News and Events

“In the Soviet Union you could clearly see your enemy, where in the west you don’t.”

— Josjo [Joseph] Terelya, Ukrane (moved to Canada) (1943-2009) Imprisoned & tortured for twenty years because of his Catholic faith; experienced visions and given messages by the Virgin Mary while in the Soviet Gulags

(An enemy of God is an enemy of the people.)

Seldom anymore do we see the who, what, where, why, and when of a news story from any of the mainstream media or print media outlets. What we do see from the major “fake news” networks, much of print media, as well as social media platforms (selected) news feeds, is a systematic and unceasing stream of propaganda, half-truths, compulsive lies, and twisting of stories and political narrative to deliberately mislead the viewer’s opinions. We see some reporters who are spiritually dead inside doing evil through lies and deception hiding the truth, influencing people’s thinking, public opinion, and direction of culture. Changing the direction of culture in a way that is contrary to God’s Laws and Biblical principles towards evil (the father of lies). Media in many cases has become an enemy of God, truth, and an enemy of the people.

Therefore this website/blog will no longer list news articles and links unless it focused on God’s hand in history or prophetic event or situation.

News - Archived Pages ⇨

News 2024-2025



Bonfire of the Teslas - March 21, 2025

You may have noticed that boomers and transsexuals have been overrepresented among the arsonists and vandals of Tesla vehicles and charging stations recently. In the thread below, our friend Kevin Dolan offers a theory for why that is. Following that, we’ll close with a surprisingly positive market note….

Here is the full text of that post:

You may have noticed that the violent reaction is dominated by boomers & trans


Common factor is a need to retroactively maintain a personal narrative – “Temporal Bioleninism”

Liberal boomers burned down millennia of culture, wealth, & wisdom, sold their inheritance to foreigners, abandoned their families – & all of that was justified by the postwar progressive political project

If that project is repudiated by their grandchildren – if they find themselves, ironically, “on the wrong side of history” – then it all came to nothing


It would mean that, actually, they were just assholes – their ideology was always a self-serving joke, the story of their lives is pure waste & loss & tragedy, they are already in hell

& since the book of their lives is written, & there’s nothing they can do about it, they’ll do pretty much anything that lets them believe a different story about themselves

Bioleninism definition: Bioleninism, or Biological Leninism, refers to a theory that describes how organizations may preferentially select members from social subgroups with natural disadvantages for positions of power, emphasizing loyalty over exceptional ability. This concept suggests that such selections can create a cohesive ruling class that compensates for lesser effectiveness with greater loyalty to the organization.

Zero Hedge - Gold and Basel III: The Crisis Banks Cannot Ignore

The Basel III Countdown Begins

Basel III will be implemented in the U.S. on July 1, 2025. The much needed change strengthens bank capital requirements, limits leverage, and increases liquidity standards to reduce financial risk and enhance banking system stability. 

This final set of rules for US adoption has been dubbed the “Basel III Endgame” by major accounting firms no less then PWC and EY. These rules focus on the amount of capital that banks must have against the credit, operational, and market riskiness of their business. Simply put, bank leverage will shrink as the need for better collateral takes precedent.

What follows is an analysis and explanation of the current scramble to repatriate both Gold and Silver by American banks as that deadline approaches.

1. Repatriation: Quiet Additions to the U.S. Balance Sheet

A significant part of that involves restoration of Gold to its status as Tier 1 capital reserved for the world’s highest valued collateral. …

Global debt hits record $315 trillion – 333% of GDP - August 2024

$315 Trillion in Global Debt Broken Down by Sector

The world’s debt hit a jaw-dropping $315.1 trillion in early 2024, climbing $1.3 trillion in three months! Debt now equals 333% of global GDP. The U.S. and Japan led the borrowing frenzy in advanced economies, while China, India, and Mexico carried the torch for emerging markets. Since the pandemic, global debt has ballooned by $54.1 trillion, up 21%. Non-financial companies owe $94.1 trillion, governments $91.4 trillion, financial institutions $70.4 trillion, and households $59.1 trillion. In the U.S., debt servicing costs now outpace defense spending, and guess what, there’s no plan to fix it (Maybe DOGE will step up to the plate?). Meanwhile, emerging markets face rising risks with $105 trillion in debt and sluggish recovery from 2019.

US debt default by ~January 14, 2025, and Port Workers on strike by January 15, 2025. Just before the January 20th presidental inauguration? Coincidence?

New Years Eve lighting struck the Capitol building and Washington Monument, World Trade Center, Empire State Building, and Statue of Liberty (A divine message going into 2025?) - December 31, 2024

Lightning strikes iconic buildings in US; netizens link it to Trump

ZeroHedge- Biden Lied About Everything: Philly Fed Finds All Jobs "Created" In Q2 Were Fake -December 16, 2024

Back in August, many were surprised by the accuracy of our forecast, when we predicted that in its annual revision, the Biden Bureau of Labor Statistics would revise jobs for the April 2023-March 2024 period by “up to 1 million”, something which we said would mean that all job report “beats” recorded in the past year will have been misses and the US labor market is in far worse shape than the admin would admit.

The final results, as everyone knows by now, was a shocking 818K revision lower, just as the Philadelphia Fed had predicted 6 months prior, in March, when it calculated correctly that the Biden Department of Goalseeking Propaganda had overstated payrolls by “at least 800,000.”

The answer ended up 818,000 for the 12 month period ended March 31 (or about 68,000 per month) and the implied sharp deterioration to the job market was the main scapegoat used by the Fed to launch its easing cycle with a jumbo 50bps rate cut (now that “suddenly” the economic golden age pushed by the Biden propaganda regime, and trillions in debt, had just collapsed).

We mention all of this up because on Friday, the Philly Fed served up its latest shocker: not only did the Biden admin lie again, but the collapse in the labor market that had been covered up for much of the past year and was only exposed with the annual benchmark revision, extended into the second quarter.

“Estimates by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia indicate that the employment changes from March through June 2024 were significantly different” – read lower – “in 27 states compared with preliminary state estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Current Employment Statistics (CES)”, the Philly Fed said on December 12.

“According to the early benchmark (EB) estimates conducted by the Phily Fed, employment was lower in 25 states, higher in two states, and lesser changes in the remaining 23 states and the District of Columbia.”

Space Weather News - ***Magnetic Pole Shift Happening Now*** - November 23, 2024

Visualize the acceleration of the disaster here. The magnetic pole was at the green dot in 1590, it went north (purple) then back south (pink) until it began its northward charge (orange) in 1853. Its speed has been accelerating quite rapidly (yellow). It took 263 years to move a few hundred miles, then moved slightly further in only 147 years, then moved that same distance in only the last 25 years. We are on the precipice of the magnetic pole shift.

Saudia Arabia - Odd Weather - November 2024


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and others give remarks at the 2024 U.S. Treasury Market Conference - September 26, 2024

The US Federal Reserve emblem fell off and fell down during the speech about the dollar as the world’s reserve currency

(Coincidence or a message from God?)

Video from Marc Wiradharma (

Pravada – The US Federal Reserve emblem fell off and fell down at the moment of the phrase about the dollar as a world reserve currency

All this is a Sign, a Bad Omen

BRICS News - October 18, 2024

JUST IN: 🇷🇺 Russian President Putin on De-dollarization

“We’re taking individual steps, one after another. As regards finance, we did not drop the dollar.

The dollar is the universal currency. But it wasn’t us — we were banned and barred from using it.

And now 95% of all the external trade of Russia is denominated in national currencies.

They did it themselves with their own hands. They thought we would collapse.”


Mike Mahoney - 30 Seconds To Midnight: THE FED JUST WENT BANKRUPT - October 2, 2024

159 Countries Set to Adopt BRICS New Payment System - August 16, 2024

Amid the alliance’s continued efforts to create a SWIFT alternative, the economic alliance has sought to create its very own BRICS payment system. It will play a major role in the alliance trade dealings. Specifically, allowing unilateral settlement to be done without the need for the US dollar.

The move is poised to be vital for the bloc and participating nations, and it appears there will be a lot of them. According to one Russian official, there are already 159 countries seeking to adopt the system currently. With a potential launch coming in October, it could have massive global market ramifications.

"Margin Calls, Death, Divorce & Bankruptcy": Art Lending Market Booms As Rich Americans Scour For Liquidity - August 16, 2024

… As the market expands, Wall Street’s biggest firms are growing their efforts by adding staff and marketing the service to new and existing clients. While the precise size of the market isn’t certain, Deloitte estimates outstanding loans against art could surpass $36 billion in 2024, up from $29 billion to $34 billion last year. That also compares with $20.3 billion to $23.6 billion of such loans outstanding five years ago, according to Deloitte.

The largest US banks are looking to broaden their reach into the art market as a way to bring on and retain some of the world’s wealthiest individuals and families. Catering to the affluent often means competing with rivals to offer more diverse products, fighting the constant threat that clients can move their money elsewhere.

* * *

Japan Dumps $22,000,000,000 in US Treasuries in One Month As Government Mounts Billion-Dollar Battle To Prop Up Currency - August 3, 2024

Japan is offloading billions of dollars in US Treasuries as it fights to prop up its currency.

New numbers from the US Treasury Department show Japan sold $22 billion in Treasury securities in May …

The move marks the second month in a row that Japan has reduced its massive US Treasury holdings, with an initial sale of $37.5 billion in April.

The sell-off is happening amid Japan’s efforts to curb the dramatic fall of the yen against the US dollar.

Treasury Estimates $1.3 Trillion In Borrowing Needs For The Remainder Of 2024 - July 29, 2024

Ahead of today’s big event – the Treasury borrowing estimates publication – we said not to expect any fireworks and also that unlike recent spikes, the most likely range of calendar Q3 and Q4 borrowing estimates is $750BN for the July-September quarter and $450BN for the October-December quarter (which assumes a year-end cash balance of $650 billion).

And at exactly 3:00pm the Treasury published the anticipated numbers, which came close to our estimates for Q3, but well above our forecast for Q4, specifically:

  • Q3 funding needs were revised lower to $740 billion (just below our forecast of $750 billion) from $847 billion projected last quarter.  According to the Treasury, the borrowing estimate was “is $106 billion lower than announced in April 2024, largely due to lower Federal Reserve System Open Market Account (SOMA) redemptions and a higher beginning-of-quarter cash balance.” In other words, the QT taper is primarily responsible for the lower funding needs. As a reminder, the Fed’s plan hadn’t been in place when the Treasury released its previous borrowing estimate. The Treasury also kept its quarter-end cash balance estimate unchanged at $850 billion.
  • Q4 funding needs (released for the first time) are estimated at $565 billion, $115 billion above our estimate of $450 billion, which is quite a bit higher obviously than expected, but which is also due in part to the higher TGA estimate of $700 billion vs our assumption of $650 billion.
  • In summary, the Treasury expects to borrow just over $1.3 trillion by year-end (although this number will end up being much higher if Trump becomes president and the US “unexpectedly” collapses into recession in the first days of the new presidency).

U.S. Federal Reserve hits record with over $1 trillion in losses - July , 2024

The Federal Reserve is grappling with significant financial losses, which have grown from around $1 trillion in paper losses from its underwater securities holdings. 

Now, these have started turning into more than $100 billion in actual losses, with no immediate relief in sight. 


US Debt - Elon Musk post on X - July 22, 2024

BRICS Announce It’s Leaving The Dollar Behind, Focusing on Native Currency - July 10, 2024

BRICS Announce It’s Leaving The Dollar Behind, Focusing on Native Currency - July 10, 2024

Amid its ongoing de-dollarization effort, the BRICS bloc has announced it is leaving the US dollar behind, and shifting its focus to the development of its own currency. Indeed, Russia’s Ambassador to China, Igor Morgulov, spoke at a recent peace forum in Beijing where he assured the alliance’s commitment to a multipolar world.


US Sanctions Force Moscow Exchange to Halt Dollar, Euro Trading - June , 2024

Russia’s main exchange said it’s halting trading in US dollars and the euro …

U.S.- Saudi Petrodollar Pact Ends after 50 Years - June 11, 2024

The 50-year-old petrodollar agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia was just allowed to expire. The term “petrodollar” refers to the U.S. dollar’s role as the currency used for crude oil transactions on the world market. This arrangement has its roots in the 1970s when the United States and Saudi Arabia struck a deal shortly after the U.S. went off the gold standard that would go on to have far-reaching consequences for the global economy. In the history of global finance, few agreements have wielded as many benefits as the petrodollar pact did for the U.S. economy. …

$517,000,000,000 in Unrealized Losses Hit US Banking System, FDIC Says 63 Lenders on Brink of Insolvency - June 3 , 2024

Unrealized losses in the US banking system are once again on the rise, according to new numbers from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

In its Quarterly Banking Profile report, the FDIC says banks are now saddled with more than half a trillion dollars in paper losses on their balance sheets, due largely to exposure to the residential real estate market.


Unrealized losses represent the difference between the price banks paid for securities and the current market value of those assets.

Although banks can hold securities until they mature without marking them to market on their balance sheets, unrealized losses can become an extreme liability when banks need liquidity.

“Unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities increased by $39 billion to $517 billion in the first quarter. Higher unrealized losses on residential mortgage-backed securities, resulting from higher mortgage rates in the first quarter, drove the overall increase. This is the ninth straight quarter of unusually high unrealized losses since the Federal Reserve began to raise interest rates in first quarter 2022.” 

BRICS Nations Plan to Develop New Blockchain-Based Payment System, Posing Challenge to Dollar Dominance - April, 2024

The BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—are reportedly developing a state-of-the-art payment system founded on blockchain and digital technologies. This move aims to reduce dependence on the US dollar.

A New Era in International Monetary System

Backed by the consensus of the five nations, the initiative emanates from a shared vision of the BRICS’ increasing role in the international monetary scheme. Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov reflected on the project, stating in an interview with Russia’s news agency TASS, “Creating an independent BRICS payment system is an important goal for the future. The main thing is to make sure it is convenient for governments, common people, and businesses, as well as cost-effective and free of politics.”

Election Case - Three liberal Supreme Court justices recuse themselves in lawsuit over 2020 election - May 30, 2024

The court turned away Raland Brunson’s lawsuit that accused the justices of misconduct for dismissing his prior lawsuit.

In a rare move, all three liberal Supreme Court justices recused themselves on May 28 from a case involving a lawsuit filed against them for rejecting a previous lawsuit that sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. …


Mr. Brunson argued that the three justices violated their oath of office “by giving aid and comfort to enemies of the Constitution, which is an act of treason, fraud and a breach of contract.”


He urged the Supreme Court to grant his petition, alleging the justices were guilty of “fraud, violations of the Oath of Office and … treason.”

“These serious offenses need to be addressed immediately with the least amount of technical nuances of the law and legal procedures because these offenses are flowing continually against Brunson’s liberties and life and consequently is … a continual national security breach,” the petition read.


“Seeking a redress of grievances, as Brunson has done herein, is a great power one retains to protect himself from the encroachment of a tyrannical government.”

Justice Departed: Three Judges Step Aside in Electoral Dispute - May 30, 2028

On May 28, in an extraordinary event, all three liberal Supreme Court justices recused themselves from a case that involved a lawsuit filed against them for rejecting a previous lawsuit that sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. The case at hand is Brunson v. Sotomayor, where Raland J. Brunson of Ogden, Utah, who has become well-known among Trump supporters for his legal activism, sued Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson in their official capacities for voting on Feb. 21, 2023, to deny the petition for certiorari in his previous lawsuit, Brunson v. Adams.

The three Democrat-appointed justices cited judicial disqualification mandates in the U.S. Code and the Code of Conduct for Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, which the nation’s highest court adopted in November 2023.

In Brunson v. Adams, Mr. Brunson sued hundreds of members of Congress in 2021, alleging that they violated their oath of office by not investigating election fraud in the 2020 election and by certifying the election victory of then-challenger Joe Biden over then-incumbent President Donald Trump in a vote that concluded in the early morning of Jan. 7, 2021, following the U.S. Capitol breach.

In the current lawsuit, Mr. Brunson argued that the justices violated their judicial oath in Brunson v. Adams. The case began in state court but was removed to federal district court as the justices are considered federal officers. The district court determined that the state court lacked jurisdiction and that the district court therefore lacked derivative jurisdiction because of the official capacity claims triggering the justices’ sovereign immunity. The district court dismissed the action, finding that the justices enjoyed immunity.

US debt selloff - May , 2024

Big Ben: Great Clock stops for the second time in a week - May 19, 2024

Second time the clock stops working on Pentecost. Is this a marker in time of events that will soon unfold?)

It froze for roughly 30 minutes on Wednesday, a week on from displaying the wrong time and Big Ben failing to chime. …


Clock hands on all four sides halted for about half an hour from 09:00 BST on Wednesday, and the Big Ben bell failed to produce its famous “bong”.

The hands were moved forward, but witnesses have said the clock was still running five minutes behind.

Similarly, on 10 May, the clock stopped momentarily just before 13:00, and the bell did not sound.

Rep. Massie Introduces Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act to "End the Fed" - May 16, 2024

Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces the introduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie’s legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the Federal Reserve Act, the 1913 law that created the Federal Reserve System.

“Americans are suffering under crippling inflation, and the Federal Reserve is to blame,” said Rep. Massie. “During COVID, the Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars out of thin air and loaned it to the Treasury Department to enable unprecedented deficit spending. By monetizing the debt, the Federal Reserve devalued the dollar and enabled free money policies that caused the high inflation we see today.”

“Monetizing debt is a closely coordinated effort between the White House, Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, Congress, Big Banks, and Wall Street,” Rep. Massie continued. “Through this process, retirees see their savings evaporate due to the actions of a central bank pursuing inflationary policies that benefit the wealthy and connected. If we really want to reduce inflation, the most effective policy is to end the Federal Reserve.”

The text of Rep. Massie’s H.R. 8421 is available at this link.

Original cosponsors of Rep. Massie’s legislation include Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Josh Brecheen (R-OK), Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO), Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL), Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX), Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ), Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY), Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), Rep. Keith Self (R-TX), Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) and Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI).

The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act was first introduced by former Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) in 1999 and hasn’t been reintroduced since 2013.

In addition to introducing this legislation to “End the Fed,” Rep. Massie has also introduced H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2023 to audit the Federal Reserve. H.R. 24 was originally introduced by former Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) in 2009

BRICS: US Dollar Dominance Gradually Fading - May 11, 2024

BRICS members China and Russia are pulling the strings to free the world from the clutches of the US dollar. Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a press meeting recently that the “United States days of bullying the world are coming to an end”. There could be merit to the statement as BRICS successfully convinced other developing countries to ditch the US dollar. The alliance is making developing countries trade in local currencies and strengthen their native economies. …

The weaponization of the US dollar is what’s driving developing countries to ditch the currency and join BRICS. In addition, the US pressing sanction of developing economies led to the mass exodus favoring local currencies for transactions. The development is only the start and BRICS will continue it for many more years and decades to come.

African and Middle Eastern Nations Withdraw Gold Reserves Amid American Economic Concern - April 24 , 2024

… The decision to repatriate gold reserves is not merely symbolic; it reflects a deeper unease among these nations about the trajectory of the American economy. Among the countries taking such actions are Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, Algeria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, each representing crucial regions in Africa and the Middle East. Their actions are prompting questions about the future of the US dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency.

The deteriorating state of the American economy serves as the primary impetus behind these withdrawals. Persistent inflation, mounting debt levels, and concerns about the Federal Reserve’s ability to maintain stable monetary policy have eroded confidence in the US dollar. Additionally, geopolitical tensions and uncertainties surrounding trade relations have further fueled apprehensions among foreign governments.

For African and Middle Eastern nations, safeguarding their gold reserves is not merely a matter of economic prudence but also a strategic imperative. Gold has historically been viewed as a store of value during times of economic turmoil, offering a hedge against currency depreciation and geopolitical instability. By repatriating their gold reserves, these countries aim to insulate themselves from potential financial contagion and secure their wealth within their borders.

Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy, decided to repatriate gold reserves held in the United States earlier this year. The move was met with domestic support, with Nigerian officials citing concerns about the long-term stability of the US economy and the need to diversify risk exposure. Similar sentiments have been echoed by other nations in the region, highlighting a broader trend of reevaluation of traditional economic dependencies.

In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s decision to withdraw its gold reserves from the United States sent shockwaves through global markets. As one of the world’s largest oil exporters and a linchpin of the global economy, Saudi Arabia’s actions underscore the growing disillusionment with the American financial system. The kingdom’s move is seen as a strategic maneuver to safeguard its financial assets amidst heightened geopolitical tensions and uncertainties in the region.

Egypt and South Africa, two other major economies, have also taken steps to repatriate their gold reserves, signaling a coordinated effort among African and Middle Eastern nations to reduce their exposure to US economic risks. While the immediate impact on the US economy may be limited, the long-term implications of this trend are profound and could potentially reshape the global financial landscape. …

Trillions of cicadas emerge after decades underground - May 2, 2024


IMF Prepares Financial Revolution – Say Goodbye To The Dollar - April 12, 2024

… Global banks are essentially admitting they plan for a complete overhaul of the dollar-based financial world, and the creation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC)-focused system built on “unified ledgers.”

There have been three recent developments all announced in succession that suggest the dollar’s replacement is imminent.

And by “imminent,” I mean before this decade is over.

The $27 Trillion Treasury Market Is Only Getting Bigger - March 24, 2024

Punishment from heaven! Tens of kilometers of locusts devastate everything in Egypt - Feburary 1, 2024


H.R. 24: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2023 - January 9, 2024

To require a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States, and for other purposes.

Bo Polny: It's Going Down! BRICS Welcomes New Members In Push to Reshuffle World Order - January 2, 2024

Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS. The end of the petrodollar?