Revival - Third Great Awakening Q4-2024

Revival - Third Great Awakening - The Great Reversal - The Great Reset

The unfolding of history and the ongoing struggles between good and evil for the hearts and souls of man.

.. - December , 2024


I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, My children, that Ukraine’s government will fall. Their power will be brought to nothing. President Zelinsky will be removed and exposed in front of the world. I will show you every contract and dirty deal the establishment made with Ukraine to keep secrets buried in this land. But, I am coming with vengeance to eradicate the evil and every secret dominating and controlling Ukraine and the damage and destruction it has done to many nations around the world. 

Ukraine is being cleansed by Me, from “the Biden” regime, Obama, and everyone who hid their secrets there and paid the Ukrainian government to keep their mouth shut. All the billions of taxpayers’ money is coming back to the United States in unprecedented ways. 

So, My children, watch Ukraine shake as I remove the ones that do not belong in control. I will destroy the sex trafficking rings. I will destroy the biolabs. I will destroy the AI and any other form of technology that is hiding there. Everything is coming out as you shout, My children. Freedom is coming to the nations of this world, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Once again, I will remind you to watch the waters because what they are doing off the East Coast of the United States will be exposed. Many things against you are hidden in the water. Watch how I stop your enemies’ plans. My children, pray for the East Coast, the waters, and the skies above them. Your enemies are ready to attack, but I have your back, and your enemies will be brought to nothing. 

I say again that I will expose what the drones are doing. I will bring all of them down despite their efforts against you. They walked right into a trap set for them, and soon, it will go off. Someone is about to come out and boldly say what they are hiding. 

A whistle blower will blow the doors wide open about what they have planned for those drones and why they are in the skies. 

Washington and China and all the deals that were made between them will soon come out into the open. There are many Chinese spies in your government, the financial system, and your intel; you name it, China is inside your Nation to bring it down. But China will be the one that will fall. So, hold on because China is about to try something against you, oh United States—something that DC paid for. But neither one will get what they want. Instead, it will bring their plans and their alliance to nothing. I am eradicating their spies from your land and government, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A warship will be in your news for a significant reason.  

A Congresswoman in the Democratic party is about to be removed, and many will follow. My children, I told you your enemies’ time to fall is now. 

Oh Italy: I will expose you and the contracts you have with DC. The money you were paid to hide their secrets will also be exposed by Me. I will destroy your government and the alliance it has with the establishment. The Italian government is about to shake. I am bringing down everyone who is against Me and My nations, says the Lord. 

Secrets hidden in Germany will soon come out into the open. My United States, your government has influenced many governments around the world because of the deep, dark secrets dating back to WW II. I will expose all of you, says the Lord. 

The Iranian government will also collapse.   

My children, you will soon know the leaders who are with Me and the ones who are not. 

NAFTA will be in your news for an unprecedented reason. 

I will say this again, NATO will be ripped apart, and every leader in it that is against Me will fall. 

My children, the global government will be ripped to shreds in the days of My Glory. My Church will arise, and your enemies will be scattered. 

So, rejoice in this time of your enemies’ great worldwide defeat. You will all know Me as the great Protector, Deliverer, Provider, Healer, and the Most High God. So, get ready to see Me at work. Call upon My Glory, and you will experience it in unprecedented ways, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Isa. 9:6-7
Ps. 113:4
Dan. 2:21-22
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
Ps. 22:27-29
Isa. 54:15, 17
Phil. 4:8
Ps. 75:6-7
Ps. 18:48
John 17:13-17
Isa. 55:11
Heb. 10:23
Ps. 56:3-4, 9
James 4:7
Ps. 9:3
2 Chron 20:22
Heb. 10:30
Ps. 33:10
Deut. 28:7

Julie Green - A SPIRITUAL WAR IS BREWING.. - December 18, 2024

My children, a spiritual war is brewing. Your enemies are kicking things into high gear against you. They are using witchcraft, sorcery, and sacrifices on a level like never before. Your enemies know My Glory is coming to fill this Earth, so they are trying to stop it with everything in their arsenal. 

This is why, My children, I need you alert. I need you awake. I need you to know who you are with Me. In your capital right now, oh United States, they (your enemies) are making sacrifices at an unprecedented rate to summon evil and darkness like never before. But your prayers are stopping it. Your authority that I have given to you is pushing them back. So, keep standing up against their demonic attacks against you and your Nation. 

The spiritual battle for the soul of this Nation will intensify to a greater level. So, stand strong and do not let anything move you. Your enemies will be defeated no matter how it looks with these next attacks. They are not bigger than Me, and I live in you. Do you know why I must constantly remind you of this truth? Because your adversary is trying everything to get you to forget this truth because it makes you easier to defeat when you can be deceived out of what is already yours. 

No longer allow this truth to be denied. No longer be deceived out of it. You are Mine, children of Almighty God. This time is yours. It is no longer your enemies’ time to take. Fight spiritually like never before for the promises I have given to you. Learn more about Me in this time, and it will destroy every lie and trick of your enemy

My Glory will fill this Earth, no matter the battle, the war, or the army against it. My children, you are at a pivotal moment to take back and receive a restoration you never knew was possible. You will receive answers to prayers quicker and miracles more easily. It is that time when two worlds will collide—good and evil. And good always wins. So, believe My Words. Stand and see them come to pass for you, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Whispering Pines: this location will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A military base will be in your news for a significant reason. 

A government contract will be in your news for a shocking reason. Many more contracts like this type will be exposed, and they will bring down the machine controlling them

The US ambassador to Italy will be in your news for a shocking reason. I will show you everyone who is just like him, and they will all be removed. 

Alejandro Mayorkas: I say this name again. You are keeping secrets, but they will all soon be released. I will show how you are paid under the table to hide things from this Nation and its citizens. And every place you have weakened this Nation and its security for your own financial gain will be put on display. Mayorkas, you are being removed by Me, and judgment will be served, says the Lord. 

Karine Jean-Pierre, you will not get away with the lies you have told to the American people. You flat-out lied day after day. Now, the truth is coming for you. Even though you leave your post as the press secretary, it does not mean that judgment is not coming for you, Jen Psaki, or anyone else just like you. You lied to the world, so now you will be judged in front of it, says the Lord. 

Every rhino will be drawn out. Every traitor to this Nation will be exposed. My children, many things that you are about to see are to draw out your enemies so that each one can be removed by Me. Do not fear what you are about to see because it will lead you to your victory, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
1 John 4:4
1 John 5:1, 4-5
John 6:63
Heb. 2:14
Job 22:28
Heb. 10:23
Luke 10:19
Matt. 4:4
Acts 3:16
Jer. 1:10
Ps. 32:7
2 Kings 5 (Story of Gehazi)
Ps. 47:3
Eph. 1:17-19
Isa. 54:17
James 4:7
Deut. 28:7
Job 6:25

The Unknown Prophet Greg Watkins - God Said *REMEMBER* Who Christmas is All About!.. - December 25, 2024

I received this yesterday on December the 21st 2024 and I’m posting it to you on Christmas day December the 25th 2024 and I pray even as you read this that many of you will feel what what I have felt from the father as he gave it to me. As I sat waiting for him to speak because he had said he would he spoke and said Son ask my people those who celebrate my son’s birthday and those who don’t who is it that created ated the tree that is used to celebrate Christmas? Where did that tree come from and who made it? Who caused it to grow and to become beautiful? Was it not me your God who was it that gave the promise of the beautiful rainbow that I would never wipe Out the Earth and my creation again by flood? Was it not me? Did the beauty not come from me, the I am? Now son ask them what the enemy has done with my rainbow? Has he not taken something that I created to be beautiful and try to turn it into something evil something to represent that which is an abomintion to me? To destroy the beauty of my creation and turn it to filth? Have you not learned from this my people that he will always try to take what I make beautiful and deface it and cause it to become something that is an Abomination to me?

He did that in the days of old he had the worship of idols under beautiful trees. He had religious prostitutes under the trees both male and female. The trees became a part of his plan. He set it up that way to cause that which I created beautiful to become a stench to everyone’s nostrils. It was the worship of idols and immorality that was a stinch to me and to many, but never the defaced beauty of my trees. However he implanted in many people’s hearts that the tree was a part of the evil that he was perpetrating and so they would turn away from my beauty because of him. Not just turn away from the beauty that I created, but even more to cause them to stop honoring my son. To stop my people from honoring my son’s birth is just one more way to shift the belief away from him. Those who decorate trees in honor of my son, to make them even more beautiful are not worshiping Satan they’re worshiping my son. If they choose to create something they see as beautiful to celebrate his birth, I will honor it and not curse it.

The giving of gifts during his birthday celebration started in honor of him and should be done in that manner. I know that many who give are not doing it in this manner they are simply taking this time to give to others to make them happy. The wise men brought gifts to my son to honor him. But since he is here with me you can’t do that. However giving gifts to others in honor of him pleases me. The thing I find wrong and that hurts my heart is not the manner in which you, my people, physically celebrate my son Jesus birth. It is how so many of you don’t recognize him in the midst of that celebration spiritually. You get caught up in the celebration and forget who it’s all about. Continue my people the physical celebration but bring the spiritual back to what it should be.

If you are to celebrate Jesus birth reread that continue my people the physical celebration but bring this spiritual back to what it should be if you are to celebrate Jesus birth. If you do you will find my love will grow in you even more that’s the word of God concerning the birth of Jesus and the recognition of it. We’re not celebrating the 25th of Jesus birthday guys we have celebrating the 20th because that was chosen as a date to celebrate the birth of Jesus focus on the birth of Jesus in all of this. Focus entirely on the birth of Jesus and the love that he has let that love shine this Christmas. Give that love to your family give that love to your friends. Give gifts in love but continually remember who and what this is all about.

Barry Wunsch, The Canadian Hammer joins Prophetic Wednesdays on Take FiVe - . - December 25, 2024

Oh, I’m telling you uh you know Dave if I if I said it’s been easygoing, I mean I wouldn’t be telling you the truth. It has been some of the most intense, arduous, uh intercession, and and spiritual warfare over the last few days. And I’m telling you since about Thursday of last week the the the the I’ve never experienced the level of uh blatant witchcraft that has been coming at us. And uh but you know I’m I’m going to say all that to say this, is that you know we’ve had you know some things coming forward here that are very very exciting and and coming into place on on a big big big scale. And so you know there are a few things that have to get cleaned up and out of the way I think before we can really see the fullness of it. And the Lord is dealing with you know all of this. And I mean on December 5th well I say on December 4th uh the night of December 4th I’m going about my business and I mean I kept hearing president Trump is under a spell. President Trump is under a spell and I’m going oh my goodness. I mean and you know you kind of pay attention and like Lord what’s this. And then the next morning I got up and actually I Was preparing for another broadcast and uh again I heard president Trump is under a spill.

And so I was out running around you know doing some errands around town and I’m driving down the road in my truck. And I’ll just say like it happens to me that I was taken into the spirit and you know going down the road and I saw a Jezebel spirit uh close to president Trump. And from what I saw um you know I believe that this is uh a spirit that’s operating through a very close spiritual advisor to president Trump. And I mean I saw actually you know who who that was. And the the the next thing I knew I was taken in the spirit into a private Suite uh and you know it was very well appointed it was elegant uh it had very nice furnishings and finishes and you know. This group of angels there was a dozen angels that came opened up this Suite brought me in and uh now now these angels I mean they were given you know. It was clear that they’d been given full access to go and do everything that they were called to do now now these angels ah I mean they were enforcers. And I can tell you that you would not want to have them working against you, period. I mean they were dressed in these uh you know very I mean the this armor I mean it kind of looked like Kevlar but it was almost like it was alive. And I mean impenetrable you know and and the strength that was on these guys I mean it was just so evident and they had an an authority on them that I mean it just exuded you know everything about them every motion every move every step they made.

I mean this an Angela coost these guys were all business and so they were clearly sent on an assignment and I mean the timing for this was now so DA they escorted me into into this room and then they they lined up uh in in know a flank, basically on either side of a doorway for me to enter. And I knew by the spirit that this was actually the room of this Jezebel in which you know we’re dealing with here. Now these angels came and they they unlocked a closet before me that was you know part of this suite. And there’s one particular Angel and you know he seemed to be leading leading this assignment. And he entered in and he turned around cuz you know I was following he turned around face to face with me and on my right his left here there was a there was a medium side of safe. And uh and you know this this Angel he got in and you know we’re kind of standing face to face in this this safe is off to the side and he looked me in the eye and with a pause he bowed his head for a minute. And there was kind of a moment of silence that I knew that what was about to be opened up would have huge consequences for president Trump and the nation, let alone the Nations. And so this Angel he finally you know he lifted his head look me in the eye look me in the eye again and he had a focus and just you know with a confidence and a strength he just proceeded to do what he needed to do. And before I knew it he just he’d opened up that safe.

Now I knew by the spirit that this Jezebel had had some information hidden there. And she had you know kept some information kind of locked it up for what you know. She was prepared to use as a as kind of a last resort of you know kind of blackmail and and pressure to maintain her powerful advisory position with the president. And now I also saw and it’s something like in a second how you can just know this stuff by by the spirit of God. But I knew that all that she had was false, everything that she held was fabricated lies, And so this this false you know fabricated information and allegations she held I mean they were sensitive in nature. But they were found to be the end I mean they were going to be found to be worthless but in the process of it it was going to expose her you know it was going to expose really who she was. And so uh anyway this lady was literally intentionally walking in darkness m masquerading is light. And uh the Lord in his perfect timing you know, and wisdom, and all of that was bringing this deception into the light and you know the timing of this was perfect. So the angel pulled us this stuff out of the safe and was basically going to get it into the hands uh to be dealt with in the right way with President Trump to close this back open wide this back door of the enemy that had access to things that shouldn’t be.

So anyway uh that’s kind of the first chunk of it. “Wow well uh a a joint friend of ours sent me some information about this person to get to Eric Trump I’m in the process of doing that um I will be seeing Eric uh probably in the next month or so so I might have to hand deliver to him. Also I was just told this week too that this witchcraft in Voodoo has gone to another level they’re getting physical hairs from people like President Trump and then creating a uh Voodoo Seance witchcraft from that physical uh DNA.” [Dave] Wow I mean I mean this does not does not surprise me so it’s a Time the church step it up and I believe he’s calling us to a higher level intercession to deal with this. …

Well I I tell you Dave I mean so I’m in there I watched this Angel pull this information out and he was basically posturing to get it into the right hands to be dealt with right in the right way. So you know president Trump would be protected and that the Lord was going to close these these wide open back doors that the enemy has access to uh in and around president Trump. And so I also say this I knew by the spirit of God that this lady was not acting alone. I I Knew by the spirit of God that there was she was one of what seemed to me three bad actors that. Uh you know there was a you know the spirit was feeding back and forth among them and the enemy had placed you know these three uh very close to president Trump you know to cause interference, to to block you know the plans of God, and then the full destiny that we have right now. And you know that that God has really called called him to. And so now these ones were now going to be exposed for who they really are and president Trump would not be able to deny. He would not be able to deny the unrighteous control, manipulation, and Witchcraft, that was being used against him. And so I Knew by the spirit of God that these ones were on their way out. The cat was out of the bag/ There there was no stopping it and the Lord was Protecting President Trump and it would be undeniable with the evidence as to these ones and what they were up to. And that there would be a trail of of evidence that simply you know looking back in hindsight the president would be able to put the pieces together and say oh well that makes sense. And he was not going to be very happy to know that he’d been betrayed uh you know by this appearance of this of this Jezebel spirit. And you know in conjunction with a religious political spirit that had got in. So what l is that uh justice is at hand and consequences were assured, and you know holy be be the word of the Lord. …

So you know the Jezebel spirit it can be on a man, it can be on a woman. You know it’ll operate through you know manipulation control withholding information bringing false information I mean. Even more than than false information, misinformation is one thing, because you know that can be an innocent mistake. You know you think it’s raining outside it was raining an hour ago it’s the rain stopped you know so that’s a that’s a an innocent mistake. But when you have disinformation that is intentionally fabricated, you know to bring deception to change the outcome of a decision, that’s witchcraft. Plain and simple and uh and then the other thing is you know when you’ve got an element of someone you know trying to hold a secret or trying to hold something you know I mean again that is sheer manipulation and witchcraft. And the Lord is he’s taking this all out of the way. Because we cannot Dave with what is coming as we see the rebirth of a Nation you know we cannot we cannot afford for to have kind of the the old the old ways you know God is doing something new. He is doing something new. And when you’ve got bits and pieces of of old fractured things that are in that mix do you know what I don’t believe that’s the hour we’re in.

We I mean it’s it’s going to take a lot for us to get our brain out of you know this governmental, I’m going to say politics. He’s taking us from politics to governance. And there’s a difference. And and and so in in all honesty Kingdom ways are governance. It it’s not political. And and so you know a lot of the church you know they don’t really have a a grip or an understanding on how this works. But but let me say I you know God is bringing the prophets in our day to walk with the Kings. We I I mean it it’s like the things that are going on behind the scenes right now it it’s happening, it is happening, and it’s not just in America. This is a movement Dave that you know America has a great part to play in it. But this is this is a movement that is actually going to touch all of the Nations and uh you know America has a role to play Canada has a role to play. you know I mean I you you just look through the Nations they all have a destiny because of the land and because of the Covenant that’s attached to the land for his purposes.

And so you know where the enemies come and they’ve said we’re going to do everything we can to have a peaceful transferal power. You know January 6th, and January 20th inauguration. Let me tell you they may say that with their lips but it’s it’s basically scops they they are saying one thing and they’re doing something totally different on the other side. And and they are they will do whatever they have to or they’re going to try to block you know the inauguration of President Trump to come into place and into a position you know running you know basically flipping this thing over. But I’ll also say this and I’m you know this might be going a little bit out on the limb. But I believe that the Lord is calling president Trump to an upgrade. Do you know what you know there there’s one thing to be you know in a in a Christian belief system and and and into the faith. But you know we can say God Bless America we can do you know certain things but I think there’s a discipline in the faith that when we lay down our life for him and we surrender all yeah and he comes and and then when when we literally say we got nothing left within us and we come and we go through baptism you know I mean the death of that old man you know in the water raising up a new man in Christ you know through the waters of baptism and then getting filled with the Holy Spirit. Critical. Because you know I mean when when you have an empowerment of the the Holy Spirit within you now it is the father bringing a real release through us through our F you know through our our flesh as as vessels of clay in a way that will impact the Nations. Impact those that that isn’t us right I mean I mean we find ourselves in crazy situations that things happen and it’s not us it’s the Lord and and through that empowerment of the filling of the Holy Spirit. So I’m saying that God has got an invitation to president Trump and his family and to those that he’s running with into a deeper commitment to really and it is about stewarding what God is bringing into their hands not only for America. But properly in in Kingdom governance for for the Nations. …

Patty Teichroew - December 2024


Oh, United States, do not fear what your enemies are trying to do in the skies above you. I will annihilate their plan, and soon, you will hear about what they were attempting to do to you. 

Their technology is nothing compared to Me. Not only do I protect this land, but I also protect the skies above it. My Army is moving in on your enemies. Soon, you will see their great defeat

They are flying drones in your skies, but I have infiltrated the infiltrators, and soon you will know without a doubt that it was the establishment and their foreign army trying to stop this Nation from moving forward without them. I will show you what they were doing to the atmosphere above you and what intel they were trying to collect at the same time. 

I will show you when, who, and where the money was exchanged for such a plan. I have warned you that your enemies were not going down without a fight, but they have already lost this fight. They just do not yet know it. 

I will also expose the Chinese spy balloons, how all of this is connected, and who paid for everything to take place. Oh, My United States, you have been under constant attacks from the people in DC, but those days are about over. Then you will see what judgment really looks like. Children of Almighty God, this is My Nation, and soon there will be no doubt about that, says the Lord. 

Justin Trudeau: put down those weapons (you plan to use) against My Nation. You have been warned. You are trying everything to stop President Trump from destroying you and your empire in Canada, but you will not keep your power. And your puppet masters cannot save you from Me. You are about to see that this is an absolute fact. You will be ripped from power in this hour of change, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, things are about to shift drastically. Your normal will be shaken. This shaking is for your freedoms, whether you understand it right away or not. You will see China shake. You will see Iran shake. You will see Iraq shake. You will see Canada shake. You will see the United States shake. You will see Mexico shake. The nations are shaking, and it will rid you of the ones that have tried to devour you

You will see the economy shake. You will see the churches against Me shake. You will see corporations and businesses shake. You will see the entertainment industry shake. You will see the news industry shake. You will see DC shake loose from the old guard and the bureaucrats who tried to destroy your Nation. Bombshell reports are coming that will devastate the enemies against My nations, says the Lord. 

My children, do you not see how the world has shifted and changed how they see My David? Have you not seen people removed and fall and governments crumble? Have you not seen a political shift? You have been waiting for all these things that are (now) changing in the right direction. But your enemies’ next moves will try to rock and shake you (away) from Me

Heed My warnings and My Words—I am the Almighty God. There is no one like Me, and you will see a great victory, says the Lord. 

Brazil will be in your news for an unprecedented reason. 

My children, the weather will change drastically in a way that is not normal. As I have told you, things are changing in unprecedented ways to shake and wake people up so they are not taken by surprise. So, stand as I heal your land, says the Lord of Hosts. 

You will see an uptick of earthquake swarms. Watch for this. I told you that this shaking will be physical, spiritual, and political

Things are about to intensify to a degree that no one sees coming. So, stand against your enemies and watch. They will be annihilated by Me, says the Lord. 

Havana will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Jerome Powell: you think you can resist. You think you can stay where you are. I, the Lord, will show you that you have no power and you are nothing. I will remove you from where you are. (Concerning) all the crimes you have taken part in, I will expose everyone. Even though you will say you are retiring to stop the truth from exploding and exposing all of you, I will show the world the truth. Not only will you be removed, but everyone who controlled this entity will also be removed. The Federal Reserve is an abomination and will come crashing down before this Nation. I am setting My Nation free from you once and for all, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Someone from the Pentagon is coming out to expose their spending and private books and prove who the crooks are. 

My children, get ready for explosion after explosion. I am ready to remove your enemies and everything with them. The giants are falling, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Hag. 2:6-9
Gen. 1:26-28
Hag. 2:22
Heb. 12:25-27
Deut. 30:19
Ps. 62:6
Ps. 55:22
Ps. 46:1-10
1 Tim. 6:12
John 17:13-17
Isa. 54:17
Deut. 28:13

The Unknown Prophet Greg Watkins - A *SUDDEN* Move of God Unlike Anything We Have Seen!.. - December 21, 2024

Okay what I have here for you today was given to me on 12-13-2024 that’s December the 13th 2024 and I’m bringing it to you on 12-21-2024 December the 21st 2024. It was midday and I was sitting in my chair finishing my lunch in the family room when the father said Son go write what I’ll give you. And his Spirit was moving strongly on me so I came and I wrote and this is what came from that. I said what is it father you want me to write. He said on what I am about to do within my church is something that will not only amaze the church that believes in me, but it will astound the unbelieving church. I my son am going to begin to move in the church as I have in times past. But it will be a different in a different manner.

Much of it will be in a manner similar to the revivals you’ve been reading of and I’ve been reading a book on revivals my interjection. I will pour out my spirit on services and there will be a moving not as seen in this country before. There will be a wailing and a crying to get right with me. There will be confessions of sin and cleansing of spirits as people come to me in truth and in Purity, and in in purity of Mind and Spirit. The meetings will not stop son. They will continue into the night and begin again early mornings. They will close down businesses and cause disruption of many things. But I will maintain all that is necessary for life and health so what I am saying will come on the church son what I am saying will come on the church so suddenly that they will not even understand at first what I’m doing.

They will attempt to expel people from the congregations. But before they can I will overcome them and cause them to come into weeping and repentance. They will know what it is to stand against the Lord God Almighty The Great I Am. I am coming to reclaim my place in the church son and they will submit or I will remove them as repentance takes place I will also bring my power to the church. And the church is my people. I am going to fill those who can handle it and they will instruct those who have no knowledge of how I desire my power to be displayed and used while this is going on in the church there will also be much going on outside of the church. Many will be trying to discredit the working of my hand but they will not I will discredit them and expose them for who they are children of their father the devil I will expose them and shame them and some will turn to me. This will start during the new regime son.

I have the time set in place and I will advise my prophets as it’s about to happen they will know and they will ready the people who will listen. But as I said to you earlier many will get caught as you say flat-footed. And I will smile even in his intensity he still has humor that’s the word of God for today guys.


Let’s get to the message from God and I received this December 19th 2024 and it’s called the left, the prodal, and your investments. Start packing and unwrapping and planning ahead. Ignore the deadlines in excuse me ignore the declines in your Investments, your foreigns, and your medals. All will be well my child as I have promised. Stage left is wrecking wreaking havoc as they get ready to exit in our packing. Some fear they will leave in handcuffs and many of them should. Many have committed crimes against the great United States and against you my American people. They are working hard uncovering any strips that will hinder Trump. There will be no hindrances. The markets will restore in all of your investments. Just sit tight and wait the golden age that my trump calls it is upon you, and yes it will be golden.

Many of you have been faithful in your pursuing of my son. He loves you so, and loves how you celebrate his birthday. Jesus loves his birthday just as you love yours. He hopes to hear from you and see you celebrating him with a pure joyful heart. Give a gift to one that does not expect. Sew a gift in a place that loves my son. Read The Christmas Story with family and friends, and be sure and tell your children of the savior’s sweet birth. Find a place by yourself and give us a few. Christmas is a sweet time that we want to share with you. No matter the size of your tree or your gifts, it is all a matter of the heart. Love on those who are hard to love. Love on those who feel less and are unsure of themselves. Do not judge, just love. Remember to take no offense at this time. Being offended is not of my son. Take the chastisement, the criticism, and the hostility with love. Remember my son came and he taught you to love. If you have trouble with offense in sharing this love come come to us and we will help. We can change you and your heart.

The bells will be ringing and the phones will chime, the prodal are coming, so get ready. Believe and ask me one more time be prepared for them and open your heart and in your home. Some will bring more with them and the reunion will take time. Be patient my love as they are nervous and afraid. They are coming expecting to be treated as outcast like my son told you in his parable of the prodal son. So study that now and be like that father his son had come home and he honored him and gave him the best be like that father. And take no offense just love on your child and give me thanks. I am a good father they are not condemned by me and you don’t either just love now get ready. There are things to to do presents to wrap and cookies to bake make some extra and share with someone new gifts open doors and may give you a chance to speak of my son’s birth so get ready my darlings for the day dawn Merry Christmas. I love you so much Abba Father

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic Encounter: Jezebel is being taken out! December 5, 2024

On the night of December 4, 2024, as I was going about my business; I kept hearing the phrase; “President Trump is under a spell”, “President Trump is under a spell”.

Again, the next morning the Holy Spirit kept saying to me “President Trump is under a spell!”

At any rate, that morning December 5,2024 I was out and about running some errands around town. I was on the road and suddenly; I saw in the spirit, a Jezebel spirit close to President Trump.

From what I saw this spirit was operating through a close spiritual advisor to President Trump.

The next thing I knew, I was taken into the spirit into a private suite with half a dozen angels accompanying me.

The suite was elegant and well appointed, expensive furnishings and finishes.

Now, these angels had been given full access to go and do all that they were called to do. No restrictions.

These Angels were enforcers, and I can tell you that you would not want to have them working against you!

They were dressed in the coolest uniforms. (looked like it had properties like Kevlar but much more than that, they were almost multi-dimensional and living).

Their strength was so evident, they had an authority on them that exuded through everything about them. Every step, every movement.

These guys were all business.

They were clearly sent on assignment, and the timing for this was now!

They escorted me in and lined up in flanks to a doorway for me to enter.

By the Spirit, I knew this was this “Jezebels” suite.

The angels opened a locked closet for me and in the closet was a medium size safe.

One particular angel, (He seemed to be leading this assignment) entered the closet and invited me in with him. He entered and turned around to face me.

He looked me in the eye and with pause, bowed his head for a moment; I knew with this pause of silence he knew that was about to be opened up would have huge consequences for President Trump and the Nation, let alone the Nations.

This Angel, then lifted his head, looked me in the eye and with focus he did what he needed to do, and with this he matter of factly opened up this safe.

I knew by the spirit; this Jezabel had sensitive information hidden here safeguarded or so she thought.

She had kept some information locked up that she held that she was prepared to use as a last resort of blackmail to maintain her powerful advisory position with President Trump.

I knew instantly by the Spirit of God this information she had was false.

It was full-on fabricated lies.

This false, fabricated information and allegations she held were sensitive in nature and upon examination and scrutiny would be found to be worthless.

This lady was intentionally walking in darkness masquerading as light.

The Lord, in His perfect wisdom and timing, was bringing this deception into the light.

The angel pulled it out of the safe and were getting it into the right hands to be dealt with in the right way.

This exposure would allow President Trump to close the wide-open back door of enemy access to the President once and for all.

I knew by the Spirit of God that this lady was not acting alone.

I knew by the Spirit that she was one of three bad actors that the enemy has placed close to the President to cause interference to the plans of God.

These ones were now going to be exposed for who they really are, and President Trump would not be able to deny the unrighteous control, manipulation and witchcraft that was being used against him.

The betrayal was not easy for him, and it only provoked a very strong response to clean things up and furthermore re-evaluate with a new set of eyes those around him and make the necessary changes accordingly.

I knew by the spirit of God that these ones were now clearly on the way out.

The cat was out of the bag.

There was no stopping it.

The Lord was protecting President Trump, and it would be undeniable as to these ones and what they were up to.

The evidence would be more than clear as to what had been taking place.

Justice was at hand, and consequences were assured!

Holy is the word of the Lord

Julie Green - MANY LEADERS ARE COMING DOWN. - December 16, 2024

I, the Lord, this day remind the enemies of Almighty God and the enemies of My nations that your days of judgment are here. Your time to fall is now.  It is your time to be exposed. It is your time to kneel before Me as you see your empires burn and your global government disappear

I am the Protector of My people. I am the Protector of nations, and this is the hour (for Me) to really show My power against you, for I have seen your divisive plans. I see the massacre you want. I see the destruction you are trying so desperately to accomplish. But I, the Lord, will not be stopped by you, your technology, your money, or any plan you have designed. 

Enemies of Almighty God in every nation and government throughout the world: I am coming to clear you out of your places of power. I am here to shake the nations from your hands. I am here to deliver the masses from your death grip. This is not your world to control. They are not your slaves to rule over. The finances you think you have gained to have full control over this world are about to be ripped from you in unprecedented ways. You will not see this coming, as I, the Lord, will force this money from you as if you are nothing because you are nothing compared to Me, and the world is about to see how true this really is, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, this is only the beginning of the changes being made throughout this Earth. Leaders that have refused to leave their positions are coming down. As you have seen, leaders are physically falling. But as I have also said, now you will see them politically fall. A great shaking is coming to the old guard in Washington. More will suddenly resign, others will be exposed, and some will not survive this shaking

Right now, they are sabotaging this Nation in every way possible. They will pay a high price for the decisions they have made against you

Oh, Biden, you think you are slick about the decisions you are making to hurt My David as much as possible to cause as many disruptions and interruptions as you can. Just wait until you see what I can do, says the Lord. The more you disrupt, the more you will fall mentally, the more mistakes you will make, and the more backlash you will receive. 

You think you are sabotaging My David per your instructions and that you are following orders to destroy Trump in every way, but you and your puppet masters do not realize you picked a fight with the wrong person. For I am the Lord of Hosts, and I will defeat every single one of you. As you try to damage President Trump, it will only cause your party and the establishment more damage and more exposure.  

To “the Biden”: your dirty little secret and all the skeletons in your closets are about to be let out. You will be betrayed once again by someone next to you, and before you know it, it will be too late, says the Lord. 

Woe to everyone in the White House setting those traps for the incoming administration. You are falling into the traps I have set for you. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen” news articles will say, because the mighty machine and the ones who have been running it will soon fall away and be no more, says the Lord. 

As you see “the Biden” and Kamala supposedly leave DC, watch what happens to both. Every secret, every dirty deal, and every decision they made against you will fall before you. And how these two fall will be unconventional and unprecedented. It will bring great shock and awe to this Nation and the world when the big lie of 2020 is revealed. And it will be. 

Every law, every person they paid, and every decision they made will be annihilated in a day. To those who have been pardoned: your celebration will be short lived because an illegitimate president does not have the power to release you. So, get ready to surrender because justice will be served, and judgment will be seen from Me, says the Lord. 

My children, illegitimate presidents are about to be exposed. And there are more than you think. As these people are revealed, you will see changes take place that you never thought possible. Get ready for great change because it is coming and so are your freedoms, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Jerry Bruckheimer will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

A well-known director is about to be exposed, but he will not go down without a fight. 

Many in Hollywood are about to turn on each other in a major way because another major celebrity who was connected to P. Diddy will take a fall. 

The house of cards in Hollywood and the entertainment industry are coming down, and all the rats will be exposed. Justice will be served. I am cleaning out the film industry once and for all, says the Lord.  

Prophecy Scriptures:
Dan. 2:21
Dan. 4:28, 30-35
Dan. 5:18-30

Derek Johnson’s post on Telegram 12-15-2024

Anyone care to explain why they only keep showing Guantanamo Bay service members during the Army-Navy game?

Because clearly we don’t have anyone else serving anywhere else in the world. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤭

Follow 👉 Derek Johnson ✅️

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Laire Lightner December 19, 2024

Laire Lightner December 16, 2024

The Lord said “I don’t think you understand what’s at stake. The children are at stake. The waiting. The pressing in. The warfare. It’s all been for the children. Why are you so ignorant? Why are you do faithless? Don’t you know what they have been doing to the children? They are number 1 priority.

Why do you weep and wail?
Is it for the children?
I think not.”

Fred Watkins The Unknown Prophet -This *CHRISTMAS* Is Different! One We Will Never Forget... - December , 2024

Yeah he’s working me over, I can’t even get my head on straight. Okay, are you ready? I recieved this on 12-15 2024 and I am bringing it to you on 12-18 2024. And as I sat waiting on the father because he had said he had something for me to bring to you. I suddenly began to see a vision of the birth of Jesus replayed. I saw the night sky I saw the town in the distance. And as I watched The Star of Bethlehem appeared and I could see the Shepherds out on the hillside with the sheep looking out at it. As I continued watching the angel appear Angels appeared praising God and giving him glory. The Shepherds were all down on their knees before the angels in we. They received the message they gave and when the Angels disappeared the Shepherds got up and went into the village to see what they had been told about. They found Jesus the little baby just as they were told.

And when I saw the baby Jesus in this Vision the tears just flowed and there was no stopping them. Not for several minutes as I thought about what that little one had given up to come and what he was going to have to go through. And even now as I’m typing this the tears are flowing again. Father what you yourself sacrificed for us, and you Jesus. The word. What you agreed to do knowing for well that all you would have to suffer as you came in flesh as a man. As I said it was a reenactment of the birth of Jesus in vision. It was nothing I haven’t seen or read and times before. But it went to my heart like a knife. The vision ended and I got myself back together and I asked the father what he wanted me to do with it.

And he said son, I have showed you this tonight so you can bring it to my people with this message. You have celebrated my son’s birthday for years. Whether on the exact day of his birth or not makes no difference. You have celebrated it and I your father God bless you for it. However I want you to know that this Christmas season is going to be different and one that you will never forget. This Christmas is the one that I have chosen to celebrate my son’s birthday on Earth for the first time. Watch the skies my children, watch the oceans, watch the land, watch all of nature. I shall celebrate my son’s birthday in my entire creation. This is the year in your time that I have chosen to celebrate. And I want you to celebrate it with me. Some of you are saying, I don’t believe it. Some of you are saying it will never happen. Some are saying this so-call Prophet is nuts and hearing from another Spirit be careful. It is me you’re talking about not him. He only repeats what I give him. Think what you may I will show you the reality of my words. Many of you know in your spirit that I am speaking truth. Will you celebrate with me? Will you bless me and my son Jesus with your celebration? A you celebrate with me I call you now celebrate.

That’s the word of God and if it had been much longer I don’t think I could have celebrated. I don’t get the impression that this is a one day celebration for God. I get the impression that he is going to celebrate for a season. But we will just have to watch he didn’t say that. That’s just my interpretation okay. So that’s it for tonight guys. All I can say is God bless you and I am going to celebrate without a doubt

Julie Green - I AM DRAWING YOUR ENEMIES OUT - December 121, 2024

Watch video – published December 11, 2024

Woe to you who are setting up traps and sabotaging President Trump and his incoming administration. You truly believe you can do whatever you want and get away with it. 

You are trying to bury your secrets and financially bury this Nation to the point of collapse, and to make it look like it is Trump’s fault so that you can kill two birds with one stone, you would say—collapse this Nation financially, and everyone in it, and take out My David in the process, all for your global economic takeover. You want to financially break the system and the dollar to bring in your digital currency, but My Hand is moving against this plan. Your system will crumble, yes, and a new one will be put in its place. But it will be Mine, not yours, says the Lord. 

Every bill you try to pass and every law you try to distort for your agenda will collapse. Enemies of Almighty God, you are falling into every trap I have set up for you without realizing it. You think you have an indestructible system with your plans and the direction you want to move to control this Nation and that it will go as you have so desired, but that is the farthest thing from the truth. 

Your machine is broken. Your system is crumbling. Your power is being ripped from you. You will see your great reset come to nothing, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to you in the capital who were against Me. I am drawing you out of your holes and hiding places. You are so disoriented because of your state of panic that you don’t even see the major mistakes you are making. But My infiltrators, who are right next to you, are collecting all the proof they need to take you out once and for all. 

Hakeem Jeffries and all who are with you: you have worked behind closed doors and have been given assignments to take out My David to save the establishment, and you are now working with Chuck Schumer and others in the Senate to make more plans, but these plans will take you out, not President Trump. Every move you have made has been the wrong one. I will not only take and blow the doors wide open on this current House and Senate, but I will also expose all the traitors to this Nation. Even with the changing of the few seats in the Senate and the new House, it does not matter. I am going back to every illegitimate person and all the corruption, and I am blowing the doors open on your plans to stay in power and sabotage anyone who is against you. Enough is enough of this corrupt system destroying the justice in this Nation, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to those who have leaked information time and time again to the news outlets. I will show every rat in the capital that has been paid and sent out to get all this information, to sabotage, lie, or deceive the people of this Nation to try and ruin the lives and careers of many people. You are snakes, and I will draw you out. When you think you have the biggest story to break, it will actually be the one to end your career and your freedom

My children, I am drawing your enemies out, so things may look darker and more confusing. It may look like your enemies have the upper hand. It may look like they are not going anywhere. But do not be deceived by what things look like because as they make their next moves against you to stop this Nation from moving forward, it will collapsetheir nation and the system they designed. As their version of this Nation dies, My Nation will come alive

No matter what virus (is released), what happens to the economy, or what terrorist plots they have up their sleeves, it is not bigger than Me. They will not have the war they are trying to start. They will not be successful in taking out or sabotaging My David and his presidency this time. Everything they do will solidify their collapse in front of you, says the Lord. 

So, My children, as your enemies and their great army try to come out against you, remember Who I am. They are nothing, and the army you are in is far greater than your enemies’ (army). They will lose because I have guaranteed their defeat, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

TV shows will continue to be canceled, and the people you see today will soon be seen no more. New stations will completely collapse and never regain their power over you again. 

Disney will take another major blow that they will not come back from. 

A well-known actor and actress will fall to scandals. 

My children, the news and entertainment industry are collapsing. They will no longer be what they used to be because they are being annihilated by Me, says the Lord. 

Japan is about to make a move that no one sees coming. 

More and more governments are about to collapse, and leaders of nations will be brought down in a major way

The time of great change is here, says the Lord.  


Prophecy Scriptures:
Isa. 43:19
1 Cor. 2:9
Dan. 2:21-22
Eccles. 3:1
Eccles. 10:4-6
John 16:33
Gen. 50:20
1 Peter 5:7-8
Isa. 54:17
Ps. 31:15
Heb. 2:14
Prov. 16:1-5, 33
1 Peter 3:22
Ps. 54:4-5
Gal. 6:7
Hag. 2:22


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are on the prowl. They are here to attack. They are here to destroyBut they are coming up against Me

In this time, My Church is coming alive in My Name. With My Words going forth from your lips, you will see stronger, faster manifestations of My Words; stronger, faster manifestations of your prayers that go forth before Me. They will manifest on this Earth faster than at any other time in human history

This is a time when I am moving My Glory. I am moving. I am moving across this land. I am moving across this Earth. I am moving with My power in this hour to take out your enemies’ onslaught of attacks against My Church. No longer will you be mocked. No longer will you be sitting on the sidelines, just taking everything your enemy is dishing out. 

It is time for My children in the Army of the Lord to stand guard, to watch your words, and to only speak Mine. For this is the day, this is the hour, and this is the time to shine, children of the Most High God. Trust, believe, and stand on My Words for your lives, your health, your children, and your finances. Whatever you ask in My Name, it will be given unto you as long as you do not give up and you hold on to My Words

You will see your enemies try to stop this Nation, but once again, you will see Me move My Hand across this land and knock out your enemies. So, shout right now that no matter what attempts the enemy makes to try and stop My David or this Nation, they will come to nothing

This world will know that I am the God over this Nation, that I am the One Who is the Protector of this Nation. I do not sleep, and I do not slumber. I see your enemies’ rooms, their back rooms. I see what plans they are trying to make. I am there. I am ever present

I am declaring and decreeing right now—enough is enough. Enough is enough, I said. Enemies of Almighty God: enough is enough against My children. Enough is enough against My David. Enough is enough against My children throughout this world. 

These are not your days. Globalism is not for now. It is not for now. Now is the time for My Glory. Now is the time for the Greater Exodus. Now is the time for the wealth transfer. Now is that time. I will not be denied. This is the Earth that I created for mankind, and the world will know it. I am still alive, and I still do miracles, signs, and wonders through My people. 

The enemy is about to shatter their walls. Their walls are coming down. They are scattering, and they are shattering. Their walls are shattering like glass. Your enemies are scattering, and their walls are shattering. Do you hear that? (Do you realize) how important these words are? I am going forth to remove them and to cut them off in very unprecedented, unconventional ways

What you are about to see in this coming new year, you have never seen Me do these things. I am a big God so do not limit Me with small thinking about what you think I can or will do. If you think about it, think about the bigger thoughts that I have. I have placed them on the inside of you. You are so much bigger than your circumstances. You are so much bigger than the enemies’ attacks against you. You are so much bigger because I am on the inside of you. Think about how powerful you are because of what I have done for you. You have (My) resurrection power in you. You have the Greater One on the inside of you. 

So, receive this great power. Receive your prayers being answered more speedily in this hour—what you have longed for, what you have prayed for year after year. It will be clear that I am the way, the truth, and the life. 

My Word is about to come alive in you, on you, and surrounding you in every way that I have designed it. My children, you are entering a new season, a new season of revival, a new season of breakthroughs. So, break out, break forth, and breakthrough every wall your enemy has had up against you. Receive this, this day, says the Lord. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Deut. 28:7
Ps. 2:1-12
Luke 10:19
Gen. 1:26-28
Ps. 115:16
2 Chron. 7:14
Ps. 3:1-8
Ex. 15:6
Ps. 8:6 (and read all of this chapter)
John 8:32
Ps. 9:19-20
Isa. 54:17
1 Cor. 2:9
Job 6:23-25
John 14:13
2 Kings 7 (entire chapter)
Isa. 55:8

Veronika West - My Spiritual Storm Riders Are Rising!. - December 16, 2024

I hear The Spirit say, ”As you decrease, so I will Increase. As you go lower, so I will take you higher!

For I will resist the proud and the arrogant, and those who are puffed up in their own achievements and amazing accomplishments have no part in Me!

Beloved, you have a high calling! You are My Ambassadors — My Representatives on the earth.

There is no need to hold onto the honour and recognition that the world bestows, but rather embrace the Grace that I give to the humble, for a broken and contrite heart mark those that have been chosen for true Greatness.

So, lay aside your own abilities, your plentiful resources and your fierce determination to do things in your might and human power — and let My Spirit bring you guidance.

Let My Holy Spirit pour into your life like the oil that fueled Zechariah’s lampstand.

I tell you, human weakness is no obstacle, for My Power is perfected in the face of hardships, times of difficulty and persecution.

When you are weak, I AM Strong.

Let me free you from your enemies and not with weapons, armies, horses or charioteers — but by My Power as the LORD your God!

Let My Spirit guarantee you Success and Victory in the midst of conflict and chaos.

I say to you, do not be anxious about the future!

Wars and rumours of Wars, the rising fuel prices and the cost of living, what you will eat and what you will wear?

Has not My Mercy always made a way where there seemed no way?

Has not My Grace always been sufficient for you?

And has not My Wisdom brought unexpected answers and timely solutions?

My Child, can you think of one time in your life when My Love ran out on you?

No! For did I not promise, to never — no never — no never, leave you nor abandon you?

But look! Though the Storm Clouds are gathering — fear not! For The Light of My Glory lines every dark cloud on the horizon, and My Grace flows beneath every crosscurrent.

For surely I tell you, even the contrary Winds will only accelerate you closer to the divine Destiny I have for you.

Stop leaning on your own understanding and thinking you know what is best. Each obstacle on your path and each valley on your journey only propels you higher, and takes you deeper into The Place of Promise and greater Prosperity that has been prepared for you!

I only give the greatest battles to My strongest Warriors!

I AM purposeful and deliberate in all that I do in your life. Seasons of testing and trials are inevitable, though I understand you may seek at times after a life of ease and comfort.

I know that that would be counterproductive, even destructive to the Destiny I have for you!

My ways may seem harsh and My methods controversial — and even contradictory to the ways of the World.

But — I AM more concerned about your Character, Beloved, than I AM about your comfort and ease!

A True Disciple is what I AM fashioning and forming within you. One who will see the violent winds and the raging waves, and will fearlessly and courageously step out of the boat to talk on the eaters with me.

One who has no fear of man, but will walk into the Fiery Furnace with Me — one whom I can trust, in which to manifest My Glory on the Earth.

So Beloved, be patient, hold fast though the days are getting darker, the Light of My Glory is getting brighter, and know that sufferings and afflictions are all working towards a consuming Glory — a Glory that shall diminish the darkness!

Therefore, lift up your voices — not in complaining or in unbelief — but in high Praises coming from a heart full of Hope, Expectation and Faith.

Rejoice in the Victory promised but not yet seen.

Celebrate in advance for the Triumph that is already yours!

Let the sound of a New Song fill and shift the atmosphere of doubt and fear, Satan cannot stand in the presence of Praise, his demonic assignments are cut down, and his evil deeds are dismantled and demolished.

Finally, beloved Mighty Overcoming Ones, let this day, not be a day of lethargy and passivity, regrets and complacency — but let this be the hour when you arise as Mt Spiritual Storm Riders.

As you place your life under My Loving Hand, I will lift you up and strengthen your bones.

Only believe — that I AM forming and fashioning you for higher things — to Rule and Reign from Heavenly Places, that you may take the land I have allotted to you as your Kingdom Inheritance!

I say, Take it! Take it now — and occupy till I come!”

Bev Cleary - December 2024


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Yes. The wealth transfer is taking longer  than you think it should. Yes. Some of you are hanging on by a thread. When you’ve done all you can do, stand, therefore! Look to Me. I Am your source. I will sustain you. Look for help in unexpected ways. Rejoice over the many that have only recently taken part of the Weath Transfer, the many who have just recently learned about it. Hope deferred is not hope denied.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

What is your assignment? What are you to do with the wealth once you have it? Now is the time to seek Me. There is a purpose to this wealth transfer. Everyone has a part to play. Open your eyes, your heart, your mind to the plans I have for you. Don’t stop asking, seeking ,knocking, till you get an answer. Time is running short. Begin now.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

(I received this after reading Isaiah 16:1 and 19:18.)

Five regions in America will be set aside from destruction during the end times. They will be My People, and I will be their God. From New York state will come another David, Leader of the Land. He will expel the enemy for good from your borders. He will be a general and a leader. He is not Donald John Trump. Barron Trump will rise during this time. He will be a leader as well and partner with General David, Leader of the Land. This part, the five regions are separate from Mystery Babylon. These regions have come out of her and do not share in her plagues. Only by becoming separate am I able to heal the land.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Ships at sea. Turmoil. Loss. Pray. Sowing and reaping takes it toil. Pray for grace and mercy instead. Rise up. Go higher. Protection for the armed on the high sea.  Protection and grace. Mercy. Yes. Mercy is undeserved.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Recharge. Renew. Restore. Sit, receive, be filled with My Glory. Let it wash over you, envelope you, enter into you until overflowing. Till it spills out, and you become a bright lantern shining for all to see.



Words I received this morning from Jesus:

(He started speaking to me while I was reading this passage:
Isaiah 26:20-21 20 Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the fiery has passed by. 21 For behold, the LORD is coming out from his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity, and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it, and will no more cover its slain.)

Separate yourselves during the time of the coming birth pang. You do not have to be part of it. Take cover. Take cover in Me. When the Holy Spirit tells you to duck, duck. When He tells you to abruptly turn left, turn left. When He tells you to prepare, prepare.


Words I received this morning from Father God:

Rejoice in the day. Rejoice today. Count your blessings one by one. My mercy endures. My grace is abundant, sufficient. Time stretches out as an act of grace, an act of mercy. The rewards pile up as time marches on. These rewards not currently present are to be given at a later time, yes, but will be given to an even larger degree. Taste and see that I Am good. I Am a good, good Father who gives good gifts.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Today is the day of double and echo. Echoes of the past ripples into the future. A doubling as time goes forward. Sowing and reaping increase. Reward and devastation increase. Watch the patterns of the past to see where the future direction leads.






Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Hold fast during the shakings of the market. Don’t let go of your blessings. Don’t let go of your faith. This is your inheritance. You are that generation that has been spoken about by the prophets. Be bold. Be courageous. Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.

(Merry Christmas, everyone!)


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Love Me with all your heart, soul, and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. The two greatest commandments. A foolish woman tears down her house with her own two hands. Build up. Build up. Prepare for My coming. Let’s build together. The Great COmission can not be accomplished if your time is spent tearing each other apart. Unity is powerful. There is insight and knowledge, and wisdom to be discovered in unity. A house divided can not stand.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

(He started speaking to me while I was reading this passage:
Isaiah 33:23,24 23 Your cords hang loose; they cannot hold the mast firm in its place or keep the sail spread out. Then prey and spoil in abundance will be divided; even the lame will take prey. 24 And no inhabitant will say, “I am sick”; the people who dwell there will be forgiven their iniquity.)

Is Isaiah 33:23,24 past, present, or future? I say it has not yet come to pass. Is it an echo of the children of Israel being led out of Egypt? No, I say it’s the opposite. The parting of the Red Sea, the silver, gold, and wealth plunder was the echo. The “no feeble among them” under Moses was the echo. Isaiah speaks of something more wonderful. Get ready.

Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Deception crouches at your door. False anointings. False prophets. False teachers. False ministries. Satan works at getting a foothold. Lean into Me. Seek the discernment only I can give. If you find your eyes suddenly open, do not be offended.  Understand man will fail you. I will not.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

There is wisdom in discretion. Do not cast your pearls before swine. When wealth comes to you, do not show it off to the enemy. It shall be taken from you. Those who walk softy and are careful about not bringing attention to themselves shall succeed. Think of your family. Do not put them in danger. Protect them. What they don’t have knowledge of can’t be used against them. Be wise as serpents, gentle as doves. Walk closely to Me so that I can guide you to your next step.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Humble. The key word is humble. Seek it out. Once found, stay there! In that place, I can use you. In that place, I can bring you higher. Pride, avoid it. It is death. It is darkness, a blindness that leads to destruction. Allow Me to lead you as in a dance. Follow My subtle hints to turn you this way or that, to step here or there. I seek only to bring you higher, but you must first position yourself by bringing your posture to one of humility.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

2025 is a building year. It is a year of restructure, reclaim, and renewal. 2025 is a year of turbulence, but mercy and grace as well. Build up, build up. Prepare the Way. It’s a year of preparation and also of long-suffering. Patience is needed for the year ahead. My Glory in America will shine even brighter this year than the last.

Fred Watkins The Unknown Prophet - God *REVEALED* These Events to Prepare Us All! - December 14, 2024

The father is telling me to post it and since Barry [Wunsch] has released it to others I have to believe that it’s okay. Barry is one of the prophets that I do watch occasionally and feel comfortable with his words that he brings and visions. This one [vision] as I said was given him on November the 27th 2024, and it is titled strategic plans for the Republic. I’m only going to give a portion of it as the father directs., From here on until otherwise noted I will be quoting Barry [Wunsch]. Barry says I want to mention as I get into this the need for prayer right now I cannot emphasize enough we need to hit these things in strategic weaponized prayer the Lord is exposing the enemy’s plans and along with what I am about to share this is a call to prayer. I will do my best here to articulate what I have been seeing.

The Lord has taken me in the spirit with President Trump in meetings. These were not typical everyday meetings these are meetings that resemble the founding fathers forging the rebirth of a Nation. The meeting spaces had been carefully planned and his trusted inner circle carried the assignments and meetings out with the utmost discretion to keep them off the radar. With great outcomes as they have been putting all the pieces together for the greater things ahead. I was taken into one meeting where Jesus was standing over the shoulder of president Trump with his hand on his shoulder, and overseeing the work the Lord had assigned him. There were two angels posted at the door and there were 12 governmental angels with red sashes standing on the room’s perimeter overseeing the meeting. The handpicked ordained gathering was being given assignments and they were being vetted and sorted out with the greatest care and oversight.

I was also aware that a house cleaning was going on. There were bad actors that were not going to be a part of the bigger plan at hand. They could not be trusted, and were so entrenched in the old, that they would be a hindrance to the new. They had to be removed, and so it was. The main and core had been working on this for many years and were now getting close to making things happen the moment they had been waiting for. I Knew by the spirit of God that these ones had been walking a very difficult road to put this together. Many from the team did not make it this far. Some being taken out covertly by the Enemy by awful Ways and Means. Others were under threat but were moving forward ever so carefully so as not to put themselves and others at risk. There were also those attacked by physical afflictions and illnesses. Others put into financial distress, and some were hit with it all. The enemy did what he could to stop their roles in God’s bigger plan and I skip a portion here.

There was no doubt that these god-loving and God-fearing men and women gathered here were working on the rebirth of the Republic of the United States of America. I saw that there was a collapse coming, and they were ready to go when it came time to do so. The corporation cor the corporation of the United States of America was bankrupt along with the Federal Reserve and it was just hanging on by a thread. The Lord had released angels of justice and they were doing a bidding of the task at hand. The stripping out and consequences were clearly coming to Bad actors. Criminals and treasonous officials on every level and every agency. I was taken into the DOJ and the FBI. They were packing their bags they were now on the run. They tried to hide and destroy evidence on the way out. But the Lord had gone ahead of them and nothing was going to be missing skipping another portion.

They were in full panic mode I watched as generals and white hats in a briefing were ready to go. The National Guard was on notice with the highest levels of trust. They were all aware of the deep States levels of threats to president Trump and to the American people. And the elevated state of high alert was on skipping another portion. The Lord took me by the spirit into Washington DC and a group of angels took me on a tour of DC. They had excavated the foundations to expose the Masonic cornerstones for me to see. These cornerstones had been intentionally laid and gave vector alignments Vector alignment points to build other Masonic related design architectural and infrastructure.

As I was writing this out. The Lord spoke to me and said Barry call my people to prayer prayer and fasting during this time bar tell my people that this is the first foremost a spiritual battle. It is not a political battle it is a spiritual one. The enemy is intent to kill steal and destroy. He is after the birthright of this nation and generations to come. The balance of America is at stake as are the Nations. I’m skipping another portion here. He said let my people know that I am going to use what the enemy has intended for evil to bring a Great Awakening and a Revival to America the Beautiful she shall fulfill her Destiny. …

Barry Wunsch - Justice is Coming to Canada & The United States of America, Patriot Brothers in Arms For Evermore - December 4, 2024

I would like to share about President Trumps Tweet this week.

Let me start by saying that the Lord has put in place ancient boundary stones establishing the borders between Canada and America.

I do not believe for one moment than President Trump has an intention of removing these boundary Stones put there by God.

Canada and America are undoubtedly Brothers in Arms.

There are prophetic destinies over Canada and America,

And even though they are different they are complementary.

Canada is called -The Leaves of the trees are for the healing of the Nations, and The United States of America has a call to bring Justice to the Nations.

That will never change, in fact we are going to grow closer than we ever have; but that does not mean that we will become the 51st date of the United States of America.

I believe that President Trump and his tweet the other day was a signal and a sign that has awakened the fear with the Canadian establishment and globalist government cabal leaders.

A few years ago, I was taken into an encounter where President Trump was in a massive warehouse where evidence was being gathered.

This evidence was in relation to crimes against humanity, election fraud and foreign interference, I knew Justin Trudeau and the Canada establishment was heavily involved along with the CCP.

I heard Sydney Powell at the time over allowed speaker giving instructions to those gathering evidence. This was a massive undertaking and would bring it all to the table for real justice to be had.

I also knew President Trump was a lead player in the planning and push behind this all.

There were big satellite dishes in the back of the warehouse for communications globally and there was intelligence and evidence coming in from around the world.

At one point president Trump came up to me and whispered in my ear, it was so real I could feel his hot breath on my ear as he whispered to me, “We will be coming to Canada to deal with Prime Minister Trudeau and others as soon as we get things control here in America.”

For the record, in that moment, I could tangibly feel the good heart of President Trump. His Love and compassion and his resolve to bring justice.

That was the gist of it.

So, at this moment in time with him coming into power my belief is that yes giving a friendly reminder to the Canadian establishment and deep state that he is coming after them.

The Canadian Liberals, NDP and the Federal Conservatives are all corrupt globalists that the Lord is going to deal with. The corrupt media is also on the list.

There will be nowhere for them to hide.

I can also say that I’m aware of Prime Minister Trudeau and others within the Canadian establishment that worked with a deep State global elites in America; the Obama’s the Bidens and the Clintons with an assassination attempt against President Trump several years ago.

It is my understanding that President Trump is well aware of these actions. Justice is coming.

I am with the understanding that this information is going to be made public, and it would be done so after the release of the P. Diddy situation that is now unfolding.

This will bring clear evidence forward against the Canadian cabal leaders deep state parliamentarians and their actions to suppress truth and to maintain control of these evil regimes.

There are also the charges that are coming in regard to Canadian Company Dominion Voting machines and the election interference they were involved with in the US Presidential Election 2020.

Canada / Trudeau, China and Deep State America leaders all on that list of charges!

Canada the True North and Free -Justice is coming!

America the Beautiful – Justice is coming!

Now, there was a second picture shared this week with President Trump in a RCMP uniform.

To me, is a signal that he is coming to Canada (one way or another) to bring arrests of these evil ones.

These guys are not going to get off the hook.

The crimes against humanity for which they are going to be charged and brought into military tribunals well shock the world.

And so, this is the real call to prayer coverage for President Trump and those that he’s walking closely with to get this done for they will try to do everything they can to stop him.

For this does not just relate to America but it clearly relates to Canada and other nations of the world.

There is a remnant in Canada that is a resistance postured for reformation here within Canada.

God is raising up godly men and women to stand up and lead and they are taking their place.

The real threat right now in Canada we have a published number of 6.1 million illegal immigrants here, but I’ve been told that numbers closer to 10 million.

Per capita that is a far harder statistic to look at than the American numbers per capita.

With the Chinese troops that are on Canadian soil and consideration has Canada stands up against these things we need the support and the help of President Trump and our American brothers and sisters to bring freedom to Canada.

Now is the time to press in and contend for the Lord to have His way in our Nations, to protect those of us on the front lines of this spiritual battle.

We need the prayer covering and support now more than ever.

Things are running extremely hot right now and will until the end of January 2025 and potentially beyond that.

There is much to do.

We are only getting started.

Julie Green - 2025, WHEN MY CHURCH WILL COME ALIVE . - December 9, 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, 2025 is a year to thrive. It is a year for My Church to come alive with a shift of power and a shift of the seven mountains of influence from the hands of the wicked to My Church. 

This year there will be a great political shift. Many governments that are against Me will begin to fall. A great economic shift will also start to take place because this is the hour when I will completely destroy your enemies’ source of power against you

In this year, you will see giants fall. You will see their global government and all their entities begin to be wiped out. You will see a great change in this Nation—justice being served. You will see more major players fall for the crimes and the corruption they have been a part of. 

You will start to see the real truth about your election system. You will start to see how many people really do not belong in your government. You will see an exodus out of your capital but not by their own choice. You will see where and how billions and even trillions of dollars were laundered through your government for themselves, their entities, and foreign enemies

You will see your enemies put up a great fight to try and stop all this from taking place, but you will see them stumble and fall away

In 2025, My Word will come alive in you, My children, because the great wake-up call is here, and a great awakening is taking place. You will not only see My Word come alive in your lives, but you will see more of My Word and My promises come alive on this Earth like never before. You will experience a great restoration of things you have been hoping and believing for. You will see how you are no longer just barely surviving. You will be thriving because I am the Lord God of abundance and more than enough. 

Right now, you see how bad things are financially across the world. Wait until you see what I do to your enemies’ economy, their interest rates, their inflation, and their taxation. Just watch how things begin to turn around for your good

My children, expect more from Me and receive more of My Glory manifesting in and through you. In 2025, you will start to see My Hand drive out your enemies from your land

In 2025, the United States will come alive more because it will be reborn. It will start to be the Nation it was meant to be. There will be a cleansing of nations and governments, but there will also be a cleansing of My Church right along with it. 

In 2025, there will be a great shift politically and spiritually. My children, receive what I have for you this year and every year moving forward—with Me. 

You will see a greater Exodus in 2025, and you will understand why I have been preparing you for this for so long. So, hold on because everything is about to change, says the Lord of Hosts. 

In 2025, you will start to see the big lie of 2020 destroyed. You will see pardons annihilated. You will see how many people in your government paid for the seats they stole. You will start to see judges being disbarred and removed. You will also see the beginning stages of the IRS being restructured. You will see what (your country) was really meant to be when it was part of a Republic and not part of a corporation. 

You will see liars and impostors exposed. You will see a crime syndicate in your capital collapse once and for all. You will see the hidden and dark secrets of the establishment come out, and that will tear them apart. You will see fake presidents exposed. You will see your enemies in a way you have never seen them before

You will see their wars cease for a time. You will Me and that I save nations in a day when I take out your enemies’ nations and their governments in the same day. And you will see that I will have the final say, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Victor: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

The Biden crime family will be completely exposed and brought down. “The Biden’s” mask will be removed, as will everything he was part of. 

Ukraine will be brought to nothing, and its government will collapse. And the people of that nation will be freed from the bondage of their control. 

My children, hold on for what next year brings. It is good for you and bad for all enemies who are against you, says the Lord. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Isa. 60:1-2
Isa. 54:17
Ps. 43:1
Ps. 44:1-7
Ps. 47:3, 8
Ps. 46:1, 7-10
Ps. 22:28
Dan. 2:21-22
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
Deut. 31:6
Deut. 33:27
Acts 2:17-18
Luke 10:19
Ps. 115:16
Eph. 3:20
Phil. 4:19
Mal. 3:10
Eccles. 1:9

Kathy Sheltie Lover - THE FATHER SAYS, "THE BELL OF VICTORY HAS SOUNDED!" - December 13, 2024

"A BELL is Ringing Establishing A GREAT Victory" "Victory is Yours This Day!"

Patty Teichroew - December 2024

Veronika West - America: Prophetic Alert: 10th January 2025 — 20th January 2025.. - December 13, 2024

URGENT: Prophetic Alert: 10th January 2025 — 20th January 2025

While driving to an appointment today, The Holy Spirit suddenly took me by The Spirit into the Month of January 10, 2025.

In that moment, I found myself standing in the spiritual realm, on that specific date, and I was made acutely aware by The Spirit of Revelation that this date held great significance.

The Holy Spirit then spoke to me, saying, “Daughter, I say, from this day, January 10th, until the day of Inauguration on January 20th, My People must watch and pray, for these will be days of great and intense spiritual contention in The Realm of The Spirit, for Satan will seek to bring forth a plan of destruction that will threaten the Destiny of a Nation.”

Friends, I submit this for Prayer.

During these specified ten days, I hear The LORD calling for His People to Rise as Watchmen on the walls!

This will be a time for fervent Intercession, for tearing down strongholds, and for declaring His Truth over every lie and demonic assignment that will seek to arise.

Prepare your hearts!

Seek Him diligently — and He will reveal the Warfare Strategies we need during this time!

Though the enemy desires to sow discord, fear and even destruction, The Spirit of The LORD says, “Fear not, for I AM raising up a Remnant who will Declare and Decree Peace, Unity and a Smooth Transition of Power for the fulfillment of The Kingdom Destiny of a Nation.

I say Watch! For The Eagles will soar at The Sound!”

… I walk among you at this time. and I am judging the Nations and rulers of Nations. and I am walking to and fro, throughout the Earth. to see who, who, who, is truly mine, says the spirit of God. and I am walking among the Earth. and I am looking for those, to bring to my Justice, now. for this is the time of my righteousness, and my Justice, that will be seen. I am the supreme God. and I am the supreme ruler. therefore pay attention to your court, that you call Supreme. and I have said to you. there shall be many vacancies that are going to quickly arise. and this will be at the power of my hand. there will be new faces, new places, new Graces given. what does it look like, when a court rules nine/nothing. what does it look like when things that they thought that they could shove, and hide, and say oh no we must create lawfare. we must create deception. we must create diversion. we must steal, kill, and destroy. and nothing will stop us. but God says I will show something through your courts called Supreme. that will show that I have ruled. and that my Justice will overthrow and overturn. and there are things that will be brought to the light and brought back to the table.

And there will be those who sat on your benches. and I do not speak just of your Supreme Court. but I speak of the courts, who have not ruled righteously. they have not ruled justly. and as Eli, a corrupt priest, fell from his seat. these who have been corrupt. pay attention, they will fall from their bench. I will do this as I’m resetting the Earth. but I’m resetting you, United States. Therefore, I said there is coming a December to remember. there is coming a January of justice. and there will be Fury in February, from the enemy. but you will March, March, March, into a new era. a new season that I’ve ordained at this time. the Earth will shake. the Earth will shake. the Earth will shake. and you will say what is this? the Fulfillment of what Yeshua said, that there will be earthquakes in various places. there will be great intensity of the natural soil of shaking. and there will even be that which they all say where there was no deaths. how could this be? I am the God that can hold, the very waves of the sea back. I am the god that has counted the stars, that each one worships and Praises me. I am the God that now will move through your courts, tribunals. Cuba, the soil of your land has given up many, who have already been brought to Justice. and I will show the Earth, those who are yet to be tried. and I will share with the Earth, those, who you thought were alive, that do not remain. This is My Justice. the enemy mocked you, ridiculed you, spoke falsely about you, and your God. Now, as I’ve said in my word, I the God of Heaven. from my Throne, I laugh. I laugh at the Heathen Nations. and I mock you.

But because you’ve touched something sacred, my people, but children. you will see a word that will arise, and it will manifest with great force. it is the word eradication. I will eradicate laws, judges, politicians. I will eradicate those who have stood for evil. and you will see as My Justice stands. as I eradicate, I will do what I did with the Egyptians, who pursued my people. they were no more. this is not a Time To Play With Fire. for my fire of my righteous burning, is burning now upon the hearts of men, and upon the Nations. I gave them an opportunity. I gave them a space to repent. but they would not. Therefore, you’ve seen what Mercy looks like. now you will see what Justice and judgment looks like upon the wicked. thank you Lord.

… Okay, I see a Christmas tree and at the same time I hear great Grace has been given. A ringing of a bell and alarm is being sounded in the spirit. Who is listening who is Awakening? Swift Decay upon the land. My people shall speak out from my glory words too hard to hear and. I see the word exposure …

Do you get it did you get the warning did you hear the Bell being let off in the spirit When Donald Trump o for the Lord rings the bell in the New York Stock Exchange. I was sitting here praying spending time with the Lord. And out of nowhere he goes Rings ringing the bell and he show me Donald Trump at the stock exchange and he show me this word. This is an alarm going off in the spirit. And look at what’s behind him, there is no more time. And in that word I seen Christmas and he said great grace. Aand that’s when he was talking about the ringing of the Bell. Guys, and it’s around Christmas time when Donald Trump is ringing this Bell with the word time behind him in the New York Stock Exchange. He’s showing us great grace. Who will heed to the warnings? It will all fall. It will all come tumbling down, says the Lord. The Goliath in the land and no more. Freedom is here. He’s saying that the stock market will crash soon and who is listening. Who’s paying attention to the signs? And I see people covering their ears again. Okay, the Lord is showing me his army 144k coming forward transform. Glory in the spirit for I am. Do not concede to the plans that the enemy has on your lives. Transformation is is taking place. And he’s saying even as I speak this and he’s saying that my people know who they are. The times are near, stay close by my side hold on to me and fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride.

Kim Clement – February 22, 2014

And the Spirit of God said to me, “This man has a humble stature, but he is a genius.”

And then I heard, “Gold.” I wasn’t sure if this was attached to his name, but He said to me, “He will restore the fortunes in this nation because of his brilliance.”

I couldn’t quite see his face, because that was not allowed, because there was a mist that covered all the people, and he was amongst them. And the Spirit of God made me look at him, and He said, “This man will throttle the enemies of Israel. This man will throttle the enemies of the West. And there are highly embarrassing moments that are about to occur for many, many politicians in this nation. There will be a shaking amongst the Democrats in the upcoming elections, but unsettling for the Republicans.” Why is God doing this? “For,” God said, “I am dissatisfied with what emerges from both parties.”

And then there is a nation, He showed me, He took me, itching for a new kind of war with America. “They will shout, ‘Impeach!’ ‘Impeach,’ they say, but nay. This nation shall come very subtly, but he shall not come in the time of President Obama. They shall come when this new one arises,

My David that I have set aside for this nation a man of prayer, a man of choice words, not a man who is verbose, who has verbosity, who speaks too much. They will even say, ‘This man is not speaking enough,’ but,” God says, “I have set him aside. They will shout, ‘Impeach! Impeach!’ but this shall not happen.

The Giant of Debt

“And then,” God says, “highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises, and people will become very afraid. They’ll say, ‘We have no protection.'” And then, God says, “Am I impressed with your weapons of war? Am I impressed with the strength of your men’s legs? Ha! I have said I will bring this nation to its knees, and,” God said, “you have been humbled, and yet some more, and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory. For where are the people gathered? Where are My people gathered? Where is the sound of unity from My people?

“In this next week, this man shall begin to emerge, and in the following two weeks, which is a three-week period, he shall slowly come to the fore. For they are saying, ‘How do we kill the giant? How do we kill the giant of debt? How do we kill the giant of socialism? How do we kill the giant of human secularism?’

I have placed that man amongst you, a humble man. And as Samuel stood before the brothers, and they had rejected David to come because of his age” take all these little remarks I’m giving you they are gems. The name and the word “gold” remember that. A man that is amongst them, but is young. And God says, “These that shall reject him shall be shocked at how he takes the giant down.

Now hear me, please. The giant of debt, the giants that have come, the brothers of Goliath, stand in glee watching America. “We will cripple you. You will lose your credit.” But God said, “Watch. I said 20,000. Look not to Wall Street; however, observe. And they shall say, ‘What is your plan for this giant?’ And he will take a simple stone,” (remember the name), “and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him, but the plan is so brilliant,” says the Lord. “It could only have been given by Me.

1 Samuel 14:

Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down, and cut off your head; and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give you into our hand.”

When the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine. And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone, and slung it, and struck the Philistine on his forehead; the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground.

So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine, and killed him; there was no sword in the hand of David.  Then David ran and stood over the Philistine, and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath, and killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.

1 Samuel 17:45-51 RSV


My children, there has been a massive data breach in your enemies’ servers. This has brought much panic to their camp, not knowing what has been seen or who has the information that was taken from their secret servers. 

Your enemies are petrified because now they do not know who to trust. They are all out to save themselves from the complete collapse. The information that My infiltrators have confiscated is catastrophic to their establishment. The amount of proof that is in the possession of My David and others with him will be used at the exact right time to bring down the whole house of cards and destroy the machine that has been running this Nation and others. 

This information has everything—from who has been blackmailed, sabotaged, set up, or murdered to every honey hole, and it shows where your enemies have hidden the money that is not accounted for in their record books. 

I will show you log after log, every money trail, and who it all leads back to. It lists every establishment participant, their assignments, and who paid them. It shows every foreign nation that was paid to spy on your Nation and all their informants in your government that gave them special intel so they could sabotage this country in every possible way. 

It will show their attempt to start WWIII and their attempt to collapse the dollar. It will also show every attempt that has been made against My David’s life, and the real number is staggering. It will show you who they have put by his side to betray him. It will show every dirty politician and all the dirty political games they have been playing. There is more video and audio evidence that is so unprecedented and catastrophic to the majority in Washington DC. There are also videos of the innocent being set up in vicious and cruel ways. 

Get ready for the explosion of proof and truth that will hit your enemies when they least expect it. They have a plan to lie and deny, but this time, it will not work because these are the days of Haman, and I will make sure every person receives the judgment they deserve, says the Lord of Hosts. 

To “the Biden”: you think you can protect Hunter from the coming catastrophic collapse of the Biden empire and save yourselves from the establishment letting you go. But, by pardoning Hunter, you just set off a chain of events that will further your fall, along with every person and part of your crime family. You are not who you say you are, and that truth is coming out. Your mask will be removed by Me, and all the crimes Joe committed will break wide open. Every person who allowed and paid him to do these crimes will be exposed, and it is more than just Obama. 

The Biden family is about to fall. “The Biden” is about to make yet another major mistake that will backfire on him and everyone with him. Justice will be served in this case, and they will pay for every crime they committed because of the undeniable proof of his friendship with Ukraine and all that he took part in over there. It is far more sinister than people originally thought. 

The dark secrets in Ukraine and the hidden honey holes will soon be exposed, and it will bring down everyone who helped with this corruption. The machine controlling the nations and that system are all collapsing before your very eyes, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Acosta: this company will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Siberia will be in your news for a significant reason.  

Lyle: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

I will say again: Lloyd Austin will be in your news for an unprecedented reason. He is one that will fall after being exposed for everything he took part in

My children, these are the days of great removals and great exposures. No one against Me can hide or get away from all the evil and corruption they took part in. Hold on because these great removals will cause a great shaking in the Land of My Eagle, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 37:12-13
Ps. 2:4
Ps. 54:4-5
Eph. 5:13
John 3:20
Job 7:7
Ps. 140:8
Ps. 33:10
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
John 17:14
Isa. 54:17
Amos 3:7

Chris Bennett - The Lessons of History - December 10, 2024

The LORD has been showing me some history of Revivals.

More exactly, He has been showing me history leading up to Revival — what folk back then were doing before Revival happened.

He took me to the Hebrides, where I saw Peggy and Christine Smith sobbing and crying out to The LORD for a move of God to water their dry land.

I saw other folk from the Hebrides prostrate before God, repenting their own sin, and crying out to God for mercy!

I saw Evan Roberts, Seth Joshua, and many others all calling people to repentance and crying out to The LORD for mercy and for revival.

I saw William Seymour and many of the old revivalists in open air meetings, urging the people to repentance and to prayer for that breakthrough in the Spirit that came a short while later.

I saw Dwight Moody, William Booth and others out in the streets preaching, praying, and preparing the way for the ‘successes’ that followed.

I saw Wesley, Whitfield, and Edwards walking mile after mile to preach in a new town, then calling repentance and awakening to their world.

I saw blood, sweat, and tears before The LORD in ways of which our generation knows nor understands little or nothing!

I asked, knowing the answer in part, why I was seeing all these heroes of yesteryear.

The answer I got was this — “There are lessons to be learned from these precious few who walked this road before you.

They paid a price that few today are willing to pay.

They poured their life and their soul out before Me.

They were willing to give their very lives for those they sought to save.

These few gave Me everything. They spent hours grasping the horns of the altar pleading for mercy — for themselves and for those around them.

They went without sleep, without food, without places to rest — often for weeks at a time in order to bring My Love before the unsaved sinner.

I have not seen such dedication today.

I do not see many crying out for hours, often through the night, for Me to move by My Spirit once more in your time.

Tell My People – there must be repentance, there must be humility, and there must be greater unity among My People before I can fully manifest My Spirit in Revival.

Learn from your predecessors, those who trod this path before you.

If you do not, then Revival will be slow in coming.

It will manifest in other parts of the world before you.

It will come — but your lack of commitment — your lack of willingness to pay the price — your lack of true repentance will delay everything.

The Prince of Persia still defies My Angels, even as he did in Daniel’s day.”

Pay the price, win the crown of revival!

Church — to your knees!

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE THROUGH CONTROLLING YOU .. - December 5, 2024

Woe to you in the FDA. I am coming for you this day. You were given instructions to allow things to be put in the food that will bring devastation and destruction to this Nation. That is about to be destroyed by Me, says the Lord. 

My children, the FDA was paid by your leaders to poison your food and drink to bring about multiple types of diseases and death. This is part of the establishment, and it is linked to big pharma; these are not two separate entities. Even though it may look one way, it is actually another way. I will show you the ones who control them and how they work together to make you weaker so they can control you more. 

All of your enemies’ sick and evil agendas are about to be brought out into the open, to be exposed and annihilated. (This includes) their system that has been controlling you. Those days are over, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Iran has a plan against you, oh United States, but it will be stopped. I will expose the money that was given to Iran by DC for a plan that was drawn up and designed by the leaders of this Nation. Many leaders are in on this, (wanting) to bring terror to the United States, but their money and their lines of communication are being cut off and brought to nothing

Hackers will be in your news for a significant reason. Your leaders helped these hackers spy on you and steal information to control you even more. 

The World Wide Web and all its dark secrets will soon come out and be destroyed by Me, says the Lord. 

Woe to you, Bill Gates. You will not have that planned pandemic you and your friends designed. You will not have another 2020 all over again or even worse, as you have so desired. Your name will be connected to many, and you will lose everything. Microsoft will soon be ripped from your control because that too will be exposed for what you and the globalists have been doing with this company. It is about to fall, and none of you nor this design will get back up again

Jeff Bezos: you will be exposed. Scandal after scandal will plague you. The secrets you tried to bury regarding your lifestyle that you do not want the public to know about will soon be exposed. You will fall in unprecedented ways along with Amazon. What you are hiding behind this company and how you are using it as a front will be annihilated by Me, says the Lord. Your billions will not save you from the judgment that is coming to you

Another big-name artist will take a hard hit, and many will be exposed with them. I told you there is much more to Diddy and Epstein that will be revealed. 

To those who are fleeing the United States to be safe: you will not last long where you are. Even your celebrity status will not protect you from the judgment that is coming for all of you, says the Lord. 

Watch as judge after judge is removed. Some will say they are retiring, but they are being forced out. Many whistleblowers are coming out with proof, and real justice will be served by Me, says the Lord. 

Con artist: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. Many political leaders are about to be exposed for what type of people they really are. 

My children, stand praying. You still have snakes and wolves in your capital. Some are trying to come in disguised as part of President Trump’s new administration. You have the power in this hour to shout them out. I told you to hold the line because your enemies will not give up without a fight

So, fight back with My Words. Call them all to be exposed. Call them all to fall. Call them all to be removed. Continue to pray for My David to have the right people by him. There are some by him that are not there for the right reason, not just politically, but spiritually too. So, stand (in prayer) for your leaders. Stand (in prayer) for the spiritual awakening in this Nation and for what it really needs, which is for My Glory to fall over this Nation and over the true leaders of this country

I am through with this Nation (being) the way it has been. It will rise to be the Nation it has been called to be, despite your enemies’ efforts to destroy it

My children, an end is coming to your enemies, but it is not without you standing on My Words for your freedom from all the hands of the wicked, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, you are seeing the beginning of the walls of the establishment starting to crumble and fall away. You are seeing their influence dwindling throughout the world. You are seeing their leaders being exposed for who they really are. You are seeing their power slipping through their fingers. 

You are about to see the walls of the mainstream media collapse in front of you. People who have been silenced by threats and blackmail are now daring to come out with proof of what really has been going on with the propaganda machine. Soon, many will fall, including major players in the news industry, major journalists, and TV talk show hosts. Some who are still admired soon will not be. 

Dark circles that surround the establishment’s control of the news are being broken even as I speak these words. The proof is coming about how Washington and the elites around the world controlled what was allowed to be said through the airwaves to control the nations. Dark scripts are coming to light (showing who had) financial control over each network and every person, and they will lead you to who really was in charge. Money trails will be linked to many shocking individuals who are still being kept hidden and have been a part of everything, even though it may have appeared that they were wholesome and good. Soon, you will learn the truth about it all

Drugs are about to be in your news for a significant reason. Many establishment secrets have been buried by sabotaging the ones who knew these secrets—drugging them, staging things to look one way, and then taking photos or videos for blackmail. They blackmailed individuals who were against the machine or threatened the machine’s existence. I have told you repeatedly that many things are not how they appear to be. Drug abuse in Washington is far worse than people realize. I am taking out all the drug cartels that are in your capital. 

My children, ask yourselves these questions: 

Your leaders know about drugs being smuggled in through your border but do not do anything about it. Why? Your leaders have allowed terrorists into your Nation. Why? Your leaders knew about a pandemic before it was one. How? Your leaders hid money in other nations by saying it was foreign aid. Why? Your leaders are attacking your energy supply and paying foreign nations for things like oil, when you have plenty of your own. Why? 

Your leaders have hidden dark secrets, like who truly killed JFK. Why? They are stonewalling and delaying (the investigation about) what truly happened in Butler, PA—the attempted assassination of President Trump. Why? There is way more to this story that is still being hidden. There was more than one shooter for JFK and President Trump, and all will be revealed. 

Your leaders are not helping to defend Israel. Why? Your leaders purposely wanted other nations to make goods that you could easily make in your own Nation. Why did it change? 

Your leaders bailed out the big banks in 2008. Why? Your leaders cannot account for billions of dollars that have been lost. Why? Your leaders tried to impeach, indict, and kill President Trump. Why? Your leaders continually stole your elections for decades. Why? Your intelligence community and those agencies are working more against you than working to protect you and this Nation. Why? 

Soon, My children, you will have the answers to all of these questions. The truth will pour out exposing every dirty deal, every money trail, every dirty politician, every dirty judge, and every dirty person in the intelligence community and the military. You name it. When I said I was cleaning house, I meant it. I am not leaving anything out, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Travis Scott will be in your news for a shocking reason. I told you the entertainment industry is not done shaking, and many more like him will be exposed. 

The NBA world is about to be rocked. Scandal after scandal will destroy the walls of protection they have had because of the establishment. The sports world and every dark and dirty secret will be exposed in a major way

The truth about the chemtrails will finally be revealed. Your leaders have tried to imply conspiracy about everything they are hiding, but it will no longer work. Everything they have labeled as a conspiracy that was not will come out into the open

My children, I am keeping your enemies on their toes as they are being fully exposed. Everything they continue to hide, deny, or try to stay in control of will be wiped away right in front of them with no way of stopping this collapse of their power

The White House chief of staff will be exposed, as will everyone before him who also committed the same crimes. 

Hillary and Bill Clinton’s dark past is about to come out into the open in a major way because even the big establishment players are about to fall big time

My children, the time has come for more shaking in this Nation and around the world. Stand strong because the giants are coming down, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE IN A STATE OF DISARRAY. - December 3, 2024

My children, your enemies are in a state of disarray and a growing state of panic. They can see the potential catastrophe of their plans and agenda. They see them completely collapsing with no way of recovering from the damage caused by the election loss and the continual loss of momentum and influence they had over the masses. 

Right now, foreign nations are working with the establishment to further the efforts to stop a Trump presidency. They realize they need to join forces because if they do not, all their governments will collapse, and they will lose everything. 

Trudeau: you think you are sly, meeting with My David to hear what he has to say, trying to get on his good side while collecting enough information and data to give to your puppet masters to try and help take him out. You are trying to play both sides. I told you, Justin, and all who are with you, it is too late for you. I see who you are working with and your plans to try and stay safe by cooperating with the Soros bunch, the Bill Gates group, and the secret societies. It does not matter who your money backers are or how you try to play this game. Your game is about to end. You will not stay where you are, and neither will anyone with you. It is time for judgment and the removal of anyone who is against Me, says the Lord. 

Zelinsky: I see what you are up to in your partnership with “the Biden” and his regime in DC. I also see what you are trying to pull off with more potential allies in NATO. You think that if they are on your side, you will be safe, but you will not. Not only will I remove you, but NATO and everyone who is part of it will also collapse

Woe to those who partner up against My Nation, the United States, and My David. Your strategies and attacks against this Nation, its economy, or its citizens will not work. Not only will each of you be exposed, but your empires and your governments will collapse in a day—China, Iran, Ukraine, Canada, Iraq, and Afghanistan, all who are trying to help stop My Nation from rising. You will not only see it become stronger, but at the same time, you will see your country become weaker and then become nothing. Every infiltrator you send into My Nation, and the attacks that you send them here to do will be stopped because enough is enough, and I am through with you, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Chaos will consume your enemies’ resistance against this Nation. Every person who rises up in defiance against this country will fall with nothing stopping their collapse. My children, many of the political figures you see now, you will soon not see again

Michigan will be in your news for a significant reason. Corruption will be exposed on a major scale. Watch for what comes out about Whitmer and all who are with her. Every crime is about to be exposed in an unprecedented way

Newsom: your empire and control over California is about to come to an abrupt end. You cooperated in treasonous acts. You personally helped steal seats and elections, including your own. Someone very close to you is about to turn on you. You cannot win. I will not only bring you down, (I will also reveal) every crime that has been committed in your state by the Hollywood elites and many others in Napa Valley which you helped to conceal or hide. What you are trying so desperately to cover up and hide in your state is about to come out which will bring everyone and everything down with you. Newsom, you are through, says the Lord. 

For all the made-up stories that came from the left and the rhinos of the establishment that were used to blackmail and threaten those who are coming into this Trump administration or anyone against their system, I have proof what you are trying to do. And someone right next to you is about to betray you in a catastrophic way. Regarding your old ways of controlling and manipulating the system, everything, and everyone, those days are over, says the Lord of Hosts. 

New York City will continue to be in your news. This city will shake until a complete cleansing of all the corruption that has controlled this city takes place. Watch Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, and anyone like them. They will no longer be where they used to be because they are being removed by Me, says the Lord. 

Oh, yes, to all the corrupt judges who took part in going after My David and all the innocent people with him: you will all pay and be disbarred because I am the Judge over all the Earth. I am the One Who removes those against Me, and I replace them with whom I choose

Rudy Giuliani is about to be vindicated in a major way. To those who were paid to sue him and destroy his life: I will prove how it was the establishment that protected and paid you to steal the election in 2020 and helped to take down Rudy. To every person who helped steal any election: the truth is coming for you, and soon, justice will be served. 

Mike Lindell will be vindicated. 

Alex Jones will be vindicated. 

Donald Trump and his entire family will be vindicated. 

Anyone who has been associated with My David who was wrongfully accused or had their lives destroyed because they stood up against the establishment will also be vindicated. And everything lost or stolen because of these enemies will be given back to them in abundance. 

My children, the same goes for you. Great vindication is coming to My Church to those who stood and kept their hearts fixed on Me. Great is your reward because the days of restoration in unprecedented ways are coming, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Flashback to May of 2024 - Veronika West - Damascus Destruction and World War Three - May 13, 2024

Damascus Destruction and World War Three
May 18, 2024 Veronika West

Prophetic Alert!

At exactly 3:33 this afternoon 17th May, while driving I suddenly heard these words, and I literally had to pull off the road to write them down.

”I say, Watch and Pray! For The Invasion of Rafah will become the catalyst for the eventual destruction of Damascus, which will open the door to a Third World War!”

As I began to pray, The Holy Spirit quickened to me Isaiah 17, which says,

“”Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city and will become a fallen ruin. The cities of Aroer are forsaken; they will be for flocks to lie down in, and there will be no one to frighten them. The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim,and sovereignty from Damascus. And the remnant of Aram; they will be like the glory of the sons of Israel,” declares The LORD of hosts.
“Now in that day the glory of Jacob will fade, and the fatness of his flesh will become lean. It will be even like the reaper gathering the standing grain, as his arm harvests the ears, or it will be like one gleaning ears of grain. In the valley of Rephaim, yet gleanings will be left in it like the shaking of an olive tree, two or three olives on the topmost bough, four or five on the branches of a fruitful tree,” declares The LORD, the God of Israel.
In that day man will have regard for his maker. And his eyes will look to the holy one of Israel. He will not have regard for the altars, the work of his hands, nor will he look to that which his fingers have made, even the Asherim and incense stands.
In that day their strong cities will be like forsaken places in the forest, or like branches which they abandoned before the sons of Israel; and the land will be a desolation. For you have forgotten the God of your salvation.
And have not remembered the rock of your refuge. Therefore you plant delightful plants. And set them with vine slips of a strange God.
In the day that you plant it you carefully fence it in, and in the morning you bring your seed to blossom; but the harvest will be a heap. In a day of sickliness and incurable pain.
Alas, the uproar of many peoples who roar like the roaring of the seas, and the rumbling of nations who rush on like the rumbling of mighty waters!
The Nations rumble on like the rumbling of many waters, but he will rebuke them and they will flee far away, and be chased like chaff in the mountains before the wind, or like whirling dust before a gale. At evening time, behold, there is terror! Before morning they are no more.
Such will be the portion of those who plunder us. And the lot of those who pillage us,” Isaiah 17:1-14.

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE ABOUT TO LOSE IT ALL - December 2 , 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are about to lose it all—their money, control, influence, and their system. Everything they have is about to collapse in front of you. 

Their walls in Hollywood are about to fall, and everything they have done will be exposed. P. Diddy is just the beginning of the fall of the Hollywood elites. Some are scrambling behind the scenes to make deals to save themselves from the annihilation of Hollywood as you know it. 

Directors will fall. Producers will fall. Hollywood elites will fall. All their crimes and their extreme corruption will be (brought) out into the open, as will their ties to the establishment and other nations for global control and influence over the masses. Hollywood’s dark secrets and every connection it has to globalists, child trafficking, and how it has helped with transgenderism, brainwashing, and propaganda to change the minds of the young generations (will also be exposed). 

How the CIA and the FBI are also connected to Hollywood and how much control they have over what is said and done on TV shows and movies, how much control (there is) over actors, actresses, and all who work in Hollywood (to keep them) from telling the truth on what is really going on behind the scenes, and how the three letter agencies controlled not only Hollywood but all the social media outlets will shock this Nation. 

Hollywood has helped to steal and influence elections, and more of them than you think. I told you before, and I will say again, many are playing major roles in Washington. And soon, those actors will be unmasked. 

Another well-known celebrity is about to take the fall for some of the Hollywood elites even though they were once part of the inner circle. Desperation is growing to hide what they cherish the most. It is darker and more sinister than you think in Hollywood. Many actors and actresses are being blackmailed to keep quiet because some of the elites believe this will pass and then it will be business as usual. But when the establishment goes, so will Hollywood

Many billionaires will fall along with the Washington machine and Hollywood because of their connections to corporate America and the banking system, which is one big machine controlling the nations

My children, brace for the system to be torn apart by Me. Your day-to-day lives will change. Your normal will change. Your freedoms will change. Your health will change. Your financial system will change. But as your enemies’ house of cards crumbles, your lives and nations will be stronger than ever. These are the days for My Church and My Covenant to be experienced on this Earth. So, get ready for a great political and spiritual shift that is taking place right now because the winds of change are blowing, and My Hand is moving across this world to change everything as you know it, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Nostradamus: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

A traitor in My David’s midst is about to be exposed and removed

Callaway: this name and company will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

I told you that your enemies would let Kamala go. They are not done with that plan yet. Just watch and see what they let out into the airwaves against her, which will finally finish her off once and for all

“The Biden” is being threatened to keep his mouth shut and to stay out of the spotlight. But some of his dirty secrets are about to be put out in the open because the establishment wants to put the final nail in his coffin, you would say. 

A terrorist attack will be in your news, one that will not complete its original target or plan because your enemies are being held back by Me, says the Lord. 

Colorado: a major scandal in your state is about to come out into the open. There are many things that your government leaders are hiding from you that soon they will not be able to keep hidden. 

The election fraud and election interference in the 2024 election are about to blow up in your enemies’ faces. Just watch how quickly this will be made right and how fast your enemies’ plans will fall apart on how they control the elections for their own political gain. 

It is all coming to an end because it is time for your enemies to receive the judgment that is coming for them. It is time for justice to be served once and for all, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic Word: Strategic Plans for the Republic. - November 27, 2024

I want to mention as I get into this, the need for prayer right now. The Lord is exposing the enemies plans and along with what I am about to share – This is a call to prayer. I cannot emphasize this enough; we need to hit these things in strategic weaponized prayer! We need God now more than ever! From what I am seeing prophetically there are still a lot of things going on off screen right now. We are in a game of 5D Chess right now. For the past few weeks, I have been seeing some things going on that appear to be going on off the radar. I will do my best here to articulate what I have been seeing.

The Lord has taken me in the spirit with President Trump in meetings. These were not typical everyday meetings; these are meetings that resemble founding fathers forging the rebirthing of the Nation. The meeting spaces had been carefully planned and his trusted inner core carried the assignments and meetings with the outmost discretion to keep them off the radar with great outcomes as they have been putting all the pieces together for the greater things ahead.

I was taken into one meeting where Jesus was standing over the shoulder of President Trump with His Hand on the Presidents shoulder and overseeing the work the Lord had assigned to him. There were two angels posted at the door and there were a dozen governmental angels with red sashes standing on the rooms perimeter overseeing the meeting. This handpicked ordained gathering was being given assignments and they were being vetted and sorted out with the greatest care and oversight. I was also aware that there was a house cleaning going on. There were bad actors that were not going to be part of the bigger plan at hand. They could not be trusted, and were so entrenched in the old, they would be a hinderance to the new, they had to be removed. And so it was.

The main core here had been working on this for many years, and now were getting very close to making things happen. The moment they had been waiting for. I also knew by the Spirit of God that these ones had been walking a very difficult road to put this together, and many from the team did not make it this far. Some being taken out covertly by the enemy by awful ways and means. Others were under threat but were moving forward ever so carefully not to put themselves or others at risk.
There were also those attacked by physical afflictions and illness, others put into financial distress, and some were hit with it all. The enemy did what he could to stop their roles in Gods bigger plan. This meeting I was in had a set of ornate gold binders that were labeled “Strategic Plans for the Republic”. It had a train embossed on the front cover with the number 45. There was no doubt that these God-loving and God-fearing men and women gathered here were working on the Rebirth of the Republic of the United States of America.

I saw that there was a collapse coming, and they were ready to go when it came time to do so. The Corporation of the United States of America was bankrupt, along with the Federal Reserve and it was hanging on by a thread. The Lord had released Angels of Justice, and they were doing the bidding for the task at hand. The stripping out and consequences were clearly coming to bad actors, criminals and treasonous officials on every level in every agency. I was then taken into the DOJ and the FBI and they were packing their bags. They were on the run now.

They had tried to hide and destroy evidence on the way out, but the Lord had gone ahead of them and there was nothing that was going to be missing. There remained copies of everything that would be needed to bring justice. They were in full panic mode. I watched as the Generals and the White Hats in a briefing and were positioned and ready to go. The National Guard was on notice with the highest levels of trust. They were all aware of the Deep States high level threats to President Trump and the American people and the elevated state of high alert.

The demonically driven Deep State was more than prepared to take drastic actions to stop the January 6, 2025 election certification and President Trumps January 20, 2025 inauguration. The Deep State had assets and cells inside and outside the establishment to deploy the darkest of agendas. Just as the enemy had assets in place, so did the Lord; specially assigned undercover agents as well as an angelic host working on His behalf. The Lord was going to use this all to expose and overturn things as needed.

The Lord took me by the Spirit of God into Washington DC, and a group of Angels took me on a tour of DC. They took me to a couple of buildings in DC, they had excavated the foundations to expose the Masonic cornerstones for me to see. These cornerstones had been intentionally laid and gave vector alignment points to build other Masonic related design architectural and infrastructure. At that point I was acutely aware of the spiritual foundation and the battle that was at hand to see the re-birth of the Nation on Godly foundations.

As I was writing this out, the Lord Spoke to me and said: “Barry, call my people to prayer, prayer and fasting during this time. Barry, tell my people that this is first and foremost a spiritual battle. This is not a political battle. It is a Spiritual one. The enemy is intent to kill, steal and destroy. He is after the birthright of this Nation and generations to come. The balance of America is at stake as are the Nations.
Call My people to pray and fast and to come against the dark plans of the enemy.

Call My people to Worship me and shift the atmosphere over this Nation.
Call my people to stand in the light and be the light in the dark places!
Tell My people it is time to take it to the public square!
Break up the fallow ground and prepare for the harvest that is at hand!

Barry, tell my people this is a time of strategic tactical intercession. This Nation shall be built on my foundations, not the foundations of false gods! Let my people know that I am going to use what the enemy has intended for evil to bring a great awakening and revival to America the Beautiful! She shall fulfill her destiny! Hold fast unto me, as I am to you! Watch and see My redemption flow through this great land!

There is nothing that will stand in My way to see my people free! Holy is the word of the Lord


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, the checks and balances of this Nation will soon be corrected by Me. This machine running your Nation has been left unchecked and is out of control in every way possible. The most powerful man-made system that controlled the nations and brought them under their submission is about to be brought to nothing in front of the world

The branches of your so-called government are unrecognizable and not at all how they should be running. The abuse of power with the constitution of this great Nation is about to come to an abrupt end. 

Oh, United States, the establishment came in and abolished the checks and balances out of existence in your government. This abuse of power and the tyranny that continued with this rogue government body will be wiped out by Me. I told you, My children, I do not need an election to remove people from these positions, especially when they have committed treason and are corrupt in every way. 

This establishment will be wiped off the face of this Earth, you would say, and you will see how a government really should be governing.  

My children, you have been lied to and deceived out of many things that belonged to you. Now you will experience what a free country really is and how your politicians are not your overlords. They are employed by you. I will also remove the corporation that has been suffocating this Nation and your freedoms. And I will remove its power throughout this Earth. 

Oh, My United States, you will be a Republic once again (after) this political shift, which will remove the establishment, the old guard, and all its systems and destroy their existence. Any and every agency that does not belong will not stand

Also, the government’s out of control spending will not stand. Their crime syndicates will not stand. Their IRS will not stand. Their Federal Reserve will not stand. Their judicial system and every corrupt judge will not stand. I will show you what a true judicial system really looks like, what agencies actually belong, and what government spending really should be. Soon, you will see that everything will change because of Me, says the Lord. 

Arlington, Virginia will be in your news for a shocking reason. The DC secrets that have been buried there will soon be revealed

Bank of America is about to be exposed in a major way. Many banks will collapse and go under after the shaking that takes place in the banking world. I am cleansing out corruption everywhere. Dark secrets have been hidden in many of the major government-owned banking systems. My children, watch the banking giants collapse and new ones rise that are not run and controlled by the establishment of this Nation, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, I will say this again: your government has hidden many secrets in the bills that were passed, but these secrets will all come out. Checks will be made, and when they are, a great shock will hit many as they realize your government was all a sham, a massive scam in front of you. But I will make sure you get back everything they stole from you, says the Lord. 

An NSA whistleblower is coming out to expose and wipe out the control the establishment had over your privacy. Every part of their system that invaded, controlled, and destroyed your lives will be annihilated in this new season. I am crushing your enemies’ power in this hour, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Watch what will happen to Wall Street. An explosion of truth is coming about how it was designed for your enemies (and to be) against you. Soon, you will see it ripped apart and a new one put in its place. Many things have been hidden in the financial system of this Nation. Your enemies will do everything to hide, but soon, this system will be brought to nothing in front of you. 

My children, I am moving your enemies out of your land with My mighty Hand. Continue to speak My Words. Continue to stand. I will show you that I am still the Great I AM, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, this election victory marks a new season moving forward, not just politically but also spiritually. In this new season, you will enjoy restorations you did not even know were possible. 

(There will be) a shift of power and property. You have entered into a time when My children will have more opportunities to grow in great faith because the storms, tests, and trials will soon seem like nothing compared to the power that lives on the inside of you

In this season, I am pouring out My Glory, and with that comes great revelation, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. I am opening the windows of Heaven and pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh who will receive it and great miracles that will not be denied. 

My children, this season marks a refreshing from the bondage and torment that caused great devastation and destruction in your lives. In this new season, you will see your enemies no more on the world stage like you had before. 

In this new season, you will see world leaders fall and new ones replace them. You will see the economy change to how it was meant to be. You will see My Church arise and My Words respected like never before. You will see the power of My Church rise throughout the nations, and the influence will be in the hands of My people, not in the enemy. 

“Lord, this sounds too good to be true.” Well, My children, I will show you My goodness, which will flow throughout this Earth in unprecedented ways for healing the masses, for the great awakening, along with the great harvest of souls before the time of the end, before the Great Tribulation. I have great things in store for My children. So be expecting big things from Me, says the Lord. 

Some big-name politicians will be exposed. Some that were protected by the establishment will soon be let go. Watch as more people come out boldly against Nancy Pelosi and others like her who are to blame for the election defeat. There are also people turning on the Obama regime for picking Kamala and Joe to be the puppets that led them to this great defeat. 

My children, your enemies are shattered and shocked that Kamala was picked. She cost them not only the presidency but also the House and the Senate. She was a crushing blow to the establishment. They are trying to focus on putting those pieces back together. 

You will see the establishment turn on Mitch McConnell. The old guard will be replaced with new faces, a younger generation, and some will be even more extreme than the old guard. But everyone they choose to replace the old guard with will be an even greater mistake because no matter who they choose, they lose

Woe to those governors who are resisting My David. Truth is coming for you. None of you will stay in your seats, and it does not take an election to remove you, for I, the Lord, am shaking all who are in power and against My Will for this Nation. The ones you are trying to protect will turn on you because the days of Haman are here. So, to those in Washington and leadership roles in the states: you will soon regret the foreign militia you are protecting. Truth is coming, and none of you will stay where you are, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A great shaking is coming to every sanctuary city—every made-up law or twisted version of the law that protects the noncitizens of this Nation. Not only will the leaders be shaken out of their seats of power, but so will the criminals you have sheltered in those cities. I will expose how much money has really gone to the foreign militia in each state and in this country. The truth of why they are here will soon be clear

With this shaking that is coming comes truth, and with truth, there is freedom. A cleansing is taking place everywhere. No matter the opposition, it will all be for nothing because I will have the final say, says the Lord. 

A storm is brewing in Chicago. It will cleanse the city of the political mob bosses who have been controlling it

Canada, I have not forgotten about you. Just as My David is returning to the presidency, you will see Trudeau fall before you and everyone with him. My Glory will spread across your Nation like never before, and the ones who controlled and enslaved you will not be found. They will not be able to stop My Hand from moving across your land. 

Nations will change across this Earth. Economies will change. Freedoms will be celebrated. The oppression that people have been under because of the globalists is over, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Woe to you in the midst of My David, who are pretending to be on his side. You think you are sly and conniving enough to get away with what you have been paid to accomplish. You have gotten into the inner circle. You think you are right where you want to be. (Just wait) until I pull the rug from underneath your feet. You will fall by your own sword. 

You have your orders and plans. You think you have the information you have been paid to retrieve, but little do you know, it was all a setup for you and all your buddies in the establishment to be exposed and disposed of. The information you have received will boomerang right back onto you in front of the world’s stage. You are Judases. You are snakes. You are deceivers. And the days of Haman are here. You believe you truly have what you need to bury My David. Instead, this will be done unto you and all who are with you, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Explosive surveillance footage is about to surface that most Washington, DC bureaucrats do not want out in the open. This footage has not only caught them in the act of many crimes, but it will also prove the innocence of others

There is more January 6th footage that was buried. Some truly believed it was deleted or destroyed. But those videos will come out (and show) what happened that day inside the building and everyone who played a part, acting as if they were afraid for their lives when, all along, they knew they were deceiving the Nation. 

AOC, Nancy, Chuck, Lindsey, Mitch, and many others: I am speaking to many of you on both the side of the red and the side of the blue. I, the Lord, am coming for you

I will also show your attempts to impeach him (President Trump)—who exactly planned it out and everyone involved. You think that because many years have passed no one cares, and no one will investigate what you tried to pull on the American people and against My David. But (the truth) is quite the contrary because (despite) the architects and the blueprints to every piece of the puzzle, and (despite) every time you sabotaged his campaign and presidency in his first term, even with your constant sabotaging efforts, he still accomplished so much. So, this time and in this term, all who were against him should be very afraid

Your establishment and your entire system will be ripped apart piece by piece. Every piece of dirt, every piece of evidence, all the corruption, everyone who murdered, everyone who blackmailed, everyone who stole, everyone who trafficked, every lie, every dirty trick, and all the books you cooked will be put out on display as you fall away

My children, the coming explosion of proof of so many phone calls and audio recordings is unprecedented. They have all been caught red-handed in shocking ways. It will soon be clear as to who is really in the establishment and who is not. For the ones who are not, great vindication is coming. For those whose seats and positions were stolen, they will be given back to you, says the Lord. 

My children, your enemies’ backroom deals will soon be backroom no more. Many have been recorded, and soon, I will show the plans they have against My David before and after his inauguration. The shaking in Washington has just begun, and your enemies are about to turn and run because the writing is on the wall. For those leaders, it is becoming clearer that their end is near, says the Lord. 

Adam Schiff is up to no good. He has been on the quieter side when in the public’s eye, but behind closed doors, he has been shouting very loudly to stop President Trump. He has a group of his peers planning and plotting. But Adam Schiff and all who are with him are about to take a great fall. You will see them removed by Me

A scandal is about to consume Governor Pritzker. This is just the beginning of bringing down people like him. I told you governors would fall, but you will be shocked by how many are removed by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A classified document that your enemies thought they had buried will come back to haunt people in Washington. Those who classified this document, those who hid this type of corruption, and those who took part in it will be exposed. And they will all soon be where they used to be no more

Century Company will be in your news for a shocking reason. I told you many companies in this Nation have been a front for the establishment. That is all coming to an end

My children, the shaking in this Nation is about to intensify. So, pray for those asleep and pray for those who refuse to listen because soon it will be too late to choose sides. So, hold on, My children. Vengeance is Mine, and it will be seen against the ones who are against you, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

An arbitrator will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Turkey will be in your news for a significant reason. 

Another Democrat will turn on their own side. They will sing like a canary. Many people are fed up with what has been going on in their own party. They cannot recognize it anymore. More and more people are coming out to blow the whistle against many others in DC. Major betrayals are coming, which will force more out into the open just to destroy everything they have been a part of. Your enemies are finished. 

Something has been hidden in the Caspian Sea that will soon be revealed. 

Many secrets across the globe are about to appear. These secrets will take out your enemies once and for all. They cannot hide from Me because I am your victory, says the Lord. 

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE ABOUT TO BE SILENCED. - November 22, 2024

Woe to you who have tried to silence My Church or the ones I have called to speak My truth and to lead people in the nations in the right direction—back to Me. I will have the final say, and you will see that I will have My way. My Words have still been spoken. My children are still standing and taking back what belongs to them. So, what you have tried to do against those in this Nation and the nations around the world has been for nothing. In this time that is coming, you will be silenced and removed from your platforms and places of power

I am not just talking about the bureaucrats or the intelligence agencies in Washington. I am also speaking to every social media giant that has tried to muzzle My children or My Words. Great judgment is coming for you. Many social media platforms are about to shake, collapse, and be cleaned out by Me, says the Lord. 

YouTube: to every one of you who is against Me, listen to My Words. You cannot hide behind anyone at Google because they will also fall right along with you. Explosive proof will pour out of your companies. It will destroy your version of the truth, and it will annihilate the crimes you have been committing behind closed doors. Many whistleblowers are coming for both of you. I have had infiltrators in your midst collecting data and proof of what you have really been up to. There will be no business as usual for Google or YouTube because judgment is about to strike, and the leaders that control these companies will be removed in unprecedented ways. A cleansing will take place, and My people will be the ones put in places of power, says the Lord. 

My children, the tech giants, the social media giants, and any other giant in your land will all experience judgment, and justice will prevail. This is no longer a time when these giants can rule or reign in your nations because I, the Lord, am removing them all

Some social media CEOs will beg for mercy and will continue to make deals with My David behind closed doors. But it still will not spare them from the truth coming out and destroying every way they tried to have it their way, while pretending to give up their old ways. These double agents, these liars, will still be exposed, and they will lose everything they hold dear. These corporations that controlled the airwaves will soon regret the side they chose to stay on, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, what you see (happening) with the collapse of the mainstream media will continue until all who are against Me are removed. Their numbers will continue to collapse, and their influence will come to nothing. Nothing that any one of these news networks or the corporations against Me have built to control the narrative or this Nation will be left standing. And all their efforts on this Earth that would hinder My Glory or the rising of My Church in this hour will be annihilated once and for all

The swamp rats in the House and the Senate will soon regret the actions they are taking to (prevent) this Nation from moving forward and their continued efforts to sabotage My David and his return to power. I told you I would rip the roofs off these buildings, their chambers, and their offices, along with everything they are hiding. It will all be exposed

To all those making plans right now: just watch how many of you stay where you are. None of you will stop these unprecedented moves that I will take against you. A storm is upon Washington that will devour the enemies of this Nation, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A House member’s laptop is about to surface. Many in Washington will wish it had not. The architects and the blueprints for many crimes that have been hidden in your government will be exposed. This laptop will also show who paid for the assassination attempts against My David

Everything that the DOJ, the White House, and the three letter agencies have been hiding behind will soon come out into the open as they try to take their next steps against this Nation. 

My children, the truth you have been crying out for and the justice you have been praying for is all coming. So, hold on. Your wait is almost over, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Bev Cleary - December 2024

December 4, 2024

Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Storm clouds. Storm clouds gather. Red December. The enemy plans a red December. The red wave planned for October from the enemy never happened. The prayers from the saints were too great. The red wave that hit October caused a certain victory in November. Pray to lessen the effects of Red December. The prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
(What kind of red, Lord?)
Red markets. Red war.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Do not be wise in the natural. Be wise in the spirit. See with your spiritual eyes. Discern. Let the Word rightly divide between soul and spirit. Let the two-edged Sword rightly divide. Pull up the wisdom and knowledge of the deep past. What has been will be again, only in a new way. Your experts say the past doesn’t repeat but often rhymes. Behold, I do a new thing but within the patterns of increasing birth pains. There is nothing new under the sun.


Words I received this morning from Father God:

Solomon said it plainly. Man striving in the natural under the sun is vanity. I’ve asked My children to go higher. Go higher and be seated in heavenly places. Be hidden in the secret place where man in the natural can not perceive nor understand. Rise above the chaos, the rough seas, the destruction. Rise above the enemy. He is beneath you. Put him firmly underneath your feet. Decide your actions, your movements of your hands and feet to have purpose. Purpose because you have dedicated them to Me and My purposes. When you do this, you are no longer “underneath the sun” but have left the sun behind. You are now seated where My Son is instead. You are now seated in high places where all is not vanity.

December 5, 2024

Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Storm clouds. Storm clouds gather. Red December. The enemy plans a red December. The red wave planned for October from the enemy never happened. The prayers from the saints were too great. The red wave that hit October caused a certain victory in November. Pray to lessen the effects of Red December. The prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
(What kind of red, Lord?)
Red markets. Red war.


Words I received this morning from Father God:

Sit. Be still. Stop striving. Stop forcing what you think should come to pass. Allow events, timing, and interactions to all fall into place. It is a dance. It is choreographed precision movements. All is well. All is as it should be even factoring in man’s free will. My Will ultimately supercedes all.


Words I received this morning from Jesus:

Train. The training is now. Instant, direct obedience to the call of The Spirit is vital. Improve your response time. Work on your reaction time. A greater overflow of blessings follow. Don’t do this for the blessings. Do this out of devotion to Me.


Words I received this morning from the FatherGod:

Army. The Army of the Lord. My children, you are enlisted in My Army. Discernment with precision and accuracy is needed. Your weapon of choice, My Word. My Word is My Bond. Seek Me, and you shall find Me.Seek Me now. Enlist now before it’s too late. The War has already begun. The call to action in now.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Corruption. The church, she must deal with corruption. She must stand against it. The orphans and the widows cry out for justice. Justice is required. It’s time for justice. It’s time for the corruption to be dealt with. It’s time.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Humble yourselves before the correction coming upon the earth humbles you. Everyone shall be humbled. The correction will continue until everyone is humbled. The question is, do you decide to humble yourself, or do you allow the correction to help you to humble yourself? You do not have to be part of the coming correction. Seek My Face now. Align with My Will now. My Will be done. My Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven..


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Stay in My Shadow, a shade from the scorching heat of My Correction and later Judgment. How is this done? Think about how this is in the natural. You must be right next to the person to remain in their shadow, the shade created by their body blocking the sun. I will protect you from scorching heat. I will protect you from the storm. I will be your Shield at this time.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

A new day begins. Opportunities abound, springs forth. Is this fall or spring? I’m showering blessings on you. It’s a blessing and a test. Be prudent in your actions and your words. Level-headed minds win the day. It’s life springing up. It’s a dry well becoming active again. Be wise in your movements. Be sure of your next step. Seek Me, and the rest will follow.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Make the paths straight. Bring down the mountains. Fill up the valleys, which are a hindrance to those seeking Me. With the power and authority My Word tells you, you have, tear down the enemy’s infrastructure. This has been built up over time through neglect of the church. It’s time. Bring down the hindrances keeping heaven from invading earth. Heaven invades earth. The time is now.


My children, your enemies’ whispers are growing louder. The closer it gets to My David returning to the presidency, the more your enemies are growing in fear and anguish of losing the power and privilege they now have with the system they put into place for themselves

They are becoming more frantic as the days pass by and it seems clearer that Inauguration Day will take place and that their archnemesis will be taking their power and tearing apart their establishment

My children, your enemies’ silence to the public (concerning) their anger and fear is more dangerous than people have realized. Their shock will soon turn to revenge and war, if possible. This is why you need to rise up—because your enemies are craving war. I have warned you about a war that most do not even realize could strike this Nation at any moment. 

Their war against you started years ago, attacking your freedoms, and it has grown with intensity in the last four years. They have waged war against the truth by sending their attack dogs out every day on their mainstream media to bring fear and deception and to brainwash and coerce the masses into submission that they did not even realize they were taking part in. 

They have waged war against your children, their education, and their sexuality with pornography and transgenderism. They have waged war against your dollar and the security of your superpower status by working with foreign nations and global elites to weaken the dollar and collapse the economy of this great Nation to bring it into their One World Government. 

They have waged war against the church by sending their own inside to teach the church false doctrines and their religious mindsets to deceive the people into (believing) a version of Me and My Word that is so twisted it blinds their eyes to the truth. 

They have waged war against your three letter agencies. Instead of protecting your freedoms, they have helped to take them away. They have allowed foreign nations to receive crucial information and intel about this country, to weaken you, to allow a terrorist attack on a scale you did not know could take place and never saw coming. The terrorist attacks that have happened against this Nation have been more silent than the ones that are more obvious and out in the open. 

They have waged war against your elections to secure their own and to keep their system and establishment in place for decades. They wanted war on your freedom of speech, to keep you silent so the truth could not be heard, and then it would keep people in bondage and slavery. 

Don’t you see, My children, that when so much of the world thought this Nation was free, it really was not. It was an illusion to bring more bondage without people realizing what was really going on before it was too late. 

They have waged war against your bodies. Your enemies have poisoned you in every way possible. They gave you medications to cause more issues in your bodies to keep you enslaved to big pharma. Because if you are sick, then you are too weak to fight back. 

They have taxed you into slavery. I have repeatedly told you that your tax system is not what this country was designed to have. Instead of your tax dollars and your tax system helping to strengthen the people of this Nation, your economy, and this Nation as a whole, it was designed by the Washington elites to weaken and destroy you and financially enslave you under such a burden of taxation that you would lose everything, while they gained everything they wanted

It has all been a lie. This is why I had to allow you to see them out in the open—so you could see who those politicians really are. They hijacked your Nation, and now it is time to take it back, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Oh, leaders in Washington: you will regret your next steps against this Nation because the judgment I have warned you about is coming. If you try to send an army against this Nation, I will send Mine, and My Army is undefeated. So back off now with your foreign militia. I see your plans. I see how you will try to attack this Nation. You will not succeed in your efforts to stop the inauguration of My son. I will stop all coups. I will stop an insurrection. I will stop your war. And I will stop your sabotage like I have time and time again. Don’t you see that he is protected by Me? This Nation is Mine, and I will make sure that you let My people go, just as I have done in times past

To all who are against Me: I am eradicating every one of you out of every seat in every part of government. I will evict you and every enemy you brought here to secure your success in keeping the White House and every form of governmental power. But it will all fail, and it will fail miserably. 

Woe to those who are part of the establishment, the old guard in Washington, or in leadership roles in the states across this Nation. I am cleaning house, and not one of you against Me will be left, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to the Ayatollah of Iran. Not only will you be removed by My Hand, but I will also annihilate your army that is moving towards My Israel and My United States. All the money and weapons that have been given to you by the United States are not enough for you to keep what you want or to fulfill what you have been assigned to fulfill against My nations. Iran, you should have run away. Instead, you kept pursuing My people, so now you will be annihilated by My Hand, says the Lord. 

My children, many leaders of nations and terrorist organizations will be removed in unprecedented ways. Not one will be left standing when judgment hits the nations of the world. None of the leaders that are against Me will be left. 

Woe to the Chinese spies in this Nation and among the leaders of Washington. Your sudden removals are coming. 

My children, the leaders of your Nation who have been paid by China or controlled and blackmailed by China, will soon be expunged from leadership and influence. 

A massive Chinese spy operation in Washington is about to be torn apart and exposed in front of the world. 

My children, brace for the impact of the explosive evidence that is coming to rid your country and government of the snakes, wolves, and rats that have controlled you

A sudden shaking that will stop the plans against you is about to take place. So, stand against those plans. Call them down into nothing, and you will see just that, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, you have entered a time when waves of truth will roll through this Earth, devouring the deception that has dominated and controlled it so that My waves of Glory can bring restoration and freedom to this Earth, which has already been paid for. 

That time is here, and it will be clear when you experience wave after wave knocking your enemies out of power and off their feet, where they never again regain their strength against this Nation or this Earth, as long as My Church dominates the nations with My Word and My Authority. Great days lie ahead for the children of the Most High God. 

Woe to those in leadership positions in Washington, or any state in this Nation, (who are) against Me. Your ways of controlling and conducting your business in this Nation are over. There is nothing that can stop My Hand (from moving) against all who are against Me. Every money trail you are trying to hide and all the money you have siphoned from this Nation through FEMA and used for your criminal activities will blow up in your face. 

All will be exposed—the terrorists you have been funding worldwide and how FEMA is not at all how it appears to be. Those days of hiding your corruption through FEMA are over. Whistleblowers are coming to shred your power of using FEMA against their own Nation. 

Woe to those in the Pentagon. What you have done with the taxpayers’ dollars is heinous, to say the least. I warned you to draw back, but you refused. The enemies of Almighty God who work in the Pentagon and all the spies in that place will be eradicated by My Hand. Shockwaves will come to this Nation when your books are truly opened, not only the ones you have been showing to prove your spending but also the ones you concealed behind closed doors in certain places that only the puppet masters and certain specific puppets can see. Everything on your hidden servers that shows the real proof of what you are truly hiding will bring a righteous rebellion against you. Truth will prevail, and everyone who took part in these crimes here and abroad will be removed. 

I have said treason many times, but soon, people will actually see people being tried for treason on a massive scale. To those generals and all the secretaries of defense who controlled and allowed this to take place in this Nation and allowed such corruption in the military, it will be ripped apart by Me. And to every person guilty, judgment will be served, and justice will prevail, says the Lord. 

I am cleaning out the Pentagon and all military personnel who are truly against this country. My children, brace for what you are about to hear—how many in your military were put there by the Deep State. Those bureaucrats destroyed the integrity, intelligence, and dignity of their own military forces. There have been many who profited from the wars around this Earth. Some even helped to strengthen your enemies in foreign lands by paying them off, even giving them weapons in the dead of night. 

Operation Fast and Furious is just the tip of the iceberg of what presidents and the DOJs have allowed, including generals who have also taken part in these types of criminal activities. I will show you all that Obama has done to bring crime to the highest levels of government, all designed by his successors for his time. And any other government agency or corporation that was used to hide their corruption will be exposed and ripped apart by Me, says the Lord. 

NATO is not what it appears to be at all. My children, the establishment and global leaders designed these things against you to profit off of you while destroying the nations at the same time. The money the United States has given to NATO will be exposed—what it was actually meant and used for. Your government, oh, United States, has been funding your enemies and disguising it as something else—to keep up the destruction around the world without anyone fighting back. I will expose all of it and destroy its existence. 

My children, oh, the shaking this truth will cause. Prepare your hearts for when you find out how evil your government has become and how they used your tax dollars to enslave you and bring you into bondage, fear, and lack you were never meant to experience. 

Their coming removals will bring catastrophic damage to many things you call normal. When this evil is lifted, and these leaders are removed, you will finally know what I had planned for you. That is why this Exodus will be so much greater than the first one. 

Don’t you see the pharaohs of today and what they have done to you and your nations around the world? They must be removed in unprecedented ways. So, during this storm against your enemies, be still. It will clear them out of your land with My mighty Hand. 

So, stand strong when your enemies try to fight back to save themselves from this truth that is coming to destroy their fraud, all their lies, and all their control. 

Soon, My children, you will see your enemies in those seats of power no more because I am here in this hour to save you, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Benghazi: I will say this name again. Truth will come out, and it will shake people in Washington. This truth will come out into the open and be in your news, and justice against those who took part in that plan will take place

Baghdad will be in your news for a shocking and significant reason. There are many secrets that your enemies in Washington do not want to come out, but there is nothing that can stop what I will expose that has been hidden. 

I will say this again: how the Afghanistan withdrawal went down was no accident. I will show who the architect for this payoff was, and I will show you why this particular payoff was so blatant and in front of your face. Secrets that are hidden in that land are also about to come out into the open, which will bring devastation to people in Washington, says the Lord. 

China will also be exposed for how they controlled so many in your leadership. Oh, United States, this is why you will see your enemy strike you in ways you would never have dreamed of—because they cannot afford to lose control or lose their allies in other nations. But My Hand is moving, and there is nothing the globalists can do that will stop their collapse on this Earth that I created for you. They will soon realize that I am the One True God, and there is no other like Me, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - December 2024

God's hand in history -- Flash Back to 1980's and now soon the year of 2025

Flashback to the 1980's --- Hermit of Loreto (Tom Zimmer), Italy in the 1980's predicted Donald J. Trump was going to be a great leader of America, and bring Americans back to God

Dr. Curran called [Thomas Zimmer] and told him that, back in the 1980s, Tom Zimmer said he had received a “premonition” and that “a certain man would lead America back to God”—and that man would be none other than Donald J. Trump. “The millionaire playboy from New York?” the incredulous doctor is said to have asked Zimmer.

“Yes,” the Hermit of Loreto responded, adding he was so sure Donald Trump would become a great spiritual leader of America that he wrote his name on a brick and had it placed in the reconstruction of St. Peter’s Holy Door after the Jubilee so Trump would receive blessings from the many Masses that would be said in the Vatican. …

A light of current events that have been taking place recently. There’s a story I wanted to share with you, a true story. And it has to do with a friend of mine who’s a medical doctor. He’s a psychiatrist, his name is Claude Curran. Actually his mother was Calabrese a his father was Irish and his name is a doctor Claude Curran. I got to know Dr. Curran when I was at a Lady of Mount Carmel in Bristol Rhode Island in my first assignment. He had studied in Rome, and met his wife there, who was a neurologist in medical school. They had married in Borsa? hometown and then the couple moved to Bristol to raise their family and they had five children. So one day about 17 years ago when I was at my first assignment in Bristol. I was talking to him about going to Rome. I told him I was going to be visiting Rome. And he said to me father. listen I really want you to do something when you were in Rome. I want you to get on a train and I want you to go up to Loretto. And he said I’ll pay for the trend ticket. I’ll pave your expenses, but you’ve got to go to Loretto.

Now as he was saying this I was thinking, okay I know why Lady of Loretto it’s a very important Christian site we Catholics. It is actually the house of the Blessed Virgin Mary is in Loretto. The house where the Blessed Mary grew up where she received the message of the angel Gabriel, and actually the incarnation of our Lord took place in this house in Loretto. Now why is it in Loretto, it’s in a northern northeastern Italian town and not in Nazareth. Well the house of course was in Nazareth where our lady was born and raised. But during the Muslim invasions the Muslims were threatening to destroy the house of the Incarnation. So angels lifted up the house, and angels brought the house to where it is now in Loretto. Archeologists have looked at the this house. They have examined it and they found that it is truly a first-century house that would have been built in Nazareth considering the materials that were there at the time in which it was constructed. Pollen on the house indicates that there are only flowers that would have been in bloom around that time in Nazareth. So it is authentically Nazaretherian first century house and as we Catholics of course believe as I said it was transported by angels to Loretto to protect it from Muslims.

So, I knew all that history about this beautiful house. But he said to me father I know the house is beautiful and I want you to see it. But there’s another reason why when you go there. There’s a guy who is there his name is Tom Zimmer. I want you to meet Tom Zimmer. Now Tom Zimmer is a man who is not a priest, is not a religious, he’s not a brother. But he decided, he’s an American, but he decided that this house is so powerful, and so important to Christendom, and so important to prayer. That he was going to be a hermit there. He was going to leave everything behind America, move to Loretto, and lives near this house, and stay in this Basilica that’s built around this house. He was going to stay near this house day and night. And pray and attend all the masses every day that was said in this Basilica that surrounds the house of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

So, very fascinating man, I wanted to meet him. So, I do is Dr. Curran said. I got on a train, I went up to Loretta. Beautiful scenic ride on the way up. It’s along the Adriatic side of Italy. I reached the Basilica. I go in the Basilica, it’s a beautiful Basilica. And the house is right there built a you know that the Basilica is built right around the house. I went up to the house I said a prayer and then I looked for Tom. And I remember it saying to doctor now how am I going to find him. I’m just going to go to Loretto. He said believe me walk around and you’ll find him. Sure enough there was an elderly man who was very frail, very thin, who was leaning up against the fence that surrounds the house. And I went up to him in English I said to him are you Thomas. And he looked up at me and he said, yes, I am in English.

So I said to him I’m Fr. Capoverdi Dr. Curran’s friend. He’s our mutual friend. And he looked and he said yes I’m going very well have a seat. So I was in my collar and he was sitting on the floor so I sat on the floor. And I sat next one so I said I was sitting next to him he get really beautiful man, very very holy, he was he was teaching me a lot of beautiful things. Actually he is the creator of the book called the Pieta. It’s a beautiful, it’s the blue book, that has a picture the Pieta on the cover and it has all beautiful prayers in it. It’s called the Pieta. I strongly recommend you get that book. It sold over 10 million copies this book that he authored.

So, years later, only a few weeks ago, I’m talking to Dr. Curran. And he says to me you do you remember that guy Tom Zimmer I told you to see in Italy many years ago. I said of course how could I forget what a holy man he was. And Dr. Curran said to me listen to this about what happened between Tom and I in the 1980’s. Dr. Curran said then in the 1980s he was talking to Tom Zimmer. And Tom Zimmer said to him, Claude, there’s a man right now who I believe in the future is going to lead America back to God. So Claude said who is this? Who is this guy? And Tom Zimmer said the man was going to in the future lead our country back to God is Donald J. Trump. And Dr. Curran said, you mean the New York Playboy? Like the guy and Tom Zimmer said believe me. I have a premonition that this is the man was going to do it in the future.

So what Thomas did, is at that time John Paul II opened the holy doors of the Vatican of St. Peter’s Basilica. And when he opened the holy doors for that year was for the whole year. When the doors are ready to close. The Vatican allows people to donate bricks that go inside the door. And you can put an inscription on the bricks of any intention you want. And those doors are closed in there sealed and they’re not open until the next time the the Vatican, the Pope decides to open the doors, for another holy year. So they shot sealed and all of the intentions that are on those bricks are prayed during the Holy Sacrifice of the mass at the Vatican, at that St. Peter’s. All the masses that the Pope says all the prayers that have prayed are all for the intentions of the inscriptions that are on these bricks time Zimmer in the 1980s donated a brick to be put in the holy door of the Vatican that said Donald J Trump. And he did that because he wanted those masses in the Vatican to be set for him. Because he knew that in the future this man was going to be a great leader of America, and bring Americans back to God. And look at just yesterday that his at Donald Trump’s rally. His wife prayed the Our Father in front of the whole crowd. It was just so warming and beautiful to hear a first lady praying the Our Father. This premonition I firmly believe that Tom Zimmer, this very holy hermit of Loretto, a promise would happen has been fulfilled.

Dec. 24, 2024 with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope

The jubilee will begin in Rome on the vigil of the Lord’s Nativity on Dec. 24, 2024 with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, and in local dioceses on Holy Family Sunday on Dec. 29. It will conclude in local dioceses the following Holy Family Sunday on Dec. 28, 2025, and in Rome on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, Jan. 6, 2026, with the closing of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica.

What is a Jubilee Year?

  • A Holy Year of the forgiveness of sin, conversion and joyful celebration.
  • The word “jubilee” comes from the Hebrew word yobel, which refers to the ram’s horn used to announce a jubilee in the Old Testament.

Old Testament origins

God told Moses that every fiftieth year was to be set aside for the return of absent members to their households, the restoration of land to its owners, the release of Hebrew slaves and the forgiveness of debts.

This fiftieth year you shall make sacred by proclaiming liberty in the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, when every one of you shall return to his own property, every one to his own family estate. (Lev. 25:10)

Like the sabbath, which took place on the seventh day of each week, the jubilee was a time for the Israelites to re-establish a proper relationship with God and with one another.

Veronika West - Kingdom and Covenant Coalitions Now Taking Place Over the Nations.. - November 30, 2024

Today during Worship, I heard these Words, “Kingdom and Covenant Coalitions are now beginning to take place across The Nations.”

The term “Coalition” means : Cooperation and a collaboration, where parties involved are working together in a harmonious, united and effective way to achieve a goal or purpose.

I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For I AM setting up a Kingdom Coalition Government on the earth in these days.

For I AM calling My Ecclesia to come into a Divine Coalition with My Will and with My Word that My Kingdom Government may be built and established in The Nations of the earth.

I say, come into a Divine Coalition with My Glory and with My Power and Authority — and watch as I turn Nations upside down and inside out.

Watch, for I say, I AM also calling My People to come into a Covenant Coalition with one another — for Covenant Coalitions will begin to form in these days, a supernatural co-labouring and supernatural cooperating with one another in The Spirit of Unity, Submission and radical Love for one another.

For even as My Ecclesia come into a Divine Kingdom Coalition with My Spirit, so they shall come into Covenant Coalitions with one another, to build and to rebuild, to uproot and to tear down!

Watch! — for I say, Kingdom and Covenant Coalitions are now taking place for the advancing of My Plans and Purposes on the earth!”

Veronika West - Watch For a New Breed of Breakers & Double Trouble Makers!.. - November 27, 2024

”Watch!” says The Spirit of God, ”For a new breed of Breakers, Double Trouble Makers and Giant Slayers are rising!”

Then I heard The Spirit say, ”Listen! I say to you — watch! For a new breed of Breakers is being birthed on the earth, a new breed of Breakers are now emerging — a new breed of Breakers is rising to break, break, break and shatter to pieces the altars of Baal!

I say get ready Remnant — for the hour of a new breed of Breakers is here!”

I decree: a mighty new breed of Breakers — Double Trouble Makers and Giant Slayers — will rise in 2025!

A new breed of Breakers who will break up the fallowed ground and break open The Heavenly Realm!

“It won’t be by their might, but by The Spirit,” says The LORD.

“They will move and have their being in total surrender and radical obedience unto God.

They are Anointed and Appointed to uproot and teardown, to break and to smash to pieces every demonic stronghold and stranglehold in high places!

Listen! There is a sound of a cry — a piercing cry like that of a mother in labour — for this is the sound that shall be heard coming from the ones who will weep and travail between the Porch and The Altar for the Destiny and Birthright of the next generation.

At the sound of the Lion’s roar, the Eagles will soar and they will carry The Sound of Heaven that will break open Portals and Atmospheres that shall invite and make way for The Glory of God to come and inhabit their praises.

These are the violent ones! A mighty new breed of Breakers on the earth — Holy and Anointed Ones who know how to push through until they break through, and break to pieces the Arrows in their hands.

Ha! These are the new breed of Breakers, Double Trouble Makers and Giant Slayers who are bold, fierce and courageous and who have been Anointed and Armed with the Battle Axe of Awakening and Reformation!e

Yes! This new breed of Breakers shall go forth to confront the counterfeit, and cause great chaos and disruption in the devil’s camp.

A new breed of Light Bearers and Glory Carries who will bring Divine Exposure to the demonic realm.

Watch, as demonic powers and principalities bow down and flee in every direction at the very sight of this new breed of Overcomers and mighty Destroyers.

I say this new breed of Breakers will be known as The Mighty Destroyers who have destroyed the destroyer of destinies.

Watch — as this new breed of Breakers go forth to agitate and even instigate war against the enemy in the days ahead.

I call them My Double Trouble Makers.

No longer My Breakers tolerate the altars of Baal and the rule of Jezebel and Ahab.

These Double Troubles — these Mighty Breakers — will become an Army of Madmen from the seed of Jehu for this next generation!

  • They are the undignified but undeterred by the distractions and schemes of the devil…
  • They are the fiery, burning breakers who carry a flame that cannot be quenched…
  • They are the living sacrifices — Breakers who are keepers of The Flame…
  • They are the radicals they are My Redeemed Reformers…
  • They are mountain movers and giant slayers….
  • They are the mighty breakers of the City of Zion, birthed for such a time as this!”

We prophesy — The Mighty Breaker is here!

I want to Declare: “The womb of the War Room will bring to birth a new breed of Breakers — Double Trouble Makers and Giant Slayers — who will break, break, break and shatter to pieces the altars of Jezebel and Baal in The Nations!”

“We so rejoice, o sons of zion, and be glad in The LORD your God; for He has given you the early rain for your vindication. And He has poured down for you the rain, the early and latter rain as before.” Joel 2:23

Bo Polny - .REVELATION is THE GOOD NEWS! Understanding God's Timeline - November ,26 2024

Hi this is Bo Polny and we are officially in hypnotic November. As prophesied by Kim Clement who stated way back in the Year 2007 that in the fall you will know who God’s David is. And who also stated Trump would be president for two terms. Well we are in Fall Trump was just elected on November 6th and now we know exactly who Trump David is from prophecy back in the Year 2007 way back 17 years ago, So, yes the Trump 2007 prophecy was fulfilled. But here is the incredible part not only did the Trump 2024 win fulfill a 2007 prophecy. But it also fulfilled and is presently fulfilling Jeremiah 30, a prophecy that goes back in incredibly nearly 2,500 years. Yes you heard me correctly, Trump has secretly been hidden in Prophecy for nearly 2500 years. Furthermore, the prophecy that secretly references Trump as president, was first prophesized actually a thousand years before Jeremiah 30. The prophecy that starts the chain of events into the year 2024 goes back 3500 years. And this prophecy was written during the time of Moses in the Book of Numbers, specifically numbers 24.

Let me play this brief video clip I put together to explain. Please pay close attention. This truly is incredible, or better yet stated absolutely wild that we are sitting watching a 3,500 year old prophecy manifest. Enjoy the video … nearly 3500 years ago a prophecy written in the Book of Numbers was given to the prophet Balam. It spoke of a star the star of Jacob that is to appear in a distant future. This star would herald the coming of the final Kingdom the kingdom of David. The prophecy states I see him but not here and now. I perceive him but far in the distant future. A star will arise from Jacob a scepter will emerge from Israel and it will crush the heads of the Moab’s people and strike down all the sons of Seth. 2,000 years ago the Star of Bethlehem marked the birth of our King Jesus. Matthew describes the Star of Bethlehem as a sign that the Balam prophecy is is unfolding and true incredibly.

On September 27th 2024 the star of Jacob that was prophesied to appear in the distant future appeared in our Heavens fulfilling the nearly 3500 year-old prophecy. This Balam prophecy transcends time and Heralds an ancient promise made by God our Father to Abraham. Jeremiah 30 speaks of a time of distress for this star, the star, of Jacob. For behold the days are coming declares the Lord when I will restore the fortunes of my people The Fortunes of Zion. “I am restoring The Fortunes of Zion I am restoring The Fortunes that were the inheritance of my people.” [Kim Clement] Jeremiah 30 continues ask now and see can a man bear a child why do I see every man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor. That day is so great there is none like. It it is a time of distress for Jacob, yet you shall be saved out of it. It shall come to pass in that day that I will break the Yoke the bondage from off of your necks and foreigners shall no longer make servants of you. And you shall serve the Lord your God and David your king whom I will raise up.

“And in the fall will show you whom I have chosen to pray for and guide this nation. You shall rejoice for it is mine amen it is my chosen David, says the Lord.”[Kim Clement] And you shall serve the Lord your God and David your king whom I will raise up for I am with you to save you declares the Lord. I will discipline you and I will by no means leave you unpunished because of your great guilt and many sins. Nonetheless, all who have devoured you shall be devoured. And all your foes, every one of the, shall go into captivity. Those who plundered you shall now be plundered. And all who prayed upon you I will make your prey. I will restore you to health and heal your wounds and restore the fortunes of the tents of Jacob, and out of you shall come songs of rejoicing on Thanksgiving. And you shall be my people, and I will be your God. Behold the storm of the Lord. In the distant future you will understand the Jeremiah 30 prophecy. Welcome to the distant future.

All I got to say is wow how incredible how incredible that we get to watch a 3500 year old prophecy that then steps us into a 2500 year old prophecy that specifically references secretly Donald Trump. And what’s about to happen? When the star of Jacob appears in our Heavens Jeremiah 30 vers 6 tells us that men will say they can bear a child. Listen to that closely how crazy is that but yet this is happening now. The star of Jacob, a 3500 year-old prophecy, that star appeared in our Heavens on September 27th 2024. And this is crazy exactly 40 days later, and I mean exactly to the exact day of 40 days. Donald J Trump, the David that was referenced in Jeremiah 30:9 was elected president. Let me repeat on September 27th 2024, the exact day of the North Carolina floods break. The star of Jacob appears in our heavens and exactly 40 Days Later Donald Trump, the David reference in Jeremiah 30:9 was elected president. And the kingdom of David is born here on Earth with a star and marked by the star of Jacob.

Now here is a cherry on top. Listen closely recall the North American eclipse of April 8th 2024. How everybody was talking about it and I said hey pay attention cuz it won’t be until 7 months later when things really start to happen. This is 7 months later November. And recall what happened was that eclipse traversed or went over Seven Cities called Nineveh and recall the story of Jonah. Well if you read Jonah 3:4, it reads 40 more days and Nineveh will be overthrown. 40 more days and Nineveh will be overthrown. Kamila The Jezebel spirit that has been in the White House. This Same Spirit that are trying to keep in the White House was overthrown on exactly the 40th day when Trump won. Fulfilling Jonah 34 that stated in 40 days Nineveh will be overthrown. You can’t make this stuff up this is impossible and yet we’re watching it happen In Our Lifetime. Right in front of us.


My children, there is a storm brewing in the Heavenlies to destroy the darkness over your nations and their control of your governments. This spiritual storm is wiping out the powers that held this Nation, My children, and My Church in great bondage. 

This storm will devour everything in its path that is against Me. The prayers of the children of the Most High God have reached the Heavens, and I, the Lord, have not only heard those prayers, but I am responding with vengeance against your adversaries. And I am giving you, My children, deliverance and freedom

Great, unprecedented removals are coming. The world has never seen this many leaders and politicians being removed at one time. This mass exodus from power that held this Nation in captivity must let this Nation go. 

My children, you will see mighty men fall. You will see everyone against Me removed in unconventional ways. The shaking of governments and My Church is taking place. A spiritual shift is also taking place—from who has been in control to My Church (being in control), where the authority and dominion belong. 

This power struggle, you would say, will be the shaking I have repeatedly told you would occur before complete freedom from the hands of the wicked. People who have been embedded in the Deep State for many years are coming out to make deals with My David. Some are so desperate for survival that they will turn on those who gave them their success and power. 

Well-known Democrats will leave their party, and it will shock many as to who these people are. Keep your eyes on people like John Fetterman and the words they continue to say against their own party. There is a great divide that is tearing the establishment apart. And without a clear leader or clear direction moving forward, tensions will continue to grow and make that divide even bigger. 

There are some in the establishment who will catch wind of the plans to stop My David from taking the presidency. Some will rebel against this in fear that they will never lead this Nation again with the party of the left because there have been extremists in their midst giving advice from foreign spies to help take out My David. Some will go with these plans, but others will rebel and fight back against them because these plans could possibly bring a defeat that they would not recover from if those plans fail. 

“It’s too risky,” some are screaming, while others are drowning out those voices because they are driven by revenge and power. Longtime Democrats will leave their party because they want the Nation that they grew up in. They see the direction some progressives are taking, and they do not want to be a part of it. 

My children, you are not done seeing the side of the left tear itself apart because of their fear of Trump’s presidency and all that he and his administration will find out about the dealings and the criminal activity they have taken part in. Nothing would be the same with their precious establishment. It would be torn apart, and they cannot fathom that. 

A storm is brewing in Washington, of leaders growing in defiance of My David to save themselves. But the more they try to manipulate, block, stop, or sabotage him before, or even after, he takes office, and the more their hearts grow cold, the more judgment will strike and annihilate their existence in government. Many will regret every step they take. 

A phone conversation against My David is about to be leaked. It will cause a domino effect of failures and exposures of the establishments’ plans against him. 

Chuck Schumer is about to take a bold stance against President Trump that he will regret. Chuck and many like him will not keep the positions they fought so hard for. It will all be for nothing because every plan he and the old guard have will not succeed. Many in the old guard are about to be removed by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Argentina will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Broward County will be in your news for a significant reason. 

Maricopa County: I am talking to you. You think you have everything covered up. You stole seats in the House, the Senate, the governor’s office, and the presidency in several of the last elections. You were paid by the establishment to block anyone against them from getting in. I will show the cesspool of lies, cheating, and the manipulation of the system to get what you want. I had infiltrators watching you. None of you who participated in stealing the elections are safe. An explosive report will be released against you. Maricopa, you will be cleansed of all the snakes and wolves in your county that control your elections. And judgment is coming, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, reports and proof of election fraud in many states are coming out. Anyone who does not belong in the capital will soon be removed in unprecedented ways

California, Nevada, Virginia, and Maine, just to name a few, are not blue

My children, your elections will be drastically different moving forward. Every way that your enemies had the upper hand against you will soon be removed by Me. 

So, call, declare, and decree free and fair elections. Demand that they be this way and never back down or give your enemies a place to sneak in again so they can win. I will totally transform how elections are carried out in this Nation—how they were always meant to be. You just trust and believe in Me, that I am saving this Nation from the people who have tried to take it from you year after year. It will be clear that they have no more power in this country. I am here to deliver you out of their hands once and for all. You are being set free to freely serve Me, as I have always intended. So, rejoice. Your victory is here, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Veronika West - Victory is a Promise — Defeat is a Choice!Victory is a Promise — Defeat is a Choice!. - November 26, 2024

I hear The Spirit say, “My People are defeated, because they have believed that the Battle that is raging is an earthly one — and not a spiritual one!

My People are defeated, because they have believed that the War is against flesh and blood, and not against the powers and principalities of darkness.

My People are defeated, because they have turned against one another with the very Power and Authority that I have given them to destroy the enemy and his cohorts.

Yes! My People are defeated, because they have sown to the flesh and not to the spirit – they have refused to humble themselves under My mighty Hand — and therefore I have had to resist them.

My People have been defeated, because they have taken their eyes off of their Master and put their eyes rather on man — they have leaned heavily on the arm of the flesh, and they have counted their horses and chariots.

My People have been defeated, because they have reasoned with their own understanding and they have run after the ways of this world.

My People have been defeated, because they have become lovers of themselves, and not lovers of the Truth that will set them free and deliver them from the hand of the enemy.

Oh, how My Heart is grieved, for My People!

Ha! I tell you the Truth… My People have been defeated, because they have set up idols of their own imagination and their wild fantasies — they have chosen to believe and take comfort in the words of mere men — over My Word — which is Living, Active and all Powerful.

Oh how My People perish!

Again I say, My People have been defeated, for they have made religion more important than deep and intimate relationship with Me.

The Secret Place has taken second place, and the works of sensationalism have been exalted above the humble works of the supernatural.

My People have been defeated, because they have made room for a rebellious spirit embracing the powers of compromise and passivity instead of being empowered through a life of true surrender and submission to My Holy Spirit.

Oh how My People have been defeated by the lies of the great deceiver!

Awake! Awake, My Beloved — and take Me at My Word and watch, as My Victory is made manifest in the midst of you.

How My Heart cries for those who have been defeated, because they have chosen the path of death over a life of abundance and beauty.

How My Heart longs for My People to walk in the Victory of The Blood that was shed by My Son for them!

Oh you of little faith — how much longer do you desire to walk around this mountain, going round in circles — reliving destructive cycles — when My New Covenant has entitled you to lay claim on a land flowing with milk and honey — and unlimited supply?’

Beloved, come away with Me! Leave it all behind! Do not despair, for I AM a God of Mercy and Grace. I Am a God of New Beginnings and fresh starts. I AM The Way Maker and destructive cycle breaker.

Listen! Incline your ears — for I AM calling you back to My Heart! I AM calling you to come back to your senses, and to the place of true Repentance.

I say, turn away from the ways of the world, and to return to The Narrow Path — yes, to the way of ?Righteousness that leads to Life and eternal Liberty.

My beloved, do you hear My Voice?

Do you know the sound of My Voice — for My Voice is distinctive from all the other voices — because I will always call you to surrender — I will call you to a life of greater yeildedness, and to a relinquishing of your will and your ways to Me.

I will call you to seek first My Kingdom and My Righteousness.

Today, I AM calling you to put on The Full Armor of God, to stand firm in the face of the enemy — and to fight the good fight of Faith!

I AM calling you to walk in the Authority and Power that I have given you as My Child, and to cast down every vain imagination that has created strongholds in your mind, and to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Beloved, do not be discouraged! Do not be afraid — for I AM with you always.

I AM an ever present help. I AM The God Who Delivers, The God Who Restores, The God Who makes all things new.

So trust in Me, believe in Me, and watch as I turn your defeat into Victory, your sorrow into joy, and your mourning into dancing.

Rise up, My Beloved, for the battle is not yours — but Mine!

It belongs to Me and to My Angel Armies. Therefore, stand firm in The Truth of My Word.

Hold fast to My Promises — and know that I AM Faithful to bring you through every trial and every tribulation.

I AM The LORD your God — and I will never leave you nor forsake you!

Rise up and walk in My Victory! Walk in My Love, and know that I AM with you always, even to the end of the age!”

Veronika West - 2025: The Beginnings of Seismic Shifts and Even Greater Splits.. - November 24, 2024

I heard these Words, ”Daughter watch for 2025 is going to be a Year of the Beginnings of Seismic Shifts and even Greater Splits.

But fear not for the Spilts and Tears will be Signs of the Breaking of the Old and the Birthing of the New Wineskin.”

But then The LORD said to me, ”Daughter, many of the Splits and Tares that have taken place and are still taking place are because many have tried to pour New Wine into an old Wineskin!”

And He said ”Though the Birthing is painful and messy, you must embrace the Shaking and Trust Me in the Breaking, for what I am about to bring forth into The Nations of the Earth, Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, and hearts have not even imagined!”

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic Encounter: The Storm & The Great Awakening - November 22, 2024

As I was driving this morning, I was taken into the Spirit. I saw the Nations from the third heaven. As I was looking at it, all of a sudden there were what looked like sparks here and there throughout the Nations. At first, they started out slow, and like popcorn they began to increase rapidly throughout the world until the world was covered. It reached a high point of intensity, and as quickly as it began, it stopped. After a period of a few minutes, it started up again just as it had initially but this time around it was not just sparks but lightning strikes. It went city by city and then increased to Nation to Nation until again a flurry of synchronized lightning went wave after wave throughout the Nations.

From what I was watching this covered the earth, not one Nation or region being left out. It seemed to me that there was a taking down of Globalist Elite Cabal control. The taking down of systems that the establishment has used to control and oppress us, keeping us as slaves oppressed by their evil agendas. There were some areas that looked like war zones with intensity of resistance. These particular regions were those that had been significant hubs used to deploy and govern with the most evil and corrupt leaders and regimes.

It was clear to me that this lightning was from the Father himself dealing with dark and demonic principalities, powers and structures that were bringing great oppression and destruction through their actions. What the Lord was bringing now would not and could not be stopped. This was clearly part of the storm we had been waiting for! After some time, this lightning also came to an end. I knew that what had to be taken out of the way had been successfully dealt with by the Fathers hand!

After the lightnings of God had stopped, there was a period of silence. This time let the dust settle. What had just happened was of Biblical Scale. As I watched over the Nations, I saw laser like beams of light bursting out, shooting out from Nation to Nation! These were arching beams as they then connected city to city and then nation to nation. This connectivity was basically instant as they connected and began interacting with one another. I could see light particles flowing back and forth and around as if they were traveling through a clear crystal pipe.

The light particles looked like sparkling diamonds! I had never seen anything like it before! This light was fast!! At first there were only a few, and as I continued to watch they grew into a more increased global coverage, and these nations were part of the biggest shift in history! This was a shift that was like nothing we have ever seen before. I knew by the Spirit of God what I was watching unfold before my eyes was a Jubilee! There was freedom! There was a clean slate to build new! This was more than restoration!

This was more than communication, this was more than technology, this was more than wealth, this was more than new governance, this was more than new energy, – even though it was all of those things, all together this combination was a release to the Nations that would be part and parcel of the great awakening and revival that is soon to be at hand! The light of His Glory covering the earth was magnificent!

In watching it play out in front of me, I could understand why the enemy is wreaking the havoc that he has been to try to impede what the Lord has coming. As I was writing this out, the Lord dropped this word on me:

“Barry, tell my people that I am preparing to release the Light of My Glory through out the Nations! Barry, tell my people that it is not going to come as they suppose. I am going to release My lightnings only as I can. I can change a heart and a life forever with one encounter with me. For by My Spirit, I can change a Nation in a day. For there is nothing to great for me. Mens lives will pass before their eyes in an instant, and they shall tremble before me, and fall to their knees calling upon my name. The Gold is mine, the Silver is mine, and the earth is Mine and everything there in! Let it be known on this day; I am releasing the wealth that I have stored up since the beginning of time for My Kingdom purposes – and that time is now!

Barry, tell My people that I am calling My people higher! I am calling them to walk with me with a sanctified life, to be all that they can be in order that they can steward what I am about to entrust them with. I am calling My people to a love that is so much greater than what they have. This great love can only be found in and through me! For remember that it is only through true intimacy and love that you can fulfill all that I have called you to!

Barry, tell My people to examine their hearts before me, and let me sift out the things that encumber them. It is My heart that they walk in the fullness and wholeness that I have for them.

For I came to bring life and life abundantly. Tell them, that in and through me and my Blood they are made new, so bring it all into the light for My healing, the place where darkness no longer has power over them. Barry, tell My people that what is coming will never be contained with in the four walls of a building! I have called you to disciple Nations, and so you shall!

You will see the shaking down and the dismantling of the religious and political spirit that has trapped so many! As you turn to me in repentance, turning from all sexual immorality and where you have tolerated Jezabel, Jezabel shall be dealt with! Let me remind you that I am coming for a pure and spotless Bride! It is time to clean things up, and as you do you will encounter an outpouring of outpourings! Behold My face before you today, as I behold yours, for My love for you is great, and it not My heart that anyone perish, but rather that you trust Me, believe in Me and turn your heart to me now and forever!

Holy is the Word of the Lord


My children, wait and see what I, the Lord, will do for you. Your enemies are plotting great devastation and destruction against you. They are planning to blindside this Nation with an act of war to stop Me, My David, and this Nation’s release from their hands. But soon, the pharaohs of today will realize, just like Pharaoh and his men did with the Red Sea, that I AM the One True God. But when they do, it will be too late for some, and others will surrender when they see My power move against them to protect this Nation

The old guard is trying to put their heads together to determine what the best solution is to rid themselves of this populist movement and My David leading it. But this movement is not just a movement of popularity. It is a move of My Glory and My power to protect and defend the nations. Your enemies will soon figure out that they are in over their heads, but it will be too late for them to stop now; they are in too deep. 

Right now, many of the agencies in Washington are scrambling to cover their tracks in every way possible because they know that if anyone finds out what the government has really been up to, they will never regain their power over this Nation, let alone any other nation around the world that they once had control over. Your enemies are not only seeing the United States slip from their fingers, they are also seeing their global control disappearing

My children, this is why your enemies are not willing to let President Trump come in and clean house and wipe out their empire and their monstrous machine that has enslaved this Nation. Many of the old guard are about to rear their ugly heads in defiance of My David, but it will end in (their) defeat

Chuck Schumer is about to make a very critical mistake. He will be caught in the act of sabotaging My David and his incoming administration. 

Do not fear, My children, about what Mitch McConnell and the establishment thought they pulled off behind closed doors by having their man be chosen to lead the Senate. I promise you I will have the final say

There is an evil resistance trying to gain traction in the government by setting up traps for My David, but they will be caught in their own traps that they have set

Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, and many others in the House are collaborating to see what they can pull off to try and impeach him once he is in office, should their plans fail to keep him from being inaugurated. Even now, they have snakes in his midst, recording some of his private conversations with his new administration. They are trying to catch him in something. They also have someone on the inside who will purposely try to plant something against him before Inauguration Day

I will expose the spies and all the data they are trying to collect and their manipulating with AI technology. Enemies of Almighty God, your technology is nothing compared to Me. You have hardened your hearts against Me, so judgment will hit each of you who would not repent and turn from your wicked ways. You will be drawn out of your dark holes and beyond your so-called walls of protection, and you will be crushed in front of the world by My mighty Hand, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Watch Nancy’s words. She will say something that will spark much controversy, which will shake the establishment even more. They will have more people turn against them. The more they defy Me, the more their tongues will be their worst enemy, says the Lord. 

Remember, My children, many in Washington are not who they say they are. They are hiding behind their masks of deception, but soon, they will be removed. No matter what great lengths your enemies use to keep the old guard in their positions of power, their house of cards is falling apart in this very hour to show that they are nothing compared to Me, says the Lord. 

An ambassador is about to be exposed. Many have secrets and assignments they were supposed to fulfill in foreign nations against their own nation. All the crimes your government and other nations were involved in will be exposed—many payoffs and money exchanging hands. I will expose all the ways the establishment has controlled your foreign policies with payoffs and bribes, as well as blackmailing other leaders to manipulate nations around the world for their own political gain. 

Nikki Haley is not who you think she is. Something significant will leak out and expose who she really is. 

Many traitors in President Trump’s last administration who sabotaged him will be brought out in the open during this current term. And before the end, you will see an unprecedented wiping out of all who were in government that didn’t belong there, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Gladiator: this name and this company will be in your news for a shocking reason. Everything that companies were involved in with the Deep State will be uncovered, and justice will be served. 

My children, climate change is a joke your enemies have played on this world. They have used this (idea) to siphon money to various organizations and companies to further their dominance and control over the nations. I will show you how they used the money disguised for climate change and how it was being used against you

The UN is about to be ripped apart by My Hand. They are criminals. I will reveal all the crimes they have committed and how the mob bosses used the UN as a cover-up for something so much more sinister against the nations. I will show you every entity that has kept you enslaved, and I will tear it apart in front of the world, says the Lord of Hosts. 

The energy sector is about to be in your news for a shocking and significant reason. My children, your enemies have used this sector to siphon money, in more ways than one, and give it to your foreign enemies to do things against you and this Nation. 

There are many crimes being committed, and (there are) multiple cybersecurity companies connected to your government. It is not just spying on you. It is far worse than that. Everything they are doing against you will all be exposed by Me, says the Lord. 

My children, shock waves will pour out more and more while your enemies are being exposed and put on display for the world to see—how evil, corrupt, and intricate their plans really were and how much power and control they had in every part of this world. 

A shaking against your enemies is coming for their next plans and moves against you. Stand and fight back with My Words and My Authority. Watch their defeat in unprecedented and unconventional ways for your victory over their power and control. Your deliverance is here, to free you from the hands of the enemy. It is the time for My Glory and My Church to take its rightful place of authority in this world, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Okay this is what the father gave me. You are not going to believe the check mate that is coming. Trump has much up his sleeve and he has been working on it for over four years. He is a master chess player and he is going to master this game of chess against the dims and the far-left Rhinos. Did you hear about Gates. This is a move on the board and it will enhance Trump’s win. There are no black diamonds in Trump’s game, but the slopes will be green and all of the pieces will fall into place. Wait and see. There is a day coming that I have spoken of quite frequently. It is in my Holy Bible and I have told my Prophets. The Great and terrible day of the Lord. It is coming and this generation in this time are going to experience and live through it. That day Everything Will Change.

You thought that election would change everything. You think inauguration day will change everything. These are days of men and women.. A dramatic much needed change for a nation and the world. Whoa, the great and terrible day of the Lord is going to shake the world. It will not be the shaking that you normally think of. This great and terrible day will shake people to their core and bring many to their knees. But do not fear my precious child this day will bring the freedom that I want you all to have. Markets will crash and there will be fires. Fires of Destruction and fires of purification. Fires that cleanse from the inside out. As a forest fire brings new beautiful growth in a short amount of time. Fire refines the gold that you wear and the gold you desire. Fire that will change and purify the hearts of many and Usher in my multi-billion soul Harvest.

I hear your prayers, Steve. Fire that will change my world and to usher in the greater glory. Prepare for this great and terrible day through Praise of my precious son Yeshua.Praise him in the morning and all throughout your day seek Him and think of him and be sure to tell all about him as you go along your way. Press in and give us an extra minute or two of your time. Prepare for this great and terrible day by reading my word. My love book, The Holy Bible. Prepare by forgiving your neighbor and all you are offended by and even forgiving yourself. Prepare by not fretting or worrying it will be a one-day event and I only need one day to change the world. And the world will change. And when you see your new world you will rejoice and be glad. So take a moment give thanks today that you are mine. Remember I love you and it will all be well. Love Abba Father

AMERICA, YOU ARE Julie Green - BECOMING GREAT AGAIN - November 15, 2024

My children in the Land of My Eagle: this Nation will soar above the destruction, the division, and the darkness your enemies have tried to drown it in. This country will outlive the evil that has tried to destroy it

America, you are becoming great again—a Nation that will deliver My message of the good news to all the nations of this Earth. The United States: you have an assignment that will be fulfilled. It is to wipe out the evil that is trying to devour the nations of this world. Not only will your Nation be freer than it has ever been, but you will help build other nations and governments to spread freedom across this world

The price has already been paid for it. It is time for people all over this Earth and each nation to enjoy this freedom and learn about the One Who gave it to them

My children, after this darkness has been destroyed, the light of My Word will shine as bright as it can to bring a joy that most people have never known before because of the slavery and bondage each person was in, from their enemy. 

This exodus into freedom and My Glory will be unprecedented. It will fill this Earth with more miracles, signs, and wonders. They will be seen. And it will be undeniable to those who, at one time, never thought it was possible and to those who did not think I was still a God Who performs miracles

My children, you are walking towards your Promised Land and a way of life that I always intended for you to live—a life of freedom, soundness, wholeness, and prosperity, where there is no lack of any kind. This is what I have, and this is what I paid for. Your enemy stole it and was trying to keep you from what rightfully belongs to you. 

The winds of change are herewhere My children are in charge, and your enemies are your footstool, where My children know more about My Authority and see how I want them to use it. These days ahead will be glorious for the children of the Most High God

So, hold fast to My promises and My Word. Hold fast to your faith and trust in Me. Do not give in, and do not give up, no matter what your enemies are up to. They are nothing, and their ways are nothing. You will see Me move and manifest My power on this Earth like no other time before you

My children, rise up. This is your time when the world will look to you and to My Words and My Glory (coming) through you. So, expect, receive, and rejoice for the time of My church is here, and it cannot be stopped, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

A laptop will surface, and what is on that laptop will crush the establishment. It is not just Hunter’s laptop that has damning information on it; it is “the Biden’s” as well. 

My children, your enemies cannot stop the release of the laptops. They are coming. I have so many more, and My infiltrators are still working to retrieve them before My David’s return. These laptops and servers are all connected to their secret line of communication, and it has been severed. I will show you Bill Gates and how he helped, with Microsoft technology, to control the secrets of many in Washington, using the servers he designed for the globalist takeover of this nation and the world. 

Bill Gates: no amount of money or intelligence can keep you from the judgment that I, the Lord, have coming for you. You will fall from your lofty place of power and influence, and so will everyone with you, says the Lord of Hosts. 

The connections George Soros and his son have with Washington now are about to be exposed—the money they used to steal elections to keep the establishment in control. I have infiltrators that will take away their power and influence in Washington and over this Nation. Not only will the politicians in DC be shaken, but so will all the puppet masters that controlled them, says the Lord. 

Election fraud is about to surface. Some in Washington truly believe they have gotten away with stealing seats in the House and the Senate, but they will soon see that their arrogance will cause their exposure. I will show you how red that map truly is and how many in your House should be red and not blue. 

An unprecedented wave of truth is coming to prove how many seats were stolen because your enemies thought they could steal the House and the Senate away from the people. Watch and see what unconventional things take place that will remove the ones who do not belong in your government, says the Lord. 

Oh, Deep State in Washington: your plans to steal this country did not work, and now I will show this Nation and the world how many votes Kamala really received. I will show how much of a red tsunami wave it really was. Your establishment is being dismantled as I speak. You think you will not go down without a fight. You have things you can use, so you will continue to try to sabotage My David and his presidency, but it will fail. You will not go quietly, but soon, I will silence you, your control, and your power in this Nation. 

Your news media will not recover. Your foreign allies will turn their backs on you, and soon, you will have nothing left. Judgment is about to hit DC, along with a political storm that you will not recover from because this Nation is Mine, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE ON A WARPATH TO STOP MY DAVID - November 14, 2024

My children, be prepared for a battle. Stay on guard because your enemies are planning something against you that you do not yet see. Do not be taken by surprise. That is why My Word states to stay alert because your adversary is roaming around seeking whom he may devour. 

He is planning on all of you becoming complacent, so that with this next attack, he can take you by surprise and knock you off your feet where you cannot resist him or fight back

This is the time to be prepared, to get into My Word more, to get to know Me more, to be strengthened by Me. This is the time for a battle, one that I am fighting for you. You just have to hold the line, stay in faith, and trust in Me, that I will take care of your enemy, says the Lord. 

Foreign enemies are about to invade and attack this great nation. your enemies in Washington want it to look like they are peaceful and accepting the results of the election and the will of the people. and that is the exact opposite of what is really going on behind the scenes. What they want to do is far worse than what it looks like happened in your country on January 6th. That fake insurrection constructed and carried out by the swamp rats in your capital. 

I have warned you that they will try (to pull off) an actual insurrection— something you would not expect, not in the way this would be carried out. Call down their plans. You cannot stop the attack that is coming, but like I have said before, you can stop the effects of it

The attempts by your enemies in Washington to stay in power will be unprecedented in ways that will shock this Nation. Right now, you can see they are rattled and have been knocked off their feet, but they are not done resisting or standing in the way of keeping this country from moving forward without them. 

They are petrified of losing their power and money. They will try things they never would have tried, not even six months ago, because they never expected a Trump victory. They have to do what they can to stop the massacre of their establishment, but all attempts will fail

Something significant will take place in Washington, DC before Inauguration Day. Your enemies are on a warpath to stop My David from taking back that seat. It is calm now, so you will put down your guard, stop fighting, and let them in so they can take back the win

So, My Church, stand at attention and continue to shout at their walls and against any and all attacks against you. I need My Church to stay in this fight spiritually. My children, continue to move forward to take back the Nation that already belongs to you. Do not back off like the Israelites did right before the Promised Land. Learn from their wrong decisions and remove all the giants in your land by standing and using the authority I have given to you. You will see them all fall and be removed in unprecedented ways. Unconventional things will continue to take place for your Nation’s complete deliverance from the hands of the wicked, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Nancy Pelosi and many in Washington are about to be ousted for the failure of Kamala and for their pressure on removing “the Biden.” Many in the establishment are on the chopping block for that decision. Many shocking resignations are coming. The establishment is getting rid of the weak links, the failures, and those they have no use for anymore. 

Watch what takes place with some who were reelected, the ones who have stolen elections year after year. Judgment will be clear. You will see justice. It will be served. The more they plan, plot, and resist My David, the more they will fail, fall, and be exposed

Mitch McConnell and other traitors like him will fall in unprecedented ways. The old guard is being removed by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, your enemies are turning on each other more and more. There is a foreign nation that is about to turn on the establishment and join My David. This will cause a great shaking because this foreign nation has explosive proof on what the Deep State has been up to, and it will crush their efforts moving forward. 

Keep your eyes on Ukraine. Truth is coming that will make Washington scream. Their honey holes are being emptied out, and (the places) where they stored some of their biggest secrets are being discovered. 

My children, your enemies are in for a world of hurt once they realize that some of their longtime allies are turning on them, with no way of stopping it. Keep your eyes on Washington from now until Inauguration Day. The landscape will change. The people will change, and this Nation will be freed from the establishment once and for all. 

So, start to rejoice because I have said that where you see your enemies today, you will soon see them no more, says the Lord your Redeemer.

Patty Teichroew - November 2024

Julie Green - THERE IS STILL A WAR GOING ON FOR THIS NATION. - November 12, 2024

I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children that the establishment is about to get caught red-handed with a murder-for-hire plot against My David. I have repeatedly told you that your enemies are not going down without a fight. They could not convince the public to hate him and not vote for him. They could not stop him with their ridiculous indictments. The only other choice they have now is to have someone get rid of him

There is more to the plot to stop Iran’s plans to kill President Trump than what it appears. They were not doing this alone. They were here on this soil and in this Nation because your government paid for and allowed them to come here for that. I told you that your enemies were turning on each other. Since they have tried (to kill Trump) by using people here and their assassination attempts failed, the establishment wanted someone else to do their dirty work and fall for them if this plan did not work. They have people in place to take the fall in order to protect themselves. 

Yes, this plot was stopped to make the DOJ, the White House, and the intelligence community look good and appear as if they are doing their jobs when, in fact, it is just the opposite

My children, whistleblowers are coming forward to prove your enemies don’t want peace; they don’t want a smooth transition, and they are not good at losing. So do not let these optics fool you. They are plotting and planning behind closed doors about all their options for staying in power. Let Me remind you that they still have spies collecting data from President Trump, so they can sabotage him in any way he tries moving forward

There is still a war going on for this Nation, but your enemies are on the losing end. Unprecedented events will continue because you are living in unprecedented times. There will be no denying that I am the Protector and Deliverer of this Nation. 

Your enemies will try to attack when people have their guards down and are least expecting it. When you see them trying to stop President Trump and this Nation from moving forward and using foreign nations to do this, just remember, they will fail. Their plans will collapse, and they will come to nothing

I told you they would try using viruses, and they have, but none of them stuck or shut down the world as they so desired. Fear did not paralyze the world as it did before. They have used foreign militia in your Nation and that is about to be activated, but again, it will fail. The elections failed. They tried to indict him, but that failed. They tried to kill him, but that also failed. Your enemies have a history of failure, and it will not stop now. No matter what they do or who they use, do not be afraid and do not get into fear because I am here, says the Lord. 

Many things that are unorthodox and unethical will take place—from the side of the left and the Washington establishment. They will do something unconventional against this Nation. So, call it down. No matter what weapon, disinformation, or propaganda they use, call it down and demand it comes to nothing because they are nothing, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Atlantis: this name and location will be in the news for a significant reason. 

Barbados will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Something is about to hit Iran. I have warned them, but they still attacked My Israel. They attacked My United States and went after My David. Biblical events will take place there that will get the world’s attention

A cargo ship will be in your news. It will run aground. It will seem like nothing at first, but watch. There is more to the story that will be told, no matter how hard they try to hide it. 

Black Swan events are about to take place in this Nation. Remember what I told you. They are doing this to deceive, distract, and destroy you, so do not fall for it. They will fail at what they are attempting to accomplish, says the Lord. 

Mitch McConnell: I am talking to you. I have warned you, but you have not listened. What you are attempting to do against My Nation and My David will fail. You will fall along with your plan. You thought you could pull this off to undermine President Trump and the citizens of this Nation. You have your plans to resist him and his efforts to dismantle the establishment, but it will not work. You will pay a high price for this. The world will know that judgment has hit you, and justice will be served, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, pray down all the plots and the sabotage against President Trump and his administration. Call down the attacks against this Nation. Justice and judgment will hit Washington on unprecedented levels never seen before

A tsunami wave of truth is coming, and it will destroy your enemies’ plans against you. Keep warring for this Nation and all the nations around the world. Keep using My Name and My Authority and watch the giants fall before your very eyes, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, My children, a political shift has taken place that I told you would take place. You will continue to see unprecedented victories taking away the control of the wicked. You will see many things forced out of their hands and put back into yours. You will see this Nation become the Nation it was meant to be without the interference of your enemies

There is also a shift spiritually. Once, you were captives of your enemies with overwhelming fear, anxiety, depression, pain, sickness, and constant affliction, (but now) you will see miracle after miracle and breakthrough after breakthrough. My children, this is the Great Exodus. There will be no feeble among those who believe. 

This is also the time when your enemies will gnash their teeth. They will try attack after attack. But laugh because it is nothing compared to Me. You will see every giant in your land be removed from it like they never existed

“Lord, this sounds too good to be true. We do not want to get our hopes up only to be disappointed.” My children, get into My Word and read the book of Exodus. Get the revelations I have for you for in this time. Build up your faith and trust in Me and not in what you see. 

I have done this before, so why would it be so hard for Me to do it again? I am that same God. Build up your faith that I am still a healer. Build up your faith that I am still the provider. Build up your faith that I am still your victory. Build up your faith that I am still the deliverer. 

Cast out that doubt with a shout of My Written Words. My children, continue to renew your minds and destroy the fear that has been trying to flood and overtake you. Spend more time with Me where I will give you rest

When attacks come in your mind, when attacks come with symptoms in your body, when attacks come financially, when attacks come in all the different ways with impossible situations and circumstances in your life, call upon Me, and I will answer thee

Trust in Me that not only can I fix it, and not only can I deliver you, but I will. I long to answer prayers for My children. You just have to stand long enough until they are answered for you. 

These are the days when I will pour out My Glory like never before. These are the days that I want you free to freely serve Me, just as I wanted My people in the land of Goshen. This time is so much greater because this time, it is My children all over the world who will receive restoration, not just one nation or one group of people. 

These are the days when My children everywhere will experience My power, but it will not be without resistance. Your enemies will try to stop it, but you will stop your enemies with My Words and My Authority that I have given to you. 

My children, these are the days you will rise up against your enemies. You will see the failure of their plans. You will see them fall. You will see them removed. You will see that they will have to give you back what they have stolen from you. If you could see what I see, you would be shouting and praising Me continuously because what I did in Egypt is nothing compared to what I am about to do for you in this time, says the Lord. 

Get ready for the joy that will be poured out as you see the truth flooding this Earth to destroy the liars that have been holding you back. 

Children of Almighty God, you will soon see many nations all around the world bowing to this Nation as they know My David is returning to the seat of power. Many know he can bring them down. Some will try to make deals. Others will defy him, and you will see them collapse. Many nations are about to be set free. Many nations are about to change. Many leaders will soon be leaders no more. 

Canada: hold on because your victory is coming. 

Australia: I have a great victory for you. 

To all My children around the world: start to shout your enemies out. Many governments will fall. Many things will change economically and financially. It is all coming to an explosive place, so stand and receive all that I have for you, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, continue to press into Me. Continue to obey My Words. Continue to stand. Continue to resist the enemy. Continue to take back what belongs to you. Take back your nations, your freedoms, your peace, and your joy. Take back your children from the hands of the deceivers. 

Yes, this is the time for celebration. This is the time for rest, but do not move from standing in faith. Keep your guard up because your enemies are in shock from their defeat. They did not think it could happen in the way it happened. Once they get over this shock, you will see them do more against you and this Nation before the inauguration

My children, I have been giving you these Words, revelation, strength, and peace. All that I have been pouring out was not just for an election. Do not be deceived into thinking your part is over because there is so much more that will take place. Do not get complacent because of this victory. 

I saved this Nation, in a day, from the control of the powers of evil and its machine. But I have told you repeatedly there needs to be a clean sweep of all the traitors and criminals in your government and land. Some are still there, and now is the time to call them out with a shout and to call for their exposure. 

What you have seen Me do for this Nation and this election is not as much as I am planning on doing for this country. It will far exceed the victories you have seen thus far

My children in the Land of My Eagle, I am ripping the establishment from power. The justice that is about to be seen will be like no other time. Your enemies are petrified because they do not know how to stop what is coming. Judgment will hit them, and they will not recover from it. 

My children, the enemies of this land that have been slithering in your capital and the White House, will soon be there no more. I told you I would be removing them all, and how I do this will bring such shock and awe and celebration to this Nation that it has never known. 

This election and this time in the United States will (bring) independence and freedom you did not know you could have. The financial bondage over this Nation is about to be broken. You will see what wealth really is and what this Nation was always meant to have. I told you I was cleaning out the agencies and entities that do not belong. With the birth of My Nation from what it was to what I have called it to be, you will see a change in the landscape of this Nation. You will see a change in what belongs to it, along with what type of government you should have, and you will realize what did not belong because it will be destroyed before you

You will see the corporation that enslaved you be torn apart, and every corporation-controlled entity will be annihilated

The Federal Reserve: I am coming for you. You are criminals of the highest order. You are thieves and liars. I am cleaning out your resources and all you control. You were never designed for My Nation. You have manipulated and enslaved this Nation with debt it could never pay back. You did this for your design to start a new economy and a new currency for more control. You have enslaved this Nation under interest rates that I will rip apart. You thought you were safe and too big to ever fall. Well, I will show you that I can take out any giant anywhere and anytime. You are nothing compared to Me, says the Lord. 

Jerome Powell: I will remove you and expose all who are on the board at the Federal Reserve—those who are there now and those who have been there before. I will completely expose all of you and what your purpose is, and it is not to benefit My Nation but to control it. Woe to you who have taken part in such filth. Judgment is coming, and your removal is at hand, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, the House of Representatives has been hiding many things from you. Your Congress has been full of criminals. They have passed many bills with filth and corruption in them to benefit them and the establishment. I will show every bill that has been passed that was full of crimes against this Nation

My children, I will show you who controlled the wallet of this Nation and where all the funds have gone to enslave this Nation to such a degree that you would never get out of it. 

I will expose every establishment representative who took part in paying foreign governments and spies to weaken this country. My children, the establishment is petrified that when the books are opened, they will expose where all the biggest honey holes are. One of them is Ukraine—how they used it to siphon much of that Nation to benefit themselves and not the Ukrainian people, but the government there that kept the establishment’s secrets. It goes beyond Hunter and “the Biden.” 

Obama will not be safe from these exposures of what he did throughout his fake presidency up until today or from all the crimes he has committed in many nations around the world. The Obama regime and his dynasty will be torn to shreds once this nation is told about all that he was taking part in to destroy this country with the help of the UN and other leaders. The establishment will collapse under all this exposure and truth, and it will annihilate the establishment’s existence in this Nation. I will restore everything they have taken from it

My children, don’t you see that it is not an election that will save you? It is Me. I will tear apart everyone in your Nation, foreign and domestic, who was trying to kill this country and your freedoms. So, keep praying for exposure and the removal of your enemies

I did not want this to be just another election time or election cycle. No! That is why I said unprecedented and unconventional. I am completely healing your land of the evil that has tried to enslave it

So, keep standing and keep calling for their removal because you have not seen anything yet, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, My children, a political shift has taken place that I told you would take place. You will continue to see unprecedented victories taking away the control of the wicked. You will see many things forced out of their hands and put back into yours. You will see this Nation become the Nation it was meant to be without the interference of your enemies

There is also a shift spiritually. Once, you were captives of your enemies with overwhelming fear, anxiety, depression, pain, sickness, and constant affliction, (but now) you will see miracle after miracle and breakthrough after breakthrough. My children, this is the Great Exodus. There will be no feeble among those who believe. 

This is also the time when your enemies will gnash their teeth. They will try attack after attack. But laugh because it is nothing compared to Me. You will see every giant in your land be removed from it like they never existed

“Lord, this sounds too good to be true. We do not want to get our hopes up only to be disappointed.” My children, get into My Word and read the book of Exodus. Get the revelations I have for you for in this time. Build up your faith and trust in Me and not in what you see. 

I have done this before, so why would it be so hard for Me to do it again? I am that same God. Build up your faith that I am still a healer. Build up your faith that I am still the provider. Build up your faith that I am still your victory. Build up your faith that I am still the deliverer. 

Cast out that doubt with a shout of My Written Words. My children, continue to renew your minds and destroy the fear that has been trying to flood and overtake you. Spend more time with Me where I will give you rest

When attacks come in your mind, when attacks come with symptoms in your body, when attacks come financially, when attacks come in all the different ways with impossible situations and circumstances in your life, call upon Me, and I will answer thee

Trust in Me that not only can I fix it, and not only can I deliver you, but I will. I long to answer prayers for My children. You just have to stand long enough until they are answered for you. 

These are the days when I will pour out My Glory like never before. These are the days that I want you free to freely serve Me, just as I wanted My people in the land of Goshen. This time is so much greater because this time, it is My children all over the world who will receive restoration, not just one nation or one group of people. 

These are the days when My children everywhere will experience My power, but it will not be without resistance. Your enemies will try to stop it, but you will stop your enemies with My Words and My Authority that I have given to you. 

My children, these are the days you will rise up against your enemies. You will see the failure of their plans. You will see them fall. You will see them removed. You will see that they will have to give you back what they have stolen from you. If you could see what I see, you would be shouting and praising Me continuously because what I did in Egypt is nothing compared to what I am about to do for you in this time, says the Lord. 

Get ready for the joy that will be poured out as you see the truth flooding this Earth to destroy the liars that have been holding you back. 

Children of Almighty God, you will soon see many nations all around the world bowing to this Nation as they know My David is returning to the seat of power. Many know he can bring them down. Some will try to make deals. Others will defy him, and you will see them collapse. Many nations are about to be set free. Many nations are about to change. Many leaders will soon be leaders no more. 

Canada: hold on because your victory is coming. 

Australia: I have a great victory for you. 

To all My children around the world: start to shout your enemies out. Many governments will fall. Many things will change economically and financially. It is all coming to an explosive place, so stand and receive all that I have for you, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, continue to press into Me. Continue to obey My Words. Continue to stand. Continue to resist the enemy. Continue to take back what belongs to you. Take back your nations, your freedoms, your peace, and your joy. Take back your children from the hands of the deceivers. 

Yes, this is the time for celebration. This is the time for rest, but do not move from standing in faith. Keep your guard up because your enemies are in shock from their defeat. They did not think it could happen in the way it happened. Once they get over this shock, you will see them do more against you and this Nation before the inauguration

My children, I have been giving you these Words, revelation, strength, and peace. All that I have been pouring out was not just for an election. Do not be deceived into thinking your part is over because there is so much more that will take place. Do not get complacent because of this victory. 

I saved this Nation, in a day, from the control of the powers of evil and its machine. But I have told you repeatedly there needs to be a clean sweep of all the traitors and criminals in your government and land. Some are still there, and now is the time to call them out with a shout and to call for their exposure. 

What you have seen Me do for this Nation and this election is not as much as I am planning on doing for this country. It will far exceed the victories you have seen thus far

My children in the Land of My Eagle, I am ripping the establishment from power. The justice that is about to be seen will be like no other time. Your enemies are petrified because they do not know how to stop what is coming. Judgment will hit them, and they will not recover from it. 

My children, the enemies of this land that have been slithering in your capital and the White House, will soon be there no more. I told you I would be removing them all, and how I do this will bring such shock and awe and celebration to this Nation that it has never known. 

This election and this time in the United States will (bring) independence and freedom you did not know you could have. The financial bondage over this Nation is about to be broken. You will see what wealth really is and what this Nation was always meant to have. I told you I was cleaning out the agencies and entities that do not belong. With the birth of My Nation from what it was to what I have called it to be, you will see a change in the landscape of this Nation. You will see a change in what belongs to it, along with what type of government you should have, and you will realize what did not belong because it will be destroyed before you

You will see the corporation that enslaved you be torn apart, and every corporation-controlled entity will be annihilated

The Federal Reserve: I am coming for you. You are criminals of the highest order. You are thieves and liars. I am cleaning out your resources and all you control. You were never designed for My Nation. You have manipulated and enslaved this Nation with debt it could never pay back. You did this for your design to start a new economy and a new currency for more control. You have enslaved this Nation under interest rates that I will rip apart. You thought you were safe and too big to ever fall. Well, I will show you that I can take out any giant anywhere and anytime. You are nothing compared to Me, says the Lord. 

Jerome Powell: I will remove you and expose all who are on the board at the Federal Reserve—those who are there now and those who have been there before. I will completely expose all of you and what your purpose is, and it is not to benefit My Nation but to control it. Woe to you who have taken part in such filth. Judgment is coming, and your removal is at hand, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, the House of Representatives has been hiding many things from you. Your Congress has been full of criminals. They have passed many bills with filth and corruption in them to benefit them and the establishment. I will show every bill that has been passed that was full of crimes against this Nation

My children, I will show you who controlled the wallet of this Nation and where all the funds have gone to enslave this Nation to such a degree that you would never get out of it. 

I will expose every establishment representative who took part in paying foreign governments and spies to weaken this country. My children, the establishment is petrified that when the books are opened, they will expose where all the biggest honey holes are. One of them is Ukraine—how they used it to siphon much of that Nation to benefit themselves and not the Ukrainian people, but the government there that kept the establishment’s secrets. It goes beyond Hunter and “the Biden.” 

Obama will not be safe from these exposures of what he did throughout his fake presidency up until today or from all the crimes he has committed in many nations around the world. The Obama regime and his dynasty will be torn to shreds once this nation is told about all that he was taking part in to destroy this country with the help of the UN and other leaders. The establishment will collapse under all this exposure and truth, and it will annihilate the establishment’s existence in this Nation. I will restore everything they have taken from it

My children, don’t you see that it is not an election that will save you? It is Me. I will tear apart everyone in your Nation, foreign and domestic, who was trying to kill this country and your freedoms. So, keep praying for exposure and the removal of your enemies

I did not want this to be just another election time or election cycle. No! That is why I said unprecedented and unconventional. I am completely healing your land of the evil that has tried to enslave it

So, keep standing and keep calling for their removal because you have not seen anything yet, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Julie Green - DON'T BACK DOWN FROM THIS FIGHT.. - November 6, 2024

My children, I will have the last laugh, and you will see the defeat of your enemies. They are trying everything they have in their war chest, to throw at you, My David, and this Nation. Your enemies are running out of strategies to cook up against you. I have told you before that I have cut their lines of communication. The division has grown so deep between them that they are on the verge of total collapse

They pulled out everything against your elections, but you will watch them fail. I removed “the Biden,” and now you will see how both Kamala and “the Biden” will be finished off by their party

My children, many things have been going on behind the cameras that you do not see. It will completely shock you all that they have pulled off during these last four years with these two. But wait until I show you all the thieves and actors in your government. It was not just “the Biden” and Kamala that stole the White House. I will show you the entire cast in Washington, on both sides—who took part in what and how much each one gained from it

Watch how they begin to implode even quicker after the election when the results come out. Watch them scream and throw each other under the bus, you would say. Watch the desperation become clearer. Watch; they will commit crimes out in the open. Watch; they will continue to unmask themselves in front of the world, (showing) who they really are. 

My children, a storm is brewing in your capital, and your enemies’ desperation will be even clearer than it is now. They will stop at nothing to keep My David from the White House. And again, I say they will scream “stolen election” and “election fraud” because they are trying so desperately to hide what they have done and to blame President Trump for it. They will try fake narratives on a grander scale than what they already have. They will try to imprison him, but they will not be successful. They will try to attack and try to assassinate him again, but it will also not be successful. They will try not to certify the election. I have told you that they will try their own insurrection. They will try to spin the truth, but the more they do, the more they will collapse, and the more they will fall

Do not back down from this fight. And just because this election has gone this way, do not stop (fighting) for the ones that were stolen. Restoration and the political reset I have been talking to you about will be like a dream, but your enemies will try to make this victory seem like a nightmare. Stand against their fear and deception. Call down every lie that keeps your enemies where they are. Call down their corruption and the judges that have helped them stay in power. 

I am not done with 2020, and neither should you be. They stole it, and they have stolen much from you because of it. Continue to demand it back. Do not let up on it, and do not let them get away with the theft they pulled off in front of the world. I will prove who are all fake presidents, senators, and congressmen and women. I will show you the fake Supreme Court justices who do not belong because they were not appointed by a rightful president

The law has been broken continuously. You do not have just politicians in your government. You have high-paid criminals and mob bosses designed to intimidate, blackmail, and remove anyone who would stand in their way or would weaken the establishment. 

The amount of truth that will pour out of Washington will soon bring this Nation to a standstill—when this Nation realizes that murderers and criminals were running this country and that it was worse than you could have imagined. The scandals are unprecedented, and so will the judgment and justice you are about to see and the great reset that has to take place in your government. In these last four years, I have drawn out many of the hidden infiltrators that were always protected behind the walls of this machine. 

My David and many beside him have been collecting data. And My David, knowing that he had some spies in his midst, would purposely say things and send them into the perfect trap. The more you pray, My children, the more the traitors in his midst will be revealed, and the more they will be unmasked before him

Do not lose heart. Many things you will see you will not understand until all is revealed. I have told you about many things, but you will need to walk by faith and not by sight. Lean on Me and ask Me to help you with more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Do not lean on your own understanding in this time because that is what your enemies are counting on

My children, receive My strength and receive My peace. I will never abandon you. I have promised to deliver, and that is what I am doing. A great shaking is coming after this election. Do not be moved because I am removing the rest of what you see. It will look darker, but I am pouring out My Glory upon you like never before. 

Victory is yours because I am your victory, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

I am not done with the hammer and scorecard. It is about to come back and haunt the ones who committed these crimes and the ones who tried to cover them up. 

The architects of election fraud are about to be exposed and brought to nothing in front of the world

I will bring out and expose the January 6th architects, the indictment architects, the assassination architects, everyone who has tried to impeach My David, and everyone who has tried to steal this Nation and continues to try to control it. I brought Pharaoh out from where he was to totally humiliate and annihilate him, and I will do the same right now on a bigger scale. I drew Goliath out from among his army to fight alone. Everyone who has come up against My children has lost, and this is no different

My children, when I bring the establishment down, it will collapse governments worldwide that are funded by the establishment. This will affect many nations. It will set My children free, no matter where they live. 

I will bring back presidents of other nations who also had their elections stolen from them. I am restoring leaders, and I am restoring My Church to where it should have been all along

My children, it is time for the world to be set free from the darkness that has enslaved it. So, receive My Glory and receive what I have already done so I can use you more in this time, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Veronika West - The Tide Has Turned!.. - November 12, 2024

”Daughter, many are building Castles in the Sand and not building My Kingdom on the Rock!

I say Watch! For the Tide has turned and is now coming In!”

In recent days, I have been deeply grieved yet again to see Prophetic Ministries both in my own Nation and abroad, that have made it very clear that 90% of the Prophets that Prophesied that Trump would be Reelected for a Second Term — which has now come to pass — are still false prophets, politically biased and guilty of Idol worship, and are instrumental in leading many astray!

These Ministries are in fact the ones who are responsible for spreading hate and division in The Body of Christ, and they seek to validate their own spiritual ideology and prophetic prowess by slandering and insulting other Ministries, as they elevate themselves as the “Knowers of all Truth”.

When the Election was stolen from Trump in 2020, I was immediately instructed to Recant, Repent and tell the World that what I had dreamed and prophesied through Visions and in extended times of consecrated prayer, was all a lie, and it was all simply some figment of my wild imagination!

I was kindly offered that Public Apologies could be written for me and that things could be framed in such a way that it would somehow lessen the blow of rejection and humiliation for my own Ministry, and I was even offered deep inner healing and restoration.

God forbid!

In turn, I kindly refused the offers and stated I would rather have my head chopped off than have statements written for me — recanting or repenting for releasing by Faith, what God had so graciously given to me to steward.

I’m sure, like many prophetic voices out there, I certainly did not wake up one morning and just choose to start Prophesying over the Nation of America!

In fact — truth be known — when God first spoke to me in 2015 about a man called Donald Trump becoming President one day, I asked The LORD to give it to someone else!

After the stolen Election in 2020, in the face of extreme pressure to the point of even contemplating suicide because of the spiritual abuse and relentless bullying, I went and begged God to stop speaking to me about the Nation of America, and He answered me saying, ”Child, just a little bit longer. My Grace is sufficient for you!”

BUT! Satan never wins! The Rejection, the Ridicule, the Closed Doors, the loss of Friendships and Ministry Connections and Relationships only made me more dependent and reliant on God.

Indeed, it drove me into The Secret Place, it sharpened me to the wiles, schemes and temptations of Satan to become a people pleaser and an idol worshipper of men.

It made me discerning of high levels of witchcraft shrouded in light and cultish manipulation and control operating in The Church.

It heightened my ability to recognise and rightly discern the deception of the enemy and all its deadly trappings.

I am saddened in this hour, that yet again when the Prophets and the Prophetic Ministries should be healing and coming into a place of greater Unity, Maturity and Purity, we have many still only seeking to remain in the spotlight by once again slandering and condemning the Prophets who stood by their convictions and chose obedience over sacrifice in the face of ruthless and relentless pressure to yield to the spirit of fear, shame and control.

My heart cry is, “Father Heal and Restore the Prophetic Ministry. Send your Fire to cleanse and purify your Prophets!

Raise up the True Apostles in our midst and bring divine alignment through true repentance.

Father God, come and reorder and recalibrate. Move through the True Apostolic and Prophetic as we come together to co-labour in Unity, Love and Submission to the Head being Christ.”

My heart cry is, “Father, for the sake of Your Glory, would you Yoke the True Apostolic and Prophetic together that we may build and establish Your Kingdom in the Earth and that True Kingdom Reformation within the Five-fold can begin to manifest, that the fullness of the Governmental Power and Authority of the Key of the House of David can be fully restored to Your Body that the Great Harvest of Souls can be fulfilled?”

Yesterday I was praying about what I’m seeing unfolding in the Prophetic, and I heard The Spirit say, ”Daughter, many are building Castles in the Sand and not building My Kingdom on the Rock!

I say Watch! For the Tide has turned and is now coming In!”


Oh, My United States, why do you fear what your enemies can do? Why do you fear that they can steal another election and stay in control of this Nation? 

My children, don’t you trust that I am the Most High God? Don’t you trust Me when I say, I have defeated the enemy? Don’t you trust My Words that I have given—that you are more than conquerors, and I have made you stronger than your oppressors—because I have. Don’t you see the fear and the lies your enemies are using to gain power over you and this Nation? 

This Nation will not stay in the hands of the establishment. They are about to unleash things against you that will bring much discouragement and confusion, (with people) wondering if there is going to be an all-out civil war

They will try to crowd your streets with protests and violence. They will deny the election results and scream about their so-called democracy when all they care about is control and their precious establishment. 

Your enemies and their plans are a joke. When they fill your streets, you fill your houses and your neighborhoods with My praise. Praise Me louder, as much as you can, and you will see how fast your enemies fall completely from power

I have promised to bring you a victory. It does not matter what your enemies are up to. It does not matter what they throw at you. None of it is bigger than Me. So do not be surprised when things appear worse after the election—chaos and attacks against you by your enemies. They will lose as they always do

Have I not proven to you by now that I am protecting this Nation from the hands of the wicked? Have you not heard the prophetic Words I have given and seen them taking place? I am the Deliverer, and I am the One Who saves nations from the evil that Satan uses to destroy them. This is My Nation, and this machine that is against it will be torn apart by My Hand, and it will never recover

My children, this is when your faith comes in, when fighting the good fight comes in. This is when everything will shake around you, but it will not shake the ones whose hearts are fixed on Me

Do you not see that I AM THAT I AM?  I am the same in My Word as I am now. To this Nation and all My children around the world: I will not fail you, so do not fear what you are about to hear. Do not believe in your enemies’ threats against your election being certified. Do not listen to their words about trying to throw My David in prison and throwing away the key. There is a key that will be used, but it will not be your enemies’

I have so many things laid up for you regarding your victory that you do not see. Your enemies will try much against you because they know the truth is coming. They know that proof is coming. They know that potential defeat is coming. It is guaranteed. Your enemies will fall in front of the world. They will be ripped from their power in this hour. So, My children, stand up and shout your enemies out, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Carolyn Dennis - THE GREAT HEALTH TRANSFER. - November 11, 2024

This message is the great health transfer and I received this on November 9th 2024. Here’s what the father told me. I am going to use Robert Kennedy as a vessel to set the country free from sickness and disease. He will on day one make major changes in the Food and Drug industry that will help you. My people are perishing for a lack of knowledge. Wake up church and smell the coffee. Coffee is one, but it is everything in your pantry, and your medicine cabinet, and on your nightstand. Get ready for the body of Christ to slim down in the obesity problem in this country to dissolve. Get ready my church for your bodies to begin to heal themselves as I design them to do so. Get ready church for long life renewed hope, and energy and emotional and mental health issues to straighten out. This program implemented by Bobby kenne,d will dramatically change the health and well-being of America.

I have told you there will be Glory Days. Glory Days include your health, and not just your wallet. As the change changes are implemented by Kennedy and Team America will flourish. No longer will the evil ones be putting toxins into your food. No longer will the evil ones be pushing their poisonous vaccines on my people. Be open and ready for the changes that are coming to my body in your physical body. Miracles will seem to occur with people as these changes are implemented. But much will be my people gaining wisdom and making changes in their health due to their life lifestyle changes. Your body is my temple and I want you healthy, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I have great plans for my body and I need a church that is whole and healthy. I need a church that is energized and ready to complete the Great Commission of my precious son Jesus.

I have told you of the great wealth transfer it is also time for the great health transfer as changes are implemented in the US Food and Drug Administration. Listen carefully to my son Bobby Kennedy he belongs to me and I am using him for my glory. Bobby is a very wise man, and we have made the way for him to make America healthy again. So look up my church, your Redemption draws near. America will be free and healthy. These are Glory Days they are here. Get ready everything is changing now I love you. Abba Father

Carolyn Dennis - IT'S GLORY TIME! - November 8, 2024

Okay, so the message from God I received on November the 8th and it came in the morning and then it came in the evening. So it’s kind of a two-parter but um it flows and it’s called it’s glory time. Okay here we go. This is the message from God there is much to tell you in the days to come as these exciting glorious days are upon you. Did I not tell you Trump Vance would lead the country? Did I not tell you the evil ones will be gone? Watch What Happens Next. There will be a display of my power throughout the Earth and the Earth will be filled with my glory. I Am The Great I Am and not a man that would lie. Watch all that happens next. Did I not tell you that Trump would be vindicated of all charges and the convictions? Yes, that is happening now. I am the great I am and I said it is so

So be still little children and draw near to me. I have great plans for each of you, and to fulfill your dreams and the desires of of your heart. Give me a few minutes of your day. But stay longer with me if you can. I have great plans for each of you and to fulfill your dreams and the desires of your heart. There is going to be much excitement as you see and taste the red tide Victory. I am that I am, and I told told you that I will come through. It will be more than enough with the house and the senate for Trump to do it all. I have strategically aligned him this time with the perfect people to achieve my goals of the United States being fully restored to one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Yes for all, for all of the people. There will be turbulence but as you experience turbulence so will the pressures from the left. Turbulence is not usually long lived and is disruptive. It takes time to shake you but but you believe it will stop and it usually does.

The Dems will exhibit some shortlived turbulence and shortlived it will be so keep your seat belt on but you only need to talk to me. I will give you the most glorious times of your life and it has already started. So celebrate some more and love on all. And especially those on the other side. Let those see the light of my son in your eyes and in all that you do. I am so proud of each of you. Now get ready for some fun and some wonderful changes. I it’s glory time. Love, Abba Father


My children, your enemies are about to experience a total blowout they do not see coming. There is a groundswell of people changing their votes for My David, just as they have in the past. There are new first-time voters and young voters who will overwhelmingly turn out for the side of the red. There are people who have been silent until Election Day. 

States will be in play that were blue, but will now turn red. Your enemies just do not see this yet. There will be complete upsets because a storm is coming—of people that have turned against the establishment and the propaganda machine. It will cause total devastation to Washington. 

Your enemies truly believe they can stop this movement, but they cannot. They are in for a big surprise when the turnout for My David destroys their attempts to steal another election yet again. As I have told you before, My children, this is not another 2020, no, because I am the deliverer, and I am delivering you from any attempts to steal the votes and decisions of this Nation

Your enemies believe they have everything in place to cause outages and chaos with the election machines and the polling places. They will say they are experiencing problems and issues that they cannot fix, to stop both My children and people in red counties from being able to vote. They have many different types of attacks planned to cause discouragement and disruptions so there is nothing people can do to fight against it

But as always, your enemies do not see Me coming to intervene on your behalf. Oh, My United States, your enemies will fall hard after this election, but it will not stop there. Many who are not up for reelection are not safe either because of the political storm that is coming and the political reset I have spoken about. 

This is why I have said you do not need an election; you need Me to protect you. You need Me to clean out your government (so you can) start with a new one.  The way this will all take place in this Nation has never been seen, so there is nothing to compare it to. 

(The time from) Election Day until Inauguration Day will be unprecedented and unconventional in many ways, as I repeatedly have told you. You will see an uptick of chaos in the streets, and the enemies in Washington will scream stolen election.” They will use their news media to say it was stolen again and that they must stop him from taking back the presidency

You will see them say outwardly that they will do anything to stop him and that they will not certify the election. They will continue to scream that they have the power to do this. If you think you have seen how evil your enemies truly are, you have not seen anything yet. You will see their masks removed and them gnashing their teeth and losing control live, on-air in front of the world. This will prove how unhinged, out of touch, and out of control they all are. 

A storm is coming to Washington that will clean out the scum, the rats, and the snakes that have controlled your Nation for far too long

I am the Great I AM, and your enemies cannot stop what is about to take place in this land to remove them all out of the way. I am sending My David back to lead this Nation and to throw the stone that will take out all the giants. And none will be left standing, says the Lord of Hosts. 

As for you on the side of the red who are wolves in sheep’s clothing: you are not safe. Not only will you be removed like everyone else, but I will expose you, and all of you will be tried for treason, just like so many on the side of the blue who are against Me. 

To all the spies next to My David: you will soon regret your decisions and the payments you took because they will all be ripped from you, and judgment will strike you like never before. 

To all the traitors of this Nation: you will experience judgment day, and you will all be removed by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, you will see vengeance against your enemies. You will see justice prevail. You will see restoration that you never knew was possible. I am coming to deliver you and to give back all that has been stolen from you.  

This Nation belongs to Me, and you will see a great victory. Do not fear their attempts against this Nation because you are in the Army of the Lord. And you have the ability to stop every plan they try because you have My Name and My Authority. So, use it. Shout My Words louder. Praise more because it paralyzes your enemies and brings them to nothing, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - November 2024

Bev Cleary - November - December 2024


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

My Light shining through you is radiation to the cancerous infrastructure of evil that has been established in the United States of America for too long. The Light coming from Me, flowing through you, causes this infrastructure of evil in America and all throughout the world to melt like wax before a fire. Let the walls of Jericho come tumbling down.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Magnify Me. Be a reflection of Me. Be a lantern shining bright in the night for Me. Be a lighthouse, a mirror, a reflection accurately depicting the state of the lost ones. It’s time for America to seek truth and justice. Sowing of the past is resulting in the reaping of today. Go higher. Rise higher. Breathe freer in the upper atmosphere. Expect to rise. Expect to fly. Expect victory, resulting in the enemy of your soul under your feet.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

A new day begins. Opportunities abound, springs forth. Is this fall or spring? I’m showering blessings on you. It’s a blessing and a test. Be prudent in your actions and your words. Level-headed minds win the day. It’s life springing up. It’s a dry, well becoming active again. Be wise in your movements. Be sure of your next step. Seek Me, and the rest will follow.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

A new day begins. Opportunities abound, springs forth. Is this fall or spring? I’m showering blessings on you. It’s a blessing and a test. Be prudent in your actions and your words. Level-headed minds win the day. It’s life springing up. It’s a dry well becoming active again. Be wise in your movements. Be sure of your next step. Seek Me, and the rest will follow.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Watch out. Watch the words. Weigh and measure the words from “Mike from around the world.” Not all are true and lovely and of good report. It is time for increased decernment. It’s time to weigh and measure all words given like never before. How is this done? By being close to Me. By reading My Word. By meditating on it when you aren’t reading it. Perilous times have come. Take the good, leave the bad. Take what is from Me. But first you must decern what is of Me and what is not.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Follow the path that leads to Zion. Do not swerve to the left or the right. Gaze straight ahead. Time is precious. Do not waste it. Time was created for man. Pay attention to the signs I lay before you. Keep your focus on things above. A new Jerusalem is coming. It has taken 2,000 years to build it. With this new Jerusalem is your transformation, which is the ascending higher, higher, and higher still until all the dross is scraped off and dead works have been burned away.

The path is linear yet multi-dementional, simple yet complex. Go higher


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

My Ways are simple yet complex at the same time. They are straight paths, yes. The understanding you gain as you go down My path adds layers of depth to your understanding. It’s a mystery. You go deeper and higher. The path is linear yet multi-dementional, simple yet complex. Go higher


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Be at peace in the midst of the alarm bells sounding for war. Fight the threat with joy, the peace that passes all understanding, the goodness you read about in My Word is for those who seek Me. Put the enemy of your soul underneath your feet, but do not let up. Do not give the enemy an inch. This is not the time to back down. The action of your faith can be accomplished with peace and joy.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Pray for the wisdom of Solomon during this time. These are the days of testing. It will not go the way you envision it should go. Stay steadfast and unwavering. Do not be offended. Fight the good fight of faith.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

My Ways are simple yet complex at the same time. They are straight paths, yes. The understanding you gain as you go down My path adds layers of depth to your understanding. It’s a mystery. You go deeper and higher. The path is linear yet multi-dementional, simple yet complex. Go higher


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Get ready to build. Build up, build up. Prepare the way. Your job is to build bridges, connection points. The broken connection points repaired and strengthened. Bridge the gap. Build up the wall that has been torn down. You all are builders. Build the infrastructure that leads the lost back to Me. Be fruitful and multiply. My Kingdom come. My Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The day and days will go by swiftly when your focus is on looking up instead of looking around. Around is turmoil, strife, vanity, oppression. Focus on a higher plane of existence where freedom, love, peace, joy dwell. Focus on the higher purpose of bringing a better kingdom to earth. My Kingdom come. My Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


My children, your cries and prayers have been heard in Heaven. My Word promises that I will hear the cries of My people, and I will deliver you out of it all. I am the deliverer that you can count on. I am bringing you out from among your enemies and their control. I am destroying their system that held and enslaved you

My United States and Israel will not stay in the conditions you see them in now. No! I am restoring their fortunes, their freedoms, and all that belongs to them. I have appointed leaders of these nations to bring forth My Will and My plans on Earth for all nations. I told you President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu will be working together hand in hand to bring forth My plans that I have for this time and the nations. 

This is why your enemies have tried to take them both out and cause total devastation to both countries. Evil plans have been made and are still being plotted for the death and destruction of My United States. Your enemies have something up their sleeves that they have not yet used to take down your financial system, and they have enemies targeting your power grids. Your power grids are weak on purpose, not because they could not have made them stronger. They allowed this weakness in your Nation to be a safeguard. If things do not go their way, they can always play that card to make your lives as miserable as possible. Then, you would stop fighting them back. 

I will show you such a plan. I will show you the traitors in this Nation who have purposely kept you weak in this area (as a means) to cripple this Nation. 

My children, remember, in My Word, before My people left the land of Goshen, they had straw taken away. It was to make their lives harder. Your enemies’ plans have always been the same. There is nothing new under the sun. 

Stop the fear. I am not telling you these things to bring you fear or for you to start to panic about what you need to buy or stock up on. I am telling you to call it down and to trust Me, trust that I am your provider no matter what type of provision you need. Remember, there was gross darkness in Egypt, but there was light in Goshen

I am everything you need. So do not panic and do not fear what your enemies are up to. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, and I live in you. I am with you. I am your refuge and your protector. I will not leave you under the control of your enemies. I have promised that I will deliver you, and I will do just that, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Acosta: this name and company will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

The Today Show, and any morning show that the lamestream media uses for propaganda and filth, is about to be exposed with scandal after scandal. The truth will pour out about what they have been hiding. I told you about the hot mics, the scripts they were sent, and the proof of who sent them

The news media and its landscape will suddenly change because a shift in who runs the news is taking place. It will be ripped from your enemies’ control, says the Lord. 

Savannah Guthrie will be in your news for a shocking reason. Every person who is against Me will be removed, says the Lord. 

Gavin Newsom will be caught cheating in this election. Proof will come out about what he and his colleagues have done to try to keep California blue when it is actually red. Voter fraud will be exposed and so will every person who took part in it

The DNC will erupt in scandal and exposure because there is so much proof of fraud and criminal activity. It will completely come out into the open. I told you to follow the money. Their campaign funds have been used for more than campaign-related expenses. Proof is coming about how those funds were used to try and block My David from office. They disguised these funds by siphoning them through their campaign, but they were used to spy on My David, and they were used to sabotage his campaign

The DNC has people in the RNC disguised as Republicans collecting data and giving it to Kamala and her puppet masters. Their campaign funds were also used to pay liars, so-called whistleblowers, and people like Fannie Willis, Nathan Wade, and others involved in the indictments against My David. 

A great shaking is coming to the political realm and to the great corruption they have tried to cover up. With one move of My Hand, I will uncover it all, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Keep pressing into Me, My children. Keep using My Words. Keep praising Me because it is bringing down your enemies and every plan they have devised against you. You will soon see restoration you have never known. Do not give up right now, not before the greatest breakthrough in the history of mankind. It is all coming because it is time for the Great Exodus, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Barry Wunsch - The Merging Of Gold & Governance - November 8, 2024

Oh well Kelsea I’ll just you know maybe just jump right in. um you know November 1, which isn’t that many days ago uh you know I was spending some time with the Lord. And often as he does with me you know he’ll take me into the spirit and you know as he did on this day. And I found myself to be in a a high level you know governmental briefing. And now it wasn’t a huge Gathering uh that had been called but it did seem like it had been kind of called on short notice. And those that were in the room, I mean it was deep State uh American leaders I well Obamas the and now there were also some men in Men In Black, and and by the spirit I knew that these were CIA folks. and they had a couple of video uh screens up you know in the room and they had these feeds coming in. And the first one they had actually appeared to be uh Chinese governmental and Military you know leaders. And you know the briefing that they were having with the American State uh leaders. You know is regarding kind of next steps time frames uh risk analysis uh you know deep State Logistics you know kind of in a multi-layered preparation uh you know an attack furthermore against you know American and you know North American people.

Now I mean you know in the conversation they were having they had run the numbers over and over you know inside out and they knew the devastation and the you know destabilization that these plans would bring. And I mean they were prepared to pull that trigger if other means were not effective uh to stop the exposure, to stop the justice, that was now most assuredly uh coming you know, upon them and unavoidable. Uh you know with President Trump you know coming into to power in the election. And so you know the these deep Staters I mean you know it had been years in the planning and felt you know I mean and kind of a last resort. Uh you know kind of back stop you know attack to stop the Lord’s plan. You know bringing truth, and Justice, and freedom, for America the Beautiful and and and the Nations. Furthermore like you say you know because America they are you know they are tip of the spear for us in in taking back this this ground now. I I’ve never seen such a coldhearted evil in men and women uh as what was in that room. You know a cold calculus of such decisions was was just beyond and is beyond my grasp to to even try and comprehend and understand.

Did you think it was do you think it did it feel to you like it was beyond just their flesh like it was a satanic spiritual it was like a demonic? [Kelsey] Oh yeah absolutely yeah oh yeah oh absolutely I mean it’s it’s being driven by by the darkest of principalities uh and Powers. I mean it really is. And you know so I mean here they are you know they’re making these decision. And and when they finished you know with the Chinese group then they you know they kind of closed that conversation out and then the other video feed you know kind of got going. Now this group uh appeared to be a group of uh Middle Eastern uh Muslim leaders and operatives. now I mean it was clear that these American leaders uh I mean they were in a state of kind of emergency and now they were looking and taking just Desperate Measures. But in this case it was now evident that they were preparing to ramp things up against the American people, not just president Trump. And and they were willing to do so in collaboration you know on North American soil.

Now I mean I’m watching and I mean with with President Trump you know you know clearly you know securing the support of the American people. The battle now to dismantle the Establishment was not going to be a one and done thing just you know in a in a day or two by the November 5th election. You know this was just the beginning and the work was now I had to get this done and they would you know, stop but nothing to bring freedom, truth, justice, for the American people you know. The resolution in president Trump and his team was Resolute. and the Lord was clearly giving them favor in doing so and was just evident. I think we could seen that even you know over the last you know few days as things have unfolded. N these Deep State leaders uh they evaluated the situation at hand the current threat assessment against them of President Trump coming into Power, the election results, the white hats. You know they were they were once again posturing with evil more even more evil and wicked plans to try and bring chaos into the nation by whatever means and you know required you know that would stop this from happening.

Now the meeting with these uh you know Deep State you know American leaders and these extremist uh Muslim leaders and operatives. You know they were preparing to deploy actions on American soil now I mean none of this comes as a as a surprise. I mean God God sees it all and he’s I believe releasing these things Kelsey you know for prayer and intercession strategic weaponized prayer and intercession that some of these things can be diverted. Uh that the God’s plans and purposes will prevail. Now they had carefully you know the these Muslim folks they had carefully integrated into the fabric of America and Canada with cell, uh resource to commit these extreme violent acts and they were re-evaluating targets. I saw maps I mean I saw cities I saw things that they were kind of looking at there was some that they kind of had you know highlighted and were you know paying more attention to than others.

But they were very aware that the clock was ticking towards the inauguration of President Trump in January. And so while they still had a you know kind of a dark evil cover of of the treasonous paid off. You know they were going to try and use that uh you know obviously for every ounce that they could could get out of it. Because they had bought and paid for it and paid for access into the highest levels of intelligence from these treasonous leaders. And so you know these American Deep Staters. I mean they had secured uh you know an exit plan to protect themselves if things kind of got too far that they were you know in jeopardy that they were going to kind of run for it and self preserve themselves you know in their right moment if it came to that. But in the end it was all about them and trying to hide you know everything that they’ve done. So anyway Chelsea I’m you know getting this and I start to journal you know as I always do.

You know and when this this comes and the Lord dropped a word on me. And he said Barry tell my people that I’ve brought them this far and I’m not going to stop here. We are only getting started. Barry tell my people my people that have called upon my name they have prayed, and have fasted, and they’ve captured my heart, and I’ve heard every prayer and I’ve seen every tear. For you’ve called upon me and appealed unto me for truth righteousness Justice and so it shall be. For I about to root out of this land these demonic powers, principalities, and every evil and demonic regime from this nation. For it is time for these ones to be brought to Justice, and it is time for the healing of this land. Tell my people that my ways are not your ways, and some are beyond your understanding and comprehension. And you must trust me and walk in lock step with me in my spirit. For I am leading and guiding and I’ve chosen my men, men and women and they are in place for this very hour. So do not doubt me, do not fear, but stand strong in the assurance of my shalom in this hour. Once again I assure you un I assure unto you the victory is mine and I shall recover all. And holy is the word of the Lord. …

Barry Wunsch Face Book Post - The Merging of Gold and Governance - November 2, 2024

For the past two weeks I’ve had little glimpses into different situations. They have come randomly throughout my days. I knew that they were significant, but I wasn’t sure exactly what they meant. It wasn’t until the last piece of the puzzle that I realized these things all fit together.
For several days I was taken into room after room, building after building, office after office in governmental administrative buildings and organizations. In each room there were 1 to 6 people, white actors, masks on. I think you know the kind I’m talking about.
Depending upon the size of the room it seemed that there were bad actors in the midst of each and every office on each and every floor, on each and every level of governmental administration and bureaucracy.
I knew by the spirit that these were bad actors from the deep state that were planted either through corruption and foreign interference that were put in place to gather information and or hijack what the real tasks at hand were.
They were coy as they slinked around these offices with access to every file on every level that they needed to get their hands on for whatever corrupt reasons or evil intentions. They most certainly were first and foremost not protecting and serving the best plans and intentions of the American people.
It was not only the bureaucratic administrative levels of government that have these bad actors. There were many even within the Republican ranks that had weaseled their way into positions that they most certainly should not be occupying.
I kept hearing for several days, “Ground zero…it’s time for these bureaucrats to go.” I also kept hearing, “We are entering the rebirth of the nation.”
This is where it kind of tied together for me. I was going about my day and the Lord spoke to me and He said this is about the merging of gold and governance. And I don’t know how it can happen but in a second I knew that there were people removed from positions. This gold would not be released before the governance and the rebirth of the nation.
Because of the deep infiltration of the deep state and these bad actors and foreign interference, if this gold was released into the new governance without or even with President Trump, it would be in jeopardy of being stolen and people being taken out of the way in order for the deep state to maintain the power and the control that they have enjoyed for far too long.
Instantly President Trump had his work cut out for him in order to make a safe place to lay some railroad tracks for these things to flow out for America the Beautiful, but also for the nations globally. From what I saw in that moment and an instant download into my spirit, I know that this is imperative rebuilding and the rebirth what the Lord is doing in this hour.
The Lord is going to release the wealth of the wicked which has been stored up into the hands of the righteous to do what needs to be done. The IMF, WEF will look like chump change. The deep state knows this and will do everything within their power to see it stopped and restricted – because the combination of the Lord Jesus and righteous leaders, in conjunction with the release of resources throughout the nations, is critical with the restoration and healing we need.
There are changes that are coming that will see structures rebuilt in a way that these evil ones will no longer control and dominate the nations with power, money and resources.
God is raising up righteous men and women, leaders to stand and steward this wealth transfer into the seven mountains to see the deployment of these resources in the most meaningful way for the good of all humanity.
He dropped a word on me:
“Barry, tell My people that I am putting into position spiritual eunuchs that will not be tempted to touch what is mine. What I am about to release during this time of jubilee has been stored up for centuries for this very period in time. It has been talked of as in great folklore as to its existence and to its credibility, but I assure you on this day that what is about to be released is going to reshape things like nothing else would.
“Those whom I have called into this space have been through the most extreme periods of testing. The hottest of My holy refining fire. The highest of pressure, and the stripping away of pride, arrogance and insecurity as I have been bringing them into the fullness of their identity as loved sons and daughters who are committed to walk through this journey with intimacy, for there is no other way. I will not give you more than you need for the task at hand, for this ensures the walk of dependence upon Me to carry all I am entrusting unto you.
“Barry, tell My people to keep short accounts with Me and those around them. Give no place for a back door or a landing strip for the enemy to enter and cause damage. Walk in the power of My Blood shed for you and the authority I have given unto you, and above all do all things out of love for Me and My people.
For I am entrusting you to carry things forward with Me and together we are the storm that the enemy fears above all else!
“Go in the power of My name. Preach and declare the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, freely you have received freely give!”
Holy is the word of the Lord.

Veronika West - America — This is Your Hour! - November 7, 2024

I share the following with all the faithful Warriors here and on my platform.

This is what came forth from our IDH War Room meeting this morning.

I share it for the purpose of serious Prayer!

Stand with us as we war in this next season for President Trump, and for the Destiny of America!

I say to you, ”America — this is your hour of Divine Reset, Reprieve, Re-calibration, Restoration and Reformation!”

As I went into deep travail for America on the 5th of November, I saw the face of a clock over the Nation of America and I saw that it was the 11th hour and the urgency of the hour was weighty — very heavy in the atmosphere.

A violent battle over time was taking place. Time is running out!

Satan was also seeking to alter and accelerate time, time time, a battle in Kairos Time, a battle over Divine Timelines was unfolding — a battle in time and over time was taking place — The Timeline of Heaven versus the timeline of hell, was being contended for!

And I suddenly, I saw The Finger of God come upon the hands of the clock — and the hands of the clock was turned back “10 degrees”!

Then I heard, ”Divine Resetting of a Nation! Divine Intervention comes to a Nation!”

I knew in that very hour, that the scales had tipped in The Courts and that Victory had been established in The Realm of The Spirit — and that “Trump would triumph!

God was stopping and resetting time to bring a Redeeming Restoring and a Resetting to Time.

A Nation was being taken back to its future — in The Realm of The Spirit.

But then suddenly, I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch, for The Spirit of Intercession has come upon this Nation, even as it came upon Hezekiah, and even as a sign was given of My Divine Intervention when the sun stood still — so a sign shall be given this day — the Third Hour — The Third Day — for the Nation shall stand still and see My Salvation!

I say, fifteen (15) years! I say 555! I say Grace! Grace! Grace!

I say Decree My Divine Order — My Divine Re-calibration and a Reordering and Resetting of Time over the boundary lines of this Nation!”

Notes :

  • Three (3) third day/ hour; Resurrection Day, Resurrection Power; Upper Room, The 11th Hour — the hand of the clock was turned back 10 degrees; Time over the Nation was Reset, Reordered; a pregnant pause for the nation to turn, an overshadowing of the sun/ son; Time was Reset; Dun stood still; a Sign of Divine Intervention over a Nation that was sick and dying.
  • “Divine Intervention comes to a Nation at the Third Day; the 11th hour, the day when the assignment of death is near to its fulfillment.
  • “A Sign is given; a Trump is given — as a sign that a Divine Reset has taken place — that Divine Intervention comes to overthrow the assignment of death.”
  • “A Sign — a Nation stands still to see The Intervention — Grace, Grace (5)78(5); Grace Grace…”
  • “Fifteen (15) years.”
  • “Next five (5) years — 2030 is key!”
  • ”I say I AM shaking, shaking the foundations of Nations, and taking the Axe to deal with the Rot in the root system. I AM uprooting/ tearing down!
  • I say fifteen (15) years! 555 Grace! Grace! Grace! So I say, Rebuild and Restore the broken down Altars — Rebuild the walls that lay in ruins!
  • Watch — as I move in the next five years — crucial years of Restoration and reform.
  • Watch — as I Reestablish the Covenant Foundations of The Nations on an Apostolic and Prophetic Foundation — for this is a Divine Pregnant Pause over Nations!
  • Watch — as My Glory overshadows The Nations that yield!
  • Watch — as the Kabod of My Glory returns to the head!
  • Watch — as a Divine Deposit takes place — a Divine Exchange to bring to birth a Nation in one day — for this is the Day of Change, as the gold and brass coin turns over The Nations — Heads or Tails — for the Heads shall have it — as the weight to the gold, the weight of purity outweighs the mixture of brass.
  • Watch — as My Glory comes upon the head — The Gold Crown of Kingship shall return to the Head once again! The Heads shall have it — and it shall herald change, change, change!”
  • So I say, ”What will you do with the extra Time, with the Time of Divine Reset and Re-calibration of this Nation?
    Will you turn to Me?
    Will you arise to deal with the Babylon System, or will you squander time and sink further back and return to your death bed of sickness and infirmity?
  • What will you do in this Hezekiah Moment of Divine Intervention, Reset and Realignment?
  • Ten (10) degrees the sun dial was turned back — ten (10) : Divine Order.
  • Ten (10) degrees turned backwards : Divine Reversals — Divine.”

“And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “What is the sign that The LORD will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of The LORD the third day?”
Then Isaiah said, “This is the sign to you from The LORD, that The LORD will do the thing which He has spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees or go backward ten degrees?”
And Hezekiah answered, “It is an easy thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees; no, but let the shadow go backward ten degrees.”
So Isaiah the prophet cried out to The LORD, and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down on the sundial of Ahaz.”
2 Kings 20:8-11.

“And this is the sign to you from The LORD, that The LORD will do this thing which He has spoken: Behold, I will bring the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward.” So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down.” Isaiah 38:7-8.


Blessings to you all.

Veronika West - The Party Games and The Checkmate! - November 6, 2024


I wanted to share this Word from my Trump Prophetic Archives again.

God highlighted it to me this morning, when I heard The LORD say, “Checkmate!”

The Party Games and The Checkmate!

First published February 24, 2022.

A crisis. A rising Remnant and Nations coming into perfect alignment with God’s End-time Kingdom Assignment. But Watch! As the Party Games will now begin!

CHECK mater illustration photo

So, in the very early hours of this morning I was woken up a little after 2:00 am with an urgency to pray for The Nations.

As soon as I began to cry out to The LORD, I heard The Spirit speak a very strange and peculiar Word to me, and I heard these Words:

“Watch! For in the midst of this political crisis My righteous Remnant rises, and Nations come into perfect alignment with My End-time Kingdom Assignment.

But Watch and pay close attention! As the ‘Party Games‘ will now begin.

First comes ‘Musical Chairs‘, where one will be out and one chair will be removed.

But see! For who will be ‘the last man standing’, when the music finally stops?

Look! Like the blind leading the blind, round and round they shall go, as a game of ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey‘ begins.

Then comes ‘Hide and Seek‘ and a countdown from ten (10) will send them running, like a cat set among the pigeons they will scatter.

To and fro they will run, desperately looking for a place to hide! Ha! But listen!

For the sound of music will be heard once again, and sitting in a circle, ‘Pass the Parcel‘ will begin.

But Watch! As a divine unraveling and an uncovering of what has been hidden and concealed is fully exposed and revealed, as layer by layer, the party wrapping is removed.

I say look, and look again, for a game of ‘Charades‘ will commence that will leave everyone guessing, as smoke rises and their ‘magic mirrors‘ are strategically set in place.

But Watch! Then comes ‘Snap‘, as the pieces are moved in and out of place and their ‘Jenga Tower‘ begins to wobble.

Suddenly a loud crash will be heard that will Shake! Shake! Shake the parties, as stocks and shares begin to plummet and, like ‘fireworks on the 4th of July‘, sparks will fly.

And with a full ‘stacked deck of cards‘, ‘Bingo!‘ they will shout!

But nay! Nay I say! For a game of ‘Chess‘ has always been in play, with Kings and Queens, and Pawns in place.

But Watch! As the Bishop will move into place and a Knight in shinning armour, will arise and ride in!

I say, “Checkmate!” I win, and the Party Games are over!”

Tiffany Root & Kirk VandeGuchte - Trump & an End to the Tradition in the Government - November 4, 2024

Carolyn - Dennis - RED SURGE ACROSS THE NATION! - A MESSAGE FROM GOD - November 4, 2024

So, let’s go to the message from God and it’s called red surge across the land. And this is from November 4th 2024. The season that you have been through has come and is almost gone. , there will be reper yes there will be rep rep repercussions sorry from the red surge across the land. But I will deal with each one and they will fade away all as do all of the works of man. Now it is time for the party. Time to celebrate and give thanks remember me and my son in all of your joyous celebration. Praise and take time to give thanks to me and my son. We have brought you through it all. We held back many of the plans that the enemy had for you. Look at what they have done my J Sixers they had worse plans for many of you, but we held them back. The J Sixers will be set free and I will repair the collateral damage in their lives.

Woe to the ones who brought about all of this debacl. Woe to the ones who set and scheme to ruin people’s lives because of their fear of their crimes. Repent! Repent now. Much has been done by a select few who wielded their power around like kings are many god. You are neither I Am The Great I Am. and I say repent for everything that you have brought on this country and all of the lives you have taken and ruined for your greed, your fortune, your Fam,e and for being important. Has the world stage been worth it? You will have treason on you and you are going to pay the just penalty for treason against the people of of the United States of America. Did you really think you were Above the Law and that you could steal my United States?

Kamala, Kamala, it is time to shut up and stop laughing my United States is not yours for the taking. This is my land and I say who rules and I decide the ruler you Kamala have broken more than I will name and Nancy too. You all should repent now as your time is up and soon all will know how bad you have used and abused the power and Trust given to you in this land that I love. America, Americ,a you are once again free. Be free now and plan your celebration. Now go and have a great day. I love you Abba Father. Amen! Woo that was a heavy word and I’m going to tell you I hope they find out and repent. Woo!!!


This is the word that I received from the Lord on the 3rd of October. Today at 6:10 p.m. as I was about to iron my clothes. I a strong presence of God came and filled that room, And I looked and I saw a saint appear in my room and I recognized the saint to be Moses. He said I’ve come to talk to you what you must speak in the meeting tonight. So he show told me five things about the US. Number one, now this also concern the election. Number one the nation is at a crossroad, you are at a crossroad. A crossroad meaning a valley of decision. You at a crossroad which means you can either tip to the right or tip to the left. You make a wrong decision you tip to the left you make the right decision you’ll tip to the right. You are at a crossroad number two they will have to decide if they want God to rule their Nation through a leader whom he had chosen. Or be led by a woman who is liken to the woman on the Beast.

You know till this evening 610 till 610 this evening I never had anything against Kamala Harris. I I I’m indifferent to anything you know. But this word shook me. Now let me repeat again. They will have to decide if they want God to rule their Nation to a leader whom he had chosen. Or be led by a woman who is liken to the woman on the Beast. You find this in Revelation chapter 17: 3 to 4 about a woman on the Beast. This is not good. Not good. To compare some someone to something. Number three it is the good pleasure of the father to give them four more good years of prosperity, respite, and joy, in the spirit. It is the good pleasure of the father to give them four more good years of prosperity, respite, and joy, in the spirit. But number four but they can choose the Way of the World to be like all other nations. The Choice is still in your hands. You can make a decision after your flesh.

Number five, the angels of the Lord governing the 50 states of the USA are present in their midst here today. Now Don’t Clap Your Hands. Nothing for you to exclaim because they did not come for you. They came to hear what God is going to speak in this meeting. Because they will carry this word to all the 50 states. The angels of the Lord governing the 50 states of the USA are present in the me to see what they will decide. What you will decide. And then, now listen, and then they will determine how to execute God’s judgments upon the United States. So why are you not clapping your hands now. Earlier on when I say angels of the Lord you you wanted to clap your hands right. So why aren’t you clapping your hands now. Because you don’t want judgments. Now let me repeat one more time. The angels of the Lord governing the 50 states of the US are present in the midst to see what they will decide. …

Veronika West - America’s Midnight Hour and Last Round - November 4, 2024

America’s Midnight Hour and Last Round — The Remnant Now Engages in the Fight for the Blessing and a New Name!

So, here is what I received this morning as we all came together to Strike the Arrows for the Nation and States of America.

During Prayer, in the last 10 minutes, it was quickened to me:

Genesis 32:28 (3+2=5) (2+8=10) … (5)(5/5:10) … (5)78(5) — Jacob wrestling with God!

And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Genesis 32:28

I saw the Nation of America, as Jacob wrestling with God!

Then saw us as The Remnant wrestling for The Blessing, The Destiny and The Birthright of The Nation!

It was at the midnight hour when God wrestled with Jacob.

This is also the hour when The Church attempts to sleep and slumber — yet God comes to His Church to awaken her from her deep sleep and Calls her to take her place and begin to War, Contend and Legislate for the Destiny and Birthright of Nations!

God is saying, ”It’s time to awake oh Jacob and engage in this fight for The Blessing, and a New Name.

For this is America’s last round, and The Birthright and The Destiny of this Nation, are now being violently contended for!”

What I find interesting about this Prophetic Analogy this morning, is that we often see ourselves fighting with and against Satan! But, I believe this Warring, Wrestling and Contending is more about The Church Wrestling with God — than the devil in this hour.

God is looking for a people who will not let go “until”!

God is waiting to hear the sound of a Holy Desperation that will bring forth a manifestation of his glory in the earth realm. (See related Word:Where’s The Sound of Holy Desperation?)

God is dealing with the supplanter in the Church — the pride, the lust if the eyes, the lust of the flesh, the Celebrity Culture and the Idol Worship.

God is Wrestling with The Church in this hour. Transformation and Reformation of The Church are under way!

The Hip* of the Church is going to be broken! God is looking a broken and contrite people — a People who will Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!

I see a Radical Remnant rising up in the midst of this fight.

I see the Nation of America will walk with a limpbut will be blessedand called by a New Name!

I hear these Words, ”The birthing of a New Kingdom Era is now at hand. No longer a Christian Nation — but a nation of kings and high priests consecrated to Christ and to the establishment His Kingdom Government in the earth realm.

No longer a Jacob Nation — but an Israel Nation who has wrestled with God — now blessed and called by a New Name!”

Note : Jacob spent the night alone on a riverside during his journey back to Canaan, where he is awoken and encounters an Angel of God who proceeds to wrestle with him until dawn.

In the end, Jacob is given the name Israel and blessed.

Jacob then names the place where they wrestled Penuel — (פְּנוּאֵל : “face of God” or “facing God”!

America, I hear the Spirit say, ”This is the midnight hour when you will come face to face to wrestle for The Blessing and a New Name!”

*Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. Genesis 32:25.


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, that it is about to get messy for your enemies when their lies come out into the open. There is nothing safe for them to hide behind and no protection. There is no amount of denying any of the allegations against them when they have been caught red-handed. They will regret their next moves against the election, My David, and this Nation. 

Many think they are making a sneak attack against this Nation, sneaking and slithering in the darkness to create the outcome they so desire. Not this time! No matter how things seem, know that your enemies are not getting the seat of the president back, and they will not remain in the White House. They will not remain in your capital or in any governmental building because I, the Lord, am cleaning house of the wolves and snakes that have been controlling this Nation

Some of the most dominant and prominent politicians will fall like Pharaoh, like Goliath, like every enemy that has come against My people. No enemy can stand against Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A rat’s nest and a den of snakes will be uncovered in Hollywood. Many things hidden in this area will soon be revealed. Many crimes have been committed in Silicon Valley and Hollywood—manipulating, stealing, and other crimes so heinous it will be hard for many people to hear. They have helped to enslave the people in California and this Nation. Many actors have been playing the parts of many in your government. I have told you repeatedly that things are not how they seem in Washington, and that is connected to many in California, helping to pull off this charade you see before you. 

Long-term and lifelong politicians are about to be unmasked, showing who they really are. My children, what you will hear and see regarding the truth and proof of everything they have done will shock you, (especially) how far back in your Nation’s history this all began. I will prove to you how many elections were stolen, how many laws were passed against you, and how many bills were passed that involved so much crime being committed for each one. I told you that taxes have been a lie—with them stealing it from you to finance their government and your foreign enemies, who are against you

This Nation has been under a demonic chokehold for most of its existence. It was just hidden away for years, and it took much time for all they had planned to play out right in front of you today. I will show you every architect and billionaire elite that has really been running this Nation. It was not a president, even though it appeared that way. It has been the Deep State’s foreign machine, as you can see from the puppets that are residents inside your White House. It is obvious that they are not the ones making the decisions. I told you I would pull the curtains back and allow you to see who they really are

They are a joke. They were all paid to suppress and silence you. Don’t you see by now that this is a fight of good versus evil? This is not just a political battle that you are up against. I have allowed you to see much at this time because many were not able to handle the truth. They were still blindsided by deception. 

Many of My children are continuously crying out to Me, “Lord, why is it taking so long? I do not understand why the enemy is able to cause so much destruction and chaos.” My children, these are the same cries and questions that My children in the land of Goshen had for Me. You see how that turned out for your enemies. You may not understand everything I am doing or how I am doing it. But this is where your faith must come in—to trust that I will do what I said I will do, no matter if you fully see it or understand it right now. 

I am asking you, children of Almighty God, to use your faith in this time, trust Me, and trust that I am still the same God. No matter what enemy you come up against, they will never be successful against Me. I have given you the ability to stand and fight back, so use it in this time, says the Lord. 

A coffin has been hidden in your capital in the house you call white. I told you all the skeletons in their closets were coming out. There have been many things hidden in your White House that will be revealed. I told you that your enemies are turning on each other. There are some in that house that will sing like canaries. They will reveal what has been going on with “the Biden” and Kamala. 

Many presidential secrets will come out as My David returns to the seat of the president. I told you about a book of secrets, laptops, and servers that have all been uncovered. They will be the final nail in the establishment’s coffin

A wave is coming—of truth, proof, My Glory, and My power against your enemies that will annihilate their existence in your Nation. Continue to pray down their power, their plans, and their ability to continue to finance their destruction against your freedoms. 

My children, trust in Me and not what you are about to see. You will see more and more of your enemies’ desperate attempts against you. You will see more of them turn on their own. You will see many leave their own party. You will see the mainstream media dissolved, and real journalists and truth-tellers will take over the news outlets. You will see rats and snakes cleaned out from the three-letter agencies. You will see the Pentagon be wiped of the treasonous traitors inside

You are at a time, oh My United States, when the landscape of this Nation will abruptly change. Every system will be reset to how it was intended to be. This is the time you fight the good fight of faith—where you hold on to My Words because My Words will set you completely free

It is now time for your enemies’ version of this Nation to die. It is now time for My Nation to rise from the ashes and be stronger than it has ever been—with My Glory filling it and My Words going forth, even out of your capital. It will bring complete freedom and restoration not only to this Nation but also to many nations all over the world. 

This is the time of My reset. So, begin to celebrate because the time of the Great Exodus is here, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, that foreign enemies have invaded your land, your government, your economy, your news industry, all the entertainment industry, and your trading industry with other nations

A foreign contract that was made against your elections and your country and was devised and designed by the establishment is about to be exposed in front of you. 

Your elections have been invaded by foreign invaders. They are trying everything to steal them from you again. They have designed new things that they have never done before. They are unsure if they will work, but they will try them anyway. They will try to rig every state’s popular vote and electoral vote. They see opportunity, but they also see it could fail. 

They have never seen numbers or polls as bad as the ones they are seeing now. They have never been at such a disadvantage in any election that they have been part of. 

My children, your enemies are at war against your elections. They have and will continue to try to manipulate the law in order to have their foreign invaders eligible to vote. They will try to duplicate ballots and have their machines switch votes. They are trying deceptive tactics at your polling places, new and old ways to get the numbers back to where they can succeed at stealing this election and Nation forever. 

But I am in their way. You, My children, are in their way. Do not be discouraged by your enemies’ plans. Instead, call them down. Declare their defeat, and do not fear another 2020. No matter what they do, they will not be successful. It will not stand because I am restoring your land. 

Traps are everywhere. Your enemies are completely unaware that they are being watched. Your enemies believe that if they cannot get Kamala the win, they will decimate your votes in the House and the Senate. I have repeatedly told you to pray over those seats and these elections because they are under attack. So, you attack back with My Words. Do not back off or grow weary now because it is almost time to see your enemies retreat from those seats

Continue to pray for My David as he is still receiving bad advice from political strategists and others who are giving him spiritual advice that is not from Me. My David is under attack, and pressure is building (because) of the wolves in his midst (trying to get) him to make decisions and mistakes that will take him out at the last minute. They have plans with the establishment to make him more vulnerable when he is out campaigning and even after the election—leaving the door open for another attempt on his life. My children, pray for My David—for his protection and for him to be led by Me and not his enemies that are within

Attempts will be made, but I am his protector, and as you are praying and using My Authority, My children, you will see My Hand move to protect My David and this Nation

These coming weeks before the end of the year will be more unprecedented than it has already been. The more your enemies attack you and My David, the more your enemies will collapse, the more they will fail, the more they will be exposed, and the weaker they will become. The battle will intensify, but My children, remember Who I am. Remember, I am with you, and I have already defeated your enemies, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My Church, get up now. My Church, arise and stand for this Nation like never before. Continue to pray for your loved ones like never before—that they awaken and vote biblically and not how they have always done in the past. Pray for those who have never cast a ballot to do so this time

Your country is under attack, with disinformation and intimidation tactics. Your enemies are weakening by the day. Their protection has all but disappeared. Now is the time to invade the enemies, pursue, overtake, and recover all they have stolen from you, including every election and your finances from taxation that was never designed to be this way. My children, the tax system they designed was (meant) to bury you in debt and inflate your government, making them more powerful and more invincible to any type of loss

They enslaved you with the tax system. Now it is time to come alive, to wake up, and take back this Nation from the hands that have controlled it

You, My children, have more power against this rogue government than you realize. Open your eyes and see that they do not have a covenant with Me. They are against Me, and anyone against Me is defeated. Change the way you see your enemies’ power and control. See them as nothing because they are nothing in My sight, says the Lord. 

Your enemies’ conversations are about to be exposed. There has been an unprecedented amount of wiretapping of your enemies. They had no idea they were being recorded. My infiltrators have information on and confessions from more of your government officials. They are completely unaware these recordings are out there. Anywhere there has been election interference or election fraud, it has been recorded. And there is enough proof to destroy any results they try to put out this time

I told you, My children, I have broken through every firewall and all their defense systems. I have every blueprint and architect behind every election that has been stolen and every person behind these fake indictments. 

A major bombshell is about to be leaked. Proof that the orders for the indictments came directly from the White House—the judges, the lawyers, the design of the indictments, and the manipulation of the law will all come out. I will show you that Nancy, Obama, Hillary, “the Biden,” and Kamala, along with many others, made these things up to imprison My David and to prevent him from taking office

I will also show you the order for the Butler assassination attempt and how the White House, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, and the Secret Service were all in cahoots to take out My David that day. Heads are about to spin, you would say, when the wall of deception is completely decimated, and the truth comes out about the establishment’s dealings and corruption to kill My David and anything against their agenda. Your enemies are on a slippery slope that they are about to fall off of, says the Lord. 

To the judges in the Land of My Eagle who were paid to cover up crime, election interference, and fraud and to criminalize and destroy the lives of the innocent: you are about to be judged. Many judges will be removed and disbarred for their part in committing crimes alongside the criminals. 

To the judges who are against Me: I am against you, and I am the judge over all the Earth. I will remove every one of you that is against Me and this Nation, says the Lord. 

A judge will be exposed for what they took part in, and they are the first of many that will fall. 

Letitia James: you will fall and so will Judge Engoron. Your case is about to fall apart, and everything you have done against My David will be done unto you. Both of you will lose everything. What you have sown, you will reap because these are the days of Haman, says the Lord. 

Concerning the case with Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan: neither one of you nor your case is safe from exposure. There is more than enough proof to remove both of you. You were paid to take steps against My David. You will regret ever taking up this case. You wanted destruction and to incarcerate My David, but (instead) it will be done to you and everyone who helped you pull off such a fraudulent case. 

My children, these are the days when many will be exposed, and many will be removed. These enemies that you see, like Pharaoh and his army, will be defeated before your face

I am your defender and the protector of this Nation. My children, your enemies will pay a high price for the destruction they have caused against you. 

Pray, My children. Stand, and I will heal your land, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, your enemy’s firewall has been breached, a firewall that protected their most secret plans and crimes, which they buried behind these walls. An explosion of proof that cannot be denied is about to take place. 

Another server has been found by My infiltrators. They have been able to breach these servers, and what they found will tear apart the long-lasting establishment machine running Washington—from secrets to blackmail, beyond anything anyone could ever imagine. The presidential crimes and political corruption are so unprecedented, they will completely reset the entire governmental body on every level and most of the elections that this Nation has had over the last 60-plus years. This corruption runs so deep it will implicate almost every career politician you see before you. 

My children, this information will shake this country like never before. It is much deeper and darker than anyone could imagine. So, prepare yourselves for the bumpy road ahead as this (information) will all come out, and new elections will take place. Your enemies will try to start a civil war and (create) unrest. They will try anything in their last-ditch efforts to stay in power, but their efforts will not work

Nothing they do is working, nor will anything be able to help them move forward. The machine is breaking with no way to repair it, says the Lord. 

A major financial scandal among politicians is coming out into the open. It will be a scandal so massive that it will bring major shockwaves to this Nation—how your tax dollars have been used and how lobbyists control the bills that are passed. I will show you the corruption attached to every major bill and who profited from them

I will also show you the ones who control Wall Street. I will show you the insider trading. I will show you proof of money changing the hands of foreign spies inside your government and giving it to their own nations. 

I will show you all the judges who were paid off for all the indictments. I will show you the blueprints to prove they were all lies, (used) for a coup to keep President Trump away from Washington. I will show the intricate details and how they manipulated the laws to try and find a crime. I will prove this was all a setup, not only against My David but also against this Nation, to destroy it once and for all. These indictments were meant for more destruction than you think. I will show it all to you and destroy the ones who designed them, saith the Lord. 

My David will be handed more proof of these crimes, (including) who was involved and how they accomplished what they have done so far. A chess move is about to be played that your enemies will never see coming

The establishment is in over its head. They do not have the power or the intelligence to accomplish everything they are doing against My David and this Nation. That is why all of them will implode before your eyes, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A rover is about to be in your news for a shocking reason. Many things that have been hidden in the space program are about to come to the surface. There are things that have been covered up that will be revealed

A high-profile politician will be exposed for child pornography and child trafficking. They will let this person go to protect others in your government. They will not be able to cover up all the things they are hiding concerning P. Diddy and Epstein much longer. Every child predator in your capital will soon pay for their crimes for the world to see

The Aerospace Corporation has been a cover-up for federal spending. There is more to this corporation than meets the eye. Everything your enemies were hiding behind will soon be uncovered. 

Big pharma, every company (involved), and all the contracts and deals they made with the globalists and the establishment are soon to be completely uncovered, including how your government has been a part of many deaths. I told you that your White House is actually red because it is dripping with the blood from the many lives that have been killed for their agenda. Every honeypot and honey hole your government has is about to be raided by Me, says the Lord. 

My children, brace for the impact that exposure and truth will bring to the enemies’ camp. This is the time to press into Me and My Word more because this battle is about to take a turn that you do not yet see. If your hearts are fixed on Me, you will not be affected by the devastation your enemies are about to endure. Their control is over. Their reign is over, and it is coming to an abrupt end

I will always have the final say, and I will always have My way, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Veronika West - God is Unraveling a Scroll! - November 1, 2024

God is Unraveling a Scroll
47 … 11
and The Fall of Babylon!

Yesterday I saw the Number 47, and I saw, 4+7=11.

Ha! And I also heard, ”47…11… And the Fall of Babylon!”

Then I heard, ”An 11th Hour Intervention comes in the form of an ‘Eleventh Hour Man’ … carrying The Mantle of Cyrus to dismantle the Dynasties of Babylon!”

As I wrote those Words down, I heard from Isaiah 47,

“But evil shall come upon you, which you will not know how to charm away; disaster shall fall upon you, for which you will not be able to atone; and ruin shall come upon you suddenly, of which you know nothing,” Isaiah 47:11.

I knew God was speaking to me a gain about The Fall of Babylon.

If we read Isaiah 47:1-15, (below) it paints a vivid picture of the downfall of Babylon. It depicts the proud and rebellious City being humiliated and brought low.

I hear The Spirit say, ”I had to resist them — because of their pride!”

The personified woman Babylon, is portrayed sitting on the ground in the dirt, stripped of her Royal Throne and reduced to the level of a commoner or a slave.

I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch! As thrones are overturned and demonic altars are decimated — for a Divine Dismantling has begun!”

As we read, we see how Babylon will face punishment from God for its oppression, pride, wickedness, love of pleasure and money, demonic delusions, and false sense of comfort and security derived from their own desires and human intellect and strength.

I hear The Spirit say, ”Suddenly, swiftly and without warning, The Day of Destruction shall come, for these are the days of awe and war — the best and worst of times!”

Surely, Babylon’s destruction will come swiftly and decisively, leaving the once-powerful City helpless and vulnerable, with no one to come to its aid.

Even the demonic spells of its Warlocks and High Priests, and the wisdom of its astrologers, and the powers of its magicians and soothsayers will be ineffective in saving Babylon from its destined fate.

Ultimately, Babylon will be left barren, isolated, and utterly destroyed by the Hands of a God Who will not be mocked!

I hear The Spirit say, “These are the days of great Acceleration and Demonstration, the fulfillment of Prophecy, for surely I stand over My Word to perform it in The Nations!”

We can begin to see a powerful Prophetic Parallel and a clear Prophetic Timeline unfolding before our very eyes.

Truly we are living in the time where the fulfillment of Prophecy and its poignant significance within the broader context of Isaiah 40-55 — is now being fully revealed and made manifest in The Nations.

I submit Babylon’s defeat — spoken of in the above Prophecy — is a powerful reflection of a dramatic shift in political power, and even Religious Authority and Power — and the fall of Babylon as described in Isaiah 46-47 was truly realised when Cyrus the Persian conquered Nations and dethroned Kings, as foretold in Isaiah 45:1!

God is speaking — but are we awake, listening and ready to obey?

“Thus says The LORD to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held — to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut!” Isaiah 45:1.

“Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans! For you shall no more be called tender and delicate.
Take the millstones and grind meal. Remove your veil, take off the skirt, uncover the thigh, pass through the rivers. Your nakedness shall be uncovered, yes, your shame will be seen; I will take vengeance, and I will not arbitrate with a man. As for our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts is His name, The Holy One of Israel.
Sit in silence, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for you shall no longer be called
The Lady of Kingdoms.
I was angry with My people; I have profaned My inheritance, and given them into your hand.
You showed them no mercy; on the elderly you laid your yoke very heavily. And you said, ‘I shall be a lady forever,’ so that you did not take these things to heart, nor remember the latter end of them.
Therefore hear this now, you who are given to pleasures, who dwell securely, who say in your heart, ‘I am, and there is no one else besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know the loss of children’; but these two things shall come to you in a moment, in one day: the loss of children, and widowhood.
They shall come upon you in their fullness because of the multitude of your sorceries, tor the great abundance of your enchantments.
For you have trusted in your wickedness; you have said, ‘No one sees me’; your wisdom and your knowledge have warped you; and you have said in your heart, ‘I am, and there is no one else besides me.’
Therefore evil shall come upon you; you shall not know from where it arises. And trouble shall fall upon you; you will not be able to put it off. And desolation shall come upon you suddenly, which you shall not know.
Stand now with your enchantments and the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth — perhaps you will be able to profit, perhaps you will prevail.
You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels; let now the astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you from what shall come upon you.
Behold, they shall be as stubble, the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame; it shall not be a coal to be warmed by, nor a fire to sit before!
Thus shall they be to you with whom you have labored, your merchants from your youth; they shall wander each one to his quarter. No one shall save you.” Isaiah 47:1-15.

Julie Green - "THE BIDEN" AND OBAMA'S REGIMES ARE IMPLODING - October 24, 2024

My children, I, the Lord, am disintegrating your enemies’ blue wall. I am bringing down any wall, any establishment stronghold, any agency, any government secret, and the wall of corruption with their so-called judicial system that kept the truth at bay and from destroying their plans. 

I told you a flood was coming, a flood of truth that will knock down any structure that once protected your enemies and kept them in Washington, leading this Nation against Me. 

Their campaign and every strategy are collapsing. “The Biden” and Obama’s regimes are imploding. Many are running from the establishment’s sinking ship before it is too late. Many are running towards My David for rescue from possible political death or prison sentence. So many in the establishment are squealing like pigs, you would say, against the ones in Washington in hopes of saving their careers or even their lives. 

My children, the fall of every politician against Me has only begun. Great falls and surrenders are taking place. Just watch how many of them will make it even more visible after the election is over, realizing they have no hope of survival without changing sides. 

Some political leaders will never give up their positions without a fight, and some (will fight) to their death because they would rather die than surrender to Me or My David. This war against My Nation will soon intensify when your enemies see what takes place even before election day, which shows them there is no pathway to win

Their desperation will continue to grow, and they will do more against My David. But they will also do more against you. My United States, you will see riots. You will see tensions rise. You will see tempers flare. And you will see unrest. They will try to sabotage the markets and blame My David for it. They will try (to spread) more viruses and more chaos to cause more disruptions to continue their corruption, but remember Who I am. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, and I am the end to all of their plans, says the Lord. 

My children, your enemies’ warfare will pick up, but My Hand will devour their attempts against you and this Nation. The world will see that I am still the defender of this Nation, and your enemies are about to lose full control over it, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Tactical gear: this will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Storm the Capitol: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. There is a setup that will take place, and things will seem one way when they are not that way at all. My children, your enemies have plans to stage things that are lies. Do not fall for their traps or their tricks. They will try (to start) their own insurrection in a major way. They will try anything they can to stop My Nation from moving forward

Pray over your House and Senate seats. Your enemies have plans to steal and control both to hold (back) My David from doing what he can truly do against them. But their plans for election interference and election fraud will implode because there is a tsunami wave coming that will annihilate any wall they can put up to keep My David from having that White House. The plans and strategies of your enemies will disintegrate with one move of My Hand to protect this land, says the Lord. 

Chuck Schumer and many establishment leaders are about to eat humble pie, you would say, once they realize all their plans just imploded in front of their faces. They will not have another plan to fall back on without taking the steps they never wanted to take, which will cause political suicide. But they will take them anyway. With the desperate attempts they make, more will be removed, including every election that was stolen for those specific seats. 

I will remind you, My children, to not just pray over the presidential seat. You need to pray over every state and federal seat because if your enemies cannot win one way, they will try other ways. Every seat they attempt to steal will be thrown out. A new election will take place for some, and for others, it will be given to the one it belongs to. 

My children, you are seeing a great political shift taking place. But it is not without shaking. It is not without a fight. It is not without it looking darker. Stand strong on My Words. You were born for this time. You were born for this fight and this battle, to win it because the battle is the Lord’s, and this battle has been won, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Something significant will take place in Virginia that will shock this Nation.  

Intel leaks are about to be revealed on a major scale. Your own government has been feeding your enemies for years, and it is all about to come out into the open

Whitewater: this word will be in your news, and everything hidden is about to explode everywhere. All your enemies’ crimes that they buried are about to come to the surface. 

Secret files, classified documents, and redacted information—it’s all coming out like a freight train barreling down the tracks, with no way of stopping it. My children, get ready for scandal after scandal and corruption to be uncovered like never before. Unprecedented secrets are coming out to release you from the hands of the oppressors, and these secrets will bring them to nothing, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Manuel Johnson - Urgent Word Bye Bye H***RIS ? - October 29, 2024

He says can you hear the sound of what abundance rain. Saints I’m going say it I’m proclaiming it as the Lord said can you hear the sound of what celebration. Yes! I hear the sound of celebration around the world. I don’t I listen God shows me the end results on how it ends. How It Ends. Not so much the beginning not so much the middle but the Lord shows me how it ends. I hear the sound of celebration. I hear the sound of cheering. I hear the sound of people going whooooooa. I said it there were people in the streets. There were people in the streets. They couldn’t contain themseles. It was almost like the Lord himself put the spirit of joy, joy, joy on the people. And celebration, you would have thought it was New Years. Hallelujah. You would have thought it was New Years. So the Lord showed it to me he says tell my children do they hear the sound of Celebration I hear it I hear it in the spirit, glory to God. Not because of one man. Because of what God is doing around the world. Because the time has come for the great push back. The great push back wow. What I saw, what I saw, is going to bring tears to the enemy’s eyes. What I saw is going to bring tears. My God glory to God yes it doesn’t go without praying. It doesn’t go without praying. This too we are going to do our what we need to do. But it was powerful. And he says you that my children will see whose word will stand theirs are mine, says the Lord. My children will see that I am a god of Justice. My children will witness in their time. Thank you Lord.

Lord Saints I’m one I’m going to I the Lord gave me four pages of download. Please tag your friends. They can’t be because it’s right now we are on how should I say we are on God’s timeline that’s the best way to say it. We, we, are on we are on God’s. We’re on God’s timeline this. It’s getting it’s getting there. It’s getting there as as one of the Lord there there a serious historic changing of the guard. When you hear the sound of celebration. yYu’re going to hear many of you that are spiritually sensitive will hear the trumpets. You will hear it. The spiritually said you’re going to hear it. And I says Lord have we had the blow yet? He says no, I said my son the blow is coming between November and December. A big power is coming against the workers of evil. it says wait it’s coming. He says this will be the final that’s going to cripple I go wow to spirtually cripple. …. I’m going to I have I got to release this this war and before I release it I want you to be excited when I tell you the talk of Heaven of what God is about to do on Earth my God the talk is happening in heaven about what God is about to do on Earth is is big. It’s big is big. …

I’m gonna let you decide how to read this because there are some serious notes here. There are some serious. … there’s things that are on the Lord’s heart. …. He says look tell my children I’m not on the ballot. I’m not on the ballot. We’re not voting for a savior, we’re voting for a servant. And, and, literally I heard the words, I saw the ballots it says Donald Trump ballot Jezebel. Wait a minute, I thought they going to have Kamala Harris. No, Jezebel, Jezebel is on the ballot that is the first time. I actually heard the spin of Lord says this is Jezebel on the ballot. This was powerful. This was Jezebel on the about this is not good. So the Lord was stiring with that and you and I have the prayer power and the voting power to shut it down. Lord that’s what you that’s what you’re telling me. You and I have the prayer power and the voting power to shut it down. Woo Lord thank you Jesus. Come on somebody put that up there there’s more power points put it up there. You and I have the prayer power and the voting power to bring Jezebel, that’s the word he gave me. To to bring Jezebel down. What are you saying? Voting power. And guess what? Byebye Harris. Byebye Harris, byebye Harris more is coming wow. Wow. …

Tell my children to read my word. Yes, he says get back in the word. The Lord was he says many of my children they want me to move. But they’re you know we cannot stop reading the word of God Saints. You got to get back in the word of God. You got to get back to the word of God. Remember Saints remember you and I, okay I’m going to be funny with it but I’m going to be serious. We cannot live off fish tacos alone I need to have the word of God too. You have to so the Lord is talking to some to you Saints, all of us. Do not neglect the word. He made it very clear do not neglect the word. More holy ghost Power Points. Did you spend time with your heavenly father? The Lord said I’m saying it a different way the Lord said I want my children to spend time with their Heavenly Father. We must take time Saints to pray we must take time to to be in the presence of the almighty God. Yes, and we must take time for this. This is extremely important. Do not neglect the word. Do not neglect prayer and spending time with the master. God loves when his children are taking time to pray. Even Donald Trump will not have a successful four years if he doesn’t pray. He’s going to have to pray. And we are going to have to pray, and seek Him, and seek the Lord.

Now it was another direct hit. The Lord showed me something about this campaign. He says, I, I, really, really, I was actually like whoa. I saw darkness, I saw darkness over this campaign. And I said look what is that? He says it’s cursed. I believe me I don’t like to say that. But when the master says he says it he says it’s cursed that’s the word he gave me. He says my anointing is on Donald and JD. He says my anointing is on that campaign. He says my anointing is on that campaign. And there times God will go even deeper. He says I said Lord they know this. He says tell them again Lord they know this he says tell him again. He’s going in as a David, he will be sitting as Cyrus. He will not be a David in the White House he will be a Cyrus in the White House. But the campaign he will have the anointing of David. Fight, fight, fight, but sitting now in office he will have that anointing of Cyrus. Cyrus got things done. Cyrus read the scriptures Cyrus King Cyrus made things happen. Cyrus did not hesitate when he spoke a command. So the anointing will not be like a president’s anointing. It will be a kingdom anointing a kingship anointing. A kingship and the way things are going to be done. Wooo.

He went on God is going to do a move in the church in his body. But the church still has the tares in the weeds. He says tell my children that been crying looking for a church I’m looking for a church Lord I’m looking for a church looking for this perfect Church there is no perfect church. It’s a perfect God we don’t have a perfect church we have a perfect God the scripture says the tare and the wheats are in the church and they will not be separated and till the end of time. It’s in the scriptures the Lord said showing that to me as the Holy Ghost PowerPoint. And then he stopped and it and then uh PowerPoint Revelation came in and I saw this picture in November. This was was after the elections and after the elections.

I you know, I wasn’t asking for this. This woman was so upset. She was so upset so upset about the campaign and the way it came turned out. And her support they were very upset because they put in millions of dollars and they had a big loss. And her supporters were more upset than she was because of the money they had put in and all was lost. And they were upset, why did we choose that heard the words, why did we choose this person. Then it came again and the Lord says do not worry about what you hear regarding the voting and the balance. The Lord says, I will, he used this word. My son, I will shake up the balance. I go what, he said, I will shake up the balance. And it’s going to go into more here. I will shake up the ballots. Said what are you saying he says, Lord, he said I’m going to interfere. He says I’m going to interfere. He is going to interfere. Okay. And he says tell my children to remember. He says this is my election not man’s election. This is my election the Lord says, it’s his election not man’s election. So it goes more and these were the Power Points that God gave me. And then the Lord goes now Saints hang on I’m going to go into Revelation. Wow.

So Lord I Thank you for what you’re about to do here. Hallelujah. My children fear not I say again fear not, stand in your calling. What you see and hear is only and will only be the arm of flesh. Ha Ha Ha Ha Lord laughs but I have called forth my Army. The army of the Lord and let they will rise up. And even though they rise, he’s talking about the enemies of the Lord. Even though they rise, he’s talking about the wicked one. Even though they rise, those side with the wicked one. Even though they rise they will quickly fall. They will quickly fall, says the Lord of Hosts. And the Lord said there will be new ones, new ones. Many will say psychics, many will say witches, many were called the magician. But the Lord said they will be disarmed upon arrival. Upon arrival! They will be disarmed upon arrival. Yes,. They will scramble for ways and ideas and this too will come to nothing. So you think, and so you think, your dark forces and dark words will stop or hinder what I am about to do? Not so said the Lord. Me and my host and all of Heaven laughs.

I will not only gain glory in the nation called by my name, Israel. But also all Nations and I will continue to open the eyes and the hearts of my children and bring about a unity. Yes, a historic unity in my body. Many and many will Le will lend and not borrow. He’s talking about a well transfer, and many will lend and not borrow. And many will guide and direct and it goes on to page two and govern places they know not but I will lead them. And I will give and I have called forth my God. I have called forth a push back against the Dark Secrets agendas. How dare they change, how dare they attempt to change times and season. Oh, oh, but you say in dark places we will kill him. We will take him out. He will never be sworn in. Ha Ha said the Lord nor so my servant will be sworn in and he will sit, he will sit, in the office as I called him. I will bring such a disorder on the enemy’s camp that they will not know where it came from. But at the end they will know and give glory to me.

And my plans will go forth, and I the Lord will heal, I will heal this land. For a time in a time. And I will confuse those, those, that thought that they had the upper hand. The Lord goes on. My God the Lord goes on. Aand those that they say our residents and are not. I will bring a total collapse. To the enemy’s plans and to whom you call the media. They will do my bidding. My children watch and see how I turn the tables, how I’ll turn the tides and those that you thought would was against you would be for you. I will move upon the media mountain and they will know that I am the Lord. And they too will rejoice of what I am doing. My God. The Lord goes on. My God. Wow. I will allow them to turn and to do my biding for as I have called the pride to humble and I will raise up the humble. Look towards me the God Lord goes on and he says.

Oh my gosh there will be dangerous dangerous spots. But I will lead my servant, yes my servant, and he will have the wisdom that I bestow on him. Not by his own might nor his power but my spirit. Then the Lord goes on I will raise a trumpet in this world. A trumpet who did not know he was a trumpet. And I have called him at such a time as this and he will be my vessel among vessels that I am raising up for this season. And I have called you Donald, I have called you. And I have chosen you although you did not know me in the beginning but you know my my name now. Wow. Thank you Lord. And I am the Lord and I will hold you up even during your time doing your time and my right hand my right arm will be upon you and I will sit you in the seat. Not man, but me and you will be called commanderin-chief once again. Whoa. And I will protect you and I will blanket you. Whoa. And cover you and encamp a host of my heavenly host, says the Lord.

And the Lord says this my God he then he goes into America he goes into America. And the Lord will be great again. My name will be great again among the Nations. But I say I will heal and my name will be known among many that do not know me. My children I will bring to power what many would say how did this happen. Whoa! That many will say in the next few weeks how did this happen. But I will bring to power and bring him to Commander in Chief once again. He will do a second turn because I the Lord am the one who raises up, and brings down. And I also as I allowed my servant Joseph to be held back for a season. So I allowed my servant Donald and I will put my spirit on my daughter Millenia, and the education Mountain. You will see her you will see her move because I have directed her path. And those mountains will be shaken for my glory, said the Lord.

My name will be known again in America whoa my name will be known again in my in American schools and I will expose those who take lives. Who take my lives. I believe the Lord I he didn’t go to details but he was talk I believe he was talking about abortion. I really believe he was talking about abortion. I really believe it. I will expose those who takes lives for I have called I have called that my children to multiply and fill my Earth. For I say blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord for then I say they will be my people and my chosen for my personal inheritance. My children, before you were born I knew you, and I’ve called you, and I’ve called forth for you in this generation. He’s talking to all of us the Lord is talking to all of us he goes down more he. Wow! Lord I he said tell them be strong in me I’m going to bring. Wow. I’m about to bring trouble he says I’m about to bring trouble on those who make trouble. I’m about to bring Redemption to your nation America.

He made it very clear I’m going to say it again because my God what anoy I’m about to bring re bring Redemption to your nation America. My grace will pour upon thee America and you will seek me, and you will call upon my name, and I will answer you I will answer you. I haven’t forgotten I haven’t forgotten you America my special Covenant with you. For I have chosen, I have chosen, and I will chesten those I love. So we of America the Lord saying I’ve chosen you yes you I’ve chosen you and I’m going to use you America. But he said you you know you know there will be times you will be chessing because we I love you. Just like Israel just like any nation that is called by the name of the Lord. The Lord goes on my God. He says America love you so he says I love you America for I will cause America to turn back to me. Whoa, whoa God. I will cause America to turn back to me said the Lord with all her heart and will heal her land. For I hold America in my hands and I will blow my spirit upon her again and you will know that I am the Lord America. Your Redeemer, and America will be known as The Game Changer. I’m like what. He says they will be known as a game changer.

For the will for there will be a changing very soon my children. There will be a changing of the guard. These will not the guard will not remain the same this will be a changing of the Guard and I have said it and I will perform this and you will say wow. You will say it again, the Lord has made America safe. Look at this, you will say the Lord has made America safe. I heard the word again. I heard the words again. and I don’t know if the Lord was just mocking the enemy of of the Lord. I heard the words again. And this was towards the end of the Revelation. It’s I heard the words I heard it says, Bye bye Harris. Bye bye this campaign is shortlived. This campaign is shortlived. It didn’t work. And then I don’t know if this was a voice of the Lord. But it could have been. More it says your weeks have been numbered, enemy of the Lord, though your weeks have been numbered. There’s power the Lord is telling me again there’s power in your votes. There’s power in your prayers, and there’s power in your votes. I cannot stress this enough. Power in your prayers, power in your votes, power in your prayers, power in your votes. You’re going to hear neck and neck but God has determined the outcome. Because of the power of your prayers and the powers of your vote. This campaign is short lived. Hallelujah! I’m going to say hallelujah!


I, the Lord, this day am telling My children in the Land of My Eagle that I am turning the tables once again on the elections, governmental leaders, their policies, their fraud, their corruption, and over the death they are trying to bring to My Church and to My Nation, the United States of America

The tables are turning, from your enemies having control over My Church to My Church having the control and the influence it was always meant to have. But first, I am turning the tables in the Body of Christ with church and ministry leaders, those whose hearts are not fixed on Me but fixed to benefit themselves. I am exposing those who have betrayed their congregations and followers. I will reveal the ones who were paid by your government to lie to you and tell you what they wanted you to hear. 

I will reveal the ones who were never called by Me. I will reveal the wolves in the church that are trying to devour it. I will show you which leaders in the ministry are being led by the enemy and not by Me. I will show you big names that were not of Me at all, and they will shock you. I will show you the ones that are trying to sneak into the White House alongside My David to lead him away from the ones I have called next to him for this time

Your enemies are working overtime against your elections. And they have been working so hard against My Church to keep it weak and deceived

My children, this is all about to shake in ways you have never seen and in ways you will not understand. You will come to a place of no return, where you cannot stay where you are, but you also cannot move forward in the condition you are in. I need My Church strong. I need it fully awakened to the truth

As your enemies are being removed from governmental positions, many leaders in the church will also be removed. There will be a cleansing of My Church and a cleansing of My Nation. You cannot have one without the other

So, My children, hold on for what you are about to see that will try to shake your faith. It will try to overwhelm you. But stand on My Words, and you will not be moved. You will be protected by the Most High, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Gilead: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Truth will continue to pour out with no way of stopping it. 

Casper: this name and location will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

You are about to see the collapse of “the Biden” and his narrative, which they have tried to control this Nation with. He will say something that cannot be swept under the rug. My children, your enemies’ tongues will be their worst enemy. I have repeatedly told you this. This is the time when they will continue to try and lie, but they will tell the truth instead. I have said that their masks are being removed to reveal the snakes that they really are

A great revenge is about to take place in Washington. They are about to scatter, and their power is about to be shattered. Once this truth comes out, they cannot hide

A great reveal is about to take place. Someone’s mask will be seen loose on camera. The world will see. There is no more hiding that this is truly a puppet in the White House, says the Lord. 

Armageddon: I am saying that this word will again be in your news for a shocking reason. It will seem like the world is falling apart, but hold on My children, because good days are waiting ahead for you. Your enemies are trying to stop what I have, but they cannot. So, hold on to My Words and promises because soon you will see them come to pass right in front of your eyes, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Blood in the water: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Keep your eyes on Hillary. She is about to do something that will shock even the ones on the left, who had no idea this was their plan. 

Something is about to take place against Kamala. I told you sabotage was taking place. They will do anything to win back the White House, no matter how it seems to anyone else. 

Shocking truth will be released regarding Hunter and Joe Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine. “The Biden” has not obeyed his orders to stay in his lane, and now it will cost him more than he bargained for

Right now, there is a war of power going on in Washington, one that is about to erupt in the public’s eye that they cannot contain. I told you political fireworks and explosions would be set off in your capital, but how they will be set off will shock you. 

Someone in the establishment with many secrets is about to turn them over to My David so he can throw the stone and play the trump card he has been holding onto, but first, he must fully trust in Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Veronika West - The Sound of Holy Desperation!! - October 30, 2024

I heard The Spirit say this, and I can’t explain what I felt in The Spirit when I heard Him say it.

He said, ”Daughter, I have heard many sounds come up before My Throne from The Nations — but there is yet a sound that has not pierced the darkness, that My Light may break forth.”

I asked Father, ”What is the sound?” and He answered me saying, ”The sound of Holy Desperation!”

Veronika West- USA: A Powerful Prophetic Warning to The Church! - October 30, 2024

A Powerful Prophetic Warning to The Church in The USA!
”The reign of Kamala would bring the rain of poisonous quail and an invasion of venomous snakes!”

So, last night I had a powerful Dream that quite frankly put the fear of The LORD into me!

In this Dream, I was in a house and a large gathering was taking place and a big screen television stood in the back of the room and people at this gathering, were watching Election Night 2024 unfold.

Suddenly I saw Kamala Harris on the television screen, walking up a flight of stairs. She was wearing a pink suit, and I watched as she walked up the stairs onto a large podium where she was about to be sworn in as the next US President!

I saw that Kamala Harris had won the Election, and behind the podium, were a large number of people all flying Rainbow Flags, and a great celebration was taking place.

Now, as I looked at what was unfolding in the Dream, I knew by The Spirit that what I was being shown in the Dream, was “the assignment and desire of the enemy” and not necessarily a particular outcome of the Election!

However, I also knew in the Dream that what was unfolding, was not just a Warning from God, but that The Spirit of Revelation was exposing the plans of the enemy, and that the Demonic Assignment of the enemy could be thwarted and overturned if The Church would rise up and take its place!

Then suddenly I heard these Words, “Watch and listen! For your silence will be a vote to put a witch in The White House!”

As I heard those Words, I was shown again Kamala Harris and the pink suit she was wearing, and I knew by The Spirit that the pink suit — the Rainbow Flags — were all an intentional and blasphemous sign of a counterfeit purity and a blatant mockery of the power of The Blood.

( It was just like a prophetic parallel with the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony and the mockery of The Last Supper! )

What I saw unfolding in the Dream was meticulously orchestrated and deliberately planned to create great anger, chaos and contempt, and was a mockery of everything that The Church held sacred, and represented.

Now, as this continued to unfold in the Dream, suddenly I saw a very large black cloud beginning to appear behind the presidential podium, and the black cloud was moving very fast across the skyline, as I heard these Words, ”The 11th Hour!”

Then I heard, ”Watch! For the reign of Kamala would bring the rain of poisonous quail and an invasion of venomous snakes!”

As I heard those Words, I saw quail beginning to fall like rain upon the ground, and all around the place where Kamala Harris was standing, and as the quail fell, suddenly I saw big black venomous snakes being released among the falling quail.

I watched as the venomous snakes began to devour some of the quail, and then the snakes began to strike at the heels of the people, and many began to die.

Then I woke up!

Now as I sat up in bed, I immediately began to write down everything, and I began to pray fervently in The Spirit. As I prayed, The Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart saying, “Daughter, this is a Word of Warning to The Church in this 11th hour!”

As I continued praying, The Holy Spirit then quickened to me, ”Numbers 11” which powerfully confirmed poignant aspects of my dream.

”This is the 11th hour” — see text below.

Numbers 11 says,

”The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, “If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost — also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”” Numbers 11:4-6.

Here we see that the murmuring and complaining from the people, which displeased God and greatly discouraged Moses, who even got to the point of praying that he might die!

“If this is how you are going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me if I have found favor in your eyes and do not let me face my own ruin,” Numbers 11:15.

In this powerful prophetic story-line, which I submit is a prophetic time-line, we see how God begins to deal with the murmuring and complaining people at the lack of meat.

“Tell the people, “Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow, when you will eat meat!”
The LORD heard you when you wailed, “If only we had meat to eat! We were better off in Egypt!”
Now The LORD will give you meat, and you will eat it. You will not eat it for just one day, or two days, or five, ten or twenty days, but for a whole month — until it comes out of your nostrils and you loathe it — because you have rejected The LORD, Who is among you, and have wailed before him, saying, “Why did we ever leave Egypt?” Numbers 11:18-20.

Take note; in verse 18, the word “give” in “The LORD will give you,” is translated from the Hebrew word “Nathan,” which conveys a sense of permission. [Give : Strong’s H5414 : נתן – nâthan – to give, bestow, grant, permit…]

This means that God permitted or allowed this event to occur, even though it was “not His desired outcome for the Nation”.

“Now a wind went out from The LORD and drove quail in from the sea. It scattered them up to two cubits deep all around the camp, as far as a day’s walk in any direction. All that day and night and all the next day the people went out and gathered quail.
No one gathered less than ten homers. Then they spread them out all around the camp. but while the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of The LORD burned against the people, and he struck them with a severe plague,” Numbers 11:31-33.

As I was reading through the above text, I heard these Words, ”I sent Heavenly Manna in the form of a MAGA Movement led by My Anointed and Appointed Cyrus, to make My Name great again, to make My Name known again.

Yet many have rejected the Manna and demanded meat from a table that has defiled and mocked My Name, and so they shall eat meat and it shall rot in their mouths — and many shall die!”

Friends, the poisonous quail of Numbers 11, powerfully mirrors another aspect of the Dream with the venomous black snakes.

If we continue reading from the poisonous quail in Numbers 11 to Numbers 21:6, we see that God allowed Fiery Serpents to afflict the people, as a consequence of their incessant murmuring, complaining and ingratitude towards what God had provided.

Their lack of Faith and complete Trust in God, caused a Divine Withdrawal of Protection — which resulted in the loss of many lives among the Israelites!

( See also Deuteronomy 8:15 — The serpents in the wilderness — where we see how God guided the Israelites through a treacherous wilderness, populated with fiery serpents, scorpions, and drought. And despite all the dangers, God still provided water from a miraculous source. This demonstrates God’s divine protection, provision and preservation! )

Now, as I was reading through the Scripture references and doing a deeper dive, The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about the “Prophetic Significance of the Quail”, and that the Quail mentioned in Numbers 11, were actually “migrating” at the time, from the continent of Africa.

Then I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch and pray, for a nation(s) are now in Divine Transition.

A nation/s in the midst of a Spiritual Migration — for a Divine Shifting and Supernatural Movement is taking place within The Nation(s)!”

Take note: It’s also interesting to note, that the diet of the quail in Africa consisted of highly toxic berries which had caused the flesh of the quail to become poisonous to eat! Hence the reason why many got sick and died after eating the meat!

Also take note: Then The LORD showed me another strange — yet interesting — observation concerning the significance of the cloud of Quail I saw rising as Kamala Harris stood on the podium.
California Quail picture

California Quail

The quail is the State Bird of California — and California has the highest densities of Quail in the USA.

Further, the birth place of Kamala Harri is Oakland, California!

These are powerful Prophetic Parallels and become very poignant when The Holy Spirit begins to highlight them in the context of the Dream, and when weighing its interpretation and Prayer Strategy as we move forward.

This is the 11th hour –— The Churches’ finest hour in the midst of greater shakings.

If the Watchmen slumber, Satan comes to sow tares among the wheat. If The Trumpet sounds a muffled call — who will prepare for battle?

This is the 11th hour — The Sound of Distinction calls for kings to go to war — for only a small window of time now stands open before The Nations!

It’s time to strike! Strike The LORD’s Arrows of victory! Five! Six! Yes — Seven times we must Strike, for this is the hour for the Victorious Violent Ones to rise to take by force what has been stolen!

We Decree : Let Your Name be great again! Let Your Name be known again among The Nation(s) of America, through Your Anointed and Appointed Vessels!

10-31-2024 — US 2024 Presidental Election

Carolyn Dennis - CHAOS & STRIFE IN THEIR CAMP! CELEBRATE! CELEBRATE! - October 29, 2024

This is such a great message I just love what the father told me and I’m so excited to share it with you. He gave this to me on October 28th 2024 and it’s entitled chaos and strife in their Camp celebrate celebrate. Woohoo. Okay. Here’s what he said there is a difference between what you were what you see and what is happening. You see the Democrats pushing their agenda acting all puffed up and confident but they are not. There is chaos and strife in their camp and fear on top. Fear is spreading throughout the Democratic party. The kind of fear that can be paralyzing. Be ready to celebrate there are more on my side than yours. Remember this is a battle for good and evil.

The battle is to save the United States from the pit of Hell. The battle is a choice between me the great god Jehovah or Satan. Who do you choose to serve today. Choose me The Great I Am. Vote my Bible my Holy Love Book. Vote for the future of your children. Vote to save the USA which will save the world. Do not be lazy or complacent vote like your vote will determine the outcome of the race for president. Remember I will move, but I often work through you my children. At this time today is your part to vote. Now do your part and continue to pray.

Then then after the election I want my church to continue to be on your knees praying. I am Am The Great I Am and soon you will be amazed at the signs and wonders I will display and allow to happen. It is a glorious time. Celebrate celebrate dance to the music. Put your rapture rug away for a season as you do your Christmas decorations. My son is coming soon, but there is a glorious season upon you before he comes for his bride. So enjoy the beautiful glorious time and prepare to be the beautiful bride of my son Jesus the Christ. Give him all the praise and glory.

This time is a time when the greatest Soul Harvest will occur and the world will change for a good season of time. Read my word. Spend time with us and invite the Holy Spirit to lead you every day. Give us some time and that let the light of my son shine. Do not dim or cover up your light that my son has put in you. Walk gently and carry a big stick for my son. There are great days and the Harvest is ready. Be a harvester of souls for my son. Be a harvester of souls to change people’s lives. Be a harvester of souls to lay up treasure in heaven where rust and moth will never steal your precious treasures. Come and drink from the fruit of the vine of my son and experience a more wonderful life with us. We love you ABA father. Amen.

Julie Green - TENSIONS ARE GROWING IN THE ENEMIES' CAMP - October 22, 2024

My children, tensions are growing in the enemies’ camp. Some will break under pressure, seeing that they are losing and that every day appears to be worse than the day before

Your enemies in Washington are petrified about what they are seeing with My David. He is growing in strength, and more people are turning to him. They know about the deals he has made with some in their own party, trying to save themselves, but there are deals on the table with My David that even the establishment does not know about. Your leaders are unaware that people have turned on them because it looks like all of Washington is still on their side. 

Sabotage is coming from your leaders in Washington against their own. I told you their puppets were failing to a degree they never thought possible. This is when your enemies will appear more dangerous with the actions they try against you and this Nation

Confusion is growing in Washington over what to do to stop this election because they realize they cannot cheat enough to win. Desperation is growing to a whole new level. As their desperation continues to grow, so will their mistakes and the mishaps, along with their mouths being their worst enemy

Your leaders in Washington are about to do something they said they would never do. But this might be their only option. They are screaming to one another, “If he gets in, we are done for. There is no option for him to get back into the White House. We will all be arrested or worse. What does he have? How can we find out? And are there other options to take him out and be successful?” 

My children, your enemies are having these conversations. They do not know what to do with My David. The establishment is about to let their wolves out of their cages to come after this Nation. They want total anarchy and unrest. They want a civil war, anything where they can take emergency measures and proclaim martial law. They need more control so that you have less freedom, and then you will be no threat to their machine continuing to run this Nation

Your enemies are even questioning and contemplating starting World War III right now—to allow a strike so devastating to this Nation, not caring how many lives are lost because they would be safe in their positions and able to stay in control. They would determine how much foreign enemies are allowed to do against you, even though there is a good chance they may give the enemy too much leeway, and it might go south quickly if not controlled

My children, this is a very dangerous time to be in, a time when your enemies realize they are defeated but still choose not to wave the white flag. My children, as your enemies lose strength and unity, I am giving you My strength, and you will grow in unity despite the great divide your enemies have caused in My Church

Great vindication is coming for My chosen voices, those that are being attacked and threatened to be silenced by the religious leaders. Those leaders will have a great wake-up call when they see that the truth cannot be denied. Their doctrines and religious lies will not stand, and they will be judged for choking My Word out of congregations with legalism and their opinions. 

A shaking is coming to those behind the pulpits who have tried to silence My prophets, who have tried to silence those giving My Words and preparing the hearts of My people for the battle the world is in against evil. Those who have been prideful and arrogant will themselves take a fall from where they have been. Pride comes before a fall, and it also says in My Word—touch not My anointed and do My prophets no harm. But some have chosen to ignore those Words and have gone after those I have chosen, to try and disgrace them with repeated persecution and lies. 

Judgment is coming to those against My remnant. They had time to repent and chose to ignore those warnings. So, My children, you will see church leaders fall in disgrace. You have seen an unprecedented number of CEOs and presidents of companies leave their positions, and now you will see many in the churches do the same

A cleansing of My Church has begun because this is the time of My Glory being poured out. And in order for the world to receive this amount, I must have people in positions that are willing to receive it and believe that I am still capable of doing such moves in the spirit like I have spoken of in My Word. There are some in churches that teach this has passed and that I no longer do these things. This is a lie because I am still the same yesterday, today, and forever

What does it take for My children to believe those Words I have written in the Bible? Change is coming, politically, yes, but great changes are also coming spiritually in the Body of Christ. So, prepare to receive the Glory I am about to pour out. 

Evil must be expelled from the churches and darkness extinguished for My children to receive the amounts of Glory I am about ready to release. So, My children, prepare your hearts and minds with My Word. Praise Me. Do not limit what I want to do for you and what I want to do through you in this unprecedented time, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Amateur: this word will be in your news for a shocking political reason. 

Armageddon: this word will be used in a very unusual way.  

Apocalyptic: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. 

My children, your enemies will continue to use scare tactics in this time to try to gain control over your minds. Rebuke the fear and deny their power over you and your nations

China is about to make another move against your elections that they will soon regret. The judgment that will strike their Nation can only be explained with the words “biblical event and unprecedented judgment.” This is coming for the ones trying to destroy My nations. 

What Boeing has been hiding will soon come out into the open, and I will show you how your establishment is involved in this sinister plot against you. 

Chariot: this company will be in your news for a shocking reason. Things are imploding that your enemies can no longer hide. 

My children, prepare for the tensions that are growing against your enemies, which will cause an implosion they will never recover from. Their time is coming to an end in an unprecedented way, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Bev Cleary - October - November 2024


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Hold fast to My Word. Sing Praises to Me. Look around at your blessings. Count them one by one. Remember how to push back darkness. It’s not through your hands but with your voice. Your prayers fill the world with My Glory, pushing back darkness and setting the captives free.


Words I received this morning from Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit:

The righteous are vindicated when My anger breaks through, when the cup of iniquity is full, when the time is at hand.

Christ stood while Stephen peered into heaven. My Son was not at that time seated at My right-hand but stood. He is soon not only will be seen standing but will be coming down to deal with what is taking place on the earth. The Day of the Lord is near. The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. It’s great for My Children, terrible for the enemy.


Words I received this morning from Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit:

Prepare the way. The King of Glory. Prepare your hearts and minds. Look up. Go higher. Be one with Me. Enter into My rest. Hide yourself in your chambers for a little while as I pour My indignation out on the earth. Then come out, come out. Build up, build up the path of peace. The straight and narrow path. The harvest begins.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The hour is late. The time is at hand. Patience. Peace. A little while longer. Wait for perfect timing. Wait for the sneak attack. Wait for the binding of the strongman. I Am waiting for the turning away of sin. Put a seal over your mouth. Deal with your sin before it escapes out of your lips. Destruction comes to the enemy of your soul. Don’t get caught in the crossfire.

November 2, 2024

Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Scatter. Scatter the enemies of your soul with your prayers, with the Words from your mouth. Do not let up. Do not turn back, back down, move forward. The effect of these Words is being seen, felt. The work is being accomplished. It’s happening. Do not be discouraged. Do not grow weary in well-doing.

November 3, 2024

Words I received this morning from Father God:

Yes, there is grace. There is mercy. There is also holiness. I Am a Holy God. I can not be in the presence of sin. I Am pure Light, pure Love. Darkness flees from Me like darkness flees once a candle is lit. The rules are set. They are established. Sin is a shadow. Sin is darkness. It can not stand in My Light, My Glory. It is not a choice I go through time making. It was established before time began. I do not waver from what is established. I Am not a man who can lie. My Son paid the price. He is your rest. He is your redeemer. He covers the sin so you can stand in holiness. Be holy as I Am Holy


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Don’t allow the whirlwind of activity to take your focus off of Me. Ask of Me what your task is today. Focus only on today. Tomorrow will have enough trouble of its own. ServevMe with gladness of heart and thanksgiving. Have a thankful heart. Count your blessings one by one.

(Yesterday, the pastor read Psalm 100. This morning, that same Psalm was included in my Bible reading. Also, the words above seem to reflect it as well.)


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Pray for My Will to be done on earth. Do you want to be free? Pray for freedom. Freedom from tyranny, enslavement, the collapse of a nation, and the known free world. Pray for justice. Pray especially for repentance. Use Daniel as an example. This slide into tyranny was done on the church’s watch. Repent. Repent and then stand back and see My Glory sweep over this nation.


Words I received this morning from Father God:

Rejoice! Give thanks! Sing a new song. However, children, it is not time to sleep or be slack in prayer. The enemy desires to devour, destroy, cause calamity. The enemy of your soul has been wounded and is angry. Continue praying, commanding life, not death. Choose life, not death, not even sleep at this time. Endure till the end.

January 27, 2024

Words I received today from the Lord:

Let everything that can be shaken, be shaken. Be unshakable during this time.

The markets will crash, but like a roller-coaster ride, it will continue up after the downturn. A rising from the dead when it seems unlikely, impossible. I Am the God of the impossible. Nothing is too hard for Me. Expect the unexpected at this time. This is not the time of the end. This is the beginning of truth. A seesaw, back and forth, a rocking of the ship for most. Speak to the waves. Be still in My Name. Do not let them conquer you, scare you, shake you. Do not allow the waves to shake you to your core. I Am your core and I Am unshakable.

Patty Teichroew - October - November 2024

Bo Polny - New Bo Polny: The Next 7-Days… October Surprise - They are Desperate Now - October24, 2024

Tiffany Root & Kirk VandeGuchte - Winds of Change Angel Encounter - Great Changes are Coming - October 25, 2024

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and others give remarks at the 2024 U.S. Treasury Market Conference - September 26, 2024

The US Federal Reserve emblem fell off and fell down during the speech about the dollar as the world’s reserve currency

(Coincidence or a message from God?)

Video from Marc Wiradharma (

Pravada – The US Federal Reserve emblem fell off and fell down at the moment of the phrase about the dollar as a world reserve currency

All this is a Sign, a Bad Omen

Julie Green - THERE WILL BE A GREAT DEATH IN THIS NATION - October 21, 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling My children, prepare your hearts for the unknown. Prepare your hearts for this world to be shaken. Prepare to stand in ways you never thought you would have to. Prepare for a great final battle for the soul of this Nation

You will see a great death in this Nation. It will be the death of the establishment—the death of their policies, the death of their One World Order that they tried to ensnare this Nation with. Great death to their plans to fully take this Nation under their control once and for all is coming. There will be death to their control over your elections and death to their contracts with other nations to destroy you. Death is coming to the shadow government in DC

Death is coming to the payments your governmental leaders have received from other nations to help decimate your freedoms. There will be death to the spying on the people of this Nation through the three-letter agencies and the social media companies. There will be death to socialism, communism, and all the isms they use to dominate and control the masses and obliterate the nations. There will be death to many puppet masters’ control over the people trying to steal this Nation yet again

This final battle for the soul of this Nation will seem dark. It will seem to become hopeless. It will seem as if you are surrounded and trapped by the establishment, the global government, and the army they have (brought) into your Nation. 

My children, this is the time to be fully awake to My Authority and My Words. Some will not see this plan of attack from your enemies coming, and some will not know how to handle what they see taking place. Pray for those who remain asleep. Pray for those who are blinded to the truth

Arise, children of the Most High God. As the world seems to get darker, you crush it with the Glory that is on the inside of you. I am the light, and that light will shine. Obey My Words and My commands. As you do, you will be protected by the Most High God. 

My warnings will soon come to an end, as I have told you, because soon they will not be necessary, seeing that the time is upon you for all the things I have warned you about. It is all coming to a place where good and evil will clash, but good will always overtake and destroy the evil it comes up against

The world your enemies wanted is colliding with the world I have created, and, My children, your enemies will always lose against Me. So, stand and have your hearts fixed on My Words because for what you are about to see, you will need a firm foundation on My Words in your soul to destroy the onslaught of attacks your enemies have coming your way. Stand your ground because your enemies cannot keep this Nation, and they cannot keep you enslaved to them. You have already been bought with the price of My Son’s Blood. Freedom is already yours, so take it now, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A diamond mine will be in your news for a significant reason. 

A laptop that your enemies thought was destroyed will come to the surface. My infiltrators have it, and My whistleblowers are about to sing. They are lying and waiting for the perfect timing with this election

Yes, My children, your enemies are trying everything to steal the 2024 election away from you. But do you truly believe that whatever they have cooked up is bigger than Me? It is not. Their elections are a joke. They are nothing to Me. I do not need an election to put leaders in places of power that they were called to be in. This is My Nation. This is My land. The government that has been trying to control and take over this Nation does not have any power over what is rightfully Mine, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Cape Cod will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

My children, great surprises are coming to this election. My infiltrators are lying and waiting where your enemies cannot see (them), ready to take them out. Their hands will be caught in the cookie jar, you would say. They will be caught and punished for every seat and every position they try to steal. Get ready, My children. Your enemies are caught in traps they cannot get out of. I am moving My Hand, and I will deliver this land, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Carolyn - Dennis - HOW DARE KAMALA! A MESSAGE FROM GOD - October 23, 2024

This was given to me last night October 23rd 2024. And it’s entitled how dare Kamala. This is from the father this is the season that you have long awaited and longed for it is here. They will soon be gone the evil ones. You see it coming now the stress and fatigue and failure is starting to weigh on the Deep State. Watch them crumble and fall apart over the next couple of weeks. Pray for the safety of Trump Vance and their families there is evil on the loose but I will protect them. I will give my Angel armies to watch over them. Did you know that Kamala is lying more and more it saddens me that she has gone this far in her path to rule the US. But you my church must do your part pray and vote, pray and vote. Do not assume you are not needed on either level.

The body of Christ I call you to pray and vote. Vote early if you can. This is the most important election of your lifetime. Do not sit idly by and let others make your choice do your part. I want back my government excuse me. I want back in my government. I want back in my schools I want back in America. My land founded on my book The Holy Bible. My book does not say anything about a separation of church and state. My good Kings of Israel had a priest by their side and sought their advice. My good Kings of Israel sought the priests to advise them based on my law. Not manmade law. My good King took the wise advice of the priest that I put before them. How dare Kamala not recognize my son at her rally and shamed my young men who stood up for Jesus. Her poles will plummet and her words will will haunt her when she finishes the race. She will regret her words and know that she has picked the wrong side. Kamala turn before it is too late today is a great day and you should rest and play come to spend time with me and love one another. We love you. Amen.

Barry Wunsch - WE HAVE HIT THE TIPPING POINT - October 20, 2024

While in corporate worship tonight the Lord spoke to me. This is what I heard as clear as a bell.
“What Israel is about to do is long overdue.
The actions that they are about to take shall change history forevermore.
The head shall be cut off the head of the snake in Iran.
The Prince of Persia has had its day.
When the snake is taken out, you will have its offspring rising up throughout the nations with every evil terrorist attack upon western civilization.
Barry, tell my people to pray like never before.
Pray without ceasing.
Get your house in order.
I am forcing them up and out into the light so they can be dealt with once and for all!
Barry, tell President Trump that I am with him. And confirm with him that I have called him to do some very difficult things.
And, even though they are very difficult I am with him and am giving him the grace to execute it.
But it is going to require of him a consecration in his life greater than he has ever been called to.
And, as such he shall raise the bar for those I am bringing to his side.
Tell my dear son, I have heard his prayers, and I heard his cry that day I spared his life.
Holy is the word of the Lord


Oh, My United States, there is a war in your Nation to divide, deceive, enslave, devastate your freedoms, crush your economy, and change your history and why you were formed. You have enemies surrounding this Nation. You have enemies trying to lead your Nation right into the hands of foreign governments to drain any strength or any independence you once had. 

You have infiltrators everywhere you look. You have fake leaders in your capital that have controlled and decimated your election system. You have those same leaders grooming more politicians and judges to rule and think like them, to rip your constitution apart. They want people to forget the Declaration of Independence and what it stands for. 

They want to murder the foundations on which this Nation stands—that it is one Nation under God with liberty and justice for all. This is blasphemy to their ears, and this is why they have taken over the education system, the media, and entertainment—to change the course of this Nation and to change its history into what they have made up

Lord, why are you telling us all these things when we hear and see these things on a daily basis? It just reminds us of all the destruction and devastation and how hopeless all this really is. Lord, is our Nation going to cease to exist as we know it? Have we come to a place in our Nation where our freedoms are going to die? 

My children, have you not heard My Words that I have given to you? I have never left you without hope. I was telling you these things to let you know I have heard your enemies. I have seen the destruction. I have seen the direction your Nation has taken without Me—away from Me. But I have heard your cries. And I have come down to take everything your enemies have done to this Nation and to annihilate everything they stand for

My United States, you need Me, not a man or an election. This world and all your enemies will see that this Nation does have Me. I have told you they are trying more against you, but you have seen them fail time and time again. This (time) is no different. Your enemies have fallen from where they used to be. They are petrified of this movement of My Glory and truth and this movement of independence and patriotism that will destroy their ideology and control over you

They realize that deception has not worked with this election as they thought. They were blindsided by the influx of people who voted for My David in 2016, but that was nothing compared to what is coming against them now. My David will crush their puppets in an unprecedented way. 

I told you unprecedented and unconventional. But wait because what happens after will bring shock waves to this Nation. 2020 is coming back with a vengeance, as I have said, that will cause a reset to this Nation that the world has never seen

Great upsets are coming along with removals. (There will be) a time that will seem as though your Nation is on hold until all are taken into custody and new elections can be voted on

When I told you that this Nation will shake, it will shake politically on a scale so great that it will affect other nations around the world

The three-letter agencies of all kinds will be ripped apart, and then I will start with new ones. Judges will be removed, and new ones will be put in place to replace them. Tribunals will take place. Some you will see, but some have already taken place, and you will see the evidence of them. 

My children, your Nation and what it looks like right now will cease to exist. I am rooting out the evil and taking out all they brought to this Nation. The Nation that will be seen is one that is stronger, wealthier, and being led by My Hand, to be truly one Nation under God

It is all coming. So, brace for the impact that is about to strike this Nation to put it back on the path I have always intended for it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Wiretaps: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. They have spied on My son and others, and I have told you that what they have sown, they will reap. Your enemies have been tapped in all ways of communication, and some of it is about to be leaked. That will destroy Obama’s puppets and his shadow government

No one in this establishment is safe from exposure. There are many key pieces to this puzzle, many cards, that have not been played. Your enemies know that My David and those with him still have some in their possession. They tried to confiscate them, but they couldn’t. They tried to infiltrate wolves into his midst, but they couldn’t get them that way either. They are terrified of these things being released, but what they do not know is that My David has more than they realize, and these trump cards will be used in unprecedented ways and unprecedented times. 

Your enemies are in trouble that they have never been in before and in fear that they have never known. In this time, think of Goshen, and trust that I will protect you from what your enemies have planned next. I am your protector and defender, and it will be clear that I am here, says the Lord. 

Your enemies have planned attacks for election night. They have terrorists that will interfere with the vote counts. They have plans to shut down polling places. They have lone gunmen that will be stationed in certain areas to cut people off from being able to register or place their ballots. They have voting machines that will change votes, and they also have poll workers that will help bring in fake ones for their puppet. But everything they try will fail miserably

They will have egg on their face when the results come and their plans of attacks stumble and fall. I have been preparing My infiltrators for all of this. Do not fear this election. Do not fear their scare tactics or the ways they will try to intimidate you with their poll numbers. 

Their poll numbers will be crushed. I will show you the real ones. But once they see they have lost, that is when the real fight begins to keep My David from Inauguration Day. But everything they have cooked up will backfire and solidify treason, and that will be the end they have coming to them

Oh, My United States, rise from the ashes. Rise from the division. Arise from the destruction. Arise and take your place in this world that I designed for you to be

This war is about to change course. Your enemies have been pursuing you. Now, you will pursue them and crush their power with My Words, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


This is the message from God and it’s called Haris to collapse in poles and a nightmare in the liberal camp. And I received this on October 21st 2024. Put your faith in my son the one who will never leave nor forsake you. The bridegroom that you have confidence will always take care of you. The friend that is always there for you and laay down his life for you. Remember him and trust in him. Start your day with me and my son. Let us feel you fresh before you turn on your television we can give you peace and joy despite what the world is telling you. There are two things that are getting ready to happen you will know them when you see them these two things will push Harris Walts further down in the polls and booster president Trump up further. Expect expect Harris to collapse in the poles and it will be a nightmare in the liberal camp. Pray for her and all their souls again I do not want them to perish.

But they have chosen the evil one and are pushing his agenda. Did you vote yet the lines are long because my church has woken up. It is about time. But you are right on time you needed to see this evil at this level for me to be able to stop it. My methods and ways are not yours. I Am The Great I Am and I know best. I have all wisdom and I am love. I love all of my creation and it grieves me that some will not accept me and my son. It is a free choice that I gave as you want people to freely choose to love you and not be forced. We feel the same way. Pray for the evil ones again that they repent and turn from from their evil ways and receive me and my son Jesus. Jesus is the only way to me. My son Yeshua is the way the truth and the life. Receive him today and make him the Lord of your life. Your money and finances are changing. Your life is changing. Your family is changing and you are going to have the greatest days of your life. Stay close to me and my son and let us love on you today love Abba Father. Amen.

Repost from Sean Feucht on X/Twitter - Witches posting about casting spells on President Trump -10-22-2024

Witches posting about casting spells on President Trump: “He seems to have some kind of protection around him.” 


Julie Green - POLITICAL WALLS ARE COMING DOWN - October 16, 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling My children that I will show you all who has sabotaged this Nation and controlled elections and politicians. I will show you all who are controlling the money. I will show you all who are connected to the mainstream media and tell them what to say. I will show you who is on the side of the red that doesn’t belong (there). 

Woe to those who are on the side of the red who are actually blue. I will show the world who you are. I will show the connections you have to the establishment and who pays you to spy on My David. I will show this Nation how you communicated with Obama and all who are with him. 

There is a witch and a Jezebel. I will also show you who is near My David, who said they were your friends and on your side. My David, you still have traitors and liars in your midst—ones you wouldn’t have expected to be. They are good actors but look deep inside their eyes. They are ravenous wolves ready to betray you

Oh, My David, I will show you that I am Who you can really trust. I will completely unmask the ones by you that you will need to remove before you take back the White House. This time must be different, My son. This time, rely on My Words and My plans and not political strategists. Some are still giving you advice they know is wrong, but it will look good on paper. 

Do not listen to those whom you have questioned some of their motives. They have given you advice, but some next to you are the ones that led you into that trap at Butler. It was not just your enemies on the outside but also the enemies within. They are trying to stop you from winning. They do not care what it takes to keep you out of that place of power. You have so-called political friends by your side, but some are there to make sure you lose

My Words are the ones you should be paying attention to, even though you may not totally understand how to obey Me and how it all works to hear from Me. I am sending people your way to give you My Words that you need to hear, but your enemies will also send a wolf and a witch. I will show you who is who

My David, things will intensify against you, but I saved you before, and I am saving you again. You will win, no matter what their plans are. I am with you, so continue to move forward with Me, and you will see the impossible be possible. You will see that I am the same God in the Bible that still works miracles today. This is My Nation, and I am letting you lead it into a mighty victory with Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, pray for My David to hear and pray that he sees who is with him and who is not. I will take care of the House and the Senate and what they try next against him. It will not work. You will see their indictments collapse for good, and you will see the judges against him be judged. You will see them try to stop him from taking back the presidency, but they cannot, just like they couldn’t make any of their charges stick against him. They think they are slick to change laws and use their DOJ to do it, but a great wall is crashing—the wall of their so-called Justice Department

Merrick Garland: the skeletons in your closet will be released, and I will show what you have done to My Nation and to My David. You will pay a high price for your part, for I, the Lord, am bringing judgment on everyone against Me. I am the Judge over all the Earth, and I am bringing My gavel down. Justice will be served

A whistleblower is coming that will bring a great shock to this Nation with the surprises they have that will uncover many politicians and the crimes they have committed against this Nation. Political walls are coming down, and a great political reset will take place. I am ready to remove all who are against Me, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Veronika West - Who Will Be Counted Among ‘the Elect’ on the Day When the Walls Coming Crashing Down? - October 22, 2024

Veronika West - America: A 50-State Nation in Transition! - October 21, 2024

America, I heard The Spirit say this early hours of this morning, ”Watch for a 50-state Nation in transition, is now in the midst of a Divine Distinction!

I say, Watch and Pray, for the States of Texas, Arizona and Florida shall lead the way, for an a greater shaking of a 50-state Nation shall bring forth a Separation and a Secession that will reveal goat and sheep Nations!”

On hearing those Words, I saw a greater shaking beginning to take place over the Nation of America, and I heard The Spirit say, ”The winnowing Winds of My Seven Spirits are now blowing forth upon the threshing floor, for the Sickle will fly, and the Sword will fall, and a 50-state Nation — once united — shall become divided!”


This message it’s called the Zimbabwe Bond and a great day for the United States and silver. And God gave me this message this morning October 20th 2024. Okay here we go. Today will be a great day for the United States, a day like no other. This day will bring the greatest change the world has seen in modern times. You will cheer and celebrate high five and dance. Celebrate my children as this is the time you have prayed and hoped for. So now what? There is massive cleanup and rebuilding in the country. Your continual president Commander in Chief will lead the charge and you will be proud of your country again. The streets will clean up and safety will rise. Health will increase as big pharma, medical fraud, and Insurance are exposed. The industry will change and health will be restored to this land for a while be ready my children this great day is upon you.

Nelson Chamisa will be elected and installed as the leader of Zimbabwe. The currency will flourish. The Zimbabwe Bond will exceed all the currencies in growth. It is the one to buy and invest in now. The door is closing as the election will be soon and that will be a trigger of the increase. Look at silver. I have told of the increase it has increased and is going up. But oh, it will explode. I have told you. So be ready as all will come to pass of my words. My word and my love never fail. Get to know my precious son Jesus. He will change your life he made the way for you. He paid the price and he did the hardest worst part for you to know me. Come to us today. Carolyn will tell you how. Have you said your prayers today. Give us a few minutes of your time and bring your problems, your dreams, your desires to us. We are the Dream Makers promisee Keepers, problem solvers, and we will give you peace and joy joy in the midst of the worst storm of your life. Just cry out to me and my son. We love you so much we long for you to come to us but we gave you freedom and it is your call when, how, and how much time you will give to us. We are always here no matter where you are Go out today and enjoy time with the people in your life. Ask me to help you with those that are not easy for you to deal with my son is the prince of peace and you can have his peace no matter what. We love you with an everlasting heart. Abba Father.

Veronika West - A Kingdom Take-down and Take-over is Taking Place! - October 20, 2024

“Get ready — for there is a Kingdom take-down and take-over taking place! It’s inevitable!”

A powerful Confirmation came through our early morning IDH War Room to something The LORD said to me yesterday.

I heard Him say, “Watch, for your prayers are going to be like Heat-seeking Missiles in the days ahead!”

In the natural, Heat-seeking Missiles can travel thousands of miles in search of their intended target — be it a a person, a specific geographical place, or a particular thing, which has no hope of getting away, or getting out of its way once the missile is “locked on.”

When the specific target is set, the take-down and take-over is inevitable and guaranteed!

I heard The Spirit say yesterday, “There is a Supernatural Upgrade coming to My faithful Warriors in this hour for maximum impact for their Prayers, their Decrees and their Prophetic Declarations will be like heat-seeking missiles, that once Divinely Programmed, set and locked onto the target, will bring a sudden take-down and an unexpected Kingdom take-over!

Get ready, for there is a Kingdom take-down and take-over taking place! It is inevitable!”

Warriors! Never underestimate the power of Prayer!

For our prayers will be like powerful weapons, guided by The Hand of God Himself.

The enemy will have no defense against the targeted precision of our Prayers in this hour!

As we stand in Unity and Faith and begin to Declare His Promises, we will see mountains move, chains break, and captives set free!

The supernatural upgrade is here! Take it by Faith!

Watch! We will walk in a new level of Authority and Victory in the days ahead, fresh infilling of oil and fire.

I hear Him say, ”Warrior Remnant, get ready to witness The Kingdom take-down and take-over that is about to unfold before your very eyes.

Have I not said, ”He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”?

Nothing can stand against My Power!

I say to you, “It’s time to rise up, warriors of an unshakeable Faith. Watch as My Kingdom Government is established on Earth — as it is in Heaven!”

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES ARE IN FOR A ROUGH ROAD AHEAD - October 14, 2024

My children, I have told you before that a darkness is coming, a darkness that can be felt. This darkness will feel like it has set in and will not go away, darkness that will be very heavy. You are asking, why Lord? Why does darkness have to come when You are light, and Your glory destroys darkness? So why will it get worse? 

My children, I never said this darkness was for you. I am protecting you like I did for My people in the land of Goshen, where there was light, while Egypt was swallowed up with a gross darkness. This will be the same. I am warning you of this because catastrophes will take place in front of you, but you will not be a part of it. I do not want your hearts to fear, and I do not want you to grow weary while you see all these things taking place when it is not for you

Your enemies are in for a rough road ahead, but you are My children. So, separate yourselves from this mess with My Word and My truth—you are in this world, but you are not of it

Some of My children will not heed these warnings and will choose the path of destruction not knowing they do not have to. They will choose the evil report instead of Mine

My children, you are living in not only unprecedented times but biblical times where scientists, atheists, the world elites, and anyone else who is against Me will not be able to deny My power or My existence because of the things I am about to do on this Earth for you, children of Almighty God. 

Just as Egypt could not deny My power, neither can these enemies you are facing. Their plans are doomed. Their empires will collapse into nothing because they are against Me. The world will see that there is nothing and no power bigger than the Great I AM, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Your enemies are trying to strangle this Nation until it has no more fight and no more breath left in it. But right when your enemies believe they finally have what they want, it will be ripped from their bloody hands. And their power will be stripped away like it was never there. I have told you before that I will cut your enemies off, and where they were, they will not be much longer. 

A court case is about to rip your enemies apart—a case they never thought would take place because they had threatened and blackmailed your Supreme Court justices. Yes, something will rock this Nation as boldness sets in and a revolt takes place. A Supreme Court Justice will rise in boldness and rule in the way he was threatened not to.  

Enemies of Almighty God in Washington: you do not own that court. You do not pull the strings on what they can or cannot rule on. You cannot blackmail anyone because I have opened a door for whom I have chosen, and they will be in a safe place when they rule you out of yours

To the Washington establishment: this Nation does not belong to you and what you are planning to do next against this Nation and My David will further your demise. Secrets are coming from Guantanamo that you never wanted out—secrets about who has been there. Some of them are singing like canaries and telling everything they know about you. Many were a part of the establishment, but they see it sinking like the Titanic, and they are choosing to switch sides to save themselves. So, to all who are in DC against Me: I, the Lord of Hosts, have your number, and it is about to run out

There are people in your three-letter agencies that have turned over secret videos, emails, and explosive evidence because they have turned against you after the assassination attempts against My David. They have turned against you because of what they have seen at the border and because they know your plan to use a foreign military to strike your own Nation. There are people turning away from you left and right, a mass exodus from the establishment—to destroy your power and to save this Nation and their freedoms from the clutches of your hands. 

Oh, leaders of DC who are against Me: do you not see that people are no longer falling for your charade, your escapade? My October surprise is coming, and it will rock you to your core, crumble your foundations, and destroy your walls. This surprise is one you cannot run from. The skeletons are coming out into the open, and they will destroy your narrative and shred your power apart. 

This surprise will definitely take you by surprise. You thought this would never get into the wrong hands. You thought you had buried it deep enough that it would never be unearthed. You were wrong. I have all your secrets, and at the perfect time, I will release them. It will all hit you like a nuclear bomb, where there is no safe place for you to run.  

So, enemies of Almighty God: you will not have this Nation or this election, and you will not kill My David or his family. You will never have Israel. You will not bring down Netanyahu. This is the time for My Church to strip you of your power over this Nation, and they will plunder everything you have stolen from them. A wave is coming that you cannot stop. My Hand is moving to rip this land and who it belongs to out of your hands. My Nation will live on, but some of you will not. So back off and back down. My Nation will rise and see a great and mighty victory, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The Caspian Sea will be in your news for a significant reason. I have told you, My children, biblical things like (what happened in) the land of Egypt will take place. You will see that what takes place is a sign I am putting your enemies in their place

Someone from the left is about to give up Kamala. A great shaking is happening. There is someone that is about to turn over secrets and let them out through the airwaves as revenge. Kamala is failing, yes, but soon she will fall, says the Lord. 

My children, I have told you they did not want Kamala, and they didn’t. What has taken place with her is similar to (what took place with) “the Biden.” All the puppets in Washington are about to be exposed in an unprecedented way

Keep your eyes on Fetterman. He has a big secret to tell, as he is not who he says he is either

Some puppets are on My side that your enemies did not know about. They have heard and seen things in the darkness that are about to be put into the open

Get ready, oh United States. Washington is about to shake like never before. A cleansing is happening in your capital for the world to see. It could only have been done by Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer.  

Patty Teichroew - October 2024

Bev Cleary - October 2024


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Laugh. I laugh at the wicked when they plot destruction because I know the end from the beginning. I know they will soon fade like the grass in the field. One day you will see them, the next day they are gone never to be seen again. Don’t forget to laugh. It’s important not to worry. Worried thoughts lead to evil. It leads to distrust of Me, unfaithfulness, loss of sleep, energy, and time. It leads to loss. Gain back faith by laughing because you know the end. You know where this is going and that I’ll work all things out for good for those that love Me and are called according to My purpose.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Sit, wait expectantly. Wait on Me. Wait and see. Everything is about to change in an unexpected way. You do not have ALL of the puzzle pieces. There is still a mystery on how this all unfolds. You have enough to know everything is about to change. But how? The enemy is smart. I Am not going to tell him. My plans will unfold in a surprising way! What is about to take place? Have faith! Believe in Me! Believe I work out all for good. Do not become offended in the days ahead. Take heart. I have overcome the world.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The turn of events, the news cycle happens quickly now. Every day, more chaos is reported and underreported. Time given to propaganda often overshadows truth telling.  The dead, the catastrophic events shall not be overlooked this time. There is an awakening happening. Things seen now can never be unseen again.  Truth, truth, truth is pouring out like water. Too many holes to fill, says the enemy.  Too many people to silence.  The tital wave is breaking on the enemy of your soul. The crushing weight of truth is more than he can bear. The days of the enemy are coming to an end.

Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Something is about to give birth. A people-group is about to rise. My People shall go higher, shall operate at a higher level, sit at a higher place, rest in the heavenlies preparing for battle. The battle has already been won. I wrote about it in My Book.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Hold fast to My Word. Sing Praises to Me. Look around at your blessings. Count them one by one. Remember how to push back darkness. It’s not through your hands but with your voice. Your prayers fill the world with My Glory, pushing back darkness and setting the captives free.

Julie Green - RISE UP AGAINST YOUR ENEMIES - October 11, 2024

My children, rise up. Rise up with the situations that are trying to keep you down. Rise up from all your enemies’ attacks. Rise up. This is a time when I am calling My Body to rise up over every opposition. I am calling you to rise above every test, trial, and adversity with your faith. Trust in My ability to not only get you out and get you through, but to restore what has been stolen from you. This is the time to trust and rely on Me. 

Your enemy is trying to overwhelm you with the circumstances at hand. He is trying every attack in his playbook. He is trying to throw every adversity in front of your face. He is trying to put you in your place. He is trying to put you underneath. He is trying to make you bow down. He wants you to give in and submit to his win. He does not have these things, but he wants you to believe (he does). Your enemy is already defeated

The victory is already yours. You see these things—all the weather, all these events. I told you all these unprecedented and unusual things were coming your way. I told you the enemies were attacking. You are seeing that, but some are wondering, God, where are you? Why are these things happening to me? 

I warned you of these things. I told you I would be here for you. I told you to have a firm focus on Me and My Word. I told you not to give up. Repeatedly, I have warned you of the things your enemies were doing against you. 

But then, My people, in the time of all these warnings, turn against Me, get offended, and say that I abandoned them. I did not abandon you. I have warned you. I have given you instructions. I have given you My Word, which will destroy your enemy. I have given you the shed Blood of My Son that brought him (Satan) to nothing

I have given all these things to you. I am with you in every darkness, in all these situations you have been in. I have been with you in every one of those dark holes. I have been with you in any one of these situations you have been in. I am with you in the good times, and I am with you in the bad times. I am hearing the cries of My people wondering where I am. 

In My Word, I have given you the answer to where I am—I am in you. You have to acknowledge that I am there. And when you do acknowledge I am there, and you let Me in, and you trust in Me and My Word, then all these doors that are slamming in your face, all this adversity, all these tests, all these trials, and all these mountains in your face will come to nothing, and you will see them as nothing

My children, why do you pay attention to your enemies’ words? Why do you pay attention to his attacks? Why does the enemy have your attention

I am asking you to stand at attention. I am asking you to trust in Me and rely on Who I am. I have said in My Word that I would not abandon you. But My children are asking Me, Father God, why have you abandoned us? I have not. I have warned. But people do not heed and obey My warnings. I will lead you and guide you in the way you should go. But if you do not obey, then the enemy will have his way

Do you see why I speak to you so often? Do you see why I have given you My Words through the prophets or through My Written Word? I have given you all these things so you would rise above, not stay below and beneath your enemy. 

So, My children, I have told you that in this time, a time of warning, which I said was upon you, in this time it will look worse before it gets better. My words have not changed. I have not changed. My promises are still true—that I am here for you, that I have your victory. Nothing is changing that. 

So, when the enemy wants to discourage you, and the enemy wants to overwhelm you with that spirit of heaviness, shake it off. Take it off. Rip it off with a garment of praise. Praise Me in all things, not because of them. You praise Me in all things, and you will win

So, stand your ground. You are taking back territory. Do not let your enemy fool you into believing something different. I am here for you, and I will see you through it for that unprecedented victory I have for you, says the Lord. 


I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children to deny the world’s influence in your minds and hearts. Deny your enemies access to your lives by speaking My Words, declaring My Words, and praising and worshiping Me. Your enemy is trying everything at this time to bring you great discouragement, and it may feel more overwhelming to you. But remember, you resist him, and he must flee. It is as easy as flicking away a flea. I promise you with My Authority, which I have given you, in the Name of Jesus, all Hell quivers at that Name and all demons must flee at that Name—the Name that is above every name

Your enemies are doing more against you in this time, but I am doing more for you. My Glory crushes the power of the enemy, and My Glory dwells in you. Learn to tap into it. Call for more increase, and you will receive more from Me if you just ask. 

My children, it is your time to crush your enemies and put them under your feet in a great defeat. You have more power that I have given to you, which you have not yet used. Use it! Use My Words with great authority. The enemies you are facing have already been defeated because of who dwells with them. See them as nothing because they are nothing against Me. So, get up and take your enemies out with a shout, says the Lord of Hosts. 

The San Andreas Fault is about to be set off. Yes, I said set off—not by itself; it will have help. Oh, California, you are about to shake, and it will get this Nation’s attention. But to My children who live there: plead the Blood, and it will protect you and your homes. The shaking is against your enemies, and it will cause them more destruction. You will hear fear in the news. That is meant to cause more panic.  But, My children, do not panic. Your enemies are the ones that are being destroyed, not you. So, trust in My Words. They are true, and I will see you through, says the Lord. 

Gavin Newsom is soon to be shaken. News reports will be released about the destruction of your state and your freedoms by orders given to him from the establishment, to cause as much oppression as possible without people revolting

California: you are not blue. You are actually red. They have deceived you. And the Land of My Eagle just assumes (you are) blue, just like the state of New York. Your enemies will not look at the states they should. They will be ripped out of their hands. They did not even know (these states) were up for grabs. They never thought these deep blue states were actually red. 

A great wave is coming, a red tsunami that this Nation has never seen. They tried to hide it in your last elections, but this time, no matter the schemes, they cannot hide it from Me, and they will not be able to suppress the truth

There is not a tight race. There is nothing but a landslide. They cannot predict the amount of people that are silent who have not opened their mouths (yet) that will turn from blue to red. I have said repeatedly that you are living in unprecedented times and that your enemies are helpless to stop it

An ambush is coming. Your enemies will try one against you, but it will backfire and go against them. Their election fraud and election interference are nothing compared to Me. No matter what you see right now, do not be moved. But remember, I am saving this Nation, not this election, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Antarctica is about to release its secrets. Great devastation is happening to everything your enemies have hidden there. My infiltrators are about to release information that will destroy the establishment and their next moves against you. 

Europe will be in your news for a significant and unprecedented reason. 

Cattail: this name will be in your news for an unusual reason. 

A compact agreement will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Thunderbirds will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A dark Pentagon secret is about to be released. Some generals are about to be stripped of their medals for the treason they have committed against this Nation. 

Antony Blinken is about to be exposed for the criminal he is. Your enemies are willing to let him go to save others from the exposure that is about to hit Washington. 

Lloyd Austin is about to have some explaining to do. The skeletons in his closet will also be released

Many who have destroyed this country by the decisions they were a part of are about to take a hit they will not recover from

So, My children, get ready for mass exposure of the ones who have committed treason against this Nation. Removals are coming on a scale never seen before. So, get ready for the shaking that is coming for your leaders in Washington. They will have to let this Nation go, says the Lord of Hosts. 


I, the Lord, this day am telling the enemies of this Nation in Washington DC—the escapade you have been trying to pull off is a farce, sham, scam, theft, and manipulation of this great Nation. I have seen your crimes. I hear the deals you make under the cover of night or in secret places that are not secret to Me. 

Don’t you know that I am God, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End? I am omnipotent. I am everywhere. I set up traps, and you have fallen for every one of them. You have kept pursuing the destruction of My Nation and the death of My David, but you will never see either one

You want to bring in the New World Order sooner because you see the populist movement, not only in this Nation but in many nations around the world, destroying your plans

You see that people are not as dumb and gullible as you once thought. Your brainwashing was not enough to deceive the masses. Your news, propaganda, and movies, used to help further the deception of changing people’s beliefs and thoughts, were not enough, and you did not get the traction you needed

You have been interrupted by My Church. You thought they would fall for the same deception, that they would turn to you instead of turning to Me. But now they are stronger, and they are more united. And the more you have tried to crush My Church, the more they are crushing you and your plans

Oh, leaders in Washington, you are all fools—you who are against Me and this Nation. You picked puppets who cannot speak or act the way you want them to. Why did you pick the weakest for the most important part of your plan? You wanted people (you could) completely control, but you never considered the citizens of this Nation not falling for their weakness. They can plainly see the hatred from your puppets

I am bringing whistleblowers and proof of stolen elections for your fake presidents and puppets. I am bringing this at a time you would least expect it. It will be your fall. It will bring you to nothing. Do not get too cozy where you are and do not think this election or this Nation is yours to have because they are Mine, and you are losing control of all of it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The CIA is about to crumble under the proof that is coming—how they controlled most of you and how they used their intelligence to keep you all in line. The CIA and all who are corrupt will collapse from the weight of the truth that the American people are about to hear. The CIA was not only a part of the plot to kill My David and some of his family members, but they were also in charge of seeing to its completion, just as they were with JFK and Ronald Reagan. These same types of people were the ones who also killed Abraham Lincoln. 

My children of the United States, these people have been lurking in the darkness, in the shadows of all governments and every president. And if any of them got out of line, threatened their plans, or found out their secrets, they would be killed, impeached, or removed somehow, some way, depending on how much information they knew or found out

I will show you how they blackmailed, destroyed, and removed Nixon out of the way because of fear that he would tell the American people what he knew. But he did not fight back to stay in power, so they let him walk away

There is more to the secrets behind Watergate that will decimate the establishment, along with explosive evidence of everything they have done since, including secret laptops that will come out and a book of secrets that will be released. Phone calls, emails, and text messages, I have tapped into all of their lines of communication. I have their servers. I have everything they have wanted to hide since the beginning of the establishment in this Nation

To the Land of My Eagle: you will see the strength of the wicked more and more moves against you before they are fully removed, but with every move they make, they will further their demise

My David’s victory is coming in a way that is unprecedented, and your enemies cannot take it away. They will try everything in their playbook, but they will be defeated. Watch during the time of the lame duck. Watch as the unprecedented and unconventional pick up in intensity. They will try to strike this Nation hard, but it will backfire and turn more people against them. 

2020’s big lie is about to come back with a vengeance and hit your enemies between the eyes. It will bring all the giants down, like Goliath, who were against My David

The great war for this Nation will become more unbearable for some and hopeless for others. But, My children, you stand in the gap, use My Words, pray, and praise. Your worshipping will continue to set up ambushes against your enemies. So, worship louder and more often. And speedily you will see the giants fall, saith the Lord of Hosts. 


My children, you see the blatant and arrogant abandonment of your government in this time of crisis. Well, you have not seen anything compared to what they planned to do. I told you they can modify the weather. They had this plan for what they truly wanted in the mountains of North Carolina. They chose this area for total devastation. They are choosing to withhold FEMA’s help and to leave you abandoned so (they can) take over your land. I will show you this plan. I have everything they have designed and proof of everything they are doing, as they blame Me, saying it was an act of God. It was their design to bring devastation and destruction to you in unprecedented ways. 

I warned you that they would stop at nothing to make sure this country is theirs once and for all. They want mass casualties, just like the pharaoh of old, to weaken you, bring total devastation to your land, and enslave you for their New World Order. I will show you conversations of your leaders laughing about Maui, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. I will let you hear their evil snickering and giddiness that their plans are working to stop help from getting to you

They do not want people to know what is in that part of the Nation. It is more than what is being told. There is something precious in those mountains of North Carolina that is being kept a secret. They want to run you out of town, cut you off entirely, and evict everyone there so they can jump in and take what they have found. I will show you what they did in Maui and how it was the same. 

My children, these were not accidents or natural disasters. I will show you the leaders of this Nation (involvement) and the agreement with other nations to cause this devastation and destruction and to cripple this Nation. I told you to follow the money. They are lying to you about the funds to help the victims. They can give you money. They can send help. They are purposely choosing not to, and I will show it. I will show this Nation how truly cold your leaders truly are

Money trails are about to be found and exposed in an unprecedented way. My infiltrators have proof of these heinous crimes and how many your government has committed against you, says the Lord. 

A laptop is about to surface that your enemies thought they had destroyed. They will wish they had made sure it was because this laptop will shake the establishment to its core—videos, emails, and all the proof needed to bring down “the Biden,” Kamala, Obama and many (others) that are sabotaging your Nation and holding it hostage. You are about to see that they will be made to let it go, says the Lord. 

The P. Diddy case will explode. Many will sing like canaries to save themselves. Some are making deals to turn over more evidence that will bring down the elites in Washington for good

The economic Ponzi scheme that Washington is part of is about to implode. I will show you how they are connected to Wall Street. I will show you how they use your tax dollars to destroy you in ways you never imagined. I told you, My children, money will be the fall of your enemies. 

Hold on, children of the Most High, because more is coming against you. Don’t you see that they are not even trying to hide how much they truly hate you and your freedoms? I told you I was removing their masks even more with every move they take against you. As you are praying, standing, confessing My Word, and praising My Name, you are causing unprecedented and catastrophic damage to the establishment and their plans moving forward in destroying your Nation. 

So, keep going. Keep fighting back. Keep taking back more territory in the spirit by using My Words. Your enemies are falling, and you will see them all fall the rest of the way for their final takedown, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Uganda: this country will be in your news for a significant reason. 

An unprecedented mudslide will be in your news. Pay attention to this location. Secrets will come out of that region that your enemies are trying to hide. 

Mexico: you will pay for the deal you made with “the Biden” and Obama’s regime. Something significant will happen in your Nation that will get your attention to let you know you are against Me. Turn now or what happens next will be worse. Judgment is coming for your part in the destruction of My Eagle. Do not take those next moves you are being asked to take because they will be your last if you make them. Leaders of Mexico, I am warning you to stop now and turn back, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Watch Iran’s next moves against My Eagle. You will see they fall and fail against Me and watch what biblical type of events take place against them. Think of what Egypt was left with. Iran will be left with the same. All the money they have received from Washington is going to be ripped from their bloody hands with no way to stop this judgment that will hit them, says the Lord. 

No country, nation, or leader against Me or My nations will last much longer. None of them will get what they desire, which is death to My nations and death to any freedoms around the world in any nation. Their final takedown of this world will be their takedown instead. Judgment day for the One World Government is almost here for the world to see


Okay here’s the message from God. The globalists are out of ideas. And this is from October the 14th 2024. You are going to experience one of the greatest events in a short time. Just a few more days to be exact when I move fear not. The globalists are out of ideas and fear is in their camp but also arrogant Pride as they think the masses will just bow in dip at the lies that they feed you, and that the masses are dumb enough to not know the catastrophic evil and chaos these people have brought upon my children for their promotion and pleasure. Greed. and fortunes. Do not think there is no way out of this huge mess they have created. I am the great I am and I have all under control. There is no one like me. And I am going to change the media. I am going to change your financial situation. I am going to give you peace beyond understanding. I am going to save the United States and my other countries in the world.

I Am The Great I Am and there is nothing I cannot do. It is not impossible for me to have a man in a well and he be vomited out and live. It is not impossible for me to flood the Earth and save eight people. It is not impossible for me to send my son to a young girl and her have a virgin birth. I Am The Great I Am, I can do anything that I choose, and I am choosing to save my precious children from the donkeys, the globalist, the Marxist, and the Communists. The plans have been laid out before for you go through the prophecies of my prophets all of the Intel is out if you can piece my puzzle together, Then you will know what I am getting ready to do. Remember to fear not and draw close to me and my son. We love you so much and have great plans for you and your house love have a father. Amen

FIST of GOD... OCTOBER!! Janie Seguin, Bo Polny - October 13, 2024

Precious message from Our Lord on September 30th, 2024, at 8:42pm
Thus, Saith The Lord,
You must look and realize My children, look! Look at the times of sorrows, are you in them?
For yes, you are in these perilous times, this is the time of sorrows —— This world is in a time of pure evil. Look
upon you My children… Look for do you not see a man called Soros? For he is a man that I have chosen to be known
for this very time!
This is the TIME OF SORROWS, to those who are evil, sorrows to those who have not received Me, sorrows to
those who continue on their way to their own destruction! For I give you signs, signs are also people who are for
these times!
You must look at all the signs!
For the coming, MY GREATEST SIGN, is only days away! For My people to get right with Me. For I do not
choose your destiny, you choose!
I have given much time for all to repent, and to change your ways, but you do not… and continue to go lost as sheep
with no Shepard.
For Russia will continue to spread her errors and give to those neighboring countries of My Israel, their weapons of
For My coming light will shine and burn those who declare to be their own god.
For the time is ripe for MY HARVEST, bring those in who do not know me My children! For My Mercy does endure
forever, and forever I will call in hope for those who are lost! No matter what the cost!
REVELATION — (definition) to reveal the nations, who have set their foot against Me! For now, I shall set the
nations who are captive free!
For I do tell you, these times are the times of sorrows, to bring in My beloveds into a new tomorrow! Never give up,
always persevere, I tell you this My children, for I Am always near… Near and so close to you, For these are the days
of My chosen servant to come, into My red, white and blue (into My America)! Stand in one, Unity and love with
praise, for with every song and word sung, shall be laughter now in the coming days!
All of My creation shall sing again with joy and balance…
Your Yeshua
Prophecy given
By Janie Seguin

For this ‘Star of Jacob’ is here My beloveds, SO SOUND THE TRUMPETS!!! For this represents my new birth,
My new KINGDOM ERA that has been birthed! September 27, 2024 – Star of Jacob – LINK
For I shall cover this earth with My presence! For did I not say watch for the ‘Signs’, and ‘Wonders’??
You wonder my children in the unknown, but it is I who you need to seek, for these ‘Signs’ are shown, shown for a
reason, for this perfect time and season!!! Follow my star, AND KNOW WHO YOU ARE, in Me. For I do seek to
confound and confuse the wise, for yes, My Heavenly’s to collide! (Are Meteors about to Collide?

Many things shall be revealed, in the earth and abound, when I release with great quakes and sounds!
For they who have not turned away from such grave sin, FOR I SHALL TEAR YOU APART FROM WITHIN!

But as you see, this is the time when I will lead you out of all
Oh, My beloved who will always stand the test of time, for
these ‘Signs’ are given to you to know, that I chose you to
birth Me, and to bring back to Me who are truly mine!!!
My greatest love story is about to explode, My children I give
you two paths, choose wisely what road.
For My wise men knew what path to take, make sure you are
on the right path, for you always choose your own fate!!!
I love you My Children… and bless you with a Heavenly kiss!
Shalom peace My Israel I give to you.


Look towards My skies for they do not lie, beautiful Blue and white, for I make all things right!
Until that very hour and day, do not cause much harm and stay astray.
For the time is closing in, to bring all evil down, YES FOR I TRUELY WIN!!!

October 2024 – Prophesies by Janie Seguin – Discussion and Revelation with Bo Polny 5
To the body of Christ. It is time for all to shine their light, that is in each one of you, to bring back My chosen America,
the Red, white and Blue!!!
Never be afraid, For I put My Hand inside each and every one of you, so that the key to your heart, would be Me,
uncovering life, love, truth and liberty!!!
Do My will in these hours, for surely here comes the greatest move of My power!!! As the leaves turn from yellow
to brown, (beginning to end), for they will see that My chosen one is not a clown! (Ronald McDonald Prophecy!)
Darkness is all around, but when I choose this time you will know, by My four winds, that I shall send!!!
Yes, for they are blowing, for they must blow harder, for the blood of many, and who have been martyred!!!
Prophecy given by
Janie Seguin

Thus, Saith The Lord,
For listen Child very well, for all evil will be put to hell!
For now, as you have been told, for evil shall give back all that was stolen!
For this timeline of their evil ways, will now be for all to see — for this is My display, this time of the evil seed, was
all about taking… and all about greed! For the curtains are coming down upon this show, watch how many fall, watch
as this number grows!!!
All exposure is in the here and now, for surely their conscience pulled on them, to show them how. How in which
way to go, but in their hearts, they rejected Me with a ‘NO’!!! It breaks My heart, for I know that this would be of
such a showing — as each season keeps on going!
BUT ALL MUST FALL, FALL, FALL… TO THE GROUND, As I bring My church together with a heavenly
My soil, of My Red, White and Blue, who knows My heart and only knew. (US Earthquakes and Eruptions imminent!)
Knew that My time of America’s giving, would bring My America back among the living!!! For she is dead but
will come alive —- for I have this time chosen, only for My brides! I have given you the Golden keys, to trample
over scorpions as you please!
Make My beloved America beautiful, FROM WITHIN, FOR THAT IS THE TRUE WAY TO REMOVE SIN!!! To
remove sin by prayer, for I will send My messengers of love, to no avail! Make prayer strong in your lives, remember
My children, you are all My wives!!! (brides)
WEARY FREE!!! Oh America, Oh America what have you done? For I Am taking you back, it is sealed now, it is
My chosen SCEPTER OF DAVID (Genesis 49:10) has come, and I laugh at the face of evil… NOW RUN!!! FOR
For high above the mountain tops, do I watch, and
I will choose who will bring Justice together, on
My clock!!!
It is time to look towards the new!
get ready, steady as she goes, to uncover all discoveries and reveal this show!

NEW DISCOVERIES… only a breath away, for this is all that I will say!
My loves, I love you with an endless love, I only ask that you make Me first, above! Above all, for I do hear all your
The breaking of the seal is for another day, just remember My body, do not be in dismay!
Your Jesus
Prepare, prepare yourselves, FOR I SAY AT THE END OF OCTOBER (Halloween?), ALL OF HEAVEN SHALL
BE INVOLVED, the world will continue on their way, as hell comes down to make My children pay!
For I shall stop this war, for all the oppressed and poor, FOR NO MORE CAN I ALLOW THIS, FOR I WILL BRING
• Luke 21:25 – And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress
of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.
• Jeremiah 30:7 – Alas! That DAY is SO GREAT there is none like it; it is a time of “distress for Jacob”; yet
he shall be saved out of it.
THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE (WATCH FOR ROME – He is in the Vatican now to direct and bring on the Satanic
Agenda, the One World Ideology) FOR YOU MAKE THIS EVIL ALLOWED IN MY HOME!!!

October 2024 – Prophesies by Janie Seguin – Discussion and Revelation with Bo Polny 8
Bless yourselves with the sign of the cross, for in the days ahead you will all know how important this is, to pray and
CRUSH SATANS HEAD!!! I give you a clue, My precious pearls from above, I seal this in, with My love!
• Clue – see Numbers 24:17: I see him, but not here and now. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A
star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel. It will CRUSH THE HEADS of Moab’s
people, cracking the skulls of the people of Sheth.



My children, your enemies have designed many plans of destruction against your Nation and this election. The port strike is not what you suppose. Your enemies wanted this strike (to bring) the final collapse of this Nation, but I have other plans. There are plans in the works against your enemies. The strike will blow up in their face. It will bring explosive proof of what they were doing to you and how they have used those ports for evil and destruction. 

It is not just the children they were bringing (in). They were also bringing weapons here, camouflaged as products and goods, (to be used) against you. This time, they were meant to bring much death. This had to be stopped. Your enemies were planning much devastation with these products, and they thought this disruption to your food supply and products would cripple this Nation even more. But what your enemies don’t know is that their plans—A, B, C, D, or their end plan—don’t matter to Me. You will see, My children, that those ports, instead of devouring you and your Nation, will devour your enemies

Videos are coming to show you what has been going on in the dead of night at those ports, what was really being passed through (to be used) against you. These port disruptions, these hurricanes, all the election interference, and their planned October surprise will all blow up in their face as I show your enemies their place, says the Lord. 

Are you ready, My children, for what I have warned you about? It is here. The time I have been preparing you for is now. A great collapse is coming—the collapse of globalism and the final collapse of the barbaric system they used to enslave you. I will dismantle the credit system. My children, that was never meant to be for you. The stock market was used against you. They only used these things to bring you under their control. You will see things you never thought you would see. You will hear things you never thought you would hear. 

Children of the Most High, do you not see that your enemies are trying to crush your Nation and put it under such a massive strain it will completely collapse? It appears as if you have absent leaders, but they are not absent. They are very present, wanting and desiring to destroy you and to set your Nation on fire, and then enjoy watching it burn

 To “the “Biden” and Kamala: this is a time of great judgment for stealing and trying to destroy My Nation. The time has come for your removals in unprecedented ways. How dare you start those fires. How dare you watch My Nation burn and cause such great devastation. You think you can get away with another stolen election by ripping it from the people’s decision? Think again. Judgment is about to strike that White House, where you reside, and the ones making those decisions that you are part of. You are the puppets they chose to use in front of the cameras. You did not make those decisions, but you are just as guilty

To “the Biden” and Kamala: you reign as president and vice president, even though you are fake and your administration is fake. You have never had any power. You were the ones chosen by the establishment to take the heat and the brunt of the hatred from the Nation. If the Nation did not accept the plans of your masters, they still wanted to keep face and stay in their places, so they chose you to fall for them

This election of 2024 will be like no other. There is nothing to compare to what this Nation will see—unprecedented falls, unprecedented exposures, and unprecedented failures of your enemies’ plans

They will try to make unprecedented moves against My David and this Nation before Inauguration Day. Fall enemies of Almighty God. Fall from your places of destruction. Fall from your places of power. Fall from Washington. Fall, I say, fall. You will all pay for the crimes you have committed against this Nation

Concerning the hidden secrets of the money you siphoned to Ukraine, explosive evidence is coming to expose your lie. You cannot squirm enough or lie enough to get out of it. 

Concerning the deal you made with Afghanistan and how you let your military die to hide the secrets you have with that country, you are trying to cover your tracks in every way, but you cannot. 

Concerning every foreign nation where you covered up your crimes and left people to die to keep it secret and bury the evidence, exposure after exposure of the truth is coming to crush it all. 

You who are in Washington: you are criminals of the highest order. You murdered the innocent to cover your crimes. Their blood speaks to Me for justice, and justice will be served, says the Lord. I will expose the one world currency you are trying to create to dominate this Earth, to crash your own U.S. dollar, and to choke and suffocate the citizens of this Nation for standing up against you. I will show that you participated in these heinous crimes to keep globalism moving forward

To all the leaders of this Nation: your time is coming to an end. I am coming to see to this. You are all being removed by My Hand, and I am cleaning this land of your existence

I will make sure this Nation, the United States, receives restoration of everything you have stolen from it. You will soon regret the day you took this Nation on to create your globalist agenda

I am speaking to the right and to the left: if you are against Me, you will be brought down. You will be exposed, and you will pay for everything you have done. For I am the Lord, and justice will be served by Me. You will see the destruction of your corporations, your agencies, and your precious news media as you know it. You will see the destruction of Hollywood, your economy, and your establishment. Your walls are crashing, and your end is near, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, be still and know that I am God, and I am delivering you out of the hands of the wicked, and that is guaranteed, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Carolyn Dennis - MILITARY ACTION AT NIGHT - October 9, 2024

Okay let’s get to the message from God October 9th 20124 and this is called military action at night. And I asked the father about this about what was the military doing right now and this is what he told me the tribunals are a big part of the military action that is taking place undercover and is in plain sigh. Other military officials are taking care of and issuing and serving the indictments, and the arrest and transport to the tribunals. The reset that is planned and in place will be a massive roundup of many, the rest who were hoping and thinking they might have gotten away with it sit tight I told you the show has already started you have just not gotten your bird’s eye view yet. Oh you but you will. The military are operating under the commander and Chief’s command. Much happens in the night when you are sleeping. Much will coincide with my shaking. But fear not my little ones there is nothing to fear fear not the Arrow by night nor the terror by day. The sun will go down and the day will end and all will be well fear not. You have prayed fasted and prepared continue to pray and know that I Am The Great I Am and I will always take care of you. For those in darkness it will be shortlived. Fear not enjoy the rest from the world spend time with me and enjoy some close atome family time. Love ABA father.


Woe to those against My nation of Israel. And woe to those who are against My United States of America. You have many attacks (planned) against this Nation and against the land of My Israel, the land of My people. You have multiple types of attacks (planned) against them. You are trying to bring death to their freedoms and death and annihilation to both nations. 

Well, I will tell you, to anyone who is against Me, you are going to run into Me and My Army. Your army is not big enough for anything that I have. No matter what you have for terrorist attacks, I will bring them down. No matter what you have for death, I will bring it to nothing. No matter what you are doing to their economy, I will destroy the ones that you made. No matter what you are doing against the food and the supply chain, I will destroy your supply chains. 

For everything you do (to bring) death and destruction, I have said over and over that these are the days of Haman. You may not understand that, enemies of Almighty God, but you soon will. The more destruction you pull against My people and My nations, the more destruction you will ensue. You will be destroyed. I will bring you to nothing. And you will soon see that you are nothing against Me

I am the Great I AM, and I am still the God Who saves a nation. You are the pharaohs of today, and I will show you what I will do just like I did to the pharaohs of old, no matter what you try to do against My David. Have you not realized by now that the more you try to weaken him and the more you try to destroy him, the more popular and stronger he has gotten? You tried to kill him on multiple different occasions and with multiple different styles, but you couldn’t. The world does not even know how many attempts you have truly made against him and his family. But I do, and I have had My angels against you. I have defended him, and I will still protect him

No matter what attempts you try next on his life, you will wish you had not because some of your lives will be shortened. I said what you sow, you reap. You are reaping (from the) many attempts on his life, and now you will have attempts (made) on your own. You think you are very smart. You think you can do whatever you want, but you cannot. 

You think you can have Iran do your dirty work? You think you can have China do other dirty work for you? Every single plan against this Nation, every single plan against the election, every single plan against their food and the economy, and every single plan with every type of mass destruction that you are trying to use against My nations, I will do unto you

I am still the protector of Israel. You want to wipe them off the face of this Earth? Well, your plans will be wiped off the face of this Earth. I am the One Who protects Israel, and I never sleep, and I never slumber. You will never catch Me off guard, and you will never catch Me asleep

You have thrown many rockets at My children and My people, and you noticed that they are not going the way or the direction you want them to go. All those things you are putting in the path of My people, well, those things will be turned around and will backfire on you—your socialism, your communism, your globalism. Everything you are trying is failing. 

You cannot destroy My people. You cannot destroy My nations because I am in them. I am the life that you cannot kill. You are trying to kill this Nation, but I live in this Nation because I live in My people. 

To those who are in Washington: you think you are so smart. You think you can use all of your weapons against My David and the people of this country. You have not seen anything yet—the judgment and justice you are about to experience. You have no idea what it is like to be on the other side, but soon you will

I have told you time and time again—you will not have My Nation. No matter what kind of interference you cause in this election, you will not have the president’s seat. It does not belong to you. The House of Representatives does not belong to you. The Senate does not belong to you. The Supreme Court does not belong to you. The people in this Nation do not belong to you. The taxpayer dollars do not belong to you. And the murderous plots you have planned, they do not belong to you. None of this is yours. 

To enemies of Almighty God: I have warned you. If you do not heed My warnings, with the next moves you make, for some of you, it will be your last. I told you to turn from your wicked ways, but you chose not to. You doubled down. You tripled down and quadrupled down. You turned more away from Me. 

I wanted you to repent. I did not want to have to do what I have to allow next. Enemies of Almighty God, your destruction is near. Your expiration date is very clear. You and your end game for My nations are over

Israel will live on. The United States will live on. But your establishment will not. It will go down in flames

You chose this path, and you chose your destruction with your words and your actions. So, enemies of Almighty God, I am moving My Right Hand to shatter you, scatter you, and annihilate you for everything you have done against My people and against My nations. Your end is near. 

For My children: you hold on because I am protecting you. And I have come down to restore what has been lost. I will restore to you peace and a sound mind. I will restore to you health and healing in your body. I will restore the families that were divided. I will restore the finances that have been stolen and used for evil. I will restore everything

So, ask of Me. Learn Who I am and what I do. I am your ultimate source of supply. Receive what I am doing in this day. Do not fear and do not panic concerning what your enemies will do to you. It will be nothing compared to what will happen to them. Just know that I have your unprecedented victory. It is right at the door. So, hold on to My Words and hold on to Me for that ultimate victory, says the Lord.


Watch video – published October 3, 2024

What is next? My children, you keep asking this question. Some do not understand the prophetic (Word) and what it means. Some are questioning the unknown of the future because of the fear of what is to come

My children, have I not given you My Words? Have I not promised you protection? Have I not promised you victory from your enemy? Why are you magnifying the unknown? That is what your enemy wants you to do—dwell on it. It is not unknown; your victory is your future. It should not matter how I get you there. But it is My promise that I will. 

Stop magnifying the destruction your enemies are causing or the confusion and the disinformation they are spreading. Stop worrying about the power and the control they think they have. My children, your enemies want you paralyzed with fear of the future. They want you to truly believe they have you exactly where they want you and where they want this Nation. 

My children, trust Me. Trust in My Words. Trust in My vengeance. Trust in My promises. Trust in My power against your enemies. Do not forget Who I am. I have shown you that I save nations in a day, that I deliver, and that I am a promise-keeping God. If you get to know Me more, all those thoughts and fears your enemies try to control you with will disappear because you will know that I, the Great I AM, am still bigger than anything you are facing.    

As things drastically change across this Earth, politicians will fall to scandals, indictments, embarrassment, and shame. And some will even die. Governments will collapse, some from a coup against them and some because they are destroying themselves from within. 

My children, your enemies around the world are in for a world of hurt, punishment, and judgment along with justice. You will see nations rage against one another in fear of collapsing and losing the power and the globalism they were just about to accomplish. 

There are other nations that are joining in this fight against the global regime and joining forces with My United States and Israel. You will see more leaders join My David. Some have even made deals with him behind closed doors, seeing that he really is the one who will claim a victory in this Nation and bring the United States back to the Nation everyone knew it was supposed to be

Oh, Israel: trust the One Who defends and protects you. I have not left you alone. I have never, and I will never leave you. So, take back your land. Take back everything your enemies forced you to give up. Israel, take back the inventions your enemies tried to deceive you out of. Israel, remove the infiltrators in your midst. Remove the leaders beside Netanyahu who are there to bring down your Nation and hand it to the globalists and to your enemies. You have traitors in your midst. Remove them. They are sabotaging your efforts to protect your Nation. They are giving your enemies vital military intelligence. Trust the ones I have sent to you. I will prove they are the right ones. 

My Israel, I will give you a victory that you have not seen in your time. It is time to come back to Me, the One Who defends and protects you, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

A well-known political leader, one that is part of the old guard, will be in your news for a surprising reason. Questions will arise (asking) if this person is fit for office. Many in your capital are not. Many have health and heart problems that they have tried to hide, like “the Biden.” His health will become more of a problem to the establishment, and more will be just like him

Health reports that have been suppressed are about to be released. A great shaking will take place against (those in) the old guard who are trying to hold onto this Nation. 

Medical emergencies that were suppressed, buried, and destroyed are about to come out into the open. I told you that the skeletons in the closets of Washington will be released. Their health and medical conditions are part of what many are hiding. So, get ready for all the things that will be revealed, says the Lord. 

Minority report: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

An earthquake will shake and get the attention of the Land of My Eagle. I warned you that natural and political shakings were coming. Do not fear these shakings. It is necessary to wake people up from the sleep of deception, and it is also to remove the ones that caused it. 

There are scandals brewing with this hurricane. FEMA is not who you think they are. They are a front to look as if they are here to help you and your Nation. But it is just another thing your enemies use to siphon money (to go) where they want. Great exposure about what FEMA is really used for is coming

I will break down the doors of the Federal Reserve. My children, prepare for a battle in this Nation. Your enemies are trying everything (to keep) this information from hitting the airwaves, but it will come out anyway. I am moving to expose, annihilate, extinguish, and destroy every organization, every agency, every corporation, and anything else that was sent to enslave or bring death to you. (Instead) I will allow death to it

A great shaking is coming to the Land of My Eagle. Do not get distracted by the chaos or the confusion your enemies have tried to bring. It will not stop what I, the Lord, have promised you, and that is freedom and deliverance, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


My children, your enemies have ambush attacks set up against you, your cities, your elections, your health, and your financial markets. Your enemies have ambushes set up in all directions and many ways to stop this movement against them and their globalist agenda, to stop the life of this Nation, to stop your hope, to cause death on an unprecedented level, and to cause a controlled financial implosion that will negatively affect you but help them gain more finances to lord over you with. They have brought in funny money; it has poured into your Nation. It is being used to cause a collapse the likes of which you have never seen

Your enemies are lying in wait where you cannot see them before they strike, but I am telling you they are about to strike. I am not telling you about these ambushes or these strikes to put fear into your hearts. It is the exact opposite. It is to make you aware of it so you can call it down and use My Words against it. Call catastrophic failure to all their strikes by using the sword of the spirit forcefully against their plans. That is what will take them out. You do not need natural weapons to do that. Spiritual ones are more powerful; they will knock your enemies out and bring them to nothing

So let Me hear you shout them out, My children. Shout them out of their positions and come against their power. No matter what they are hiding behind, it is not strong enough or safe enough against the power of My Written Word spoken out of the mouths of My children. I told you that no weapon they have (is greater than Me). They have many they are using for mass destruction, but I am your protection so do not be afraid of what they try. Remember My Authority and use it against them

You have the higher ground. You are at the peak of the mountain while your enemies are at the bottom. Do not let them rise any higher. Tear them down with My Words that I have given to you. Call down your enemies’ ambushes and attacks. Call them failed attempts against you. Call them to nothing

This part of the battle may appear harsh, intense, and too hard to deal with, but I am telling you that this battle is Mine. Your enemies will lose, and they will be annihilated. I never said this would be easy, but I did say I have given you the ability to do all things. You are in My Army, and My Army never loses. So do not lose hope, no matter what any of this looks like. The world is about to see that I am the Great I AM. I still live, and I still save, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to you in the White House and to all in Washington who are against Israel. You made deals against them. You set them up for death and annihilation. But I will expose your plan. I will show the world who you paid to bring death to Israel. Not only will you never see (the death of Israel), but you will never see the death of the United States either. Instead, you will see the death of your establishment and the globalists’ agenda. I have told you repeatedly, enemies of Almighty God, it is not your time, and you will soon see this is true. 

To all who are with “the Biden” and signing his signature for more death: remember that the handwriting is on the wall, and it is against you. The more you do to this world, the more will be done unto you, says the Lord. 

My children, a great divide is growing in Washington. The puppet masters are about to turn on Jill and “the Biden” for bucking and setting their new puppet up for failure. Oh yes, they have plans set to destroy her reputation, and they will help release some of the skeletons in her closet, even if it means there is a chance of losing the election. “The Biden” and Jill do not want to give up their residency quite yet. So, watch what he is about to do against Kamala. It will shock this Nation

I told you, My children, your enemies are imploding because they do not want to share control. They will all lose the White House, and they will all lose My Nation, the United States, along with losing control over the world

They will lose the hold over Israel, and now (I) will expose the infiltrators the establishment put in the Israeli government. Israel has something they have been holding onto that they are about to release. It will be devastating to all in Washington who are against Me

My children, I am the driving force behind the stone My David is about to throw. So, hold on because things will abruptly change for your good even though it will not seem that way at first. All the giants are coming down in unprecedented ways, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Patty Teichroew - October 2024