Quotes on The American Covenant



Robert Hunt -Cape Henry, Virginia - 1607

Land consecrated the continent to the glory of God.

“We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.”

The Declaration of Independence- July 4, 1776

We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it ….

We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES … And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. – Download – PDF

Link to (Charter or mission statement for the future United States of America)

Constitution for the United States - 1787

The Constitution 

“With all the defects in our Constitution, whether general or particular, the comparison of our government with those of Europe, is like a comparison of Heaven with Hell. England, like the earth, may be allowed to take the intermediate station.”

— Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the U. S.

“If I could have entertained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution framed by the Convention, where I had the honor to preside, might possibly endanger the religious rights of any ecclesiastical society, certainly I would never have placed my signature on it.”

— George Washington (1732-1799) Father of the Country, 1st President of the United States

“Every word of the Constitution decides a question between power and liberty.” “The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution  is founded.”

  — James Madison (1751-1836) Father of the Constitution, 4th President of the United States

That Covenant Is Still in Place

“… For I will cause the Truth—ALL THE TRUTH to come forth and even the plans that didn’t happen for the deep state can no longer hide their evil pans against America and what she stands for! I will Not let the deep state take control of her(United States)—No She is Mine~for she was dedicated to ME by your forefathers and that Covenant is Still In Place and Now I Will Act on that Covent that will Never Be Broken!!. America, America-God she His Grace on thee and crown thy good with Brotherhood from Sea to Shining Sea!” (God)

— Patty Teichroew – 2-5-2024

“God says. Enough of this for I have promised that this nation would not belong to those who desire socialism, Marxism, fascism. … God says, no you have tried to rewrite history on a nation that was covenanted to Me. No, I take My finger as I did it in the days of Pharaoh, And I’d cause My finger to come and the powers of their witches and the powers of the magicians could not reign over My will. And My agenda My finger has come now to write my history upon this nation at this time, says a living God.”

Hank Kunnerman – August 30, 2023

How all this relates to the Constitution (and Declaration of Independence). God does not forget his covenant. Israel was a country God chose, America is a country that chose God. I think the statement by one of Hank Kunneman’s staff members interviewing him sums up were we are headed. The staff member shared ….

“Now, as I was praying about this, this is what the Holy Spirit told me about this. He said, the way that God is moving is a reminder and a mirroring of the original principles that the forefathers of the nation of America established through the constitution. The difference is that the focus of the forefathers at the time of the founding the nation was largely centered around protecting individual freedom. This time, however, the emphasis will be on a reinforcement and a reestablishment of America based upon Biblical principles and the Lord first. That’s good. While restoring liberty in the process. And this was what God said, He said I am solidifying the Constitution with My covenant. … “

– TV host show Prophetic Pulse – Anthony ??? name unknown.


Okay. Let’s get to it . It is called a day of death destruction and disappearance the father gave this to me on February 16th 2025. The time is up the time is now, I have waited and watched. I am the God of Wonders so I have not been wondering because I already know but I do wait and watch, and the time is up. The shaking is upon you and it is coming. You must prepare my children and be ready but do not fret or worry this is a time to pray. A time to be in your War Room. A time to plead the blood of Jesus over you and your family. A time to know your scriptures. and a time to be ready. The great and terrible day of the Lord is upon you. You will never be the same after this day. and you will rejoice. Fear not it will be a day of death, destruction, and disappearance.

But fear not this day is necessary to cleanse the world of the evil ones that have polluted my creation. This evil is from the pit of Hell and you can canot stop it on your own. My Trump cannot stop this evil on his own. Only I, The Great I Am can stop this evil against my precious children and it is time It is time that I remind the world that I am on the throne, and I Am The Great I Am. There is none like me nor ever will be. I have given you many details of this great and terrible day and is some call it the shaking. Yes, the Earth is going to shake but not as you think. This is not the global earthquake in my book of Revelation. There will be mass destruction, mass chao,s and mass confusion. But you my child, are to fear not and walk by faith.

When you know it is started get to your post in your war room and be on high alert. Take care of the wounded, the hurt, and the lost, and leave none behind. This is a one day Global event and this will never happen again. Like the flood of Noah I gave the beautiful rainbow as a covenant promise to never flood my Earth again. I give you my promise now that this day will only happen once, and I will never do this again. But like the times of Noah the evil ones have infiltrated my Earth, and I must and I am going to get rid of them. In Noah’s day there were only eight righteous ones and I saved them and rid my creation of the evil the days of Noah Before the Flood were much like the days of today.

So I have business with the evil ones and they don’t think I dare make something happen globally. But they doubt me ,and hate m,e and think they have beat me. The time is up I say. the time is up, and I am going to rid my world of their evil. Some you know are evil and you and you must trust me when they are gone. I know their heart and it is black back as stone. Hearts that never repent, who trusts the father of Lies Satan himself and do not love me or my son. They hate me and my son because of the evil that is in them, and they cling to it, and will never repent. I am a good father and I am love. Love never fails and I will not fail you now. Do not fear who or how they will be gone. Some will surprise you and some that are merely lost will surprise you as well. My lost will be found as they will. Many of the Lost will quickly as fast as they can humble the themselves on their knees and have their come to Jesus moment . These will need you to be a Shepherd to them ,and teach them, and guide them.

Do not regret the evil ones and do not regret the former days after the shaking. When the shaking is done the sun will rise and joy cometh in the morning . Anew day will Dawn and my world will be free there will be new governments, new leadership in many places, and Trump and and Vance will take charge in settling the dust. They are my men and they have anointed spiritual advisors that love me and my son. As I saved my trump I am saving my world, you must trust me .I tell you this now as I have always warned of the forboding to come through my servants the prophets and I warn you. you naysayers. you know who you are. Touch not my anointed ones the prophets. They do their work for me with fear and trembling and great faith that. They are highly blessed and highly favored and I warn you you will not receive a prophet’s reward if you speak against, or harm my prophets. They do not always love what I tell them to say, but my prophets today are called by me. I have raised them up and they will be highly favored and blessed. Turn them off if you want want to sub subvert or pervert them and their message. I am warning you for the last time. Do not persecute my prophets, none of them. Even if you disagree or don’t like what they say these are imperfect people just like you. But I am the great I am and I picked my prophets not you. So today go and play Love on your family and praise my son read my love book and tell me your fears your doubts and your troubles. Bring everything to me and let me direct your paths and guide your life. We love you always. Adonai

Veronika West - Urgent Prophetic Submission: War Rages Over the Oval and Oath of Office - January 12, 2025

An Urgent Prophetic Submission: a War is Raging Over the Oval and Oath of Office!

President Donald J. Trump with flag

So yesterday, November 12, 2024, I was praying in my wee prayer hut, when suddenly I was taken into an open Vision, where I saw President Trump standing on the Presidential Podium.

He was about to put his right hand upon the Bible to take The Oath of Office, when I heard The Spirit say, ”Daughter, there is a War raging over The Oval and Oath of Office!”

Then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say, ”Listen! Watch and Pray, for the next sixty-eight (68) days will determine the divine trajectory of a Nation in The Valley of Decision!

I say Watch and Pray — for there are many deadly pitfalls along this way.

Again I say, Remnant — Watch and Pray! Shields up and Swords drawn — for the road to Inauguration Day shall be marked by treachery, treason and great trouble, for there is a battle still raging over The Oval and Oath of Office — and My Covenant Promise!

So pray! I say Decree! Decree!! Decree!!! — and it shall pave the way and forge a highway that My Glory may come, that My Will may be done, and My Word may be established.

Pay attention! Be alert and on guard, for a sound has been heard in the deeper realms — a cry of the birth pangs of a Nation now in the midst of delivering, has drawn in the great Dragon that is now circling.

For I say, this is a Day of War for Divine Restore and Liberation from the ruling powers of Jezebel and the great dragon of Leviathan!”

As I listened, I began to pray fervently in The Spirit, and the burden of The LORD only increased as I saw a great War over The Oval and Oath of Office.

scales imageSatan knows that as soon as President Trump lays his right hand upon The Bible, the gavel will fall and a sudden mega-shift and a supernatural lifting and tipping of The Scales of Justice and Judgement will take place over The Nation!

Now, with these things still swirling in my heart after my prayer time, I went out to meet with some leaders in the afternoon, and not long into our conversation, one of the leaders said to me, ”Let’s pray for protection over Trump taking The Oath of Office — because that’s where the battle is!”

Those words served as powerful confirmation of what I had heard in the morning prayer time!

Friends, our Prayers in this hour and for the next sixty-eight (68) days must predominately target President Donald J. Trump taking The Oval and Oath of Office, for that’s where the enemy greatest threat and fear will be, as God brings a Nation into the fullness of its Kingdom Destiny!

Diana Larkin - STANDING ON COVENANT PROMISES - January 22, 2025


“The season of SHAKING is HERE. You are witnessing the REMOVAL of TRAITORS and CORRUPT LEADERS from your government. Ties are being BROKEN with institutions whose real agenda has been to DEFRAUD and DESTROY you. You are going to HEAR a lot of THREATS being thrown out at you and your President because the darkness sees all their POWER and CONTROL SLIPPING AWAY and what they FEAR most—EXPOSURE—is breathing down their necks. Their THREATS are trying to create FEAR because if they can make you AFRAID, they can CONTROL you. I want you to realize that the BIGGEST DANGER you face right now is NOT from the enemy’s evil schemes or dark agendas. The BIGGEST DANGER you face is GIVING INTO FEAR. Fear DISARMS you and causes you to try and SELF-PROTECT rather than living from FAITH in a POWERFUL God and RESOLUTELY STANDING ON YOUR COVENANT PROMISES. Answer the threats of the enemy with your COVENANT PROMISES of PROTECTION, PRESERVATION, PROVISION, and PEACE. My COVENANT PROMISES to you were SEALED with the Blood of Jesus—the most POWERFUL FORCE in the Universe. This COVENANT was made before the world was created. Therefore, it is HIGHER than any created thing—including the enemy. DO NOT ALLOW FEAR TO KEEP YOU FROM STANDING ON YOUR COVENANT PROMISES. Stand firm and decree and declare that ALL THESE COVENANT PROMISES are yours.” 1 PETER 1:20 (TPT) “This was part of God’s plan, for He (Jesus) was chosen and destined for this before the foundation of the earth was laid, but He has been made manifest in these last days for you.” HEBREWS 7:22 (AMP) “And so (because of the oath’s greater strength and force) Jesus has become the certain guarantee of a better covenant (a more excellent and more advantageous agreement; one that will never be replaced or annulled.)”

SketchDanger -- January 9, 2025

Conversations with GOD – Jan 9 2025

As the Lion of the tribe of Judah I am walking through this land. Judah is the praiser, so I seek those who truly love me, and truly desire to see my will fulfilled. So my Roar will come. It will be an announcement of the love I have for my children, and a roar that tells the enemy now I will judge you. For too long my children have walked trying to do my will but the systems of the enemy have stifled, and sometimes I have allowed for victory. Now is the time where the enemy will see that victory after victory over him is happening. Those men who have aligned with him will no longer be protected by the witchcraft and the spells that have been spoken. For even the smallest prayers of my children come into the enemy’s camp like a nuclear bomb. Know who you are in me my children, and do not be afraid to stand up against every scheme of the enemy. For I am about to remove the censorship from my children that have been hidden away for a time, a purpose, and a season. Soon you will see that your mustard seed faith will destroy strongholds of the enemy. He has danced around and tried to mock and make fools of me and my children. Now is the time where he will be SILENCED for a season. I will show what I meant by My Kingdom, and his short time to tempt man on the Earth before I consume him with fire.

Remember when I said in my word they would flee to the mountains, they would hide in the caves to escape my wrath. Though this was speaking of another time, it also speaks of this time. They try to flee from the wrath of GOD. Yet this time they are trying to flee from a Constitutional Republic that holds them accountable for their actions. They believe that Jan 20 will be the day when an explosion will take out MAGA and also My David. They are so sure of themselves that nothing will go wrong. They mock and laugh and say we will destroy the south with the cold as they have destroyed the west with the fire. This is not their time any longer.

Those who have covenanted with the snake in your rituals behind closed doors but say you can’t be judged when you have given to orphans? Am I mocked? No I shall not be mocked! And so your secret societies will not be secret. I will expose the politician, along with the city counsel man, I will expose the highest along with the one who recently went through a ritual. You will not mock me, and you will not say that I am lucifer. He is a fallen angel and is no match for me. Pray for all to be exposed My Children. Hollywood, the

Holly Wood, the wand of the magician has no power. No spells will have any affect on me, and no effect on My Children, or My Nations. They think they can hide.

They think that they can destroy, not just their homes (the celebrities) but also destroy the lives of My Children living in that area. Watch what happens. Soon you will see the Celebrities that partnered with satan begging for money from My Children.

Remember the Biblical parallel.

The Stars Will Fall!

They are looting in LA. Yet what did I do? I gave them a chance to repent.

They think they can steal without consequence. Watch what happens.


Trump said Freedom cities to make them think he was aligned with their plans. Not so.

Barry Wunsch, The Canadian Hammer joins Prophetic Wednesdays on Take FiVe - . - December 25, 2024

Oh, I’m telling you uh you know Dave if I if I said it’s been easygoing, I mean I wouldn’t be telling you the truth. It has been some of the most intense, arduous, uh intercession, and and spiritual warfare over the last few days. And I’m telling you since about Thursday of last week the the the the I’ve never experienced the level of uh blatant witchcraft that has been coming at us. And uh but you know I’m I’m going to say all that to say this, is that you know we’ve had you know some things coming forward here that are very very exciting and and coming into place on on a big big big scale. And so you know there are a few things that have to get cleaned up and out of the way I think before we can really see the fullness of it. And the Lord is dealing with you know all of this. And I mean on December 5th well I say on December 4th uh the night of December 4th I’m going about my business and I mean I kept hearing president Trump is under a spell. President Trump is under a spell and I’m going oh my goodness. I mean and you know you kind of pay attention and like Lord what’s this. And then the next morning I got up and actually I Was preparing for another broadcast and uh again I heard president Trump is under a spill.

And so I was out running around you know doing some errands around town and I’m driving down the road in my truck. And I’ll just say like it happens to me that I was taken into the spirit and you know going down the road and I saw a Jezebel spirit uh close to president Trump. And from what I saw um you know I believe that this is uh a spirit that’s operating through a very close spiritual advisor to president Trump. And I mean I saw actually you know who who that was. And the the the next thing I knew I was taken in the spirit into a private Suite uh and you know it was very well appointed it was elegant uh it had very nice furnishings and finishes and you know. This group of angels there was a dozen angels that came opened up this Suite brought me in and uh now now these angels I mean they were given you know. It was clear that they’d been given full access to go and do everything that they were called to do now now these angels ah I mean they were enforcers. And I can tell you that you would not want to have them working against you, period. I mean they were dressed in these uh you know very I mean the this armor I mean it kind of looked like Kevlar but it was almost like it was alive. And I mean impenetrable you know and and the strength that was on these guys I mean it was just so evident and they had an an authority on them that I mean it just exuded you know everything about them every motion every move every step they made.

I mean this an Angela coost these guys were all business and so they were clearly sent on an assignment and I mean the timing for this was now so DA they escorted me into into this room and then they they lined up uh in in know a flank, basically on either side of a doorway for me to enter. And I knew by the spirit that this was actually the room of this Jezebel in which you know we’re dealing with here. Now these angels came and they they unlocked a closet before me that was you know part of this suite. And there’s one particular Angel and you know he seemed to be leading leading this assignment. And he entered in and he turned around cuz you know I was following he turned around face to face with me and on my right his left here there was a there was a medium side of safe. And uh and you know this this Angel he got in and you know we’re kind of standing face to face in this this safe is off to the side and he looked me in the eye and with a pause he bowed his head for a minute. And there was kind of a moment of silence that I knew that what was about to be opened up would have huge consequences for president Trump and the nation, let alone the Nations. And so this Angel he finally you know he lifted his head look me in the eye look me in the eye again and he had a focus and just you know with a confidence and a strength he just proceeded to do what he needed to do. And before I knew it he just he’d opened up that safe.

Now I knew by the spirit that this Jezebel had had some information hidden there. And she had you know kept some information kind of locked it up for what you know. She was prepared to use as a as kind of a last resort of you know kind of blackmail and and pressure to maintain her powerful advisory position with the president. And now I also saw and it’s something like in a second how you can just know this stuff by by the spirit of God. But I knew that all that she had was false, everything that she held was fabricated lies, And so this this false you know fabricated information and allegations she held I mean they were sensitive in nature. But they were found to be the end I mean they were going to be found to be worthless but in the process of it it was going to expose her you know it was going to expose really who she was. And so uh anyway this lady was literally intentionally walking in darkness m masquerading is light. And uh the Lord in his perfect timing you know, and wisdom, and all of that was bringing this deception into the light and you know the timing of this was perfect. So the angel pulled us this stuff out of the safe and was basically going to get it into the hands uh to be dealt with in the right way with President Trump to close this back open wide this back door of the enemy that had access to things that shouldn’t be.

So anyway uh that’s kind of the first chunk of it. “Wow well uh a a joint friend of ours sent me some information about this person to get to Eric Trump I’m in the process of doing that um I will be seeing Eric uh probably in the next month or so so I might have to hand deliver to him. Also I was just told this week too that this witchcraft in Voodoo has gone to another level they’re getting physical hairs from people like President Trump and then creating a uh Voodoo Seance witchcraft from that physical uh DNA.” [Dave] Wow I mean I mean this does not does not surprise me so it’s a Time the church step it up and I believe he’s calling us to a higher level intercession to deal with this. …

Well I I tell you Dave I mean so I’m in there I watched this Angel pull this information out and he was basically posturing to get it into the right hands to be dealt with right in the right way. So you know president Trump would be protected and that the Lord was going to close these these wide open back doors that the enemy has access to uh in and around president Trump. And so I also say this I knew by the spirit of God that this lady was not acting alone. I I Knew by the spirit of God that there was she was one of what seemed to me three bad actors that. Uh you know there was a you know the spirit was feeding back and forth among them and the enemy had placed you know these three uh very close to president Trump you know to cause interference, to to block you know the plans of God, and then the full destiny that we have right now. And you know that that God has really called called him to. And so now these ones were now going to be exposed for who they really are and president Trump would not be able to deny. He would not be able to deny the unrighteous control, manipulation, and Witchcraft, that was being used against him. And so I Knew by the spirit of God that these ones were on their way out. The cat was out of the bag/ There there was no stopping it and the Lord was Protecting President Trump and it would be undeniable with the evidence as to these ones and what they were up to. And that there would be a trail of of evidence that simply you know looking back in hindsight the president would be able to put the pieces together and say oh well that makes sense. And he was not going to be very happy to know that he’d been betrayed uh you know by this appearance of this of this Jezebel spirit. And you know in conjunction with a religious political spirit that had got in. So what l is that uh justice is at hand and consequences were assured, and you know holy be be the word of the Lord. …

So you know the Jezebel spirit it can be on a man, it can be on a woman. You know it’ll operate through you know manipulation control withholding information bringing false information I mean. Even more than than false information, misinformation is one thing, because you know that can be an innocent mistake. You know you think it’s raining outside it was raining an hour ago it’s the rain stopped you know so that’s a that’s a an innocent mistake. But when you have disinformation that is intentionally fabricated, you know to bring deception to change the outcome of a decision, that’s witchcraft. Plain and simple and uh and then the other thing is you know when you’ve got an element of someone you know trying to hold a secret or trying to hold something you know I mean again that is sheer manipulation and witchcraft. And the Lord is he’s taking this all out of the way. Because we cannot Dave with what is coming as we see the rebirth of a Nation you know we cannot we cannot afford for to have kind of the the old the old ways you know God is doing something new. He is doing something new. And when you’ve got bits and pieces of of old fractured things that are in that mix do you know what I don’t believe that’s the hour we’re in.

We I mean it’s it’s going to take a lot for us to get our brain out of you know this governmental, I’m going to say politics. He’s taking us from politics to governance. And there’s a difference. And and and so in in all honesty Kingdom ways are governance. It it’s not political. And and so you know a lot of the church you know they don’t really have a a grip or an understanding on how this works. But but let me say I you know God is bringing the prophets in our day to walk with the Kings. We I I mean it it’s like the things that are going on behind the scenes right now it it’s happening, it is happening, and it’s not just in America. This is a movement Dave that you know America has a great part to play in it. But this is this is a movement that is actually going to touch all of the Nations and uh you know America has a role to play Canada has a role to play. you know I mean I you you just look through the Nations they all have a destiny because of the land and because of the Covenant that’s attached to the land for his purposes.

And so you know where the enemies come and they’ve said we’re going to do everything we can to have a peaceful transferal power. You know January 6th, and January 20th inauguration. Let me tell you they may say that with their lips but it’s it’s basically scops they they are saying one thing and they’re doing something totally different on the other side. And and they are they will do whatever they have to or they’re going to try to block you know the inauguration of President Trump to come into place and into a position you know running you know basically flipping this thing over. But I’ll also say this and I’m you know this might be going a little bit out on the limb. But I believe that the Lord is calling president Trump to an upgrade. Do you know what you know there there’s one thing to be you know in a in a Christian belief system and and and into the faith. But you know we can say God Bless America we can do you know certain things but I think there’s a discipline in the faith that when we lay down our life for him and we surrender all yeah and he comes and and then when when we literally say we got nothing left within us and we come and we go through baptism you know I mean the death of that old man you know in the water raising up a new man in Christ you know through the waters of baptism and then getting filled with the Holy Spirit. Critical. Because you know I mean when when you have an empowerment of the the Holy Spirit within you now it is the father bringing a real release through us through our F you know through our our flesh as as vessels of clay in a way that will impact the Nations. Impact those that that isn’t us right I mean I mean we find ourselves in crazy situations that things happen and it’s not us it’s the Lord and and through that empowerment of the filling of the Holy Spirit. So I’m saying that God has got an invitation to president Trump and his family and to those that he’s running with into a deeper commitment to really and it is about stewarding what God is bringing into their hands not only for America. But properly in in Kingdom governance for for the Nations. …

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE ABOUT TO LOSE IT ALL - December 2 , 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are about to lose it all—their money, control, influence, and their system. Everything they have is about to collapse in front of you. 

Their walls in Hollywood are about to fall, and everything they have done will be exposed. P. Diddy is just the beginning of the fall of the Hollywood elites. Some are scrambling behind the scenes to make deals to save themselves from the annihilation of Hollywood as you know it. 

Directors will fall. Producers will fall. Hollywood elites will fall. All their crimes and their extreme corruption will be (brought) out into the open, as will their ties to the establishment and other nations for global control and influence over the masses. Hollywood’s dark secrets and every connection it has to globalists, child trafficking, and how it has helped with transgenderism, brainwashing, and propaganda to change the minds of the young generations (will also be exposed). 

How the CIA and the FBI are also connected to Hollywood and how much control they have over what is said and done on TV shows and movies, how much control (there is) over actors, actresses, and all who work in Hollywood (to keep them) from telling the truth on what is really going on behind the scenes, and how the three letter agencies controlled not only Hollywood but all the social media outlets will shock this Nation. 

Hollywood has helped to steal and influence elections, and more of them than you think. I told you before, and I will say again, many are playing major roles in Washington. And soon, those actors will be unmasked. 

Another well-known celebrity is about to take the fall for some of the Hollywood elites even though they were once part of the inner circle. Desperation is growing to hide what they cherish the most. It is darker and more sinister than you think in Hollywood. Many actors and actresses are being blackmailed to keep quiet because some of the elites believe this will pass and then it will be business as usual. But when the establishment goes, so will Hollywood

Many billionaires will fall along with the Washington machine and Hollywood because of their connections to corporate America and the banking system, which is one big machine controlling the nations

My children, brace for the system to be torn apart by Me. Your day-to-day lives will change. Your normal will change. Your freedoms will change. Your health will change. Your financial system will change. But as your enemies’ house of cards crumbles, your lives and nations will be stronger than ever. These are the days for My Church and My Covenant to be experienced on this Earth. So, get ready for a great political and spiritual shift that is taking place right now because the winds of change are blowing, and My Hand is moving across this world to change everything as you know it, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Nostradamus: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

A traitor in My David’s midst is about to be exposed and removed

Callaway: this name and company will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

I told you that your enemies would let Kamala go. They are not done with that plan yet. Just watch and see what they let out into the airwaves against her, which will finally finish her off once and for all

“The Biden” is being threatened to keep his mouth shut and to stay out of the spotlight. But some of his dirty secrets are about to be put out in the open because the establishment wants to put the final nail in his coffin, you would say. 

A terrorist attack will be in your news, one that will not complete its original target or plan because your enemies are being held back by Me, says the Lord. 

Colorado: a major scandal in your state is about to come out into the open. There are many things that your government leaders are hiding from you that soon they will not be able to keep hidden. 

The election fraud and election interference in the 2024 election are about to blow up in your enemies’ faces. Just watch how quickly this will be made right and how fast your enemies’ plans will fall apart on how they control the elections for their own political gain. 

It is all coming to an end because it is time for your enemies to receive the judgment that is coming for them. It is time for justice to be served once and for all, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Barry Wunsch, The Canadian Hammer joins Prophetic Wednesdays on Take FiVe - . - December 25, 2024

Oh, I’m telling you uh you know Dave if I if I said it’s been easygoing, I mean I wouldn’t be telling you the truth. It has been some of the most intense, arduous, uh intercession, and and spiritual warfare over the last few days. And I’m telling you since about Thursday of last week the the the the I’ve never experienced the level of uh blatant witchcraft that has been coming at us. And uh but you know I’m I’m going to say all that to say this, is that you know we’ve had you know some things coming forward here that are very very exciting and and coming into place on on a big big big scale. And so you know there are a few things that have to get cleaned up and out of the way I think before we can really see the fullness of it. And the Lord is dealing with you know all of this. And I mean on December 5th well I say on December 4th uh the night of December 4th I’m going about my business and I mean I kept hearing president Trump is under a spell. President Trump is under a spell and I’m going oh my goodness. I mean and you know you kind of pay attention and like Lord what’s this. And then the next morning I got up and actually I Was preparing for another broadcast and uh again I heard president Trump is under a spill.

And so I was out running around you know doing some errands around town and I’m driving down the road in my truck. And I’ll just say like it happens to me that I was taken into the spirit and you know going down the road and I saw a Jezebel spirit uh close to president Trump. And from what I saw um you know I believe that this is uh a spirit that’s operating through a very close spiritual advisor to president Trump. And I mean I saw actually you know who who that was. And the the the next thing I knew I was taken in the spirit into a private Suite uh and you know it was very well appointed it was elegant uh it had very nice furnishings and finishes and you know. This group of angels there was a dozen angels that came opened up this Suite brought me in and uh now now these angels I mean they were given you know. It was clear that they’d been given full access to go and do everything that they were called to do now now these angels ah I mean they were enforcers. And I can tell you that you would not want to have them working against you, period. I mean they were dressed in these uh you know very I mean the this armor I mean it kind of looked like Kevlar but it was almost like it was alive. And I mean impenetrable you know and and the strength that was on these guys I mean it was just so evident and they had an an authority on them that I mean it just exuded you know everything about them every motion every move every step they made.

I mean this an Angela coost these guys were all business and so they were clearly sent on an assignment and I mean the timing for this was now so DA they escorted me into into this room and then they they lined up uh in in know a flank, basically on either side of a doorway for me to enter. And I knew by the spirit that this was actually the room of this Jezebel in which you know we’re dealing with here. Now these angels came and they they unlocked a closet before me that was you know part of this suite. And there’s one particular Angel and you know he seemed to be leading leading this assignment. And he entered in and he turned around cuz you know I was following he turned around face to face with me and on my right his left here there was a there was a medium side of safe. And uh and you know this this Angel he got in and you know we’re kind of standing face to face in this this safe is off to the side and he looked me in the eye and with a pause he bowed his head for a minute. And there was kind of a moment of silence that I knew that what was about to be opened up would have huge consequences for president Trump and the nation, let alone the Nations. And so this Angel he finally you know he lifted his head look me in the eye look me in the eye again and he had a focus and just you know with a confidence and a strength he just proceeded to do what he needed to do. And before I knew it he just he’d opened up that safe.

Now I knew by the spirit that this Jezebel had had some information hidden there. And she had you know kept some information kind of locked it up for what you know. She was prepared to use as a as kind of a last resort of you know kind of blackmail and and pressure to maintain her powerful advisory position with the president. And now I also saw and it’s something like in a second how you can just know this stuff by by the spirit of God. But I knew that all that she had was false, everything that she held was fabricated lies, And so this this false you know fabricated information and allegations she held I mean they were sensitive in nature. But they were found to be the end I mean they were going to be found to be worthless but in the process of it it was going to expose her you know it was going to expose really who she was. And so uh anyway this lady was literally intentionally walking in darkness m masquerading is light. And uh the Lord in his perfect timing you know, and wisdom, and all of that was bringing this deception into the light and you know the timing of this was perfect. So the angel pulled us this stuff out of the safe and was basically going to get it into the hands uh to be dealt with in the right way with President Trump to close this back open wide this back door of the enemy that had access to things that shouldn’t be.

So anyway uh that’s kind of the first chunk of it. “Wow well uh a a joint friend of ours sent me some information about this person to get to Eric Trump I’m in the process of doing that um I will be seeing Eric uh probably in the next month or so so I might have to hand deliver to him. Also I was just told this week too that this witchcraft in Voodoo has gone to another level they’re getting physical hairs from people like President Trump and then creating a uh Voodoo Seance witchcraft from that physical uh DNA.” [Dave] Wow I mean I mean this does not does not surprise me so it’s a Time the church step it up and I believe he’s calling us to a higher level intercession to deal with this. …

Well I I tell you Dave I mean so I’m in there I watched this Angel pull this information out and he was basically posturing to get it into the right hands to be dealt with right in the right way. So you know president Trump would be protected and that the Lord was going to close these these wide open back doors that the enemy has access to uh in and around president Trump. And so I also say this I knew by the spirit of God that this lady was not acting alone. I I Knew by the spirit of God that there was she was one of what seemed to me three bad actors that. Uh you know there was a you know the spirit was feeding back and forth among them and the enemy had placed you know these three uh very close to president Trump you know to cause interference, to to block you know the plans of God, and then the full destiny that we have right now. And you know that that God has really called called him to. And so now these ones were now going to be exposed for who they really are and president Trump would not be able to deny. He would not be able to deny the unrighteous control, manipulation, and Witchcraft, that was being used against him. And so I Knew by the spirit of God that these ones were on their way out. The cat was out of the bag/ There there was no stopping it and the Lord was Protecting President Trump and it would be undeniable with the evidence as to these ones and what they were up to. And that there would be a trail of of evidence that simply you know looking back in hindsight the president would be able to put the pieces together and say oh well that makes sense. And he was not going to be very happy to know that he’d been betrayed uh you know by this appearance of this of this Jezebel spirit. And you know in conjunction with a religious political spirit that had got in. So what l is that uh justice is at hand and consequences were assured, and you know holy be be the word of the Lord. …

So you know the Jezebel spirit it can be on a man, it can be on a woman. You know it’ll operate through you know manipulation control withholding information bringing false information I mean. Even more than than false information, misinformation is one thing, because you know that can be an innocent mistake. You know you think it’s raining outside it was raining an hour ago it’s the rain stopped you know so that’s a that’s a an innocent mistake. But when you have disinformation that is intentionally fabricated, you know to bring deception to change the outcome of a decision, that’s witchcraft. Plain and simple and uh and then the other thing is you know when you’ve got an element of someone you know trying to hold a secret or trying to hold something you know I mean again that is sheer manipulation and witchcraft. And the Lord is he’s taking this all out of the way. Because we cannot Dave with what is coming as we see the rebirth of a Nation you know we cannot we cannot afford for to have kind of the the old the old ways you know God is doing something new. He is doing something new. And when you’ve got bits and pieces of of old fractured things that are in that mix do you know what I don’t believe that’s the hour we’re in.

We I mean it’s it’s going to take a lot for us to get our brain out of you know this governmental, I’m going to say politics. He’s taking us from politics to governance. And there’s a difference. And and and so in in all honesty Kingdom ways are governance. It it’s not political. And and so you know a lot of the church you know they don’t really have a a grip or an understanding on how this works. But but let me say I you know God is bringing the prophets in our day to walk with the Kings. We I I mean it it’s like the things that are going on behind the scenes right now it it’s happening, it is happening, and it’s not just in America. This is a movement Dave that you know America has a great part to play in it. But this is this is a movement that is actually going to touch all of the Nations and uh you know America has a role to play Canada has a role to play. you know I mean I you you just look through the Nations they all have a destiny because of the land and because of the Covenant that’s attached to the land for his purposes.

And so you know where the enemies come and they’ve said we’re going to do everything we can to have a peaceful transferal power. You know January 6th, and January 20th inauguration. Let me tell you they may say that with their lips but it’s it’s basically scops they they are saying one thing and they’re doing something totally different on the other side. And and they are they will do whatever they have to or they’re going to try to block you know the inauguration of President Trump to come into place and into a position you know running you know basically flipping this thing over. But I’ll also say this and I’m you know this might be going a little bit out on the limb. But I believe that the Lord is calling president Trump to an upgrade. Do you know what you know there there’s one thing to be you know in a in a Christian belief system and and and into the faith. But you know we can say God Bless America we can do you know certain things but I think there’s a discipline in the faith that when we lay down our life for him and we surrender all yeah and he comes and and then when when we literally say we got nothing left within us and we come and we go through baptism you know I mean the death of that old man you know in the water raising up a new man in Christ you know through the waters of baptism and then getting filled with the Holy Spirit. Critical. Because you know I mean when when you have an empowerment of the the Holy Spirit within you now it is the father bringing a real release through us through our F you know through our our flesh as as vessels of clay in a way that will impact the Nations. Impact those that that isn’t us right I mean I mean we find ourselves in crazy situations that things happen and it’s not us it’s the Lord and and through that empowerment of the filling of the Holy Spirit. So I’m saying that God has got an invitation to president Trump and his family and to those that he’s running with into a deeper commitment to really and it is about stewarding what God is bringing into their hands not only for America. But properly in in Kingdom governance for for the Nations. …

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE ABOUT TO LOSE IT ALL - December 2 , 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are about to lose it all—their money, control, influence, and their system. Everything they have is about to collapse in front of you. 

Their walls in Hollywood are about to fall, and everything they have done will be exposed. P. Diddy is just the beginning of the fall of the Hollywood elites. Some are scrambling behind the scenes to make deals to save themselves from the annihilation of Hollywood as you know it. 

Directors will fall. Producers will fall. Hollywood elites will fall. All their crimes and their extreme corruption will be (brought) out into the open, as will their ties to the establishment and other nations for global control and influence over the masses. Hollywood’s dark secrets and every connection it has to globalists, child trafficking, and how it has helped with transgenderism, brainwashing, and propaganda to change the minds of the young generations (will also be exposed). 

How the CIA and the FBI are also connected to Hollywood and how much control they have over what is said and done on TV shows and movies, how much control (there is) over actors, actresses, and all who work in Hollywood (to keep them) from telling the truth on what is really going on behind the scenes, and how the three letter agencies controlled not only Hollywood but all the social media outlets will shock this Nation. 

Hollywood has helped to steal and influence elections, and more of them than you think. I told you before, and I will say again, many are playing major roles in Washington. And soon, those actors will be unmasked. 

Another well-known celebrity is about to take the fall for some of the Hollywood elites even though they were once part of the inner circle. Desperation is growing to hide what they cherish the most. It is darker and more sinister than you think in Hollywood. Many actors and actresses are being blackmailed to keep quiet because some of the elites believe this will pass and then it will be business as usual. But when the establishment goes, so will Hollywood

Many billionaires will fall along with the Washington machine and Hollywood because of their connections to corporate America and the banking system, which is one big machine controlling the nations

My children, brace for the system to be torn apart by Me. Your day-to-day lives will change. Your normal will change. Your freedoms will change. Your health will change. Your financial system will change. But as your enemies’ house of cards crumbles, your lives and nations will be stronger than ever. These are the days for My Church and My Covenant to be experienced on this Earth. So, get ready for a great political and spiritual shift that is taking place right now because the winds of change are blowing, and My Hand is moving across this world to change everything as you know it, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Nostradamus: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

A traitor in My David’s midst is about to be exposed and removed

Callaway: this name and company will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

I told you that your enemies would let Kamala go. They are not done with that plan yet. Just watch and see what they let out into the airwaves against her, which will finally finish her off once and for all

“The Biden” is being threatened to keep his mouth shut and to stay out of the spotlight. But some of his dirty secrets are about to be put out in the open because the establishment wants to put the final nail in his coffin, you would say. 

A terrorist attack will be in your news, one that will not complete its original target or plan because your enemies are being held back by Me, says the Lord. 

Colorado: a major scandal in your state is about to come out into the open. There are many things that your government leaders are hiding from you that soon they will not be able to keep hidden. 

The election fraud and election interference in the 2024 election are about to blow up in your enemies’ faces. Just watch how quickly this will be made right and how fast your enemies’ plans will fall apart on how they control the elections for their own political gain. 

It is all coming to an end because it is time for your enemies to receive the judgment that is coming for them. It is time for justice to be served once and for all, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Veronika West - Kingdom and Covenant Coalitions Now Taking Place Over the Nations.. - November 30, 2024

Today during Worship, I heard these Words, “Kingdom and Covenant Coalitions are now beginning to take place across The Nations.”

The term “Coalition” means : Cooperation and a collaboration, where parties involved are working together in a harmonious, united and effective way to achieve a goal or purpose.

I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For I AM setting up a Kingdom Coalition Government on the earth in these days.

For I AM calling My Ecclesia to come into a Divine Coalition with My Will and with My Word that My Kingdom Government may be built and established in The Nations of the earth.

I say, come into a Divine Coalition with My Glory and with My Power and Authority — and watch as I turn Nations upside down and inside out.

Watch, for I say, I AM also calling My People to come into a Covenant Coalition with one another — for Covenant Coalitions will begin to form in these days, a supernatural co-labouring and supernatural cooperating with one another in The Spirit of Unity, Submission and radical Love for one another.

For even as My Ecclesia come into a Divine Kingdom Coalition with My Spirit, so they shall come into Covenant Coalitions with one another, to build and to rebuild, to uproot and to tear down!

Watch! — for I say, Kingdom and Covenant Coalitions are now taking place for the advancing of My Plans and Purposes on the earth!”

Veronika West - Victory is a Promise — Defeat is a Choice!Victory is a Promise — Defeat is a Choice!. - November 26, 2024

I hear The Spirit say, “My People are defeated, because they have believed that the Battle that is raging is an earthly one — and not a spiritual one!

My People are defeated, because they have believed that the War is against flesh and blood, and not against the powers and principalities of darkness.

My People are defeated, because they have turned against one another with the very Power and Authority that I have given them to destroy the enemy and his cohorts.

Yes! My People are defeated, because they have sown to the flesh and not to the spirit – they have refused to humble themselves under My mighty Hand — and therefore I have had to resist them.

My People have been defeated, because they have taken their eyes off of their Master and put their eyes rather on man — they have leaned heavily on the arm of the flesh, and they have counted their horses and chariots.

My People have been defeated, because they have reasoned with their own understanding and they have run after the ways of this world.

My People have been defeated, because they have become lovers of themselves, and not lovers of the Truth that will set them free and deliver them from the hand of the enemy.

Oh, how My Heart is grieved, for My People!

Ha! I tell you the Truth… My People have been defeated, because they have set up idols of their own imagination and their wild fantasies — they have chosen to believe and take comfort in the words of mere men — over My Word — which is Living, Active and all Powerful.

Oh how My People perish!

Again I say, My People have been defeated, for they have made religion more important than deep and intimate relationship with Me.

The Secret Place has taken second place, and the works of sensationalism have been exalted above the humble works of the supernatural.

My People have been defeated, because they have made room for a rebellious spirit embracing the powers of compromise and passivity instead of being empowered through a life of true surrender and submission to My Holy Spirit.

Oh how My People have been defeated by the lies of the great deceiver!

Awake! Awake, My Beloved — and take Me at My Word and watch, as My Victory is made manifest in the midst of you.

How My Heart cries for those who have been defeated, because they have chosen the path of death over a life of abundance and beauty.

How My Heart longs for My People to walk in the Victory of The Blood that was shed by My Son for them!

Oh you of little faith — how much longer do you desire to walk around this mountain, going round in circles — reliving destructive cycles — when My New Covenant has entitled you to lay claim on a land flowing with milk and honey — and unlimited supply?’

Beloved, come away with Me! Leave it all behind! Do not despair, for I AM a God of Mercy and Grace. I Am a God of New Beginnings and fresh starts. I AM The Way Maker and destructive cycle breaker.

Listen! Incline your ears — for I AM calling you back to My Heart! I AM calling you to come back to your senses, and to the place of true Repentance.

I say, turn away from the ways of the world, and to return to The Narrow Path — yes, to the way of ?Righteousness that leads to Life and eternal Liberty.

My beloved, do you hear My Voice?

Do you know the sound of My Voice — for My Voice is distinctive from all the other voices — because I will always call you to surrender — I will call you to a life of greater yeildedness, and to a relinquishing of your will and your ways to Me.

I will call you to seek first My Kingdom and My Righteousness.

Today, I AM calling you to put on The Full Armor of God, to stand firm in the face of the enemy — and to fight the good fight of Faith!

I AM calling you to walk in the Authority and Power that I have given you as My Child, and to cast down every vain imagination that has created strongholds in your mind, and to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Beloved, do not be discouraged! Do not be afraid — for I AM with you always.

I AM an ever present help. I AM The God Who Delivers, The God Who Restores, The God Who makes all things new.

So trust in Me, believe in Me, and watch as I turn your defeat into Victory, your sorrow into joy, and your mourning into dancing.

Rise up, My Beloved, for the battle is not yours — but Mine!

It belongs to Me and to My Angel Armies. Therefore, stand firm in The Truth of My Word.

Hold fast to My Promises — and know that I AM Faithful to bring you through every trial and every tribulation.

I AM The LORD your God — and I will never leave you nor forsake you!

Rise up and walk in My Victory! Walk in My Love, and know that I AM with you always, even to the end of the age!”

Veronika West - America — This is Your Hour! - November 7, 2024

I share the following with all the faithful Warriors here and on my platform.

This is what came forth from our IDH War Room meeting this morning.

I share it for the purpose of serious Prayer!

Stand with us as we war in this next season for President Trump, and for the Destiny of America!

I say to you, ”America — this is your hour of Divine Reset, Reprieve, Re-calibration, Restoration and Reformation!”

As I went into deep travail for America on the 5th of November, I saw the face of a clock over the Nation of America and I saw that it was the 11th hour and the urgency of the hour was weighty — very heavy in the atmosphere.

A violent battle over time was taking place. Time is running out!

Satan was also seeking to alter and accelerate time, time time, a battle in Kairos Time, a battle over Divine Timelines was unfolding — a battle in time and over time was taking place — The Timeline of Heaven versus the timeline of hell, was being contended for!

And I suddenly, I saw The Finger of God come upon the hands of the clock — and the hands of the clock was turned back “10 degrees”!

Then I heard, ”Divine Resetting of a Nation! Divine Intervention comes to a Nation!”

I knew in that very hour, that the scales had tipped in The Courts and that Victory had been established in The Realm of The Spirit — and that “Trump would triumph!

God was stopping and resetting time to bring a Redeeming Restoring and a Resetting to Time.

A Nation was being taken back to its future — in The Realm of The Spirit.

But then suddenly, I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch, for The Spirit of Intercession has come upon this Nation, even as it came upon Hezekiah, and even as a sign was given of My Divine Intervention when the sun stood still — so a sign shall be given this day — the Third Hour — The Third Day — for the Nation shall stand still and see My Salvation!

I say, fifteen (15) years! I say 555! I say Grace! Grace! Grace!

I say Decree My Divine Order — My Divine Re-calibration and a Reordering and Resetting of Time over the boundary lines of this Nation!”

Notes :

  • Three (3) third day/ hour; Resurrection Day, Resurrection Power; Upper Room, The 11th Hour — the hand of the clock was turned back 10 degrees; Time over the Nation was Reset, Reordered; a pregnant pause for the nation to turn, an overshadowing of the sun/ son; Time was Reset; Dun stood still; a Sign of Divine Intervention over a Nation that was sick and dying.
  • “Divine Intervention comes to a Nation at the Third Day; the 11th hour, the day when the assignment of death is near to its fulfillment.
  • “A Sign is given; a Trump is given — as a sign that a Divine Reset has taken place — that Divine Intervention comes to overthrow the assignment of death.”
  • “A Sign — a Nation stands still to see The Intervention — Grace, Grace (5)78(5); Grace Grace…”
  • “Fifteen (15) years.”
  • “Next five (5) years — 2030 is key!”
  • ”I say I AM shaking, shaking the foundations of Nations, and taking the Axe to deal with the Rot in the root system. I AM uprooting/ tearing down!
  • I say fifteen (15) years! 555 Grace! Grace! Grace! So I say, Rebuild and Restore the broken down Altars — Rebuild the walls that lay in ruins!
  • Watch — as I move in the next five years — crucial years of Restoration and reform.
  • Watch — as I Reestablish the Covenant Foundations of The Nations on an Apostolic and Prophetic Foundation — for this is a Divine Pregnant Pause over Nations!
  • Watch — as My Glory overshadows The Nations that yield!
  • Watch — as the Kabod of My Glory returns to the head!
  • Watch — as a Divine Deposit takes place — a Divine Exchange to bring to birth a Nation in one day — for this is the Day of Change, as the gold and brass coin turns over The Nations — Heads or Tails — for the Heads shall have it — as the weight to the gold, the weight of purity outweighs the mixture of brass.
  • Watch — as My Glory comes upon the head — The Gold Crown of Kingship shall return to the Head once again! The Heads shall have it — and it shall herald change, change, change!”
  • So I say, ”What will you do with the extra Time, with the Time of Divine Reset and Re-calibration of this Nation?
    Will you turn to Me?
    Will you arise to deal with the Babylon System, or will you squander time and sink further back and return to your death bed of sickness and infirmity?
  • What will you do in this Hezekiah Moment of Divine Intervention, Reset and Realignment?
  • Ten (10) degrees the sun dial was turned back — ten (10) : Divine Order.
  • Ten (10) degrees turned backwards : Divine Reversals — Divine.”

“And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “What is the sign that The LORD will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of The LORD the third day?”
Then Isaiah said, “This is the sign to you from The LORD, that The LORD will do the thing which He has spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees or go backward ten degrees?”
And Hezekiah answered, “It is an easy thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees; no, but let the shadow go backward ten degrees.”
So Isaiah the prophet cried out to The LORD, and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down on the sundial of Ahaz.”
2 Kings 20:8-11.

“And this is the sign to you from The LORD, that The LORD will do this thing which He has spoken: Behold, I will bring the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward.” So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down.” Isaiah 38:7-8.

Blessings to you all.


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, that foreign enemies have invaded your land, your government, your economy, your news industry, all the entertainment industry, and your trading industry with other nations

A foreign contract that was made against your elections and your country and was devised and designed by the establishment is about to be exposed in front of you. 

Your elections have been invaded by foreign invaders. They are trying everything to steal them from you again. They have designed new things that they have never done before. They are unsure if they will work, but they will try them anyway. They will try to rig every state’s popular vote and electoral vote. They see opportunity, but they also see it could fail. 

They have never seen numbers or polls as bad as the ones they are seeing now. They have never been at such a disadvantage in any election that they have been part of. 

My children, your enemies are at war against your elections. They have and will continue to try to manipulate the law in order to have their foreign invaders eligible to vote. They will try to duplicate ballots and have their machines switch votes. They are trying deceptive tactics at your polling places, new and old ways to get the numbers back to where they can succeed at stealing this election and Nation forever. 

But I am in their way. You, My children, are in their way. Do not be discouraged by your enemies’ plans. Instead, call them down. Declare their defeat, and do not fear another 2020. No matter what they do, they will not be successful. It will not stand because I am restoring your land. 

Traps are everywhere. Your enemies are completely unaware that they are being watched. Your enemies believe that if they cannot get Kamala the win, they will decimate your votes in the House and the Senate. I have repeatedly told you to pray over those seats and these elections because they are under attack. So, you attack back with My Words. Do not back off or grow weary now because it is almost time to see your enemies retreat from those seats

Continue to pray for My David as he is still receiving bad advice from political strategists and others who are giving him spiritual advice that is not from Me. My David is under attack, and pressure is building (because) of the wolves in his midst (trying to get) him to make decisions and mistakes that will take him out at the last minute. They have plans with the establishment to make him more vulnerable when he is out campaigning and even after the election—leaving the door open for another attempt on his life. My children, pray for My David—for his protection and for him to be led by Me and not his enemies that are within

Attempts will be made, but I am his protector, and as you are praying and using My Authority, My children, you will see My Hand move to protect My David and this Nation

These coming weeks before the end of the year will be more unprecedented than it has already been. The more your enemies attack you and My David, the more your enemies will collapse, the more they will fail, the more they will be exposed, and the weaker they will become. The battle will intensify, but My children, remember Who I am. Remember, I am with you, and I have already defeated your enemies, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My Church, get up now. My Church, arise and stand for this Nation like never before. Continue to pray for your loved ones like never before—that they awaken and vote biblically and not how they have always done in the past. Pray for those who have never cast a ballot to do so this time

Your country is under attack, with disinformation and intimidation tactics. Your enemies are weakening by the day. Their protection has all but disappeared. Now is the time to invade the enemies, pursue, overtake, and recover all they have stolen from you, including every election and your finances from taxation that was never designed to be this way. My children, the tax system they designed was (meant) to bury you in debt and inflate your government, making them more powerful and more invincible to any type of loss

They enslaved you with the tax system. Now it is time to come alive, to wake up, and take back this Nation from the hands that have controlled it

You, My children, have more power against this rogue government than you realize. Open your eyes and see that they do not have a covenant with Me. They are against Me, and anyone against Me is defeated. Change the way you see your enemies’ power and control. See them as nothing because they are nothing in My sight, says the Lord. 

Your enemies’ conversations are about to be exposed. There has been an unprecedented amount of wiretapping of your enemies. They had no idea they were being recorded. My infiltrators have information on and confessions from more of your government officials. They are completely unaware these recordings are out there. Anywhere there has been election interference or election fraud, it has been recorded. And there is enough proof to destroy any results they try to put out this time

I told you, My children, I have broken through every firewall and all their defense systems. I have every blueprint and architect behind every election that has been stolen and every person behind these fake indictments. 

A major bombshell is about to be leaked. Proof that the orders for the indictments came directly from the White House—the judges, the lawyers, the design of the indictments, and the manipulation of the law will all come out. I will show you that Nancy, Obama, Hillary, “the Biden,” and Kamala, along with many others, made these things up to imprison My David and to prevent him from taking office

I will also show you the order for the Butler assassination attempt and how the White House, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, and the Secret Service were all in cahoots to take out My David that day. Heads are about to spin, you would say, when the wall of deception is completely decimated, and the truth comes out about the establishment’s dealings and corruption to kill My David and anything against their agenda. Your enemies are on a slippery slope that they are about to fall off of, says the Lord. 

To the judges in the Land of My Eagle who were paid to cover up crime, election interference, and fraud and to criminalize and destroy the lives of the innocent: you are about to be judged. Many judges will be removed and disbarred for their part in committing crimes alongside the criminals. 

To the judges who are against Me: I am against you, and I am the judge over all the Earth. I will remove every one of you that is against Me and this Nation, says the Lord. 

A judge will be exposed for what they took part in, and they are the first of many that will fall. 

Letitia James: you will fall and so will Judge Engoron. Your case is about to fall apart, and everything you have done against My David will be done unto you. Both of you will lose everything. What you have sown, you will reap because these are the days of Haman, says the Lord. 

Concerning the case with Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan: neither one of you nor your case is safe from exposure. There is more than enough proof to remove both of you. You were paid to take steps against My David. You will regret ever taking up this case. You wanted destruction and to incarcerate My David, but (instead) it will be done to you and everyone who helped you pull off such a fraudulent case. 

My children, these are the days when many will be exposed, and many will be removed. These enemies that you see, like Pharaoh and his army, will be defeated before your face

I am your defender and the protector of this Nation. My children, your enemies will pay a high price for the destruction they have caused against you. 

Pray, My children. Stand, and I will heal your land, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Manuel Johnson - Urgent Word Bye Bye H***RIS ? - October 29, 2024

He says can you hear the sound of what abundance rain. Saints I’m going say it I’m proclaiming it as the Lord said can you hear the sound of what celebration. Yes! I hear the sound of celebration around the world. I don’t I listen God shows me the end results on how it ends. How It Ends. Not so much the beginning not so much the middle but the Lord shows me how it ends. I hear the sound of celebration. I hear the sound of cheering. I hear the sound of people going whooooooa. I said it there were people in the streets. There were people in the streets. They couldn’t contain themseles. It was almost like the Lord himself put the spirit of joy, joy, joy on the people. And celebration, you would have thought it was New Years. Hallelujah. You would have thought it was New Years. So the Lord showed it to me he says tell my children do they hear the sound of Celebration I hear it I hear it in the spirit, glory to God. Not because of one man. Because of what God is doing around the world. Because the time has come for the great push back. The great push back wow. What I saw, what I saw, is going to bring tears to the enemy’s eyes. What I saw is going to bring tears. My God glory to God yes it doesn’t go without praying. It doesn’t go without praying. This too we are going to do our what we need to do. But it was powerful. And he says you that my children will see whose word will stand theirs are mine, says the Lord. My children will see that I am a god of Justice. My children will witness in their time. Thank you Lord.

Lord Saints I’m one I’m going to I the Lord gave me four pages of download. Please tag your friends. They can’t be because it’s right now we are on how should I say we are on God’s timeline that’s the best way to say it. We, we, are on we are on God’s. We’re on God’s timeline this. It’s getting it’s getting there. It’s getting there as as one of the Lord there there a serious historic changing of the guard. When you hear the sound of celebration. yYu’re going to hear many of you that are spiritually sensitive will hear the trumpets. You will hear it. The spiritually said you’re going to hear it. And I says Lord have we had the blow yet? He says no, I said my son the blow is coming between November and December. A big power is coming against the workers of evil. it says wait it’s coming. He says this will be the final that’s going to cripple I go wow to spirtually cripple. …. I’m going to I have I got to release this this war and before I release it I want you to be excited when I tell you the talk of Heaven of what God is about to do on Earth my God the talk is happening in heaven about what God is about to do on Earth is is big. It’s big is big. …

I’m gonna let you decide how to read this because there are some serious notes here. There are some serious. … there’s things that are on the Lord’s heart. …. He says look tell my children I’m not on the ballot. I’m not on the ballot. We’re not voting for a savior, we’re voting for a servant. And, and, literally I heard the words, I saw the ballots it says Donald Trump ballot Jezebel. Wait a minute, I thought they going to have Kamala Harris. No, Jezebel, Jezebel is on the ballot that is the first time. I actually heard the spin of Lord says this is Jezebel on the ballot. This was powerful. This was Jezebel on the about this is not good. So the Lord was stiring with that and you and I have the prayer power and the voting power to shut it down. Lord that’s what you that’s what you’re telling me. You and I have the prayer power and the voting power to shut it down. Woo Lord thank you Jesus. Come on somebody put that up there there’s more power points put it up there. You and I have the prayer power and the voting power to bring Jezebel, that’s the word he gave me. To to bring Jezebel down. What are you saying? Voting power. And guess what? Byebye Harris. Byebye Harris, byebye Harris more is coming wow. Wow. …

Tell my children to read my word. Yes, he says get back in the word. The Lord was he says many of my children they want me to move. But they’re you know we cannot stop reading the word of God Saints. You got to get back in the word of God. You got to get back to the word of God. Remember Saints remember you and I, okay I’m going to be funny with it but I’m going to be serious. We cannot live off fish tacos alone I need to have the word of God too. You have to so the Lord is talking to some to you Saints, all of us. Do not neglect the word. He made it very clear do not neglect the word. More holy ghost Power Points. Did you spend time with your heavenly father? The Lord said I’m saying it a different way the Lord said I want my children to spend time with their Heavenly Father. We must take time Saints to pray we must take time to to be in the presence of the almighty God. Yes, and we must take time for this. This is extremely important. Do not neglect the word. Do not neglect prayer and spending time with the master. God loves when his children are taking time to pray. Even Donald Trump will not have a successful four years if he doesn’t pray. He’s going to have to pray. And we are going to have to pray, and seek Him, and seek the Lord.

Now it was another direct hit. The Lord showed me something about this campaign. He says, I, I, really, really, I was actually like whoa. I saw darkness, I saw darkness over this campaign. And I said look what is that? He says it’s cursed. I believe me I don’t like to say that. But when the master says he says it he says it’s cursed that’s the word he gave me. He says my anointing is on Donald and JD. He says my anointing is on that campaign. He says my anointing is on that campaign. And there times God will go even deeper. He says I said Lord they know this. He says tell them again Lord they know this he says tell him again. He’s going in as a David, he will be sitting as Cyrus. He will not be a David in the White House he will be a Cyrus in the White House. But the campaign he will have the anointing of David. Fight, fight, fight, but sitting now in office he will have that anointing of Cyrus. Cyrus got things done. Cyrus read the scriptures Cyrus King Cyrus made things happen. Cyrus did not hesitate when he spoke a command. So the anointing will not be like a president’s anointing. It will be a kingdom anointing a kingship anointing. A kingship and the way things are going to be done. Wooo.

He went on God is going to do a move in the church in his body. But the church still has the tares in the weeds. He says tell my children that been crying looking for a church I’m looking for a church Lord I’m looking for a church looking for this perfect Church there is no perfect church. It’s a perfect God we don’t have a perfect church we have a perfect God the scripture says the tare and the wheats are in the church and they will not be separated and till the end of time. It’s in the scriptures the Lord said showing that to me as the Holy Ghost PowerPoint. And then he stopped and it and then uh PowerPoint Revelation came in and I saw this picture in November. This was was after the elections and after the elections.

I you know, I wasn’t asking for this. This woman was so upset. She was so upset so upset about the campaign and the way it came turned out. And her support they were very upset because they put in millions of dollars and they had a big loss. And her supporters were more upset than she was because of the money they had put in and all was lost. And they were upset, why did we choose that heard the words, why did we choose this person. Then it came again and the Lord says do not worry about what you hear regarding the voting and the balance. The Lord says, I will, he used this word. My son, I will shake up the balance. I go what, he said, I will shake up the balance. And it’s going to go into more here. I will shake up the ballots. Said what are you saying he says, Lord, he said I’m going to interfere. He says I’m going to interfere. He is going to interfere. Okay. And he says tell my children to remember. He says this is my election not man’s election. This is my election the Lord says, it’s his election not man’s election. So it goes more and these were the Power Points that God gave me. And then the Lord goes now Saints hang on I’m going to go into Revelation. Wow.

So Lord I Thank you for what you’re about to do here. Hallelujah. My children fear not I say again fear not, stand in your calling. What you see and hear is only and will only be the arm of flesh. Ha Ha Ha Ha Lord laughs but I have called forth my Army. The army of the Lord and let they will rise up. And even though they rise, he’s talking about the enemies of the Lord. Even though they rise, he’s talking about the wicked one. Even though they rise, those side with the wicked one. Even though they rise they will quickly fall. They will quickly fall, says the Lord of Hosts. And the Lord said there will be new ones, new ones. Many will say psychics, many will say witches, many were called the magician. But the Lord said they will be disarmed upon arrival. Upon arrival! They will be disarmed upon arrival. Yes,. They will scramble for ways and ideas and this too will come to nothing. So you think, and so you think, your dark forces and dark words will stop or hinder what I am about to do? Not so said the Lord. Me and my host and all of Heaven laughs.

I will not only gain glory in the nation called by my name, Israel. But also all Nations and I will continue to open the eyes and the hearts of my children and bring about a unity. Yes, a historic unity in my body. Many and many will Le will lend and not borrow. He’s talking about a well transfer, and many will lend and not borrow. And many will guide and direct and it goes on to page two and govern places they know not but I will lead them. And I will give and I have called forth my God. I have called forth a push back against the Dark Secrets agendas. How dare they change, how dare they attempt to change times and season. Oh, oh, but you say in dark places we will kill him. We will take him out. He will never be sworn in. Ha Ha said the Lord nor so my servant will be sworn in and he will sit, he will sit, in the office as I called him. I will bring such a disorder on the enemy’s camp that they will not know where it came from. But at the end they will know and give glory to me.

And my plans will go forth, and I the Lord will heal, I will heal this land. For a time in a time. And I will confuse those, those, that thought that they had the upper hand. The Lord goes on. My God the Lord goes on. Aand those that they say our residents and are not. I will bring a total collapse. To the enemy’s plans and to whom you call the media. They will do my bidding. My children watch and see how I turn the tables, how I’ll turn the tides and those that you thought would was against you would be for you. I will move upon the media mountain and they will know that I am the Lord. And they too will rejoice of what I am doing. My God. The Lord goes on. My God. Wow. I will allow them to turn and to do my biding for as I have called the pride to humble and I will raise up the humble. Look towards me the God Lord goes on and he says.

Oh my gosh there will be dangerous dangerous spots. But I will lead my servant, yes my servant, and he will have the wisdom that I bestow on him. Not by his own might nor his power but my spirit. Then the Lord goes on I will raise a trumpet in this world. A trumpet who did not know he was a trumpet. And I have called him at such a time as this and he will be my vessel among vessels that I am raising up for this season. And I have called you Donald, I have called you. And I have chosen you although you did not know me in the beginning but you know my my name now. Wow. Thank you Lord. And I am the Lord and I will hold you up even during your time doing your time and my right hand my right arm will be upon you and I will sit you in the seat. Not man, but me and you will be called commanderin-chief once again. Whoa. And I will protect you and I will blanket you. Whoa. And cover you and encamp a host of my heavenly host, says the Lord.

And the Lord says this my God he then he goes into America he goes into America. And the Lord will be great again. My name will be great again among the Nations. But I say I will heal and my name will be known among many that do not know me. My children I will bring to power what many would say how did this happen. Whoa! That many will say in the next few weeks how did this happen. But I will bring to power and bring him to Commander in Chief once again. He will do a second turn because I the Lord am the one who raises up, and brings down. And I also as I allowed my servant Joseph to be held back for a season. So I allowed my servant Donald and I will put my spirit on my daughter Millenia, and the education Mountain. You will see her you will see her move because I have directed her path. And those mountains will be shaken for my glory, said the Lord.

My name will be known again in America whoa my name will be known again in my in American schools and I will expose those who take lives. Who take my lives. I believe the Lord I he didn’t go to details but he was talk I believe he was talking about abortion. I really believe he was talking about abortion. I really believe it. I will expose those who takes lives for I have called I have called that my children to multiply and fill my Earth. For I say blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord for then I say they will be my people and my chosen for my personal inheritance. My children, before you were born I knew you, and I’ve called you, and I’ve called forth for you in this generation. He’s talking to all of us the Lord is talking to all of us he goes down more he. Wow! Lord I he said tell them be strong in me I’m going to bring. Wow. I’m about to bring trouble he says I’m about to bring trouble on those who make trouble. I’m about to bring Redemption to your nation America.

He made it very clear I’m going to say it again because my God what anoy I’m about to bring re bring Redemption to your nation America. My grace will pour upon thee America and you will seek me, and you will call upon my name, and I will answer you I will answer you. I haven’t forgotten I haven’t forgotten you America my special Covenant with you. For I have chosen, I have chosen, and I will chesten those I love. So we of America the Lord saying I’ve chosen you yes you I’ve chosen you and I’m going to use you America. But he said you you know you know there will be times you will be chessing because we I love you. Just like Israel just like any nation that is called by the name of the Lord. The Lord goes on my God. He says America love you so he says I love you America for I will cause America to turn back to me. Whoa, whoa God. I will cause America to turn back to me said the Lord with all her heart and will heal her land. For I hold America in my hands and I will blow my spirit upon her again and you will know that I am the Lord America. Your Redeemer, and America will be known as The Game Changer. I’m like what. He says they will be known as a game changer.

For the will for there will be a changing very soon my children. There will be a changing of the guard. These will not the guard will not remain the same this will be a changing of the Guard and I have said it and I will perform this and you will say wow. You will say it again, the Lord has made America safe. Look at this, you will say the Lord has made America safe. I heard the word again. I heard the words again. and I don’t know if the Lord was just mocking the enemy of of the Lord. I heard the words again. And this was towards the end of the Revelation. It’s I heard the words I heard it says, Bye bye Harris. Bye bye this campaign is shortlived. This campaign is shortlived. It didn’t work. And then I don’t know if this was a voice of the Lord. But it could have been. More it says your weeks have been numbered, enemy of the Lord, though your weeks have been numbered. There’s power the Lord is telling me again there’s power in your votes. There’s power in your prayers, and there’s power in your votes. I cannot stress this enough. Power in your prayers, power in your votes, power in your prayers, power in your votes. You’re going to hear neck and neck but God has determined the outcome. Because of the power of your prayers and the powers of your vote. This campaign is short lived. Hallelujah! I’m going to say hallelujah!

Larie Lightner repost on December 16, 2024

A shock 7/27/22

Prophetic Word I received 07/27/22

The time is drawing near when the upside down will be right side up. Everything will begin to make sense to you so do not despair. I warned that a purifying fire would sweep the church because I will come back to a church on fire for Holiness. A church sold out to my cause and my kingdom. No compromise.

The church has been prostituting itself to the highest bidder. Did you not think I would came back for what is mine? Did you think I would overlook your insolence? Your calamity draws near, the hour of your accounting not only for your many sins but for the blood you have on your hands of the many you have lead astray is at the door.


The war you’re in will intensify as the culmination draws near. The end of the satanic system that has overtaken the world. I said this premature takeover of the New World Order would not stand and you’re about to watch it crumble to the ground.

To you puppets in the pulpit I know of you secret deals. I know what you have done behind the scenes. The money you have taken to push certain agendas. You sold a gospel I never gave, your recompense shall be your own blood. You thought your strings would be invisible yet I see all things.

There is so much confusion and discord during this time but if you stay your eyes on ME, you will not be led astray. I gave you the Spirit of TRUTH to guide you into all truth. Rely on Him more than you ever have before. Do not set up for yourselves false idols for comforting words. I see right through the motives of your heart. Due to fear and uncertainty you have set up idols of comfort during this time. Your idols must be torn down. You either willingly give them to me, or I will discipline you and take them in my lovingkindness.

Take the words from my prophets and examine them through Holy Spirit discernment. My words will bring you both a holy fear and a comfort that I can be trusted. They are meant to act as a boomerang to bring you right back to me lest you turn those prophets to golden calfs.


Remember my beloved that spending time with me is the ultimate faith builder. Nothing can replace daily intimacy with me. You and me, one on one. I want to speak to your heart, I want to comfort your fears and I want you to grow in wisdom and that begins with the Fear of the Lord. For I AM GOD and the nations tremble at the mention of my name.

The church has used my name so carelessly. The name above all names. The name that carries the BLOOD anointing. The name that raises the Dead and has made it the laughing stock for the world to see but that is about to change. They shall see the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and I shall be mocked no more.

I discipline those whom I love and I love you so I can not allow you to continue walking in your lukewarm ways.

A shock shall come over you. Such a shock to the world that you will run to me in desperation for answers. Answers I shall provide in that hour. You will never want to stray from me again.

The republic shall be resurrected. Resurrected from the DEAD for I am merciful God who keeps His covenants.

Dread shall consume my enemies as judgment of fire falls upon them. Come away with me for a while my bride. Hide for a bit and delight yourself in me for what you’re about to see unfold will test even the most seasoned WARRIORS.

I speak SHALOM over your heart and mind as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death but fear no evil for I am with you…ALWAYS.

Brace yourself. Get ready for war for war is here. My angels are already in the battle fighting for you.

My remnant, do not fear for I am working everything together for you good. You shall walk victoriously out of this trial with a greater anointing and understanding of who I am. I have already secured your victory so walk confidently and stay close to my heart.

Dark clouds will surround the capitol and the world. It will seem as if it all is lost when in an instant you will hear a LOUD ROAR from the heavens will dispel the darkness and give way to the victorious LIGHT.

I shall reign from the highest court of the land in this nation again. I will reign WITH My David at my right hand once again.

See, He is everything I needed in a man for this specific hour. The church may have rejected him but I have called him. Even though I had chosen him for the job he had much work to do and to learn my beloved. He didn’t know me going into the position I called him to but I revealed myself to him and he surrendered his will to mine. Even so I had to work in his heart to teach him humility. He had always thought humility was a weakness. His father taught him that. As his father now, I had to teach him that humility is a pre-requisite for every single one of my heart kings. Humility is a power and an honor to have. He has learned that in this dance, I lead and he follows. He is ready to return now.

You will see a series of events unfold that will make you very uncomfortable. It will shake your faith. You will think the prophets had it all wrong but I assure you, I am never wrong and I have indeed spoken. Be quick to listen and slow to speak.

Worldwide chaos will ensue. It is even at the door. The upheaval you will see will be my doing. I will uproot every single wicked leader who thought to outsmart me for I am the one who sets kings and dethrones them. I shall with a sweep of my hand dethrone world leaders simultaneously.

One by one they shall fall like dominos and you will not be able to keep up with the news. The economy worldwide will collapse bringing down the greatest embezzlement of money in human history. I will set up a new financial system that will be protected by precious metals that will not be able to be manipulated. A kingdom system where everyone is given back what they are owed.

Every house of cards needs to come crashing down to I can replace them. Wars and rumors of wars yet no war will be. I will crush every single plan they have and will force them to carry my own instead.

The generals who lead the charge in my beautiful America are men that I have handpicked. Several woman as well. They shall lead you into triumph by my Spirit says the Lord.

Much like Washington crossed the Delaware in a final attempt to gain your freedom my America, my prophets are crossing the Delaware in the spirit now gaining back territory for my generals to step into. You see, if I didn’t send my prophets before my generals they would have taken them out. I have given my prophets a special anointing through this season of perseverance. By sheer willpower through Holy Spirit they have been upheld. It has been a fight but a fight they have already won. This war has been one unlike the world has ever seen. You weren’t here when Lucifer tried to come against me and failed the first time. You are here now to see what I do to my enemies.

An uproar. An uproar. An uproar.

This is the calm before the STORM. Let Him who have ears hear what the Lord is saying to the church.

Bo Polny & Manuel Johnson - Christmas Surprise 2024 - December 10, 2024

You’re right Manuel you said it earlier evils on the earth you can’t change the fact and so we’re we’re watching it and this is a the Battle of proportions we can’t imagine. Because this is now a battle of of generations. This is a a battle for the United States of America. And this then turns into a victory for the world. Okay, so this is a battle to restore America. When America is restored the Covenant Nation this then becomes a victory for the world. And then we have the greatest worldwide Revival in human history. And so this has to go down in specific timing because if it happened earlier, we wouldn’t have say think imagine if it happened two years ago. We wouldn’t have seen half of what been exposed. Look up to the right the election. These people were were exposing themselves all of Hollywood, the music industry. They were all they were all picking sides of who they’re who they’re voting for there was videos made of all the people in Hollywood all promoting Kamala. They were all promoting all the music industry all the all them came out all they all showed their colors. And like I said earlier in our podcast, God revealed to me. Trump, the orange man bad the reason for orange is he’s the cheese and what did the election do it brought out and exposed all the rats. And more are about to be exposed as we head into inauguration.

Oh boy you, we, you, we, us, we ain’t seen anything yet because this is a fight to the death. These people cannot let, because when the glory manifests it’s the light. What is the light do to darkness. It exposes everything. They can’t let him into office. Because the moment he gets in he’s going to reveal, reveal, reveal, reveal, reveal, all the truth. And the truth destroys darkness and they cannot let them in. And so understand we’re stepping into first A Christmas Surprise … but then that leads us into chaos as we go into the inauguration. Shortly thereafter, I believe we go US gets involved in military. We’re g to go dark. Because what’s the only thing they can do Manny to prevent the truth from coming out? Turn all, Pull the plug. Pull the plug everything goes dark. Late Janary after the inauguration so so so so pay attention pay attention Okay because this is a good thing so I I I receive it. I’m been so excited because God was showing me brother Bo Saints Glimpse as he was showing me about 2024. Showing me glimpse of 2025. I’m so excited. You know it’s like my god do you this mean I’m gonna have a whole lot more fish tacos for celebrating. Oh yeah Hallelujah And one of the words he gave me was he says no judgment, but Justice. He said it clearly. He says no judgment, but justice. So we’re going to see such a tremendous amount of of 2025, a lot of Justice. …

The Lord said tell my children there is going to be an overflow. That’s why I’ve been using the words on this live stream. There’s going to be an overflow of justice that you like never before, like never before. And some of the pro uh I don’t know if they’re prophets or who’s speaking but I know they do say these things on different uh live streams that that that United States. No it’s it’s it’s under judgment no this is not true. Jehovah clearly clearly spoke to me and says that no, where there will be Justice and Grace but I will the exposures that we saw within the last four years there will still be more, but not the way we’re thinking. And the justice that God’s going to bring will be from heaven. And so um, thank God this nation is in the hands of the Lord. And the Nations that are calling on the name of the Lord Lord is in the hands of the Lord. The Lord says ,I heard the word 12. I heard the word 12. I don’t know if that is 12 o’clock on New Year’s. This is good, Bo you didn’t hear this when you this is the first time that I’m releasing this pathetic word over the live stream. I heard the word , and I saw the clock strike 12. It was a spiritual clock in the vision, it struck 12. It stuck it struck 12. When I saw that I would what I believe to what I saw in the spirit was an acceleration like we have never experienced. It was a acceleration I saw uh uh I saw people going in Gates. And these were beautiful Gates. They were beautiful Gates.

But it was such a Changing of the Guard and people going into these beautiful golden gates. Their assignment was over and there was so much happening going on. So this is this is very powerful. Then the Lord took me from the Heavenly scene, glory to God, and brought me back into the Earthly scene. And so I I saw Donald Trump and he the inauguration was over he was sitting in office. He had this thyrus mantle on him. So God allowed me to see some insight of what was taking place in the White House. So he had the Cyrus mantle on him so he was in and he was in the White House inauguration and he sat in the white house it was the manto Osirus was on him. And he started to all of a sudden the things that was coming at both Vince and Donald it was Heavy. Brother Bo Saints it was Heavy it was heavy. And then I heard Vince say to Donald what are we going to do about what the way they have left us. Which means the way the previous administration left them in a mess. It was a mess brother Bo.

So it was easier said than done and from that point on I don’t know if Donald had ever said this before but he looked at his vice president Vince very powerful he looked at his vice president Vince in the White House. Donald was sitting down, he was sitting down at the desk. You know that the the the president desk and he said he looked up Vance and he says now is the time to pray. Now is the time to pray. I saw this and and so the Lord and when the Lord lifted that vision and from me. He said tell my Saints well I should say tell my children tell my children do not stop the prayer walks. Do not stop your prayer walks. It is more vital, it is more vital, 2025 than it was in 2024. Because the Lord says as they pray as the Saints of Heaven my you know my Saints lift up me in heaven as they pray and seek me. The Lord said that he was going to drain drain the swamp. Drain the swamp like you wouldn’t believe. …

Bo I think you already know this I’m I just recently found out a few days ago. And so this was not a vision, this was not a dream, this was not an encounter. This was just information that came to me on Sunday at church. And it was revealed to me to one of our officers that um Christmas Day it starts the first day of Hanukkah. I want to see am I are is this correct saints that Christmas day starts the first day of Hanukkah? Is there any wonderful Jewish people out there that are watching us that know, are even if you’re non you go and put the slide up okay I need to.

So Hanukkah starts on Hanukkah starts on the 25th. So it really does? And it goes until Jan January 2nd I just did the research on that this morning. And then Passover starts on April 12th ends on April 20th. Now the reason I bring this up is because what we’re looking for, and I believe, and I know God has spoken through several many prophets about a time of darkness coming, okay. Lord revealed very clearly to me right before I went on live streams a couple years ago. He revealed to me that it’s going to go down like Lazarus. Now then interesting if you study the story of Lazarus what happened was he died, read scriptures, he died after Hanukkah. Because remember Jesus me came to visit him so he died after Hanukkah but before Passover. Which means that the time of Darkness upon the world, when they pull the plug, all Hell Breaks Loose, is between those two windows right there. So expect potentially something to go down and I do believe that, well I know the internet’s going to go down power is going to go down there’s Kim clment prophecies about darkness in New York and in major cities.

So something’s and again if you tie that in with the death of Lazareth this is a beautiful story. Because Jesus knew that Lazarus was sick and he knew that he passed away. But yet he delayed his visit intentionally. Why? this is the best part of the whole story. So that we might see the glory of God. That’s the Story of Lazarus, and what Lord revealed to me is every time you read the Lazarus story wherever it says Lazarus or it says he just replaced USA. God loves the United States. There in there Lord he whom you loved. So that’s the United States. God loves us we’re a covenant Nation. However we’re the we turn into a prostitute, the whore of Babylon. But initially if you read Jeremiah, we were the golden cup in the Lord’s hands. This nation was founded under God. All men are created equal. So when you read The Story of Lazarus it’s the beautiful story of the United States. And it finishes so that you might see the glory of God. And this is the death and the resurrection of the United States. It’s coming to A Time Point as we head into January.

Because this is a fight to the death. They will not, and cannot, let Trump into office. Because like you’re saying Manny, what you’re seeing in the in the Visions, right. These people because of all the things they done they cannot let them into office because he’s going to expose them. So they’re going to fight to the death to not let that happen. So the and when he comes in the first thing he’s going to do. He’s going to reveal the light all the deals truth, truth, truth, so the truth might set us free. The light reveals all the deals done in darkness you see how this is all playing out. They are walking into the greatest trap and The Story of Lazarus tells us this after Hanukkah, and before Passover. So we wait and watch to see how this plays out.

But the charts indicate, and Lord revealed to me very clear just the other day. And I’ve been working on my charts, of incredible stuff God showed me in terms of calculations for 2025. But the calculation is people say well. How come silver is not going up? How come gold’s not going up? Because you haven’t had the Lazurath moment. You get the Lazurath moment, you get the glory of God, you get move on God’s money like you can’t even imagine. So we have to wait for the inauguration, because it will happen. No one can stop God’s anointed from coming into office. He’s anointed and appointed to be president of the United States. And then all hell breaks loose in the financial markets shortly thereafter. …

Dr Brett Watson - "The Season of Unparalleled Wealth!", prophecy US/Trump - November 27, 2024

The Lord he gave this to me today and the title of the word is is this. And I think it’s it’s uh not coincidence at all that today is the 22nd, double, double two which is double portion. But he said the season has shifted now with unparalleled wealth that shall now be released to my people. Unparalleled wealth that shall be released to my people. Now this this is a full word. So father I pray now in the name of Jesus that the listeners the viewers that their ears be anointed to hear the voice of God, in Jesus name. And that they will have the heart to receive the prophetic word that you have released for us your people in this moment and we give you praise and honor and glory. For the season has shifted now with unparalleled wealth that shall now be released to my people. For the time has come for the shackles to fall and the release to be established of my people from the bondage that they have experienced for decades in America, and the nations of the Earth. But this day I speak to my people in America, and I tell you the truth. You will now see a rebirthing of all things in the land of the free. For your bells of Freedom shall ring again. As I shall exonerate you and I bring recompense and great Vindication to you my faithful.

Watch now for the removal of those who have harmed my little ones, and my people with grave injustices. The schemes and the devices of these that have been activated pawns of the dragon shall now be exposed openly and removed. For I say again as I have many times Checkmate. For you have played your hand of arrogance and pride exposing your ways. But now I move for it is my time for my Hand of Justice declares the Lord. The rats shall be exposed from their darkness and removed to be seen or heard from no more. For now I shall bring great recompense, and great vindication, to my faithful ones. Watch I say for as I do this there shall also be the justice and vindication poured out upon those whose Hearts have turned against me and their covenants made with a dragon in dark Darkness. With my son Donald now at the helm he shall lead my America as I lead him. The rebirthing of this great nation I have established. And it will rise in Triumph with her wings repaired as she shall now soar upon and upward on my spirit as my glory is poured out upon her from north to south and east to west. From every border Thou shalt be protection and reestablishment as my Angelic Remnant shall stand to defend her.

Oh I say, have I not said in these days that there would be wars and rumors of wars. I say to you this is the tactic of the evil one as he has activated those who have attempted to create a war with the nations of the earth ,and my America. But hear me clearly declares the Lord, this time has not come. For that time of Great War that they call three is not for this era but to come. Nay, it is not time. I will crush those who try to project fear and War and I will bring unto you peace. Watch I say for there is a great exposure concerning the Nations. The filth of darkness in the deep places, yes, even the government in Ukraine, and the other nations shall be exposed. The injustices that have been done will be exposed and all will know the root cause of the war, and the continued war. As it was to hide the injustice and the wickedness of their deeds. But hear me declares the Lord, I say there is an agenda that the enemy had planned. But I will stop it declares your God. And my trump will blow the trumpet on this.

He will expose these things with those that he have gathered around him in his administration to be used to expose and to remove. Then hear me, I will give him the olive branch and he will use it to bring peace and to rescue many nations from the onslaught of those who have used their power to elevate and to enslave my people with fear. There is a great plan at work, not only in America but in the nations of the Earth. By my hand I will show you openly as I say to you this day. For I declare out of my mouth, the mouth of my Prophet, no more war, no more war. For I will expose the demonic agendas and release My Hand of Justice that shall bring a great turning of the tide and peace. Get ready my bride, and prepare now, for my hand to shake and then my release to come as I give you a great wealth transfer. Watch as I shake the governments in Many Nations and shall cause the wealth to be released. For there shall be a break in the system you know as finanical and I will turn it around for your favor. There shall be a release unprecedented in history as I did for my People Israel. For in one hand you shall see the wealth transfer and then in the other my people you shall then see The Spoils of War.

Your cup shall run over with my goodness and my treasures. Build for me in your lands and establish a Legacy for me and your families. Use wisdom and seek my face so I may lead you and help you to make wise decisions, declares the Lord. For I say this is an unprecedented time of Victory, not defeat. Blessings not cursings, Triumph not demise, great forward advancements, not stagnant Gloom from previous seasons and generations. No, I say hear me prepare now now. For your Trump triumphant Exodus. For as I release My People Israel with abundance and a land flowing with milk and honey. I say to you now you shall see Victory, after Victory, Triumph after Triumph. For there has been a push back from the enemy in the in the seasons’s past. But I say to you as Pharaoh’s Army pursued My People Israel through the walls of water that I created. As an Escape to Victory to their new land that I had promised them the enemy Was Defeated. As my Justice consumed them and they were no more. Now hear me, you will see my victory for you as well as see the Red Sea as it plays out again right in front of you. As my Justice shall consume your enemies on every side.

For have I not said in my word the Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you, to be defeated before your face. They shall come in against you one way and they will flee before you seven ways. I say hear me clearly declares the Lord. I say unto you again you shall be set free from those who have enslaved and entrapped you. You will be free from your bondage. You will be free from the chains that have bound you. For I have come to give you Liberty, and I have come to give you life, and I have come to break you out of the traps that have been set for you by the enemy’s Camp. I told you have I not? I told you that the spirit of Hamnon and The Traps that he had placed for my people and my Donald that those traps would be dissolved. Have you looked at the news lately, declares the Lord? For every trial everything that has been said against my Donald has, now been dissolved I spoke to you. And it has come to pass.

I say as I Did It For My People Israel I will do it for you. For now you have arrive to my kingdom era where you will see my kingdom of righteousness and Truth invade your lands. I come now by my spirit and with my glory to invade the darkness and bring forth such illumination of light that has never been seen before. For I say get ready for this shall be the era of great advancements and great Technologies. As I give to you the secrets that the enemy wanted to keep for himself that will bring the cures for diseases. That they lied to you about saying that it was not possibl. But I say to you they are not only possible they are already here in the Earth. And now I say as they have tried to use these Technologies for their own Camp of the wicked to bring them healing and health. I say I shall now expose them and I will snatch out of their vaults and out of their secret hidden places. These cures and these breakthroughs that I gave many many generations ago. That will heal my people now in the lands of the Earth. For I will heal with my Supernatural Power by my spirit through my servants. But I also establish great breakthroughs in the earth to heal and to restore as well.

I say the time shall be known as Quantum Technologies of light, and advancement. Let me say it again declares the Lord. This time shall be known as Quantum Technologies of light, and advancements. For I shall bring them to you quickly. You will see your lands accelerated again in an era of quantum breakthrough after breakthrough. Remember as I speak to you this day through my servant, for have I not said that I share my secrets and I say I’m sharing secrets with you this day . What is in the earth is a reflection of my kingdom. Have I not told you that this is the way that thou should pray, thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven? I say decree now my kingdom decree now my kingdom manifest in your Earth. And be sons and be my daughters. Be The Heirs that I have established of my throne and stand in your rightful position and Rule, and reign, with me to Advance My Kingdom. Open your mouths and cry aloud for my will and my agenda to be established and you will see it manifest declares, the Lord.

I say rejoice, for you have come to an unprecedented time, my God I’m about to be raptured. I say rejoice, for you have come to an unprecedented time in history. And you will now stand in the a of my goodness, the a of my power of my sovereignty. For I am that I am and I am moving declares your God. I tell you remain on the wall now pray and be my Watchman. Cover my son your president Donald J Trump with my blood. Cover him with protection and stand now for my agenda to be accomplished. I say you have stood, and you have prayed. You sacrificed in years and decades past and present as I foretold of these things to come now. I say rejoice in your Victory as I save your America and bring her forth out of the Ashes to a time of rebirthing, and a time of establishing my kingdom in America and and in the nations of the Earth. For I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears, and I have collected them. I have seen your stance as you stood in the heat in the midst of the battle and the past test. But I say to you now this day hear me my people for you have passed the tests and you now shall Advance, glory to God.

You shall now Advance with promotion in me. Watch now now as the lion of the tribe of Judah shall Roar upon your enemies. And my hand shall restore, and my hand shall reestablish, and my hand and my will and my agenda will be manifest for all the Earth to see . For this is the time and this is the hour that I show you my promises are true. When I speak I do it. So Rejoice now my people oh I say rejoice for your victory. I bring to you I am God and you will know that I am God and God Alone declares your father in Heaven. Glory to God! And good is the word of the Lord.

Diana Larkin - EXPLOITS -Definition: a brilliant or heroic act - November 27, 2024

“I AM about to do EXPLOITS in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth. My powerful right arm will move in STUNNING WAYS, and the people of the earth will be STUNNED, and principalities, powers, and rulers of the dark realm will be SHAKEN DOWN and their thrones DEMOLISHED. I AM doing EXPLOITS in response to the PRAYERS and FAITH of My Remnant and to prepare the way for the KINGDOM AGE to EXPAND and FILL the whole earth. (DANIEL 2:35) My Light is about to move in and ECLIPSE the darkness that has DEFILED My earth. I AM wielding My FLAMING SWORD against your adversaries in both the heavenly and the earthly realms, and NONE will be left standing. My EXPLOITS will cause SHOCK and AWE and no one will be able to DENY My POWER. I will become more than words on a page, as I show up with My EXPLOITS to RESCUE you from your DEFILING and HATEFUL enemy. As you follow My Spirit’s leading, you will also do EXPLOITS in SPIRITUAL WARFARE and in DEEDS of LOVE towards others. We will SHINE together as the HOPE of a dark time, and our EXPLOITS will SNATCH the world out of the GREEDY, GRASPING hands of the wicked and RESTORE it to My ORIGINAL DESIGN. It is a season of EXPLOITS, FREEDOM, and NEW LIFE.”
DANIEL 11:32 (NKJV) “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”


My children, your enemies’ ship, which has been dominating the world and controlling the economies, the governments, and the masses, is sinking. Day after day, more people and governmental leaders are turning away in hopes of saving themselves from the sinking Titanic of the establishment and the New World Order. 

The writing is on the wall that their end is drawing near. Nothing will stop what is coming for your enemies. They will never see the unprecedented events that will come against them. They have their plans, but I have Mine for this time, and My plans will crush your enemies in every way moving forward

Their debate disaster was nothing compared to the October surprise that will knock them off their feet. There is more than one. These surprises are unprecedented in nature, and how they will be executed will destroy more of the establishment’s power over this Nation. The blinders on people’s eyes and the fog of deception will be lifted. More will see Me. More will see your enemies and who they really are

A mass exodus is coming—people leaving the slavery of the globalists and their mind control. My children, October will be unprecedented in more ways than one. What your enemies will do against you will be unconventional and unusual, but it will be done against them (instead). 

This will not be a normal October for an election year. Your enemies have more plans to interrupt and interfere with this election. They have more plans to try to take out My David, but with every step they take and every day that we get closer to the end of this year, you will see clearly that the complete destruction of the establishment is near. The puppets will collapse and be disgraced. The skeletons in the closets of many in Washington are about to be released soon

Many distractions are coming to keep the public’s attention off the truth. But it will not work because the truth will be magnified even more as they choose which plans to take to try to bring death to this Nation. Your enemies are finished when these skeletons are released. It will shock this Nation who is truly part of the establishment trying to bring this death to the country. 

The establishment’s decisions to play the cards of deception will blow up in their face. The more they play these cards, the more people will realize that what they say is all a lie

Minority groups will be enraged when proof is released about how the politicians lied, manipulated, and deceived these groups into voting for them when these politicians are the ones trying to destroy their lives in every way they possibly can. It was their new form of slavery that was more cunning and deceptive, one where you would not fight back. 

An explosive report is coming out about the conversations of politicians in Washington and what they truly think of you. Oh yes, I am allowing many conversations to be heard to show the masses the hatred they have for you and the destruction they had planned. Leaders in Washington are about to be exposed in unprecedented ways

“The Biden” and his evil ways will be revealed, showing who he really is and his lifestyle, which has been held back and kept from the public. Soon, it will not be anymore. 

Kamala’s past will come back to haunt her. 

Barack Obama has many skeletons, more than you think, and they will cause the system to implode when they come out

Chuck Schumer and what he stands for will bring outrage to this Nation. He was one of the top leaders of a group that suppresses and destroys minorities in this Nation. And the hatred he has will also be made known. 

My children, I am opening doors to the backroom deals and letting them be heard. Many politicians are about to wish they had never said the things they said

Emails, yes, emails are coming to prove how corrupt your government has been, emails that they never wanted anyone to see. Emails about January 6th, its blueprints, the designs, who orchestrated it, and how many participated in the setup, the acting, and the staging will all be released. It was all an act. It was all to take out My David, to destroy this Nation, and to destroy the confidence of the citizens to never stand up against Washington again. 

Dirty dossiers are about to be a nightmare for the ones who created them.  

Indictments are about to turn on the ones who made the fake ones. 

A political storm is coming that will devour the establishment.  

Hold on, My children, a “red” October is an understatement. A clash between news reports and the truth is coming. Distractions and destruction—it is not what you would expect. So, expect the unexpected. Prepare for anything with My Words. Your enemies are picking up the attacks against you because they know their power over you is through

A financial scandal, the likes of which this Nation has never seen, will be exposed. I told you to watch the money. It will be the downfall of your enemies

Blackmail: how much of this will be released and the proof of it will be unprecedented. The White House has been connected to the indictments, the assassination attempts, and in every way there is to interfere with the election and in the destruction of My David. The Secret Service is about to have their doors opened wide, showing their connection with the FBI and the CIA and how every agency was taking orders to accomplish these attacks, to stonewall, hide, and destroy evidence

Proof is also coming about how they were all helping Iran with their attempts against My David’s life. Washington is about to fall, just like any enemy against My nations or My children. 

My children, a greater shaking is coming. So, stand on My Word. The attacks will look devastating to your Nation, but they will (actually) be devastating to your enemies instead. So, hold on to My promises because My promises and My Covenant I will not break. 

I am coming to defend you, protect you, and avenge you. So, get ready for what you are about to see from Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Alcatraz Island has many secrets your enemies never wanted to be released, but they are about to be. A major scandal will rock your leaders in DC

Al Capone: I will say his name again. He is the key to a door your government does not want opened, but it soon will be. 

Cambodia will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Harvard will be in your news for a significant reason. 

My children, I will also show you how your leaders of this Nation have paid colleges to brainwash and manipulate their students in more ways than one. I will show you how they paid foreign nations to join them in this deception for control. A massive money scandal with a college will be exposed, and it will open Pandora’s box of scandals that are connected to Washington

Get ready. Things you would not have thought are about to take place, and they will. 

I will show you military scandals concerning the Pentagon. The blood dripping from their hands will open a darkness of your government you did not know existed

My Eagle, you are about to be hit in many ways by your enemies. So, stay strong. Stand firm. You are getting your Nation back, no matter what it looks like. I am here to deliver you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

“The Whirlpool of Wonder, the Gravity of His Glory… A Divine Convergence; A Nation being unplugged and a draining of demonic powers and principalities of darkness!”

Last night I was sitting quietly before The LORD and I was journaling as The LORD spoke to me when suddenly I was caught up in a powerful vision, where I saw the Right Hand Finger of God come out of the heavens and it touched the nation of America.

As His Finger touched the earth, I saw what looked like a sudden lightening storm hitting the land, and as I looked at the bolts of white lightening, suddenly I heard these Words, “The Whirlpool of Wonder that has The Gravity of My Glory within it.”

As I heard those Words, I saw The Finger of God begin to move in an anti-clockwise direction, round and round His Finger moved.

Seven times I counted, as His Finger moved upon the nation.

whirlwind imageNow as I stayed watching His Finger moving, I saw what looked like a gigantic Rainbow Whirlpool forming over the land and I heard these words, “Watch! For a Divine Convergence of the manifest Power of The Seven Spirits of God shall move to purge and purify this Nation.

And The Gravity of My Glory shall now draw out the demonic powers of darkness that have been deeply rooted in this land.

Watch! For now I AM pulling the plug and draining this nation of the filth and the perversion that has been a rotten stench in My Nostrils.

Watch! For My Finger of Righteousness and Justice shall move, yes!

Seven times it shall move to reverse the curse that has been upon the land, for now The Whirlpool of Wonder and The Gravity of My Glory shall be seen and a nation shall be cleansed and My Covenant Blessings shall be restored!”

Please see pictures in my journal of something of what I saw in the realm of The Spirit.

Veronika West - Trump on His Knees — Now Watch Him Rise!- July 14, 2024

“Trump on His Knees — Now Watch Him Rise!” God is Speaking in the midst of the Unfolding Madness.

As I looked at this powerful yet horrifying picture, I believe God is speaking a better thing….

I hear The Spirit say, ”Trump on his knees — Now watch him Rise!”

Looking at this scene unfold, it was quickened to me what The Spirit of Revelation spoke to me concerning Trump inThe Prison of His Will” — Trump, in The Prison of God’s Will!”

And Quote;

“I heard these Words, ”His hands are no longer the hands of a fierce Warrior, but the hands of a fearless Worshiper!”

I submit, this Attempt on his life will not be the last, so we must not become passive in our prayers.

See the following Word — it’s a part of a longer Prophetic Word — but I believe it speaks to the hour that is unfolding in the life of President Trump.

See link to original Word : Trump, in The Prison of God’s Will!”

And Quote;

”Kingdom Restoration and Reformation is now taking place in the nations of the earth!”

Then suddenly I saw the Curtain fall and I could no longer see The Altar of Awakening/ Battlefield before me. But my eyes were turned back to President Trump in the vision, and I saw that his hands were still bound behind his back.

But now his eyes were turned towards the face of The Father and tears were running down his cheeks.

Archangel Sevres the Cords That Bound Trump

Suddenly I saw the Archangel of The LORD step forward and with a sword in his hand, and I watched as the Angel severed the cords that bound his hands, and as President Trump’s hands were freed, I saw him lift up his hands towards the heavens, and I heard these Words, ”His hands are no longer the hands of a fierce Warrior, but the hands of a fearless Worshiper!”


Suddenly I saw the Archangel of The LORD step forward and with a sword in his hand, and I watched as the Angel severed the cords that bound his hands, and as President Trump’s hands were freed, I saw him lift up his hands towards the heavens, and I heard these Words, ”His hands are no longer the hands of a fierce Warrior, but the hands of a fearless Worshiper!”

A Changed Man

As I heard those Words, I felt a sudden supernatural shift taking place and the weight of The Glory of The LORD filled the atmosphere, and then I heard these Words, “Now I can fully release you to be whom I Called and Anointed you to be. For in the prison of My Will, I tied your hands that I might change and transform your heart.

I restrained your might and bound up your power, that I might unveil and reveal My Holy Zeal for Truth, Righteousness, Unity, Mercy and Peace!”

Crown at His Feet — Receive a Gold Signet Ring

As those Words were released over President Trump, I then saw President Trump do something amazing. While still standing before his throne, I saw him kneel down and take off his Crown and he laid it at The Father’s Feet.

I then saw The Father turn towards him and He looked at President Trump and He smiled, and I watched as The Father then took hold of President Trump’s right hand and He placed a Gold Signet Ring upon his finger as I heard these Words, “A servant King shall now arise to be My Signet Ring and shall Rule and Reign in all My Power and Authority.”

As those Words were spoken, the Archangel of The LORD stepped back and President Trump got up on his feet and ‘took his seat’ on the Red and Gold Throne.

As I saw President Trump take his seat, it was quickened to me these verses from Hebrews 10:11-14,

“Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. Since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool, because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

And then I heard these Words, “No longer a standing King with a Gold Crown upon his head, but now a seated Servant King with a Gold Signet Ring upon his finger.”


“In his first term he fought ‘for Victory’, in the strength of his flesh, and he ‘wrestled’ with God’, for a covenant blessing, and he was called by an old name, and known by an old identity.

But now watch! For in his Second Term he will fight ‘from Victory’, in the strength of The Spirit, and he will ‘rest’ in God and in the Power and the Authority of the Covenant Blessing, and he will be called by a new name, and known by a new identity!”


A Divine Exchange

As I heard The Spirit say these things, I was shown again President Trump as he knelt before The Father and I saw him take off his Crown and he laid it at The Father’s Feet, and I heard The Spirit say, ”As the crown of the flesh, of the carnal nature is laid down at the foot of The Cross, a Divine Exchange takes place as a Gold Signet Ring of His Righteousness is put upon your finger, giving all of His Power and Authority to Rule and Reign as His Servant King over the heavens and in The Nations of the earth!”


Prophetic Note : The battle is won from a seated position and not from a standing one. It is time to see from a Heavenly Perspective. We fight from Victory; Satan is under our feet!”


As I heard those Words, it was a powerful confirmation of what I was seeing taking place in the life of President Trump and in the way in which God is moving and mobilising His Ecclesia in this hour.

As Trump took off his kingly Crown, it was symbolic of him surrendering his life to God, no longer trying to accomplish things in his own Wisdom, Strength, Power or Authority which would have defined his first term as a fight for Victory and a wrestling with God.

But now a Divine Exchange begins to take place, as God prepares Trump’s heart for a Second Term, we see a Gold Signet Ring being put upon his finger — a Signet Ring that will give him all the Power, Authority and Covenant Blessing of ‘The King’.

Prophetic Note: I submit to you, this Vision is not just speaking to President Trump, but it is speaking powerfully to The Church, to God’s Ecclesia in this hour.

It will be from a position of full Surrender, Obedience and Humility/ Repentance… that Sheep Nations will arise in the Light of His Glory fully Restored and Reformed.

For surely God has restrained and contained man’s power in order that His Power and Glory be fully Released and Revealed.

As Warriors, we will fight from Victory, Resting in God, and we shall overcome and Win, not fighting on our feet but waging war on our knees!


Veronika West - UK Prophetic Signs, “With Shouts of Grace, Grace to the Mountain!” - July 10, 2024

Prophetic Signs, Signs, Signs, “With Shouts of Grace, Grace to the Mountain!”

Five (5) A Sign of God’s GRACE in the midst of the Madness — in the midst of the Greater Shakings to come!

Another Interesting Prophetic Sign to air note of, UK: After Humbling, a Great Awakening is Ahead

And Quote:

“But as I looked again at the jewels within the Crown, suddenly the 4 (four) nations of the United Kingdom came up before me.

England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales…. and then I quickly braced myself for the impact that I expected to take place as the heavy gold Crown crashed upon the ground — which would have scattered the Crown and shattered the jewels within the Crown.

But as I leaned forward in the vision, in an attempt to try to catch the falling Crown, to stop it from hitting the ground, I knew by revelation that the weight of the crown would be impossible to catch or to carry, and so, in the vision, I stepped back, bracing myself again for the impact of the Crown as it hit the ground.

But suddenly I saw The Hand of God come into the vision and it moved beneath the falling Crown as if to catch the Crown.

Then I heard these words, “My Hand of Grace is now extended towards a nation that has been disgraced.”

As I heard those words and I stayed watching intently, in the vision I saw the Gold crown fall upon the what looked like the marriage finger, and as the gold Crown touched the finger of God, it turned into a Royal Signet Ring!

Suddenly the jewel encrusted Crown that I had just seen — which was tarnished and had lost all its luster, beauty and radiance — now appeared as a Royal Signet Ring shinning brightly like the midday sun, upon The Finger of God.

Then I heard these Words, For I AM a covenant keeping God, and the cries of My Saints for this land have come up before me night and day!”

As I heard those words, suddenly I heard the sound of weeping and wailing rising up from the land as The Spirit of Revelation whispered to me, “Listen! For the blood of the martyrs cries out day and night — a cry to remember the covenant promises made over this land!”

As I listened to the sound of the weeping and wailing, again The Spirit of Intercession came upon me and I began to travail again for the nation, and as I cried out to the heavens, The Spirit of Revelation quickened to me the story of the prodigal son.

Then I heard The Spirit say these Words, “Daughter, just like the prodigal son, so this nation turned its back on The Father and went its own way.

Yes! A nation that rebelled and formed alliances and cut covenants with ungodly nations, a stiff-necked nation that squandered its inheritance and sought independence.

But watch! For My Hand of Grace is now extended towards a nation that has lost its place, its Crown of Kingly Authority, its sovereignty and its true identity.

A nation that eats with the pigs. A nation that has been brought to its knees. A rebellious nation, now humbled under the mighty Hand of God!”

As I heard The Spirit say those Words, it was quickened to me a verse — Luke 15:17 — which says, “….. and finally he came to his senses.”

As those words were brought to me in the vision, The Spirit of Revelation spoke again to me saying, “Daughter, finally a nation humbled has come to its senses, for a great awakening now takes place in this land.

A nation that was blind, will have eyes to see!

A nation that was deaf, will have ears to hear a new sound and a new song that is rising from the ground!

A nation that was lost, will now return and be restored, for this nation shall be a sign among the nations, yes — as a Royal Signet Ring on My Finger, for this nation shall taste and see, that I AM good!”

Now as The Spirit spoke those Words again, I saw the gold Crown fall upon The Finger of God and become as a Royal Signet Ring which shone radiantly like the midday sun.

Then I heard these words, “Watch and pray beloved, for the throne of Jehoiachin shall be overturned and overthrown as the mantle of Zerubbabel falls upon this land”

As I heard those Words, I saw an ancient demonic stronghold being uprooted, torn down and dismantled over the nation. Then I saw a great light dawning upon the land, and I watched as the heart of a prodigal nation that had lost its Crown of Kingly Authority, its Royal Sovereignty and its True Identity, beginning to turn and return to the heart of the father.

It was quickened to me by The Spirit of Revelation in these Words, “Behold… I send you Elijah the prophet….”

And as I heard those Words, I saw a mighty whirlwind beginning to move with great power and acceleration across the nation.

Then I heard, “…. and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers!”

Veronika West - UK Prophetic Signs, “With Shouts of Grace, Grace to the Mountain!” - July 10, 2024

Prophetic Signs, Signs, Signs, “With Shouts of Grace, Grace to the Mountain!”

Five (5) A Sign of God’s GRACE in the midst of the Madness — in the midst of the Greater Shakings to come!

Another Interesting Prophetic Sign to air note of, UK: After Humbling, a Great Awakening is Ahead

And Quote:

“But as I looked again at the jewels within the Crown, suddenly the 4 (four) nations of the United Kingdom came up before me.

England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales…. and then I quickly braced myself for the impact that I expected to take place as the heavy gold Crown crashed upon the ground — which would have scattered the Crown and shattered the jewels within the Crown.

But as I leaned forward in the vision, in an attempt to try to catch the falling Crown, to stop it from hitting the ground, I knew by revelation that the weight of the crown would be impossible to catch or to carry, and so, in the vision, I stepped back, bracing myself again for the impact of the Crown as it hit the ground.

But suddenly I saw The Hand of God come into the vision and it moved beneath the falling Crown as if to catch the Crown.

Then I heard these words, “My Hand of Grace is now extended towards a nation that has been disgraced.”

As I heard those words and I stayed watching intently, in the vision I saw the Gold crown fall upon the what looked like the marriage finger, and as the gold Crown touched the finger of God, it turned into a Royal Signet Ring!

Suddenly the jewel encrusted Crown that I had just seen — which was tarnished and had lost all its luster, beauty and radiance — now appeared as a Royal Signet Ring shinning brightly like the midday sun, upon The Finger of God.

Then I heard these Words, For I AM a covenant keeping God, and the cries of My Saints for this land have come up before me night and day!”

As I heard those words, suddenly I heard the sound of weeping and wailing rising up from the land as The Spirit of Revelation whispered to me, “Listen! For the blood of the martyrs cries out day and night — a cry to remember the covenant promises made over this land!”

As I listened to the sound of the weeping and wailing, again The Spirit of Intercession came upon me and I began to travail again for the nation, and as I cried out to the heavens, The Spirit of Revelation quickened to me the story of the prodigal son.

Then I heard The Spirit say these Words, “Daughter, just like the prodigal son, so this nation turned its back on The Father and went its own way.

Yes! A nation that rebelled and formed alliances and cut covenants with ungodly nations, a stiff-necked nation that squandered its inheritance and sought independence.

But watch! For My Hand of Grace is now extended towards a nation that has lost its place, its Crown of Kingly Authority, its sovereignty and its true identity.

A nation that eats with the pigs. A nation that has been brought to its knees. A rebellious nation, now humbled under the mighty Hand of God!”

As I heard The Spirit say those Words, it was quickened to me a verse — Luke 15:17 — which says, “….. and finally he came to his senses.”

As those words were brought to me in the vision, The Spirit of Revelation spoke again to me saying, “Daughter, finally a nation humbled has come to its senses, for a great awakening now takes place in this land.

A nation that was blind, will have eyes to see!

A nation that was deaf, will have ears to hear a new sound and a new song that is rising from the ground!

A nation that was lost, will now return and be restored, for this nation shall be a sign among the nations, yes — as a Royal Signet Ring on My Finger, for this nation shall taste and see, that I AM good!”

Now as The Spirit spoke those Words again, I saw the gold Crown fall upon The Finger of God and become as a Royal Signet Ring which shone radiantly like the midday sun.

Then I heard these words, “Watch and pray beloved, for the throne of Jehoiachin shall be overturned and overthrown as the mantle of Zerubbabel falls upon this land”

As I heard those Words, I saw an ancient demonic stronghold being uprooted, torn down and dismantled over the nation. Then I saw a great light dawning upon the land, and I watched as the heart of a prodigal nation that had lost its Crown of Kingly Authority, its Royal Sovereignty and its True Identity, beginning to turn and return to the heart of the father.

It was quickened to me by The Spirit of Revelation in these Words, “Behold… I send you Elijah the prophet….”

And as I heard those Words, I saw a mighty whirlwind beginning to move with great power and acceleration across the nation.

Then I heard, “…. and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers!”

Veronika West - America! Watch! The Covenant Keeping God Shall Not Abandon Thee! (Updated)- July 3, 2024


In light of the Ruling by the Supreme Court [SCOTUS] on the 1st July (7th Month) 2024, I submit The LORD is bringing our attention back to certain aspects of this Prophetic Word which is now coming to pass; keep watching and praying!

I prophesied that the charges against President Trump concerning the 6th of January, would be totally overturned and this has certainly been confirmed with this recent ruling!

Furthermore, given the timing of the original Prophetic Word (15th June) and the Case being deliberated at the same time with this outcome.

Again I submit it’s the faithfulness of God on display!

More to come!

America! Watch! The Covenant Keeping God Shall Not Abandon Thee!

First published June 15, 2022.

“America! Watch! 6.. 7.. 9… and 11 which makes 33… For I AM a Covenant Keeping God, and I will not leave nor abandon thee!”

So, in the early hours of this morning, I was woken by The Holy Spirit with an urgency to pray for President Trump and for the destiny of The Nation of America.

Now as I began to pray, suddenly I heard The Spirit say, “America! Watch! 6.. 7.. 9…and 11 which makes 33… For I AM a Covenant Keeping God, and I will not leave nor abandon thee! Ha!”

As I heard that wee riddle, I quickly wrote it down and continued to pray. Then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say these words, “My Beloved, awake from your sleep. Arise and be alert in this hour, for a great Battle is raging — a battle between life and death.

Look! For did I not say that there shall be two Altars set before this Nation?

For they have sought to offer up a sacrifice to appease their own guilty consciences. Yes! A Scapegoat on which to put the blood that is upon their own hands by their own making.

But nay, I say! If My People will Pray, their wicked plans and evil agenda will be fully exposed and brought to nought, and the very gallows on which they have built for My Anointed, shall be the gallows on which their own necks shall be broken.

For they shout “January 6th! January 6th!” But I say, Watch Esther 6. Esther 6, for the king’s honour shall come to the one who sits at the gate.

Listen! You city Gates, open wide, and you ancient Doors, stand back… for My Glory comes to The Nations.

Yes! Gold, gold, gold! Watch! As a great shaking and quaking shall bring a discovery of hidden gold buried deep beneath the ground.

For a gold rush shall once again come to this land, a sign that the gold of My Glory shall be poured out upon this Nation.

For a Banqueting Table has been prepared in the presence of your enemies.

Now watch, and pay close attention to the seventh (7) month, for in the month of July, there shall come a resounding reply to those who cry for Justice and for righteousness sake, a reply that shall bring great unrest, and even the talk of Martial Law and a Civil War.

But watch, as My Spirit moves suddenly and in yet strange and mysterious ways in the midst of the turmoil and the trouble, for My Eyes have seen their hidden and evil agenda, and My Ears have heard of their secret plots and demonic plans.

Fear not! For I shall turn the tables and the deals done behind closed doors shall suddenly back fire.

Look, as a tiny thread comes undone, and a gentle pull will soon give way to a great unraveling to what has been carefully woven by the hands of the wicked.

Watch and pray! Stay alert! For a Divine Dismantling will begin that will bring an unseating to many in both houses, for the ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing will be exposed, and the snakes will driven from their caves, and the moles from their holes.

Watch! I say, “Brace!” Brace, as a great political earthquake will take place that will wake up and break up, that will bring a Nation to the brink, to a divine tipping point, that will cause a Nation that is standing at a crossroads, to suddenly move and advance forward.

Now Watch and Pray. Pay attention to the ninth (9) month, Yes! And to the nine that sit in the highest court in the land, for when my plumb-line falls, suddenly a simultaneous move of My Justice and Judgment will take place.

The Winds of Change will blow forth upon the Supreme Court [SCOTUS] that will bring the Nation into Divine Order, a Supernatural Realignment that will bring to birth My Kingdom Purposes in The Nation(s).

Listen! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Who can stop the hands of the clock from moving?

Even as My Governmental Hand is moving over this land — look — a Kairos Time, an appointed time of Divine Visitation comes at the eleventh hour.

Watch and stay alert! For the eleventh (11) month, the month of November, will be remembered for supernatural interventions that will bring an even greater course correction to a nation in divine transition,” says The Spirit of God.

Diana Larkin - WHO’S KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR? - September 12, 2024

“You are experiencing some of the SHAKINGS that I have said will MARK this TRANSITION season of DARK TO LIGHT, but you know that there are MORE VIOLENT SHAKINGS to come in order to TEAR DOWN the ALTARS and PLATFORMS the darkness RULED from. I have told you that these SHAKINGS are to EXPOSE and DESTROY darkness, but the enemy will seek to BLOCK your WARFARE against him by sending FEAR KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR. DON’T OPEN THE DOOR TO FEAR! Let me give you this PRACTICAL TOOL against FEAR. When you sense it KNOCKING and trying to CREEP into your home and your thoughts, just ask Jesus to GET THE DOOR FOR YOU and to ABSORB the FEAR PACKAGE and SEND the dark messenger FLYING BACK to the darkness. Thank Jesus for TAKING the FEAR and then see yourself stepping into your GARDEN of COVENANT PROMISES—PROTECTION, PRESERVATION, PROVISION, and RESTORATION. Many HORRORS will be revealed that the ARROGANT, DEPRAVED ones carried out and have planned against the nations and your families. When TRAUMA and HEAVY GRIEF come KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR, DON’T ANSWER IT because it is TOO MUCH for you to BEAR. It must be DISCLOSED to AWAKEN the sleeping world and so a DETERMINATION will ARISE to NEVER ALLOW EVIL TO GO THIS FAR AGAIN. Jesus will GLADLY ANSWER THE DOOR when SHOCK, TRAUMA, and CRUSHING GRIEF KNOCK. He can CARRY your BURDEN, REFRESH your soul with His HEALING LOVE, and His PEACE will FLOOD your soul. I never want you BURDENED with these kinds of NEGATIVE EMOTIONS because they STEAL your PEACE, ROB your JOY, and make you an INEFFECTIVE warrior. BEWARE also of what people call being a ‘realist.’ This is looking at circumstances from a HUMAN VIEWPOINT without Me in the picture. It leads to ENDLESS FEARS, DOUBTS, and SPECULATIONS. It is what I call being DOUBLE-MINDED, and it will make the person UNSTABLE—up one day in faith and down the next day in doubt and fear. (JAMES 1:8) DON’T ANSWER THE DOOR TO MAN’S PERSPECTIVE. Instead, ask Jesus to FILTER everything you hear and see through His WISDOM, His MIGHT, and His PLANS. Always answer the door and WELCOME IN My PERSPECTIVE, My ANGELIC HELP, and My WARFARE STRATEGIES. Be aware of WHO’S KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR.”

Diana Larkin - IT WILL OVERTAKE YOU - August 29, 2024

This word began with a dream I had on August 28, 2024. I was in the upper story of an older hotel type building. I stuck my head out of the window and turned my head to see a lovely rainbow arching over the huge mountain in back of the hotel. The main color I remember seeing was lavender.
Interpretation: “A Rainbow Overtaking Me” I have “stuck my neck out” spiritually in believing God’s promises for this season, and He is assuring me that His promises and His covenant blessings will overtake me. Usually things behind you in a dream would represent the past, but in this case, they speak of being overtaken by His goodness. Meaning of color lavender: it’s a combination of purple (royalty, covenant) and white (purity); it is Holy Spirit breathing into the earth new beginnings in the steadfast love of holiness; it is loving removal of impurities, and blessings of impartation.
“You have been WATCHING and WAITING for My PROMISES to come to you, but I tell you that SUDDENLY, they WILL OVERTAKE YOU. All the HARDSHIPS, LOSSES, and WARFARE will all be WORTH IT when My BLESSINGS OVERTAKE YOU. My promises will CROWN your life with My GOODNESS, My PURITY, and My COVENANT PROMISES. You will LACK NOTHING, and you will have PLENTY to SHARE with those who DID NOT BELIEVE My prophets but CLUNG to the TRADITIONS and DOCTRINES of men. When they see the WONDER of what WILL OVERTAKE YOU, they will be AWAKENED to FAITH in a LIVING, SUPERNATURAL God. I will SURPRISE them with My LOVE and My GOODNESS, and they will JOYFULLY PURSUE My HEART and My WAYS. Because you have STAYED on the BATTLEFRONT with Me and have not turned back and because you BELIEVED My promises of a RESCUE and the DAWNING of the KINGDOM AGE, your REWARDS will be GREAT. My blessings will be FULL and AMAZING but with My PURITY on them so that they do not cause GREED or HOARDING. As you are FREELY BLESSED, you will FREELY GIVE, and the CYCLE of BLESSING will be established. The Kingdom Age will be ushered in as My BLESSINGS OVERTAKE YOU.” 


“This statement SUMMARIZES the PURPOSE of the KINGDOM AGE. In the BEGINNING, man was created to walk the earth in the PERFECTION of BEAUTY, PEACE, and ABUNDANCE. There was a PERFECT HARMONY in My creation where everything WORKED TOGETHER for the GOOD of every other part, and creation released a beautiful SONG of WORSHIP to Me. Heaven’s FREQUENCY was in everything—all of it was TUNED PERFECTLY to My HEART and ALL WAS WELL. Man’s choice to BELIEVE a LIE about My CHARACTER and MOTIVES and to come out from under My RULERSHIP, BROKE our intimate FELLOWSHIP, and the FREQUENCY of Heaven was SHATTERED over the earth. It allowed STRIFE, SICKNESS, HATRED, JEALOUSY, and DEATH to fill the earth. Man was now at WAR with the EARTH and with EACH OTHER. Where the earth once provided with JOYFUL ABUNDANCE, now there were WEEDS, PESTILENCE, and HARD TOIL to obtain a HARVEST. Everything came OUT of HARMONY with Heaven—including the WEATHER, man’s RELATIONSHIP with ANIMALS, and man’s RELATIONSHIPS with other MEN. My Son came to provide a WAY OUT of this SPIRAL into Satan’s DARKNESS and DEPRAVITY. Those who entered this NEW COVENANT and were BORN AGAIN had the potential to be TUNED to Heaven’s FREQUENCIES. You can see why I HATE DEAD RELIGION that just emphasizes HEAD KNOWLEDGE about Me because I AM after spirit to Spirit HEART CONNECTION that TRANSFORMS you into the Sons and Daughters that CREATION is GROANING for to ARISE. (ROMANS 8:18-24 TPT) The Kingdom Age is about My AWAKENED Sons and Daughters joining Me in REVERSING THE CURSE that rebellious humanity has brought upon the earth. Jesus WON the LEGAL RIGHT for this to take place, so will you JOIN Me in the plan of GOING BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN? This is the call to My Kingdom Sons and Daughters to REBUILD, RESTORE, and RENEW everything BACK to the HARMONY, PEACE, and ABU

Diana Larkin - ASHES, ASHES, THEY ALL FALL DOWN - July 6, 2024

JEREMIAH 10:15 (MSG) “Stick-god worshipers look mighty foolish…Their gods are fraud—dead sticks, deadwood gods, tasteless jokes. When the fires of judgment come, they’ll be ashes.”
“You will be a witness to the FULFILLMENT of this verse from My Word. Not only will these evil doers who have worshiped and served the enemy (often by the shedding of innocent blood) be brought to JUSTICE and JUDGMENT, everything they AMASSED in material POSSESSIONS will go to another and their whole life’s WORK will be a PILE of ASHES—burned before their eyes. Their TEMPORARY WEALTH, POWER, and FAME on this earth will come to NOTHING, and they will face an eternity of DARKNESS and TORMENT. This is why I have DELAYED JUSTICE that I might SNATCH any back from this YAWNING MOUTH of TERROR. However difficult it is to see My justice and judgment come to those who have chosen darkness, it must take place to CLEAR THE WAY for My KINGDOM GLORY to come in your midst and to re-establish RIGHTEOUSNESS, BLESSING, and PEACE to your Nation. I desire to FULFILL My COVENANT with your Land, and I AM preparing the way for that to happen. REJOICE and be GLAD that you KNOW My LOVE, and SHARE it FREELY—it is your PRICELESS GIFT to share with the world.”
JEREMIAH 51:58 (MSG) “God-of-Angel-Armies speaks: The city walls of Babylon—those massive walls!—will be flattened. And those city gates—huge gates!—will be set on fire. The harder you work at this empty life, the less you are. Nothing comes of ambition like this but ashes.” 

Veronika West - A Word Update for The United Kingdom - July 4, 2024

The United Kingdom shall be Yoked by a Labour Government by the morning…

This will confirm two poignant prophetic Words which were Submitted.

The following Word was prophesied in May 15, 2024:

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and Luciferian pacts!”

This second Word was prophesied on the January 14, 2024:

The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

Carylyn Dennis - THE GREAT ESCAPE! MESSAGE FROM GOD - June 24, 2024

Here’s our message that God gave us on June 24th and this was before the debate. So I want to um tell you that, But he’s not talked to me about the debate. Maybe a little bit but not not much but not in this this was prior to the debate all right it’s called The Great Escape. And this is a message from God on June 24th 2024 this this is his words that he gave me. You will know it when you see it and you will see it soon. They think it they have it all in control. The debate the New York judge and everything else they are maneuvering. But they have discounted me. I am that I am. And they cannot stop what I am getting ready to do in the earth. It is The Great Escape.

The Escape of my little ones from the great evil that is running My Good Earth. The evil ones will not escape. But are facing fates worse than death. Some are already gone and you think they are still here. Soon you will see masses gone. Gone like the Wind. Where did they go? This is a mystery. Have you read the book of Enoch? Enoch holds the key when you hold the key you can see what is coming. It will happen in one day. But who can escape the great and terrible day of the Lord. Only the elect. Fear not my little ones as you have nothing to fear.

I have promised to take care of you and my precious son died for you. Protection and Care are a part of our covenant. Exalt my son and give him the glory. Great is his faithfulness and he is worthy to be praised. Now go out today and enjoy the moments. Rest some, dream some, and talk to me about your needs wants and your desires. I am a good father and it is my pleasure to give you the desires of your heart. Amen.

Julie Green - NO LEADERS ARE SAFE FROM THE TRUTH - May 28, 2024

My children, a time of great confusion is on this Earth right now, and it will grow in intensity. Your enemies will try to cause more confusion and chaos so that people do not know what the truth is and what a lie is. 

They want you to be in a state of overwhelming circumstances so that you are weak and will not fight back. But I already told you about this time. I warned you about this time—when two worlds collide, and the shaking becomes stronger and more intense to cause the great awakening. 

I have warned about your enemies’ attempts to attack you, destroy the nations, and bring great oppression. I have warned you about all they would try to do to bring great fear on this Earth. They want to paralyze My people so you will not have the ability to fight back. They want you in a place where you are so afraid you will buckle and surrender to their control. 

Push through this, and break out of the mindset and mind control they have used against you. It is time to break free from this tyranny. So, buckle up. It is about to appear worse for a time, but this time is to fully awaken My Church to Who I am and that what I have promised is true. It is time to show the world leaders that this is not their world to control. It is time for the world to shake even more to bring down the ones who have controlled the nations. It is time for this Babylon to fall, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Monkey see, monkey do: this phrase will be in your news for an unusual reason. 

They are not done trying to sabotage your bridges, waterways, trains, planes, and other forms of transportation. But the proof is coming forth to show you who paid for this and why they wanted this sabotage to take place. And soon, you will see the face of who is responsible. 

Sea urchin: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

A CIA agent is about to be brought down—another fall guy to try and save the leaders at the top. But no leader is safe from the truth. That truth will find them and bring them down. 

Another shocking report about Hunter and Burisma is coming forth and will not be suppressed. The big guy will be exposed. The truth about “the Biden” and Obama will not be held back. There is much more to this story and their connection with many foreign nations.  

Shockwaves will hit the Bidens and the establishment. There will be explosive information and documentation regarding “the Biden’s” connection to China. This information will be allowed out into the open to help force “the Biden” from running in the 2024 election. But it will do much more than that against their plans for the next “selection” they wanted, that they will not get, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Rappaport: this name will be in your news for a significant reason. 

Dianne Feinstein: this name will be in your news again, but it is not for what you think. Even though she has died, truth will continue to pour out of Washington about (her and) many leaders who are not alive. They thought their secrets would be buried with them, but that is not true. Nothing has been buried that will not be revealed. It is all coming out; no matter what length they went to in order to try and hide it, it did not work. 

Another incident will take place in a well-known harbor. Remember that these things were not done by accident, no matter how they may appear at first. 

You have seen the rap industry shaken. This is just the beginning of the shaking in the entertainment industry. A major secret will come out regarding the Kardashians that people will not see coming; it involves the Clintons. Soon, everything will come out. 

The rubber meets the road: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Georgia: there are many secrets in your state, and it is about to shake. Your leaders will be exposed—all who are working with DC to destroy you and this Nation. More about Fannie Willis will be exposed—an explosive connection to the White House and secret payments that have been made will be revealed, and they will tear down their narrative. This was a setup all along. These indictments against My David and all who were with him will be dropped, whether your enemies like it or not. They have gone too far with this one and the other indictments. Their desperation will bring it all down. 

Rudy Giuliani: yes, there will be total exoneration. What they have done to destroy you will not last, and your name will be fully cleared. All the damage that has been done to you will be wiped out by Me. So, hold on, My son, it is almost over, saith the Lord. 

Fast and furious: this will be unearthed. These weapons will be found in the hands of people your government did not expect would expose what they had done so many years ago, things the establishment thought they took care of. Nothing has been fully taken care of, and it will all come crashing down.  

AT&T will be in your news for a shocking reason. Whistleblowers are coming to shake this company and others in the telecommunication industry. 

Wiretaps: this word will be in your news for an explosive reason. 

A major story regarding 2015 will break wide open. The Clinton campaign has not gotten away with what they did against President Trump or this Nation. Don’t forget that computers and emails will come back to destroy it all, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Another hazmat situation will be in your news for a significant reason. 

My children, this is the time to focus and fill yourselves up with My Word. It will separate you from what is coming. Fear will not grip you. Confusion will not control you. And deception will not lead you in the wrong direction. 

This is the time for you to rise and be strengthened and perfected in My Name and My Blood Covenant. And My Glory will destroy what has been done against you. So, trust Me and believe that I am bigger than anything your enemies are trying to do against you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Veronik West - A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day! - May 15, 2024

A Changing of the Guard is surely underway this Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.

Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and

A Changing of the Guard is surely underway this Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.

Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and

Veronik West - A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day! - May 15, 2024

A Changing of the Guard is surely underway this Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.

Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and

Julie Green - JUDGMENT IS HERE AND JUDGMENT IS CLEAR - January 30, 2024

Woe to those who are against Me, and woe to those who are against My Nation because I am standing guard, and I am interfering with everything you are doing against this election. You are causing election interference. Well, I tell you, I am intervening on My people’s behalf. I am their line of defense. I have My angel army standing guard, and they know exactly what you are going to do. You will not destroy this Nation. You will not steal another election.  

You will not be the death, kill shot, or death shot to this Nation. I will not let you kill this Nation. I will not let you kill the soul of this Nation. You will not have anything to do with this Nation anymore. 

Enemies of Almighty God, you will not touch My David. I have spoken to you before. You will not kill him. You will not assassinate him, or any member of his family, for that matter. You will not touch a hair on his head. And I promise you, everything you do will come back to you. If you cause death or try to cause death, that death will come back unto you.  

The Angel of Death is moving. The Angel of Death is moving. The Angel of Death is moving like no other time before in human history. The Angel of Death is moving because judgment is moving. Judgment is moving across this Nation. Judgment is moving across this Nation for the enemies of Almighty God. Judgment is here, and judgment is clear. Judgment is here, and judgment is clear.  

I will show the world who you are. I will show the things you have done, the things you did behind closed doors. I will show the things you did to the children. I will show the things you have done with the elections. I will show the things you have done to this economy. I will show the things you have done with pharmaceuticals, all those medications, and how you used them to poison so many of My people.  

I promise you, enemies of Almighty God, you will not have this disease that you want. You will not get what you have planned- death, calamity, chaos, and destruction. It will not go (as planned). But you will go. Your plans will not go, but you will go because of My flow. My flow, My flood of truth, and the flood of My Glory will fill this Earth. It will flood this Earth with truth. 

And I will tell you, enemies of Almighty God, you are through. You are through in this government. You are through in the judicial system. You are through in the office of the president. You are through in that White House. You are through, and I am through with you. I am through with all of your plans. I am through. 

I have everything I need. My people I assigned to take this Nation back from you and your hands have everything they need, even the things you thought you had buried so far underground or completely destroyed. I said I have it all. There is not one crime you have committed that I don’t know about or cannot show proof of. I can show the proof of it all. 

I have warned you to back off, give up, and surrender, but you chose not to. So, judgment is what you are getting. Judgment for the last few things you do on this Earth is what you will be known for. You will see it, and you will see My judgment strike you down

My Nation, the United States of America, you heard those Words of judgment. You heard those Words of destruction. You heard those Words- that I am annihilating and destroying everything against you. I am warning you that this is not the time to surrender your Nation. It is not the time to give up hope. It is not the time to give up on Me or My Word. It is not the time to loosen (your grip) in this fight. This is not the time to quit or back off. 

My children, in this time of judgment, there will be great sorrow on Earth because so many have turned their backs on Me. Well, I am about to get the world’s attention with shaking after shaking after shaking. The world will grow quiet. The world will grow dim, but that is when I will show up with My light, in My voice, in My love, and with My blessings on My people.  

Don’t you know Who I am? Don’t you know what I will do? I will do My Word, and I will deliver you. I will heal every broken heart, and I will heal your tormented minds. I will give back what has been lost. I will show you My goodness. I will show you My love in unlimited measure. I will show you that My grace is sufficient for you. I will show you what the Blood Covenant truly means and what it stands for. I will not break My Covenant with you

Remember, I turn mourning into joy. Hold on to My Words. Hold on to My Words. Hold on to My Words like never before because this time, this time is unusual. It is unprecedented. It is unconventional, and for some, it will be very uncomfortable. But I must have your attention. 

If I did not allow things to become uncomfortable, unconventional, unprecedented, or unusual, then the course of Earth would stay on the same path. You would stay on the course of evil, darkness, and wickedness. But My grace, My mercy, and My faithfulness are showing up to turn this world around and destroy the control of the wicked. 

I am going to say this again- hold on to My Words, now more than ever. Make them your first priority. Turn off those things that are distracting you from hearing from Me, those things your enemy is using against you. Technology. Do you hear this? He is using technology against you. It is not for you. It is against you. That is what they have done. They twisted it and made it evil and wicked.  

Go back to the days when you sat and quietly listened. Turn off everything else and let Me speak to you. Let Me love on you and show you My goodness, My grace, and My forgiveness. Let Me show you these things. 

In this day, more than any other time, I will get the world’s attention. So, choose now. Choose quickly. The time is drawing near. The great separation will be seen and experienced, and this Earth will go through a shaking it has never experienced

So, get right with Me. Get before Me, and you will see all that I have for each and every one of you. I will give you peace. I will give you rest. I will give you strength. And I will give you restoration you have never known. So, trust Me, and you will see, saith the Lord. 

That Covenant Is Still in Place

“… For I will cause the Truth—ALL THE TRUTH to come forth and even the plans that didn’t happen for the deep state can no longer hide their evil pans against America and what she stands for! I will Not let the deep state take control of her(United States)—No She is Mine~for she was dedicated to ME by your forefathers and that Covenant is Still In Place and Now I Will Act on that Covent that will Never Be Broken!!. America, America-God she His Grace on thee and crown thy good with Brotherhood from Sea to Shining Sea!” (God)

— Patty Teichroew – 2-5-2024


“How do you TURN THE ENEMY’S WEAPONS AGAINST YOU INTO WEAPONS TO BE USED AGAINST HIM? When the enemy sends out ARROWS of FEAR, INTIMIDATION, and DOUBT, you take those ARROWS CAPTIVE and SHOOT them BACK at him with My POWERFUL WORDS OF TRUTH. Your ARROWS out of your mouth DECLARE that PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR, that you are a Son or Daughter of the ETERNAL BLOOD COVENANT and you STAND in its POWER FOREVER, and that I AM a FAITHFUL, POWERFUL God who KEEPS His PROMISES. Is the enemy THREATENING you with the SWORD of DEATH through SICKNESS, WARS, LACK OF FOOD, and TYRANNY? COMMISSION My Host to cause your enemies to DROP their SWORDS, you SNATCH them up, and TURN them against the THREATS of the enemy. SLAY the GIANT of DEATH AGENDAS by putting the SWORD in your mouth. DECLARE that your God is a HEALER, a PEACEMAKER, an abundant PROVIDER, and your HERITAGE in Him is FREEDOM. Do NOT ALLOW the enemy to WEAKEN you and TAKE YOU OUT of the battle with his LYING WEAPONS. You are EQUIPPED and STRENGTHENED and BACKED by My Angels and Hosts to be able to TURN THE WEAPONS OF THE ENEMY INTO THE WEAPONS OF THE LORD.”o.

Diana Larkin - - May 28, 2024

It seemed like I was interacting with Angels all last night. I was shown little and larger markers set up by the enemy’s camp. The Angel told me that Heaven was monitoring all their secret planning sessions; even though the darkness thought they had scrambled their communications. The Angel told me that the darkness has decided to skip all the small plots and go right to the big ones and begin implementing them.
“I AM giving SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE across the spectrum of My PROPHETS, PROPHETIC INTERCESSORS, and COVENANT BELIEVERS. This SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE comes in various formats such as DREAMS, ENCOUNTERS, PROPHETIC WORDS, and a SPIRITUAL ‘KNOWING.’ I want you to PAY ATTENTION TO SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE. It will WEAPONIZE your PRAYERS, DIRECT your AUTHORITY where it will be most EFFECTIVE. SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE is NOT to TICKLE your ears—it is for you to ACT UPON and to help you DEVELOP STRATEGIES to TAKE OUT the enemy’s PLANS. You now know from this dream encounter that they are BYPASSING SMALLER PLOTS and PLANS, and they are GOING FOR the BIG GUNS to create DEATH,CHAOS, and DESTRUCTION. Take AUTHORITY over these evil schemes and command them to COME DOWN, to be STRIPED of their POWER to cause DEATH, for these schemes to BLOW BACK into their faces, and that these schemes would only serve to AWAKEN the SLEEPING and the BRAINWASHED. If you SEEK Me, I will REVEAL SPECIFIC TARGETS and PLANS for you to come against. You are My Army of Light, and I AM telling you to PAY ATTENTION TO SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE.”

Diana Larkin - THE GOD WHO MEETS YOUR NEEDS - April 27 2024

“I AM THE GOD WHO MEETS YOUR NEEDS. I meet needs GLADLY and GENEROUSLY because I have the TRUE HEART of a Father who LOVES and TREASURES His children. My ABILITY to MEET YOUR NEEDS does NOT DEPEND on your nation’s economy nor is it limited to your job or to your lack of a job. I RESOURCE you from the Kingdom of Heaven which has UNLIMITED, NEVER-ENDING SUPPLY for My children to draw on. As world economies SHIFT, it will be important for you to KNOW that I AM THE GOD WHO MEETS YOUR NEEDS. Expect SUPERNATURAL PROVISION and ABUNDANCE to flow to you, and be willing to help meet the needs of others around you. You have a BLOOD COVENANT with Me through the Blood of My Son, and you can STAND on that Covenant and CALL IN its PROVISION and ABUNDANCE. You don’t have to BEG Me to supply your needs because I GLADLY do it out of My GREAT LOVE for you. There are some things that can BLOCK My FLOW of provision to you: UNBELIEF, UNFORGIVENESS, PRIDE, GENERATIONAL SPIRIT OF POVERTY, MANMADE DOCTRINES that say I don’t act SUPERNATURALLY on your behalf anymore. Ask My Spirit to HIGHLIGHT any area that could be HOLDING BACK My abundant provision for you, put it UNDER the BLOOD of Jesus, and DECLARE FREEDOM over your mind and heart to BELIEVE that I AM THE GOD WHO MEETS YOUR NEEDS.”

Diane Larkin - TRANSITION TO THE REBIRTH OF A NATION - April 11, 2024

“This is the THIRD DAY after the MARKER of the ECLIPSE from DARK TO LIGHT. This day MARKS a TRANSITION for the REBIRTH of your NATION. In the WOMB of HIDDENNESS, I AM REFORMING your FOUNDATIONS and MATURING your PURPOSES as a COVENANT NATION. Let the nations RAGE and the ANGRY KINGS RANT, as they seek to DESTROY this new Nation that I AM forming. See past the TEMPER TANTRUM I AM allowing these REBELLIOUS, EVIL ones to throw and look with SPIRITUAL EYES and SEE that I AM FORMING A NEW NATION FOR A NEW ERA. Just when all looks LOST, My THUMB will come down and SQUASH their EVIL AGENDAS and their THRONES of POWER. Then, I will CALL FORTH the BIRTHING of your NEW NATION, and it will be welcomed with GREAT JOY and CELEBRATION. Be FEARLESS in the face of the RAGING GIANTS (TYRANTS), and know that in the WOMB of the DAWN, I AM setting up a NEW and RIGHTEOUS government that will be READY to step into the BREECH that is caused by the DOWNFALL of DARKNESS. Call forth My CRUSHING THUMB that will DEFEAT the darkness and call forth LIFE and HEALTH to your NEWLY FORMING Nation.”

Diana Larkin - A COVENANT GOD - April 1, 2024

GENESIS 9:12-13 (AMP) “And God said, ‘This is the token (visible symbol, memorial) of the (solemn) covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations; I set My rainbow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.’” HEBREWS 13:20 (NASB) “Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord,”
“Because I AM A COVENANT GOD, you can FOREVER TRUST My PROMISES, My POWER, and My FAITHFULNESS. My RAINBOW is the SIGN of the COVENANT with Noah to BLESS the earth and to BLESS you through the earth. It has to do with seedtime and harvest and My faithfulness to PRESERVE the heritage of LIFE. There is a COVENANT that is SUPERIOR to all other covenants, and it was agreed upon between the Father and the Son BEFORE TIME BEGAN. It is the ETERNAL COVENANT of the BLOOD established through the SACRIFICIAL DEATH of the Son, and RATIFIED in His RESURRECTION from the dead. When you choose to have your sin COVERED by the BLOOD of Jesus, you enter into this ETERNAL COVENANT, and all of its BENEFITS become yours. Here are some of the promises of this eternal covenant: SALVATION, HEALING, DELIVERANCE, PROTECTION, PRESERVATION, PROVISION, WHOLENESS, HOLINESS, being set in a WIDE OPEN place, and PEACE. When your life, your family, your nation is NOT experiencing these COVENANT BENEFITS, it is time to CALL FORTH those covenant promises. Holy Spirit will REVEAL areas where SIN is BLOCKING the COVENANT PROMISE. Sometimes it is stopping the enemy from STEALING OR BLOCKING the COVENANT PROMISES. Learn to STAND on your covenant promises, and PULL them from the ETERNAL REALM into your life. When things look DARK or DISCOURAGING, remember the RAINBOW and DECLARE that I AM A COVENANT KEEPING GOD. I will NOT abandon you or your covenant nation. Keep standing in FAITH on My ETERNAL COVENANT and CALL IT FORTH over your life and your Nation. Always remember, I AM A COVENANT GOD.”

Diane Larkin - THE ECLIPSE FROM DARK TO LIGHT - March 16, 2024

“The ECLIPSE on April 8th is a MARKER in time for this BATTLE of DARK to LIGHT over your Nation. The battles being fought in the heavenly realms will now become CLEARLY SEEN BATTLES in the earthly realm. Those who have been ASLEEP to the spiritual battle that has been RAGING, will SUDDENLY be CONFRONTED with a DISPLAY of the UNDERBELLY of DARKNESS. Those who partnered with evil think their plans to UNLEASH CHAOS, DEATH, and FEAR will work to their ADVANTAGE and will lead to the people handing over CONTROL to these PUPPET MASTERS. Forces of Light, it is up to you to PARTNER with Me to BRING ABOUT A DIFFERENT OUTCOME. Declare that these dark plans will ONLY SERVE to EXPOSE those who set them in motion. Say, ‘I REMOVE the POWER and the DEATH out of these agendas, and I say they will BACKFIRE on the darkness.’ Where CHAOS, RIOTING, and PAID FOR DEMONSTRATIONS BREAK OUT, release My PEACE and My PRESENCE to CHANGE the ATMOSPHERE. Declare that My LOVE WILL ECLIPSE ALL THE HATRED that is being released. These are the battles that you have been TRAINING for. Now, PUT ON your ARMOR of LIGHT and RESPOND to My COMMANDS, not to the voices of FEAR and COWERING. Inside of you is the same SPIRIT that BROODED over darkness and chaos and brought forth a BEAUTIFUL earth. It is the very SPIRIT that BREATHED RESURRECTION LIFE into the Son. This is the same POWER that BLEW OPEN the waters of the Red Sea to DELIVER Israel and then to cause them to POUR DOWN on the enemy. DO NOT FEAR the enemy because HE FEARS YOU WARRING AGAINST him in your COVENANT AUTHORITY and HOLY SPIRIT EMPOWERMENT. Rise up Forces of Light, THE ECLIPSE OF DARK TO LIGHT HAS BEGUN.”

Diana Larkin - I AM ARRANGING THE SHOWDOWN - Februray 18, 2024

“Don’t get WORRIED or ANXIOUS as you see ATTACKS by the darkness MOUNTING against you. They are going to CONGRATULATE themselves on their plans to cause you FEAR, DESTRUCTION, and DEATH; and they are going to think their plans to CONTROL you with FEAR and CHAOS are going to be FULFILLED. What their PRIDE and ARROGANCE keep them from seeing is that I AM ARRANGING THE MEETING TO DESTROY THE DESTROYERS. They will become so CONFIDENT they are going to WIN that they will REVEAL who they really are. Even HIDDEN ones will COME OUT in the open because they want a PLACE of POWER when the darkness takes over. DO NOT FEAR, My Beloveds, because I AM answering your cries of ‘expose, expose, expose!’ You will now see people FOR WHO THEY TRULY ARE. There will be no more WONDERING whose side anyone is on. This is a season of REVELATION: who is of the DARKNESS and who is of the LIGHT. TRUST THIS CRUCIAL PART OF MY STRATEGY, as I DRAW all those partnered with darkness DEEP into My TRAP of EXPOSURE and JUDGMENT. The world will know that I AM God when I CLOSE MY TRAP, and the darkness is HUNG on their own GALLOWS. KEEP HEART as you TRUST My PLANS and POWER. KEEP STEADY in My LOVE, My PROTECTION, and My PROVISION for you. Let the enemy SMIRK and think they have won because you are assured that I AM ARRANGING THE SHOWDOWN.”
See Ezekiel 38, 39 for a pattern of this strategy. Think of Gog as a symbol for those partnered with darkness and see Israel as a symbol of a covenant nation like America.


“This year you will hear 1, 2, 3 LOUD BOOMS of THUNDER that will be heard around the world. Each LOUD CRASH will further EXPOSE and WEAKEN the evil empire, and it will COLLAPSE and FALL. These BOOMS of GREAT EXPOSURE carry Heaven’s MAXIMUM FREQUENCY of DESTRUCTION and NOTHING will KEEP THEM FROM SOUNDING. The powerful waves will LAY BARE EVIL AGENDAS and PERVERTED LIFESTYLES. They will expose a PRIDE and ARROGANCE that will SICKEN people’s stomachs, and it will JERK them FULLY AWAKE. The darkness has multiple DEATH AGENDAS ready to release on the world, but the FREQUENCIES of My THUNDERS will cause those schemes to CRUMBLE right before their eyes. When you hear the THREATS of WAR the darkness has planned for you, and they try to INTIMIDATE you with a FORECAST of SICKNESSES, FINANCIAL LOSSES, and TIMES of LACK, you DECLARE back to them that Heaven’s THUNDERS will BREAK those plans to PIECES. You are Sons and Daughters of My COVENANT PROMISES of PRESERVATION, PROTECTION, and PROVISION. STAND on your promises and CALL FORTH My THUNDERS to crack open the heavens and to  release My EXPOSURES and the DESTRUCTION of the darkness. CALL IN My LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY and watch as THUNDERS and BLESSINGS manifest in this year of the open door.”

*I began smelling the incense of Heaven—that sweet smell of the prayers of the Saints. It drew me to Heaven into the Council Chambers. I stood behind my Elder, dressed in a royal gown and crown. I felt led to speak in tongues—a lengthy message that the Elders listened to intently. The smell of incense grew stronger and somehow strengthened me. I received the download that some of those sweet-smelling prayers were for me—prayers that you all have prayed for me—, and they were strengthening me, and I felt supported by those prayers. When my message in tongues stopped, the Elders began nodding in agreement and proclaiming, “Let it be so!” I began worshiping the Father who was at the head of the table; the Elders joined in, and the Father was pleased with our worship.
*The Father spoke to me the interpretation of my tongue: “IT IS TIME TO UPHOLD THE HONOR OF MY NAME. I will DISPLAY My POWER before the nations, and they will know that I AM God. No longer will I allow My HONOR to be DEFAMED in any of the areas of society—including My Church. The prayers of the Saints have arisen like SWEET SMELLING INCENSE to My Throne. These are prayers of SURRENDER, requests to be made CLEAN and WHOLE before Me, decrees and declarations calling for My EXPOSURE, JUDGMENT, and JUSTICE; intercessions for LEADERS and against the SCHEMES of darkness, and a calling forth of COVENANT RIGHTS of My Blood-bought ones of PRESERVATION, PROTECTION, and PROVISION. I have heard every CRY, caught every TEAR, and stored up every SIGH for JUSTICE and RESCUE, and I AM declaring to you a season of UPHOLDING THE HONOR OF MY NAME. I will WIPE CLEAN the STAGES and PLATFORMS of those who worship and promote DARKNESS. I will EXPOSE those who say they follow Me but who have SECRET DEALS with the darkness. They SOLD the HONOR of MY NAME for MONEY and FAME. Get ready to see their MASKS RIPPED OFF. Those who serve DEEP darkness will find themselves in a TRAP of their own making. Their TAUNTING, BOASTING voices will SUDDENLY be SILENCED and SHAME will be their garment, as I UPHOLD THE HONOR OF MY NAME. Let this be the FILTER through which you see the upcoming SHAKINGS and events. In everything you witness, CALL FORTH THE UPHOLDING OF THE HONOR OF MY NAME, and DISPATCH My Host to carry this out. IT’S TIME TO UPHOLD THE HONOR OF MY NAME.”

Diana Larkin - WILL YOU BE MY GIANT SLAYER? - Feburary 7, 2024

“The enemy sees that the TIDE IS TURNING from dark to LIGHT. He is PANICKED that a POWERFUL REMNANT has arisen in My COVENANT nations of Israel and the United States, and they are PUSHING BACK the DARKNESS and DEFEATING his schemes of death. He is now bringing forth his GIANTS to INTIMIDATE My Covenant people and try to get them to LOSE THEIR FAITH, their FOCUS on Me, and to make them BOW to his FEAR and his CONTROL. You are going to see MANY GIANTS CONFRONT you and your nation in this year of the OPEN DOOR. If the enemy can get you to walk through his open door of FEAR, joined with the ORPHAN SPIRIT, he will have DISARMED and DISCOURAGED you. You will find yourself LOCKED OUT of the DOOR of HOPE and VICTORY. You MUST CHOOSE TODAY to NOT WALK THROUGH THE DOOR OF FEAR AND ABANDONMENT—these are LIES of the enemy sent to TAKE YOU OUT of the battle, JUST BEFORE THE BIGGEST VICTORIES OF YOUR LIFE. BELIEVE Me when I tell you that I have RAISED YOU UP as a company of GIANT-SLAYERS. Like David, you will STAND before the TAUNTING GIANT in the POWER of My NAME and My BLOOD COVENANT with you. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED and DO NOT FEAR when these GIANTS arise against you. It is a SIGN OF THEIR DESTRUCTION that they have made themselves SEEN and LOUDLY HEARD. Do you UNDERSTAND that I have MADE THEM A TARGET THAT YOU CAN’T MISS? STRENGTHEN yourself in Me, LIVE in My WRAP-A-ROUND PRESENCE, and DEMAND your COVENANT RIGHTS before the LYING GIANTS. You have a SUPERIOR COVENANT to the one David had. You have a SURER HOPE in the BLOOD of My Son, and I have ASSURED you of the VICTORY that is now IN REACH. WILL YOU BE MY GIANT SLAYER? Now is the season to ENFORCE that VICTORY in the earth. DECLARE to the GIANTS:” ‘You are COMING DOWN by the POWER of the LIVING GOD. I take this STONE of FAITH and fling it into your head, shutting down your LYING voice. I take the SWORD of My COVENANT, and I BRING YOU DOWN! I SLAY you in the name of the LORD, MY GOD!’ “You were made for this day, GIANT SLAYER!” 

Diana Larkin - SUPERIOR - December 9, 2023

“When you COVER your life with the BLOOD SACRIFICE of My Son and you SURRENDER your life back to Me, you are TRANSFERRED from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of LIFE, LIGHT, and JOY. Always remember that My Kingdom is FAR SUPERIOR to anything the dark kingdom tries to ALLURE you with. My Kingdom is a place of PLENTY, HEALING, and WHOLENESS. When things in your life don’t MATCH UP to My SUPERIOR KINGDOM, it is time to RISE UP and TAKE BACK the LAND the enemy has STOLEN from you. Sometimes what has been STOLEN from you is an INTRUSION by the enemy. He has come to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY wherever he can. Because you are part of a SUPERIOR COVENANT, you can use your AUTHORITY to BREAK OFF his attack and CALL IN your SUPERIOR COVENANT PROMISES to OVERCOME his dark attacks and assignments. Sometimes you OPEN the DOOR for darkness to steal, kill, and destroy by PARTNERING with SIN. When Holy Spirit HIGHLIGHTS these OPEN DOORS, AGREE that what you are doing is SIN, REPENT—turn around and walk away into the LIGHT, receive the BLOOD of My Beloved Son to COVER and WASH AWAY the sin. CLOSE—NO, SLAM the door SHUT in the face of the enemy. Now, you can call in My SUPERIOR PROMISES, PROVISION, and LOVE to LIGHT UP that area of darkness, and it becomes OFF-LIMITS to the enemy. My Kingdom life does REQUIRE that you DEVELOP the FRUIT of the Spirit. It is not a QUICK FIX, but you will find you are living a SUPERIOR LIFE in a SUPERIOR KINGDOM under a SUPERIOR COVENANT. Rejoice!”

Diana Larkin - CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, CARRY THROUGH - December 8, 2023

“I AM letting you know that the END of this FIERCE WAR is NEAR. However, if you look at the path ahead with only NATURAL eyes, all you will see is OBSTACLES, MOUNTAINS, and what looks like a DEAD END with no way THROUGH. I AM calling you, My Army of Light, to see through My EYES and to BELIEVE that I can EMPOWER you to CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, and CARRY THROUGH to the promised SHINING VICTORY. I AM STRENGTHENING you to CARRY ON and to SPEAK to the obstacles in your path of SICKNESS, LACK, or BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS. COMMAND them to be REMOVED, to be DISSOLVED by the POWER of your BLOOD COVENANT with Me. SPEAK to those large MOUNTAINS that seem to BLOCK the way (CORRUPT LEADERS and INSTITUTIONS), and DECLARE that they are COMING DOWN by My Mighty Right Arm and the POWER of My Host. As you FEARLESSLY put your foot on the base of the mountain and begin to climb it, you will see it getting SMALLER and SMALLER until you can CARRY OVER it. Now, you face the LOCKED DOORS in the path obstructing you. These are doors the darkness put in place to BLOCK ACCESS to HEALTH, WEALTH, and FREEDOM. You are My son and My daughter, and I have given you the KEY of DAVID and the KEYS of the KINGDOM, and I want you to USE THEM NOW. Your words of AUTHORITY ‘OPEN’ ‘BE UNLOCKED’ are KEYS that will OPEN DOORS before you. As these doors open, CARRY THROUGH to the FINAL VICTORY. Hear Me now and CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, and CARRY THROUGH.”

Diana Larkin - CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, CARRY THROUGH - December 8, 2023

“I AM letting you know that the END of this FIERCE WAR is NEAR. However, if you look at the path ahead with only NATURAL eyes, all you will see is OBSTACLES, MOUNTAINS, and what looks like a DEAD END with no way THROUGH. I AM calling you, My Army of Light, to see through My EYES and to BELIEVE that I can EMPOWER you to CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, and CARRY THROUGH to the promised SHINING VICTORY. I AM STRENGTHENING you to CARRY ON and to SPEAK to the obstacles in your path of SICKNESS, LACK, or BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS. COMMAND them to be REMOVED, to be DISSOLVED by the POWER of your BLOOD COVENANT with Me. SPEAK to those large MOUNTAINS that seem to BLOCK the way (CORRUPT LEADERS and INSTITUTIONS), and DECLARE that they are COMING DOWN by My Mighty Right Arm and the POWER of My Host. As you FEARLESSLY put your foot on the base of the mountain and begin to climb it, you will see it getting SMALLER and SMALLER until you can CARRY OVER it. Now, you face the LOCKED DOORS in the path obstructing you. These are doors the darkness put in place to BLOCK ACCESS to HEALTH, WEALTH, and FREEDOM. You are My son and My daughter, and I have given you the KEY of DAVID and the KEYS of the KINGDOM, and I want you to USE THEM NOW. Your words of AUTHORITY ‘OPEN’ ‘BE UNLOCKED’ are KEYS that will OPEN DOORS before you. As these doors open, CARRY THROUGH to the FINAL VICTORY. Hear Me now and CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, and CARRY THROUGH.”

Diana Larkin - It is Well - December 6, 2023

“I want you so ANCHORED in My LOVE, My POWER, and My COVENANT PROMISES to you that no matter what circumstances come your way, you can say with confidence, ‘IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL.’ I want you to truly GRASP a hold of the fact that I AM the STABILITY OF YOUR TIMES. I AM the SURE and UNCHANGING ROCK on which you stand. The GREAT TIDE of CHANGING EVENTS may lap at your feet, but it will NOT OVERWHELM you. By TRUSTING in My POWER and PROMISES, you have placed yourself HIGH ABOVE all the JUDGMENTS that will FLOOD the land and wash over the wicked. They will be REMOVED and seen NO MORE, and you will WITNESS from your place of safety in Me, My STRONG RIGHT ARM DELIVER you and your Nation. Every time you REFUSE to TAKE the BAIT of FEAR but, instead, choose to REHEARSE My power and My promises, your SHIELD of FAITH THICKENS and DEFLECTS all the FIERY DARTS the enemy throws. FAITH GROWS by COMBATING FEAR and DEFEATING THIS GIANT. Fears start in the MIND so carefully GUARD your thoughts against any INVASION of fear. Your mind will be STRENGTHENED against FEAR by MEDITATING on My written Word, by REVIEWING the promises given through My prophets, and by WORSHIPING Me in the face of any CHALLENGE. FAITH formed in the midst of CHALLENGES becomes a SHINING JEWEL, lighting up any darkness, and telling your soul, ‘IT IS WELL.’”

Julie Green - NOW IS THE TIME - November 6, 2023

For I, the Lord, am telling you, My children, now is the time to fight back. Now is the time to attack. Now is the time to unite. Now is the time to be bold. Now is the time to shout. Now is the time to resist. Now is the time to bind. Now is the time to rebuke. Now is the time to know My Written Word like never before. Now is the time to know the power in My Name. Now is the time to know My Blood Covenant. Now is the time to push back. 

You are no longer victims. You are victors. Now is the time to take back ownership of all that belongs to you. Now is the time to war in the spirit with praying, speaking My Words, and praying in tongues. Now is the time to march forward and push back your enemies until they retreat because they will. It is their time for defeat, saith the Lord. Worship Me like never before, and I will set up ambushes against your enemies just as I have done in times past. I will say this again as a reminder to you of what to expect- your enemies are falling, falling before you like the walls of Jericho. No one stands before Me and wins. So, remember these Words, soon you will see your enemies no more. The tide has turned. The momentum has shifted. Your enemies are slipping, and their power is weakening by the day. So, say, “Enemies of Almighty God, fall.” Fall now, for your day and hour has come for your defeat, saith the Lord. 

George Soros, you and all your henchmen will be exposed for every protest you paid for, every single uprising, where and how all your money was spent in bringing unrest to this Nation, and how your money was used to plot against the rightful president. Everything you have done behind closed doors is about to be leaked and exposed to show how evil you are, how many in this supposed Biden administration are working for you, and how you paid many government officials, news agencies, three letter agencies, and other groups to go after My eagle and the American people. I will show the world how you have been a major part of the stolen elections for a very long time. I will show all your ties to other globalists and every corporation working to help you bring down My nations. Not only will you be fully exposed, but treason will be your end for all eternity. 

For I, the Lord, am pulling the roots out of the deep state, and I will show all the fakes in Washington, DC.  

A major situation is about to take place to remove all those sitting in places of power who do not belong and were not elected to those seats they are sitting in. 

Enemies of Almighty God, I am unraveling that corporation you built to destroy My Nation. I am tearing it apart, and there will be no saving this fraudulent corporation or its control over My United States. 

I am removing every entity you put in place to enslave this Nation. I am saying again that the UN will fall. The IRS will fall. The Federal Reserve will fall. The imposters and traitors in the intelligence community will fall. Wall Street, you will fall, and every person in this Ponzi scheme will be exposed. For many of you, treason will also be written on you for all eternity. 

Judgment is here, and I, the Lord, am cleaning house, you would say, of every rat, traitor, imposter, and infiltrator in My eagle and in My land, Israel. 

Your days are running out, enemies of Almighty God. A clean sweep has begun, and a great restoration of freedom and justice will be celebrated, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Diana Larkin - “PUT YOUR CROWN ON!”- November 5, 2023

Dian Larkin - LET THE NATIONS RAGE - October 29, 2023

“The darkness is busy STIRRING UP MISGUIDED SYMPATHY for what are actually WORKS of EVIL launched against My covenant nations. The TWISTING LIES of darkness are received by those who have REJECTED the TRUTH of My WORD and My WAYS. They are IGNORING the CONVICTION of My Spirit that they are on DANGEROUS GROUND and that they should not be AGREEING with LIES and DECEPTION. The LINES are being CLEARLY DRAWN between the DARKNESS and the LIGHT. Those who choose to SIDE with darkness will be SHAKEN. Individual lives will be SHAKEN, and nations who come out against My covenant lands will be SHAKEN. The darkness has GREAT and BOASTFUL PLANS to OVERCOME My nations of Light. They plan to SILENCE your VOICES and to STEAL your FREEDOMS. That is why I AM ARISING at this pivotal point in the history of the earth to RESCUE My own and to TRAMPLE DOWN the DARK DEATH SCHEMES of the wicked. The darkness is a SMOOTH-TONGUED LIAR, and the UNDISCERNING will be SWEPT UP into believing the RHETORIC. PRAY FOR DISCERNMENT! SIFT through narratives with My Spirit of Truth. DO NOT be TAKEN IN by the voice of the SEDUCING SPIRIT OF FALSE PEACE. PEACE that is not founded on RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE will result in TYRANNY and the OPPRESSION of TRUE FREEDOM. PEACE is My GOAL for your life and for the world, but it must be PEACE that PROMOTES RIGHTEOUS LIVING, not APPEASEMENT of the dark forces who will always return DEMANDING more and more of your RESOURCES and your FREEDOMS. War is always ugly, but the darkness CHOSE to launch this war to COMPLETELY CONTROL the world, and I will ARISE to RESCUE you and to bring in an ERA of TRUE FREEDOM and TRUE PEACE. LET THE NATIONS RAGE; they rage in vain. I will show the world My POWER over the darkness, as I EXPOSE and CRUSH your enemies. Then the world will come to know Me through the POWER of My LOVE, My Son’s BLOOD, and the BEAUTIFUL RESTORATION of My Spirit. Keep praying for GREATER DISCERNMENT and RELEASE it into the atmosphere so that you ACCURATELY divide the LIES from the TRUTH.”

Diana Larkin - RELEASE! - October 10, 2023

I was briefly taken to a Throne Room in Heaven, and I heard the THUNDEROUS voice of the Lord declare, “RELEASE!” I felt like it was a directive like, “release the Kraken” and in response to the word “RELEASE,” I saw Host suddenly shoot towards earth as a supersonic missile of light and fire. I trembled inside at the power of His command. The Father then spoke this:
“As I THUNDERED out ‘RELEASE’ on this day of 10/10, I set in motion the next phase of My RESCUE OPERATION for Israel and America. I will EXPOSE and BRING DOWN the ARROGANT TRAITORS within these nations who have PLOTTED DESTRUCTION and CHAOS in order to DEFEAT and SUBJUGATE these lands. The enemy has SPECIFICALLY TARGETED these two COVENANT nations because he hates Me and he hates those I love. 10 marks My LAW, My PERFECT ORDER, and My JUDGMENTS (10 plagues of Egypt) against those who OPPOSE My Kingdom RULE and REIGN. The schemes the darkness launches will be met with Heaven’s OVERWHELMING and SUPERIOR FORCES. These plans the darkness has launched will have a MEASURE of success because I AM drawing the darkness FULLY OUT into the OPEN so that ALL the EVIL PLAYERS are EXPOSED before the world. Then the people of the world will ARISE with ONE VOICE calling for My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE to be RELEASED in FULL MEASURE against those partnered with darkness. My Army of Light will LEAD the way with My Host onto the battlefield echoing My cry of, ‘RELEASE!’”

Julie Green - NOW IS THE TIME - November 6, 2023

For I, the Lord, am telling you, My children, now is the time to fight back. Now is the time to attack. Now is the time to unite. Now is the time to be bold. Now is the time to shout. Now is the time to resist. Now is the time to bind. Now is the time to rebuke. Now is the time to know My Written Word like never before. Now is the time to know the power in My Name. Now is the time to know My Blood Covenant. Now is the time to push back. 

You are no longer victims. You are victors. Now is the time to take back ownership of all that belongs to you. Now is the time to war in the spirit with praying, speaking My Words, and praying in tongues. Now is the time to march forward and push back your enemies until they retreat because they will. It is their time for defeat, saith the Lord. Worship Me like never before, and I will set up ambushes against your enemies just as I have done in times past. I will say this again as a reminder to you of what to expect- your enemies are falling, falling before you like the walls of Jericho. No one stands before Me and wins. So, remember these Words, soon you will see your enemies no more. The tide has turned. The momentum has shifted. Your enemies are slipping, and their power is weakening by the day. So, say, “Enemies of Almighty God, fall.” Fall now, for your day and hour has come for your defeat, saith the Lord. 

George Soros, you and all your henchmen will be exposed for every protest you paid for, every single uprising, where and how all your money was spent in bringing unrest to this Nation, and how your money was used to plot against the rightful president. Everything you have done behind closed doors is about to be leaked and exposed to show how evil you are, how many in this supposed Biden administration are working for you, and how you paid many government officials, news agencies, three letter agencies, and other groups to go after My eagle and the American people. I will show the world how you have been a major part of the stolen elections for a very long time. I will show all your ties to other globalists and every corporation working to help you bring down My nations. Not only will you be fully exposed, but treason will be your end for all eternity. 

For I, the Lord, am pulling the roots out of the deep state, and I will show all the fakes in Washington, DC.  

A major situation is about to take place to remove all those sitting in places of power who do not belong and were not elected to those seats they are sitting in. 

Enemies of Almighty God, I am unraveling that corporation you built to destroy My Nation. I am tearing it apart, and there will be no saving this fraudulent corporation or its control over My United States. 

I am removing every entity you put in place to enslave this Nation. I am saying again that the UN will fall. The IRS will fall. The Federal Reserve will fall. The imposters and traitors in the intelligence community will fall. Wall Street, you will fall, and every person in this Ponzi scheme will be exposed. For many of you, treason will also be written on you for all eternity. 

Judgment is here, and I, the Lord, am cleaning house, you would say, of every rat, traitor, imposter, and infiltrator in My eagle and in My land, Israel. 

Your days are running out, enemies of Almighty God. A clean sweep has begun, and a great restoration of freedom and justice will be celebrated, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Diana Larkin - MAKE THE COVENANT POWERFUL - September 15, 2023

I had three DREAMS about COVENANT last night. I was being reminded by Hank Kunneman to look up all my journal entries on COVENANT, I was told to make the covenant powerful, and I was told that the COVENANT includes INTIMACY with God (beautiful!) A natural example would be the covenant of marriage. I found 29 journal entries mentioning COVENANT. 29=combination of EXPECTANCY (20) and JUDGMENT (9). DianaLarkin.blogspot.com
“As you begin this new year on the Hebrew calendar, keep firmly as your FOUNDATION My COVENANT with you through the BLOOD of My Son. No matter what the enemy tries to do, My COVENANT is MORE POWERFUL. As long as you keep your EYES on Me and your FAITH ANCHORED in My COVENANT, it is your GUARANTEE of PLENTY, PEACE, PRESERVATION, PROTECTION, and PROVISION. It is a PROMISE of VICTORY and RESTORATION. Hold these COVENANT PROMISES close to your HEART and do not be moved from them by any THREAT or FEAR. Your Nation was also established as a COVENANT Nation with Me through the CROSS raised on your soil. You have RENEWED this COVENANT with Me through REPENTANCE and RE-DEDICATION, and I will be FAITHFUL to FULFILL this POWERFUL COVENANT by bringing RESCUE, DELIVERANCE, and VICTORY over the darkness. In your own hearts, MAKE THE COVENANT POWERFUL.”

Chirstos - Shiba in September, March, Tsunami after Shiba? , Fall and Spring. - September 17 , 2023

He said say that you Lord magicians will weep magic will be done on them. What you sow you will reap upon their heads. See here Exile Exile from Babylon. Babylonian systems brought down. Faith adversity when it comes to see the word persecution a change will come upon your face faces. The glory of the Lord is behind you in front of you all around consuming you in my glory. Pray more and it’s like as we pray the set the smell of our prayers is coming up to Daddy guys and he’s just like smelling it sniffing it all in Hallelujah. Beautiful Aroma now I see a chalkboard and someone’s teaching something. Okay see I don’t want the Lord is speaking to me he’s telling me to teach you guys well for his glory. Misconceptions will be brought down. He’s clearing up he’s clearing up head spaces faces in our minds. Take you away what does it belong there bring us now revelations for his glory. to break down strongholds of the Mind. Thank you Lord he said proportion and wealth is coming to you now Hallelujah Lord we receive it in Jesus name. …

I see the month of March see it on my side Glory will be given on to you see. I think something will happen in March where the God the glory will fall on us. I don’t know if that’s the outpouring. Yeah I think it is but I’m not putting words in your mouth Lord. I see what I see I will show you see that I will show you what’s to come yeah yeah

I see a tsunami I see an earthquake uh. The Earth will tilt for my glory. I see Yellowstone I see the clouds. The heavens will open up outpouring blessings outpouring blessings fo. You all see that I must say I stay in my peace stay in my glory I see the word entitlement entitled to much in this hour. Students behave see the must see the lessons of the Lord and what I teach. Promiscuity runs deep in my family. I will show you more promiscuity in my people. He’s showing me the whore of Babylon Jezebel. I shall remove her. Key by key key notes she shall be torn apart. In my glory I am coming for you my people just wait. I see that image of the um what is that in Revelations where she’s sitting on the she’s drinking the blood of the Saints. She has the crown on her head and she’s sitting on that thing the seven beasts or whatever it is. That she’s riding on.

Still and wait for my glory to arise in you I will paint your faces with my goodness with my glory. Sparkle gold dust shall arrives soon. You shall see it you shall Wonder in awe who is on. Who say the universe who is I’m gonna see it on my side like your God onto me does that make sense who is like your God.

Tall tales that have been told will be brought down. I see the World Trade Centers the Twin Towers. Seattle must see what I see what is that what is that let me see something. Okay I got more to come okay I don’t know what this is but I heard building 12 and I don’t I don’t know any building 12. But he said he just said I will show you more to come I will show you I will show you much more to come. Okay he just dropped in my spirit this Revelation that he gave me yesterday last night he just dropped in my spirit a tsunami. I feel like he’s saying that the next attack that will be greater than 9 11 is this tsunami is in your hair witchcraft. But I heard many more people they’re trying to kill many more people with this tsunami. I just heard the Lord say it will hit land soon and I think California. I see New York, I see Florida and I hear the east coast and I hear revival time get ready.

I’m penetrating the hearts of soul the hearts and soul of many. This is the hour this is the time. Join me speak peace over your lives peace not fear. I am your recompense. I am the dawning of a new day. Whoa. These words that I speak to you are accurate and correct. Above all else trust your God. They are Messiah see me for who I am. Recompense. Recompense will be given. Can you confirm that Lord? Uwaves m and then I saw another month and he said waves for my glory. He’s saying Sheba in you. I feel like it’s gonna come in waves. Like one wave will hit right and then another wave will hit in another month. Right and then he’s saying bringing you proportionate wealth. That’s interesting in portions? Systematic resets. They are my people will know who I am I will see you through all the pain see persecution. I see a rainbow my Covenant promises I keep I see Noah’s Ark. And I hear the Lord saying do not leave my side. Abid in me. Great you will see Great and Mighty things to come. Pay attention and Learn. I’ve been a little bit well more than a little bit worried about um the whole tsunami thing in California.

I had a dream on the same night a few days ago I heard Shibarium and um that was very clear. I heard it a couple times. And then I saw it looked like Sheba but it looked like Shiba by had Z’s in it. For some reason and then right after that I was running. I don’t know where I was running towards but as we were running somewhere we looked and we saw a water waves of water um just coming towards us and so we turned around and we we started running the other way and there was just like no real Escape for from the water and we went underground I don’t know how. But I could hear the water rushing above us and the creaking of the water and it was a very panicking kind of a moment. And then somehow I ended up above ground and with a group of people and I had a backpack and there was this old kind of elderly you know white man and then there are people greeting a son and it was it was it was a Trippy dream um and I I just had asked the Lord is the Lord what’s coming next. Is there anything that you want to share? And I’m in California and uh you just mentioned also Yellowstone um and that’s and earthquakes and you know Yellowstone National Park is in California. So I’m trying to do what the Lord said and not worry and to kind of help position myself so that I can do some of the things that I feel like he said. And for me I think he was talking about XDC. Those are the things that I’ve heard from the Lord.

Chris I want to say this before I forget he said growth you’re growing in him and I hear virtue and he said be patient and wait my daughter I’m I’m showing you. Yea so you so before you went to sleep you asked him what’s to come and you had that dream yeah I went to bed and I I’m trying to hear from God more and more clearly so I asked the Lord um to open my eyes and my ears and I said if there’s anything that you you want to show me?

I’m I’m listening like the verse I think it’s Samuel Here I Am Lord is that you I’m I’m listening. And then I went to sleep and um yeah then I had I had a moment where I felt like I woke up and I went back to sleep. But I guess I was just more awake in my dream and I heard you know what that is right Shevarium yeah yeah. I know that’s related to um you know Shiba Inu platform or whatnot. But I knew it was already launched but I didn’t understand why you know what I mean like I guess figured more of that was kind of coming but then I saw the word Sheba spelled but it had I saw a Z’s like it was sleeping uh yeah maybe. Maybe maybe I yeah I have to learn to kind of pray into it and not assume that it’s just an overactive mind like I’m really taking information from the Lord and then right after that I saw the tsunami. I don’t know if it was a tsunami

But it was a wave the last thing I told you so he’s saying waits for my glory that is just confirmation the Shiva came before The Wave right the Lord’s not gonna keep you in a place where you’re not safe the [ __ ] gonna come so that you can move or go wherever you need to go before it comes but also the wave is like is is a some is a representation of his glory first there’s a marker he’s saying.

The first wave to come you keep telling me that Lord can you please confirm that with somebody David David or Kai can you please confirm this month you keep telling me it’s not that I’m lacking faith is that I don’t want to say the wrong thing can you please huh March who said that he’s he says March but I’m hearing something else. Remember he’s saying you’re hearing September. Right yes did you hear that he told me that’s what you were hearing oh what are you hearing what is he saying he’s saying sooner than you think uh Great Expectations ahead don’t be afraid of what I’m telling you because it’s glory and the joy in it. Don’t let the enemy steal the joy. Uh Lord September 2023? I asked the question yeah

Chris can I read you something that the Lord told me and maybe it’d be confirmation because this is the word me yes okay so I wrote this on September the 8th it said like a flower blooming in the spring my blood my blessings Will Spring forth I was impressed today and I began to ask the Lord about the month of September for myself he began to tell me audibly Prosperity abundance and overflow. I asked them again for confirmation on what I was hearing and that’s when I seen the word September written in Orange. And orange and brownish leaves falling I began to see a flower open up as if it was growing and blossoming. And he spoke these words like a flower in the spring blessings Will Spring forth the flower in my vision began to become very very bright like a neon color it was opening up slowly but gradually then I heard the words uh Shiba Inu starts to hit new lower levels. There will be a way for my glory. Shiba in it will start to see new low levels he repeated it then he reminded me once more saying a fall of blessings in the fall and that means you know all seasons from well I’ll I’ll fall in love and um he said in just a 24 hours change all he needed is 24 hours. Then he reminded me of a big clock up with 24 for just a day this will happen.

Then do you understand the meaning of what he’s saying? Yes so from now until next spring will be like go ahead no when you say next spring you mean like the spring coming up. Yeah the spring coming up from this fall season September October and November and all of that December. All the way up until March there will be a lot of events going on. Do you feel like he’s talking about um September of this year Shiva? Yes. I do. Because there’s some like Lord what’s what’s going on everybody’s saying September and the 20th you know this year 2023. And that’s when I just asked him and that’s when he just laid it on me. Does anybody know if they saw it going down first before it went up or was when it went up then down then up does anybody? Know all my notes it shows that uh I wrote that I think it’s a dream. That I had gonna go down up down up so I don’t know if whether it’s going to be like immediately or like I really don’t know. But based on on my notes and and and and and and and and what I’ve received this that is going to go down first Lisa Lisa said my first thing was a graph with a small Peak a drop and then a second Spike bigger than before hmm.

Christina you asked me to read that again I’m sorry. Yeah can you read it again okay. Um like a flower blooming in the spring my blessings were spring forth. I was impressed today and I began to ask the Lord about the month of September for myself he begins to tell me audibly Prosperity abundance and overflow I asked him again for confirmation on what I was hearing and that’s when I seen the word September written in Orange and orange and brownish leaves falling I began to see a flower open up as if it was growing and blossoming and he spoke these words like a flower in the spring my blessings will my blessings Will Spring forth the flower in my vision was bright orange like a neon color I seen it open it up slowly but gradually then I heard the words uh Shiba Inu would start to hit new low levels there would be a way and for Glory Shiba Inu would start to see a new we’ll start to see new low levels he repeated.

It growth spurts it’s like he’s saying that it’s starting now and it will fully blossom in the spring and it was orange. It was our in September orange the first day of fall in September 24th. You guys tracking. The first day of fall is September 24th or 23rd. So it will start it will be one wave is gonna fully. He’s gonna give us to it to us in waves and it will fully blossom in the springtime. Is that right Lord? You heard me speak to you properly give them keys for my glory. Tell them what I said what did you say. Oh yes September you did say that I heard arrival time you will see it you will know you will run fast pace giving life a new day for my glory. You will see it come to pass. Trust me I am The Great I Am Your provider. Oh he’s giving me when I first got saved he showed me a dream and I knew this was the second wave of the second wave of Covid. And I was riding on top of the way and look what’s coming now. And in the dream he said Jehovah Jireh I didn’t know what it meant and it means great provider I heard the Lord saying sequels it will last greater wealth is being given.

Okay that’s why he keeps saying proportionate wealth it comes in portions. Distributed among the land. …Piece by piece portion my abortions my words will be understood have eyes to see recompense coming for you my loved ones. Behold the glory of the Lord giving you much more in this hour you shall travel you shall all travel for my glory. Judgments and place judgments in order he took my warnings it is coming now I see I see a tsunami I hear the word frantic and fear Seattle Marcia you shall help my people out he’s speaking to us you shall not. You shall not be in fear. Let go of all that’s hindering you and causing you delay climb higher I’m showing you I’m giving you keys I see an angel with a key heartfelt prayers prayers for my loved one says the Lord pray pray for them day and night and I see children pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray that I rescue them out of hell.` …

He’s giving me that verse that um oh the Isaiah 59 2 but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear. Thank you Lord. Um David I feel like the Lord wants to speak through you about this um he did show me in terms of like the dip um if you imagine the the price chart and wherever there’s a dip it’s like he’s pushing his finger down into it like he’s planting the seed and then it’s gonna Sprout up when it spikes so he was giving me that analogy there’s more there’s more he’s saying there’s more oh here’s more. Okay what is the Lord saying um I’m not sure but I was this this is what I was thinking um the significance of September you know Joseph was let out of prison in in September the month of March is the month of dark and and Esther that’s when the Jews were saved and then spoils were left in Esther um in the month of March and I looked up a dollar and it means the ability to see and experience hidden miracles in our lives so I don’t know if it’s a correlation between September and March in that regards amen I feel the Lord’s heavy when you said that I heard he said right on amen.  

y children, I, the Lord, this day, am telling you to participate in the good fight of faith. You have been fighting your enemy whether you realize it or not. But, because you were unaware (of this), you weren’t winning. You weren’t gaining any ground. And in some cases, you were losing ground spiritually because your adversary was in control when you were supposed to be demanding him to be under your feet, rebuking him, forbidding him, and denying him the ability to win in your life.  

So, step into the ring today with your armor, My Name, My Covenant, and My boldness, and knock out your enemy. You have the power I gave you, so use it. Use My power that resides on the inside of you to take back territory, your freedoms, the children, your nations, your health, your sound mind, your peace, your joy, and your finances. Take it all back in My Name today. 

Do not wait, My children. Take back your victories this day and begin to shout your enemy’s demise. Stop letting him take from you what doesn’t belong to him. This is a new day. Leave your past in the past and receive the future I have for you, one with joy, victory, and peace you have never known before. Take what I have for you. It has already been paid for, saith the Lord. 

The Liberty Bell will be in your news for an unusual reason. 

Unusual forecasts will be in your news. “Unusual weather,” they will say. “So unusual and surprising. We don’t usually see things like this.” 

Again, I say a skyscraper will be your news for a shocking reason. 

Barack Obama is going to be in your news more and more for his connections to the Biden crime family, and everyone will find out who was really in charge. It wasn’t “the Biden.” Many secrets have been hidden to protect Barack because the globalists still want him to lead their One World Government. But secrets will be uncovered that they didn’t count on. Big mistakes have been made by “the Biden” and Barack while they were president and vice president.  

The doors will be opened wide to the truth of what was really going on during that time and what foreign nations they were working with. Bank accounts will be discovered that will implement Obama padding his pockets. It doesn’t matter whose name is on this account. It will be proven to be Barack’s account, and a great money trail will show you where all the money has been coming from. No matter how hard they tried to hide this fact, he has been in control, and “the Biden” has been his puppet all along. Well, the day is coming when this puppet show is about to end. Barack will soon realize this is not his Nation. It is Mine!  

More explosive information will come out regarding Facebook. It’s about to fall for the crimes committed on that platform. Mark Zuckerberg will pay for the crimes he committed. All those he’s been connected to and all who were paying him to use that platform to spy, steal, and do horrible evil crimes are about to be exposed. It will also show how they interfered in the elections and COVID and what a major propaganda machine it has been for the globalists to control what news can or cannot be seen. I have said this before- judgment will come to the many social media platforms against the truth. 

Australia’s government is about to collapse. Watch the shock it will bring. 

Something significant is about to take place in Brazil. 

Wild weather in California: this will be in your news. 

A rat’s nest will be exposed in Pennsylvania. An evil has grown to completely suffocate this state and bring it to its knees, never to recover. But, My children who are there, remember that every place which the soul of your foot shall tread upon, I have given to you. Take it back. Take back your state. Take back your House and Senate. Take back the governor’s seat, for whom it rightfully belongs. It rightfully belongs to My son, not the one who now sits in that seat. All who stole have to return what has been stolen.  

So, to My children, not only in Pennsylvania, but My children in every state in this Nation, and My children in every nation, take back your freedoms. Take back what has been stolen. Don’t give up on justice now when justice is just about to be seen. Because I am justice, and I will not fail you. 

My children, this day fight how I tell you to fight and receive the victory that has already been paid for, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Hank Kunneman - SEPTEMBER OCTOBER DISRUPTION 45 PROPHECY - August 30, 2023

Do you hear the sounds of the spirit of God? Or the sound of War? For this is what the enemy is screaming out from the very vowels of hell. They are saying give us war in the Earth.

But God says listen I will take them up on their desire for war. But it shall not be in the natural realm as they sink for the Bloodshed of men. Yet I shall arise with the assault that I am bringing from Heaven. That shall engage a spiritual battle that this nation has not experienced yet this far. And it shall be the sword of the Lord that shall give this land unto the Revenant who have prayed. And who have cried out, says the Living God.

Therefore pay attention as you enter into a new season in the month of September. In the month of October. There shall be strange things that shall begin to arise. As I begin to cut off and cut down spiritual forces. And there shall be visible manifestations that will begin to rise upon the land that you call the United States of America. For it is my time says the Lord to show that I am the God that is not ignored the Injustice that has taken place among those who have committed crimes. Those who have done Injustice to the children. And those who have thought that they could get by through their briberies their handshakes, money laundering. God says enough of this for now the light shall arise with my sword and my host desires.

As the Jewish New Year arises upon the Earth. Pay attention to the time of Rosh Hashanah. For there is a trumpet blast and there is a sound that is coming from the hosts together. And as the sound of the trumpet blows injustice shall be brought to a place of justice. And there will be many things that you thought we’re not true that I will show that they have been truthful all along. And I will show those who masquerade around as though they think that they can continue in their acting, God says. Enough of this for I have promised that this nation would not belong to those who desire socialism, Marxism, fascism.

But yet I shall give it to the remnant who are crying out day and night shall. I not speedily come to avenge my very own elect at this time. Therefore, there shall be and interruption and a disruption. Watch what I do to interrupt says the Living God. Watch what I do to shake it and they will even say we have not experienced this like this before and God says no you have tried to rewrite history on a nation that was covenanted to me. No I take my finger as I did it in the days of Pharaoh and I’d cause my finger to come and the powers of their witches and the powers of The Magicians could not Reign Over My will. And my agenda my finger has come now to write my history Upon This Nation at this time, says a living God.

You have entered into the season that I will remove Kings. I will remove leaders. I will remove those who thought through selection that they would have a voice my finger and the sword my sword shall cut them down. And then they will look and they will say but who is standing who is standing in this month of September and October and November. Who is standing as I wage a new level of warfare from my Throne? Against the enemy who desires where I will give you War says the Living God. And they will say but who is standing here? Who is standing? Who is standing? Who can lead us now? Who can lead us now in this nation? Who is standing? God says look to 45 who has been through the fire that has been turned up seven times harder. Yet he shall walk out without the smell of smoke, says the Living God. This is my Justice. I’ll lift up your hands man I have seen tremendous spiritual activity should we enter into September. Oh my God I see there is an increase of the spiritual activity. No the spiritual activity from the Divine singer and intervention of God shall increase over the land…  

Julie Green - THE END IS NEAR - December 5, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day am speaking to each and every one of My children. I am speaking to you and reminding you that the end is near. The end is near for your enemies and their control. The end is near for all the global governments around the world. The end is near for their tyranny. The end is near for their lies. The end is near for what they have done to you in every area of your life. 

The end is near because I am here, and evil cannot be in My presence. Evil cannot stand near Me. It cannot stand against Me. Evil runs at the sound of My Name, and I told you, My children, to use My Name, the Name above every name, the Name of Jesus. I said that Name, that Name scatters and shatters the power of the enemy. 

That Name puts your enemy on the run. On this day, the enemy is (trying) to make a way. Oh, yes, they are trying to make a way. They are trying to do more things against you- plot, plan, and scheme against you to get you to give up and quit on the victory that is yours. They want to deceive you out of something (your victory) that they do not have a lawful right to unless you give it to them. 

Refuse to comply. Refuse to give in. Refuse to quit. Refuse to let go of the promises that I have spoken to you. I am God, and I cannot lie. I have guaranteed you victory through My Son. I guaranteed victory through what He already did- the shedding of His Blood. I have a Blood Covenant with you that I will not break.

Your body, your mind, your circumstances, or people tell you to give up, quit, or surrender, or that nothing is going to change, it is too impossible, or it is just getting worse instead of getting better. And they tell you these things over and over and over again. Your thoughts will try to torment and control how you lead your life and what you believe. That is why I have told you to look to Me. Look to Me and focus on Me because when you focus on Me, the enemy flees. Their control over you flees because it cannot stay. 

The enemy cannot stand the faith of a believer, the faith that I have put inside each and every one of you. Grow that faith. Get into My Word. Listen. Listen. I am speaking, and not just to My prophets. I also speak to My children.

You say, “Lord, I don’t know if that’s You.” Well, if it does not line up with My Written Word, it is not from Me. Your enemy is trying to come right now in this day to bring more deception and distraction than ever before. This is when you have to stand and hold your ground. 

I have repeated these Words again and again because I hear the murmuring. I hear the groaning. I hear the complaints of My children. Stop complaining about the situations you are in because (if you do not stop complaining) then you will remain in those situations. Start rejoicing despite them, despite what you see, despite what you feel, or despite what your thoughts are telling you. 

If it is not true and it is not in My Word, throw it out. If your body tells you it’s not healed, throw it out. Deny its power. That (not being healed) is a lie. If your doctor has given you a report, believe My report instead. Deny the doctor’s report (the power) to rule in your life or to destroy your body. My Body was broken for yours so that yours would not have to be. 

This is the time when you choose what to believe and what not to believe. This is the time when a great separation has already begun, separating My remnant, My children who believe in Me despite what they see. They will believe in Me despite what they see, and what you are about to see will bring much fear into this world. 

My children need to declare and decree: “Fear will not be in Me. Fear will not control me. Fear will have no power over me.” Say it. 

Do not receive the negativity. Do not receive that darkness that’s coming upon the enemies of Almighty God. That darkness you are about to see is for the enemy. It is not for you. It is the judgment that is coming against the enemy.

I have told you about volcanos, about the eruptions of volcanos all over the world. I have been speaking to you about the increase in earthquakes. I have been speaking to you about unusual weather. I have been speaking to you about things that are going on in governments all over the world, and I have been speaking to you about a resistance that has been growing.

You see the Words I have been speaking and that they are now coming to pass to build faith in your hearts. The Words I am speaking to you (I have made) very clear for you to hold onto. Keep declaring that darkness will not be in you. It will not be in your family. It will not be in your household because I am in you, I am light, and light destroys darkness. 

Remember Who you belong to. You belong to Me. Stop complaining so you stop remaining. Do not give in and do not quit because if you quit, you are guaranteed to lose. Your adversary is the loser. He has a guaranteed loss because I destroyed his power over you. That is why he will always be a loser, but he tries to make you one to deceive you out of what has already been done. 

It is already done. It is finished. Remember the Words of My Son – “it is finished.” It is. So do not grow weary. Do not grow weary in this time. 

I am warning you that the enemy is drawing their line, and they are doing more against you. They are fighting harder. They are pushing more. They are about to do something right now that they haven’t done before, not to this degree. So, what do you need to do, children of Almighty God? 

Do I need to keep reminding you of Who I am? Do I need to keep reminding you of your enemies’ guaranteed loss? The end is near. The end. Keep thinking that. Keep declaring that. The end of tyranny is here. The end of tyranny is here. The end of rogue government is here. The end of their lies is here. “But Lord, what if it goes on for months and months?” Keep saying it. Keep declaring it. Keep marching forward to your victory. I promise you, it is worth it. 

I promise great rewards for those who hold onto Me. You will see it. You will see great rewards- the ones who stand (with Me), believe in Me, and have faith and trust in Me despite what they see. 

I, the Lord, this day remind you that I will always, always win. There is nothing too big. There is nothing too dark. There is nothing too impossible that I cannot remove in an instant, in a second, in a flash, in a blink of an eye. Suddenlies can change the world, so hold on. Hold tight because the end is near, saith the Lord. 


For I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children to stand against the evil that is against you. Shout against the wicked. Shout against their bondage and shortages. Shout against sickness, pain, fear, heaviness, and all that tries to keep you in the chains of your adversary.  

My children, I sent My Son to save you from all you are experiencing. He suffered so you wouldn’t have to. He bore the cross so you wouldn’t have to. He fought the enemy and all the power he had and defeated him. He brought your adversary to nothing. Stand against him and take back what has rightfully been given to you. You are redeemed. You are made whole. 

You don’t have to give in to the tactics of your enemy. You know the truth, and it will set you free- no more settling. No longer let your enemy control your life or your nations. His power has been stripped away. So when you use the sword of the spirit, which is My Word, against him, remember your enemy has no power to defeat the power of My Word or My Blood Covenant that I have with you.  

Hold your heads high, and remember that I go before you, so who can be against you? I am on your side, so why would you fear? This Earth does not belong to Satan or anyone he uses. It belongs to My children. So stand and take the ownership that already belongs to you. No longer put up with your enemies’ power over you, your family, your finances, your freedoms, or your nations. It is time to see your enemies fall. So get ready for them to fail at everything they try to do because they are against Me, and that guarantees their loss, saith the Lord your Redeemer.  

Mount Everest will be in your news for a significant reason. 

Watch- more things will take place in your skies that will be very unusual. I told you about signs in the sky- the sun, the moon, the clouds, storms, more meteor showers, and strange lights or sounds. Yes, things are going on where you can’t see it all yet, but it will all come out and be seen by the world. 

Masks will be in your news. Something significant is about to be poured out- truth on how they were used against you. All your enemies’ lies are catching up with them, and they will all be exposed.  

Lake Heron will be in your news for a surprising reason.  

Wichita: this name will also be in your news for a surprising reason.    

Siberia: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason.  

Watch for an uptick in earthquakes. It will seem like one after another. Things are starting to shake more and more (and will) until everything is returned to the rightful owners. 

Something significant is about to take place in Japan. I am saying this again. There is more than the news is telling you. 

Ukraine, and the lie that kept this war going, are about to fall. This fall will trigger other nations to fall. Get ready for mighty changes worldwide. 

Your enemies’ hands have been caught in the cookie jar, you would say. There is blood on their hands, and they will pay for everything they have done. 

A major corporation will claim bankruptcy and will shock this Nation. 

Another major scandal regarding a bank will be exposed. The banking system, which is a house of cards, is all coming down. They have been giving money to traitors and this fraudulent government to take more control and freedoms away. Their worldwide Ponzi scheme is coming to an abrupt end. 

A treaty will be signed and exposed for what it was really for. It will not stand. 

My children, get ready for shake-ups and shifts the world has never seen. I am giving you these words so that you will be prepared, so you will fight back and not quit. It is time for the fall of your enemies and their world order. So, get ready for My hand to move and be seen because I am ready for this shift and this change, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Julie Green - THE COLLAPSE OF THE WORLD'S NEWS MEDIA - March 13, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children to focus on My Words, My goodness, My faithfulness, My love, My sacrifice, and My Blood Covenant. Get your eyes off the world. Get your eyes off your enemies and all they are trying to do against you.  

Do not be distracted.  
Do not be deceived.  
Do not give in to their pressure.  

I have told you before that your enemies always lose, and this time is no different. They will not succeed. They will not conquer My church. They will not conquer this world, no, never. They will get close during the tribulation, but they will still not get all they desire. 

My children, your enemies’ plans are falling apart.  
Their walls are crumbling.  
They are in discord and not aligned with one another. 
They are divided because they are all out for themselves. I have said in My Word that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and it will not. This time and this situation are no different. You will see them scatter and be confused. You will see them fail just as they did regarding the tower of Babel. Your praise, decrees, and the authority I’ve given to you will cause great confusion in the enemies’ army. Yes, great confusion, and you will see that more and more. They will look confused, dazed, and bewildered at what they just said or what someone is asking them because they will not have a response to the question. They will trip over their words, be confused by their lies, and not know what to say or when. 

A great collapse of the mainstream media is coming. They will not continue their narrative in this Nation. They will not continue their hold over My nations. No, a great fall of the news media and the entertainment industry are coming. You will see more bankruptcies. You will see more supposed blockbuster films falter and fail. My Glory and My hand are bringing them down. 

  • A fall of the banking system 

  • A fall of the tax system 

  • A fall of the fraudulent governments worldwide 

I told you, My children, a great shaking is coming to free you from their demonic system- the system that took your freedoms and enslaved you, the system that killed so many. I am destroying that system right before your eyes, and I will bring in a (different) system that I told you about, and nothing will stop it. 

A new world system is coming. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your homes. Prepare with Me, My children. I will lead you and guide you, and none of these things that will collapse before your eyes will affect you. Because I am protecting you, and your enemy cannot get past My Blood. They have nothing powerful enough to destroy it. 

My children receive more boldness and more authority in this time. It is time for the army of the Lord to march to victory and take back what is already yours. So, take it now, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


Many have mocked, ridiculed, laughed, slandered, and wrongfully accused My children and My mouthpieces who speak My Words because they don’t align with what you see. My Words will not do that. I will not agree with what you see when it’s your enemies’ plans against you, and he is the one causing these things to take place. 

My children, I am a supernatural God. My Words will change what you see, not go along with them. My Words are sent to bring faith, deliver, set the captives free, and restore what has been stolen. 

My Words will destroy the things that have held you in their grasp. My Words bring your enemies to nothing, their plans to nothing, their captivity, their torment, and their oppression to nothing. They want you to believe that it’s over, but it’s not over. No, not for My children. But it is over for your enemies and their plans. 

My children, I am not asking you to do something I have not already given you the ability to do. I have given you the ability to persevere; I’ve given you the ability to see past the darkness and overcome it.  

I have given you My Written Word, My Son, My Blood Covenant, and My armor for you to wear during battle. I have provided everything you need to conquer and rise above everything your enemies have done against you. My power resides in you, so tap into that power and watch how easy things will be for you. Lean not unto your own understanding. Lean on Me, My strength, and My ability, and I will give you rest during times of great unrest. I will give you hope when things look hopeless. I will give you joy in the midst of great sorrow. Remember who I am. It will destroy the power of the enemy over you. Take courage in My Written Words. Nothing your enemies have designed for you will conquer or overtake you, saith the Lord your Redeemer.  

Windmills will be in your news for a shocking reason. Things are not how they appear to be. They have designed these for more than they’ve said, and it’s far worse than you thought. I will restore everything, and all the damage they have created on this Earth will be reversed. 

Hazmat: this word will continuously be in your news. Your enemies are purposely causing hazardous conditions in your soil, air, and food to cause more chaos. But I will overthrow your enemies’ decisions, their plans, and all they have done to you. 

Sticky situation: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason.    

Casablanca: this name and location will be in your news for a significant reason. Something big is about to take place there that will get the world’s attention. 

Keep your eyes on Sicily. Something significant is also about to take place there.  

A world leader is about to be killed. They will try and hide the cause and what happened to this person. I will say this again, many sudden deaths are about to take place. 

An attack on an American Embassy will be in your news. My children, this was an inside job. It will be proven that it was an act of war by this fraudulent government, and they paid for this to take place. They are so desperate to start a war around the world, but I will not allow this plan to go forth. 

It is not time for this yet, and your enemies will not get what they so long for, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Disastrous numbers: this phrase will be in your news regarding “the Biden,” his administration, and Harris. Their plans are failing, and people are rejecting their agendas in greater numbers than they originally anticipated because of their disastrous decisions and exposures happening one right after another. This Nation and My church will stand up and fight back- for your freedom and the rights that already belonged to you. Your enemies will not take this Nation down because this Nation is Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

A major scandal will take place at a hospital. A whistleblower will tear their narrative apart and show how many died for them to make money. Be prepared to hear horrible things regarding Big Pharma and the plans made long ago to make you sick instead of making you better. I’m exposing them all, saith the Lord.  

A railroad company will be in your news. Great exposures are coming to prove their disasters were not by accident and that they had more planned, but they will not get what they wanted. 

An ice rink will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

My children, they wanted even more disasters to sweep your Nation. But My Glory will overpower everything they meant for you in this hour, and it will be like it never existed.  

My judgment will destroy them and bring them to nothing. So, again I say, rejoice because it destroys the power of your enemy. Start to praise like never before and start to experience and see breakthroughs like never before. This great separation will be seen in a mighty way.  

Get ready, My children, because it’s your time upon this Earth, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


Many have mocked, ridiculed, laughed, slandered, and wrongfully accused My children and My mouthpieces who speak My Words because they don’t align with what you see. My Words will not do that. I will not agree with what you see when it’s your enemies’ plans against you, and he is the one causing these things to take place. 

My children, I am a supernatural God. My Words will change what you see, not go along with them. My Words are sent to bring faith, deliver, set the captives free, and restore what has been stolen. 

My Words will destroy the things that have held you in their grasp. My Words bring your enemies to nothing, their plans to nothing, their captivity, their torment, and their oppression to nothing. They want you to believe that it’s over, but it’s not over. No, not for My children. But it is over for your enemies and their plans. 

My children, I am not asking you to do something I have not already given you the ability to do. I have given you the ability to persevere; I’ve given you the ability to see past the darkness and overcome it.  

I have given you My Written Word, My Son, My Blood Covenant, and My armor for you to wear during battle. I have provided everything you need to conquer and rise above everything your enemies have done against you. My power resides in you, so tap into that power and watch how easy things will be for you. Lean not unto your own understanding. Lean on Me, My strength, and My ability, and I will give you rest during times of great unrest. I will give you hope when things look hopeless. I will give you joy in the midst of great sorrow. Remember who I am. It will destroy the power of the enemy over you. Take courage in My Written Words. Nothing your enemies have designed for you will conquer or overtake you, saith the Lord your Redeemer.  

Windmills will be in your news for a shocking reason. Things are not how they appear to be. They have designed these for more than they’ve said, and it’s far worse than you thought. I will restore everything, and all the damage they have created on this Earth will be reversed. 

Hazmat: this word will continuously be in your news. Your enemies are purposely causing hazardous conditions in your soil, air, and food to cause more chaos. But I will overthrow your enemies’ decisions, their plans, and all they have done to you. 

Sticky situation: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason.    

Casablanca: this name and location will be in your news for a significant reason. Something big is about to take place there that will get the world’s attention. 

Keep your eyes on Sicily. Something significant is also about to take place there.  

A world leader is about to be killed. They will try and hide the cause and what happened to this person. I will say this again, many sudden deaths are about to take place. 

An attack on an American Embassy will be in your news. My children, this was an inside job. It will be proven that it was an act of war by this fraudulent government, and they paid for this to take place. They are so desperate to start a war around the world, but I will not allow this plan to go forth. 

It is not time for this yet, and your enemies will not get what they so long for, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Disastrous numbers: this phrase will be in your news regarding “the Biden,” his administration, and Harris. Their plans are failing, and people are rejecting their agendas in greater numbers than they originally anticipated because of their disastrous decisions and exposures happening one right after another. This Nation and My church will stand up and fight back- for your freedom and the rights that already belonged to you. Your enemies will not take this Nation down because this Nation is Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

A major scandal will take place at a hospital. A whistleblower will tear their narrative apart and show how many died for them to make money. Be prepared to hear horrible things regarding Big Pharma and the plans made long ago to make you sick instead of making you better. I’m exposing them all, saith the Lord.  

A railroad company will be in your news. Great exposures are coming to prove their disasters were not by accident and that they had more planned, but they will not get what they wanted. 

An ice rink will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

My children, they wanted even more disasters to sweep your Nation. But My Glory will overpower everything they meant for you in this hour, and it will be like it never existed.  

My judgment will destroy them and bring them to nothing. So, again I say, rejoice because it destroys the power of your enemy. Start to praise like never before and start to experience and see breakthroughs like never before. This great separation will be seen in a mighty way.  

Get ready, My children, because it’s your time upon this Earth, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Diana Larkin - EVERLASTING COVENANT - July 4, 2023

“I AM the God of COVENANT, and My covenants are EVERLASTING. They never RUN OUT, they don’t have A LIMIT, and they DON’T EXPIRE. The COVENANT of SALVATION will EXTEND its POWER and GRACE over you for ALL of ETERNITY. My COVENANT with Israel and with your Nation EXTEND FOREVER, covering you for all of ETERNITY. You will always carry My BLESSING, My FAVOR, and My LIGHT. Whenever a Remnant in Israel CRIED OUT to Me in REPENTANCE and called on Me to RENEW My COVENANT that they had BROKEN by turning to IDOLS and FALSE GODS, I INTERVENED and SAVED them once again. Ezekiel and 7,000 faithful ones were all it took to TURN BACK their Nation from the EVIL and IDOLATRY that had TAKEN OVER the Land. Now a GROWING REMNANT is RISING in your Land, acknowledging the SINS of your Nation and coming out of AGREEMENT with them and CALLING OUT to Me for DELIVERANCE, for FREEDOM, and to be RE-ESTABLISHED as My COVENANT NATION. I have HEARD, I will ACT, and with GREAT POWER and MIGHT I will DRIVE OUT the darkness and RESTORE you as a COVENANT LAND—ONE Nation, UNDER God, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all. I AM RENEWING My EVERLASTING COVENANT with you. STAND STRONG, PUSH FORWARD, WE WIN!”
ISAIAH 61:8 For I, Yahweh, love fairness and justice, and I hate stealing and sin. I will rightly repay them because of My faithfulness and enter into an everlasting covenant with them. (TPT)

Diana Larkin - YAWNING TRAP - June 9, 2023

“I say to those of DARK HEARTS: ‘Are you THREATENING to arrest the one I have CHOSEN to lead this Nation? Because you serve the DARKNESS, you are DOOMED to walk in DARKNESS and that is why you continue pursuing your EVIL WAYS with NO THOUGHT that I might have SET A TRAP for you to FALL into. This is not just an ordinary TRAP. It has been set at the BOTTOM of a CLIFF, and its JAWS are WIDE OPEN to CATCH you when you obliviously step off the edge of the cliff. Did you feel FEAR in your HEART when you went ahead with this LYING SCHEME to ENTRAP My leader? You should have paid ATTENTION to that WARNING! In your desperation to keep your own CORRUPTION HIDDEN, you LAUNCHED this UNJUST SCHEME of darkness. What happened when you carried out this TYRANNICAL SCHEME? You STEPPED OFF the EDGE of the PRECIPICE, and you are FALLING, FALLING into the YAWNING TRAP below. Did you have DREAMS of FALLING into a DARK ABYSS last night? The JAWS of My TRAP will soon SNAP SHUT and you will be FINISHED and SNARED by your own EVIL SCHEMES.’ To My Army of Light I say, ‘Keep HOLDING the LINE of FREEDOM, keep DEMANDING JUSTICE, do not BUY INTO EVIL REPORTS that cause you to FEAR. Continue to live under the PROTECTION of the BLOOD COVENANT that we are BOUND TOGETHER in, and know that I AM the God who will bring about the GLORIOUS VICTORY from DARK to LIGHT!’”

Diana Larkin - COVENANT PROSPERITY - March 2, 2023

Today’s date: 32=Covenant, 23=Prosperity, Abundance
COVENANT PROSPERITY has always been My plan for My children. Everything I touch EXPANDS and GROWS GREATER. It is My NATURE to GIVE and to GIVE and to BLESS you with INCREASE. Sin and the works of the enemy can HINDER the flow of My COVENANT PROSPERITY to individuals and to nations. I GIVE, darkness STEALS. The world and even much of My Church have become IGNORANT of My DESIRE to BLESS them with COVENANT PROSPERITY. They have looked to MAN’S systems, and man’s systems will NEVER measure up to My BLESSING OF ABUNDANCE. Man’s systems promote GREED and the EXPLOITATION of others. My COVENANT PROSPERITY BLESSES, and I add NO SORROW to it. When I give you ABUNDANCE, I want you to ENJOY IT, but I also want you to FREELY BLESS OTHERS with your OVERFLOW. This creates a CYCLE OF PLENTY that just keeps FLOWING from My COVENANT PROSPERITY. In spite of everything the enemy has tried to do to SABOTAGE your Nation’s economy, My COVENANT PROSPERITY has continued to FLOW through those who SEEK My HEART and who FREELY GIVE BACK to Me. THANKFUL HEARTS and FAITHFUL GIVING have thwarted the enemy’s EVIL SCHEMES to DESTROY your Land. Put your FAITH on My Promised COVENANT PROSPERITY and then when man’s systems FAIL, you will not be SHAKEN. I have a NEVER-ENDING, ALWAYS INCREASING FLOW of PROSPERITY for My people. Come out of agreement that there is going to be LACK and REJECT the religious spirit that says I only give you enough to ‘GET BY’ because you can’t be trusted with riches. If you ALIGN your heart with My heart, you will receive My COVENANT PROSPERITY, and you will WANT to FREELY GIVE as you have FREELY RECEIVED. DECLARE: ‘I receive Your COVENANT PROSPERITY, and I PARTNER with Your heart of GENEROSITY to allow the ABUNDANCE You give me to FLOW OUT to others.’ As we DEFEAT DARKNESS, My COVENANT PROSPERITY will flow unhindered.”


*PSALM 10:2 “The arrogant in their elitist pride persecute the poor and helpless. May You pour out upon them the very evil they’ve dreamed up against others!” (TPT) *ISAIAH 10:1, 2a “Woe (judgment is coming) to those (judges) who issue evil statutes, and to those  (magistrates) who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims…” (AMP) *”WOE—great judgment—is coming to those who set their hearts AGAINST My Covenant Nation. They devised plans to DEFILE and to CURSE the LAND. Their GOAL was to DEFRAUD My people of their WEALTH and to completely CONTROL them by FEAR and DEATH AGENDAS, and to SOW schemes of DEFILEMENT among the people so that they PURSUED FALSE COMFORTERS instead of Me. These FALSE COMFORTERS grew more and more DEFILING, and they put My people in CHAINS and IMPRISONED them in DARKNESS, far away from My LOVE and My LIGHT. WOE to those who set these SNARES for My people. Those partnered with darkness were REJOICING at all the MISERABLE lives they SOWED, and they looked with HAUGHTY eyes on those they had DECEIVED, WEAKENED, and ENSNARED with DARKNESS. NO MORE!!! I have AWAKENED, ARMED, and RELEASED My Army of Light to join their SHOFAR BLASTS with the LION of Judah’s ROARS, and I AM proclaiming FREEDOM to the captives, SIGHT to the blind, and OPENING of deaf ears! A MIGHTY DELIVERANCE is taking place, filled with RESURRECTION POWER, and this awakened army will RISE UP with My faithful Army of Light and PUSH BACK and TRAMPLE those who tried to place them in CAPTIVITY. Those who SOWED to your DARKNESS and DESTRUCTION, will receive FULL FORCE what they had PLANNED for you. BLOW the SHOFAR, ROAR with My LION, and SHOUT FREEDOM to the captives. WOE to the DARKNESS and TRIUMPH for the LIGHT!”

Julie Green - A SHAKE-UP ON CAPITOL HILL IS COMING - January 10, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day I am telling My children to stand firm in these days of change that appear dark and confusing. Some have cried out to Me and turned away from Me, thinking and believing that I have forsaken them and turned My back on this Nation and the nations around the world because of such evil and darkness. But, My children, I don’t turn My back in times like this because I will never forsake you under any circumstances. I will not punish you for other men’s transgressions. I will not punish you for being enslaved, blinded, tormented, and held captive by this world system.  

Most of My children don’t know this is not the way of life I want for My children or the world. It seems like gross darkness has overtaken this world, but I have said in My Word this is the time to arise from darkness and the depression in which circumstances have kept you. It’s time for My Glory to be seen on you. Your adversary is trying every weapon he can to stop this glory, this revival, and My great reset for My children to be set free from this beast system. He doesn’t want to let you go, nor does anyone he is using. But since when does that matter? Pharaoh never wanted to let My people go either. But when everyone least expected it, including My own people, My hand moved at the right time to dissolve and destroy the situation that they were in. Their captivity was destroyed, and the power of the Egyptians that held My children was annihilated in that moment. And it had to take place. 

I will remind you that everything you see is nothing new. This is not the end, and this is definitely not bigger than Me. I am not leaving you where you are. That is the opposite of what My Word says. My Word is the good news that sets you free. So fight for that good news. Fight for what has been guaranteed. Fight for truth. Don’t lie down and take your enemies’ plans and everything they are doing to you. You don’t have to. Their power is nothing compared to the resurrection power that lives in you that has been dormant in some of My children. But know in this time to tap into it. Know it and receive it. No more will My children live beneath their privileges and their redemption rights. That power lay dormant because you didn’t know about it and how to use it. Now listen to My Words that I am telling you, showing you- it is through your words, so speak and say what I need you to say. Stand, pray, believe, and receive, and there is no devil in hell that will stop you because once you tap into My power, strength, knowledge, and understanding, your enemies can’t stop Me, and I am in you.   

Study My Word and how I was with Jesus. Study what He did and how He lived. I am sending all of you to do greater works because (after Jesus defeated Satan in hell) He returned to Me and sits at My right hand, and through His blood sacrifice, He destroyed the power over you. I’m reminded every day I will not forget this sacrifice or My Blood Covenant I have with you because of My Son. So rejoice, your time has come to receive what all belongs to you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Bethlehem: this name will be in your news for a significant reason.  

Bolivia will be in your news for a surprising reason.  

Brazil, something significant is about to happen there. I will say this again- something is happening that you cannot see yet, that will destroy what you see.  

Murkowski: this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Great exposures and a vacating of a seat will take place. 

Collins: this name will also be in your news for a significant reason.  

Battle lines have been drawn: this phrase will be in your news.  

Watch Capitol Hill. Soon you will see a mighty shake-up. 

Do not be moved by the Supreme Court and all the decisions they seem to be making right now. Nothing will stop what is coming for that court. Justice will prevail, and justice will be served. Call them down, and call for them to be removed, the ones who do not belong in those seats of power.  

Boiling point: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason.   

Keep your eyes on Russia. Something big is brewing, and the world will be in shock at what is about to take place. 

Also, keep your eyes on Nova Scotia. Something significant will also take place there.  

Wendy’s: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.  

A great shaking is about to take place in the sports industry that will not go unnoticed.  

Gale force winds will be in your news for a significant reason. The winds of change are here. You will hear more unusual wind reports in your news. 

Confidential papers are about to surface that “the Biden” and Obama never wanted to come out during their time as president and vice president. Look at the countries involved and all the connections to China, Iran, India, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, Turkey, and many more. They have been playing this Nation in more ways than one, and it is much larger than you ever expected it to be.   

Get prepared for the suddenlies and great shifts that are about to take place. It’s coming faster and harder than you think. 2023 is a year to be free, so get ready for your freedoms to begin, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


For I, the Lord, this day am encouraging My children to rise up and take back what is theirs. Rise up in My strength and ability. Rise up! Stand up! Receive My truth. Receive My freedom. Receive My love. Receive My Blood Covenant. Receive your deliverance. Receive your healing. Receive a restoration of your finances that have been stolen from you through this world system. Receive My wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Receive your callings. Receive and accept your assignments. And receive your victories.

My children, I am telling you these things again and again, so you will see that I have not left you nor forsaken you. You are not defeated. Your enemies are not winning, and they are not to rule in this earth over you. So take back the authority I have given you on this earth. Take back what Jesus has paid for.

It is the time for My children. It is the time for My Glory. It is the time for revival. It is the time for a great awakening and miracles not known to this magnitude by mankind. So get ready, My children. Changes are upon you, and it is about to get very interesting, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Whistleblowers: this word will be in your news more and more.

“War,” your enemies will keep shouting, and they will keep pursuing it, but do not fear what they are trying to do. I am cutting off their plans. I am cutting off their lines of communication. I am cutting off their power and ability to start this world war. They don’t have more power than Me, and they will soon see this is true.

Do not fear Russia. Do not fear China. Do not fear Iran. Do not fear Iraq. And definitely, do not fear this so-called government of the United States. They are impostors, fakes, and frauds, and they do not have the power to pull off their plans. Instead, the truth will drag them down and remove them from their places of power. I say this again, do not fear the economy. Do not fear the shortages. Do not fear inflation. Do not fear these things. They are not bigger than Me.

I am the Most High God. No one and nothing is bigger than that. So rely on that fact and stay focused on My Words. Your enemies are all coming down. And the way they will fall, no one could have dreamed up or imagined how I would do it. My ways are higher than your ways, so watch as I do the things I have promised you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

An archaeologist will be in your news for a surprising reason.

A doctor is about to be exposed big time.

A well-known medical center is about to be in your news for exposures, one right after another, saith the Lord.

Antarctica: I say this name again. Exposures are about to be made. Many things have been hidden in this area- things your enemies didn’t want to be uncovered. This will bring a shock to the world. Many things have been hidden all over this world and are about to be revealed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Oprah: this name will be in your news. I have given warnings, but My warnings were ignored. I am about to bring many big names down. No longer can they hide who they really are, saith the Lord of Hosts.

McInerney: this name will be in your news.

Watch Times Square. Things are not how they appear to be.

No matter what you see, these are the days for Governors to fall. Watch! One right after another will step down or be removed. I am cleansing the states from the top down, and yes, that includes your federal and governmental positions, because great removals have begun, and more will be seen.

Many things took place behind closed doors that you haven’t yet seen. Deals have been made, and many more are about to be made. Your enemies are terrified of what moves are about to be completed. They know they can’t stop the storm that’s coming. They can’t stop the military might that is coming for them. Some in the inner circle of the enemies’ camp still believe they can hold on, and will try, but they will fall flat, and fall on their faces on center stage. They don’t have the power. They don’t have the resources to defeat what’s coming, because what’s coming is Me and My army, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Scandals are about to consume the Federal Reserve and the IRS- scandals, dirty deals, and heinous cover-ups. But I am stopping them from what they really wanted for you, oh, United States.

Get ready to see your Capitol fall. Yes, the phrase “White House Down” will be heard. Your Capitol is about to be under siege because of its tyranny and the crimes they were just about to commit. My hand is stopping them like I have stopped all the enemies against My people before, saith the Lord of Hosts.

An unusual storm cloud will be seen, and a video of it will go all over because of how it looks. I told you these were the days of unusual things taking place.

A fiery explosion will be reported, and this location is important for what you are about to see next.

A great darkness is coming against your enemies. I told you before, My children, the great plagues of today will be seen against your enemies, against their monuments, against their buildings, against their governments, and against their plans. I have said, enough is enough. These words are about to manifest so the world can see them. And the world will see My judgments against your enemies, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Expedia: this name will be in your news.

My children, I am expediting your enemies’ destruction- their governments, the failing of their governmental world system, and their economic system.

The Perfect Storm is against them, and it is about to be seen, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, deny your enemies’ power to exist. Deny your enemies’ ability to continue their governments and control over you. Do this, My children! I have heard your cries, and I am answering your prayers. So awaken and get up from your place of defeat and despair. Your time has come, and My children’s time is now, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Green - A RESISTANCE IS GROWING ACROSS THE WORLD - September 2, 2022

For I, the Lord, this day am speaking to My children on a continual basis to guide you, heal you, deliver you, set you free, and give you the truth, so you know who you are and whose you are, so you no longer identify as a defeated, unworthy, weak, or sick person of this world that no one cares about or thinks I don’t care about you because all you have done is just too much to be forgiven.

My children, do not identify yourselves in this way. This is how your enemy wants you to identify yourself. He wants you to see yourself as so weak and unworthy you won’t fight him back. No more walking around defeated or consumed by your problems or anything going on in this world. Push all that aside and rest in Me. Give Me an opportunity not just to be your God but to be your Lord and Savior, your Friend, your Comforter, your Healer, and most of all, your Father. Put Me first every day. Give Me all your tears. I will take them and take care of you. My children, let Me show you how much I love you and that I will not fail you. I can never be defeated, and I live in you. So arise My children in these days. Arise as a warrior. Arise, as a child who has a Blood Covenant promise to win in every battle, to arise above every obstacle, every test, every trial, and every plan your enemy wanted to make against you.

My children, you are My body, and I am the head. Your enemies are beneath your feet, and that is guaranteed. So get this revelation on the inside of you, and see your circumstances through My Blood Covenantyou can not be defeated with Me. So do not quit. You shall receive your reward, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Outcast: this word will be in your news.

Obelisk: this word will also be in your news. Watch. One of them falls- then another one and another. All your enemies’ symbols are coming down along with every plan and every person, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Honorarium: this word will be in your news.

I say this name again: Wingate will be in your news.

Aerial acrobatics will also be in your news.

Watch the skies. My children, unusual things will appear to take place. One sign after another. I will show you that I am moving, and your enemies are all coming down, saith the Lord.

Instrumental: this word will be in your news.

Asia Minor: this location will be in your news. Something significant is about to be seen.

A wildlife habitat will also be in your news.

Grassley: this name will be in your news, and it will solidify which side he is actually on, saith the Lord.

Ukraine is about to be in the news and not for what you think. No, much bigger things will be revealed, saith the Lord.

Indonesia will be in the news. Watch as more countries will do as they are doing. An uprising, I told you, My children, has begun, and it will continue. The resistance is growing across the world, and the elites and the globalists will not know how to handle everything that appears to be out of control. That’s because they don’t have control. I do, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Knoxville will be in your news.

Roswell: I say this name again will be in your news.

A prime minister is about to die mysteriously, it will appear like, but the truth shall come out regarding what really happened.

Greece will be in your news.

Sudan will also be in your news.

The truth will be revealed in Turkey. Many things have been hidden there that will be revealed to the world, saith the lord.

Cascadia: I say this name again. When you hear this name, it will rock part of the Nation, but My children do not fear. This is destroying something hidden in that region your enemies never wanted uncovered and revealed. I am your Protector, and I will protect your families. You have My name and My Blood Covenant, a better Covenant than the Israelites had in the land of Goshen. So stand and believe that I can protect. And not only that I can, but I absolutely will, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Florida will be in the news. A storm is brewing. Your enemies wanted a disaster to strike this area, but I, the Lord, will not allow your enemies to do what they wanted to do to you. It will be averted, and it will change course. Watch as I do this, My children, because I am the Way Maker, and I am the Deliverer, saith the Lord.

The Red Sea will be in your news for a significant reason. Watch this, and when this happens, remember what I did for My people then and know I am the same God now.

Things are heating up. Things are intensifying, but this is for your enemies’ final takedown. So get with Me, see your victories, and know I am God over all of the Earth. I am your Father. So remember this day, I love you, and My Son came to die so you could live. Jesus destroyed all the enemies you see now. Yes, He did, so trust Him and trust Me.

Your enemies you see today soon you will not see again, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Babylon is about to fall, and this fall will be great. My light will shine greater than all the darkness you see today. I am here now to deliver and set you free. Speak and declare your victories now. Speak them loudly. Shout them out. The more you shout, the more your enemies will fall in front of your eyes. It is time for the Great Exodus. So hold on a little longer. Don’t quit now. No matter how much pressure you feel to give up, don’t give up. Your enemies have to do that – quit because I am on your side. The battle has already been won, and your enemies are defeated, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

One Small Flame - August 31, 2022

My child, This is the word I want you to bring. Tell My people. Time is short and You will see My victory! By My hand, Shall you plant and sow your vineyards. By My hand, Will I expel people and plant you in the land for My name’s sake. It is I the Lord, who favor you, and My light shines upon you. No man can do this, but I the Lord! No person can take pride in this; For I AM the Lord, and there are None beside Me. I AM your portion, And your true recompense. Mine is The Gold and the Silver, and I distribute It to whomever I please. At this hour I will bless My people and restore Their fortunes that the locust has Eaten and worm has destroyed. For I AM a repairer of the breach, And I will return to you all that Was lost. All the lost sheep of Your household will be found by Me; And I will not let them go from My side. They will be loved and flavored by Me, as a sign of My covenant to you. Rejoice, Oh highly favored servant, For the Lord is with thee.


Robin D Bullock - They Made The Wrong Move on God’s Chessboard (FBI Raid on Trump's Maralago) - August 10, 2022

There’s never been such a time, blatant time where wicked leaders openly play God with you and the lives of your children and your grandchildren. They are playing a game of chess with the lives of our children … Why do you wicked leaders not accept mercy when God extends it to you? He extends it to you and your children. But you’re so deep in the mire and you’re so deep in the quagmire of your own sin. And you’re so deep in the overthrow of a world and to bring about an antichrist that you can’t function. You can’t back up you have to push it on over the edge well you pushed it this time.

You don’t realize what you’ve done. You have triggered the key this was it. Chapter 63 of Isaiah when the Lord comes with his garments dyed red in the blood of his enemies and he comes trampling through. This is it when there was no one with him he said. So I came alone I tried the wine press alone. He God is about to take His mighty arm and wipe this chess board clean and declare game over. Schumer, Pelosi, and Barack Obama who thinks that they run who thinks that he runs seven nations from a basement. That they have already they don’t realize they have already been weighed in the balance and found wanting. For as He marches His foot will come down in every basement upon every bed and it will begin in the Ukraine. For you will see a new set of leaders. There are two lions present and one will die from Samson’s strength and one will roar with righteousness.

You had two o America and now you will have a third. A third, yes a third a second lion and a third time to roar from the second. I speak in a mystery, yes, for I am not afraid says the Lord. Even though denominations are for I brought forth the word of faith and the prophetic for this very time to win and you and both and you from the outside of both seek to demonize both of those well this is the time I separate the two and leave the third to energize to emerge from both get out of my way says the Lord. Now I have warned you behold My march begins, says the Lord. Now that’s what I heard this morning and He spoke in a mystery and He spoke about two lines. And he spoke about two and a third and so forth. And this mystery is a great mystery that’s about to unfold and you’re about to see it. But know this Isaiah 63 verses 1 through 6 have now started it has now begun hallelujah.

Listen to this verse 5 of Isaiah 63 and I looked and there was none to help. And I wondered that there was none to uphold therefore my own arm my own arm brought salvation unto me and my fury. It upheld me and I will tread down the people in mine anger and make them drunk in my fury and I will bring down their strength to the earth. This is where we’ve entered into. This is where we’ve entered into Isaiah 63 verses 1 through 6. You challenge the almighty He extended His hand of mercy you ignored it. You keep thinking why do you ignore his mercy because you think you are God. Why can you not hear his mercy? Why can you not hear his righteousness? why don’t you want his righteousness?

Because you are drunk on power. You are drunk you reel like a drunken man you’re drunk on power. This power has make you like a drunk man. An intoxicated and inebriated individual and you just reel and laugh at God while you’re glazed over red eyes think that you can destroy a covenant God made with forefathers of a nation. That only started the nation because we love Jesus Christ and now you seek to step in and say God is not real. You are god that Jesus is fake news. You seek to step in and say all of these things and you would dare says the Lord invade My anointed leader. For this nation and you have pretended as long as you’re going to be able to pretend. For now confusion will set in in your camp and you will babble like the drunken fools you are. Now that’s what I heard the lord say.

Veronika West - America: Satan’s Relentless Attacks Against the Roots/ Foundations- August 4, 2022

Satan’s Relentless Attacks Against the Roots/ Foundations of the Nations!

America: While being taken back into an encounter this morning concerning the Covenant Foundations — the “Roots” of the Nation — I heard The Spirit say, ”America! Watch! For I have assigned spiritual midwives to your midterms, for a time of birthing draws nigh!”

There are days when The Spirit of Revelation will take me back into Dream and Vision encounters, and I will be taken back into the realm and dimension of Glory from which that encounter was revealed.

In this place within the deeper realms, I am often positioned again by The Spirit of The LORD to stand and War prophetically over certain aspects of that encounter, I am called to release Prophetic Declarations and Decrees over and into, specific areas of revelation that were released, like a Watchman, who would be placed or strategically positioned, to Stand Watch and Guard over an specific area on the Wall.

I am taken often by The Spirit of The LORD while in prayer, to witness both the uprooting and dismantling of those things that I have been shown to me over lands, Nations and territories, or I am shown that a re-planting, rebuilding or repair and a Divine Work of Restoration, has now begun to take place.

I am commissioned by God to co-labour with the Angelic in these matters, by often just praying fervently in my Spirit Language (tongues).

In this place of intense warfare and spiritual undertakings, I am acutely aware that I am seated in Heavenly places, surrounded by a wall of fire that protects and preserves me.

I am also often made aware of the Great Cloud of Witnesses, who are standing and interceding with Jesus and with me, as the battles are being fought and won over the Destiny and Birthright of The Nations.

From this place, I have been taken into the Court Room of Heaven, where I have been shown many things that I cannot even begin to describe using words of the English language.

I am learning and being taught daily by The Spirit of Revelation, that there are things within these realms of Revelation that cannot to be spoken — or even uttered — before the appointed time and hour and season.

There are hidden places within these deeper realms of Revelation and Glory, that are sealed and locked up, and only those who seek true Intimacy with the heart of The Father can be given access.

I have only seen but fleeting glimpses of these certain realms or places of divine and deeper Revelation, because my level of true Intimacy with the heart of The Father has not yet given me the access to these realms.

Though My heart yearns for more, more, and more of His manifest Glory in my life, my cry is not for greater measures of Revelation, but for deeper levels of True Intimacy with The Heart of The Father, for to seek Him ,for Him, is to receive all that is in Him — all the Secrets and the Hidden Mysteries of His Glory and Power are made available to His Sons and Daughters who know Him.

I share this to encourage you all, that True Intimacy precedes Insight, and that Supernatural Passion births Divine Purpose.

While in prayer today, I was taken back into a powerful Dream/Vision I had concerning The Nations, and specifically the Nation of The United States of America, and I was taken once again to The Root System of the Nation — the Covenant Foundations of the Nation.

I cannot share all that I saw — but I want to say, Pray for The Roots of The Nations(s), for there is a battle raging over the covenant foundations of Nations in this hour,

I am shown Satan, strategically and relentlessly attacking The Root Systems of Nations, seeking to infiltrate and undermine the strength of the Foundations of Nations.

There are Satanic Agents who have been strategically placed and positioned in high ranking positions within in the Government and Religious institutions, and who are working hand in hand to dismantle and destroy the Covenant Foundations of The Nations.

There is a full scale attack underway, to bring demonic defilements within The Root System, as this ultimately will effect the fruits, /Kingdom Identity and Destiny of the Nation(s)!

See the Encounter below. Today I revisited The Roots….

Veronika West - America! Watch! The Covenant Keeping God Shall Not Abandon Thee! - June 15, 2022

“America! Watch! 6.. 7.. 9… and 11 which makes 33… For I AM a Covenant Keeping God, and I will not leave nor abandon thee!”

So, in the early hours of this morning, I was woken by The Holy Spirit with an urgency to pray for President Trump and for the destiny of The Nation of America.

Now as I began to pray, suddenly I heard The Spirit say, “America! Watch! 6.. 7.. 9…and 11 which makes 33… For I AM a Covenant Keeping God, and I will not leave nor abandon thee! Ha!”

As I heard that wee riddle, I quickly wrote it down and continued to pray. Then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say these words, “My Beloved, awake from your sleep. Arise and be alert in this hour, for a great Battle is raging — a battle between life and death.

Look! For did I not say that there shall be two Altars set before this Nation?

For they have sought to offer up a sacrifice to appease their own guilty consciences. Yes! .A Scapegoat on which to put the blood that is upon their own hands by their own making.

But nay, I say! If My People will Pray, their wicked plans and evil agenda will be fully exposed and brought to nought, and the very gallows on which they have built for My Anointed, shall be the gallows on which their own necks shall be broken.

For they shout “January 6th! January 6th!” But I say, Watch Esther 6. Esther 6, for the king’s honour shall come to the one who sits at the gate.

Listen! You city Gates, open wide, and you ancient Doors, stand back… for My Glory comes to The Nations.

Yes! Gold, gold, gold! Watch! As a great shaking and quaking shall bring a discovery of hidden gold buried deep beneath the ground.

For a gold rush shall once again come to this land, a sign that the gold of My Glory shall be poured out upon this Nation.

For a Banqueting Table has been prepared in the presence of your enemies.

Now watch, and pay close attention to the seventh (7) month, for in the month of July, there shall come a resounding reply to those who cry for Justice and for righteousness sake, a reply that shall bring great unrest, and even the talk of Martial Law and a Civil War.

But watch, as My Spirit moves suddenly and in yet strange and mysterious ways in the midst of the turmoil and the trouble, for My Eyes have seen their hidden and evil agenda, and My Ears have heard of their secret plots and demonic plans.

Fear not! For I shall turn the tables and the deals done behind closed doors shall suddenly back fire.

Look, as a tiny thread comes undone, and a gentle pull will soon give way to a great unraveling to what has been carefully woven by the hands of the wicked.

Watch and pray! Stay alert! For a Divine Dismantling will begin that will bring an unseating to many in both houses, for the ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing will be exposed, and the snakes will driven from their caves, and the moles from their holes.

Watch! I say, “Brace!” Brace, as a great political earthquake will take place that will wake up and break up, that will bring a Nation to the brink, to a divine tipping point, that will cause a Nation that is standing at a crossroads, to suddenly move and advance forward.

Now Watch and Pray. Pay attention to the ninth (9) month, Yes! And to the nine that sit in the highest court in the land, for when my plumb-line falls, suddenly a simultaneous move of My Justice and Judgment will take place.

The Winds of Change will blow forth upon the Supreme Court [SCOTUS]. that will bring the Nation into Divine Order, a Supernatural Realignment that will bring to birth My Kingdom Purposes in The Nation(s).

Listen! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Who can stop the hands of the clock from moving?

Even as My Governmental Hand is moving over this land — look — a Kairos Time, an appointed time of Divine Visitation comes at the eleventh hour.

Watch and stay alert! For the eleventh (11) month, the month of November, will be remembered for supernatural interventions that will bring an even greater course correction to a nation in divine transition,” says The Spirit of God.


For I, the Lord, this day have proclaimed your freedom, victory, health, deliverance, and your restoration. You are no longer slaves or victims because not only have I declared your victories, but I paid the ultimate price for them. There is nothing more powerful than the resurrection power of Jesus Christ – the damage it did to Satan and his power. Everything he has stolen from this Earth and from My children is not his anymore. It has been given back through the Blood Covenant. My children, take it back now. You have the authority. Your adversary is defeated. Get this revelation on the inside of you. When he comes with his attacks, you will strike him down to the ground under your feet and remind him of his defeat.

He can’t defeat you when you know the truth. So, My children, today, hold on to the truth. Hold on to My Blood Covenant. Hold on to My Name and resist him. Command what is rightfully yours – your freedom, health, soundness, wholeness, joy, peace, wealth, and family. Nothing that is bad is from Me. I am good, and all good things come from Me.

I have given you all good things to enjoy. Enjoy My gifts, My children. Take what I have already provided and paid for. Don’t sit by and let these attacks happen to you. I have given you the ultimate weapon of Satan’s destruction. My children, use it daily.

What is the ultimate weapon, you may ask? The Name of Jesus. Receive greater revelation in that Name. It will destroy the attacks, sicknesses, every lie, every chain, lack, death, and every fear trying to attack you. You are My chosen generation that hell will not prevail against. That is why you are being attacked by the world leaders the way you are.

Satan knows what is coming – revival and My Glory like never before. It will crush his plans and wipe out all those he used to help bring his plans to pass.

To George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Klaus Schwab, all the secret societies, and all the leaders from around the world: HEED THESE WORDS – My hand is moving now against you. All of you will end up like Pharaoh in My written Word. You refused to listen. You hardened your hearts, and you pursued My children with no remorse or repentance. Your fortunes will be taken from you, and death will come to each of you for the death and destruction you caused My children and the Earth that I created. They were never your property or your slaves, and you will see that before you take your last breath – the freedom of My children and the destruction of your empires, finances, and your influence. I am ripping the secret societies apart like they never existed. Everything you have stolen will also be ripped from your hands.

This Nation of the United States is not yours, and it never has been.

You are about to experience utter betrayal. Someone you thought on your side has turned evidence into the authorities. Your blueprints are known to My side, and the world will see it all. To all corporations, businesses, and leaders against Me: you are about to take the biggest hit to your pride. That arrogance you had against Me will not keep you from your ultimate fall from your high-powered positions. I say again, you are not gods, and you never will be. I am against you, and you will soon see My power on display against you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, their destruction is at hand, so don’t lose hope now. Things you have never seen are about to take place. Get ready, My children. Change your lives and your hearts toward Me. Make Me a priority again. Make Me first in your lives. And while great shakings and great destruction take place around the world, you will have perfect peace, and you will not be moved.

Great miracles and great destruction at the same time. Great death while on the other side great glory and restoration for My children.

A great shake-up is upon you, My children. No one could have planned or imagined what is about to take place.

Receive My Glory now. Receive My Words. Receive My grace and My forgiveness. I will show up, and I will show you My goodness on a level never known to mankind. So rejoice! Every bad thing you see is about to be destroyed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Crenshaw: this name will be in your news.

Liable: this word will be used often against “the Biden,” but he is not making these decisions. My children, something big is about to prove that this is true. He is a puppet, and I will show the world the puppet masters. I will cut their lines of communication, and you will see this for yourselves.

Obama: yes, you have defied Me for the last time. Your pride will be your fall, and your judgment is great, saith the Lord.

Pence will be in your news again. My children, I have told you before, things are not how they appear to be. I will show you the truth and vindicate his name. Many lies have been told, things done behind closed doors, and decisions had to be made. He is a hero, not a villain. He chose to obey when others wouldn’t have done what I asked him to do. You may not understand this now because of what you see, My children, but you also are not supposed to walk by sight. Stop listening to a lie. I see all and know all. The new stations – they are liars and thieves. Trust Me beyond what you see today, My children, and confusion will be destroyed against you.

Wake up, My children. Chess moves are being played before your eyes. Strategic moves have been made against your enemies they don’t even see yet.

They won’t see the total destruction coming for them until it’s too late.

Hazmat: this word will be in your news for an unusual reason. Fear is a liar. Do not comply to another lie, saith the Lord.

A convoy is on the move to take back your freedoms. Yes, your military is marching toward your enemies’ camps to take them all out once and for all. So don’t be moved by appearances, My children. It’s all going as planned, and a landslide is about to take place – one explosion after another to destroy it all!

You are right at the door, so don’t give up on Me now – you who don’t will receive a great reward, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Hank Kunneman - Prophecy Recap For America - June 8, 2022

Now, as I was praying about this, this is what the Holy Spirit told me about this. He said, the way that God is moving is a reminder and a mirroring of the original principles that the forefathers of the nation of America established through the constitution. The difference is that the focus of the forefathers at the time of the founding the nation was largely centered around protecting individual freedom. This time, however, the emphasis will be on a reinforcement and a reestablishment of America based upon Biblical principles and the Lord first. That’s good. While restoring liberty in the process. And this was what God said, He said I am solidifying the Constitution with my covenant. …

– TV host show Prophetic Pulse – Randy ??? name unknown.

For I the Lord this day have spoken words of judgment against the enemies of almighty God. Their defeat is inevitable. So do not fear anything they come up with in this hour of their demise. Many things they will try to do to stop their destruction of their One World Government. Many have already been sentenced behind closed doors. But soon the world will hear what all has been taking place. My vengeance is against them. My hand is moving and the closer you get to the greater Exodus. The more you will see that it is Me moving My hand and I have not forsaken this world and what they are doing will not stand against you.

Lord these words have been spoken for a long time with nothing happening. They are still pursuing us destroying our freedoms and things are getting worse. My children don’t you think the Israelites felt the same way when they were in bondage to pharaoh in Egypt. Yes, they felt the same way and they said the same things look at that story in My word that will give you strength and faith to believe that i am the same God now I delivered My people. Then yes, I am the same God and My covenant and My words shall stand forever.

I am here in moving against the ones you see now in My word. They kept pursuing My people to the Red Sea and all the enemies of almighty God were judged right. Then and there My people never saw them again and like I had told them before it took place. The ones who are against you now will have the same fate, saith the Lord of hosts.

Pfizer will be in the news and major headlines worldwide My children do not fear what was found. For I the Lord will retroactively restore to you what has been stolen. This company will be judged and will never have the money or power again. I will strip them of everything they hold dear, remove them all and judge. Judgment will fall on each and every one of them that took place in these heinous acts against the world. No one will be left standing, saith the Lord of Hosts,

Major news will come out against telecommunications and the companies involved in one scandal after another. I shut the mouths of the lions in the lion’s den with Daniel and i now will shut the mouths of the ones who are against you and strip them of their power and influence. All the secret deals they had made and directed at this world to spied and cheating to steal from you will be exposed and destroyed. And every part this wonderful government played along with the fraudulent government will be dealt with destroyed by My hand, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Comcast this will also be in your news. This location is no accident and not a coincidence with other breaking news coming out of the state of Pennsylvania. A cleansing of the state and the soil is taking place now what your enemies wanted to do to decimate this location hasn’t worked.

For I the Lord and protecting this land for such a time as this. Yes, major stories will continue to come out of Pennsylvania a symbol of freedom will be seen and it will stand with My hand protecting it blown to smithereens this phrase will be in your headlines My children nothing will be left staining that your enemies designed to use against you. Even the buildings will not be safe that they use to concoct these agendas against you and this world.

Firestone this name will be in your news massive cover-ups will be exposed. I told you My children they used companies to front things that they were doing behind the scenes. They are all coming in to the right now in this hour. This is all coming out right now in this hour of great judgment, saith the Lord. Millstone this name will be in your headlines more truth is being shown that your enemies wanted forever to stay hidden. Bribery perjury these words will be used a lot in the national headlines but also international too. These stories are about to break wide open truth is breaking through the damn of lies that had been erected to conceal and to hold the truth back. But that dam has been broken because nothing can hold back the truth and wind, saith the Lord.

The Smithsonian this name will be in the news. This was not just a museum there are things hidden there that are being revealed in this hour of truth. A major scandal involving many of the House of Representatives of the United States is about to break wide open. Listen for the breaking news members of the House were involved will not be able to slip by and get away with this scandal after scandal one fraudulent act after another. Nothing they have done or have tried to hide will stay hidden in this hour of exposures.

More truth will come out regarding the Steele dossier. There is so much more to this story My children. They try to keep hidden it has all been uncovered and a whistleblower will come forward with more truth regarding the people who are also involved. It will shock this country to its core. Some involved you would never have thought were on that side actually were. Many people have tried to fool this country with their political side that they picked. They were just paid to act like they were a part of that side when really they were just spies for the opposite party. Many infiltrated the camp of the rightful President. They’ve all been found out and none of them can hide behind the lies and the parts that they played. No, indictments and treason will be the end to each and every one who chose to spy and infiltrate the sight of the rightful sitting President. All will be acknowledged and dealt with for the world to see.

I the Lord and moving and suddenly will break out across the nations. Suddenly to heal and to give back what is rightfully yours children of almighty God. Stand up now take your rightful place and your redemption rights. They’ve already been paid for and these freedoms and authority are yours now, saith the Lord your redeemer.


Here is a prophetic word that time has come for the world to know the great I Am. For I the Lord this day and speaking through my prophets to give you hope, encourage you, and to strengthen you. Lord you have spoken these words before, yes my children I have so you would get these words down on the inside of you father for your faith to grow to a new level and to trust in Me when facing such adversity, fear, confusion. I’m here to strengthen you to raise you up higher than any attacks from the adversary My children these are the days for my body to awaken arise and receive glory like never before these are the days of turnarounds breakthroughs and for the world to know the Great I Am still lives. I still deliver and save I am the same God in the Bible that avenges my children and destroys your enemies.

Yes in this time you will see Me do more excellent works than I did in the book of Exodus for Daniel in the lion’s den for the three Hebrew men in the fiery furnace. … I’m about to show the world that I Am the creator, I Am the healer, and I Am the provider. You are My children and the covenant you have with Me is stronger and more powerful than anything your adversaries have.My children with a great Exodus your enemies will never forget who is on your side and who is with you. You are all marked with the blood of Jesus. Know this even when you can’t see this your enemies can have more faith and trust in the blood of Jesus than anything in this world.Children of almighty God your enemies will not be able to cross that bloodline just like he couldn’t in Goshen on the night of the Passover.

The blood speaks

The blood defeats

The blood destroys

The blood heals

The blood delivers

Have more faith in My blood in this hour My children you are never alone never forsaken despite how your enemies make you feel. I Am is always with you in your darkest hours i am your light that will destroy and expel all the darkness in your life. You can trust me I will get you out of every entrapment from the devil. He can’t win against Me.

He’s setting things in order , Yes, He’s setting things in order in the White House. Let me tell you why some of the things that God is reminding He said this is a covenant nation. This is a covenant nation there’s many nations out there God loves them all. But not many of them are covenant nation under Christ. This nation was found to Judeo Christian values. The Constitution and our founding fathers, although they were not perfect, like us there was a covenant. If God takes me to the future he’s also taking me times in the past. I saw George Washington on his knees. One leg up one leg down on it bend down and there were other men around him and there was a covenant promise that he asked from the Lord for our for the nation. I did not know this I was taken in the past to see this and it was a blood covenant nation. It was like George Washington and I don’t know who the other men that were with them. But they were very important men. They saw things in this nation that could happen to take out this nation till we wouldn’t be a nation and there was a covenant promise made. That that wouldn’t happen and I go, whoa, wow, and the Lord said. This is a covenant nation I’m standing by the covenant nation.  Discovered nation and he moved his hand like that and next thing you know I was taken in the past and I saw this thing taking place and God honored it. So the us is not going anywhere no not by a loan shot. It’s gonna be a greater America because our forefathers saw this day coming and they had already positioned themselves and then they keep this nation the way it is. God remembers his covenant. Amen. Whoa glory to God. Amen, amen, and what has the Lord I know the Lord’s also showed you stuff regarding military like with what he wants to do with the military can you share that with us get ready. There’s gonna be a serious, how do we release this Lord. Okay I’m gonna release it the way maybe I should reach it like this I’m not because I wrote it down as the Lord was giving it to me serious situation.

There’s the military, God’s military,  and there’s our military this is the way the Lord said. The heavenly host military, Jesus, is a Lord of hosts. That’s military He’s in charge of the military saints. Even in revelations in different parts of the Bible we read like King David, Joshua. King Hezekiah, and much more Jehoshaphat. They all needed God’s military to act on the enemy and in this situation. Whether the United States is the same thing is going to happen. It’s going to be host of heaven military that’s going to move on our nation. They are in position but you’re going to see the executed orders from the commander-in-chief himself Jesus Christ. And there will be orders given and He. they are going to move with our national military.

I saw some things and I heard the word certification. Certification that should have been certified in 2020 and it didn’t get certified. Because maybe time frames whatever and people were doing the blame game. Blame game, blame game, but what wasn’t certified in 2020 will be certified. Why say this how do I’m going to explain this to you. Congress certifies a president. If the certification is not certified they can’t do it 45 was supposed to be certified. Because of the voting frauds and he got pushed back and pushed back you know until 46 came in and by that time it was too late. So I have to explain this to you 45 was never impeached for him to be impeached he could not reenter as a President. If he was impeached he never got impeached in fact I prophesied that he would not get impeached even though they try tried a few times he that means he is still president. Because of the situation that happened, listen fraud, fraud, fraud, and so a Congress would have to certify that the votes and things on that all the other things were not legit for 46. This particular Congress, administration, probably would never do it. So God would have to move people out the way and bring in the right people that will say. Hmm this and I’m going through this I mean there’s a whole lot of details I’m going through it in the highlight. Sayings there’s a whole lot of things involved I saw things in the spirit that God showed me and he’s really dealing with the military.

And the military has the power to exert itself when things are not right. But when the right information comes in and it will, the right certification comes in and the right proof comes in with the right people in position. You will see a historic shift God didn’t explain this to me until this year and part of last year. Because I didn’t know saints I didn’t know all I knew was by by 46, hello 45. But now God is starting to unwind details to me I’m actually seeing things happen. …

The Lord came onto me in the middle of the service snow. He says January, February, all that it’s going to be very very snow issues coming. And He said that’s going to be a divine sign that I am moving on our your nation. It’s no issues you hear things it never snowed here before media saying wow it never snowed there before major major snow issues. Starting in January now this was in December that I released that word of prophecy. Well guess what if you look at it now the first few weeks already is our second week blast of snow. Like you wouldn’t believe and people saying wow, Pastor Manny you prophesied that in December. I said yes,  he said it’s going to be a sign it says it’s going to be a dramatic weather change this year like never before in areas where you didn’t expect. …

Kent Christmas - WILL SHAKE THE NATION - August 30, 2022

My little children why have you trembled and feared at the evil that you are seen in the earth. I am not moved or shaken at the roaring of the wicked. For their very breath I hold in My hand. I have delayed in answering the intercession of the righteous for time to expose the false prophets. I will not be manipulated by men who put words in My mouth that I have not said do not be moved by the damage that the delay of me coming has caused. I can, I will repair, and I will restore what the enemy has taken. This is the Elijah season what you are seeing now is the spirit of Jezebel trying to cut the head off of John the Baptist. Just as I allowed Herod to behead James but not Peter. So now I won’t allow the spirit of Jezebel to be had the prophetic voice that I have raised up in this hour, says the Lord. I have this time I am going to reverse in the earth what happened to John the Baptist who was the Elijah of his day. This time I’m going to cut off the voice of Jezebel.

I have had much preparation to accomplish for this final harvest in the earth. Many have thought I was not involved in the affairs of men the last two years. That I had stayed My distance because I did not hear the prayers of My people. But know this I have been setting the stage for the greatest display of the sovereignty of My power that mankind has ever and will ever witness, saith the Lord. This has been a time of separating the goats from the sheep. For there are many who call themselves Christians. But they are not they by their actions have declared we will serve the Lord but by our rules not by his they have rewrote My Bible. They have changed My Laws and they have changed my Commandments and have said if you want me it’ll be on my way and not yours. But they are arrogant and foolish to think that My words, and My Commandments can be changed by mere mortal men. It is not the wicked who have weakened the church in this hour. But it is the counterfeit Christians who have been a cancer in My body that have taken the very virtue out of My house.

But because sentence was not executed speedily they thought that I had overlooked or that I had accepted their ways this, time saith the Lord. I’m going to judge the lukewarm just like I judge the wicked there will be no separation watch now as I judge leaders who did not guard My sheepfold. Samson will grind at the wheel blind Eli will fall off of his throne and Saul will die at the hands of the enemy. After I have finished cleansing My house and separating the sheep from the goats I’m going to turn my sheep into lions that will be loosed in the earth for this Hour. For this next season will require demons to become terrified of the church. The majesty of My glory that is beginning to be released in this hour, saith the Lord is not entertainment it is not the exaltation of the gifts of men. But it is the divine Holy presence of the Lord God Almighty in the earth hallelujah will be fulfilled the next two sovereign events that are going to occur will be the fulfillment of prophecy. That the wealth of the sinner will be given to the righteous there has been a nabal spirit that has been withholding from the tabernacle of David that i am raising up in this hour, saith the Lord. I am going to force the wicked to release their wealth to My people because it’s going to require much wealth to finance what i’m going to do in this time. You will know that wealth is beginning to change hands when you see me shake financial centers in Europe, in New York city, and the other continents around the world. And it will declare that the transfer of wealth has begun.

I will also bless My people for their many years of faithfulness. I’m going to bless you My children in such a way that there will be no way to contain the abundance the words that you have declared surely might cut runeth over will no longer be a declaration of faith. But it will be the very experience, saith God that I am opening the windows of heaven upon the children of the Lord, saith God. For every believer that has walked in faith I am now going to heal, says the Lord of Hosts. I’m also going to usher in and release in the church and it will begin in the year 2022 in the fall. The church is now going to experience signs, wonders, and creative miracles, saith God. For it is My will that my body be completely healthy and whole to accomplish My sovereign will in the earth. …. This time saith God I will do miracles in such a way that no one will be able to say it was slight of hand or manipulation or a trick. For arms will grow out, saith god where there was no arms. I will cause eyes to grow in sockets where there are no eyes, saith God. I am also coming after the spirit of autism that hell put upon the children of the godly men and women in this hour and I’m going to break that demon, says the Lord. Because it is not of Me and then the children of the Lord that have not communicated were branded not strong mentally there will be a power of God hit them. And that Saul prophesied and as Samuel prophesied so were your children prophesy. Did I not declare it, saith the Lord that on the day of Pentecost this is that which is spoken by the prophet Joel and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, saith the Lord.

For there is much that is yet to be fulfilled that I have declared in My word and it has been so long coming that My children have begun to wonder is it just a fable, is it just a good teaching. But know this I don’t work, I don’t move just to see Myself move, I don’t talk just to hear Myself talk, but I will perform My Word. Not one jot not one tittle shall fall by the wayside nations that are called superpowers in the earth are not superpowers. For they have no power for the power of a nation it’s not its army but it’s the God that rules over them. And the Gods that rule over China and the non-gods that rule over Russia and the millions of gods that rule over India will not keep Me out, saith the Lord. When I get ready to loose My sovereignty upon those nations rulers will stand and say no no no. But heaven will declare and rejoice yes yes yes. You will remember when I do this I’m now going to send a strong spirit of confusion to politicians and the wickeds. My book is a legal book it is based on laws and the court of heaven.

You will know that I am fulfilling this. When you watch liberals and evil politicians and even the media online with live television turn on each other and begin to destroy each other, saith the Lord. I will cause them to uncover their underbellies I will make them tell the lies that they have told and declare it was not true. My wrath has been stored up for this time and I’m now going to release it, says the Lord of Hosts. Just as there was a wailing in Egypt when I destroyed the firstborn. So shall there now be a wailing come up out of the earth for those who have tried to destroy My people.  For they have sat behind closed doors and said there is no God, we are god and they have said there is nothing that can stop us from doing what we want to do. So they’ve killed your children they have stolen your inheritance. They have robbed the widows and they have caused the fatherless to be forsaken. As I caused pharaoh who was the king of kings at that time in the earth bowed down and wailed over the loss of his own firstborn son. I am going to hit the weakness of those men and those women and I am going to begin to strip them of that which has been so important to them and when I do. All of their attention will be on what they are losing and there will no longer pay attention to what i am doing in the earth for those. Hallelujah!

Now the final battle for the church is going to unfold in the earth this battle isn’t going to be fought in natural realms. This is not a battle of buildings this is not a battle of money. This is not a battle of talent this is not a battle of who’s who this is not a battle about who has the greatest air time or who has written the latest book. This battle is going to be fought not in the natural realm but in the domain of the heavenlies. This is not a battle hallelujah, it is not the final battle, saith the Lord that’s going to occur between good and evil in the earth. But this is the last battle for the church before I remove her from the earth and bring my beloved whom I have longed for home to be with Me, saith the Lord. The time is short the time is short the time is short …

For I am a Holy God I do not know sin. I’ve never bowed down to sin there has never been sin in My house and I will not allow sin to come into My throne room, saith the lord. So if there is sin in thy life saith god get it out for the days of repentance are coming to an end for those that I have moved on rebuked and caused to be convicted. I have delayed bringing home My people you call it the rapture I call it homecoming I have not brought My saints home because I said though you go forth weeping bearing precious seed.

When you come back you will bring your sheaves with you so know this, saith God. This is the time that I’m giving sheaves to the house of God and when you come home, saith God. You’re not coming home empty-handed you say father what are the sheeps the sheeps are your children the sheeps are your family the sheaves are the fruit of thy womb. As you’re wept over those that you have loved and you’ve watched hell afflict them, bind them, cause them to become addicted until you’ve wondered Lord is there any hope. This is the day of hope, saith God.

This battle, saith God is not a normal battle. This battle, saith the Lord is really about the church stepping on the neck of the enemy. I make covenant with you this day, saith God you will not bleed in this battle. You will not be cut in this battle and you will not be wounded in this battle, saith the Lord. … The battlefield that the church is stepping on to will become the harvest field after it was the battlefield. Heaven has already decided. The outcome of this battle when this battle is over the devil will stand embarrassed and demons will stand confused and say what do we do now? I am now going to fulfill My word that I declared in Amos the plowman is going to overtake the reaper. Because of the magnitude of the harvest that is coming into the house of the Lord this will happen because I am shortening the laws of nature. I am going to abbreviate the time between planting and reaping, says the Lord.

In the past the waiting of harvest has made many of My servants weary. But this time with great joy shall they bring in the harvest. But to the churches that have created a famine in My house for the word of God. So they could have temporary success and growth know this i am now going to send a famine of people to your houses and they will become empty tombs. And as they leave thy house they will know that these people are not coming back but they are finding houses where they can feast on the presence and the word of the Lord. I have said that i am getting ready to send the death angel into the earth. I am now looking at that angel, saith the Lord and i’m getting ready to say go and take the sword in thy hand when the death angel comes to the earth and know this, saith God. There are many who will challenge the word that I have released through My servant today and said it is not the word of the Lord. Watch Me, sayeth God for I am going to fulfill this word. For in my mercy I have allowed men and women of the past to challenge the prophetic word of the lord now, saith God. I am drawing the line you will not challenge the word of the Lord because if you do sayeth god the judgment that is in this book is going to come upon thee the death angel that will leave heaven, saith the Lord is headed for the house of the Lord. For I declare judgment begins in the house of God.

You are going to see platforms where there are musicians and singers that have practiced sin know they are unclean. You have no reverence for My presence and think I will be as others like Samson and I will walk onto the house at the presence of God. But when they stand on the platform they will fall dead as ananias and sapphira did. Because this is not just another move it’s not a temporary display of My glory. But I am setting the stage for this is, saith God the final move of the Lord. When the angel is finished with the church and there will be men that the worldless looked at and said they were fathers. But they were not they were wolves and sheep’s clothing. And as I begin to bring my judgment I am going to uncover that which has been hid for decades. There are even men who are dead in the ground now but lie with great reputation. I’m going to change that and uncover who they were when they were on the earth do you not know, saith god.

That I said my house shall be called a house of prayer and it will not be a den of thieves. In this hour, saith God this judgment that’s going to begin to take place will finish at the end of 2022. And then the angel of death will be released to the nations and they will begin to walk into government houses. They will begin to walk into secret places they will begin to walk into the dens of demons and the hand of God will be released, saith the Lord. For this is My hour, this is My earth, you are My people and I will no longer bow down to sin in the earth. I’m going to raise up even sinners who will stand in reverence for me, saith God. For I am a sacred god. I am a Holy God I am a righteous God, saith the Lord and I have been my line pushed aside spit on and put down. But in this hour, saith the Lord the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is arising to his feet and shaking himself. I shout say God for My word will come back fulfilled, saith the Lord. Hallelujah, hallelujah. …

Christa Elisha - A COME BACK to TAKE BACK all that was STOLEN! - August , 2022

We are just now going to begin to see this mass revival take place in our land . We have seen the awakening and God is showing up His covenant promises to us are yes and amen. And guess what guys there wasn’t one rainbow there was two there was two. There was two and just like God promised that 45 was going to have two terms in the office. I’m telling you right now that everything that was meant to set him back is actually going to be used for a great setup God has gotten everything in place and the bride is awake. And she is warring for her beloved and God has remembered he is the God who answers by fire and not only are we gonna see it the sevenfold spirit of God rest on a a remnant of people to turn this whole nation back to God. But we’re gonna see outbursts break out so the Holy Spirit and fire everywhere . And guys this is just around the corner. I am absolutely ecstatic you should be too guys here.

It is it’s time for a comeback to take back everything the enemy stole.

Yvon Attia - "Buckle Up and Be Ready!" - August 6, 2022

These words were bouncing off the page: “The Coming One WILL COME and NOT DELAY.” At this time, I heard God say, “I am breaking the spirit of delay. There shall be no more delay.”

Buckle Up and Be Ready!

Then I saw what seemed to me like a roller coaster, and I heard the Lord say, “Buckle up and be ready. Smile at the camera and enjoy the ride!”

I pressed more into His presence and remembered a time when I was riding a huge roller coaster. I buckled up and saw the world through different angles, knowing deep down that I would arrive safely at my destination.

Word for the Month of August

At this moment, Holy Spirit started to speak. This is what I heard Him declare over August: “You are entering into a new beginning, a whole new world – a world you have not known before. To so many people, this new world will be marked by darkness, hardship and lack. But to you, My covenant people, this whole new world will be marked by signs and wonders from Heaven.

“So buckle up and be ready to align yourself with Me – to walk in union with Me like Enoch, who walked with Me and escaped death. He was no longer found because I embraced him.

“August shall be a month of supernatural provision with those who will enter the new Kingdom realm – a month where I will widely open the eyes of your understanding above and beyond anything you have ever seen.

“I have seen your suffering and perseverance. I have seen your faith and endurance to keep going even when it hurts. I have seen your confident hope in Me, even when you were surrounded by trials and hardships. Therefore, I decree and declare to you that you are entering a new season of divine favor. Get ready for divine visitations, and expect the unexpected in August. For in a little while, I shall come and not delay. I shall come and not delay. I shall come and not delay!

“Much of your promises were held back because of delay, but in this month, I am getting ready to break that cycle of waiting and the cycle of delay. My favor will break through your life, My healing will break through your life and My provision will break through your life. Get ready to walk in divine favor like never before – to walk in divine love like never before, for I Myself am coming to you and will not delay.

“Increase your endurance in faith; ask for what you have never asked before, for I will open the flood gates of Heaven and pour out a blessing which you will find difficult to contain.

“So buckle up and get ready! It’s happening.”

Bo Polny - All People Will See HIS GLORY 2022! - July 11, 2022

 … They will fall in the fall. …

The 100 year cycle clearly indicates that there is a market crash. Stock market crash coming this year so be prepared the market crash is the great awakening. It’s the victory needed to stop this evil empire. Daniel states God needs how long? One day and if the prophecy that I give today is true nothing man will say can stop what is about to happen of the fall. Of this Daniel two and a half thousand year kingdom. The kingdom stands the kingdom they bring pride before the fall. Pride started in June and July brings the start of the fall. It’s coming down it’s coming down big time. It’s gold coming down the hall that is coming down. We have a boost of a new era before today into September 24th. September 24th marks the end of the Jubilee Year. …

The present-day Egyptians who you see before you soon you shall never see again. The United States is about to go dark. When it goes dark it’s going to come back on. When it comes back on the new era the new world is burst God’s kingdom is here. And we see the return of 45 this fall. He comes back the eagle has landed this fall. We return to the covenant we have with God.

Nate Johnson - “In the next six months you’re going to wake up settled in the land that I promised to give you long ago.” - June 29, 2022

I was in worship when the word of the Lord came to me;

“In the next six months you’re gonna wake up settled in the land that I promised to give you long ago.

“You will wake up and realize that all the battles that you’ve been through, the fires that you’ve walked through, and all the wildernesses that you survived are no longer ahead of you, or around you, but behind you.

“You’ll breathe deep and see no sign of the pain or trauma that has been following you around for years.

“The hope deferred that has been like poison, sitting in the very recesses of your soul, is already beginning to evaporate from your life, never to be seen of again.

“I am establishing you, says the Lord. I’m establishing you! I’m establishing you! I’m taking your feet and I’m planting them firmly and deeply.

“I’m strengthening you and I’m giving you the land that I promised that I would give you.

“I will move suddenly and quickly to get you to where you need to be, and I will give you rest.

“Yes, your nomadic days will finally be over.

“Just moments ago, everything that I said that I would give you was out of reach. Just moments ago you were at the door and it looked like there was nothing on the other side but now you’ll step through the door and see what I’ve been building for you. You’ll see what I’ve been orchestrating for you, that you did not even know I was orchestrating, and you’ll see what I have been building that you had no clue of.

“It’s been a season that has felt like you were falling into despair and into the depths of darkness, but you’ll soon see that I was building for you, I was establishing you, I was getting you ready to step into your promised land.

“But I know it looked like you would never reach it, and it looked like you would never get to the other side, but you’ll soon see that I have been leading you through, holding your hand to make sure you did not miss it. You’ll see that I have been freeing your feet from every trap, loosing your hand from the basket, and removing every yoke from your shoulders.

“Yes I’m establishing you! I’m giving you the land that is attached to your new assignment, and you will step into a season of building.

“You’ve had to surrender your plans and old assignment, surrender everything that you’ve been birthing, and everything that you were building. You’ve had to burn the old oxen, remove the old mantle from your shoulders, and let everything in your hands drop, but now I’m giving you your assignment that is attached to the land. I’m giving to you now, says the Lord, what I have been storing up for you for years.

(We have been in an Ecclesiastes 3:3 season “a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build”)

“And as you begin to see what I have been storing up, that is when you will start to experience the restoring. I will restore every single thing that was lost, every single thing that was broken, and every single thing that was torn down in this past season and it will come back with interest.

“Soon you’ll see that your season of the hardest ground became the place of the most fruitful outpouring you’ve ever seen in your whole entire life.

“Soon you’ll see the place of your greatest trial, and your greatest assassination attempt, become the very location that I will pour out My Spirit without measure. Don’t you see that I have been preparing you? I’ve been preparing you to birth a new movement that wasn’t on your radar.

“I have been preparing to establish a movement through you that would drive down deep into the earth and shake your nation, and extend from you into the nations of the earth.

“I’ve been shaking you upside down and inside out, but now get ready to see everything that’s been on the inside of you, that I’ve been depositing. Get ready to see the fullness of the mantle upon your life. Get ready to see the fresh oil and anointing that I’ve been depositing in you.

“I’m going to use you to establish families of revival; places of My presence. I’ve been looking to and fro, looking intently to find those who would prepare a place for me to dwell.

’Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?’ Isaiah 66:1

“And I’ve seen you on your face and I said ‘This is the servant that is giving Me room—this is one who says “You, Lord and nothing else. You, Lord and nothing else. There shall be no other lover other than you!”’

“And in a time of mixture, and in a time of great compromise, these ones have chosen the low road, the road to My throne, the secret place, the private place, the place of My gaze and nothing else. The place where everything has gone to die. The place where every man-made achievement just evaporates.

“Now from this surrender, I am giving them the keys to this fresh move of My Spirit, all around the earth. And the sign shall be that I will plant and establish them. And the sign shall be that I will gather My remnant from the nations and I will call them to the place that I have preserved for them. And the sign shall be that I will finish, and I will accomplish, everything I said that I would do through them. And the sign shall be that every single loose end will begin to come together. The sign shall be that hearts will come alive in a way that they’ve never ever known. 

“The tired and the weary, the battered from battle and the assassinated, and the ones who have been taken out. The ones who have been deactivated—I am restoring them, says the Lord. I am giving them a fresh wind and putting My Spirit upon them, without measure. I’m bringing so many back from the brink of death in this season. You’ll be so surprised who I restore to their former glory but with so much more. New names—names, that’s right—names are going to change. Names are going to be changed, new robes, and new running shoes.

“These are the days that I will build and I will establish My covenant afresh with them. And I will plant them in the midst of the ruins of the nations, the ruins of government, the ruins of the empires of church, and I will position them in the rubble to be those who will be the restorers of the breach, says the Lord. They will dance upon injustice and rule the land rightfully where others have failed.

“They will see plenty, where the world finds lack, and they will thrive, where the world sinks further into survival. I will give them My counsel in these days—wisdom and insight to know how to navigate the hour at hand—and they will not become prey for lions or go hungry. I will protect them and uphold them for their faithfulness.

“I am bringing My people back to the drawing board right now—back to the beginning—so I can course correct them into a greater future than they were heading towards. This is a season where every ceiling of man is breaking, every ceiling that has been exalted and idolized is breaking, and every single throne that has been exalted above Me is crumbling.

“And I’ve called you in this hour to establish what only comes from My heart, for I have been looking for those with a heart after My own heart, that would worship only Me and build only My house; who would say only what I am saying and do what only what I am doing, regardless of what people say around them.

“They are the ones that I’m going to use and they are the ones that I’m establishing in this season, says the Lord.

“And the Glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former and I will pour out My Glory in such a magnitude that the earth has not seen. I’m about to pour out My Glory in places of extreme darkness, places that look impossible to be turned around, and where it it looks impossible for any fruit to come from—out of those places I am going to pour at my Glory.

“And in this season I’m going to use My people to do unusual and unexpected exploits, and those who follow Me into places where does not make sense, I will use them as instruments of My Glory.”

Then I heard the Lord say;

“So don’t retreat! Don’t run backwards in fear because of the unknown future ahead of you, because I have already gone before you! I am your breaker!

‘The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head.’ Micah 2:13

“For many would say that there is hardship coming but no matter what the enemy constructs, I will be your safety and your provision. I will give you wisdom to work around the obstacles”.

“In famine, I have designed for you to be fruitful. And in chaos, I have designed for you to be a place of peace for the hurting”

“Yes, you will build safe-houses and places of protection from the storm. They will be greenhouses, where what I pour out will multiply rapidly, because the hour is at hand and the workers are few for the harvest.

“And you will build refuges, homes, and raise up families who will be mighty in the earth, who will restore the places of desolation. And my church will leave the pews of apathy and become warriors and watchmen, of this new era.

“And it will be said: ‘Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.’ Isaiah 57:14

“And I will draw the outcasts to you—the isolated and the lonely without family—and you will restore the brokenness that a fatherless culture has created.

“And some will say ‘But what do I have in my hand to build with? I am emptied?’ 

And I would answer them, ‘Your eyes are about to be opened to see everything that has been increasing in this season of extreme opposition and seeming loss. You will see just how sharp the sword in your hand has become and the axe in your other hand to tear down.’ 

This will be a time of the opening of eyes of the blind and the resurrection of the fallen soldiers in combat.

“Do you see yet? Do you see the sparks around the earth forming? Do you see the stifled smoking wicks beginning to burst into flame? I will do what I said I would do, and I will finish what I started.”


As I was still in this prophetic flow I saw a vision of something on the Lords heart – worship houses lighting up the map. They were physical properties, land that were being transformed into places of encounter and true belonging. 

I could sense that these were healing centers where people would come to detox from religious systems and encounter the King of Glory. 

They will be places to cultivate real family not just meaningful community, and they will be hubs for the harvest, training and sending places. 

I want to end this word by encouraging those who dropped their building plans in the last season because the warfare become just too much or the opposition from other believers stole your joy. 

It’s time to pick up your blueprints and build again. It’s time to leave the messy transition and long season of feeling lost and homeless and be established and thriving for the days to come. 

Veronika West - You Are the Child of a Covenant-Keeping God - June 3, 2022

“Beloved, I AM a Covenant-Keeping God. Surely I tell you there is no good thing that I would withhold from you, for I have not left you as orphans in this world to defend, to protect and to provide for yourselves.

But rather, I have grafted you in, made you My Own. I call you Sons and Daughters. All that I AM, and all that I have, belongs to you.

My Angel Armies are at your command, and My vast and Unlimited Resources are at your disposal, for I have set no limitations or boundaries to what I have made available for you, My Children.

AM I not Wisdom? AM I not Power and Strength? AM I not Justice and Righteousness?

AM I not Comfort and Healing? AM I not Peace, an ever-present Help, a Safe Hiding Place from every danger? AM I not Love and Victory?

Yes Beloved! I AM a Covenant-Keeping God, and you are My Child.

If you will stir up expectation and anticipate My Help and My Deliverance in this hour, I will not fail you, for those who put their Hope in Me, shall never be disappointed.

Fear Not! For I AM Light, and though the path ahead may seem dark, unsure and even unsettling, I shall go ahead of you to level the Mountains and fill in the Valleys — even the crooked paths shall be straightened — and a Highway shall be built for you, that will lead you to The Land of Promises, where My Abundance and Beauty Overflows.

Did I not say I would work all things together for your good?

For My heart yearns for you, and My Love hunts you down daily.

AM I not a Jealous God? Jealous over you? For I delight in preparing a Table for you in the presence of your enemies — a table of abundance, satisfaction, and everlasting love — a place of feasting on My Grace and endless supply.

What enemy can ever take it away?

For My Oil is poured out upon your heads, Anointing you for Victory and everlasting Life, for I AM a Covenant Keeping God and you are My Child.

Abide In Me and I shall Abide in you, for this is a Love Relationship that is not overbearing and controlling, but a Love Covenant that is fruit bearing and liberating, a Love Relationship that is not founded on religious rituals, but a Divine and Royal Seal, birthed in The Secret Place and in the deeper realms of The Spirit, where a heart to heart connection is formed, fashioned and takes flight.

Beloved, so come, eat and be fully satisfied, and let My Love draw you out and send you forth as Ministers of My Mercy and Grace into a hungry and starving world.

You shall go forth into the highways and the by-ways and multitudes shall be fed from the baskets that are filled with the crumbs and the leftovers you have gathered from the Overflow of My Blessings and Bounty that you have received.

For I AM a Covenant-Keeping God — and you are My Child!”

Manuel Johnson - “I, the Lord, Am Shifting Positions in Your Nation” -June 3, 2022

My children, My children as you have witnessed this historical move of My righteous right on in your nation. Wow, and for and the following other nations your ears will tingle. Glory to
God hallelujah. Your ears will tingle your eyes will see the salvation of the Lord. … I have said before to My servants to prophets I Lord change not and I am doing a new thing in your generation. In your season and will not relent shall. I am opening up the floodgates of My spirit on our flesh on the earth. Which is my footstool. I the Lord and moving mountains you thought that could not be moved. Whoa in the Lord and shifting positions in your nations and nations which you did not believe could be shifted. To My favor I the Lord will accomplish some of My purpose and My will through what you call the media. Wow as I did My doing My time to serve My servant Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar was a pagan king and God used His vocal cords do certain incidents.

I the Lord have established in My divine counsel trips and backfire on the enemies of the Lord. America will know I am the Lord and Iremember my covenant for this land. Amen, boy that was such a powerful download and you see when He does this to me gets my attention. So, I receive that I’m releasing that word you say right now. I receive it right now so I received from my nation. I receive it from the nations. I received from my household. The Lord could have easily said amendment he could have easily said Constitution. He actually said covenant for the United States of America. Yeah, and a covenant is actually higher than the Constitution. A Constitution we as men have to stand behind it but a covenant God stands behind. My God, go away amen because He’s not a man that would lie on our you know you know man that we relent a covenant is a covenant God stands by His covenant.

What are you saying saints there was a covenant made a blood covenant made in this nation before there was even a Constitution. So this that’s this is a game changer on our nation. This is a game changer. God says I will honor this. So we’re talking prayers that are perhaps 200 years over 200 years old. God is remembering those prayers He remembers those prayers of our founding fathers. We just celebrated memorial day last week of people that fought men and women that fought for this country for our freedom. And God wants that for this nation as to be a representative to other nations. Before this nation became a nation of freedom the scripture talks about it god gives you and I a free will. We have a free will. None of us are following the Lord with a chain our lease our rope on our neck. None of us we follow Him, freely every day. For our lives we choose who we going to serve and we choose the Lord saints I’m excited to be in this generation that God has chosen this generation. You and I to see the glory of the Lord move in such a magnificent way. He’s moving it’s not is it it’s happening now.

But I don’t look to the media to see all that you you know I look to the Lord and more that I look and see what God is doing behind the scenes the more excited I’m getting. The more exciting I’m getting. Oh Lord thank you chose me to be born in this nation. Wow and this generation and do you understand that we’re going to impact our generation in a generations to come. And most of you may say oh my God all this stuff is going down all of a sudden. Saint don’t you understand the enemy screams allowed us when he knows he’s on the way out. Screems loudest when he knows he’s on the way out. Bye-bye, bye-bye, they’re on the way out. So they deceived themselves we’re secured in the Lord. They’re not secure we’re secured they’re not secured they’re on slippery ground. They’re on slippery eyes they’re nice we’re secured we’re on we’re not on denies we’re on the rock, whoa.

Elaine Tavolacci - Keys for Kingdom Living - April 24, 2022

The LORD says, “I AM releasing Keys to My Covenant people. You have heard of people receiving the “Keys to the city,” but I AM releasing to My People this priceless gift of “The Keys to The Kingdom.” Yes, it is a mystery, but I AM the God who reveals mysteries. I will give you The keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven. These Keys are not man made, but they are Keys to enter Doors of Revelation. I AM releasing the Ancient Keys to open up the Ancient Mysteries.

I AM releasing Keys to open the prison doors of those who are bound. I AM releasing Keys to those of you that have pressed in through prayer and travail in interceding for others. They will receive a higher level of Intercession.

I AM releasing Keys to the overcomers. For those of you who have pressed in through the difficult times,without wavering, and have not fainted in the fires of affliction. These Keys are for My Warriors who have overcome evil with good, stood on My Word and not denied My Name, in times of adversity and trials. You have treasured My Word more than your necessary food. I AM inviting you to come up to a new level and I will show you things that will astound you as you have been faithful during times of famine and misfortune.

I AM releasing keys to those of you who have been obedient to My Word. You have done what is right, loved mercy and walked in humility. You are not prideful, but have loved your neighbor as yourself. As you have been faithful in little, I will trust you with much. Rather than seeking the riches of this world, you have left all for the sake of The Gospel and therefore, you will receive one hundred fold now in this time, houses that you did not build, family and land as well as eternal life.

I AM releasing Keys to those of you that have been persecuted for My Name’s sake. Those of you who have been hurt and slandered by others, your reward is great. As others have judged and accused you falsely, you did not repay evil for evil. You shall surely receive justice from Me, as The Righteous Judge. You will find favor with God and with man. Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of My Throne.
I AM releasing Keys to those of you who has sought Me diligently in The Secret Place and studied to show yourself approved. As you spent time with Me, and have been seeking My face, you will now receive a deeper Revelation. I will open the eyes of your understanding, and I will reveal My Secrets to you as you have cried out to Me for Wisdom and Understanding.

I AM The Ancient of Days, and I AM calling you to come to a higher place, as I show you great things which you have not yet seen,” says The LORD.

The LORD gave me a very powerful Warning Dream a few days ago. I cannot share all the dream yet, as The LORD is still revealing many things concerning this Dream, but in the Dream I was shown what looked like a ‘Legal Contact’ and it was sitting in from of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
The Contract read; “European Army”. These Words were written in bold.
Then suddenly I heard these Words, “Watch! Oh Great Britain, a Nation built on the foundation of The House of David.

I say, look and look again, for the demonic tentacles of The European Union will seek to take hold of you, to lure you into a Political Partnership!
Yes! With promises of greater protection and preservation over your sovereignty in the days ahead, by forming a close military alliance with an army of their own making.

So watch and pay close attention! For like a ravenous wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing they shall try to lead you, but if you follow in their footsteps, into the jaws of death and destruction you shall go! So I say to you, pray and set up The Watchmen on The Walls of this great Nation!

Lift up your Sword and Shield, for it is time to draw a line in the sand. It is time to put a blood-bought boundary line around this Land.

Listen! For is that the bleating of sheep I hear, oh Great Britain, My Lion-heart Nation, cry out for Mercy and I shall deliver you from your vicious enemies that seek to steal your Birthright and Destiny.

Humble yourself, and Repent, for your Arrogance and Pride Return to your Covenant Foundations, and I shall surely remember you this day.

Great Britain, rise up and take your place, for I have not given you the spirit of timidity, like that of a lamb, but I have anointed you with Love, and with The Power of The Roar of The Lion, and with a sound mind I have blessed you among The Nations!”

VERONIKA WEST - “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” - January 18, 2022

I was sort of driving into the draw into my driveway and the Lord suddenly said something to me and He kind of it was a word that took me by surprise actually because I wasn’t praying at the time. I was just kind of getting home um and I heard the Lord say this concerning President Trump he said for he will be as slippery as an eel and the enemy shall not lay a hold of him. … The Lord showed me a picture of President Trump and i saw that he was covered in this thick golden oil. And he was covered in this oil and I knew it was the anointing oil of the lord. …The  Lord showed something to me he showed me that the oil of his anointing was acted as a powerful protective and impenetrable layer against the powers of the enemy. And I could see the hand of the enemy trying to take grab a hold of president trump and even the enemy’s demons. I could see the demonic forces of hell trying to lay a hold of him. But because of this thick golden anointing oil that was that covered him the enemy wasn’t able to latch on. The enemy wasn’t able to get a firm grip of him . …The Lord said something interesting to me H said many have underestimated President Trump because they have seen him as a man and not an anointed man. …

The Lord likened the nation of America to me as a prodigal nation he’s likened my own nation (Ireland). As a prodigal nation and that just gives us an insight into this next move of god how He is aligning and prodigal nations are now beginning to come out of the valley of decision. And then the Lord said to me I am bringing a prodigal nation back to her senses that she will turn and return to its first love the great shaking was causing a supernatural shift and a course correction in the realm of the spirit. It was taking a nation back to its covenant foundations on which it was built. A great shaking would awaken a nation and then again the Lord started speaking to me about the redemptive purpose of His shaking that a nation would then be awakened. That a nation that was going blind you see again everything with God his timing is always perfect. A nation that was going blind to its true identity and kingdom destiny is now being awakened to who she really is to her God-given destiny and identity. And the Lord then showed me that the great shaking would purge and purify a nation of its sin and its iniquity so that it may become a vessel of great honor in the house of the Lord. And then the Lord said to me and that the nation would become as a gold signet ring upon my finger among the nations. And then I heard the Lord say this He said, America, America be still and know that I am God for now a new mercy movement of my spirit is making a way where there seems no way. For I have declared again I felt the spirit of the fear of the Lord when He said that to me. For I have declared over this nation that mercy, mercy, mercy, is the taproot of this great land and it shall stand once again as a nation under the power and the authority of My sovereign hand .

For a time of the great divide is now taking place within the nations of the earth. For nations will be tossed and turned in this hour, shaken, sifted, separated, and scattered. For my spirit is now moving to agitate, to disrupt, to dismantle, and to demolish. For my spirit is moving to make a divine distinction between that which is precious and that which is of no use to My kingdom purposes in the earth. For I tell you I will purge and I will purify in these days of great shaking and then the Lord said something amazing. … He said for gold, gold, gold, is what I shall have and I felt such an authority of the Lord when I heard Mim say that. Gold, gold, gold, is what I shall have nothing less than pure gold. … He said watch as my spirit begins to move to deal with the mixture that has brought a defilement deception in My body. For I tell you in this new era a move of my spirit shall bring forth a swift and severe course correction within the nations of the  earth. Watch as I realign and reorder for now righteous nations shall be cleansed by the waters of My spirit, and purified by the fires of My glory. Watch for righteous nations shall come forth as pure gold from among the rock and the rubble for in the midst of a great agitation and purification a Great Awakening shall take place that shall bring kingdom reformation and restoration. …

I began to see the spirit of Elijah moving across the valley of decision and the valley of nations and this harvest sickle in the in the midst of this mighty whirlwind. And as I looked at the harvest sickle …I could see this harvest sickle going forth and it began to to uproot um and to tear down and I could see the  wheat and the tears being separated. And the Lord began to show me that sheep and goat nations were now being gathered up. They were being scattered so the again the purpose of this mighty whirlwind was to scatter and together to scatter the goat nations and to gather up his sheep nations. but then it was amazing kelsey that the vision shifted. …

I began to hear a sound of weeping as I was looking at the valley of nations and this divine distinction that God was making within the whirlwind of Elijah was moving across this valley of nations. I heard a sound of weeping and I saw the nation of America and I even saw my own nation and I could hear the sound of weeping. And I knew that it was the sound of repentance and I saw other nations also beginning to weep before God in repentance. And I saw these nations begin to lay prostrate. They began to to lay face down on the floor of this valley of nations and as they were laying prostrate on the on the floor of the nation of this valley. I watched as the mighty whirlwind of Elijah was moving as the as the harvest sickle of the Lord was moving across this valley of nations and this gathering up and the scattering was taking place. I saw that those nations that were bowed down in repentance and laid prostrate before the Lord. They were they were divinely preserved and protected from the scattering winds of the of of the whirlwind of Elijah. …

Veronika West - 45 Is Coming Back With the Roar of a Lion - July 30, 2021

He (God) said these words … watch for the Trump of stump at the stump of Trump will sprout again. I immediately sat back in my chair and I knew that the Lord was about to really to reveal something to me of what he was doing that he was about to show me something. So I kind of sat back in my chair having heard that and the Lord took me into an open vision. …  I looked at this forest I knew by the spirit of revelation that I was looking at if you like the forest of the nations the Lord was likening these trees these many different types of trees to the nation. But my eyes were immediately drawn to what looked like the biggest tallest tree in this forest it stood hard this tree was an oak tree and it stood high above the trees of the forest. And as I looked at this oak tree again I knew by the spirit of revelation that what I was looking at was the nation of America. But as I looked at this tree I knew I was looking at the nation of America amongst the nations. But I was also looking at President Trump so you know a lot of times when God speaks to me through visions and dreams. ….

But I just knew by my spirit as I as I looked at this incredible big oak tree that stood high and tall above every other tree in the forest. That I was looking at the nation of America I was looking at President and I was looking at President Trump and I just want to stop there and say something in that I truly believe that President Trump and this is this is not my opinion this is truly what I believe is God’s opinion. Because this is what the Lord has said to me, but that that President Trump is a prophetic signpost of what he is doing in the earth. What he is doing in the church and that doesn’t sound like it makes much sense now. But I pray that it’ll make more sense as I share. But that President Trump even the name Trump is a prophetic signpost of the restoration the reformation and the redemptive power of God within not just within the nations but within his ecclesia within the church . Um and so anyway going back to the trees in the forest and this incredible big oak tree. I knew what I was looking at was this the destiny of a nation but also the  destiny of a man. I  was looking at the nation of America, but I was looking at the destiny of President Trump and they were being they were intertwined and as I sort of came down into this forest I could see this incredible oak tree and then I my eyes saw a fig tree and I saw this fig tree under the covering or the shade the protective shade and the covering of the branches of this incredible big mighty oak tree and as I looked at this fig tree that was under the protective covering of this oak tree I knew I was looking at the nation of Israel. And that God showed that this fig tree was the nation of Israel and I saw other trees in fact I saw another oak tree a smaller oak tree and God showed it to me as my own nation the United Kingdom.

But in that moment God showed me so clearly that the nation of America the branches of the nation and under the you know the leadership of President Trump. If you if you like to say what brought a protective shade and covering to other nations and then I could see that the nation of Israel was hidden under the shade of the branches of this oak tree. And so I was seeing this happening in its open vision and I was just just got a real sense of the just that the great destiny of the nation of America and really what America the prophetic significance of the nation of America concerning other nations. It was the first time I really saw how God had raised up the nation of America as a maybe for a better word a fathering nation. A protective nation and so I was seeing this happening and this was all kind of swirling in the realm of the spirit.

And then suddenly I saw people what looked like people running towards this oak tree in the forest they were running through the forest and they were running towards this s incredible big oak tree. But as I sort of came closer in this vision and I saw these people sort of running towards what looked like people as I sort of came into the vision closer in the vision. I saw that they were ruling demonic spirits and when I say ruling these were ruling powers and principalities of darkness. And they were rushing towards the mighty oak tree. They were rushing towards the nation of America. They were rushing towards the man President Trump God’s anointed man. They were rushing towards the street and they had axes they had weapons of destruction in their hands. And as I looked at these ruling powers and principalities of darkness their names were made known to me in the vision. And I saw the this ruling spirit of hatred and strife and murder and poverty and death and disease and bloodshed and pride and lust and perversion and destruction. These powerful demonic ruling spirits were their names were made known to me and when I was watching these demonic entities these ruling spirits which were carrying these axes coming towards the oak tree coming towards the destiny of a nation. Coming towards the destiny of an anointed man of God. …

Their assignment and their agenda as if you like was to bring utter destruction was to destroy the destiny of a nation it was to destroy the destiny of a man. … I watched as they came upon the tree the base of this of this oak tree and they began to cut and hat and um it was like a demonic frenzy of demons just hacking and uh you know with this agenda to cut down the tree. … I was watching this unfolding I began to see the oak tree become vulnerable and almost unstable as these axes these sharp axes began to cut into the trunk of the tree. And then I saw the tree begin this mighty oak tree begin to lean to the right and I knew at that moment that I was about to see the mighty oak tree fall and it was just at that moment I heard this loud sound that just filled the entire forest of the nations.  This cracking and breaking sound of this mighty oak tree as it fell to the ground. And when this mighty oak tree fell to the ground it just the sound of its crashing just reverberated across the forest. It just reverberated across the nations that was the forest and every nation every tree in that forest felt the impact of that that tree falling to the ground. And at that moment I began to cry out to God it was like a spirit of weeping came upon me and I began to weep for the nation and I began to weep for what I was seeing and as this mighty oak tree fell.

I looked at the these ruling demonic spirits these ruling powers and principalities and there was the sudden sense of celebration in the enemy’s camp and they were and they began to chant and they began to chant and I and I can even hear it now a I’m kind of reliving the moment and I can hear them and they were shouting death to America death to Trump. Death to freedom death to the destiny of this nation and they were celebrating. … It was a great victory in the enemy’s camp. I mean it was just you know just the sense of great victory. But at the same time there was the strange sense of Oh my my goodness you know the tree is now down this oak tree is down and as I looked at the enemy celebrating these ruling spirits celebrating suddenly my eyes were taken off what they were doing and I looked at the fig tree and I looked at other trees. I looked at my own nation. And I saw that they were suddenly fully exposed to the elements. There was no more covering there was no, more protection. The branches of this mighty oak tree that that brought shade that brought covering that protection had suddenly gone there was nothing and iI found myself almost going from a place of weeping for the destiny of the nation. To now weeping for the the vulnerability and the exposure that was that that now these other nations would begin to experience that the nation of Israel would now a become a greater target would become more vulnerable that now wouldn’t have that shade and that overing of the nation of America and again I just in that moment I just saw so clearly how the destiny of America the united kingdom and the nation of India. Israel was so intertwined because of the positioning of the trees and just how you know positionally the trees were placed and I found myself weeping for the nation of Israel. And as I was weeping for the nation of Israel suddenly I saw a shadow come over like a cloud in the sky that looked like a man’s hand that’s the only thing I can say that looked like a man’s hand and the shade of this of them of a man’s hand which I knew by the spirit was the hand of God. It was the right hand of God and the shadow of God’s hand uh covered or brought shade which fell upon the nation of Israel and the nation of the United Kingdom. But I knew in that moment that that while the covering of the nation of America. …

I looked up at the line of Judah and I saw him look he tilted his head towards the stump of the tree and he tilted his head towards the ground and he still tilted his head toward the roots of the tree of this incredible oak tree and he Roared …  I saw a radiant rainbow of of the seven colors rainbow come forth from his mouth like a flood like the flood gates of heaven had opened like a river of the seven spirits of God this radiant river of the seven spirits of God came out of his mouth. … He showed me that with the covenant promises God reminds us not just of our color of his covenant promises with us but He reminds us of our true or awakens us to our true identity. … Then I saw this great eagle come into the this open vision and the eagle began  to uh saw within the colors of the of the seven spirit those seven colors of the rainbow. A I saw that the eagle then began to circle over the stump of Trump over the stump of this massive oak tree and as he circling um he began to circle within this rainbow this this rainbow the seven spirits of God. And he began to circle the stump and as he began to circle the eagle this great eagle began to come down towards the stump of the tree and as he began as a great eagle began to descend upon the stump. I saw a mighty whirlwind it’s all i can say it was a rainbow whirl and I’ve seen it before. This this mighty rainbow whirlwind began to form as the great eagle began to descend upon the the stump of the street and I saw this this this whirlwind and that the great eagle was flying or soaring as it were within the manifest power of the seven spirits of God within this whirlwind.
And suddenly I saw the great eagle come upon the stump of the tree …

I saw the great eagle suddenly take flight and as the as the green shoots of the of the oak tree began to come up and could be seen clearly I saw the great eagle take flight and he flew into the the the whirling and the swirling of this this rainbow whirlwind. …I saw a fully grown fully formed oak tree that had literally come up with such there was such an acceleration that had come that in the midst of the whirlwind. … This new oak tree looked nothing like the old oak tree in fact It’s so uh it almost it It’s old oak tree was dim in the light of what of the new that I saw. … I heard the spirit of God say watch for the stump of rump will sprout again.

Amanda Grace - April 2, 2021

Praise be to the Lord God Adonai, who sent His son Jesus Christ, Yeshua to the earth, to be Emmanuel, God with us, dwelt among us, and paid a debt on the cross we could not pay to reconcile us to a Father we were separated from. To His name be all the Glory honor and power forever and ever, Amen…

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day…Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount UP with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not be faint or grow tired says the Lord.

Now is a time My children of great Pressure and a Great Pressing, for as My children press toward the mark of the high calling, the wicked shall find themselves being Pressed, they shall find themselves at the threshing floor, for I the Lord shall thresh the wicked and as that occurs what has been concealed shall come out and forth before the people of this nation says the Lord of Hosts this day.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day an Ayatollah and a dragon have merged in agreement, with the purse prize being the destruction of Israel, 2 countries who are set to be threshed have merged in an attempt to harm My firstborn Israel, two countries who serve a principality, in whom they govern now the time has come for them to be threshed doing the bidding of these bloodthirsty, vain entities, who have now reluctantly come into agreement to influence the men who are so their slaves and servants to change their focus to Israel first and its brother America, the eagle, second.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the agreements that have been made are as dust in My sight, they are fallible meaningless contracts, murder for hire, what has laid hidden in the dark shall be brought out into the light and be placed at the threshing floor and I the Lord shall smack down on both nations and beat and press what has laid hidden in the dark out into the light.

A chain reaction, a chemical reaction shall be triggered that shall destroy labs and nuclear cooking pots in both countries, as the temperature is raised, and boils take place says the Lord of Hosts. For they shall be squeezed as other countries so go on high alert as they see this unholy blasphemous creature that has emerged from Persia and the Muslims and the Hindus shall squabble for their demons are very territorial and so infighting, squabbles, and calculated attacks on relations so shall occur as even Israel gets into their motherboard and tightly guarded labs and so explosions shall you see as the mouth is shut off the dragon speaking blasphemies against My children, for the agreement with My enemies and the enemies of My firstborn so I the Lord shall shake those nations and leadership so shall be struck and fall a domino effect that reaches across both countries, ring around the Rosie a pocket full of posey ashes, ashes they ALL fall down, and plagues and boils it shall be as rats consume them for plotting to harm the covenant nations I the Lord have so protected…

For betraying their oath.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day this shall be a memorable time for even intricate military blueprints and operations shall be discovered that will make paper clips and Moabs dwarf in comparison, for I the Lord of Hosts am dealing with Moab, and exposing the components of a counterpart.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day an exodus into the border the flood of those looking to capitalize so there shall be a striking at the border that causes many to turn back as I the Lord God see the attacks and who they have woven into such migrants and wanderers, those with the blueprints for a coordinated attack that touches down on different points on the map, and monuments and hubs of cities alike, it shall be exposed as it is set to execute.

An internal struggle within the military shall cause a dispute and a civil war internally where office shall oppose officer to get the chains cut and free that those who serve the principality of DC so attempted to lockdown. However, I the Lord thy God am opening up the vault, and officers, generals, and those at sea alike shall be disgraced and exposed for betraying their oath for entitlements and empty promises from wicked serpents who destroy whom they use, a huge; huge blowing of a fuse will expose an issue so carefully concealed and I the Lord your God shall deal harshly with whom have communed with the serpent, the dragon, and the prince of Persia for I the Lord your God have issued decrees and judgments for the grace has ceased and the cries of My people I the Lord am so responding to in this hour.

By this time next year, things will look different in the country of the eagle, there shall be a turn and a redirecting as those I have anointed are sent back to finish a task and order not yet complete, and I the Lord am making a way for this MAJOR SWEEP, of security, military, government and the church alike many will be pushed out by force as I the Lord am from My throne speaking ORDER in this hour, LAW and ORDER against a lawless people for I the Lord am decreeing a thing and it shall be.

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, there shall be a resurrection in this country, for the eagle shall not die but live MY children, PROPHESY TO THESE BONES THAT THEY SHALL LIVE, SPEAK LIFE, LAW, AND ORDER AND A PURGING OF ALL THAT IS UNHOLY AND UNJUST, For MY rulings are set to do a sweep of this land, a sweep that will reach to the election in Israel, a sweep that will reach to the north and southern parts of the continent North America says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, watch southern New Jersey and where Washington crossed the Delaware River says the Lord, for I am bringing into formation those I have so-called to work as a unit, the prophetic and the military alike coming together for such a time unlike any other time, and forming a spiritual special forces that I the Lord shall lead, and it will be a light in a dark place and navigate them through the obstacles at hand, for I the Lord see every crevice and warehouse they have hidden their plans, and hangers as well, planes containing their stock that they so use to build their bots and their programs alike that are linked to a wave of crimes stretching across the globe to Israel and the northern and southern parts of North America alike.

A Burning bush this you shall see as past presidents families now in this time are pressed and family wealth burned for their crimes for I the Lord have decreed it and sealed that judgment for the time of grace for the wicked have thinned out and one after the other shall fall down, suddenly many shall drop to the floor and be no more for I the Lord shall settle a score that goes back to a speech four score and seven years ago our forefathers…

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day summer fruit in spring as I the Lord accelerate to do My will, things shall pick up the pace My children so ensure your armor is on and you are equipped for this burst of speed that shall occur to so bring My plans and purposes to intersect quicker for the sake of your nation America, the eagle is rising as I the Lord speak life into a somewhat lifeless body and command you to live Oh eagle and to take up your mat and walk, and your sins shall be purged and cleansed I shall gut this nation down to the studs to expose the framework hidden behind the walls of unexpected areas says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the dragon shall make a store(strong) advance at sea with the backing of Persia in order to steal and take territory not theirs to claim, so I the Lord shall stir up the waves and cause catastrophe to hit those ships as many will turn around. After a string of attacks and unexplained accidents so force a major turn, so as the container ship was so turned I shall do the same to the fleet of the dragon and they shall be driven back for who they shall point their canons at to attack, the Philippines are crying out says the Lord I have heard the cries of those faithful ones and I the Lord shall protect them from wicked advancements upon their land says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day a bomb in Russia watch and see will cause opposition to arise against former allies and against Iran alike as a major event in Russia causes a BEAR of an issue says the Lord of Hosts.

The dragon has spun a web and those who have so attached markets and economies shall crash as I the Lord completely remove MY hand, however, the underground church I shall protect as their holograms and ideograms (is a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept, independent of any particular language, and specific words or phrases) and telegrams shall be found out says the Lord of Hosts.

A message intercepted that will stop a major attaCK.

A worse fall for the ailing leader as a MAJOR problem arises that cannot be explained and soothsaid away, and a slip of the tongue shall expose their next moves as cabinet members and VPs already have their redecorating and reprogramming blueprints in hand just waiting for the time to PUSH but instead, they all shall be PRESSED BY THE LORD GOD ADONAI AND SQUEEZED TO THE POINT OF SUCH SCRAMBLE AND PANIC THAT I THE LORD SHALL CASE(CAUSE) (to look someone or something over carefully, with a view to additional activity at a later time) THEM TO FALL INTO THEIR OWN PITS FOR THEIR NAMES ARE SO MARKED ON THEM AND HAUGHTINESS IS LULLING THEM RIGHT TO SUCH.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, bridges, trains, cargo, and shipping, watch says the Lord just watch.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day I am muzzling those who have abused their powers and platforms, as I tore the Kingdom away from Saul, I am tearing away those platforms and positions from those who have so abused them and giving them to who I the Lord deem righteous and worthy of such. I THE LORD DECIDE SUCH WITHOUT YOUR OPINIONS FOR YOU DO NOT SEE THE HEART AND I DO AND TAINTED MOTIVES HAVE CAUSED RABID SHEPHERDS AND SPOKESMEN AND WOMEN AND I THE LORD HAVE COME TO PUT THEM DOWN.


There shall be a fall down the stairs, as Joe and Jill have attempted to trample on My Hill, and here shall be a tumbling down and a LOT shall go with for I the Lord truly see the strings and pharmacia ingested and injected to achieve a lucidity, a clotting is occurring and TAPS is on the Horizon as the sun sets on the Biden’s, Eli and his wicked sons, the whole lot shall be purged by the hand of the Lord, however, the country needs to learn a grave lesson says the Lord and return unto Me and Holiness for this to TURN, for you are at the precipice if you shall take the Word, your sword and speak it and BE BOLD and BRAVE as I the Lord your God lead you in this Parade, the Charade shall be exposed a strike to the head of social media giants, shall be the wound that causes a fall heard round the world.

Pray and Listen be watchmen and Women as I the Lord announce through My prophetic voices and anointed Children the shofar is being blown and the walls and gates are set to fall, be ready to take a stand as I the Lord send the captain of MY ARMY to lead you in this quest it shall be miraculous and a trembling to the wicked for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.

That right now My Children, as I move in ways that My children and the wicked alike shall know that I AM GOD I AM…Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts in the name of Yeshua, Jesus, who died for your sins so you may live, life is a gift treat it as such…..

Posted by Ark of Grace Ministries at 7:32 PM


For I look down from my heaven says the Lord and I look upon a nation of the blood covenant. I look upon the nation I have made covenant with for I made covenant with your forefathers and I made covenant in writing. For I gave my word in writing for I gave my word in writing and they have theirs in writing. And we made this covenant bond together says the Lord.

I was there with Paul Revere, I was there when they pledged their lives and their fortunes. I was there says the Lord, and those lives and those fortunes still stand as a memorial before my face in heaven. And I will not forget says the king for those forces are arrayed against you and arrayed against the world trying to take down my America. The Lord said they will not take down my America. For my hand upholds it and the right hand of my power sees to it for the blood of the covenant is between us. As you worship and as you pray says the Lord, all of heaven recognized the bell that rings in heaven. Here ye here you for the covenant of this nation is still in the ears and eyes of God.

For I am going to show you what I can and will do for what you’re about to see me do will make the nations tremble and it will make the wicked lose the strength of their loins for I am going cause them to fall for the weakness of fear will come upon them as I send my prasers out ahead.
So get ready to see it and be a witness to it, but do not forget says the lord, do not forget this day and tell your great grandchildren what you heard. For they will need to know again in twenty years what was said. They will need to know again in a decade what was talked about. For I am looking for who will establish Abraham Isaac and Jacob so I’ll start with you Abrahams and you begin to call it forward. …

You know now the silent and sobering and sobering thoughts before they were released from Egypt for the lord says this is the time of monumental status this will be a time that will go down in history at such a time as that and you will be recorded forever in heave that you were there when it took place. The lord says learn the vocabulary of silence learn when to speak when to walk and when to run for the Lord says, I am doing a thing that you haven’t seen under the sun. There has been times and season connect the years gone by that are resembling this time. But you’ve never seenthat but the Lord said that it’s still the same power the same covenant and the same blood that will deliver you here that will deliver you there.

For this was only a few minutes ago to me says the Lord. Though it was thousands of years of you. For now, in the great cloud of witnesses Moses looks upon you prophets look down over the balcony and they know the spiritual status of things that are happening. They are called a cloud of witnesses, the cloud yes, the cloud. What cloud? The same cloud that led them from Egypt. The same cloud that settled over the tabernacle in the wilderness. The same cloud that came over Jesus, Elijah, and Moses. It’s called the cloud of glory. They see through the glory. See through the glory ask the Lord? See through the glory ask the Lord? The same cloud that led them from Egypt. The same cloud that settled over the tabernacle in the wilderness. The same cloud that came over Jesus, Elijah, and Moses. It’s called the cloud of glory. They see through the glory. See through the glory ask the Lord? Yes, yes, yes, through the glory because as they see through the glory they are looking for the promise I made to Moses says the God of creation that my glory will fill this earth.

And so they’re seeing through the glory and as you raise your hallelujahs and raise your praise and raise your obedience level unto God the glory begins to fill greater and greater expanses and they are seeing through the glory as they watch the promise come to pass. They will watch it you will live it. They will see it and you will run in it. … Take courage and be strong for I could have had you born in any time in history but you were born for such a time as this far as the obedience of the Esters raise the crown of Esther’s will be worn as the obedience of the Esthers riser the crown of Esther’s will be born and war for as you reach out boldly come tome to the king the lord I will stretch out my scepter to you for grace, grace to do things you’ve never been able to do. Halajauh …

Pharaoh never knew what happened until the time he knew he was wrong for on the other side of the Red Sea Miriam and Moses begin to sing a song the horse and rider that’s the sound of being thrown in the sea the suspense of the waves just before they fell. All of your Pharaohs has been pursuing you all of your Pharaos thought they had you when you escaped from the slavery of bondages of addiction from sin from financial woes after you’ve escaped Pharaoh says I’m coming after them again but the Lord said listen to the sound the suspense of the waves before they come crashing down for those things that have plagued you take a good look if you will for those things that have plagued you are about to be stopped and still for the wave will come crashing down and the Egyptians you see today you will see have been no more forever for this is my way.

Veronika West - America: The Curse Will Be Reversed - October 7, 2020

A powerful dream concerning The United States of America.

“The curse will be reversed, and out of the belly of the beast will come seven-fold Recompense and Restoration,” says The Spirit of The LORD.

As promised, I would like to share a powerful dream I received on Sunday night, for the purpose of Prayer and Intercession! Please bare with me, as I endeavour to share exactly what I saw and what I heard, and with the understanding I received as the dream unfolded. This dream is probably up there with some of the most powerful and yet strangest of dreams I have received to-date!

Let’s begin. I went to bed Sunday night feeling a great sense of burden for the nations, especially for The United States of America. With the unfolding news on President Trump being diagnosed with COVID-19, I felt such a battle raging in the heavens over the President and his destiny, and certainly for the destiny of the nation. So as I lay down to sleep, there was a great sense of swirling and whirling in the realm of The Spirit, but as I closed my eyes and began to pray in The Spirit, a deep peace came upon me!

The Thief Has Been Caught and Must Pay Back Seven Times. I must have only been asleep a few hours when I was taken into a powerful dream encounter, where I saw a very large tree standing far in the distance. As I looked at the tree, I immediately noticed that there was something hanging in the tree, but I could not see with any clarity what it was.

As I started to make my way towards the tree, suddenly I heard these Words, “The thief has been caught and must pay back seven times!” As those words echoed in the realm of The Spirit, the atmosphere in the dream became heavy and I felt the weight of God’s Glory surround me. The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD became tangible and I began to pray loudly in tongues.

For the Wealth of the Wicked Has Been Stored Up for the Righteous. As I continued to approach the tree in the dream, with my eyes still fixed on the strange thing that was hanging from the tree, again, I heard for a second time, “The thief has been caught and must pay back seven times!”

As I heard those Words, suddenly I saw a bright red rope, (red; symbolic of The Blood of Jesus) and at the end of the red rope hung a very large ‘Piñata…’

As I looked at the red rope and the Piñata, my mind began to race, trying to get an understanding of what I was seeing, but as I drew even closer to the branches of the tree, I saw that the Piñata was in the shape of a very large Donkey and it was made of hard ceramic… (Yes…I know!! Like what? A Piñata? A Donkey?!?!)

But as I looked at the Donkey Piñata, I knew immediately by revelation, that I was about to be shown something significant concerning the political situation that is currently unfolding in The United States of America…. (The Donkey; being symbolic of the Democratic Party)

Now as I looked again at the large Donkey Piñata hanging by a red rope from the branches of the tree, my eyes were immediately drawn to the Donkey’s belly, which was bulging.

As I looked at the massive belly of the Donkey, suddenly I heard these words, “For the wealth of the wicked has been stored up for the righteous.”

Suddenly I felt a great excitement and an anticipation rise up within me in the dream, as I knew that something powerful was about to break loose over the land!

A Riddle! Then I heard these Words, “Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet”

Ha! As I heard those words, I recognised them immediately and the story of Samson came up before me in the dream… (almost like a vision within the dream, and I saw Samson eating sweet honey out of the carcass of the lion).

As the vision unfolded before me, suddenly I heard the sound of many Trumpets and the ground roundabout me began to tremble, and the tree began to shake and the Donkey Piñata began to move back and forth in the tree.

As I heard the loud sound of the Trumpets, I turned to my right — which was in the direction of the trumpeting sound — and to my amazement, I saw Elephants (symbolic; of The Republican Party). Yes! Elephants coming towards the tree, and with their trunks lifted high in the air they were Trumpeting loudly as they marched!

See, for I Have Delivered Jericho Into Your Hands! And as I looked again at the Elephants, I heard these Words, ”See, for I have delivered Jericho into your hands!” On hearing those Words, my eyes were immediately drawn back to the red/ rope that held the Donkey Piñata in the branches of the tree, and suddenly the story of ‘Rahab, the scarlet cord and the walls of Jericho’, was quickened to me.

Then I looked up again at the Elephants that were marching towards the tree, I saw that were seven (7) Elephants in number. In that moment in the dream, the prophetic significance of the number 7 (covenant, completion and perfection) began to swirl roundabout me and I was made to understand by The Spirit of Revelation, that a powerful spiritual battle was about to unfold before me.

It was a battle, not between flesh and blood, and not between one political party or another, but rather a battle between life and death. A battle for Righteousness and Justice, a battle against the powers of darkness and the principalities of wickedness and witchcraft in the land.

I was about to see powerful satanic strongholds being broken, and demonic thrones being overthrown and overturned! Watch! for the Curse Will Be Reversed and Out of the Belly of the Beast Will Come 7-Fold Recompense and Restoration. Now as the seven (7) Elephants came towards the tree, I watched as the first Elephant walked up to the tree to where the large Donkey Piñata was hanging, and I watched as the elephant lifted its trunk high into the air.

As its trunk was lifted, I saw the trunk take on the shape/ form of a beautiful Shofar, and suddenly there came a long and loud Trumpet Blast which was released into the atmosphere. Then I watched in utter amazement as the trunk/ shofar was brought back down and I saw the Elephant swing its mighty trunk towards the Donkey Piñata, and I watched as its trunk hit the Piñata with great force.

Suddenly I heard a loud sound of cracking coming from deep within the bulging belly of the Donkey, and I saw small cracks begin to appear in the ceramic. Then I watched as all seven (7) Elephants began to march around the large tree, leaving the Donkey Piñata swinging violently back and forth, and back and forth in the tree.

Then I watched as a second Elephant then stepped up to the Donkey Piñata and it lifted its huge trunk, which also took on the form of a beautiful Shofar, and I listened, as yet again another long and loud Trumpet Blast went forth over the land, and then the Elephant brought its trunk back down again, and swinging it with great force, I watched as the Donkey Piñata took another heavy blow, causing even deeper cracks to appear in the Piñata,…..Now at this point in the dream my eyes became fixed on the heavy bulging belly of the Donkey, which looked like it would break wide open at any moment.

But as I watched and waited intently with great anticipation for what I knew was about to take place, again I saw the Elephants begin to march round the tree for a second time. And then they stopped, and a third Elephant stood before the Donkey Piñata and the same thing happened as it did with the first and the second Elephant.

The third Elephant lifted its long and strong trunk into the air and the sound of a loud Trumpet Blast was released again over the land. Then I watched as its trunk came down upon the Donkey Piñata with great power and perfect precision, hitting the bulging belly of the Donkey.

I could hear a rumbling sound coming from deep within the belly of the Donkey, and suddenly, I heard these words, “Watch! For the curse will be reversed and out of the belly of the beast will come 7-fold Recompense and Restoration!” As those words deeply penetrated my inner most being, I knew by The Spirit of Revelation that the curse of death through abortion that was over the nation was about to be broken!

And, as an even greater expectation and anticipation of breakthrough filled the atmosphere in the dream, I watched again as the seven (7) mighty Elephants marched around the tree for a third time. Again, I saw the elephants stop and a fourth Elephant stood before the tree and the hanging Piñata, and I watched as the Elephant lifted its trunk into the air, and a loud and powerful Trumpet Blast went forth across the land.

Then I saw its trunk coming down upon the Piñata Donkey and the sound of cracking and more cracking took place! I saw that ‘the curse of death’ through abortion was what was preventing a great wealth transfer! Now, as I continued to watch this incredible dream unfold before me, I saw the seven (7) Elephants march yet again around the tree for a forth time, and then a fifth Elephant took its place before the swinging Piñata and as it lifted its trunk, a loud Trumpet Blast was sounded.

Then I saw its trunk being used like a mighty battering ram to break open the Donkey Piñata. As I watched and listened intently to all that was unfolding before me, I was made to understand by The Spirit of Revelation that within the belly of the Donkey, there was great wealth, riches and blessings which were being stored up for The righteous for such a time as this.

But I saw that the curse of death through abortion was what was preventing a great wealth transfer being released over the nation(s), but at the sound of the Seven (7) Trumpets (symbolic; seven (7) Trumpet Blasts: a call to repentance) being released over the land, the curse would be broken and the mighty strongholds of death and destruction that were ruling over the nation would come crashing down.

As this Revelation began filling my heart and mind, and as I was gaining a greater understanding of what I was being shown in the dream, I watched as the seven (7) Elephants matched again aound the tree, for a fifth time.

And then a sixth Elephant stood before the Piñata, which was now covered in deep cracks, and scattered across the ground lay big pieces of broken ceramic, and the bulging belly of the Donkey looked as if it would surely give way at any moment.

Again I watched as the sixth Elephant lifted its trunk and a powerful sixth blast of a Trumpet sound was released into the atmosphere, and then the trunk of the Elephant was swung down upon the Donkey Piñata causing the head of the Donkey to break.

As I saw and heard the sound of breaking, my excitement and anticipation became almost unbearable in the dream, as I knew that the power of the curse over the land was about to be broken and that a great transfer of wealth and blessings that had been stored up and held back in the belly of the beast would suddenly be poured out upon the land.

Then I saw the Elephants once again march around the tree for a sixth time, and then the seventh Elephant took its place before the tree and just like before. I watched as the seventh Elephant lifted its trunk high into the air, and with its trunk taking on the form of a beautiful Shofar, I listened as a long and loud seventh Trumpet Blast was released over the nation.

But I watched, as after the Seventh Trumpet Blast went forth, the Elephant’s trunk stayed lifted high in the air and all the Elephants began to march around the tree. Seven times they marched around the tree, and then I saw them stop, and I watched as all seven (7) Elephants surrounded the Donkey Piñata.

Suddenly, I saw all seven trunks being lifted high into the air, and like one mighty wreaking ball of steel, the seven trunks of the seven Elephants came crashing down upon the Donkey, and I watched as the thick ceramic under belly of the Donkey Piñata was smashed wide open!

Change is Coming! Change is Coming! Change is Coming. Then suddenly, like a mighty rushing river, I saw solid gold coins come gushing forth from within the bulging belly of the Donkey, and as I looked at the torrent of gold coins fall to the ground, I heard these Words, ”Change is coming! Change is coming! Change is coming!”

Three (3) times, I heard those words… As I looked at the river of solid gold coins which was now flowing forth upon the land, suddenly my eyes were drawn to one of the solid gold coins and I clearly saw the face of President Abraham Lincoln upon the gold coin, and the words, ”In God we trust” and “Liberty”, were engraved upon the gold coin.

As I looked and looked again at the gold coin, suddenly the face of President Donald J. Trump appeared upon the gold coin and the words…”In God we stand” and “Victory” were written upon the gold coin. And as I looked at the gold coins which were still gushing forth from the belly of the Donkey, again, I heard these words, “For the curse will be reversed and out of the belly of the beast will come seven-fold recompense and restoration!”

Suddenly I woke up from the dream, I grabbed my journal which was beside my bed, and began to write down all I had seen and heard in the dream!

Then in 2013, a dear friend who Sheets had mentored said God told him to give Sheets a special flag from the Revolutionary War days. Emblazoned on it were the words “Appeal to Heaven,” referring to philosopher John Locke’s writing that citizens who’ve exhausted all appeals to unjust leaders can still appeal to heaven.

Word of the Lord on US Presidential Election 2020 // Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

“Don’t stop praying till November three you want to continue till Mr. Trump safely installed is inaugurated on January 20th. But wait I tell you one truth, see I do not know anything about American politics, I don’t need to know. I am telling you the word from heaven.

And God’s purpose for this great nation. That I is all I know that is all I know I don’t need to know the red and blue.  Who is right or wrong.  … I do not know anything about American politics, but I know what is written what is written in the scroll in heaven about the destiny of the US. And in that destiny God willed this   Mr. Trump should serve another term. Because God is extending his grace for this nation for another four years. There is another work that God wants to do in this great nation and that can only be done through a man with a personality like Mr. Trump … you need a ruffian like him. …

If the wrong man should become your president if the wrong man becomes your president your nation will go down and it will not rise up again. That will be the end of the United States America. Because God is not finished with America yet. The promises the Covenant that he made with your from the day they had consecrated this land to the living God. God has made some Covenant with them. And those Covenants and promises will reach a zenith in the next term. So you want to be a righteous men in the office who will open greater doors of freedom for the Gospel of the kingdom of God to go the length and breath of the east coast and west coast.”

— Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – Christian minister from India

Kynan Bridges - Protector of Ancient Foundation - July 19, 2020

God told him He has raised up and assigned President Donald J. Trump to be “a protector of ancient foundations.” “Ancient foundations” include the Bible, prayer and the covenant made with God at the founding of this nation. Bridges said there were many 8-foot tall, white-robed, angelic security guards, many levels of them, in the White House, pointing out that the number of security is always in proportion to the level of threat. “There is a very real threat to the fabric of integrity of our nation.”

“Honor him and I will honor you.” He took me to Isaiah 45 … these ancient foundations the Bible talks about not to remove the ancient landmarks and consequences of removing the ancient landmarks. Which the ancient landmarks is for spiritual protection, it’s our covenant with God. And God showed me the ancient landmarks of prayer, of intercession, the Bible, Christanity, and covenant. … God told me he said that the ancient foundations are coming under attack and I knew at that time there a cabal. There was a very diabolical consortium that had conspired against Donald Trump and against our nation and God set him there as a sentinel to stop it. …

When people talk about Cyrus Isaiah 45 there is a number of things in there we need we need to look at. But one of the roles of any Cyrus figure politically is to give respite to the church so that the church can build the house of God. They are to protect the church while they rebuild. … People conflate the protection with the builder. This is important to understand. The builder is not the protector. The  church is tasked with building. But this current administration President is the one who is given the assignment by God to protect the church. …

God made it clear we MUST PRAY for this president. Pray for the physical safety for President Trump to fulfill this assignment to protect the ancient foundations. Pray that the malevolent agendas of spirits of darkness, including lies, witchcraft, sorcery and divination, will be disrupted and destroyed. “‘Pray that God will arise and His enemies be scattered. Let those also who hate Him flee before Him” (Psalm 68:1).

Veronika West - America: Trump Will Win — But Will Walk With a Limp -August 29 & October, 2019

Part #1: Then suddenly I saw something happen in the midst of the fierce wrestling match (which I cannot share fully at this moment)… But I heard a loud breaking sound and I saw President Trump fall to his knees.

It was quickened to me in the dream these words, “Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.””

As I heard those words, it felt like a hot searing knife penetrating my heart. Then suddenly, I saw the nation of Israel come up before me in the dream, and I saw a greater alliance taking place between The United States of America and the nation of Israel in the days ahead.

Then I saw two hands come together (and the two hands shook) and as the two hands shook, suddenly another hand came out of the heavens and the third hand covered the two hands.

I heard these words, “My Covenant Promises shall be fulfilled.”

As I heard those words, I saw again President Trump and the man whom he was wrestling and suddenly the darkness that had surrounded President Trump lifted and a beautiful sunrise could be seem breaking forth on the horizon

Then I heard these words, “Trump will win — but he will walk with a limp!”

The dream ended….

Part #2: I heard these words, “The nations are at a tipping point…”

Then I watched and listened as the enemy began to shout out accusation after accusation against the Church in America, and he shouted out that because of the division., the disunity, the lukewarmness and the complacency of The Church, he should be given permission to bring more destruction upon the land and against President Trump and his family.

As I stood listening in The Courtroom of Heaven to the accuser as he shouted out for permission to touch the President and the Land with death and destruction, I kept seeing the Golden Bowls of The Scales moving back and forth.

But then suddenly, I heard the sound of weeping and wailing and I saw a woman appear in the Courtroom. As I looked at her, she had a beautiful Crown upon her head, but she was dressed in sackcloth, and I watched as she knelt down before The Judge of Heaven and she began to cry out in repentance.

She began to cry out for “Mercy, mercy, mercy….” and I listened as she began to petition The Court of Heaven on behalf of the President and the Land. I heard her cry out for a blessing to be poured out upon the President and upon the Land.

As I watched and listened, and as her weeping went up before The Judge, and her desperate cries filled the Court, suddenly a beautiful fragrance filled the atmosphere and the high ranking demons began to shriek and scatter and the accuser began to step back from the place where he was standing.

Then suddenly my eyes were drawn back to The Scales and the two Golden Bowls, and I saw one of the Bowls begin to tip over and the accuser began to shout out with a loud voice, ”Judgement! Judgement!”

Then I heard the woman in sackcloth cry out, “Justice, justice, justice!” and as the sound of her cries for justice filled The Court, the voice of the accuser calling for judgement was drowned out.

Suddenly the dream shifted, and again I saw President Trump on his knees in the midst of a great battle, and then I saw the weeping woman run towards the President and she knelt down beside him.

In that moment I knew by revelation I was seeing The Ekklesia (the bride of Christ) kneeling beside him and together, I listened as they both cried out with a loud voice for Justice and Mercy.

Then I heard these Words, “We will not let you go unless you bless us and bless this nation!”

In that moment I heard these Words, ”He will be bent but not broken. He will be bowed down, but not destroyed!”

As those words echoed in the realm of The Spirit, suddenly I saw President Trump and the Ekklesia arise together and then I heard these Words, “And he shall come face to face with God and his life will be spared!”

America…. Watch and pray!

Chuck Pierce Releases Shocking Prophetic Word - May 2016

It’s Time to play the Trump Card …

What the Lord said in the third year of the Trump adminstration there would be an attempt to pull up all of the root of fig tree. (Looking at America from that standpoint of the parable of the fig tree.) There’s this attempt to pull up the root of this fig tree. And the Lord said very specifically in the third year there would be an attempt for what he represented to be removed. That there would be an attempt for him to to impeach … I saw in his third year a war over his impeachment. …

It is about the fruit that will be produced. … There is still a war to uproot God’s covenant plan in this land. It is not just dependent on him it is a war over all the issues that are linked with spiritual freedom in this land. … There is a deep state that want to make us something else. … That means your freedom over God’s covenant will be harmed.

– Chuck Pierce – Ministries, Corinth, Texas

Kim Clement's Last Prophetic Words North Korea,Trump, Iran, USA - 2015

Prophesied on August 8th, 2015

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. And yet you see the fear and the trembling from My people. What is this? What fear would be instilled in you by the media that paints the pictures of doom, gloom – the prognosticators of this time? And they say, ‘How shall we rid ourselves of ISIS and pacts made with Iran, our enemies?'”

“There shall be an exposure and they shall say, ‘Such a tiny thing brought the truth out and such a tiny thing brought down that which was supposed to be upright,’ and yet they are presently at this very moment pacting together with Russia and laughing at this President and laughing at this nation.” God says, “I will have the last laugh. Why? Because, as I have said throughout the summer, there shall be one exposure after the other.

God says, “They have died and said, ‘The naturalism, the naturalism, secular humanism.’ I’m exposing them one minute at a time, and even as you have seen the truth about the little children that are being destroyed and how they laugh about it,” God said, “today I show you that I am about to pour upon My people, those who have given, those who have sowed, and those who have stood the test of time – I’m about to pour upon them unimaginable favor,” says the Spirit of God.

Prophesied on August 22nd, 2015

“Look at Israel, as they are now being rocketed because of hand-shaking with Iran, your enemy.” But God says, “They have not shook My hand! They have not taken My hand in a covenant. Only those who have taken My hand in a covenant shall see the release of My glory in this end-time and it is coming, says the Lord.

Prophesied on August 29th, 2015

“Where were they when men stood together and signed the Declaration of Independence? Where were they when they said, ‘Under God, One God.’ I was there,” says the Lord. 

“And today, there is still a remnant that will not bow to the naturalists, to the secular humanists, to the atheists. No, it is not time for the destruction of this nation. There will come a time where the wrath of God shall be poured out upon the nations of the earth but today I will bring recovery and restoration, and once again America will sing My songs and pray My prayers and declare under God we stand,” says the Lord.

“Do not be afraid of North Korea, do not be afraid of Iran; do not be afraid of the nations, for in 2016 everything will change,” says the Lord.

“There will be a sound of liberty from the White House. There will be a sound of prayers from the White House.

“Pennsylvania Avenue shall be surrounded by people that will pray and ask Me to intervene and I shall,” says the Lord. “So what is the foreboding sound? It is the sound of the enemies of America living in America. Those are your greatest enemies – who call themselves citizens, but they are enemies of the Cross and enemies of the nation and they shall be dealt with.”

“Blow the trumpet, blow the shofar! Blow it! For there shall be a combination of the sound of Israel and the sound of the United States of America – a new sound, and I will take the Spanish music and I will take the Latin, and I will put it together and a unique generation will begin to rap and begin to sing with the combination of the sound of Israel and the sound of America and the sound of Central America and the sound of South America,” says the Lord!

“The Lord God of Israel is a jealous God. I am the Lord Your God. I am a jealous God. I will not allow the idols of Baal-Allah, the idols of the Middle East – I shall not allow these idols to be worshipped. This is a time for sobriety, to be sober. Why? Because men have been blinded. There has been poverty, religious poverty, and yet there is a sound.”

"There will be a sound of liberty from the White House. There will be a sound of prayers from the White House."

"Pennsylvania Avenue shall be surrounded by people that will pray and ask Me to intervene and I shall," says the Lord. "So what is the foreboding sound? It is the sound of the enemies of America living in America. Those are your greatest enemies – who call themselves citizens, but they are enemies of the Cross and enemies of the nation and they shall be dealt with."