Revival - Third Great Awakening Q1-2025

Revival - Third Great Awakening - The Great Reversal - The Great Reset

The unfolding of history and the ongoing struggles between good and evil for the hearts and souls of man.

January of Justice

February xx, 2025


I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, oh United States, the biggest political slush fund that was criminally organized but designed to look legal and acceptable in your government spending operations is about to be discovered. This slush fund finances the establishment, and it is their main source of power and control for manipulating this Nation

You may ask, “Where does the money come from that our enemies thrive on?” Well, My children, it comes from your taxpayer dollars. The doors will be opened wide on the IRS, and scandal after scandal and fraud after fraud will be discovered and exposed. It is a cesspool of corruption. The design of the IRS was never meant to help you or to make this Nation stronger. It was (created for) the exact opposite. It was (designed) to financially break the American people while the establishment became more powerful by the day

Your taxes pay for the criminals who are running your Nation as well as the ones who are trying to kill this Nation and make it their own. The biggest audit of taxpayer money will find corruption on a scale that makes USAID and others look like nothing because the IRS and their tax system are the heartbeat of the death machine

Yes, this is the hub of all financial criminal activity. Where all your money has gone and who it went to will shock this Nation. The tax system, as you see it, will be dismantled

And the ones in the House of Representatives, holding this Nation and its purse strings, will be held accountable for all the money they have tried to hide under the table- to strengthen the establishment, your enemies, and other nations, to finance weapons and terrorists to make them stronger, to bring fear into nations, and to have a bigger government for your supposed “protection,” when big government has been the biggest enemy to your freedoms and against your peace across this Nation. There will be a great shaking in your House, oh United States. There will be explosive exposures about every House member who used this Nation’s purse and your tax dollars for their financial gain or to destroy and dismantle your country. 

Every House speaker in the past who helped and took part in this type of deception and treason will be exposed. There are many traitors who have left government positions who truly thought they had gotten away with the crimes they took part in or allowed to take place, but justice is at their doorstep. 

Woe to every federal or government worker who stole from this Nation or was part of this government slush fund. I have your number, and it is about to expire. This cleaning of the House will expose more than just your government’s financial slush fund, it will begin the biggest political reset in human history. You are the same people who stole money from this Nation, and you are the same people who stole elections and manipulated every part of the government system to benefit yourselves. All your systems, your power, your hidden agendas, and your secrets will come out into the open, and justice will be served in front of the ones you stole from. Your government, your seats of power, and this Nation will be ripped from your cold hands and given back to the American people right before your eyes, says the Lord of Hosts. 

I, the Lord, will dismantle the IRS, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street as you know it, the private financial sector, Silicon Valley, and the complete financial market in this Nation. A new one will be put in place, and gold and silver will rise like never before. The gold standard will come back with vengeance during this Nation’s golden age. A new way is coming, oh United States, and the finances will be even greater than they have ever been in this Nation because the financial leeches will be a distant memory, and their system will be obliterated. So, enjoy the new (golden) age in this Nation. It will be far greater than most realize. 

The debt clock will evaporate and be like it never existed. I will show you where all the money is, the money that was taken but belongs to this Nation. It will be given back. This is far greater than what was seen in Egypt because this is the Greater Exodus, and this will affect every nation, not just one. So, hold on, My children. Finances across the globe will be given back in unprecedented ways because I am restoring all that has been stolen from you. 

This is the time for the greatest financial shift the world has ever seen. Your enemies’ control over the financial system and this mountain will disappear

Oh, United States, everything taken from you will be given back. A flood is coming that will bring an overflow to My children. So, hold on! The doors are open, and this restoration has only just begun, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ex. 3:19-22
Prov. 6:31
Ex. 12:31-36
Ex. 13:3, 9, 14
Ex. 15:6
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 17:7
2 Chron. 20:6
Phil. 4:13
Ps. 110:1
Jer. 33:11
Jer. 33:25-26
Ps. 119:89,
Ps. 105:8-11
Jer. 32:40
Ezek. 37:26
Jer. 31:13-14
Jer. 1:12
Heb. 10:23


I, the Lord, this day am telling My children and the United States that this is where big government goes to die. You will begin to see more of their puppets expose themselves and malfunction on live TV. These puppets, or so-called governmental officials, have just been given orders to step up their resistance because the establishment is hemorrhaging everywhere, and it must be stopped at all costs. What the establishment does not realize is the more they resist and the more they pursue to save the establishment, the more hemorrhaging will take place, and their fall will quickly pick up pace. And soon, there will be nothing left of what they hold dear

The deep state is desperate to stop the audits. They must stop DOGE at all costs. Their money is drying up everywhere they turn, and there is not enough time to hide the explosive evidence that could end them all in a day.  

Rapid fire—one blow after another of exposure and truth that will knock the breath out of your enemies, with no time to recover from the previous blow that hit them.  

A firestorm of truth will set the establishment ablaze, including their corruption and all who are part of it. Big government is collapsing. The establishment’s machine and all of its components are falling apart.  

Dark secrets lie in the books in the education system. Your enemies are petrified that these will be found. Similar to USAID, under the cover of education, this is another honey hole from which they siphon money. It is a scam, a fraud, on another level, while using and abusing children at the same time. This audit will reveal more about who truly has been running your government. They are truly criminals on an unprecedented scale. 

It will be proven where the money Ukraine received truly went, who received payments, and what has really been hidden behind this war funding. There are more dark secrets buried in Ukraine. All these secrets and the criminal activities that were committed by your government, oh United States, are about to be discovered. This money laundering scheme, using the excuse of helping to stop wars, has been going on for far too long. They never wanted to stop wars. It is just another ploy and honey hole to steal from the American taxpayers. 

Just wait until you hear how many wars were started on purpose to siphon money, hide secrets, and control and manipulate the nations, and how child trafficking has been funded through this as well. There are numerous pedophiles in your government. The laptops and audits will prove that child pornography is bigger in your capital than you realized. 

Adrenochrome will be proven, and what else your government likes to do with children will be exposed

I will show you every dark secret of Planned Parenthood, what they really do with their body parts and the money that is brought in from murdering those children, and how your government designed this very company as another honey hole for profit and control over the population

The money will lead to many dark secrets your government has been hiding from you. These are the days that secrets are coming out everywhere to stop your enemies’ full takeover of this Nation, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My United States, just wait for the audit of the Pentagon. Many will fall. The many lives that were killed to save these secrets is inconceivable. The (amount of) money your government paid your military and intel sources to do (things) against this Nation is unfathomable. Follow the money, and you will find the crimes and all the criminals. The generals and high-ranking officers who are guilty will be convicted of treason and heinous crimes against this Nation. Some of them are a bigger threat to this Nation and its secrets than your enemies in other nations

With these audits, I will show you that they hired and trained assassins and terrorists (to work) against this Nation and how they started wars and conflicts so they could have more control and more covert operations. How the establishment used your own military against you will all come to light. Some of them were unaware. If they did find out, they became another casualty of war, or they suddenly committed suicide. You will find out how many did not harm themselves. It was just made to look that way to save the establishment’s full control over this Nation

Oh, My United States, many books have been cooked, and many lives were taken to keep these secrets, but now all their books will be exposed to fully take down the enemies that are within your borders, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Oh, My United States, I am evicting, eradicating, nullifying, neutralizing, and completely removing every senator, governor, congressman, or congresswoman who took money under the table. It is about to come out in unprecedented levels and unprecedented ways. Exposures are coming to wipe out the criminals who have been trying to hijack, sabotage, and destroy your country for their own financial gain and to have greater power over other nations. 

My children, these exposures will set this Nation on a fast track for the biggest political upset and reset ever seen.  

The entire government body and its system are about to change abruptly. It is time for the great release in the Land of My Eagle, says the Lord your Redeemer.  


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

The dark secrets hidden in the Black Hawk helicopter that hit the plane in DC will start a wildfire of truth about how much your leaders have been embedded everywhere in your government and in the higher ranks in the Pentagon to cause death and destruction in unprecedented ways. The assignment given to the person to aim that helicopter at that plane will be exposed. And there are many more things that will be connected to this accident that will tear apart another one of your government’s underground systems, which was meant to disrupt transportation and to help the infiltrators against this Nation. 

The system to sabotage the FAA is being exposed—how dark and evil the plans really were. It was far worse than what you have seen so far. 

My children, this is why the violent shaking must come upon this Nation—to stop more catastrophes before they take place. I am disrupting your enemies’ designed attacks against you that you would not have seen coming. Your enemies’ death machine is being annihilated by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ex. 23:27
Num. 13:30-33
Num. 14:1-3, 9, 11
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 81:13-14
Deut. 23:14
1 John 4:4
Josh. 1:5-6, 8-9
Josh. 23:9-10
Prov. 6:31
Gen. 50:20
2 Cor. 5:7


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, something is about to hit your enemies with such force that it will knock them off their feet and take away more of their power and influence

The intelligence communities are about to be ransacked in every way. The cover-ups, the hidden crimes, and the ones they have tried to destroy are all coming out. The payoffs, the handouts, and the bailouts that your intelligence community has been part of are unprecedented. They controlled more of the government than most realized. They helped to cover up fraud, treason, murders, hostile takeovers, and criminal activity in most of your government. They used your money to steal elections and to keep the old guard and the establishment in power. They helped to cover up everything the Clintons, the Bidens, the Obamas, and everyone else did to try and hijack this Nation or steal from it in any way possible. Everything that has come out so far about how many people were killed to keep the dark and evil secrets and to keep officials and the establishment safe is just the tip of the iceberg. 

The Clinton Foundation is one of the fronts that the Clintons and the establishment have used, along with USAID. And the USAID exposure (that we’ve seen) is nothing compared to what has really been covered up. This is one of many agencies, or slush funds, that your government used to siphon money from at will

Wait until the Federal Reserve and the Pentagon are audited, along with many bills that have been passed (to show) where the House allowed taxpayer dollars to really go

The Democrats and the Rhinos are about to become more unhinged. You have only discovered one of their honey holes. There are many more to come. The biggest honey hole will be discovered, and it will be plundered. Then they will start to sing like canaries. They will turn on each other to protect what they can before they lose it all. 

More backstabbing and betrayals will hit DC like a freight train barreling down the tracks. The establishment is about to become more desperate, and they will give up many of the old guard to save what they can. Watch how they oust “the Biden” and his entire family. There was a reason he tried to pardon them—because there is a tsunami of evidence coming against them which will include the Clintons, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, and the Obamas. 

The Establishment wants to let go of “the Biden” thinking it will save everyone else, but in fact, it will crash their whole machine, and then they will have nothing left. An avalanche of truth is already hitting them, but it is about to hit a whole new level. They cannot withstand this force from decimating them and their whole system

All the swamp rats will be totally put out in the open for judgment to hit them. No plan nor any safety net they once had will protect them from the avalanche that is about to hit DC.  

Watch Maxine Waters. She will be ousted. Many DC insiders will be hit when they least expect it

The war for this Nation is about to take an abrupt turn. Your enemies are about to try something they never thought they would have to—another attempt on President Trump’s life. But once again, this will all come out, including the other attempts they have made. It will prove the lengths your enemies will go to try to stop this Nation. 

They are about to let China hit you in a way they never thought they would have to, but they are taking such measures to save themselves. As China tries, this will collapse their finances and their government. And all the China ties and lies will come out like a flood, including how deeply China is embedded in your government. It will all begin to pour out with these audits

My children, hold on because the shaking is about to get stronger. As more truth is revealed, more money is being stripped away, and the more desperate your enemies are. They are all being exposed and removed to save the life of this Nation. This has only just begun. Your enemies are all coming down. No matter if they like it or not, this is My Nation, and they are about to get hit with that fact, says the Lord of Hosts.   


Prophecy Scriptures:
Prov. 2:22
Ps. 35:4-8
Ps. 9:16-17
Ps. 64:2
Prov. 10:25, 28
Prov. 19:21
2 Thess. 1:6
Ps. 97:3
Deut. 28:7
2 Tim. 4:18


Woe to those in governmental or federal positions who ran or were part of the biggest money laundering scheme this Nation or the world has ever seen. Your days in your positions are numbered, and all the crimes you committed and every way you defrauded the American people will come out from the biggest and most extensive audits this Nation has ever seen. Nothing will be left out. All your honey holes, every record book, and the servers where you stored these money trails are coming with an explosive force to decimate this criminal financial system. Everyone who bankrolled and padded their pockets off the backs of the American people will be judged and sentenced for everything they have been part of.  

Woe to those architects with your blueprints of this Ponzi scheme and all who have been part of it or profited off the backs of the taxpayers in this Nation. You thought this fraud and thievery were protected by all your layers of agencies and the minions you bought out to do your dirty work. Exposure of every layer, agency, and employee you controlled, manipulated, bribed, or blackmailed in every sector to keep your machine funded and controlled by the old guard, and every backdoor deal and person that was slaughtered to keep this glorified hedge fund running will be the least of your worries. (Rather), it will be the unprecedented judgment in front of the world, which will be served by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Your days of great theft and deception have come to an end. These audits you see now are nothing compared to what is coming to (make you) account for all the money you laundered and used to blackmail, pay off your opponents, steal elections, and control nations at will. You designed everything you could to enslave the world with your global system

You started wars to cause more chaos, conflicts, and distractions so you could profit off the death of anyone who got in the way of your plans. You paid to have nations globally fix their elections so you would have your global puppets everywhere, and all the nations would align with your design. 

You controlled the world with your news. You also paid to have them say what you wanted so your fake news would be the only thing people heard. But every major news network you paid to suppress the real news will implode. News networks will receive an audit, and they will show the money trails—who and where the money went. 

I will show how the intelligence agencies and technology were used to brainwash and pollute the minds of every American and manipulate this Nation and other nations to follow along by using psychological operations (psyops) to influence their behaviors. Your psyops that were funded by the American taxpayers and (targeted) against themselves will be exposed

Audits will expose more than money laundering and fraud. They will expose all the criminal activity on every level throughout this Nation’s government—everyone who was paid to destroy this Nation, commit treason, or end the lives of anyone who got in the way. It is all coming out—the servers, the laptops, the emails, the photos, and the phone conversations. Everything the swamp was hiding is coming out in the open. These audits will collapse the establishment and their entire system. 

The “legal” fraud system they designed and disguised as the government’s budget to destroy this Nation is collapsing. The more it is exposed, the more panic your enemies will be in. Things are about to take a fiery turn, and your enemies will take a shot at you, oh United States, but it will fail. Hold on for My audits, more exposures, and more collapsing of their system. Their control is coming to an end. These are the days for you (to receive) freedom from the system and the ones who controlled it, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 94:23
Ps. 33:8-12
Jer. 1:19
Ps. 21:11
Isa. 54:15, 17
Dan. 4:35
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
Ps. 37:12-13
Eph. 5:11
Prov. 21:30
Ps. 10:5
Heb. 10:30


Okay. Let’s get to it . It is called a day of death destruction and disappearance the father gave this to me on February 16th 2025. The time is up the time is now, I have waited and watched. I am the God of Wonders so I have not been wondering because I already know but I do wait and watch, and the time is up. The shaking is upon you and it is coming. You must prepare my children and be ready but do not fret or worry this is a time to pray. A time to be in your War Room. A time to plead the blood of Jesus over you and your family. A time to know your scriptures. and a time to be ready. The great and terrible day of the Lord is upon you. You will never be the same after this day. and you will rejoice. Fear not it will be a day of death, destruction, and disappearance.

But fear not this day is necessary to cleanse the world of the evil ones that have polluted my creation. This evil is from the pit of Hell and you can canot stop it on your own. My Trump cannot stop this evil on his own. Only I, The Great I Am can stop this evil against my precious children and it is time It is time that I remind the world that I am on the throne, and I Am The Great I Am. There is none like me nor ever will be. I have given you many details of this great and terrible day and is some call it the shaking. Yes, the Earth is going to shake but not as you think. This is not the global earthquake in my book of Revelation. There will be mass destruction, mass chao,s and mass confusion. But you my child, are to fear not and walk by faith.

When you know it is started get to your post in your war room and be on high alert. Take care of the wounded, the hurt, and the lost, and leave none behind. This is a one day Global event and this will never happen again. Like the flood of Noah I gave the beautiful rainbow as a covenant promise to never flood my Earth again. I give you my promise now that this day will only happen once, and I will never do this again. But like the times of Noah the evil ones have infiltrated my Earth, and I must and I am going to get rid of them. In Noah’s day there were only eight righteous ones and I saved them and rid my creation of the evil the days of Noah Before the Flood were much like the days of today.

So I have business with the evil ones and they don’t think I dare make something happen globally. But they doubt me ,and hate m,e and think they have beat me. The time is up I say. the time is up, and I am going to rid my world of their evil. Some you know are evil and you and you must trust me when they are gone. I know their heart and it is black back as stone. Hearts that never repent, who trusts the father of Lies Satan himself and do not love me or my son. They hate me and my son because of the evil that is in them, and they cling to it, and will never repent. I am a good father and I am love. Love never fails and I will not fail you now. Do not fear who or how they will be gone. Some will surprise you and some that are merely lost will surprise you as well. My lost will be found as they will. Many of the Lost will quickly as fast as they can humble the themselves on their knees and have their come to Jesus moment . These will need you to be a Shepherd to them ,and teach them, and guide them.

Do not regret the evil ones and do not regret the former days after the shaking. When the shaking is done the sun will rise and joy cometh in the morning . Anew day will Dawn and my world will be free there will be new governments, new leadership in many places, and Trump and and Vance will take charge in settling the dust. They are my men and they have anointed spiritual advisors that love me and my son. As I saved my trump I am saving my world, you must trust me .I tell you this now as I have always warned of the forboding to come through my servants the prophets and I warn you. you naysayers. you know who you are. Touch not my anointed ones the prophets. They do their work for me with fear and trembling and great faith that. They are highly blessed and highly favored and I warn you you will not receive a prophet’s reward if you speak against, or harm my prophets. They do not always love what I tell them to say, but my prophets today are called by me. I have raised them up and they will be highly favored and blessed. Turn them off if you want want to sub subvert or pervert them and their message. I am warning you for the last time. Do not persecute my prophets, none of them. Even if you disagree or don’t like what they say these are imperfect people just like you. But I am the great I am and I picked my prophets not you. So today go and play Love on your family and praise my son read my love book and tell me your fears your doubts and your troubles. Bring everything to me and let me direct your paths and guide your life. We love you always. Adonai

Carolyn Dennis - NO TAXES, SILVER & GOLD EXPLODING! A MESSAGE FROM GOD - Feburary 14, 2025

This is what God told me yesterday. Stay tuned to the coming days, and weeks, as my trump continues to make moves that will increase your bottom line. I have told you about NASARA and no taxes and the gold and the silver exploding. It is coming my darlings. All of this will happen and on top of that a wealth transference. wait and see. You are going to be so amazed at the turnaround that I do in your finances and your future, and you are going to be dancing in the streets. Remember to thank me and my son Jesus as you sing and dance. You will have no lack. There will be an overflow of Supply in your home and in your storehouses. Yes, storehouses the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and it is time for me to shake the wealth out of the wicked one’s hands into yours.

Get excited and expectant. You have waited, and desired, and hoped, and hoped, you are going to be so glad to be here for such a time as this and be thankful that you made it through the impostor reign of the evil ones as I have set them up for the greatest fall in all of history. And fall they will. They have thought we win and we have this world and we have beaten them and their God. But no, I am the most high God and I am on the throne ,and there is nothing that happens in my Earth that I did not allow. Yes, I have and I I have allowed them to wreak havoc, cause division, and create chaos. Yes, I have allowed it and it is the greatest setup to get the evil ones all in one place for my next move and it will be a biblical proportion. I have set it up and I now I am going to get rid of them and set you up. Yes, you are being set up for the most wonderful glorious life.

This will all start as an and suddenly moment. You have had them and and suddenly you were pregnant, and suddenly you get a job, and the list goes on in your life. Take a moment and reflect on your and suddenly that I have given to you. These should be precious to you and know that I have orchestrated it all, and when you look at your and suddenly. There are so many places and players that had to come together to make it happen. I Am The Great I Am and I made all of your and suddenly happen. You have not done any of this on your own. And now it is time for the greatest and suddenly in your life. You will walk in divine Health. Your energy, your eyesight, and your family restored, your finances will be restored, and be restored above to overflowing and to the full. your cup runneth over, and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life until you come home to be in heaven with me and my son. Oh yes, your rewards are great that I am bringing to you my beautiful, faithful, children.

Sally I have heard your cries and your pleas I am restoring all that the enemy has robbed and stolen from your life on that fateful day.. I make All Things New Look up my beautiful girl your Redemption draws nigh. So today pray for the Peace of my Jerusalem. Pray for my beloved Israel pray for my prime minister BB. And pray for the hostages to be restored of their lives, and joy, and mental health that was stolen. I am bringing them home and I will give each of them a fresh new life. Pray for the young women that they will forget what they have suffered and seen. Pray they can live in joy and peace have families, and husbands, and have no problem from this suffering. Pray for my hostages. Watch my trump, and watch my moves. These are great Glory Days they are upon you and are starting. So Rejoice my darlings, rejoice sing and dance and give praise to my beloved Son Yeshua. He is the king of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords. Adonai.

Barry Wunsch - Lament for Canada - February 05, 2025

I felt the Lord speak to me today, and to share this with His people in Canada, the Church and its leaders.

For we know and are told in Scripture; Righteousness exalts a Nation.

It is on this basis, that I exhort us to consider our ways and what company we are keeping and supporting and how that relates to leading those we are entrusted to shepherd, protect and care for.

The choices we make today not only will impact us, our family, and friends not only for the few short days ahead but for generations to come.

For us to just say, “that is not our lane, or that we have no grid for these things” does not or will not alleviate our obligation the Lord has given us to protect and guide His flock.

There will be a day where we will have to hold an account to the Lord.

We cannot let fear of losing a charitable status, a CRTC license or any other certifications stop us from speaking the truth.

For who has become your master if you are afraid to speak truth?

This begs to ask the question, why are we afraid of publicly addressing the critical threats that are at hand?

And why would we support evil Cabal kings and regimes that promote death by way of late term abortion, Medical assisted suicide 70,000 plus now I may add. Bill C4 that strips parental rights to council or pray for their children who are confused and wanting to have surgery to remove genitals let alone a 5-year sentence for doing so?

Can we not see the same gaslighting that Federal and provincial governments have done to us are now the same gaslighting practices that many of our Christian leaders are doing to us?

Tell me why, help me understand why we are not willing to talk about the threats of foreign troops on Canadian soil that threaten us with making us a Post Nation State taking away Canadas Sovereignty?

Why are we afraid to talk about militant groups that are here with real time threats against God’s people in Canada?

Why are we afraid to talk about only two genders as we see in Scripture?

Why would we support existing Legacy Political parties that are deeply embedded in the WEF, the UN, WHO let alone the Paris Accord to deconstruct Canada?

Why can we not see that our existing Political parties, the Liberals, Conservatives and NDP alike are all bought and paid for and are puppets in the hands of a Global Cabal deceiving Canadians with a charade of lies and empty promises?

Make no mistake about it, their plan is well in play.

But let it be known the Lord is going to bring liberation to Canada. One way or another.

It will come in a way that you see as impossible.

We are in a critical moment. The most ever I can assure you.

How much longer shall we sit on the couch and let the enemy take over the Nation?

It is time to humble ourselves, repent and turn away from our spiritual pride, our prophetic pride and egos, defending and justifying our inaction or outright resistance to what God is raising up here.

It is time to repent of selfish motives to preserve our ministry and platforms by avoiding truthful conversations under a thin excuse “the people are not ready for it”.

The truth be known, they are looking for leaders to stand up, lead in honesty, integrity, and truth.

Failure to do so results in real authority to lead.

How long are Christian leaders going to censor truth from Gods people?

How long will we pander to Cabal political leaders being blinded by stardom and proximity to power while compromising our values in God?

May we have the courage to have another look at things, and the humility to act accordingly.

Canada is in a state of National crisis.

We live in a country were rule of law has failed.

We simply can’t continue the way we have.

How can we be double minded – wanting God to take back the Nation into revival on one hand while we support Evil Kings and Cabal death culture on the other?

We need to choose this day whom are we going to serve?

If it is Baal, serve Baal.

If it is the Lord, serve the Lord.

But choose this day!

The Lord is rebirthing Canada, and we shall fulfill the destiny He had for us.

It is no longer just coming. One way or another!

It is here.

As for me, I will serve the Lord.

As for me and my house I wholeheartedly back and support the leadership of righteous God fearing, God loving and God honoring governance for Canada.

I encourage you to pursue truth.

May God bless Canada and may we once again be The True North Strong and Free!

Barry Wunsch - Encounter: Tell My People it is not a bridge to far! - January 30, 2025

On January 29,2025 I was on a high-level briefing call with some of our dear American brothers.
On these calls we have a time of prayer, and we use weaponized prayer to hit these prayer targets that are on the radar as the Lord leads.
During our prayer time the Lord spoke to me and said: “Proceed and Occupy”
We were praying, making decrees and declarations
over our Nations releasing the plans and purposes of God.
He has called us to declare and decree HIS Truth.
We are called to walk in the kingdom authority He has given us over all the dark and demonic plans and agendas of the enemy.
Our decrees and declarations make a way for Him in our Nations, and releases His plans and purposes.
As sons and daughters of the most high, the one and only true and living God, He has called us to this!
Let it be known that the ecclesia is taking their authority and walking with the Father, and we are making headway and taking back ground for the Kingdom of God to be established here on this earth.
It is more about releasing the light more than focusing on the darkness.
This is the Kingdom that we are in, and we are bringing heaven to earth!
At any rate, The Lord is giving us a Cabal-ectemy!!
On January 30, I was working away in my garage, and He spoke again:
He said: “Barry, tell My people, its not a bridge to far!”
Then on January 31, 2025, the Lord spoke to me again as I was going about my day.
He said” It is not a bridge to far!”
As He spoke this time I was immediately taken into the spirit where I found myself standing on a bridge.
Dead center on that bridge.
It was a very heavy atmosphere.
Very Heavy.
Like those old war movies, I could see smoke, debris and carnage behind me and scores of humanity trying to get to the bridge to cross.
I could look back, and I could look ahead.
I could clearly see where we have come from, what we have been in. The mess, the evil kings and global cabal and all the control and mess that was there and was raging.
It was as warzone.
I could see the masses pushing forward inch by inch to get to and to get across that bridge.
As I looked ahead to where we were going, I could see the new day that lied ahead.
I saw our team making a way, crossing the bridge first, leading the way and securing the ground.
The battle had been and way very fierce.
Brutally so. There were wounded ones that would not stop forging ahead on behalf of the Nations for the Kingdom of God.
We were not going to stop or quit until everyone was across.
I could see where we were going and the other side of the bridge.
It was bright! I saw healing. I saw peace and restoration!
I saw the wealth of the world being released to us to rebuild- in a whole new way.
There was nothing hindering and nothing in the way.
I saw places opening up for family restoration and healing!
I there were those waiting for the wounded and broken ready to care for them with the upmost love!
It was beautiful in every way.
The Lord spoke to me and said:
”Barry, tell my people that it is not a bridge to far!
For I have brought you this far, I will take you all the way!
For what looks impossible to you, is nothing for Me!
In fact, you have seen nothing yet!
What I am about to do is on a scale so great that all will know that this was by my spirit!
There are some that are caught behind the enemy lines and have gotten trapped by the enemy and it does not appear in the natural that they will make it out alive in the natural – but let me remind you once again that I am a supernatural God!
Since when have I moved in a way that glory could be taken by anther?
I will not give glory to another in the past nor will I do it now.
I am bringing freedom!
I am bringing restoration!
I am releasing My Glory!
Hear me again on this day, I have called you my people to walk with me, and to release the sound with in you!
I have called you to walk in intimacy and humility and release your gift in love to those I have called you to!
This is not a bridge to far!
Not for me!
Not for you with me going before you and going with you!
I am right at your side!
Renew your strength like that of an eagle on this day and soar with me in places you did not imagine possible!
Though the battle rages on, do not grow weary!
Gird yourself up by my Spirit!
I am calling the minstrels and worshipers and those who minister unto me to go ahead!
Do not hold them back, do not try to control them, let them go where they need to go by My Spirit!
Release your sound!
Blow the shofar!
Let the dancers dance!
Raise a mighty shout unto me, and as you do you can count on me to do my part!
Watch with me as the enemy is being driven into confusion and looses the way!
The weapons of my warfare are not like yours!
Victory shall be ours!
Nothing shall stop us!
It is not a bridge to far!
Holy is the word of the Lord
Barry Wunsch

Julie Green - THE DISMANTLING OF PAST ELECTIONS - February 11, 2025

Oh, My United States: the days of sudden removals and exposures of the old guard are here. This is the time when their laptops and servers will be exposed, and these exposures will end the lies that held your Nation. 

This is the time for dismantling past elections, bringing out the ones who stole them, and removing those who are hiding in plain sight as supposed elected officials. There are treasonous traitors sitting in the government, still making decisions about giving you over to the hands of your enemies. The end is near for Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Hakeem Jeffries, Bernie Sanders, AOC, and many others who were also part of hijacking this Nation

I am not done exposing “the Biden,” Kamala, or any other past government official that took part in the biggest coup and the biggest fraud this country has ever experienced, using stolen elections, laundering your tax dollars to pad their own pockets, and running an illegal scam on every American. The 2020 election will be brought down along with every fraudulent election that was stolen. There will be massive exposures and arrests, the likes of which have never been seen before. The greatest crime scene in this country is in Washington, DC, and judgment and justice will be fully served for every crime committed. 

Many right now in your government will not finish their terms. Oh, My United States, brace for the unraveling of stolen elections. This will reshape politics in your Nation in a way never seen before. 

Some of your government officials will be forced out. Some will suddenly retire. Others will have health complications and not be able to return to their duties. Some will not survive, and some will be escorted out in handcuffs. Regardless of how your enemies leave, even if it looks like they are going on their own, they are not. Deals are being made right now to save certain government officials and let others go. 

A civil war in the establishment is breaking out. The ones being let go have nothing to lose. So, they will give up many secrets the DC establishment thought no one would dare open their mouths and expose

Someone is also about to give up Hillary Clinton to get major revenge for what Hillary has done that most people don’t even know about. She has called for the assassination of many to hide Bill’s and her secrets to stay relevant and in power. When these people and the establishment know that Hillary is no longer important, their mouths will open, and they will tell the secrets of the many skeletons in the Clintons’ closet

Thousands of Hillary’s emails are coming to the surface. Someone has had them the entire time. This will blow the doors open on many establishment secrets and rock many in Washington

The old guard is leaving Washington, and justice will be served by Me, says the Lord of Hosts.  

James Comey will be exposed in explosive ways. There are many dark secrets he and many in Washington do not want out, but this cover-up of Hillary’s emails and many other treasonous acts against this Nation and President Trump will be revealed. Past FBI directors are about to be brought down openly for the treason they committed against this Nation

General Milley is one of the first of many generals and people who have been in your Pentagon and rank high in your military that will be exposed. There is about to be a major Pentagon shakedown that people do not yet see. My children, I told you I would expose where all the lost money went and who was responsible for the money laundering and the fraud. Many military officials will be stripped of their medals and dishonorably discharged, and some will also be tried for treason

Brace for the shakedown that is coming. You will find out how many lives were lost to save the establishment. The secrets of the Pentagon and the military will all come out, and a cleansing will take place to rid you of traitors to your Nation, says the Lord of Hosts. 

The CIA is much worse than people realize. Their dark secrets and control of the government will all come out into the open. I am shining a light on every hidden and evil thing that has been done against this Nation. 

Bill Barr will be back in your news for an unprecedented reason, and this news will rock many in the establishment

All your enemies’ lies are coming to an end. So, brace for their walls and their control of the ones in DC to be brought to nothing. I said you would get your Nation back, and it will be without these treasonous traitors ruling over you. My children, I am completely setting you free, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Dark horse: you will hear this phrase in your news for an unusual reason.  

A massive landslide will be in your news for a shocking reason.  

A colonel will be in your news for a significant reason.  

A black box will uncover a very dark secret—one your enemies thought would not be recovered. But it was, and this will bring more panic in DC.  

Someone who has been buried for a long time will be brought back into the open, and it will paralyze your enemies’ plans. JFK’s secrets that the CIA has been hiding will no longer be suppressed, and it will have a domino effect on other secrets that have kept the establishment in control. Get ready for one explosion after another, explosions that will not stop until your enemies are fully brought down

Secrets in Arizona are about to be secret no more. Follow the money, find the truth. Maricopa County will no longer be able to hold on to their secret—the one that held up the 2020 election. Arizona and Georgia are key to a mighty upset and this election being fully brought down. Secrets that your enemies can no longer protect are coming out at a rapid pace. Get ready for the truth and the proof that will save the nations, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 7:6-16
Ps. 2:1-4
2 Cor. 5:7
Isa. 41:10-13
Ps. 3:6-7
Ps. 110:6-7
Ps. 82:8
John 5:22

Julie Green - THE DISMANTLING OF THE ESTABLISHMENT HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN (First Prophecy) - February 10, 2025

Oh, My United States: this dark war for the soul and control of your Nation has been ongoing for longer than you realized. Overlords have dominated your government, the financial markets, the news cycles, your intelligence community, and foreign nations for full world control. 

The underwriters have been working overtime to cause as much chaos, discord, and wars across the nations as they can. I warned you what you would see in the last days, “…wars and rumors of wars…nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom…” But have you read and really listened to all My Words I have spoken regarding this very thing? I said, “…see that you are not frightened, for this must take place…” 

My children, what you are about to see in your Nation, the Land of My Eagle, and in nations around the world must take place for My Glory to fill this Earth, so there is a time of restoration before the end comes for your enemies. 

I have also warned you of pestilences, famines, and earthquakes in various places. But again, do not be afraid because I am what you need, and nothing is bigger than the Great I AM. Again, I say these things must take place for the great awakening, to show the world I exist, and that I am still the God over all nations, no matter what plans your enemies have set in place for their desired great reset. 

Your enemies have many plans set in motion against your Nation and your freedoms. But they will see My Hand move and dismantle it all. Your enemies have no idea what is about to happen to them. Leaders of nations will begin to fall like flies. The leaders of those secret societies (currently) ruling the nations will join in to try to save what is left of their vision and design for the world, just to fall themselves and see all their plans and control come to dust in front of all nations. 

I am tearing apart those societies that ruled and reigned behind closed doors, controlling your economies, your trade agreements, the wars, the weather, and many things they designed for profit—including viruses, pandemics, and countless diseases. My children, these sick individuals have controlled societies for decades. People were completely unaware, thinking all these things happened on their own, but they did not

I am weeding out the Illuminati from your government and Hollywood. Oh, United States, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group are your puppet masters, the architects of the establishment. They are the ones controlling the WEF, the WHO, NATO, and most governments around the world.  

I will prove to you that this is no conspiracy. These people are real, as are their systems, their corporations, and their control. These are the globalists that own your governments. They have gotten into your intelligence community and spied on and controlled your lives in unspeakable ways.  

You will see names like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the list goes on. They have manipulated nations for their own gain. They invented unthinkable things to enslave you while you thought you were free. 

I will rip these societies apart. These are the ones who designed your swamp and created the corporation that was devouring your Nation. It was a corporation meant to decimate the Republic that you truly are oh, United States, but this corporation is being dismantled right before your very eyes. An American Revolutionary War is taking place as I speak, but this time, your enemies will not stay in control. I am taking them out to free this Nation from the trash that has controlled it for years

My United States: I am warning you again that your enemies are about to strike, but I am here to bring an end to them. This is for your freedom, so do not be alarmed by what you see. Just know that I am setting you completely free from your enemies, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Lombardi: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

My children, football is about to be turned upside down. Many secrets will be revealed concerning the outcome and results of upsets in many games. There is a system, just like award shows, where the bureaucrats always get what they want, and I will show you

Even the NFL players have no idea about the many secrets and things that are taking place. The architects of your Nation have also controlled the sports industry for their own gain and greed. There is nothing new under the sun. Remember the Romans and the Colosseum—think of that (existing) in society today. It is still the same thing. It is just called something different for entertainment, for your enemies’ control and financial reward

I told you the sports industry would shake. You are about to see a major fallout of the deception plaguing this industry, says the Lord.  

Your enemies, everything they touch, and every system (they built) will be dismantled by Me, says the Lord of Hosts.  

Chekhov: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason.  

The Rockefellers and many of their dark secrets are about to be released.  

The Rothschilds and their dark past, along with their existence and dominance in this Nation and other nations, are about to be brought down. 

My children, get ready for the shocking truth to flood your enemies, destroy the lies keeping them in power, and bring an end to their rule, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Death spiral: this phrase will be in your news for an unprecedented and significant reason.  

I am bringing an end to how your enemies have covertly destroyed your economy, your freedoms, and your lives. This system will be entirely dismantled.  

I will show you the whole truth regarding their insurance companies and why and how they were designed (to work) against you in so many ways. This system was (meant) to deceive and destroy you, but I am putting an end to it

The establishment has committed many calculated deaths to try and save a system they hold dear. But everything will come out, and judgment will be served in this great war to bring down your enemies and totally remove the giants from your land. Everything they have done will be exposed, and there will be nothing left of your enemies or their systems, says the Lord. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Luke 21:9-11
Hag. 2:6-9, 22
Ps. 22:28
Ps. 2:1-5, 9-11
Matt. 12:25 (A House divided cannot stand.)
Gen. 50:20
Eccles. 1:9 (There is nothing new under the sun.)


I, the Lord, am rattling the cages of the religious leaders in the churches who have refused to obey Me, refused to wake up, refused to quit the world’s way of talking or acting, and refused to put Me first. Instead, they are being lords of their own lives. Not only will the leaders of these churches be rattled, but so will their congregations because they followed the leadership and not My Written Word. 

A great shaking is coming to many churches and congregations who refuse to allow Me to move because of their theology and legalism, which they preach from the pulpits.  

 A shaking is coming to those churches that have allowed and embraced sexual immorality like it is a fad and somehow thought it was okay, when My Word is clear that it is not

A shaking is coming to those who were bought out by your government to preach or teach a lie in order to have status and importance in the government or in the churches’ eyes. Many have let money dictate what was preached, which was not Me or My Written Word. Some have even been blackmailed by the government for taking these bribes out of desperation. They were then forced to preach falsehoods and false doctrines to save their reputations and status amongst others

As you see the government and political parties shake, be audited, and exposed, you will also see many in the church fall for being part of such wickedness. I am once again turning the tables over to rid the churches of evil and cleanse them of this filth

Many churches have refused time and time again to preach My Word, as it reads, because they have been too afraid of offending their congregations even though it is the real truth that will set them free. Because of this disobedience, most Christians are in complete bondage. This lack of obedience and refusal to lead the congregations in the right direction is due to these leaders’ fear of losing money or not being accepted by some of the church body, clicks, or groups that think they are better than everyone else

There are some who are afraid of losing their status in the Body of Christ. So, they have gone after those who dared to preach about the authority in My Name and the authority you have against your adversaries. Those same leaders have been weakening the churches due to their lack or refusal to obey My Words to resist the enemy. Instead, they have stayed silent because some of their board or church members have disapproved of this type of preaching. So, they bowed to the demands of the church and did not obey My Written Words, which would have changed the church as you know it. The world would not have become so out of control if My Church had been using the authority I have given to them

Woe to those who have judged and persecuted My leaders who dared to take on politics to bring Me back into governments and the leadership of nations, so that politics and governments would be run by justice and truth and not in darkness or by rogue criminals leading the nations to death and destruction. You thought anyone standing for the right leaders to be put in place were out of control politically because most of the Body of Christ believed the lie regarding the separation of church and state. You believed this lie from the enemy and had others believing the same lie because you did not want to ruffle the feathers of your followers and your ministry friend groups, for fear of being ostracized. And some of you just gave in to this lie without asking Me if it was the truth or My Will. You just decided to believe man and their words. 

Woe to those who went after My prophets and claimed they were false when you were preaching false doctrines and leading your congregations over a cliff. I sent My prophets to reach the nations with My Words so that the world would stop following the leadership and direction of the enemy. My Word clearly states why there must be a fivefold ministry—to mature the Body of Christ so they are strong and have the necessary knowledge to stand up and fight against the enemy. I also gave the prophets to the church and the world to warn about events that would take place—events that would have led My children into great panic, fear, and right into the hands of the enemy if there was no warning. The world is shaking. My children, the world needs to know the truth to set them free. My children, if the prophets had not been warning, where would this Nation or others be today? 

There has also been too much jealousy and division in My Body. It has prevented Me from moving the way I wanted. There is too much of the world in the church body

My children, flush out the world’s ways—their ways of acting, talking, and believing. It is time for the church to wake up and rise up as My warriors in the Army of the Lord. There is a war going on to overtake this Earth, and My church has stayed silent for far too long. So, shout now! Shout My Words! Stop letting your enemies torment you and control your lives. Get all forms of witchcraft out of your congregations. Yes, I said witchcraft, witches, and warlocks have embedded themselves in your congregations, your church bodies, to suffocate your power, the power I gave to you. They are leading many churches away from Me, not to Me. This must stop now, says the Lord of Hosts. 

The world needs the Body of Christ with My Son, Who is the Head, to lead the nations to My Glory and to receive the freedoms that He has already paid for

A great shaking is coming to the church to shake the darkness out, to let the truth be preached and no longer suppressed. Truth is coming like a flood. My children, you will be partakers in this outpouring of My Spirit—an outpouring like never before. Let freedom ring throughout your congregations and in your homes. No longer let anyone or any of the enemies’ tactics keep you where you do not belong—enslaved by him, his doctrines, or his man-made systems. Break out, break forth, break through, and break free to your victory, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Eph. 4:11-16
Eph. 6:12
Matt. 21:12-13
Eph. 1:20-23


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are in a state of disarray. Panic is looming every day, not knowing (why) everything they have been setting their sights on is now being torn apart, and they are petrified of losing it all

They are trying every back door to get around President Trump to stop him. They know they are being hunted. They want to avoid all traps, but they don’t know where these traps are being set. The hunters have now become the hunted on an unprecedented scale. Your enemies were truly not prepared for this quick turn of events. The more they persist and resist, the more they will collapse. 

There is a dark war going on inside your capital to try and take back power in every way possible. And there is still a plot to take out the president. There are still traitors in your Secret Service, but they will be exposed for allowing weaknesses in President Trump’s security. Every rat will be drawn out and exposed. No one who is fighting against this country or My David will win or be successful in their plans. Instead, they will lose everything they are fighting for

Catastrophic failure will continue to hit your enemies and everything they have designed, says the Lord.  

Air raid: this phrase will be in the news for an unprecedented reason.  

Ransacked: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. The tables are turning on your enemies. Every weapon they authorized against President Trump or the many innocent victims will now be turned on them, the ones who demanded these attacks. The days of Haman are here in unprecedented ways. 

FBI raids will also be in your news. These raids will happen to government officials who committed treason against this country.  

A significant breakthrough is coming for you, oh United States. The captors who stole your Nation from you through stolen elections, manipulation, and deceit will be revealed. There is a laptop that is about to surface, which will prove “the Biden” was 100% illegitimate.  

Your enemies’ walls are caving in. There are weaknesses they did not see that will bring out the big lie of 2020. The establishment is being torn apart right before your very eyes.  

There is another Biden secret which will reveal who was behind the mask. No matter how hard they have tried to hide “the Biden” and who he really is, all will be revealed. 

A great dismantling of the 2020 lie and all the swamp secrets is coming in unconventional ways. The war to enslave this Nation, hold it captive, and destroy it for global control has been broken. My Hand is moving to bring justice to this Nation

Assassination: this word will continue to be in your news. The hit jobs against previous presidents and President Trump will all come out into the open. Every secret that kept the establishment alive will be exposed. A list is coming out—a list of every government official who is guilty of crimes, along with all the proof needed to arrest and remove them. This will cause a political tsunami wave to hit your capital. It will cause historical events to take place in your Nation. Oh, United States: your political enemies are being judged by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

There is mayhem in the swamp. The DC swamp rats are about to be driven out of their crevices, thinking they can save themselves when in fact, it will be their end. Yes, the rule of the globalists in this Nation is coming to an end, says the Lord. 

Pentagon secrets will be exposed. I told you before they cooked the books. Those books will surface, and many will lose their medals and freedoms. The corruption that controlled this Nation is being annihilated as I speak these words. 

The Federal Reserve is about to have an audit it did not count on—one that will be unprecedented in nature. Their planned collapse and control over this Nation will end abruptly. The reason the establishment and the global elites designed the Federal Reserve was to control this Nation financially and then bury it, but instead, it will cause your enemies’ ultimate collapse. 

Unconstitutional: this word will be in your news repeatedly. You will find out about all the unconstitutional things many rogue governments, including your own, have committed against this Nation. They allowed things to take place to collapse the republic and (take away) every freedom your Nation once had. Your enemies have always hated this Nation and what it stands for because it stands in the way of their global plans. 

My children, rejoice! These are the days of unprecedented reveals and explosive exposures of your enemies. I am your victory and your avenger. These are the days of My vengeance and justice being served in unprecedented ways. So, rejoice! Your enemies are all coming down, says the Lord your Redeemer.  

Prophecy Scriptures:
Heb. 10:30
Ps. 35:4-8
Isa. 55:11
Ps. 140:8
Ps. 21:11
Ps. 7:1, 6-13, 15-16
Ps. 44:1-8


Okay, all right let’s get to the message message from God. It’s called the Eagles Shifty shift, and Maxine. And this is from February 10th 2025. And this is from the father this were his words to me did you enjoy the Super Bowl. My Eagles won as it is time for the American Eagle to soar again. My America is the greatest of all Nations. I promise that my America would be restored to truth, justice, and righteousness. We are in the cleansing and the revealing. Yes, I am cleansing this nation from top to bottom, and I am revealing all of the dirty Epstein’s list. The truth about the bush Obama Alliance and much more more. The Huckle bees have cleaned up much of Arkansas. But there is still much dirty laundry that needs attention. I am very proud of governor Huckleby and her family Ambassador huckleby is going to do an amazing job and he will help tremendously with the peace in the Middle East and throughout Israel.

So now it is time for my church to grow up. It is time to stop being offended at everything that bothers you. And it is time to walk in love/ Offense is not of me and I command you to let me help you to be one that takes no offense. Being offended opens the door to hatred, strife, jealousy, arrogance, pride, and murder. Ask my precious Holy Spirit to teach and train you to be like my beautiful precious son Yeshua and take no offense. Be open to be in my take no offense training seminar. I offer it every day all day your teacher and trainer is the beautiful Holy Spirit. As you grow in this anointing, and yes it is an anointing to take no offense. You will be presented with plenty of test opportunities. When you fail come to me and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Let us work with you some more and one day very soon you will start passing the take no offense test. It starts with love, and my greatest Commandments are to love. Love the Lord your God with all of your heart soul and mind and to love one another. It starts with love.

This week will be filled with much revelation of all of the wasteful spending being done by the US government on anything these unelected bureaucrats wanted to funnel money to. But why, why, are they sending all this money to ridiculous projects. Things that are not and will never be of me. Why, oh why ,who wants this money pushed out out is it completely to bankrupt the United States to a foreign entity, or to a specific person. Then how does the money come back into government officials hands and they become multi-millionaires on a government salary. How could that be? Kickbacks, bribes, and a circular funnel system insider trading blackmail and extortion it will all be exposed. Adam Schiff you will be brought down you have been hoty, and arrogant, and mistreated some of my good people. Your backdoor bedroom secrets will be exposed and you will be caught with your pants down. You will be exposed and humiliated for all to see. How dare you think you are above the all the the law and of me. Adam, you will be humiliated. You will be exposed and leave your seat in disgrace. Shifty Adam shift, you are.

Now what is today today is the best great day it only comes today and then it is gone. Be like my girls and invest in today. Do your part and show up for the mission I have for you. Declare your destiny and give me a few. We love you and have the greatest plans for each of you. Adon …

I’m going to read you what he said about Maxine. Hang on. Okay, here’s what he said. Maxine why are you screaming and yelling so loud? Why Maxine, why? Are you guilty of money crimes that you thought would never be revealed because you trusted in a corrupt evil system? repent Maxine we all see through you jumping up and down and being defiant and arrogant repent before you were taken down in front of all of the land. Repent Maxim, the media will tell and all will know what you are hiding. And how much money you took in that belonged to the American people and was funneled back to you. Repent Maxine and look at yourself on TV now. It’s only going to get worse. And then the father said, are you ready for the truth. No really are you ready for the truth about the Clintons and the Epstein’s list? Okay and that was the part I missed I will add it to the notes okay all right. So I apologize for that …

Patricia Green - Prophetic Signs from the 2025 Super Bowl - Feburary 10, 2025

The title of this video is the prophetic signs from the Super Bowl win. So today’s video is going to be an unusual one, but also a fun one for me. So you know that the Lord can use current Day events to prophetically speak to his people and reveal what is happening. Well that’s exactly what the Lord did last night. He used the Super Bowl to prophetically speak. So the Super Bowl we know is watched all over the world. And so not only is the Lord speaking to the people of the United States of America. But he’s also speaking to the world regarding this prophetic message. Now listen, I don’t normally watch the Super Bowl, unless of course the Pittsburgh Steelers were playing. But normally I don’t watch the Super Bowl. And um but there was something stirring inside of me that said, listen you need to watch this game. And so I watched the entire game and now I know why I was led to watch.

So I want to look at the prophetic signs that the Holy Spirit showed me this morning regarding last night’s Super Bowl win. So, we we know that I’ll just give you a little recap of the game in case you didn’t watch it. Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl last night against the Kansas City Chiefs. Not only did they win, but they annihilated Kansas City, both defensively, and offensively. The defense of the Eagles were able to disrupt and shut down the chief’s quarterback. Um and and the quarterback literally couldn’t even pass um because the um the Eagles were just totally shutting and and and putting so much pressure on the quarterback. So the final score of the game was uh 40-22.

So the Eagles W 40 to 22. So the Lord showed me that the prophetic connection of this Phil Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl win and I want to share it with you. Number one um it was the team was Philadelphia Eagles . So let’s look at Philadelphia in Philadelphia the Declaration of Independence was signed in Pennsylvania. Inn Philadelphia Pennsylvania ,on July 4th of 1776. The United States Constitution was signed on September 17th of 1787 at Independence Hall. Again, in Philadelphia Pennsylvania . So, Philadelphia Pennsylvania is the place where the United States of America literally began as one nation under God. So, prophetically the Lord is showing the USA and the world that we are rising up once again to be one nation under God, and that we are returning to our roots of the Declaration of Independence and, um, to the um original Constitution that was signed in 1887.

So that’s that’s one prophetic connection um the the the team that won was the Philadelphia Eagles um the eagle is the United States national bird. And this prophetic win by The Eagles shows that our nation is returning to be a strong nation, and we will rise up like the eagle as scripture says. And we will run and not be weary, and we will walk and not faint. Hallelujah! So, the Declaration of Independence and our constitution has been the bedrock that has kept our nation independent, and free from tyranny, and free from being taken over by Foreign Nations. The United States of America was very close to being taken over by foreigners, and by Foreign Actors. And The Lord Is Stopping that in its tracks and he’s showing that by the Eagles win last night.

The next thing is this is the first time in history that a sitting United States president has attended a Super Bowl. So president Trump was there to witness this epic win of Phil of the Philadelphia Eagles, and he may not even be aware of these um prophetic um things that were happening last night. So um, president Trump attending this very specific Super Bowl is a sign from the Lord to president Donald Trump that the Lord is using him, and equipping him, for the United States to win big. Just like the eagles did\. And you know that’s one of the things that that President Trump is always saying we’re going to win big, really really big. And the Lord showed that last night with the Eagles win the final score of the Super Bowl of the Super Bowl has prophetic implications the eagle score was 40 and the chief’s score was 22.

Now this gets very interesting the number 40 prophetically means mature leadership. So the eagle scored 40 points in this game which shows that the United States represented by the Eagle now has mature leadership running our nation. Praise the Lord for that. 22 which was the score of the Chiefs, that prophetically means totally disorganized, And that is how the Chiefs looked last night they looked totally disorganized. That is also how the far-left Democrats and the former um government administration had been run. They were scattered, they were totally disorganized, and even now they don’t even know how to respond to all these executive orders that President Donald Trump is signing. Ad they are in a panic. Because their a lot of their illegal things that they have been doing ,a lot of the the the corrupt money that has left the United States of America is now being uncovered.

The Lord also told me to go to Isaiah chapter 40 verse 22 because of the score 40 to 22. And I want to read this Isaiah 40:22 says he who sits above the circle of the earth and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. So what the Lord is showing through this scripture, Isaiah 40:22. Um is that although the superable may seem Grand in the eyes of the people God is showing us that he is much grander than man than men. Amen. Because the scripture says that you know that God is so great that he that he inhabits all of the the heavens but but men are just like little grasshoppers. So it really puts it in perspective.

The other thing um about the Super Bowl was that it was Super Bowl number 59. 59 prophetically means a desert place where there is the Judgment of the leadership. This is the season where God is judging the leadership of many government agencies in the USA. So there’s there’s there’s judgment that’s coming and and it’s going to be happening as things are being revealed. The other thing is that the head coach of the Eagles Nick Sirianni, he thanked Jesus when he was interviewed on the field at the end of the game. The quarterback of the Eagles Jaylen Herz also thank God for the win at the end of the game when he was interviewed right after the big win.

So with these two key people thanking God and Jesus on National Television for winning their game. This is a prophetic sign that as a nation we are returning to openly thanking our God, and openly expressing our love for our God. No longer will the media, or the government, muzzle the voice of Christians. The movement of God for our nation will prevail and we will win big. Just like the Philadelphia Eagles done. I hope you enjoyed this video. God bless.


All right let’s get to the message from God and it is Michelle or Michael and Bill. Okay this is from the father. He gave this to me last night February 7th 2025. And he said, it’s going to be a grand time on Sunday. The Super Bowl will be exciting and safe. The safest ever with Trump in attendance the security has increased. Bondi and team Secret Service have ensured that all will be well. After the Super Bowl the fun is really going to begin. Trump and team are going to turn up the heat and you will hear of arrest. More open books on government spending and indictments. It’s going to be a showdown between truth and evil, and guess what? You win and I win. The government bankrupting and waste in this country stops now.

My Elon that I gifted with a beautiful superb genius brain is finding it all. Elon is still unsure of me and my son but he is coming around.Pray for my Elon to see my light the light of my beautiful son Jesus. I love my son Elon and I created him for such a time as this. He is making a difference in all of your lives and I am proud of Elon. Pray for his children, and his team. Pray for protection and salvation. I sent Elon to help you all and Elon has much good and no evil in him.

So what about Michelle? Where is she or he and what is he doing? Why did Michelle or Michael not come to the inauguration? How disrespectful and rude for one that has been honored and blessed and given everything by the United States. All is not as it seems with Michael and I ask you to pray for him to receive my son Jesus. The truth will soon be revealed about the Obama family. Exposure is coming, the secrets and the lies. Just Hold On Tight and you shall see.

Bill, oh Bill are you worried? The Epstein list is on the way out and you are the number one customer. Pay for Bill his days are short and his hands are bloody. A man who got it all, and could not control his Lust For The Young flesh. Bill oh Bill, soon they will all know the truth about you and killary. I meant Hillary. Are you tormented Bill? Or so arrogant you think they cannot ever touch you? You will die in shame and your reputation will be ruined. A president that will never be looked at as great because you chose raping young women over being with your wife. Repent now Bill and come to me and my son Jesus. Pray for Bill. He has much sin that I will forgive if he will only come to me and ask.

You will soon start seeing great moves that will affect your purse and your bank account. Look up your redemption draws near. Be excited my child as I have so many great plans for you all. I am going to strip the NGO’s of their wealth and I am going to completely demolish the USAID. A corrupt coverup for human trafficking destroying small countries and funneling money back into us congressman’s and former presidents hands. Just watch there will be charges. Watch Bondi go she is the right stuff and she is my girl. Pray for my Pam her protection, and her strength. Pray for her team and for no evil to be in her camp.

Now what are you dreaming what do you desire? A vacation, a debt cancellation, a baby, a spouse, a home. Come to me my child and tell me the desire desires of your heart. Ask me and let me pour out my blessings on you. I am your good father and I love you so. Now go enjoy your day.

I love you El Shai.

Julie Green - THE TRUTH IS ABOUT TO HIT DC LIKE NEVER BEFORE (Second Prophecy) - Feburary 5, 2025

Woe to the liars in governmental positions. The truth will be revealed about every lie you have told. All the lies you thought you had destroyed and buried were not destroyed at all, and I have unearthed those that were buried. The days of liars controlling nations and their narratives are over. 

The truth is about to hit DC like never before. To those in DC that have been protected by lies: your walls of protection have been destroyed, and all of you will be removed by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to the liars in the mainstream media. Your lies will be revealed, and your numbers will continue to tank and collapse at a rapid pace. The more you try to lie, manipulate, change the narratives, or spin the truth to discredit President Trump or his administration, the more you will fall. The more you try to do to him or this Nation, the more it will be done unto you. The days of the mainstream media running the show are over. 

Major news networks will see even more of a loss in viewers, and they will go bankrupt. I have told you repeatedly about CNN and MSNBC, and this is just the beginning of their collapse. NBC, ABC, and CBS: your numbers will tank. Even your highly rated TV shows will not save you. Changing news anchors will not save you. Your days of suppressing the truth are over. Woe to those who are still in positions of running these networks or hosting their news shows. Every one of your networks is on life support. Your power is about to be unplugged by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to the establishment. You have your liars and traitors in place in Washington to cause as much discord and division as you possibly can, but instead, you will experience it at an unprecedented level. Your days of manipulation to get what you want are also over. The old guard in Washington has been put on notice, and your evictions are coming

Declassifying documents will be an order, and it will be a nightmare for most in DC. But their servers will be even more of a nightmare to them because these servers were their lifeline to stay in power, and that lifeline has been severed

To the old guard in DC: your division will continue to grow, and confusion will bring panic and fear you have never known before because of the unknown and what lies ahead and waits for you. There is no place you have that can save you from My judgment, says the Lord. 

Woe to those in the intelligence community. My infiltrators have raided the safest places where you have hidden dark secrets regarding this Nation. Your lies and divisive schemes will not go unpunished. You think you are more intelligent than most, but you have nothing on Me. You will see that all your protective measures are not enough for the backlash you are about to receive and from the judgment that will hit your doors. Arrests will be made, but not by you. You yourselves will be arrested. No more weaponizing your power against the American people. Your days of intimidating and controlling this country are over. 

My children, all the liars and manipulators will be removed in the days ahead. Hold on because all these exposures and removals are part of the shaking that must be taken care of to fully heal this Nation

The lines have been drawn, and your enemies picked the wrong side. Victory is coming to this Nation in unprecedented ways, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 5:4-6
Acts 2:17
Joel 2:28
Ps. 21:11
Ps. 43:1
Ps. 55:23
Ps. 97:1-9
Ps. 33:10
Jer. 11:18-23
Ps. 94:15
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
Ps. 9:19-20


Woe to those in DC who let China, or any foreign invaders in, from countries around the world. You think your plans are still set in motion, that you, along with everyone with you, are flying under the radar, and that you will be able to strike without warning

You do not know that you have been watched. My infiltrators know your every move and will strike you without warning.  

To the enemies of this Nation: I am putting you on notice. Your eviction is already set in motion, and there is no way you can stop it. Your days of power are coming to an abrupt end, says the Lord. 

Woe to those who have poisoned this Nation or have been working with the FDA and big pharma. Your days are numbered, and your exposure will be explosive. Your system makes people sick, weak, and causes death on the scale never seen before. You have poisonous vaccines and all kinds of medications with deadly side effects. This was your plan, and it has worked for a long time. This killing machine is being ripped apart by Me. You think your worst enemy is Robert Kennedy, Jr. When, in fact, it is Me. Explosive reports are coming because My people in your midst have everything to end the FDA and big pharma. This part of the great reset is being torn apart by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, I will show you all the heads of the hospitals and the insurance companies that have been working with your government and the globalists to depopulate and make enough people sick to profit off you in ways you could never imagine. This is the plan of the globalists, the swamp rats in your capital, the FDA, big pharma, and the insurance companies. It is all one big sick demonic scheme against this Nation. Their books are being released (to show) how far back this has gone and how this was another way to invade your Nation and take it out without anyone being aware

Biological warfare was set in motion long ago to wipe out the United States while your enemies made unspeakable amounts of money from you. But this darkness and wicked plan of the enemy is being stopped by Me. So, hold on. I will restore your health that was stolen from you, says the Lord your Healer. 

The financial markets will take a hit that will be extremely unprecedented for this Nation. But do not fear. This is part of My reset to rip away what your enemies have in their hands and to weaken them financially (to a point) where they can no longer lord over you with what they stole from you. 

Checks and balances will be upheld, and all the money your government has stolen from you and given to your enemies will be accounted for. The accounting records and the hidden books of your government, the Pentagon, the House, and the Senate, every way they paid your enemies to attack you, every way they paid for wars and conflicts in other nations, every way your government officials profited from war and destruction, every way the lobbyists paid your officials for their own purpose and their plans under the radar—will all be proven. 

Many government officials’ offshore accounts will be exposed and emptied out. Explosive exposure will come out regarding black-market money, cash for hire, bribes, and the blackmail your government was part of while making unprecedented amounts of money. Hold on, My children. What your government financially hid from you will all be exposed to a degree that will rock this Nation

You have enemies in this Nation—in your government or working with them—killing you, sickening you, and burdening you financially in every way they can. This rogue regime is being taken out by Me. But in this time, things will seem to stand still, and people will wonder, “what on Earth is going on?” I am telling you—it is Me is ridding you of all your enemies, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A major corporation will be exposed for how they were controlled and established by your government and the enemies of this Nation, and many more will follow. Every corporation against Me will fall, says the Lord.  

The big banks are about to take a hit like never before, and I told you there would be no bailout for them this time. The banks are being judged by Me.  

My children, unprecedented and unconventional things have only just begun. So, hold on until all is reset in your land, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Fauci’s exposure will collapse the entire medical infrastructure that is against you. Everyone from your government who acted with him will be exposed. The establishment is letting him go to save others, but instead, he will be another downfall for this part of the establishment.  

Every director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) will be exposed. This institute of death will be ripped apart by My Hand. It is over for every one of your enemies’ plans, says the Lord.  

My children will know that I am Jehovah Rapha, their Healer. Every disease your enemies have made, every allergy they have caused, every design against you, and the medicine (they produced) to fix the problems they created will be annihilated by Me, and your healing will be restored.   

Some may say that this is too good to be true. But, My children, read My Word, which says I am the God that heals. When My people left Egypt, there were no feeble among them. Look at the countless miracles that were performed in My Word. No matter how impossible it was for man, it was not impossible for Me to completely heal and restore as though those diseases or afflictions never existed. 

These are the days of Haman—the days your enemies will regret designing the things they designed against you because they will be struck by the very diseases they designed. Your enemies’ days of control and sickening the world are over, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Phil. 4:19
Isa. 52:10, 12, 15
Deut. 3:22
Deut. 4:37-40
Joel 2:28
Acts 2:17
Deut. 20:4
Deut. 33:27
Isa. 54:15
Ps. 105:37
Ps. 34:17, 19
2 Tim. 1:7
Ex. 15:6
Isa. 53:4-5
1 Peter 2:24


Okay time for the message from God all right all roads lead to Biden and this is a message from God from February 4th 2025 this is the Father’s message not mine. This week and this time is going to change the course of history. You might not see it quite yet. The moves Trump is going to make with the border, the tariffs, and the economy, are going to change your life for good. Kristi Noem and the borders are are going to stop many children from being human trafficked into slavery and Human Sacrifice. There are so many situations that you will will not hear about, but know that I am moving to dismantle the evil that that is happening to my little ones and others in this earth. What time is it it is time for my glory. Expect it and look for it.

Trump has said we are moving into the Golden Era but I told told you. You are moving into my glory time. These days of old are passing by and will soon be a memory. A bad memory. But I am the great I am and I work all things for good for those who love me. You might not think you see it or your prayer answered has not quite materialized. But trust me we are moving moving and shaking in this earth. There are Miracles breaking out and people being set free all around the world.

Zalinski has been used. There is much to we the Ukraine billions have gone and all roads lead to Biden. Wait and see. Watch Kash dismantle the FB,I and secrets pour out. Secrets that you have not heard about. Secrets that many in Washington and former White House residents do not want told. Secrets and evidence. Evidence to bring indictments and evidence to convict and evidence to execute. Wait and see.

So have you been given praise to my son? Praise my son give him the honor and the blessing that he deserves. He is the king of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords. And he paid the ultimate price for your sins and for your redemption. Pursue him and praise Him. Pause and see him in your head. Chase him, love on him, and talk with him. He loves you so much more than you can ask or think he loves you. So now fear not my little one go and play fear not today or tomorrow your forever is in my hands and I am a good father who takes care of all of my children. I love you El Shi. Amen


Woe to those against Me or My nations. Payback is coming. The days of Haman are here. Your days to reap a great harvest are upon you. 

You have led and controlled the systems against My Nation and My people. You have used everything you could to weaponize the justice system against them by twisting the laws as you saw fit

You have tortured, tormented, and silenced as many of your foes as you could that stood up against you

You have committed countless crimes, and you truly thought you had everything you needed or wanted to further your agenda and your reset. That is, until you realized My Church was no longer staying silent, and My Nation was fighting back against you

My David is going to expose you and tear apart your system if he is allowed back into that office. You did everything you could think of to keep your precious establishment alive

You threw everything you had at him, but nothing worked. You lost, and you are still trying to wrap your heads around this reality—President Trump won. He is now the true acting president, and now true justice and the real rule of law will prevail and wipe all of you out

This is not your Nation. These people are not your slaves to hold captive. You will try to throw your death shot at this Nation once again. You will do it, but it will boomerang back on you

Enemies of Almighty God: you are through controlling what does not belong to you. You tried to be Trump’s and this Nation’s worst nightmare, but instead, they will be yours

You will watch this Nation be fully ripped out of your hands, with no way to stop the death of your empire, your establishment, or your great reset

Your woke policies and agendas will be dismantled with no hope of recovering them. All your global policies will be ripped apart. Your precious World Health Organization will be fully exposed and torn apart before your very eyes. You will watch what you created be destroyed, and you will be helpless to stop it

Climate change will be fully exposed for what it is—a flat-out lie to the world and a money-making machine for you. I will reveal your attacks, every person responsible, and everyone who took part in this deception. 

Again, climate change was something else you designed to bring fear and enslave more people financially, but it will be annihilated before your eyes. 

The Paris Agreement will be brought to nothing. This lie will no longer hold back any nation. 

World Economic Forum: your worst nightmare has come to pass—the populist movement is taking shape across the world. Everyone is moving away from you and is no longer under your control. The Trump effect has only just begun. Your power, economic control over the world, and bleeding the nations dry while you reap all the rewards are over. Your complete financial system will collapse before your very eyes. And all the wealth you gained from it or stole from the world will be ripped away from you in unprecedented ways

Judgment is coming to the globalists and to every system against My people and nations. The great reset will come crashing down for the world to see

My children, your enemies will no longer hold you back from what I have planned for you in this time. Prepare your hearts to receive all that I have for you, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Stark Tech will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) will also be in your news for a significant reason.  

Wind turbines, why they were created, and how much damage they have caused will finally be exposed. I will rip this lie apart and restore all they have stolen from you. 

The FDA is about to shake big time, and an unprecedented amount of truth is about to be exposed—about what and how they were causing diseases and how they were working with big pharma against you. I am about to blow the lid on this criminal activity. They will no longer be able to legally poison you, says the Lord of Hosts.  

FEMA: your days of corruption are over. Your full exposure is coming.  

My children, I am just getting started with the judgment against your enemies with all they have done to you. The days of Haman are truly here, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 55:9
Ps. 37:1-2, 6, 9-15, 19-20, 28, 32-34, 38
Rom. 10:17
Gal. 4:7
2 Tim. 3 (entire chapter)


Let’s get to the message from God. Let me get the right document up. This was given to me February 3rd 2025 from the heavenly father. This is called no low income tax and heavy purses. The father said, I am going to move in this earth as never before in human history. I have told you, and have told you, through many of my prophets. The day is upon you. Be ready. How do we be ready for this to happen for people disappearing death destruction and Everyone crying? Be in your war room, set aside Now. Set aside time now to be in prayer spend time with us and pray in your heavenly language. Always take time to pray in your Heavenly language every day. If you do not have it and you desire this good gift, ask me for it as I love to give you the desires of your heart. This is a prayer tool, and you need to be using it especially now.

You have no idea of the evil that is around you and in my Earth. Armor up and pray. Be one of my Warriors. It is so important that you listen to my instruction. Do not be caught off and feel like you are covered because someone else has got this. This is your job too and all hands on deck operation. If you could see the evil that is that is in your neighborhood, your communities, and everywhere you would heed my voice. Now listen and obey and fear not because greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world. You are filled with my beautiful precious Holy Spirit, and we me, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are greater than the evil one and his minions. Brace yourself for the shocks of Truth coming out this week and in the weeks to come. There will be many arrested kicked off of their show and platforms, and falling from the top to the bottom. Heed my word.

Many of these you have idolized will be nothing to you very soon. So many sold out to the enemy to be where they are. Pray for them to fall on their knees and repent to me. I will gladly take them back I am a good father the best father and I love all of my creation.Do you know my son Jesus? No? No do you truly know him or is he sitting on a cloud playing a harp in your mind and someone you are hoping is real. Meet my son Jesus it is is so simple. Invite him into your heart, repent of your sin,s and start spending time with us. Me and Jesus and the Holy Spirit we are three in one and we want a relationship with you yes you. Get some of your TV Time video time or sleeping time and instead give it to sitting and talking to us that is what my girl here does and many of my other children. Pursue and praise praise and pursue and we will give you more joy more peace and so many desires of your heart. We desire you and want you to desire us.

Watch Trump this week as he makes more moves that drive the left crazy. When their purses get heavy and the economy is thriving, and the income taxes are eliminated they will finally shut up. Yes, income taxes will be eliminated. Just wait and see. I have told you of NESARA and it is coming very soon. It is on a fast bullet freight train and the train is full of all of the prosperity that you will reap very very soon. Sit tight. I have told you of the great wealth transfer, and no income tax, and NESARA are a huge part. But there is more. Wait and see and the rest is for another day. Now go rest and play and give us a few. We love you and are always looking out for you and your family we give our Angels charge over you to keep you in all of your ways. I love you Adonai.


Okay here’s what the father told me on February 2nd 2025. Take care that you do not get caught up in the rhetoric of what the media will try to pull in the coming weeks. Much will be happening as the cabinet is being confirmed, swearing in executive orders and a truth beginning to flow. The mass media is still woke and they will spin it their way but the tide is turning and the truth is coming. Coming like a flood. The media will have have no choice but to tell the truth that the participants do not want told. Many are shaking in their boots as you hear this. Their season of sin is finally up and I Am The Great I Am. There is none like me and there will be Justice, and repentance, and regret.

Some some will never repent or regret and they will receive their just punishment. The truth that is pouring out is going to reveal all of the dark filthy secrets of people all across the globe and in all professions. This child pedophile ring is global, and there are many involved that you know from film, and media, and some you will know in your neighborhood. The shock will be felt around the world and my Justice will be executed for my precious children.

There is much more to this than selling a child for a onetime sex act. This is bad, and horrific enough, and plain evil to the cor. Do you not know that children are being kidnapped bought and sold for human child sacrifices. The enemy wants blood sacrifice and with abortion weigh down due to Roe being overturned the enemy is demanding more blood. These sacrifices are are attended by people you know about and even some you know. They are worshiping the evil one, the forever loser, and they are sacrificing children to satisfy him. To him to satisfy him. And they will drink the blood of their human sacrifices.

I tell you this so you will know that I must do what I am going to do in this world. I am going to rid this world of these evil ones. All of them I have said will be gone and gone they will be. You will wake up and it will be happening. If you thought that this evil was just about election fraud and insider trading you have been innocently hidden and this is a good thing it is good to be innocent. But now it is time that my children know the truth so you will understand when my shaking event occurs. Have no regret for these people as they have no regret for the worst evil they are committing and I know their hearts. They are a black stone. And they will never turn to me and my son Jesus never.

Now I must deal with them as I deal with them and shake my world my beautiful Glory shall fill the Earth and it will be the most beautiful, spectacular, time of your life. Get ready my children I have so much blessing coming to you and your house. I love you a Amen

Patricia Green - The plans of the enemy are falling fast and hard - January 31, 2025

So I want to share a word of the Lord that I received from him the first week of January. Wo I’m just going to read it to you. the Lord said the plans of the enemy are falling f fast and hard. The woke agenda has fallen just as I said it would. And I want to read to you a word that I was given to you on June 10th of 2023 of what the Lord said. He said this, freedom will be the cry and demand of the people says the Lord and I will bring forth freedom in more ways than ever expected the Lord said the woke agenda is is being dismantled remember he said that June 10th of 2023 and we’re seeing it happen happening. He said the climate change money maker and money funneling is over, says the Lord. We’re seeing that also um when President Donald Trump has pulled out of the Paris climate agreement.

Um he said fiat currency and money manipulators are done. So we’re going to see that coming soon. Child trafficking and child sacrifices will be exposed and prosecuted, says the Lord. Gender confusion and gender transitions in children eliminated, says the Lord. Again this is part of that message from 2023 and we’re seeing that also eliminated by these um executive orders that President Donald Trump has been signing these last 10 or 11 days. The Lord said all of these Wicked practices are falling and I am breeding bringing freedom, freedom, freedom, says the Lord. So those are that’s a fulfillment of prophecies that the Lord gave me in 2023. So now I want to continue with the current message.

The Lord said those companies who persist in in embracing this woke agenda will pay a price in their profits. Now we also see that with um um I think it’s Costco. Who’s who’s doubled down and said listen we’re doing the DEI. We’re we’re we’re we are staying with this this agenda and the Lord is saying those companies that stay with that agenda they’re going to see it in their bottom line which is their prophets. So we’ll see um the Lord also said um the woke agenda is a policy of the the farle and they are also falling fast and hard. I am restoring Law and Order In The USA and other nations will follow. The leaders that you have seen who have stepped down or lost elections have fallen fast and hard because their ideology has been rejected by the people. Their time is over, says the Lord.

I am placing political leaders in key Nations who will fulfill my plans. Oh this is a great removal of kings and a great setting up of Kings for I the Lord God decide who gets to rule. This is my time, says the Lord. This is my time to remove ancient principalities and Powers who have swayef the Nations and controlled the financial perrings, says the Lord. Without the power of these principalities man cannot succeed in his wickedness. If they only knew that they were Pawns of Satan, and in some cases the Sons of Satan and the Lord said Satan is a defeated foe. I defeated Satan at the cross and that has not changed nor will it ever change, says the Lord. He is a liar from the beginning and he still lies to people so that they will serve him.

Many will be exposed as Satan worshippers who have done heinous acts to the children. Their blood cries out to me says the Lord and they will be Vindicated even the ones that the world never knew existed. I am cleansing this Earth of this great wickedness, says the Lord. Um and then the Lord took me to Psalm 37 verse vers 1 and 2 and verses 9 and 10 and it says this. Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong. For like the grass they will soon weather, like green plants they will soon die away. For those who are evil will be destroyed. But those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land a little while and the wicked will be no more. Though you look for them they will will not be found.

Then the Lord continued he said, so when the exposures come brace yourself my children for the shock waves will be felt around the world. For no one will be ex exempt from this great exposure. From the royals to the religious leaders from the pop stars to the music Moguls. From the ultra Rich to the athletes. From the political lead leaders to the media Moguls all will be exposed and brought to Justice even to the lowest leve,l says the Lord. Their system has fallen says the Lord. He said I am raising up men and women all over the world to take their place in their assigned positions that I have given them. I’m raising up people for the heads of nation, for political positions for media positions, for medical positions, for Spiritual positions, for banking positions, for manufacturing positions, and for every position that exists.

I am raising up my Army who will overtake the plans of Satan and push back the Gates of Hell, says the Lord. This is the time to charge forward and not retreat for far too long my church has been retreating and barely able to maintain their ground. But now is the season for my church to retake the seven mountains of influence. Taking influence over the family, the church, education, media, entertainment, business and government. Arise My Children and take your place no longer will you be scattered and isolated for I am calling you to unite and be a be a force in society. This is the Golden Era, says the Lord. Now I want to give a sidebar there because the Lord said that um before Donald Trump took the oath of office um as president and he gave that in his inaugural speech. He called it the Golden Age. So even before Donald Trump said that the Lord said this he said this is the Golden Era, the Lord calls it.

This is the time of my glory to cover the Earth as the waters cover the sea. This is a time for the gold to be released for Financial Freedom. This is the time for your bodies to be healed, says the Lord. This is the time for you to wear your crown of gold that I have given you. In 2 Samuel 12:30. It says David took the crown from the king’s head and it was placed on his own head it weighed a Talon of gold and it was set with precious stones. So we see that we see that in scripture where David has taken the the the Golden Crown uh from the evil King and placed it on his own head. We’re seeing that happen. We’re seeing that happen now in governments and then the Lord concluded and he said. This truly is the Eolden Era, says the Lord. I hope you were blessed by this message …

Barry Wunsch - The Lord is giving us a Cabal-ectemy !! - January 31, 2025

The Lord is giving us a Cabal-ectemy !!
He spoke to me on my birthday, He said” Proceed and Occupy!”
Yesterday as I was working away, He spoke again.
He said: “Barry, tell My people, its not a bridge to far!”
I am processing more but felt strongly to release this today.
Please cover our family and team in prayer, we are in the highest level of warfare we have ever had, being hit with things I won’t share here, despite that we are forging ahead taking background by His grace.
Let me be clear; The Lord is rebirthing Canada!
And again; The Lord is rebirthing America the Beautiful!
So do not be deceived, the old must be torn down for the new to come.
It may go down like a rat sandwich for most to understand the truth that is being revealed, realizing we have been living in strategic deception all of our lives.
We have been misled, purposefully lied to and deceived by the Cabal for decades (and longer) to control and manipulate us.
But let it be known The Lord of Host, Jesus our Lord and King is shining His Light into these dark areas to bring us freedom!
He is raising up a people with courage and boldness to stand and advance with Him throughout the earth.
May we stand with courage and take back the land He has entrusted us with!

Julie Green - YOUR ENEMIES SOON WON'T KNOW WHAT HIT THEM - January 21, 2025

I, the Lord, am telling My United States—your enemies soon won’t know what hit them. They have built all their safety nets—a system that protects their criminal acts. They destroyed and buried evidence. They have people inside the Trump administration. The establishment is still lurking in the shadows of DC, the heads of state, and the intelligence community

They have built up barriers and walls of protection to further their agenda, their existence, and control of your Nation. But something unprecedented is about to hit them. A stone, like no other, will be thrown. It will hit and decimate every system and all their infiltrators, who your enemies thought could not fall

(There is) something they are too blind to see right now, but as they take their steps against this Nation, they will soon regret those steps. They should have stayed in the shadows, been left behind, and left well enough alone. But they hardened their hearts, just as Pharaoh of old did, to hold on to their power, take back this Nation, and put it in greater bondage than they already had you in. 

As they move forward, I will show this Nation the destruction of your enemies that no man could accomplish on their own. Divine intervention and protection—as you saw Me protect President Trump from those bullets, you will see how I protect this Nation from the silent killer that is lurking that they were just about to release to shoot their best shot—the only thing in their arsenal they have left to use that can possibly take out this Nation

But just as Pharaoh would not let My people go to move on, neither will these pharaohs of today. They will have no other choice but to facilitate this plan. It is risky, but they think it must be done. They will pursue you out of desperation, My United States, to take you back into captivity. But another Red Sea-like moment will take place, and your enemies will fall on their faces in utter disgrace. 

Do not let their moves take you by surprise. Do not forget all that I have already done for you to save you and give your Nation back to you

My children, your enemies are not done falling. They will not be able to hide behind the establishment and continue to maintain their power or their machine. Do not fear what they are hiding or what damage they can cause. Magnify My power. Do not magnify theirs by believing in it. 

Watch how the pardons passed by “the Biden” become the downfall of many in the old guard. The cover-ups and scandals that have plagued and decimated the law and justice in this Nation for a short time will come crashing down

A member of the old guard is about to squeal like a pig to save themselves. They are about to give up “the Biden” fully to save the establishment for a possible resurrection after they rid themselves of My David. But this person’s moves and their motives will also be exposed, and no one whose heart was not pure will be saved, says the Lord. 

Adam Schiff’s fall is coming. Nancy Pelosi’s fall is coming. Mitch McConnell’s fall is coming. Chuck Schumer’s fall is coming. Hakeem Jeffries’s fall is coming. 

The complete fall of the establishment is near. This will be clear, oh United States. I am cleaning the criminals out of everywhere that controlled you, and this Nation will once again be united the way it was always intended. I will put My people where they belong, so hold on, for the great cleansing has already begun, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
2 Kings 17:39
2 Kings 19:15, 19
Ps. 33:10
Josh. 4:22-24
Heb. 13:8
Josh. 5:1
Josh. 1:5, 8-9
Deut. 33:27
Deut. 27:7-8
Ex. 23:22-23
Ex. 7:1, 3

Julie Green - THE BEGINNING OF THE UNITED STATES - January 20, 2025

America: today is a new day, a new beginning, and a new opportunity to take back your Nation from the hands of the wicked

Today is not just a day when President Trump is sworn in. It goes much deeper than that. It is the beginning where the wicked are destroyed, and good will prevail

Today is the day many people have prayed and cried out for—when My David takes his position as the rightful President of the United States. A cascade of events will take place to rid your Nation of the ones that hijacked it for their own agenda. 

America: you will see justice for the criminals that held you against your will. You will see what you have been waiting for—the arrests and judgments of those government officials

America: it is the beginning of the birth of your true Nation, not the version you have seen. What will you do with this newfound freedom in your Nation and in your lives? 

Always remember that the Great I AM is the reason why this Nation still lives, and that this Nation will free itself from every foreign and domestic enemy.  

Today is a day of celebration, and today is a day to enjoy with Me.  

America: the landscape of your Nation is about to change. Your laws will be upheld. Justice will be served on all fronts. Your government will completely shift in a way you have never seen before.  

Truth will conquer every lie. Your enemies today are terrified of you moving on without them, but there is nothing they can do to hold you back from what I have for you.  

America: you will be the Nation you were always meant to be. The winds of change are here, and a political shift is taking place. Do not forget this day and how every obstacle that tried to keep you from it could not

I am the Protector of this Nation and the Defender of Truth, which will set you completely free.  

America: come alive today in Me, and you will continue to see your Nation’s victory, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 94:15, 22-23
Ps. 33:10
Ps. 81:13-14
2 Chron. 7:14
Ex. 13:3, 14
Ps. 105:24
Ps. 47:3
Ps. 22:27-28
Ps. 18:3, 13-14, 48
Ps. 37:10, 12-13
Luke 1:37, 71

@KaSheltielover - TODAY THE FATHER SAID, "TIC TOCK I AM TURNING BACK THE CLOCK"...... - January 21, 2025


My children, the establishment in your Nation will be forced to surrender. They will be forced out of their positions. They will be tried for their treasonous acts. They will be judged to a degree never before seen like this. 

My children, I have sent your enemies their eviction notice, and it will be carried out by Me. I assure you, they will be removed. As your government tries everything in their power, with all they know, to attack you, I will attack them without warning. The terror they try to bring to you, they will endure themselves, says the Lord. 

I told you these were the days when governors would fall. Gavin Newsom will be the first of many. I will expose the orders he received from Washington to sabotage the state of California and not to complete any of the emergency procedures or the cautionary and preventive actions that should have protected you. They purposely allowed this to destroy you, California, and to take down the rest of this Nation. It was a worst-case scenario because it was allowed for the greater good of the establishment. They sacrificed you to save themselves. Yes, this was their plan, and I will show you the hands that allowed this tragedy to take place 

“The Biden” knew. Obama knew. Nancy knew. Chuck knew. Kamala knew. They all knew. The old guard chose not to protect you so they could cause a distraction and pull off the only option they have left to save their machine from being torn apart by the next administration coming in. The establishment is fully aware of President Trump’s ability to take them down with no way of recovering their control

Woe to you, Gavin. You are their pawn, and you will be let go to cover the tracks of many other government officials involved in this heinous act of war and destruction. Gavin, you had the choice to stop this, but you ran with it anyway, knowing what it would do to millions of people. You are being judged, and no one will be willing to save you. I will remove you, Gavin, and judgment is coming sooner than you think, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Oh, United States: the devastation in Hawaii, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, and California was all done on purpose for the establishment’s end game. That end game is being stopped by Me. It will bring an end to them and not to you. I will expose their dirty and dark plans to cause this destruction. I will show you the blueprints, the architects, and why they chose these locations and times. It was to save themselves. 

I will show you the technology they used to complete all these things, who was all involved, how your government funded it under the radar, and how many more of these types of catastrophes they are willing to cause to protect their power and control. But I am ripping it apart in front of the world

My children, the shaking in your country is about to get much worse to stop the next catastrophic moves against your land. As I move My Hand to protect you, continue to fight the good fight of faith. You will see Me defend you as I remove all who are against you

I am showing the world that I am very much alive and that I am the Protector of this Nation. So, hold tight, My children, and fight. It is almost over. You will have the restoration and freedoms I have promised you, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Ex. 14:14, 24-25, 31
Dan. 4:17, 32-35
Dan. 5:18-30
1 Sam. 15:11, 18, 22-23, 26
Ps. 103:6, 19
Ps. 59:1
Ps. 47:3, 8
Ps. 22:28
1 Tim. 6:12


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are picking up their strategies of war to deflect, distract, and cause more diversions. You look one way, and while you are looking in that direction, they are causing more destruction and chaos (elsewhere). 

Your enemies want you to only pay attention to the destruction that is being caused in California because right now, they are allowing your enemies to set up their perfect attack on your soil. Yes, while the world has been watching the devastation taking place in Los Angeles, purposely caused by your enemies, they have been setting up China, the foreign militia already in this Nation, and all the sleeper cells that are getting ready to launch their attacks

I have repeatedly warned you that they want chaos and mayhem (so they can call) emergency orders to take away your freedoms

My children, many have been deceived (into believing) that when My David takes the oath of office, everything will cease regarding your enemies’ attacks and their plans to take out this country. This simply is not true. They will amplify the chaos and cause more distractions to keep President Trump overwhelmed with one issue after another and one disaster after another. They want to overload him with problems, so he will be too busy to take them out. 

Without Me, this would be the case, but he has Me and so does this Nation. Your enemies do not see that as they are sabotaging President Trump and this Nation, they, too, are being sabotaged to a degree that it will cause them utter devastation that they cannot withstand. 

China will try to attack your Nation, oh United States, on the orders of the establishment. The establishment thinks these are their orders. But China will double-cross the establishment, and the establishment will double-cross China. Concerning the spies and the infiltrators that the Chinese have here in your government, I have infiltrated them. And I am causing confusion as they make their moves with their technology. It will destroy them and not you, oh United States. 

Oh, My United States, you are surrounded on all fronts—on your soil, in your military, in your government, in corporate America, in the entertainment industry, and in the news media. You have been infiltrated in every way, but every infiltrator and every traitor to this Nation will be judged by Me

My Hand is moving against China. As they move towards this Nation and try to take it over, they will be crushed themselves. My children, what I have done for Israel, I will do for you

Your enemies’ weapons and their strategies of war will not force this country to go in the direction of collapse. Their lines of communication are being severed, and I will put a panic in your enemies that will send them running, and it will cause them to turn on one another for their collapse and their demise

Your enemies are being evicted and eradicated from your Nation and your government. You will see an unprecedented scale of attacks, but you will also see many unprecedented ways they are crushed in front of you. No one will be able to deny that it was divine intervention from Me

So, hold on until you see a mighty victory, says the Lord your Redeemer.  

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 68:1
Deut. 28:7
Isa. 54:17
Isa. 55:11
Isa. 41:11-12
Ps. 60:12
Deut. 20:1-4
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 138:7
Job 5:12
Ps. 33:10
Ps. 28:4
Ps. 27:13-14
John 10:10
James 1:8
2 Cor. 5:7
2 Kings 6 (Elisha & Gehazi)


My children, I am warning you of this time when your enemies are causing distractions to overwhelm you and damage to destroy any hope you may have left about anything good taking place. 

Your enemies are picking up the pace at this timebefore they fall on their faces. There will be so much devastation, destruction, and mayhem that people will not know what to do. Your enemies are increasing their fear tactics in every way to paralyze you from moving forward. 

I have repeatedly told you that an election would not be what saves this Nation. It will be Me—the Great I AM. It is My Hand moving across your land to cleanse it of the evil trying to take you out. 

The establishment, with its foreign enemies and militia, is preparing to cause riots in the streets, uprisings, and, of course, bring terror on a scale they never have before to this Nation and Israel. As your enemies intensify (their moves) against you, I will pick up Mine against them

What you see hit your enemies and all the slumlords in your capital that do not belong will be unprecedented in how they are removed

Countries are planning to come together to attack this Nation to destroy it for good. But those same countries—China, Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, Turkey, Venezuela, and many other Middle East nations that have infiltrators here to attack and terrorize this country or Israel—will themselves be destroyed

The judgments I will pour out will soon plague many nations because My children, if I do not intervene, they will bring in WWIII and their global reset of everything they can control. 

You will see the collapse of businesses, financial systems, governments, and every entity against you and this Nation. My children, I am raining down judgment, and it will be unprecedented

Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Klaus Schwab—these billionaire giants and many others just like them, will fall like Goliath. They used their wealth and power to weaponize and fund the establishment. They will fall with the system that gave them their power and money. 

My children, many people, corporations, governments, and banks that seem to be too big to fail will all fall before you, with no one to bail them out

Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street will all collapse as I move My Hand. I will show you all who were involved—the businesses and corporations that controlled so much of the world with their monopolies and Ponzi schemes. You will soon realize how much these three businesses were funding the establishment and how many in your government were part of them or owned by them

There is secret money your leaders are hiding in Washington, money that pays them to make the decisions that are passed in DC. 

A great shaking is coming to the financial system that will crush your enemies in unconventional ways. The world will soon know that none of these men, their systems, businesses, or governments are anything compared to Me

I am moving My Hand to move them all out of the way, and I will have the final say. 

My children, this storm is upon your enemies. The wind is picking up, the waves are growing, and the destruction this storm brings will be catastrophic to your enemies’ systems and governments. It is all coming to a destructive place. Brace for this unprecedented impact of judgment that is about to strike your enemies to free you from their death grip. 

The time has come for unusual to take place. Get out of your comfort zone. My children, stop relying on your old ways or yourselves. It is time for the Great I AM to show the world that I am still alive and that I am still the Most High God. The winds of change are here to change the nations, to change systems, and to bring in My Glory, says the Lord of Hosts. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 91:1
Deut. 33:27
Ps. 102:12
Ps. 81:13-14
Ps. 103:19
Ps. 105:5, 7-8
Ps. 106:7-8
Ex. 14:18-20
Ex. 15:6-7, 11
2 Sam. 5:19
2 Kings 17:39
Isa. 54:17
Neh. 8:10
Matt. 12:25


My children, the intelligence community that has been controlled by the old guard is collapsing. Every plan they have carried out against this Nation and its citizens will be exposed—every document, all servers, and all the instructions (they were given) from the establishment to carry out against you. All the laptops that were buried to hide the crimes of top governmental officials will come out, including the orders to bury Hunter’s, Anthony Wiener’s, and Hillary’s laptops and emails. Still, there are so many more that will also be uncovered that will destroy this arm of the establishment and its architects. Whistleblowers are coming to bring down the whole house of cards that has been trying to devour, weaken, and destroy this Nation for the global reset. 

I will expose every head of the CIA, FBI, and NSA that has committed treason—for the greater good they thought. All their offshore accounts, record books, and servers will be completely exposed. And every person who has worked with the old guard and the establishment to take out this country will be drawn out, and judgment and justice will be served. 

I will expose every one of them for provoking people’s behavior to get negative reactions on social media platforms. I will show how they use these platforms to destroy society, brainwash, and deceive millions

How evil and dark your intelligence community has become is far worse than what you have heard so far. I will show who, what, when, and how— everything the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA have been part of to cause chaos and disruption in this country

I will show how they helped steal not only the 2020 election but also countless other elections—House and Senate seats at both federal and state levels, and every judge they could. I will prove how they tried to help give Hillary and Kamala the upper hand against Trump. I will reveal every person in this community who lured people to the capital on January 6th and who lured them into the buildings. I will show you who planted the pipe bombs. I will show you who the architect of all of this is

A great shaking is coming to the intelligence community that will rock this Nation and destroy the establishment and their illegal corporation once and for all. 

My children, brace for all the truth that will continue (to be made known after) the collapse of these agencies, including how they run—the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy, the attempts on President Ronald Reagan and President Trump, and the murders of many people who threatened the establishment

Many whistleblowers, whom the establishment thought were disposed of, were not. I told you that their skeletons were coming out of the closet. Every one of them will be revealed, and they will destroy these agencies’ control over this Nation, says the Lord of Hosts. 

You will see a collapse of the Secret Service—all their lies, their corruption, and how these agencies worked with the old guard and the intelligence community to help take out President Trump. (There will be) a total collapse of the system that has been running this country

Woe to those in the Secret Service: whistleblowers are coming for you with proof that cannot be denied of your connections to Washington, “the Biden,” the DOJ, Mayorkas, the FBI, and the CIA, and all who orchestrated Butler, Pennsylvania. And when that did not work, you orchestrated the attempt against President Trump’s life again at the golf course. I will show all the attempts that you made on his life during his first presidency and his second presidency

Oh, Washington bureaucrats—yes, I said that right—woe to you! I am the exterminator coming to rip you out of your crevices, your hiding spots, and your dark holes. No matter where you are and what is protecting you, you are not safe from My Hand and My judgment. They will hit your doorsteps and destroy your system, your empire, and your power

That perfect storm you thought you had designed against My Nation is hitting you instead. I, the Lord, am coming with My vengeance to clean house and free this Nation from your death grip. 

My children, Washington and all their agencies and federal workers are about to shake like never before. So, get ready for a mass exodus and a vacating of seats like you have never seen before. 

My United States, you are being cleansed and restored in unconventional ways. This unprecedented chain of events that will take place will rid this Nation of this evil regime and restore this country as a Republic and everything that belongs to it. 

So, get ready for fundamental changes that will take place all over this country, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Prov. 6:31
Ps. 106:7-10, 12-13
Ex. 13 (Israelites were told to earnestly remember)
Ps. 107:2, 6, 28-29
Gal. 3:13-14
Ps. 112:10
Ps. 113:4-5
Ps. 118:6
Dan. 3:15-17, 24-25, 27
Dan. 4:17
Gen. 11:1-9 (The Tower of Babel)


Okay, let me get some water and we’re going to get the message from God. There will be death. This is what God told me. He said tonight’s the night that history will be made and change forever. The course of Life of every man, woman, and child. You will never be the same after this night and day. People will disappear suddenly, all day and night. You will see it on video. Some will see it in real time or real life. That will be quite terrifying and scare some people to death. Even some of my children. It will be rare, but there will be other catastrophes as this happens. With people disappearing there will be accidents and this will cause death. The dead are not the ones being affected in This Global event. For them it is their time I number your days and for some this will be their day.

Because people vanish this will cause things to be left undone, and this will cause some problems. It is only one day and then it will be over. I will never do this again. No evil shall befall you neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. The church will remain and grow more intact, and become stronger and more powerful. People will be running to altars, to churches, and to any believer that they know. Be ready and give people what they need. Food, water, a hug, hugs, and love, a Bible, a prayer the way to my son. Tell them, show them, and lead them.You were born for such a time as this and there will never be another time in history like this. Heaven is on high alert and eagerly watching for my glory to fill the Earth and for the Great Awakening to begin.

The billion Soul Harvest and the wealth transfer, it is time and time is mine. Now rest and be ready pray and pray again. The Saints are watching and cheering. You on you have been through the battle and now it is my turn. The enemy will not win and he is greatly defeated. This rescue is for you so that the evil ones will be put in their place. Now watch the inauguration. I told you it would be Trump and Vance will lead the country the nominees will be confirmed. My world will fare America will be great again and there will be peace everywhere. Now rest my darlings and love on one another tomorrow is a glorious day for you to cheer and holler. I love you Adoni. Woo Amen

Barry Wunsch - Prophetic Warning: President Trump, Washington DC, Iran & Israel - January 19, 2025

This afternoon while sitting resting in my living room chair, the Lord spoke to me out of the blue. I felt an urgency on it, not only for the next few days but for the weeks and months to come.
I knew by the Spirit of God that this is directly linked with the Presidential Inauguration of President Trump.
Shared in obedience and with the fear of the Lord.
Here is the word.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Wunsch
“Barry, tell my people that there is a great illusion coming in the sky!
The enemy is about to pull some things out of his bag of tricks.
You are about to see a show that is not real.
It is a massive plan to bring and release fear into the earth.
The evil kings and rulers, the Cabal and deep state are being used as pawns to the enemy to usher in one world government.
This is bigger than America the Beautiful.
Warn My people that the illusion in the sky shall is intended to provide a veil for these Cabal evil kings to bring harm to the Nations.
The enemy has created a plan so elaborate, so deceptive that even the very elect can be deceived.
It is multilayered to impact not only righteous leaders coming into power, but to ignite global conflict that will try to tip the scales against My plans and destiny for the Nations.
Barry, call My people to prayer and fasting!
Barry, tell My people to prepare to stand up!
The clock is ticking.
Things will soon be underway!
The countdown is on the clock.
There is no stopping what is coming.
Watch and see with your own eyes what I am about to do!
Follow My lead!
For I am about to blow upon My people with the wind of My Spirit. I am about to open up the gate wide for the end time revival harvest!
The Nations are about to shake!
What you are about to see is only the beginning!
Gird yourselves up in the Spirit!
Push back fear!
Push back the enemy!
There is a revolution being released across the Nations!
I am bringing visitations to those who I am calling forward at this time.
I am tapping them on the shoulder.
As you humble yourself and follow Me and My ways these evil kings and regimes will be taken out with all of their evil agendas and plans.
Arise My people!
Stay close to me, it is critically important!
Do not make a move without Me going before you and leading the way.
For the right move at the wrong time is the wrong move!
Keep your eyes on Washington DC there is more going on than you see.
Watch for the enemy from within!
Keep your eyes on Israel!
Watch over Iran!
Things are not as they seem!
I am exposing every trap the enemy has set!
It is time to flush out the enemy and all his pawns for the time for Justice is at hand.
I have called President Donald J Trump to lead.
And lead he shall.
There are events at hand, that will bring My dearest son Donald closer to me than ever.
He is going to step into what I have called him too on his knees before Me.
He cannot do on his own what I have called him to do.
I am bringing him an upgrade, however it may come in a way no one expected – especially him.
Raise your shields once again.
Lock them together in unity one with another and with Me and let’s together advance the Line for My Kingdoms sake!”
Holy is the word of the Lord.

Robin Bullock - [2025: STARTLING PROPHECY] HOW COULD THIS BE? January 18, 2025

“For I gave you a great victory in the last of this year, says the Lord. And I showed you the hand of miracles. And I showed you the hand of Providence within the governments of the world. And you saw me work and you saw a promise that took place that some of you never thought would happen. …
But it happened. And now you’re standing on the other side of a miracle stand, says the Lord. For now I will drown the enemy in the Red Sea. And they will know that it has come down upon them.”

This is 2024. It’s the last night of 24, It’s the time of the open door. So once we walk through that door tonight then we have to see we we’re going to see what’s on the other side of that door in 24. It was the year of the open door but now that open door is a door to walk through into the next year. And so what’s on the other side of that open door we have to walk through it but when we walk through it we’re going to slam it shut we’re just going to slam it shut on this on that side. and then what we’re going to do in 25 is walk under an open window of Heaven. it’s going to be an open window of Heaven in 25. and it’s the year to be alive. It is the year for you to thrive and be alive. It’s not a year for you to die. it’s not a year for you to to to demise. it’s not a year for you to compromise. it’s a year for you to walk through and with authority under an open window of Heaven. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

(Singing) This is that year. this is it. It’s the last night of 24, walk through it that open door. It’s the last night of 24, so walk through it. Walk through it. Come on it’s the last night of 24. I walk through it that open door. It’s the last night of 24. So walk through it, walk through it. oh it’s the last night oh of 24 walk through it that open door. It’s the last night of 24. Walk through it walk through it. The last night of 24 the whole you walking on through it that open door. It’s the last night of 24. We are walking through it we are walking through it and slamming that door, that door. We are it’s the last night of 24 come on all around the world say it. Oh we going to walk through that open door it’s the last night it’s the last night of 24 so walk through it. Walk through it oh what’s on the other side what it is what is it the time to be alive the time to be alive on the other side on the other side. The time to be alive the time to be alive under an open Heaven. Open Heaven life is raining down on you yeah, On the other side on the other side on the other side we on the other side. Let go let’s go take to the other side under the open window open window under an open Heaven that’s on the other side on the other side on the other side on the other side.

This will be a year of great Miracles it will be a year it will be a year that my body says the Lord will walk in authority like they’ve never walked in before. It will be a year of great confidence for the body of Christ. For they’ll see my hand in miracles from the time they begin 25. They’ll begin to see it and they’ll learn to walk under an open heaven. For an open heaven will reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ an open heaven will will give what’s needed to go to the ends of the Earth. An open heaven will evangelize China. An open heaven will evangelize Iran. An open heaven will evangelize Iraq. An open heaven will will evangelize Syria. It is an open heaven in this time in this year, says the Lord. As you go through this Open Door you’re not just going through one opening. You’ll slam the door and look up to an open window of Heaven that will pour down upon you. Get used to the Rain. Yeah get used to the Rain…..

For I gave you a great victory in the last of this year, says the Lord. And I showed you the hand of miracles. And I showed you the hand of Providence within the governments of the world. And you saw me work and you saw a promise that took place that some of you never thought would happen. And some of you held on with all that you had believing it would happen. And some of you wondered as the enemy tried to shake your faith. But it happened. And now you’re standing on the other side of a miracle stand says the Lord. For now I will drown the enemy in the Red Sea. And they will know that it has come down upon them. For now they will dare follow into the Red Sea but it will be their last stand. Once again Pharaoh will drown under the depths of the sea. Wicked government is gurgling its last. For 24 brought about the past. And we walk through it into 25 the year to be alive and slam the door on 24 to be no more. Hallelujah

So do not mourn for 24. Do not cry for what is gone. Look ahead to what will be and I will surely show you greater victories. I will let you see Israel win and possess more and more land all. I will let you see Iraq bow and Iran fall. I will let you see Wicked regimes as they demise and I will let you see the way it looks through my eyes. For I am focused, says the Lord, upon this future time. So you just walk with a smile on your face under an open heaven in Grace. And I will show you that this year things won’t be as bad as they seem to be. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. …

China is not as big as you think it is. The government I speak of is not as strong that they can’t have a cliff of ziz moment. These nations and Rogue Nations, and just because there was a, “pardon” me. You think it’s over and people have been set free? Nay nay they have not for now they will deal with me on their beds and on their cots. Their cots yay imagine where that may be for a cot to be where you rest some for eternity. Millions of dollars will not buy you out of what you sold for during these last four years it will not pay you out. You chose to do what you did, only the blood could deliver you. Now for these are the things spoken into government, and times, prophetic moments, Hallelujah Intro time, hallelujah.

Veronika West - A Now Word for Ireland - January 19, 2025

This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025.

I heard The Spirit say, ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’ — I call you The Land of Vision. I call you the land where My Celtic Eagles rise and soar on the winds of My Seven Spirits.

But I say to you Ireland, your sight has become dim and vision has become distorted — and your Kingdom Destiny has been delayed. because of your diseased tongues.

For I say, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Ireland, if you will purify your hearts and purify your tongues, I will purify your Vision and propel you fast forward with great acceleration into the place of fulfilled promise and Kingdom Purpose.

Yes! I will bring Healing and Restoration and Kingdom Reform to your land, and send you forth as a Firebrand Visionary Movement to set Nations ablaze!”

Prophetic Notes: As I heard those Words, I prayed in The Spirit and The LORD took me to Isaiah 6.

I believe there is a call yet again over this Nation to “Come to The Altar!”

There is ”an Isaiah 6 Call” — to come to The Altar. A Nation is being Called to greater and deeper levels of Consecration and Revelation!

We cant talk about Vision without talking about Purity. Purity is connected to Vision — the pure in heart shall see him! Power rests on Purity!

Isaiah six (6) : Six (6) is the number of man. God gives man all dominion!

“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw The LORD!

( When Uzziah died, the veil of deception was lifted and the eyes of the prophets could see The LORD lifted up over the nation! )

He was seated on a high Throne that was lifted up, and the bottom of His Robe was so big that it filled the whole Temple.

Angels stood over him; each angel had six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two wings they covered their feet, and with the last two wings they would fly.

The Angels I saw called out to one another, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is The LORD Almighty — his Majestic Splendor fills the entire earth!’

The sound of their voices shook the door frames, and the temple was filled with smoke.”

When I saw The LORD, I said, “Oh, I’m in deep trouble! I’m done for. For my lips are filthy — they’re poisoned by sin, and I live among a people whose lips are poisoned by sin. But, oh, my eyes have seen the king, The LORD of heaven’s armies.”

Then one of the Angels flew toward Isaiah. In his hand was a burning hot coal he had taken from the altar with tongs.

He touched Isaiah’s mouth with it and said, “Look!” ( In touching his mouth with the burning coal, he received sight of his sinful state! )


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, 2025 is a year (for you) to come alive. Your enemies want death on a massive scale in 2025, a scale never seen before. They want the nations that are not a part of their global tyranny to fall. They want to implement both martial law and totalitarianism worldwide

They thought this was their year—the time for them to rule over all nations, the time they would bring in their beast system and control the world in every way, their time to depopulate the Earth, and their time to destroy My Church and any faith and strength you had left. 

That is why they snuck into My Church. They brought in their pastors and their man-made doctrines to deceive the churches into believing lies. They weakened congregations year after year until My Church believed their words and not Mine. You were no longer a threat to them because you were not praying against (these lies) since you did not know your authority could rip it away from them once and for all. They got pastors, teachers, apostles, evangelists, prophets, and congregations to turn on one another, stirring up so much bitterness and strife that you were fighting amongst yourselves, distracted, becoming weak, and then they would take you out while you were completely unaware. 

2025 was (to be) your enemies’ year to start WWIII, a war that would destroy all their enemies and bring the masses into submission because the church was no longer standing in their way

This was their time, they thought, to take over everything for full world dominance. Do you see why they must see Me, and why they must fall in such a way that they will not recover? But this is not the year of death. It will be the year of My Glory, says the Lord of Hosts. 

China will start to collapse in a way they will not recover from. Giants in nations against Me will be hit like Egypt, and their power and finances will be ripped away. All the intel, the infiltration, the plans, the cover-ups, and the blackmail were for nothing. China’s plan was to take over this Nation, the United States, and the world this year. This was their plan, but they will not see it. This Nation will not burn. Instead, they will watch their country burn and their plans against every nation they want to dominate ripped apart

Watch these unprecedented events that take place in China destroy their government and the power they have worldwide. China will shake like never before, which will rid that country of its rogue leaders, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Revival will break out in China after the fall of that government. More will come into My Kingdom, despite the efforts of their leaders to smother My Glory in every way they could. But My Glory will fill their churches, and miracles will break out across that land, says the Lord. 

Watch Canada. Unprecedented events will take place there. Their government, including Trudeau, will fall, and there will be no form of recovery for him. The globalists will be forced to surrender him, and they will let him fall for the sake of saving other leaders. So, watch how hard and fast Trudeau is removed from his seat of power. I will see to it, says the Lord. 

Mysterious explosions—in meat plants, chicken farms, and all sources of your food processing plants—that have happened in unprecedented rates will all be exposed. None of this was an accident. I will show you how your food supply was sabotaged. They have tried every way they could to attack it. I will also show you, My children, the ones who are injecting and putting viruses into your food—the cattle, poultry, and pork. They are trying in every way they can to force the bird flu into your food. Right now, they are desperately trying to poison your food at a rate they have never done before

Whistleblowers are coming to expose the poisoning of your air, water, food, and soil. All of this is coming to an explosive place that will bring down the FDA and show how it allowed such poisons into your food supply. Every piece of the establishment will be annihilated by My Hand. 

Australia: watch your government implode before you. I am freeing you from this tyranny. Many in your Nation will turn to Me. Australia, My Glory will be experienced in your country, and a revival will be set ablaze that your enemies cannot stop, says the Lord. 

My children, your enemies are in a state of confusion they have never known and a panic they will not get relief from. This is the time for them to be cut off and removed in unprecedented ways, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

A plan to sabotage your electric grid is moving forward to cause total havoc in this country and other countries around the world. But they will not see what they planned. They will see darkness and a blackout, just not the one they wanted or planned on. Your enemies’ days of sabotaging your lives are over, says the Lord. 

Your water supplies have been contaminated. Not only have your enemies been contaminating your tap water, but they have been contaminating your rivers and lakes as much as they could to sicken you. But I am cleansing your land. I will restore everything they destroyed and bring it back to where it should be. 

Biolabs will be exposed and destroyed as more whistleblowers come forward and reveal what has really been going on inside these labs and how many there really are across the globe. Their bio labs will be extinguished along with all the hopes and plans for them. I am bringing down their system against humanity, and all the damage that has been done to your bodies will be undone by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, a glorious restoration is taking place in every part of your lives. So, rejoice. I am on your side. I will not fail, and I will restore it all back to you, says the Lord. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
1 Tim. 6:12
Eph. 4:11-13
Eph. 6:12
1 Peter 5:8
Matt. 12:25
Ps. 21:11
Prov. 19:21
Jer. 11:18
Ps. 33:8-11
Ps. 37:12-13
Heb. 13:8
2 Thess. 3:3
2 Cor. 10:3-4
Ps. 105:24


I didn’t put it in the thumbnail but this is an emergency broadcast. Because yesterday Thursday January 16th 2025. I woke up the Holy Spirit wakes me up I don’t I don’t use an alarm clock. And the moment I opened my eyes, I kept hearing let all offenses go the shaking is coming. And it was over, and over, and over, the same words from the heavenly father let all offenses go the shaking is coming. And it was about a minute I walked all the way through my house to go let my dog out when I got up and turn the coffee on. And and I kept hearing the father saying let all offenses go the shaking is coming. So I felt like I don’t know when the shaking is coming I do not know I don’t know if it’s today. I don’t know if it’s tonight tomorrow next year 10 years. I do not know but I will tell you I think it’s imminent. …

Okay, all right enough about that we want to get to the message the gone Trump and taxes and a reverse Rapture. And the father gave me this January 15th 2025 in the evening. So I felt like after I got the message yesterday morning about taking no offense the shaking is coming that it was important that I get this message out. Because I wasn’t going to put it out till tomorrow. But you know the father will not tell me when this is going to happen he told me. He will not because he can’t tell me because if he speaks it to me and I write it down or I tell y’all then the enemy knows the plan.

Okay right here’s what the father told me his words the choices have already been made by those that will be gone. Some will see me as vengeful and spiteful but I have been extremely merciful and gave everyone plenty of time. The enemy thinks he has gained all of this ground on me. But I am The Great I Am and no one can defeat me. Not especially the forever loser. In time people will see and know that this was the best plan to save my beautiful Earth from the death and destruction that this regime has planned for you my precious children. This is a rescue mission and it will only last one day and I will never do this again until my son comes for his bride and brings her home to heaven. But that is not quite yet. It is in the near future and you will see it. That day will Mark when all hell literally Breaks Loose.

For now I am doing a reverse Rapture. Why you say, maybe they will repent. No, they will not repent. I know the hearts of man and I know that they must be gone for the great Final Harvest to occur. This Global event will affect everyone. But be not sad my little ones as your Redemption draws nigh. Trump’s external taxes filled with tariffs and such will eliminate your personal taxes. This is a piece of my wealth transfer. You have all been strategically placed in locations where I can use you and need you. Take advantage and enjoy where you are. But know that I have you on assignment. There is now much to do as people are afraid, and they are hungry, and they are searching. The Harvest is ready but the workers are few. Get your sickle out and start reaping the Harvest it is not hard. Just love on people. Tell them about my son and pray with them. Lead them in The Sinner prayer. Ask them do they want Jesus and then the prayer. Bring being my child is simple. Be childlike and stay close to me and my Son. Amen.

Julie Green - WARNING TO BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES - January 10, ,2025

My children, in 2025, you will see the beginning stages of the extinction of the giants in your land. You will see their corruption exposed. You will see each person, corporation, and government official who has been part of the establishment. You will see their money trails, what they controlled, and how they accomplished everything they have done so far. Companies that appear to be too big to fail will fail and fall hard

Soon, numerous companies like the Lehman Brothers and Enron will fall. All the dirty secrets these companies had and why the establishment allowed them to fall but others to be saved will be exposed. My children, there are more Ponzi schemes out there than most people realize. I will tear down all of them and the ones who fund them

You will start to see the collapse of their big banks, big tech giants, big corporate America, big pharma, and big insurance—their entire corrupt system. You will start to see every connection they had to your government and the sports industry, how fake all of it is, and how dark and sinister everything has been behind the scenes

My children, more will shake than most can imagine. Corruption will be extinguished, and you will watch their system crumble and burn, says the Lord. 

Planned Parenthood will fall, and they will fall quickly. The darkness, the evil, and the corruption of this company, how much destruction they have caused, and the establishment’s plans to further the devastation across this Nation—the doors will be opened wide, and everything will be completely exposed to the world. Most people do not truly know why they existed or what they have really been doing behind closed doors

Planned Parenthood will be ripped apart because of the blood on their hands—the blood that calls to Me for vengeance. Whistleblowers are coming to blow the doors open on this corrupt entity. I told you I was cutting off your enemies, and I will in every way. I will have the final say against these giants who have been murdering people for generations

My children, I am troubling your enemies in every way. They are confused and panicked because they do not know what options they have left to salvage their establishment in this Nation. But they do not realize yet that they can’t and they won’t because I am in their way, and I am ripping this establishment apart right before their eyes. Every plan will fail, and all that they have built up will crumble to the ground as if it did not exist. You are about to see the end of the establishment once and for all

All the government officials that you have seen fall physically, you will soon see fall politically, along with countless others. 2025 will be full of surprises for your enemies and full of restorations for you, My children. 

It will seem like a roller coaster of ups and downs with surprises and unprecedented events, and you don’t know or understand how these things could be good or how there can be victory at the end of it, but your victory is assured because I am your victory

So, as you watch your enemies be removed, evicted, and judged, keep rejoicing because I am the Lord Who still fights your battles, and I do not fail, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Gen. 11:1-9 (The Tower of Babel)
Deut. 28:7
Ps. 145:20
Ps. 146:7
Ps. 149:7-9
Jer. 33:11
Heb. 11:30
Josh. 10:10
2 Kings 7:3-11
2 Chron. 20:22
Judg. 4:15
Ps. 55:9-11
Rom. 8:31
Ps. 27:1
1 Sam. 7:10
2 Sam. 22:1, 14-18
Ps. 28:4
Gal. 6:7
Isa. 41:12
John 17:16
Num. 13:30-33
Ps. 91 (entire chapter)

Julie Green - WARNING TO BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES - January 9, 2025

My children, I have spoken prophetically for some time now, warning you about what is to come and preparing your hearts so they will not faint, so you will not give in to your enemies’ plans, so you will not submit to their power or give in to the fear tactics they are using to destroy you. 

I have warned you about unprecedented and unconventional things coming to pass. I told you about a rough road ahead. Now, I am saying to some in My Church in this Nation—a rough patch is ahead, times that will be extremely difficult to understand because many have not heeded My warnings. They just went back to living their lives as they always have after the election was over. 

I said the shaking would not stop after the election. I said it would intensify. Right now, your enemies are signaling to one another to shut down the world if they must, to stop my David before the inauguration or, worst-case scenario, at some point this year. But they want it sooner rather than later. 

They are paving the way for a war that could destroy many nations and cause catastrophic damage. They do not care about any repairs (needed) afterward, just as long as President Trump does not destroy everything they have built. The establishment is working with China. They are working with Hamas. They are working with Al-Qaeda. They are working with Hezbollah. They are working with your enemies, even as I speak these words, to bring one attack after another against you

Their foreign militia is being prepared right now for the big one—the attack of all attacks, one that will strike many major cities simultaneously. What you saw on New Year’s Eve was nothing compared to what they have up their sleeves for you this new year

They want 9/11 to look like a walk in the park. They want to cause a tremendous amount of destruction and death that this Nation cannot get back up from. If they cannot get President Trump removed or assassinate him, then they want to destroy his four years in office. They have planned one sabotage effort after another, along with major catastrophic events, from a financial collapse to a pandemic that the world will never recover from. They will stop at nothing to force the world and everyone in it to their knees, surrendering to them

As you see their attempts and attacks, you will see Me defend, protect, and save this Nation and the nations around the world. Do not fear what seems to be taking place because it is bringing your enemies to a total collapse. Their system is crumbling before your eyes. This rough patch is for your enemies’ demise. But some of the church will be sucked into it because they were a part of that system, and they refused to let go of it

2025 will be a year when the unprecedented takes place, and your enemies will fall on their faces in total disgrace. This is a wake-up call for My children to prepare for the end of this system. Prepare to live a new way with Me for your victory, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A catastrophic storm is hitting Silicon Valley. I will reveal all the giants that occupied that area and controlled the nations, even the ones who tried to move away before the utter collapse. They will still fall with the rest of the giants that have taken over this Nation

My children, as Washington falls, Silicon Valley falls. As Silicon Valley falls, corporate America falls. Big banks will fall. Hollywood will fall. Big pharma will fall. Big insurance companies will fall. And the news media will fall. My children, the giants will all be revealed, and they will all be removed by My Hand as I am healing your land, says the Lord. 

I am also exposing the frauds in your government. I am dismantling the Uniparty and trapping the rhinos as they make their moves to sabotage President Trump. Many are moving forward with their plans to catch President Trump in something, something they desperately want him to fall into. 

To the rhinos, it will seem like they finally have President Trump where they want him, to pull the plug and get rid of him once and for all when, in fact, they will be the ones who will be caught in their own trap. The rhinos in Washington are falling, and the rats in DC are about to be exterminated and evicted from the capital

So, My children, brace for this storm that will take out your enemies. Batten down the hatches as it passes over this Nation to free you from the ones that enslaved you

This is the time, and this is the year to see the giants start to fall. So, stand and prepare your homes for the unprecedented. Listen to My Words and My instructions that I will continue to give you. I am your comforter, and as the world seems to fall apart, your hearts will be fixed on Me for your mighty and powerful victory that I have prepared for you, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
1 Cor. 2:9
Ps. 144:1
Joel 3:1, 9
Jer. 33:11
Isa. 2:4
Isa. 66:6
Ps. 110:5-6
Dan. 2:21-22
Jer. 18:7-8
Isa. 9:6-7
Isa. 54:15, 17
1 Tim. 6:12
Ps. 91 (entire chapter)
Ps. 37:13
Eccles. 1:9


Okay, here’s what he told me January 9th 2025. Millions and millions will be gone. The evil ones will be gone when people wake up in the morning or they will discover them gone gone when they wake up in the night. Remember Enoch was and then he was gone and with me. Elijah was and I took him in a chariot of fire and they looked for him and they could not find him. The evil ones will vanish as my men vanished. It will be like no other time in history when I had the world of the evil ones before. The angel of death visited the Egyptians and the first born were gone. But this time it will be all that are evil and will not ever truly repent. The Lost will suddenly be found, and Steve’s Prophecy of the multi-billion Soul Harvest will start. Millions and Millions will be gone. The list is quite long and many will be named you know. Trump and team will have to take over as the evil ones will be gone. This is an Army operation but it is my angel Army. There will be preachers and teachers and people in all walks, in every town, and in every country, and in every family. Comfort and pray for them and love on them all. Soon they will know and they will rejoice. But there will be sadness and sorrow for some a few will be angry with me for taking their loved ones. But I know their hearts love on them all and we will tell you what to say, when to pray, and what to do. I cannot and will not tell you more. Amen …

I want to share with you really quick before we go over the key points what the father told me in my personal journal. I’m like are you sure you want me to tell them this. He said, the word for tomorrow is strong and frightening for some, and unbelievable for others. Put it out. Tell my people and remind them to be not in fear and that I love them. And that all things work together for good for those who love me. That’s what he told me. He told me to tell you this. And so I’m going to tell you I didn’t want to but first of all do not fear and if there’s somebody you need to be praying about pray for them now.


Oh, My United States, events are about to hit your land—events meant to break you, destroy you, and completely end this great Nation. This is the plan of your enemies. They are throwing everything they can at you and your Nation. 

You will see abnormal and unusual weather events. You will see something take place in the financial system. You will see something take place with sicknesses and viruses. You will see unprecedented and unusual things meant to harm you, but they will be turned around and aimed at your enemies. Rejoice when you see these events, knowing that the same types of things hit Egypt before its annihilation

Your enemies in Washington, oh United States, are planning to bring as much terror and fear to your land as they can to make you panic so that you stop resisting them, their plans, and their system. 

A political storm is upon your enemies, a storm that is crushing their system and destroying their power. This storm will bring a flood of truth that will break their walls and the dam of lies keeping them in power. 

Massive truth and breaking news reports about “the Biden” will expose not only him and his past but also his ties to China and his corrupt dealings with Ukraine. It goes far beyond Burisma and Hunter. Something more sinister, more evil, has occurred in Ukraine and in many other foreign nations that the Bidens have been involved with. 

They meant to bury “the Biden” under this avalanche of truth to save themselves. But this truth will also collapse the walls of the establishment because there is someone in the Biden family willing to let many cats out of the bag, you would say, to take the establishment down with them so they can get revenge. But also, so they have peace knowing that they will not have to keep looking over their shoulder, wondering if there is a threat to their life or anyone else in their family

“The Biden” and his dealings will bring down the whole house of cards in DC. They used him as a puppet and a pawn because of all the blackmail they had on him, knowing he would have to say yes to everything they told him to do. But, picking “the Biden” has been one of the biggest mistakes the establishment has made. They did not see his health issues, and they did not know of his revenge—what he had on them (to be used) for protection if or when the establishment turned on him. 

A computer has this information. What “the Biden” has on the Obamas and the old guard in Washington will soon be leaked to the public. All of this information is astounding. He was not as stupid as they thought. Multiple recordings will come out which will crush the leaders in Washington, says the Lord. 

My children, as this storm ravages the leaders of this Nation, you will see unprecedented and catastrophic things take place. At first, you will not be able to comprehend how this will work out for your good, but it will

They want a total collapse of society in this Nation and around the world. Instead, they will receive the collapse of their secret societies, their government, and their control

When your enemies’ systems shut down, there are new ones that will replace them. So, brace for this storm that is intensifying against your enemies. 

My children, prepare in My Word. No more living your lives as you have. I am doing a new thing in each and every one of you. No more being on the fence. No more can you have one foot in the world and one foot out. And no more being lukewarm. Receive My fire that I am igniting on the inside of you. My Glory will spark a fire and the greatest revival in history, and you are part of it. So, stay the course and prepare for unprecedented events to happen in 2025 because in 2025 My Church is coming alive, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ex. 3:7-9, 14-15, 17, 19-20-22
Ex. 7:3-5, 17-18
Ex. 8:1-4, 10, 23
Ex. 9:1-5, 24, 26
John 17:14
Ex. 10:1, 7, 21-23
Heb. 13:8
Ex. 11:1
Rom. 10:17

Veronika West - America is Now Going Through the Eye of a Needle! - January 14,2025

Watch and Pray!

The Nation of America is now going through the Eye of a Needle!

A Stitch in Time will save Nine (9)…!

I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch and Pray — as The Nation of America now goes through the Eye if a Needle!

I say — a Stitch in Time will save Nine (9)”

As I heard those Words, I saw a very narrow birth canal and the Time of Birthing was at hand.

But I keep hearing, “Watch and pray Remnant! For at a time of birthing, the Dragon is circling!”

The Spirit had me post twice in the last few days:


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, that you will hear the words “shelter in place.” Your enemies want to cause chaos and mayhem. They want another global lockdown. They want martial law. They want a total economic collapse. They want wild and destructive weather. They want to release more bioweapons, ones that have never been released before. 

They want a One World Government and total surveillance where you have no form of privacy, so they can know your every move and then destroy you anytime they want if you are a threat to them

They want to destroy My Eagle and My Israel. This is what your enemies want and what they are planning right now, but I never said they would succeed. So do not fear these words, their threats, their wars, their viruses, or their economy. Do not fear their attempts at blackouts, lockdowns, or emergency orders. They will fall into every trap I have set for them. They will not have My United States. They will not have My Israel. They will not have My nations. Great vengeance is coming against your enemies and their plans, and great vindication is coming for My children, says the Lord. 

Do not fear China as they shake and make threats against you because they fear you, oh United States, and they fear losing control over you. You will see their president and communistic agenda collapse, and not only in their land. Every part of the control and dominance they have had over you, My children, and your nation is being severed

The surveillance China has had over your Nation, oh United States, all the intelligence that has been given to them from the infiltrators they had in your government, the intel they have received from the spy balloons and their technology, and what they snuck into the products that came into your land from theirs will be annihilated and wiped out

My children, products that have been brought here from China have been more damaging to your land and your lives than you realized. They were not just cheap products or great technology. The Chinese put things in these items to spy on you, make you sick, and kill you. I will destroy China’s control and dominance across the globe. Their bioweapons and everything they use to financially control and dominate you, oh United States, will be destroyed by My Hand

I will heal your land of communism and socialism brought into this land by your so-called government. Those leaders in your government that China has controlled, bribed, or blackmailed are about to be brought out into the open. The establishment’s ties to China are about to be cut off by Me, says the Lord. 

Part of the debt you owe, oh United States, was your government paying your enemies, like China, to spy and destroy you. They paid them with your money, but all this evil corruption will soon be no more. Your government allowed Chinese hackers (access) to many servers, computer systems, and programs to further solidify their alliance against you

China Joe, as he is referred to, and all the Bidens will be brought down, but so will every person in the old guard, like Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi, as well as many others in the Washington establishment. The walls they have built up with China will completely collapse in front of the world, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, this is part of the shaking that will take place all over the world. I will show every country that your government paid to destroy you. Get prepared for these shakings and the truth that is about to pour out worldwide. Great changes are here to destroy the wicked so that there will be no more corruption or darkness reigning over you. 

The time of the great reckoning is here, and vengeance is Mine. My vengeance will run your enemies out of power. So, hold tight to My Words in this great fight, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Neh. 4:20
2 Chron. 20:6,17
Deut. 20:4
Deut. 7:21-22
Zech. 14:3
Ps. 33:10
Zech. 10:5
Josh. 1:5
Dan. 3 (God saving Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)
Ps. 44:1-7
Ps. 18:39
Gal. 3:13-14
Heb. 2:14
Joel 2:28
Acts 2:17
2 Tim. 1:7
Isa. 54:17


My children, your enemies’ walls of deception that kept them in those high and lofty places are crumbling before your eyes

Their voices, which they used to control the masses, are being silenced by Me. Your enemies’ long reign of darkness is ending, while My Church and its new beginning are just starting—for those who are awake and remain steadfast in My Word and with My commandments. 

Another one of your enemies’ lines of defense has been severed. Their media is losing control of the narrative (and their ability) to keep you sedated under their lies. The tactics of their news stations, where they used great deception to distract and rock people into sleep, are forever changing in your land, oh United States. The mainstream media and its chokehold over you are about to end. 

A great leak of truth will pour out and destroy their dam of lies. A whistleblower is coming with damning proof that will destroy the establishment’s mouthpiece once and for all

The mainstream media used money, blackmail, bribes, seduction, and manipulation to keep one of the arms of the One World Government strong and in control, but now it will be ripped away in unprecedented ways. My children, hold on. A great shaking is coming to the news media that will forever change the news across this land and other nations. Big corporate media companies will fall to corruption and bankruptcies

I will show you who funded this arm of the establishment to keep it going for as long as it has. I told you before, I have many scripts that were retrieved from their servers, and they will be released. They will show you the footprints and blueprints that were used to control your Nation and what you were allowed to hear

I will also show you the architects of the news media that control the establishment and other nations and their news cycles. ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC—their walls will come down. Their influence will evaporate. Every person against Me will fall. All their businesses will fail, and their control will be annihilated, says the Lord. 

The big banks will come crashing down. My children, these banks were managed and controlled by the establishment and the global regime. There were plans for depressions, recessions, and all their bailouts, while many lost everything. I will expose the 2008 recession and other times when an economic collapse happened. I will show you the money that your government gave to these big banks and how they had all of this planned out to destroy you while they took away everything they could from you to enslave you even more

I will show (about) the Great Depression and the plan to change this Nation and its direction—it was to strengthen the establishment while they weakened every other part of your Nation and the citizens. I will reveal every economic hiccup and all the collapses your enemies were behind. Do you not see that these things don’t just happen? They were acts of war against you

My children, I am tearing their systems apart in front of you so that you can see how things were really meant to be. Debts will be wiped out because I will restore what belongs to you. 

A wealth transfer is coming. Don’t let your adversary talk you out of it like he has so many other people before. Read My Word—in times of war, there has always been a transfer of wealth. My children have always been the ones that took the spoils of war. I am blasting the wealth out of their hands, so they cannot keep controlling or lording over you with it. I said I would shake the desires of all nations, and I have said that the gold and the silver are Mine. Do you think I would allow your enemies to keep it? If it is not in your hands, it is in the enemies’ hands, and why would I want that? 

I have always been the same. I do not change. My Words have gone forth, and this will all come to pass for the ones who will receive these Words. But, not everyone will reap the spoils of war because they do not believe. Do you see, My children? Your enemies are collapsing. I am destroying their power in every way, and I am not leaving anything out, says the Lord. 

Their empires are falling. What used to be theirs will be taken away from them because it never belonged to your enemies

My children, stay awake because things are about to shake. I see My children being rocked back to sleep by their enemies because (they believe that since) the election is over, everything will just be fine. Yes, it will be, but first, I must shake everything to destroy the powers of darkness from trying to swallow the nations. I am coming with My outstretched Hand to heal your lands, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Ex. 14:14
1 Sam. 17:47
2 Chron. 20:15
Hag. 2:6-9
Ex. 3:19-22
Eph. 6:17
2 Chron. 20:22, 24, 25, 27
Num. 31:25, 27
1 Sam. 30:6, 8, 19
1 Tim. 6:12
Ps. 145:17-21
Ps. 146:7
Ps. 149:7, 8, 9
Phil. 4:19
John 8:32
Deut. 15:1-2
Deut. 28:15-68
Gen. 1:28
1 Tim. 6:10
Luke 10:19

Julie green - YOUR ENEMIES' SYSTEM IS BEING TORN APART - January 3,2025

Oh, My United States, your debt clock is a lie, and your financial system is corrupt. It looks one way in this Nation when it is (truthfully) another. Your leaders have financially enslaved this Nation to other nations around the world, and they paid other nations to oppress you to save their precious reset. 

I will show you who really took you away from the gold standard, how they did it, and how they put this Nation on the fast track of corruption and destruction. I will show you what they did to the silver (market) to keep it going only so high to manipulate the economy even more

My children, once again, I say your tax system is a lie. This system will fall, and when it does, it will bring relief and freedom to so many. Children of Almighty God, what you thought was a normal system was not normal at all. Don’t you see that it was a lie your enemies have used to enslave you in their system, a system that should not even exist? 

Their credit system is a joke. Their interest rates are completely corrupt. Those rates are meant to keep you from ever getting out of debt. Then, they can control you more and take away anything you have because you are not able to pay it back. This credit system with out-of-control interest rates will be shattered by Me, says the Lord. 

I told you I would rip apart Wall Street and its corruption of manipulating the financial system so that only some get rich while they gut others of their wealth. I will show you one of the biggest Ponzi schemes of all while you watch it fall

I will show you the big banks and their ties to your government. I will show you how much China has invested in your country and in each leader they own. This is the time the pharaohs of today will be ripped from their positions of power and wealth that they stole from the world

My children, I told you that it was not just an election that would save you. It has to be a political reset. Many are still looking to My David to fix everything, but he cannot (do anything) without Me. No one will share in this glory. Yes, I am using President Trump in more ways than you realize. But it is My power behind him that will force your enemies out from everywhere they do not belong

This Nation is about to celebrate the biggest Independence Day of all time because you are getting your independence from the wicked leaders and their wicked system. I am moving My Hand to heal your land of such evil. 

Many of My children still believe that this is too good to be true. But My children, I am a big God, and I have dealt with leaders and systems like this before, and they are no match for Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Many still think (that because of) this last election, they can just sit out and not fight the good fight of faith or stand because now it is all over. Or is it? 

I told you to continue standing, hold the line, and never to surrender. Your enemies are not done doing things against you. I have given you the authority to take them out once and for all. Do not sit on the sidelines. Do not get overwhelmed by their attempts to overtake you. Do not give in to anything they try against you. Viruses, blackouts, and more are coming. They will attempt these things to try to stop My Glory. But My children, stand and resist, and you will be glad you did. Your enemies are nothing compared to Me

So, as you see your enemies’ attempts to try to attack you and this Nation, remember that they are the ones that will be destroyed, not you. Nations will try to sabotage, attack, and bankrupt you, and they will try to rid the Earth of this Nation and My Church. But I will have the final say, and they will not have their way

So, hold on when you see things change. Hold on when things become increasingly abnormal. I told you there will be things that you will not understand. Keep in My Word. Keep spending time with Me, and you will see victory, freedom, and great restoration, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Do not fall for the artificial intelligence. It is a lie. I will show you the technology they are using to distract and deceive while trying to destroy you. I will annihilate this deception before your eyes

These are the days when religious leaders will fall, one right after another. Those in churches who are like the world will fall. Soon, My children, you will see which churches and ministries are for Me. Some prophets are part of the occult world, and they were meant to bring great confusion into this Earth and to steer people away from Me. I am ripping apart the religious leaders, those prophets, and anyone else who is against Me, and they will be no more, says the Lord. 

I am turning (over) the tables in the church once again to show you the ones who are part of the thievery and the ones who are part of the global government and their one-world religion. Yes, a great shaking is coming to the church

And to those faith leaders next to My David who are not truly with Me: I will be removing you, and a restructuring of the leaders I truly want next to My David will take place. The fall of these so-called faith leaders will shock many. President Trump will have those I have called to him, and no one will stop what needs to be changed, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to all of you in Washington. Your Pandora’s box, every skeleton, and every secret will be ripped away from your control, and you will no longer be able to hide the truth from the American people or the world. Mass panic is setting in in DC, and there is no way for you to be free. This last regime of your swamp, or administration, as you call it, will be your utter demise, says the Lord. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Eccles. 1:9
Amos 3:7
Hag. 2:6-9
Deut. 7:8-9, 15-16
Heb. 13:8
Deut. 7:17-22
Deut. 20:1-4
Deut. 1:29-30
Rev. 3:16
Luke 10:19
Jer. 1:10
Gen. 1:26-28
Ps. 115:16
Heb. 10:35-36
Hos. 4:6
John 8:36
Isa. 54:17
John 10:10

Veronika West - Two Prayer Requests for America - January 12, 2025

Friends, I invite you to take just 15 minutes to sit prayerfully and read these two Prophetic Words.

Donald Trump imageThe first word, I posted only a couple of weeks ago and it highlights a very significant reason why we need to pray for US President Donald J. Trump.

The kingdom of darkness is trembling, because as I have prophesied before and again now, the lamb who served in the First Term — is going to become as a lion in his second!

I submit, this speaks powerfully and prophetically to the shift that is now taking place in The Church!

The Eagles are rising with the roar of The Lion of Judah in this new Era!

a set of scales at tipping pointAnd I quote: “Satan knows that as soon as President Trump lays his right hand upon The Bible, the Gavel will fall and a sudden mega-shift and a supernatural lifting and tipping of the Scales of Justice and Judgement will take place over The Nation(s)!”

Veronika West - Urgent Prophetic Submission: War Rages Over the Oval and Oath of Office - January 12, 2025

An Urgent Prophetic Submission: a War is Raging Over the Oval and Oath of Office!

President Donald J. Trump with flag

So yesterday, November 12, 2024, I was praying in my wee prayer hut, when suddenly I was taken into an open Vision, where I saw President Trump standing on the Presidential Podium.

He was about to put his right hand upon the Bible to take The Oath of Office, when I heard The Spirit say, ”Daughter, there is a War raging over The Oval and Oath of Office!”

Then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say, ”Listen! Watch and Pray, for the next sixty-eight (68) days will determine the divine trajectory of a Nation in The Valley of Decision!

I say Watch and Pray — for there are many deadly pitfalls along this way.

Again I say, Remnant — Watch and Pray! Shields up and Swords drawn — for the road to Inauguration Day shall be marked by treachery, treason and great trouble, for there is a battle still raging over The Oval and Oath of Office — and My Covenant Promise!

So pray! I say Decree! Decree!! Decree!!! — and it shall pave the way and forge a highway that My Glory may come, that My Will may be done, and My Word may be established.

Pay attention! Be alert and on guard, for a sound has been heard in the deeper realms — a cry of the birth pangs of a Nation now in the midst of delivering, has drawn in the great Dragon that is now circling.

For I say, this is a Day of War for Divine Restore and Liberation from the ruling powers of Jezebel and the great dragon of Leviathan!”

As I listened, I began to pray fervently in The Spirit, and the burden of The LORD only increased as I saw a great War over The Oval and Oath of Office.

scales imageSatan knows that as soon as President Trump lays his right hand upon The Bible, the gavel will fall and a sudden mega-shift and a supernatural lifting and tipping of The Scales of Justice and Judgement will take place over The Nation!

Now, with these things still swirling in my heart after my prayer time, I went out to meet with some leaders in the afternoon, and not long into our conversation, one of the leaders said to me, ”Let’s pray for protection over Trump taking The Oath of Office — because that’s where the battle is!”

Those words served as powerful confirmation of what I had heard in the morning prayer time!

Friends, our Prayers in this hour and for the next sixty-eight (68) days must predominately target President Donald J. Trump taking The Oval and Oath of Office, for that’s where the enemy greatest threat and fear will be, as God brings a Nation into the fullness of its Kingdom Destiny!

Barry Wunsch - It is time to wake people up! - January 10, 2025

Prophetic Encounter: “It is time to wake the people up!”

December 29, 2024

Respectfully Submitted

On this night I was dreaming and in the dream an Angel walked into my room by the foot of the bed and came up beside me, leaned over me to give me a message.

The Angel spoke and said:

“It is time to wake the people up!”

As I the Angel spoke, I instantly had electric shocks go through my body!

I jolted up half awake with my heart pounding through my chest!

I tried to talk to the Angel, but I could not get the words out of my mouth!

In an instant the Angel was gone!

It took me a long while to settle back down.

I spent some time praying and listening as those words burned with in me.

For days as I had been carrying this, there was a deep groan in my spirit. It was agonizing at times.

Not knowing what it exactly was about this deep groaning and discomfort in me that would not relent or release.

(For me, there are at times of this deep intercession that comes on me, that I try to carry as best as I can.)

Then on Monday January 6, during a sleepless night and during a time of prayer and soaking with Him, the Lord spoke to me and dropped this word on me, here it is as raw as it came:

“Barry, it is time to wake up My people!

It is time for the scales to be removed from their eyes!

It is time for the truth to come out!

It is time for My people to see and hear what has been hidden from them over the course of time.

It is the time for My light to shine into the darkness.

Barry, tell my people there are events coming to try to stop what I am rebirthing in the Nation’s, and America the Beautiful.

I have said it before and I will say it again, there is nothing that can stop what I am doing right now.

Barry, tell my people that I am preparing to pull the carpet out from under the enemies feet!

The days of them mocking me are coming to an end.

The days of captivity for my people are coming to an end.

For I am bringing deliverance to my people.

They have been enslaved by the enemy, forced to make bricks with no straw.

By the time this is over there will be no one able to deny the truth that I am releasing.

The unbelievers and the nay sayers will have to eat their words.

I will hold to account those who have used phycological warfare on those they were called to lead, serve and protect.

They will be held accountable for every lie, deception, and action to control and oppress my people.

They will pay dearly for the blood on their hands and crimes against humanity.

I am overturning the death culture they have invoked.

I am bringing hope. I am bringing life.

I am bringing healing and deliverance for my people!

Barry, tell my people that I am bringing justice for the innocent children!

I am raising up a fearless people full of love and compassion to investigate, pursue and rescue these ones from the hands of evil traffickers and abusers!

I am fast tracking cases in My courts by My mighty right hand to bring justice and restitution!

It is going to be fast, and it is going to be furious!

They won’t know what hit them!

Barry, tell My people that every foundation, every Government, every establishment, and agency not rooted or founded in Me will be removed, for I will not build on Babylonian foundations!

It is time to tear down that which is not of me in order to rebuild: and to rebuild in My ancient ways.

I am a God of order, righteousness, and justice, I am a God of Governance, not politics. And I am the solution to every problem!

It is time for My ecclesia to shake off its slumber and to stand and move in the fullness of the Authority I have called you to walk in!

It is time to be all that I have called you to be!

Barry, tell my people I am releasing a spirit of discernment upon My people. They will see and know who is in the light, and who is not.

They will smell the slightest hint of evil and deception. I am waking them up and releasing an upgrade unto them!

Barry, tell My people I am raising up a new breed of watchmen for the walls as in days of old, to sound the trumpet. To sound the alarm, and to wake up My people during their watch.

For even some of My watchmen have been in a slumber and have been hidden away.

It is time for a fresh awakening and in-filling for these ones!

Barry, tell My people once again that the enemy has everything to lose, and will stop at nothing to try to retain power in this critical hour.

They are going to give it their best shot but will easily be defeated!

They will blatantly lie and say one thing with full intent to do another.

I am exposing these deceivers and all of their ways.

They will try to destabilize the Nation, blaming it on this group or that group, when in fact they themselves have strategically set up the plan and have financed it from the beginning!

Let it be known that I am exposing it all!

Do not fear the darkness of night, or terror by day, but be wise in all of your ways. Do not give the enemy a foot hold or a back door, stay clear of his traps!

Barry, tell My people that I am releasing the Hosts of heaven in numbers never deployed before to battle on their behalf.

They are being released to work for you and to work with you to uproot the enemy and his minions and take back the land the enemy has stolen.

We will not be defeated!

Holy is the word of the Lord

Veronika West - The Golden State and The Fires of Purification - January 10,2025

“As The Golden State emerges from The Fires of Purification, the FAT Ones shall come forth to break the yoke over the neck of The Nations!”

I heard these Words, ”As The Golden State emerges from The Fires of Purification, the FAT Ones shall come forth to break the yoke over the neck of The Nations!”

Then I heard, ”California! Watch! For a prodigal State shall come back to its senses to be restored and reformed.

And many have cried out, ”Judgement has come upon California!”

But I say, ”Justice has come — and Divine Judgement against the powers and principalities of darkness — against the altars of Baal, and the idols that sit upon them!

a set of scales at tipping pointI say The Scales have tipped — and a prodigal state that squandered it’s inheritance has begun to turn — and return!

I say, California, The Golden State of The United States, shall arise from the ashes and shine, for now My Glory has risen upon you, and kings and all Nations shall be drawn to the brightness of your rising.

Have I not said, “Gold! Gold! My Golden State among The Nations”?

For surely I tell you, I shall settle for nothing less in these days than pure gold! Yes — Pure Gold is what I AM looking for in the midst of The Nations.

Watch, as My Purifying Fires and My Winnowing Winds now blow forth upon the threshing floor of Nations.

See! For in this time, I have marked a people and I have marked places. So I say to you, California — you are a marked people and a marked place for a visitation of My Glory!

Listen! For all of Creation is groaning! For in the midst of the earthquakes, I shall shake and awakes the sleeping Sheep Nations, and in the midst of the rising tsunamis, I shall turn the tides and overturn the tables of Goat Nations.

But I say to you — My Prodigal Golden State Nation — in the midst of the burning, there is now a Divine Turning and a Changing of The Guard!

For I tell you California — you shall surely come to your senses and return and be fully restored!

California, fear not — for My Fires shall purify and My Winnowing Winds shall sift and separate!

Behold! I do a new thing! Do you see it?

California, I say, “Come up higher!” Watch — for in the midst of the devastation, I AM bringing forth a mighty demonstration of My Mercy and a supernatural manifestation of My Seven Spirits that shall cause a new move of My Word and My Spirit to go forth like a mighty Whirlwind across these lands!

I say, get ready! For as My Golden State emerges from The Fires of Purification, so shall my “FAT” Ones come forth — Florida, Arizona and Texas — and the FATness of their necks shall break the yoke over The Nations of The United States in the coming days!”

I heard The Spirit say concerning Florida, Arizona and Texas, ”These shall come forth as Yoke Breaking States, that shall break break break the yoke of woke in the days ahead!”

Note: Please see these words for context:

“A Now Word for The Nations!“

“The Fatted Calf — The Fat Ones Coming Forth in a Time of Famine“ — Florida, Arizona and Texas.

“You Say Rapture — but I Say Rupture!” ”I showed you My Glory… before I showed you The Gory!”

So today, I was taken back to this poignant Prophetic Word, “You Say Rapture — but I Say Rupture!“

As I was before The LORD, I heard these Words, ”There is a sudden and violent shaking that is coming, that will prepare the foundations of Remnant Nations to carry the weight of My Glory and Great Awakening!”

A few days ago, a friend of mine was sharing with me that she had a powerful dream of a great Tsunami, and then a week or so later, she had a very significant Dream of a mighty earthquake that took place deep underground, one that literally shook the very foundations of Nations.

While we were sharing about her two dreams, I knew by The Spirit that both her Dreams were intrinsically connected.

The Spirit of Revelation had shown her first a great Tsunami that was coming to The Nations — and then a mighty earthquake that would shake the foundations of Nations.

I believe that the Dreams were speaking to a powerful Prophetic Sequence — a poignant kairos time on God’s calendar.

I submit, God is now dealing with the Foundations of Nations — the Root Systems of Nations — are being meticulously inspected.

God is exposing the rot of unrighteous roots that have defiled the fruits, and He is uncovering the cracks and the deep fractures that have brought mixture, and created false foundations.

All that can be shaken — will be shaken!

God is cleansing and purifying the root systems and He is taking Nations back to their Covenant Foundations.

He must — and will — prepare the Foundations of Nations before the weight of His Glory can come.

The Glory carries great weight, and if the Foundations are not prepared to carry the weight of The Glory — The Glory will bring great destruction and not Divine Restoration!

I heard The Spirit say, ”I showed you My Glory — before I showed you the gory!”

Ha! So take heart beloved — that when the great and violent shaking comes — and it surely will — know this — the Redemptive Plan of God in the midst of The Gory, is to prepare a resting place for His Glory!

I hear The Spirit say, ”In this New Era, like Job, many will say, ”I knew Him by the hearing of my ears — but now my eyes have seen Him!”


Okay so let’s look at the message from God called California fires and DEI and this is a message from God from January the 11th 2025. … Okay this is the word from the father settle in for the greatest days of your life. Settle in and start praising me that it is done. Settle in and know that you know that I am The Great I Am and nothing is impossible with me. I am a promise keeper and I have promised my glory through all of my true prophets. I have promised a harvest for you and your house and for my son’s Kingdom. And I have promise the evil ones will be gone and consider it all done. We are days out from the most magnificent day in modern history. You think I mean Trump’s inauguration, no my Day. When Everything Changes in my Earth and rids you of all the evil ones. We are excited in heaven for my glory to fill this Earth.

Be expectant and excited. When the dust settled after the shaking you will be rejoicing and dancing like little children as you experience my glory and my blessings. Have you considered the weather makers in the fires in California? What part did the weather makers have in the Raging Inferno fire that has destroyed lives and ruin so much in a short amount of time. Why this area? And was this set and being set on purpose? Ponder these questions and I will tell you more as I expose the evil behind all of this. The mayor of LA and the governor will not withstand this devastation. I said that I would turn California red this fire will impact the elections for the leaders of of LA and California.

It is a crime what they have done withholding water when there is plenty. Putting their DEI agenda above the well-being and safety of millions of people. DEI no more. I have had enough of these people ramming their sin down my people’s throats. I am shutting DEI down and it will be soon. Do not tolerate this evil from the pit of Hell anymore. If you work in DEI repent and come to me and let me guide you back on the Narrow Path. DEI is not of me and my son. We love everyone but I do not preach this Marxist propaganda in my Bible. My love book says love one another and marriage between one man and one woman. We are not to shun the sinners but love them. But you are not to promote people because of their sin. If you have instituted a DEI program in your business dissolve it now. Put your DEI people doing something that will be of more benefit to your business. DEI is not of me. Just a few few more days and everything changes. The world will never be the same get ready be excited and be expecting my Global event. I love you. Adon Amen.

Julie Greeen - THE YEAR OF RECKONING IS HERE - January 2, 2025

My children, a statue in this Nation is about to fall. They said it was a symbol of freedom and hope when it was meant as a symbol of enslavement. This symbol, this statue that has stood as a lie and an insult to the Nation of My Eagle, will come crashing down. When you see this fall, do not cry or fear, for I, the Lord, am removing all their statues, symbols, and monuments against Me. Soon, you will not see the Statue of Liberty anymore or others like it. 

These symbols and monuments will be exposed to the world for what they really mean and stand for. My children, your leaders have deceived and lied to you repeatedly. These are symbols and monuments of bondage that represent your freedoms being destroyed. Your leaders mocked and laughed at you for admiring these symbols and for looking at them as symbols of hope when they are the exact opposite. 

These leaders also told you many things that enslaved you and took away your freedoms. Many people fell for these lies: hook, line, and sinker. But now is the time for judgment and justice. And as you see your governmental officials fall, so will their monuments and everything else they have erected against Me, says the Lord. 

Oh, United States, you are still being controlled by Great Britain behind closed doors. You celebrate your freedom from them on the 4th of July, but behind the scenes, they enslaved you and took back control without many noticing. They are part of the establishment that has enslaved this Nation. 

Many thought this Nation had rid itself of the leaders from Great Britain long ago. My children, I will show you every leader in your government that allowed (control of) this Nation to be taken over by not only Great Britian, but also many others, like China. The establishment is not just leaders in this government but in many governments around the world. 

Your leaders are connected to many foreign leaders who have a stake in your Nation. They control and dominate what takes place in your government to benefit them. So, the United States foots the bill globally and pays for everything, as they take everything away from you. They are stripping your Nation of what belongs to you. It might look like it is a good idea, and many people are excited to see these bills pass and excited that all this money is being given to other nations. Meanwhile, your Nation burns and lies in the ruins created by this rogue, out-of-control government

I will show you the connection your government and the establishment have to Rome. I will show you all this, including the great reset and the One World Government system. 

Rome has many secrets. Many people in your government buried their secrets there, but they are about to be released. My children, when I said nations would fall, I meant it. Nations will fall because of the evil they have been committing while having My Nation and My people foot the bill for all of it. 

The year of reckoning is here for the global regime and the Washington swamp. I have repeatedly told you that many of your so-called leaders will be removed. Many will be sentenced to jail for the rest of their lives, and some will be tried for treason. So, hold on because many unprecedented removals are coming, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Georgia: a major story is about to break in your state. Many of your leaders will suddenly fall. I am about to shine the light on what you have been hiding in the darkness. Your part in the 2020 election is about to explode everywhere

The dominoes are falling with the big lie. To the judges who covered it up: get ready because judgment is coming for you—no more buried secrets. No more covering up everything that helped you stay where you are. Those days are through. 

My children, 2025 is the year of reckoning for your enemies and the year for restoration and freedom for you, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 103:6
Job 22:28
Ps. 89:6-15, 34
2 Cor. 2:14
2 Chron. 20:6
Ps. 37:9-10, 12-13
Ps. 75:7
Ps. 43:1
Ps. 41:11
Rom. 9:28
Heb. 2:14
Isa. 54:17
Heb. 13:8


Woe to you in Washington. I see your weapons. I see your plans against My Nation. I see your strategies to take down the United States, to shut the world down, to start a war, to try another pandemic, to change the weather, to cause an economic disaster. You will try anything to see if it sticks to stop this Nation from moving away from you and your One World Government reset. 

I see your attempts with another coup against this Nation and My David. When will you ever learn? This Nation is not your Nation to keep, and you cannot control who leads it. Your days of running that charade have come to an end. I will show you that the power and direction of this Nation are not yours to control. 

Bombs are coming. You wanted war, oh Washington DC. Well, you are getting a war, but not one you created and not one you wanted. The bombs that are coming are bombs of truth. Truth is coming for you, and it will destroy all the lies you used to dominate this Nation. 

Your lies, manipulation, and money laundering are what have kept most of you in your seats of power. But when truth hits you in Washington, where will you hide? Where will you go to save yourselves from exposure, from the proof that is coming that cannot be denied? There is nowhere to hide, nor anywhere you can go that will be far enough away from Me or the judgment that will hit all of you

Oh, Washington: your secret books will be released, your servers severed, your communication cut off, and your way of controlling the economy and other nations ripped from you. Enemies of Almighty God, your days of leadership are expiring, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, watch Chuck Schumer and all who are with him implode because of his dark secrets and his dirty plan to sabotage My David and keep the machine running in Washington. It will all be exposed. Chuck, your dirty laundry is about to be aired in public. Neither your laptop nor what your phone has on it is safe. Your text messages and emails have been given to My infiltrators by someone who is right next to you that you believe is on your side when, in fact, they are on Mine

Something major is about to leak out regarding you, Chuck, that will force you out of where you are. I am removing you, no matter what is said about you and your health. Your secrets will soon not be secrets. Chuck, your days in the Senate are about to expire, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A compact agreement that was signed in Washington, and the terms of this agreement, will be released to the public. Little black books that have been in the hands of many in your government are about to be exposed. Oh, United States, I will show you their deal (plans) to end this Nation and save themselves while they watch this Nation burn. But none of them will see it come to pass. Instead, they will see the destruction of their establishment in front of the world

A governor is about to make a major slip-up and expose who they really are. I told you before that the time for governors to fall is here. Watch how many fall and how unprecedented this is. When it takes place, it will rid the states of the evil regime controlling them. 

Alcatraz: I say again, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Many secrets that had been hidden will soon be released

Japan will be in your news for a significant reason. 

A major corporation is about to go bankrupt. 

You have not seen the lowest Disney will fall. Many more scandals will be exposed, and these scandals will gut this company, says the Lord. 

The film industry is about to take another major blow that it will not recover from. 

My children, you have entered a time of change in leadership within the seven mountains of influence and a time of My Glory filling this Earth and destroying the evil that has dominated and tried to swallow the Earth in a darkness that it could not get out of. 

I am dismantling their army, the global regime, and the global reset they were about to force this world into. I will break their system and their reset. 

So, hold on My children. Things will shake. Things will be different. Things will seem unusual. But I am changing things for you and ridding you of your enemies from every place where they enslaved you. These will be glorious days ahead for My Church, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Isa. 40:17
Ps. 22:27-28
Ps. 47:8-9
Ps. 113:4
Ps. 112:8-10
Job 27:7
Heb. 10:30
Hag. 2:22
Ps. 82:8
Isa. 61:11
Ps. 18:39
John 8:32
Joel 2:28
Acts 2:17
John 17:13-17


The message from God I received in the morning and in the evening last night it came to me in two parts and um it’s called Canada, Greenland, and the Book of Enoch. And this is the words of the heavenly father to me. You should not doubt me or my son, have I ever let you down. No and I will not. Wait on me saith the Lord of hosts. Wait on me don’t get ahead of me just wait on me. I told you no insurrection and the election would be certified. It was a piece of cake and comma handled it well. She has had to eat some Humble Pie pray for her again she is on my heart as are all of my people I created.

Tonight’s the night you wonder each day the night is coming and when you wake up you will know. The shaking is happening and it will be only one day. Let me say that again I didn’t say it right I put too much too many periods in it the night is coming and when you wake up you will know the shaking is happening and it will be only one day. Remember and don’t forget check on loved ones and keep them from fear. Be the one they can count on for strength and a praye. Have you read The Book of Enoch? Enoch was and he is with me. He was my first prophet and they left his Book of Enoch out of my Holy Bible when it was canonized. Have you read it? There are clues in The Book of Enoch of my next move. But fear not my little ones all will be well. D

id I not tell you to watch Trudeau? Now watch the next moves Trump makes with Canada Oh Canada Canada my beautiful land you are now free. I will bring you a great leader who will bring peace and prosperity to your land. No more harassment of truckers and preachers. Oh Canada your freedom is here I love you. Did I not tell you to watch Trudeau and Greenland. The stage is set now that Trudeau is leaving and Don Jr went on his shopping tour of Greenland. America will expand and expand you will. America will have the greatest of all of the world’s resources. Oh my Donald will make it happen

The moves of the defunct government are treacherous and treasonous a country that has been so good and made these people millionaires famous and the easy fancy life they have robbed, and stol,n and done so much wrong. My books are overflowing with the crimes they have committed they will continue to hurt my USA until the moment they must leave. Line up the taxis and the moving truck trucks they are almost gone but gone with blood, crime, and dirt on their hands. My books have the accounts and I will hold them accountable. Many will face prosecution and soon you will see of my power and might as I changed this country from evil to a shining red, white, and blue. The darkness will fade and the country will change, Much good is coming I have it all planned.

So go now and pray, pray for my little ones and the evil ones too. Their days are numbered and then they meet me. Pray they repent that day excuse me pray they repent before that day as forever is a long time to regret a vapor time in the air. Enjoy these cold days and love on one another, believe my words and know I will never forsake you. I love you Adonai.


My children, you have entered the days when all the leaders against Me and your Nation will be called out from their places of power, exposed, and removed. You do not realize how justice will be served, but it will be served in unprecedented ways

The old guard will be drawn out of Washington and evicted from every seat they sit in, every seat they stole to control and collapse this Nation. Your so-called leaders in Washington are right now trying to bankrupt this Nation and send it spiraling out of control with no way of saving it

They are stacking the deck against My David and the citizens of this Nation (to the point) where there will be no hope of salvaging anything this Nation stands for or what it was founded on. (And they are) draining the strength of this Nation so it cannot stand against the global regime. But I will open the doors and expose every leader that has been part of the swamp, evict them, and (put them) in a jail cell where they belong

Classified documents with damning proof against the old guard are about to be unclassified and exposed to the public. They will show how they have really been running this Nation. Breaking news stories will explode all over social media, and even the mainstream media will be forced to air the truth on their platforms. 

The machine in DC is crumbling, and it will fall like the walls of Jericho in front of this Nation

The contents of a laptop will come out, which will cause a backlash in Washington, setting the stage for the biggest political reset in human history. The Obamas will fall. The Clintons will fall. The Bidens will fall. Pelosi will fall. McConnell will fall. Romney will fall. Graham will fall. Jeffries will fall. AOC will fall, along with the entire squad. Chuck Schumer will fall. The swamp rats of DC will all be exposed—their connection to each other and the connections they had and have with foreign leaders and governments to take out this Nation. 

It is all coming out—the 9/11-style attacks, their attacks on the electric grid, the economy, society, big pharma, and social media to silence the truth, and the attacks they have had against the church and the entertainment industry. I will show every style of attack they planned and the ones they were successful in doing, for a time, for their own fall

Not only will I bring down the January 6th lie, but there is also a laptop that will break open the doors on the 2020 election

There are wiretaps and video proof on a computer that show the planning of the Butler, PA attempt and who led that attempt against My David. 

There is another laptop out there with proof of how right now they are sabotaging My David and his presidency. 

Many know about Hunter’s laptop, but there are other laptops that will be released that will destroy the machine in this Nation once and for all. Laptops are about to become the establishment’s worst nightmare, says the Lord of Hosts. 

There is another laptop that shows how deep China is embedded in this Nation and everyone who is working with them

There is proof on another laptop that shows the payoffs in the Afghanistan withdrawal and the payoffs to other countries to drain this Nation as much as it could, to bring the United States into a One World Government and a one-world currency. 

My children, hold on because as these laptops and the contents of these laptops are released, they will bring damage, shaking, and shock. 

Soon, the contents of what was hidden in Mar-a-Lago will be known— what “the Biden” was after to try to salvage his presidency and to save the establishment. The proof is coming. 

Get ready for the fireworks of freedom to begin—freedom from the hands of this regime. It is all coming to an explosive place. So, get ready for a great change in leadership and freedom in this Nation, says the Lord of Hosts.  

 The Sears Tower is about to be in your news for a shocking reason. There has been more going on in this building than people realized.  

 The Hollywood Walk of Fame will be in your news for a surprising reason.  

Busch Gardens will be in your news for a shocking reason.  

Disney World is about to fall in an unprecedented way.  

England is about to be in your news for an unconventional reason.  

Nellis Air Force Base will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Hold on, My children. 2025 will start out with a bang. But remember all that I have said to you. Your enemies are falling, and this is the time when My children will come alive and be restored. 

My United States is coming alive in 2025. And your enemies’ nations will all fall in unprecedented ways. This, My children, will bring great shock and awe because of how I, the Lord, bring all of this to pass. Hold the line because things are about to shake in unprecedented ways to give you back your freedoms, says the Lord your Redeemer.  


Prophecy Scriptures:
Prophecy Scriptures:
1 Tim. 6:12
Josh. 1:5
Heb. 13:8
Isa. 55:11
Ps. 33:10
Josh. 2:9-11, 24
2 Chron. 7:14
Josh. 4:22-24
Josh. 6:2-5
1 John 4:4
Josh. 6:10, 15-16, 20
Job 27:7
Jer. 11:18
Amos 3:7
Joel 2:28
Acts 2:17
Matt. 12:25
Heb. 10:23


So, here’s the message from God I received it on January 2nd 2025. You’re going to see this on January the 4th. And this is, and you see I’m recording on January the 2nd. Trump will be certified no Insurrection on January the 6th. This is from the father. You should consider my son. Yes, you have been told about him and you wondered but you thought you had time. Do you ? Consider him now before it is too late. We love you and want you to be a part of our family. Come to me my precious child, put down what is holding you back and come to me. I am love, the father of love. The love the world portrays is not nearly the love that I have for you. I desire you and I created you. I made you and I know every single detail about you including your thoughts, your dreams. and your desires. your hurts and I know what is best for you. Come let me guide guide you and get to know me and my beautiful son Jesus.

You may be here because you were looking for something that my Prophet says or does to take her down. But child I love you so much that I orchestrated for you to be here to hear me tell you that I love you. My Prophet will fail in many things but I will never fail you. Now come to me your heavenly father. The deals are being made and the counters are going on but this January 6th will go off like a hitch. Trump will be certified and we will march on to the 20th. The speaker Johnson, will stand and the house will stay intact. There will be no Insurrection like was fixed and hoaxed in 2020. The Jig is up and my man Trump will go in. The Golden Era will begin and you will rejoice. Rejoice I say rejoice, my glory is beginning to spread throughout the Earth and you will feel it. I have told you of my beautiful glory and it is time. I have said it will span for a seven year time. My naysayers you complain of seven years of glory and you complain of what happened in Egypt after the seven years of plenty. I am setting it all up for my son’s bride. Look for my glory and rejoice in it. If you complain and look for the bad you will miss this most beautiful ride.

Remember everything is a choice in your life. Choose wisely my child. Complaining about what I am doing in this earth will rob you and steal from you the blessings you could have. So repent of complaining and turn to me. I have great plans for each of you. But murmuring and complaining kept the Hebrew children from entering the promised land for 40 years. Murmuring and complaining will delay your Promised Land as well. Repent for complaining and a word to those who speak against and publicly insult my prophets. Repent a prophet’s reward you shall not see repent as I cannot grow you when you go to their Channel looking for one imperfection in their look, their hair their speech, and even their grammar, or accent. You should repent these are my servants whom I have called they pay a high price they pay a high price to bring you my word. Now repent and tell them you are sorry for what you have said. There is only one perfect in My Kingdom you see he is my beloved Son Yeshua, the king of my kingdom.

My prophets my preachers and even my teachers are people like you who fall down and get up. They have feelings, and emotions, and families and stuff. So give them all a break and put yourself in their place. Soon you will see the dawn’s early light there is so much on the horizon for you to Delight. You must strive to live walking in love love never fails and I am love. I want you to have a pure heart and be child like. Come to me and ask me and I will make you like that. Your days are bright and beautiful you see walk in love with my son and tell of his love. Greater love has never been displayed than the gift of my son. And when he willingly laid down his life for you to live free. Free from sin, and free to come to me. Happy New Year my dear ones you are going to Rejoice. Now and now start singing Praise to my son’s name. The name above all names Jesus my beloved the king of all Kings Adonai Amen.

Veronika West - Warning America: An Unfolding Plan of Great Destruction! - January 4, 2025

Prophetic Warning: “Well Timed Distractions From an Unfolding Plan of Great Destruction!”

I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch and Pray — for I say this is a well timed Distraction from an unfolding plan of great Destruction!

Yes! A Distraction, from a deadly assignment that is already underway.

I say, Watch and Pray — for the 10th of January is designed to bring a Distraction to what has been demonically orchestrated by the hands of ISIS, HAMAS, Hezbollah and the Democrat Party,

Listen — and pay attention — for what has been carefully planned and meticulously crafted in darkness shall seek to bring forth mass Destruction in a time of Divine Transition and in the days leading up to the Presidential Inauguration.

I say, get ready! Assign Watchmen on the walls and set guards at the Gate — for the enemy has accelerated his pace to fulfill a fatwa against My Anointed.

I say, look! And look again! Shields up! For the recent terrorist attacks are but the tip of the iceberg compared to what has been carefully coordinated in multiple locations to bring great disruptions — and even greater Destruction by the hands of those hidden in plain sight!”

Julie Green - THE UNITED STATES WILL NOT FALL- December 27, 2025

I, the Lord, this day say woe to you, enemies of Almighty God. I see you lurking in the shadows and around the corners. I see what you are doing all over My Nation. I see your attacks, and I see what you are trying to do to get revenge against My David and against the American citizens who voted for him. You want revenge. You want to act. You want to tear apart this Nation limb from limb because if you cannot have it, no one can. 

Well, I will tell you, enemies of Almighty God, you will not see the day when the United States falls. You will not see that day. This United States is not falling. Your empire is falling. Your globalist agenda is falling. Do you hear what I say, enemies of Almighty God? Those of you in Washington, DC, will not have your way. You will not get past Me. 

I, the Lord God, this day, say that this is My Nation, and you will know that for a fact. You are trying everything with the occultic world. You are trying everything with your foreign friends, your foreign enemies, and their militias. You are trying everything with technology. You are doing everything and using every weapon in your arsenal. Do you not know Who I am? Do you not know that you are not greater than Me? Not only will I show this Nation, but I will show all My children around the world that I am the one, true God

I see you eyeing New York City. I see you eyeing Los Angeles. I see you eyeing Chicago and Houston. I see your targets. I see Boston. I see that you have targets on them, but you do not see Me. You do not see My Army. You do not see My hedge of protection

You are pointing your weapons at these cities, but My Army and their weapons are pointing at you. Once you give the green light for these attacks using foreign militia, AI technology, or any other form of technology you have, it will be directed at you

You will fall. You will have total annihilation and destruction. You want to shut down the world? You want to have another plandemic? You want to have another world war? You want to have the financial system completely collapse, burying everyone underneath it

You will bury yourselves. You will collapse your empires once you touch that button, once you make those moves. You are through. Enemies of Almighty God, you are through. I have said, enough is enough, and that is what I mean—you, your empires, your rogue governments, your out-of-control spending, your out-of-control judges, and the lawfare you have had against My people. Enough is enough

I will say again—let My people go. I do not need to say it again because those words are still going forth, but apparently, you need to hear them. My people are not your slaves, and they are not yours to control. A great and mighty shift is coming. It will rock you to your core. It will rock your government. It will rock everything you have. You will not recover from this, no, not in this time. 

This is the time for My Glory. This is the time for My Church. My children, do you hear? Your enemies are on the prowl, and they have planned attacks, but it does not matter. You stand your ground. You stand with Me, and you will have that victory. You will have complete restoration, and you will experience My Glory like never before

That is what is on the other side of your enemies’ attacks and plans—their downfall and Me raising you up above every one of them. So, hold tight and hold fast because this is almost the end to everything that you see against you, says the Lord. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Isa. 8:10
Job 5:12
Ps. 14:4-6
Ps. 37:12-13
Isa. 54:15, 17
Ps. 21:11
2 Chron. 7:14
Ps. 33:10
Ps. 27:1
John 16:33
2 Cor. 5:7
Gal. 5:1
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
Ps. 18:48
Eph. 6:13
Ps. 21:11


Okay let’s get to the message from God. I know everyone wants to hear what God had to say. And he said the music industry will change Beyonce, Madonna, Rihanna, Taylor, and Katie, and Oprah too. Let me get something to drink. Okay that’s my little zivia drink it’s made with stevia it’s like a a healthy soda. Okay here we go this is from God and this is what he told me December 31st 2024. My Angel armies are on the move. It is 2025 and it is the greatest year to be alive. You are going to be so amazed at what I do in the Earth this year and the next seven. Everything Changes now. The morning has dawned and it is time for my people to rejoice. Rejoice that I am saving you from the evil ones. Rejoice that your prosperity is right on top of you. Rejoice your loved ones are saved and Living For Me.

Rejoice your family is restored. Rejoice you have peace in your home and in the streets. Rejoice the road government is in custody and the evil ones are gone. Rejoice the wars and rumors of wars are fading away and now is the time for peace peace throughout my land. Rejoice for my glory and the multibillion Soul Harvest. Rejoice that it is well with you. No more sorrow sickness pain and disease. No more debt lack and no more creditors calling. Rejoice as these promises I made and you will see and taste all of this in the year 2025. Rejoice the evil is being exposed and I am a merciful father. But I am just and the evil ones must pay the penalty for high treason and crimes against humanity. And pay they will many will with their life. But for some of those woo this is what it will take for them to finally turn from their evil ways and choose me and my son Yeshua. Many will not humble themselves and their fate is sealed for all eternity. But I am just. This Grieves me as it Grieves you to punish your child but choices are made and they know the consequences. Pray for the evil ones again your prayers are powerful and we are moving in the hearts of the few that will bend the knee and repent to me and my son Jesus. We love them so and want them all to repent but many will not. Pride, arrogance, selfish ambition, lust, and greed, are many of the sins they have branded themselves with.

You have watched much of Hollywood empty empty out as many are leaving this deep dark place and choosing a better brighter life for themselves and their children. The music industry will soon be turned around as their evil satanic messaging in their shows will be stopped. The symbolism and hand signals are not of me, they are of the enemy. The color coordination is to lure you in. Do not be deceived and teach your children well. Their shows of worship to the evil one will stop and come to a halt and I will deplete their bank accounts take their lavish homes and their clothes off their backs. How dare they try to deceive and lure my young ones into the occult and worship of the evil one. They are not going to be remembered for the beauty and gifts that I gave them but their fatal fall that takes it all. They are on a slippery slope I am done with them and my music shall be beautiful and meaningful and give peace and joy to my people. Enough of their shows that depict hell and the devil. Turn them off and shield your children. Watch them fall and pray for them. Woo.

I’m feeling the Holy Spirit they went to the dark side to advance their career and have this Grand glap lifestyle that does not fulfill. They may be rich in the world’s eyes but for most of them their life is shallow and empty and they are poorer than my poor ones. Pray for them and especially Katie she is always on my heart, I love her so. Beyonce and Madonna, and Rihanna, repent your days are numbered and soon it will be too late. You each know better but you think you know best. Taylor how dare you lead my young girls down the path of destruction. Fall you will if you don’t choose to repent. Pray for them again before it is too late. Oprah there is only one way to me repent and turn before it’s too late. You each have great influence but you cannot forget me. You have ignored me and said I will have time to repent. Do you? Choose wisely today as my death angel is moving the doors will close suddenly what side will you be on.

So my children I give you great news this year will be wonderful and the best year to be alive. Come close to me and give me a few. Look for me in your everyday life be an everyday person humble and meek. Be bold like my son and have great compassion for all be the bright light in the everpresent darkness. My glory is coming and there is no time to waste. Study and pray and tell people of my son. This life is but a baby a vapor and then you will be done. Lay up your treasures in my heavenly Vault when I open your book your Treasures woo will fall out. Be excited and expectant in this year will be grand. Choose Wisely my children as the time is at hand. Today fix your thoughts on me and my son what is pure and lovely and all that’s good. Turn away from all evil on your TV and news, enjoy my creation and the loved ones I have given you. 25 will be glorious, a gift to my children enjoy this year as the glory has arrived. Woo amen Woo Hoo.


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, “the Biden,” Kamala, and the entire establishment will soon regret their acts against this Nation

They will regret every indictment. They will regret every attack against My David. They will regret the assassination attempts against him and anyone else that they tried (to assassinate) or were successful at eliminating to keep their system moving forward. They will regret the impeachments

They will regret the 2020 election. They will regret January 6th and the coup they made against the rightful president and this entire country. 

They will regret giving money to foreign enemies to bury their secrets. They will regret every decision they made against Me, says the Lord Most High. 

I am putting your enemies on the run. They will scatter. They will fall. They will collapse. They will implode. They will be removed. They will be annihilated as though they were never in their powerful positions, working to destroy not only this country but every country around the world. 

Bombshells of truth are coming that will knock them out of their seats and off their feet. Your enemies have no idea what I have in My arsenal, ready to fire their way

They built their empires and all their systems just to watch them burn. They will not see the outcome of their reset when or how they wanted. The collapse of their global government will send them running. It will send them into a panic they have never felt. 

My children, you are about to watch CEOs and presidents of multibillion, even trillion-dollar companies fizzle out like they never existed. Some will cry and scream, trying to save their precious fortunes and livelihoods by turning in others around them who committed the same crimes they did so that they can save themselves from the same fate. 

Jeff Bezos will fall and fall hard, and he will not fall alone. Bill Gates will also join him. 

Alphabet Inc., its founders, and its CEO will take a very large hit because of their dealings with Google. My children, once you realize what Google has been hiding and doing with its search engine, many companies will collapse, and governments around the world will be destroyed

This is the time of reckoning for those evil regimes that have dominated the world. The time of judgment is here for those against Me, and that will become clear, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Silicon Valley is about to shake violently with the truth that is about to hit those who have been controlling the Nation. Neither Apple nor Facebook will be exempt from the shaking. 

The curtains are about to open on the ones who have been hiding the most around the world. An entire system is falling before your eyes. My children, when it burns, it will bring great celebration to you, as I will protect you from their fallout and deliver you from their wicked hands. 

Do not fear what you are about to hear next from your enemies’ mouths because they will not get what they are trying to do to you. Instead, it will happen to them. Their days of being in the spotlight are ending, and your days are just beginning. 

Unprecedented, unconventional, and unusual is about to become normal for you to see, My children. Everything is about to change for your good. 

This is the time when the world will see Me as a Protector and Defender of My nations and My children, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 37:7-13, 18-19, 25
Ps. 34:16-17, 19
Ps. 33:8-10
Hag. 2:6-9, 22
Prov. 16:18
Isa. 54:17
Jer. 29:11

Julie Green - A GREAT EXCHANGE IS TAKING PLACE - December 20, 2024

I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, My children, nations are changing in a day. The winds of change are here to knock your enemies out from where they are all over the world. Their governments, their empires, their entities, their economies, their justice, their version of the law, and their enslavement over you and nations are over

My children, nations will turn to Me. They will be used by Me. The leaders will obey My plan for the nations, and the days of My Glory will be fulfilled

I have repeatedly told you that this is the time to overthrow your enemies. It is the time to rid yourselves of the corruption of their corporations, their health care systems, their entertainment, their news stations, their education system, their global government, and their reset

One government after another will collapse. In some nations, it will appear like anarchy, (with people) trying to overthrow their rogue governments. This is the time for great resistance like never before

My children, receive My Glory and My power so you can resist your enemies like never before. It is the time for their fall and demise

You will see Cuba’s government collapse. You will hear about Fidel Castro’s secret that is affecting people (even) today. You will see many dictators and their predecessors evicted from power. Communistic and socialistic nations will be cleaned from the evil that dominates their countries. 

WHO (World Health Organization): I am coming for you. Your organization will be ripped apart when I expose where all the money actually went and how many deaths occurred because of you. My children, this evil organization is part of the global regime. It was designed to control (the population) and (purposely) cause efforts of depopulation all over the world. I will open their bank accounts and show you their architects, blueprints, and their next planned epidemic, which they are so desperately trying to attempt at a very rapid pace to stop My David and his presidency. I will remove every person attached to this organization, and they will be judged in front of the world. Every global entity is coming down in unprecedented ways

The World Economic Forum will also collapse. I am saying this again, My children, call them down. These entities control more of your lives and nations than you ever realized. Call them down. Shout them down now. I have given you authority over anything that is against Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Once again, I am telling you to call the secret societies out into the open—for judgment to hit these societies and groups that are controlling this Nation and the nations around the world on a grand scale. Some of them are in your government, oh United States. They are the masterminds of your destruction. They are the ones controlling the establishment. 

Others are trying to sneak into My David’s cabinet to sabotage his administration and presidency. These societies have their hands in everything, so, My children, stand up against them. Call for their secrets to be secret no more, for their finances to dry up, and for their power to slip from them

These societies do exist, no matter what others have said. The Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones Society, and so many more are in your government, the entertainment industry, and corporate America. They control Hollywood. They are the puppet masters behind government officials. They have dug themselves into everything, and now it is time to root them out with a shout, says the Lord. 

Everything about January 6th is coming to the surface- proof of that day, the committee architects, and the blueprints. You feel the heat. You feel the shaking beneath your feet. I, the Lord, will show everything you did that day and after

Judgment is coming, oh Washington DC. This Nation will know all the skeletons you thought you had buried or destroyed. But I have it all. I know every person who was part of that day, and I will have My final say against you. 

My children, this Nation will shake with the revelations of January 6th and the big lie of 2020. Your enemies are trying everything to stop it, but they cannot. They will bring down the whole house of cards and will wipe out their establishment, their machine in your Nation, and their domination and control of other nations. 

This day is approaching, so brace for the impact this will bring to this country and the whole world. Where the giants are removed, there will be great shock and awe, but freedom and celebrations also come along with it, says the Lord your Redeemer. 

Sergio: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Comcast: I said this name again will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Akbar: this name will be in your news for a significant reason. 

Exchanges are taking place all around the world—exchanges of leaders, exchanges of economies, and an exchange of an evil class ruling My children. It is time for these great exchanges and for the great restorations they will bring. Nations are turning to Me as I move through with My Glory, says the Lord Almighty. 


Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 94:1-3, 10-15, 22-23
Ps. 33:10
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 97:2
Ps. 103:19-20
Ps. 105:5-8
2 Kings 6:17 (Gehazi’s eyes are opened)
Ps. 107:2
Ps. 149:7-9
Ps. 46:9
Jer. 1:10
Heb. 4:16
John 8:32
Luke 10:19
Luke 8:17, 12:2 (Hidden things will be revealed)
Isa. 54:17

Bev Cleary - January 2025


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Encourage yourself with My Words. Let the Words sink into your being. Allow them to transform you into an agent of Light. Don’t hide your light. Let it shine for the whole world to see. Creation is waiting. Heaven is watching. Choose life. Choose Light. Choose now.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Stand up against darkness. Take your authority now! It is in the church’s hands. It is the responsibility of the church to stand against the darkness that threatens to overtake America and the world. Destruction is calling for you. Push it back. Tell it, no, you may not take a step further. Church, it is in your power to do so.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Go deeper in becoming discreet. What is discretion? It is avoidance of causing offense. It is also not giving away private information. Fly under the radar. Be a soldier in My Army who can be trusted with sensitive information. Be a soldier who can be trusted to carry the wealth of the nations with the destination and purpose of obtaining My Glory and preparing for My coming Kingdom.


Words I received this morning from Jesus:

Grieve if you are sad. Be fully human and feel. Remember the scripture “… Jesus wept…”. Even I have emotions. But don’t stay there. Don’t camp out at the place of frustration, anger, fear, worry, bitterness, and depression. Those are not of Me. Count your blessings one by one. Worship and sing praise. This changes everything. This pushes back the dark clouds and allows light to be brought in.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The attacks intensify, yet your leader was certified. Don’t expect a reduction of intensity at this time. The intensity and strength of the attacks from the enemy will grow. When you have done all you can do, stand, therefore. Hold your ground. Do not back down. Do not give up. Remember that the battle has already been won. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy of your soul.



Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Praise. Sing. Rejoice. It is pushing back the darkness. It is effective. The prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Don’t grow weary in well-doing. The task is being accomplished. Change is happening. Redemption is near.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Dust. The flesh of man is dust. It’s the part of man that comes from dust and returns to dust. The serpent was brought low to eat the dust. He only consumes that which is dust, that which is flesh of man. Don’t feed the demons. Don’t allow your strength to become flesh, to become dust, to become food for the serpent. He roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The swings in the market…don’t be fooled! Listen for My still, small voice. Once you’ve put your hand to the plow, don’t look back. Wait. Wait for the right time to act. Wait for timing to come back for you. Observe the patterns. What goes up must come down. Up. Down. Up again. There is nothing new under the sun.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Ground swell movement of justice has started. Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing can stop Trump from entering the office of President of the United States. The enemy of your soul’s arms are too short. It is out of reach. Is My Arm too short? Can I not hear and see what is taking place? My America will stand. Nothing is too hard or impossible for Me.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Mental health. Lucidity. What is that? It’s the straight and narrow path. It’s eyes that can see and ears that can hear. It’s the path of life where there is no death. How do you get there? Focus on Me. Read My Word. Read it through the lens of love, mercy, and grace. That is the path to mental health. That is the renewing of your mind.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

It’s time. It’s time. Batten down the hatches. Prepare for war. Do not fear at this time. I Am with you. The enemy from within your nation, America, will rise with fierceness for a season. It is the enemy of your soul’s last time this go-around. It is his last finale before exiting stage left. All will be well under the shadows of My Wing. Fear not, for I have overcome the world.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Springboard. It begins soon. Get in position if you are not there already. Don’t try to time the bottom. At the appointed time, don’t try to time the top. This is a Biblical principal. Leave the corners of your fields untouched. Allow produce to be available for the gleaners to glean. Do not be swayed with emotion as the markets swing wildly. It is a test. Pass it with grace. My Grace.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

It is done. It is accomplished. In the spirit. The enemy of your soul has been pushed back significantly. War is minimized, destruction averted (not all). The economic collapse is on hold. The Greatest Depression pushed back for a season. Use this time wisely. It is a gift. It is not to be squandered. This doesn’t mean smooth sailing. The waters will be choppy. This means a reduction of strength of the enemy of your soul.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Ball bouncing. Up and down. A shaking out. Fast moves, too fast to time. Have your buy and sell orders ready. We are entering into the chaos period.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Be free to give as I direct. Let it flow from you, through you. As I pour in, don’t stop the flow that wishes to pour out. This is the definition of Living Water. It’s not stagnant water. Let it flow. Let it cleanse. Let it heal.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Stay prayed up. Wake up. Get up. Don’t go back to sleep and lay your burdens down before Me. Do this and prosper. Keep praying for the nation, America. Keep praying because the prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Prayer. It changes outcomes. Prayer activates My Word and the Spirit. It activates angels. It gets the job done.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Fire. Will fire be averted? “Fight, fight, fight!”your elected president says. Fight fire with fire. Fight the fire wishing, desiring to consume. Fight with the consuming fire from heaven. Heaven invades earth. Light from heaven causes the darkness to flee. Fire destroys. Fire purifies. Choose life before death chooses you. No choice is a choice. Stand. Fight. Pray.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. Are you beginning to see the evidence of this? The attack from the enemy of your soul is fierce because he is fierce with anger over losing. He is losing. What he desires is being torn from him. Strike the ground. Again. Again. Again. Do not be slack in this. Yesterday was only one battle won. It’s not over till it’s over.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Silver screen. Hollywood. The cinematic industry shall be changed. New historical accounts of our nation never heard of, never seen, never understood will be created. A greater understanding of the complex past. A greater knowledge of where you have come from unearthed. My people perish from lack of knowledge.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

What is from Me? Pain, death, destruction? I say no. That is from the enemy of your soul who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. I bring refreshing. I bring you peace and security. I bring safety and protection from the elements of the fallout. Don’t be caught out in the open away from the shelter of My Wings. Understand your source and Who your help comes from. It comes from Me.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

New. New song. New season. New names. New ways. Time sped up but yet seemingly caught, hung up, not going forward. A return of greed. A return of the roaring 20s. A widening gap between the haves and the have not. Swirling. Volatile. Don’t expect a smooth transition. Pray without ceasing.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Stoff. Smart car. Swartz. German made. New technology beginning in Germany. Ending in America. A new way of driving . Modeled in Europe. Made in America.

(I’m trying to grow with this. He spelled out S t o f f and then spelled out S w a r t z. I don’t know what this means. I don’t know if I’m hearing correctly. I’m stretching my faith and I’m trying to be obedient. Please be patient and take everything I hear to the Lord in prayer.)


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Pride goes before the fall. Pride is a stumbling block for your nation, America. Stay focused on Me. Stay focused on the great COmission. Now is not the time to be overly confident. Pray for Trump as he navigates dark waters. Pray for discernment and discretion. Pray for him to be surrounded by the right people. Keep praying.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Rise up. Get up. Go up. Go higher. Breath free. Forget what is behind. Focus on the now. Let Me lead you step by step. The murky darkness disapates with the lamp I provide you lighting up each step. Step by step, let Me lead you along the narrow, straight path towards righteous and eternal glory and peace.


Words I received this morning from Father God:

I swear, every DAY seems like it lasts for only 3 hours. Every DAY I say to myself…..”Where the HECK did the time go? I completed TWO tasks, when I normally would have completed 10 in the same amount of time. My neighbor told me he’s experiencing the same thing. He said he can’t figure out where the time is going every day.

Time is DEFINITELY speeding up.


Words I received this morning from Father God:

Holiness. Do none of My people understand the Word? Some do. There is a remenent who heed the warnings. They see the light coming from the lighthouse and avoid destruction. Sowing and reaping has sped up. Time has sped up. Everything is moving and unsteady.  Many moving parts appear to be chaotic but are actually all coming together for the end time harvest of souls. Everyone is heading owards their posts now. Let My Spirit lead you there. Heed the call of wisdom. It will give you understanding and strength.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Not everything can be prayed away. There is much that can be lessened. Keep rising higher. Keep going up. Keep internalizing My Word, allowing it to change you. These are the days of preparation. Prepare for war.



Words I received this morning from Father God:

The bedrock of faithlessness in the United States has been cracked, broken, dug up. Sin has led to exposure. Hidden things pulled up by the roots. It looked unbreakable. It was not.

(Jeremiah 23:29 “Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”)


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Do not become offended in the days ahead. The disruption will be severe but will not last long. It is necessary to shake up the nation of America, to shake My sleeping ones awake. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Lean into Me. Let Me cover you with My Wings. Eyes focused on Me shall stand and not fall. Through it all I Am with you.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Test the Words coming from the prophets and the seers. Weigh them against My Word. Let Word interpret Word. How do you know when the Word spoken is flesh is in rebellion? That’s it. It will speak of rebellion. It will go against canon against scripture. You must study yourselves to be approved. (2 Timothy 2:15)


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

You are entering a new era in time. A new way to transact. A new way of approaching work, food, water, and living everyday life. Dreams and visions are the blueprints showing the way. You will speak to the nations. You will speak for the nations. You will intercede on their behalf. Kings will come to you for help, for advice. Why? Because you have risen. You shine. Your light has come.


Words I received this morning from the Father God:

There is electricity in the air. Sparks flying. Metal against metal. Lightning and loud thunder as the storm approaches. War mixed with storm. Both at the same time. Batten down the hatches. Prepare for rough seas. The shaking must take place to wake up My sleeping children. It will only be for a little while. It is not My Will for any to perish but for all to be saved.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Take communion often. Gather together and worship. Pray in unison, in agreement. This is not the time of discord but of being with one accord.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

You will see sickness and disease diminish more and more. Life spans will begin to increase as health returns to the people. Speak life over yourself. Life and not death. Blessings and not curses


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The battlefield. It begins in the mind. Take every thought captive. This is war. War in the Spirit. Focus your thoughts on things above. Release the hounds. Nothing shall remain hidden. It starts in the mind. If you can choose to align your thoughts with Me, you have won the battle. Speak My Words out of your mouth. Declare it out loud. The angels will obey because the Words are Mine mixed with belief. The less unbelief you carry within you, the stronger the command is that you speak. It takes just a grain of mustard-seed-like-faith, but it also takes an undivided mind that does not doubt.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Let it rise. Let hope arise. Freedom is ahead. Freedom from tyranny, oppression, imprisonment, slavery. Freedom to worship Me. The truth revealed how to worsnehip Me. It has been buried, but truth is coming to the surface. What does this mean? It means many have not loved Me with their whole heart. Many have not loved their neighbors as themselves. A religious spirit has taken hold. A lukewarm gospel has also been portrayed as coming from Me. I desire to be worshiped in truth and love. Do not add to or take away from My Word. I desire to have a meal with you. I desire a relationship with you


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Training time. Build up your faith. Get ready. Begin preparing for the greatest harvest of souls. Seek Me on how this is done. Seek Me on your part as a worker of the harvest. Get ready.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Expect instability and power grabs. The old guard has been struck with a mighty blow. A third group is trying to emerge because of the temporary void. It will attempt to gain strength and take a foothold. Pray against it. Pray the new administration works quickly to keep its momentum.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

This is training. This is your training. This is time spent at My feet hearing all the Words you need to hear for the days ahead. Workers of the Harvest pay attention. Do not sleep. Do not be slack in your training. Time is short. The days are evil. Look to the president of America. Follow his lead. He is making the most of the precious time he has. He is capturing every moment possible for My Glory. He is right-sizing a nation.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

You will soon look around, and your enemies will be no more. You will search for them but will not find them. Tired from the fight, Tired from their constant needling, you will desire sleep and rest. No. Stay viliglent but rest in Me. No to sleep, yes to perfect rest in Me. Your actions, your stance after the enemy of your soul has been subdued, determines what happens next. Do you rise righer or do you sink in the mire of sleep?


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

I will no longer tolerate the lukewarm. I will no longer tolerate riding the fence with one foot in the world and one foot in My Kingdom. When the shaking fully comes, it will be impossible to remain there. In the days ahead, it will be clear who is on what side. You won’t have to guess. You won’t have to wonder.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Wipeout. The enemy has experienced a wipeout. The enemy of your soul was riding a wave of destruction never before seen in this land. Then I stepped in. Crash and burn. The enemy has crashed and is burning. Their power is gone. Influence, gone. Money supply, gone. It’s over. All that is left is justice.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Stay prayed up. Wake up. Get up. Don’t go back to sleep and lay your burdens down before Me. Do this and prosper. Keep praying for the nation, America. Keep praying because the prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Prayer. It changes outcomes. Prayer activates My Word and the Spirit. It activates angels. It gets the job done.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Hear the Word today. “It is finished” (John 19:39). It was all completed 2,000 years ago. Receive it. Creation cries out for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Walk in the power that has been given to you. How? Begin by breaking down the walls of your unbelief. Exercise your muscle of faith. Continue to do this even when you do not yet see the evidence. Faith is evidence not yet seen. Faith is the currency of heaven.

(Habakkuk 2:3-4 NKJV “For the vision is yet. For an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”)


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

What good is gold and silver? What good is a hard wallet full of crypto if there is not My Word, clean water, and food available? There is a famine coming. Not just of food and water but of My Word. Hide My Word in your heart.  Know it well. Allow Me to show you how to prepare for the lean times. It is not for now but it will be a suddenly. It will be a surprise for most. It shouldn’t be a surprise for you  who listen for My still small voice.


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

Actions speak louder than words. A visual often has more meaning than writing on a page. Just like the prophets of old, you are to be an open book to the people. You are to demonstrate through the moments of your life, like punctuated still frames, what a christian, a disciple of Christ looks like. People are watching. As people wake up, more will be watching. It’s time to rise and shine.

Patty Teichroew - ??? 2025


Words I received this morning from the Lord:

The battlefield. It begins in the mind. Take every thought captive. This is war. War in the Spirit. Focus your thoughts on things above. Release the hounds. Nothing shall remain hidden. It starts in the mind. If you can choose to align your thoughts with Me, you have won the battle. Speak My Words out of your mouth. Declare it out loud. The angels will obey because the Words are Mine mixed with belief. The less unbelief you carry within you, the stronger the command is that you speak. It takes just a grain of mustard-seed-like-faith, but it also takes an undivided mind that does not doubt.

Manuel Johnson - Urgent Word: The next 50 Days Trump & Vance? - Nov 19, 2024

He goes my children whoa my children as you have witnessed my word will continue to be established in your nation. Yes, the United States will continue to produce fruit from my Vineyard whom I have leased for this time and a time, for a time, and a time. Okay Lord and for a season and a season. My spirit will move wow now this one you got to be this was very powerful. As the Lord started to deal with me this is like wow very powerful. Hallelujah …..Saints these are ut that last

So the Lord goes on, glory to God. I mean this is really great so Lord I Thank you for the anointing putting on this broadcast here Jesus I give you the praise Lord I give you the praise. I give you the praise. My God and so I um I the Lord goes on he says my spirit is about to move upon the governors of your land. so get ready governor I his Spirit the Lord’s spirit is about to move on the governors of the land. He said your land so things are not just going to just be moving and grooving in the White House God’s saying I’m going to move upon the governments of your land although there are some who believe they can resist my will wow not so there will be a great Exodus among the governors get ready just like we’ve been seeing the Lord said 2025 the is upon us 2025 it’s going to be a great Exodus among the governors oh Lord know you thinking about California. Oh I know you’re thinking about California also yes Lord and I believe you I you know oh Lord don’t forget New York. Heavenly father my God there such a Lord I Thank you for what you’re about to do. Get ready Saints you saw the

presidency this year. The Lord says you’re going to see movement in the in the government seat a governor seats excuse me the governor seat of the United States. It’s going to be an he says going to be a great Exodus he’s used the word great Exodus among the governors of the United States. Many will resign and many will finish their course but I the Lord of hosts have made a long-term plan for my children. I will raise up many Josephs in your land whom I whom have a heart after righteousness and I will govern your land with the counsel of my spirit. And I have planned my spirit and I place my spirit excuse me of wisdom and Counsel on my servant.

I’m saying this as I’m reading this I’m my I’m telling you I’m feeling this strongly. Those of you those of you that are from New York that is watching me right now. Those of you that are from New York get,r eady get ready. There’s are going to be something in the area and the governor I believe she’s a woman I could be wrong. All right is the governor of New York a woman, let me know. It doesn’t matter if she’s a man or a woman I just want to know yes watch 2025 2025 remember last this year I said this is not going to be a good year for the enemies of God and it is not. … The Lord is showing this so I don’t know what God’s plan is but New York is going to be known as a as a God-fearing State. The Lord made it very clear. New York is going to be known as a God-fearing state. I’m I I am I’m telling you as I’m writing this down. I mean so God gave me utterance on it. Okay, this woman in New York is not going to have a good year she’s going to want to get out of of New York because it’s not going to go well from her. So you get ready and then the Lord is going to start dealing and I’m in California. And the Lord is going to start dealing with the governor in California. So get ready Saints Hallelujah there’s more I’m going to read more glory to God the Lord said he is going to put his Joseph spirit in the governors of the United States that’s a great thing. Lord Almighty and there’s more we’re just on page one we’re just on page one there’s more. …

I have called I have called a window of Grace upon my church. Uh oh. Now God goes in and starts dealing with the church says I’ve called a window of Grace upon my church my children my bride. You will all see a push back of the enemy’s plans. Now God’s give me this the second time he’s done it. I see a grace period of 12 years as what he showed me, 12 years. I’m not saying there could be more. There could be more, but he showed me a 12 year window. But there could be more as I have added 15 years to my servant Hezekiah whom I have anointed king over Judah during his time. So you will see my children and many will say the Lord is on our side. Wow.

Now the Lord talks about 50 days from now. Now he talks about 50 days from now. So this could happen between it doesn’t I’m not saying it’s going to happen on the 50th day. I want to make this very clear. I’m not saying this is going to happen on the 50th day. But I’m God is showing me within the 50 days. I heard the word as a Lord spoke he used the word ambush. Many will say to the Lord the Lord is on our side then the God goes I have set an ambush for Those whom believe the inauguration on your calendar year. January 20th? Is it it’s January 20th? Now the Lord didn’t say January 20th I’m saying January 20th. I just heard the word inauguration on your calendar year. That’s all I heard. So January 20th is that the inauguration I want to make sure we get that right. Somebody put up there on the chat the day the date of the inauguration this is extremely important okay thank you. Okay Darlene has helped us out thank you hallelujah. …

There is a demonic plan there’s a demonic plan and this is I heard the word God said one thing and then the Lord showed me what the enemy said. And I heard the word that we the enemy now this is not God now God let me hear what was happening behind the scenes in the dark places. And I heard the word let us try and I heard the word … sabotage they wanted to sabotage let me correction there I want I heard the word sabotage sabotage the inauguration sabotage the inauguration so excuse me I need to correct that but the Lord said he’s going to set an ambush. Okay I got it right the Lord’s gonna set an ambush because they going to try to sabotage the inauguration and the Lord says the inauguration is mine just as the election is mine. I will anoint my servant not with a Presidency anointing I didn’t even know there was a President anointing. But I guess there is but to take an authority like a king I will push the tension I will press the tension between those in my land push the tension what going on. …

Wow keep your spiritual eyes awake now the Lord turns his eyes back on what we call the White House My children do not sleep your keep your spiritual eyes awake there will be also so that’s not the only one there will also be another great Exodus in in the White House. I’ve allowed the spirit of panic and many will say it’s time to abandon abandoned ship. For I will bring, yes, your ears will tingle when I bring for a time and a time a Unity among both parties. Whoa I could have I really thought he was going to say bring a to the church I said Lord we know that but this was not what he said he said I will she said for a time in a time I will bring Unity.. So we’re thinking it’s going to be you know one thing God is saying I’m going to surprise my church and I’m going to bring a Unity between both parties. Among both parties and many will know I am the Lord. Wow! Wow! …

Look at that so I’m giving you this is what God said he’s going to do so I’m going to index more I love this Wow father I just receive it let every word be established I love this I love this a Unity between both parties and many will know I am the Lord and many will say the Lord has healed our land and the dragon Will Be Tamed and the bear will be fed and will be in Slumber for a time in a time and many nations will do exports and imports with the land of milk and honey. Yes, my first my first fruit will not need to call upon help. For I the Lord would uphold them and they will open and they and they will open and my land will in my land . Now he’s talking about Israel will be healed. Wow so this is Israel ….

So it’s already written I have called for Air


Force One and I will bring a pro I will bring a providing Spirit upon the United States and many other nations who will uphold my servant Donald. And I will give my children another sign you will witness another sign. Now he goes you will witness another spike in the curreny mountain. The Lord says between January and February. The Lord didn’t tell me what was going to go up he didn’t say what was going to stay down but he’s saying I will bring another Spike to the currency Mountain. That’s all he said … He says I will show you a sign this one is going to be a sign this will be the year that many of my children 2025 will celebrate my goodness upon your land. And I will bring healing to the to many of my children. Now he’s talking the physical and you will know that I am the Lord. God is bringing healing. So so Saints I’m telling you I want to see it. Remember there was three bangs that took place this year exactly when God said it in February in January and February the first. Bang the second one happened in June and July we saw it the third we saw it during the election bang the the election took the Enemy by surprise . ww God did what he said he was going to do so the Lord is saying between now and 50 days there’s going to be God’s going to Ambush the enemy’s plans.

So there’s going to be inauguration. Jesus is going to stand behind Donald Trump his family and every all the officials. Jesus is going to be there he says while he is swearing himself in God says I’m going to anoint give him a Cyrus anointing. He’s going to give him a Cyrus anointing during the inauguration During the inauguration. And so what I saw was a glimpse of the inauguration. Donald Trump put his hand on the Bible and as he put his hand on the Bible. This is this is the what I saw in the vision. I have to tell you Donald Trump put his hand on the Bible. Okay I saw it it wasn’t it wasn’t a it didn’t look like this it was a black Bible it was a black Bible and he put his hand on it at the inauguration. And so I saw this in the vision and then Jesus was behind all of all this, his wife his his family, his uh his officials, and the vice president, all of the there his wife all of the the Lord was behind that and God was standing tall and the minute he put his hand on the Bible God put his hand on Donald and gave him a Cyrus a mantle. Not an anointing, it was a mantle. It was a Cyrus mantle that went on Trump doing the inauguration. It was very very powerful. It was like bang, it was there.

So, then something happened. People are going to think he’s he’s being arrogant. But he doesn’t realize he won’t he’ll realize it later on. But God has put a mantle on him that won’t stop. Because of that and they will feel like they can’t stop him. You heard me say in the last episode you heard me say in the last episode that God was going to take the house did it come to pass yes you remember remember we said it I had my dear friend Bo with me and I said God was going to take the house. Who remembers that who remembers that? I said God is going to take the house come on many of you remember that it came up on the on the bars that God was going to take the house. Who remembers that come on okay has it happened. Yes. Okay so you got to pay attention because that’s why the Lord said, between now and there’s going to be a great ambush from the Lord. It’s going to Ambush the enemy’s plans. And so and if you are like me, you’re going to see something unusual spiritual take place on the day of the inauguration. We’re going to you know it won’t be a normal inauguration. It’s not going to be normal. The Lord said this is my inauguration and I’m going to give him a mantle. He ain’t gonna he’s gonna know who he is like he you know. When this kind of manle is going to put such a fear in those that oppose him that you are going to see like the Lord said. Then you’re going to see that uh that the the spirit of of exodus in the White House. You’re going to see it the spirit of exodus this is we got to go we getting out of here. But the rest you’re going to see a Unity come together in Congress that’s what the Lord showed me. …

Fury in February,

March, March, March, into a new era