The Lord gave me regarding the general going on the first sign that you will see is a electrical car. I don’t know if it’s Tesla. I don’t know if it’s another electrical car. But there’s an electrical car coming out it’s a two-seater it’s not out now. It’s not out it’s gonna they’re going to they’re gonna announce it in 2022. You’re gonna see a two-seater electrical car convertible is gonna be like a sportster it’s gonna come out that’ll be the one of the first signs you will see in the early in the first few months of the year. There’s going to be a certain cryptocurrency stock that’s going to go all-time high that will be the second sign. People pray the Lord is showing this link to my God . Third sign a major country is going to suffer a severe earthquake … but god’s going to bring good out of it for Jesus . …one of the signs that you will see My hand is moving in the first few months of 2022. There a major snow issue in the United States.
I received a vision and a word from the Lord and I want to share it with you. So with my eyes closed I saw this vision I saw an avalanche of snow coming down a mountain and as soon as I saw that vision Holy Spirit revealed to me that this avalanche that I saw in the vision was an avalanche of information that is coming forth that cannot be stopped. No more than an avalanche can be stopped. When it comes cascading down a mountain. Then I heard the lord speak these words. He said this he said child the trigger for this avalanche of information comes from within the Democratic Party. An insider will turn on his peers which will trigger a great avalanche that cannot be stopped. Then the Lord said death is in the air. Death for the Democratic Party He continued and said the sierras will see an avalanche which will be a sign that this avalanche of information will be forthcoming. This information will rock the world for names will be named and crimes will be uncovered. The Lord said the government will cease to exist as you now know it until it is reformed and repopulated with My chosen men and women. He said there will be chaos for a while but out of the chaos will come will come order my order, says the Lord.
What the enemy meant to usher in the new World Order by creating chaos I am using against them, says the Lord and then to God’s people He says this get ready for a great explosion of events hold tight to your faith know that I am God and I have this in My hand. Do not fear My little children things must be shaken before the calm comes again stand firm and stand tall like the mighty oak tree whose roots go deep your roots are in Me ,says the Lord. And you will not be moved by the these events that will take place pray and my angels will assist you. I am dispatching many angels to assist My children who are the heirs of salvation. All of this is My plan, says the Lord. Rest in Me for true rest can only be found in Me says the Lord and then He concluded. The message with this He said 2022 is the year of witness you will witness the wicked exposed you will witness the unrepentant removed you will witness the righteous flourish you will witness signs in the heavens that have never occurred in the history of mankind you will witness laws changed you will witness governments toppled you will witness a record number of people giving their lives to Christ you will witness supernatural happenings you will witness my glory says the Lord. Hallelujah
Jesus Christ is real. Israel My people receive. My people receive you will see my righteous right arm move on your calendar year of 2022 February there will be a great shaking in which you call the White House a great shape not like you have seen but a greater shakening prepare yourself for which you will hear what you would call the media news of someone dying this year. I have done removals next year will be the great removal, saith the Lord. The Great Removal for I have called this nation by My name because of past covenants that I have not yet walked away.
You will see my mighty righteous right arm on this nation you will have to rewrite your historical history books. I am dealing with the supreme court sin of the Lord. I am dealing with the Supreme Court my spirit is going to flow on the highest Supreme Court of your land and they will know the fear of the Lord. Which you see now will be turned over saying to the lord which you see now will be turned over say that the Lord. And once again they will know that My hand is on which you call the United Sates and not the divided states. Fear not My people that are called by My you will understand when I say this is not just the year but the season that I am pouring new wine and new wine skins.
Prepare yourself saying the Lord. Prepare yourself say that the Lord I will be visiting many of My children in a unique way. This is a season of recovery said in the Lord from the White House to God’s house. The ears will tingle both righteous and wicked of the Lord. But I am opening the eyes of those that have been spiritually blind, yes the world. Yes the world which I have established will know that I am the Lord. Do not be in shock when you see certain leaders around the globe not there anymore do not be shocked when you see a shaking from Iran. Do not be shocked when you see a new President arise in Korea. Do not be shocked when you see the shaking in Germany. Do not be shocks that of the Lord where there is what who you call queen will be taken home to be with the Lord.
I heard this word back on December 17th you know just a couple of days ago last week. So January of justice my children in My word it says though you walk so the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. It also states you are in this world but you are not of it I am separating you now from the world. For I have sent judgment for the crimes that have been committed against you and the great separation has already begun my children. The world is growing darker and for some more chaotic. It would appear that’s because your enemies are scattering running in every direction to hide themselves. They know the great I am has had enough of their acts and it is now my time to remove them all from their power influence and money. While some will pay a high price for their lives I will move you under the shadow of the Almighty. My remnant I am your high tower and I’m your protector. I am avenging you for the crimes they have committed against you I am freeing the captivity in this land and all the nations across this earth. The enemies of my children use these nations and government officials to destroy you and enslave you with their fear tactics and their man-made laws in order to steal any freedoms you once had well I am the one who tears down one person and brings up another to take their place. Yes, I am the most high and they soon will see find out they soon will find out they were nothing in my sight their power was nothing. Because the one that gave them their power was thrown out of heaven by Me.
He could not overthrow Me then and he cannot overthrow Me now. Let alone take Me out of this earth which I created. His arrogance will once again backfire and the opposite of what he desired will happen the destruction of his plan shall come to pass. Instead of destruction of my people and it shall come with one final blow instead of my people being destroyed. They arose and a great awakening has started taking place foremost. They are rising up in My authority and power knowing who they are in Me. It is your enemies worst nightmare a child of God fully awake knowing who they are in Christ. My children are indestructible in this world My glory shall fall on you. And My glory shall shine brighter than the darkness that has tried to swallow you up glory and fire will expel any influence or power that the devil once had over you. This is why you are walking in to your promised land in 2022. A year of the new with new perspective of who you are in Christ and with the knowledge that this world has been given over to you. Satan no longer enslave my children nor to continue to steal what is rightfully theirs. Which is the wealth in this world yes all of it my body will be in control once again to usher in great harvest of souls before the Lord’s great return for his body before the tribulation time comes justice is coming justice like you have never seen in January you will see justice prevail.
Watch My children My show is being unveiled for the world to see. I am your protector and nothing they have tried was successful. Your enemies tried to keep me out of our lives and from delivering this world into my appointed time. But I will bring your enemies the biggest blow they never thought could happen. You will see banks fall. Wall Street fall this illegitimate government fall their laws fall and their economy fall all at the same time. I am bringing you the new so do not fear my children you will all be protected in the midst of the world’s economy collapsing to their power being destroyed over you. I am your father and I am raining down gifts for you that you never thought were possible I am absolutely good. And I am pouring out my goodness across this earth like never before my children. It is your time to rule and to reign and My word to be given throughout this all this world. To bring more people into My kingdom before the time of man expires you will rule and reign and spread the Gospel and then the end will come. So enjoy what I have in store for you My children this year of 2022 will be far greater than you could ever have asked for Me . You will march with great celebration in this New Year. So shout that the deliverer is here to save and to restore all that has been stolen from you. I am dealing with these chains and prison cells. They have put you in it is time for you to break free and to break forth through Me and with Me. Nothing will be able to hold you from Me. So sing praises unto me my children and feel the feel the chains come off lift up your hands for the total freedom and restoration the world has never seen, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Brace for impact all is being revealed. I the Lord this day am knocking down all the doors your enemies are hiding behind. Yes knocking down doors gates walls finances and anything else they used thinking to hide from me. They know their days are about to expire in these hours My angel armies have come from for all of them. No one will escape the judgment I am sending throughout their camps. Watch as I open the doors their secrets will all and I meet all come out for the world to see. You will hear about every person and all of their details that is why my children as the avalanche of truth hits this nation brace for impact brace for everything that will be revealed.
It will be hard to hear and hard to believe all who are really involved even those who they thought were on your side were actually just wolves in sheep’s clothing Mitt Romney your fall will be great I will introduce you to the world. For the man you really are you betrayed your nation and you made deals with people like the Obamas for money to save your position and your power. And yes your fingerprints will be found all over the biggest crime scene of 2020 your name will be will keep showing up for what you did to help that too against My people. My nation and against the world you even hid some of these acts from your family well your family will see along with the world that you have no soul left and you’ll be tried for treason nothing can stop your fall. You didn’t believe in me before but you’ll believe in me now. Adam Schiff how shifty you are a weasel a rat. You sold this nation out and formulated plans to throw out My Son from his rightful position as president. You thought you were so clever and couldn’t be caught well I will shine my spotlight on you and all will see the proof of your disgusting acts against my son the true president and also your part in selling my nation to China for your protection just like the United states was to sink like the titanic. You were supposed to be set for life because of the part you played.
Yes, China is selling you out and I will show the world who you are you too will be tried for treason you will also pay with your life. Nothing can save you now Adam Schiff for your shifty deals have cost you your life and nothing can change your future Chuck Schumer your story is similar to that of Nancy, Adam, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and Obama you are all the same evil to your core and you sold your souls to China and to the devil himself. You will pay with your lives but not before your judgments and you will lose everything you hold there to you have received your indictments and you know your days are numbered here on this earth none of you will enjoy your last days. My mighty army comes for you to remove you from your places of power and where you sleep. These are the days of Haman you wanted death for my nation and My children but instead you will reap your harvest though not before you see your nightmares come to pass. My son will return and will be put back in his rightful seat you will all pay with your lives and your plans will not succeed.
I the great I am in passing judgment and it is time for you to reap all what you have sown in one time all at one time my show has begun some will even see my chariots of fire coming for them their hearts will fail them as fear strikes them like lightning don’t worry my children China will be stripped of all their finances and power just like Egypt and My first Exodus in this great Exodus every nation and every leader that was against you will have the same fate as pharaoh and his men. But to my children who live in these nations do not fear I am delivering you from their hands restoring your freedoms and your finances. You will no longer be slaves to your governments you’ll free with all your finances restored to you. When I speak of your nations it is your economy and your government those officials that kept you bound and enslaved you. I’m destroying even while I bless you celebration will fill your streets. Not only for what I’m doing in America, but all nations. All nations as well 2022 is the year of the new life, new government, new freedoms, and financial prosperity. So rejoice these are the days what you have seen been crying out for me and they are now saith the Lord your redeemer.
Strange Sights, Record-Breaking Snow & a Turning of Events in the Media & Schools
Prophetic Word Released from Pastor Hank Kunneman on November 10, 2021:
“For this is the time and this is the hour,” says the living God, “that there shall be many strange sights that shall fill the skies, but also the airways. And some shall be gripped with fear when these sights shall begin to be displayed in the heavenlies, but also, things that shall be reported; yes, they will be reported upon the news. And there will be those that will say, ‘What is this? What meaneth this?'” For God says,
“Do you understand that there are two specific things that I am bringing forth? There will be, there will be… You say, ‘What will there be?’ There will be a cutting off of evildoers and their work and their corruption,” says the Lord.
“There will be a turning of events. Pay attention, as things shall swiftly turn. You say, ‘What shall begin to turn?'” God says, “The news. They will begin to turn, as some shall have a ‘dismantling’ and what would seem like internal confusion and conflict; as there shall be a turning upon one another in the news media, and in the places that have been perpetrating lies.” For God says, “There is the Spirit of truth; there is conviction that is riding and moving upon the earth; and there are some that shall stand up at the expense of their job [and] their reputation. And they will say, ‘We can no longer—no matter how much we are paid and what we are told; [we can no longer] continue to report, to say [speak], and to act like this.'”
God says, “It will turn; it will shift as they begin to come. And they will begin to turn their finger and say, ‘We will not say that anymore.’ Watch what will begin to take place, for they will come and they will say, ‘You have ‘this’ amount of hours; you have ‘this’ amount of days.’ And they will push legislation and say, ‘We are mandating it.’ And they will ignore the courts; they will ignore those who are standing against what they will say are political laws of mandates.”
God says, “They will begin to turn. They will begin to shift. They will be ripped in two, as the freedom that has held this nation together for over 200 years shall be the future not only for you, but for your children,” says the living God.
“And you will see. You will see with your eyes. Watch—the day you watch; the month that it shall take place—for there will be an unusual snowstorm that will blanket this nation. Pay attention to the cities to the states, for they will say this is an unusual snow, and they will say, ‘This is record breaking. This is like what we have not seen before,’ because I am not done cleansing; I am not done dealing with wickedness in high places. And it shall mark a shift that will and is continuing to take place upon this land. For you will see the salvation of your God.
“Keep your eyes upon the schools, for they will force and mandate things that will bring a tremendous fear.” But God says, “Look very closely, for you will see masses, as they will gather across the United States and even the nations of the earth. They will say, ‘We will not go for these mandates.'” God says, “The numbers will begin to arise in the hundreds of thousands, and then the millions will gather, and there will be great masses and great numbers of those who will push back. And this ‘pushback’ will bring a ‘put it back.’ It will happen in the schools (as parents will arise) that there will even be ‘closings’ of certain schools, because of parents pulling their children out. And they’ll say, ‘We cannot do this. We must reopen the schools. We must reopen discussion concerning vaccination, even among the young.'” And God says, “What they speak of today shall fall apart and be torn apart and placed under foot tomorrow.
“Do not think that this is the new norm. Do not think that this is always the way that things shall be. For I speak to you that there is an hour coming (and it’s coming fast) of My reset, My reversal, and My rebirthing that is taking place in the nation.”
A New Era: Great Storms, New Faces & a Turning Over of Events & Legislation
Prophetic Word Released from Pastor Hank Kunneman on November 19, 2021:
The Spirit of the Lord says, “Are you ready to see the new that I shall bring unto you? For there is a new season; there is a new era that is among the earth. Look with your eyes. No, I do not only speak concerning your natural eyes, but look with the eyes of your spirit—My eyes that will reveal to you that there is more of My hand and My hosts than what is against you. Do not come into agreement with those who want you to think that I have removed My hand from off this nation. This is not so,” says the Lord.
“But watch, very closely, as there shall be… Look for Me, look for Me. You say, ‘God, what do You mean, “Look for Me”?’ Mild, mild [it] shall be in places where they say that there should be harsh weather. [But] there shall be mild, mild, mild weather that shall break records. Why shall I use the weather?” The Lord says, “I will show that I’m the God who uses the seasons, that uses the climates to cause them to conform to My hand as this nation shall conform too.
“But watch, also, Me. There shall be mild and there shall be extreme. And in places where they say that it is normally mild, it shall seem extreme, but for a moment of time. And a great storm shall arise upon the land, and it shall be blanketed with snow. For I shall once again cause the earth and the nation (the United States) to see that I deal with wicked kings when it is snowing—not only in Zalmon (Mount Ebal?) but the United States. And I will bring another deep cleansing that will be a sign. Look for Me, for there will be many chaotic things in this nation that shall suddenly shift and become mild. And there will be many things that they will not want Me to touch; they do not want Me to see; they do not want Me to expose; they do not want Me to remove. But yet I shall, and it will be extreme.
“Look for Me! Mild, extreme… it is the work of My hands. And I will bring a promise unto this land, and I will fill the house—the White House—the presidency. I will fill it with the new. I will fill the vice presidency with the new. I will fill the Speaker of the House with the new. And I will bring the new to the halls of congress and to the floors of the senate. And I will bring the new even to the court that you call ‘Supreme.’ For there will be a shaking and there will be an exposing upon your court that you call ‘Supreme,’ and I will reveal that they have shook hands in secret. They have made deals in secret, and I will pull the covers off, and they will be removed from their seats (some of them),” says the Lord.
“Do not tell Me that I am taking too long, for you call this season ‘autumn,’ but I call it a ‘long fall.’ And I will take My time through your winter months. I will take My time even as the new year comes among you to do what I have planned, to bring My long fall… for many shall be exposed. Things will begin to fall and fall apart.
“And watch very closely. There shall be [a] shocking turn of events [that] will hit even the news. For I will turn, shockingly, as the shaking comes to the networks, and there will be removals. But there will be new faces that will arise upon the networks that say, ‘We don’t care how much you pay us, we will not lie.’
“There will be a swift turning of events, of things that they demand, [using] words like ‘mandates.’ And they say, ‘But don’t you know that [these are] governmental mandates?'” God says, “Ha! I laugh! If I turned over tables and I drove money changers out in My wrath, because [of] My zeal, I will once again turn over laws [and] legislation. I will tear [them] apart,” says the Lord. “They’ll have no voice, no sound to afflict the people of this land. And I will drive out those evildoers, for I will cut them off. For as My Word says, they shall have their day. And,” God says, “it is coming fast.
“Watch for a great turning of events as things begin to rattle, shake [and] roll. And, ultimately, there shall be a turning upon one another in the shocking turn of events. Not only shall it be the media (the turning over of legislation that they say will be mandated), but I will show you, as they turn upon one another.”
God says, “I told you already, before, that I am the party crasher, and I will crash the Republican Party; I will crash the Democratic Party. And I will raise up new faces. I will raise up those who will stand with Me and My glory.”
God says, “I will settle 2020, as My Word declares [that] when you clean house, do you not first bind the strongman?” [See Matthew 12:29.] The Lord says, “The strongman of the 2020 election has been too loud; it has been undealt with. But,” God says, “I will bind up the strongman of that time, that I may not only clean house but spoil their goods.
America: Taste and See That the Lord Is Good!
“Watch and see. You are about, America, to taste and see that the Lord is good. I have been good,” says the Lord.
“I see shocking deaths that are a part of the turning of events, as the hand of the Lord is coming with righteousness and justice.
“And when you see the headlines, ‘Great Storms,’ pay not attention to the word ‘storm’; look to the word ‘great,'” says the Lord, “because I’m doing great things that are bringing reset [by] My hand; reversals that shall bring a rebirthing of this nation, that shall reach even down to your schools.” God says, “I will reset their curriculum, I will reverse their curriculum, and I will raise up a generation out of the schools [so] that the children shall be a part of the rebirthing of this nation!”
I heard from The LORD today. He had me look up this Scripture. I admit, He had me look it up after I heard a preacher quote it first, and He had to nudge me two or three times before I did so! “Therefore say unto them, Thus saith The LORD God; There shall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith The LORD God.” Ezekiel 12:28.
“Did you hear that?” said The LORD, “There shall be NO MORE DELAYS.
Look at the Words I have sent to you which are yet to manifest — I AM about to fulfill them!” says our God. I made a mental note of the important caveat — “Words I have sent to you”! (Emphasis on “I”) I believe The LORD is about to light a Fire of Revival under The Church — your Church too — if you are open to it.
The Vision I get is that of the Cloud by day and the Fire by night, leading the Children of Israel THROUGH, BUT FINALLY OUT OF THE WILDERNESS, and the Churches in America and Wales are about to encounter the 21st Century equivalent of this.
The LORD also brought this scripture to mind — “The steps of a good man are ordered by The LORD, And He delights in his way.” (Psalm 37:23)
The interpretation in context of this Word is simply that those who obey Him and follow His directions will experience revival at its fullest, but those who only partly do so will only experience part of the blessings of revival!
Full commitment is a requirement for full benefits.
Here is the word for the Lord this day. It’s My time enemies of almighty God I am pulling the rugs from underneath your feet and your fall will be great. Your days of ruling on my earth and over my children are finished, saith the Lord of hosts. You will not stay any longer in your places of power ruling over my children stealing them. Killing them, controlling them, with your lies your falsehoods of everything that you could come up with in order to beat them into submission. So they would bow their needs to you worship you and give in to the pressure and the fear that you caused throughout this earth. I am knocking you all down to the ground and most of you will never get up. Your judgment is here and I am cleaning out your bank accounts. We’re bringing your businesses away from you that most of you stole from the ones on the puppet mat who are the puppet masters those who had control of who was successful and who wasn’t they kept my children from their wealth. Well not anymore, not just the disease, and not just the businesses, and the financial prosperity. But the diseased food you fed to the masses the poison you call medicine I will expose everything and I will overturn everything done to my and My earth. You destroyed the soil on purpose. You stripped it of its nutrients to slowly kill the masses with malnourishment which caused so many so much pain affliction diseases sicknesses and all the in all you will reap at what time with what you have sown against my children. Great death is coming to this earth. The angel of death is coming for you enemies of almighty God you refuse to repent. You mocked me, you went through with your plans and I am now stepping in to avenge my children. Watch for more blackouts and servers going down, yes by Me.
I will bring them all down this is a part of the destruction of Me revealing what has been hidden on their servers in their companies. Jeff Bezos I said it before I warned you these blackouts and the servers going down is just the beginning of your great fall. I will rip everything from you and your shame and embarrassment will be great for the suffering you caused due to your sex trafficking and the coup against this nation. Yes, the great I Am is coming for you even though you stepped down from your place of power to run and hide. I have found you and I will destroy you. Watch the royal family great exposures are about to surface regarding Prince Charles who will be exposed to who he really is his part of his plan to destroy you United States with a globalist and with the one world government leaders. And yes, all their dirty deals and this the secret heinous crimes have been committed by Prince Charles will come to light. Even concerning the death of Diana.
I am bringing down anyone in power on this earth that had has evil in their heart and an evil agenda and that won’t turn from their wicked ways or repent. Trudeau I am is coming for you. I am doing a clean sweep of the government officials who work with you. In your plan for what they have done against my nation the United States. You are paid with your part of the and with your latest friends. I will knock you down from where you are sitting and strip you of your power and any dignity you thought you had. I’m moving across Canada to free it from your death that you had on you had in it to control and you used to destroy it.
No, I Am is freeing Canada and they will take part in this great celebration and hold on I lost My spot they’ll take part in this great celebration. Hold on Canada I Am is delivering you from the hands their hands and I will leave no evidence of their control over you. … you have celebration coming to your land. All right here’s Australia, yes Australia. I am coming and you and I will do a clean sweep of the ones who control you. I will free your nation from all the freedoms they took from you to enslave you and to break you so you wouldn’t fight back. You will also be a part of this great celebration so don’t lose hope the great I Am is on your side and I never lose.
Stand up My children everyone all over this earth and stand up and fight in your prayer rooms and war rooms in war in the spirit demand your freedoms and your countries back. I will honor those prayers you are more powerful than you realize the greater one is in you let him speak through. You say the words that destroy and dismantle your enemies the days ahead that all are about to experience my children will look like chaos and darkness to those who refuse to listen. But you Mine remnant my church who I chosen this hour will know what time it is in time of your freedom and your deliverance. When you see the military taking center stage don’t fear for this is what needs to take place. Don’t be moved for the great I Am is moving and when I move my hand across this land it will shock most of you how fast it went removing and restoring what is yours. Yes, My children I can do it in one day, not months, not years, one day. Don’t limit my ability to save you.
You have mocked the prophets, and My people, My words, and would not take heed of my reproof. You have made mockery and made fun and laughed at the prophets and My words therefore I also will laugh it at the calamities that will come upon you and I will mock you when your fear cometh. When your fear cometh as a desolation and your destruction cometh upon you as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall you call upon me. But I will not answer you shall seek Me, but thou not find me for that you’ve hated knowledge. You have despised what is right and did not choose the fear of the Lord. You would not listen to My counsel. You have despised all of my reproof. Therefore shall ye eat of the fruit of your own ways and be filled with your own devices your own deceit shall destroy you. For the luring away of the simple shall slay you and the prosperity of the fools shall destroy you. And because you have chosen to mock me I will turn your captive into captivity.
The time has come that I will be glorified in the earth and I will show My power throughout the nations. For this cause I have hindered your leaders, hardened their hearts. Harden the hearts of the leaders and the gainsayers the heart that I will show that I am the only God there is no other and I will bring a sword upon the evil ones that has despised Me. I will bring down the ones in power in this land and I will cause them to lose at every hand. I will bring disasters upon you evil leaders, but nothing will come near my people the blood bought and the chosen ones of the hour the nation that I am raising up now in this end time. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Me the God of this world will you serve your wealth and your prosperity or will you serve Me the day comes when your money will not save you. Then you will call and I will not answer for now many of you leaders I have warned you. Bbut you still laugh at the prophets and the handmaids. You have built statues out of an evil heart the statues that you have built. You hate the righteous, you mock us through the statues you build you despise My words. So if you brought and sent forth the statues I set before you an open door to choose life or you can choose death my mercy will no longer abide to you I closed the door.
For vengeance is mine and I will repay you leaders and evil at heart you have trance trampled over the cross and the blood that was shed for all. I will no longer allow the evil to hinder and prolong the great and outpouring of this great revival.
I thy God designed this last move in such a way that man would never be able to fix it. So that I would get the glory, saith God and in this hour the wicked have mocked Me. And the lukewarm have taken vessels that were dedicated to God and have raised him up his idols on my platforms throughout America and other nations. They have worshiped personalities, and they have worshipped gold, and they have worshipped silver, and they have worshipped men, that which I dedicated for the glory of God. So this day saith the Lord the day of judgment has fallen upon the earth saith God and he that is righteous will remain righteous. …
I was silent saith the Lord because I was allowing men to choose sides. You’ve had glimpses of angels in this building this is not a regular church, saith the Lord. This is almost a place, saith God that though I’m here I’m being beamed around the for this is a god portal saith the Lord that will be broadcast to all nations to give them hope, saith God I have given you glimpses saith the lord of my glory and you have seen at times what I could do even a few weeks ago, saith God when I healed and you watched a man run across this platform. But I have withheld the miraculous back because men would have chose not because they loved Me. But because they were seeking after the miraculous for I have allowed my spirit to be released at times throughout the nations but every time my spirit has been released men have put their hand on it and turned it into something and they deterred and they turned it away from the glory of the Lord. That shall not happen this time, saith God. What I am about to release in the earth no one has ever seen before even in the early church, saith God. …
There are very few churches, saith the Lord in the United States of America that make a place for the presence of the Lord and for the release of the Holy Ghost and those that have been ashamed of Me, saith God and of My presence. Now I will not confess you before my father on that day for there is going to be blood in the streets, saith the Lord and I am going to strip men of their wealth. Even as Belshazzar that night died and was this is not just about moving men, saith the Lord. From their riches or from their positions I am physically going to remove them from the earth. And the Word that I have given, saith God in times past that there will be bodies stacked up in the streets because of the amount of death that’s going to come it shall come to pass 2022, saith the Lord. You will see a great divide between the wicked and the righteous and even as Goshen, hallelujah was exempt from the plagues it came on the Egyptians so shall the remnant in this hour be exempt, saith the Lord from the wrath of the lamb that’s going to come upon this nation for the sound of the cry of babies, saith the Lord that are unborn in the spirit has come up to me and thus, saith the Lord there is a newborn baby sound that’s going to come forth in the house of God your children
The Lord says I’ve been silent long enough and I’ve had it up to here with the rebellion of my own creation. I am God in a moment’s time I can say it’s over and it’s over. Do you not know, saith the Lord that everything that breathes comes out of My sovereign will you do not know how great I am and how mighty I am. Did I not say every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord the greatest help that I will have as a sovereign God to bring forth this will not be men but it will be angels, saith the Lord. For I have already commissioned angels and they are standing on call and there is a release and when 2022 comes into being the host of heaven is going to be released into the earth and they shall facilitate them. They shall begin to carry out the will of God. You’re going to see angels you’re to see them in the midst of the house of the Lord when the miraculous begins to take place and the paralyzed begin to come out of wheelchairs and creative miracles begin to take place. It will be because the angels have driven out the forces of evil and the forces of darkness I put a shout in your spirit, saith the Lord. For this is a day that the Lord hath made and you will rejoice and be glad in it. …
For the last two years, saith God I have been weighing men and today saith the Lord. The wane is coming to an end and when January 1st 2022 comes the wane is over and the determination will then be released, saith the Lord. … I’m going to recompense to each that which is due him and God says for the righteous I will not be indebted to you. So I’m going to recompense back to your great blessing because you sowed the seed. … This will happen in a 24-hour, saith it will blindside the evil and the wicked in the earth. They will not see it coming. There will be no warning there will be no ability to make contingencies on what I’m going to do. It’s just going to happen in one moment, say God. It will be sealed by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Here is the word justice in the fall just as fall and fall on the enemies of almighty God judges take your places of morality and justice or be removed. I am moving in the justice system of this land in this hour rulings and sentencing will be brought down finalized for your enemies of this land more justices in the supreme court will be removed by Me by My hand for their heinous crimes against you. The ones who are appointed by Obama will also be removed by Me of anyone in the seat of a judge will not rule for justice liberty morality in the Constitution I will do a clean sweep of judges, lawyers, in this nation. Yes. I am cleaning house of your entire judicial system I will not watch criminals go free and the innocent be locked up this government has used and abused their powers in the judicial system along with the FBI, the CIA, the NSA. They were used for another arm of power to destroy the masses and I am dismantling that system and that they have become it has become a cesspool of dirty deals against the people in this nation. To rob to kill the spy for their own gains I have spoken destruction over this system and is coming down in this hour again. All that is against you every person who has come here illegally to help in the coup and the destruction of this nation line up and be prepared for your judgment for the money that has been given to you to destroy this nation from within I will rip any freedom that you thought you had any power and any plans you had against my nation and my children I am moving against you my angel armies are standing against you you will not strike this nation in that planned attack you have been given those orders I will stop you Myself.
You will not succeed in your plans and destruction of this nation the party of the blue that has given to you not only will all of you be taken out so the ones who paid you to steal and to destroy this nation yes the party of the blue I am coming for you and the ones who pretended to be red but were not just so the blue could control both sides for political gain financially and with power to destroy this government in any in all systems put in place by me and all of you know who you are I have your names I know where you live and where you hide and now my spotlight will shine on you and expose everything hidden in the dark when i get done with with my mighty works no evil will be left standing in your government no the ones who i have appointed and anointed will be put in their places for such a time as this Bill gates your gates have come down you have nowhere to go my angels are against you for the trail and this of this nation and the death that you have caused your part in the pedophilia ring sex trafficking coven and the global reset I will expose it all and your sentencing will be treason and death shall come to you. But not before you lose everything that you hold dear which is your money and your power that you sold yourself for everything will be taken from the angel of death will visit you where you sleep.
The angel of death is coming again mass deaths you will hear in this hour for the enemies of almighty God and my children do not fear when you hear of so many deaths. I am protecting you just like My children in Goshen I separated them plea the blood of Jesus and put the hedge of protection over everything that you own this angel cannot you. And my children who have taken the shot and are concerned about the side effects and what you are hearing is happening to so many be still and know that I am God, almighty God. I am wiping away any evidence of anything that shot was designed for and It’s not going to harm you. I am moving across this earth to heal and restore all that has been done to you. And for your enemy’s plans to destroy you in any way that they could a cleansing across this earth and across its masses I will move heal restore and make whole once again miracles are breaking out all over this world as a sign that I am moving and I am still the same yesterday today and forever.
Disney you are being exposed in this hour for all that you have done with the children and how you have been used by the elites for the lusts of the flesh and your propaganda in your shows your movies to control and deceive the masses. I will dismantle you and destroy your plans against my children and all over this earth you will not have any power left over after I get done with you, saith the Lord of hosts. My children their arrests have already started even though the news is hiding what has been going on hold on My show is already begun and this show is about to get very interesting. It’s coming to a climactic part where everything changes the storyline and the plot that was in this earth is wiped out by Me.
Acts I am about to do will shock the whole world for this is the hour of the Exodus wealth transfer and the new a new life, a new beginning, a new economy, a new everything that you are about to see your promise lands. Where there is no lack of any kind watch my hand move my children to save and deliver you shout it’s time of the new, saith the Lord.
“Those Who Resist the New World Order Will Have the Help and Protection of God”
It now seems clear to me that the main purpose of this grotesque health charade is the imposition of a control system for individuals, implemented through the so-called green pass. We know that the health passport had been designed years ago, but that in order to make it mandatory it was necessary to create a pandemic emergency and force the population — through blackmail or the threat of sanctions — to allow themselves to be injected with an experimental drug for which the producer, the State, and whoever administers it do not assume any responsibility, pouring it instead onto the patient. Just yesterday, the FDA decided to make public the reasons for approving the Pfizer vaccine only in 2076: this gives ample proof of the criminal mind behind the screen of public health.
We see therefore that we have an elite of criminals, gathered together in the World Economic Forum to conceive the Great Reset and in the United Nations to implement the Agenda 2030, who have decided to decimate the population of the planet through some “scenarios” described in detail. They destroy national economies, cause poverty and unemployment, create discrimination and violations of fundamental rights with the sole purpose of controlling survivors, tracing their movements, modifying their lives, deciding their thinking, and establishing their health regime. This work includes the collaboration of rulers, public officials, doctors, magistrates, law enforcement agencies, the media and — as if that weren’t enough — even religious leaders. Calling it a “conspiracy theory” is an understatement: it is a coup d’état pursued with a clear mind and determination, a crime against humanity. Its purpose is precisely to control us: to make us slaves and customers of a system that is about to implode, in which those who have made the most profits in the past creating the crisis, are now preparing to carry out the “fourth industrial revolution” — as Klaus Schwab calls it — to continue accumulating power and money.
I wanted to get this word out to his people as quickly as possible … so i’m going to read to you exactly what the lord uh spoke to me. He said this the Great Reset has begun, says the Lord. This reset is happening in the heavens and on the earth. The reset is happening in the heavens as my angels pull down ancient strongholds that have deceived the nations these ancient strongholds are demonic forces that were established from on old. They determine how a nation will live act and think I am pulling them down says the Lord. One of the ancient strongholds that I am pulling down is the sacrifice of babies to Moloch. Roe vs wade will be overturned and I will stop the murdering of the unborn babies, says the Lord. Another ancient stronghold I am pulling down is the allegiance to government governments will topple and people will pledge their allegiance to me the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
There is a Great Reset in world governments take heed the current government of the United States of America. For I am bringing you down and bringing a Great Reset for in this reset many will leave and are and are already leaving government positions who have been elected and appointed. Just know that I am still coming for the wicked in government positions. And it does not matter whether you leave your position or resign or flee, says the Lord. My arm is great and I will find you. There is a Great Reset coming and is now here in the false media and false media moguls. The avalanche of news that will be brought forth. They will not be able to hide anymore. Those who truthfully report on what is happening I will spare, says the Lord. Not only will I spare you but I will elevate you and give you a platform to speak to the world of the likes you have never known. Before I am bringing down the principality that has been behind the wealth of the wicked my angels are battling even now in the heavens to release this great transference of wealth to my people. The gold has been in bondage and my angels are breaking the chains of bondage and releasing it to my people. There is a Great Reset in the financial system coming forth that will set my people free, says the Lord. Businesses, houses, bank accounts, planes, produce technology, vehicles, and land, are all being released to my people.
Now says the Lord there is a Great Reset for those who seek My Kingdom and my righteousness first for I am releasing these things now says the Lord there are those who will say how can God do all of these things in the midst of this world turmoil but I say to you I am God and all things are possible with me to those who believe if you choose to believe then you will receive the things that i have spoken of says the Lord. If you have the attitude that I will wait and see if these things come to pass and then I will believe. Then you have already lost the promise for I say to you James 1:7 for let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord to those of you who mock the prophets and call my prophets false behold My hand is against you. I am giving you this warning just once repent of your evil out of the overflow of your heart your mouth speaks your heart is evil. You have a form of religion but do not know Me, says the Lord for if you truly knew me you would agree with My plans for the world. The day is coming says the Lord that My glory will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea this will fulfill what Habakkuk prophesied centuries ago and that’s found in Habakkuk 2 verse 14:14. The Lord said I am not slack or late in fulfilling My words through my prophets. Then the Lord said this, rejoice rejoice, rejoice. This is the time to rejoice to usher in My Great Reset, says the lord and then after he gave me this message. He said now I want you to make these declarations at your altar and release them to my people and that’s what I’m doing I’m releasing this this message to you that I just received two hours ago. So let’s all just rejoice.
They shall Fall in the fall.
Muslims by the millions are converting to Christianity. This has never happened before, and the astounding explanation given by many of the converts is that they are seeing dreams and visions of Jesus.
I was commenting on a post today and The LORD gave me the two Words — “Great reveal!’
I pondered these Words for a moment as several prophets have spoken about the uncovering of evil that is coming. I recalled the shaking and revelation prophesies I’ve heard and read, so I asked The LORD if He was showing me anything different? This is what He showed me and told me. I saw a crowd gathered at what looked like a grand opening ceremony. There was a huge table covered by an equally huge sheet. A battery of microphones was set up next to the table, and several huge ‘jumbotrons’ — huge television screens with large speakers — were positioned around the crowd.
The whole scene was vast — possibly millions in the crowd. Without any speeches or preamble, the great sheet was lifted off the huge table. The reaction was immediate! Loud gasps of shocked dismay came up from the crowd. Many started weeping and crying out ‘NO NO NO!’ They were all seeing, mostly for the first time, the Truth about corruption, the Truth about children, the Truth about the pandemic, and the Truth about the remedies for the pandemic — both that which is available and that which was hidden.
I heard The LORD say, “This is the Great Reveal!”
Then I saw the shock in the crowd slowly turn to anger. The crowd turned into a huge lynch mob. Fighting, burning, and a huge fury broke out — the authorities, police and military, were not just powerless, but they joined in! I saw official government buildings torn down, destroyed by the mob. They wanted blood! Suddenly, a man stepped up to the battery of microphones. I could not see clearly who it was but he carried an air of great authority. As he stepped up to the mic, he paused as if waiting for the mob to notice him, and indeed the mob went quiet. “My fellow countrymen and citizens”, he started. The mob went quieter.
“Good people, those responsible for all that has been revealed to you today, are being arrested even as we speak. None shall evade us — they will all be punished. “Many of you cannot believe what is revealed today, but I’m sorry to say it’s ALL true!”
He emphasised the ALL.
“Please do not take the law into your own hands, much as you may want to. We want ALL these people to receive a fair trial and answer for their actions. “Many will pay the ultimate price, which may be better than they deserve, but we must judge them according to law and according to the constitution!” A rumble of assent went round the crowd despite a few cries for revenge.
The LORD interrupted the vision saying, “This Great Reveal is coming very soon. Watch for it starting by January.
Next year, 2022, will see not just revival but a turn around morally, politically, and financially. The economy will recover as evil people are removed from positions of power.
I will have righteous men and women in these positions, and politics will be unrecognisable compared to today. Tell My People to look up for redemption is nigh!”
The vision faded and disappeared and the peace of God descended on me.
I’m very aware that others have prophesied similar things but I’m just relating what The LORD showed to me this morning. It’s confirmation — no more, no less.
The Lord then said now take your pen and write and so this is what the Lord gave me write down. And I want to read this to you because this is his message the Lord said My plans for the United States of America has not changed. I have great reversal planned says the Lord. These things I will reverse very soon I will reverse the current administration and place my chosen servant Donald Trump with his new administration. I will reverse I will reverse these Covid mandates. I will reverse Roe versus Wade and reverse the killing of innocent babies. I will reverse the Mexican border crisis in the United States of America and it will it will return to law and order. I will reverse the wealth of the wicked and give it to my righteous who have been called according to my purpose. I will reverse this woke mentality and replace it with My spirit says the Lord. I will reverse the plans of satan to prematurely usher in the antichrist . I will reverse the rotation of the earth for a split second, which will cause a great shaking says the Lord. This great reversal will be My doing, says the Lord. The the oceans will roar but will then settle down. So tell my people that I have not changed my mind about the United States of America. Tell my people that I have great reversal planned, says the Lord.
So after he gave me that message then the Lord instructed me to tell you what he revealed to me in October and I had not released that message yet. So he was instructing me to release it now. So back in October the Lord had me studying about Josiah in scriptures. So Josiah was only eight years old when he began to reign as King of Kudaha. How many of you know that eight is the number of new beginnings amen. So 18 years into Josiah’s reign he began removing and destroying all the worship of the false gods including removing the altar at bethel set up by Jeroboam. So as I read in second Kings chapter 22 and 23 about Josiah Holy Spirit began to show me the similarities between Josiah and Donald Trump and after he showed me some of those similarities.
This is what the Lord spoke to me in October he said did you notice the zeal and aggressiveness of Josiah to right the wrong when he was read the law in the book of the covenant. Donald Trump has the same aggressiveness and zeal to right the wrong he has witnessed in your nation. He will succeed because I say he will succeed, says the Lord. There will be great reform under his helm and election laws will be passed to ensure safe and fair elections for the future. The Lord said Donald trump will be standing tall and Melania will be right by his side he will move the White House. The Lord said Washington DC will fall in more ways than one. So let’s be rejoicing about these great reversals that the Lord is about to do. Amen.
Additional: Second video from Timothy Dixion (March 2, 2021) – Columbia River Gorge runs backwards/ Multnomah Falls run red like Blood.
The beginning of November God gave me a very clear picture. It was … pointing out I want to show you something and you’ve got to really take heed of this. It was of a bird sitting on a nest brooding brooding over these eggs and it was this word brooding. And then He said that um what is going to be birthed out of these eggs might not be what I think. It should look like it might I might be expecting a a sparrow or an eagle. But it might actually something completely different that that we’re not expecting. … We are brooding right now
He said in December we were going to have more snow. … There’s going to be a cleansing in December. A purification time of my people getting ready. There’s going to be heart surgery i saw a vision of when we were praying another time for December of a surgeon washing his hands getting ready to operate. God is doing a work on his church right now cleansing in December that He’s going to do a lot of any healing where people are repenting and getting right with God. … December and the snow is going to be a sign of the cleansing. … The new heart it says you know I will give you a heart um it’s going to be a white snow and God is doing a cleansing for all those who are in a time of repentance in a healing. God’s giving us this this new cleansing for the new year. … The word God gave us for December that He’s going to do a lot of any healing where people are repenting and getting right with God.
January there’s going to be a stillness. Just the stillness it’s going to be like where there’s ice and you can’t see the ripples you can’t see um the water hitting the puddles you just see ice and it’s just still. And He said don’t be alarmed at the stillness because he said that there that is at the still before I move, and I sense this word I’ve heard that there’s different nations going into lockdown in January. So maybe you’re going through another lockdown. Maybe we are I don’t know but there’s going to be a stillness and we’re going to be saying what’s happening. God is anything happening but God is getting us ready. There’s going to be still and know that I’m God in January.
February we’re going to start seeing signs of new life the buds are going to start showing and these new life there’s going to be arrows of God’s direction. Just arrows pointing the way in February. There’s just going to be small arrows going out like I think god’s directly I think speaking to me and there’s going to be those buds in January showing after this stillness.
March God said um we’re marching on into the new. There’s going to be geographical location moves there’s going to be a movement in March and I’m marching on into the new. …
April is going to be fresh wind and fresh fire and I know this all sounds cliche and if God hadn’t given it to me and give me the sign of the stuff I wouldn’t be sharing this. …
May it will be may it happen Lord as you’ve said like Mary said may it happen as you said and it’s for those who are believing in Me they’re expecting. They’re gonna know that they’re birthing something it’s imminent and after the stillness after the the whole process of going through these winter months. It’s like being pregnant we’re going to come out and we’re going to say may let it happen God as you said. …
June it’s the birthing the eggs are going to be hatching and I believe that that brooding I didn’t know a time span when god said, you’ll be brooding in these eggs you’ll be sitting on these eggs and they’re about to give birth. But I believe June is going to be a time where we see things hatch we see things giving birth that have been in our spirit that’s been in God’s spirit. And and it’s going to be a time where this this brooding produces a life. …
This is a prophetic word from the Lord it’s from October 19, 2021 and the Lord is speaking and saying those who oppose me or oppose what I am doing will not fare well. This will be and is true wherever and whatever I am doing. … The Lord goes on when I am settling a land for Myself or giving a land over to my people those resisting have not and will not fare well. Such is the case such is the case in North America. I brought my people there I directed them to settle and make the land theirs just as I have done in the past with my people Israel. … The Lord goes on now the spiritual forces of evil have come against me in the nation which I have brought to life under My name. Yes and they now seek to make a mockery of me says the Lord God. But I even I says, the Lord have always known the end from the beginning. I made a mockery of satan by defeating him. Yes, My son came as a man and ripped his authority from him a mockery will again be made. But it will not be of Me says the great I am the United States will again be and I will do it says, the Lord. Man will once more make a mockery of My enemies. Even now My prophets are at their stations. My watchmen are not fooled by the trickery and lies of their enemies. Right now they are bringing down the strongholds of darkness and raising a standard against them.
The cities of government in the east have fallen and just as the settlers moved from the east to the west. So shall the spiritual forces of heaven move the spirits over the Seven Mountains will be taken down on this move to the west. The axe is right now being laid to the root of the tree. My watchmen are right now calling out those whom I the Lord have kept hidden these newly minted apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers will bow to me alone. I have raised them up and I will keep them I the Lord will settle things first with Israel and the United States. Because one of them was called by Me and the other called on Me after that time those who oppose Me shall meet me and they shall not fare well. All of these shall fall and the fall will be great all of the people who love Me and call on Me shall be blessed. However and this blessing shall be greater than the fall of the wicked amen.
The great walls your enemy have built against you, and to protect themselves are coming down now.
Here is the word of the Lord, the coming judgement. Death they wanted innumerable, they shouted across this earth. Depopulation they cried as soon as possible. The enemies that pretended to be on your side to protect you, your freedoms, were the ones who selling you out for their own finical gain and more power to move up the ladder in the enemy’s camp. I the Lord have listened to all their plans against you in darkness and behind closed doors. Even out on the open they are doing their bidding against you and so many have been on to it. The deaths you have seen recently was nothing compared to the devastation they had originally planned for you. My children your prayers and standing on My Word, believing in Me trusting a deliverer would show up. This constantly righteous my remanent kept this from being more deadly.
The angel armies My host of armies to disperse the plans of the enemy, to stop, to hold back. My children what they wanted this last two years to look like is nothing like you see now. No, total devastation, more deaths and not only the population, but death to America. Death to freedom, death to the majority against them. Death to any that would stand up and anyone who would fight back. Death to liberty, death to justice, death unspeakable at best. No saith the Lord, they don’t have that power. They will never get what they desire when My body lives on this earth. Death they wanted, death they shall receive. The death angel has put on assignment and will be released against your enemies once again. In the days of Egypt this was small compared with coming death and judgment to the enemies against my children.
I have given them time to repent. I am a God full of mercy and grace, for they kept making their plans against you. Death they keep trying to bring now in different ways to make up for their failed attempt at the numbers they wanted and so desired. They paid your enemies in foreign lands once again to attack you. From your border, to attack you from within, to attack from within your government. Attack you from the east and attack you from the west. Attack you financially, attack your food supply, attack your freedoms, attack your minds for fear anxiety so you wouldn’t be able to fight them back. My children I have seen every angle of their attack and I hold their blueprint of death and chaos in every plan of attack imaginable. But don’t you know nothing they can ever plan or ever desire to do to my people it will go so far and it would not go any farther. It would do the opposite and what you enemies wanted. They wanted total devastation. In that time My church of My body is growing by the day in strength in knowledge of the power and authority they have. …
There is an intensity that shall begin to flood this earth things will begin to be intensified. There’ll be natural manifestations that will reveal the intensity of God’s hand that is coming and is already moving. Therefore those of you that have been in a harsh season you need to prepare yourself for the intensity of God’s blessing that will carry you into a New Year. It will be revealed and understood that it is and has been the year of victory for the battles have been intense. But that’s why God has brought victory and the victory shall be so great in your lives that it’ll carry you into 2022? Where it will be the year for some are looking for a word that shall affect the nation and God says yes, I have my business that I am taking care of and I’m attending to in this nation in the nations. But I have promise that not only shall I do what I’ve said I will do, but I’m going to make 2022 be about you and iI will repay back and I will cause the forces of darkness who have attacked my people and just sleep even at the hands of your government. …
The spirit of God declares that I am moving intensely to bless you but also this nation … I speak flop flip because the agenda of hell and those who have agreed and steal the future from your children. It shall flop and then watch what shall arise whistleblowers after whistleblowers. They shall not only see that their agenda has flopped. They will begin to flip and God says there will be a turning of My hand. And a turning of their of their mouths and they will speak loudly and they will turn on one another and they will expose one another to save what they would think their own future.
All of a sudden, I saw a word of knowledge blazed across this place, and it was in the heavenly realms. It said, “circuit.” All of a sudden, I saw the Lord reach down inside of us and pull the circuit. He began to take His hand and re-circuit individuals. Then, all of a sudden, He began to re-circuit this region and to re-circuit our nation. …
The Lord said, “I’m going to make My people so in line with My purposes.” So, in thinking that this word of the Lord was given (Gina gave it earlier)…so, thinking the way I’m thinking, they [those whom God re-circuits] can only start walking in a new way.”
Then, for this nation (as He was re-circuiting it), I saw a date come in on that circuit, and all of a sudden it popped back up on October the 18th. I want to just say, from this place, here, beginning October the 18th, get ready…
The Lord said, “You will know, beginning October the 18th, in this nation, that things have come full circle. You will also know that I have pulled the plug on things you’ve been asking Me to pull the plug on. I say: when that plug has been pulled, I’ll bring it up one by one; but the messages that have gone out in the past will not be the same messages that I allow to go out in the future.
“Know this, because you are in the right place at the right time tonight. Because you have come to and gathered at the place I’ve called you, My line is going out from the heavens; and as My voice goes out on that line, I say to you: it will NOT return void. And, what begins tonight in Tennessee will cause a nation to be circuited again with My message.”
Part 1: This vision was given over a period of three days, from September 19, 2021 through September 21, 2021. In it the Lord shows us what the USA & the nations are doing, what the enemy is doing, and most importantly, what the LORD is doing, including the return of the Trumpet!
So this is the vision of the Lord and when there is a vision everything has meaning so just try to listen and ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding into the meaning. SoIi see a great ship on the water it’s a vast body of water the ship is in a turn toward its port side that would be the left side and the one steering it is the character of Joe Biden. On the horizon in front of the ship it says liberalism, totalitarianism, socialism, Marxism, communism, satanism. The crew on the ship seems to be doing everything they can to cause this ship to go faster to turn harder and to accelerate toward this horizon. Remember toward the port or to the left. As I watch I can’t understand why they desire to go to their own destruction. Then the Lord speaks He says they are all deceived they totally believe they are doing the right thing they cannot even entertain the idea that they’re heading to their own destruction.
He continues the evil one has been turning this ship toward his goal for centuries. But it did not start out this way when this ship first set sail it was heading toward righteousness, holiness, freedom, and true Christianity. And i’d just like to clarify that this particular ship that we’re talking about is the United States that’s what it represents. So the Lord says that’s what it was at first heading toward righteousness, holiness, freedom, and true Christianity but it has slowly been turned the other way. The evil one has been patient even allowing some turns back toward the good but then again slowly turning. But now the enemy sees that time is not in his favor and things must be sped up and I the Lord have increased the headwind working against the ship’s progress. My trumpet has made a great turn against the progress of the evil one which is why all the stops have been pulled out.
So just to pause there a minute so when Trump took over at the helm of the United States or the helm of the ship he started turning it back toward the righteousness, holiness, and all of that so the enemy sees his time is short he doesn’t have time to slowly turn it back so he’s trying to quickly turn it back and the Lord is causing a great headwind. The Lord continues the ship itself is suffering damage due to the rough handling and the pushing of it which is beyond its ability even the one at the helm is being pushed beyond his now limited ability this ship is one of many vessels all are experiencing the same thing but are at different stages in the turn toward evil. … The ships represent different countries so they’re all kind of going the same direction toward evil. But the United States ship is leading the charge and they’re at different stages as they turn. … So during the slow turn when this when the enemy would turn it slowly towards evil during that people put up with a few crazy lefties but now seeing this lurch to the left has opened eyes and it will not be tolerated the people will be ready when I the Lord send a boarding party onto the lead ship. When this happens and My trumpet plays the Trump card it will send the other ships into chaos and fear. They will all experience their own turn back to the right. …
So the Father says it’s time to be happy to look up and to declare His faithfulness um and he also says that the boarding party that’s to take over control of the ship will not use the regular laws and courts of the states and country. The laws used will be like those used during wartime the phrase maritime came to mind when we prayed. Honestly we don’t really understand all of those rules and laws of wartime, but some of you might understand … I found it very encouraging I think that the boarding party the military and Trump are they have their assets in place it says. I don’t know what that means to exactly um in a war …but it seems to me that if you have all of your assets in place things are ready to launch.
So there’s some confusion of the captains causing friction even on those who sincerely believe that what they’re doing yeah they should do. Ok. anyway they have entertained some doubt about what they’re doing although they can hardly speak of it. Because of the fear they live under so even if they’vethought about it in their quiet time or whatever in their spare moment. They won’t speak of it because the fear of being seen as a traitor to their group or whatever it’s all it’s all like conditioned by fear. I felt like so and there’s some explanation of that later okay. So at that point um in the it’s like I blink my eyes I just close them for a second and when I open them I see spirits demonic spirits big and small some are seemingly powerful and over all the ships. Some are only controlling one person some of the people are completely possessed and others simply bow to the influence of them. The spirit of fear seems to be the motivation of all the all of those under the influence of this evil. All seem concerned only about themselves and are trying to gain an advantage for themselves that they think will relieve some of the stress due to fear.
I’m amazed at the number and the power of the demonic and so it’s all based on lies these people even if they if they’ve considered that they’re doing the wrong thing. The fears overtakes them they can’t speak of it they can’t think of doing something different. It’s like yeah. suddenly the Lord is standing next to me as we look He says to me can you see why this is a rescue mission now. And I kind of looked around and I answered, yeah I can see that the demonic is really controlling a lot of people and so He starts speaking again. And He says the people have allowed evil to dominate all of the high places in the world. Call it the Seven Mountains if you want it’s media arts and entertainment, government, family, religion, economy, and education. All of these have been slowly taken over each one enhances and supports the other this rescue mission is a sovereign move of God.
But my church has not been relieved of its responsibility or power, or its authority either. My decision to partner with my people has not been rescinded and in fact says the Lord I am pouring out the latter rain of the s of my spirit at this time so um get in the fri in the fray my people rise up you still have authority over your enemy he is under your feet. Join in this battle, pray, follow the spirit do not shrink back and do not hide. Do not fear at all, says the Lord of Hosts eternal rewards await those who will not bend to the wishes of the enemy and who will stand in the power of my spirit says the Lord.
There’s an excitement in the air but no presence to spare. but we don’t care. America, America you lost your way, you went astray. But I hear you have come back to the Father and you’re getting back on track saving the babies makes the father’s heart rejoice and the babies will have a voice. America will receive the blessings of heaven instead of the leaven and evil had its day and it will pay and the lord will not delay. Christmas should be focused on our Lord, no one should feel bored because the gifts have been taken away. Due to this delay and anyone who feels the need to complain looks to the Father with disdain.
But we worship the Son and we’re waiting for him to come and take us all away from all this decay. We will continue to build places of safety where we will live in harmony while we wait for his anomaly to come to the earth during this new birth and everything that was taken away will be restored for the better day. When we all will be together in one mind and one accord where we will all be restored look at the bare shells this Christmas there will be no elves to help with the giving of gifts evil will be adrift as America scrambles to stand on her feet as the economy is no longer complete. And they bid off more than they can chew the government is through. What is she going to do it all looks so blue time to love one another as sister and brother and work together to restore all the damage that was done through the mismanagement know that God’s plan has been done and his kingdom has won.
For the Lord which speak unto this nation harden not your hearts as you have done in your provocation. But I would say unto you to break up the fowler ground for the day of Revival and the day of restoration is at hand. The day of great Revival is at the door. … The politicians and all of the lawmakers they shall bring forth tears of great great perplexity shall break the hearts of many because they have chose to not hear Me. They have chose to ignore my counsel. They have chose to ignore my reproofs, so now the word of the Lord will come upon you repent of all your sins. Repent of the things that you’ve done lest you miss the very awakening. …
But you’ll see in this day in this hour that’s upon you that I shall reign upon the souls it reaches to me, I shall reign upon all of the fallen fields saith the and know that even now that your government works against you to bring famine to bring a fame and to America. They want to and bring more fear because they’re losing they’re losing their ground. They’re losing the foothold they’re losing their political pressure it is not working. They’re failing because my hand is against you, saith the Lord of Hosts. My hands is against you, saith God. Know that the hour of reformation the hour of freedom is upon America nothing shall escape the power that’s reigning upon the land. ..
Nothing that you put your hand to shall prosper I’ll cause an economical disaster. Know that the epic, the Wall Street, the training shall fall and take a great plunge. I’ll reverse the moneys from the wealth and the rich and i’ll give it to the poor. I’ll give it to those that will go and preach the Gospel to the fallen lands. I’ll reverse things that you never thought that could be reversed. I’ll bring down the giants, saith the Lord. I’ll bring down those that you thought that you could stand without me but you cannot stand My Word is what you live by and many will soon bow upon your knees and say that I am the Lord. But many shall fall because you refuse to acknowledge me in your heart.
“You guys know what this represents?” Reporter: Tell us. Sir. “Maybe I is the calm before the storm” Reporter: What storm? “Could be the calm, the calm before the storm.” Reporter: What storm, Mr. President? “You’ll find out.”
I made you a voice for the world to hear America. You want my love you all my love you are my light you are my song in the night. You are my smile you are my voice in troubled times I call to you. You are my light America, you are my voice of My Son I brought you forth for myself. America, My love. … There shall be a shaking in the kingdom and the way that I shook in 1900 at the turn of the century 1948 in the 60s and the 70s I will accumulate them all in one come on and I shall pour out of My spirit with a global Renewal says the Lord. I want you to listen to me now, hallelujah. … will suddenly emerge and begin to be sung all over the world they say that Islam is attracting young people. The spirit told me and I saw this all over the world.
Jesus became popular Jesus became famous again a fame that is worthy of him conversions will take place in universities and schools. And the people that are professors and teachers that have taught all this erroneous crap. In the presence of these I will raise up scientists that will speak the truth and it will spread and people will try and stop it. But it will not be stopped. This shall spread and spread and spread and there will be no control for it shall be like a river that’s what I saw now many of you watching all over the world. You know what I do there is an altar you’ve heard it directly from the spirit of god how he is going to move from one nation to the other through the streets house churches will be just about in every street in the United States of America and in Europe. Every street, every neighborhood shall have the ability and to hear the Gospel of the Kingdom for God will not allow his son to return. But will retain him until the fulfillment of every prophetic word that the prophets prophesied. And the one thing that is being restored at this very moment in the midst of rubble in the midst of clay in the midst of mayhem is the tabernacle of David. The restoration of the tabernacle of David will bring about souls into the kingdom by the millions the tens of millions and it shall be known spoken about by time magazine. And I saw a new magazine that is also going to come forth not necessarily on paper alone of course be on the internet but that shall speak of Christ. But it shall use the finest of scientists the finest of athletes the finest of artists the finest of economists and business people prosperity is at our door. Now you may say that doesn’t look possible do not say that because what God requires from you now is faith.
This is what He said do not mourn for what was but rejoice in what is, says the Lord. What is, says the Lord it is this I am still on my throne. I have not forgot America for what they have done to America I am now repaying i am bringing my recompense. Vengeance is mine I will repay, says the Lord of Hosts. When the lights are turned on and the varmints scatter for they do not like the light cockroaches scatter and mice scatter, he said. Why do I use these creatures to describe the wicked, says the Lord? It is because these creatures feed at night because they do not want to be discovered it is the same with the wicked. The wicked things that they do is under the secrecy of darkness. But I the light will cause them to scatter. I speak directly to the wicked and you know who you are. I will shine my light on your wicked deeds and those you have done in dark and in secrecy. I will expose what you have done. Repent! I say repent says the Lord of Hosts, so that my hand of vengeance will not come upon you. The house of cards is falling is falling, says the Lord. Those who have been stacking the cards will be exposed there is a hidden meaning in these words and those who have ears to hear hear what the spirit is saying. …
Then the next day the Lord actually revealed to me he explained to me what he was talking about about the house of cards is falling and the meaning behind that. He said this cards are flimsy and the slightest of breeze will cause a house of cards to fall. He said see and feel the breeze right now moving the tree branches and he was speaking that because I was outside and there was a quite a bit of a breeze and it wasn’t moving the leaves. He said this is nothing compared to my breath that will blow over this house of cards. This deception this deceit and lies that have been used to take over the United States of America. Those who have been stacking this false house, this false Senate, and this false President will be exposed. It is crumbling their house of cards. I am using my Trump card, says the Lord of Hosts and my Trump card wins the game. Then he said child there are many people who are tiring and have given up hope that America can come back from this wickedness. This is what I say to them hold on hold on hold on and watch and see the salvation of the Lord my salvation, says the Lord your country did not get to where it is in one day. There have been years of planning with backroom deals where huge amounts of money real estate crown jewels weapons and slaves have been exchanged for power and control of your country. I will expose their wickedness and my breath will cause their house of cards to fall, says the Lord. Now is the time for my breath to take down.
I had another uh encounter on this is actually early in the morning of September 11th and uh and this actually is regarding actually European nations. … He says Barry this day in history will never be forgotten. It was a day that changed the world forever never again will there be a day like it the enemy has a strategy that is still based on fear death and destruction and it has ramped up on scales beyond imagination. It is the ultimate game of deceit that has never changed the world is about to enter into days. Where they will see my glory poured out over the earth and I’m about to expose the wretched evil demonic people spirits systems networks plots and plans for all of the world to see. Nations will rise and fall before your eyes there will be bloodshed there will be city streets covered with blood and fear will overtake many good men will be forced to stand up in defense. Paris will burn.
Well I actually I saw this the city I was in a spot here I’m just going to introduce I’d seen Paris uh you know his night and i saw the Eiffel tower in the skyline and the sky of the city glowing as the fires raged throughout the city and through France. Anyway back to the things had gone too far and the scales had finally tipped. I saw millions on the street wow overtake the police and military and you know I had tear gas in my eyes. I’m on the street and there was a hand-to-hand combat. I saw the police and the military basically turn and work with the people and they turned against the rule like oh wow and as they did that you know I mean this hand-to-hand combat. It was brother against brother. But as as the military and as the police. They they succumb they realize it was like all sudden they could see that you know what you know what’s going on and they I saw them actually overtake government buildings and facilities and these these leaders.
You know they began running in fear into exile. You know some of them actually even were taking their own lives falling on their own swords this was some of the leaders the evil leaders took their lives. Because they were being yeah by the blood on their hands. It was and they knew what was coming to them and so rather than kind of face the consequences. You know some of them took their own lives. But I saw city after city falling in Europe . It was like you know the first one went and then and then another and you know they got that stronghold as the church and as everyone if God rose up. It was again that stronghold came down they became weaker and weaker and momentum you know began to carry on and then I heard the name. I said you know Prague and the city of Prague and there are key leaders that are coming out of Prague that I’ve put in place for the days that are unfolding ahead. They will have the tenacity and the fortitude to stand and to lead my people into victory. They are not in it for the glory of their glory they are in it for the sake of justice and righteousness the battle is going to be for fierce but rest assured as they pursue me I will be with them and I will give them the victory. Wow!
What follows is the text of a speech delivered by Cardinal Carlo Maria Viganò on August 28, 2021 . LIBERA NOS A MALO
Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order.
“No one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he receives L..n initiation.” David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative Project( Reflections on The Christ, Findhorn, 1978)
For more than a year and a half we have been helplessly witnessing the succession of incongruent events to which most of us are unable to give a plausible justification. The pandemic emergency has made particularly evident the contradictions and illogicalities of measures nominally intended to limit contagion – lockdowns, curfews, closures of commercial activities, limitations of public services and classes, suspension of citizens’ rights – but which are disavowed daily by conflicting voices, by clear evidence of ineffectiveness, by contradictions on the part of the same health authorities. There is no need to list the measures that almost all the governments of the world have taken without achieving the promised results. …
A single script under a single direction
As I said earlier, we are faced with a colossal deception, based on lies and fraud. This deception starts from the premise that the justifications put forward by the authorities in support of their actions are sincere. More simply, the mistake consists in believing that the rulers are honest and in assuming that they do not lie to us. So we persist in finding more or less plausible justifications, with the sole purpose of not recognizing that we are the object of a conspiracy planned to the smallest detail. And while we try to rationally explain irrational behavior, while we attribute logic to the illogical actions of those who govern us, cognitive dissonance leads us to close our eyes to reality and to believe the most shameless lies.
We should have understood – I wrote it some time ago – that the Great Reset plan was not the result of the ravings of some “conspiracy theorist” but the crude evidence of a criminal plan, conceived for decades and aimed at establishing a universal dictatorship in which a minority of immeasurably rich and powerful people intends to enslave and subjugate the whole of humanity to the globalist ideology. The accusation of “conspiracy theory” could perhaps have made sense when the conspiracy was not yet evident, but today denying what the elite has planned since the 1950s is unjustifiable. What Kalergi, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Klaus Schwab, Jacques Attali and Bill Gates have been saying since World War II has been published in books and newspapers, commented on and taken up by international bodies and foundations, made up precisely by parties and government majorities. The United States of Europe, uncontrolled immigration, the reduction of wages, the cancellation of trade union guarantees, the renunciation of national sovereignty, the single currency, the control of citizens under the pretext of a pandemic, and the reduction of the population through the use of vaccines with new technologies are not recent inventions, but the result of a planned, organized and coordinated action – an action that clearly shows itself perfectly adhering to a single script under a single direction.
The criminal mens
Once it is understood that the present events have been intended in order to obtain certain results – and consequently to pursue certain interests on behalf of a minority part of humanity, with incalculable harm for the majority – we must also have the honesty to recognize the criminal mens [mind] of the authors of this plan. This criminal design also makes us understand the fraud perpetrated by civil authority in presenting certain measures as an unavoidable response to unpredictable events, when the events have been artfully created and magnified with the sole purpose of legitimizing a revolution – which Schwab identifies as the fourth industrial revolution – intended by the elite to the detriment of all humanity. The enslavement of authority is on the other hand the result of a process that began even earlier, with the French Revolution, and which made the political class the servant not of God (whose Lordship it disdainfully disregards) nor of the sovereign people (which it despises and uses only to legitimize itself), but of the economic and financial potentates, of the international oligarchy of bankers and usurers, of multinationals and pharmaceutical companies. In reality, on closer inspection, all these subjects belong to a small number of well-known very rich families.
Equal enslavement is also evident in the media: journalists have accepted – without any scruple of conscience – prostituting themselves to the powerful, going so far as to censor the truth and spread shameless lies without even trying to give them the appearance of credibility. Up until last year journalists counted the numbers of the “victims” of Covid by presenting anyone who tested positive as terminally ill; today those who die after being vaccinated are always and only taken by a vague “illness,” and even before the post mortem examinations they officially decide that there is no correlation between a person’s death and the administration of the gene serum. They twist the truth with impunity when it does not confirm their narrative, bending it to fit their purposes.
What has been happening for a year and a half had been widely announced, down to the smallest detail, by the creators of the Great Reset themselves; just as we were told the measures that would be adopted. On February 17, 1950, testifying before the United States Senate, the well-known banker James Warburg said, “We will have a world government, whether you like it or not. The only question that arises is whether this world government will be established by consensus or by force.” Four years later, the Bilderberg Group was born, which has counted among its members characters such as [Italian businessman Gianni] Agnelli, Henry Kissinger, Mario Monti, and the current Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi. In 1991, David Rockefeller wrote: “The world is ready for a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is certainly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in past centuries.” And he added: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the ‘right’ global crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” Today we can affirm that this “right crisis” coincides with the pandemic emergency and with the “lockstep” outlined since 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation document “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” in which the events we are now witnessing are all anticipated (here).
In short, they have created a false problem in order to be able to impose population control measures as an apparent solution, cancel small and medium-sized businesses with lockdowns and the green pass to the benefit of a few international groups, demolish education by imposing distance learning, lower the cost of manpower and employees with “smart working,” privatize public health for the benefit of Big Pharma, and allow governments to use the state of emergency to legislate in derogation of the law and impose so-called vaccines on the entire population, making citizens traceable in all their movements and either chronically ill or sterile.
Everything the elite wanted to do, they have done. And what is incomprehensible is that in the face of the evidence of the premeditation of this terrible crime against humanity, which sees the leaders of almost the whole world as accomplices and traitors, there is not a single magistrate who opens a file against them to ascertain the truth and condemn the guilty and complicit. Those who disagree are not only censored but pointed out as public enemies, as infectors, as non-persons for whom no rights are recognized.
Deep state and deep church
Now, in the face of a criminal plan it would be at least logical to denounce it and make it known, in order to then be able to avert it and try those who are guilty. The list of traitors should start with the heads of government, with cabinet members and elected officials, and then continue with the virologists and corrupt doctors, the complicit officials, the leaders of the armed forces incapable of opposing the violation of the Constitution, the sold-out journalists, the cowardly judges and the obsequious unions. In that long list that will perhaps be drawn up one day, the leaders of the Catholic Church should also be listed, starting with Bergoglio and not a few of the Bishops, who have become zealous executors of the will of the prince against the mandate received from Christ. And certainly, in that list, one would know the extent of the conspiracy and the number of the conspirators, confirming the crisis of authority and the perversion of civil and religious power. In short, it would be understood that the corrupt part of the civil authority – the deep state – and the corrupt part of ecclesiastical authority – the deep church – are two sides of the same coin, both instrumental to the establishment of the New World Order. …
The world depopulation plan
Among the associates of this pactum sceleris there must also be counted some members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, which recently had its organizational structure overturned by Bergoglio himself when he removed the members who were most faithful to the Magisterium, replacing them with supporters of depopulation, contraception, and abortion. There should be no surprise at the Holy See’s support for vaccines: in June 2011 the Sovereign Independent carried the headline on its front page: “Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution!” (here). Beside the headline, a photograph of Bill Gates was accompanied by a quote from him: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services [abortion and contraception], we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” This is what Bill Gates said eleven years ago. …
The Luciferian matrix of the New World Order
At this point, it is necessary to clarify what is meant by the “New World Order,” or rather what its creators mean, regardless of what they say publicly. … The achievements of science, the conquests of nations and the conquests of territory are all indicative of the method of the Age of Pisces [the age of Christ], with its idealism, its militancy, and its separativity in all fields – religious, political, and economic. But the age of synthesis, of inclusivity, and understanding is upon us, and the new education of the Age of Aquarius [the age of the Antichrist] must very delicately begin to penetrate the human aura.
Today we see how the teaching methods theorized by Muller in the World Core Curriculum have been adopted by almost all nations, including LGBT ideology, gender theory, and all other forms of indoctrination. This is confirmed by the former director of the WHO, Dr. Brock Chisolm, explaining what the UN educational policy would like to achieve:
In order to achieve a world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, fidelity to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas (cf. Christian World Report, Marzo 1991, Vol. 3).
Behold once again the fil rouge that links not only Klaus Schwab to Hélder Câmara, but also Robert Muller and Alice A. Bailey to Pierre Theilard de Chardin and Emmanuel Saguez de Breuvery, always in a globalist key and under the ill-omened inspiration of Luciferian thought. An in-depth analysis of these disturbing aspects will make it possible to shed light on the truth and reveal the complicity and betrayals of not a few churchmen who are enslaved to the enemy.
Our response to the crisis of authority
The corruption of authority is such that it is very difficult – at least in human terms – to hypothesize a peaceful way out. In the course of history, totalitarian regimes have been overthrown by force. It is difficult to think that the health dictatorship that has been established in recent months can be fought differently, since all the powers of the State, all of the means of information, all the international public and private institutions, all of the economic and financial potentates are complicit in this crime.
Faced with this bleak scenario of corruption and conflict of interest, it is indispensable that all those who are not subservient to the globalist plan unite in a compact and cohesive front, in order to defend their natural and religious rights, their own health and that of their loved ones, their freedom, and their goods. Where authority fails in its duties and indeed betrays the purpose for which it has been established, disobedience is not only lawful but obligatory: non-violent disobedience, at least for now, but determined and courageous. Disobedience to the illegitimate and tyrannical diktats of ecclesiastical authority, wherever it shows itself to be an accomplice of the infernal plan of the New World Order. …
I am speaking to you today for I am here with you and I know the fear that you are dealing with and I have to assure you once again I am in complete control of evil. he must rise up and I have to share something with you about your president Trump you started to worship him you began to idolize him you put him up on a pedestal where he did not belong. I anointed him to be the president of the United States of America and he started to become everything to you and you took your focus off of Yeshua and you focused on him. I pulled him away so that you would get a reality check and understand he is not the savior Yeshua is your savior and He always will be your savior. And when you begin to idolize something that you should not that is not a good thing in the kingdom you have learned now that he can’t save America either and there’s a reason why you’re learning that. Because you have to understand that I Am that I Am and I Am the one in control. I Am the one that can stop the tyrannical government with a wave of the hand. Do you understand there is a plan and I will set it in motion and America will stand. …
There will be persecution the saints will be martyred in many places the weather conditions will become so extreme that safe havens are being built so you can remove yourself from areas that are not going to be safe in the world America is sister to my Israel and I needed to show you who’s the one that has the power to set her free, Yeshua is in control of the earth the enemy is seeking whom he may devour and those that fall prey to his lies and deception. But America will return and be the shining beacon of light for the world to see once again how to walk in the kingdom My Words are the power and the fire to use walking the walk of love and compassion and mercy and truth and justice are the ways America was founded and evil has pulled man away from that for they want to control all they want to control life they want to prolong life. They believe they’re creating life they’re tearing apart the creations that I have made changing the sexes that they were born with who do you think you are man you will surely fall. You will fall and America will be dead in the water because the tyrannical government right now must be stopped. They will be dead in the water and you my people must understand that this is a necessary move to stop this tyrannical government from taking over your America.
My America it will not move forward it will be silenced by my power and my fire you will see the red sea moment. It has not happened yet and people have spoken about it you will see and you will know that I stepped in and intervened. But you must be prepared for everything and anything food shortages are coming the economic collapse is happening they must be stopped. So that your true president can step back in where he belongs. They will lose their power the nephilim demons that have taken them over will understand that i have spoken and they will be silenced. They know but they’re trying to move as quickly as they can to set things in motion it will not happen. The pressure that you are getting to take these shots my people you must stand your ground throw back at them their very same words my choice my body my choice my body as they murder my babies one by one that I breathe the breath of life into my choice my body my choice my creation my children.
The spirit of the Lord says this day the next four years shall be crucial building and recovery years. For there will be events that will occur where recovery will be much needed as markets become very uncertain and golden calves topple, says the Lord. For this will be the dismantling of America’s golden calves what I the Lord God gave America. They took the gold they took the silver they took the resources and erected golden calves out of such that opened the door more and more for the most wicked of leadership to arise, says the Lord and oppress America once beautiful says the Lord. However I the Lord God the righteous judge was merciful as America as wayward sheep began to stray into the wilderness and I the Lord pursued you America and brought you a leader in my mercy a shepherd for the sake of Israel. l for the sake of my precious remnants for the sake of the Gospel in the harvest. I the Lord of Hosts raised up a leader a leader called since birth that the enemy attempted to pull and drag down into the ditches and pitfalls of this world to attempt to destroy the call. However says the Lord even though the enemy attempted to tempt tarnish and stain I the Lord refined.
I the Lord allowed this past year especially a wilderness experience to refine the man the trumpet I called from his mother’s womb my son Donald imperfect. Yes, as all of humanity is however called anointed for a great task for leadership in a time of crisis to help steer America through the troubling waters it had entered in the year 5780 or 2020. I the Lord God see the wind and the waves of wickedness that is tossing America about. However I the Lord have utilized it for such a time to wake up those who were asleep and pose a very serious question to the people of America as it is at a crossroads what kind of nation do you desire. This to be a nation that moves back towards God in His Law or a nation that drifts further out into the sea of darkness and despair a nation of truth of demanding truth of transparency and accountability. Or a nation of lawlessness and complete disregard for the truth the laws of the land and the word of God. Yes America must face its future for what America decides will be the building blocks will set the precedent.
Fasten your seat belts, this is going to be the ride of your life. I have begun to dismantle the most evil structures that have ever existed. Many have said it cannot be done. They say, ‘They are too powerful.’ They say it will never change. They say it does not matter the color of the team; they are all the same … corrupt greedy, vile, and immoral. It is for this reason that I am dismantling things as you have known them. I tell you that I will not relent; I will not stop until everything that can be shaken will be shaken.
The deep state that has ruled over the United States of America and every nation around the world shall be dealt with, swiftly. The ties to the ancient orders, the occult, false gods and false religions shall be exposed for all to see and understand, and furthermore, I shall dismantle and destroy them at the sound of My name.
Let it be known, on this day, that I am coming to deal with these evil leaders once and for all. For far too long they have oppressed and controlled My people. I am dismantling their alliances, power structures and regional strong holds.
From New York to California, you will see My hand at work. These gates, to and from this nation, will be re-established on My Word and My destiny over this United States of America. I am exposing and removing all those who stand in the way. They have been given opportunities to repent, but have made their choice to walk in their own ways.
I will displace the powers and principalities that overshadow these gates (New York and California), and the light shall shine like the noon day sun for all to see. I will bring restoration and healing through these gates. The harvest shall be great as revival sweeps the streets. I will re-establish and release Kingdom wealth for My people, taking it from the hands of the wicked – you will be astonished by the work of My hand.
Florida, you are a key to this nation, and I am about to turn this key for the world to see. (I saw the state from the air, and it was solid gold.) What I am starting in Florida shall not only ignite your nation but the nations of the world. Leaders, domestic and foreign, shall come and gather and be touched by My glory, never to be the same again. It will be the true gathering place for the ‘United Nations’ – united in Me!
Texas, My loyal defender! A trumpet to the nation! I am increasing My favor upon you. Your wells shall bring increase! New fields opening, somehow overlooked – new discoveries! You will fortify those walls, once again! You will execute justice, sweeping the land; rounding them up will have never been as easy. Many will come to know Me and turn on their leaders; informants and runners will come to you to show you what is hidden. The fear of the Lord shall overtake them.
Great power will flow from you, Texas! Lead the way! Texas, I am flushing out those that do not belong; they will no longer hold the seats that they hold, they will not be able to withstand or resist Me. I have given you mechanisms to proceed! So, proceed at will! I am with you! You will have great success!
Gates, Bill Gates, I am about to tie your hands. You have had your freedom. But know that there are some against you that money cannot buy. They are closing in, and there is no way to escape what is coming. You will be tried by many nations, and your works will be brought to an end. There is nowhere to hide from Me! …
It’s time to sound the battle cry over this nation of Canada! My destiny over Canada will not be stolen!
Watch as I extract and expose every evil plan and plot against her. I am releasing truth across this land, and it will burn in the hearts of the wicked. My fire is being released to burn in the hearts of men and women in the land. They will be running to My alter for forgiveness, healing and deliverance.
Canada, this is your hour! Do not lose heart! Do not relent! Walk by faith, not by sight! Rise up! Rise up! Rise up! It has only just begun!
Today’s video is a message from the Lord to the wicked who have plotted and schemed to destroy the United States of America through lies deceit and corruption. The Lord is also has a message for the righteous who have been waiting for his words to be fulfilled that he has spoken through his prophets. …
The Father spoke these words to me regarding the wicked people who have been planning and scheming to overtake the United States of America through lies and deception and through deceit. Now that these are the words of the Lord to the wicked. He said my arm is positioned to strike when I strike it will be like a blast of a furnace a blast that consumes everything in its path. My indignation is us is as fire. I am an all-consuming fire man does not know nor has seen what I am about to do. I have reserved this for such a time as this men’s hearts will fail and nothing or know when no one can bring them back. They will descend into the belly of hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth because of the torment I have spoken, says Yahuwah. …
I sense deep in my spirit that this could be one of the final warnings of God to the wicked before His arm strikes. So a few days later Holy Spirit told me to go to Psalm 21. Psalm 21 confirms this message from the Lord that I just read …
Holy Spirit gave me another message really revealing why Father Yahuwah is coming against the wicked at this season and at this time I also received confirmation from a brother in Christ the exact day that I received this message. And two is a number of witness so this is the message that the Lord gave to me. He said there is a time table that the enemy has been trying to disrupt this table is My perfect time for the redemption of many souls. I am restoring My time says, the Lord. Man through the influence of satan has tried to change the time and the season. My perfect time is being restored for the redemption of many soul.
He said there was another time in history when satan tried to disrupt the heavenly timetable and that was in the days of when the sons of God came to earth and produced children with the daughters of men. Nephilim were born … so satan’s plan to alter the DNA of man during the times of Noah was that so that the Messiah Yahushua Jesus could not be born through the pure seed of a woman. And the plan of redemption was that Jesus would come as the son of man born through a woman and that was why satan tried to alter the DNA of man during the times of Noah. Now we know that God then created the flood which killed all and all of the Nephilim and only eight were saved that had the pure lineage of man as God had created them. …
The lord said there is a timetable that the enemy has been trying to disrupt. This timetable is My perfect time for the redemption of many souls. I am restoring my time says, the Lord. Man through the influence of satan has tried to change the time and the season perfect time is being restored for the redemption of many souls. There was another time in history when satan tried to disrupt the heavenly timetable and that was in the days of Noah when the sons of God came to earth and produced children with the daughters of men. Nephilim were born the Nephilim had altered DNA they were part angel and part man only man the way I created him can be redeemed. The enemy is once again trying to disrupt the heavenly timetable by altering the DNA of man to produce a hybrid of man hybrids cannot be redeemed. Only men and women can be redeemed.
For I, the Lord, this day want My children to continue to declare their victory and the enemies’ defeat.
A great fall has begun- the fall of many governments around the world, the fall of their system, the fall of their power and control, the fall of their narrative, the fall of their leaders, and the fall of their financial hold over this world. My children, their fall is great. It’s all begun, including the collapse of your enemies’ power.
The things you see next will be hard to believe with your eyes and what you are actually seeing.
Unusual things have begun. Yes, these are the days where unusual will be heard, seen, and felt continually. Everything is changing.
A takedown has begun. A takeover will soon be seen, saith the Lord.
Do not fear China. They are not bigger than Me. Their plans are nothing. They are nothing. A war they will not see. Their plans with Nancy will be exposed. There was a plan they agreed to so fear would be brought to the world and to another level. Oh yeah, this fake government with Obama and “the Biden” devised a plan with China and China with them. But both sides are out for themselves. Great betrayals you will begin to see play out everywhere. Great betrayals have begun.
A nation that has been silent on what side they are on will come out and stand up for the United States, and many others will follow. The people are taking back control. Coups will start to be seen in nations around the world when their governments try to lock them down again, but this time with health emergencies and food from them. I will show the world where they are hiding it.
There’s no shortage. Don’t believe this lie. No, don’t fall for that tactic of fear. They are all liars, and the world will see them as that.
The great fall of the great wall has begun, saith the Lord of Hosts.
A hostage situation will yet again be in your news, similar to Benghazi. It’s a lie. They are trying to start a war. Things are not how they appear to be. If you are wondering, and some of you are, Benghazi will be exposed. Hillary will pay for that, and so will Obama, “the Biden,” John Kerry, Eric Holder, and Susan Rice, among others. The truth is coming for you. There is no more hiding it or trying to bury it. Oh no, it is all being exposed along with the plot against all the former presidents who wouldn’t bow to the One World Government. It’s all happening, My children, so hold on and get ready for great changes around the world.
Australia: it’s coming- the fall of your government. Don’t quit on Me now. Don’t give in to their control or their lies. Their time is over, saith the Lord.
Italy: explosive evidence is coming out and will destroy the big lie. I am judging you for what you have done against My Nation. I warned you not to, and you didn’t listen. The ones who told you that you are safe, the ones that paid you, the ones that control you can’t stop this from coming. Italy, a great shaking has begun in your land.
Sicily will be in the news. Listen and watch what they are saying.
Anarchy: watch what happens in nations around the world. This word will be used in your news. People are fed up, and more are fighting to save what freedom they have left.
Tyranny: this word will be in your news. Watch who they are using this word against.
A whale will be in the news for an unusual reason.
A coastline will be in the news.
Hypocrisy: this word will be used in your news.
My children, your enemies’ lies are catching up with them. Their lies are also consuming them.
A fall is about to be seen- a fall no one can deny.
An explosion will be seen and be in your news. This location will be no accident. They had planned this for some time.
Distractions they are causing. Don’t focus on those. Focus on Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.
A rice field will be in the news.
Respectable: this word will be in the news.
Puerto Rico will be in your news, and so will Cuba.
Mexico, along with the border wall, will be in the news. A plan they had will be exposed. Something significant has happened they tried to hide, but the truth is in the hands of the right person. Everyone they brought here, I will send packing. They won’t get their planned attacks and what they wanted to use them for. Once they know that their plans are not working, they will try to destroy the evidence. They can’t! I have it all, and they will try and kill the ones they planned on using. They can’t! Defeat is consuming your enemies, and so is failure that they have never experienced before to this degree.
Slime: this word will be in your news.
Watch the waters. I say this again. Something is happening that will soon be seen.
Monarch: I say this name again will be in your news, and soon you will see why.
Tidal wave: this will be in the news.
Grasshoppers will also be in your news.
Locust: this word, too, will be in the news.
Unusual hail will be reported in your news.
Someone from the party of the red is about to be exposed. They were a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a liar and a deceiver, someone you didn’t expect at all.
Negotiations will be in the news.
A sign of liberty will also be in the news.
A conclusion is about to be seen- a conclusion of this whole mess. I told you, My children, it wouldn’t last forever.
The fall of “the Biden” is about to be seen, and the rise of My trumpet is about to be heard.
Brace for what is all coming. Rejoice, this is all for you, My children. Glory days lie ahead for you in the likes no one has ever seen, and it is all for you, saith the Lord your Redeemer.
It was dusk dark it was starting to get dark and you could see a lantern burning a light of some sort. But I didn’t know it that it’s at the first point I didn’t know that it was a lantern. But I knew it was a light and it was coming towards us as he got closer it was a man that had a shepherd’s staff and at the top of it had a lantern hook and there was a lantern hanging on shepherd’s staff . And this man was holding the shepherd staff with the lantern on top of it and he started speaking and he said I am the angel of the Lord’s presence the angel stayed right with me all in my dream and as the sun began to rise the next morning I asked why is the leaves on this one tree why is the leaves changing on just that tree what does it mean. Then the angel spoke and said that that’s America it’s too soon for this change he said winter is still a time away I knew that when the angel spoke that it talked of the winter that was a time away. I knew that it was a time that the tree would through a stage that was not it was not pretty. I knew that it was a time of not just a natural the way the climate changes through our winters in spring and fall.
I knew that this particular winter represented a time of calamities. I knew that it represented a time of great despair and I knew that it was a dark time and you could feel the seriousness of the time that that it’s the angel spoke of that winter is still a time away that it’s too soon that it’s not time yet. And I asked who he was and he said I’m Gabriel I have come to bring this word unto you and I will show you the things that which is to come. I then saw myself in a vision inside my dream and I saw this tree again and this angel that was standing beside me spoke and said Michael will fight for the time of the great harvest has come then I saw a great battle in the rim of the heavens. I saw a great battle in the spirit realm and the leaves of this tree started changing back green again I knew that the angels of the Lord had prevailed in a battle a knowledge of this war a knowledge of this war was satan knew that he had a short time and that the importance of America’s staying free to worship the Lord meant a lot and he’d come out to change the laws of America to stop the harvest. And then the angel said that it’s time and when he said it’s time I saw this the spirits the spirit of God began to move upon the face of the whole earth and upon America. I saw that … there was a great change in the in the hearts and the judges of the lands …
Satan has desired to destroy America and bring down the freedom and bring down the Revival that I’ve declared amongst the nations for years for the word of the Lord has come by the prophets and the mouths of the many and for the time has come that it shall march forth, saith the Lord. … But I’ll stand up in the days of this coming few days and you’ll know that the hands of the Lord is reigned upon this country. For I’ll stand up in a general and you’ll know that the Lord has chosen this time. I’ll bring even the words that I have spoke saith God. I’ll bring it across this country. I’ll bring the hands of the angels that I have foretold that’s coming ...
Those that have stood against me you’ll you lose your freedom. You’ll lose your freedom, saith the Lord. Those that stands in the capital I’ll stand against, you saith God. I’ll stand against you this is the time that I shall bring forth chains upon your hands and you’ll be chained to your own sorrow and the gallows that you have built. You’ll be the one that falls upon the buried gallows that you have planted. You’ll be the ones, saith the Lord. You’ll fall by your own destruction for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken, hallelujah, hallelujah. … Revival has come to this nation, Revival has come to America and to the world satan shall not stand in the way.
It’s really important it was early this morning. Also, he said get on your horses get ready to ride and I just got all excited and here we go for July 31st. Get on your horses get ready to ride pick your armor back up and get ready you have let the darkness of this world invade your hearts. You have allowed it to push you down no more says God rise up my children do not let your enemy tell you it is over. Know for surely it has only begun, yes for surely what is written shall come to pass. I say now stand up rise up and gird your loins for I am about to invade the earth. And those who are ready shall ride beside me and take back what the enemy is trying to steal. Yes, hear me hear what the spirit saying I said trying to steal. But shall not for I the great I am the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords shall have the last say there is none before me and none shall come after me. I am ready to ride I am ready to invade are you coming then come and ready yourselves for the show must begin. I love this I wish for all who say use Me. Take me Lord to be ready I say no longer shall you be trampled down no longer shall you hang your heads be not afraid of the darkness around you for my light shall and will push this darkness away. I shall expose and tear down all wickedness and evil in the days ahead. Watch Me invade this earth watch the glory of God come down and spread like fire run like a raging river into highways and byways watch souls awaken arise some for the first time many who were asleep awaken. I say awaken draw nigh to me listen for My voice of instruction hear what I am saying and obey you are so close do not give up but rise up says the Lord your God
Watch and see what God does to the plans of those aligned with this spirit. He will crush His opposition. Watch the demonstration of His mighty strength and how He reveals the foolishness of His enemies’ “wisdom”! The coming outpouring of His Holy Spirit will shatter decades of satan’s planning.
He was giving a speech, and it was interrupted by one woman who yelled ‘’WE NEED YOU BACK!’’
Trump made a break and told the woman: ‘’You’re going to be very happy!’’
I guess that this sentence isn’t ambiguous and has only one meaning: he is really coming back very soon!
He wasn’t referring to the 2022 or 2024! Take a look at his smile and confidence during his speech!
The Lord He gave me this message and I want to read it to you. He said go to your altar I have a Word for you and then He said I love you My child. I delight in your song that you sang to Me and then He said this unusual things are happening in the atmosphere dark clouds are forming but they are not clouds. They are forces of the enemy forming a battle line there is a commander of these forces and the name of that commander is Asherah child the demonic powers from ancient times were never destroyed. I want to take a pause in the message because I want to read to you from scriptures a reference of Asherah and I want to explain to you who that is. So in Judges chapter 3 verses 5 to 7. It says thus the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites the Hittites the Amorites the Pesorites the Hivites and the Jebusites. And they took their daughters to be their wives and gave their daughters to their sons and they served their Gods so the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord.
They forgot the Lord their God and they served the Baals and the Asherahs. So Asherah was a female goddess of the Canaanites that they worshipped generally when they worshipped her there was ritual sex um that was practiced. At these Asherah pools so they carved these pools and they caught and they put them on high places and they went to those high places and they burnt incense and they had ritual sex. At these Asherah pools so Asherah was an ancient demon of illicit sex. … The lord said Ashrae is the demonic force behind sexual perversion sexual immorality, sex cults, child sex trafficking, and sexual slavery. This demon has influenced the world and is about ready to be exposed. I am sending a host of my warrior angels to battle Asherah and the forces Ashura falls so will the network of sex trafficking he said the exposure will be great from the crown of England to the seat of Rome, says the Lord. From the sheiks in the middle east to the rich and famous in the west. From the oligarchs in Russia to the land barons in America and everywhere in between. And then the Lord said blow your shofar seven times for the victory.
When I was done praying Holy Spirit said now I want you to write down … I saw Air Force One landing at Andrews Air Force base with President Donald Trump on board and when the plane landed I saw the doors of the plane open up and thus the steps you know that come down from the from the plane. And I saw Donald Trump exit out of the plane and he stood at the top of the steps and he waved and then as he came down the steps. I noticed that there was a lot of Secret Service um a lot of security around him and he went to the armored vehicle called the beast and he um the beast the armored vehicle. Then I saw leaving Andrews Air Force base and heading to the White House. … I saw a podium set up and I saw Donald Trump go to that podium and address the American people. …
I saw the wicked fleeing and scattering in all directions. And I also saw the rest of the world celebrating and that there were people in the streets all over the world waving the American flag in celebration. And so I wrote these things down uh and then and then after I did that um Holy Spirit said this to me. He said keep praying because the enemy is battling against this the return of Donald Trump to the White House. Tell my people to rise up and pray and do not lose heart when the battle is the most intense that is when prayer is needed the most prayer you might say says the Lord. Why does the lord god almighty need prayer when he can do anything he wants on this earth? I say prayer because that is what moves my heart to move on behalf of my people, says the Lord. I hear the cries and prayers of my people and I act says the Lord. … Prayer because that is what moves My heart to move on behalf of my people.
“Once again, we are gathered in this moment,” says the Lord, “that I may speak to a people; a people who have been in fear, a people who have been in doubt, and a people who have given up. For I remind you of the time when I stood outside the tomb of My friend, Lazarus, and they had given up and thought there was no hope. Yet, what did I do? I restored life. …
“Yet, this is the condition of many in this nation at this time. They’ve said, ‘Lord, do You not understand that the election was months ago? There is no hope, how can this be restored? What will it take to restore truth and honor and the one who rightfully won?’ An unjust judge of all things would ignore it, but I have not, nor will I,” says the Living God.
“Therefore, more evidence shall come out as more states shall jump on, and it shall only reveal more and more of what took place… It will reveal the hands of foreign nations…not just foreign nations, but domestic enemies that shook their hands.
“Therefore, pay very close attention, for I’ve declared in My Word that I am the God that will restore the years the canker worm and the locusts have stolen.
“Why do I speak this to you at this time?” says the Spirit of God. “Because this is what is happening upon your nation, though you are afraid.
“Some of you have given up, and some of you have mocked and put words in the mouth of the prophets; you have called them liars, you have called them false, and you have called them out. But,” God says, “get ready because I am telling you a truth:
I am in the process, and have been, of bringing restoration upon this nation. I will restore the rightful one! I will restore the years where this has been going on in your nation, and I will restore the months that have taken place since the time of your election, and I will restore the year that has been stolen! …Look at your fireworks that are about to shine in the skies. It’s a sign that I gave this nation a restored freedom and liberty unto a people. This is what is coming and it’s coming fast.
Reversals & Removals
“A part of this restoration that will take place will be shocking to many as the truth comes out of what has been done. But as things continue to be restored, there will be death. There will be a removal of those…some who opposed and touched sacred things, because with the restoration shall come reversals—removals.
You call it November, I call it ‘Numb-vember’ because some still don’t believe, but you will see. The stones are beginning to role, the agendas are crumbling, and the hail stones gather, but My hand strikes like lightning in the voice of thunder,” says the Lord.
I’m seeing the strangest thing…I’m seeing somebody, a very high-profile person, lying in a hospital bed, and they don’t want you to know about it because they’re trying to cover up…
I see the tumbling of rocks, the moving of a hill, a mudslide. And I see the plans of the enemy being uncovered and absolutely obliterated.
Keep Your Eyes on Pennsylvania, Georgia, Philadelphia, Wisconsin & Michigan
“Keep your eyes on Pennsylvania. Keep your eyes… The devil may have gone down to Georgia but,” God says, “My Spirit rests there. I’m about to show something there too. I’m about to bring and ring the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania. And while I’m at it, I’m going to smack Wisconsin and Michigan together and there’s going to be a sound of cracking as truth is exposed and revealed.
Those Who Stole Are Scrambling! There Will Be a Great Disruption
It’s the craziest thing… I see what looks like people scrambling to make a change governmentally. I’m talking about those who stole. They’re trying to make a change, trying to bring about a change. But right about that time will come a great disruption. And I see the hand of God coming with such vengeance.
The sound of your footsteps the sound of your walking I hear it Lord as you’re walking all this nation and they’ve tried to establish a falsified ceiling. But I hear the sound of your walking I want you just to prophesy for just a moment let me hear the sound of the instruments. Is there is a cracking and a breaking over a false ceiling that has been placed by the principalities and the powers of the air? It is going to begin to compressing down and the media shall be part of the cracking. I spoke to you and I declare, says the spirit of the living God. That the month of July and the day of your Independence would mark the season of a ship and so it is begun. And it is happening and do you hear the sound of My footsteps as I am walking among the earth but among this nation at this time. Well God says, my feet are walking and the soil shall respond and the mountains shall quake at the sound of the movement of my feet. But why am I moving at this time in this manner. It is because there has been a false ceiling there has been a projection there has been that which they have wanted you to think exists or will stay in place.
I speak of the false government that has been erected through thievery. Listen to me carefully says the spirit of God as my feet is moving across and among this land the United States. I say United States for it is and shall be united for this is my agenda since the living God. And as it was in the days when they said let us build us a tower that reaches to the heavens this was not to reach me. It was to defy me and there has been that which has sought to defy Me and my agenda and the agenda of my Son and his harvest and the generation of children. But know this as there was a scattering of languages God says.
I shall confuse the languages among those who have been speaking lies and they will begin to tell on one another and turn on one another and as it was in the days of Jericho. That there was a sound of a crumbling of the walls a cracking. God says do you hear that which is about to come crashing down in your nation. Do not be afraid do not be moved when they will seek to even say the stock market has crashed. When you see this when you hear this this is not what shall always be but I will do it as a sign that you know that the cracking has been severe and it shall release the new America including your currency and your finances too, says the living God.
So rejoice this day it has begun but I give to you victory this is the season of my hand of victory, says the living God. Come on shout, shout, out lift up your voice come on around the world. Lift up your voice those of you in the chapel lift up your voice those of you in the connect center in this sanctuary lift up your voice and let them cracking come on the ceiling compressing down the lies the false projection in Jesus name. I want you just to do this let’s go bam, bam, bam, and see it comes crashing down and give it one last shout of praise.
Lift up thy voices in the land let it be noised abroad that the victories the day of deliverance for this country is here. That I send forth a spirit and a power to bring the changes inside the laws. Inside the atmosphere and know that the angels of death will walk through the streets of Washington and throughout the populated places of the United States where you hold and you hide your sins. And you’re taking and hiding the very moving of my spirit and trying to hinder
that that I am trying to do. But you’ll be no match upside that that I am moving in in this very hour. I’ll reveal the sin. I’ll reveal that the fraud that you have brought forth you’re shaken and you’re scared, saith the Lord. The fear reeks inside your hearts and you brought forth lies you brought them forth in the media and the news to try to stomp out in the still steal away the country. But I the Lord God will fight against you. This day my word goes out this day my Word goes out to the land goes out to the countries I spoke the Words and the preachers and ministers that’s failed to bring forth My Word and My chastisement.
Even the next few days you’ll see even as I have for spoken times. Already and I moved, hallelujah. I moved say up the Lord, I moved in July even as I promised it I’ve got my display of the fireworks that was there inside Nashville on the 4th of July. But many of
you have not seen because you’re blind. You’re blind and you always see the carnal things of the
world. But know that the hours upon you that you’ll no longer look out into the carnal eye but you’ll be able to hold and behold that I am the Lord and that I am bringing back the 45th, saith the Lord. Nothing shall withhold nothing shall stop my Word.
I do not believe that the founding instruments the documents of our nation are just contrived by the mind of men. I believe that they were born of inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it’s not only just my conviction and my belief because of something that I choose to believe it is. Also in addition to those things because of an appearance last summer and into the fall the spirit of the Lord caught me away in several encounters. … During a few of those encounters the Lord began speaking to me about what He called spiritual truths nuggets of truth gems from heaven that were inspirationally placed within the hearts of the founders that were actually pinned and put into those founding documents. He told me that established a covenant with the founders that he still is holding true to you know that when it comes to covenant that God always initiates he is the one who establishes it just as he did with Abraham. … He comes as God a covenant is between a stronger and a weaker the covenant is to establish protection and provision for the weaker the fledgling nation of the United States of America was weak it was under the governmental power of Great Britain there were 13 colonies at that point the army of Great Britain held order in the United States and the United States needed help from the stronger you cannot find us stronger than God it was not just that within their own hearts that they felt there needed to be a new government or a new nation. It was because they had earnestly sought God in prayer and they knew that if they were ever going to have the freedom that God had promised them. …
But you see the spirit of God told me last summer and fall that he had placed those nuggets of truth and gems of heaven into the Constitution into the Declaration of Independence. We’re talking about primarily today the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and that there was an inspiration that was breathed upon those that penned them and that inspiration is still contained and that still that truth is still contained in those founding documents. … God is a faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love him. …An Abrahamic Covenant was the primary one that allowed for the Jewish people at that point to be the people of God a chosen nation so that there would be a bloodline that would flow all the way up to both Joseph and Mary although Mary was the only one who had blood because it was a supernatural empowerment of the Holy Spirit that came upon him on her that birthed Jesus Christ God had a plan and he worked that all out. My point being is that those are not the only covenants that God can establish covenant with anybody that he wants to within the context of those covenants. We have a new covenant a sure covenant an eternal covenant through the blood of Jesus Christ but within the context of that covenant God has the ability to covenant with people about certain things that he wants in their lives their ministries their families their bloodline. …
We’re going to release something today and draw you into something today just a few pieces of the Declaration of Independence in Congress July 4th 1776. The unanimous declaration of the 13 united States of America when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature’s God entitled them I point out nature’s God we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and then the Declaration of Independence goes with a long list of grievances against King George III of England. Then toward the end it says we therefore the representatives of the United States of America in general Congress assembled appealing to the supreme judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions do in the name and by authority of the good people of these colonies solemnly publish and declare that these united colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states. And in those three paragraphs we find that they mention God that he has given the entitlement. He is the creator and He is the supreme judge of the world. ….
I believe that the spirit of God has put forth a call to every believer in America to remember that Covenant to release the power of promise that God has given us by faith and prayer to speak life into the Constitution. I say that because last fall the spirit of the Lord spoke to CK and told her to begin speaking life into the Constitution why life why that phrasing because there were many enemies of the Constitution and enemies of God who are attempting to directly attack and change the nuggets of truth and the gems of heaven that were placed therein therefore removing the spirit life of those founding documents creating a dead instrument if they could to be manipulated and changed according to the will of man and the flesh of man rather than the will of God. And also there is a call to vote godliness and righteousness into government again too many people vote according to their felt needs or according to what other people have pressured them influenced or deceived them into thinking. …
By attacking Christianity and right now in the United States is what I believe the greatest persecution of Christianity that our nation has probably ever experienced. That’s my belief that attack comes from the spirit of antichrist anti-christ’s will for America anti-christ’s will for your life anti-christ will for Revival in America antichrist will for governmentation. God is very much concerned with governmentation, but god very much despises unrighteous politics. Politics are not the same and synonymous as government when I had that encounter in 2016. …
The Lord spoke to me and he said you watch and you see what I release and what I do on July 4th because it has nothing to do with those times element according to Hebrewism it has to do with my covenant with mankind and my covenant with the founders of the United States of America. And He said I honor the fourth of July I honor that day where there was a Declaration of Independence. Because I am a God of independence and I have learned that the Lord God has done more for independence of people than uh through Christianity than any other philosophy or group of people in the history of the world. It has been Christianity that has elevated the value of the individual has done more for women and women’s issue for men and men’s issues for children and children’s issues than anything else because spiritual liberty is what is released through the body of Christ to bring about heaven on earth. …
God established with our founders it is opposed to the nuggets of truth and the gems of heaven that were placed within those documents it is opposed to God’s purposes for our lives and for our nation they seek to destroy everything that this nation was built upon to proclaim liberty and to set at liberty it’s not forced Christianity that’s one of the things that I mentioned earlier when I said that the author and signers were intelligent and God-fearing Christians it was a Christian nation. … Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty look with me at James 1: verse 25. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it and is not a forgetful here but a doer of the work this one will be blessed in what he does. There is not only a Spirit of liberty but there is a perfect law of liberty why is it perfect, because it’s of god it’s not made by man. And that law of liberty is the Word of God it is the Word and the Spirit that produces true liberty. …
November fifth of the last year 2020 right after the presidential election of the United States of America we had a prophetic word that came from the Lord that he had me released all of you. And he said, watch my brilliant plan unfold and so that’s exactly what’s been happening. It’s just been incredible watching God’s brilliant plan unfold. …
The main prophetic word that I’m going to go back to to start with right now is from July 2, 2019. That is really was the big start of what God wanted to speak through me through this ministry. What His plans were uh in the coming next two three years and so uh when he kept revealing July 4th something huge was going to happen on July 4th. Something great and wonderful was going to happen on July 4th. At that time I thought I kept asking God is it July 4th of this year next year he kept saying 4th of July. July 4th of July now this is how the prophetic works God sometimes will speak through a prophet and say summer time or fall. Or September or fourth of July because God speaks in seasons he speaks about seasons okay we know that even through the the prophets of old how God spoke. ….
That word back in 2019 is God spoke about our money he said I am changing the money and he said the money will have His stamp on it. His hallmark he used the word hallmark and the Lord said I’m changing the money and he said the money will have his stamp on it. His hallmark all right so there’s gonna be a big change that happens with our money and now we see that this is actually beginning to happen. It’s just been incredible if you watch if you follow me on telegram and you follow the people that I’ve suggested you follow for these prophetic proofs. Okay that uh God is changing our money system he said he would and he’s going to do it all right now we’re talking God said this back in 2019. …I suggest you watch Richard Citizen journalist all right and also Nancy Drew on telegram. These are two individuals I believe they are called by the Holy Spirit ….
I believe that this fourth of July something major is about to happen. Yes I think we need to keep our eyes on this fourth of July and the Lord is continually giving me confirmations about the fourth of July …
I have put in the fire of testing and purifying for years because you have remained faithful to me. In the next four years you will accomplish more than you have accomplished in your lifetime this nation has taken the old and the wise and the grey-headed and stuck them on a shelf and they have replaced him with young men who have not been through the fire. I make a covenant promise to you, saith the Lord. …
The remnant have suffered greatly over the years for me and my vision to be fulfilled in the earth. I now make a Covenant to you that the reward that I have for you in the world to come is so great that if I showed. It to you right now you would not be able to comprehend what I have set aside for you. What mankind is now entering into I call harvest because that which every man has sown he is now going to start reaping. For many it will be devastating and grievous they will lose all that they have. But for the faithful it will be joy and laughter the days of tear are over for the remnant and the days of sorrow have come to anend for the house of God. For I’m getting ready to move in the house of the Lord and there is no longer a sound of death but there is a sound of victory. …
The court of heaven has set down to declare Heaven’s final judgment on this dispensation called grace. The gavel has been raised the will of man creator who is God shall now be accomplished in the earth as it is already in heaven. So now the next sovereign action of God is I have ordered angel says the Lord to the earth to begin removing the spirit of heaviness from the bride of Jesus Christ and to give the garments of praise to the saints of the most High. There are walls as there were in Jericho that many have looked at and said they cannot be penetrated. But I say to you there are no walls that hell is raised up in this nation. …
I’m going to use in this last harvest I am now binding the spirit of death that it will not touch them and the death rate among my people will decline. But among the wicked the death rate will increase in 202. You have saw and watched and heard the wicked trying to enforce their evil plans on this natio. They have set in the back rooms hidden while they have formulated the devastation and the end of what I have declared. I but I say to thee at the end tonight that it is over and as 2021 is birthed in the spirit now you will see the almighty shut quickly the mouth of the satan as the world has tried to shut the mouth of the church. I now shut the mouth of the wicked, saith the Lord. And truth will prevail just as I told Daniel, hallelujah. …
I thy God saith to thee that this night heaven is empty of angels because I have loosed him unto the earth and the wicked that thought that they were wiser than God. The agnostics and the atheists that looked at me and said no, no. I now in a moment say that the Lord will end your rule and in your reign. For I am not done saith the Lord I am not done, sayeth the Lord. But I’m just getting warmed up sayeth God I hath not seen ear hath not heard …
I am giving them unto the servants for there will not be debt on this last move of god because I refuse, saith the Lord to have banks finance what heaven births but what I birth, saith God. I will also finance is this not an hour where the wealth of the wicked is being released unto the righteous debts are being canceled. Also saith the Lord to you tithers that had given sacrificially no longer. Am I just going to rebuke the devourer. But I’m going to open the windows of heaven, saith God. I’m going to cause men to give into your bosom. I see saith the Lord. Homes being paid off for the righteous. I see saith God that you will take the wealth of the sinner and it is being transferred into the kingdom of the Lord. …
I’m going to get your children now. I’m going to get your babies up. I’m going to get your kid I’m going to lose him from drugs. I’m going to loosen perversion. I’m going to heal their spirits and what professors and what teachers have taught them. I will cause them in a moment to say, lies, lies, lies up and says God. …
The Lord says hear My words, hear My Words. Hear My Words for even as the darkness spreading across this land has the election rolled out as the election was allowed to be as what you saw. I allowed you to see the evil. I allowed you to see the wickedness. I allowed you to see the blood that was being spilt in the streets, because your eyes would not believe it and your heart would not receive that that’s going on behind the closed doors and in the closets of America and across Italy. Hear me ye rulers of Italy. My hands is stretched out against you settle on God and before this before the sun goes down in your country My hands will once again shake that covenant. How shake it turn from your ways and repent of the sins and the repent of the blood that you’ve run through the streets up under Saint Peter’s square of the hidden passages my eyes is upon yourself the Lord. My eyes is upon the evil that you brought forth in this hour and know that I send my prophets and my Apostles and my men and in this hour. I send them forth with the Word of a two-edged sword that shall bring it to pass, saith God. Nothing shall withhold nothing shall be able to stand against the Word that I’ve put inside their mouth for instantly as they begin to prophesy, saith the Lord My Word shall come to pass. …
You’ll be hung from your own gallows, saith the Lord. Haman you built the gallows for Mardeaci, but all you officials of the of the guards you officials of the I see you, sayeth the Lord. … Your ways has become evil and you’ve tried to take the heart from this country of America. You’ve tried to take the blessings away and you’ve through greed to gain the land and to turn it to a one a one-world organized of wealth. Oh, hear me the day, saith the Lord. Hear my words open up your hearts and receive me today for I’ll send forth the spirit of Elijah. I send forth the spirit and the prophets that shall go forth across this land that go across the land, saith the Lord. …
But I’ll rain fine brimstone down upon the evil that they’ve lurked and destroyed these children’s their bloods has come up before me today. And I’ve put the Words in my people and my men of God and prophets to speak the Word. Cry loud your judgment is coming you’ve killed the innocents of the children. You’ve slayed them with your satanic cultivates, oh but God I hear you. I hear you, saith the Lord. I’m coming for the children I’m coming. I’m coming for the children. I’m coming, saith the Lord I’ll overturn I’ll overturn a great cover-up. I’ll overturn a great scandal that your eyes has never seen in your ears has never heard and it’s not even to enter into your heart. Because you would not believe of that that has been covered up right up under the Washington where you make your laws. The evil I’ll shake this world one more time, saith God Almighty. How little my power shall stretch forth with twirl winds and a storm a hurricane shall blow up across the east coast (Elsa?). If you do not repent oh you leaders of New York you leaders of Washington, Washington DC. …
Oh, every eye shall see every eye shall see and behold hear me today my eyes is upon you the evilness of the Biden family of what you’ve done. By selling you’ve sold your soul you’ve sold your soul to the communists to the God-haters to them that despises my name. You’ll pay with an awful court you’ll pay with an awful price you’ll reap that that you have sown. You’ll reap the benefits of what you have sown. …
Oh hear me today even as I spoke in the past that death rattles in Washington DC the death rattles, saith the Lord. But Revival the spirit of the Bible shakes the United States of America to everyone that are called upon My name. I’ll send revival to your study. I’ll send revival to your town California I’m going to shake you, saith the Lord. Caught with Revival fire and I’ll overturn the evil and I’ll the sin. … You’ll be broken but if the rock falls upon you you’ll be ground the powder Revival is springing forth saith God. The 4th of July I’ll rattle this world how rattled, rattled the world that fought the fifth and the six. You’ll know that doesn’t hold my to God. I’ll have my own display of power from coast to coast you’ll know that I’m God, saith the Lord Almighty.
… And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I am casting out the nets for a catch says the Lord for this is the time this is the hour where those who have been baited to enter their own nets shall, for the nets that were laid for my children the corrupt shall be caught up in themselves, for the pit that they have dug for My children, shall indeed they fall into, for those of My children they have attempted to throw into a pit as did the corrupt of the days of Jeremiah, I am pulling those voices of truth from the pits and giving them podiums to speak MY TRUTH AND MY WORD says the Lord of Hosts. …
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, death has gone out into the capital of Washington DC they have welcomed it and so conjured it up from the pits and so it has gone out to reap and they will be sorry those who dripped their own blood for power and so sealed it and called upon the high priestesses of Baal to so advise them as one who advises within the political and circles of Hollywood, her demise is coming very soon, a sudden a shocking demise for the one who wants to do cooking with Spirits is coming, as the time to repent and turn has thinned as the clock of grace is reaching the midnight hour says the Lord of Hosts, Big Ben says the Lord, Big Ben shall sound across the land as the end of a dynasty so comes. …
Contracts with devils will be broken as high-ranking officials and people of status shall leave some of the highest orders of the kingdom of darkness and surrender to Christ and shall be forged as a weapon in MY HANDS says the lord of Hosts this day.
I AM GOD THERE IS NO OTHER AND I LOVE MY CHILDREN WITH A DEPTH HUMANITY COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND. This is the hour I vindicate MY children, I silence the mouths of the slanderers.
I the Lord am calling the generals and the Flynn’s higher for their calling is even higher says the Lord of Hosts, I am calling those who minister, those in the prophetic, those who are speaking truth from their platforms, those who are reawakening America, I am calling you higher for the enemy is dispatching more powerful opponents to challenge you however I the Lord have equipped you, Resist the enemy and they shall FLEE FROM YOU says the Lord, their powers are powerless in MY presence and they will NOT STOP what I the Lord God have set out to do. I am positioning an army all equipped with specialties for such a time for such a stand, put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to STAND against the wiles and schemings of the devil and having done all to STAND.
The enemy will attempt to frustrate however, I the Lord will frustrate the cords of the wicked and knot up their plans and they do not have a pathway to continue, and they shall have a price upon their own heads for their wickedness, plotting, heresies they have committed.
Watch the Supreme Court says the Lord in this hour the landscape is changing, the judges are changing, a dividing line where the sheep shall be separated from the goats, the true justices from mere imposters playing a role, the supreme court will be shaken says the Lord of Hosts, shaken in a way not yet seen, as a sign to the nation that I the Lord your God AM A GOD OF JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUTH AND NOW THE AXE SHALL BE TAKEN TO A VERY LARGE STUMP A DEEPLY ROOTED STUMP AND IT SHALL BE CHOPPED UP AND TORN UP AND SHALL MAKE A GIANT HOLE IN THE CENTER OF LEADERSHIP IN THIS COUNTRY AS THIS IS THE TIME THAT THE DISEASED TREES SHALL UPROOT TIMBER SAYS THE LORD, WATCH FOR IT IT’S COMING!!
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, this is a time of declaration says the Spirit! For the Lord your God is making a declaration to the nation of the eagle and the inhabitants of the earth that the Lord resists the proud and haughty for pride cometh and haughtiness before the fall, there shall be very large falls in the FALL says the Lord watch for that time of year for a series of events is set to happen in your nation around the time of FALL.
As I the Lord continue to order the steps of the righteous, the steps of the wicked shall be lead to the pit, as I am opening the door for those anointed equipped and called for such a time to be advisers to leadership across this land and the world as the Spirit of the living God dwells in them, they speak truth that pierces as a double-edged sword and they know the voice of their Shepherd the Lord their God.
Equip yourselves with the word of God which is the sword of the spirit and the garment of praise for it lifts the spirit of heaviness for in this hour the thick oppression will begin to break over your lives and your nation, and those that have opened the door and ushered in such I the Lord am ushering out of your lives, for it is a purging and a pruning for a very powerful grafting to occur, atmospheres are changing as I the Lord bring your homes into order and usher out the heaviness and what interferes with My plans for you My precious children.
I am the Alpha and Omega the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords I will lead you in this battle for without the spirit of the Lord going before you the enemy shall ensnare you, however, I the Lord am going ahead and I am the dividing line and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart as the briars and the thorns and the brambles are cut and what is hidden behind shall be revealed.
Be ready My children focus on the things of the Lord, not the coiling words of the media for they are false, and their end is upon them. I am the good news, My son Jesus Yeshua is the good news, get to know more and more about this news which is eternal and a light to guide you in the way you should go in this hour for much change is upon you and your nation. …
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness, thereof, thus sayeth the Lord of hosts in the name of My Son who paid your debt and loves you with an everlasting love, amen, and amen.
I’ll bring forth a shaking in the heavens the very heavens and the very atmosphere shall shake saith the Lord. July the 4th the 5th and the 6th my hands shall reign across the heavens and you’ll know that the power has been displayed. I’ll bring a change in the atmosphere. I’ll bring a display much like the modern of the fourth of July. But it’ll be a display of my fireworks for the power of God shall shake cross Nashville on the fourth how rain, said the Lord on that day. I’ll move and you’ll know that my hands is not short that I cannot save. But my hands is upon the fallen people of this nation and the ones that’s cried out to me in this hour I’ve heard your prayers and I heard the cries of America. I’ve heard the cries of the people of the fiery land I’ve heard this cries of Canada, saith the Lord God. …
For this in the hour of deliverance since the hour of visitation. This is the hour of a great comeback for satan has devised a plan to make America fall and everything within it for the great reset. I shall reset saith the Lord I’ll bring down the nations that’s come against My Word. I’ll bring down the lands that’s come against my word. My power for this the hour of of great great deliverance this is the hour of repentance across the world and then I shall come I shall return saith the Lord Almighty. Our cause of revival to spring forth in Canada that none of the officials shall be able to stop our cause a great Revival in the native American people saith the Lord of hosts all across the apache nation saith God. Through Canada the apache shall ring forth saith the Lord in a great Revival. Nothing shall withhold nothing shall hinder the power that comes forth in this hour satan has tried to stop. The very move and satan has tried to stop the freedom, but know that I God shall spring forth a new day and none shall be able to hinder the move in the shaking of my spirit that comes across the world.
I’ll cause the oceans to shake. I’ll cause the oceans to bring forth and roar the storms sayeth the Lord shall come that shall never be heard of ever again in history. For the power and the winds that shall blow shall come forth and break the exceeding break the history and break the records of the hurricanes that shall go forth out of the Atlantic and up across the basin saith the Lord. But you’ll know that my hands shall arrive with the power I shall arrive and I shall spring across Washington DC saith the Lord God Almighty. I’ll spring a new day the liberty rings sayeth the Lord. Hear the bear hear the liberty hear the liberty, saith the Lord. …
You’ll see the hands of death shall go come through the capitol and through the politicians because they have failed to give heat I’ve given time and time at 10. I’ve called and I’ve called them to repent and turn from the evilness that they’re trying to bring forth and they do not believe. Therefore I’ll turn them over to another replibate mine that they believe their lives and they’ll be damned for the love of the truth is not in their hearts they’ve turned and they’ve refused to hear my counsel refuse to hear my word this is the hour that I bring in to pass my word the evil that has reigned in Washington. I’ll bring forth I’ll bring it down sayeth the lord all it one day all in one hour you’ll see the stones of My spirit shall rain and the authorities shall much forth all at once and the news shall be blown hallelujah. … in this nation for I am bringing back saith god one that shall stand again the remains of the four years that I’ve called him to be the president and it’ll cost him eight-twelve even twelve more years, saith God. You know come your costs at a cost because of the things that you’ve done in the nation shall turn to the republican side because of the sins because of the trust that you’ve broken saith the Lord God . …
I’ve received prophetic words/dreams and visions for a very, very long time. To give you just one example, I saw what happened on Sept 11, 2001 two months before it happened and described it in detail to a few closest to me. Years and years of many such things have followed as did years prior to this time.
Over the past year and a half the increase has been significant and while the Lord doesn’t tell me times or dates on the most recent things I’ve heard, I do know that there will be a serious spiritual shift on the 4th of July. I just had a very poignant dream I thought I would share. This is not the first time the Lord has used George Washington to me in a prophetic word/dream/vision. This one took place a few days ago.
In this recent brief vision/dream, I saw President George Washington near the White House. He was accompanied by a group of soldiers pulling a carriage/wagon with an American flag and an Appeal to Heaven flags held by some. A drum and fife corp followed. The soldiers entered the White House at General Washington’s command while the drummers played a slow cadence. The soldiers returned with a black, wooden coffin they loaded on the wagon. General Washington ordered them to open the coffin and when they did there was a number 46 on a piece of paper inside that as it was lifted out turned to black dust into the air. President Washington turned and looked towards the White House lawn and kneeled in prayer briefly and then stood up. As he did, DJT/45 appeared standing there preparing to enter the White House. 45 raised a salute to Washington and Washington returned it, then tipped his hat and said, “I say to thee, carry on now and let the Lord lead thee every step as you complete your journey.” 45 nodded, bowed his head solemnly, then looked up resolute and entered the White House as Washington and his men began to march away with the drum and fife corp playing a triumphant tune. I then saw an image of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and could hear it ringing loudly.
Of this dream, I will only say that God continues to say He will reset the Great Reset and to trust in His promises to heal America… that He’s heard the cries of the righteous who have repented for this nation and He is answering those prayers. HIs timing is of HIs choosing, but He will fulfill all that He’s said He will. Nothing can stop what God has ordained! The truth will be revealed. The wicked will face justice and the righteous remnant will see great revival, great reward, and the nation will return to what God intended!
Yes, God could do things without people but if God would and went to the you know the trouble of telling multiple prophets for many years that this was his key figure than their that we needed to listen so there’s a similarity today she scripture for Cyrus’s Isaiah 45. President Trump is president number 45 for 4 years before he came before he was president was prophesied about a Cyrus call anointing on him and then really there was a big echo of voice has a saying that his first year and so what I want to go to today is really a word from the Lord out of Jeremiah 50 and the number 50 is significant Lord says it’s a world Jubilee. We hear a lot about Jubilees but this is the assignment on President Trump is to bring a world Jubilee this Jeremiah chapter 50 is so nuanced this literally to be read as a prophetic hour for this prophetic our you know that’s the reality of see make sure they’re not just written for when they were written. If not why I keep reading things that happened why keep in a rehashing will that already happened …
President Trump has a modern-day Cyrus to take out of today we are to look at it in that way the fall and in the Lord really wanted me to read it as a prophecy to the Deep State and you can call that the New World Order Luciferian Illuminati. There’s many names is the controlling thing operating around the world literally 97 to 99% of all Nations have been undo the grasping power all economies on media or governments have been being run and captured by this thing that the Lord has now said I’m taking it down in the same way you would say that then and so we could have called it that the TKO of the NWO NOW. It cuz I saw that and wanted to make sure the New World Order is coming in and it is displacing that which has been there and there is there has been what they call the New World Order, but it’s been a controlling system …
I don’t know if that will be the reality cuz you go back for 500 years and there’s some things that begin to work really roots of of the Rothschild family Rockefeller came in and they put themselves in a controlling place on the planet where you know in the amazement of it on the end in the kindness and greatness of God the church is still prospered and a movement of the Holy Spirit over the last more than a century has ignited what we have more than 700 million people on the planet Earth that are Spirit-filled despite that and we have one every three people on the planets am a follower of Jesus Christ but truly 1 and every five would be considered born in and if you go back to 1901 and 34 were born again so we see that despite this controlling thing that’s been on the outside God has been moving there’s been people getting saved the Holy Spirit is move. Tthere’s been a restoration of a gift things and callings in the prophetic and Apostolic and healing it all these things so there’s like there’s a there’s a crashing coming together and encounter say a harvest of what God’s doing crashing and clashing with the Harvest of what the enemy’s doing and so the enemy’s accelerated and strengthen his control group right now and so those who truly see it it’s it seems wow it’s it’s. It’s scary it’s evil it is unnerving if you don’t see that the God’s one-upping everything here in so if you don’t understand that he’s doing. The TKO of the NWO that he’s knocking out with the kingdom order then you can be concerned about it.
But we won’t understand that premise that narrative and that’s where we’re at so it’s no minor thing it is huge this is a bigger deal than Jeremiah and Isaiah in the original Cyrus because that affected much less people many less Nations than today. Just sign meant the Trump assignment though it’s in the spirit of its it’s a Cyrus anointing is a much bigger deal than even with Cyrus had as big as that was and know he had to take down this Babylonian Empire that seemed like it was going to be there forever.
The Deep State versus 10 Babylonia will be looted until the attackers are glutted with loot I the Lord has spoken so the Lord says that Babylonia these and the end Central Bankers think of them I have to keep reminding that and I think most of your honest Central Bankers the Rothschilds that Network at those would work with the instant there’s a Freemason 4 take me to 34/33 34th degree Mason and the New World Order. They’re going to be looted by this Army that’s come into spending 1 to the Lord and it says looted will be glutted with loot. Now it you understand what that means they’re going to have an overabundance too much to handle when you are blooded with loot it means too much to handle it’s so much you can’t even process that is a prophetic word for right now we’re not just saying what happened. Then the Lord is saying this is for now it’s part of the Jeremiah 50 it’s part of the Jubilee Day for the entire planet. I’m saying there’s an application of that that is right now it is being looted there is there is a version I don’t think it’s the final one. I think that’s a few Generations ahead this is again. They this things happen like in trial runs are being a spiral there’s like a higher a higher degree of it taking place. But we are in essence walking through a lot of what people’s conversations have been on what the end times would be a One World System mark of the beast all you have to do is look at what they’re trying to do the control …
It’s being dealt with this is a prophetic declaration Babylon is Fallen the New World Order is getting its TKO. The kingdom order is going to take it out and it’s coming in and he’s using President Trump as a Cyrus and Cyrus doesn’t come alone. He has other allies that are coming to do that. And so that is what we are walking through and experiencing right now so let’s go 2 verse 13 now of Jeremiah 50. Because of the Lord anger Babylon will become a deserted wasteland all who pass by it will be horrified and will gasp at the destruction. They see there and I got a point on the end. I’m saying this for right now there’s anybody listening to this that is part of that system this is because of the Lord’s anger. Babylon will become a deserted wasteland. Instead of deserted wasteland think of swamp ruins a deserted wasteland swamp ruins are what’s going to be the end of this all who pass by will be horrified they will gasp at the destruction they will see through that big of a deal with the right now. So let’s jump down 2 verse 15 shout war crimes against her from every side I believe that the Lord was telling them 50 years ahead of time in these things all happened just like that 50 years later we’re not waiting 50 this. These prophetic words might have been around in the United States 50 years ago, they’re landing now. These are what the meaning of shout war crimes against her from every side and it says look she surrenders her walls have fallen. Now to remind you she surrenders we’re going to see that I decree and declare prophesy surrender into the spirit to the soul into everything that is the Deep State the New World Order the Illuminati the Freemasons. All that is coming against the nations of the world has come against God and it says her walls have fallen …
All those who plant crops and this was the Lord to get the speak about you know even how the GMOs Monsanto. I’m not kidding think of all the all the names and the poisons and Round Up another two things that were released on to society knowingly initially there could be said that it was you know without no they didn’t know better. But they knew they’d soon knew and they have continued to this day to do things and so the Lord is separating … all those to plant crops he is be heading for
The Lord said to me his beheading he disconnecting the power Babylon has had on the agriculture of the world so that’s part of what’s taking place right now and that’s one of the things that’s going to happen part of the way the Lord brings Deliverance part of the way he brings Jubilee to the nations of the world because they have overall greatly harmed Agricultural and they have green on the health of people by what they’ve done to agriculture with the poisons with the GMOs … the Lord is intervening to her by the Lord has opened his Armory end brought out weapons to the vent his Fury the terror that falls upon the Babylonians will be the work of The Sovereign Lord of Heaven’s armies I got to say this and release it to the next level the terror that falls upon the Babylonians these or these that are part of the cheating the rigging the controlling the central Bankers the ones working with big Pharma big Tech big media FDA those who’ve been part of this Antichrist movement and spirit the terror of the Lord calls upon you to the next level. …
He’s promising more and more I get over and over the destruction of Babylon verse 13 of Jeremiah 51 o you who dwell by many Waters abundant and treasures your end has come the measure of your covetousness you are as it says in the nll to you are a city by A Great River a great Center of Commerce anybody could think of the city you are a city by A Great River a great Center of Commerce London but your end just come the threat of your life is cutting this is not about the UK in general or the greater London but there is right there is where the money manipulators the banking the structures of the world have been writing What’s called the city of London and the Lord’s identifying even by name and there’s a reason it’s London do you see the similarity Babylon and the line is London …
He keeps announcing himself he doesn’t announce himself as some peaceful version of the Lord he keeps announcing I am the Lord of Heaven’s armies and he’s coming to us and that unique modality right now the Lord of Heaven’s armies and all who defend represent part of the deep State you are coming up against the Lord of Heaven’s armies and they are released against you and it’s D-Day for you it’s D-Day for you and it’s Deliverance day for the people of God and for people in general he’s come to set the captives free he doesn’t just come this link the righteous free he’s come to set the captives free and they’re in all the nations of the world … He has for the captives the sword will strike her treasures and they will all be plundered a Babylon and her treasures are inseparable. You cannot talk about the Deep State or the Illuminati Luciferian in whatever it is without talking about how they control the masses of wealth. They literally held over 90% of the world’s wealth. The rest is not even 10% is what’s been split up between all the rest of the bill end of the world. And they blast while they done it they sat around tables like they’re playing Monopoly and they decided list destroy this Nation. Now let’s do it this way and we’re going to find that out some of you already know that that’s how they do it they literally play with the Nations and they thought they’d gotten away with it. They fought the Lord didn’t see it that’s why this is this is a prophetic word not just if they think they just has to stop …
I’m just going to go a Putin has been put in Putin has been put in to March to the sound of the trunk and so he is one of these instruments of the Lord for bringing this corrective this destructive wave to that which is destroyed the world that which has destroyed the Nation. …
The Lord said this (June) is the calm before the storm. There is a time and a season for everything. There is a time to love and a time to hate. Hate you say, says the Lord, yes hate the ways of the wicked. David spoke and said I love the ways of the Lord and I hate the wicked my hatred for the wicked has reached a tipping point says the Lord. The cries of the just and the cries of the persecuted and the cries of the murdered have reached my Throne says the Lord my fury is being poured out on the Wicked.
This is the calm before the storm the calm before my fury is poured out. He said prepare prepare prepare. Prepare your hearts cleanse yourself from all sin make straight your paths remove the stones clear the way the wicked will and the righteous will stand he said my sickle is positioned to cut down the chaff so so the wheat may flourish. I have placed the sickle in the hand of my angel says the Lord. At my Word, My angel will go through the land with a sickle to cut down the wicked. I have spoken of this coming destruction through many of my prophets. I have warned and warned and given the wicked time to repent. I will remove Biden and these men who have come against me and I have tried to stop my plans for America and the World. Biden has had time to repent and so have the others but they refused. I am a god of mercy and I give people time to repent and turn from their wicked ways. Now time is up for them when the wicked begin to fall dead in a short time all eyes will be seeking answers and fear will fill the people wondering if they are next. This is it this is the time for my children to shine and bring the fearful to my throne of grace so they can be saved. This is a time I will expose the wickedness and they will wonder how anyone could know these things done in secret. But I the Lord will whisper these things done in secret into the ears of my prophets. And my prophets will shout them on the rooftops for all to hear this is the time that I am restoring honor to my prophets. And they will take their rightful place in the body of Christ, says the Lord God Almighty. Now is the calm before the storm soon the calm will be no more prepare I say prepare, says the Lord. …
I saw in the vision is Yellowstone then he instructed me to go to Matthew chapter 24 and I want to read Matthew 24 7 it says for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in various places and when I read that Holy Spirit said to me spoke to me and said there will be an earthquake that causes Yellowstone to erupt and again I don’t have a time frame on that I just know what I saw in the vision and what the Holy Spirit told me so this is the message from the Lord and this is a vision that I would have shown so let us choose to stand on the word of the Lord and let us choose to have faith in him amen.
“Do you know how I fight My battles?” says the Spirit of God. “I fight them with the Spirit of Truth that I am, and the light that was spoken in the days and times of darkness. Therefore watch what shall begin to come upon this nation.
“It is My truth that shall set a nation free. It is My light that shall shine as the fireworks light the skies before your days of independence. In the day of, and even after, there shall be great displays because celebration is in the air and shall be upon the land,” says the Lord.
“Do you know how I fight the battles that you have been in, that some of you have lost hope in and have given up the spirit of faith? I fight by exposing and revealing things in this day and in this time that will shock the earth!
“It is not the virus that they fear, for they had their hands in the making and the manipulation of a virus to seek to reset the globe and to control the governments, the currencies, and to control the people. For many hands were involved, and these hands shall be brought to the place of light and truth.
“Therefore, watch what begins to happen, as I will reveal and unmask and I will show the earth the traction, the trail, the handshake, the deals, and the agenda. For it is My unmasking.”
Second Video:
The Lord says: “Listen, there shall be a great noise and men shall ask, ‘What is this? What is that noise?’ Then there will be a disruption, and then there will be truth that will be revealed across the skies, the airwaves, and they will not be able to stop it or silence it because this is the hour that truth must reign. Truth must have a voice. And My light—the revolution of light that I have declared, that I have brought upon this nation and the nations of the earth—shall outweigh the darkness.
“Therefore, I’m the God that separates light from darkness and there is a separation in this shift that is coming. Do not be alarmed, as you will see some who you thought were on My side betray and back away. Watch! Some who you voted for, that you thought you could trust, will be exposed with their pants down. Watch, as you will see in this time of dividing, they will begin to turn on one another and point the finger to save their own life and their own future some it will be said where are and they will not be found for they will run they will hide and others will remove by their own choosing themselves from this earth you cannot hide you cannot run you cannot resist my justice that is upon the earth at this time stop sing says the Lord when is it going to come get in agreement and says it is here.
Third Video:
“Drought…great heat…shall be upon the land, and winds will seek to come to the Gulf and to the east of your nation. Yet why would these things happen, that men would say that God has judged the earth at this time; that somehow man has displeased the Lord and God has withdrawn His hand from you, United States?”
The Lord says, “My judgments are in the earth that men may learn righteousness, but this is the enemy. As he stood in the days of Goliath and brought great threats and caused discussions to be behind the scenes, but yet there was not a voice. A nation was terrified, paralyzed, restricted and at a standstill, all at their expense, where it seemed as though the enemy had the upper hand.
“Yet there was something that I planned. I raised up a silly David.” And God says, “What I did was supernatural, and this is what men have not seen, and the newspapers, as they mock the prophets and they mock My Church. They do not understand the power of My hand through the ages that moves supernaturally, and so I shall. Therefore, do not be moved by intimidation.“
God says, “I have not withdrawn My hand as some have believed and even prophesied concerning this nation. Yet there is a stirring within this nation, so open your eyes and you’ll see it…a cord of three strands that will not be easily broken, but will be the strength of what I shall do in this time. This that I speak of being three strands is rooted in dissatisfaction.
“Therefore, I shall take a remnant of My people. I will gather the patriots who have, and are, standing for your freedoms, United States. And in addition to this, I will convince through the Spirit of Truth, with undeniable evidence, that many even voted for those who stand in your land by thievery and treasonous acts.“
And I say that because we are in an amazing moment with God where there will be whistle blowers; but God has blown the whistle and He is saying two things: 1) game over, and 2) you are going to pay for your penalty.
In my dream I was walking along the Potomac River in Washington DC as I was walking I heard a rattling sound like a rattlesnake. I was questioning in my spirit what is this that I am hearing I felt such trouble in my heart as I walked around this area. You know right there if you’re coming across the Potomac right now uh the big bridge is coming in on the interstate there and right below it is the national mall. Well in my dream the bridge was not there it was gone there was no bridge crossing this river in that particular area not like it is today but I was walking on the shore and I knew that this was the location of where all this was I knew to my right which would be uh to my south would be in the Lincoln memorial and the mall entrance but I continued walking and as I got into the city limits there off in DC I crossed the Potomac River and I started walking across the national mall. And there I saw a man setting looking up towards the capitol building he had long gray hair and he resembled an ancient native American uh Indian. But I knew he was a prophet to his time and I’m asking all of you to listen to me bear with me because uh this means a lot.
I learned something in this dream right here and his back was to me and he asked me can you hear? I want you to take note of the first time he asking me here he asked me can you hear the death rattles? A question to me and it caught me off guard because I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t understand you know what was going on and I asked I asked this native prophet excuse me what are you saying is their judgment here judgment in DC judgment. In Washington judgment in this particular political and he said you can hear and see notice it changed there from can you hear to you can hear and when he sat down I remember it stuck out to me that he was telling me something that I had already heard before I got into this dream. I had heard the death rattles before. He said you can hear the death rattles? The Great Spirit has come down and this confused me. I wanted to know if we worship the same God and I asked I said you mean the spirit of God? And he answered me he’s the only great spirit in my dream I didn’t understand why it was a native American sitting there he was so focused, so focused on the death rattles.
I could hear the sound of the death rattles all over all through the city all through the city and I could feel an angelic spirit amidst the judgment that was all around us. You could feel the uh the reverence the power the of the hands of God their angels of death and angels of judgment. I could hear the sound all through the city and I could feel the angelic judgment in the midst the angelic spirits amidst the judgment that was all around us. I sense that there I sense that this Indian recognized the power that there was there because it had been part of his culture. It was it was as if he had wisdom about our current time because he experienced something similar long ago and I knew. I knew in this that this this this man this native prophet is the only way I know to describe it. He a very wise looking man a man that I could sense that there was a strong presence and understanding of the Great Spirit that he called the Great Spirit that I called the Alpha the Amega the almighty God. And uh I’ve seen I’ve seen the American I’ve seen the American Indian Native American unions and other dreams and it’s like they have an understanding they have a portal a doorway of faith that is true and spiritual.
But they don’t explain it like we do in our English language and sometimes it can be confusing to the listener it can be confusing to the people. It’s trying to understand but when you go to other countries and other uh nations across our great world they do not explain things like American and English preachers do. Often times it’s spoken other languages and there’s other cultures that comes in effect and to play with their singing and with their dancings and sometimes this stuff might offend you. If you’re not careful in going overseas to other places and it was very much so that this man this prophet was totally out of place him standing in my current time. But I knew he was something from ancient from an ancient old and this man represented the voice of the prophets and his message was that judgment by death is coming. Excuse me judgment by death has come instantly and run throughout the land the judgment has come against the wicked not against god’s people and it’s for all the politicians who chose evil in multiple states. I knew supernaturally that this native American was a messenger of the Lord oh hallelujah. I feel the power of the Most High. I sense that the judgment that’s been placed on America especially on Washington d.c and I just got a mail last night that they’re slides in DC not coming now they’re down there and remember the Lord spoke and prophesied a sign about the flies would hit DC (which has now happed) as a sign that he’s fixing send a big vacuum cleaner down there and clean it up but this stream here is a very powerful powerful dream …
This native American prophet of God was a messenger of the Lord I sensed that the judgment that’s been placed on America ex especially on Washington DC is because of what was done to the native prophets on American soil it began with them forced to lead their traditions and their faith and their land sickness and disease come upon them and many died.
“Many of you have been crying out for a fresh baptism of My fire and I say unto you, the battle increased dramatically over the last week because you are about to see the MANIFESTATION of the answer to your cry THIS week. You will see the FIRST FRUITS of this time being completely immersed in a fresh baptism of My fire THIS WEEK.
“This week will mark the beginning of a time of being marked and completely undone by My fire. It will begin for many this week, but it will far surpass this week. The level of fire that you will experience in this fresh baptism of My fire will change EVERYTHING.“
When the Lord spoke those last two words, “Change EVERYTHING,” I felt everything in the atmosphere SHAKE. Again, I was surrounded by this sense that nothing will be left untouched.
As you enter into this time of revival and fierce baptism of His fire, it will make TOTAL sense to you why you’ve felt like you have been in the battle of your life, for this encounter with the fire of God is going to change everything. It will change the way you hear, the way you see, the way you perceive, the way you live, the way you think and the way you minister. It is not a fire that comes to deliver you into a season where you will never have a battle again …
The Lord showed me the battle over “DESTINY”…His destiny for your life. Where the enemy came to abort and to kill, there is a birthing of DESTINY that is taking place right now. You may not feel it – you may feel the opposite to that – but there is a divine nexus point that you are coming to – a divine crossroads – and the enemy is terrified of you stepping into this NEW TERRITORY of the Lord’s destiny for your life.
Today I want to release God’s message to His people and a message directly to President Donald J. Trump. But before I do I want to share with you why I’m holding the staff in my hand about three to four years ago lightning began to strike on my property and it hit three different trees … He said when the lightning when my lightning strikes a tree on the east side of your property just know that Yahushua is coming back … the Lord instructed me to make a profit staff from the limb of the of the downed hickory and so the first prophet staff …. and the lord named the prophet staff and he said this staff shall be called god’s presence and then the lord had me um make a second staff which is the one that I’m holding right now. … the Lord said I want you to be holding the staff in your hand called god’s power when you deliver this message.
So it was just yesterday and the Lord said go to your altar he said child this is a place where you meet with me so I can reveal to you he said it’s a sacred place because you have erected an altar of love for me. And the Lord said it’s a place where I have direct access to you and you have direct access to me now this is the message that the Lord released to me while I was at my altar. He said now I will reveal my plans and my message to encourage my people look not to what is happening in the natural all around you look not to the news and the media for they falsely report to prop up the lies and deceit that have been perpetrated upon the people of this nation. All these lies will come tumbling down like a house of cards along with the lies the stock market will come tumbling down. For it is propped up with propaganda, says the Lord.
Then the Lord said this he said this is my message to President Donald J. Trump. He said I have set you as a king over this nation a king you say. Yes a King, although the world titles leaders of countries by different names such as president prime minister and queen in my realm they are kings whom I have set up says the Lord. I have previously spoken through my servant Patricia that Biden is an Absalom and I will remove him indeed. My hand is ready to strike Absalom for his treasonous acts against the United States of America get ready Mr. President Donald J. Trump to return to the house called white. Prepare your family to return pack your bags for I am about to deliver you to your rightful place. The Lord says this also to you Mr. President My son I love you with an everlasting love you are the victor then Mr president the Holy Spirit showed me what victor means using each letter of the word it means very important critical time of returning so that is the message to you, Mr President.
Then the Lord continued and he said, child now speak to my people for some have been holding on by a thread the lord says look to me says the lord and I will strengthen your weak knees and feeble hands Hebrews 12 12 and 13 says therefore strengthen the hands which hang down and the feeble knees and make straight paths for your feet so that what is lame may not be dislocated but rather be healed the lord of hosts says this for I am the Almighty and nothing is too big or too impossible for me choose this day who you believe do you believe the media and this false government or do you. Believe me says the Lord I have a purpose for you says the Lord. But you must believe that I am and that I will fulfill every word that I have spoken through my true prophets. Hold on my people and come to Me and I will give your hearts rest and your minds peace soon you will be celebrating that the wicked were overthrown stand strong. My children for I am about to come to you with a mighty visitation says the Lord all is not lost. I am writing the wrong and reversing wicked law says the lord you will see in the next in the next year laws overturn that have cursed this nation. In one day I will lift the curse I love the united states of America, says the Lord.
Those who prophesy that I am done with this nation have prophesied by the spirit of Baal. Those who prophesy that I have lifted my hand from this nation prophesy lies that I have not spoken those who speak and say that I changed my mind about Trump serving as president for a second term do not know my mind, says the Lord Yahuwah. Repent of these false prophecies and false words says the lord, and I will have mercy on you. Tell the people this also, he said, I am the almighty and I am matchless no one compares to me. I can hold the earth in the palm of my hand with one breath I can move the earth from its axis with one word. I can cause mountains to fall islands to sink volcanoes to erupt and the earth to split I am the great I am. I am restoring the spirit of the fear of the Lord all will know that I reign says the lord of hosts psalm. Psalm 89 6-7 says this for who in the heavens can be compared to the Lord who among the sons of the mighty can be likened to the Lord. God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints and to be held in reverence by all those around him this is the word of the Lord.
God is dealing with leaders in both Canada and the United States, and it’s about to get dramatically good, yet extremely profound.
God is dealing with Human-trafficking and Child Abuse…and it will be shocking to say the very least.
And God is dealing with horrific lies and plans of the enemy.
The first of many deaths are coming. The first of many deaths are coming more is on the way. More death destruction is I prepared to do a mighty work on the earth. Many deaths are coming these will be physical deaths and spiritual deaths. … many deaths are coming in all many different forms as My manifested glory goes forward this will be a side effect that of the Kingdom of God rising and the kingdom of darkness falling. There is a death coming. There is a death coming but many more are coming behind it. There’re things I will be allowing on the earth to bring My people closer to me. …
There are times I have to allow despair to woo people in …
Cyrus 45 anointing
We’ll start with I think I said yeah 41 Isaiah 41 1-4 and some of these I have to read in the NLT and sometimes they do better in in the in the other. So Isaiah 41 first four verses keep silence before me oh coastlands whenever he says oh coastlands he’s talking to all the nations that’s a word really okay and let the people renew their strength let the people renew their strength. Let them come near then let them speak let us come near together for judgment who raised up one from the east. Who when righteousness called him to his feet who gave the nations before him who made him ruler over kings. Who gave him his dust to his sword as driven stubble to his bow and so if you you in the NLT who has stirred up this king from the east rightly calling him to god’s service who gives this man victory over many nations and permits him to trample their kings underfoot with his sword. He reduces armies to dust with his bow he scatters them like chaff before the wind well as you follow it you understand that who he’s talking about.
It’ll even say so uh later on that he’s talking about Cyrus this is talking about Cyrus. But even where he comes from who raised up one from the east where did President Trump come from the east New York. Interesting even that it will be remember there’s no coincidences in the scripture. We were talking about there’s no coincidence and if I get to the verse it’ll talk about him coming from the east and from the north so he’s northeast. It’ll point out that where Cyrus came from was the northeast uh verse 3 of 41 he chases him away and goes on safely though he is walking over unfamiliar ground. Again he’s talking about Cyrus talking about trump he chases him away he has all these enemies he chases him away and goes on safely though he is walking over unfamiliar ground why is he walking on familiar ground. He’s a businessman and this is government this is the mountain of government verse four who has done such mighty deeds summoning each new generation from the beginning of time. Here’s the important part we’re talking about Cyrus. But it says it is I the Lord the first in the last I alone and he so it is the Lord doing this and it’s just about recognizing who is who is a servant is.
So then let’s look at um chapter 42 and we’ll look at verses one through four there behold my servant whom I uphold my elect one and whom I sold the lights. I have put my spirit upon him he will bring forth justice to the nations he will not cry nor raise his voice nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. You know some have said this refers to Jesus and it does but he’s still talking about Cyrus a bruce need breathe he will not break and smoking quench he will bring forth justice for truth he will not fail nor be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth and the coastlines shall wait for him again johnny real quick that was first prophesied about Cyrus yes with God intending it to be a prophecy about the it first messiah primarily but he used it first with Cyrus, he used with Cyrus.
“Woe to those who turn their back on Me and My ways. This will be a very difficult season for them. Woe to each and every one who has refused to turn from wickedness and steadfastly runs after evil. These shall reap a harvest of suffering that few have seen. Justice demands it!
“Veils of deception will be ripped off of My children’s eyes in this time of great reckoning. Yes, a time of great reckoning is upon this world. For the wicked deeds and gross injustice that I have seen perpetrated – there is going to be a price to pay.
“Many shall have their sins exposed for all to see, and they will be held to account for all of them. It is beginning and behind the scenes much has already come to light. None will escape My justice and the judgment their sins deserve. Only repentance will lessen their sentence and exonerate any. Excuses will not help any, but true, sincere repentance will bring a lighter sentence.
“For the righteous, the opposite will happen. There will be exaltation, honor and promotions given. Justice demands I act soon. Too many are suffering at the hands of the wicked. “Daughter, you will see Me act very soon and very swiftly. Nothing escapes My all-seeing eyes; wickedness cannot hide from Me. My glory, outpoured, is the reward for the righteous who steadfastly believed and obeyed during this onslaught of evil. Just as My judgment will shower down on the unrighteous exposing all their wickedness, My glory will pour out upon My righteous remnant and they will rejoice!”
God’s sting operation and when I went on immediately I felt the Holy Spirit and he began to speak to me Psalm 27 the lord is my light and my salvation in whom shall I fear right the lord is my stronghold in my life in whom shall I be afraid and so when I was hearing that what I heard the holy spirit say and I already feel him so strong right now. … He’s doing is he is waking up the warrior on the inside how many of you have felt a shift in the tone of your voice and the shift in your posture because this is what’s happening the warrior in you is Christ Jesus the hope of glory and the way the Lord said I have already overcome the world I already went before you so what’s happening right now. …
The spirit of God is doing right now in his remnant is he is turning up the fire he is causing that flame of the passion of Christ and his zeal and his hunger to literally wake up like never before on the inside of his people that’s the first thing that’s happening that is the first thing the Lord said I’m gonna give you a great fervor to go even further and you know. … the Lord that said we touch on to talk about the hunter shall become the hunted he said in the blink of the and I shall shift in the blink of an eye. … The Lord says to me there’s a barley loaf headed right for their camp here’s what he says to me there is a barley loaf headed right for their camp now. …
Okay yes that loaf of barley represents the stolen votes that go all the way back to Bush versus Gore come on new terms of Obama and into this corrupt circus that we’re watching happen the barley represents the votes that were stolen and the freedom that has been taken from the people in all this this is what this loaf of barley represents this is the culmination of it okay it’s headed right for their camp. Which means everything they took that big loaf of barley because in the in the account of Gideon the Midianites would come every year and steal the barley harvest from Israel so every year media was coming and taking what wasn’t theirs to take. They were lawfully stealing what wasn’t theirs to steal and so basically that was the culmination of the judgment of everything they had stolen this large barley loaf coming right at them. So when the Lord said there’s a barley loaf headed to their camp. …
The Lord said they would all turn on each other a long section of the lord called it I’ve never heard this before a five-point attack he warned they were going to use a five-point attack I’ve never heard of this before but five points makes a star so you know the occult is involved
all the pentagrams five point of star. Yes, a weasel one of the main animals a weasel uh goes after is a rat. Oh yes is a rat is a rat and i’ll tell you that they’re turning on each other already. But the Lord said their titanic was going to reach impact and they were going to be those who jump shipped and tried to expunge their records. They’re going to turn on each other and that’s what we’re seeing begin to happen. I’ll tell you something a week before this farce happened the Lord said to me He sang a song and he said rhyme around the rosie a pocket full of posey so they …
they all fall down. …. your arms are locked and when one falls everybody falls and this is what he sang about a week before the election. …
Demons aren’t loyal turn on each other they are highly competitive and when they are controlling these hosts when things begin to go sour they don’t want to get in trouble with lucifer. So they start selling each other up the river and their host does the same yes is what we are going to see the the you remember the game called let’s make a deal. Yes, we are gonna see that game show unfold called let’s make a deal … because it is come time there comes a time where the wicked have to be judged there comes a time where the Lord is long-suffering and waits and he waits like with Noah over a hundred years and then the time comes for judgment ….
I think that’s common knowledge (Biden will die in office life taken by God) in the remnant of the body of Christ that they know that’s coming. But we didn’t know when that was coming and so having listened to his dream (Timothy Dixion). So we asked the Lord, well is he dead or he isn’t he and the Lord said he is dead. So this what the Lord said he is dead and they will fake Biden’s death in time to come in other words they’ll pretend in time to come that he had just died. However, he’s been dead for a while already the Lord says. It will be soon and not a long time when they will bring this faking that they. Okay, they have hidden it from Kamala and she will not become president not that Biden was really the presidency anyway. But she realized that’s she in deep trouble. She thought that going into this whole deal that she was pretty street smart. But she now realizes she’s in way over her head. She’s looking for the exit right now and finding that it may not be possible. …
In this so-called administration yet the Democrats and the Rhinos even the Obamas are thinking that they will find at a way out. They are all being played by the real deep state. The super-rich are now planning their own escape strategy. Trying to figure out how to keep their fortunes is paramount. They will sacrifice anything or anyone for this cause and never even think twice about it. The Lord says they’ll sacrifice nations, people, their own leaders whom they’ve put in place that they’re playing. Their own organizations nothing means anything to them except that they use them as tools. The lord says that when the so-called middle people realize what is happening that will be the most dangerous time. They will realize that no one has their back like they thought. Then they’ll be like a cornered animal. They’ll turn on each other try to through each other and the economy under the bus. Basically, whatever they have have control of they’ll use. However, the tide is turning and they won’t actually have much control by them. So it’s really too late by the time the real deep state shows that they’ve turned on these middle people their option will have almost run out and they won’t have much ability to do anything except make a scene. It’s still dangerous because they’re still trying to hurt people because still in their position for instance governorships or Congress or various places that they’ve been placed by this real deep state. But it’s really only dangerous if you listen to them. …
And then the Lord had a word for those who are so-called enlightened. He said for the people who are enlightened and have done much reach research and figured it all out. He says these people must ultimately doubt Trump’s ascent back to the presidency. Because this is the Lord’s deal and he’s not going to share is glory with those who have figured it out. Because you can’t know what’s going to happen by man’s knowledge. He’s not talking about prophetic knowledge, he’s talking about the wisdom of the world. Those kinds of enlightened people. He says look at all the battles one supernaturally in the scriptures. Those people didn’t have it figured out and they’re not going to this time either.
Completely bogus stock market …. People in America you own nothing!!! New World Order ownership in America exposed. …
When you analyze the New World Order they had their meeting (Davos) … and they invited Trump as well. He realized then you know they were heading up they were up to this fight. I promise you I know from behind the scenes that when they when they planned this fight they didn’t just come up with one option. Trump’s team had thousands of options on the table and every single move had 20 or 30 other counter moves that they could use that would kill this off. Interestingly enough, Mel, I was told for months ago we were past the critical phase. I’ve now found what that critical phase was the critical phase is when he removed the head of the beast. Which was the Venetian families’ right. He saws one once he removed all of those the rest them nowhere to run. Because Soros is a bitch at the end of the line. You know the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers we talk about them on a pedestal they’re not at the top. …
We are living in amazing times where the hunter has become hunted.
The next 60 days …
If you go on a Sunday and you jump and shout for hours at a time and then on Tuesday you go and vote for someone you know that they have already said are for abortion. That they have already said are for abortion or their social issues that are against the Bible. If there are innocent lives taken womb and you knew that and you went and supported this person. Because of an idol of your party, or an idol of your ideolog, or even an idol of your color. Brown, black, white I don’t care what it is the Lord said you have made your skin color your idol. And you have made your particular party your idol. You answer to God almighty and if you worship Him on Sunday and go and vote for someone that you know is going to fund a group called Planned … abortion and all those social issues, the woke culture, the PC (politically correct) culture.
I didn’t say this God told me “blood is on your hands.” You’re not going to be able to show up at the gates of Heaven and say we shouted, and we jumped around and sang hallelujah. And you say yes, but you also put people and you voted for people and you put them in office that you knew ahead of time that were goanna encourage the murder of innocent children. We’re pushing social issues that are contrary issues to My Word and you believe everything Ok between you and I. … For who you put in office you’re going to be held accountable for it.
You control the wealth of the stock market you control whether or it goes down. And God is fixen to get your attention. He’s laid the ax to the root of the tree. … I seen the people in the Senate, I seen the people in the Congress, I’ve seen Governors begin to get flights out of America. Because they was being looked down . They were being hunted down by the United States military. By high officials because also I seen were they were indited. They’ve been indited …it was being done in secrete.
rosh hashanah 2021
Post Office …
The lion of Judah has waited for this season of your spring and your summer the fall to begin to pounce upon that which has thought it could steal kill and destroy the people of God. But a nation but God says do you understand that hell is afraid and shaking at this moment. And so there shall be that which hell shall try to do to have a last stand. To bring intimidation and fear and so China shall rise up its voice shall flex the shoulders and shall breathe fire to this nation. To intimidate even upon the area of Taiwan. But do not be afraid as it looks as though the nation is going backward as hailstones fall with fury and tornado activity seems to increase. This is not my judgment nor is it the work of my hands. The watchmen much arise this time says the spirit of God and praying for your territory pray for your region. Pray for the states of this nation as the enemy seeks to bring what shall be great fury and intimidation.
Because he knows that the Lord God of heavens laughs, but I have promised and so I shall speak to you at this time that great spoil shall be given back to this nation that as great changes shall begin to be brought before your eyes. And those who have led in the past season some have been removed some shall be removed. Others shall be brought to a place of justice and now faces shall arise in your land. And I will give back to you your house that you call White House. But God says it shall be a lighthouse and it shall be new do not hold on to the expectation of what used to be. For there is a new expression that shall come forth out of your lighthouse. There shall be a new Supreme Court. There will be a new Congress and Senate because this is part of the spoils of war for your end war says the Lord.
Do you understand what is coming as the spoils of this battle of this day for a new era is upon you says the living God. Prepare I am about to pounce say the lion of Judah lift up your voice.
The northern lights shall spring forth like a light that has never been seen. ….
There shall be a hole in the ocean …
I shall tilt the world tilt the earth on its axis and you will know that I am the Lord. …
This is the day this is the hours that I’ll shall bring forth deliverance in this nation. And Satan shall not have it. You’ll not have the power the days that I have ordained. I will bring death to the White House saith the Lord Almighty. And those you put your confidence in I shall bring them down to nothing. Because you have stood against my Word. You stood against the day I have chosen to shake the world. To bring Revival to the land …
I the Lord have come to your homes and I’ve chosen this nation I’ve chosen America I’ve hollowed the ground to bring forth Revival to the world. And know that I the Lord shall not suffer you evil …
This is from Rosh Hashana last year and I had one under it’s called living to 120 and I may have mentioned some of this in some other words but it’s worth reclaiming because we’re talking about. We’re ending in an age of prosperity of abundance of the Kingdom and it’s for the purposes of manifesting and showcasing the Kingdom on earth. It’s not just we know wealth does on its own doesn’t fix hearts or anything like that but there it’s it comes with the glory you cannot have a full visitation of glory it not affect funds and finances and transferring from evil people in the way they’re using funds and it going to those who plan on using it for more humanitarian righteous causes.
So anyway I under paragraph living to 120 I said babies conceived in 5781 that‘s Hebraic calendar began last Rosh Hasana will live an average of 120 years. We will quit allowing the criminals in the seven mountains to kill us with harmful vaccines, toxic foods, unsafe drugs contaminated water-induced economic crashes and artificial war. The many suppressed cures for disease will soon be made public. The many suppressed technologies for improved life and well-being will also shortly be released. A surface or abundance of resources and wealth is about to come in waves as part of God’s 20-year jump start.
Because I’ve spoke to God is going to come in a sovereign way and jump-start us for the next 20year s so we can really enter into this age of the Kingdom. Kingdom billion will be a common thing … All will be working on an Isaiah 61 agenda of rebuilding ruined cities and nations and I had ALL will be working an Isaiah 61 agenda of rebuilding ruined cities and nations. These will be called minister of wealth because it says you shall be called minister and is talking of these minister of the Glory. …
President Trump is on assignment and he’s anointed by God and the archangels are working with him. I’ll tell you Michael is working with him it’s not the other way around. And Zarakiel and Gabrie. But they’re going after what is contended for and just about done is these seats that we’re talking about. Like the Soros and the Gates and the Rothschilds those seats that really control and affect world dynamics. Those things are being taken care of behind the scenes and it would have been harder for President Trump to do so staying seated on the other side
The Lord has dealt with me for some time now that it is a it is an authority that is come forth in this nation and they’ve hid their selves and they’ve lied to the people. They’ve hid their selves in a lie. They’ve made a lie the truth and the truth a lie. The media has took and made all this possible because a people is involved the Lord showed me last night. That there’s a power of power that’s a secrete organization. it’s a belief it’s a brotherhood of people that is out to stamp out Christianity. Because Christianity is totally against them. It’s the most powerful thing on earth is the belief in Jesus Christ. You cannot you cannot destroy the name of Jesus, you can not destroy the power of God. But the power of God will stand ….
This time this move this very thing right here God’s going to move He’s going to stand up for this country. God’s not gonna allow the United States to be took down. He’s not going to allow America to be took over by this Masonic type Masonry Mason Freemason devilish bunch of active brotherhood. And the Lord showed me that is the beast that is the beast that has been tunneling up underneath our noses been tunneling between governments to government. From hiding behind to where no one sees it and setting their selves up with judges and setting their selves with senators and governors and different Presidents throughout the world. I’ll tell you, something God’s, going to crumble the wall. God’s going to crumble this tunnel you done. And the walls going to fall on you it’s going to fall on the wicked. God’s not going to allow this to be. The power of God’s going to stand up in this day. He’s going to move he’s going to have Revival. …
He said while you were praying for the exposing and judging of the wickedness in your government and rightly so, I am preparing for a revealing of righteousness. We’re praying for exposing of wickedness he is preparing for revealing of righteousness. The spiritual impact the spiritual dynamic from the spiritual heavenly side of things with the authority of Christ and it just shook me as He was taking he said a great revealing is here. A greater revealing because a greater one is here referring to himself. He went on tell the people to pray for this revealing to focus on Me to set their minds on heavenly things not earthly things and I will draw all to Myself. He is the one who is going to manifest His glory and bring about the fulfillment of all His promises. And even what’s going on in America concerning the spiritual warfare that has been ensuing that the church has been bringing judgment and exposing against that running political spirit of Jezebel and also ruling political spirit of Pharisee. Now what we have witnessed is that in our amazement the ruling political spirit of pharisee has been used so much to pull down and to try to defeat God’s plans.
(Mike Thompson’s opinion: I understand and I’ve been talking about Jezebel for many years and about the far Left and all of that agenda spirit of antichrist etc. But they were allowed to have their way in the last election because of the Pharisee, Pharisee far-right religious right far-right those that could not accept that the hand of the Lord was on President Trump.)
The portal I saw between heaven and the earth the lion’s army vision. It portrayed it just played out right in front of me in the spiritual realm between heaven and earth. Just remember Jesus said all authority has been given unto him both in the heavenly and on earth and everything in between that spiritual authority works and while I was watching it I saw the lion’s army. I saw the first wave of the shriekers and the screamers the demonic horde that came against the lion’s army and I saw how that the lion just breathed into the back of his warriors and they said you have lost we have won. I shaw them raise up into the atmosphere above in a position of authority above the demonic horde on that spiritual battlefield.
Then it went into the second phase which was against the army of lying unity that was coming. Then it went into the third phase with the army of the punishers and the enforcers and by the way I felt very strongly the Lord said that all three of those is still happening. But the punishers and the enforces is a big deal right at this particular moment and to pray for those that are around you who are connected with you. Who are standing fast for president Trump who are standing fast for righteousness and revival in America. Who are standing against Jezebel and even pharisee in the spirit realm? But specifically to pray for the leaders who are out there because there are many of them that are being canceled you know the cancel culture. People trying to erase them to silence them and the Lord said, Just continue their voice will not be silenced. Because there are other ways for the voice to be heard than just by social media. …
The Lord said to me He said it is My glory it is My covenant. Nothing can match the glory of My covenant. He said I will bring millions into the kingdom I will save the lost I will heal the sick raise the dead. I will demonstrate Myself unto them then It is all part of the revealing. And he said now go and teach third heaven authority to my people.
The Holy Spirit has interpreted the dream for me. He said this child there will be many pastors who will be angry when Donald Trump comes back into office as president are the pastors who have come against my prophets and call them false prophets. These pastors will have egg on their faces and be angry that they were wrong regarding the prophets, Begrudgingly they will have to admit that Trump won the election. As for these pastors who have come against Me when they came against my prophets I will deal with them, says the Lord. Some I will remove from their churches some I will permanently remove with death. I have already begun this says the Lord.
He continued and said the cowboy boots you say on president Trump represents his ruggedness and ability to get the job done. What he will be entering when he returns to the White House will require ruggedness and toughness. Pray for strength for President Donald J. Trump who will be returning to the White House soon says the Lord. The Lord said you discerned correctly about Donald Trump being Jacob and wrestling with Me says the Lord. As for the limp, you say in Donald Trump’s right leg he has been wounded and yet he still on his feet and moving forward it will not be a permanent limp like Jacob. He said the bus full of people are Donald Trump supporters who have not wavered that he won the election and that he is My chosen man for the presidency says the Lord. My strategy is to place Trump back into the office of the president those who come against my strategy will surely lose. I have set the players in motion I have established key people who will turn this nation around says the Lord.
For many have said says the Lord that God failed us and that I did not come through for you. But know this says the Lord, I am never late. I am always on time and I thy God says to thee what me now because I’m going to shake the earth. And I’m going to shake the heavens and God says I’m going to shake the earth because of the blood the innocence that has been shed in the soil not only in this nation but around the world. And God He says because the earth has been filled with innocent blood it is crying on to Me. I am not going to judge the nations for what they have done to the innocent around the world, says the Lord. And I am going to send an earthquake around the world and it won’t just be in this nation but I’m going to begin to shake nations.
This will not just be a spiritual earthquake, says the Lord. But this is going be a natural earthquake. And it will be like nothing you’ve ever seen. There will be many many casualties says the lord. Because I am going to put the fear of God back in this world. And I thy God saying to thee though you may think I have failed I am not yet done with the election. The Lord says I have warned you not to touch my anointed and to my prophets no harm. I made Donald Trump says Lord my anointed and you have touched him, saith God to wicked. Because you have touched him says the Lord, you have touched my anointed. And I will restore that man says God because I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And though you have mocked me says God and you have stood and said this cannot happen.
I’m God says the Lord and I raise up kings and I put down kings. To those who have mocked my prophets I am in an hour that I am vindicating my prophets, says the Lord. For I have waited a season says God to uncover the false prophets and to those would not stand for my Word. And also on this hour saith God I allowed those churches to fold that did not honor my presence. And I withdrew my presence from them, They will not come back says the Lord and I will take their buildings and their facilities and give them unto the righteous, says God. For did I not say I would give you vineyards you have not planted and houses that you have not build, say the Lord. For I am uncovering the muscle of my arm in this arm saith God. I also say to you watch the domes. Watch the domes watch the domes watch the domes in Jerusalem. Watch the come in Rome and watch the dome in Washington D.C. says the Lord.
For they have risen up and have withdrawn against my hand and there shall be a crack saith the Lord. By the hand of God that shall begin to rock the very nations of this earth. For this is My saith God, and there those that have said the at the church is dead and she has been defeated. But know this saith the Lord, I will not come back for a church that is weak that is spotted and that is wrinkled and that is defiled. For the timeline is wrong that men have said that I am dome but know this by end of 2024. The light of the glory of God will be so bright in the earth that men and women will be drawn unto my presence and unto My spirit. For this is not just a Revival but this is the final harvest, saith the Lord that I’m going to draw from all nations. And I am going to cause the wicked to bow down to the hand of Almighty. And am going to fill My house not only with souls but with the honor and the glory and the majesty of God. So choose what side you’re on for evil has triumphed but I say to them I am saying that that day is over this is the day of the church. This is the day of the glory of God. I am going to cause the wicked to turn on each other and there will be a devouring spirit and I will cause them to tell each other secrets up in the public square. They will reveal the evil that’s been done out of their own mouth. For I am god saith the lord I bow down to no men. This is my hour saith the Lord, this is My time Saith God. So lift up your voices because this is your time shout unto the Lord because I am still God and I rule and reign says the Lord. ….
Whenever you have a leader or leaders over God’s people and the leaders have no value on the presence of the Lord then the nation that they lead eventually becomes accustomed to conducting their lives without the presence of God around them. And whenever a nation no longer feels the need for the presence of the Lord you open the door demonic strongholds to come in. If you were traced back it was in the ’60s that our nation began to deteriorate. That’s when thing like Roe Vs Wade I think that came in the 70’t but in the 60’s we begin to have the assault on the Bible on payer in schools … shouldn’t discipline your children. …
The greatest lack today not only in our nation but in our pulpits and in our churches is we have leaders now that no longer have the fear of the Lord in their lives. … so God in His mercy changes the leadership of the nation and he sets in a David in place of Saul … Years ago of the Lord I prophesied this that God said that there is something coming to this nation that when God’s done there will be so many dead people that there will not be room and funeral homes to handle the deaths that is going to hit this nation and they will lie in the streets before the lord gets done. Listen, this is God’s hour this is God’s season and God knows what he’s doing but this is a time we need to get back to the things of the Kingdom of God.
Where is the Lord that promised us deliverance? For we have seen the enemy triumph and now we are beginning to question the Word of the prophets. But you should know says the Lord what I am doing. For did I not tell you that before I would judge the wicked that I would walk into the midst of the Church. And that judgment would begin at the house of the Lord and not at the house of the political. And I thy God through many have not know it have visited churches across this nation and across this earth. And I have stood in their midst, and I have smelled death because the presence of the Lord was not in that house. And I said to thee that judgment of the church is now over and I ave decided this day who shall live and who shall die. And this smell death that shall be in the atmosphere will be the smell of churches that told me to leave because they only cared about their own goals and their own ambitions, says the Lord. And I’m gonna take what they have and I’m gonna to give it to him that hath not in the natural, but had much in the spirit, saith the Lord.
And at the end of this now saith God even before this month’s out saith the Lord. There’s going to be a shaking for I thy God tell you this day that I am God. I do not lie, I am not laid I am not bound by the whims of men. There is no natural law that can confine me or confine me or stop me or tell me what today. The earth is mine says the Lord and the fullness thereof. I said, saith the Lord that in the last days the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord and the knowledge of god would over the earth as the waters cover the seas. So know this sayth God there is a wave judgment in the death that is now getting ready to hit the wicked and those what have thumbed their nose in Me and said we win. And that stand in a place that you have stolen I why God this day, saith I am not gone, I’m just getting ready and though it looks like the wicked have not been judged it had because I have been judging the church.
But now knowing this I am done judging the house of the Lord, and reward it’s on its way and now I breathe on the wicked in this nation. And not only in this nation but I’m judging Russia, I’m going to judge India. I‘m going to judge Italy, saith the Lord. I’m going to judge China, I’m going to judge those even Venezuela that have stood up and said we win, we win, we win. Not so sayeth the Lord for the battle had just now begun at this day, saith God. I am loosing the angelic hosts of the Lord in the earth and God said this when I get done mid ears will tingle now for they will see you that my Words, saith the Lord. And my prophets were not wrong get ready sayeth God for there is a shout of the Lord that is building earth it shall not be silent until the triplet of God sounds in this day, saith the Lord.
Prophetic vision about the End-Time Transfer of Wealth and how our job is to worship. Watch this powerful message today!
Know that you’re living in the last days the time is upon you. Great deception has befallen many of the people deception has closed the eyes of many that they can no longer see the truth. But they only see the lies know that I the Lord brings forth a new Word a new Move, saith the Lord that it shall come to pass in these last days. That I will pour fort out my spirit upon all flesh, saith God. I shall move in a way that minds has never comprehended has never been in the history books. But know that I shall spring forth the Revival and it shall spring forth from this country, saith the Lord. That shall shake all of Canada and all the seven continents, saith the lord of Hosts.
I shall shake them in this hour for I have chosen this day and I’ve chose this time to turn the wickedness to reveal the evil that’s upon the nation. I’ve chosen this time to reveal the spirit of Ahab and a spirit of Jezebel the reigns inside the White House. Know that I the Lord shall overturn it. Know that I the Lord shall bring it to note that I the Lord shall bring forth even as the Word is spoke of the times of past of old that the dogs shall eat Jezebel by the word of a prophet. But know that I the Lord brings for a Word now upon the wicked upon those that leads the nation into error. Know that I the Lord God shall reign upon you I shall bring down the wraths that you have wished you have wished to to destroy. You’ve wished to hang you’ve wished to take down my people and take down the Laws of Liberty take down the Laws of Justice. But I the Lord God shall bring you to nothing I shall reign upon your hearts. I shall reign upon your life. I’ll cause sickness to come upon the wicked for it is an hour it is an hour of breath.
An hour of or many of the preachers has refused to tell the truth. Many has refused to prophesy the truth, but they’ve prophesized the lies and they’ve … The spirit of antichrist speaks through those of many in this hour inside this nation trying to bring for the great deception the great antichrist kingdom that is trying to come forth in this hour. But know that I the Lord God shall stand up in this time. I will shall stand up in this minute this day I shall bring the bring down the very walls. I shall bring down the very nature of communism. I shall bring Revival to China, saith the Lord. I’ll shake it saith God Almighty.
I’ll shake Japan, saith the Lord. Once again the volcano shall roar shalt blow, saith the Lord Almighty. This shall show that I am the Lord besides me there’s none else. You’ll that fearful sights and fearful times and signs and wonders comes upon the earth comes upon the nation. Because you would none of my reproves this nation would not hear me. They would not hear the word they would not listen when I’ve called you. So now that my hands shall turn upon those who refuse to hear me. I shall bring the days I shall write up the wall so your lives I shall write upon the walls of your hearts I’ll number your days, Saith the Lord God Almighty. I’ll bring death soon, saith the Lord you’ll see the hands that upon the wicked because they’ve refused to bow my hands has been mercy. My mercy have been merciful. I’ve cried to the ones I’ve pleaded with to repent of your sins and repent of your way and know that the day of Revival is here in the day of restoration of all things has come upon the land has come upon the world. Even I shall bring forth great Revival across Tennessee. Even as Revivalist in Nashville, saith the Lord. I’ll turn the hearts of many of the fame and fortunes they’ll turn to me even more than they’ve turned to me. And the city country music shall ring with Gospel, saith the Lord of Hosts.
This plague man-made plague of covet of man-made virus has not been of My hands. I’ve allowed you to be shook you woke up so has woken from this hour and a see that you need the Lord that you need salvation in this time that satan is hear to destroy your land satan… I’ll bring the healing bomb, saith the Lord to America. I’ll bring the president even back inside the chambers. I’ll even bring the president back, saith the Lord of Hosts to show the world I’m God. Show the world that I am the Lord. It hall come to pass in the day that I shall come into path bring it to pass. Many shall cry on that day they shall set forth in such an anger that I have restored Donald Trump to the White House. You’ll be many shall bring forth in such a hatred they’ll be plagues of of such diaster such such calamites of of nightmares of violence shall rule across the cities because I have moved in this day. But I shall blot out the light I shall blot the sun, saith the Lord of Hosts. I’ll bring darkness upon the many and there’ll be locusts that brigh forth this through this country, saith God. Even in a day in one day it shall block out the sun. The power of my Word shall over shadow and shall be upon the news for satan has blocked out the minds has blocked the media that you’ve not hear of the things that come to pass. The words has been blocking and hidden from your eyes. But know that I the Lord shall bring these wonders that the world shall see. …I would speak to thee at this time this nation nation famine is coming. The black horse rides famine is coming prepare your hearts prepare yourself for battle because during this time great Revival springs forth in all the lands, all the continents, saith the Lord Almighty.
Your prayers has been heard how reverse this evil this evil satanic election that has plagued this country I’ll revere it in the next days, saith the Lord God Almighty. And those that does not believe you’ll be the one that will be marked this time and not my prophets for the Lord God Almighty has spoken.
The Lord for the last two weeks has been telling me Babylon the great is fallen is fallen. …
So what’s the 2012 problem they began to look at these at every way they would peer into the future it came into one option beginning in 2021. And 2021 on it didn’t matter what humans did everything was headed to some big event ahead and there was nothing either side good guys bad guys could do to change it. … Great Awakening. …
In 2021 I began prophesying that 2012 the age of reformation had begun. The Kingdom I call it several things, but I call it the age of reformation … birthing … I believe that we are in this ninth year it’s … 2021.
The purging of evil has begun!!!
I’ll reign may wrath upon the disobedient that I shall go forth through the leaders. I shall stand up in this day in this hour it shall come to pass, saith the Lord. That even as the sun goes down from days to day that they’ll know that there’ll be a fear upon those that lives wickedly and is trying to overthrow the Gospel and trying to overthrow this Revival. But know that I the Lord shall bring forth an angel the angles shall work forth inside their chambers inside their homes on the evil and they’ll know that there’s a God in heaven. For the Revival of all times has begun the freedom of this nation has sprung forth, saith the Lord. And nothing shall by any means take away from the power and the resurrection power of My Word that is coming forth in this hour. Because I bring forth people I bring forth children that shall speak My Word.
And shall stand before the leaders and before the presidents and before the countries and before the politicians and you’ll speak boldly, saith the Lord of Hosts. And I’ll by that Word because this is the time that the ax is laid to the root of the tree. Every tree that don’t bring forth good fruit will be hewn down for My spirit shall not always strive with man for their days are evil. For I look down upon the hearts of individuals of the countries and I see that America has went wrong. They went astray, they’ve led they lived captivity they’ve led into captivity and the things that they would not have My spirit would not have me to speak they would not accept the things that I am speaking. They would not hear My reproofs. So therefore in this hour and this day I shall reign. I shall reign judgments down upon the wicked and you’ll know that this is your hour.
For those the religious leaders as prophesied lies they have told My people that there’ll be no hands of judgment that there’ll be no hands of wrath that I’ll accept anything that all things is covered by grace. But know that grace is only extended to those that will accept the grace. But if you step outside of My grace and constantly shun and take away the Word and constantly refuse to hear My counsel. Know that I’ll come upon you in a day that you’ll think not and I’ll come upon you suddenly and your destruction shall be be swiftly, saith the Lord of Hosts. But know that I the Lord God sends forth I send forth a new thing in this world. In His heavens, you’ll see in the heavens to the short days that’s to come upon you. You’ll see a radiance, you’ll see like a flame through the night like a fire that burns in the heavens. Signs and wonders inside the heavens. Stars shall fall in the next few days, saith the Lord of Hosts. To mark the days to mark the days of the coming out out the days of deliverance. To mark the manifestation of the sons of God in this hour.
But that you’ll see the stars fall from the heaven as many signs and bright lights in the northern hemisphere, saith the Lord of Hosts. Shall explode with with new wonders and wonders and I’ll even shake forth the continents. I’ll shake the earth the whole earth. There’ll not be one city there’ll not be one village there’ll not be one country that I’ll shake saith the lord of Hosts. I begin the tremors I begin the volcano corruptions and even those has criticized My Word and My voice saith the Lord about Yellowstone. But know that I the Lord God I am the one that controls I am the one that moves upon the waters. I am the one that moves upon the plates of the earth. And Know that I shall bring forth My word in just a few days you’ll hear the tremoring you’ll hear the rattling of Yellowstone and the animals shall flee. Oh, they shall run saith the Lord because of the atmosphere and the fear that’s upon the the animals. And the rear that’s upon their spirits.
But know that the people of this world and the people of the countries you refuse to to take knowledge refuse to hear My Words but know that I shall bring you down. I shall bring for forth a Revival of this day and none of you shall stop the Word. None of you shall stop the Revival that I am bring. I move forth and I break every chain I break every hindrance. I stand when nothing else can stand. I’s bring forth Donald Trump saith the Lord and none of you shall gain said I resist and you’ll wonder how you’ll wonder how you’ll wonder how you’ll be in amazement at My power because it’s impossible of that that I’ll about to do. You know that the hands of God is upon this nation and that I’ll spring for speedily. …
It was a war that was going on that nothing was going to stop what God was doing in this hour that it was a power of God. And then I seen angles begin to gather people together that was interfering. He gathered together like cordwood and began to wrap them and bind them and he stuck the people out some of the people that was inside he stuck up and stuck them out in like a stockyard and I seen that rider ride again with the black horse to the pale face and he said that I will finish what was started. But I am not the final pale rider. … But where the blood is applied I’ll pass over. I will cleanse the seats , I will cleanse the seats. I till cleans the seats the evil a hand of death and a hand of judgement will pass over the leaders of this country. God’s hand’s going to go out like never before are not tolerated to be no more. God will not let it stand no linger the evil that has been stood against the very word of God. You’re not fighting man, but you’re fighting God.
I woke up and I said Lord this was sooner than what I expected it to be. This was sooner lord than what I expected it to be. This was sooner than than what I expected it to be. … I saw a parade downtown Washington DC. I saw a a massive bunch of people in in Washington and then I saw a motorcade coming down through through through Washington Pennsyliva avenue around the White House and president Donal Trump was in the motorcade and his power was restored. …
There’s something been released hear me tonight there’s a power that’s been released in the heavens. They’re a power that’s been released in the earth. It is wrapping up it bringing down strongholds. It is arresting, hallelujah. I saw how that today tht that that they there’s gonna they’re gonna Maricopa country you can look for god’s coming after you with a pair of handcuffs. Hallelujah.
God said in days gone by there were demon spirits that offended, and I removed them, and I put them in chains of darkness. Thus saith the Lord the next four years in this nation I’m going to remove demons from this country sayeth God and I’m going to bind them by my own power. Andy there’re not going to be in the earth. I ‘,m going to out them in prisons and the lord also said many of you have bound things in the spirit. And now the Lord says, I lose the angles of god that even right now says the lord, angels have left heaven and are in the United States of American and in the earth. And they are now binding demons that you bond in the spirit they are being bound in the natural says the Lord.
There is going to be such a season of peace in this country for four years, saith the Lord. That we will look back and say we’ve never saw this time we’ve never experienced this, but God says the demon spirits have offended me and I have stood up in this hour says the Lord. And the Lord says I am stopping the killing of babies in this country, saith God. I am stopping the spirit of atheism in this nation says the Lord. I am stopping the spirit of homosexuality in this nation says God. I did not raise this country up said the Lord to be a snake pit of demons, but I raised this nation up to be a beacon of light in the whole world.
So I the Lord thy God says to me today, get ready says the Lord for as the calendar year changes saith God so is there a turning of a page of the spirit of most high. And that which has harassed you and that which has come against you that which is bound your children that which is stolen from these saith God. When I remove those demons up I will make them open up their hands and empty their pockets. And when they go to hell the will go without anything that belongs to you. I am releasing back unto the body of Christ the power of the Holy Ghost. And the joy of the Lord, I am also going to break the spirit of opioids in the nation. For those that have not been to function because of the heaviness and the sorrow. I am losing joy now. I’m losing joy says the lord. I am losing joy in this house, saith God.
Though the world has tried to curse the church I the Lord thy God saying to thee I now take on the enemy and put on them what they tried to put on my people. For I am the Lord and I have stood up saith God, and yes, you are my beloved and now I’m gonna empty heaven with the power of God. I’m releasing to you abundance even things that you did not ask for. They’re coming, they’re coming, they’re coming now the power of the Holy Ghost I’m going to save entire cities, saith the Lord. This is a God portal and out of this house, saith the Lord is rolling a new anointing now. There is wrong get ready, they’re coming by the thousands of there’re coming by thousands there’re coming by the thousands because the Glory of God. I have waited for a long time, saith the Lord. For his hour heaven is about about what’s getting ready to be released by the power of the Holy Ghost.
I bind the spirit of heaviness, I bind the spirit of depression. I bind the devouring demons up and I’ll lose favor favor favor, favor, favor upon upon this said God. It shall done, saith the Lord. Now if you believe that word you need to run to the altar and begin to receive, don’t be asked God to do anything tell Lord I am receiving today I am receiving today. I am receiving today. I am receiving, say pastor I’ve never known this. Behold I do a new thing, saith the Lord. A new thing and I am no respecter of persons, hallelujah! Man receive in the Holy Ghost, oh God receive it in the Holy Ghost. I see things generation spirits, generational curse that have attached themselves to you. I break them in the of the Lord Jesus. And I lose deliverance by the power of God, hallelujah. From this day on see chains breaking off in the name of Lord. For I have much for you to do in the kingdom of the Lord, change broken in the name Jesus. Chains broken up in the name of Jesus, hallelujah. Into yourselves of the Lord and get ready for an infilling of the presence of the Lord. Lift your voice now.
I want you to begin to prophesize over yourself, hallelujah. Begin to prophesize over yourself in the Holy Ghost. Oh, go ahead speak it hallelujah. There are things that you have dared to dream God said, speak it hallelujah and I will cause it to come to pass. In the name of Jesus, hallelujah.
The word virtue means the ability to perform miracles. I believe right now that God is putting virtue in men and women in this hour that nobody’s ever heard of. And he is preparing them for the onslaught of the enemy and demolishing them by the power of the Holdy Ghost. I watched at the return when the anointing of God began to be released over a hundred thousand people stood at their feet and a roar began to come out and you know what he told me America is hungry for the presence of the Lord. And the glory of God, thus saith the Lord this house is a God portal saith God. And in the midst of it I have prepared you for such a time as this. Not only will they come from other states, saith the Lord. But they will come from around the world to behold the glory and the majesty of God in the hour that you thought you were forsaken, saith God.
I smiled in my wisdom knowing that which I had in store for you that you had no knowledge of for the spirit of death that came against his house, saith the Lord. I raised up a standard against it and I said not, no, no, no this said the law of death shall never again touch this congregation, but only the blessing if God shall be upon thee. For I this day I am opening the heavens upon you saith the Lord. And the rain is beginning to fall come with expectance as my man has declared to you today for you have no idea what is getting ready to be released upon this house. Choose you this day, saith the lord that you will be on fire for God for in this hour I am dividing the goats from the sheep. I am bring men for the right and the left, and I am discarding those that sought their own glory. And their own ambitions and in this hour saith the Lord. I am raising up those that know my name who have died to ambition and pride who is only say not my will but thy will be done. And because you have chosen to walk with me in the midst of pain and suffering I choose to walk you thee, saith the Lord.
In the midst of glory and promotion, so get ready for any moment, saith God. It’s coming up I am releasing property to you, saith the Lord. I’m releasing building to you saith God. The medical field will be astounded by what I am releasing in the heavens over this sanctuary. So this day says God let there be a shout in your spirit where I am putting weapons in thy hands. Weapons said God that will not be defeated and will not be thwarted, but they are weapons of power and authority and glory for my hands upon thee, saith the Lord.
The end of the wickedness of the enemy of the land of America and his agenda concerning the New World Order has come to an end. Now hear me and hear me very well the brief world that I’m gonna speak is that one of the that one of the things that a lot of people do not understand when you look at the issue of Amerca is that the main problem has not been really the administration that we see there. … There is an evil system that wants to bring about the New World Order plan. Oaky, this is not the first time in history of mankind that there has been an attempt of the enemy trying to divert the agenda of God in the earth. ….
As we enter April, okay as we enter April you’re gonna see a lot of things happening, miraculous things happening. You’re gonna see God on the move are you hearing what I’m saying. You’re going to see the little mighty things, okay doing might things. Doing great things okay over the land of America reversing the things that the enemy has actually done against the people of America and the agenda of this demonic system that has been waiting to take over the world. You’re gonna see it crumble because in the realms of the spirit the Lord showed me a hand that has been crushing bringing to ashes what the former administration was actually laboring to build. Okay, I saw a demonic hand okay that has been crushing that has been crushing okay bringing to ashes, okay restoring that which the former administration call ordained administration had been laboring to build but but but the realms of the spirit I saw the and of the Lord crush that hand. I saw the hand all right so I saw the hand of the Lord appear and begin to crush this demonic hand which is a representation of the system that has had its group on the land of America. Okay, so I saw the hand of the Lord uh uh begin to crush this demonic and this demonic system. …
We are not losing this battle, okay the demonic New World Order plan is a failed agenda. In this moment I’ve been echoing and announcing this for a very long time. Okay, I’ve been saying it for the past seven months and I I’ll keep in saying the same thing it’s a failed project. It’s a failed demonic satanic project. It’s not gonna happen it’s not gonna happen now because the Lord told me He showed me by scripture Okay where the lockdown is where this Corona thing is how they planned it. He showed me prophetically in the scripture where this whole thing is and what they were planning. Okay and he told me it’s gonna fail. It’s a failed project and I’ve come to announce this final word over America that America your time has come. It is time for you to celebrate because the and of the Lord is resting upon the nation of America and is crushing the demonic system. …
He said April is going to be a month of miracles. April is going to be a month of a Revival. This is exactly what you should expect even in America the Revival is gonna be um there’s gonna be a miracle this the Lord is performing over the land is crushing the system. There’s gonna be highly embarrassing moments. There’s gonna be a lot of people that are gonna be jailed. Listen this is my final word on America. I’m not bringing another update the end of that demonic system the Lord told me.The end of that demonic system has just come to the end.
You cannot see with your eyes, your eyes cannot behold what I’m bringing forth in this land in this hour in this nation. But I have god those that I have chosen for day that I shall bring forth a word and a ministry shall come forth. Out of this south Alabama and Dashfield, Tennessee and different places, but I’ll spring up a word and the world shall be strong and powerful and shake the nations and shake the land. Have no fear of the evil in the plagues that’s coming upon the land. But know that I bring forth a plague. I bring bring forth a plague upon those that refuses, refuses to heed and take my word. But I shall bring forth a chastisement to cause them to repent, to cause them to want to pray. I’ll cause them saith the Lord through my great mercy, through my great mercy. I’ll move on those that just thinks that they’ll never you think they’ll never be saved. You think that your children’s will never come into the light. But know that this is the day and this is the hour that I’ll bring forth and speedily, saith the Lord. And know that
I’ll floods there’ll be massive floods through the mountains. There’ll be massive floods that you’ll hear abroad. Oh, hear me saith the Lord of hosts as I bring forth the reigns as I bring forth the floods upon America and upon Indonesia and India. Know that I the Lord brings forth Revival even as the natural flood shall spread cross and fearful sights and fearful signs and wonders shall come upon the land. Know that I am God and I am with those that will cry. I’m with those that will listen to me and hear my voice today. I’ll send forth a revival of healing, I’ll send forth a revival that the dead even be raised. But most of all, saith the Lord, I’ll touch those that could not be touched. I’ll move on them by my spirit and I’ll break their hearts. …
The power of God and it’ll make headline news, saith the Lord. That I’ve shook Nashville, I’ll go down through Jackson Alabama. I’ll shake Jackson, I’ll shake Meridian, I’ll shake Macintosh, Alabama. I’ll move through Mount Vernon, Axes, Satsuma, Chickasaw, saith the Lord. You’ll know that I am the Lord and I am the almighty God that I have chosen this day. I’ll move down through Oregon you’ll see that the Antifa and the riots shall spring forth because of the fear of the politicians that’s coming forth in the days they’re losing their hopes, saith the Lord. And the fear is beginning to grip their hearts because they’re losing, saith God Almighty. It shall come to pass in the next few days in a very short time that I the Lord shall put back saith God. I shall bring Donald Trump to the White House and I’ll cause everything to shatter. I’ll bring it down to naught, saith God and this nation shall know that I have stood up because I shall reign in freedom. I shall reign with freedom, I’ll not to move underneath the communistic pressures in the communistic death that satan desires to to bring forth in this land. For satan desires to bring you down and shift you you and cause your lives to be took and and your children to be took from you.
God is going to do what he said he is going to do. God is going to stop this evil that has come across our nation. It does not matter if he’s got to put folks in a coffin to do it. God’s gonna bring it to pass. You know we’ve come to a point now that God ain’t going allow such satanic, God ain’t going to allow such satanic involvement to where you’re going to shamelessly get out there and kill babies that are 9 months old. …
God’s gonna utter his voice these next few days that it’s going to astound America.
Satan has attacked you your news all of you the outlets of your media satan has caused a great controversy of the truth that the truth cannot often be found. But know that I the Lord I’ll stand up even even you can’t see that I am moving I am moving. … My hands of judgment will be upon you my hands of judgment will be upon you. I’ve seen how you have mocked. .. Know that I the Lord that I am the whirlwind the wind of justice. I am the justice and know that satan is stormed out the very existence and clouded out the very truth of president trump from hiding it from the public that you might not see that you might not know the truth and has caused a great deception upon the world. Lied that their truth might look real and know that I see the lord sees every hand that I the Lord sees every hand. That I shall bring upon this country I’ll bring even more destruction upon Italy because the things that you have chosen you have chosen to help bring in this power that’s against my word. You’ve chosen to bring in and help deceiver and help establish but know that my hand shall she’ll be upon. … floods when the earth cracks for my hands is upon the leaders repent saith the Lord. … up through the mountains up through the Dakotas and up through Wyoming … I shall bring a peculiarness a strangeness. …
I’ve even spoke and said that I’ll bring Donald Trump back into the office. But there’s been mockery and mocking against the prophecies, against the prophets, against the people that stand and speaks my word. But know that you’re treading on dangerous ground. You can mock, you can talk, but you cannot stop the very will that I am bring to pass. …
My words shall come to the pass for those of high the high leaders of the country has no respect for My words. But that that you’re walking into the day the day is now this day this day saith the Lord. It marks the celebration of the death and the resurrection know that this is the day this is hour this is the minute this is the moment that you’ll see great great hands of revival and even ass I arose from the dead there was many that mocked it and said that I was not someone that someone that tole my body some had stole my body they said. That I really did not rise from the dead. There they’ll be mockers and scoffers of the word. They’ll not believe their intentions and their purposes are to destroy the faith and to stop the move because they have evil heart of unbelief. Their minds cannot comprehend neither is their eyes open because their eyes are blinded to the very truth. But surrender your heart surrender all your lives and you’ll behold judgment won’t come nigh to your door. But even as I’ve spoken it shall come to pass I;; bring the whirlwinds even as I’ve spoke shall hit Georiga but I’ll spare may hands shall stay even across Tennessee there will be whirlwinds. Through Tennessee valley across to Lookout Mountian through Chattanooga. The Panama Kazai? canal shall run lower than its run in history …
Even as I have spoke you’ll see the hand of death. You’ll see the hands of death and they’ll hide but it will be revealed. It will be revealed when the same is brought upon and two shall step down from the Supreme Court because of the things they thought they go by with. You thought you got by with the sins and your names have been hidden. Your names has not been out in the public but know that I see you. I see you saith the Lord. All the children the evil you sold them as though they were the market in your own marketplace. But I’ll judge you for what you’ve done to the innocent. I’ll judge for what you’ve done for the children. …
But know that I’ve caused this to be revealed. I‘ve caused even more to be revealed I bring it in I am saith the Lord. I’m bringing it to shame that I’ll never be like this I’ll give a space of revival and these party these people will lose 12 years because of what they’ve done this is the day this is hour of your visitation. Look not at to the left or to the right keep you’re your head keep your eyes straight ahead says the lord. And you’ll overcome you’ll be a part. Hear me today satan wants to stop this great harvest at any cost I shall not let it be. …
Video #1: This dream I saw God, I saw a big room and inside this big like big banquet hall, I seen Joe Biden standing in the middle of the hall. And he was standing and he was gazing at a big big wall and a hand come out of the heavens and a finger and started scribbling on the walls. And it said … meaning God has numbered thy kingdom and he’s finished it he’s numbered your days. Your days are numbered. God has counted them and your days are numbered. Your life your days God’s gonna come calling on you calling on your knock on your heart’s door and you better be ready to go when the Lord come for you. Because you’ll either go to heaven or you’ll go to hell one or the other.
But I’ve seen the handwriting on the wall the time is drawing near the days are numbered God has numbered the days. He’s numbered the days … It won’t be but a few just a short time just a short few days before them donkeys is going to die in the streets and the people it was the one that was on the donkey there’re gonna pass with a heart attack. Because God is standing up in this hour, but I seen the finger as as Biden began to look at the finger and it was telling it said that you’re weighing the balances and you’ve been found wanting that your kingdom is going be divided.
Because and and I seen the hand will come in and I’ve seen death come in. I’ve seen the hand of God come in and number the days and then it was divided because because God had to come and took him there comes a time when you know when the Lord came to Hezekiah and told him that his days is numbered. Hezekiah the bible said turned his face to the wall and he began to repent and pray. And the Lord added more years to his life because It’s repentance. We’re in an hour right now that God’s grace and mercy if we repent if you repent if they repent God I have mercy God I have grace. But if we don’t God’s going to put the ax to the root of the trees. That’s what I begin to see I begin to see as that man as that finger wrote on the wall. I seen Carmela and Nancy and and the others into what I seen them running and they was running so hard I’ve done see this once before. But I ‘ve seen them running and trying to get away from the hand of God. They was running so hard and before this time it didn’t make no sense. …
I’ve seen people begin to run I seen the White House, oh they’re not running now and you are laughing right now there’s a people that’s there’s a people that’s mocking in this country right now and making a big sport like they make sport of Samson. …
There comes a time when God will no longer tolerate He will no longer tolerate our mischief in our spitting his face he went out there comes a time where they’re not long and always uh uh uh let us buy with the evil they come a day when when he told him that my spirit will not always strive with man we come to a place that people does not even believe that there is a God that’s got power because of the the the uh satanic fight that all these people in has has come against you the uh influential media God’s gonna bring them down God’s gonna bring them down to where they’re nothing left there’ll be a mockery because of what they’ve done. You don’t stand and mock God you don’t stand and mock the Lord. You don’t stand there and come against Him and expect God to turn his back and not punish.
Video #2:
The Lord says, “Many waters are being troubled. In the midst of the troubling waters, I have a people who will learn how to stand. In the midst of the troubling waters, I have a people who will learn to walk through the waves. In the midst of the troubling waters, I have a people who will begin to rise and not sink. Many troubling waters are around you, but in the midst of it, you will be one who surfs to a new shore.”
“Some of you are grabbing hold of the plow, but you’re looking back. When you put your hand to the plow, keep your eyes focused on the field ahead. Many new fields are forming, and if you keep looking back at the field you were in, then you will never see the harvest of the field ahead. I am calling My people to grab hold and move forward into their new field.” …
“My people always hear My voice, and they are always in alignment with Me. But the enemy whispers in your ear and tells you to pick up your old chains and wear them like jewelry. You walk in My authority! Walk with Me now and pull off those chains. I will put them in the fire and they’ll never be picked up again.”
“Be watchful these next 10 days because I am coming to wobble your ox cart. When I wobble it, are you going to try to touch it with familiarity to upright something that I am pouring out? These next 10 days I will shake your ox cart, I will shake it, and I will shake it again. Then when you come into a realization that your order is not going into the fullness of the order that I have in store for you, pull aside and let Me reveal to you the new order. When I reveal the new order to you in your spirit and you rise up outside of your might, it will usher in My presence, not only in your life but in your neighborhood, church and office.”
“When I usher in the new order and judgment rises up for many who would not let go of their order, let them stand in the judgment of barrenness. But you go on in with Me because I am calling the city to rejoice. When I call the new order, the city will rejoice in a way that it has not rejoiced in the last two years. Watch the next 10 days, watch the next 90 days, and then you will see a breaking that your heart has truly longed for.
“This week, I’m going to take you by eminent domain. Because I live within you, you will take your sphere of influence by eminent domain. Greater am I in you than you are in you. Therefore, I am calling you to yield yourself this week. Yield yourself and take all that I point out in front of you.”
The Spirit of the Lord says this day, My eyes wander to and fro throughout the earth, and I the Lord see ALL things and I know ALL things, for I the Lord am Creator of what is seen and unseen, I am ever-present, omniscient, omnipotent says the Lord of Hosts. Your God is an EVER PRESENT help in times of trouble and says the Lord of Hosts this day, I am presenting MY case now. I am laying bare My plans, MY blueprints, My heavenly threads, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, ancient ones are being released from the abyss by that serpent of old, the devil, they are being released in this hour to attempt to cause a blockade, to attempt to block the way, block the path I the Lord thy God have set for this nation. However, says the Lord, I am far above every principality power and might, and their attempt to block. I have dispatched the warring angels and Michael to not only hit them with a Holy Force but a Holy Decree from My throne, and they WILL MOVE.
You have seen evidence of this in the natural says the Lord of hosts. You have seen the gridlock. You have seen a corrupted and tampered, compromised legal system these entities, these ancient ones operate through to attempt to cause a mass blockade, in an attempt to barricade through legal plugs and very compromised judges, for there are a web of judges taking their orders from one who associates with the council says the Lord.
And says the Lord of Hosts this day the COUNCIL has met and sent word to the sub councils, and as at Babel, they are attempting to come together of one mind, of one accord, to build their wicked pyramid thinking that will get them to the top, the summit of power in this country through alternative means.
There are judges, heads of state, heads of corporations, heads of pharmakeia, heads of media, heads of military and legal justice branches, former presidents, spouses of former presidents, and heads of the UN all involved in this attempted blockade, to rob the people, to rob those who have no idea they are being robbed says the Lord. Who are freely handing over their freedoms thinking their freedoms will be safe and secure in the hands of a wicked council and their cardboard cuts outs propped up in positions of leadership to be just that. However, says the Lord thy God this day, cardboard cutouts fold easily, they destroy easily and the slightest wind knocks them over.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I have set my face against Moab, I have set my face against those who worship Baal, I have set my face against the council, I have set My face against the UN, I have set my face against the council of donkeys and elephants attempted to attack a foundation. I the Lord have laid in this country, this council of both parties has their dirty hands stirring the pot in the elections in Israel and are knee-deep. Countries where dictators and God-haters rule with an oppressive hammer, who rule with an oppressive WHIP, who for guaranteed positions, for guaranteed funds, and for offshore accounts have sold the United States to the Highest Bidder. However, I the Lord God am nullifying that sale, I the Lord God am declining it for it is NOT theirs to sell. It is Not theirs to divide up, it is not theirs to STEAL says the Lord God Elohim this day.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I have set My face against the leadership of the House, says the Lord. I have set My face against the giants of social media. Goliath and His brothers shall fall, for I the Lord am raising up Davids to challenge them. They may scoff at these challenges, but they shall hit them in the center of their operations and there shall be a great windfall for those who are marked and are not afraid to challenge. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, there shall be a great fall in the courts, their black and white robes like dominoes going down the entire thread says the Lord. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the Justice department shall see Justice itself as the worms buried deep are pulled out of their holes says the Lord. Wormwood you shall see, says the Lord thy God this day. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day you shall see Egypt play a role in this. Watch Egypt in the midst of this, for there is a Spiritual Egypt attempting to enslave not only the people of your nation of the Eagle but of those who proclaim the name of Jesus Christ worldwide.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, there are both donkeys and elephants who have funds tied to terrorist organizations, who they are using as enforcers and hit men around the World to attempt to shift and topple powers that do not share in their corrupt interests. This includes corporations in Europe, this touches down on every continent in the world. The earth is MY footstool says the Lord, not theirs, and the game of RISK they have been playing in and a reverse tidal wave will come back with twice the force on them, their plans, their councils, their meetings, their interests, their vaults, their accounts, their codes, including Microsoft says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, this is the hour of the CODE-BREAKERS, this is the hour where I the Lord will give wisdom not on this earth to those seeking ME, to those standing for TRUTH, standing for the Word of God, putting on the Armor of God and Standing, and codes shall be cracked, master keys to internet programs, to algorithms, to massive hard drives these master keys shall be found out says the Lord thy God this day.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, as all looked lost at the Red Sea, My child Israel had no knowledge how to fight, they still had a slave mentality, they were oppressed BY Egypt for so long they thought it was actually best for them to be under heavy Pagan rule. They wavered and felt all was lost. However, there was one MOSES who came to me, the Lord God Adonai, and took the crises to Me. And I the Lord God Entered to challenge Pharaoh and his legitimacy to ownership of Israel, and I the Lord caused a blockade that their weapons and chariots and false wicked foul spirits could not break through, they could not BREACH. And I the Lord then divided the waters. I divided the waters to dry ground EXPOSING what was at the very bottom of the Red Sea in the process, and these walls of water were a protection to Israel and a death sentence to Egypt and you shall very much see the same says the Lord thy God this day. My Spirit RUACH ELOHIM coming in and raising a standard that will be a wall of protection to the righteous and a death sentence to those who serve their principalities.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, this RED SEA shall occur in the church. And I the Lord shall expose what lies at the very bottom and part back the veils, the curtains, the inner rooms, the secret meetings, the inner chambers. And I the Lord thy God shall GUT it open. And I the Lord thy God shall reveal the organisms, the spirits, the people who have been driving this council, for there is a council formed with many of the broken churches to keep them broken says the Lord God Adonai this day, to keep the people in a lullaby and put their minds and spirits to sleep. However, a RUDE AWAKENING, an alarm, a wake-up CALL shall come forth and shake even more awake. For the ones at the top of the PYRAMID scheme in the Church shall be exposed, the PONZI scheme is being exposed. Too many have attempted to climb and jockey for position at the tip of the pyramid, and now I the Lord thy God, with My Holy wind shall blow them all off. You shall see a tumbling down of many who had hooks in them from the councils and donors hellbent on disaster says the Lord of hosts this day.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, watch for major events in the coming weeks that will flip everything on its end and what has been under the table, the deals, and handshakes under the tables even down to the local governments shall be exposed.
I, the Lord God, this month am pouring out My Spirit and there will be more than one BOOM. As a sonic boom shakes and wakes up and alerts, so My power shall cause even greater. There are those who will be stripped of their security clearance for being compromised and there are those who have been in the pits of Washington, the Josephs who you shall see Me take and elevate, in order to deal with the famine descending on DC says the Lord. For I the Lord am going into the heart of the nation and doing necessary surgery and will rewire the arteries, and will CLEAR the CHAMBERS and will begin to deal with the heart condition of those at the helm of congress at the helm (help) of the judicial branch says the Lord God Yahweh this day.
I the Lord have shown much mercy and have given much time, and now I the Lord will carry out the rulings. For the Mercy of God has gone forth for a period and now the vengeance of Almighty God will go forth as a scepter into the Unites States, America, into Israel, into the HUB of Europe into Australia and deal with their MINISTERS of government and faith.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, My remnant shall be gifted in the coming weeks into January says the Lord, they shall be gifted for they are faithful servants and I the Lord am giving a gift to the nation. The enemy will attempt to cause tumult and make it look like a curse but as it is unwrapped, it will most plainly be seen as a gift, as I the Lord thy God unwrap those who have paraded around with their bows and fancy coverings and I shall strip them to reveal their utterings, their dealings, and whom they truly serve.
There is a booker being exposed says the Lord thy God this day, whose hand is intertwined with the serpent as well their guards and gatekeepers who shall be exposed and laid bare showing their nakedness. I the Lord am digging up what has laid buried in their tents for they have touched the accursed things. They have stolen what was not given to them and now I the Lord thy God am digging up their tents and pulling forth from the ground the evidence that shall surely be their downfall.
Come to me all of you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest, for the enemy has attempted to launch blocks and to tire My children out. However, I the Lord thy God am removing those blocks, those walls the road closed he has attempted to set up and execute. I the Lord thy God am removing such and bringing My children boldly, powerfully into the next chapter of their mission and their appointments. For I have appointed a time and a season for My children to be elevated for the sake of the Kingdoms agenda and plans and that time is now. In the midst of hopelessness you shall see hope, a new hope you shall see, the GLORY of God you shall witness, events where it will be said “ONLY GOD COULD HAVE DONE THIS” BECAUSE THE NATION WILL SEE ME PART THE WAY AND DESTROY OPPOSITION WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO STAND AGAINST MY WILL, FOR I THE LORD HAVE NOW GONE OUT AHEAD TO MARCH AND MY SPIRIT WILL SPLICE OPEN THE RESISTANCE EXPOSING ITS INWARD PARTS AND WEAKENING THE CHARADE, FOR I THE LORD THY GOD SAY THIS DAY, GAME OVER!!! Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts the everlasting King of Kings the Alpha and Omega in the name of Yeshua, Jesus Amen and Amen!!” …
The Holy Spirit reminded me there are two companies Johnson & Johnson and Nabisco. Something very big is coming with those two companies.
And I saw the end of all of this the end of this political upheaval and I saw us turn the page I saw God take his hand and he and he just turned the page and I saw on the other side of it. Somethings the Lord will let me say some things he won’t let me say right now. But the first thing that will happen when the page turns is there will be great celebration. There will be great a celebration when this page is turned as long as it seems to have been in the earth it will come like a flash and change. It will just be a change that quick like a flash. Then I heard the Lord said we’ll turn the page to the next prophetic rage, so there’s more coming after, maybe a different subject or something. …
When we turn the page those that didn’t believe on this page will still have to go into battle with us in the next rage but you will not settle on this side of the Jordan you’ll make your camp in the desert side, not on the promised side. Remember when the children of Israel crossed Jordan and some of them didn’t want to go but those are the people who didn’t believe on this page. When we turn it they’ll have to camp on the previous page.
I heard that the impeachment of Donald J. Trump happed in the middle of this Red Sea time and now it’s time for it to come back together. … Obama will advise Biden to step down.
… 3/11 fast forward of the reversal. … This is the day of divine reversal.
… 3/11 fast forward of the reversal. … This is the day of divine reversal.
Powerful revelation and dreams about the whirlwind of God and justice coming to the White House!
Within 30 days a whirlwind will sweep the White House.
Presently, we are with two presidents, whether we want to acknowledge that or not. We have one who has not conceded and is waiting his day in court to present his election fraud case, and another who stole his seat and is trying hard to destroy the one waiting for their day in court, while those who helped him steal the seat are doing the leg work to destroy the same, and accuse all of his supporters of being evil revolutionaries that must be dealt with harshly. So how will this end? I believe there will be a scourge, and a painful time before all is accomplished. This is a time of tribulation and many have already lost everything from jobs, homes, businesses have closed for what looks like forever…and many have died that didn’t have to die for lack of proper therapies, and many have taken their own lives through the devils weapons of fear and hopelessness in their darkest hour.
For those that wonder what people have been talking about when they say two presidents, this video explains exactly what they are talking about.
Kim Clement April 4, 2008:
There is a reason to have joy at this moment-for many say, “this is the worst time ever in America.” The Spirit of God said, who would declare a recession, and who would declare where I am going? God said, this is the best time, because joy is coming to you in the Spring, says the Lord, Joy is coming to you in the Spring, therefore, I want you to prophesy it: Joy!
God said, you have enticed me, you have enticed me. You have enchanted Me, enticed. God said, you have fascinated me, your sounds of faith and your sounds of praise and your embracing of the prophet and My promise has lured Me in a good way, attracted Me to come a little closer to you, to listen to the sounds of faith, to the sounds of victory, to the sounds of joy. You have sent a message to the caverns and the caves and the dungeons of hell: we shall relive and we will do greater than our forefathers and greater works in His name. The forces of darkness have trembled tonight at the sound of a people who are unafraid to fight a good fight of faith. …
God made a promise about a generation and a people soon that shall say “how long did it control us for so long?” And yet discovered, Egypt has already trodden upon it, they don’t even know, but I will take my Nation, America, those that have sought after answers. The corruption in the pharmaceutical-you shall be exposed. And God shall bring about in this Nation a plan for health insurance that shall not be penetrated by the democrats or by the republicans. This shall be something that shall transpire because of a sudden change cause I command it. It is a disgrace, says the Spirit of the Lord, that politics are swayed by this one things. Therefore, watch as I move in these next two years and I show America how strong I am and prove Myself in the political arena. I shall be your President, says the Spirit of the Living God!
And they shall say, “but now there is a second President, how can we have two presidents?” An unusual thing, isn’t it, says the Spirit of the Lord? Why would it be that one with a double mind would stand up and face the people? No, they shall say “we have two presidents, what do we do now?” Fear not, for God said, as I promised before this is My Nation and I will change things according to the time and season and I told you now in Spring I will expose and reveal things that have been hidden so that My Nation can move into this next election and to the next phase with victory and honor and glory, says the Lord of Hosts!
Pow use
I heard the Lord say, “Many of My warriors of faith have been waiting for their day of deliverance and for the overturning to come. Now is not the time to waver and doubt, for surely I will bring to pass all I have spoken through My prophets. It will not be in the way that is expected, or in the ways of man, but it will be in My timing and way, which will far exceed expectations and will be a sign of My divine intervention. There will be no doubt that the day of deliverance was due to My hand. My divine intervention will be a mark in history of the turning I will bring to the nation.
Stand in Ferocious Faith
“Some are saying I have lifted My hand off the USA, but I have not forsaken the prayers of My faithful ones and their stand in ferocious faith. My justice will be seen in the nation. Just because My divine intervention has not come in the timing of man does not mean it is not coming, for surely it will come and much change will be seen in its wake. Now is not the time to fear, but to stand in unwavering faith. There is a sound rising – it is the sound of My warriors of ferocious faith arising. Their decrees of faith are calling forth My plans and purposes and are standing against the schemes of the enemy. …
“My plan has not been aborted but rather has not yet fully unfolded. The reset and restart I desire to bring to the nation require a powerful display of My intervention and faithfulness in order to usher in true reformation.
“I will finish what I have started and will bring to completion all I have begun in the nation. Align your words with Mine and guard what you listen to. Let your praise arise and avoid that which fuels disbelief, doubt and discouragement. …
“The day of overturning will be the day of deliverance for the nation, and will forever bear My mark as the day a course correction came to the nation. Much cleansing will come to the nation and bring a restart and closer alignment with My ways. My timing will allow for greater exposure of that which needs to be brought into the light, so trust in My timing and My process. In the overturning, what the enemy meant for harm, I will use for good.
It’s been a long time since we had good news, but that’s just what my friend Mario Murillo recently shared with me. He is witnessing the power of God falling on thousands, including drug addicts and gang members. You need to watch my interview with Mario and be encouraged. The outpouring of the Greater Glory has begun!
Woke up at 2:11 and heard “a 2:11 is in process and there is no one to report it to. To make an arrest no court in the land. But they are forgetting about me saith the Lord. The one who is judge the one who sits high and sees all the plots and schemes of the enemy. For I will be their judge and the courts of heaven find them guilty. Guilty as charged, charged with the crimes against my people, against My heritage, and against My land. And for this they will pray saith the I AM who said tell Pharaoh I AM sent you.” … (appeal to the court of Heaven, and appeal to Heaven)
What does this two minutes mean? The lord spoke this to me and He said the two minutes of silence that came across that place was the courts of heaven deciding what was going down with certain people. Their cases had been brought before the Lord and two minutes of silence while it began to come down. And the lord said this to me while cases were decided they were decided that day in those two minutes. And the Lord says this to me for whom the bells toll. They have been weighed. Everything was weighed that day.
Major shakings are taking place in the earth at this time. There is a spiritual awakening that is touching many in this hour. In fact the spiritual realm will intensify over the next several days and those that are spiritually sensitive to it will not be able to sleep. It will be a sign to them that the slumbering Body of Christ is awakening. God is cloaking many with a fresh mantle of intercession that will continue long after January 20th. There is purpose with the pain of this intercession as hidden things will be uncovered over the period of this year; shocking things will come to light. I heard the Lord say, “America will go through shock treatment and this is my doing!”
While enquiring of the Lord the consequences of this stolen election I asked the Lord about Biden and his Administration. I heard these two words, crippled and confused.
As for the Body of Christ:
The Body of Christ is entering the land of Goshen. I saw five years of difficulty for the Us, but because God’s people were obedient they will be preserved during the turbulent times.
I heard this scripture: Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. Psalms 105:19
I will and I am dealing with the enemies of darkness. They celebrate as though they have won but they are terrified. They remember being stripped of their agenda, power, and public display was made of them. This will happen again say the Lord. Are you ready to stand with me when it looks like I have forsaken you USA. Yet I have set traps that they fear since the Son of God seems so quiet. I’ve heard the prayers in the days of Daniel when he prayed the first day,.
Yet it looked as through heaven was silent and darkness would prevail in its resistance. But the angel broke through this is taking place again. Now God says you’ll see after it appears the forces of darkness prevailing, so it seems. I will come and I will give your freedoms to you United States. This is my timing, my event, and there is man’s timing. Do not confuse them as if man’s timing determines your future. Their timing is wrong. …
This I say of you the United States, I am giving your nation back that was stolen from you. I will give it back for you and your children that I may be glorified. Therefore in this season open up your arms high to me and you will see I will open my hands and my heart to you and I will give your nation back to you, says the Lord.
The Lord spoke to me … began to use these words divine reset. … Being us back to foundation truth. …
The hunters will become the hunted.
Such a phenomenon occurs only when one of the earth’s poles has its maximum tilt away from the Sun. This conjunction has also been termed as ‘The Christmas Star’. It took place after sunset in the south-western sky and it was seen with naked eyes. The last such conjunction was seen in 1623, however, it was not visible from most of the Earth. Now, the next ‘Great Conjunction’ will only happen 400 years later on November 4, 2040. (from Republic World)
Justice will prevail. … I will l win, and Trump will still sit in the White House for four more years. … I am about to put a show on nobody expected. When the ground begins to shake and the land side begins to start no one or nothing can stop the fraud, the contacts being shown, the videos that are being made between the parties that made contracts with evil to do evil in this land evil. this is my country I will not allow it to be taken from me. The is only the beginning of the great days, the great divine decade, and the second one beyond it. …
They [the media] will have to say it even though they don’t want to. The time will come when they will have to say that Trump is the 46th president of the United States and he will sit in the office four more year. I have never changed that plan I have never given an exact date to anyone that something would happen. Because I have my own time whether it agrees with your or not, whether you like it or not. This is my country, these are my plans, and I will not have these days taken from me.
Can you not stand and not turn to the left and give yourself as a partner to the evil that wants to take this land? I say no. it will not happen. It will end … Watch my hand move now that man is done with their process I will put my show on, and no one will ever forget when that happens. There will great celebrations in the streets of this country and around the world that great victor has come on behalf of the body of Christ on behalf of my American that I am not giving up to any enemy. …
Justice will be served says you God. Stand in the light and run from the darkness but Nothing will stop me from my plans of putting my son from putting Donald Trump in that White House. Even if they inaugurate the villain and try to put him there I will kick him out and remove him and I remove every obstacle that is in the way.
Sam Robertson – God woke me up with this one statement. … And He said, Sam, there will be no winners this time around. Sam, there will be no winners this time around. For even who wins this election shall also lose because it is time for me to take the highest office procession in America once again.God woke me up with this one statement. … And He said, Sam, there will be no winners this time around. Sam, there will be no winners this time around. For even who wins this election shall also lose because it is time for me to take the highest office procession in America once again.
God said I am stretching out this process until the wrestling is complete says the Lord. I am stretching out this process until the wrestling is complete say. He said Sam, what do you think the election is a question of? … Sam the election is a question of America’s hope. It is a question of hope for America your hope has been in leaders who you hoped would have their hope in me for many years. But now as I wrestle with your nation to the ground. You shall phase a hope that is only in me and no other man, no other structure, no other system. For it is time to relinquish the hope that you would find a leader who you hoped would have hope in me and start to address yourself in the reality that I am your only hope, says the Lord. …
For I will not have you for a nation whose hope is in the illusion of a strong leader, or a man, or a system, or a structure. I will have you as a nation whose hope is only in Me. For America, this election is about asking you who is your hope in. And so the lord said as I wrestle with you America, do not necessarily think I am cursing your land but I am coming close with justice and with judgment. … Though the wrestle is violent it is ultimately an act of intimacy and love. So as I wrestle with you as I wrestled with Jacob. I am renaming, I am removing your old name, your old identity, your old attributes, and a new form is coming to your land. …
The Lord said, this wrestling process will not just endure for the election season. But the Lord said, but you’re going into years of wrestling that will then open up years of promise for you afterward. In the wrestle the Lord said, I am first putting an appetite for righteousness back onto your people and into the people of American. Righteousness will begin to be the motivation behind the choices that you make, and righteousness will not be forced by law but by an inner compunction to choose righteousness that I put in your people. …
So as the wrestle continues the Lord said, do not be dismayed. Hostility will arise around issues of morality. But do not fear this America, for I am continuing to expose en masse the demonic powers that aim to erode your morality as a nation. …
But most important in these days of wrestling I am changing your name. For you have called yourself America the great but I do not call you that. I call you and I will call you America the humble and I am making you humble again. And you will rise over the years as a nation of remarkable servant leadership. You will be known as a nation who serves other nations. And America the humble shall rise with freshness and purity with nurture and with radical generosity, with a Jesus movement of radicals that go to nations with servant leadership. But to rise up first you must bow low.
And so this wrestle is about your new name and do not think for a moment that I am looking for greatness. What I am looking for a nation who is humble.
I started to hear in the future the national anthem and the spirit of America. I could hear your nation sing, we the weak say we are strong in Jesus. We the weak say we are strong in Jesus. And that was the national anthem of American and with joy and with dancing, the American content will sing we the weak say we are strong in Jesus.
Even before Trump ran even before that election was planned God had been telling me I’m going to make America greater than ever, it’s about to step into its destiny, but I can’t start this until I shift the government and there will be a president in the White House one day that will extend their hand to the believers. So I know it was coming. He caught me up to heaven, literally, months and months and months before, and He said, ‘I’ve chosen Trump and people won’t like it and they won’t understand it but that doesn’t matter right now because I’m going to change America and I need him. He’s an all-American boy that is all for America, and he is smart, he can’t be bought, he can’t be moved, and he cannot be controlled.” And He said, “He will know me, and he will hear my voice.”
Organizers of the Jericho March, slated for Tuesday and Wednesday, have called on “patriots, people of faith and all those who want to take back America” to travel to Washington on those days for a pair of marches to overturn the recent presidential election.
Marchers plan to blow ritual Jewish horns called shofars on the first day before circling the Supreme Court building seven times in imitation of the Israelites’ siege of the city of Jericho described in the Bible’s Book of Joshua. On Wednesday, they plan to do the same around the US Capitol building.