January 20, 2025 TRIUMPH! This is a day of GREAT TRIUMPH! TRIUMPH over so many dark plans. TRIUMPH over LYING, CHEATING, and STEALING. A TRIUMPH that will usher in TRUE JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. A TRIUMPH of FREEDOM over DARK TYRANNY. Today, I want you to EAT CAKE and CELEBRATE a hard-fought VICTORY won by the Forces of Light and My strong right arm. Feel the HUGE SHIFT in momentum from dark to Light. Those partnered with darkness are watching with ANGER and DREAD, as they see all their evil schemes being THWARTED and EXPOSED one after another. They realize their EXPOSURE is imminent, so they are going to FIRE their BIG GUNS. Just remember that My POWER far OUTWEIGHS their destructive schemes, and I have promised you a FULL and COMPLETE VICTORY. Call forth and deploy Warrior Host who will POKE HOLES in every evil plan the enemy launches. Commission Cloaking Angels to COVER those holes so that the darkness is UNAWARE that the POWER and DESTRUCTION is LEAKING OUT of their plans. I want you to know that NOTHING will STOP My COMPLETE RESCUE and VICTORY for your nation and the world. In short, those partnered with darkness are DOOMED to EXPOSURE, DEFEAT, and TRUE JUSTICE. Today, I want you to BREATHE IN this VICTORY that has been won as your rightful leader is placed into his office. EAT CAKE, CELEBRATE, and be REFRESHED for the clean-up battles ahead. You all have a share in this TRIUMPH!”
Conversations with GOD – Jan 17-18 2025
There is much more that is going to happen but be not afraid. For I did not bring my children this far for them to lose, for MY David to die, or the Prophets to be abandoned. Just watch what I will do, and continue to pray for the protection of your President and his family, and the capital.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper!
Remember the phrase keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Those who look at Trump and say he is bringing in a tech oligarchy have not paid attention to how Trump operates. He recognizes the power that social media, A.I., and big tech has, and the influence they have. He understands the surveillance state, and even during his first inauguration a soldier stood with a hat ribbon that meant “Military Intelligence.” He is not fooled. He is making sure that this is kept on a leash and used for the right reasons. Remember things are not what they seem.
This is not to say that the individuals running these things should be judged as good or evil by my people.
Brandon Biggs prophesied of the plans of the enemy. Yet I say this. There is a time to speak what I say and there is a time to give your opinion. Just as my people prayed and won an election, so my people, my children can and are praying to stop the terrorist attacks planned by Iran and other countries. I did not bring you this far to let the enemy destroy all that I have planned and will do. My word will stand sure and will happen. I gave the vision as a warning to pray and watch. I gave the vision for those close to my David to relay the message and they will not be caught off guard. Do you not know how your prayers have prevented many of these atrocities in the past. So do not waiver in your faith and tell the enemy NO! THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN! THIS WILL NOT SUCCEED!
What the enemy plans for evil I will turn it around for the good for those who love me and are the called according to the promise that I gave in Yeshua!
Joe Rogan is different. And you will see what I am going to do through him in the coming days. He has been searching for the Truth. I am the Truth. I am the Way. I am the Life. When you search for these things you run into me. So do not be quick to cast judgment on Joe. Pray for him.
As far as Zuckerberg. Pray for the man calling himself this as well.
Psalms 118:6-11 (KJV)
6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? 7 The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. 8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes. 10 All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them. 11 They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.
Conversations with GOD – Jan 16-17 2025
It will not be like that. The last four years were not an example foreshadowing what America deserves. Rather the next four years and beyond will be America being the example of what I always wanted her to be. These last four years were a simple wake up call and a trap. As you have said before, they created an illusion to make it seem like you could get away with breaking all kinds of laws. From the upper class down to those in lower financial standing. They gave them checks to destroy, burn, loot, traffic, and even kill in hospitals. This money was offered as a choice. I allowed Mankind to exercise free will. Now is the time of reward. So do not think that I have brought a curse. I gave an opportunity to love, to give, to help, and yes even to repent. Now you will see the arrests. You will see the exposure of what your government and military and other organizations have done throughout America’s history. The lies will be exposed and truth will reign supreme over your land. Those in the shadows will realize they can no longer operate as they have. I am done with what they are doing to the children. I am bringing in my reset, my reformation, and my revolution.
The elephants are no longer the elephants. Gone are the days of stomping around wherever you please on earth, tearing up countries, and taking resources. This New Republican Party are my eagles. Soaring high in the sky, watching out for predators, and taking care of their young. This is not the party of old, but a new party made in my image, but not yet. There is much that I will do to clean out this party, and soon it will no longer be about a party affiliation but rather about Americans. So I will take what is good and make it the normal. I will show my people what it means to be salt and light even in government. This is not about ruling over people like tyrants, and stuffing your coffers. I will supply abundance because it will be freely given. The devil is going to have a bad day, and much much longer. It is going to be a new day that is dawning.
Remember this as you see the events soon to unfold. The enemy, as I have told you, will not give up without a fight. Pray against attacks on your nation, and pray that those who want to cause chaos in this country will be too distracted by what is happening in their own countries. There is much work to be done. But this will be work you will enjoy doing. For soon the shackles and chains placed upon you by the so called globalists will leave you untethered to do what I want and spread the gospel of the Kingdom to the entire world.
You have heard “saving Israel for last.” This subject brings an emotional response from my children. I want you to put this in my hands and watch what I will do. I am aware of ALL of the situations involved in this. I am more than able and capable to resolve the conflict instantly. This is not something I want you to fight about. Pray for Israel. Pray that Hamas repents and turns away from their wickedness. Pray for the innocent people in Gaza, and in Israel and yes even in Iran. I love my children and I want all of them to come into the glorious liberty of the sons of GOD.
Romans 8:21 (KJV) 21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Right now you are seeing drip, drip, drip. Soon you will see drip, drip, flood, flood, FLOOOOOOD! I am speaking of the release of information and truth. The dam of lies is about to break. Hold onto me and know that this is necessary, and for those who know some of this already, be ready to help others like I have helped you.
I just woke up from a dream 💭.
I got to meet DJT and ask him any one question.
He entered the room in a black suit. This suit started black at the top and faded into a picture by the pant legs.
The picture was DJT walking with an umbrella ☂️ and a crowd of ppl behind him in the middle of a storm. These ppl I knew in my spirit helped him clean up the globalist cabal.
Flynn was among them.
Right behind DJT so I knew he had an important role.
The jacket had what looked like rain drops painted or printed to look like a storm.
He sat in a chair and looked into my eyes with such joy and smiled.
Immediately I realized HE IS THE STORM. 😳😱 DJT is the STORM. The storm isn’t an event we’re waiting for, it’s a person. It’s him.
He realized I got it and smiled even bigger.
As I looked in his eyes the Lord said “you’re looking at the king of the northern alliance. He’s the king of the north.”
My eyes watered because if what this man had done. He had done it. 😭 He rid us of the globalists.
He says to me, ask me anything.
So I said, were the assets of the globalists confiscated already or is that to come?
He smiled at me as if it had already been done and I woke up. 🤯
… No matter what you see, these are the days for Governors to fall. Watch! One right after another will step down or be removed. I am cleansing the states from the top down, and yes, that includes your federal and governmental positions, because great removals have begun, and more will be seen.
Many things took place behind closed doors that you haven’t yet seen. Deals have been made, and many more are about to be made. Your enemies are terrified of what moves are about to be completed. They know they can’t stop the storm that’s coming. They can’t stop the military might that is coming for them. Some in the inner circle of the enemies’ camp still believe they can hold on, and will try, but they will fall flat, and fall on their faces on center stage. They don’t have the power. They don’t have the resources to defeat what’s coming, because what’s coming is Me and My army, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Scandals are about to consume the Federal Reserve and the IRS- scandals, dirty deals, and heinous cover-ups. But I am stopping them from what they really wanted for you, oh, United States.
Get ready to see your Capitol fall. Yes, the phrase “White House Down” will be heard. Your Capitol is about to be under siege because of its tyranny and the crimes they were just about to commit. My hand is stopping them like I have stopped all the enemies against My people before, saith the Lord of Hosts.
An unusual storm cloud will be seen, and a video of it will go all over because of how it looks. I told you these were the days of unusual things taking place.
A fiery explosion will be reported, and this location is important for what you are about to see next.
A great darkness is coming against your enemies. I told you before, My children, the great plagues of today will be seen against your enemies, against their monuments, against their buildings, against their governments, and against their plans. I have said, enough is enough. These words are about to manifest so the world can see them. And the world will see My judgments against your enemies, saith the Lord of Hosts. …
The Perfect Storm is against them, and it is about to be seen, saith the Lord of Hosts.
My children, deny your enemies’ power to exist. Deny your enemies’ ability to continue their governments and control over you. Do this, My children! I have heard your cries, and I am answering your prayers. So awaken and get up from your place of defeat and despair. Your time has come, and My children’s time is now, saith the Lord your Redeemer.
“Do you guy’s know what this represents? Tell us sir (press). “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.” What storm? “Could be the calm before the storm.” “We have the world’s great military people in this room I will tell you that we will have a great evening. Thank you all for comming.” What storm Mr. President? “You’ll find out.” – Donald Trump – 10-5-2017
Conversations with GOD – Jan 15-16 2025
There will be much more of this that I am going to do in ending trafficking. This is the year I am going to put an end to it, it will still go on in some places but the big majority will be put to an end.
I love Pete Hegseth, and he is going to do a different thing. For soon you will see what it looks like when a godly man stands at the helm and does what I want to do with the Military. You will see de-escalation, and Men that lay down their arms. You will see Military contractors no longer exist based on their pursuit of money at the deaths of the innocent. I am going to show what it means to have peace through strength.
One of the reasons the fires were allowed in LA was to show the ineptitude of the leadership of California, so that when the proof of election fraud comes out they will be open to this fact.
They say there will only be a short window for my golden age. I say it’s game over. I have allowed the enemy to be revealed and exposed. I have shown the crimes against humanity, and how the entire system they built was meant to kill, steal, and ultimately destroy you. I have shown through my Prophets the spiritual warfare that has been taking place. This is not for you to be aware of it and then a short victory ending with my Ecclesia losing. This is my Kingdom Age. My Kingdom does not fail, it does not end, and it fills the entire Earth. I want my children to continue to pray and lift me up in the face of your enemies. I chose to use a flawed man like Trump to work my will through. Do not let fear creep in, and do not get ready to leave. It is time to conquer and crush Satan under your feet!
Revelation 5:9-10 (KJV) 9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
Michelle Obama wants to run for President? It doesn’t matter. It won’t matter. Once you see what I am going to do to the Democrat party, and the exposure to the Obamas there will be no hope of them ever holding a position of leadership again. I’ll tell you things are not what they seem. There are some you see that are no longer here. So I will expose Obama and he will be known forever as a traitor.
It all goes back to Obama and the relationship with the Clintons. For I called Bill as a young man and he refused my voice. He gave himself over to sensual desires of the flesh in order to prop his wife up to gain power. Yet even this promise from the enemy will never manifest. So look toward and forward. This is a new day dawning, and when you see what I do it will be like watching someone snap their fingers. It will be done in one day.
Conversations with GOD – Jan 13-14 2025
Gavin Newsome is going to be exposed so much. Not just concerning the fires, but rather his past, his family, the money he took, and the deals he made, even with foreign governments. I will expose what he has done behind the scenes with tech companies, and how he feels he is untouchable. However, he is not untouchable. Far from it. And yes I will expose ALL corruption that has taken place in both parties. The wings of the eagle that have lied to my people will be replaced with golden wings of truth. For America will no longer be known as the world’s police, but rather as the evangelist to the world.
Russia attacking with a Nuclear weapon? I am not going to allow it. Yet, it may be reported that it has happened. There will be some kind of scare event to wake up the last remaining few who can be awakened. However this is not something for my children to fear, but rather to pray against the plans of the enemy. There is another narrative with Russia that few know. He is not who the mainstream reports him to be. My children you have been lied to about so many things including the Ukraine conflict, and even what is happening in my Israel. This too will come out. Pray that everything will be exposed, and those who see it will not be drawn to hopelessness but rather into my arms where I will instantly give them peace of mind and comfort them. These are the birth pangs, but America is being reborn!
They say it’s climate change. The left only looks at their own box of reality. They choose to buy into the lies that only will benefit them as a whole, even if it means others have to suffer. They say the end justifies the means. I say you will be judged by how you live and not what your goal is that you want to achieve. So pray that they will no longer be blinded. As Johnny Enlow referred to the scripture in saying the veil will be lifted. Pray that the veil is not just lifted but destroyed completely. They are those who choose to refuse me.
They refuse my original creative order that I established, and bring upon them a curse. Is it I who curses them? NO! It is the consequences they bring upon themselves. Remember I said you reap what you sow. And so this year is not a year of my wrath, nor is it a year where the antichrist will come on the scene. This is simply the year of what you would call “Payday.”
They need to pray to escape the judgment upon them should they choose to reject my Son. Yet in this time it will simply be me allowing harvest. Not of souls, though that will come, but of eating the fruit off of the tree that you have grown. No man expects grapes when they plant figs. So no man should expect good fruit when they have planted wickedness.
I will stop the fires, and I will stop all that the enemy has planned, though I will let him do a few things for the purpose of exposer. What I need my children to know is that NOW IS THE TIME FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS!
I have heard your cries, just like my children who were slaves in Egypt. I only allowed this to go this long to give those guilty a chance to repent. That is why I have been calling on you to pray for your enemies. Once I move that will be it as you say. So look forward to this. I am grateful and even excited to show that my children who spoke what I told them to have been right, and the world will see this as well.
I will expose the cheating and return those who won to the rightful position. Larry Elder will be the Governor of California. It will be up to him if he wants to take the position.
Conversations with GOD – Jan 12-13 2025
There are smart meters on many homes in your country. I am aware of their nefarious purposes. But I am not going to allow the enemy to do what he plans to do. He wants to do one event to take out every home. He wants to use the technology, even your phones to take out every person. Yet the enemy does not see what I have done to infiltrate what he thought would be used for destruction. Instead I will turn this back on him. He used this technology in Lahaina, in LA, and other places as well. So pray, and partner with me that this is the last time he can use this. They plan to destroy the entire country before the inauguration. However I have bigger plans for this nation. I will expose those who profited off of these schemes and will furthermore reveal which politicians, and governments allied themselves in this endeavor. Continue to pray my children that nothing can stop what is coming, because nothing will stop Me when I move.
They want to activate 5G, and influence nano-particles. Yet I have already prevented this from occurring. They panic behind the scenes as to why their plans are not manifesting. They did their rituals, and even LA was a sacrifice for them to bring in their plans and agenda. But I laugh. They are not more powerful than I, my people, my word, and my Kingdom! They rigged the country to go off like a time bomb. They even installed technology to take down your power grid. However, I am not impressed with Man’s weapons and technology. Am I impressed?
Remember Kim Clement and when I said to him “Am I impressed? So I will not allow their endgame, and I will not allow their plans for domination and control of the Earth. The Earth is mine! I said The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof the inhabitants and all that are therein. So I will remove the trespassers who sit in seats of power that they stole and I did not anoint them to be in. You will see this and more. Continue to lean into me and pray that My will be done.
They say White Hat. Another says I am the true White Hat and this is true. I subverted them. I took over those who wanted Truth and then it led them to me. But once this is done, it will be known that the Masonic order is no more. I infiltrated, and destroyed them from within.
Hank Kunneman – God will Flatten Inflation, Federal Reserve prophecy – September 15, 2022
Watch very closely about what is about to happen. … I fill flatten it, I will deflate it, will break it,. God says they will say, what has happened to your Federal Reserve? I will raise up something new, something greater.
Truth is coming for the Federal Reserve- explosive truth about why they were formed, who controls them, and how much financial damage they have purposely done to the American people and this Nation. Great debt was brought in on purpose. It was strategically done to bankrupt this Nation, to destroy it for their reset. What they do not know is that I am a debt-canceling God, and their plans will not be finished or completed because My hand is moving to expose and destroy their power over this Nation, saith the Lord of Hosts.
You are pacing back and forth you are inspecting the Earth. You are in respecting those leaders of the earth that won legally and those that have been placed there wrongfully illegally. You are inspecting the Earth. This is the time of the this is the time of of the Justice of the God of the Almighty oh his Justice is arising in the hour and the Vengeance of God shall be seen in the land in the earth in the Earth. Hear the sound of the voice to me hear the sounds of the footsteps. As intensity shall arise in the hour that you are in. To my over the Earth. It is come now and hell they shake and they trembled my day of what is manifesting and what shall be least now upon the Earth.
They thought they could silence the Lord his people. Now there shall come become a sound of Justice. A sound of vindication. A sound of freedom. On the night of Rosh Hashanah it is a new season do you hear do you feel do you see what is opening it is opening L is seing so it has been says the spirit of the Living God that men have come to a place I speak of my people where they have looked and they have said almighty God where are you where are you where are you even Elijah where is the Lord God of Elijah is this what you think is this what you speak from your lips before my Presence. Do you think that I have somehow ignored the Injustice the corruption the evil the things that have been deep stated and seated knows says God? I have watched and I have waited for this Time.
For this is not your season nor is it the seasons of the Earth. It is my Seasons therefore the seasons shall blend Together. And you will say it feels like Spring. But then why is there summer heat and why then does it get fret cold oh it is so cold. And why does it snow in this place and it has not snowed for Decades. And why in the place where we escape the frigid coal we are we are Freezing. God says I’m showing you that I am the god of the times and seasons. And so for a while they will seem backwards it will seem one month it will be this way another month it’ll be another way it will see one day it will seem as though it is hot and then it is cold how can the temperature change this greatly and they will say it is climate Control. It is global warming God says enough my hand has been placed on the earth to show the Earth. That I am the god of the times of the seasons and the purposes that are under heaven and now it is my purpose it is my time.
Therefore I speak to you those that are weary those that have said God how much longer. The spirit of God says you are just about at the place of intensity like you have not seen. Therefore do not grow weary do not quit and do not cause your mouth to speak negative. Where I say there was a time when a nation Israel stood before that which seemed impenetrable. And so there are some who have looked at the state the Deep State the corruption the evil. They have looked looked at two-tier Justice and they have said God this will never change we are doomed as a people. Whose report do you Believe? Who is your prophet and what is the voice that speaks? I say nay for the walls of Jericho seemed impenetrable. And so I silenced my nation and they were at a standstill wondering and waiting what would happen but then God said I said to them lift up their voice and they began to shout and that which looked impenetrable began to fall and collapse.
I speak this that you may know that the same God who did this to the walls of Jericho is doing this with that which they’ve done to the children. That which they have done through your media. That which they have done in your schools that which they have done to change what I said. This is a male this is a female this is holy matrimony between one man and one woman. You shall see that which they said would never change is it penetrable shall collapse. It shall Begin to Fall in the land and in the earth says the Living God. And the reason that I speak this to you at this time. Is because the intensity of the things that I will do at the power of not the might of man or your armies the power of my hand you’ll say God what shall you do?
I will expose expose expose but not just that God said I will bring to Justice the truly guilty and I will reset. I will bring a Divine reversal and I will reorder the Earth. For who is man that say it shall be their world order? God says not yet not so I shall reorder the Earth my way my say says the Living God watch therefore as I said to Joshua I speak this word to you. Do not fear you say I do not fear God says I speak this to you ahead of time because of the intensity of what shall arise upon the Earth hell shall react and will seek to create chaos upon the left. And they will scatter and they will scurry and they will say who will lead us now we must have someone that can lead us. And God says you will be found without one who shall be found Worthy.
Intensity shall arise and there is an disruption that is coming. That I have held and I have waited for the right time and so I shall have my way. That men shall know that this was not the might or the power of man’s cyber ability. But it is the strength of my finger. Did you notice I did not say say hand says the Living God I set my finger for I could inhale and shake the earth I could exhale and remove quickly from their seats of Pride that I shall move my finger because my finger is my Justice. And my finger is what shall cause the powers of Hell to tremble so there will there will be Darkness there will be chaos there will be a scrambling and there will be confusion. And there will be great fear to try to once again convince you that there is something that is Arisen that you must now shut down even to the point where you now must stay in your homes.
But God says do you really want to make me laugh. Because there is the intensity of my hand that that which they do shall backfire why shall it backfire because you look to a man. Tpirit of God says no look to me that’s right for there is something in the earth that you have forgotten. It is the greatest entity it is the spirit of God. Hallelujah he is the spirit of Truth and his truth the spirit of Truth his very being his Essence will not be stopped will not be silent and will not be challenged. Therefore pay attention to the intensity the Earth will not be able to handle the intensity of my finger and the might of my spirit that shall Arise at this time. Therefore the mountains will shake and be removed they will blow their ts and there will be smoke that will fill the air and there will be shakings of soil and the flood waters will arise and ice will jam and then break loose you say I am afraid God says the Earth cannot handle the measure of what I’m bringing of my justice. Yet you are afraid things will become wet the snow is so wet it is so heavy it is so much why do we have to suffer God says I dealt with Wicked Kings when it snowed in zon and there are much wickedness that Demands a purity and a purging and so I will use the elements and they will respond.
Because if you could see the resetting and the reversal and the reordering of what my plan is you will look to North America I speak of Canada. I speak of you United States and I speak of you Mexico. They are afraid or there is one waiting in the wings who calls upon my name and there is one even though the fires have tried to remove him they will say who will lead us now he will be standing not by the power of man but by the preservation and the plan of my hand. He will stand again and God says listen to me North America you shall be known as North America the Great. I even speak of Canada where the stench that you have become shall not be the smell the aroma of your future as I set things in order Canada in North America the United States and I do my Justice in Mexico. I will clean and and sweep through your parliaments the governments. And I will raise up the new and North America you shall be called North America the great. And there shall be an alliance that shall arise between North America Canada United States and Mexico a bond a strength a new America a new North America.
Pay attention as the intensity of the earth increases. Hell shall seek to respond and raise up a two-headed snake. And shall try to strike Israel. You are no match Iran and you are no match North Korea. Your head shall be cut down. Yes, your mouth has spoken who can stand they can write they can report and they lie but you are going to clean the media and turn over tables and you will drive many out and a new sound shall arise oh.
Conversations with GOD – Jan 9 2025
As the Lion of the tribe of Judah I am walking through this land. Judah is the praiser, so I seek those who truly love me, and truly desire to see my will fulfilled. So my Roar will come. It will be an announcement of the love I have for my children, and a roar that tells the enemy now I will judge you. For too long my children have walked trying to do my will but the systems of the enemy have stifled, and sometimes I have allowed for victory. Now is the time where the enemy will see that victory after victory over him is happening. Those men who have aligned with him will no longer be protected by the witchcraft and the spells that have been spoken. For even the smallest prayers of my children come into the enemy’s camp like a nuclear bomb. Know who you are in me my children, and do not be afraid to stand up against every scheme of the enemy. For I am about to remove the censorship from my children that have been hidden away for a time, a purpose, and a season. Soon you will see that your mustard seed faith will destroy strongholds of the enemy. He has danced around and tried to mock and make fools of me and my children. Now is the time where he will be SILENCED for a season. I will show what I meant by My Kingdom, and his short time to tempt man on the Earth before I consume him with fire.
Remember when I said in my word they would flee to the mountains, they would hide in the caves to escape my wrath. Though this was speaking of another time, it also speaks of this time. They try to flee from the wrath of GOD. Yet this time they are trying to flee from a Constitutional Republic that holds them accountable for their actions. They believe that Jan 20 will be the day when an explosion will take out MAGA and also My David. They are so sure of themselves that nothing will go wrong. They mock and laugh and say we will destroy the south with the cold as they have destroyed the west with the fire. This is not their time any longer.
Those who have covenanted with the snake in your rituals behind closed doors but say you can’t be judged when you have given to orphans? Am I mocked? No I shall not be mocked! And so your secret societies will not be secret. I will expose the politician, along with the city counsel man, I will expose the highest along with the one who recently went through a ritual. You will not mock me, and you will not say that I am lucifer. He is a fallen angel and is no match for me. Pray for all to be exposed My Children. Hollywood, the
Holly Wood, the wand of the magician has no power. No spells will have any affect on me, and no effect on My Children, or My Nations. They think they can hide.
They think that they can destroy, not just their homes (the celebrities) but also destroy the lives of My Children living in that area. Watch what happens. Soon you will see the Celebrities that partnered with satan begging for money from My Children.
Remember the Biblical parallel.
The Stars Will Fall!
They are looting in LA. Yet what did I do? I gave them a chance to repent.
They think they can steal without consequence. Watch what happens.
Trump said Freedom cities to make them think he was aligned with their plans. Not so.