Do we still “hold these truths” to be “self-evident”? The short answer no, and it’s the root cause of a majority of the problems we face in America today.

Do we still “hold these truths to be self-evident”? The short answer no, and it’s the root cause of a majority of the problems we face in America today. We still “hold these truths to be self-evident” of course is from the Declaration of Independence. Truth has not changed it’s timeless, immutable, because it is […]

Is God the reason why the Brunson vs Adams case was declined to be heard by the Supreme Court?

Many, including myself, were hopeful that the Supreme Court would rule in favor of the Brunson vs Adams case. [The lawsuits include defendants Pres. Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of congress for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims […]

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

British novelist essayist George Orwell in his book 1984 which is about a one party state. The party slogans are “WAR IS PEACE”, ‘FREEDOM IS SLAVERY’ and “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” The Ministry of Truth responsible control of the for propaganda, culture and entertainment. As well as revision the historical record. Because he “Who controls the […]