATURAL God. If you will HUMBLE yourself and come to My Son, He will WASH you CLEAN in His Blood. Then, INVITE Holy Spirit to FLOOD over you in POWER, and begin to SEEK Me daily to KNOW My HEART and My WAYS. LAY DOWN those HEAVY and COMPROMISING BURDENS of SELF-PROMOTION, SELF-PROTECTION, and SELF-PROVISION and come to Me—the SOURCE of all that is GOOD, POWERFUL, and HOLY. Come to REST in Me in complete SURRENDER, and I will faithfully be your PROTECTOR, PROVIDER, AND PROMOTER.”

Diana Larkin - HOW DO YOU OUTFOX THE FOXES? - November 23, 2024

“I have been giving My prophetic warriors SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE concerning the DESTRUCTIVE and OBSTRUCTIVE plans of the evil empire. I then give those fighting for the Light to TRIUMPH over the darkness those BLUEPRINTS, and I INSPIRE COUNTER STRATEGIES for DEFEATING or PRE-EMPTING the schemes of the darkness. This is how the Forces of Light are able to OUTFOX THE FOXES. How do you PREEMPT a DANGEROUS plan to start a WORLDWIDE CONFLICT? Wouldn’t it be BRILLIANT to SNATCH that evil plan out of the hands of the darkness by CREATING the ILLUSION of a new level of conflict? LOOK BEYOND what the news is reporting and SEE with My eyes and through the LENS of My PROMISES for your future. What if I have FOOLED the news into reporting what I AM DOING instead of what the darkness wants them to report? Be careful that you don’t JUMP to CONCLUSIONS about what is being reported—THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM. Let Me give you a glimpse into the enemy PLANNING SESSIONS. They are FURIOUS at having their BLUEPRINT for DESTRUCTION STOLEN from right under their noses. The FEAR and FRUSTRATION levels keep RISING as plan after plan is PREEMPTED and brought DOWN by the Forces of Light. My Army of Light, keep decreeing and declaring the UNCOVERING of EVIL and all their SCHEMES and release BRILLIANT COUNTERMEASURES and PREEMPTIVE plans to be given to the Forces of Light. I AM showing you HOW TO OUTFOX THE FOXES.” 

Diana Larkin - ILLUMINATION, CONSECRATION, and DESPERATION - November 22, 2024

“I have declared this as a season of ILLUMINATION and CONSECRATION for the Remnant, My valiant Army of Light. I AM ILLUMINATING what has been HIDDEN in the darkness on all of the seven mountains of influence. I AM also ILLUMINATING the POWERS of the AGE to COME so that you can walk into its FULLNESS. (HEBREWS 6:5) ILLUMINATION requires CONSECRATION  (separating yourself from unclean things and joining yourself to the Holy One for His service). It calls you to a life that is lived in the LIGHT that I AM POURING OUT. When you SEPARATE yourself from the darkness and walk the path I AM ILLUMINATING for you, it becomes a path of SPIRITUAL POWER, and you will be a CONDUIT of the Kingdom Age of HEALING, RESTORATION, and ABUNDANCE. Remember that I asked you to SEND angels of ILLUMINATION to those who are still ASLEEP or DUPED by the darkness. I want you to continue doing that but I also want you to WELCOME Angels of ILLUMINATION into your own life to REVEAL who I AM, what I AM doing, and the PATH I have chosen for you. The portion of those serving darkness in this season is DESPERATION. It will INCREASE DAILY in their lives until it PUSHES them over the PRECIPICE into the TRAPS I have laid for them. Walk with Me in this season of ILLUMINATION and CONSECRATION for you and DESPERATION for the darkness. The Kingdom Age is UNFOLDING.”

Diana Larkin - HOW DO I GET FREE FROM THE BONDAGE TO SIN? - November 21, 2024

“The OUTWARD RELIGIOUS CONFORMITY that much of the Church has been teaching and modeling only produces PHARISEES that LOOK GOOD on the outside but inside are full of DEAD WORKS and BONDAGE TO SIN. Because the emphasis is on PERFORMANCE and OUTWARD BEHAVIOR, the REAL ISSUES of the heart are STUFFED DOWN and IGNORED. They are left to continue to GROW and GAIN POWER in the DARKNESS. Following outward RULES will NEVER set a person FREE from HIDDEN SIN and BONDAGE. You are seeing the UGLY OUTCOME of UNDEALT with SIN as EXPOSURE after EXPOSURE of hidden sexual perversion and corruption are UNCOVERED before the watching world. You will NEVER BE FREE from the BONDAGE TO SIN until it is taken out of the DARKNESS and BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT by CONFESSING your sin to someone you trust. Exposing sin to the LIGHT BREAKS ITS POWER and its HOLD over you. Confession can be COSTLY but remaining in DARKNESS and BONDAGE is EVEN MORE COSTLY and DESTRUCTIVE. Confession of sin and bringing it into the light enables My Son to COVER and FORGIVE that sin. As you YIELD to the Holy Spirit, He will TRANSFORM that area of BONDAGE into a GLORIOUS FREEDOM. Your INTIMACY with Me will DEEPEN, you will BREATH the FRESH AIR of FREEDOM, and your relationships with others will be PURE and OPEN. The religious Church makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE to bring sin to the LIGHT and that MUST CHANGE so that people can walk into FREEDOM and become Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom. The EMBARRASSING EXPOSURES in the Church will CONTINUE until RELIGION IS CRUSHED and TRUE discipleship and relationship with Me is established. Let this CLEANSING and FREEDOM begin with you. Don’t keep HIDDEN SINS—rather, EXPOSE them to the light and receive FORGIVENESS, HEALING, and DELIVERANCE. Come out of the DARKNESS OF BONDAGE and INTO THE CLEAN AIR OF FREEDOM.”

Diana Larkin - THE CALL TO TRUE SONSHIP -November 20, 2024

As I sat on a bench with the Father in the Garden of Life, Enoch came and joined us and the thought came to me that the Father’s presence draws like a magnet, and we love to be in the circle of His love. The Father put an arm around Enoch and I. I heard the Father say, “Ah, My ancient Enoch and My modern day Enoch.” I understood that I represented an Enoch generation raised up to walk with the Father in true sonship power and authority. It was communicated to me that Enoch grew into operating as a Kingdom son and that he eventually  judged fallen angels and acted as an ambassador of the King declaring the King’s pronouncements, decisions, and judgments. The Father spoke:
“Even as you fight VALIANTLY in these last battles before the GREAT VICTORY, keep in mind that you are in TRAINING to ANSWER THE CALL TO TRUE SONSHIP. The AMOUNT of INFLUENCE that you carry will be determined by HOW MUCH you have allowed Me to INFLUENCE YOUR LIFE. I AM not speaking of the kind of INFLUENCE that the world values. Many the world sees as INFLUENCERS are actually leading people to COMPROMISE or to follow a FORM of RELIGION and not RELATIONSHIP. KINGDOM INFLUENCERS may never be known to the world, but their DECREES, DECLARATIONS, FAITH, and INTIMACY with Me TEAR DOWN the darkness and ESTABLISH Kingdom LIGHT and LIFE. These are TRUE SONS of the Kingdom, and their names and their INFLUENCE are KNOWN in Heaven. There is NO SUBSTITUTE for the PATH to carrying My Kingdom INFLUENCE. That path is making me the SOURCE of your LIFE and STRENGTH and KNOWING Me DEEPLY and INTIMATELY is your GOAL in life. Your GOAL must be KNOWING My HEART and being YIELDED to My call on your life and NOT SEEKING INFLUENCE. INFLUENCE is a by-product of a life SURRENDERED to Me. If you seek INFLUENCE instead of Me, your gifts will be CORRUPTED by COMPROMISE and SELFISH AMBITION. Look around you at all the CORRUPTION on the seven mountains of society that has resulted from seeking INFLUENCE instead of a SURRENDERED LIFE to Me. The GREAT REWARD of an intimate relationship with Me is DEEP and ABIDING PEACE, complete SATISFACTION, and STRENGTH for every day. As you carry the FRAGRANCE of My PRESENCE, you will carry GREAT INFLUENCE as Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom. Answer THE CALL TO TRUE SONSHIP.” 

Word of the Lord posted on X by @KaSheltielover - November 20, 2024

Diana Larkin - THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION - November 19, 2024

THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION—ROMANS 8:15 (NASB) For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” ROMANS 8:15 (TPT) And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as He rises up within us, our spirits join Him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” “How do the CRITICAL religious spirit, JEALOUSY, and SELFISH AMBITION find a place in a Believer’s heart? Most often it is because this person has NEVER FULLY RECEIVED THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION that was purchased for them through the Blood of My Son. Many of you have been called to be FORERUNNERS of the Kingdom Age, and Church leaders, family, and friends have not UNDERSTOOD who you were called to be and what you were called to do. You were not RECEIVED, NURTURED, or ENCOURAGED, and this gave a PLACE for an ORPHAN SPIRIT to come into your heart. This ORPHAN SPIRIT makes you feel ALL ALONE, like you have to MAKE YOUR OWN WAY, and PROVE to others your VALUE and WORTH. Even if I give you a ministry, you feel THREATENED if someone else has a LARGER following and platform. You can fall into the TRAP of trying to PROMOTE yourself and being CRITICAL and JEALOUS of others whom you feel threatened by. If you struggle with these things, realize you are listening to an ORPHAN SPIRIT and not THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION, which FREES you from COMPARISON and COMPETITION. Here is the way to FREEDOM and FULL ACCEPTANCE in the spirit of adoption: FORGIVE those who did not nurture or promote you, REPENT for listening to the ORPHAN SPIRIT, and ask that THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION would FLOW into all the places where you felt IGNORED, WOUNDED, and ABANDONED. As you FULLY receive THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION, you will be SECURE in what I’ve called you to do and be—no more COMPARING or COMPETITION but a GLORIOUS SECURITY in knowing you are a BELOVED Son or Daughter called to serve the King in FREEDOM and in FULFILLING the scroll of destiny written just for you. Receive THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION and CAST OFF the weights that ENTANGLE you and prevent UNITY and FRUITFULNESS. Enter into the FULNESS of who you were created to be.” 

Diana Larkin - THE COMING PROSPERITY OF AMERICA - November 18, 2024

This morning as I waited in the Father’s beautiful presence, I was shown the map of the U.S. There were state lines on the map, and the whole map was green. As I looked more closely at the map, I saw that some states were darker green and some a very light green. The mid-section of America—the “flyover” section that is so looked down upon by the arrogant elite—was being greatly blessed. They, in turn, were blessing the world with an abundance of food and products. The states that were lighter green were the ones where evil leadership ruled and many people were still duped by the darkness. This included the states of California, Arizona, Northeastern States, and Northwestern States. I knew there was potential that these states could grow greener as righteous leadership is installed and people are awakened to the truth.
“There is a COMING PROSPERITY OF AMERICA. As the darkness is EXPOSED and DEFEATED and is CAST into the DUSTBIN of history, the FINANCIAL CONTROLS they have had over you will be GONE, and the CRUSHING BURDEN of DEBT will be REMOVED. There will come an EXPLOSION of TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATIVE WAYS to grow more and healthier food, and CREATIVE INVENTIONS that will add FREEDOM and VALUE to people’s lives. People will be in WONDER of how GOOD life can be, and they will know and ACKNOWLEDGE that it has come from My hand and My power. THE COMING PROSPERITY OF AMERICA will cover the WHOLE nation, but it will begin in those states that HONOR Me and will then FLOW OUT into the other states as they TURN to Me and My WAYS. Your nation of America will BLESS the WORLD, and the GREEN PROSPERITY will BLEED into Canada and into South America. ALIGN yourself with this vision of PROSPERITY and CALL IT INTO BEING. This GREEN PROSPERITY is part of My REWARD to the Army of Light. I AM blessing you PERSONALLY and blessing you to be a blessing. It shall surely come to pass—THE COMING PROSPERITY OF AMERICA.”

Diana Larkin - ROLLER COASTER RIDES ARE SHORT - November 17, 2024

“In the natural, roller coaster rides have TWISTS and TURNS and DRAMATIC UPS and DOWNS. These rides provide a few minutes of HEART-POUNDING, FAST-MOVING ADVENTURE. Some will find roller coaster rides EXHILARATING and some will find them TERRIFYING. I AM letting you know that your world is about to be taken on a SHOCKING ROLLER COASTER RIDE. The darkness has a roller coaster ride of TERROR and DESTRUCTION planned. They are DESPERATE to STOP the unfolding EXPOSURES of who they are and of what they have done. I AM going to take their ROLLER COASTER PLANS and TURN them to the ADVANTAGE of the Light. The evil schemers do not know that I have DISABLED the most destructive parts of this ROLLER COASTER RIDE. Instead of twists and turns being DEADLY, I have INSERTED SHOCKING TWISTS of DISCLOSURES and SURPRISING TURNS that will bring JUDGMENT and JUSTICE to those partnered with darkness. DO NOT FEAR this WILD ROLLER COASTER RIDE because you will be KEPT SAFE—My strong right arm is your SAFETY BELT. This SHOCKING ROLLER COASTER RIDE will result in the world WAKING UP to the DANGEROUS darkness and CHOOSING to come to the Light. Let this ENCOURAGE you:  ROLLER COASTER RIDES ARE SHORT. What looks like the PEAK of DANGER in this ride will quickly DESCEND to SAFETY and a GOOD destination. A SHORT TIME of GREAT INSTABILITY will result in the MOST STABLE time of JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and PEACE that your world has ever known. HANG ON for the RIDE of your LIFE!” 

Diana Larkin - A REORDERING OF YOUR WORLD - November 16, 2024

I was drawn into the Council Chambers of Heaven and found myself behind my Elder with my hands on his shoulders. I listened in on the conversation between the Elders and the Father, as they discussed how our world should be reordered after the Rescue Operation. They spoke of less focus on technology and more focus on relationships. My Elder turned to me and I saw his eyes for the first time—blazing blue with Heavenly fire, and he earnestly said to me—“Do not limit the limitless Father.” The Father speaks:
“Heaven has a plan for REORDERING YOUR WORLD after the Rescue Operation. I want you to have this CONFIDENCE that no matter how much OVERTURNING and how CHAOTIC your world looks as the PRECIPICE comes, Heaven has a SOLID and WELL-PLANNED REORDERING OF YOUR WORLD. This REORDERING will use technology from the past and BRILLIANT technology in your NEAR FUTURE, but TECHNOLOGY will NOT be your FOCUS. It will merely be a TOOL that ENHANCES your life but doesn’t RULE it. RELATIONSHIPS will be KEY to REORDERING YOUR WORLD. Deep and satisfying relationships will be your FOCUS, and they will be of GREAT BENEFIT and DEEP JOY. As the world WAKES UP from almost being taken over by the darkness and sees My Rescue Operation, the Light of My NEW DAWN will bring grateful hearts and tear-stained faces that will TURN TO Me and DESIRE to KNOW and WALK with Me. What will a nation LOOK LIKE where people have learned to be RELATIONAL with each other and with Me? My GLORY will REST over these nations, and darkness will FLEE. IMAGINE AWAY about how BEAUTIFUL, PEACEFUL, and SATISFYING life will be when we REORDER YOUR WORLD. DO NOT LIMIT YOUR LIMITLESS GOD! I will accomplish ALL I have promised you. Watch, as the REORDERING OF YOUR WORLD unfolds.”
I CORINTHIANS 2:9 (TPT) “Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine—these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers.”

Diana Larkin - WONDERFUL COUNSELOR - November 15, 2024

“There are so many well-meaning voices giving ADVICE for navigating these unprecedented times. The more voices you listen to, the more CONFUSED you can become because one voice tells you to do this while another voice COUNSELS you to do the OPPOSITE. CONFUSION and DOUBT are NOT from Me, and they STEAL your PEACE and your HOPE. I have a GRAND SOLUTION to listening to the CONFLICTING voices of HUMAN WISDOM— learn to RELY on the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR—the Holy Spirit. Learn to bring your QUESTIONS to Him and to SEEK Him to GUIDE you in the paths of WISDOM and BLESSING. He sees from HEAVEN’S PERSPECTIVE, not from man’s LIMITED VIEW and EXPERIENCE. Holy Spirit is an EXPERT financial ADVISOR. He can help you PROSPER in the WORST of times so that you have PLENTY and an OVERFLOW to SHARE. Holy Spirit knows where and when it is SAFE to travel. He will GUIDE you with His PEACE. Holy Spirit knows who you should LISTEN to, who you should be FRIENDS with, and who you should FELLOWSHIP with in the Body of Christ. Don’t allow FALSE GUILT to HOLD you in BONDAGE to UNHEALTHY VOICES or RELATIONSHIPS. Follow the PRINCIPLE of LIFE in these areas. If you feel LIFE SPRING UP in your decisions, then it is from Me, the God of Life. If you feel DEATH, then TURN AWAY because this choice will HINDER your GROWTH and DEPTH of relationship with Me. Life in Me is never meant to be GROPING AROUND in the SHADOWS trying to figure out what to do. I have given you My Holy Spirit to be your WONDERFUL COUNSELOR and EXPERT GUIDE. He is waiting for you to ask Him for His COUNSEL and GUIDANCE. Learn to DEPEND on this WONDERFUL COUNSELOR.”

Diana Larkin - NOTHING THE DARKNESS TRIES WILL WORK - November 14, 2024

“I have told you that the evil empire has many PLOTS and SCHEMES they will try to release to keep your rightful leader from TAKING OFFICE. I DO NOT want you to be ANXIOUS or FEARFUL of these ATTEMPTS because NOTHING THE DARKNESS TRIES WILL WORK. My plans for this CHOSEN and ANOINTED leader WILL GO FORTH from My POWER and My PROMISES and NOTHING WILL STOP THEM FROM BEING FULFILLED. Does this mean you just SIT BACK and SPECTATE at the unfolding of this PIVOTAL TIME in history? No! I have made you to be KINGS and PRIESTS so that you can RULE and REIGN with Me. Stay FULLY ENGAGED in this battle and FINISH WELL! I AM telling you that your warfare will BULLDOZE EVERY EVIL, STEALING SCHEME over the PRECIPICE. As long as you continue to come to Me every day to be STRENGTHENED, you will NOT GROW WEARY in PUSHING OVER all the dark schemes that are tried. DO NOT DOUBT My POWER and My ANOINTING to keep you STRONG, FOCUSED, and FEARLESS. I AM allowing many of these schemes to be implemented in order to UNCOVER ALL who are part of or cooperating with the darkness. As their DARK, STEALING schemes are BULLDOZED away, it will EXPOSE ALL who were involved in PLOTTING the OVERTHROW of your leader and your nation. Some of the EXPOSURES will SHOCK you, as they PORTRAYED themselves as part of the Light while SECRETLY SERVING the darkness. Bulldozers also pull off FACADES, and these TRAITORS will be UNCOVERED. Remember that you are ENFORCING the VICTORY that has already been won and that NOTHING THE DARKNESS TRIES WILL WORK.”

Tiffany Root & Kirk VandeGuchte - The Power has Shifted Prophetic Word - November 13, 2024

My people. Yes, my people you have felt the sting of corruption. It has come with new terms like law-fare, DEI and many other terms that mask evil. Yes, the tail has been wagging the dog. But that is in the process of changing even now. You have heard rumors of what is to come. But I telling you that what you heard is noting, compared to what will really happen. Congress is believing that it will be able to blunt the coming carnage in the government. But they are wrong. Those who have chosen to be on the side of our enemy satin have over played their hand. Their influence and provision are running low. My headwind is against them and their power is turning into wreaking. Meanwhile that I love, and those that are on the right side, are just being to ramp up the changes that will come. And I am with them. I have watched over the Constitution of the United States. And now I will watch over it as it used as a sword on the side of rightness. The evil ones have sought to be justified and protected by using the law. But this use of the law for political and financial gain is over. Now now the very laws that were used for their gain will justly applied as intended by the frame. And evil will be thoroughly thwarted by it. Those that are making backroom deals in the evening. Will see themselves the next morning on the news. And the people will not stand for it.

Diana Larkin - PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM - November 13, 2024

As I joined myself to the Father this morning, I began to hear the sounds of a noisy crowd and found myself on the streets of ancient Jerusalem walking beside the Father. I began to proclaim to them that their Messiah had come and they could enter His peace and protection by embracing Him now.
“The darkness will seek to STIR UP TROUBLE on many fronts worldwide to try and DISTRACT people from the BIG REVEALS that are coming. ATTACKS on Israel are one of the fronts they will seek to IGNITE, and so I direct you to PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM. The THREAT of WARFARE against Israel is from human and demonic sources who seek to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY something so PRECIOUS to My heart. However, there is a DEEPER WARFARE in the HEARTS of the people of this nation and that is their UNBELIEF in Jesus as their MESSIAH. Their STUBBORN REFUSAL to see their Savior who walked their streets and hills has caused a LACK of PEACE in their hearts and in their nation. Call to them: ‘Oh, Jerusalem, OPEN your EYES and SEE your Messiah. He is the PRINCE of PEACE, and He will STOP the warfare in your hearts between us and GREAT will be your PEACE and great will be your FULLNESS of JOY that will FILL your hearts.’ PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM both INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY. As you release PEACE to Jerusalem, GREAT PEACE will also FLOW in your life and heart. It is time for the Prince of Peace to ARISE, to be RECOGNIZED, and to RULE over the nations.”

Diana Larkin - COLORED BY HOPE- November 12, 2024

DREAM: “THE YELLOW STOREHOUSE” This morning (11/12/24=11) I awoke at 6:14=11 (11:11!) after a short dream. In the dream I was wandering around a store and realizing that everything in the store was yellow. The primary positive meaning of yellow is: HOPE. Interpretation: The primary thing the Father wants to supply us with in this ever-changing season is HOPE. Hope that is based in Him and given freely by Him.
“In this tumultuous, war-torn season, I AM laying open before you a STOREHOUSE of HOPE. In this storehouse is HOPE for EVERY area of your LIFE, your NATION’S LIFE, and the FUTURE of the WORLD. I AM supplying you with YELLOW COLORED GLASSES so that your VIEW of the future is COLORED BY HOPE. I mean for you to have HOPE in EVERY situation and circumstance that you are facing. HOPE for still ASLEEP family and friends. HOPE for unbelieving children and grandchildren. HOPE for the deceived and the addicted. HOPE for those sick in body and for those wounded in their souls. HOPE for restored freedom in your nation. HOPE for financial abundance and for being debt free. HOPE for healthy foods and medications. HOPE for true justice and for righteous leaders. Is this TOO MUCH to HOPE for? Don’t you see that I have an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of HOPE that is waiting for you to receive? Come, enter My STOREHOUSE of HOPE and TAKE ALL you need so that you are seeing a future COLORED BY HOPE. HOPE in Me, HOPE in My faithfulness, and HOPE in My power WILL NOT DISAPPOINT. Can you see it now—a future COLORED BY HOPE?!”

Diana Larkin - THE TRUMP CARD - November 11, 2024

“The darkness has been playing a DEADLY game to establish their COMPLETE CONTROL over the world. They thought they had ALL the WINNING CARDS to play: SICKNESS, INTIMIDATION, FEAR, DESTRUCTION, RIGGED SELECTIONS, and BRIBED and BLACKMAILED GATEKEEPERS. How could they LOSE?? The TASTE of fresh blood was in their mouths as they anticipated their DARK VICTORY and the SNUFFING OUT of any LIGHT or FREEDOM. They thought I had NOTHING left to play against them. They knew I had a card that could DEFEAT them, but they thought they could DESTROY this card. Well, I have had this card PROTECTED under the shadow of My wings, and it has become even MORE POWERFUL and ANOINTED as it stayed in My presence. The time has come to play My TRUMP CARD, and the world will CHANGE. I AM laying it on the table for the world to see, and the darkness will FOLD their cards and try to ESCAPE. I have all the exits BLOCKED by the military and My FIERCE HOST. NO ONE WILL ESCAPE. They will be held ACCOUNTABLE for all their CHEATING, LYING, and MURDERING WAYS. Those who FOOLED much of the world will now become the CHIEF FOOLS. Their CORRUPTION and PERVERSION will be on DISPLAY, as I play My TRUMP CARD. Those who played to win the world to satisfy their GREED for POWER and WEALTH, will now be the world’s BIGGEST LOSERS. It’s time to lay it down for the WIN—My TRUMP CARD.”

Jar of Clay - November 2024

Diana Larkin - THRIVE! -Thrive: grow, flourish, progress, prosper, increase.- November 10, 2024

Thrive: grow, flourish, progress, prosper, increase.
“There are many who look at this season of great warfare and upheaval as a time to JUST SURVIVE, but I tell you it is a season for My Sons and Daughters to THRIVE. ‘What? You might ask? When everything is in such turmoil, how can I thrive?’ The answer to that is you have BELIEVED Me when I told you this is the LAUNCH of the KINGDOM AGE, and your FAITH has CONNECTED you to the UNLIMITED RESOURCES of Heaven. I AM coming to SHOW OFF and SHOW FORTH My POWER, My HOLINESS, and My GLORY to the world, as I RESCUE your world from CERTAIN DEATH by a CORRUPT and DESPERATE enemy. I AM giving My faithful Army of Light a FORETASTE of the GOLDEN AGE that is coming. Watch Me supply you with ABUNDANCE in your FINANCES, and MIRACULOUS HEALING for your bodies. I AM POURING OUT these things BEFORE the war is WON as the FIRST FRUITS of your REWARDS stored up for My faithful Army of Light. DO NOT look at this season as a time when you will SUFFER LACK. Set your eyes and your faith on My Heavenly RESOURCES because this is your time to THRIVE! When I cause you to THRIVE, you will have an OVERFLOW to share with others. Declare: ‘This is not a season to SURVIVE. It is a season to THRIVE in my Father’s Kingdom resources.’”

Diana Larkin - THE FREQUENCY OF TRIUMPH - November 9, 2024

PSALM 47:1 (NKJV) Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!
“Your CELEBRATIONS and your GRATEFULNESS for having your rightful leader RESTORED sent out FREQUENCIES of TRIUMPH into the atmosphere. These frequencies were so POWERFUL that they TEMPORARILY SILENCED the enemy. THE FREQUENCIES OF TRIUMPH paralyze the enemy and send SHOCKWAVES of CONFUSION through their camp. Because the darkness is so DESPERATE to SAVE their lives and their COLLAPSING EMPIRE, they will REGROUP and try many EVIL SCHEMES to try and DEFEAT the Light. Continue to release THE FREQUENCIES OF TRIUMPH in the FACE of your enemy and OVER ALL their death agendas. No matter how dark it appears, you have My PROMISE of FINAL and TOTAL VICTORY, so LOUDLY DECLARE the TRIUMPH into the atmosphere. As you release THE FREQUENCIES OF TRIUMPH, they act as WEAPONS that CRUMBLE or DEFLECT evil schemes back against the enemy. Declare: ‘We have the VICTORY, and the TRIUMPH of our God IS SURE!’ Army of Light, release THE FREQUENCIES OF TRIUMPH into the atmosphere, and let your hearts SING with JOY.”
PSALM 47:5, 6 (NKJV) God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!

Diana Larkin - READY TO LAUNCH - November 8, 2024

“I AM READY TO LAUNCH My Rescue Operation that has been going on behind the scenes OUT INTO THE OPEN where everyone will see it. You will see My FIERY JUDGMENTS fall on the WICKED, the TRAITORS, and those who TAKE INNOCENT LIVES. As these leaders are EXPOSED and BROUGHT DOWN, it will result in My FIERY JUDGMENTS going out all over the Land. These judgments will release the FEAR of the LORD across the Land, and the fear of the Lord will DESTROY the YOKES of BONDAGE to SIN and SHATTER the LIES that people have believed. My FIERY JUDGMENTS may seem HARSH, but RIGHTEOUSNESS must be RESTORED to your Nation in order to REMAIN FREE. Sin always produces BONDAGE and STRIFE, while righteousness always brings FREEDOM and PEACE. My FIERY JUDGMENTS will SHAKE many out of PERVERTED LIFESTYLES and into the BEAUTIFUL PURITY of a life YIELDED to My WAYS and My HEART. Will you stand with Me in this release of My FIERY JUDGMENTS? There will be GREAT LOSSES in people’s lives but realize these losses will BURN AWAY what DEFILES and MAKE ROOM for TRUE BLESSINGS. Be ready to COMFORT and to COUNSEL those who REPENT and come to Me through the Blood of My Son. Be ready to DISCIPLE them in My Word, My Ways, and My Heart. I AM READY TO LAUNCH My FIERY JUDGMENTS to CLEANSE and PURIFY your Land. Have FAITH that this season of fiery judgment will produce a GOOD FUTURE for people and for your Nation.”

Diana Larkin - LEAN ON ME - November 7, 2024

Lyrics from Bill Wither’s song Lean On Me (1981): “Lean on me when you’re not strong and I’ll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on.”
SONG OF SONGS 8:5 (NKJV) “Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her Beloved?”
“The battle between the darkness and the Light is approaching a FIERCE CLIMAX. Are you feeling BATTLE FATIGUED and some WEAKNESS? The battle has been LONG and INTENSE and you have fought valiantly. You know you need to REMAIN STRONG as the PRECIPICE approaches. There is only ONE WAY now to pick up the STRENGTH and POWER you need to FINISH WELL and that is by COMPLETELY LEANING ON ME. This is a LEANING into My heart in the SURRENDER of INTIMACY, and I will FILL you with My STEADYING, RESTORING LOVE. I will STRENGTHEN your heart and REFILL it with COURAGE and PASSION. I will CARRY YOU THROUGH the REST of this BATTLE ON MY WINGS and NEAR My HEART. You will feel My GREAT POWER, as we SOAR ABOVE the battlefield, and I will CARRY YOU TO VICTORY SINGING and SHOUTING My PRAISES. You have fought so VALIANTLY and now, I AM telling you to LEAN ON ME, and I will CARRY you through to a STUNNING VICTORY. LEAN ON ME.”

Diana Larkin - SAVOR THE VICTORY, CALL IN THE EXPOSURES - November 6, 2024

“REJOICE in the VICTORY of your rightful leader and know that it came about because of your FERVENT, UNCEASING PRAYERS and through the POWER of My strong right arm. A MAJOR BATTLE has been WON by My Army of Light, and I want you to SAVOR THE VICTORY. This is not, however, the time to PUT DOWN YOUR SWORD because the darkness still has DEATH AGENDAS and EVIL PLANS they are planning to launch in their DEEP DESPERATION and DISAPPOINTED ANGER. With RENEWED FAITH in My PROMISES and My POWER, CALL FORTH EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES. The MORE and DEEPER the EXPOSURES of their EVIL and their DARKNESS, the more it will CUT DOWN on the number of dark schemes they are able to release. CALL FORTH My TSUNAMI, My FLOOD, My WHIRLWIND, My EARTHQUAKE of EXPOSURE to UNCOVER the FACADES they wear and the BLUEPRINTS of their EVIL schemes. RELEASE My Host to EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE. SEND the Light Brigade to UNCOVER in REAL TIME any PLOT or SCHEME the darkness is seeking to launch. There are still SHAKINGS that are NECESSARY to AWAKEN the SLEEPERS, but your intercession can take the DEATH STING out of them. WELL DONE, My Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom! SAVOR THE VICTORY, CALL IN THE EXPOSURES.”

Diana Larkin - JUST SAY NO! - November 5, 2024

“Keep your battle strategy SIMPLE for today. Continue to release My Light Brigade to EXPOSE REAL TIME CHEATING, FRAUD, or INTERFERENCE. Hold out your hand and JUST SAY ‘NO!’ to any enemy PLOT or SCHEME of DARKNESS, CHAOS, or DECEPTION. JUST SAY ‘NO!’ to LYING media’s FAKE MANIPULATION of results that are coming in. I AM calling the Forces of Light to STAND THEIR GROUND and REFUSE to YIELD to any ATTEMPTED THEFT. Declare, ‘Our Light is SHINING into any areas of DARKNESS or CORRUPTION.’ Don’t respond to the atmosphere of FEAR and INTIMIDATION the darkness is releasing. You declare to the darkness that they are being MONITORED by the Forces of Light and ANY CHEATING will be EXPOSED, and they will be held ACCOUNTABLE for their CRIMES. Don’t allow the enemy to fill the atmosphere with his darkness! You SHINE your LIGHT into the atmosphere and JUST SAY NO! to the evil empire. YOU HAVE LOST, WE HAVE WON!”

Diana Larkin - RELEASE REAL TIME EXPOSURE - November 4, 2024

“I AM giving My Army of Light the assignment of DECLARING that anything the darkness tries to release in an effort to CHEAT, STEAL, SUPPRESS, VIOLATE, or to cause CHAOS and DESTRUCTION will be EXPOSED IN REAL TIME. It’s time My Light of EXPOSURE grows BRIGHTER and INVADES the DARKEST and BEST KEPT SECRET PLOTS of the evil empire. I have a Brigade of Hosts who are made of LIGHT, and when they are sent on assignment, they are able to EXPOSE any DARK DEALING or SECRET SCHEME. When you join Me in releasing this LIGHT BRIGADE, you will be releasing REAL TIME EXPOSURE. Nothing the darkness tries to get away with will REMAIN HIDDEN or COVERED UP by the lying media. They will be CAUGHT REAL TIME doing DIRTY DEEDS. It’s going to MESS UP their minds because they won’t be able to FIGURE OUT how they were UNCOVERED, and the BLAME SHIFTING and FINGER-POINTING will begin. Their EXCUSES will be SILLY, and their EXPLANATIONS will be WORD SALADS of FOOLISHNESS. REAL TIME EXPOSURES by My LIGHT BRIGADE will lead to other DEEPER and DARKER SECRET PLOTS and SCHEMES. All of this EXPOSURE will FORCE the hand of the evil empire, and they will be PRESSURED to PREMATURELY release their MOST DEADLY PRECIPICE PLAN. It will JOLT people AWAKE by its THREAT, but you will know that the DEADLY POWER in this scheme has already been REMOVED by your FAITHFUL, POWERFUL WARFARE. Partner with Me and release My LIGHT BRIGADE to begin the REAL TIME EXPOSURES of the CROOKED darkness. Together, we will WIN the war of DARK to LIGHT.”
LUKE 12:2-3 (TPT) “Everything hidden and covered up will soon be exposed. For the facade is falling down, and nothing will be kept secret for long. Whatever you have spoken in private will be public knowledge, and what you have whispered secretly behind closed doors will be broadcast far and wide for all to hear.” 

Word of the Lord posted on X by @KaSheltielover - November 2, 2024

Word of the Lord posted on X by @KaSheltielover - October 29, 2024

Flashback to 2019 -- Linda Cortney - URGENT Details on Three Days and Nights of Darkness - March 31, 2019

Okay, so here we go. I am this, is what the Lord God says. I am The Good Shepherd. This air of time as mankind knows time is coming to its end. As of a few days from now everything is coming to it’s sudden change. The time of serious transition is soon to come upon the entire earth. The scientists will call it earth or climate change. But I the Lord God Almighty call it my holy will and the fulfillment of my holy and most profound decrees which have been established from time immemorial. I am the great I am my plan shall stand. Nothing can be done by the feeble mortal hand of man to alter, hinder, our stop, what I have prepared for mankind. Truly this error of mankind’s journey on earth is quickly coming to a close as I change and rearrange all things. This earth will soon enter a time of severe global darkness. People will understand as I the Almighty God draw the curtain of black upon the planet.

Those people of mine who have heard of this word will understand. I will grab the sudden attention of mankind as all the technology comes to a sudden incapacitating, can’t say that word incapacitating, ability to function. All will be silent and mankind will be thrown into sudden disarray. They will panic as confusion sets in many people will lose rational thinking as the curtain of gross darkness covers the earth. I the Lord God must do this to literally grab the attention of all the citizens of Earth. My people, those who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will be shaken far less than the sinner. They will, they will be stabilized by my holy spirit as the unction of my holy presence falls upon them. My holy spirit will calm their minds as they as they falter for a while gathering their wits about them. So you my beloved children, so see pardon.

So see my beloved children there are millions of Christians who are saved by my grace that have never heard of the days of Darkness. That’s why I’m calling upon you to tell them what is just around the bend. You may approach it with scientific terms for it will for I will indeed use the natural means I will use natural means to create this phenomenon. My planet which many call Planet X aren’t Nibiru or nemuru is stealing its way to eventually cover your Sun. This planet has been observed in various places on earth at times with the naked eye. When the when this planet covers your sun, when this occurs. I will in my great mercy hold and totally control the earth’s temperature at 55 degrees so that no manner animal will freeze. I’m interjecting because if a planet would cover the Sun normally speaking, we would be thrown into an ice age. But God Himself is going to control the temperature in His mercy upon earth.

The Holy Spirit goes on to say however cold will be felt. So gather blankets for warmth. Food and water medical needs if necessary must be out there ready. Do not discount this admonition for you will need food and water unless you choose to fast. Candles must be white and unscented do not question me over this. Oil lights may be used use refined oil as much as possible. Listen well my beloved ones I am your Holy Father in heaven. You have earthly Holy Father. The Pope of Rome is not holy, for I alone am holy. These days of gross darkness are my great act of mercy to get the full attention of mankind. It is at that time that many of the world’s false gods will fall. Those who worship any false God will have the blinders removed and they will be able to choose me as Lord God and Savior if they so desire. The ultimate choice will still be theirs as I force no one to surrender to me. Listen further my beloved ones immediately before this darkness falls the earth will quake. The earth will quake as it groans for the manifestation of the sons of God.

In many places there will be actual earthquakes occurring. The darkness descends the as a dark the darkness descends and there will be majestic displays in the cosmos. I the Lord God Almighty the Lord Jesus Christ, God in the flesh ,will rearrange the skies for mankind to see the glorious colors and the deep blood-red as the colors wander around the earth. They will see this phenomenon that has never been seen before. I have reserved it for this time. Planet X will bring with it a great but will bring with it great earth changes as the atmosphere will be charged with electricity. This will not hurt or kill mankind but this is something they can see as a discharge will be intense. When these changes begin to occur in the heavens you are to notify your loved ones immediately they are to drop whatever they’re doing and immediately come to their home. it is now listen important it is best if family members can be together in the home of one of the believers in Yeshua Jesus Christ. This is why I desire that you tell them beforehand what’s coming to the earth so they are willing to cooperate with you when the time arrives. Otherwise they will call you crazy and not come into the home. ….

I desire you to alert them now for their sake. During this three-day a period three days and nights of darkness many unsaved people will truly receive Yeshua Jesus Christ as their Savior if you have laid a good foundation. So now’s the time for us to be the evangelists, not to wait until the darkness falls because then it will be too late we won’t be able to go out of out of our homes so now is our time. Getting on with the word of the Spirit of God as you enter your home I admonish you to cover your windows and do not look out at all, Period. don’t look out at all. Lock your doors and do not open them to anyone. Why you ask? My beloved children, I will tell you why. It’s during this time. I will allow hordes of demons to roam the entire earth. People from all nationalities will be aware of this and many will die from fear and demonic torment or attack. Also, the seas will roar and great will be the changes that torment sinful mankind. For my beloved children those in their homes during this time, if you obey my instruction I will send legions of my holy angels to protect you. Do not fear.

Throughout the earth as all electronic cease you will have nowhere to turn but to me the true and only God of endless ages. Pray without ceasing pray in the spirit trust in me and I will carry you throug. Please be aware that during this time the resurrection of the Dead will take place as the graves of the righteous dead will explode around the entire globe. Simultaneously during this time many, but not all, of my living Saints will be transformed by my power and majesty. My children who know me as their Lord and Savior but who are living in sin and willful disobedience will be left behind. That is it that choice is up to them. So the choice to either obey God, now or disobey and be left behind.

My beloved children you asked me why would I allow such a time as this if you have studied my holy word you would understand why I will do this. My beautiful earth has become polluted. Not so much by man-made chemical emissions but rather by but rather my earth has been totally polluted by the filth and degradation of mankind’s sins. By the sins of mankind. Sin is destroying mankind and my earth is suffering also. So I’m bringing an end to mankind’s rule on the planet. Down through the six thousand years since I created your planet until now. My creation, human beings, have been hell-bent on making bad choices called sins. These sins are now destroying my earth.

I am going to personally intervene. I will soon implement my plan which will save mankind from total destruction. For my word says for the elects sake I will cut the day short. Also my intervention intervention will save my earth front month I read that part. I love my creation and my plan for the earth which I have created is yet to be fulfilled. After all is said and done my earth will be given another thousand years in which to in which the glory and beauty will not only be restored, but will be multiplied as my Saints rule with me a thousand years. Read my word dear ones read my scriptures and I will give you understanding. Trust me my beloved children I will never leave her forsake you. I will be near to each one of my people who call on me. For I am a God of perfect love mercy and grace. I am Yeshua Jesus Christ the Lord. The end.

Diana Larkin - THE BURNING - November 3, 2024

I was taken atop a high mountain, and I could see the world laid out below. I saw fires everywhere—many were in the government buildings of the nations. I saw a fire in the White House. I asked the Father what I was seeing, and He responded:
“What you see is THE BURNING that I have released to EXPOSE CORRUPTION, HIDDEN VAULTS, TUNNELS OF TORTURE,  and DEMONIC ALTARS. What you see is BABYLON BURNING. These FIRES that I have set will only burn up the DARKNESS. Whatever is GOOD and of the LIGHT will be PRESERVED. This is not RANDOM destruction but PURPOSEFUL BURNING of EVIL ROOTS and STRUCTURES. The FIRES and DESTRUCTION the darkness has planned CAN BE STOPPED or LESSENED by your DECREES and DECLARATIONS but My FIRES CANNOT BE STOPPED, and they will ACCOMPLISH MY PURPOSES of EXPOSURE and CLEANSING. Inquire of Me—whose FIRE is this? Are You the SOURCE of this FIRE or is this DESTRUCTION from the enemy? DECLARE that My FIRES will achieve the FULLNESS of their PURPOSE and DECLARE that the enemy FIRES would be SNUFFED OUT by the BLANKETING PRAYERS of the Army of Light. Do you SMELL SMOKE in the air? Let it REMIND you that I AM releasing THE BURNING. Babylon is BURNING.”
ISAIAH 30:27 (TPT) “Look! Here comes Yahweh with His mighty power and glory! He comes with His awesome splendor with thick clouds! Consumed with anger, His lips are full of fury, and His words are a devouring fire!”

Diana Larkin - OVERTHROW - November 2, 2024

JEREMIAH 1:10 (AMP) “See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to uproot and break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.”
JEREMIAH 1:10 (TPT) “See! Today I have imparted to you great authority over nations and governments, to uproot and demolish, to destroy and dismantle, and you will plant something new.”
“This is the MANDATE I AM giving to you My RULING and REIGNING Sons and Daughters of My ETERNAL, GLORIOUS KINGDOM: OVERTHROW, UPROOT, and DESTROY the evil empire that has been ruling through BEGUILEMENT, FEAR, and DESTRUCTION. Rise up in your BLOOD-BOUGHT AUTHORITY and decree: ‘ENOUGH of your EVIL WAYS, your GROSS IDOLATRY and PERVERSION, your GREED, TYRANNY, and ENSLAVEMENT of the people! At Lord Sabaoth’s command, we release the Host to DEMOLISH, DESTROY, and DISMANTLE the governments and positions of power that are under the SPELL and CONTROL of the evil empire.’ I want you to declare: ‘Not one THRONE of POWER, not one COMPROMISED LEADER will REMAIN in their STOLEN places of influence. We OVERTHROW your ILLEGITIMATE RULE by the authority of the King of Heaven. We now take up our MANDATE to BUILD and to PLANT something NEW, as the Kingdom of our God is established in the earth.’ I will RESTORE to you the leader I have chosen who will OVERTHROW the DARKNESS and who is a MIGHTY BUILDER. With ONE VOICE and ONE ROAR declare the OVERTHROW of DARKNESS and then work together to PLANT and to BUILD, as the KINGDOM AGE FLOURISHES.”

Diana Larkin - NOVEMBER—A MONTH OF TRANSITION - November 1, 2024

“The darkness WAITED and WAITED for an October SURPRISE from the Light. They had all these PLANS of how to COUNTER any EXPOSURE of their CORRUPTION or PERVERSION by launching evil schemes that the LYING media agreed to COVER to DISTRACT the public from the CRIMES of the evil empire. Now, the darkness doesn’t know whether to be RELIEVED at the SEEMING WEAKNESS of the Light or to expect an attempted UNCOVERING in November. CONFUSION and ARGUMENTS abound in their meetings and that is the RESULT of your STRATEGIC PRAYERS. November will be MARKED by My TRANSITIONS, as I lay the GROUNDWORK for a NEW GOVERNMENT and a NEW NATION. In spite of all the GATEKEEPERS put in place to keep corruption HIDDEN, the BRIBED judges and juries, and the PERVERTED media that SUPPORTS their LIES, the TRUTH will begin to TRANSITION into the Light. The darkness uses the word TRANSITION to mean someone is leaving their GOD-GIVEN DESTINY to BELIEVE and to LIVE UNDER A LIE. I AM taking the word TRANSITION BACK, and you will see more and more LIGHT and TRUTH OVERTAKING the darkness and the lies. I want My Army of Light to decree, ‘We are TAKING the word TRANSITION BACK from the darkness, and we are launching it as a WEAPON against all that has been HIDDEN and LIED about. We declare that this will be a MONTH OF TRANSITION from DARK to LIGHT.’ Release My Host to EMPOWER this TRANSITION and to TAKE IT OUT of the hands of the enemy and to bring it into the LIGHT where ALL will be EXPOSED. NOVEMBER WILL BE MY MONTH OF TRANSITION.”

TruthWave23 - Telegram - 8-11-2024

Diana Larkin - WARRIOR PASSION - October 31, 2024

“I would like you to walk through these coming months of BATTLE and TUMULT in the QUIET CONFIDENCE of My PEACE and My PROMISES. Begin each day by DRAWING NEAR TO ME and BREATHING IN MY STRENGTH and MY STEADYING LOVE. Remember that no matter what CHALLENGE or SCHEME the darkness tries, I have PROMISED you the VICTORY. You will see your rightful leader put into the place I have ANOINTED and CALLED him to. Instead of being OVERWHELMED by all the FRANTIC ATTEMPTS the darkness launches to try and STOP the EXPOSURES of their WICKEDNESS, see them through My eyes and know that I will give you the STRATEGY to DEFEAT them. ALL of Heaven’s FORCES are with you. The Great Cloud of Witnesses is CHEERING you on. You have been CHOSEN to live at this PIVOTAL time in history, and you have My STRENGTH, POWER, and AUTHORITY to battle with VALOR and NO THOUGHT of BACKING DOWN until you SEE My banner of VICTORY over your nation. Don’t DREAD or SHRINK BACK from the coming battles. Meet them with our SUPERIOR FORCES, and with My WARRIOR PASSION and My ROAR of AUTHORITY. Look at each scheme they attempt to deploy as dealing them another DEATHBLOW from the FORCES OF LIGHT. As you WAR against the darkness, you will do it from the place of My STEADY PEACE and in the CONFIDENCE of My FAITHFUL PROMISES. You are ENFORCING the VICTORY that I have declared.”
ISAIAH 35:3, 4 (TPT)”Strengthen those who are discouraged. Energize those who feel defeated. Say to the anxious and fearful, ‘Be strong and never afraid. Look, here comes your God! He is breaking through to give you victory! He comes to avenge your enemies. With divine retribution He comes to save you!’”

Bob Jones 100-Year Prophecy (Audio)

Diana Larkin - STAY THE COURSE - October 30, 2024

I found myself in a Heavenly place meeting with Elijah and Enoch. They were earnestly speaking to me about the time we are now living through. They said we are on the cusp, the edge of one of the most radical changes in the history of mankind and the earth. They were speaking with great intensity—Elijah with his burning, fiery gaze and Enoch with his kind but piercing eyes. They wanted me to realize that we must stay engaged with the Father and determine that we will stay in faith and hope until we see the Kingdom Age established to the glory of the Father. We are to stay the course until the victory is won and darkness is put under our feet. No matter what comes—stay the course because His promises are true.
“My FAITHFUL REMNANT, My POWERFUL ARMY OF LIGHT, the 3-in-One and ALL of Heaven want you to HEAR and RECEIVE this message: STAY THE COURSE! No matter what comes or how dark it may look, STAY THE COURSE because My PROMISES ARE TRUE, and you will SEE a great VICTORY of Light over the darkness, and you will WITNESS the ESTABLISHMENT of the Kingdom Age of PEACE and PLENTY. I want you BY MY SIDE battling until the DAWN of VICTORY breaks through. The VICTORY will be SWEET and FULL when you stay FAITHFUL to the end, and your REWARDS will be GREAT. I stand ready to STRENGTHEN you and to PROVIDE ALL your needs—do not FEAR the darkness or their ALREADY DEFEATED schemes or any THREATENED LACK. You are fighting beside the GREAT I AM, the ANCIENT OF DAYS, and NOTHING can STAND BEFORE Me of the darkness. No matter what comes, STAY THE COURSE, My PROMISES ARE TRUE.”

I Heard Him Warn, “Change Your Plans for Halloween” - October 29 2024

I’m going to share the stern warning that the Lord gave me I was talking to him as I was driving and praying and asking him what he wanted to say to his people and he said I heard Holy Spirit say tell them change your plans for Halloween. He said it very clearly change your plans for Halloween. … If you give this warning you will save lives. …

Diana Larkin - BACKFIRE! -October 29, 2024

“I AM declaring ’BACKFIRE!’ over every enemy SCHEME and PLAN. Join Me in releasing ‘BACKFIRE!’ into every ASSAULT of the enemy against FREEDOM, PROVISION, and HEALTH. Declare ‘BACKFIRE!’ against these STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING schemes launched against your nation and against you personally. As you READ these words or HEAR them spoken, know that I AM releasing an INCREASED EMPOWERMENT to you so that your declaration of ‘BACKFIRE!’ will be VERY EFFECTIVE and you will see it begin to take place before your eyes. If the attacks of darkness ramp up and look very destructive, DO NOT FEAR but realize that as you declare ‘BACKFIRE!’ to it, all the destruction they had planned for you will BACKFIRE UPON THEM. You will be RAISED UP, and they will be BROUGHT LOW. Therefore, do not be ANXIOUS about what the darkness will try to do to STOP My plans of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE being RESTORED to your nation because I have given you the POWERFUL WEAPON of releasing ‘BACKFIRE!’ against these LIARS and STEALERS. You will see that what they have SOWED they will now FULLY REAP as you declare ‘BACKFIRE!’

Jar of Clay - October 2024

Diana Larkin - THE THIEF HAS BEEN CAUGHT - October 28, 2024

“Watch as the CORRUPT establishment and the LYING media THROW OUT every DISTRACTING and DESTRUCTIVE scheme they can think of. Don’t FIX YOUR EYES on these DISTRACTIONS or allow your heart to FEAR. They are desperate because THE THIEF HAS BEEN CAUGHT. As everything the darkness has STOLEN, KILLED, and DESTROYED comes SPILLING OUT into the open, PAYBACK will be DEMANDED by the people. A CRY will go up for ALL THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED and for REAL JUSTICE to be released to these who have committed CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and TREASON against their country. Even as many dark schemes come flying out of the enemy camp, have this CONFIDENCE, that BEHIND THE SCENES EVERY BIT of EVIDENCE NEEDED TO HANG the darkness has been UNCOVERED and ASSEMBLED. Pray for a release of My Host to CLEAR THE AIRWAVES so that this EVIDENCE can be MADE KNOWN to all. Take AUTHORITY over and DECLARE DEFEAT to every scheme of darkness and BOOMERANG it back into the enemy’s camp. Declare: THE THIEF HAS BEEN CAUGHT and you are being EXPOSED and you must PAY US BACK. RECOMPENSE is on its way to My Sons and Daughters, because THE THIEF HAS BEEN CAUGHT.”

Pop Goes The Weasel lyrics

In regards to the economic situation and Poptober a number of people have reported hearing the nursery rhyme, “Pop! Goes the Weasel”

Round and round the cobbler’s bench
The monkey chased the weasel,
The monkey thought ’twas all in fun
Pop! Goes the weasel.

A penny for a spool of thread
A penny for a needle,
That’s the way the money goes,
Pop! Goes the weasel.

A half a pound of tupenny rice,
A half a pound of treacle.
Mix it up and make it nice,
Pop! Goes the weasel.

Up and down the London road,
In and out of the Eagle,
That’s the way the money goes,
Pop! Goes the weasel.

I’ve no time to plead and pine,
I’ve no time to wheedle,
Kiss me quick and then I’m gone
Pop! Goes the weasel.

Stephen Hanson - This is a Time Like None Other in History - October 25, 2024

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan. Whoever loves wisdom makes his father rejoice, But a companion of harlots wastes his wealth. The king establishes the land by justice, But he who receives bribes overthrows it.” Proverbs 29:2-4.

When watching the news, The Holy Spirit spoke these things to me.

“This is a time like none other in history.

It is a time to make your voice known.

Your land and your nation’s future is at stake. The stakes are very high!

For a new direction will give you freedom — and another one will bring you captivity.

What future do you want for your children?

Are you ready to give up everything that your nation was founded on?

The winds are blowing across your land. Or do you want a leader who will take away all of your freedoms?

You must make a decision.

I see the ends from the beginning. I have seen all of the history of mankind, and I have seen rulers of every type and caliber.

I watched as many of my children were taken into captivity with the Babylonians. I watched as men fought in wars.

I watched as they loaded them up in train cars and then exterminated them.

I tell you that is what is coming, if you don’t make the right decision, then even more horrendous things than these will happen.”

Coreen Hall - What is About to Come is God’s Judgement! - October 25, 2024

“What is about to come is My Judgement.

I AM the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

I AM a sovereign God. My people don’t know it — but they have been groaning out for justice for this wicked generation.

This generation is the most wicked it has ever been. You don’t even know the depravity and the depths of the wickedness!

Many have sold out to Satan. What you don’t understand, is My Judgement is Love! It is Love!

I Love you with an everlasting Love.

I cannot tolerate this wickedness anymore. It’s time! Judgment is coming to My House first!

Be prepared mentally physically and spiritually.

My Church is not ready, because they have preached a watered down Gospel, not the True Gospel!

The Church in the building as we know it, is about to come crashing down.

I know you do not understand that Judgement is Love, but it is.

Read Daniel, Revelation, Matthew, Mark and Luke.

Cleanse yourselves in my blood the blood of The Lamb.

Many will be saved during this Tribulation. Your thought it was like Revivals of past — but this will be nothing like that.

People have become so depraved, that Tribulation is the only thing that will save them.

The darkness is so gross and it covers the whole land.

I AM coming soon! Get ready!

Ready yourself for The Marriage Supper of The Lamb — and then the millennial reign.

You value this physical life. I value your eternity, spent with Me!

My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not your ways.

Stay close to Me in The Secret Place and you will not be in fear.

Get your hearts ready and be serious. No more froufrou! Grow up and mature in Me, by reading My Word and get The Word into you.

Be ready to die for your belief in Me.

Serious, serious, serious times are coming.

You cannot lean on your own understanding — but in all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your paths.

Stop tolerating Jezebel! If you see control ad manipulation of any kind, she is lurking near you. Do not come into agreement with this spirit.

If you have, then Repent and Renounce agreement with her — and tell her to go in My Name.

You came into agreement out of fear, that’s what opened the door.

Repent and tell all fear, control, and manipulation to go.

Many of My Churches have allowed this spirit in, and have become corrupt. Repent Church, before its too late. Repent of idol worship.

Anything you put above Me is idol worship. (Children, phones, food, sex alcohol, drugs, smoking etc.)

Come out of Babylon My People! Wash your robes in My Blood as you have become tainted by the world.

The love of most is growing cold. You cannot comprehend that I do love you, and those I Love I must convict and chasten for the time is short.

This life matters for nothing. It’s just a training ground to see if you will love me and follow Me,” says The Lord of Hosts.

“My Grace, Mercy and Love is the coming Judgement.

If I did not Love My People, I would let them go to hell. But hell wasn’t meant for people —just demons.

Many are choosing to go. Your job is to pull them out of the darkness into my marvelous light.

Pull them out of The Fire!

You are My Hands, Feet and Voice upon the Earth to this generation.

Tell them I love them and I AM coming soon and to get their heart right with Me.

Just as you admonish your children when they get off track, so I must admonish My children.

This is Love. This is Love!”

Diana Larkin - MARKED BY MY LOVE - October 27, 2024

“In this season of dark to Light, I have sent Angels to MARK those who SERVE DARKNESS and those who SERVE ME and MY KINGDOM. Those who have been MARKED as serving darkness will now receive JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. Those who are MARKED as serving the LIGHT have been MARKED BY MY LOVE. Those MARKED BY MY LOVE will receive FAVOR, VINDICATION, and REWARD. This MARKING of DARK and LIGHT has been COMPLETED, and you will see the effects of the SPIRITUAL MARKING become MANIFEST in the natural realm. You will find yourself receiving FAVOR and UNEXPECTED PROVISION. Those MARKED as serving DARKNESS will experience EXPOSURE and LOSS. These exposures will begin to pop up on ALL seven mountains of culture, and they may seem like ISOLATED CORRUPTION, but don’t be FOOLED, they are ALL CONNECTED by one LARGE WEB of DARKNESS and DECEPTION. Each exposure will serve to CUT A STRAND of this HUGE WEB of EVIL until it SUDDENLY COLLAPSES in on itself. The Rescue Operation is UNFOLDING with the RELEASE of My MARKING ANGELS. WOE to the WICKED but BLESSINGS to those who are MARKED BY MY LOVE.”

Jar of Clay - October 2024

Diana Larkin - THE FOG OF DECEPTION - October 26 2024

“All around you, people are caught up in THE FOG OF DECEPTION. They have been LIED to about who I AM, who THEY ARE, and who I raised up to LEAD your Nation back to Me and to My KINGDOM WAYS. I AM coming to DEAL with this FOG OF DECEPTION that keeps people in BONDAGE to LIES and PROPAGANDA. I AM calling you to PARTNER with Me in BREAKING THROUGH and BLOWING AWAY THE FOG OF DECEPTION. This FOG will NOT be PENETRATED by your LOGICAL ARGUMENTS because it must FIRST be DEALT with in the SPIRITUAL REALM. THE FOG OF DECEPTION releases EAR BLOCKERS so that people cannot hear the TRUTH. You must first BREAK the spiritual POWER of THE FOG OF DECEPTION before people can HEAR and RECEIVE TRUTH. Call for the WINDS OF CHANGE ANGELS to BLOW AWAY this FOG OF DECEPTION. Release GLORY FIRE MISSILES to STRIKE every LIE DOWN, and WELCOME the Spirit of Truth and freedom. The Spirit of Truth will MAKE A WAY for you to be able to SHARE TRUTH—with a heart filled with My love and NOT a fleshly ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ attitude. TRUTH SHARED IN LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL, COMPELLING, AND FREEING. Join with Me in DISPERSING THE FOG OF DECEPTION. It will make way for My GLORY to FALL. FREEDOM, TRUTH, and LIGHT will fill the atmosphere.”

Diana Larkin - A GREAT SHIFT IS AHEAD - October 25, 2024

“Heaven is announcing that there is A GREAT SHIFT AHEAD. A BIG REVEAL of CORRUPTION, BETRAYAL, and LIES is set to be UNCOVERED that will cause a DEVASTATING BLOW to those partnered with darkness. The darkness has released a DEATH SHROUD over your Land to BLOCK OUT My VOICE and My PRESENCE from My people. They want this SHROUD to WEAKEN your FAITH, to DISTRACT you from FIGHTING, and to KEEP you from HEARING My LEADING and My GUIDANCE. If they can make Me seem FAR AWAY, then they hope to DISTRACT you from CONCENTRATED WARFARE against the scheme of darkness they plan to unleash to DROWN OUT the BIG REVEALS that are coming. DO NOT ALLOW the DEATH SHROUD to REMAIN UNCHALLENGED over your life and Nation. DO NOT ALLOW it to DEADEN your WARFARE or your HOPE. Send the Host to CLEAR AWAY the DEATH SHROUD over your territory and your Nation. Declare: ‘I CHALLENGE this DEATH SHROUD with the LIFE of God, the BLOOD of Jesus, and the Spirit’s WIND to blow away this dark atmosphere. BE GONE! I release the LIFE of God, the LOVE of God, and the POWER of the GLORY into the atmosphere! Decree: ‘CLEAR the WAY for the BIG REVEALS! I CANCEL and DIMINISH the plans of darkness to take away the SPOTLIGHT from the BIG REVEALS.’ ‘I declare BREAKTHROUGH of the SHROUD of DARKNESS and OPEN PORTALS for GLORY, LIFE, and LOVE to pour through.’ Partner with Me in this, My Army of Light, because the BIG REVEALS will make way for A GREAT SHIFT from dark to Light.”

Diana Larkin - PIERCING THE DARKNESS - October 24, 2024

“Do not be AFRAID of the DEEPENING DARKNESS. Their PANIC and DESPERATION will drive them to try and bring about TOTAL DARKNESS, FEAR, and CHAOS. Their plan is to HIDE behind this darkness that they cause and to SUBJUGATE all of you under their TYRANNY and LIES. But I tell you that the Light in you is continuing to GROW BOLDER and STRONGER, and it has the POWER to PIERCE THE DARKNESS of LIES, BETRAYALS, MURDER, and THEFT. PIERCING THE DARKNESS is what My Army of Light was raised up to do. As the world sees your Light, it will be DRAWN to the TRUTH it reveals and the SAFETY it provides. Do you feel like your Light shining all ALONE is TOO SMALL? Even the SMALLEST LIGHT can PIERCE the DEEPEST DARKNESS. Realize that when you WORSHIP, PRAY, DECREE, DECLARE that your words are LIGHT going out into the atmosphere and JOINING TOGETHER with the LIGHT words of My WORLDWIDE ARMY. These words of LIGHT form SWORDS, SPEARS, ARROWS, and MISSILES that are PIERCING THE DARKNESS. The evil ones think that they are going to bring about a darkness to the whole world, but I say that the DARKNESS and the LIGHT are MINE, and I will USE the darkness to CONCEAL TROOPS and RESCUE OPERATIONS that will serve to BREAK UP and EXPOSE all the EVIL SCHEMES and HIDING PLACES. Continue to FULFILL your ASSIGNMENT of SPEAKING WORDS of LIGHT because you are PIERCING THE DARKNESS. You will see the darkness EXPOSED and OVERCOME by My Light that is in you. GET READY because we are going to be PIERCING THE DARKNESS.” 

Diana Larkin - LAYER UPON LAYER, PIECE BY PIECE - October 23, 2024

“Darkness is being EXPOSED LAYER UPON LAYER and is being REMOVED PIECE BY PIECE. This process began SLOWLY but is now PICKING UP SPEED. At first, LOWER LEVEL people were being UNCOVERED for their CORRUPTION. They began to TURN EVIDENCE against those further up the CHAIN of COMMAND in order to save themselves. Now, you are seeing people in HIGHER POSITIONS of leadership and influence being EXPOSED, and the NET of EXPOSURES is WIDENING to ALL the LAYERS of the CORRUPT. A CEO of a large corporation has just been ARRESTED on TRAFFICKING CHARGES. A LEADING entertainment figure is EXPOSING so many LAYERS of CORRUPTION and ABUSE in that industry, but it is also EXPOSING leaders in the CHURCH, the GOVERNMENT, and the BUSINESS mountains. As the KINGPINS FALL, the DOMINOES of EXPOSURE will be SET OFF and ALL the LAYERS will be EXPOSED. Up to this point, removals have been PIECE BY PIECE but soon, there will be MASSIVE REMOVALS as ALL is UNCOVERED. When the darkness tries to PUSH this nation OFF the PRECIPICE to its DESTRUCTION, all those partnered with darkness will be EXPOSED, and they will be COMPLETELY REMOVED from their POSITIONS and their POWER. LAYER UPON LAYER and PIECE BY PIECE may seem TOO SLOW and FRUSTRATING for you but know that it is SETTING UP the BIG REVEAL and DOWNFALL of darkness. Also, I want you to realize that this SLOW PROCESS has brought TERROR and FEAR of EXPOSURE to the darkness, and it has WEAKENED them and set them up for FAILURE. Have CONFIDENCE that LAYER UPON LAYER and PIECE BY PIECE is My BRILLIANT STRATEGY for FLUSHING OUT all those HIDING behind FACADES and behind GATEKEEPERS. LAYER UPON LAYER and PIECE BY PIECE will RULE the day, and the FALL will be VERY GREAT as the evil empire IMPLODES from within and COLLAPSES from the FORCE of RIGHTEOUSNESS applied on the outside. Your prayers and warfare are EFFECTIVE, and you will see them DEMOLISH the darkness LAYER UPON LAYER AND PIECE BY PIECE.”  

Diana Larkin - THE SEASONS ARE CHANGING - October 22, 2024

This morning, we went to the little walled garden of my heart in Heaven. As I looked around at the lush greenery, it became colorful Fall and then winter, as the trees became bare. This has never happened before in my garden. It made me a bit sad to see a winter, bare season but suddenly, the garden was full of beautifully decorated Christmas trees that brought a big smile to my face. The Father turned to me and said:
“THE SEASONS ARE CHANGING. Your Summer was a season to GROW your STRENGTH and DETERMINATION to FIGHT WELL to the end. Now that Fall is here, let it do its WORK of STRIPPING away what is from the OLD SEASONS of your life in order to MAKE ROOM for NEW and EXPLOSIVE GROWTH—both in your personal life and for the nations. THIS IS ALSO THE CHANGING OF THE SEASONS for those PARTNERED with DARKNESS. They will FALL, be STRIPPED BARE, and be CUT DOWN—REMOVED from their positions of POWER and WEALTH. The HARVEST of their EVIL, SELFISH WAYS will RIPEN to the FULLNESS of their DEPRAVITY, and the world will see their DEATH AGENDAS as the DARK FRUIT of their lives. Their DARK HARVEST will be FULLY EXPOSED to the world, and the world will DEMAND JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and a RETURN of the people’s FREEDOMS. In the Winter season the darkness will be HEWN DOWN and REMOVED. The world will experience a STRIPPING AWAY of the OLD SYSTEMS, and it may look a little BLEAK. But know this—a Christmas season of LIGHT, PEACE, and QUIET BEAUTY will SOFTLY COVER your Land. Even though there will still be BATTLES to be fought and won, this Christmas season will bring a SWEET REST, a DEEP PEACE, a UNIFYING of HEARTS, and a HOPE for a BEAUTIFUL SPRING of NEW LIFE and GROWTH. THE SEASONS ARE CHANGING, GREAT SHIFTS ARE AHEAD, but they will all RESULT in the ESTABLISHMENT of My KINGDOM WAYS of LIFE, LIGHT, and BLESSING in the earth. FLOW with Me into THE CHANGING OF THE SEASONS.” 

Diana Larkin - BIG REVEALS AND SHOCKING DISCLOSURES 0 October 21, 2024

“This election is significant and I AM calling My people to PARTICIPATE as citizens of both the earthly and the Heavenly realms. Righteousness EXALTS a nation, and it is My Sons and Daughters who are called to UPHOLD that standard in the earthly nation I have placed them in. However, this election is by NO MEANS the ONLY PLAN and HOPE that I have for America. I have BIG REVEALS AND SHOCKING DISCLOSURES that will SWEEP your nation and SHAKE its FOUNDATIONS. The darkness is guessing that their CORRUPTION is about to be EXPOSED and so they have FEARFUL, CHAOTIC SCHEMES planned to be released to SUCK all the ATTENTION away from their darkness. Are you willing to PARTNER with Me in DISARMING these schemes? Will you SEND FORTH the Host to DISMANTLE and BLOW UP these plans and REVERSE them back into their camp? Will you DECLARE that these WICKED attempts to bring DARKNESS, CHAOS, and FEAR would be FLUNG BACK on them, and it would MARK them as the ones who have PLANNED this DEATH and DESTRUCTION? DOUBLE LOSERS—their schemes will not accomplish all they have planned, and it will come back to BITE them with EXPOSURE and JUDGMENT. A fitting end for those who serve the FOREVER loser. You are not HELPLESS SPECTATORS of what the darkness has planned. It’s time to BLOCK and TACKLE. FORBID the DEATH and DESTRUCTION the darkness has planned (BLOCK), and join My Host in RUNNING DOWN the one with the FOOTBALL and TACKLE him to the ground. I AM calling everyone to their BATTLE STATIONS—this is the time you have been PREPARING for. PRAY, PRAISE, and continually STRENGTHEN yourself in Me. We will meet their FINAL ONSLAUGHT with OVERWHELMING VICTORY and TRIUMPH. I AM Lord Sabaoth, and I DO NOT LOSE.”

Diana Larkin - OVERSHADOW - October 20, 2024

“In the next few months, the enemy has planned a FULL-COURT PRESS against your rightful leader and against those fighting for FREEDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Do you wonder if you can stay STRONG through this ONSLAUGHT from a DESPERATE and DARK enemy? The battle has been LONG and you QUESTION, ‘Will my STRENGTH and DETERMINATION HOLD OUT to the end?’ What you need to realize is the battles you have come through have NOT WEAKENED you—NO! You have become STRONGER and more COURAGEOUS. Remember I never expect you to fight in your strength alone. As long as you and your sword are SURRENDERED to Me, I will FILL YOU with My STRENGTH, My COURAGE, and My HOPE. I want you to PICTURE yourself in battle. Open your spiritual eyes and you will SEE that I AM OVERSHADOWING you with My PRESENCE, My POWER, and My PROTECTION. Anytime you feel WEAK or UNSURE, picture Me OVERSHADOWING you with My STRENGTH, COURAGE, HOPE, PRESENCE, POWER, AND PROTECTION. YIELD your sword to Me and then WIELD it against the enemy. My POWER and STRENGTH will SING through your SWORD bringing GREAT DESTRUCTION to the enemy’s camp. I AM the ALL-POWERFUL COMMANDER, and I will always OVERSHADOW you.”

Diana Larkin - BE DISARMED! - October 19, 2024

“I have another WEAPON you can DEPLOY against the darkness. This weapon arises from your AUTHORITY in the Blood and the Name of Jesus. This kind of AUTHORITY comes from a PERSONAL REVELATION of My POWER and in KNOWING that Jesus has WON BACK ALL AUTHORITY from the enemy who DECEIVED mankind into giving it away. Once you have the revelation that ALL AUTHORITY has been given back to you, it MUST BE EXERCISED and DEVELOPED. You have been FAITHFULLY doing this by DECREEING and DECLARING the action items I have given you. You have been STEADILY BUILDING UP your SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY MUSCLES, and it is becoming SECOND NATURE to you. WELL DONE, Army of Light! Now, I ASSIGN you this NEW LEVEL of STRATEGIC WARFARE. I want you to begin to SPEAK to those partnered with darkness who are WEAPONIZED by the enemy, ‘BE DISARMED BY THE BLOOD AND NAME OF KING JESUS!’ I want you to declare, ‘Your FIREPOWER IS TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU!’ This use of your AUTHORITY will GREATLY WEAKEN all the coming attacks they have planned. Picture PROGRAMMED ASSASSINS DROPPING their WEAPONS at a CRITICAL MOMENT, see TERRORIST GANGS surrounding a target and SUDDENLY all their weapons FALL FROM THEIR HANDS and are USELESS, observe a ROGUE SUBMARINE where MISSILES REFUSE TO BE LAUNCHED. Anywhere you sense a THREAT from the darkness, declare: ‘BE DISARMED IN THE NAME OF JESUS!’ ‘Go Host and WIPE OUT the WEAPONS and RENDER them USELESS!’ What an October SURPRISE for the enemy! ARISE, My VALIANT WARRIORS and declare: ‘BE DISARMED!’”

Diana Larkin - CONDUITS OF LIGHT - October 18, 2024

I asked Father if I could speak to Enoch because he saw this day that we are living in, and I wanted to know any wisdom he might have to share with us. I immediately found myself with Father in the Garden of Life, and we were joined by Enoch. I said to him that he had seen the day we are living in and what counsel would he give us that would help bring in the victory. He told me to be a CONDUIT OF LIGHT and LOVE. He said that combination is very powerful. We shine truth but coupled with loving well those who can’t see that truth yet.
The Father speaks:
“My friend, Enoch, was speaking to you about being a CONDUIT OF LIGHT. I AM the Father of LIGHTS, and I DELIGHT to SHINE through My Sons and Daughters. Jesus came to be the LIGHT of the world and because you are JOINED to Him in His DEATH and RESURRECTION, you also become LIGHTS to the world. As you SURRENDER to the Holy Spirit’s work of TRANSFORMATION in your life, your LIGHT SHINES more BRIGHTLY and becomes more BEAUTIFUL. My LIGHT is always married to My LOVE. Love makes a PATHWAY for the LIGHT of truth to travel on. If you will learn to LOVE WELL those who OPPOSE you, who DISAGREE with you, and who think you are NUTSY, you won’t have to INSIST on the TRUTH or try to SHOVE it down people’s throats. My LOVE through you will OPEN them up to receiving the CONDUIT OF LIGHT that flows through you. There are some you will have to love from AFAR because they are too TOXIC to allow near you. But your love from afar will send LIGHT FREQUENCIES that will OVERCOME the darkness they have allowed to take residence in their hearts. Never underestimate the POWER of My LIGHT and My LOVE. Let it FLOW through you UNHINDERED. Be My CONDUIT OF LIGHT AND LOVE.”

Diana Larkin - SUMMARY JUDGMENT - October 17, 2024

I was taken to a Court Room in Heaven. The Father was seated on the bench. He declared: “I AM issuing a SUMMARY JUDGMENT against the enemy and all those partnered with him for all the LIES, THEFT, and DESTRUCTION against the people of My creation. I declare that the darkness is GUILTY and that they must PAY IT ALL BACK!” His gavel came down, and the sound echoed through the Court Room, and its vibrations reached the earth. Shakings began to hit the earth, and I saw hidden vaults of evidence opened, hidden supplies revealed, and stored up wealth released to the people. Definition of SUMMARY JUDGMENT: “In the legal world, summary judgment is a term used to describe a court’s decision to rule in favor of one party without a trial. This means that the judge has determined that there are no genuine disputes about the key facts of the case, and the law clearly supports one side’s position.” 
The Father speaks: “As SUPREME JUDGE of My creation, I have issued a SUMMARY JUDGMENT against your enemies. They have NO DEFENSE for their actions against you of STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING. Pure GREED, REBELLION, and HATRED have MOTIVATED these actions, and they have been JUDGED in Heaven and will now be JUDGED in the earth. Because there is NOTHING HIDDEN from My eyes, I know where all the EVIDENCE of their crimes and their STOREHOUSES of supplies and wealth are located. I AM giving the location of these HIDING PLACES to My PROPHETS, My DREAMERS, and My VISIONARIES. I AM joining together My chosen leaders in the governmental realm and My anointed prophetic people in the spiritual realm as a TEAM. As they work TOGETHER, the HIDING PLACES will be OPENED and will lead to JUDGMENTS against the darkness and JUSTICE and RECOMPENSE released to My people. Watch My SUMMARY JUDGMENT unfold, and the world will SHFT from dark to Light.”
DANIEL 7:27 (MSG) “But when the court comes to order, the horn will be stripped of its power and totally destroyed. Then the royal rule and authority and the glory of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the people of the High God. Their royal rule will last forever. All other rulers will serve and obey them.” 

Diana Larkin - FIERY JUSTICE - October 16, 2024

“The INJUSTICES the darkness has brought about in your nation are PILING UP HIGHER AND HIGHER. This may FRUSTRATE you and it may seem like NOTHING WILL CHANGE, but I tell you that My FIERY JUSTICE is soon to STRIKE. It will be SUDDEN, like a LIGHTNING BOLT out of the sky, and it will STRIKE the KINGPIN of the INJUSTICES. Once this Kingpin scheme of LYING and STEALING is struck open by My FIERY JUSTICE, it will TOPPLE ALL the other INJUSTICES that flowed from this ROBBERY. There is NOTHING man can do to STOP My FIERY JUSTICE. It will MELT FACADES, HIGHLIGHT HIDDEN EVIDENCE, and BURN UP the LIES and COVER-UPS. My FIERY JUSTICE will MARK the GUILTY ones, FREE those WRONGFULLY imprisoned, and UNCOVER the INNOCENCE of those WRONGFULLY ACCUSED. Your rightful leader will be left STANDING among many who will fall under My FIERY JUSTICE, and he will be fully VINDICATED. The LYING media will be labeled and judged as CO-CONSPIRATORS who KNOWINGLY committed FRAUD and LIED to COVER IT UP. My FIERY JUSTICE will NOT BE STOPPED by CORRUPT LAWYERS or BRIBED JUDGES. They, too, will be TARGETED and come under My FIERY JUSTICE. Don’t lose heart at the RISING PILE of INJUSTICES. Instead, CALL FORTH the ARROWS of My FIERY JUSTICE to accomplish all My plans.”

Diana Larkin - EXPAND YOUR VISION - October 15, 2024

Sometimes all of the changes that need to take place to align governments and people’s hearts to our Great God can seem overwhelming. Two reminders have helped me: remembering how He has changed me in a radical, wonderful way; and allowing Him to expand my vision of His limitless power and majesty. I felt myself being propelled through starry skies far, far out into the heavens, and I caught a glimpse of His hugeness.
“Do you have DOUBTS and FEARS about how I will be able to bring about the PROMISED Kingdom Age of PEACE and PLENTY? How will I BRING DOWN CORRUPT governments and bring an AWAKENING and DELIVERANCE to all the people caught in the LIES of the enemy? Evil, powerful people have RULED the nations for centuries so how can I bring them down IN A DAY? People have turned away from cold, dead religion, but they have turned to FALSE COMFORTERS and FALSE GODS who have ENSNARED them into ADDICTIONS and FALSE IDENTITIES. Can I DELIVER such a people? Look at your own life and see HOW FAR I’ve brought you. Look around at My CREATION and remember that I brought it forth out of NOTHING. Let Me assure you that I AM THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, the GOD OF THE LIMITLESS, and the FIRE OF MY LOVE CAN BURN AWAY ANYTHING that blocks Me from reaching a heart. I AM able to CHANGE nations and people IN A DAY, so put away the DOUBTING and THROW the weight of your LIFE and HOPE on Me. IAM ABLE, I AM WILLING, and I AM POWERFUL. I will FULFILL all My PROMISES, and you will walk with Me into the new Kingdom Era. Come to Me, and I will EXPAND YOUR VISION of Me so that you remain in GREAT HOPE and look to the future with JOY.”