– Pastor Regina
to be added
There will never be another greater battle fought then what is being fought right now until we fight the battle of Armageddon between good and evil. That is how paramount what’s going on in the heavens right now between the forces of hell and the forces of darkness. I have begun to remove the distractions in the nation, and I begin to remove everything that has been and idol to my people. God has shut down sports and shut down theaters there is a spirit of soberness that has settled down upon my people.
“For the first time in my life, I feel sorry for Donald Trump. He is standing up to his waist in snakes.”
“I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims military coup/martial law were discussed is 100% fabrication. Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff ‘get the president to concede’ while they stall Trump.”
“We are at a crucible in history.” Crucible moment to create something new.” Definition: a severe trial or test.
There is an information war … you have to wean yourself from the media … “One thing the Lord said you are going into the land of the distortive narrative fake news. You are going to have to not be dismayed, not fearful, you are going to have to be very courageous.”
– Johnny Enlow Henderson – Ministries Nashville, TN, and Author
Amistad Law Project – Philadelphia, PA – December 17, 2020
“Hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was used to violate election laws, according to a new report.
“The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization, released the 39-page report, alleging that Zuckerberg’s $500 million given to election officials was used to treat voters unequally and improperly influence the election for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
“The bulk of the funds went to the Center for Tech and Civic Life, a nonprofit started by former managers and staff at the New Organizing Institute, a progressive nonprofit.”
irregularities across the six states: “outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, Equal Protection Clause violations, voting machine irregularities and significant statistical anomalies.”
Listen closely, do you hear that sound? The train of ‘awakening’ is roaring down the tracks. God is electing to use an Election to ‘awaken’ His people, as the Trump train blows its whistle (trumpet) in city after city. Many who accepted defeat are being ‘awakened’ in their spirit that something mighty is happening — saying to themselves, “Maybe this thing is not over yet; just maybe God is truly in this as the prophets have said all along.”
This feels like a new season, but much beyond; a new era — The Church Age has made its last gasp, as now we breath spiritual air of the Kingdom Age — new government, new light, new energy, new purpose, and many new faces. Many hidden, those trained through years of difficulties, trial, and discouragement, are coming out of their dark place, as God reveals new leaders who carry Kingdom Age anointings. They are passengers on this train of awakening, now traveling all over this nation at the same time.
We are birthing, and birth is a painful, bloody process. Much uncertainty and opportunity for fear fills the air; but let us reveal to The LORD (who watches) the heart of Joshua and Caleb. Let us not “see ourselves as grasshoppers” and fail in the most important moment in spiritual and natural history. Multiple times in the first Chapter of Joshua we’re told “to be of good courage;” this, the key to crossing over, and yes, to cross over we too must show our trust in God and to be of good courage.
A forensic audit of the presidential vote tally by Dominion Voting Systems software used in Antrim County, Michigan, showed a more than 68% error rate, with auditors claiming the system intentionally creates the errors so the machine can have them “adjudicated” – allowing individuals to change the result.
The error rate is astounding considering the Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008 percent for computerized voting systems.
“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,” the audit report prepared by Allied Security Operations Group read. (NewsMax)
God is telling that it is not the Supreme decides who the next president it. It I the Lord who decides who the next president its. I already decided I am bringing victory for President Trump, but God want you and I to pray to declare as it is in Heaven, so be it is on the earth. The church has the authority and power to see mighty things happen in this earth. I if you are silent you will not see what God has promised. … You are going to see miraculous things happen in this nation. God wants to establish what he spoke. … I am bringing a pruning season to this nation. … God is bringing us a cleanup in this nation.
– Albert Milton Ministries
– Steve Cioccolanti and Discover Ministries
Simultaneous Jericho Marches will be taking place seven times around the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Department of Justice. Following the Jericho Marches, we will all converge on the National Mall for the “ROAR!”
“On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.”
– Joshua 6: 4 – 5
“The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city! The city and all that is in it are to be devoted to the Lord.”
– Joshua 6: 16 – 17
The growing trend of homeschooling continues amid school closures and distance learning, as parents opt for home education models rather than public school enrollment.
The Foundation for Economic Education notes that there were just under two million homeschoolers across the U.S. prior to the pandemic, making up just 3.4 percent of the total population of K-12 students.
However, based on recent polling by Education Week, this percentage has more than doubled since schools began closures this past spring to nine percent, or almost five million homeschoolers.
– Tracy Cooke – Cooke Revivals Ministries
Note: Google which owns YouTube once upon a onetime their motto was “Don’t be evil.” That was then this is now and given whistle blower testimony (project Veritas and others) of censorship on search results, leftist leanings, and now banning content of possible election fraud is evil. By banning discussion means by their actions may be complicit in the fraud and now active in coverup of the fraud. Why else would you ban open discussion given the irrefutable proof that has been brought forward to date or honest examination of facts?
– Robin D Bullocks – Warrior, AL
But in this this wind is the wind of change. Do you see the weather vane pointing in a new direction for this nation? No says the spirit of the Lord it is not the direction going backward.
It is the direction of a new era and with this new era listen carefully. I am about to bring what you have declared tonight (election) it shall be known as a shock and awe. … Did I not say in the days of Pharaohs pursuit I will get my honor concerning Pharaoh, his horseman, his chariots. And so I shall once again will get my honor, my glory, in that which will take in this time. … So look closely there shall come a great betrayal, it will be just one betrayal but there shall come betrayals because my hand is extending toward this nation in great grace great power but great fear shall fall upon this nation in the coming days.
Do not pay attention even the electoral calendar, the certificatation date, or even to the inaugural date. For I am not paying attention to the dates of man’s calendar. I am choosing my event, I have chosen may act, and you will see it says the Lord. And it will be in my perfect timing. … You will hear the movement of my feet to shake sake shake and expose and bring to justice those and that who must be held accountable in this time says the Lord.
— Hank Kunneman Pastor of Lord of Hosts Church -Omaha, Nebraska
– Joshua Giles Ministries
This election is about great voter fraud, fraud that has never been seen like this before. It’s about poll watchers who were not allowed to watch. So illegal. It’s about ballots that poured in, and nobody but a few knew where they came from. They were counted, and they weren’t for me. It’s about big leads on election night, tremendous leads, leads where I was being congratulated for a decisive easy victory. All of a sudden, by morning or a couple of days later, those leads rapidly evaporated. It’s about numbers of ballots that were sent that nobody know where they came from. It’s about machinery that was defective, machinery that was stopped during certain parts of the evening, miraculously to open with more votes.
It was about many other things, but above all, it was about fraud. This election was rigged. Everybody knows it. I don’t mind if I lose an election, but I want to lose an election fair and square. What I don’t want to do is have it stolen from the American people. That’s what we’re fighting for. We have no choice to be doing that. We already have the proof. We already have the evidence, and it’s very clear. Many people in the media and even judges so far have refused to accept it. They know it’s true. They know it’s there. They know who won the election, but they refuse to say, “You’re right.” Our country needs somebody to say, “You’re right.”
Ultimately, I am prepared to accept any accurate election result, and I hope that Joe Biden is as well. We already have the proof. We already have tens of thousands of ballots more than we need to overturn all of these states that we’re talking about. This is an election for the highest office in the greatest country in the history of the world. Every reasonable American should be able to agree, based on what we have already documented …
If we don’t root out the fraud, the tremendous and horrible fraud that’s taken place in our 2020 election, we don’t have a country anymore. With the resolve and support of the American people, we will restore honesty and integrity to our elections. We will restore trust in our system of government. Thank you. God bless you. God bless America.
I saw a flood of numbers going up for Trump and a flood going down for Biden. I didn’t ask for it … “Now is the time for my people to sign the song of victory. Sign it boldly and let all the spirit world know that you are not going to take no for an answer. Sing sing sing my people, for it is time to sing let your voices be heard and sing.
Song a song of victory, song a song of praise sign a song of victory for I have delivered you from the grave. So sing sing just sign. For they thought you were finished and they thought I didn’t exit but go ahead and sing your song says the Lord I brought you here for such a time as this. So sing sing just sing. … For I have set up a surprise and we will all laugh together.”
– Robin D Bullocks – Warrior, AL
“The Lord appeared to me and said I will open doors for you to go to the US in 2018 and the main purpose is to prepare the nation for my coming. Prepare them for the judgements that are going to come. Prepare them for the end times that are going to come and prepare them for the hard the times the persecutions that are going to come.
This is the reason I say empathically that Donald Trump is God’s last respite for this nation. A period of grace a period of grace that God has extended on this nation. Which he is answering prayer millions of Christians that have prayed over the years. And now that he has answered their payers he is giving them four years of grace to put things right. If during this four year things are put right and the church is cleansed, and the false works are kicked out and the church is but back in straight order. Then Mr. Trump will be elected for another four years.”
— Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – Christian minister from India
We have heard of all these powers that be are seeming controlling er a lot of things on the earth. I am talking about mem Illuminati … “This is my earth this is my earth.” …
With China God is bring down with its government and the underground church is going to rise up and China is going to see a revival. The Middle East will see a revival. Israel is going to see a revival. But God has to destroy some things first. … We are going to see a rebirth.
— LaCricia Hlavinka – Pastor Sherman Revival Center in Sherman, TX
“This is my cleansing rain coming to America. … I am doing more behind the scenes of American than anybody can ever realizes.” It is coming to all of the states … it will cleanse through the church world … you will see it in all business brought high you are going to see some businesses brought low. God is not messing around right now. … “I have got him (Trump) to put some things in place.”
— Joe Joe Dawson Ministry Texarkana, TX
The Divine Reset: “The Lord God has been sending me back to these places that represent the ancient markers. … Philadelphia, PA to decree at the Liberty Bell what is on the Liberty Bell Leviticus 25:10 ‘Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.’ . … Christ our Jubilee. … Declaring to America … this is my destiny for you (America, Liberty Bell). You are my Jubilee voice to preach the Gospel if the kingdom to all the earth. …
Take the Appeal to Heaven Flag and wave it seven time in the figure eight. … We decreed … declared that the reset has been accomplished the fruit of has been seen but the reset of God it is accomplished in this nation. He has reset this nation. … Declare to America this is my destiny for you.”
— Hank Kunneman Pastor of Lord of Hosts Church -Omaha, Nebraska
“We’ve got tons of evidence; it’s so much, it’s hard to pull it all together,” Powell told Saturday night’s “The Count” co-hosted by Rob Schmitt and Mark Halperin, teasing the explosive allegation of the Georgia governor in a contested and key battleground state.
“Hopefully this week we will get it ready to file, and it will be biblical.“
“It’s a massive project to pull this fraud claim together with the evidence that I want to put in,” she added.
“You name the manner of fraud and it occurred in Georgia.” (Newsmax)
But that vessel America has also forgotten the purpose for which he was formed and our wages war against them. How then can it stand and how can God bless the nation that wars against his ways that blasphemes his name that silences his word and vilifies those who uphold it that sheds the blood of over 60,000,000 of its children. Can the smiles of heaven remain upon it, they cannot. … a house that wars against is own’s foundation cannot stand.
Prophetic points from February 2, 2020.
— Yamkela Joseph Ministries – Port Elizabeth, South Africa
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany begins to describe the extent of the election fraud taking place in the nation. …
“We have only begun the process of obtaining an accurate, honest vote count. We are fighting for the rights of all Americans who want to have faith and confidence, not only in this election but in the many elections to come. There is only one party in America that opposes voter ID. One party in America that opposes verifying signatures, citizenship, residency, eligibility. There is only one party in America trying to keep observers out of the count room and that party my friends is the Democrat Party.
You don’t take these positions because you want an honest election. You don’t oppose an audit of the vote because you want an accurate count. You don’t oppose our efforts at sunlight and transparency because you have nothing to hide. You take these positions because you are welcoming fraud and you are welcoming illegal voting. Our position is clear. We want to protect the franchise of the American people. We want an honest, accurate, lawful count. We want maximum sunlight. We want maximum transparency. We want every legal vote to be counted and we want every illegal vote to be discarded. Unlike our opponents, we have nothing to hide.
The integrity of our election matters. The Constitution of the United States matters. What we have seen across the country is Democrat officials systematically
trying to do an end run around the constitution to tip the scales of election in their favor.”
Those individuals are deceived by unrighteous because they receive not the love of the truth. They are not truth lovers that they may be saved. … For this reason, for what reason? They hate truth. They don’t want to be told the truth. When truth exposes their lies instead of believing the truth they become angry and they call the truth a lie. They call good evil and evil good. That is where we are at in this nation. … The media believing their own lies.
— Perry Stone – Ministries, Cleveland, TN
“Why do you think God allowed a man to be raised up with the name Trump?” Kunneman asked. “The Lord said, ‘I’m standing in the midst of the man and my spirit is attached to him and I’m putting Trump and I’m calling it triumph, with I’m standing in the middle.’ Why do you think there’s the word ‘Pence’? Because there is something of God’s plan if we pray and cooperate with God prophetically.”
— Hank Kunneman Pastor of Lord of Hosts Church -Omaha, Nebraska
There powerful prince angels are stationed with President Trump. And they will strengthen him, and he will triumph. It can mean … He will fulfill my will for this nation as well as for Israel. … pay … and I will push back the enemy’s plan. …
Simple payer is not enough for this kind of warfare that we are entering into that the destiny of the nation is you need to enter into serious intercession. Serious intercession locking horns with the enemy. Then the warfare will stop. Then enemy’s plan to thwart the election, to rig the election will failed.
— Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – Christian minister from India
but that the Destiny of Donald Trump that was being revealed in the vision, was that he would to be used mightily and strategically by God to bring Freedom and Liberty to a Nation, but that was held captive by the powers of the enemy. …
It was there at the Burning Bush that the very nature of Moses was changed and his a destiny was revealed. Moses was mantled by God as a Mighty Deliverer who would carry a Mandate to set the captives free!…
And I heard these words, “Watch and Pray! For billionaires and millionaires have thrown their gold and precious silver into the boiling pot of perversion and corruption, that they may build a golden altar to the gods of Baal and Molek!”
As I heard those words, suddenly I saw the faces of ** ** ** and ** come up before me, and I knew by The Spirit of Revelation, that what I was being shown was a powerful demonic plan and plot of the enemy, to build and establish an altar of the Antichrist in the Nation of America in this hour.
As I looked at this taking place, I began to cry out to The LORD to have, “Mercy, mercy on the nation of America!”
– Veronika West – Ignite Ireland Ministry
This [anger] is one of the things this is what we have seen in certain segments of the population the mainstream media and alike they everything is personal. That is the way demons function. You can’t have any exchange they don’t take personally …
On the side of the demons when we rise up in prayer that means God will answer their prays. And one of beauty of being an exorcist is you literally see the effect of you payer when you ask God the Father punish them for doing X. You see actually God punish the demon for what he is actually doing. …
The demons know that if you are praying that means that what they are working toward will get stripped from and that is why they get so angry. They get really irritated just by virtue by the fact that you are evening fighting against them. Their basic attitude is you should step aside so I can get what. That what demons like to do they bully.
The Holy Spirit spoke to me about the brilliant plan of God regarding the prophecies of Kim Clement and what to expect and watch for around the timing of November 11th is a very significant time for America! People are going to be amazed!!! … “And the plan is so brilliant it can only be given by me.”
“The time table for God is not America it is Israel.”
“Prophecy can be changed based on attitudes. … I give Trump to America for the Church … So there are Prophecies with conditions and Prophecies with no conditions.”
– Uebert Angel Ministry – UK
“George Washington put his arm around President Trump and spoke these words to him “You are leading the second revolution to free America form the grips of Socialism. And the whole nation is looking to Pennsylvania once again to declare independence from the growing influence of Socialism radical ideology and from an anti-Christ agenda to restore it back to its founding and keep America Great.”
“Our Lord said … watch Pennsylvania particularly Philadelphia and what I said I to the church of Philadelphia in this the book of Revelation so say I to my church in this season about city of Philadelphia and the nation in the days ahead.”
– Chris Reed, Peru, IN
I heard the Lord say a Donald Trump victory in the US election is not the answer to the church’s problem nor is it the answer to the nation’s problem. … There is a blue wave threatening to engulf the United States of America. For the sake of my remanent and for the sake of the Gospel I am releasing a red wave, that red wave is the blood of my son Jesus. …
Then I felt the Lord say “Donald Trump will win a second term and during that second will enact laws that will protect the clear clarion call of the Gospels. I heard him say, multitudes are in the valley of decision. If the church, the ekklesia of God, will now rise into her true identity salvation will be poured out across the nation. This is the red wave of salvation. It is pure and will be held up by ekklesia of God as a hold standard to run to. The church will once more point to My Son and salvation will pour out.
The only path to awakening is through the cross. Embrace the cross and the nation will thrive once more. Then I felt the Lord say, there will be huge upheaval over the next four years but those who commit completely to my call will thrive in expected days and walk in peace even as the nation wallows in anxiety. …
The media in all its formats is about to be exposed as the consort of the Jezebel spirit lying and attempting to seduce a nation away from God. Then I felt the Lord say, for my plans to unfold the church must herself humble herself for my feet receive directly from the throne room. …
If felt the Lord also say the spirit of mammon which has enabled greed and covetousness as idols of the nation of the United States of America that spirit of mammon itself is about to be bankrupted.
America choose now who you will serve.
Jeremiah Johnson “I was in a time of prayer several weeks ago when God began to speak to me concerning the destiny of Donald Trump in America,” Johnson noted on his website.
“The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in.”
“The future of America is in the hands of an older generation who knows what is a stake.”
– Jeremiah Johnson Ministries, Charlotte, North Carolina
God said do not worry do not be afraid don’t consider the things that are displayed in the media, or television or Google the count that anything. Then God said from this day seventy day [January 16] from this day seventy days.
I am releasing your decrees against the enemy. … I am releasing judgement against the enemy. … American is not going to be yielding to the money changers. American is under my government … God is bringing tremendous change in the presidential election the count we see right now will not be the same in January 16… God is calling you to support the scroll of America the nation. …. The government of God is resting upon your shoulders.
– Prophetess Raji – Lawrenceville, Georgia
“There are those who think that Trump, the President of the United States is hated by many Americans. He is not hated many Americans. I want to tell you the truth. He is not hatred. Trump is not the problem. They don’t hate Trump. They hate those that Trump seems to support. They are angry at Trump for supporting Christians. You better know it, so the real ones they hate are you who are Christians. That is what the hatred of Trump is all about. Its got nothing to do with Trump.
Before he started giving his voice in support of Christians and in support of Israel, before he started giving his voice he was the friend of the left. He was their darling, they loved him. But because he didn’t come for their sponsorship and they didn’t expect him to become President, they blamed the Christians for voting him into office and that is what they hate him for. …”
– Pastor Chris Oyakhilome – Nigerian
God said “I will outweigh the lies I will outweigh the faud and my man will …”
– Hank Kunneman Pastor of Lord of Hosts Church -Omaha, Nebraska
“We dodged a bullet ladies and gentlemen we dodged a bullet. The Democratic plan, big tech’s plan, the liberal media’s plan was to uproot the American system and put another system in place. That monster would have been still there if it was kept underground through a Trump victory. This forcing it into the court is causing an investigation to uncover corruption that would not have imagined. This is a moment God’s reprieve and mercy on the United States. … A layer of corruption beyond anything we could have imagined. … Look what is happening the hand of God exposing his enemy.”
– Mario Murillo Ministry, Sparks, Nevada
– Hank Kunneman Pastor of Lord of Hosts Church -Omaha, Nebraska
God wants President Trump … God is using this to expose the inaccuracies the fact that people can do what they want in their state. This needs to be eliminated the ability to have fake things happen.
The Lord gave to me a dream there was a spirit of confusion that come the day of the election, there would be a spirit of confusion like a fake smoke cloud that would rise over the election. God said it is a time for my people to understand the power of prayer. I don’t think we understand the authority we possess now. And we got to get back to the place of realizing that we carry authority, speaking from the heaven … But according to what God has shared with me … a lot of things need to play out … in two weeks we will know without a shadow of a doubt, that victory has been won.
“We break and dived every demonic confederacies against the election, against America, against that you have declared to be in the White House. We break it up in the name of Jesus. We lose confusion into every demonic confederacy directed right now at this election, directed specifically at the six states we come against people working are working at high levels right now with demonic confederacies, and secrecies and demonic plans and networks. We break it up and command it be exposed right now in the name Jesus.”
– Paula White Ministries – Orlando, FL
As many of you know, there has been a chorus of mature and tested prophets in America with a proven track record that have predicted Donald J. Trump would be re-elected President of the United States.
I am one of them.
However, we are now watching news unfold today that is saying otherwise. In fact, I believe Joe Biden will soon pre-maturely announce that he is the next President of the United States. Chaos will ensue.
Either a lying spirit has filled the mouths of numerous trusted prophetic voices in America or Donald J. Trump really has won the Presidency and we are witnessing a diabolical and evil plan unfold to steal the Election. I believe with all my heart that the latter is true.
You read that correctly.
Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election last night and the chorus of prophets who saw into the future and prophesied it were ACCURATE.
They should not apologize. In fact, in the coming weeks many of them will be harassed and slandered. It will be nothing more than a Satanic attack to rattle them and challenge the faith of the people of God.
I’m prophetically warning you: This is the hour to fast, pray, and stand in agreement with what the prophets have accurately prophesied: Donald J. Trump will win re-election.
You must understand… China, Big Tech including Fox News, and Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all in on this demonic agenda to steal the 2020 Election from Donald Trump.
I cannot even publish this online for fear our ministry will be censored once again. These media outlets are the modern day false prophets of Baal. They are shouting, mocking, deceiving, and taunting the people of God.
On Election Night, when they realized President Trump would be declared the winner, they systematically began to stop counting ballots and started their election fraud.
They refused to be honest with the American people and Donald Trump was right all along. They declared war on the church in Arizona.
Perhaps, the real truth is that President Trump is becoming WAY MORE prophetic than most of the American Church ever has and will be. He is the one who has constantly been warning us that this exactly what was going to happen.
To be more blunt: Civil War was declared last night on American soil. The battle is going to be fierce in the days ahead but I am confident that truth will prevail and massive scandals are about to be exposed.
We are in a Daniel 9 moment where the future is seen, but yet participation is required to see it’s fulfillment.
For all the prayer and fasting the Church has engaged in so far for this election and the days we are living in, what we choose to do over the next two weeks could be the most significant in American history.
My appeal to you as the reader is simple: Refuse to be the victim of fraud and deception and stand with Donald J. Trump. Do not give in to fear but rather stand in faith and believe what the prophets have spoken. You will prosper. (2 Chronicles 20:20)
All eyes fixed on Jesus Christ,
– Jeremiah Johnson Ministries, Charlotte, North Carolina
News of electoral fraud is multiplying, despite the shameful attempts of the mainstream media to censor the truth of the facts in order to give their candidate the advantage. … In truth, for months now we have been witnessing a continuous trickle of staggered news, of manipulated or censored information, of crimes that have been silenced or covered up in the face of striking evidence and irrefutable testimony. We have seen the deep state organize itself, well in advance, to carry out the most colossal electoral fraud in history, in order to ensure the defeat of the man who has strenuously opposed the establishment of the New World Order that is wanted by the children of darkness. In this battle, you have not failed, as is your sacred duty, to make your own contribution by taking the side of the Good. Others, enslaved by vices or blinded by infernal hatred against Our Lord, have taken the side of Evil.
Do not think that the children of darkness act with honesty, and do not be scandalized if they operate with deception. Do you perhaps believe that Satan’s followers are honest, sincere, and loyal? The Lord has warned us against the Devil: “He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies” (Jn 8:44).
In these hours, while the gates of Hell seem to prevail, allow me to address myself to you with an appeal, which I trust that you will respond to promptly and with generosity. I ask you to make an act of trust in God, an act of humility and filial devotion to The Lord of Armies. I ask that all of you pray the Holy Rosary, if possible in your families or with your dear ones, your friends, your brothers and sisters, your colleagues, your fellow soldiers. … All of you, take up this spiritual weapon, before which Satan and his minions retreat furiously, because they fear the Most Holy Virgin, she who is Almighty by Grace, even more than Almighty God.
Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged by the deceptions of the Enemy, even more so in this terrible hour in which the impudence of lying and fraud dares to challenge Heaven. Our adversaries’ hours are numbered if you will pray. … Pray with the certainty of Our Lord’s promise: “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you” (Lk 11:9). The King of Kings, from whom you ask the salvation of your Nation, will reward your Faith. Your testimony, remember this, will touch the heart of Our Lord, multiplying the heavenly Graces which are, more than ever, indispensable in order to achieve victory. …God bless and protect the United States of America!
— Carlo Maria Viganò – Archbishop of the Catholic Church, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
What God told me in 1986 was if we didn’t shift in 2020 by 2026 we look like China. … You have to make a choice this year that we don’t we don’t want to be ruled the same way China is ruled. … If we don’t make it this year you with young children by 2026 this is what you are facing. …
“I don’t want to see this nation plucked up at the end of this fourth year. I believe we are hanging in a balance. Our nation is in an interesting dynamic. This is the word the Lord gave me when President Trump began to reign. Luke 13:8: ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it.” We’ve had lots of fertilizer put in! I think we can all come into unity over that! This has been a year the fertilizer has been slung everywhere. I don’t want to see this nation plucked up at the end of this fourth year. I believe we are hanging in a balance God has had mercy on us this year even in the middle of the fertilizing. Now hear what I am saying to you. Quit trying to stop the stench of the fertilizer – it was needed this year so we could really see what this nation was about and see how it would bear fruit in the coming year.”
The Lord again spoke to me and said this won’t be settled until January 18th. It will be swampy and nasty and we must stand praying until then. …
Zimbabwe latest Prophecy & USA ELECTION RESULTS
The U.S. and 32 other nations signed a declaration last week that made clear that “there is no international right to abortion” and highlighted the foundational importance of the family unit to society. The document, called the “Geneva Consensus Declaration On Promoting Women’s Health and Strengthening the Family” and co-sponsored by the U.S., Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, and Uganda, was signed at a virtual event.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a statement touting the document as an effort to achieve four main pillars:
… Secretary of State Michael Pompeo … noted in his remarks:
Under President Trump’s leadership, the United States has defended the dignity of human life everywhere and always. He’s done it like no other president in history. We’ve also mounted an unprecedented defense of the unborn abroad.
In front of world leaders at the 2019 United Nations General Assembly, President Trump said, “We in America believe that every child — born and unborn — is a sacred gift from God.” […]
Today, we’re taking the next step, as we sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration. At its very core, the declaration protects women’s health, defends the unborn, and reiterates the vital importance of the family as the foundation of society.
Televangelist Pat Robertson says God told him Trump will win – … The 90-year-old forecasted disaster for the country and the world after the election, including civil unrest, at least two attempts on Trump’s life and a war against Israel that will be “put down by God.”
Trump attends Las Vegas church, pastor prophesies second win – By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor – … Senior Associate Pastor Denise Goulet prophesied a second presidential win for him.
“At 4:30, the Lord said to me, ‘I am going to give your president a second win,'” Goulet told Trump, who joined hundreds of congregants for the morning worship. “The Lord said, ‘he is ready for the next four years.'” …
“This is your third time here. That means you’re a church member,” Senior Leader Paul Goulet told Trump. “I don’t care what anybody says. I love my president.”
He lauded Trump for protecting the unborn, protecting churches’ religious freedom, moving the embassy to Jerusalem and bringing jobs back to America, among other things.
Did you catch President Trump the other day acknowledging Jesus Christ by name? Did you see him pointing up to heaven and saying we need … help from God, not only science, in dealing with coronavirus?
“Our communities are hurting, our people are divided, and there’s fear and uncertainty all around us,” said Franklin Graham. “Let’s join together… We’re going to pray that God will intervene and save this nation.”
Spiritual Revival? Nearly 1,000 Get Baptized on California Beach – By Billy Hallowell – A California church is making headlines after nearly 1,000 people showed up to be baptized on Saturday at Corona Del Mar State Beach in Newport Beach, California.
Gina Gleason, church director at Calvary Chapel Church in Chino Hills, told CBN News that the event, which was a record showing of baptisms for the church, was absolutely “remarkable.”
“California may be experiencing a spiritual revival,” Gleason said. “It’s remarkable and a significant number.”
Prophecy on New York governor Andrew Cuomo. (Interesting)
I saw Joe Biden on the screen. … I Lor Joe Biden don’t need to be president. God said, “he won’t.” Then he said this after the election now his is going to sound strange the Democratic party will go underground. I don’t know what exactly what that means but he said would go underground like the throne of Pergamon, the throne of satan that disappeared and showed back up in Berlin. Go underground and reemerge at another time under another thing and another banner. …
This was a specific prophecy. The Lord said they would rise again and come to power under the Antichrist. … They will be called something else, but it will be the same ideas the same party everything, and I want to tell you this there are the three major sins I believe is what is being dealt with. Abortion, same sex marriage, destroying the family, and persecution of Israel. All prophetic events are pointing to these things. We must wake up. …
It is Judges 5 … In this time the Lord will appoint a woman a mother and she will arise a woman judge. … Well Amy Barrett is fam … Lord told me she is Debra she in the Bible. … She will arise when the Lord gets ready to lead us out of the Devils rule.
We must understand the signs of the times to know what to do. …
of Jesus. This movement is unstoppable.”
The tour, which gathered throughout the day at different locations, began in front of the Supreme Court. There, believers prayed and worshipped ahead of Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s likely confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Bethel worship leader Sean Feucht, who has been leading the tour across the U.S. since the summer, noted that it was “the largest prayer gathering in front of the Supreme Court since Roe v. Wade.” …
Dr. Karuku faced some opposition as a Satanist came and poured blood over him. “Devil mad. WITCHES ARE RATTLED. THEIR POWER IS BROKEN,” he wrote on Facebook. “I’m gonna keep the blood-stained clothes as a badge of honor for Jesus! Pleading the blood of Jesus. This movement is unstoppable.”
Christians across America say God is telling them He wants to birth a Third Great Awakening in the land. And He’s using intense personal encounters with some Christian leaders to tell them He wants them personally involved.
“I’m going to send a Third Great Awakening to America,” Dutch Sheets, author of An Appeal to Heaven, said he heard the Lord tell him a couple of decades ago. …
In An Appeal to Heaven, Sheets talks about a prophetic dream a close friend had in 2007 in which God presented Sheets two boxing gloves.
The dream showed Sheets in a boxing ring for five fights against five evil spiritual giants. In each fight, he knocked out a giant with one punch.
In the dream, according to Sheets, the Lord said, “‘If you’re going to take out the giants in this nation, you’re going to have to wear these two boxing gloves.'”
“And one said ‘Everlast,’ and it has everything to do with Everlasting God, who Abraham encountered,” Sheets continued. “The other glove said ‘Evergreen.’ For six years, I couldn’t figure out what ‘Evergreen’ was.”
Then in 2013, a dear friend who Sheets had mentored said God told him to give Sheets a special flag from the Revolutionary War days. Emblazoned on it were the words “Appeal to Heaven,” referring to philosopher John Locke’s writing that citizens who’ve exhausted all appeals to unjust leaders can still appeal to heaven.
A powerful dream concerning The United States of America.
“The curse will be reversed, and out of the belly of the beast will come seven-fold Recompense and Restoration,” says The Spirit of The LORD.
As promised, I would like to share a powerful dream I received on Sunday night, for the purpose of Prayer and Intercession! Please bare with me, as I endeavour to share exactly what I saw and what I heard, and with the understanding I received as the dream unfolded. This dream is probably up there with some of the most powerful and yet strangest of dreams I have received to-date!
Let’s begin. I went to bed Sunday night feeling a great sense of burden for the nations, especially for The United States of America. With the unfolding news on President Trump being diagnosed with COVID-19, I felt such a battle raging in the heavens over the President and his destiny, and certainly for the destiny of the nation. So as I lay down to sleep, there was a great sense of swirling and whirling in the realm of The Spirit, but as I closed my eyes and began to pray in The Spirit, a deep peace came upon me!
The Thief Has Been Caught and Must Pay Back Seven Times. I must have only been asleep a few hours when I was taken into a powerful dream encounter, where I saw a very large tree standing far in the distance. As I looked at the tree, I immediately noticed that there was something hanging in the tree, but I could not see with any clarity what it was.
As I started to make my way towards the tree, suddenly I heard these Words, “The thief has been caught and must pay back seven times!” As those words echoed in the realm of The Spirit, the atmosphere in the dream became heavy and I felt the weight of God’s Glory surround me. The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD became tangible and I began to pray loudly in tongues.
For the Wealth of the Wicked Has Been Stored Up for the Righteous. As I continued to approach the tree in the dream, with my eyes still fixed on the strange thing that was hanging from the tree, again, I heard for a second time, “The thief has been caught and must pay back seven times!”
As I heard those Words, suddenly I saw a bright red rope, (red; symbolic of The Blood of Jesus) and at the end of the red rope hung a very large ‘Piñata…’
As I looked at the red rope and the Piñata, my mind began to race, trying to get an understanding of what I was seeing, but as I drew even closer to the branches of the tree, I saw that the Piñata was in the shape of a very large Donkey and it was made of hard ceramic… (Yes…I know!! Like what? A Piñata? A Donkey?!?!)
But as I looked at the Donkey Piñata, I knew immediately by revelation, that I was about to be shown something significant concerning the political situation that is currently unfolding in The United States of America…. (The Donkey; being symbolic of the Democratic Party)
Now as I looked again at the large Donkey Piñata hanging by a red rope from the branches of the tree, my eyes were immediately drawn to the Donkey’s belly, which was bulging.
As I looked at the massive belly of the Donkey, suddenly I heard these words, “For the wealth of the wicked has been stored up for the righteous.”
Suddenly I felt a great excitement and an anticipation rise up within me in the dream, as I knew that something powerful was about to break loose over the land!
A Riddle! Then I heard these Words, “Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet”
Ha! As I heard those words, I recognised them immediately and the story of Samson came up before me in the dream… (almost like a vision within the dream, and I saw Samson eating sweet honey out of the carcass of the lion).
As the vision unfolded before me, suddenly I heard the sound of many Trumpets and the ground roundabout me began to tremble, and the tree began to shake and the Donkey Piñata began to move back and forth in the tree.
As I heard the loud sound of the Trumpets, I turned to my right — which was in the direction of the trumpeting sound — and to my amazement, I saw Elephants (symbolic; of The Republican Party). Yes! Elephants coming towards the tree, and with their trunks lifted high in the air they were Trumpeting loudly as they marched!
See, for I Have Delivered Jericho Into Your Hands! And as I looked again at the Elephants, I heard these Words, ”See, for I have delivered Jericho into your hands!” On hearing those Words, my eyes were immediately drawn back to the red/ rope that held the Donkey Piñata in the branches of the tree, and suddenly the story of ‘Rahab, the scarlet cord and the walls of Jericho’, was quickened to me.
Then I looked up again at the Elephants that were marching towards the tree, I saw that were seven (7) Elephants in number. In that moment in the dream, the prophetic significance of the number 7 (covenant, completion and perfection) began to swirl roundabout me and I was made to understand by The Spirit of Revelation, that a powerful spiritual battle was about to unfold before me.
It was a battle, not between flesh and blood, and not between one political party or another, but rather a battle between life and death. A battle for Righteousness and Justice, a battle against the powers of darkness and the principalities of wickedness and witchcraft in the land.
I was about to see powerful satanic strongholds being broken, and demonic thrones being overthrown and overturned! Watch! for the Curse Will Be Reversed and Out of the Belly of the Beast Will Come 7-Fold Recompense and Restoration. Now as the seven (7) Elephants came towards the tree, I watched as the first Elephant walked up to the tree to where the large Donkey Piñata was hanging, and I watched as the elephant lifted its trunk high into the air.
As its trunk was lifted, I saw the trunk take on the shape/ form of a beautiful Shofar, and suddenly there came a long and loud Trumpet Blast which was released into the atmosphere. Then I watched in utter amazement as the trunk/ shofar was brought back down and I saw the Elephant swing its mighty trunk towards the Donkey Piñata, and I watched as its trunk hit the Piñata with great force.
Suddenly I heard a loud sound of cracking coming from deep within the bulging belly of the Donkey, and I saw small cracks begin to appear in the ceramic. Then I watched as all seven (7) Elephants began to march around the large tree, leaving the Donkey Piñata swinging violently back and forth, and back and forth in the tree.
Then I watched as a second Elephant then stepped up to the Donkey Piñata and it lifted its huge trunk, which also took on the form of a beautiful Shofar, and I listened, as yet again another long and loud Trumpet Blast went forth over the land, and then the Elephant brought its trunk back down again, and swinging it with great force, I watched as the Donkey Piñata took another heavy blow, causing even deeper cracks to appear in the Piñata,…..Now at this point in the dream my eyes became fixed on the heavy bulging belly of the Donkey, which looked like it would break wide open at any moment.
But as I watched and waited intently with great anticipation for what I knew was about to take place, again I saw the Elephants begin to march round the tree for a second time. And then they stopped, and a third Elephant stood before the Donkey Piñata and the same thing happened as it did with the first and the second Elephant.
The third Elephant lifted its long and strong trunk into the air and the sound of a loud Trumpet Blast was released again over the land. Then I watched as its trunk came down upon the Donkey Piñata with great power and perfect precision, hitting the bulging belly of the Donkey.
I could hear a rumbling sound coming from deep within the belly of the Donkey, and suddenly, I heard these words, “Watch! For the curse will be reversed and out of the belly of the beast will come 7-fold Recompense and Restoration!” As those words deeply penetrated my inner most being, I knew by The Spirit of Revelation that the curse of death through abortion that was over the nation was about to be broken!
And, as an even greater expectation and anticipation of breakthrough filled the atmosphere in the dream, I watched again as the seven (7) mighty Elephants marched around the tree for a third time. Again, I saw the elephants stop and a fourth Elephant stood before the tree and the hanging Piñata, and I watched as the Elephant lifted its trunk into the air, and a loud and powerful Trumpet Blast went forth across the land.
Then I saw its trunk coming down upon the Piñata Donkey and the sound of cracking and more cracking took place! I saw that ‘the curse of death’ through abortion was what was preventing a great wealth transfer! Now, as I continued to watch this incredible dream unfold before me, I saw the seven (7) Elephants march yet again around the tree for a forth time, and then a fifth Elephant took its place before the swinging Piñata and as it lifted its trunk, a loud Trumpet Blast was sounded.
Then I saw its trunk being used like a mighty battering ram to break open the Donkey Piñata. As I watched and listened intently to all that was unfolding before me, I was made to understand by The Spirit of Revelation that within the belly of the Donkey, there was great wealth, riches and blessings which were being stored up for The righteous for such a time as this.
But I saw that the curse of death through abortion was what was preventing a great wealth transfer being released over the nation(s), but at the sound of the Seven (7) Trumpets (symbolic; seven (7) Trumpet Blasts: a call to repentance) being released over the land, the curse would be broken and the mighty strongholds of death and destruction that were ruling over the nation would come crashing down.
As this Revelation began filling my heart and mind, and as I was gaining a greater understanding of what I was being shown in the dream, I watched as the seven (7) Elephants matched again aound the tree, for a fifth time.
And then a sixth Elephant stood before the Piñata, which was now covered in deep cracks, and scattered across the ground lay big pieces of broken ceramic, and the bulging belly of the Donkey looked as if it would surely give way at any moment.
Again I watched as the sixth Elephant lifted its trunk and a powerful sixth blast of a Trumpet sound was released into the atmosphere, and then the trunk of the Elephant was swung down upon the Donkey Piñata causing the head of the Donkey to break.
As I saw and heard the sound of breaking, my excitement and anticipation became almost unbearable in the dream, as I knew that the power of the curse over the land was about to be broken and that a great transfer of wealth and blessings that had been stored up and held back in the belly of the beast would suddenly be poured out upon the land.
Then I saw the Elephants once again march around the tree for a sixth time, and then the seventh Elephant took its place before the tree and just like before. I watched as the seventh Elephant lifted its trunk high into the air, and with its trunk taking on the form of a beautiful Shofar, I listened as a long and loud seventh Trumpet Blast was released over the nation.
But I watched, as after the Seventh Trumpet Blast went forth, the Elephant’s trunk stayed lifted high in the air and all the Elephants began to march around the tree. Seven times they marched around the tree, and then I saw them stop, and I watched as all seven (7) Elephants surrounded the Donkey Piñata.
Suddenly, I saw all seven trunks being lifted high into the air, and like one mighty wreaking ball of steel, the seven trunks of the seven Elephants came crashing down upon the Donkey, and I watched as the thick ceramic under belly of the Donkey Piñata was smashed wide open!
Change is Coming! Change is Coming! Change is Coming. Then suddenly, like a mighty rushing river, I saw solid gold coins come gushing forth from within the bulging belly of the Donkey, and as I looked at the torrent of gold coins fall to the ground, I heard these Words, ”Change is coming! Change is coming! Change is coming!”
Three (3) times, I heard those words… As I looked at the river of solid gold coins which was now flowing forth upon the land, suddenly my eyes were drawn to one of the solid gold coins and I clearly saw the face of President Abraham Lincoln upon the gold coin, and the words, ”In God we trust” and “Liberty”, were engraved upon the gold coin.
As I looked and looked again at the gold coin, suddenly the face of President Donald J. Trump appeared upon the gold coin and the words…”In God we stand” and “Victory” were written upon the gold coin. And as I looked at the gold coins which were still gushing forth from the belly of the Donkey, again, I heard these words, “For the curse will be reversed and out of the belly of the beast will come seven-fold recompense and restoration!”
Suddenly I woke up from the dream, I grabbed my journal which was beside my bed, and began to write down all I had seen and heard in the dream!
Then in 2013, a dear friend who Sheets had mentored said God told him to give Sheets a special flag from the Revolutionary War days. Emblazoned on it were the words “Appeal to Heaven,” referring to philosopher John Locke’s writing that citizens who’ve exhausted all appeals to unjust leaders can still appeal to heaven.
— Perry Stone – Ministries, Cleveland, TN
Prophetic dream – “President Trump called me (before the election March 2016) … I need you to do a conference for me on July 6th to shift things concerning the election. … I Googled July 6th and I found out that July 6th, 1854 in Michigan was the birthplace and birthdate of the Republican party. When I saw it the Lord said I intend to reclaim the publican Party for my purposes. And the election of Donald J. Trump is going to be part of this process.”
– Robert Henderson – Ministries, Waco, Texas, and Author
“Don’t stop praying till November three you want to continue till Mr. Trump safely installed is inaugurated on January 20th. But wait I tell you one truth, see I do not know anything about American politics, I don’t need to know. I am telling you the word from heaven.
And God’s purpose for this great nation. That I is all I know that is all I know I don’t need to know the red and blue. Who is right or wrong. … I do not know anything about American politics, but I know what is written what is written in the scroll in heaven about the destiny of the US. And in that destiny God willed this Mr. Trump should serve another term. Because God is extending his grace for this nation for another four years. There is another work that God wants to do in this great nation and that can only be done through a man with a personality like Mr. Trump … you need a ruffian like him. …
If the wrong man should become your president if the wrong man becomes your president your nation will go down and it will not rise up again. That will be the end of the United States America. Because God is not finished with America yet. The promises the Covenant that he made with your from the day they had consecrated this land to the living God. God has made some Covenant with them. And those Covenants and promises will reach a zenith in the next term. So you want to be a righteous men in the office who will open greater doors of freedom for the Gospel of the kingdom of God to go the length and breath of the east coast and west coast.”
— Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – Christian minister from India
Political figures will never solve spiritual issues and in America we have spiritual issues. … The spiritual issues in our nation have to be confronted by the Church if Jesus Christ … I am concerned their trust is more in who wins 2020 in the God of the Bible. …
“God said to me just as I raised up Abraham Lincoln to issue an Emancipation Proclamation concerning the slaves so I have raised up Donald Trump like Lincoln in an era of crisis to issue an Emancipation Proclamation concerning the unborn.”
… And about 100 yards from the finish, he tripped and fell down and he could not get up, the crowd was spitting on him, they were jeering at him, and suddenly, two older women who I knew were baby boomers, somehow made their way through the crowd and supernaturally lifted Donald Trump up and helped him get to the finish. I believe God is calling on Baby Boomers in this nation to take your stand and believe with me that the best is yet to come.
— Jeremiah Johnson Ministries, Charlotte, North Carolina
God told him He has raised up and assigned President Donald J. Trump to be “a protector of ancient foundations.” “Ancient foundations” include the Bible, prayer and the covenant made with God at the founding of this nation. Bridges said there were many 8-foot tall, white-robed, angelic security guards, many levels of them, in the White House, pointing out that the number of security is always in proportion to the level of threat. “There is a very real threat to the fabric of integrity of our nation.”
“Honor him and I will honor you.” He took me to Isaiah 45 … these ancient foundations the Bible talks about not to remove the ancient landmarks and consequences of removing the ancient landmarks. Which the ancient landmarks is for spiritual protection, it’s our covenant with God. And God showed me the ancient landmarks of prayer, of intercession, the Bible, Christanity, and covenant. … God told me he said that the ancient foundations are coming under attack and I knew at that time there a cabal. There was a very diabolical consortium that had conspired against Donald Trump and against our nation and God set him there as a sentinel to stop it. …
When people talk about Cyrus Isaiah 45 there is a number of things in there we need we need to look at. But one of the roles of any Cyrus figure politically is to give respite to the church so that the church can build the house of God. They are to protect the church while they rebuild. … People conflate the protection with the builder. This is important to understand. The builder is not the protector. The church is tasked with building. But this current administration President is the one who is given the assignment by God to protect the church. …
God made it clear we MUST PRAY for this president. Pray for the physical safety for President Trump to fulfill this assignment to protect the ancient foundations. Pray that the malevolent agendas of spirits of darkness, including lies, witchcraft, sorcery and divination, will be disrupted and destroyed. “‘Pray that God will arise and His enemies be scattered. Let those also who hate Him flee before Him” (Psalm 68:1).
In highlights from this interview with Mark Taylor, he shares what God spoke to him about Trump’s election in 2011, and what parts of that prophecy have yet to come to pass. “I have made him to be a protector of ancient foundations.”
“He Is going to save you from things you don’t know you need to be saved from. Your nation will be known as before Trump and after Trump. The whole world will be known as before Trump and after Trump. This is my election; I will put him in there. This is a rescue operation, there are things most of you have not idea about. … I am giving him an Isaiah-Cyrus 45 anointing … 45th president.”
“The dams of lies end now.”
– Johnny Enlow Henderson – Ministries Nashville, TN, and Author
– Johnny Enlow Henderson – Ministries Nashville, TN, and Author
The system that is corrupt will be exposed.
Sound always proceeds manifestation. … A declaration or decree is an authoritative order backed by the Law. We can say it like this that our decree prophetically is an authoritative order when we align it with gods word it is authoritative order backed by the word of God. And when it backed by the Word of God it must come to pass. It has to happen because God already decreed it so. …
—Brenda Kunneman
Owls, jackals and rats… Two eyes and two clocks — T•I•M•E…. The clock of years and the clock of time… President Trump….!
So, before you read the following word(s), grab a coffee and get comfortable. Its long but I believe if you take the time to read the following it will provide powerful insight, revelation and much needed prayer strategies in this critical hour.
While these Words speak powerfully to America at this time, they also speaks to the nations of the earth. It is time!
Okay, so during the night I was woken by The Spirit with a sense of great urgency to pray again for President Donald J. Trump.
As I began to pray, I heard these Words, “The eyes of the owl must see what prowls, for the rats are in hiding and the jackals are howling!”
Immediately, I sat up and began to pray and write down what I was hearing.
As I prayed, I saw in The Spirit a golden hour glass, but it was lying on its side. I could see that the grains of sands within the hour glass were motionless and I heard these Words, “A divine pause, a window of time. So watch and pray, for you must have eyes to see and ears to hear what I AM saying to you this day!”
As I heard those Words, suddenly I saw the two glass bulbs of the hour glass become two eyes, as I looked at the two glass eyes, I saw that they were the eyes of an owl!
As I looked at the two eyes of the owl, I saw that at the very centre of both of the eyes of the owl were the faces of two types of clocks.
The first clock was marked in years — starting from ‘year 2016’ and the second clock was marked in ‘24-hour time.’
Now as I looked at both of the two faces of the clocks within the two eyes of the owl, I saw that the hands in the clock of in years read 2024. And as I looked at the clock in 24 hours, it read 20:20.
As I looked intently at both clocks, I noticed straight away that the hands of both clocks perfectly reflected each other, but one spoke to ‘time in years’ and the other to ‘the time in hours and minutes’ but in (24 hour time)
So as I kept looking at both clocks, suddenly I heard The Spirit say, “Watch and pray, pay close attention in these days. For I govern the hands of the clocks. For time and space are in my hands.”
As I heard The Spirit of Revelation say those words, I saw the hands of the two clocks within the eyes of the owl begin to spin, and then I watched as the two glass eyes of the owl came together and suddenly a beautiful hour glass stood before me.
As I looked at the hour glass which was now standing upright, I saw the grains of sands within the hour glass beginning to fall and as the gold grains of sand fell, I saw the numbers 2020 come up before me.
Then I heard these Words, “For the eyes of the owl will see with 20/20 vision and the howls of the jackals will expose the rats that are in hiding!”
Note: see here the picture of the two clocks I saw in the vision — the clock of the years and the 24 hour time clock. The time is 20:20…. The year is 2024…..
Both clocks reflect each other.
I also thought it was very interesting and prophetically significant that the ‘clock of years’ starts with year 2016!
Furthermore, what’s even more intriguing, is if you look at the opposite hands of each clock….
Check this out:
♦ The hour hand of the ‘24 hour clock’ reads 20 and,
♦ The minute hand of ‘the year clock’ reads 24… 2024.
♦ If you look at the hour hand of ‘the year clock‘ it reads 20 and
♦ The minute hand of ‘the 24 hour clock’ reads 16.… 2016… 2016-2024!
I find that very significant… especially in light of the dream I share below — Second Word — where I saw the Word…T.I.M.E… and I heard these Words, “Trump. Is. My. Elected!” ”
Revival shall be seen in the Australia … corruption in the government will be whipped away. …
— Yamkela Joseph Ministries – Port Elizabeth, South Africa
“Bob Jones told me at least 10 times, ‘When the Chiefs win the Super bowl, you will know that revival is about to come. God is raising up his apostolic chiefs,’” Bolz wrote in a Facebook post over the weekend.
The prophecy became relevant as the Kansas City Chiefs have their first chance in 50 years to win the Super Bowl. Bolz encouraged his followers:
This afternoon, we’re proudly announcing historic steps to protect the First Amendment right to pray in public schools. So you have the right to pray. And that’s a very important and powerful right. There’s nothing more important than that, I would say. …
In a sacred principle of our Republic that government must never stand between the people and God. Yet, in public schools around the country, authorities are stopping students and teachers from praying, sharing their faith, or following their religious beliefs. It is totally unacceptable. You see it on the football field. You see it so many times where they’re stopped from praying. And we are doing something to stop that.
Tragically, there is a growing totalitarian impulse on the far-left that seeks to punish, restrict, and even prohibit religious expression. Something that, if you go back 10 years or 15 years or 20 years, it was un-thought of that a thing like that could even happen — that anybody would even think of something like that happening.
That is why, today, my administration is issuing strong new guidance to protect religious liberty in our public schools. The right of students and teachers to freely exercise their faith will always be protected, including the right to pray. …
At beginning of year, God was talking to me about the new decade we have entered: 2020–2030. He calls it “The Divine Decade,” which will set up the way we will live for the next century. This year, He will begin to openly expose evil men, plans and places that are totally against what He desires and which belong to the darkness—they will be dealt with. He will also openly reveal the good people, plans and places, on this earth, which are just and represent the light and God’s own plans—they will be blessed.
These things will begin soon, and we are not to be troubled or be in fear over them. The evil and darkness will FAIL again and again, as they are fighting against God. The just, the righteous and the light, will WIN again and again, as God will have His way in this time.
Look forward to another four years of President Trump in the White House; for even though the darkness has risen against him, the light and power of God is greater and Trump will WIN as He was chosen by God for this time! …
God will show Himself powerfully by the unexpected and unbelievable things He will do in this decade. He has said that He will take Hollywood and the entertainment industry for Himself. He will expose the fake news and lying media and replace them with those who will report the true news. He will give great inventions, cures for diseases and witty ideas to those whom man would consider “not qualified.”