This blog post and warning for the Woke CEOs can be summed up as follows. Choose this day whom you shall serve. Will it be God or evil and the wicked who plot and scheme to remove God from society and destroy America? Do you stand for the lies and false doctrines of political correctness, or truth and righteousness?
You can feel it, you can sense it, there is an energy in the air that can be felt. Something spiritually has shifted in the country. It’s no longer business as usual, something has changed. As a CEO of a company, decision maker, manager, even in government the decisions you make have spiritual consequences on yourself and on society. Are you promoting good or are you promoting evil? Woke is not of God. It is an evil ideology which causes division in society, and forces its compliance through totalitarian means and destroys all who oppose it.
You miss the point if you think placating (spiritually comprising yourself) to the Woke crowd is just about financial trade-offs, stock prices, or even the potential loss of business from conservatives or Christians (get woke, and go broke). The point is that many of the decisions you make on behalf of your company are not political but moral. When you side with evil you damage your soul and sell out your country. Are you doing good in society, or are you doing evil and harming society?
So, what has changed in society is that God is in the process of separating out sheep and goats in society. God is taking back control from evil the areas of business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, religion, and family, known as the Seven Mountains of influence in society. He is separating out the wheat and the weeds, or tares. “Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’” [Matthew 13:30 RSV]
Christians are no longer are willing to be backed into a corner and have their voices silenced. They are becoming fearless with righteous anger. Why? Because they know that they will be judged by God by their actions and stewardship of their nation. In turn they are holding people and companies accountable to God’s Moral Laws.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” [Isaiah 5:20 RSV]
This move of God in the United States started as a Revival and is quickly moving into an Awakening [Third Great Awakening] which will spread worldwide. We have historical precedent for such events which can last for 50 years or more, but this one is different. God is the driving force behind the moral tsunami that is rising in society. You may call it the “fear of God” but it’s time to choose whom you will serve.
This move of God in the United States started as a Revival and is quickly moving into an Awakening [Third Great Awakening] which will spread worldwide. We have historical precedent for such events which can last for 50 years or more, but this one different. God is the driving force behind the moral tsunami that is rising in society. You may call it the “fear of God” but it’s time to choose whom you will serve.