Revival - Third Great Awakening

Revival - Third Great Awakening - The Great Reversal - The Great Reset

Documenting the providential history of the United States of America

The unfolding of history and the ongoing struggles between good and evil for the hearts and souls of man

We are at a Red Sea Moment in history.

Do not think for a moment that God is done with the United States of America.  He has not forgotten about the American Covenant and will not allow through evil an illegitimate election to stand. The Revival started around the year 2020  then moving toward a nation wide Third Great Awakening, and those who have committed acts of evil against God and humanity will be held to account for their actions.

If you don’t normally pray for your country NOW would be a good time to do it. Pray for truth, righteousness, justice, and that God’s will be done, and that evil be bound and the corruption, crimes, and lies be exposed.

Revival-Third Great Awakening-Great Reset

Revival-Third Great Awakening Archive

Overview on the First and Second Great Awakening in United States of America

First Great Awakening ~1730-1770

Second Great Awakening ~1800 -1850

Quotes on the Revival-Third Great Awakening-Great Reset

“Were on the brink of the greatest move of God the world has ever know.” – Timothy V. Dixon – Timothy Dixon Ministry, Interview by Fireside Grace Ministries June 24, 2021

“I am going to give you back your United States of America. I am going to show my might in this hour. I will put off what they intend to do for five years from this day. And I’ll put it off longer if my people say. So, gather up your courage gather up your courage and fight. Gather up your courage your courage and fight. Gather up your courage, gather up your courage and fight. Gather up your courage tonight.” Robin Bulluck 1-1-2023

“He Is going to save you from things you don’t know you need to be saved from. Your nation will be known as before Trump and after Trump. The whole world will be known as before Trump and after Trump. This is my election; I will put him in there. This is a rescue operation, there are things most of you have not idea about. … I am giving him an Isaiah-Cyrus 45 anointing … 45th president.” – (A message from God given to Johnny Enlow before the election of 2016.)

“My message hasn’t changed. You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth. You must from now on target darkness in society. We are almost there. The pain is for the Awakening. The Awakening is your children.” – Johnny Enlow

 “We are at a turning point the fear is shifting from the masses to the criminal elite.” – Johnny Enlow 7-25-2022 on ElijahStreams

God says: “I am restoring America’s fortunes. I am restoring the republic that was lost in 1871.” – Johnny Enlow 9-6-2022

God. “This is a time that will go down in History, it will be remembered as the Greatest Spiritual War ever fought.” – Johnny Enlow 12-10-23

“The prophetic word as I got some things must remain hidden My son so that the enemy will be caught unprepared.” – Bo Polny 6-19-2022

“Out of all of those words, one jumps out at me: vengeance! It is time to make the devil pay for what he has done to California and our nation! It is time for vengeance on all the lies, political tyranny and suffering in America.” – Mario Murillo

“It’s dangerous because your enemy cannot give up. It’s not in his nature. It’s confusing because there are so many people that are not expected things on the scale of what will be happening. You need to be prepared to learn of things so evil. Even the most awake among you surprised and also repulsed on a level you haven’t yet imagined. Then you need to be prepared to have patience for those who are of the woke culture. They have been on a steady diet of blue pills and will be forced to swallow the red ones. (Reference from the movie the Matrix. A choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in contented ignorance with the blue pill.) They cannot escape what is coming, no one can. The quote church as become a cesspool of wokeism and that is a place there shouldn’t be sin. Everywhere else were its worse.” – Tiffany Root & Kirk VandeGuchte – 7-26-2022

“It’s the New World Order that is the Titanic. They’re the ones that are being taken down. This is not our system. This is not the world. Ahh this is not our civilization. Yes, the components that have been run by the deep state and there are many of them. That is why the Lord has allowed this to be. It has been some much clear for me. The protracted slow process is to allow for these boats to come in. These systems to develop for the rescue operations to be able to have multiple facets, multiple ways to come in. The slow process has been so, mercy of God for us. But we really need to wake up.” Johnny Enlow – 8-2-2022 on ElijahStreams

“This is a shift of the ages. … The Holy Spirit is driving everything. … toward a new Kingdom Era. … The Holy Spirit is pushing this agenda. In fact you can find even the most sinister plots of the New World Order, the deep state, almost being in response in reaction to what the Holy Spirit is doing.There has been panic for over one hundred and twenty years from the dark side. They are trying to figure out how not to allow the light of the Holy Spirit to be released on the planet to fulfill the purposes of God. … (The whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.) … He’s trying to stop the earth plan. On earth as it is in heaven. That is the part he wars against.” Johnny Enlow – 8-8-2022 on

“Brace for impact.” – God

“In reality, they’re not after me. They are after you. I’m just in the way.”  – Donald Trump – 12-18-2019

“Do you guy’s know what this represents? Tell us sir. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.” What storm? “Could be the calm before the storm.” “We have the world’s great military people in this room I will tell you that we will have a great evening. Thank you all for comming.” What storm Mr. President? “You’ll find out.” – Donald Trump – 10-5-2017

“”Washington DC Is The Swamp. Maybe My Greatest Achievement Since Coming Here As President Was That I Caught The Swamp. I Caught The Swamp. I Caught Them All. Let’s See What Happens. I caught all this corruption that was going on and no one else could have done it.” – Donald Trump – 11-8-2019

“The great exposure is almost done and My Justice is coming. … A shakening in Germany a shakening in the western currency. That one God go uh oh a shaking in the western currency one will fall and others will rise to value for a season. …The Lord what was considered last will be first. I am removing the pride of Nations and they will know I am the Lord. … I will bring back also my servant Donald Trump. But not by his power nor by his might. But by My will and My spirit. … I will restore your nation called the United States according to My Divine will and Divine purpose. I have stirred up the wealth of the wicked for the righteous in Me My children continue to declare My words every day. Whoa and walk in My promises. You will see the glory of the Lord in this generation. And this generation will not pass says the Lord but will witness my historic righteousness in your land.” – Manual Johnson 10-2-2022

“No longer will I tolerate the mixture from men who have watered down My word and edited out My judgments. My word cannot be controlled debated or changed those who speak. My word will be set apart from those who mix My word with human understanding. For my pure ones will burn with passion and ignite hearts once dead. My word is being sent forth as a flaming sword to burn up my enemies and consume those who oppose Me. This fire cannot be quenched by de-platforming My servants or suppressing My voice. I alone am King of the airwaves and master of the media and My voice will not be muted. … Do not play with my fire. Those who attempt to speak My word with compromised hearts and self-centered egos will find their words burning their own tongues. … I am alive and My word is alive. In this war of information it is My word that will override every other word and nullify all lesser words from the minds of men and the mouths of sorcerers. Watch and see how My living word manifests know that when the word on fire is spoken. Enemies melt like wax and altars of both demons and gods fall as ashes.” – Wanda Alger 10-12-2022

Get ready America, the greatest days of history are upon you. And you’ve been brought to your knees, and I have heard your prayer and I have seen every tear. I know the price you paid along the journey. I am not a man that cannot lie. So do not give up hope. America the beautiful, you’re going to see justice restored in your land. For I am dismantling each and every corrupt agency and institution that has not honored My name and My statures. You have not seen it all, there’s more to come. … For Donald J. Trump I’ve have called you and positioned you to get this it done. The battle has been fierce and has come at a great price. But rest assured the victory is at hand. … you are not alone for I am with you. … For I have not only called you to tear down but I have called you to rebuild. And to rebuild you shall first again on My foundation. – Barry Wunsch 12-30-2022

“1776 was but the beginning and now I will continue what I created America to do. This nation is called by My name and will not fail to fulfill the purposes for which I created it. You are My people and I have a purpose for you. You are to be a standard among the nations, a standard of righteousness and peace. You will use what I have given you to fulfill My purpose in the earth. You are My people and you must do this. And doing it will bring you great fulfillment. I will reward you for your obedience. But first you must return to Me and to the purpose for which I created you.” – Steve Pursell – January 19, 2023

Now, as I was praying about this, this is what the Holy Spirit told me about this. He said, the way that God is moving is a reminder and a mirroring of the original principles that the forefathers of the nation of America established through the constitution. The difference is that the focus of the forefathers at the time of the founding the nation was largely centered around protecting individual freedom. This time, however, the emphasis will be on a reinforcement and a reestablishment of America based upon Biblical principles and the Lord first. That’s good. While restoring liberty in the process. And this was what God said, He said, “I am solidifying the Constitution with My covenant. … “ TV host show Prophetic Pulse – Anthony ???.

The Lord says: Now. We’ve been waiting … lives on hold for about 3 years. The Lord is taking his finger off the pause button. It’s going to be different. The shift is here. You’ve been waiting. Not it’s time to start waking in the spirit. –  Mike Thompson

I (GOD) WILL RIP THE EVIL OUT of this WORLD!  –  Julie Green

“Daughter, this [mercy] is the world’s EXIT ticket out of Babylon. My Mercy!”  “There is an EXIT Plan out of this global dark mess.” Elizabeth Cassutto

“They will even quake and shake when he announces he is running for president, it will be like the shot heard across the world. The enemy will say what shall we do now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. We have been robbing America for decades, what shall we do to stop this? The Spirit says HA! No one shall stop this that l have started! For the enemy has stolen from America for decades and it stops now! For I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen and return it seven-fold back to the United States. … I will protect America and Israel, for this next president will be a man of his word, when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in him than all the others before him. This man’s word is his bond and the world and America will know this and the enemy will fear this, for this man will be fearless. The Spirit says, when the financial harvest begins so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.” – Mark Taylor 2011

“I am coming and I will destroy every they have done. … For this is a time of great judgement… Great and Mighty Judgment.…. In the greatest defeat ever seen by mankind before. Yes, I said it. The greatest defeat will be seen by mankind. This is greater than anything that has gone before you. And I chose you to be here see it.” Julie Green 8-16-2023

“I am going to give you back your United States of America. I am going to show my might in this hour. I will put off what they intend to do for five years from this day. And I’ll put it off longer if my people say. So, gather up your courage gather up your courage and fight. Gather up your courage your courage and fight. Gather up your courage, gather up your courage tonight.”- Robin Bullock – August 1-1-2023, 2023

“My children Trump will not be stopped. I have anointed him and appointed him for as such a time as this. My servant Trump will be stopped. You put my servant on trial? What? I put you on trial. I put you on trial. You judge My servant I will now judge you. What a man soweth he will also reap. TELL THEM AGAIN! My servant will be vindicated. He will be vindicated. Shame, shame, shame will come before those who believe they can alter My design will. The days, weeks, and months are coming you will see serious shame.” – Manual Johnson 8-24-2023

“God says. Enough of this for I have promised that this nation would not belong to those who desire socialism, Marxism, fascism. … God says, no you have tried to rewrite history on a nation that was covenanted to Me. No, I take My finger as I did it in the days of Pharaoh, And I’d cause my finger to come and the powers of their witches and the powers of the magicians could not reign over My will. And My agenda My finger has come now to write my history upon this nation at this time, says a living God.” – Hank Kunnerman – August 30, 2023

“I must have this nation.” “I must have America for what I am about to do around the world.” – Dutch Sheets 9-2020

I saw multitudes of people (sitting on the fence). I could not see the end of the fence. I knew the fence represents the entire world. … And then I saw two powerful hands … and I knew immediately that those hands belong God. He grabbed the fence and he violently, listen, violently. He was not just a gentle thing. It was a violent move of God. He started to shake the fence, violently. And saw people falling to the left and the right. To the left and the right and he kept shaking. He did not stop shaking. When he was done shaking no one was left sitting on the fence and he spoke to me.  “When I am done shaking everyone will be forced to choose, either Me or the devil.”“I came with mercy, love, and grace but they have rejected Me (about the western civilization). But I will have My Revival, but they will come through the fire.” – Arthur Pawlowski – Interview 9-7-2023

“America! Watch! 6.. 7.. 9… and 11 which makes 33… For I AM a Covenant Keeping God, and I will not leave nor abandon thee! … My Beloved, awake from your sleep. Arise and be alert in this hour, for a great Battle is raging — a battle between life and death. Look! For did I not say that there shall be two Altars set before this Nation?” – Veronika West – June 15, 2022

This is a covenant nation I’m standing by the covenant nation. – Manual Johnson – January 13, 2022

“I Lord change not and I am doing a new thing in your generation. In your season and will not relent shall. I am opening up the floodgates of My spirit on our flesh on the earth. Which is my footstool. I the Lord and moving mountains you thought that could not be moved. I, the Lord, Am Shifting Positions in Your Nation. I the Lord have established in My divine counsel trips and backfire on the enemies of the Lord. America will know I am the Lord and I remember my covenant for this land.” – Manuel Johnson – June 3, 2022

The Great Removal for I have called this nation by My name because of past covenants that I have not yet walked away. You will see my mighty righteous right arm on this nation you will have to rewrite your historical history books. …  They will know that My hand is on which you call the United Sates and not the divided states. Fear not My people that are called by My you will understand when I say this is not just the year but the season that I am pouring new wine and new wine skins. – Manuel Johnson – December 23, 2021

“For I the Lord God hear the cries of My people, of the ones I call faithful, faithful servants who have continued to stand in faith and stand in the gap for your nation of the eagle, your nation of declaration. For I the Lord your God made a covenant with This nation. I the Lord keep MY covenants. I do not keep deals made by corrupt men, demons and devils says the Lord, for they are as dust in My sight and My presence, they hold no weight in MY courts says the Lord of Hosts. …. the government rests upon MY shoulders, however, corrupt men who made blood covenants and contracts have attempted to make their leadership, their elections, their agreements hold up within MY court says the Lord and they hold no such weight for doctrines of man, man-made, flawed, fallible, deceptive agreements. I the Lord do not make such agreements, I do not make or create fallible doctrines, and in this hour the dogma of corrupt men and groups filled with darkness have solidified such, to set themselves up as Herod, flawed political agreements with demons striking such deals The spirit that dwells and resides in the political arena has an insatiable thirst for power and influence, is beyond greedy and knows not what loyalty is says the Lord of Hosts this day.” – Amanda Grace – March 21, 2021

“I got from the Holy Spirit was and had me write it down. Yom Kippur (September 24-25, 2023) the delays are now over and that was because the title if I did the full thing the delays are now over judgment on evil now to go public. October 4th (EBS) emergency broadcast … I asked the Lord about it. I got from him: they will try something designed  for not goodness.  There will be an attempt to try it.” – Johnny Enlow – Interview 9-26-2023

“Soon, we will be on the other of all of this. And wherever you land on that side, is where you’ll stay. For this is the time of correction.” God – Robyn Bullock 5-18-2023

God is saying (America) I’m not finished with you yet. …. God says I laugh at man who says we are in control we decide the times and God says no you don’t America is mine. No, you don’t America is mine, says the Lord. In America God says there’s a great light that is coming do you hear the thousands and the thousands of voices crying out in the wilderness God is telling us do you hear the voices crying out? Do you hear the voices that are crying out the same voice like John the Baptist crying out on the Wilderness that was saying repent for the kingdom of God is at hand?” – Gilbert Cervera – JJCC Ministries – September 28, 2023

“God gave me the prophecy of the number of 467 [days – December 25th, 2024]. … I will sound that for God’s call to America and the rest of the world. … He said there is a new calling upon your life … this is not a time of waiting. … for those who reject me shall reap what has been sown in the world. But those who follow me shall reap their Harvest and a new blessing will be poured forth to them. I will take away from those who reject me to give unto those who work unto me. … Many of my children have been bystanders to the defilements of their land. Now I am calling my people to rise. …. I’m I call you not to run from where you live but to change it. Grow where you are planted, where you live, and work. Use that which I have given you to do good works. To pray and to decree my blessings upon your community and your nation. The hour is nigh when your opportunity is will close. When either those who defy me will have their way because my children have surrendered to them. Or my children will no longer accept the defilement of their land and will pray and act through their deeds so that my blessings will pour forth to them. … the clock is ticking [467 day count down].

I have heard the cries of my children. My angels have been sent unto the lands where my people pray. They will act as my people act. If my people surrender to evil my angels will withdraw and the defiled angels will have their way. But if my people stand for my truth. My angels will defeat the defiled ones who battle in the Unseen. I shall release in those cases my spirit. …

Each day shall be counted until the end which will be either the day [by Christmas day of 2024] of redemption or of evil poured forth depending on what my people do. … The next president of the United States of America will change the permanent course of the United States of America. The next election, the leaders of all Nations, will determine where ah whether I God will bless those Nations. For if the people fail to choose those who are who honor me then they will be devoured by the evil of their officials. There is one final chance. For those who choose not to be involved they are giving their Nation over to mine enemy. If my people bow to my enemy it will be like the time of Herod when I was born. When wickedness ruled while the light of the world brought truth and blessings to those who would follow me. But if my people uphold my righteousness I shall pour my glory upon their Nation and where they live. It will be like no other time a time of blessing and healing, and salvation. … now is the time of faith of faith in Deeds as well as prayer.

If my children do not obey my truth. If parents send their children to institutions that defile me. Then they defile themselves. For either my glory shall follow those who practice my righteousness. Or unrighteousness shall follow acts of unrighteousness within my body.” – Randy Kay – September 14, 2023

“These are unusual times unusual days. They are unusual because Thrones are being established and Thrones are being torn down. These ancient Thrones have had control over the airways, over territories, over regions, over countries, and Nations. This is a great Showdown. I have let them roll until their fullness of time has come and now that that time has come I am putting a stop to it. … I am visiting my Earth with my great power to destroy these strongholds. … I have set my armies of angelic hosts before me to round up the enemy and destroy those who are Marked for Death.” – Patricia Green – August 8, 2023

“Atlas, Atlas it is here on everybodies doorstep, no turning back, I am looking for the simplicity of heart. This is crunch time.” – Your Lord your God.  (Anonymous) 12-17-2023 

“We are on a high cliff right now ready for the free fall which will be soon. We are days and weeks away for this free fall to take place. – Your Lord your God.  (Anonymous) 2-23-2024

One day, we hope humanity, wakes up to how close it was to being actually being taken over.” – Charlie Ward

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”Romans 12:19 RSV

Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly. — Deuteronomy 32:35 RSV

Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look well at his place, he will not be there. But the meek shall possess the land, and delight themselves in abundant prosperity. — Psalm 37:10-11 RSV

The great day of the Lord is near, near and hastening fast; the sound of the day of the Lord is bitter, the mighty man cries aloud there. A day of wrath is that day, a day of distress and anguish, a day of ruin and devastation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of trumpet blast and battle cry against the fortified cities and against the lofty battlements. I will bring distress on men, so that they shall walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the Lord; their blood shall be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung. Neither their silver nor their gold     shall be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of the Lord. In the fire of his jealous wrath, all the earth shall be consumed; for a full, yea, sudden end he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth. – Zephaniah 1:14-18 (RSV)

Additional Historical Quotes

Restored REpublic Era Documents and Speeches

The Great Reversal in the battle for liberty and freedom against the forces of evil

Documenting the providential history of the United States of America

Restored Republic - Before Trump and after Trump