News Archive 2020-2021

News 2021

New York Times - Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay - The concept is to permit two military judges to hold proceedings simultaneously starting in mid-2023.December 29, 2021

News Max - Pentagon Approves New Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay - December 30, 2021

The Department of Defense is constructing a new courtroom for war crimes trials at Guantánamo Bay which will not allow the public inside the chamber, The New York Times reports.

The courtroom, the second at the military base, will also allow two military judges to preside over separate proceedings simultaneously. In larger cases, such as the trials of five men accused of planning the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, the hearings would take place in the currently existing chamber that is accessible by the public via a gallery. 

The new chamber, which costs about $4 million, would be used for smaller cases. A gallery was not included in the new chamber, which the Pentagon said was due to the additional cost involved, meaning that people need a secret clearance in order to enter.

Ron Flesvig, a spokesman for the Office of Military Commissions, told the Times that because of the lack of physical gallery, the court staff are working on a “virtual gallery with multiple camera angles simultaneously displayed.”

The new courtroom will also broadcast a delayed video of the proceedings to a separate building where members of the public can watch. This delay allows the judge or a security official to mute anything classified that might be revealed during the proceedings and is also used in broadcasts of proceedings in the currently existing courtroom. 

Govt. data reveals over 946K people suffered injuries or death from COVID-19 vaccinations – OANN - January 4, 2022

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are reporting strange and troubling side effects after getting injected with COVID-19 vaccines. …

Grab popcorn & watch US dollar collapse – Max Keiser

Washington is struggling to figure out how to regulate the digital asset market. Some in Congress say that banning crypto could help preserve the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. RT’s Max Keiser disagrees.

The US dollar has been losing world reserve status for decades. With or without bitcoin, the dollar is toast,” the host of RT’s Keiser Report and prominent crypto advocate says.

Nuremberg trials 2.0 has begun

Leaked DARPA document, DRASTIC analysis confirms attack on humanity using aerosolized, skin-penetrating nanoparticle spike proteins - September 23, 2021

Beyond the world bombshell DARPA document leaked to DRASTIC, which shows that EcoHealth Alliance and Fauci conspired to release aerosolized, skin-penetrating spike protein nanoparticles into wild bat populations in China (which would immediately leap to humans as planned), we also have bombshell intel about something else that makes it even worse.

DRASTIC has confirmed that Daszak and Fauci, working via the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were able to create 180 strains of coronavirus bioweapons and put them under the control of the communist Chinese (an act of treason). We now know from other sources that CCP-run bioweapons deployment teams have crossed the US border, carrying MERS-augmented biological weapons with at least a 30% fatality rate, with plans to release them in major US cities when commanded to.

Matt Walsh UNLOADS on the Loudoun County school board, drops some MOABS on them - September 29, 2021

“You are all child abusers. You prey upon impressionable children and indoctrinate them into your insane ideological cult, a cult which holds many fanatical views, but none so deranged as the idea that boys are girls and girls are boys. By imposing this vile nonsense on students, even to the point of forcing young girls to share locker rooms with boys, you deprive these kids of safety and privacy and something more fundamental too, which is truth. If education is not grounded in truth, then it is worthless. Worse, it is poison. You are poison. You are predators.

I can see why you tried to stop us from speaking. You know that your ideas are indefensible. You silence the opposing side because you have no argument. You can only hide under your beds like pathetic little gutless cowards hoping we shut up and go away. But we won’t. I promise you that.”

Nearly 700,000 Ballots in Arizona Identified with Issues Between the Audit and Canvassing Work to Date - September 30, 2021

We determined that nearly 700,000 ballots in Maricopa County have issues as identified during the recent audit and canvassing of the county.  These issues are not likely mutually exclusive but give a very good indication that the 2020 Election in Arizona was full of hundreds of thousands of invalid ballots.

The Beginning Of Accountability: WHO Scientists Charged With Mass Murder - September 14, 2021

Herland Report: India charges WHO Scientist Soumya Swaminathan: India is a forefront nation in demanding accountability from the WHO, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) now suing WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan.

They are accusing her of causing the deaths of many Indian citizens by misleading them about the effect of Ivermectin, which she stated did not work against Covid-19. As a result, the use of Ivermectin to cure Covid-19 was stopped and Covid cases exploded with deaths increasing ten-fold.

Prophetic Sign Dead Sea Turn Blood Red. God Warning of Judgement Coming!!!! - September 14, 2021

Xi Jinping's warning 'black swan'... 'Appeared' in Tiananmen Square - September 9, 2021

An omen for future events for China?

A black swan appears in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China.

‘Black swan’ is a term often used to refer to a crisis that has a very low incidence in sociology and economics, but has a huge impact once it occurs. Opinions are divided.

In particular, it has become a topic of discussion since it overlapped with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s remarks earlier this year to beware of black swans.

Report: Wisconsin Lost Track of 82,000 Ballots in State Biden Won by 20,000 - August 29, 2021

Wisconsin lost track of more than 82,000 mail-in ballots cast in the state in the November 2020 elections—more than four times the margin of difference separating the two presidential candidates in the state, according to a report by the nonprofit Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Seth Keshel Releases Analysis on Five Pennsylvania Counties with Enough Fraudulent Ballots to Flip the State to Trump - August 8, 2021

Even worse than I thought. PA was a slam dunk for Trump, with a 244k -12k (21 to 1 ratio) of net new registration in 4 years. Previously predicted Trump flip in 2016.
Fraud in PA horrific. Only 3 counties I see as relatively clean, with 27 classified with major fraud. 60 of 67 counties should have demonstrated GOP improvement per registration trends, but only 20 trended more GOP. Erie and Northampton were flipped, and should have been slam dunks for Trump.

Trump crushed Obama ’08 total in a shrinking state, only to be passed on strength of what I assess to be 504k excess votes!

Trump margin, if accurate, should have been 52.0% to 46.1% (5.9%), or 424k votes. A bludgeoning in keeping with registration trend.

China Triggers $1 Trillion Market Meltdown, And It’s Just Getting Started - July 28, 2021

Watch the water! now the stock market. Act of God?



Clay Clark - Evil Around Us and What We Can Do Knowing This - July 28, 2021

Clay Clark and I discuss some of the manifestations of evil in our worlds now and some ways we can successfully navigate these waters.

Universal Law - Know your Rights! - July 27, 2021

Latest on prophecy painting and word on Pennsylvania: Severe election integrity problems — Clever Journeys - July 27, 2021

Corporate Mainstream Media and Pennsylvania Democrats gaslight American voters by claiming election fraud in their state is a hoax. However, there were 1.8 million ballots sent out and 2.5 million returned. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out there is something terribly wrong and illegal. That’s not enough? Here’s more. Of the ballots that …

Global central banks to boost share of Chinese yuan while reducing US dollar holdings – survey - July 26, 2021

One third of central banks worldwide will add the yuan to their reserve assets in the nearest future, prompting the rise of the Chinese currency, a global survey shows.

According to the Global Public Investor survey, published by the London-based Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), 30% of central banks plan to increase their yuan holdings over the next 12-24 months, up from only a 10% increase last year. …

The findings also showed that 20% of the world’s central banks want to reduce their US dollar holdings in the coming months, while 18% plan to cut their euro reserves and 14% their holdings of euro-zone sovereign debt.

In one such move, Russia has fully eliminated the US dollar from its National Wealth Fund, reducing its share from 35% to zero. Meanwhile, the country raised the amount of Chinese yuan in the fund to 30.4%, which put it in second place after the euro with 39.7%. …

The WORLD is MARCHING/WAKING UP! Pray - July 24, 2021

Mike Lindell 9-0

David E. Martin testifies at the German Corona Inquiry Committee July 9th, 2021

Wake up Australia

Did Kim Clement see “Q” in 2012? In 2014 A New Party Rising Up Who Are One, United.

Worldwide protests

Leaked editorial meeting

CNN accidentally sends email

Know your rights

High Profile Arrests, Tribunals, Kennedy Alliance Trump Connection - July 14, 2021

Including John F. Kennedy’s warnings.

George Floyd Mural DESTROYED After Being STRUCK BY LIGHTNING in broad daylight)?! - July 14, 2021

Is God sending a message here to those who idolize George Floyd?

VoterGA Releases Explosive New Report: Fulton County Georgia Recount Included 60% Error Reporting Rate — THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Biden Votes - July 13, 2021

A 7-point-plan to reinstate Donald Trump as president 'in days, not years' was handed out at CPAC - July 10, 2021

The team’s analysis revealed that 923 of 1539 mail-in ballot batch files contained votes incorrectly reported in Fulton’s official November 3rd 2020 results. These inaccuracies are due to discrepancies in votes for Donald Trump, Joe Biden and total votes cast compared to their reported audit totals for respective batches. Thus, the error reporting rate in Fulton’s hand count audit is a whopping 60%.

One type of error discovered involved duplicate results reporting for batches of ballots. The team found at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots with 4,255 total extra votes were redundantly added into Fulton Co. audit results for the November election. These illicit votes include 3,390 extra votes for Joe Biden, 865 extra votes for Donald Trump and 43 extra votes for Jo Jorgenson.

But it is not simply a case of errors. The VoterGA team found 7 falsified audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches. For example, a batch containing 59 actual ballot images for Joe Biden, 42 for Donald Trump and 0 for Jo Jorgenson was reported as 100 for Biden and 0 for Trump. The seven batches of ballot images with 554 votes for Joe Biden, 140 votes for Donald Trump and 11 votes for Jo Jorgenson had tally sheets in the audit falsified to show 850 votes for Biden, 0 votes for Trump and 0 votes for Jorgenson.

Attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas have been handed cards outlining a 7-point-plan to reinstate Donald Trump as president ‘in days, not years.

Mike Lindell Announces Location Of Upcoming Cyber Symposium - July 10, 2021

IP packet capture data for the 2020 election to be released to the public.

WAR FOOTING WW3 fears as Chinese state media reveals ‘three-stage battle plan’ to invade Taiwan as US stages war games in Pacific - July 2, 2021

Xi’s vow to invade was followed up with an article in the publication Naval and Merchant Ships, which outlined a three-pronged attack that would pave the way for an amphibious landing and the toppling of the government in Taipei.

‘Worst day ever’ in pigeon racing history as 5,000 birds vanish - June 21, 2021

They flew the coop — and vanished into thin air. Bird handlers are devastated after a mind-boggling 5,000 homing pigeons seemingly disappeared during a race across the UK. “We’ve seen one of the very worst ever racing days in our history,”

Trump to Newsmax: Will Do 'Something About Big Tech' Next Week - July 1, 2021

“Well watch next week because you’ll see me do something about Big Tech and people have wanted me to do it a long time, and it won’t be too surprising,”

“I think you’ll find it to be very interesting.”

Western States Drought: What to Do | National Review - Jun 25, 2021

“Near biblical proportions”

The U.S. is experiencing one of the worst droughts in years. Not “years” as in decades, “years” as in centuries. Scientists project that this summer might be the driest season in 1,200 years. Just for context, that means the last time things were this dry was a few hundred years after Rome collapsed. …

Reopen America Tour' Encourages Faith-Filled Patriots to Kill Fear, Expose Truth - Jun 20, 2021

Clay Clark of the ThrivetimeShow podcast podcast has organized his second massively successful gathering of 2021, this one quickly selling out as 10,000 attendees from across the country packed a huge outdoor tent structure on the property of The River Church, pastored by Rodney Howard-Browne.

Famed theologian points to 'demonic ideology' behind critical race theory, BLM movement — but says a great awakening is on its way - Jun 18, 2021

Black theologian Dr. Voddie T. Baucham says that there is an insidious “demonic ideology” behind the teaching of critical race theory, core tenets of the Black Lives Matter movement, and more.

Signs: Massive Slowdown Of Gulf Stream Portends Great Global Change - Jun 10, 2021

Many things happening in nature that should not be obscured by the frivolity of politics and other chatter of the “world.”

This week: more than a thousand quakes — albeit small — near the U.S.-Mexican border — the San Andreas Fault.

There was also another “ring-of-fire eclipse.”

And very seriously: the drought out west and the record drop in the water level of crucial Lake Mead threatens the supply of drinking water to Arizona, Nevada, and part of Mexico — about forty million people. The Hoover Dam, meanwhile — which creates Lake Mead — generates electricity for parts of Arizona, California, and Nevada. That production could be impacted.


It’s also dry in the upper Midwest and western Texas. We may be entering a mega-drought.

Reverend William J. McCarthy 1934 - 2021 - June 08, 2021

Bill may you rest in peace. Thanks for all you have contributed in your service to God and through all the books you have written.

Why Are Planes Carrying Unidentified Children Landing in Tennessee In the Middle Of the Night? - June 08, 2021

All parties involved in this operation are refusing to answer questions. Some Tennessee officials say that migrant children are being transported in the middle of the night for human trafficking.

Trump said the GOP will take back the White House 'sooner than you think' amid reports he believes he will be 'reinstated' in August - June 06, 2021

Trump said that the GOP will take back Congress and the White House “sooner than you think.” …

Exorcist Diary #141: Servants of Satan - June 05, 2021

I am always surprised when I encounter people who willingly give themselves over to Satan’s service. It is one thing to struggle with temptation and to fall into his grasp through sin. It’s another thing to willingly choose to follow him.

The Father of Lies would like nothing better. At Satan’s own defection, he sought to be god and wants people to serve him.

Iconic 'Darwin's Arch' in the Galapagos has crashed into the sea - May 27, 2021

The top of Darwin’s Arch, the famous natural stone archway in the northern Galapagos Islands, has crashed into the waves, according to news reports.

The arch, located less than 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) off the steep and rocky coast of Darwin Island, collapsed as “a consequence of natural erosion,” on May 17, the Ecuador Ministry of Environment and Water wrote in Spanish on Twitter.

The natural arch was named for the English biologist Charles Darwin. …

** Divine sign perhaps that Dawarin’s ideas that fueled the rise of secularism are about to come crashing down?

WE CAUGHT THEM! CITIZENS AUDIT! New HAmpshire - Marylyn Todd & @Cann Con - May 27, 2021

85% of New Hampshire use the LHS AccuVote machines.  Secretary of State Bill Gardner needs to be held accountable for what is now looking to be large scales voter fraud. If true New Hampshire needs a complete state audit and the state AG needs to pursue criminal prosecution on all those involved in this crime.

 (How Many other states that use the LHS machines have compromised election results?)

“Todd expressed how Hursti conveyed to her that he couldn’t clear the counters and that instead, he had to reset the memory cards. Todd said this was confusing to her because she recalled he had a “clear counter” button the entire time, therefore there was no need to delete the memory card. She then stated that Hursti is on camera saying the computer needed to be registered for Nov. 3. 

“Todd’s discovery lends credence to statements made earlier in the week from Stanford researcher and election consultant Jovan Pulitzer. Pulitzer said that auditors who normally would certify bad machines as good machines, found something so glaring that they could not walk away from and that is exactly what happened in New Hampshire. “Imagine if 28 percent of the votes didn’t get counted even though they went into the voting machines,” pondered Pulitzer.

“She went on to explain that Hursti appeared to reset the date to Nov. 5 before printing the report. Hursti’s apparent actions coincide with Michigan attorney Matt Deperno’s findings in Antrim County.

Sidney Powell Weighs in on Georgia Audit: 145,000 Absentee Ballots, 106,000 Adjudicated Ballots, Video of Multiple Scannings of Same Ballots and Nine Witnesses of Suspected Fake Ballots! - May 22, 2021

Carlo Maria Viganò - More Reflections on the Great Reset- May 31, 2021

The lies of the various Great Resets

Like all frauds, those that are hatched by the devil and his servants are based on false promises that will never be kept, in exchange for which we give up a certain good that will never be restored to us. In Eden, the prospect of becoming like gods led to the loss of friendship with God and to exclusion from eternal salvation, which only the redemptive Sacrifice of Our Lord was able to repair. The revolution against the Catholic monarchies was obtained by the promise made to the lower classes, which was never kept, offering them prosperity and a reduction of taxes. Those who believed in the deception saw their world collapse and found themselves much more oppressed than before. The Industrial Revolution was accepted because it promised new jobs in the factories, but those who left the countryside or the family shop found themselves exploited on the assembly line, torn from the traditional rhythms of the village and crammed together in the bleak outskirts of the large metropolises.

With the pandemic, little by little they told us that isolation, lockdowns, masks, curfews, “live-streamed Masses,” distance-learning, “smartworking,” recovery funds, vaccines, and “green passes” would permit us to come out of the emergency, and, believing in this lie, we renounced the rights and lifestyles that they warned us would never return: “Nothing will be the same again.” The “new normal” will still be presented to us as a concession that will require us to accept the deprivation of freedoms that we had taken for granted, and accordingly we will compromise without understanding the absurdity of our compliance and the obscenity of the demands of those who command us, giving us orders so absurd that they truly require a total abdication of reason and dignity. At each step there is a new turn of the screw and a further step towards the abyss: if we do not stop ourselves in this race towards collective suicide we will never go back.

The lie, therefore. A lie that we also find denounced in Sacred Scripture: if the Serpent had said to Adam and Eve that by eating the fruit of the tree they would lose immortal life and all of the gifts that God had given them, we would still be in Eden. But what can we expect from the one who is “a murderer from the beginning,” “a liar and the father of lies” (Jn 8:44). Was it not thanks to lies and false testimony that Our Lord was condemned, accused by the Sanhedrin of having told people not to pay taxes to Caesar? Was it not with deception and blackmail that the High Priests pushed Pilate to have the Son of God crucified, threatening Pilate that if he found Him innocent he would set himself against the Roman Emperor?

The Great Reset is the last step before the New World Order

It is our duty to reveal the deception of this Great Reset, because it may be traced back to all the other assaults that in the course of history have tried to nullify the work of Redemption and establish the tyranny of the Antichrist. Because this is in reality what the architects of the Great Reset intend. The New World Order — a name which significantly echoes the conciliar Novus Ordo — overturns the divine cosmos in order to spread infernal chaos, in which everything that civilization has painstakingly constructed over the course of millennia under the inspiration of Grace is overturned and perverted, corrupted and cancelled.

Each of us must understand that what is happening is not the fruit of an unfortunate sequence of chance occurrences, but corresponds rather to a diabolical plan — in the sense that the Evil One is behind all this — which over the centuries pursues a single goal: destroying the work of Creation, nullifying the Redemption, and cancelling every trace of Good on the earth. And in order to obtain this, the final step is the establishment of a synarchy in which command is seized by a few faceless tyrants who thirst for power, who are given over to the worship of death and sin and to the hatred of Life, Virtue, and Beauty because in them shines forth the greatness of that God against whom they still cry out their infernal “Non serviam.” The members of this accursed sect are not only Bill Gates, George Soros, or Klaus Schwab, but also those who for centuries have been plotting in the shadows in order to overthrow the Kingdom of Christ: the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, and those who today have formed an alliance with the highest levels of the Church, using the moral authority of the Pope and Bishops to convince the faithful to get vaccinated.

The corruption of authority is the necessary premise of the Great Reset

Along with an awareness of the criminal lie of the entire system, we must also take note of the corruption of authority and the failure of the social, political and religious model that is the child of the Revolution. Modern democracy has proven to be, once again, a deception with which it was desired to oust Christ the King from His Lordship over individuals and over societies, under the apparent pretext of giving the people a power that has in fact been usurped by an anti-Christian and antichristic elite. When it is stated that authority does not derive from God …

The Saints Who Levitated: Extraordinary and Concrete Miracles! - May 19, 2021

Trump's 1776 Commission Meeting Despite Biden Abolition - May 21, 2021

Former President Donald Trump’s 1776 Advisory Commission, charged with developing a more patriotic education curriculum, plans to continue meeting in Washington next week despite being abolished by President Joe Biden, the Washington Examiner reported Friday.

Trump created the commission to counter teaching critical race theory and curriculum pieces like The New York Times’ 1619 Project in the nation’s schools.

Matt DePerno BOMBSHELL: Michigan Attorney Says Anyone with Access to Voting Machine Tabulators Can Change an Election, Backdate Their Cheatin - May 12, 2021

Matt DePerno: And I’ll tell you something we discovered this weekend. We can now show that after the election is done, someone, anyone really who has access to those tabulators, can reopen the election, run more ballots through the tabulator, print off new tabulator tape with a new balance and backdate that tape to November 3rd.

After Zuckerberg Money Pours Into Election, Wisconsin Lawmakers Vote to Curb Outside Funds - May 12, 2021

Although Democrats long have railed about “dark money” influencing elections, Sanfelippo pointed out, the millions of dollars in “Zuckerbucks” went directly to administration of elections—most heavily in Wisconsin and other presidential battleground states.

“His money went directly into the counting rooms of our elections,” the Republican lawmaker said of Zuckerberg. “This is why we have half of the the people in Wisconsin not believing in the results of the election.”

Democrats set sights on arresting, charging, extraditing President Trump - May 13, 2021

Now that he’s out of office, is seems, their affliction, known by the Trump Derangement Syndrome moniker during his term, is getting worse.

Big League Politics is reporting that “government officials” who are close to President Biden and his family “are plotting ways to charge Donald Trump with crimes before he can run for the presidency again in 2024.”


“In contrast, former President Donald Trump mentioned God about a dozen times in his final National Prayer Day proclamation last year,”

The financial crisis that is here a lot of things have happened today both personally and spiritually for me was pacing and praying in …

“In this case it requires forensic evaluations of the machines and looking at all of the paper ballots. We already know that’s not going to match up,” she said. “There were counterfeit ballots. People were saying, ‘Oh, well they did a full audit in Georgia.’ Well, if you just keep running the same counterfeit bill through the same counting machine you’re going to get the same result.” …

 The globalist and the uni-party the cabal that pulled the strings … determined to get him out of office or murder of

Trump slammed the decision as “a total disgrace.”

“What Facebook, Twitter, and Google have done is a total disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country,” he said in a statement. “Free Speech has been taken away from the President of the United States because the Radical Left Lunatics are afraid of the truth, but the truth will come out anyway, bigger and stronger than ever before.

The People of our Country will not stand for it! These corrupt social media companies must pay a political price, and must never again be allowed to destroy and decimate our Electoral Process.

We saw what they did, the patriots have all the data, the proof, the evidence, while those who stole the election got one big mantra of “SO WHAT…IT’S OVER.” Well Sidney Powell has news for them…IT HAS JUST BEGUN!

What happened in the 2020 Elections? It would be easier, in the case of voter fraud, to ask what didn’t they do in the 2020 elections for it has been obvious and now about to be proven that the voter and election fraud committed had left nothing more to try outside of just standing up and saying Biden won, now go home and shut up. Oops…they did that too. I guess they left nothing out. … We The People – hold the line for it’s KRAKEN TIME! 

We keep hearing from those on the front lines like Lin Wood, and General Flynn that “THIS IS ABOUT THE CHILDREN!”

We even heard Lin Wood be so bold as to come right out and tell the world these wicked people worshipped Lucifer and traffic children, torture them  and eat their flesh and drink their blood!

Arrests of human and child traffickers has been a priority with the Trump Administration. He entered the White House going after these adrenochrome drinkers and the drug cartels. He made Executive Orders out and made many penalties for those doing these things. We know he knew all about these evils and this was on his bucket list to get done.

Crimea in the news again, and no one seems to understand why or what could possibly be going on. It is easier to explain what is happening now if you first get filled in on the back story. The one no one wants you to know and the one Biden’s handlers are trying to avoid at all costs. How many know that Biden has been charged by Ukraine of a Class A Felony? See article: Joe Biden Wanted in Ukraine on Class A Felony Bribery

In another article written Jan 2020, it lays out the timelines, facts of Giuliani and his investigations and the fear all of this must have placed on the deep state. You can follow it all the way up to the famous …IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH. It will also open your eyes to the recent TAKE DOWN GIULIANI FBI RAID.

After you know what they are saying…then look at what was actually taking place. Giuliani was naming names, gathering hard evidence, and putting an ax to the base of the cabal’s tree of secrecy in their land of spin. How many Americans knew the Obama/Biden Administration was doing all of this in 2013 thru 2016? How many even yet understand what they did in Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Remember when Obama bombed the hospital in Afghanistan which was in a peace zone? Fake news does not like to inform with the truth, instead they love to gaslight.

Russia Says It’s Ready for Disconnection from SWIFT - April 30, 2021

China was the country that started all this; however, there is another country that could have been simply essential in the execution of the Covid terrorist operation. That country is Italy.

To better understand the link between China and Italy in the artificial pandemic development, it is necessary to go back to October 16, 2019.

On that day, the former Italian PM, Giuseppe Conte, visited the headquarters of Technogenetics, a very significant company that specialized in the diagnostics area.

Technogenetics is no longer an Italian company as of 2015 after it was bought by a Chinese firm named KHB Shanghai. The major shareholder of KBG Shanghai is Gree Real Estate Co, Ltd.

Today, we are transfering power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you, WE THE PEOPLE!

GAME OVER. [Donald Trump] We are working on that as we speak. We have a conversation with representatives in China I believe it will work out well for everybody in China Japan and the United States and everybody in the region. As far as the currency devaluations I have been complaining about that for a long and I believe we will all eventually and probably very much sooner than a lot of people believe or think be on a level playing field.

An explosive eruption rocked La Soufriere volcano on the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent on Friday after the government ordered thousands to evacuate their homes nearby. Experts said the ash column rose more than 20,000 feet high and that the majority of the ash was headed northeast into the Atlantic Ocean.

Every current member of the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff was appointed by Trump during his time in office. If the Biden Administration was truly in power, these members would no longer hold their positions, and would’ve been removed, since every one of them is a Trump loyalist. I wonder why none of them have been replaced?

Authorities in China are detaining Christians in secretive, mobile “transformation” facilities to make them renounce their faith, RFA has

A member of a Christian “house church” in the southwestern province of Sichuan who asked to be identified by a pseudonym Li Yuese said he was held in a facility run by the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s United Front Work Department, working in tandem with the state security police, for 10 months after a raid on his church in 2018.

The opposition of major corporations such as Coca-Cola and Delta to a Georgia election law has drawn attention to an alliance of more than 1,000 companies that, in effect, have identified themselves as opponents of voting integrity.

The Civic Alliance boasts on its website that its membership has grown to 1,119 companies that employee more than 5 million people.

YouTube has deleted about 2.5 million ‘dislikes’ from videos on the official White House channel of President Joe Biden.

“baseball is already losing tremendous numbers of fans, and now they leave Atlanta with their All-Star Game because they are afraid of the Radical Left Democrats who do not want voter I.D., which is desperately needed, to have anything to do with our elections.”

“Sources say that as of this writing, children were still being rescued and bodies discovered in Evergreen’s 18,000+ containers. The containers were on an Evergreen Corporation ship that blocked the Canal from Tues. 23 March to Mon 29 March, causing billions in lost revenue to shipping companies internationally.

An early sudden cherry blossoms in  Washington D.C.

People flocked to Washington, D.C.’s Tidal Basin on March 30 to enjoy the city’s famous cherry blossoms, which hit peak bloom days before initial expectations, due to the warmer weather.

 On the last day of winter March 19th Biden falls three times trying boarding Air Force One. Is this a sign from God that his illegitimate reign as president is about to fall? It’s time to usher in a new season.

In fact, Arctic lightning has tripled in just the last decade, according to a new study, published this week in the Geophysical Research Letters.

A volcano near Iceland’s capital city and the country’s Keflavik International Airport erupted Friday after sitting dormant for 6,000 years.

The Mount Fagradalsfjall volcano, located on the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwestern Iceland, sprung to life overnight, marking the area’s first volcanic eruption in nearly 800 years.

With nearly two-thirds of the United States abnormally dry or worse, the government’s spring forecast offers little hope for relief, especially in the West where a devastating megadrought has taken root and worsened.

Weather service and agriculture officials warned of possible water use cutbacks in California and the Southwest, increased wildfires, low levels in key reservoirs such has Lake Mead and Lake Powell and damage to wheat crops.

In an interview with Italian journalist Domenico Agasso, set to be released Tuesday, Pope Francis promotes the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda.

Regarding COVID, the Pope says, “The world will never be the same again. …

Pope Francis also calls for “a new model of development” that is more environment-friendly.

He urges the world start this phase as soon as possible, saying, “If we don’t roll up our sleeves and immediately take care of the Earth, with radical personal and political choices, with an economic ‘green’ turn by directing technological developments in this direction, sooner or later our common home will throw us out the window. We cannot waste any more time.”


Sidney Powell is not going to give up and the evidence she has, once she can get a court to listen is off the charts. Remember, last November Sidney told us that people in Germany saw the results before the Dominion machines were seized: Trump received 410 Electoral College votes and Joe Biden received 128 Electoral College votes. Trump even won California. You just don’t steal those kind of numbers and believe the people are going to sit down and believe you, let alone steal the most historic numbers in the history of the United States from President Donald J. Trump! …

Sometimes we just have to slow down and look back at what we already know one more time. Especially when we are engaged in a propaganda war with liars shouting lies day and night. This time we are NOT GOING TO ALLOW THEM TO LIE TO OUR FACES AND ACT LIKE IT IS ALL TRUE. Their days of fraud and deceit are coming to a full end. The filthy hands held out for money in exchange for innocent lives, is now exposed and their days of moving and exchanging children like livestock are all but over. No longer will they dress up and crouch in the groves and secret places to partake in satanic rituals and pass the children through the fire of Baal. Their own evil acts will be a shame and a ruin for each of them. Their punishment will come swiftly as their own lust for blood and flesh shall cause their own bowels to rot from the inside out. God shall put an end to these who partake in human and child sacrificing, they shall even turn and devour each other. The cabal and all of their puppets are about to go down and I believe God will send a terrible threshing throughout the entire earth! There is no stopping it. Every hiding place shall be exposed.

Watch and wait patiently, for God is not mocked.

A boom was heard and felt across San Diego on Wednesday afternoon. Just after 4:50 p.m. residents from across the county reported that they heard a loud boom sound and experienced shaking for 2-3 seconds.

Southwest Iceland is currently experiencing a “swarm” of seismic activity, with more than 20,000 earthquakes recorded since February 24, according to the the Icelandic Meteorological Office. The office said magma movements are likely the cause of the current surge on the Reykjanes Peninsula, raising fears of a volcanic eruption. 

There have been more than 3,100 earthquakes on the peninsula in the past 48 hours alone, according to the office. At least 63 of them had a magnitude of 3 or higher.

Three massive earthquakes have struck off the coast of mainland New Zealand, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, spurring four separate tsunami warnings.

Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York chastised one of his colleagues for mentioning God and the Bible during the House debate over the Equality Act Thursday, saying: “God’s will is no concern of this Congress.” 

Rep. Greg Stuebe, R-Fla., said in his remarks on the House floor that the Equality Act is in opposition to Scripture. 

“The gender confusion that exists in our culture today is a clear rejection of God’s good design. Whenever a nation’s laws no longer reflect the standards of God, that nation is in rebellion against Him and will inevitably bear the consequences,” Stuebe said. 

“And I think we are seeing the consequences of rejecting God in our country today. And this bill speaks directly against what is laid out in Scripture,” he declared. 

The children of baal are out in the open….and are not afraid anymore…they have no fear of our Lord…This abomination is normally only stuff you read in the bible…Satan is just beginning to reveal his ugly reality. His children are now free to worship in the open.


“We’ve experienced kids laying their drugs on the altar, their vapes on the altar, and then immediately after getting saved, going out and standing on the streets, holding signs, saying, ‘Jesus loves you,’ ‘Jesus changed my life,’ ‘Come to Revival and help yourself.’” -Evangelist D.R. Harrison

Something is happening in America, and it should sound the alarm for every confessing Christian. Simply put, hostile efforts in many cities now threaten to suppress the First Amendment rights of all people to exercise our faith freely. In unprecedented acts of government-authorized injustice, Christians are being told they cannot gather for worship, they cannot sing songs of praise, and they cannot observe church ordinances.

Just last week, politicians in Seattle installed temporary fencing and security guards around Gas Works Park to prevent us from holding a “Let Us Worship” public outdoor service. Similarly, at Cal Anderson Park, Antifa protesters shouted obscenities, intimidated worshipers, cursed out my wife and four children, and damaged our equipment.

Even the remarkable mass conversions to Christ were not a surprise because, once again, I am deeply aware of how open people are to Jesus in this suffering State of California.

Something happened to me in Bakersfield that I was totally unprepared for. It was something I observed in the people.

The crowds did not surprise me, because I knew there was a deep hunger for Christ in California.

The miracles did not surprise me, because their faith was high and the presence of God to heal was intense.

Even the remarkable mass conversions to Christ were not a surprise because, once again, I am deeply aware of how open people are to Jesus in this suffering State of California.

Revival is reportedly sweeping across multiple states and shaking the East Coast of the US as Huge gatherings of people have stepped into the light of salvation in what is being deemed as a “move of God”.

A worship event over the weekend in Nashville, Tennessee, attracted as many as 10,000 guests — many of whom were not wearing masks or socially distanced, according to the event organizer, local media reports and videos shared online.

It isn’t the first Christian revival to do so.

Worship leader Sean Feucht has hosted a series of revivals across the country in defiance of local health officials’ warnings, Business Insider reported in August. The event in Nashville was one of six he has planned for October, including a revival Monday night in Charleston, South Carolina, according to Feucht’s website.

God is on the move in central Georgia. For several weeks now, thousands of people have been gathering in the small town of Roberta, located about a half-hour southwest of Macon, for the “Central Georgia Awakening” revival.

The revival is now in its seventh week, with plans for the eighth to begin on Monday. However, the idea for the revival surfaced much earlier.

“It started back at the beginning of the year. Pastor Chet Cooper of the Crossroad Bible Church invited us down to preach a meeting back in the first of the year, and God just moved mightily, and souls began to be saved,” Evangelist D.R. Harrison of Voice of Hope Evangelistic Ministries

“In three short months, just like He did with the plagues of Egypt, God has taken away everything we worship,” Hogan said.

“God said, ‘you want to worship athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. You want to worship musicians, I will shut down Civic Centers. You want to worship actors, I will shut down theaters. You want to worship money, I will shut down the economy and collapse the stock market,’” Hogan wrote.

Since that tragedy with George Floyd, there was a moment in prayer where the Holy Spirit said to me that now it’s time to shift into revival,” he told Feucht. “We immediately went to the streets.”

The organization claims roughly 5,000 members. Political scientist Mirya Holman says the number of sheriffs who actively consider themselves members may be fewer than a hundred. .

Western Civilisation Is Possessed By an Impure Spirit - February 18, 2021

The West Must Rediscover Faith or Say Goodbye to Civilisation

By driving a wedge between faith and reason, the West has become a culture of death, a parody of its former self. Our children are taught to be profoundly narcissistic, holding firmly to irrational ideologies like gender theory, parroting Orwellian statements about “healthcare” and passionately committed to projects like “saving the planet” that – conveniently – will not hamper the unbridled licence of the sexual revolution.

Jeremiah’s Vision of Jackals Appearing in Northern Israel” - February 5, 2021

Northern Israel and especially the city of Nahariya is suffering from an infestation of jackals. Though jackals are fairly common in the Israeli wild, they rarely enter cities. The current wave includes attacks leaving at least nine people being treated in the last few days for bites. …

In the Bible, their distinctive, nighttime wailing is described as being the model for mourning for the Temple.

Because of this I will lament and wail; I will go stripped and naked! I will lament as sadly as the jackals Micah 1:8

Martial Law Overrules as Many in US Congress to be Arrested | Since January 9th the US has been under an abbreviated Martial Law with President Trump as Commander in Chief and General Flynn in charge of the Military | Insurrection AC - January 2021

Deathbed Confession of Ron Wyatt, Discoverer of the Ark of the Covenant

According to Wyatt, he was able to physically locate the Ark of the Covenant, the container for the original tablets of the Ten Commandments, with the Mercy Seat intact on the top. It was found in a chamber just outside the walls of ancient Jerusalem about 20 feet below what Wyatt also claimed was the actual site of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Wyatt said he found an earthquake crack directly below where the cross would have been. It extends down through the rock to the resting place of the Mercy Seat atop the Ark of the Covenant, he told WorldNetDaily. The blood of Christ would have flowed through that crack after his death and after his side was pierced by a soldier’s spear.

The site of the crucifixion appears to have evidence that it was once enclosed in a first century building, apparently a church. The site includes a large round stone which perfectly fits the Garden Tomb — accepted by many as the place from which the body of Christ rose from the dead.

Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will “Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity” - November 20, 2020

Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,” writes Schwab.

“Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves.

“Today’s external devices — from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets — will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.” …

the “fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” relates to the transhumanist singularity and a future where people have their every movement tracked and every thought read by an implantable microchip.

Amistad Project Attorney: We’re proving that many of Trump’s claims are true. - January 14, 2021

The Trump Impeachment Trial is finally coming to a close as legal challenges in the 2020 election continue on. White House Correspondent Jenn Pellegrino has some of the takeaway thus far.

Virgin Mary APPEARS during Coronavirus Pandemic!

Is this the Corona Virus leaving China. See ~2:00 minutes into the video? Weird.

Religious Liberty for Popular and Sound Ideas - Our freedom isn't just to protect the fringe, but mainstream people and policies. - February 05, 2021

A decades-long cultural revolution has torn the American fabric, and Christian conservatives have largely accepted this reality as long as they’re able to worship freely. But remaining silent isn’t going to save the country or protect our faith. …

And it hardly seems a good time for Christians to surrender. After all, a Pew Research survey last year revealed that nearly half of Americans believe the Bible should influence U.S. law. A separate survey indicates that religion is still important to many Americans.

In the end, conservatives of faith need to confidently and clearly explain to their opponents why our social, cultural, and political beliefs are good for everyone. If not, we’ll lose the debate, the country, and eventually our religious liberty.

Election Fraud Proof - Mike Lindell - February 05, 2021



How puny does your offense over Trump’s rudeness appear now? How does anything Trump texted compare to the danger and wickedness you see currently oozing out of the White House?

You are now part owner of everything Biden does to America. Whatever happens from here on out will reflect on your choice. By putting Biden first, you put America last. And I will leave it to God to decide how your vote reflects on your faith.

If you voted for Biden, and still insist you did the right thing, I can neither agree with you nor console you. If you are open to God, there is a peace and forgiveness available, and there is still time to participate in the great work of God here on earth that will soon arrive.

To those who discerned the times, stood with Trump, and are still standing for one nation under God, there is the peace of knowing you obeyed your conscience and stood with the vision of America that the Founding Fathers received from God. Not only that, but there is still a miracle coming―and it is a miracle that cannot be rigged.

Corruption, Purification and What is Coming Upon the World - January 26, 2021

God has been showing me what I can only call corruption and how it is everywhere. We really have so little idea of how much sin and corruption is everywhere, even within our own hearts. From what we buy, to what we wear, to what we eat and drink, corruption is apparent. I came to understand that I can’t escape it short of living in a cave like a desert monk – but even then the land is corrupted – so it would still be there. But God isn’t asking me to try to escape it on my own either. For the devil would like to use the understanding of corruption that God has shown as a tool to isolate and judge people, but God doesn’t want that. …

Even writing this small story down I am overwhelmed.  While I believe there will be an illumination of conscience, I don’t believe the vast majority of us are prepared for what we will see. And whether or not this event takes place in the near future, or just at our own particular judgment, we will be greatly humbled. But this moment at Mass was also more than that.

I sat down after communion and He just said, “I am preparing you for what is coming.” And I knew that what is coming on the world will be like nothing we have ever seen. I don’t know when and I don’t know how, except that it involves purifying fire.


This is fantastic news. It appears the citizens of the Republic of the United States of America, based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, is no longer indebted to the service of the Corporation known as The UNITED STATES. And if so, we are no longer indebted to the taxation, any and all financial corporate agreements and demands, for on May 4, 2020, the UNITED STATES, INC. filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.Joshua. On Wednesday, they plan to do the same around the US Capitol building.

The Great Reset - World Economic Forum - Davos - January 25, 2021


Jericho March Returns to DC to Pray for a Trump Miracle - January 5, 2021

Organizers of the Jericho March, slated for Tuesday and Wednesday, have called on “patriots, people of faith and all those who want to take back America” to travel to Washington on those days for a pair of marches to overturn the recent presidential election.

Marchers plan to blow ritual Jewish horns called shofars on the first day before circling the Supreme Court building seven times in imitation of the Israelites’ siege of the city of Jericho described in the Bible’s Book of Joshua. On Wednesday, they plan to do the same around the US Capitol building.

“I Don’t See How Any Good Christian Can Certify a Fraudulent Election” – Sidney Powell on Next Steps in 2020 Election - January 2, 2020

Powell shared when discussing Mike Pence I don’t see how any good Christian can certify a fraudulent election.

Trump getting ‘betrayed from within … lied to by his own advisers’: CEO blows whistle after attending WH meeting on Friday - December 21, 2020

“For the first time in my life, I feel sorry for Donald Trump. He is standing up to his waist in snakes.”

“I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims military coup/martial law were discussed is 100% fabrication. Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff ‘get the president to concede’ while they stall Trump.”

Sidney Powell petition with the Supreme Court - December 11 and 15, 2020

Joe Biden is Not President Elect - December 17, 2020

You won’t hear it said anywhere else, but until the joint session of Congress and the Senate meet on January 6 — Joe Biden is not the president elect. (OANN)

Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report - December 17, 2020

Amistad Law Project – Philadelphia, PA – December 17, 2020

“Hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was used to violate election laws, according to a new report.

“The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization, released the 39-page report, alleging that Zuckerberg’s $500 million given to election officials was used to treat voters unequally and improperly influence the election for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

“The bulk of the funds went to the Center for Tech and Civic Life, a nonprofit started by former managers and staff at the New Organizing Institute, a progressive nonprofit.”

YouTube bans videos claiming 2020 presidential election fraud - December 9, 2020

Note: Google which owns YouTube once upon a onetime their motto was “Don’t be evil.” That was then this is now and given whistle blower testimony (project Veritas and others) of censorship on search results, leftist leanings, and now banning content of possible election fraud is evil. By banning discussion means by their actions may be complicit in the fraud and now active in coverup of the fraud. Why else would you ban open discussion given the irrefutable proof that has been brought forward to date or honest examination of facts?

Video (14:50) Pastor Kent Christmas Sermon — God Has Waited for the Deep State to Reveal Itself — God Will Now Smite the Deep State Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Kent Christmas – In my mercy, God says, I have been silent because I have been giving evil men time to repent, but just now as evil has declared war on me and on the church. So do I declare war on you, says the Lord. I am sending my word forth into the earth and it will not return unto me unfulfilled, but all that I have.


Right now Trump is sitting on a stack of Trump cards or maybe an Uno Wild Draw 4 (more years) that he’s just waiting to lay down like a fricking royal flush.

He has court cases still pending that will go to the Supreme Court & thanks to the TX case, he now knows how to file it under article 3 not 2 so it will force them to hear it.

He has the DNI report on Friday. Barr steps down on the 23rd (can now be a witness—he did his job). Durham is a special counsel (can prosecute in any state).

He’s letting civil, criminal, federal courts fail to handle the situation properly so he can use military tribunals.

He has the data (all of it) from NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer, (& probably a couple others we haven’t heard about yet, too). He has the dueling electors from 7 states legislatures.

He has VP Pence as final arbiter of which ballots to accept. He has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s, the QR code scan guy who just needs access to some real ballots & he can detect if they are fake by looking for creases & printing items using his scanner technology, he has all the statistical data being analyzed, the videos, emails, phone calls, bank transfer statements showing the coordination of the coup, he has RICO, he has the crimes against humanity videos,

Wikileaks just dropped a ton & Assange will be pardoned so he can talk about Seth Rich.

Now that the governors and secretary of states certified & Biden accepted, they committed and knowingly agreed to treason. …

Trump Appoints 1776 Commission to Promote 'Patriotic Education' - December 18, 2020

President Donald Trump on Friday officially unveiled his choices for the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission, which will focus on pushing against the 1619 Project from The New York Times Magazine.

The 18-member panel will be chaired by Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, with retired Vanderbilt University professor Carol M. Swain as vice chair. It also includes conservative activist Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, and Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant. The commission’s executive director will be Matthew Spalding, Hillsdale Associate Vice President and Dean of Educational Programs. …

Trump created the commission in an executive order issued last month to ”better enable a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776 and to strive to form a more perfect Union.’

Navarro 2020 Election Report - December 17, 2020

irregularities across the six states: “outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, Equal Protection Clause violations, voting machine irregularities and significant statistical anomalies.”

irregularities across the six states: “outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, Equal Protection Clause violations, voting machine irregularities and significant statistical anomalies.”

Audit Finds Mich. County's Dominion Voting Was Rigged to Create Fraud- December 15, 2020

A forensic audit of the presidential vote tally by Dominion Voting Systems software used in Antrim County, Michigan, showed a more than 68% error rate, with auditors claiming the system intentionally creates the errors so the machine can have them “adjudicated” – allowing individuals to change the result.

The error rate is astounding considering the Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008 percent for computerized voting systems.

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,” the audit report prepared by Allied Security Operations Group read. (NewsMax)

Report: Nearly 2M CCP members embedded in western institutions - December 15, 2020

A new leak shows the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated the west with nearly 2 million of its members.

Homeschooling has Homeschooling Has More Than Doubled Amid Ongoing School Closures - December 2020

The growing trend of homeschooling continues amid school closures and distance learning, as parents opt for home education models rather than public school enrollment.

The Foundation for Economic Education notes that there were just under two million homeschoolers across the U.S. prior to the pandemic, making up just 3.4 percent of the total population of K-12 students.

However, based on recent polling by Education Week, this percentage has more than doubled since schools began closures this past spring to nine percent, or almost five million homeschoolers.

Longtime Exorcist: Satanism Is Growing in Western Societies

I wrote it because there are a lot of prejudices, ignorance and confusions to be addressed. Indeed, I am an exorcist, and it really hurts me to hear people in general and priests in particular deny the concrete action of the devil in our lives. I couldn’t stand this situation anymore. It is the fundamental reason why I wrote this book. Faith deprived of the belief in the existence of the devil is not genuine because the existence of angels is a truth of faith, and the devil is a fallen angel. I am very clear from this point of view. Whoever denies the existence of the devil is a heretic. Obviously, the devil is not at the center of the faith, but his figure is indispensable to understand the mystery of faith.  …

Yes, I have seen it from my own experience, but I can see it even just by having a look on the internet. It makes me understand how Satanism is now a reality for many young people, who already know so much about it thanks to the resources they find online. On these websites, the figure of the devil is openly praised, and it attracts many people — this figure of the devil who emancipates himself from God to lead his life as he pleases. There is also a growth of real Satanic groups, whereas in the past they were a very exceptional reality. They are multiplying in a very worrying way. And I also see this through the victims of Satanism, of dangerous rites, who come to see me and who have lived unprecedented, unimaginable sufferings to their own skin. Personally, I can say that more people are coming to see me than before, and, unfortunately, I cannot follow all of them. Satanism has come out in the open, and we must be very careful about it.

DEMOCRAT in Philadelphia exposes fraud "This is a coup!" (DELETED from Twitter Live after 1M+ views)

Brian McCaferty Democrat “This is a coup”

Key battleground states show massive election fraud, voting irregularities totally erase Biden’s lead

Voting irregularities and evidence of fraud are quickly piling up in key battleground states across the country. One America’s Pearson Sharp breaks down the totals from each state. … The evidence for voter fraud is greater than it ever has been and yet the mainstream media and Democrats are completely ignoring it. Or worse they are complicit in covering up the greatest election fraud in American history …

In the Storm - Our Come to Jesus Moment

Blog post from website newheavenonearth – I woke up with the urgency that this is our come to Jesus moment. Systemic lies are filling the airwaves, byways, highways, low ways, in the church and in the government and in religion and in marriages and in families and in children and in our institutions and corporations and science and education and pop culture and hip hop culture and social justice and media and social media and movies and books and the internet and every area of human life being taken over by evil forces, and using artificial intelligence against you, programmed by fallen human beings who are programming lies and half-truths to “police” and track and surveil you, censoring and removing the Pure Truth about the biblical, holy, perfect, pure, unadulterated Jesus. Systemic SIN is the fruit we are seeing that goes way deeper than a weaponized virus or racism: the fruits or effects of the root cause that has come to fruition. The darkness is no longer hidden but prevalent, common, pervasive agenda to break down all that is good and true and light: the fruit of Light, to deconstruct the hope of the Gospel of God, to feed people the tainted, poisoned, dirty water and genetically altered food of the lies, deception, manipulation and control of the spirit of error, the spirit of this dark world, the “god” of this world system who blinds the minds of vulnerable people to not see the Light of the Good News of the Glory of Christ, the likeness of God; the only Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Deliverer, who saves without harming you.

People have believed the lies, half-truths, and lies with grains of truth that negate the Truth, buying into the ruse, deception, manipulation and control by changing your perception of reality, sorcery, witchcraft, (not fictionalized but REAL dark power) used against you to change your views and perceptions; nudge, budge public opinions and mindsets to reject the Divine Solution and accept the counterfeit. “When you hear ‘peace and security’, then comes sudden destruction.” The deception is going to culminate with a counterfeit Christ, the anti-Christ, who will declare himself god and enthrone himself, and his rule and laws will cause great harm, great despair, so that people will want to die and will not be able; the great tribulation, greater than any problem or challenge you have faced or could even imagine facing. The systemic lies, believed and taken to heart, will destroy you; but the Way, the Truth … When you come to Jesus, repent, turn from darkness to Light, turn from the power of satan to the Power of God …

Carlo Maria Viganò’s letter to American Catholics and Americans of Good Will - November 4, 2020

News of electoral fraud is multiplying, despite the shameful attempts of the mainstream media to censor the truth of the facts in order to give their candidate the advantage. … In truth, for months now we have been witnessing a continuous trickle of staggered news, of manipulated or censored information, of crimes that have been silenced or covered up in the face of striking evidence and irrefutable testimony. We have seen the deep state organize itself, well in advance, to carry out the most colossal electoral fraud in history, in order to ensure the defeat of the man who has strenuously opposed the establishment of the New World Order that is wanted by the children of darkness. In this battle, you have not failed, as is your sacred duty, to make your own contribution by taking the side of the Good. Others, enslaved by vices or blinded by infernal hatred against Our Lord, have taken the side of Evil. …

Do not think that the children of darkness act with honesty, and do not be scandalized if they operate with deception. Do you perhaps believe that Satan’s followers are honest, sincere, and loyal? The Lord has warned us against the Devil: “He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies” (Jn 8:44).

Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged by the deceptions of the Enemy, even more so in this terrible hour in which the impudence of lying and fraud dares to challenge Heaven. Our adversaries’ hours are numbered if you will pray. … Pray with the certainty of Our Lord’s promise: “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you”

— Carlo Maria Viganò – Archbishop of the Catholic Church, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States

President Trump: GOP senators getting cold feet over ending Section 230 - November 3, 2020

“My executive order calls for new regulations, under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, to make it so that social media companies that engage in censoring any political conduct will not be able to keep their liability shield,” President Trump stated. “They have a shield; they can do what they want. They’re not going to have that shield.”

Meteor causes fireball and loud boom over NY, several other states

A large bang heard over central New York on Wednesday afternoon was likely caused by the sonic boom from a meteor falling to the earth. 

The American Meteor Society received nearly 100 reports about a fireball from Maryland, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennslyvania, and Virginia as well as Ontario, Canada.

Shirtless Man Caught On Video Throwing Rock At Jesus Statue, Lighting Church Property On Fire

The man appears at Saint Bernard Catholic Church in Sunrise early Sunday, according to surveillance video, and is holding a large object. He throws the object at the statue of Jesus, knocking it down. Minutes later, the man pours an accelerant on the ground where the statue stood, and sets it on fire. (Daily Caller)

Sidney Powell: 'Biblical' Lawsuit Coming, Accuses Ga. Gov. Kemp of Deal With Dominion

“We’ve got tons of evidence; it’s so much, it’s hard to pull it all together,” Powell told Saturday night’s “The Count” co-hosted by Rob Schmitt and Mark Halperin, teasing the explosive allegation of the Georgia governor in a contested and key battleground state.

“Hopefully this week we will get it ready to file, and it will be biblical.

“It’s a massive project to pull this fraud claim together with the evidence that I want to put in,” she added.

“You name the manner of fraud and it occurred in Georgia.” (Newsmax)

Plenty of evidence suggests Trump is fulfilling prophecy, leading America back to God

Did you catch President Trump the other day acknowledging Jesus Christ by name? Did you see him pointing up to heaven and saying we need … help from God, not only science, in dealing with coronavirus?

Is Trump counting on God to put him back in the White House?

His decisions this week to remove political limitations on research cooperation between the United States and Israel, and to allow Americans born in Jerusalem to choose to put Israel on their passports, are meant to reaffirm his commitment to America’s 90 million Evangelical Christians.

Trump’s recent moves – and predictably there will be more where these came from in the coming days – are seen by Evangelicals as manifestations of the Bible.

These new announcements will remind voters of his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and announcement that America no longer views Israeli settlements as illegal.

When packaged with the recent normalization agreements the president helped forge between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and now Sudan …

“Blessed are the peacemakers,” Jesus told the Christians. The Apostle Paul said that, “if possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.”

Exorcism: Increasingly frequent, including after US protests

In Portland, Oregon, Archbishop Alexander Sample led a procession of more than 200 people to a city park on Oct. 17, offered a prayer, then conducted a Latin exorcism rite intended to purge the community of evil. The event followed more than four months of racial justice protests in Portland, mostly peaceful but sometimes fueling violence and riots. …

The 2020 Elections will determine the Future Spiritual Direction of the United States of America.

We do not have a “political divide” in the United States today, we have “spiritual divide” or Biblically speaking the children light and the children of darkness. The spiritual divide is between those who respect and honor God and His Laws, the Constitution, and the Judeo-Christian traditions our country was founded, against those who out of ignorance, or entanglement or alliance with evil won’t. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” [John 14:15]. …  Link to The Spiritual Divide

If we look at the spiritual divide in society, we see on one side a rejection of any absolutes of right and wrong, and of God’s Law. Liberalism leads to progressivism, which leads to socialism, communism, and then to luciferianism. It is a path that leads away from God, which leads from a happy orderly society with liberty into decay, anarchy, and barbarism.

Liberalism is the root of heresy, the tree of evil in whose branches all the harpies of infidelity find ample shelter; it is today the evil of all evils.1
— Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany (1844-1916) Priest in Barcelona, Spain, and Editor of La Revista Popular

It appears that God is forcing each of us to a make choice on which side of the spiritual cultural divide or team we are on. “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters?” [Matthew 12:30] This divide is a spiritual war is between forces of good vs. evil worked out in the physical world through the choices we make (free will) either for good or evil. It is a civil war for the heart and soul of the country. The chaos will only increase until enough American forcefully push back on the evil in society, government, elected officials, media, and schools and hold them to account to God’s Moral Law.

In your hands with your actions in life and voting the survival of the republic, this American experiment in civil government and liberty rests. It is to God and the posterity you owe this most sacred duty. Not in leaving them wealth, but liberty and freedom. You understand of the times, you know your duty and know what ought to do. The question is with your knowledge what will you do with it?

Never let it be asked by your children, what were you doing when we lost our liberty?

Honor God with Your Vote

If you don’t normally pray for your country NOW would be a good time to do it. For next 40 days preceding the election, commit yourself every day to pray for elected officials and for your fellow citizens that their hearts be softened, and minds be opened to the Holy Spirits and God’s will be done in for their vote on election day. Pray that the evil we see in society, media, social media, government, education, entertainment, business, religion be restrained. Pray protection of yourself, family, and friends for protection.

 It can be extremely difficult to pray for elected officials you do not like, or those who are liberal, progressive, socialist, arrogant, or those of bad character. But the more we pray for God to bless our nation, the more evil will be restrained and God can soften the hearts and open the minds of citizens and those in elected office. In addition consider what you are willing to give up for the next 40 days and fasting on election day.

Jonathan Cahn: Warning for Election Day Call For Day of Prayer and Fasting on Nov. 3

“We are standing at a most critical moment. In a short time, America will be deciding its future. It is undoubtedly the most pivotal election of our lifetime. And never in our lifetime has this nation been as divided as it is now.” …  a “window of time” to return to God that could shut and “seal our nation’s departure, its fall, its apostasy – and its progression to judgment.” He urges Americans to make next Tuesday “God’s Day,” “The Day of Prayer and Fasting.”

“Spread the word, tell your friends, your pastors, commit that day in your homes, on your jobs, in your churches, your fellowships, to humble ourselves, to pray, to seek His face, and to turn from our evil ways, that He will hear from heaven and answer us.” – A Comparison of Democratic and Republican Party Platforms

Also a timeline of Democratic Party National Platform Language

1952 “[I]t is our prayerful hope. . . that Almighty God may grant us the wisdom to succeed.” “Under the guidance, protection, and help of Almighty God we shall succeed in bringing to the people of this Nation a better and more rewarding life.”

Today …

2012 President Obama and Democrats will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers. The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right. We oppose discriminatory federal and state constitutional amendments and other attempts to deny equal protection of the laws to committed same-sex couples who seek the same respect and responsibilities as other married couples. We support the full repeal of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act.

2016 Note that there is no mention of religious freedom in the context of abortion in the 2016 platform. The 2016 platform for the first time explicitly calls for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment which restricts the use of Medicaid funds for abortions. In other words, the Democratic platform supports having you pay for others’ abortions. Democrats applaud last year’s decision by the Supreme Court that recognized that LGBT people—like other Americans—have the right to marry the person they love. But there is still much work to be done. We support a progressive vision of religious freedom that respects pluralism and rejects the misuse of religion to discriminate. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured. We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment. 

Thousands of witches plotting to cast ‘binding spell’ on Donald Trump on Halloween so he loses to Biden on election day

THOUSANDS of witches are plotting to cast a “binding spell” on Donald Trump on Halloween, so that he loses the US election. The mystic women believe that the two full moons this month have given them extra magical powers to kick Trump out of the White House. The witches are also celebrating the rare confluence of the two “powerful” moon events in October – in effort to get Joe Biden elected in November.

*Question of course is what has Donald Trump done that they should cast a spell to see him removed from office. Conversly what does Joe Biden offer that appeals to witches?

Why the Left Hates Religion

(And why Christians and Jews are Public Enemy #1 for progressives.) – Written by Don Feder

Americans remain the most religious people in the industrialized world: 87% believe in God, two-thirds say they’re Christians, and 45% attend religious services at least once a month (23% weekly).

One political party supports their worldview, the other disdains it. One views religion as an ally, the other as an adversary. …

In his seminal work, The Clash of Civilization and Remaking of World Order, Samuel Huntington predicted that future wars would be between cultures, not countries.

In America, the culture war is between the left’s neo-Marxist worldview – which has come to dominate the Democrat Party — and what’s called the Judeo-Christian ethic.

The Devil Wants a Civil War

… The devil wants civil war. He seeks to divide because he wants to destroy. Christ seeks to unite because he wants to glorify and perfect. Destruction or glory—this is the choice the Church, the nation, and the world face. On the surface it would appear to be a simple choice, a no-brainer. …

The devil brings forth the bad fruits of division and destruction. And he is doing it again right now.

The devil’s destructive forces have taken many forms over the millennia, but one of his most successful and deadly in modern times is Marxism. Marxists seek to tear down and destroy. Marxists hate the world and its Creator. They believe that they are morally superior to God Himself and can do a much better job at building a just society. But before they can do that they must destroy the old society. That means they must destroy what Mao and his Red Guards called the Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas. Thus, things like the Church and the Constitution must be obliterated.

Like their father, the devil, the Marxists destroy by sowing division. They divide based on class, age, gender, race, and sexual desires. They turn people against each other using the deadly sins of greed, envy, wrath, and pride. Then they burn everything to the ground. The entire system must be destroyed completely and utterly. The Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas are blamed for all the evils of mankind and therefore anyone who still holds to them is evil as well. These evil people who adhere to the Four Olds find their property stolen or destroyed, their reputations sullied, their families persecuted, and themselves either executed or sent off to the gulag or work camps where they are tortured for years, sometimes until the day they die.

Many of the well-meaning followers of Marxist ideologies (including a large number of Christians) believe that after the old, evil system is destroyed that a new and just system will be erected in its place—the perfect Communist society. But this never happens, because the devil cannot build; he can only destroy.

Prayer march Washington DC September 2020

Pray Against the Lies Killing Our Liberties - April 1, 2020

The clang after clang after clang of closing boxcar doors reverberated on train after train after train – until 11 million people died. But they didn’t just die. They were killed. They were killed because of the lies of multiple leaders who had influencers supporting them.

When the padlocks secured those doors, the lies were complete, liberties had been surrendered, and lives were lost. …

If we as Christians are foolish in our prayers and our votes, it means history repeating itself where liberty and lives will be lost by the millions upon millions.  Doubt me? 

America now lives in a time similar to those which forged the clanging boxcar doors in Germany.

“The National Socialist German Worker’s Party, led by Adolf Hitler, rose to power during a time of economic uncertainty in a nation of people longing for better times,” wrote Andrews.

Guard your heart and stand strong.  In three pages Andrews shows us how much blood has been shed because of political leaders and influencers who lied:  Germany (45.1 million), Cambodia (3 million of an 8 million population), Soviet Union (61,911,000), Turkey (2 million Armenians), North Korea (3 million), and more than a million each for three nation’s political leadership (Mexico, Pakistan, and the Baltic States).

This is not a complete list even for the 120 years it covers. 

Case of juror removed for receiving divine guidance gets new hearing. Precedent could disqualify millions of Americans from jury duty.

The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday agreed to hear a full court appeal of a case in which a juror was dismissed for stating he received divine guidance during trial deliberations.

Former Democratic Congresswoman Corrine Brown is asking for  a retrial of her fraud case, arguing U.S. District Judge Timothy Corrigan wrongly removed a juror for telling other jurors he had prayed for guidance from the Holy Spirit and believed Brown was innocent.

North Carolina cop’s ominous resignation letter amid mass police exodus goes viral: ‘Evil is real’

What is happening to our police forces?

 … “I truly wish I could have offered you more safety and protection,” he wrote. “My time as a CRO has been a constant balance of defending APD, and acknowledging the shortfalls of APD. I tried my best to be transparent and honest with you all. I’ve come to the conclusion that APD is tasked with stopping societal issues, and disorder, but it is not within our capacity. We can only put a bandaid on these issues. Strong communities are the real remedy.”

Wilson added that police officers at large need the support of their communities in order to function properly.

“After ten years at APD, I can say confidently that APD officers are good people with good hearts,” he concluded. “Evil is real. Evil exists in Asheville, officers are surrounded by it, and they do their best with what they have. Please remember that.”

Spiritual Revival? Nearly 1,000 Get Baptized on California Beach – By Billy Hallowell – A California church is making headlines after nearly 1,000 people showed up to be baptized on Saturday at Corona Del Mar State Beach in Newport Beach, California.

Gina Gleason, church director at Calvary Chapel Church in Chino Hills, told CBN News that the event, which was a record showing of baptisms for the church, was absolutely “remarkable.”

“California may be experiencing a spiritual revival,” Gleason said. “It’s remarkable and a significant number.”

No, the Woke Won’t Debate You. Here’s Why. – By James Lindsay – I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked why it is that the Woke won’t seem to have a debate or discussion about their views, and I’ve been meaning to write something about it for ages, probably a year at this point. Surely you’ll have noticed that they don’t tend to engage in debates or conversation?

It is not, as many think, a fear of being exposed as fraudulent or illegitimate—or otherwise of losing the debate or looking bad in the challenging conversation—that prevents those who have internalized a significant amount of the Critical Social Justice Theory mindset that prevents these sorts of things from happening. There’s a mountain of Theoretical reasons that they would avoid all such activities, and even if those are mere rationalizations of a more straightforward fear of being exposed as fraudulent or losing, they are shockingly well-developed and consistent rationalizations that deserve proper consideration and full explanation. …

Note: Cultural Marxism has branched into Critical Social Justice Theory, Gender Studies, and other gripe disciplines. It is still based on the tenets of Marxism which is a war against God. To destroy God, capitalism, and western Christian civilization. Karl Marx wrote, “Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it well. My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell.” Those to adhere to these evil religious doctrines are in rebellion against God.

For a generation after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, most Americans and Europeans regarded Marxism as an enemy that had been defeated once and for all. But they were wrong. A mere 30 years later, Marxism is back, and making an astonishingly successful bid to seize control of the most important American media companies, universities and schools, major corporations and philanthropic organizations, and even the courts, the government bureaucracy, and some churches. As American cities succumb to rioting, arson, and looting, it appears as though the liberal custodians of many of these institutions—from the New York Times to Princeton University—have despaired of regaining control of them, and are instead adopting a policy of accommodation. That is, they are attempting to appease their Marxist employees by giving in to some of their demands in the hope of not being swept away entirely.

We don’t know what will happen for certain. But based on the experience of recent years, we can venture a pretty good guess. Institutional liberalism lacks the resources to contend with this threat. Liberalism is being expelled from its former strongholds, and the hegemony of liberal ideas, as we have known it since the 1960s, will end. Anti-Marxist liberals are about to find themselves in much the same situation that has characterized conservatives, nationalists, and Christians for some time now: They are about to find themselves in the opposition.